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By Rebecca LandesDavis Facilitator from April 2006 to June 2012

On the phone Dr. Moore told me of his 12-year-old grandson with many signs of ADHD. We talked about 20 minutes and I answered his questions about the Davis Program. I thought we had finished when Dr. Moore said, “One more thing – I have a 28 year old son in Pulaski Technical College. He’s flunking out and if he flunks again he’ll be dismissed.” He explained how Ian had been ‘kicked around’ in school, never receiving the help he needed. The schools had let him fall between the cracks, and now he was attempting to complete training in aerodynamic mechanics. Math was giving him the most trouble. After I answered all his questions about the two programs Dr. Moore said he’d think about it. Two days later he called and said he wanted Ian, and grandson, Tyler, to come for the initial consultation.


News & Feature Articles Don't Sell Yourself Short .........................1, 3-4Autism and the Seeds of Change ............. 1, 6Tick, Tock, Get Off the Clock ..................5, 20The Bird in the Window .........................5, 20Three Parts to a Word ............................7, 14School of None ................................... 12-14In The News ........................................ 18-20Another Davis Success Story ......................22

Regular FeaturesIn the Mail ..................................................2Q&A ......................................................8-11 Lazy Reader Book Club.........................15-17Famous Dyslexics Remember .....................21 New Davis Licensees ...........................23, 24 Davis Workshops .................................26, 27

(continued on page 3)

(continued on page 6)

The following Saturday Dr. Moore arrived with his daughter and grandson, Tyler; and Ian came as well. I invited them all into my office. Tyler bounced in and Ian left. I was told, “He needs some time.” After Tyler’s assessment, Ian came in, his head hung low. We talked a while. Since his father had made the arrangements, I asked Ian if he wanted help. He did. I started with a reading assessment. Ian read very fast and just ran right over the punctuation. He paused only when he had to take a breath. Even so, his comprehension was 90%. “The longer I read the words become blurry so I read fast trying to get as far as I can before they blur,” he explained. He also indicated that he had not even been aware of punctuation. Later, when the

DON’T SELL YOURSELF SHORT!The Journey of Ian Moore

blurring words and unseen punctuation were mentioned to Ian’s dad, he was surprised, because, “He’s never told me that.” Ian responded to the Symptoms Profile items simply with a number, not making comments. He explained that he

had spent most of his life listening, and that he didn’t talk much. After the assessment, when his dad and sister came in, Ian put his hat on and left. I wasn’t very comfortable discussing Ian with them without him present. Yet, it seemed that was the way it would be. Since it was essential that Ian not fail his classes again, I agreed to work around his class schedule, explaining that this would not be an optimal schedule. We would work on Fridays and Saturdays until he had

Autism and the Seeds of Change Achieving Full Participation in Life with the Davis Autism Approach

Abigail Marshall and Ronald D. DavisPublisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (October 24, 2012)ISBN-10: 1479373346 ISBN-13: 978-1479373345

Abigail Marshall and Ron Davis have written a wonderful book that is a must-read for anyone looking for a fresh approach to the understanding and treatment of autism. It is not a how-to guide, but rather a guide to understanding what the Davis Autism Approach® Program is all about.

The Davis approach to helping autistic individuals participate fully in

life comes from Ron Davis’ own experience. He was labelled a “Kanner’s baby” in infancy, and declared to be uneducably mentally retarded at age 12. Yet, he is now recognized as an educator, author, and creator of several break-through interventions including the Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program, the Davis Attention Mastery® Program, and now the



Ian with his Punctuation Mastery cards

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The Dyslexic Reader is published quarterly by Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI)1601 Bayshore Hwy., Suite 260, Burlingame, CA 94010 USA. Tel. +1 (650) 692-7141. OUR GOALS are to increase worldwide awareness about the positive aspects of dyslexia and related learning styles; and to present methods for improving literacy, education and academic success. We believe that all people’s abilities and talents should be recognized and valued, and that learning problems can be corrected. EDITORIAL BOARD: Laura Zink de Díaz, Alice Davis & Abigail Marshall. DESIGN: Michael Troller. SUBSCRIPTIONS: one year $25 in US, add $5 in Canada; add $10 elsewhere. BACK ISSUES: send $8.00 to DDAI. SUBMISSIONS & LETTERS: We welcome letters, comments and articles. Mail to DDAI at the above address. VIA FAX: +1 (650) 692-7075 VIA E-MAIL: [email protected] INTERNET:

The opinions and views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those of DDAI. Davis®, Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, Davis Math Mastery®, Davis Autism Approach®, Seed of Genius®, and Davis Learning Strategies® are trademarks of Ronald D. Davis. Copyright © 2012 by DDAI, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.

In The Mail

A simple letter does not seem enough to express how thankful we are that we were given your phone number. Our son, Connor, has excelled tremendously since coming under your care to learn through the Davis Program.

It’s been over a year since we’ve dealt with the constant daily frustration that accompanies dyslexia. After searching for help through a number of programs and private tutors for two years, we were referred to you and the Davis Program. That was also the time when we were at our wit’s end on how to help our son with his reading difficulties. This program pinpointed his specific weakness and offered tools to help him succeed. Connor has since made honor roll 4 trimesters in row after completing the program. This has far exceeded our expectations.

However, the best gift that Connor received was not that he has lifelong tools to help him overcome, but that his confidence level went from a three to an eight! That did not come from the program as much as it came from you. Connor has asked more than once if he could go to school at your house instead of down the street! You’ve truly impacted his life in such a positive way.

Thank you for your continued help whenever we need a boost!

Parents of a Discovering Dyslexia™ client


Joshua is nine, a third grader who repeated kindergarten because “he could not fit in and did not know any of his letters or sounds.” He had information and understanding that really astounded me, but he could not read—not cat, not the—nothing. Since the counseling, he has gone from a readiness level, through the Pre-Primers and Primers, to a grade equivalent of 1.8. His rapid success is most spectacular. Janet S., resource specialist

The results described by the students were astonishing. They not only overcame the inability to read, but also were confident, intelligent happy young people. Ruth M., Ph.D.former president, Laurence University


For 33 years dyslexia controlled me. Now I control it. Steve D., entrepeneur

With your help I increased both reading and spelling skills. Of equal or more importance, my feeling of self-worth has increased. Ray P., college student

Ron Davis’ program gave me something that years of therapies and remedial work could only hint at, but never really affect: correction and control, at will, of my learning disabilities. Betty J., M.S., educational therapist

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completed the Math Correction Program.The next Friday Ian and I settled in to work. He was very quiet. He asked no questions and answered mine with as few words as possible. He went through Orientation Counseling with no difficulty. It was actually difficult to get his mind's eye to go off point when reading. Ian made few mistakes other than not using punctuation marks. Each time I said, “Let’s take a break,” Ian would don his hat and go out to smoke. Gone only briefly each time, upon returning he’d sit down at the table ready to work. He worked without comment. Occasionally I tried to make light conversation. Once when he was working on a clay figure I said, “If you want to talk you may, but you don’t have to.” He indicated again that he didn’t talk much. When I took pictures of Ian with his clay work he always looked very somber. Kidding, I suggested he could smile, to which he replied, “I never smile in pictures.”As with all procedures, Ian simply accepted all I said and did as I asked him to. Early in our work he began to use Release on his own, frequently. He checked his point and dial at appropriate times as well. For his Create-A-Word, Ian made a flycycle – a motorcycle that flies 200 miles an hour at a height of 15,000 feet. I wanted to know what type of clothing he’d wear to keep from freezing. Not answering, he just grinned. It was very uncomfortable for Ian to do Spell Reading: “it’s so slow.” Neither did he like Sweep-Sweep-Spell. Nonetheless, he dutifully did each exercise as requested. We actually went over these fairly fast in order to get to Picture at Punctuation, which would be very important for him to use when reading problems in math. Because Ian took very short breaks, by the end of the second day, we’d completed Picture at Punctuation – which he liked – so that he could use these tools during his next week of school. Essentially, Ian left at the end of the second day with all of the elements of the Reading Program completed. Even though he had come for a Math program, Ian really needed to go through the different elements of the reading program first. He agreed that this was vital if he was going reach his goals: (1) having a better grasp of word problems and

Ian! (continued from page 1) (2) better basic comprehension. The following Friday Ian was the first one in the door of my office and greeted me with more enthusiasm than he had the previous week. I asked how his week had gone. “Good.” I asked if he’d been able to use his tools. “Yes, it works.” Later that morning just as I was about to call for our first break, I smiled and told Ian, “I don’t want to be the cause of your smoking. When I say we should take

a break I don’t mean you have to go smoke.” He looked up and firmly said, “I quit. I stopped smoking on Monday.” I was so proud for him! He seemed quite proud of himself, too.

Ian had brought his textbooks with him. I thumbed through one to find a problem we could work on together so he could see how to use Picture at Punctuation. We found one he’d had difficulty with during class. Several terms were not familiar to me, so I asked him what they meant. He explained serveral terms to me, including CG, center of gravity. Using Picture at Punctuation, we worked through the problem. At the end, Ian looked pleased. He suddenly realized that he’d just explained the problem to me and did indeed understand it. Since we had covered the reading program elements, we did the Program Results Assessment. It was the early afternoon of his third program day. Ian was thoughtful and very confident as he answered the questions. When first naming the changes he had noticed about himself, he mentioned four. I asked if that was all. “Yes,” he replied thoughtfully. So I said, “Well, there is something I’ve noticed, but I won’t write it down since you didn’t mention it.” He wanted to know what I’d seen. “You’re smiling and laughing more.” He grinned and gave a little nod. As this was my first Math Program I was a little on the nervous side. I pointed this out to Ian, and he just smiled. He followed each exercise with solemn intent. When both multiplication and division were introduced he nodded

as he counted the clay balls and moved the clay rope. Throughout the Math Program I observed that Ian often made use of Release. When I asked if he was on point he always affirmed that he was. Once I made a mistake and he corrected me. I complimented him on recognizing the mistake. (Mainly, I was proud of him for having the courage to correct me.) Just before Ian left that afternoon, his dad asked me if Ian had told me how school had gone. “He said it went ‘good’,” I replied. Proudly, Dr. Moore filled me in. “He went from an F to a high C!” Ian soaked up everything as we moved through the Math Program. Often I’d ask him how one of the basic concepts related to what he was doing. He experienced a number of ah ha! moments. The placement of the decimal was a new concept for him and long division was very stressful. As we went over each step I could see it all becoming clear to him. We checked his answers on a calculator. He was openly pleased with his successes. I showed him how a remainder in long division is displayed as a decimal on his calculator. “Yeah.” he said. When we finished with division he commented at least twice, “Nobody has ever shown me that before.” Support training went well. Ian displayed a confidence that he definitely had not had that first day he walked into my office. I went over the program progress report which we had done following the basic program. He only had two things to add: “Things aren’t moving and I’m understanding better.” Ian

was confident that his goals had been met. A few weeks later as I was taking Ian’s nephew through an ADHD program I visited with Ian for a while. He had moved out of his parents’ home and was still doing well in school. The spring in his walk was observable as he talked of his plans for the following year – to finish

(continued on the next page)

He suddenly realized that he’d just explained the

problem to me and did indeed understand it.

