


(A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Second Grade of MTSN 13 Academic

Year 2017/2018)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Educational in a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1)

In Department of English Education

Dede Rahmawati








Approval sheet



The Examination Committee of the Faculty of of Educational Sciences certifies

that the ―skripsi‖ (Scientific Paper) entitled THE EFFECT OF USING



the Second Grade of MTSN 13 Academic Year 2017/2018), written by Dede

Rahmawati, NIM 1113014000050, was examined by the Committee on July, 17th

2020. The ―skripsi‖ has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the

requirements for the Degree of S.Pd (S1) in English Language Education at the

English Department.

Jakarta, July 17th



CHAIRMAN : Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, M.A., Ph.D ( )

NIP. 19800730 200912 1 001

SECRETARY : Zaharil An’asy, M.Hum. ( )

NIP. 19761007 200710 1 002

EXAMINER I : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. ( )

NIP.19641212 199103 1 002

EXAMINER I : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, S.Pd., M.Pd. ( )

NIP.19720501 199903 2 013

Acknowledged by

Dean of Faculty of Educational Science

Dr. Sururin, M.Ag.

NIP. 19710319 199803 2 001





Dede Rahmawati (NIM: 1113014000050). The Effect of Using Planned Task

Speaking Techniques on Students’ Speaking Fluency in Recount Text; A

Quasi Experimental Study at the Second Grade of MTSN 13 in Academic Year

2017/2018.Skripsi of English Education at Faculty of Educational Sciences of

State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2020.

Keywords : Students‘ Speaking Fluency, and Planned Task Speaking


The objective of this study is to find out the empirical data concerning whether

planned task speaking techniques is effective on students‘ speaking fluency in

recount text. This study was held in March 2018 at MTSN 13. The method used in

this study was quantitative method in quasi-experimental study design. As the

subject of this study the writer took two classes which were experimental class

and controlled class.The instrument used in this study was speaking fluency test in

recount text. The writer had compared the speaking fluency score in recount text

before and after the treatment was given. T-test formula used to analyze the

speaking test achievement in recount text. The result of this study showed that in

the significance degree of 5%, the value of t-test (t0) > t-table (tt) (2.98 > 1.68).

According to the criteria of the test, the result of this study showed that there is a

significance difference between students using planned task speaking techniques

as a treatment and without planned task speaking techniques. It means that the

planned task speaking techniques is effective and applicable at the second grade

of MTSN 13 on students‘ speaking fluency in recount text.



Dede Rahmawati (NIM: 1113014000050). Keefektifitasan Penggunaan

Tekhnik Terencana dalam Tugas Berbicara pada Kelancaran Murid dalam

Berbicara Bahasa Inggris di Recount Text; Sebuah Penelitian Kuasi

Eksperimen di Kelas Dua MTSN 13 pada Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018.Skripsi

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah 2020.

Kata Kunci :Kelancaran Murid Berbicara Bahasa Inggris, dan Tekhnik

Terencana dalam Tugas Berbicara

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan data empiris mengenai apakah

pemetaan cerita efektif untuk meningkatkan kelancaran siswa berbicara bahasa

inggris di recount text.Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2018 di

MTSN 13. Metode kuantitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini desain penelitian

memakai kuasi eksperimen. Sebagai subjek penelitian disini penulis

menggunakan dua kelas, yaitu kelas eskperimen dan kelas kontrol.Instrumen yang

digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah speaking fluency test melalui penyampaian

cerita recount‖. Penulis telah membandingkan skor kelancaran berbicara bahasa

inggris dalam penyampaian cerita recount sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan

diberikan. Rumus T-test digunakan untuk menganalisis kelancaran berbicara

Bahasa Inggris dalam penyampaian cerita.Hasil dari perhitungan menunjukkan

bahwa dalam taraf signifikansi 5%, hasil t-test (to) > t-table (tt) (2.98 > 1.68).

Berdasarkan kriteria tes, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada

perbedaan yang signifikan pada kelas yang menggunakan pemetaan cerita dengan

yang tanpa menggunakan teknik berbicara dalam tugas berbicara pada teks

recount. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tekhnik terencana dalam

tugas berbicara ini efektif digunakan dan dapat diterapkan di kelas dua MTSN 13

pada kelancaran murid berbicara bahasa inggris di recount text.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord

of the world who has blessed the writer in completing this ‗skripsi‘ entitled The

Effect of Planned Task Speaking Techniques on Students‘ Speaking Fluency in

Recount Text (A Quasi Experimental Study at the Second Grade of MTSN 13


The writer realized that without support from the people around her, she could

not finish this 'skripsi.' Therefore, she wants to express her gratitude and

appreciation for:‖‖

1. ―Dr. Sururin, M.Ag., as the Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences.‖

2. ―Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, M.A., Ph.D as the Head of Department of

English Education.‖

3. ―Zaharil An‘asy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of Department of English

Education who taught the writer.precious.knowledge.and.experience.‖

4. ―All the lectures from Department of English Education who gaveme the

support, confidence to keep going and precious knowledge to the writer.‖

5. ―Dr. Alek M.Pd.,and Zaharil An‘asy, an advisor, for their time,

valuable guidance, help, ―suggestion, and kindness during completing‖

this ‗skripsi.‘‖

6. ―Mrs Nurma as the English Teacher at MTSN 13 Jakarta for her guidance

and support.‖

7. Her parents (Hapid and Tri Ani) who have given the greatest love, and

pray. Moreover, thanks to her sister & her husband (Devi Darnita and

Mirza) for theirfinancial support and kindness to support the writer.


8. Her beloved friends in Departement of English Education Class C 2013

that have always been by her side, give the smile, support, and bring her

joy during this study.

9. Her greatest friends such as Mutiara, Qonita, Rani, Yasin, and the special

one Helmi Wijaya, who have helped finishing this study with a lot of

difficulties that she faced, they always gave the spirit when she gave up on

this study and gave some idea to make this ‗skripsi‘ done.

10. Her friends since junior high school who always being her rainbow after

the storm Alvi, Amalia, Marsela, Lhulhu, and the Krejisist Nurul, Arista,

Rizkiah, Sarah, Kartini.

11. UKM Bahasa-FLAT especially TREIZE 2013 who given the greatest

experience and lessons.

12. ―To all other persons whose name cannot be mentioned for their

contributions and help to the writer during finishing this ‗skripsi‘.‖

―Hopefully, this skripsi will help the readers, particularly to the writer. The

writer also perceived that this skripsi is far from great. ―For her, it is an honor to

receive constructive feedback and suggestion for valuable improvement from

those who reads her skripsi.‖

Jakarta, June 30, 2020

The Writer

Dede Rahmawati

NIM. 1113014000050



COVER ................................................................................................................... -

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ................................................................................... ii

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iv

ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... ix

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... x

LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................ 1

A. Background of the Study ............................................................................. 1

B. Identification of the Problem ....................................................................... 5

C. The limitation of the Problem ..................................................................... 5

D. Formulation of the Problem ........................................................................ 6

E. Objective of the Study ................................................................................. 6

F. Significance of the Study ............................................................................ 6

CHAPTER II .......................................................................................................... 7

A. Planning Task .............................................................................................. 7

1. Definition of Planned Task Speaking .......................................................... 7

B. Planned Techniques ..................................................................................... 8

1. Think Pair Share .......................................................................................... 8

2. Number Head Together ............................................................................... 8

3. Oral Presentation ......................................................................................... 9

C. Speaking Fluency ...................................................................................... 10

1. Definition of Speaking Fluency ................................................................ 10

2. Aspects of Speaking Fluency .................................................................... 10

3. Scoring the Speaking Fluency ................................................................... 11

D. Speaking fluency Rubric ........................................................................... 13


E. Recount Text ............................................................................................. 16

1. Definition of Recount Text ........................................................................ 16

2. The Structure of Recount Text ................................................................... 17

F. Previous Study ........................................................................................... 18

G. Concept Framework .................................................................................. 19

H. Hypotheses of the Study ............................................................................ 20

CHAPTER III ...................................................................................................... 21

A. Place and Time of the Research ................................................................ 21

B. Method of Research .................................................................................. 21

C. Population and Sample .............................................................................. 22

D. Procedure of the Research ......................................................................... 22

E. Instrument of the Research ........................................................................ 24

F. Technique of Data Collection ................................................................... 26

G. Technique of Data Analysis ...................................................................... 26

1. Test of Normality ...................................................................................... 26

2. Test of Homogeneity ................................................................................. 27

3. Hypothesis Test ......................................................................................... 27

H. Statistical Hypotheses ............................................................................... 29

1. Null Hypotheses ........................................................................................ 29

2. Alternative Hypotheses ............................................................................. 29

CHAPTER IV ....................................................................................................... 31

A. Research Finding ....................................................................................... 31

1. Description Data ........................................................................................ 31

B. Analysis of the Data .................................................................................. 35

1. The Normality Test ................................................................................... 35

2. Homogeneity Test ..................................................................................... 36

3. T-Test ........................................................................................................ 37

C. Data Interpretation ..................................................................................... 38

D. Discussion ................................................................................................. 39

CHAPTER V ........................................................................................................ 41

A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 41


B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 41

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 43

APPENDIX I ........................................................................................................ 46



Table 2.1 : Speaking Fluency Rubric .................................................................... 13

Table 4.1 : Students‘ Score of Experimental Class ............................................... 31

Table 4.2 : Students‘ Score of Control Class ........................................................ 33

Table 4.3 : Normaity Test of Post-test of Experimental and Control Class .......... 35

Table 4.4 : Homogeneity Test of Post-test of Experimental and Control Class ... 36

Table 4.5 : Independent T-test of Post-test of Experimental and Control Class .. 37



Figure 3.2 : Research Design ................................................................................ 22



Appendix 1 : Lesson Plan of Experimental Class ............................................... 46

Appendix 2 : Lesson Plan of Control Class ........................................................ 74

Appendix 3 : Pre-Test Instruction ....................................................................... 99

Appendix 4 : Post-Test Instruction ................................................................... 100

Appendix 5 : Students‘ Score Of Experimental Class ...................................... 101

Appendix 6 : Students‘ Score Of Control Class ............................................... 103

Appendix 7 : Rubric Of Fluency ....................................................................... 105

Appendix 8 : References Examination Paper.................................................... 109

Appendix 9 : Letter of Official Statement of Advisor ...................................... 113

Appendix 10 : Letter of Official Statement of the School .................................. 115

Appendix 11 : Transcript Text ............................................................................ 116

Appendix 12 : Pictures ........................................................................................ 128




A. Background of the Study

In this modern world, communication skills play a vital role; we need strong

communication to get the meaning of communication itself to communicate with

each other. English is commonly used worldwide, learners must develop

communication skills to be successful in their fields. Therefore, the classroom is

the perfect platform for learning effective communication skills, especially

speaking skill. Nowadays, English is not only taught in schools, many courses

offer to learn English. However, English lessons at school rarely emphasize the

importance of speaking skills, especially in junior high school students. Teachers

usually only emphasize grammar and vocabulary. The skills that are considered

are usually reading and grammar. Teachers often pursuing such approaches to

teach different forms, drills, and exercises for English practice. Consequently,

students became competent in grammar and reading but lacked the ability to

communicate in speaking. Finally, the teaching material often focuses on passing

the final test.

As a result, when the teacher gives a speaking task, the students lack of

confidence. They are afraid to make mistakes when they speak and are

embarrassed to speak English to their friends; they don't have the courage to speak

because they believe that their friend would mock or laugh at them, and it does

not make them speak English fluently. Moreover, the students are not fluent in

speaking task because they rarely do speaking activities in the class. Besides,

when learners are encouraged to speak, their anxiety may reduce and therefore

speak more fluently (Kessler, 2014).

According to Ghufron (2017) the main issue that students face when talking

to others is how speakers communicate what they mean well by making listeners

understand. There is a distinct difference between the foreign language learners


and the native speakers. Culture and mother tongue are two things which define

different speaking points. Foreign language learners have to make a great effort to

master English speaking.

These results may be obtained because today's English teaching in schools

focuses mainly on grammar and vocabulary to give the teacher an easy teaching

technique. According to my pre-observation, the teachers in MTS N 13 usually do

not have planned to give speaking material and the students cannot be blamed

when they get low score in speaking task because they rarely practice and learn it

at school. The teachers want their students to speak fluently in English, but

English teachers do not focus on speaking skills, while students need to learn it.

From this explanation, the teacher must have a plan to teach speaking so that the

students involve in learning not just stay quiet in the classroom and listen to the

teacher, beside they are also expected to actively speak in class and participate in

discussions about the lesson.

―Based on Ellis, he divided the planning into two types of general planning

according to when the planning actually happens: pre-task planning and within-

task planning. Pre-task planning is conducted before learners perform a task.

