Page 1: The Emergent Movement

The Emergent ChurchA quick overview, and my concerns

Tanner Stevenson

Christian Faith 2010

Page 2: The Emergent Movement

Please take the time to pause the presentation and click the video links throughout.

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• There is a difference between the terms “Emerging” and Emergent”

• Key Components of Emerging:– Missional minded– Faith as journey more so than decision– Culturally relevant

The Emerging Movement

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The Emerging Movement

• “A catch-all phrase for a group of pastors who are trying to figure out how to do church in a post-modern world.” -Mark Driscoll

• Post-Modernism: this culture, many sources of truth, a lot of doubt, high emphasis on tolerance

• Video:

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The Emergent Church

Out of the Emerging Movement sprung a group of pastors who spearheaded the Emergent Church

• Incorporates post-modern thought into theology• Focuses on the “way” of Jesus

– (Jesus is our example)

• This is where we will spend most of our time• Video:

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The Players

Brian McLaren Doug Pagitt Rob BellPhoto courtesy of Photo courtesy of Creative Trust Inc. Photo courtesy of

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The Emergent Church

Brian McLarenRob Bell

Doug Pagitt

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The Emergent Church

Missionally Minded– Recognized the gap between believing and doing

– Doctrines don’t produce fruit, the “way” of Jesus does

– Seeks to contextualize gospel to post-modern culture• “Repaint the faith”-Rob Bell


Missionally Minded– Recognized the gap between believing and doing

– Doctrines don’t produce fruit, the “way” of Jesus does

– Seeks to contextualize gospel to post-modern culture• “Repaint the faith”-Rob Bell


Missionally Minded– Recognized the gap between believing and doing

– Doctrines don’t produce fruit, the “way” of Jesus does

– Seeks to contextualize gospel to post-modern culture• “Repaint the faith”-Rob Bell


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The Emergent Church

In order to appeal to post-modern culture…

• Emergents say NO DOCTRINE

• Doctrine is divisive and dogmatic

• “Systematic Theologies claim to have nailed down, freeze-dried, and shrink orthodoxy forever.” –Brian McLaren, A Generous Orthodoxy

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The Emergent Church

Faith is a Journey, much more conversational

• “Drop any affair you may have with certainty, proof, argument—replace it with dialogue, conversation, intrigue, and search.” -Brian McLaren, Adventures in Missing the Point

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The Emergent ChurchFaith is a Journey, much more conversationalElephant Illustration: (to an extent)

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The Emergent Church

• The 3 D’s: Doctrine=Dogma=Division

• “The bible is open-ended” and “a human product.” –Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis

• “To say scripture is the word of God is to employ a metaphor.” -David Tomlinson, The Post-Evangelical

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The Emergent Church

• Doctrines that Emergents are holding loosely to:

-Virgin Birth

-Reality of Traditional Hell

-Substitutionary Atonement


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The Emergent ChurchConcern/Criticism

-Bible not literally God’s word.Karl Barth’: bible is “derivatively and indirectly” God’s word.

Rob Bell: “Our words aren’t absolutes (language of bible)”

D.A. Carson calls this the “gagging of God”

Augustine: “No single error due to the author”Video: (6:47) Pete

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“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions .” 2 Tim 4:3

The Emergent Church

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The Emergent Church

trampoline Idea

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The Emergent Church

• Christianity is like a trampoline

• Doctrines are “springs”

• The idea is that we can remove non-essential springs and still allow the person to jump

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The Emergent Church

But where do we draw the line?

Are the virgin birth, reality of hell, and substitutionary atonement non-essential doctrines?

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The Emergent Church

Essential Element of the emergent movement:

Focuses on the “way” of Jesus for right living

“…isn’t the way of Jesus still the best possible way to live?” –Rob Bell, Velvet Elvis

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The Emergent ChurchConcern/Criticism: Doctrines Compromised

Reality of Hell: Matthew 10:28, Mark 9:48 Virgin Birth:Luke 1:35

Substitutionary Atonement: John 3:36, Romans 6:23, 1 Thess 1:7-9

• Video: (5:07-9:17)

Concern/Criticism: Doctrines Compromised

Reality of Hell: Matthew 10:28, Mark 9:48 Virgin Birth:Luke 1:35

Substitutionary Atonement: John 3:36, Romans 6:23, 1 Thess 1:7-9

• Video: (5:07-9:17)

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The Emergent Church

How does grace play into Emergent thought?

“Could it be that grace is something to be opted out of, rather than something to be opted into?” -Spencer Burke, A Heretic’s guide to Eternity

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The Emergent Church

Main Difference• Emergent church: “There is no better way to

live, than to emulate Jesus Christ, no matter what happened or what will happen.”

• Reformed/Emerging: “Because of what happened (sin, alienation, atonement, resurrection), because of what will happen, I live for Christ.”

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