Ian with his model contrasting the concepts order and disorder.

Student,Discouraged, Quiet,

Listening, Learning, Understanding,Knowledgeable, Wise,

Ian!Diamante poem by Rebecca Landes

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After Davis, Ian completed his Associate Science Degree in Aviation Mechanics and Technology. Then he began studying towards an Associate of Arts degree. Just a few weeks short of graduation he borrowed his dad’s car to travel to the northern part of the state for a job interview. He was pretty much promised the job. Returning the car, he visited with his dad a bit, and then left

on his motorcycle, heading for home. Just a mile down the road, a car, making an illegal turn, broadsided him. Following the wreck and his rehabilitation Ian was granted his

Associate of Arts degree a year late. After his graduation ceremony, he attended the ceremony of the Veterans of Upward Bound. He requested and was granted permission to speak. Slowly making his way across the stage with help of his cane and leaving his notes behind, he encouraged his class mates by telling them, “Don’t sell yourself short. You never know what you are capable of doing.” Not even Ian’s mother ever thought she’d see him get a college degree. And yet, he did. When asked how the Davis program had helped him, Ian said,

“The Davis Program was the best thing I ever did as far as helping me with school. It all made sense. It really does work. After the program I started enjoying school. I understood more. Work became easier to do. I took what I learned, applied it, and came out with my degree.”

As we visited, Ian‘s left arm remained in a sling. He’d lost all use of his muscles due to nerve damage resulting from the dislocation that had gone unnoticed for two months while more serious damage

was dealt with. Due to his multiple injuries he is classified as a tetraplegic. Realizing that he wouldn’t be able to work at his dream job, I asked Ian what he thought the future holds for him. Ian, the one who listened all his life, looked at me and confidently replied, “I want to be a motivational speaker.” I’m sure he will be! v

school and become employed with a certain company. Ian continued, “It is not the top paying place, but it will give me experience and I’ll have references from the largest plane parts packing company in the USA.” So, he had a vision for the future, appeared happy (smiling), and confident. To my delight, life appeared to be good for Ian.- - - - - - - - - - - - After his program in 2009, I didn’t see Ian for a very long time. Occasionally, I contacted Dr. Moore to ask if he’d be willing to speak with a potential client. Once, when I inquired about Ian, Dr. Moore sent a note:

Ian is still going to Pulaski Tech and seems to be continually improving in his studies. He actually likes going to school and is expanding his school interests. He seems to like Psychology and History and is planning to participate in a history course that will take him to England to study history. How's that for a change? - from a person who hated school to one who now enjoys it. Thanks!

In May of 2011, in contact again with Dr. Moore, I inquired about Ian. To my dismay Ian had been involved in a terrible motorcycle accident two months earlier.Knocked high into the air Ian’s neck was broken, his brain was medically decapitated, a leg was broken, as were several ribs which punctured his lungs, teeth were knocked out and his left shoulder was dislocated, although that injury wasn’t discovered until later. After 40 days in the hospital, which included seven surgeries on his neck, Ian had stabilized enough to be moved to a VA hospital to begin therapy. At first his parents were told he might not live; then, that he would never breathe on his own nor walk again. Now, in the VA hospital he was told he needed a goal. Pointing to the door he sputtered over his tracheotomy, “I will walk out that door.” And 102 days later he did just that! Fast forward to June of 2012, Tyler called to see if he and his grandparents could stop by, and the following week Ian, himself, came by on his way home from his first solo trip since the accident – a three hour drive to visit a couple of friends. Using a cane and wearing viburnum shoes for better traction

and stability, we walked to my office for a visit. Ian told of attending a meeting at the company where a friend workd. He went in his manual wheel chair and spoke to the staff for about 10 minutes, telling his story. Then he stood up and said, “Don’t sell yourself short.” During that visit I learned a lot more about this young man who didn’t like to talk and had spent his life listening, rather than talking... During his elementary school years Ian had been diagnosed with dyslexia and placed in resource classes. When he got to junior high, he was taken out of resource and put in regular classes. He found his classes confusing; he didn’t understand his subjects. Requests for help were ignored, and Ian fell farther behind. It seemed to him that teachers were more interested in helping “trouble makers and degenerates.” Frustrated and discouraged, Ian dropped out of school after the first semester of his senior year. Working with a landscaping company for a several years, Ian still wanted to complete his schooling. He attended classes in the evening and obtained his high school diploma equivalency. At 23 Ian joined the

Army and served 3 years in active duty as an infantryman. (“I was one of those guys that kick in doors.”) During a year in Iraq he saw several of his platoon members lose their lives. He carries

them with him every day: their names are tattooed on his back. As a result of his tour in Iraq, Ian suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It was after he was discharged from the army, that Ian began studying at Pulaski Tech in the Veterans Upward Bound program. This program helps veterans transition into class. And it was during that time that he sought help through the Davis Dyslexia Correction Math Program.

Ian! (continued from page 3)

Pointing to the doorhe sputtered over his tracheotomy, “I will walk out

that door.”

Not even Ian’s mother ever thought she’d see him get a

college degree. And yet, he did.

Ian, after his accident, well on his way to recovery!

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By Laura Zink de Díaz, Davis Facilitator, Bogotá Colombia

Review of The Gorilla in the Room, by Susan Ohanian

“"Everybody knows that the best times in teaching have always been the consequences of some little accident that happened to direct attention in some new way, to revitalize an old interest which has died out or to create a brand new interest that you hadn't had any notion about how to introduce. Suddenly, there it is. Thebirdfliesinthe window and that's the miracle you needed. Somebody once said about great discoveries in science, ‘Accidents happen to those that deserve them.’” David Hawkins philosopher of science

Susan Ohanian, my favorite critic of school reform, tells about a story she read in a book by Lisa Daners, M.D., Every Patient Tells a Story: Medical Mysteries and the Art of Diagnosis. Dr. Daners tells how she was invited to the Visual Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at Yale University to view a 30-second video of significance in the field of vision and attention. In the video she saw two teams, one dressed in white, the other in black. Each team had a basket ball. Dr. Danners was told to watch carefully and keep track of how many times the ball was passed between players. She was to keep a count of two kinds of passing: passing by bouncing and passing the ball overhead. Dr. Daners started watching the video intently, trying to keep track of both kinds of passes. At one point she got a little lost, but refocused, and after the video stopped, hoped that her counts weren’t too far off.

The interviewer made a note of her counts and then asked, “Did you notice anything unusual in the video?” No, like what? “Did you see a gorilla?” Definitely not! The video was then played again, but this time she was told not to bother to count passes, just to watch. About 18 seconds in someone in a gorilla suit strode into the room, walked into the middle of the frame, beat her chest like a cartoon gorilla and then left. This took 8 seconds out of the total 30 second video. And Dr. Daners didn’t see it at all during the first viewing!

(continued on page 20)

By Laura Zink de Díaz

Math anxiety isn’t the only reason to give up timed tests. According to Kyle Redford, writing in Education Week in late October of this year, limiting time during testing is a ‘false metric’. I wholeheartedly agree: we should be assessing students on the quality of the answers on their test papers, not on how quickly they produce them. Ms. Redford, a teacher in the San Francisco Bay Area, is also the education editor for the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity. One of her main concerns about timed testing is that the educational system doesn’t provide adequate opportunities for assessment to students who might have undiagnosed learning challenges. In order to qualify for the kinds of accomodations available to students with learning challenges, you must be assessed

and receive a diagnosis. However, unless a child’s grades are significantly lower than expected for her age, testing at school is unavailable. And testing through an independent company can be prohibitively expensive for most families. This leaves many who perhaps only need more time to complete tests, with no way to access that accomodation. Since so many children who have learning challenges go undiagnosed and must struggle to comply with the requirements applied to every student in the regular program, Redford believes that in our schools “the current system of supporting students in an equitable manner is broken.” Redford further points out that there is no “research that supports the idea that educators learn anything additional about students’ depth or breadth of knowledge by measuring how quickly they can recall answers or express what they have learned.” Educators could take a lesson from the way Davis Facilitators work with our clients. When our students work on the model of a trigger word or concept, how long it takes is irrelevant. The work takes as long as it takes. There are a few very clear rules about the quality of the product (it must be three dimensional,

recognizable, the client must be able to show or explain how the model represents all the aspects of meaning that the model is meant to illustrate), and our ‘assessment’ of the model is focused on those qualities, not at all on how long it took the client to create it. This is one of the aspects that most appealed to me when I studied to become a Davis Facilitator, in part because for several

years I worked that way with my public high school students. Although I agree with Kyle Redford’s point that time is a false metric, I would take her idea quite a bit further.

Eliminating time as a metric is a good idea for all students. In the mid-1990s, working at a public school where teachers were encouraged to innovate, I decided to change how I assessed the learning of my language students. I replaced almost all traditional tests with projects involving reading, writing, or speaking the language they were studying. Then, explaining that quality was more important to me than timeliness, I allowed my students to select their own project due dates from within a two-week period. Likewise, I turned the responsibility for the quality of their work over to the students by giving them a very specific set of parameters to follow for each project: no more guessing about

"Eliminating time as a metric improved quality, responsibility, motvation,

and general happiness in my students."