Within-task planning is conducted while learners are performing a task (Guará-

Tavares, 2013). The writer considered the planned speaking technique to make

students actively speak English in the classroom so that they get used to speaking

and getting fluent in English. Appropriate classroom activity used in teaching

speaking has to make students speak to each other in pairs or groups. They should

be more active in encouraging transactions of discussion and trading of

information. Such activities might include role play, games, problem-solving,

songs, and discussion.‖

Apple in Brooks and Wilson (2014) stated, that students can improve their

speaking if they use the language they are learning to communicate with others.

―Students who are not given the chance to interact with other members of the

discourse community remain outside the language community, and therefore fail


to learn the language.‖ Therefore, It is necessary for language teachers to provide

tasks to communicate with others in the classroom in English.

When we talk about speaking, we mean the students at their command use

the language to perform some kind of speaking task. The important thing is to

complete a task and the students should complete. There are three reasons why it

is a good idea to assign students speaking tasks to use language at their own

discretion. (Thornbury, 2005):

a. Rehearsal: Students have another chance to practice speaking in a foreign

language outside the classroom in order to get the impression of

communicating in a real life in a foreign language.

b. Feedback: Doing a speaking task will give students feedback, as it allows

students to expose language use. It also specifically lets the teacher provide

feedback on what the students are doing.

c. Engagement: When students are able to complete their speaking tasks, they

are automatically motivated and satisfied. If the teacher planned speaking

tasks well, and students complete them, the speaking task will be an

enjoyable and exciting activity for the students. This also increases self-

confidence among students.

As have been stated above, there are many enjoyable speaking activities that

students can have and the writer chooses planned speaking techniques as speaking

activity for this research. The writer will use some of planned speaking techniques

to make students prepare their time to think about the task. These techniques

might motivate students to speak English with their friends or in front of the class

while English lessons. The techniques are Think-Pair-Share, Number Head

Together, and Oral Presentation. The writers use these techniques because it might

reduce the problem that already mentioned before in teaching English. Moreover,

in MTS N 13 most of the students get fluent in English because they are just

memorizing the task, so when the teachers ask them in English they do not know

how to answer it because they do not used to speak English in the class.


Before explaining about planned task speaking as techniques to improve

students‘ speaking fluency, the writer explains first what actually the planned task

speaking techniques which are Think pair share, number head together, and oral

presentation. In Think Pair Share, the teacher asks questions and the students

think quietly about it. Each student then pairs with a partner or a group and they

discuss the topic for two to five minutes. After that, the entire class engages in a

discussion where students raise their hands and express all the ideas and thoughts

they have gathered. Some students feel better and relaxed while speaking in small

groups than speaking in front of the whole class. The Think-Pair-Share gives them

the ability to share their thoughts more efficiently and comfortably. (Cowling).

Number head together, emphasizes the responsibility of the students to

perform their tasks according to their number. Students are expected to show their

skill and expose their responsibility using many techniques. Students are also

qualified to comprehensively understand each task. Therefore the responsibility of

the students is not only with the project but also as a group member. Ibrahim

(2001) said, these techniques facilitates students' ability to students‘

comprehensiveness and solve problems. NHT contributes to the social skills of

students when they communicate during learning with teachers and peers (Leasa

& Corebima, 2017).

Based on Brooks & Wilson (2014) Oral presentations, especially group

presentations, allow students to engage in a cooperative activity that allows them

to use English to explain their ideas and negotiate meaning with a broader

community of language learners, while planning and presenting their

presentations. The process of making a presentation is essential. Students‘ have to

prepare their presentations in order to discuss the idea with their friends. So the

writer called this technique as prepared presentation.

As the statement above, there are some benefit if we teaching the student

with planned speaking technique; Think pair share, Number Head Together, and

prepared presentation. The student may be more comfortable while speaking


because they can discuss and give their ideas with their friend. Interactions

between the students and their friends provide lots of chances for both participants

to practice their English skills. If they practice it during the English lesson, the

student can improve their English fluency.

The writer focuses on recount text it is one of the material in 8th grade

Junior High School. Also, in recount text they can share their own experiences

and discuss it with their friend. The problem is when student speak their own

experiences with verb 2. Some of students do not know about past tense form, so

the writer should teaching about past tense first. It makes the students get

difficulties in discussion and telling their own experiences fluently.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background above, the writer identifies the problem as


a. The students get difficulties in speaking English fluently.

b. The students get difficulties to use past tense in recount text.

c. Students‘ lack of practice in speaking task.

C. The limitation of the Problem

Based on those explanations from the background of the study in the

previous page, Planned task speaking techniques is one of the alternative

strategies that can be used by English teachers on students‘ speaking fluency. The

problem is limited on the effective of planned task speaking on students‘ English

fluency in recount text section for the second grade of Islamic Junior High School

13 Jakarta.


D. Formulation of the Problem

The formulations of the problem according to the limitation of the

problem above is ―Is the planned task speaking technique effective on students‘

speaking fluency on second grade students of MTSN 13 Jakarta?‖

E. Objective of the Study

―Based on the formulations of the problem above, it can be known the

objectives of the study are to know whether the planned task speaking is effective

or not on students speaking fluency.‖

F. Significance of the Study

―The result of this study is expected be useful for those who are related,

especially for these parties:‖

1. For the teacher; can be a new strategy to improve and to increase

students‘ speaking fluency.

2. For the student;

a. Getting more practiced in speaking with using planned task speaking


b. Can improve and increase students‘ speaking fluency and make them easier

to tell their own experience in recount text.




A. Planning Task

1. Definition of Planned Task Speaking

Based on Van Patten in the Atai and Nasiri Article (2017) ―Planning as an

implementational variable is believed to affect task-based production. The

rationale behind allocating planning time is that it lowers the cognitive load in

learners‘ mind so that it can divert part of learners‘ at tentional capacity away

from meaning to form‖. Ortegain Atai and Nasiri (2017) said that is, ―the planning

time can assist learners to compensate for their processing limitations while

performing the task with a pace under their own control‖. Based on those

theories, planning tasks help students understand their lessons and task. Therefore

when teachers give a task, they can prepare their task well.

According to Ellis in Atai & Nasiri journal (2017), planning is categorized

into two general types. He made a distinction between pre-task or strategic (i.e.,

the planning before the task) and within-task or online planning (i.e., the planning

during the task). Students in strategic planning have time to reflect on the content

and the language they wish to express, while in rehearsal they can perform the

whole task as preparation before a second time. Within-task planning takes place

when learners are able to perform a task without time limits, and thus within-task

planning can be limited by placing a deadline on the task performer. Within-task

planning has double forms; pressured (i.e., learners have a specific amount of time

to perform the task) and are unpressured (they have an unlimited amount of time).

Planning can be influenced by teachers who can determine how much time is

allocated for making plans as well as when (before or during the task) and how it

is done (individually, grouply, or teacher-led) (Celine, 2013).


B. Planned Techniques

Dr. Jack Richards (2006) tells that fluency is developed through the

creation of classroom activities where students have to negotiate meaning, use

communication strategies, correct misunderstandings, and avoid

communication breakdowns. Because of that, the writer used TPR (think pair

share) and NHT (number head together) techniques a pre-task planning, oral

presentation as within task planning because those techniques require.

1. Think Pair Share

The think pair share is a simple cooperative that was first created by Frank

Lyman and Maryland University. There are three important elements in the

TPS learning method, that are Think, Pair and Share. According to Hetika &

Sari (2017), TPS method is one of the simple cooperative learning method.

First, students are required to sit in pairs. The teacher can ask the students

about questions or issues. Every student has the opportunity to think critically

about the questions or problems to discover answers to all these questions or

issues, thendiscuss the results of their thoughts with their pair in order to

obtain a response that can provide answers for the two group members. Then,

the teacher asks each pair to demonstrate or describe the conclusion of their

classmates' responses. There are three important elements in this method of

learning that is Think Pair, Share. Think pair share method motivates students

to study independently, to work in groups and presentations to enhance the

capability of students to think independently and to cooperate with their


2. Number Head Together

NHT is one type of cooperative learning that demonstrates the basic

framework designed to influence student participation and its objectives of

academic mastery enhancement. NHT learning approach encourages

teamwork between classroom students to achieve the learning goals. The

students are divided into different groups and are directed to review the


learning material which they have been assigned. The aim of the grouping is

to provide students with opportunities to take an active part in the thinking

and learning process. During this situation, much of the learning tasks focus

on pupils, learning the subject, discussing and solving problems. This

technique emphasizes the particular structure designed to influence the

interaction pattern between students (Nursyamsi & Corebima, 2016).

According to Kagan in Nursyamsi and Corebiama, (2016), NHT trains

students indirectly to exchange knowledge, listen carefully and speak with the

calculation, to make learners more productive. NHT's learning approach

prioritizes group work rather than individual work, so students work in an

environment of mutual cooperation and have many opportunities for

exchanging knowledge and skill of communication development.

3. Oral Presentation

An oral presentation is a short speech about a topic given to a tutorial or

seminar group. One (or more) students deliver a speech to a tutorial group

and express views in an oral presentation on a subject based on their readings

or research. The rest of the group would then engage in a discussion on the

subject (Centre, 2010). A teacher may give students an oral presentation on a

specific topic or set of topics that will help them learn more about the subject.

Then, the teaching role was taken on the presenting students in sharing new

knowledge through their presentation to the class. In this way, Oral

presentations are effective teaching tools, as they add variety to the classroom

and allow students to educate each other (Cook, 2018). Also, presentations

can encourage a more meaningful way to practice English than just speaking

drills. This is because students must use their L2 to understand and

communicate it to others.


C. Speaking Fluency

1. Definition of Speaking Fluency

April Ginther (2010) states that ―Speaking fluency in the narrow sense is

usually described in terms of speedy and smooth delivery of speech without

(filled) pauses, repetitions, and repairs.‖

In the Thomas Baker‘s journal (2007), ―Fillmore divides four types of

speaking fluency, the first is the speaker who speaks fast or the ability to

harness the time with talk, the second is the speaker whose speech is

coherent, complex, and dense. The third is knows how to use the language

appropriately, and in a variety of contexts. The fourth is control aesthetic

functions of language, be creative and imaginative.‖

The writer concludes that fluency in speaing is when somebody talks as a

performer or talks with another individual, he/she can talk with non

hesitation. In other words he/she speaks smoothly. But it is not denied that in

delivering something orally, doubtlessly someone experiences hesitation.

2. Aspects of Speaking Fluency

According to Skehan and Tavakoli (2012), speaking fluency has three

aspects, breakdown fluency, speed fluency, and repair fluency. Breakdown

fluency is the number and length of silent pauses, which are measured, as

well as the number of non-lexical filled pauses such as ―uh‖, ―uhm‖, ―er‖,

―mm‖, etc. Janet R. Meyer(1992)‖ also states that filled pause rate is

portrayed as the total of filled pauses (uh, umm, ah) per second. Speed

fluency is the mean duration of syllables (inverse articulation rate) which is

measured. The last is repair fluency, they are the number of repetitions

(repetitions of exact words, syllables or phrases) and the number of

corrections (false starts, reformulations and self-correction) which are

measured. Speech rate is measured as the number of syllables divided by total

time, including silent pause time, the speed of speech, and pausing in a

speech simultaneously.


Bosker (2012) defines the definitions of breakdown fluency and speed

fluency, they are:

a. Breakdown Fluency

―Bosker states that there are three measurements that represent

breakdown fluency, i.e., the number of silent pauses per second spoken

time (NSP), the number of filled pauses per second spoken time (NFP),

and the mean length of silent pauses (MLP).‖

b. Speed Fluency

Bosker also states that speed fluency is when students are able to deliver

the story as quick as possible. One measurement represents the aspect of

speed: the mean length of syllables (MLS).

c. Repair Fluency

As have been stated about by Skehan and Tavakoli (2012) that

repair fluency includes the number of corrections.

d. Disfluent Syllable (DS)

―The disfluent syllable is calculated by subtracting the number of pruned

syllables from the number of total syllables in the sample. Pruned

syllables include fillers, errors, and repetitions. The result is the number

of disfluent syllables divided by 230 as the highest standard syllable per

minute and multiplied by the total time in seconds.‖

3. Scoring the Speaking Fluency

Based on the several theories above, these aspects of speaking fluency that

will be marked are divided into four aspects, they are:


a. Pauses

Riggenbach in April Ginther‘s article (2010) says that ―Pauses of 5

seconds or longer tend to occur in chunks of disfluent speech when the

speaker maybe using the time to plan ahead or to analyze and process what

has already been said.‖

b. Speech Rate

―Javad and Tavakoli (2010) say that number of syllables produced per

minute of speech: number of syllables divided by the storytelling time and

multiplied by 60 seconds.‖

c. Repair

Javad and Tavakoli (2010) also state that one repair contains four words

are counted as one hesitation.

d. Disfluent Syllable (DS)

―The disfluent syllable is calculated by subtracting the number of pruned

syllables from the number of total syllables in the sample. Pruned syllables

include fillers, errors, and repetitions. The result is the number of disfluent

syllables divided by 230 as the highest standard number of syllable per

minute and multiplied by the total time in seconds.‖

In measuring the speaking fluency, all of the aspects of speaking fluency are

calculated per 60 seconds. It is supported by Noriko Iwashita (2008) statement

that ―In order to make comparisons, instances of filled pause, unfilled pause and

repairs are counted per 60 seconds of speech, since the actual speaking time of the

individual learners varied.‖

The fluency test of speaking is divided into four elements: pauses, speaking

rate, repair, and fluent syllable. Each character element is described in four short

statements of calculation, as stated above. This helps to make the test accurate,

since it prevents subjectivity, as it is clearly and precisely defined for each point


of the. The scale was adapted from the Fluency Scale Ordinate by Jong and

Hulstjin in Lingua Didaktika article (2016), to the preferred implementable form

used in this research.