(continued on page 20)

The Bird in the Windowwe tend to see what

we expect to see, what we want to see, and

often miss details unrelated to what

we’re looking for.


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Orientation allows autistic individuals to begin perceiving the world as it really is, so that many of the things that were once overwhelming, such as sights, sounds, and tactile stimulations, no longer cause those feelings of confusion and distress that lead to the experience of being overwhelmed. In the second phase, identity development, the autistic individual is gently led through a series of experiences that allow her to learn about the world and her place in it. It is as if she were given the opportunity to start over and learn about the world through “normal” experiences, rather than through the perceptually inaccurate filter she had used the first time around. In this way she quickly (relatively speaking) has the

opportunity to go through the stages of development missed the first time around, developing new understandings, thoughts and behaviours. The third phase, social integration, assists the autistic individual to learn about relationships: how they work, and why they are important. While no behaviours are taught, behaviours change significantly as the individual grows and literally becomes a different person, one who is able to exit what Ron Davis refers to as the void of autism, and join his fellow human beings in the dance of life; to participate fully in life.

Davis Autism Approach Program. Just as Ron Davis journeyed out of the void of autism, he has now given us the means to assist others make that same journey. As with all Ron Davis’ work, the autism program is built on a new way of understanding the underlying cause of autism. He sees it not as a genetic flaw or a neurological problem, but as the result of impairment in integration. In this paradigm, autistic individuals do not perceive the world as non-autistic people do, and therefore do not take from their experiences what neurotypical people would. This in turn leads to understandings, thoughts, and behaviours that do not serve the autistic individual in his attempts to live in the real world and relate to the people in that world. The main difference in the Davis approach lies in the distinction between teaching behaviour and facilitating identity development. Davis Facilitators, people trained to use Davis methods, draw autistic individuals along through three distinct phases of development.In the first phase, orientation, the autistic individual is taught a procedure that allows his perceptions to be accurate. Feeling overwhelmed is a common phenomenon in the autistic world.

The Seeds of Change (continued from page 1)

I believe everyone who reads Autism and

the Seeds of Change will see autism differently, and will emerge with an exhilarating sense

of real hope.

Abigail Marshall has captured the essence of this journey exquisitely. Her ability to make the complex simple and clear is in full evidence. With the brilliance of Ron’s insights, and the clarity of Abigail’s writing, the reader is able to understand the underlying principles of this new approach to autism, and also grasp the reason why the methods work so unerringly to allow others to follow in Ron’s footsteps. The book explores the ties between the Davis discoveries and emerging scientific research into autism. Many case studies and examples bring the process to life. After reading this book, adults with Aperger’s Syndrome and parents of autistic children will have the information they need to decide if this approach is one they want to explore for themselves or their loved ones. Professionals will have the information they need to help them decide whether they want to look further into this unique perspective into autism. I believe everyone who reads Autism and the Seeds of Change will see autism differently, and will emerge with an exhilarating sense of real hope.

Cathy Dodge Smith, Ed. D.Davis Dyslexia Program FacilitatorDavis Autism Approach Facilitator/Coach v

Quotable QuotesI am thankful to all those who said no to me. It’s because of them I did it myself.

Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) often considered the Father of Modern Physics

Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.

Helen Keller (1880 – 1968) American author, politicalactivist,lecturerandthefirstdeafandblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree

Just as Ron Davis journeyed out of the

void of autism, he has now given us the means to assist

others make that same journey.

Orientation allows autistic individuals to begin perceiving

the world as it really is…


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3Three Parts to a Word – an Explanation from Brain Research

by Abigail Marshall

Davis Symbol Mastery — the modeling of words in clay – is based on the principle that each word has three parts: what it means, what it looks like, and how it sounds. When all three parts are fully understood and learned, the word is mastered. Brain research shows that all skilled readers make this connection, but the balance struck between sight, sound, and meaning may differ depending on the written form of language. In languages that are phonetically consistent, such as Italian, readers tend to rely first on letter-sound correspondence (phonology); whereas readers of a character-based alphabet, such as Chinese, rely more heavily on the correspondence between letter shape and meaning. English uses an alphabetic system but an orthography (spelling system) that is influenced largely by word meaning (morphology) — hence its irregularity in spelling. Here’s a good explanation, from noted researcher Uta Frith, as to how that impacts reading:

“Comparisons between Italian and English skilled readers have told us what the reading process is like in the mind and the brain. Skilled reading in both languages makes instant links between the sound, appearance and meaning of words. The brain does this by capitalizing on its evolutionary ancient language system, and by slotting in a component that links automatically to the visual form of words. Thus, in a triangular connection, a written word instantly evokes its meaning and its sound; the meaning of a word evokes its sound and written form; and the sound of a word evoke its written form and its meaning. By skimming through text, the triangular connections are made even faster than by listening to spoken words.

“In spite of these similarities, research has shown that skilled readers of Italian read differently, by giving more weight to one of the links in the triangle, while English readers give more weight another link. Moreover, we know that the physiology that underlies their reading reflectsthisdifference.Thebrainareasof the reading system of the Italian readerareconfiguredinsuchawaythat

one component, the component that is involved in mapping sounds to letters, is more active than the component that is involved in mapping words to meaning. The reverse is true for highly skilled English

readers. This make sense, since in English the meaning of the word is a key to its sound. How else is one to read ambiguous words such as cough, bough and through? Nevertheless, both English and Italian readers use all the components of the reading system, and they use them in concert.” Frith goes on to point out where the trouble begins for dyslexic readers:“It is the dyslexic readers who fail in this respect. They are unable to reconfigurethelanguagesystemofthebrain in the way that skilled readers are apparently able to do. Instead, they have to rely on tricks to remember words and their spellings and to use the effortful mapping of letters to sound.”

Those “tricks” are what Ron Davis labeled “old solutions” in The Gift of Dyslexia – the habits that end up hindering rather than helping individuals gain reading fluency. Frith is accurate in describing the brain processes seen in dyslexics who struggle, but I think that our Davis experience clearly shows she is mistaken in using the word “unable.” We see dyslexic clients become capable, confident, and fluent readers, often within a remarkably short period of time after implementation of the Davis strategies. The research that Frith cites demonstrates that differing brain patterns are an artifact of the way most children are taught to read. That is why the research shows different patterns of brain use in skilled readers across different languages and writing systems.

Frith explains, “Dyslexic readers are doubly hit. First, because their brains work in such a way that it is apparently harder or them to segmentthesoundsofspeech,theyfinditdifficulttolearnthemappingbetweenthe sounds and letters. This applies to any writing system that use the alphabet, however simple and transparent. However, in English they have to make sense of an orthography that is not only very complex but has quirky sets of rules and exceptions. No wonder that dyslexia is particularly prominent in English-speaking countries.”

Of course, the solution to the problem is readily apparent from Frith’s own explanation. She has written:•Dyslexicreaders“finditdifficultto learn the mapping between the sounds and letters;” and •“InEnglishthemeaningoftheword is a key to it sound.”

To me, it seems obvious that the key to teaching dyslexics to read is to begin with meaning, rather than than to begin with the strategy that is so difficult for them to apply. Meaning first, not phonics first.Of course a meaning-only approach would make no more sense than a sight-only or phonics-only approach. It would provide one corner of the triangle without the ability to tie the meaning to the letter sequence or sound. Frith wrote that all skilled readers make an instant mental linkeage between sound, appearance, and meaning, but experience suggests that dyslexics, by definition, may need extra support to create those ties. That is why Davis Symbol Mastery combines all three: meaning, sight, sound. The hands-on, creative process helps ensure that the three elements, learned together, are integrated in the mind – thus

…the balance struck between sight, sound, and

meaning may differ depending on the written form of



(continued on page 14)

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Working Memory Q: My son’s tutor of 3 years believes that his problem is working memory. She has been using the a phonics-based teaching program, but now wants to use a cognitive training system as she believes it will help with his "working memory" issue. Can working memory be the issue, or is it something else?

A: "Working memory" is the ability to hold a small amount of information in mind for a brief period, such as a phone number. Because symbols (letter, numbers, etc.) are meaningless or may be confusing to picture-thinkers, and because they do not think sequentially, it can be very difficult for them to hold a sequence of letters and numbers in mind. On the other hand, picture-thinkers typically have a strong memory for real-world objects. It could be that your son is a picture-thinker. Perhaps through a series of informal questions or games, you can discover whether he has difficulty remembering objects for which he has clear mental pictures. Don’t worry about sequence or order, as that can also be a stumbling block for picture-thinkers. Needless to say, when a picture-thinker can recall a small group of real-world things, but not numbers or letters, the issue is not "working memory." A Davis program would get to the heart of the difficulty with symbols such as letters or numbers, and also build sequencing skills.

Alphabet MasteryQ: I’m about to start the Davis Program with my 10 year-old son. He’s in the 5th grade, can read but not at grade level, and some words are very hard for him. The only letters he still occasionally confuses are “b” and “d”. I’ve noticed that when he reads he moves his body, and when he doesn’t understand a word at first sight he tries to guess. He is also very clumsy. Since he knows the letters very well, do I really need to do Alphabet Mastery with him?

A: Yes, you always need to do the complete alphabet, upper and lower case, in clay. It is an integral part of the Davis Program. But don’t forget that the very first thing you should do is teach your son the Davis tools (Release, Dial and Orientation or Alignment, depending on the result of your son’s Perceptual Ability Assessment). One of the goals of modeling the clay alphabet is to find possible triggers for disorientation. A

letter can be a trigger even if the child seems to know it when he sees it. Often individual letters are recognized but associated with an emotional response which sets off a disorientation. When you are working at home on your own, the alphabet mastery and detriggering is a good time for you to learn how to recognize the signs of disorientation in your son, and to get practice with the give and take of guiding him to use his tools on his own. So it would be a mistake to try to rush through the alphabet -- it really is one of the most important parts of the program.

by Abigail Marshall

InternationalDavis Dyslexia



The Davis Dyslexia Correction program is available from more than 450 Facilitators around the

world. For updates, call:(888) 805-7216 Toll free

or (650) 692-7141 or visit

The following is a current list of all Davis Facilitators, some Facilitators may also offer other Davis services.

v Argentina

Silvana Ines RossiBuenos Aires+54 (114) 865 3898

v Australia

Brenda BairdBrisbane +61 (07) 3299 3994

Sally BeulkeMelbourne +61 (03) 572 51752

Anne Cupitt Hervey Bay, Queensland+61 (074) 128-2470

Mary DavieSydney NSW+61 (02) 9521 3685

Amanda Du ToitBeaumont Hills NSW+61 (405) 565 338

Jan GormanEastwood/Sydney+61 (02) 9874 7498

Bets GregoryGordon NSW+61 (4) 1401 3490

Gail Hallinanalso DLS Workshop Presenter-MentorNaremburn/Sydney+61 (02) 9405 2800

Barbara Hoialso Autism Facilitator/CoachMosman/Sydney +61 (02) 9968 1093

Annette JohnstonRockingham WA+61 (8) 9591 3482

Eileen McCarthyManly/Sydney +61 (02) 9977 2061

Marianne MullallyCrows Nest, Sydney+61 (02) 9436 3766

Jayne PivacParkdale Victoria/Melbourne+61 (0) 420 305 405

Jocelyn PrintKalgoorlie-Boulder WA +62 (04) 5868 3830

John ReillyBerala/Sydney+61 (02) 9649 4299

Heidi RosePennington S.A. +61 (8) 8240 1834

v Austria

Annette DietrichWien +43 (01) 888 90 25

Jacinta FennessyWien +43 (01) 774 98 22

Ina Barbara Hallermann Riezlern +43 5517 20012

Marika KaufmannLochau +43 (05574) 446 98

A letter can be a trigger even if the

child seems to know it when he sees it.

When a picture-thinker can recall a small group

of real-world things, but not numbers or

letters, the issue is not “working memory.”

Page 9: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


Davis Program in Español and InglésQ: My son’s first language is English, but we communicate in Spanish at home. He began school in a two-way immersion program, but now he’s in an English-only class. I plan to work with him at home, from The Gift of Dyslexia, and give all the explanations in Spanish, except for some expressions that I know he will understand better in English, like “the mind’s eye”. Do you think this will work?

A: It is possible to work in both English and Spanish if you choose. Since your son’s class at school is English only, it is probably best to do letters and words in English to start. As long as he understands what you’re saying, it is fine for you explain things to him in Spanish. If he is able to speak and understand both Spanish and English it’s also fine to combine the the two languages when you use specific Davis terms - like “mind’s eye” or anything else that you are not sure how to translate. Bilingual children often mix the two languages; it’s a natural part of their development as bilingual and biliterate people. Later, when your son is modeling English words, you will need to have him use English for the definition and creating sentences. You also will need to help him learn to use the dictionary pronunciation key for English words. If it’s hard for you to pronounce all the English sounds, perhaps you can get some help from online tools. There are now many online dictionaries that allow you to click an icon to hear the word pronounced.

Is It Numbers or Words?Q: I’m homeschooling my daughter doing third grade. Multiplication is normally introduced in third grade, but I’ve discovered that my daughter can’t add. Some days we spend as much as four hours just working on addition. We try different techniques but she can’t remember or grasp the concept of 100 percent. I wonder whether she’s dyslexic when she tells me that 8+8=16 and then right after that tells me that 8+7=51. She also has (continued on the next page)

trouble with simple sums, like 6+2, even when she uses an abacus. She often skips words when she reads aloud and she bunches all her words together when she writes. But I haven’t seen any other problems related to words. Can a child have dyslexia with numbers more than with words?

A: Ron Davis’ book, The Gift of Learning, explains the Davis math program in a how-to format. Since you’re homeschooling, I suggest that you follow that program with your daughter. It will get to the heart of her difficulties. You’ll find information about our math program (Davis Math Mastery) on the following web page: I do think that the fact that your daughter skips words when she reads is a sign of dyslexia with reading - especially if you notice her skipping over the small function words that we call trigger words (for example: of, the, and). I encourage you to also consider implementing the basic Davis Dyslexia Correction Program at home, which focuses on reading. Your daughter may be able to get away with skipping words while she’s young and reading simple texts, but it will be a problem as she grows older and the sentence structure in her books becomes more complex. The reading program is described in the book, The Gift of Dyslexia. I think you’ll find it easier to implement the Davis methods at home if you start with the reading program, and get comfortable with that approach before moving onto the math concepts. You will find that the two Davis Programs have elements in common, but the specific reading exercises are of course different from those involving math. You will definitely want to have both books at home so you can have full information for homeschooling. Of course you can find both books, as well as other support materials, at our web site at

v Belgium

Ann Devloo-DelvaVeurne +32 (058) 31 63 52

Inge LanneauBeernem +32 (050) 33 29 92

Peggy PoppeAntwerpen +32 (474) 50 23 32

Bethisabea RossittoBruxelles +32 (474) 68 56 06

Chantal WyseurWaterloo +32 (486) 11 65 82

v Bolivia

Veronica KauneLa Paz +591 (2) 278 9031

v Brazil

Luciana Borelli Noronha Batalha Brasilia, D.F. +55 (61) 8185-6442

Ana LimaRio De Janeiro +55 (021) 2295-1505

v Bulgaria

Daniela BonevaRuse +35 (988) 531 95 06

v Canada

Wayne Aadelstone-Hassel Halfmoon Bay +1 (604) 741-0605

Rocky Point AcademyStacey Borger-Smithalso Autism Training Supervisor also Autism Facilitator/Coachalso Supervisor SpecialistLawrence Smith, Jr.also Autism Training Supervisor also Autism Facilitator/Coachalso Workshop PresenterCalgary +1 (403) 685-0067+1 (866) 685-0067 (Toll-Free)

Paddy CarsonEdmonton/Alberta+1 (780) 489-6225

Marcia CodeKanata, Ontario+1 (613) 284-6315

Dyslexia Resources CanadaShelley CottonSharon RobertsBrantford, Ontario +1 (519) 304-0535+1 (800) 981-6433 (Toll-Free)

Janet Currie RichardsBoutiliers Point Nova Scotia+1 (902) 826-1512

Elizabeth Currie Shieralso Autism Facilitator/Coach Oakville (Near Toronto) +1 (905) 829-4084

Brenda DaviesRosedale Station Alberta+1 (403) 823-6680

Cathy Dodge Smithalso Autism Facilitator/Coach Oakville/Toronto +1 (905) 844-4144+1 (888) 569-1113 toll-free

Sandy FarrellHudson, Quebec+1 (450) 458-4777

Renée FiglarzMontreal, Quebec+1 (514) 815-7827

Carole FordLadysmith, BC +1 (250) 245-8412

Sher GoerzenMaple Ridge BC+1 (604) 290-5063

Corinne GraumansMedicine Hat, Alberta +1 (403) 528-9848

Sue HallWest Vancouver+1 (604) 921-1084

D’vorah HoffmanToronto +1 (416) 398-6779

Your daughter may be able to get away with skipping words while

she’s young and reading simple texts, but it will

be a problem as she grows older and the sentence structure

in her books becomes more complex.”

Page 10: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


Spelling Aloud: =) Spelling On Paper: =(

Q: When I help my youngest daughter with her second grade spelling tests I notice that she can spell the words out loud, but not write them consistently. (For example, she might write gril instead of girl.) I mentioned this to her pediatrician, who suspects she is dyslexic. I took the dyslexia screening test at, and on most parts of the test she came out “moderate” or under. Should I take her somewhere for additional testing, or just talk to the school?

A: Reversals or transpositions of letters are common in young children, and can persist until around age 7 or 8. The question is whether your daughter also has other characteristics of dyslexia. Since, as you say, our online screen indicates her symptoms are "moderate" or “slight”, it is very possible that the symptoms you see are simply due to immaturity. I encourage you to focus on the larger picture. Is your daughter struggling or frustrated with school? Is it particularly difficult for her to complete homework? For example, does she spend hours on assignments that are meant to be completed in 20 minutes? Do homework sessions invariably end with arguments and tears? If in general she seems to be doing well in school and appears to be able to read at grade level, you might want to take a wait-and-see approach. On the other hand, if you are seeing other signs of trouble, it might make sense to get further testing. If she’s in public school in the US, you can request testing through the school.We do have a kit for younger children, that would help you work at home with your daughter to address those issues. It’s called the Davis Young Learner Kit and can be ordered from You mention that your daughter can spell the words out loud but has difficulty writing them consistently. It might help to have her say the letters of the word out loud as she writes them. If she can spell the words orally, she clearly knows them. But there seems to be something going on in the brain-to-hand connection that is causing transpositions. Saying the letters out loud as she

writes might help her avoid those errors, or allow her to recognize her errors when she makes them. I realize that she isn’t allowed to speak out loud at school during the actual spelling test, but practicing that way at home may help build the right brain connections so that when she thinks the correct spelling, she will also be able to write it down correctly. You might also be able to talk to her teacher to arrange informal accommodations, such as being allowed to take the test orally at a separate time than others in her class.

No Results FoundQ: Do you have any research the shows the effects across all learning levels when an Orton Gillingham program like Wilson is used in a general eduation classroom?