The writer objectively will pay attention to the fluency of each student if

they achieve score 1 , 2 , 3, 4, or 5. Then, it can measure the score easily. The

maximum achieved score is 20. As stated in the previous page, it is achieved from

the four elements of fluency in speaking. This score can be defined in the


a. Pauses : 5 Points

b. Speech Rate : 5 Points

c. Repair : 5 Points

d. Disfluent Syllable : 5 Points

Here, the speaking class score uses the range 10-100. The rating is based on

the rounding system, so the writer concludes that 100 points is the higher score.

The writer follows the school's rule that each student has to reach a minimum

score target based on KKM (Minimum Achievement Criteria), which is 75.

D. Speaking fluency Rubric

Table 1Table 2.1

Speaking fluency Rubric

No. Criteria Rating Score Comments

1. Pause 5 The overall speech sounds



There is only one to five

significantly non-native

phonological hesitations.



Speech has no too many long

pauses, and does not sound



Speech may have several long

pauses, but not unlimited.


Long utterances have several

long pauses.

No. Criteria Rating Score Comments

2. Speech Rate 5 Utterance exhibits smooth

native-like rhythm andphrasing.


―Utterance has acceptable

rhythm, with appropriate

phrasing and word emphasis.‖


―Speech has acceptable speed,

but may be somewhat uneven.‖


Speech may be uneven or

somewhat staccato.


Speech is slow and has

irregular phrasing or sentence


3. Repair 5 No repair

4 <4 words

3 <8 words


2 <12 words

1 >16 words

No Criteria Rating Score Comments

4. Disfluent Syllable


No more than one

hesitation, repetitions, false

start, or non-native

phonological simplification.


Utterances have no more

five hesitations, repetitions

or false starts.


Long utterances may exhibit

some hesitations; but

mostwords are spoken

incontinuous phrases.

Thereare several repetitions

orfalse starts per utterance.


Utterance (if >= 6 words)

has at least one smooth 3-

word run, and there are

several hesitations,

repetitions or false starts.


―Poor phrasing, staccato or

syllabic timing, multiple


hesitations, many repetitions

or false starts render the

spoken performance notably

uneven or


Total 20

Score =

(Adapted from Riggenbach, Javad, Tavakoli, and Noriko Iwashita’s articles

and Salam Mairi)

E. Recount Text

1. Definition of Recount Text

―Hyland (1996) in his book stated that recount text is intended to recreate past

experiences by retelling events in their original sequence. It shows that the

opinion of Hyland about the aim of recounting text is to retell past events in

the original sequence. This can be self-perceptions or perceptions of others,

which means that it may be from experiencing to speaking or listening to


Katrina (2000) also said a similar concept about the purpose of recounting

text. She explains that a recount recalls and reconstructive events, experiences

and achievements from the in a logical sequence. Some recounts are going

to be solely informational, while others are going to aim at educating and


In summary, based on the ideas of Katrina and Hyland, the aim of recounting

text is to say or retell past events or experiences to sequentially inform,

entertain, or both inform and entertain. It depends on the recount text styles.


2. The Structure of Recount Text

―In making a recount text, there is an important point which is worth

knowing. According to Anderson‘s theory (1997) a recount text has three

main parts (Generic Structure).‖ They are:

a. Orientation

―The opening of the text, the introduction of the topic of the text. It gives

background information about who, what, where, and when. The writer needs

to gives information about what happened, who or what was involved, when

and where the events occurred and why. An awareness of audience and

purpose will assist the author in selecting the amount of detailed needed.‖

b. Events

―It is usually told in a series of paragraphs which retell the events in the order

of sequence when they happened. Events is selected carefully to add to the

audience‘s understanding of the topic. Students have to be prepared to discard

events and details that are unimportant or uninteresting. A recount, in most

cases, is more than a „shopping list‟ of every possible detail. Students should

be guided to select only those events that are relevant and that can be

expanded through the inclusion of specific details.‖

c. Re-orientation

―It functions as the closing statement. It is a paragraph which contains a

personal comment of the writer. The final section concludes the recount by

summarizing outcomes or results, evaluating the topic‘s importance or

offering personal comment or opinion. It can also look to the future by

speculating about what might happen next. But, not all of recount closed by

re-orientation. It is optional.‖


F. Previous Study

The previous study, Daisy Ayu Lintriana (The State Islamic University of

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014). Investigated students in SMA Islamic

Centre Tangerang. The researcher use quantitative method. The researcher use

speaking fluency test in story telling as the instrument. The researcher had

compared the speaking fluency score in the pre-test (before the treatment was

given) and post-test (after the treatment was given). ―The researcher uses the T-

test formula for analyzing oral test achievement in story telling. The result showed

that there is a significance difference between students using story mapping and

without it. It means that the story mapping is at the tenth grade of SMA Islamic

Centre Tangerang can improve students‘ speaking fluency in storytelling.‖

The second study has been conducted by Muhammad Irfan Hadzik (The

State Islamic University of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019). The

researcher studied the effect of using role-play on students‘ speaking fluency at

eleventh grade of SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan. The research has an

experimental class and control class. ―The researcher used a quasi-experimental

design. The method of the test was using a regression test in analyzing the result

while the interview was used by the researcher to collect additional information

on students‘ act and opinion towards the technique. The result showed that there is

a significant score from both classes. The mean score of experimental class was

higher than control class‖. It means that using role-play on students‘ speaking

fluency was effective in improving the students‘ speaking fluency of offering

service expression at the eleventh grade of SMAN 8 Kota Tangerang Selatan in

the academic year 2019/2020.‖

―Rutger Bosker, Hans et al (2012) conducted a study on speaking fluency.

―The study investigated the contribution of three aspects of fluency (breakdown,

speed, and repair fluency) to the perception of fluency. All three perception, but breakdown and speed fluency are

most strongly related to fluency.


―Mahmoed Reza Atai and Morteza Sairi in journal of English language,

teaching and learning university of Tabriz (2017) was examined the effects of

strategic planning, online planning, strategic planning and online planning

combined (joint planning), and no planning on the complexity, accuracy, and

fluency of oral productions in two simple and complex narrative tasks‖. Eighty

advanced EFL learners performed one simple narrative task and 20 minutes of a

complex narrative task in between. The order of the two stories was

counterbalanced in order to monitor the potential impact of an action. The results

suggest that no planning was the least effective at both tasks. Strategic planning

led the learners in the simple narrative task to significantly elevate their

complexity and fluency, and only their fluency in the complex task. Online

planning has helped the participants significantly increase their performance in

both the primary and complex tasks. Finally, joint planning led to a significant

increase in accuracy and fluency in the simple task on the one hand, and

complexity and accuracy in the complex task.

G. Concept Framework

Speaking skill should be taught rightly in learning process in the school and

speaking task in English lesson is one of the activities that the students of Junior

High School have to do. The students have many difficulties in speaking task.

Probably, some students cannot produce English because they do not know the

way how they can speak fluently and it makes the students‘ anxiety because they

do not have confidence and bravery. They feel fear that they cannot deliver speech

fluently and accurately.

Based on those theories that have been explained before, the writer makes

students focus only on how they could improve their speaking fluency. Fluency is

one of the assessment points in speaking skills, so that the writer tries to build

students‘ speaking fluency to speak fluently in a fun way and less pressured in

class and society. Based on the method and material, the writer assumed that

speaking fluency is a good target for students to speak. The students can learn


through discussion and share their thoughts with their friends with techniques that

the writer has planned.

Usually, some English teachers in Junior High School give an oral task in

Recount Text. They have to talk about their experience in the past. Recount Text

becomes one of the materials which exist in curriculum 2013. The writer uses

TPS, NHT, and presentation techniques, to help students know about the recount

text, speaking task with past tense form, and improving their fluency when doing

the speaking task.

H. Hypotheses of the Study

The aim of the research is to find evidence of the effect of using the planned

speaking technique on the fluency of the students' speaking in recount text, the

research hypotheses of this research are:

1. Null Hyphoteses (Ho): There is no significant effect in using planned task

speaking techniques in students speaking fluency. It means that planned task

speaking techniques is not effective on students‘ speaking fluency in

recount text.

2. Alternative Hyphoteses (Hi): There is significant effect in using planned

task speaking techniques towards the students‘ speaking fluency in recount

text. It means that planned task speaking techniques are effective on

students‘ speaking fluency in recount text.




A. Place and Time of the Research

The research had been conducted for two weeks and three days, started from

March 14th 2018 until March 30th 2018. The writer conducted the research at

MTSN 13 on Jl. H. Doel Muhtar Raya North Petukangan Pesanggrahan, South

Jakarta. Phone number: (021) 7374752; 73883765.

B. Method of Research

―Method that the writer used was quantitative research. This is used to

observe the effects of the planned task speaking technique on students' speaking

fluency in the recount text. Quantitative methods are defined as methods for

identifying research problems based on why something happened. It included

explanations in some quantitative research problems of how a variable could

influence another.‖

In six meetings, the writer used experimental research that focused on the

lesson plans. The research includes two classes; the first was an experimental

class, and the second as a controlled class. Both classes were taught with

distinctive teaching strategies. During six gatherings, 90 minutes per meeting, the

writer as the researcher instructed students using planned task speaking (TPS,

NHT, and Presentation) in the experimental class. In otherwise, the control class

was instructed the same material with conventional strategy.‖ The treatment was

purposed to look at the distinction of students‘ speaking fluency, which was

instructed by using planned task speaking techniques and without Planned Task

Speaking technique and also the progress of experimental class before and after

utilization of planned task speaking techniques. Here the writer used recount text

based on the curricula 2013, so the planned task speaking will consist of recount

text structures.


C. Population and Sample

The population of the study was 119 students from the second grade of

MTSN 13, Jakarta and divided into three classes. Purposive Sampling was the

technique sampling. Selecting members and numbering individuals arbitrarily

using a random number table could be a strategy used to conduct a trial test of the

study population (Creswell, 2012). This procedure was used based on English

teacher‘s thought that the classes ought to be analyzed which needed improvement

in English.Class VIII B and VIII D were the sample suggested by the teacher. The

calculation in each of those classes was 30 students. The writer cannot choose free

sample because it was the teacher's authority and the writer also had limited

opportunity to decide the sample.

D. Procedure of the Research

Figure 1 Figure 3.2

Research Design

1. Experiment Class

2. Controlled Class

―The research was planned as the Figure above. The writer divided the

class in to two classes, there are experimental and controlled classes. Each

of the classes had the same meeting; 1 meeeting for pre-test and post-test

meetings, and 4 meetings for treatments. After selecting the experimental

Pre-test Conventional

teaching Post-Test

Pre-test Treatment Post-test


class and the controlled class, the following steps were the steps the writer

took during the research. These are for experimental class:‖

1. The writer gave a pre-test to the students with an interview. The writer

asked about students' past experiences about their first social media to know

whether the students told the story fluently or not (Appendix 3). After that,

the writer explained the techniques used in this research. They are TPS,

NHT, and presentation.

2. The writer began introducing and explaining the recount text about the

definition, the purpose, the function, and the structure of recount text. The

writer applied Think, Pair, Share treatment to the student. The students had

to think about the recount text material. After that, they shared their thought

about recount text with their chair mate. Later, the writer asked some

question about recount text to the students, students had to answer based on

students thought, and their friends‘ tought.

3. In the second treatment, the previous task reviewed by the writer and the

students. The writer explained again about recount text and applied the NHT

treatment. The writer will divide students into six groups; each group

consisted of five persons. The writer gave 5 questions about recount text.

First question; why should we learn about recount text? The writer gave

recount text story, therefore the second question; what is the orientation of

the text? third; what is the text's event, fourth; what is the re-orientation of

the text, fifth; what is the definition of recount text based on your thought?

At the end of the session, every student should answer the question based on

their number.

4. In the third treatment, the writer asked the student to discuss the recount text

and make a presentation about it. The students made the presentation with

carton paper and have to discuss it with their groups with speaking English

as possible.


5. In the last treatment, the writer would ask student to presenting their

presentation in front of the class. Each student of the group had to

presenting their part of presentation.