A: You can find reports on common classroom methods at the What Works Clearinghouse at the website: link will take you to the Clearinghouse information on the Wilson Reading System: As you will see, as of July 2010, when the report was prepared, there were no studies of this program meeting US Department of Education standards. We do not use Orton-Gillingham based methods in our own work, as we feel that most dyslexics have great difficulty with gaining reading fluency through phonics. Our techniques are instead geared to the learning styles of dyslexic learners. The Orton-Gillingham philosophy emphasizes very thorough learning of small phonetic units, with a good deal of repetition and practice. In general, they aim for 18 months of reading growth for every 12 months of tutoring. With Davis we generally see much more rapid progress; it is quite typical for children to be reading at grade level within the course of the week-long, 30-hour formal Davis program. For some children, this can represent gains of anywhere from 2 to 7 years within a week, depending on the age of the child and their reading level at the start of the program. These gains are sustained or enhanced with continued use of Davis tools after the end of the program week. Davis builds whole word recognition skills and focuses on word meaning, which enables students to become fluent readers with strong comprehension skills. Data collected from one Davis center tracking the one-week progress of 360 clients can be seen at We have also assembled a list of links to all published research on Davis methods here:

v Canada (continued)

Sue JutsonVancouver, B.C. +1 (604) 732-1516

Mary Ann KettlewellLondon, Ontario+1 (519) 652-0252

Colleen MaloneNewmarket Ontario+ 1 (905) 252-7426

Helen McGilivray Oakville/Toronto +1 (905) 464-4798

Carl NigiKanata, Ontario+1 (613) 558-7797

Maureen O’SullivanNewmarket, Ontario+1 (905) 853-3363

Joanna PellegrinoThunder Bay Ontario+1 (807) 708-4754

Sharon PermackThornhill Ontario +1 (416) 726-4441

Desmond SmithOakville Ontario+1 (905) 844-4144

Bernice TaylorRiverview, NB +1 (506) 871-5674

Tracy TrudellLondon, Ontario +1 (519) 494-9884

Rebecca WightChilliwack, BC +1 (604) 615-6452

Kim J. Willson-Rymeralso Autism Facilitator/CoachMississauga, Ontario+1 (905) 825-3153

v Chile

Ximena Hidalgo PirotteSantiago +56 (02) 243 0860

v China

Twiggy ChanHong Kong +852-6175-8439

Yvonne Wong Ho Hing also Autism Facilitator/CoachHong Kong +852-6302-5630

Livia Wongalso Autism Facilitator/CoachHong Kong +852-2756-6603

v Colombia

Laura Zink de Díaz Bogotá +57 (1) 704-4399

v Costa Rica

Maria Elena Guth BlancoSan Jose +506 296-4078

Marcela RodriguezAlajuela +506 442-8090

Ana Gabriela Vargas MoralesSan Jose Escazu+ 506 2288 0980

v Cyprus

Alexis MouzourisLimassol +357 25 382 090

v Denmark

Moniek Gevenalso DLS MentorBryrup +45 7575 7105

v Ecuador

Gina Liliana Alvarez Altamirano Ambato +593 (3) 242 4723

Ana Magdalena Espin VargasAmbato +593 (2) 854 281

Santiago FernandezCumbaya Quito +593 (09) 308 9646

Nora Cristina Garza Díaz Ambato +593 (3) 282 5998

Q&A (continued from page 9)

It might help to have her say the letters

of the word out loud as she writes them.

Page 11: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


v Ecuador (continued)

Germania Jissela Ramos Ramos Ambato +593 (3) 242 4723

Inés Gimena Paredes Ríos Ambato +593 (08) 418 5779

v Estonia

Olga KnutTallinn +372-56-509-840

v Finland

Elisabeth HelenelundBorga +358 400 79 54 97

v France

Sophie Bellavoir-MisciasciNoiseau +33 (6) 04 02 99 21

Christine BleusSaint Jean de Gonville/Genève +33 450 56 40 48

Claudine ClergeatBrunoy + 33 (06) 78 69 79 56

Jayne CookeBarr +33 (0) 3 88 74 06 01

Corinne CouelleLyon +33 (04) 78 88 65 52

Patrick CourtoisJuvignac +33 (6) 37 40 49 67

Jennifer DelrieuAuffargis +33 (01) 34 84 88 30

Claudine GarderesFontenay-Le-Fleury (near Paris)+33 (642) 15 99 27

Marie GaydonLimas frei de Lyon +33 (06) 66-58-14-26

Virginie GoleretGrenoble +33 (67) 898 6217

Lisa HenryBordeaux 33 (15) 57 87 19 63

Sophie Flaux LasnonRiec Sur Belon +33 (61) 457 0338

Emmanuelle Leibovitz-Schurdevin Tours +33 (613) 02 48 85

Françoise MagarianLegny/Lyon +33 (0474) 72 43 13

Chantal Marot-VanniniArfeuilles +33 (06) 14 24 26 33

Carol NelsonBoulogne-Billancourt/Paris+33 (09) 52 63 02 05

Odile PugetSegny/Geneve +33 (0) 450 418 267

v Germany/Deutschland

Theresia AdlerBannewitz +49 (0351) 40 34 224

Ellen EbertAmmern +49 (03601) 813-660

Gabriele DoetschBad Windsheim+49 (098 41) 688 18 18

Cornelia Garbealso Autism Facilitator/Coach Berlin +49 (030) 61 65 91 25

Astrid Grosse-MönchBuxtehude +49 (04161) 702 90 70

Anne GuignardTrier +352 (691) 245 252

Ina HallermannThalheim/Fraunberg+49 (0)8762 7382069

Christine HeinrichRemseck +49 (0)7146 284 65 60

Sonja Heinrichalso Supervisor-Specialistalso DDA-DACH Directoralso Autism Facilitator/CoachHamburg +49 (40) 25 17 86 23

Amazing Visual-Spatial TalentsQ: My son is four-and-a-half years old and fits almost all of the characteristics you describe in your article about visual-spatial learners. He is amazing at building with magnetic tiles, legos, and doing jigsaw puzzles. He’s able to read the emotions of others and is very communicative. We are currently touring schools in the Los Angeles area. Our choices range from traditional, to progressive, to a mix of both. We think our son will need the structure and accountability of a traditional education. However, I don’t want him to become discouraged and give up. Have you done any research on which style of education best fits this type of learner? Also, as a visual-spatial preschooler is it probable that our son will continue to learn this way? And those with this kind of learning style always dyslexic?

A: Since you are now touring various schools, I recommend that you include some schools that have adopted the Montessori or Waldorf approaches. Each has advantages and disadvantages, but these two major educational approaches may be a better fit for children who are likely to enjoy art and hands on activities, and whose timetable for learning to read differs from that of typical children. You will find more information about the benefits and possible drawbacks of various approaches in the Choosing a School chapter of my book, The Everything Parent’s Guide to Children with Dyslexia. That section is available on line at:

To answer your second question, visual-spatial learners are not necessarily dyslexic. Research tells us that about 85% of all dyslexics are "picture-thinkers," but we don’t have statistics as to what percentage of visual-spatial learners are dyslexic. I do think that when a child’s dominant learning style can be observed early on, it’s part of his personality and will likely remain the same throughout life. Of course, as your son grows, he will learn and explore many areas, and may show new and different talents along the way. Quite a few dyslexic children have grown up to become accomplished authors, poets, and screen writers, for example. You might not think that a child who struggles to learn to read would grow up to pursue a career in writing, but there is no shortage of adults who have done exactly that. A supportive school environment can help your child remain a confident and enthusiastic learner, even if it turns out that he learns on a different timetable or using different strategies than many other children.

Happy Graduation!Q: My cousin’s daughter has attended a school for dyslexia for a number of years. She’ll graduate soon, and I want to make her a book of recipes of her own. How should I organize it so that she’ll be able to read it and use it? (I don’t want it to frustrate her.) Your site is very colorful but I doubt all I need to do is add color to the pages!

A: Are you sure that your cousin’s daughter still has significant reading difficulties? The purpose of choosing a school for dyslexia is to provide specialized teaching. You may be surprised to discover that she’s become a very capable reader by now! That said, dyslexics tend to be highly visual. If you are making your own book, I would suggest using large, well-spaced print and including a photo of each dish. You might also include photos of some of the ingredients or steps along the way. If you print the book on a pastel colored paper (such as beige or light blue), it might improve readability if the young woman is sensitive to high contrast or glare on the page. Also, avoid using abbreviations like “tsp” or “tbsp” – it’s very easy to misread those. v

Quite a few dyslexic children have grown

up to become accomplished authors, poets, and

screen writers.

Page 12: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


v Germany (continued)

Kirsten HohageNürnberg +49 (0911) 54 85 234

Ingrid HuthBerlin +49 (030) 28 38 78 71

Mechtild HyllaKassel +49 (0951) 917 1910

Rita JarrarMünchen +49 (089) 821 20 30

Randolph KeitelBühlertal +49 (0) 7556-928845

Inge Koch-GassmannBuggingen +49 (07631) 23 29

Marianne KranzerKönigsfeld +49 (07725) 72 26

Anneliese Kunz-DanhauserRosenheim +49 (08031) 632 29

Sabine La Due also Autism Facilitator/CoachStuttgart +49 (711) 479 1000

Anne MoellerGröbenzell BRD +49 (081) 4251955

Markus RauchFreiburg +49 (761) 290 8146

Colette ReimannLandshut +49 (0871) 770 994

Brigitte ReinhardtOffenberg +49 (78109) 919 268

Ursula RittlerStuttgart +49 (0711) 47 18 50

Christiane RosendahlDortmund +49 0(231) 75 81 53 02

Phoebe SchafschetzyHamburg +49 (040) 392 589

Margarethe Schlauch-Agostini Volklingen +49 (0689) 844 10 40

Gabriela Scholteralso Supervisor-Specialistalso Autism Facilitator/Coachalso Autism Training SupervisorStuttgart +49 (0711) 578 28 33

Sylvia SchurakGarlipp +49 (0) 39 32 44 82

Carmen Stappenbacher Bamberg +49 (0951) 917 19 10

Birgit ThunHamburg +49 (040) 4135 5015

Beate Tiletzek Waldkraiburg +49 (08638) 88 17 89

Andrea ToloczykiHavixbeck/Münster+49 (02507) 57 04 84

Ioannis Tzivanakisalso Specialist Traineralso Workshop Presenteralso DDA-DACH DirectorBerlin +49 (030) 66 30 63 17

Ulrike von Kutzleben-HausenDeisslingen +49 (07420) 33 46

Gabriele Wirtzalso Autism Facilitator/CoachStuttgart +49 (711) 55 17 18

Elvira WoelkiMindelheim +33 (082) 61 76 36 38

v Greece

Evagelia Apostolopoulou-ArmaosPatras +30 (261) 062 21 22

Theano PanagiotopoulouAthens +30 (21) 111 953 50

Traute LutzMarausi +30 (210) 804 3889

Irma Vierstra-VourvachakisRethymnon/Crete+30 283105 8201 or 69766 40292

v Iceland

Áslaug ÁsgeirsdóttirMosfellsbaer +354 861-2537

Gigja BaldursdottirReykjavik +354 562 2840

private person. I examine the ground before I leap, looking for evidence that what I’m considering isn’t just change for its own sake, but something worth doing. I attended my initial Davis training, for example, with a skeptic eye, and only decided to continue, when it was clear to me that the Davis methods really do work! The mom who didn’t want us ‘experimenting on’ her son, was right to investigate. As parents, we don’t always have the luxury of missing work to find out what’s going on in the schools our kids

attend. Instead, we count on the schools themselves and the media to keep us informed, especially about the direction education reform is taking, and how it affects our children. And often, even if we have an opportunity to talk to a school principal or superintendent, we don’t necessarily know educational jargon, and find ourselves flummoxed

by fast talking. Even after I moved into school administration, I found talking to the powers that be difficult and often frustrating. Unfortunately, the media is as easily manipulated as the rest of us. Newspapers routinely take press reports issued by organizations with something to sell, and treat the information as if it were actual news. Supposed great innovations are reported as such with very little investigation or understanding. And we rarely

hear about it when these great innovations flop.

A case in point In 2009 something called School of One (SO1), made quite a splash as an innovative program that combines online and small group mathematics instruction. It was started by one

Joel Rose when he worked for the New York Department of Education. Subsequently, he and a partner privatized the company, renaming it New Classrooms, and they are offering it to school districts all over the USA. For a pretty price, of course. The New York Times reported on it while it was just a small pilot in the summer of 2010. Later, Arthur Levine, former head of Teacher's College, wrote that School of One could become the single most important experiment conducted in education up to that time. School of One also appeared in Time magazine’s list of the best inventions of 2009, described as “learning for the Xbox generation.”

School of NoneBy Laura Zink de DiazDavis Facilitator in Bogotá Colombia

In the late 1980s, when I was still a relatively new teacher, a colleague and I attended a workshop that offered a dramatically different way to teach language. We both began to apply in our classes some of the techniques we learned, and we both observed an equally dramatic improvement in our students’ learning. By the end of that year I approached the school principal to explain what we’d been doing, and to ask permission to stop using the traditional grammar textbook the school district had adopted. After giving me a quizzical look, her response was short: “If it’s good for kids, what are you doing in my office? Just do it!”. So my colleague and I put the French and Spanish textbooks in a store room and left them there – permanently. A year or two later, a parent approached us and said she resented that her child was being ‘experimented on’ in French class. This mom, like us, was a product of traditional language instruction, focused on learning grammar rules, doing grammar exercises, and a lot of translation. Like us, she’d been good at that, had enjoyed French, and although her son wasn’t complaining, she feared he wasn’t getting the ‘right kind’ of instruction to prepare him for college. We invited her to attend class and observe. That put an end to her doubts. Mom could clearly see that the same concepts and skills were being taught, but through different types of learning activities. In fact, she was impressed to see that our students were fully engaged, enjoying themselves and speaking more French than she had been capable of in her first year of French. I mention this, because I’m not a person who insists that we must always do things as they’ve always been done. I like innovation. As a teacher, I was a rabble rouser for change, and I’m happiest when I can make changes in my own life, as well. Which is probably why in the end, I chose to offer my Davis services in another country. But I don’t jump into just anything because it’s ‘new and different’, not as a teacher or as a

What we’re seeing in so many cases

is reform pushed by private companies and their adherents for the sake of making a buck

off the needs of the nation’s children

Newspapers routinely take press reports

issued by organizations with something to sell,

and treat the information as if it were actual


Page 13: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


v Iceland (continued)

Sigrún Jónina BaldursdóttirSnaefellsbae +354 586 8180

Gudrún BenediktsdóttirHafnarfirdi+354 545 0103 or +354 822 0910

Gudbjörg Emilsdóttiralso DLS MentorKópavogur +354 554 3452

Hólmfridur GudmundsdóttirGardabae +354 895-0252

Sigurborg Svala Gudmundsdóttir Mosfellsbaer+(354) 867-1928

Jon Einar Haraldsson LambiAkureyri +354-867-1875

Ingibjörg IngolfsdóttirMosfellsbaer +354 899-2747

Sigrún JensdóttirMosfellsbaer +354 897 4437

Valgerdur JónsdóttirKópavogur +354 863 2005

Sturla KristjanssonHafnarfjordur+354 862 0872

Ásta OlafsdóttirVopnafjordur+354 473-1164

Thorbjörg SigurdardóttirReykjavík +354 698 7213

Kolbeinn SigurjonssonMosfellsbaer+354 566 6664

Hugrún SvavarsdóttirMosfellsbær+354 698-6465

v India

Veera GuptaNew Delhi+91 (11) 986 828 0240

Kalpita PatelRajkot, Gujarat +91 (281) 244 2071

Carol Ann RodriguesMumbai+91 (22) 2667 3649 or+91 (22) 2665 0174

v Ireland

Veronica BaylyDublin +353 (86) 226 354

Anne Marie Beggs Old Portmarnock+353 (86) 239-1545

Paula HoranMullingar +353 44 934 1613

Sister Antoinette KeelanDublin +353 (01) 884 4996

v Israel

Luba ElibashRamat Hasharon+972 (9) 772 9888

Angela FrenkelBeer Sheva+972 (52) 655 8485

Goldie GiladKfar Saba/Tel Aviv+972 (09) 765 1185

Judith SchwarczRa’anana/Tel Aviv+972 (09) 772 9888

v Italy

Stefania BrunoNuoro, Sardinia+39 (388) 933 2486

Elisa De FeliceRoma +39 (06) 507 3570

Even New York City mayor Bloomberg put out a press release stating: “The School of One [is] creating a 21st century classroom to meet the individual needs and learning styles of every student.” The accolades went on and on, and the US Department of Education, recognizing and encouraging School of One, awarded the New York Department of Education a three-year, $5 million Innovation Grant to expand it in New York City schools. Meanwhile, Race To The Top, the Obama version of education reform for school districts, is encouraging the use of ‘virtual’ or ‘blended’ instruction using computers, to the tune of nearly $400 million in grants. Nearly 900 districts are applying for such funding. Wow! Must this kind of reform must really be great! Or maybe not so much. In early September of this year a study of the efficacy of School of One produced by Research Alliance, was barely noticed by the media. After New York spent about $9 million dollars on School of One, it failed to raise test scores more than old-fashioned math classes. Students who were behind when they started the SO1 program – those the glorious press releases claimed would benefit most – in fact, benefited the least. Leonie Haimson, Executive Director of Class Size Matters, described her visit to a School of One classroom in New York City in an article at the New York city Public School Parents blog,

We then entered a large room, converted from the school’s library, with about one hundred 7th and 8th graders seated at tables, most of them staring at computers and doing multiple choice math problems. I watched as one girl, seemingly in a trance, looked at the screen, and hit A, B, C, D keys in turn, until she got the right answer to a multiple choice question and moved onto the next one. Sadly, no adult but me seemed to be paying any attention to this student to make sure she was trying to think the problem through. There were also two or three small groups of students, sitting at smaller tables, with rather harassed looking teachers who were trying to teach math, but were allowed to spend only about ten to 15 minutes together before time ran out and a signal was made for the students to move back to computers, or to another group led by a different teacher… what I saw was not personalized instruction and engagement, but many confused and somewhat dazed students, and much

disruption, with kids bumping into each other during abrupt scheduling changes, as they moved around the crowded room at the same time.

Although two of the initial three schools to adopt School of One have dropped it, next year four more New York City schools will take the

plunge. And meanwhile, as Leonie Haimson reports in her Huffington Poste article, The Reality and the Hype Behind Online Learning and the ‘School of One’, there is a well-documented gold rush of companies racing to get in on the online learning boom. And yet, there is no research indicating that online learning is the

school reform solution we are looking for. Talk about experimenting on school children! Haimson comments,

More and more in this nation, we are moving towards two different school systems: one for the wealthy, who insist of proven reforms including small classes for their children. The other highly experimental model, for disadvantaged and even middle class kids, will increasingly deliver so-called “personalized” instruction via a machine, causing struggling students to fall even further behind. Is this the future we want for our kids?

Haimson quotes Joel Rose who was present during her tour of the School of One classroom, as saying “that because of the large class sizes in NYC schools, individualized learning was impossible to achieve without the use of technology: ‘No human being can meet all the needs of students in a class of 25, so something else has to be done to personalize instruction.’” One of my first encounters as a Davis Facilitator in the US was with a parent who scoffed at the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program, because it was short – 30 hours – included no workbook of exercises, and – worst of all! – it included no computerized component! My last two years of

teaching I received a grant to integrate technology into the teaching of Spanish. My students wrote and illustrated imaginative stories on computers, carried on email correspondence in Spanish with students in Barcelona, Spain, and created an extensive website with photos of our school and activies and articles in Spanish to explain to their foreign penpals what school was like where they live.

…what I saw was not personalized instruction

and engagement, but many confused

and somewhat dazed students, and much


(continued on the next page)

Page 14: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


I’m not against computers – I love ‘em! and there’s absolutely a place for them in education. But moving lessons onto a computer in no way guarantees that students will learn better. Learning, in large part is a social activity. We not only learn from our teachers, but from the questions other students ask, from whole-class and small-group discussions, even from arguments over classwork in the lunch room! A classroom full of students steadily falling behind in math, should indeed have less than 25 students in it, or be staffed with two teachers, teaming instruction, and a couple of aides. It should definitely NOT consist of a hundred students, spending most of their time at computer monitors solving multiple choice math problems. This is worse than reform for reform’s sake. What we’re seeing in so many cases is reform pushed by private companies and their adherents for the sake of making a buck off the needs of the nation’s children. School of One and other virtual education programs are being promoted vigorously throughout the country, as the next best reform for schools. Parents need to recognize that the administrative eschelons of our educational systems have long suffered from the band-wagon syndrome – the tendency to enthusiastically accept every ‘new’ thing peeking over the horizon, not because it’s actually an improvement, but because it’s new and arrives dressed up in very attractive promotional materials, replete with photos of smiling children and equally delighted-looking models posing as teachers. Many teachers are aware of this tendency and try to resist. But relatively few teachers have any power to influence changes implemented at the district administrative level, much less the state or national level. Resistance may not be futile, but it can and has cost dissenting teachers their jobs. Now is the time for parents to make an extra effort to become informed about curriculum changes. Volunteer to serve on committees in your local school or school district. Be skeptical about everything: insist that the powers that be prove they’re not just ‘experimenting’ on your children, but actually effecting changes that really do make a positive difference in learning.