6. Post-test was given in the last meeting to both classes to know whether

planned task technique was effective towards students‘ speaking fluency in

recount text. (Appendix 4)

After the writer finished taking post-test from students, the pre-test and the

post-test data would be analyzed by using statistic calculation that was explained

in chapter three. When the result was found, the writer interpreted it into a

conclusion whether teaching speaking fluency in recount text by using planned

speaking technique was effective or not.

E. Instrument of the Research

―The writer was used as a pre-test and post-test instrument for this research.

Camera video was used to take pre-test and post-test. The purpose of the pre-test

was to know the basic speaking skills of the students in English.‖ The post-test

was used to know the effectiveness of using the planned task-speaking technique

on the students' fluency in recount text. The tasks for pre-test and post-test were

the same; it was an interview. The aspects of fluency that would be assessed are

speech rate, pauses, repair, and disfluent syllable.

1. Pre-Test

―The purpose of pre-test was to know students‘ basic speaking fluency. Pre-

test was conducted for experimental class and controlled class before the

treatment (planned task speaking techniques) was given as a strategy to help

students tell story fluently.‖ The test used for pre-test was interview. To

collect the data, an interview with a question made based on the study

objective was used. The next questions were made based on of the students'

answers.The writers ask about their past experience and students had to tell

story about their experience in the past.


2. Post-Test

After the treatment was given, a post-test was held for both groups. This test

aimed to determine whether planned task-speaking strategies were successful

or not in raising the speaking fluency score of students in recount text. The

measure used in the post-test was their experience, which students had to


3. Rubric for Pre-test and Post-test.The instruments of the tests which writer

used are students‘ speaking fluency rubrics. The rubrics are adapted from

Lingua Didaktika (Mairi, 2016). The writer selected this rubric because the

rubrics have the same measurement that is speaking fluency. This rubric can

be viewed for assessing students‘ performance with using planned task

speaking. This assessment is scored from 1-5 as scales range. Here are the

explanations of the rubric:

The first aspect is pause. Pause consists of filled and unfilled pauses. Filled

pauses mean non-meaningful sounds and the unfilled pauses mean time spent in

silence. Those who have Long utterances have several long pauses will be marked

1. Speech may have several long pauses, will be marked 2. Speech has no too

many long pauses, and does not sound staccato will be marked 3. There is only

one to five significantly non-native phonological hesitations will be marked 4.

The overall speech sounds natural will be marked 5 as the highest score.

The second is the speech rate. Speech is slow and has irregular phrasing, or

sentence rhythm will be marked 1. Speech may be uneven or somewhat staccato

will be marked 2. Speech has acceptable speed, but maybe somewhat uneven will

be marked 3. The utterance has acceptable rhythm, with appropriate phrasing and

word emphasis will be marked 4. Utterance exhibits smooth native-like rhythm,

and phrasing will be marked 5.

The third is repair, the students with more than 16 repairs will be marked 1.

Less than 12 words is 4, less than 8 words is 3, less than 4 words is 4, and the

highest score is 5 when students has no repair.The last is disfluent syllable. The


highest score is 5 when students‘ no more than one hesitation, repetitions, false


F. Technique of Data Collection

The writer has used the speaking test to gather the data. Interview was used

to take the data for pre-test and post-test. An interview with a question made

based on the study objective was used. The next questions were made based on of

the students' answers. The writer obtained the data by herself but the second rater

helped the writer to give the score. First, the writer gave the score and then the

rater 2 gave score later. The aim in involving the second rater was to produce the

result became more objective.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

―The writer wanted to know the effectiveness of planned task speaking on

students‘ fluency in recount text. The writer examined the data using a

comparative technique between the class controlled and the class of experiments.

In pre-test and post-test scores from the experiment and controlled class will be

compared. The scores are measured in the SPSS program. For further actual

analysis, the writer used SPSS to conducted preliminary data analysis such as

normality and homogeneity test. The writer would use the T-test hypothesis if the

data distribution were normal and homogenous.‖

1. Test of Normality

Testing normality and homogeneity was conducted in this study via SPSS

(Special Package for Social Sciences). Normality test was conducted to determine

whether or not the distribution from the two classes was normal. The normality

test was using table from Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk. ―The result of

the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk table should be above 0.05 tohave

normally distributed data.‖


2. Test of Homogeneity

―Homogeneity test was performed to see if the data from two classes had the

same or different variant. The homogeneity test was using Levene's table, have

data on the homogeneity distribution, the Levene's table result should be above

0.05.‖ These two types of tests were performed in pre-test score and post-test

score. The steps are the same as the normality test steps.‖

3. Hypothesis Test

―The t-test is used for comparing scores between the experimental and

controlled classes. ―The writer used the t-test to determine the difference between

the experimental class taught using the planned task speaking techniques and the

controlled class which taught without that treatment. However, there is a manual

procedure to calculate the t-test, the procedure is:‖‖

a. Determining the mean score of the experimental group


: ―Mean score of the experimental group‖

: ―The total score of the students in the experimental group‖

: ―The total students in the experimental group‖

b. Determining the mean score of the controlled group


: ―Mean score of the controlled group‖

: ―The total score of the students in the controlled group‖


: ―The total students in the controlled group‖

c. Determining the standard deviation in experimental group

d. Determining the standard deviation in controlled group

e. Determining the t-test

The procedures of calculation are as follows:


) (

) (



: ―Mean score of the experimental group.‖

: ―Mean score of the controlled group.‖

: ―The total score obtained by the students in the experiment.‖

: ―The total score obtained by the students in the controlled group.‖

: ―The total students existed in the experimental group.‖

: ―The total students existed in the controlled group.‖


f. Determining Table

―The significance level of t-table is 95% with the degree offreedom (df).

The formula is described as follows‖:


: Degree of freedom

: Total students of the experimental group

: Total students of controlled group

H. Statistical Hypotheses

1. Null Hypotheses

The hypothesis could be distinguished as the null hypothesis if planned task

speaking techniques did not give the significant effect on the students'

speaking fluency in recount text at the eighth-grade students of MTS N 13.

2. Alternative Hypotheses

The hypothesis could be identified as the alternative hypothesis if the planned

task speaking techniques showed the significant effect on the students‘

speaking fluency of recount text at the eighth-grade students of MTSN 13.‖

Then, the criteria of the hypothesis were showed as follows:

a. If t-test ( ) < t-table ( ) in the significant degree of 0.05, (null

hypothesis) was rejected. It meant that the experimental class means

score levels were higher than those of the controlled class. Planned task-

speaking techniques provided the impact on the speaking fluency of the

students in recount text.


b. If t-test ( ) > t-table ( ) in the significant degree of 0.05, (null

hypothesis) was accepted. It could be seen that the experimental

class mean score levels were the same or lower than those of the





A. Research Finding

1. Description Data

―This chapter focuses on the test result that was given to MTSN 13 Jakarta

students. The result was used to obtain empirical evidence of the effect of using

the planned task speaking on students speaking fluency at the eighth grade of

MTSN 13 in recount text. The research results are described as the explanation of

the data depended on the test result. The result of the data analysis obtained

through speaking test.‖

―As the writer has mentioned in the previous chapter, she took the data by

using planned task speaking techniques. The data were gathered from students'

pre-test and post-test of the experiment and control class. The data are described

into two tables as follows:‖

1. Students Score of Experimental Class

Table 2Table 4.1

Students’ Score of Experimental Class

Students Pre-test Post-test Gained Score

S1 30 60 30

S2 45 60 15

S3 75 80 5

S4 65 80 15

S5 85 90 5

S6 75 95 20

S7 20 80 60

S8 45 50 5


S9 65 75 10

S10 65 85 20

S11 55 65 10

S12 60 70 10

S13 80 90 10

S14 75 95 20

S15 65 85 20

S16 65 80 15

S17 55 85 30

S18 40 60 20

S19 40 50 10

S20 55 60 5

S21 70 75 5

S22 55 80 25

S23 65 70 5

S24 75 85 10

S25 65 70 5

Mean 47.5 65 17.5

The minimum achievement of the requirements for the English subject in

MTS N 13 is 75 according to the teacher's information, which means that students

are expected with not less than 75 in the English subject score. However,

according to the data shown, the result of pre-test in the experiment class had the

mean score 47.5 from 25 students. This means that on average, the students did

not reach the minimum for achievement criteria. Somehow, the pre-test result

revealed that 7 students reached the minimum criteria of achievement, and the

other 18 students were below the minimum criteria of achievement. Besides, the

highest pre-test score is 85, and the lowest pre-test score was 20. From those


descriptions, the majority of the speaking fluency of the Experiment class

students' recount text was still very low.

The table showed the post-test score, too. The score was gained after

planned task speaking treatment was completed. It shown that according to the

post-test result, the post-test mean has been improved to 65 and the mean score

gained to 17.5. It means the students in average reached the criteria of

achievement or above the minimum criteria of achievement. It has also shown

from the above description of the score in experimental class that the highest post-

test score was 95, and the lowest post-test score was 50 obtained only by one


―From the description of the data from the pre-test to the post-test, It is

concluded that the planned task speaking on the students' speaking fluently in

recount text has had a positive effect.‖

2. Students Score of Controlled Class

3 Table 4.2

Students’ Score of Control Class

Students Pre-test Post-test Gained Score

S1 50 70 20

S2 65 80 15

S3 40 50 10

S4 45 65 20

S5 40 45 5

S6 70 75 5

S7 40 50 10

S8 80 90 10

S9 50 70 20


S10 45 50 5

S11 55 65 10

S12 45 60 15

S13 55 65 10

S14 80 85 15

S15 60 65 5

S16 55 70 15

S17 35 45 10

S18 65 70 5

S19 35 45 10

S20 45 60 15

S21 60 65 5

S22 50 60 10

S23 55 60 5

S24 80 85 5

S25 40 45 5

Mean 45 57.5 12.5

According to the data shown, the result of 25 students of control class in the

pre-test had the mean score 45. It means the students in average did not cover the

minimum MTSN 13 criterion in English subject. This was the same as the

experiment class which the average scoore did not reach the minimum

achievement criteria in pre-test. Further description, the table also presented the

score of post-test. This class did not get the treatment like experiment did. The

teacher guided the students in recount text only during the teaching and learning

process. The post-test result showed that the post-test mean score in the controlled

class was also improved with a score of 57.5 and the mean of gained score was

12.5. However, Sixteen students failed to reach the minimum achievement


criteria, and the other eleven students reached the minimum achievement criteria.

The highest post-test score was 90, and the lowest post-test score was 45.

It shown the differences in the scores of the students above that there is also

a good improvement of the score of the students in learning English. Nevertheless,

some of the scores were still below the minimum achievement criteria at MTSN

13 from the post-test result. Therefore, It was assumed that the class which did not

use planned task-speaking techniques still needed to struggle to pass the minimum

criteria for achievement. Overall, the differences in the students' score in Table

4.1 and Table 4.2, can be inferred that the use of planned task-speaking techniques

has beneficial effects on student fluency in recount text.

B. Analysis of the Data

1. The Normality Test

―The normality test was administered before calculating the t-test. It aimed to

know whether the data were normally distributed or not from both classes.The

result of normality test on both the experimental and control class in post-test

score were gained using SPSS 20‖. The writer used Shapiro-Wilk to do the

normality test. The result can be seen as follow:‖Table 4


Table 4.3

The Result of Normality Test of the Post-test Scores of

the Experimental and Control Classes

Based on Table, the test showed the experimental class significance was

0.207 and the controlled class was 0.074. Data was normally distributed if the

significance of the data is higher α = 0.05. It can be concluded that the data is

normally distributed since both groups have significance above 0.05.‖

2. Homogeneity Test

The writer did the homogeneity test after having done the normality test to

check the sample similarity in both classes. For measure the homogeneity test

the writer used the Levene statistical test.‖

Table 5 Table 4.4

The Homogeneity Test of the Post-test Scores of

the Experimental and Control Classes


The result of the Levene Statistical Test showed that the level of

significance of the data from the post-test score from the experiment and

control was 0.511. It means that the data level of significance was higher than

the degree of significance (α = 0.05). The homogeneity test result showed that

there is homogeneous variance in the sample data from the population.‖

3. T-Test

The final test to analyze the data is a t-test after the normality and

homogeneity tests have been done. The writer used the independent t-test.