References: Haimson, Leonie, The Reality and the Hype behind Online Learning and the “School of One”, September 5, 2012, NYC Public School Parents, on September 7, 2012, at, Rachel, Klein's Clever School of One Project a Pricey Reject, September 4, 2012, New York Daily News, v

v Italy (continued)

Antonella DeriuNuoro, Sardinia+32 059 32 96

Piera Angiola MaglioliOcchieppo Inferiore/Biella+39 (015) 259 3080

Sabina MansuttiTricesimo Udine+39 (349) 272 0307

Eugenie Scharesalso Autism Facilitator/CoachLiberta

Alessandro TaiocchiSettimo Milanese +39 (333) 443 7368

Silvia WalterFirenze +39 (055) 22 86 481

Rafaella ZingerleCorvara In Badia+39 (0471) 836 959

v Jamaica

Leslie DahlSt. Ann +876 457-1350

v Kenya

Manisha ShahNairobi+254 (721) 492-217

v Lebanon

Samar Riad Saab, MABeirut +961 (3) 700 206

Carol Taljeh-ArissBeirut +(961) 71 191 567

v Luxembourg Nadine Roederalso Autism Facilitator/CoachLuxembourg+352 691 30 0296

v Malaysia

Hilary CraigKuala Lumpur+60 (36) 201 55 95

v Mexico

Magarita Saucedo Alvarez IcazaSan José Insurgentes DF +52 (55) 35 38 52 40

Silvia B. Arana GarcíaMexico, D.F. +52 (55) 5540-7205

Cathy Calderón de la Barca also Davis Workshop Presenter México D.F.+52 (55) 5540-7205

María Silvia Flores Salinasalso DDA Directoralso Supervisor – SpecialistGarza García Monterrey NL+52 (81) 8378 61 75

Alejandra Garcia MedinaMexico DF +52 (55) 17 18 01 34

Hilda Fabiola Herrera CantuCuliacan, Sinaloa +52 81 6677 15 01 19

Maria Cristina Lopez-Araiza Gonzalez México, D.F.+52 (55) 5536 5889

Ana Menéndez Porrero Puebla+52 (222) 750 76 42

Lucero Palafox de Martinalso Autism Facilitator/CoachVeracruz+52 (229) 935 1302

Lydia Gloria VargasGarza García Monterrey NL+52 (81) 8242 0666

building the brain’s ability to make the “instant links” that are critical to becoming a skilled reader. Ron Davis’ insistence that Symbol Mastery must focus simultaneously on all three parts, by modeling the meaning, modeling and visualizing the letters and letter sequence, and saying the word aloud several times during the modeling process, completes the connection.

Source of quotation:Frith, Uta. “Foreword.” Reading and Dyslexia in Different Orthographies. Eds. Nicola Brunswick, Siné McDougall, Paul de Mornay Davies. Psychology Press, 2010. pp. xvi-xviii. [Kindle]A shorter version of this article was originally published at the Dyslexia The Gift Blog News and Views from Davis Dyslexia, at

Abigail Marshall is the Webmaster & Internet Information Services Director for Davis Dyslexia Association International. She is also the author of two books about dyslexia, The Everything

Parents Guide to Children with Dyslexia and When Your Child Has ... Dyslexia Program, please do visit our website at: Or you can mail a donation to The Whole Dyslexic Society, PO Box 33026, West Vancouver, V7V 1HO, BC, Canada. v

School of None (continued from the previous page) 3 Parts to a Word (continued from page 7)

Humor CornerQ: What country did candy come from?A: Sweeten

Q: Why are cooks so cruel?A: Because they beat the eggs and whip the cream.

Q: How do you fix a broken pizza?A: With tomato paste.

Q: How can you keep from getting a sharp pain in your eye when you drink chocolate milk?A: Take the spoon out of the glass.

Q: Why did the donut go to the dentist?A: It needed a chocolate filling.

The easy way to teach children the value of money is to borrow from them.

Page 15: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


Davis Dyslexia Association BookstoreBooks & Tools for Doing it on Your Own

Davis Symbol Mastery KitContains everything needed to doDavis Symbol Mastery: A manual in checklist format, 117-minute instructional DVD, laminated alphabet strip, letter recognitioncards, dictionary, grammar book, punctuation booklet, pronunciation key cards, and clay - all in a sturdy nylon shoulder bag. Suitable for working with students of any age.Symbol Mastery Kit $139.95

Dyslexia – The GiftThis documentary introducesthe concepts and methods inThe Gift of Dyslexia.Viewers of all ages will findthe interviews and animatedsequences highly informativeand entertaining. DVD $39.95

Unlocking the Power of DyslexiaA brief look at the life of Ronald Davis and the impact of his remarkable discoveries. DVD: $8.00 (Run time: 15 minutes)

The Davis Dyslexia Correction ProgramThis documentary film provides an excellent overview of Facilitators at work with Davis clients,explains how dyslexics thinkand perceive, what causes dyslexia, and what occurs during and after a Davis Program. DVD: $8.00 (Run time: 18 minutes)

Davis Dyslexia Correction Orientation ProceduresThis detailed instructional DVD provides demonstrations of each of the Davis® procedures for assessment and orientationdescribed in The Gift of Dyslexia and The Gift of Learning. These methods help focus attention, eliminate perceptualconfusion, improve physical coordination, and control energy levels. DVD: $85.00

Davis Symbol Mastery and Reading ExercisesFeatures 27 examples of Facilitators and clients using the Davis Symbol Mastery Kit and practicing the Davis ReadingExercises. Included are mastering the alphabet, punctuation marks, pronunciation, and words; and reading exercisesto build visual tracking and whole word recognition skills, and to improve reading fluency and comprehension.(This DVD is included with Davis Symbol Mastery Kit) DVD: $85.00

I Can Do It – The Confidence to LearnI Can Do It – The Confidence to LearnTeachers, parents, school administrators, andstudents speak about the many benefits ofusing Davis Learning Strategies at ValeElementary School in Oregon.DVD $9.00 (running time: 12 minutes)

Gift of Dyslexia Audio CD SetThis 4 CD set contains full narration of The Gift of Dyslexia, read by author Ron Davis.

4-CD Set $29.95

Davis Young LearnerKit for Home-UseProvides parents with theinstructions and materials needed to provide 5-7 year olds with effective and fun learningstrategies for improving pre-reading and language arts skills. Young Learner Kit forHome-Use $129.95

The Gift of Dyslexia:Why Some of theSmartest PeopleCan’t Read and HowThey Can Learn(Revised and Updated 2010 edition)Features a new Forewordby Dr. Linda Silverman and two new chapters on Davis methods for correcting Dyslexia.$15.95 Softcover

Davis Symbol MasteryDeluxe KitProvides additional materials forimplementing the Davis methods thataddress disorientation, build attentionfocus, and improve balance andcoordination. Includes everything inthe regular Symbol Mastery Kit plus:• The Gift of Dyslexia-Classic Edition• Deluxe Kit Manual• Davis Orientation Procedures DVD• Two Koosh BallsDeluxe Kit $219.95


Page 16: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


Every month at Danny Brassell’s website, TheLazyReaders’BookClub,you’llfindalistof books he recommends for reluctant readers or for those who just don’t have time for much reading. (He knows we’re not lazy, just busy or in need of encouragement!) Danny’s recommendations are always organized into categories: AD, for adults; YA, for young adults; CH, for children’s books. He always lists a page count and some brief comments, as below. Danny usually posts about 10 recommendations per month, three or four per category. Here’s a sampling of Danny’s most recent recommendations in all three categories. You can read more recommendations at the website, There you’ll not onlyfindDanny’scurrentpicks,butthearchivesof past selections by month, reading level, and page count – enough recommendations for a lifetime of reading! You can also sign up for monthly book alerts, while you’re browsing. If you purchase books at Amazoncom through links at the Lazy Readers’ website, Bookends (www. will receive a donation. (Bookendsisanonprofitorganizationdevotedto increasing children’s access to books, as well as community service awareness.)

Recent Recommendations from The Lazy Reader Book Club By Danny Brassell and Laura Zink de Diaz, Davis Facilitator in Bogotá Colombia

The End of Moneyby David WolmanAdult 228 pagesPublisher: Da Capo Press (February 14, 2012)ISBN-10: 0306818833 ISBN-13: 978-0306818837Books that challenge the way we think about everyday items always delight me, and Wired editor Wolman does a superb job of causing readers to pause and ponder the usefulness and wisdom of physical currency. What would a cashless society look like? Wolman manages to make this a fascinating page-turner.