The independent t-test is a statistically comparable analysis of the results

from two samples of groups. Independent sample t-test is used to compare the

means of the two independent samples (the experiment and the control class)

to determine whether there is statistical data showing that the mean varies

significantly. The writer uses a t-test to determine the differences score of the

students' achievement in speaking fluency of recount text with the treatment

or without it.. The writer used SPSS 20 software to conduct the measurement

or the test. The result of the calculation as follows:

Table 6 Table 4.5

Independent T-Test of the Post-test Scores of

the Experimental and Control Classes

Based on the calculation above, the degree of freedom (df) is 48 and the critical

value of the df - 48 by using the degree of significance of 5% is 1.68 ( ) and


the is 2.986. It means that the post-test score of experimental class is

higher than the score of controlled class.‖The result of the comparison between

and were 2.986 > 1.68= > .‖―Clearly from the

hypothesis we have that on the df = 48 and in the degree of significance 5% the

value of degree of significance is 1.68 (gained based on df= 48 and ⁄ α = 0.05).‖

By comparing the value is higher than that is 2.98 > 1.68, so the

alternative hypothesis ( ) is accepted and null hypothesis ( ) is rejected. ―It

could be proved that there were significant differences between the results of

planned task speaking on students speaking fluency in recount text at second

grade students of MTSN 13.‖

C. Data Interpretation

The results from 25 students of the experimental class on Table 4.1 revealed

that the experimental class score's description was getting the mean score of pre-

test 47.5 before the planned task-speaking techniques were implemented. The

mean score of the post-test was 65 after the teacher used planned task-speaking

techniques in the classroom. Meanwhile, Table 4.2 showed the analysis of the

controlled class score having the mean pre-test score 45 and the mean of post-test

score 57.5. It means that the post-test score has improved in both classes.

Nevertheless, the experimental class got a score higher than the controlled class

47.5 to 65.‖

Clearly from the hypothesis we have that on the df = 48 and in the degree of

significance 5% the value of a degree of significance is 1.68 (gained based on df =

48 and ⁄ α = 0.05).‖By comparing the value is higher than that is

2.986 > 1.68, so the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null

hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.

From the data analysis of the research, it can be concluded that the use of

planned task-speaking techniques can significantly impact students speaking

fluency in recount text since the score of students speaking fluently after having

taught using planned task-speaking techniques is higher than before the researcher


gave the treatment. From the measurement result it can be determined that this

study's effect size level is high and the effect of planned task speaking techniques

on students speaking fluency has been significant.

In summary, using planned task speaking techniques is effective on students‘

speaking fluency in recount text, especially for the eighth grade students at MTSN


D. Discussion

Nowadays, as the writer observe teachers mostly teach about grammar,

vocabulary, and reading in school, so that students became competent in grammar

and reading, but lacked the ability to communicate in speaking. Although the

teacher gave them speaking task but they rarely practice their speaking in class.

Fluency is one of the score that teacher gave in speaking task. But, students not

fluent in speaking task because they rarely do speaking activities in the class, so

that the teachers have to plan some strategies and techniques to teach speaking for


Studies have investigated the effect of various types of planning (i.e., various

strategies to help students prepare for a language task by, for example, giving

them time and/or clear instructions) on second-language learners' fluency,

complexity, and precision, e.g., Ellis (Celine, 2013). ―In the previous study, there

are some researches about the planning task. Their planning types are different

from the writer but have a similar impact on the students. This teacher-led

planning approach, which was the desired condition of the learners, was found to

be a treatment for fluency, complexity and accuracy. It helps students prepare for

a specific task, enhancing the quantity and quality of their performance, and

encourages them to perform in the target language with confidence. In the

previous study, there are some researches about planning task. Their planning

types are different from the writer but have similar impact for the students.


Moreover, in another research, Ellis (2003) suggests, If L2 learners have time

to prepare before they start speaking, their output problems can be eased. This

form of planning, i.e. "Pre-task planning or PTP, occurs before a speaker

participates in communication activities. Schmidt (2001) calls PTP as ‗preparatory

attention‘ and contributes learners to perform actions more accurately and

fluently. In reality, creating more planning opportunities for language users should

have a beneficial effect on language learning, as L2 discourse would enable

learners to extend what they can say, said Foster &Skehan (Abdi, Eslami, &

Zahedi, 2012).

In pre-task planning style, teachers brainstorm about both material, i.e.,

concepts, and form with their students before they are asked to perform an oral

production task (Thompson & Phillips, 2009). The aim is to help students know

what to talk about when they do the speaking task and how to say it. Strategic

planning (pre-task) requires learners who are prepared to perform the task by

considering the content they need to interpret and how to communicate it (Ellis,

2005). Planning can influenced by teacher, who may determine how much time is

allocated for making plans, as well as when (before or during the task) and how it

is done (individually, grouply, or instructor-led). The writer use planned task

speaking which are think pair share, number head together, and oral presentation.

With these techniques, the students may be more comfortable while speaking

because they can discuss and give their ideas with their friends. Interactions

between the students and their friends provide multiple chances for both of

participants to practice their English skills. If they practice it during the English

lesson, the student can improve their English fluency.




A. Conclusion

Based on the test, it is concluded that the students' speaking fluency in

recount text at eight grade student of MTS 13 can be improved by using planned

task speaking techniques. It can be seen from the data with the statistical

hypothesis of significance level 5% which is calculated by using SPSS 20 version

showed that the mean score of experimental class after being taught by using

planned task speaking techniques was 65 and it was higher than the mean score

before using planned task speaking techniques; it was 47.5.‖‖The data analysis,

moreover, showed that > ; 2.98 > 1.68. ―It means that null hypothesis

( ) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis ( ) was accepted. Therefore,

planned task speaking showed the significant effect on students‘ speaking fluency

in recount text.‖

In summary, this research showed that using planned task speaking

techniques can affect students' speaking fluency at the eighth grade students of

MTSN 13.

B. Suggestion

English teaching requires an effective way to get learning objectives. Students

can be instructed to be an active learners in the class. The teacher should be more

creative and innovative in finding an effective way and being a medium to help

them practice their English speaking maximally. The teacher is free to teach

students with different methods as long as they keep the language learning target.

The students should be directed to practice English more actively.

Using planned task speaking techniques can be one of effective ways to

practice students‘ speaking fluency. The fluency can be increased by practicing

continuously. Feeling happy to learn English should be considered by teacher

where using planned task speaking techniques makes students feel enjoy and fun

to learn and practice their English speaking.


Finally, this study's results may be used as the knowledge or source for the

use of planned task-speaking techniques in teaching English. The researchers need

to apply this approach to another level or another skill. The newer invention will

cover the imperfection in this study. Considering the final result of using planned

task-speaking techniques, it is expected that it can contribute to other future

research or previous studies. Specifically, this research can be informative about

using planned task-speaking techniques on students' speaking fluency for the next




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APPENDIX I Appendix 1



Satuan Pendidikan : MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Smester : VIII/II ( dua )

Tema : Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan pengalaman yang

terjadi padamasa lampau

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 ―Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.‖

KI 2 ―Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab,

peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dal;am

berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam

jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.‖

KI 3 ―Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,

seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.‖

KI 4 Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan suimber lain yang sama dalam

sudut pandang/teori.


B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapain Kompetensi

1.1 ―Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar komunikasi Internasional yang diwujudkan dalam

semangat belajar.‖

2.2 ―Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung

jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan


3.11 ―Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan

fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau, sesuai dengan konteks


4.13 ―Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan

tentang tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.‖

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah diberikan recount text siswa mampu:

Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan

dengan tepat

Mengidentifikasi struktur teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan


Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dalam teks berdasarkan teks yang

diberikan dengan tepat.

Menyusun teks recount tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan yang benar.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks lisan dan tulis menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau

Fungsi sosial

Menyatakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu



Untuk menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman

Struktur teks

Where were your brothers a few minutes ago?

They were at home.

What did you do after school yesterday?

I took a rest.

Where did they spend their last holiday?

They went to Bali

Unsur kebahasaan

Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, kosakata (kata tanya: when, where,

while, kata penghubung before, after) dan tata bahasa (simple past


Uraian tindakan dalam Past Tense: Simple , woke, took, went, got,

did, had.

Pola kalimat Past Tense:

Tanpa kata kerja

Subject Kata kerja


/ To be




Was Sad She





Were Happy We



Dengan Kata kerja

Subject Verb 2 Object Adv. Of time


visited Borobudur

Last year

She A year ago

He Last two days

It Two days ago

You Yesterday

We Last Monday

They Last sunday

Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, at last,

finally, dsb.

Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk waktu: yesterday, last

month, on Monday, an hour ago, immediately, dsb.

Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi

Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara



Peristiwa, kejadian, pengalaman yang tak terlupakan yang terjadi di sekolah,

rumah, dan masyarakat sekitar siswa.

E. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Scientific Approach

2. Think, Pair, Share

F. Media, alat dan sumber pelajaran

1. Media: a. Power Point

2. Alat/bahan: a. Laptop b. Proyektor

3. Sumber Pembelajaran

a. Kasihani KE. Suyanto.2005.English in Context SMP/MTs Grade IX.

Jakarta: Bailmu.



c. Google Images

d. Youtube Video


G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan ―Persiapan psikis dan fisik membuka

pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam

dan berdoa bersama‖

―Guru melakukan tahap apersepsi

dengan memberikan stimulus mengenai

materi yang akan diajarkan‖

―Menyampaikan tujuan pmbelajaran‖

―Menyampaikan secara singkat garis

besar materi yang akan disajikan selama


―Menyambungkan materi sekarang

dengan materi sebelumnya‖

15 Menit

Inti Mengamati

―Siswa mendengarkan/ menonton contoh

simple past tense dan recount teks yang

diberikan oleh guru,‖

―"Siswa membaca untuk memahami

makna dan bentuk kalimat terdapat dalam

teks recount tentang kegiatan, kejadian,

dan peristiwa,‖

―Siswa mengidentifikasi kata kerja bentuk

50 Menit


kedua yang biasa dipakai dalam teks


―Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru,

siswa mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kalimat

yang termasuk dalam teks recount.‖


―Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru,

siswa mempertanyakan tentang simple past

tense dan teks recount.‖


―Siswa membaca contoh teks recount

tentang kegiatan, kejadian, dan peristiwa

dari berbagai sumber lain.‖

―Siswa mencoba menemukan kalimat

menggunakan simple past tense yang

terdapat pada bacaan.‖

Siswa memperhatikan dan menyimpulkan

hasil diskusi mengenai recount text.


―Dalam kerja kelompok terbimbing siswa

mendiskusikan struktur dari recount text.‖

―Siswa menanyakan balikan (feedback)

dari guru dan teman tentang setiap yang

dia sampaikan dalam kerja kelompok,‖



―Siswa berdiskusi mengenai recount text

menggunakan tekhnik think, pair,share.‖

―Siswa berdiskusi dengan teman

sebangkunya mengenai recount text.‖

―Siswa mempresentasikan hasil diskusi di


Penutupan Bersama-sama dengan peserta didik

membuat rangkuman/kesimpulan

Melakukan penilaian dan/atau

refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


Memberikan umpan balik terhadap

proses dan hasil pembelajaran.

Diadakan Tes Tulis terhadap siswa

Memberikan tugas individu sebagai

pekerjaan rumah.

Doa Tutup.

15 Menit

H. Penilaian

No. Criteria Rating Score Comments



Pause 5 The overall speech sounds




There is only one to five

significantly non-native

phonological hesitations.


Speech has no too many long

pauses, and does not sound



Speech may have several

long pauses, but not



Long utterances have several

long pauses.

No. Criteria Rating Score Comments

2. Speech Rate


Utterance exhibits smooth

native-like rhythm and



Utterance has acceptable

rhythm, with appropriate

phrasing and word emphasis.


Speech has acceptable speed,

but may be somewhat uneven.


Speech may be uneven or

somewhat staccato.

1 Speech is slow and has

irregular phrasing or sentence



3. Repair 5 No repair

4 <4 words

3 <8 words

2 <12 words

1 >16 words

No Criteria Rating Score Comments

4. Disfluent



No more than one hesitation,

repetitions, false start, or non-

native phonological



Utterances have no more five

hesitations, repetitions or false



Long utterances may exhibit

some hesitations; but most

words are spoken in

continuous phrases. There are

several repetitions or false

starts per utterance.



Utterance (if >= 6 words) has

at least one smooth 3-words

run, and there are several

hesitations, repetitions or false



Poor phrasing, staccato or

syllabic timing, multiple

hesitations, many repetitions

or false starts render the

spoken performance notably

uneven or


Total 20



Guru Pembimbing Mata Pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris,

Siti Nurma Khoirunnisa, S.Pd

NIP: 198009132003122001

Jakarta, 2018


Dede Rahmawati

NIM: 1113014000050



Satuan Pendidikan : MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Smester : VIII/II ( dua )

Tema : Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan pengalaman yang

terjadi pada masa lampau

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 ―Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.‖

KI 2 ―Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab,

peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dal;am berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan


KI 3 ―Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya

terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.‖

KI 4 ―Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis,

membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang

dipelajari di sekolah dan suimber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.‖

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapain Kompetensi

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi Internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat


2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.


3.11 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan

fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.13 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang

tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau, dengan

memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang

benar dan sesuai konteks

4.14 Menangkap makna teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana,

tentang kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa.

4.15 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang

kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah diberikan recount text siswa mampu:

Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan


Mengidentifikasi struktur teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan tepat

Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dalam teks berdasarkan teks yang

diberikan dengan tepat.

Menyusun teks recount tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks lisan dan tulis menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau

Fungsi Sosial : menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di masa


Struktur Teks :

1. Orientation: Menyebutkan tindakan/ peristiwa/kejadian secara umum


2. Event: Menyebutkan urutan tindakan/ kejadian/peristiwa secara

kronologis, dan runtut

3. Re-orientation: Jika perlu, ada kesimpulan umum.

Unsur Kebahasaan:

1. Penyebutan kata benda dan kata ganti orang ketiga (pronoun): He, She,


2. Menggunakan Simple Past Tense: we went to school yesterday.

3. Menggunakan chronological connection: then, first, second.

4. Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan c etak yang jelas dan rapi

5. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan


Peristiwa, kejadian, pengalaman yang tak terlupakan yang terjadi di sekolah,

rumah, dan masyarakat sekitar siswa.

E. Metode Pembelajaran

a. Scientific Approach

b. Number Head Together

1. Media, alat dan sumber pelajaran

1. Media: a. Power Point

2. Alat/bahan: a. Laptop

b. Proyektor

3. Sumber Pembelajaran

a. Kasihani KE. Suyanto.2005.English in Context SMP/MTs Grade IX.

Jakarta: Bailmu.



c. Google Images

d. Youtube Video


2. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan ―Persiapan psikis dan fisik membuka

pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan

berdoa bersama‖

Guru melakukan tahap apersepsi dengan

memberikan stimulus mengenai materi

yang akan diajarkan

―Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran‖

―Menyampaikan secara singkat garis

besar materi yang akan disajikan selama


―Menyambungkan materi sekarang

dengan materi sebelumnya‖

15 Menit

Inti Mengamati

Siswa mendengarkan/ menonton

contoh recount teks yang diberikan

oleh guru,

―Siswa membaca dan mengamati

contoh recount teks untuk memahami

makna dan bentuk kalimat tersebut,‖

Siswa mengidentifikasi teks

recounttersebut dan menyebutkan

50 Menit


generic structure dari recount teks

dalam contoh tersebut,


Siswa mempertanyakan tentang generic

structure yang ada dalam recount teks dan

bertanya tentang simple past tense


Siswa membaca contoh teks recount

tentang kegiatan, kejadian, dan

peristiwa dari berbagai sumber lain.

Siswamencoba mengidentifikasi

generic structure dan pola kalimat

simple past tense dari contoh yang

diberikan oleh guru.

Siswa mencari jawaban yang guru

berikan bersama teman kelompoknya.


Siswa dibuat kelompok, masing-

masing kelompok terdiri dari 5 siswa

menggunakan tekhnik number head



Siswa bersama-sama dengan teman

kelompoknya berdiskusi tentang

pertanyaan yang guru berikan


mengenai recount text.

Siswa mempresentasikan jawaban dari

recount text tersebut.

Penutupan ―Bersama-sama dengan siswamembuat


―Melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi

terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


―Memberikan umpan balik terhadap

proses dan hasil pembelajaran.‖

Doa Tutup.

15 Menit


No. Criteria Rating Score Comments

1. Pause 5

The overall speech sounds



There is only one to five

significantly non-native

phonological hesitations.


Speech has no too many long

pauses, and does notsound



Speech may have several

long pauses, but not



Long utterances have several

long pauses.


No. Criteria Rating Score Comments

2. Speech Rate 5

Utterance exhibits smooth

native-like rhythm and phrasing.


Utterance has acceptable

rhythm, with appropriate

phrasing and word emphasis.


Speech has acceptable speed,

but may be somewhat uneven.


Speech may be uneven or

somewhat staccato.


Speech is slow and has irregular

phrasing or sentence rhythm.

3. Repair 5 No repair

4 <4 words

3 <8 words

2 <12 words

1 >16 words

No Criteria Rating Score Comments

4. Disfluent

Syllable 5

No more than one hesitation,

repetitions, false start, or non-

native phonological



Utterances have no more five

hesitations, repetitions or false



Long utterances may exhibit some

hesitations; but most words are

spoken in continuous phrases.

There are several repetitions or

false starts per utterance.



Utterance (if >= 6 words) has at

least one smooth 3- word run, and

there are several hesitations,

repetitions or false starts.


Poor phrasing, staccato or syllabic

timing, multiple hesitations, many

repetitions or false starts render

the spoken performance notably

uneven or discontinuous

Total 20

Score =

Mengetahui, Jakarta, 2018

Guru Pembimbing Mata Pelajaran Mahasiswa,

Bahasa Inggris,

Siti Nurma Khoirunnisa, S.Pd Dede Rahmawati

NIP: 198009132003122001 NIM: 1113014000050



Satuan Pendidikan : MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Smester : VIII/II ( dua )

Tema : Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan pengalaman yang

terjadi pada masa lampau

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 ―Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.‖

KI 2 ―Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung

jawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri,

dal;am berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.‖

KI 3 ―Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak


KI 4 ―Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan

membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung,

menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di

sekolah dan suimber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.‖


B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapain Kompetensi

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar komunikasi Internasional yang diwujudkan

dalam semangat belajar.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan

bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional

dengan guru dan teman.

3.11 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk

melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan

tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau, sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.13 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan

tentang tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

4.14 Menangkap makna teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, tentang kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa.

4.15 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana,

tentang kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah diberikan recount text siswa mampu:

Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks berdasarkan teks yang

diberikan dengan tepat

Mengidentifikasi struktur teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan

dengan tepat

Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dalam teks berdasarkan teks

yang diberikan dengan tepat.

Menyusun teks recount tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar.


D. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks lisan dan tulis menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau

Fungsi Sosial : menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di

masa lalu

Struktur Teks :

1. Orientation: Menyebutkan tindakan/ peristiwa/kejadian

secara umum

2. Event: Menyebutkan urutan tindakan/ kejadian/peristiwa

secara kronologis, dan runtut

3. Re-orientation: Jika perlu, ada kesimpulan umum.

Unsur Kebahasaan:

1. Penyebutan kata benda dan kata ganti orang ketiga

(pronoun): He, She, Rio

2. Menggunakan Simple Past Tense: we went to school


3. Menggunakan chronological connection: then, first, second.

4. Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi

5. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan

secara lisan


Peristiwa, kejadian, pengalaman yang tak terlupakan yang terjadi di

rumah,masyarakat sekitar dan ketika belajar disekolah.


E. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Scientific Approach

2. Presentation

F. Media, alat dan sumber pelajaran

1. Media: a. Power Point

2. Alat/bahan: a. Laptop

b. Proyektor

3. Sumber Pembelajaran

Kasihani KE. Suyanto.2005.English in Context SMP/MTs

Grade IX. Jakarta: Bailmu.


Google Images

Youtube Video

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan ―Persiapan psikis dan fisik membuka

pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan

berdoa bersama‖

―Guru melakukan tahap apersepsi dengan

memberikan stimulus mengenai materi

yang akan diajarkan‖



―Menyambungkan materi sekarang dengan

materi sebelumnya‖

Inti Mengamati

Siswa mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang

tugas yang akan diberikan mengenai recount


Siswa membaca dan mengamati contoh

presentasi recount teks untuk memahami

makna dan bentuk dalam presentasi tersebut,

Siswa mengidentifikasi teks recountdalam

bentuk presentasitersebut dan menyebutkan

generic structure dari recount teks dalam

contoh tersebut,


Siswa mempertanyakan tentang generic

structure yang ada dalam recount teks dalam

presentasi tersebut


Siswa mencoba mengidentifikasi generic

structure dan pola kalimat simple past tense

dari contoh presentasi dari kelompok lain

yang sudah dikerjakan dalam pertemuan



Siswa bersama-sama mengidentifikasi



kalimat recount teks sesuai dengan generic

structure (orientation, event, reorientation)

dalam presentasi tersebut


Siswaberdiskusi dengan teman

kelompoknya mengenai presentasi recount

teks yang akan mereka presentasikan

Siswa mempresentasikan hasil karya mereka

mengenai recount text bersama


Penutupan Bersama-sama dengan siswa membuat


Melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi

terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran.

Memberikan tugas individu berupa

membuat paragraph tentang recount teks

mengenai kejaidian yang tidak pernah akan


Doa Tutup.



H. Penilaian

No. Criteria Rating Score Comments




The overall speech sounds



There is only one to five

significantly non-




Speech has no too many

long pauses, and does

notsound staccato.


Speech may have several

long pauses, but



Long utterances have

severallong pauses.

No. Criteria Rating Score Comments

2. Speech Rate 5 Utterance exhibits smooth

native- like rhythm and



4 Utterance has acceptable

rhythm, with appropriate

phrasing and word emphasis.

3 Speech has acceptable speed,

but may be somewhat


2 Speech may be uneven or

somewhat staccato.

1 Speech is slow and has

irregular phrasing or sentence


3. Repair 5 No repair

4 <4 words

3 <8 words

2 <12 words

1 >16 words


No Criteria Rating Score Comments

4. Disfluent



No more than one hesitation,

repetitions, false start, or

non-native phonological



Utterances have no more

five hesitations, repetitions

or false starts.


Long utterances may exhibit

some hesitations; but most

words are spoken in

continuous phrases. There

are several repetitions or

false starts per utterance.


Utterance (if >= 6 words)

has at least one smooth 3-

word run, and there are

several hesitations,

repetitions or false starts.



Poor phrasing, staccato or

syllabic timing, multiple

hesitations, many repetitions

or false starts render the

spoken performance notably

uneven or


Total 20



Guru Pembimbing Mata Pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris,

Siti Nurma Khoirunnisa, S.Pd

NIP: 198009132003122001

Jakarta, 2018


Dede Rahmawati

NIM: 1113014000050



Appendix 2



Satuan Pendidikan : MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Smester : VIII/II ( dua )

Tema : Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan pengalaman yang

terjadi padamasa lampau

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung

jawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri,

dal;am berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

KI 3 Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak


KI 4 Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan

membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung,

menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di

sekolah dan suimber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapain Kompetensi

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar komunikasi Internasional yang diwujudkan

dalam semangat belajar.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan

bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional

dengan guru dan teman.

3.11 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk

melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan

tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau, sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.13 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan

tentang tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah diberikan recount text siswa mampu:

Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks berdasarkan teks yang

diberikan dengan tepat

Mengidentifikasi struktur teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan

dengan tepat

Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dalam teks berdasarkan teks

yang diberikan dengan tepat.

Menyusun teks recount tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks lisan dan tulis menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau


Fungsi sosial

Menyatakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu


Untuk menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman

Struktur teks

Where were your brothers a few minutes ago?

They were at home.

What did you do after school yesterday?

I took a rest.

Where did they spend their last holiday?

They went to Bali

Unsur kebahasaan

Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, kosakata (kata tanya: when,

where, while, kata penghubung before, after) dan tata bahasa

(simple past tense),

Uraian tindakan dalam Past Tense: Simple , woke, took, went,

got, did, had.

Pola kalimat Past Tense:

Tanpa kata kerja

Subject Kata kerja


/ To be




Was Sad She




You Were Happy




Dengan Kata kerja

Subject Verb


Object Adv. Of time


visited Borobudur

Last year

She A year ago

He Last two days

It Two days ago

You Yesterday

We Last Monday

They Last sunday

Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, at last,

finally, dsb.

Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk waktu: yesterday, last

month, on Monday, an hour ago, immediately, dsb.

Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi

Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara



Peristiwa, kejadian, pengalaman yang tak terlupakan yang terjadi di sekolah,

rumah, dan masyarakat sekitar siswa.

E. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Scientific Approach

2. Audio-Lingual Method

F. Media, alat dan sumber pelajaran

1. Media: a. Power Point


2. Alat/bahan: a. Laptop

b. Proyektor

3. Sumber Pembelajaran

e. Kasihani KE. Suyanto.2005.English in Context SMP/MTs

Grade IX. Jakarta: Bailmu.



g. Google Images

h. Youtube Video

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan Persiapan psikis dan fisik membuka

pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan

berdoa bersama

Guru melakukan tahap apersepsi dengan

memberikan stimulus mengenai materi

yang akan diajarkan

Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

Menyampaikan secara singkat garis besar

materi yang akan disajikan selama


Menyambungkan materi sekarang dengan



materi sebelumnya

Inti Mengamati

Siswa mendengarkan/ menonton contoh

simple past tense dan recount teks yang

diberikan oleh guru,

Siswa membaca untuk memahami makna dan

bentuk kalimat terdapat dalam teks recount

tentang kegiatan, kejadian, dan peristiwa,

Siswa mengidentifikasi kata kerja bentuk

kedua yang biasa dipakai dalam teks recount,

Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa

mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kalimat yang

termasuk dalam teks recount.


Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa

mempertanyakan tentang simple past tense

dan teks recount.


Siswa membaca contoh teks recount tentang

kegiatan, kejadian, dan peristiwa dari

berbagai sumber lain.

Siswa Siswa mencoba menemukan kalimat

menggunakan simple past tense yang

terdapat pada bacaan.




Siswa bersama-sama dengan kelompoknya

mengulang mengucapkan kata kerja bentuk

kedua dan membuat kalimat past tense.

Siswa menanyakan balikan (feedback) dari



Siswa mengulang kata kerja bentuk kedua

dan rumus past tense yang sudah diajarkan

oleh guru

Siswa mempresentasikan jawaban soal yang

diberikan oleh guru.

Penutupan Bersama-sama dengan peserta didik

membuat rangkuman/kesimpulan

Melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi

terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran.

Memberikan tugas individu sebagai

pekerjaan rumah.

Doa Tutup.



H. Penilaian

1. Jenis/Teknik Penilaian

a. Observasi Proses Pembelajaran

b. Laporan Tugas (Individu/Kelompok)

2. Bentuk Instrumen dan Instrumen

a. Observasi Proses Pembelajaran

No. Nama


Aspek yang diamati

Jumlah Nilai






Aktivitas Kerjasama




b. Laporan Tugas (Individu/Kelompok)

No. Nama Siswa/


Aspek yang dinilai

Jumlah Nilai

Akhir Kerapihan KetepatanWaktu Kesesuaian Isi


3. Pedoman Penskoran:

Keterangan Skor:

Masing-masing kolom diisi dengan


4 = Baik Sekali

3 = Baik

2 = Cukup

1 = Kurang

∑ Skor perolehan

Nilai = X 100

Skor Maksimal

Kriteria Nilai

A = 80 – 100 : Baik Sekali

B = 70 – 79 : Baik

C = 60 – 69 : Cukup

D = ... <60 : Kurang


Guru Pembimbing Mata Pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris,

Siti Nurma Khoirunnisa, S.Pd

NIP: 198009132003122001

Jakarta, 9 April 2018


Dede Rahmawati

NIM: 1113014000050



Satuan Pendidikan : MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Smester : VIII/II ( dua )

Tema : Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan pengalaman yang

terjadi padamasa lampau

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung

jawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri,

dal;am berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

KI 3 Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak


KI 4 Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan

membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung,

menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di

sekolah dan suimber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapain Kompetensi

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar komunikasi Internasional yang diwujudkan

dalam semangat belajar.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan

bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional

dengan guru dan teman.

3.11 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk

melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan

tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau, sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.13 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan

tentang tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

4.14 Menangkap makna teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, tentang kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa.

4.15 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana,

tentang kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah diberikan recount text siswa mampu:

Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks berdasarkan teks yang

diberikan dengan tepat

Mengidentifikasi struktur teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan

dengan tepat

Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dalam teks berdasarkan teks

yang diberikan dengan tepat.

Menyusun teks recount tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar.


D. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks lisan dan tulis menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau

Fungsi Sosial : menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di

masa lalu

Struktur Teks :

1. Orientation: Menyebutkan tindakan/ peristiwa/kejadian

secara umum

2. Event: Menyebutkan urutan tindakan/ kejadian/peristiwa

secara kronologis, dan runtut

3. Re-orientation: Jika perlu, ada kesimpulan umum.

Unsur Kebahasaan:

1. Penyebutan kata benda dan kata ganti orang ketiga

(pronoun): He, She, Rio

2. Menggunakan Simple Past Tense: we went to school


3. Menggunakan chronological connection: then, first, second.

4. Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan c etak yang jelas dan rapi

5. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan

secara lisan


Peristiwa, kejadian, pengalaman yang tak terlupakan yang terjadi di

sekolah, rumah, dan masyarakat sekitar siswa.


E. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Scientific Approach

2. Substitution Drill (Menggantikan satu kata dengan kata


F. Media, alat dan sumber pelajaran

1. Media: a. Power Point

2. Alat/bahan: a. Laptop

b. Proyektor

3. Sumber Pembelajaran

a. Kasihani KE. Suyanto.2005.English in Context SMP/MTs

Grade IX. Jakarta: Bailmu.



c. Google Images

d. Youtube Video

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan Persiapan psikis dan fisik membuka

pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan

berdoa bersama

Guru melakukan tahap apersepsi dengan

memberikan stimulus mengenai materi



yang akan diajarkan

Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

Menyampaikan secara singkat garis besar

materi yang akan disajikan selama


Menyambungkan materi sekarang dengan

materi sebelumnya

Inti Mengamati

Siswa mendengarkan/ menonton contoh

recount teks yang diberikan oleh guru,

Siswa membaca dan mengamati contoh

recount teks untuk memahami makna dan

bentuk kalimat tersebut,

Siswa mengidentifikasi teks recount tersebut

dan menyebutkan generic structure dari

recount teks dalam contoh tersebut,


Siswa mempertanyakan tentang generic

structure yang ada dalam recount teks

dan bertanya tentang simple past tense

Siswa menanya tentang perubahan kata

kerja bentuk kedua kepada guru


Siswa membaca contoh teks recount tentang

kegiatan, kejadian, dan peristiwa dari



berbagai sumber lain.

Siswa mencoba mengidentifikasi generic

structure dan pola kalimat simple past tense

dari contoh yang diberikan oleh guru

Siswa mengidentifikasi perubahan dari kata

kerja bentuk pertama dan kata kerja bentuk



Siswa dibuat kelompok, masing-masing

kelompok ada 4 orang

Siswa bersama-sama menyusun kalimat

recount teks sesuai dengan generic structure

(orientation, event, reorientation) dan

menggantikan kata kerja bentuk pertama

menjadi kata kerja bentuk kedua


Siswa berdiskusi dengan teman

kelompoknya mengenai recount teks yang

harus mereka susun

Siswa mempresentasikan susunan kalimat

dari recount teks tersebut

Siswa bersama-sama mengulang perubahan

kata kerja bentuk pertama dan kata kerja

bentuk kedua dengan bimbingan guru


Penutupan Bersama-sama dengan siswa membuat


Melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi

terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran.

Memberikan tugas individu sebagai

pekerjaan rumah.

Doa Tutup.


H. Penilaian

a. Jenis/Teknik Penilaian

Observasi Proses Pembelajaran

b. Bentuk Instrumen dan Instrumen

c. Observasi Proses Pembelajaran

No. Nama


Aspek yang diamati

Jumlah Nilai













Keterangan Skor:

Masing-masing kolom diisi

dengan kriteria:

4 = Baik Sekali

3 = Baik

2 = Cukup

1 = Kurang

∑ Skor perolehan

Nilai = X 100

Skor Maksimal

Kriteria Nilai

A = 80 – 100 : Baik Sekali

B = 70 – 79 : Baik

C = 60 – 69 : Cukup

D = ... <60 : Kurang


Guru Pembimbing Mata Pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris,

Siti Nurma Khoirunnisa, S.Pd

NIP: 198009132003122001

Jakarta, 9 April 2018


Dede Rahmawati

NIM: 1113014000050



Satuan Pendidikan : MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Smester : VIII/II ( dua )

Tema : Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan pengalaman yang

terjadi padamasa lampau

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung

jawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri,

dal;am berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan

alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

KI 3 Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak


KI 4 Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan

membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung,

menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di

sekolah dan suimber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.


B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapain Kompetensi

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

bahasa pengantar komunikasi Internasional yang diwujudkan

dalam semangat belajar.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan

bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional

dengan guru dan teman.

3.11 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk

melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan

tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau, sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.13 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan

tentang tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau,

dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

4.14 Menangkap makna teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan

sederhana, tentang kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa.

4.15 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana,

tentang kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan

sesuai konteks.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah diberikan recount text siswa mampu:

Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks berdasarkan teks yang

diberikan dengan tepat

Mengidentifikasi struktur teks berdasarkan teks yang diberikan

dengan tepat

Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dalam teks berdasarkan teks

yang diberikan dengan tepat.

Menyusun teks recount tentang pengalaman dengan struktur teks

dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar.


D. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks lisan dan tulis menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang

dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau

Fungsi Sosial : menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di

masa lalu

Struktur Teks :

1. Orientation: Menyebutkan tindakan/ peristiwa/kejadian

secara umum

2. Event: Menyebutkan urutan tindakan/ kejadian/peristiwa

secara kronologis, dan runtut

3. Re-orientation: Jika perlu, ada kesimpulan umum.

Unsur Kebahasaan:

1. Penyebutan kata benda dan kata ganti orang ketiga

(pronoun): He, She, Rio

2. Menggunakan Simple Past Tense: we went to school


3. Menggunakan chronological connection: then, first, second.

4. Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan c etak yang jelas dan rapi

5. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan

secara lisan


Peristiwa, kejadian, pengalaman yang tak terlupakan yang terjadi di

sekolah, rumah, dan masyarakat sekitar siswa.

E. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Scientific Approach


2. Transformational Drill (mengubah kalimat dalam bentuk positif /

negative / introgative)

F. Media, alat dan sumber pelajaran

1. Media: a. Power Point

2. Alat/bahan: a. Laptop


3. Sumber Pembelajaran

a. Kasihani KE. Suyanto.2005.English in Context SMP/MTs Grade

IX. Jakarta: Bailmu.



c. Google Images

d. Youtube Video

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi


Pendahuluan Persiapan psikis dan fisik membuka

pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan

berdoa bersama

Guru melakukan tahap apersepsi dengan

memberikan stimulus mengenai materi

yang akan diajarkan

Menyambungkan materi sekarang dengan



materi sebelumnya

Inti Mengamati

Siswa mendengarkan perubahan kalimat dari

bentuk positive ke bentuk negative dan

seterusnya yang dicontohkan oleh guru

Siswa membaca dan mengamati perubahan

kalimat dari contoh recount teks yang

diberikan oleh guru

Siswa mengidentifikasi teks recount tersebut

dan menyebutkan generic structure dari

recount teks dalam contoh tersebut,


Siswa mempertanyakan tentang generic

structure yang ada dalam recount teks

Siswa menanya tentang perubahan

kalimat dari present tense ke past tense


Siswa mencoba mengidentifikasi generic

structure dan pola kalimat simple past tense dari

contoh yang diberikan oleh guru


Siswa bersama-sama mengidentifikasi

kalimat recount teks sesuai dengan generic

structure (orientation, event, reorientation)

dalam sentences tersebut



Siswa bersama-sama melihat perubahan pola

kalimat dari positive/negative/introgative


Siswa berdiskusi dengan teman

kelompoknya mengenai perubahan kalimat

di recount teks

Siswa bersama-sama mengulang secara lisan

perubahan dari kalimat

positive/negative/introgative recount text


Siswa mengulang secara lisan generic

structure dari recount text.

Siswa bersama-sama mengulang secara lisan

tentang kata kerja bentuk kedua yang ada

dalam recount text.

Penutupan Bersama-sama dengan siswa membuat


Melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi

terhadap kegiatan yang sudah


Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran.

Memberikan tugas individu berupa

membuat paragraph tentang recount teks

mengenai kejaidian yang tidak pernah akan




Doa Tutup.

H. Penilaian

a. Observasi Proses Pembelajaran

No. Nama


Aspek yang diamati

Jumlah Nilai






Aktivitas Kerjasama




b. Laporan Tugas (Individu/Kelompok)

No. Nama Siswa/


Aspek yang dinilai

Jumlah Nilai

Akhir Kerapihan KetepatanWaktu Kesesuaian Isi


4. Pedoman Penskoran:

Keterangan Skor:

Masing-masing kolom diisi dengan


4 = Baik Sekali

3 = Baik

2 = Cukup

1 = Kurang

∑ Skor perolehan

Nilai = X 100

Skor Maksimal

Kriteria Nilai

A = 80 – 100 : Baik Sekali

B = 70 – 79 : Baik

C = 60 – 69 : Cukup

D = ... <60 : Kurang


Guru Pembimbing Mata Pelajaran

Bahasa Inggris,

Siti Nurma Khoirunnisa, S.Pd

NIP: 198009132003122001

Jakarta, 9 April 2018


Dede Rahmawati

NIM: 1113014000050



Appendix 3


Hello Students, do you remember about your unforgettable moment in

your life?

I am going to ask you about yourunforgettable moment in your life.

It can be your happy or sad moment.

You must tell me your experience about yourunforgettable moment in

your life.

Use recount text form when you tell your story.

I will recording it and assess your speaking fluency.

Before that, I will give you 10 minutes for preparation. I give you time to

think and remember your experience.

After this, we do our interview.



Appendix 4


Hello Students, do you remember about your first social media?

I am going to ask you about your first social media.

You must tell me your experience about your first social media.

Use recount text form when you tell your story.

I will recording it and assess your speaking fluency.

Before that, I will give you 10 minutes for preparation. I give you time to

think and remember your experience.

After this, we do our interview.



Appendix 5


Students Pre-test Post-test Gained Score

S1 30 60 30

S2 45 60 15

S3 75 80 5

S4 65 80 15

S5 85 90 5

S6 75 95 20

S7 20 80 60

S8 45 50 5

S9 65 75 10

S10 65 85 20

S11 55 65 10

S12 60 70 10

S13 80 90 10

S14 75 95 20

S15 65 85 20

S16 65 80 15

S17 55 85 30

S18 40 60 20

S19 40 50 10

S20 55 60 5


S21 70 75 5

S22 55 80 25

S23 65 70 5

S24 75 85 10

S25 65 70 5

Mean 47.5 65 17.5



Appendix 6


Students Pre-test Post-test Gained Score

S1 50 70 20

S2 65 80 15

S3 40 50 10

S4 45 65 20

S5 40 45 5

S6 70 75 5

S7 40 50 10

S8 80 90 10

S9 50 70 20

S10 45 50 5

S11 55 65 10

S12 45 60 15

S13 55 65 10

S14 80 95 15

S15 60 65 5

S16 55 70 15

S17 35 45 10

S18 65 70 5

S19 35 45 10

S20 45 60 15


S21 60 65 5

S22 50 60 10

S23 55 60 5

S24 80 85 5

S25 40 45 5

Mean 45 57.5 12.5



Appendix 7


No. Criteria Rating Score Comments




The overall speech sounds



There is only one to five

significantly non-




Speech has no too many

long pauses, and does

notsound staccato.


Speech may have several

long pauses, but



Long utterances have

severallong pauses.

No. Criteria Rating Score Comments

2. Speech Rate 5 Utterance exhibits smooth

native- like rhythm and



4 Utterance has acceptable

rhythm, with appropriate

phrasing and word emphasis.

3 Speech has acceptable speed,

but may be somewhat


2 Speech may be uneven or

somewhat staccato.

1 Speech is slow and has

irregular phrasing or sentence


3. Repair 5 No repair

4 <4 words

3 <8 words

2 <12 words

1 >16 words


No Criteria Rating Score Comments

4 Disfluent Syllable


No more than one


repetitions, false start, or

non-native phonological



Utterances have no more

five hesitations, repetitions

or false starts.


Long utterances may exhibit

some hesitations; but most

words are spoken in

continuous phrases. There

are several repetitions or

false starts per utterance.


Utterance (if >= 6 words)

has at least one smooth 3-

word run, and there are

several hesitations,

repetitions or false starts.

Poor phrasing, staccato or



syllabic timing, multiple

hesitations, many repetitions

or false starts render the

spoken performance notably

uneven or




Appendix 8

References Examination Paper






Appendix 9

Letter of Official Statement of Advisor




Appendix 10

Letter of Official Statement of the School


Appendix 11 APPENDIX 11


Experiment Class (Pre-Test)

a. High Score

Teacher: Hallo

Student 5: Hallo

Teacher: What is your name?

Student 5: My name is Vianda

Teacher: Vianda, tell me about your unforgettable moment

Student 5: My unforgettable moment when I was in ten in.. my elementary school

in Annajah, I attend when I was six years old. I want to tell when I was sixth

grade. I was so nervous because I want to followed the national final exam. And

then after that I follow the… exam. And then a.. we are exercise. A.. next a..

today it‘s time to.. for know our score of when national final exam. And I got

27.6, I‘m so happy and I call my parents.. And I registered to Mts.

Teacher: Okay, and why you didn‘t choose Annajah for your junior high school?

Student 5: I don‘t know but… I feel eehmmm I don‘t like Annajah I don‘t know


Teacher: So, did you choose Mts because of your parents or yourself?

Student 5: By myself

Teacher: Ok, thank you.

b. Middle Score

Teacher: Hello

Student 15: Hello

Teacher: Good Morning


Student 15: Good Morning

Teacher: What is your name?

Student 15: My name s Putri Amanda

Teacher: Ok, What can I call you?

Student 15: Puti

Teacher: Ok Putri, tell me about your unforgettable moment

Student15: When …. (laughing) that… first time I like K-POP . . . . (laughing)

Teavher: Ok… how?

Student 15: My cousing like eee.. K-POP too and I ….. eeee I….. playing with her

so I like K-POP too

Teacher: Ok, so you like K-POP because of your cousin

Student 15: Ya

Teacher: What did you feel about K-POP? When the first time you saw it

Student 15: The first time I saw it I feel.. eee.. wow gitu… wow.. wow…

(laughing) because I… I…. apa ya… I like his voice

Teacher: What kind of Boyband do you like?

Student 15: eee for the first time I like Super Junior

Teacher: and now?

Student 15: eee so many hehehe (laughing)

Teacher: Mentions 3 K-POP band that you like

Student 15: eeee NCT, BTS, EXO ….. dah

Teacher: Ok, Thank you

c. Low Score

Teacher: Hallo

Student 7: Hallo


Teacher: What is your name?

Student 7: Rifki Romadhon

Teacher: What can I call you?

Student 7: Rifki

Teacher: Rifki, tell me about your unforgettable moment

Student7: … hhmmm … aduh.. the first . the first . the first a…. going to the

…… going to the….. hehe.. ….. going to the … the school I enjoy …. …. ….

a…. the forget….. the forget in school … the forget in school… moment ….

Teacher: And then?

Student 7: and.. and… and.. and.. udah

Teacher: eee you want to tell me about your first day of school?

Student7: yes

Teacher: ok, and then?

Student 7: ………..

Teacher: you went to school with your friend? Or….

Student7: yes

Teacher: what did you do in the first day of school?

Student 7: Bagas

Teacher: What?

Student7: Bagas

Teacher: So your first friend is Bagas

Student 7: Ya

Teacher: So what did you do in the first day of school?

Student 7: in the… apa sih… in the home… in….. ….. ….. …. …..

Teacher: So finally, you did the ―mos‖ and recited Al-qur‘an with your friend and

then you studied in the classroom… ?


Student 7: yes

Teacher: ok, thank you

Experiment Class (Post-Test)

a. High Score

Teacher: Hallo

Student 6: Hallo

Teaher: what is your name?

Student 6: my name is Ahmad Zaki

Teacher: Ok, tell me about the first time you made social media

Student 6: Five years ago, I made ee my first social media. Facebook is my first

social media. I made facebook along with my friend. And… I, I still use my

facebook until now but in in little bit space. And now I use instagram.

Teacher: Why do you use instagram?

Student 6: because I have many friends in Instagram

Teacher: ok, thank you

b. Middle Score

Teacher: Hallo

Student 23: Hallo

Teacher: How are you?

Student 23: I‘m fine thank you

Teacher: What‘s your name?

Student 23: My name is Selvia Anggraini

Teacher: Ok Selvi, tell me about your unforgettable moment


Student 23: eee I want to tell you about my unforgettable moment. I go to Jogja

that time the first time. I go to villas with my mother and my aunt. I went ….

(laughing).. I went there see my brother….. (pausing)

Teacher: so, your brother in Jogja ..

Student 25: Yes. I am… I am…. I am… So happy.. eeeeee and apa sih..


Teacher: When did you go to Jogja?

Student 25: eeee class two… seven class

Teacher: in the Seventh grade?

Student 25: ee ya

Teacher: Then?

Student 25: jalan-jalan, udah

Teacher: Ok, thank you

c. Low Score

Teacher: Hallo, what is your name?

Student 19: My name is Putri Kalisa

Teacher: Putri Kalisa, tell me about the first time you made social media

Student 19: Four years ago eeeee my friend eeeee making facebook account. Her

name is Amalia. Eeeeeee at the….. at the time I did not… understand to use it. My

friend taught me how to use it. eee I went to.. I view two… two years later I tried

to use it, but until now… I never.. never ………. (long pausing)

Teacher: You never use your facebook

Student 19: I never use my facebook acoount again.

Teacher: So, what social media that you use, now?

Student 19: hah?

Teacher: So, what social media that you use, now?


Student 19: …….. (?)

Teacher: what social media that you use, now?

You said that you never use your facebook

Student 19: ..... Instagram

Teacher: Ok, thank you


Control Class (Pre-Test)

a. High Score

Teacher: Hallo

Student 14: Hallo

Teacher: What is your name?

Student 14: Syifa

Teacher: What is your full name?

Student 14: Syifa Sabrina

Teacher: ok, Syifa tell me about your unforgettable moment

Student 14: My unforgettable moment is when Alfaro come to Indonesia

Teacher: Wait, can you speak louder?

Student 14: When Alfaro come to Indonesia

Teacher: Who is Alfaro?

Student 14: Model from Spain and especially Bali. I was tweet… I was tweeted

for him and he noticed me. That was my first time he notice me

Teacher: ok

Student 14: And I was shaking hehe my heart is beating fast

Teacher: Where did you meet him?

Student 14: I don‘t meet him

Teacher: Oh he just replied your tweet

Student14: Ya and he.. he retweet my tweet

Teacher: So how did you feel at that time?

Student 14: speechless and.. and.. my heart is beating fast

Teacher: so you like aaaaaa (screaming)


Student14: ya I screaming so hard

Teacher: do you still send a tweet for him until now?

Sudent 14: no

Teacher: do still like him?

Student14: yeah, always

Teacher: do you have anything to tell me about?

Student14: No

Teacher: ok, thank you

b. Middle Score

Teacher: What is your name?

Student 4: Alifia

Teacher: Ok Alifia tell me about your unforgettable moment

Student 4: emmh when I was.. when I was apa ya.. when I was four, four years old

I saw my dad is playing badminton

Teacher: ok, where?

Sudent 4: at… apa.. court

Teacher: then?

Student 4: (Laughing) I feel like.. I fell like oooh that was interesting

Teacher: So you interested with badminton after that

Student 4: yes, and I tried to play badminton with.. raket

Teacher: with your dad?

Student 4: he eh. I was like I falling like one hundred times

Teacher: oh really? Was it hurt?

Student 4: yea


Teacher: and then?

Student 4: hmm I … pernah waktu itu

Teacher: you ever..

Student 4: ya, I‘m ever tried to play badminton with my friend but it‘s too windy

so I can not play badminton and I‘m crying

Teacher: So you cried because you couldn‘t play badminton

Student4: yaaa

Teacher: ok, thank you

c. Low Score

Teacher: Hallo

Student 19: Hallo

Teacher: How are you?

Student 19: I am fine, thank you

Teacher: what is your name?

Student 19: My name is Lila Aprilia

Teacher: What can I call you?

Student 19: Lila

Teacher: So Lila, tell me about your unforgettable moment

Student 19: hmmmm I‘m … playing … bicycle

Teacher: So you played bicycle

Student 19: Yes

Teacher: When was it?

Student 19: eeee… hmmmm… kapan ya? Eeeeee …. Six years old

Teacher: Then what happened when you play bicycle?


Student 19: ….. …… ….. (long pause) …. Eeeeee ……

Teacher: did you fall down?

Student 19: ……. No

Teacher: No? ok, then?

Student 19: eeeeeemmm I‘m happy …. Apa ya

Teacher: did you play bicycle with your friend?

Student 19: yes, I did

Teacher: did you happy, afraid, or nervous?

Student 19: hmmmm I‘m nervous

Teacher: ok, thank you

Control Class (Post-test)

a. High Score

Teacher: Hallo

Student 14: Hallo

Teacher: What is your name?

Student 14: My name is Syifa

Teacher: Ok Syifa tell me the first time you made social media

Student14: The first time I made my social media is facebook. I made my first..

first social media.. the first social media that I made is facebook. The made using

my computer. I didn‘t make an…. email for register so I used random email. And

actually I made facebook account is for play the game that facebook has and my

favorite facebook game was Pet Society, but Pet Society has closed since 2013

Teacher: Do you still use your facebook?


Student14: Yes, I do

Teacher: Ok, Thank you

b. Middle Score

Teacher: Hallo

Student 2: Hallo

Teacher: What is your name?

Student 2: Rafi Iqbal

Teacher: What?

Student 2: Rafi Iqbal

Teacher: Ok Rafi,tell me the first time you made social media

Student 2: I.. first time I made social media when I got... my parents teach me aa

phone. And I download Whatsapp and Line to communicate. After that… eh after

two years I bought two.. two phones because the memory.. the memory is too


Teacher: and then?

Student 2: And then I downloaded Whatsapp, Line, and Instagram

Teacher: So.. what is the purpose of social media for you?

Student 2: for communicate and for… for…information

c. Low Score

Teacher: Hello

Student 19: Hello

Teacher: What is your name?

Student 19: My name is Lila Aprilia

Teacher: What?


Student 19: Liiila

Teacher: Ok, Lila tell me when the first time you msde social media

Student 19: eee the first time I made social media was BBM… (pausing) my

friend.. with my friend. Eeeee first… my first is email.. eee and then.. and then..

it‘s is so process eeee then eee (pausing)

Teacher: So do you still use your BBM?

Student 19: No

Teacher: So, what kind of social media that you use now?

Student 19: eee Whatsapp

Teacher: Do you have Instagram?

Student 19: Yes

Teacher: Ok, thank you


Appendix 12 APPENDIX 12


Pre-test and Post-test Interview




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