(continued on the next page)

v Mexico (continued)

M. Sylvia Salinas GonzalezGarza Garcia, NL+52 (81) 8378 6175 Mauro Salvador Villagomez Santana Celaya Guanajuato+52 (461) 614 9892 Lourdes Zepeda Solorzano Cancun, Quintana Roo+988 (99) 8577 3090

v Netherlands

Lloyd Christopher BlakeRotterdam+31 (10) 262 1664

Manja BloemendalDen Haag +31 (70) 345 5252

Lot BlomUtrecht +31 (030) 271 0005

Trudy BorstBest (Near Eindhoven)+31 (0499) 471 198

Gerda Bosma-KooistraEns +31 (6) 1334 6196

Doreth BroeninkNieuw-Vennep+31 (252) 680 667

Jeannette BruinsmaAmersfoort+31 (63) 914 8188

Lieneke CharpentierNieuwegein+31 (030) 60 41 539

Hester CnossenVeghel +31 (495) 641 920

Aline de BruijnSliedrecht+31 (18) 441 5341

Judith de HaanHeiloo (Near Alkmaar)+31 (63) 078 6483

Mine de RanitzDriebergen+31 (0343) 521 348

Christien De SmitSluis +31 (0117) 461 963

Marijke Eelkman Rooda-BosGouda +31 (0182) 517-316

Jolien FokkensBeilen +31 (0593) 540 141

Ina GausSantpoort-Zuid+31 (023) 538-3927

Jola GeldermansBeverwijk +31 (0251) 210 607

Perola GoncalvesMaría Hoop +31 (06) 33 79 63 44

Jan GubbelsMaastricht +31 (043) 36 39 999

Maril HeijenLandgraaf +31 (6) 4965 1754

Judith HolzapfelDeventer +31 (0570) 619 553

Trudy JolingLaren +31 (035) 531 00 66

Marie KoopmanBilthoven +31 (030) 228 4014

Geertruida KornmanBeverwÿk +31 (62) 000 6857

Carry KulingHeemstede +31 (0235) 287 782

Page 17: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


v Netherlands (continued)

Edith Kweekel-GöldiSoest +31 (035) 601 0611

Imelda LamakerHilversum +31 (035) 621 7309

Irma LammersBoxtel +31 (411) 68 56 83

Sjan MelsenArnhem +31 (026) 442 69 98

Cinda MustersAmsterdam +31 (20) 330 78 08

Bert NeeleMelick +31 (61) 259 8802

Marianne OosterbaanZeist +31 (030) 691 7309

Fleur van de Polder-PatonSchiedam +31 (010) 471 58 67

Guido Peerboom Eijsden/Maastricht+31 (62) 155 2959

Tjalliena PonjéeArnemuiden+31 06 12 888 365

Petra Pouw-Legênealso DLS Nederlands Director also DLS Mentor-Trainer also Mentor-Presenter Beek +31 (046) 437 4907

Karin RietbergHolten +31 (548) 364 286

Lydia Rogowski WijnbergHelmond +31 (0492) 513 169

Hanneke SchoemakerWageningen+31 (0317) 412 437

Ilse SchreuderAalzum/Dokkum +31 (051) 922-0315

Silvia Jolanda SikkemaDLS MentorDrachten +31 (0512) 538 815

Suzan SintemaartensdijkAkersloot +31 (25) 131-26 62

Marja SteijgerAmstel +31 (020) 496 52 53

Robin Templealso Specialist Traineralso Workshop Presenteralso DDA DirectorMaria Hoop +31 (0475) 302 203

Kirsten TheeuwenEibergen +31 (545) 286 828

Romina TorozUtrecht +31 (61) 280-1821

Mieke van DeldenLeek +31 (059) 4514985

Agnes van den Homberg-JacobsAmerica Limburg+31 (077) 464 23 22

Annette van der BaanAmsterdam +31 (020) 420-5501

Annemarie van HofUtrecht +31 (030) 65 86 700

Hilde van WestrhenenDelft +31 (610) 681 605

Mieke VerhallenMierlo +31 (492) 43 05 04

Lia VermeulenHuizen +31 (062) 3671530

Mary VerspagetAlmere +31 6 53 797 197

Roenie VisserAmersfoort + 31 (06) 24 45 67 33

Christien Vosalso Autism Facilitator/CoachTolbert +31 (0594) 511 607

Marlies WannetLopikerkapel+31 (6) 4326 1291

The Killerby Jack ElgosAdult176 pagesPublisher: YellowBay Books (May 31, 2012)ISBN-10: 1908530391 ISBN-13: 978-1908530394If you cannot finish this book in under three hours, you never opened it. One of those annoying books that you cannot put down because you HAVE to know what happens next. I loved the story of a reluctant IRA sniper – turned Spanish freedom fighter. Great characters.

The Wild Adventures of Eli Johnson & Curly Billby Dan Wright & Bill WrightYoung Adult108 pagesPublisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (October 30, 2010)ISBN-10: 1453721045 ISBN-13: 978-1453721049This is the kind of book I enjoyed growing up. The story of a young Virginian in the 19th century headed West in search of gold and adventure, this book will enrapture your students by the story and stimulate their curiosity and interest in the historical time period, as well. A great segue for social studies teachers.

Ouroborosby Christopher TurkelYoung Adult168 pagesPublisher: Libertary Company (June 12, 2012)ISBN-10: 1935961373 ISBN-13: 978-1935961376Fantasy is one of my favorite genres to attract reluctant teenage readers. Boys are especially drawn to Turkel’s story – set in a dystopian future – about a son’s transformation into an assassin after his father’s death. Middle schoolers love discussing this book.

The Spindlersby Lauren OliverYoung Adult256 pagesPublisher: HarperCollins (October 2, 2012)ISBN-10: 0061978086 ISBN-13: 978-0061978081When should you stop reading aloud to students? Never! Here is a great example of a book that your students will enjoy even more if you read it aloud to them, as Oliver’s writing is so pleasant to the ears. Plus, Oliver does a superb job of presenting strong female protagonists – something sorely (and oddly) lacking in a lot of fantasies.

Page 18: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


v Netherlands (continued)

Gerda Witte-KuijsHeerhugowaard+31 (072) 571 3163

Elisabeth Weterings-GaaikemaAl Harkstede+ 31 (623) 045 369

v New Zealand

Rochelle BoothWanganui +64 (027) 306-6743

Kirsteen Britten also Autism Facilitator/CoachChristchurch +64 (3) 348 1665

Vivienne CarsonAuckland +64 (09) 520-3270

Catherine Churtonalso Supervisor-SpecialistAuckland +64 (09) 360 7377

Maria CopsonDunedin +64 (03) 479 0510

Ann CookWarkworth/Auckland+64 (0) 9 422 0042

Melanie CurryChristchurch +64 (03) 322-1726

Angi EdwardsWhakatane+64 (07) 308 6882

Martine FalconerChristchurch+64 (03) 383-1988

Tina Guyalso Autism Facilitator/CoachNelson +64 (03) 547 4958

Wendy HaddonMosgiel +64 (03) 489-8572

Sandra HartnettWellington +64 (4) 499 5658

Alma Holden also Autism Facilitator/CoachAlexandra+64 (027) 485-6798

Glenys KnoppDarfield +64 (03) 317-9072

Leila MartinHawera Taranaki+64 (027) 721-3273

Raewyn MathesonDLS Mentor Westown New Plymouth+64 (06) 753 3957

Christine McCarthyWaikanae Beach Kapiti Coast+64 (2) 173 4795

Tania McGrathChristchurch +64 (03) 322 41 73

Shelley McMeekenalso DDA Directoralso Autism Facilitator/Coachalso Autism Training Supervisor Dunedin +64 0274 399 020

Linda McNaughten Dannevirke +64 (6) 374 1575

Colleen MortonGore +64 (03) 208 6308

Jocasta OliverParaparaumu Beach+64 (4) 904 4162

Wendy PersonHastings +64 (06) 870 4243

Airplanes in the Gardenby Joan Z. CalderChildren32 pagesPublisher: Patio PublishingFirst edition (May 28, 2011)ISBN-10: 0983296219 ISBN-13: 978-0983296218Your children will become transfixed by Cathy Quiel’s beautiful illustrations of butterflies as you read them Calder’s wonderful and informative book about Monarch butterflies.

How Rocket Learned to Readby Tad HillsChildren40 pagesPublisher: Schwartz & Wade; 1 edition (July 27, 2010)ISBN-10: 0375858997 ISBN-13: 978-0375858994Like Snoopy and Woodstock, Rocket and his little yellow bird teacher will win over kids and parents alike. What a wonderful story about piquing interest in reluctant readers about the wonders of reading.

Goodnight, iPadby Ann DroydChildren30 pagesPublisher: Blue Rider Press (October 27, 2011)ISBN-10: 0399158561 ISBN-13: 978-0399158568With apologies to Margaret Wise Brown, I have never liked Goodnight, Moon. There, I said it. Please don’t hate me. Perhaps that is just one of the contributing factors to my delight in reading this clever parody. Parents and kids will get a chuckle out of this gem (clever author pseudonym, too).

Can You See What I See? On a Scary Nightby Walter WickChildren40 pagesPublisher: Cartwheel Books; First Edition edition (August 1, 2008) ISBN-10: 0439708702 ISBN-13: 978-0439708708Are you kidding me? I’ve never included a Walter Wick book on my lists? Yup, even I overlook masters, as Walter Wick’s books deserve a place in everybody’s libraries. His illustrations are to die for, and his books captivate all ages. He is truly one of my favorite children’s authors, and he is a blessing to any parent or teacher of a reluctant boy reader.

Page 19: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


v New Zealand (continued)

Janet PirieRaumati Beach Wellington+ 64 (04) 298 1626

Alison SymeDarfield +64 (03) 318-8480

Lorna Timmsalso Davis Autism Trainer also Supervisor-Specialistalso Autism Facilitator/Coach, also Autism Training Supervisor & Workshop PresenterChristchurch +64 (03) 363 9358

Cherone WilsonHowick Auckland+64 (21) 184 5047

Margot YoungAuckland +64 (09) 416 1230

v Norway

Maria OlaisenLovund +47 (9) 027 6251

Ragnhild SlettevoldSkjaerhalden

Heida Karen VidarsdottirTelemark +47 958 03 822

v Peru

Judith Zapata PrangeLima + 51 (1) 964 382 889

v Philippines

Freddie TanSan Juan, Metro Manila+63 (2) 725 7137

v Poland

Agnieszka £ubkowska Warsaw +48 (46) 855 77 02

v Portugal

Sofia Vassalo SantosLisboa +35 (191) 911-2565

v Republic of Singapore

Phaik Sue ChinSingapore +65 6773 4070

Constance ChuaSingapore +65 6873 3873

v Russia

Mira AshushMoscow+972 (3) 635 0973

Nina GekhmanMoscow+7 (495) 788-8386

Luba NiazovMoscow+972 54 476 6203 (Israel)

Nadezhda PopovaMoscow+7 (495) 788-8386

Kalina PotyakMoscow+ 972 (52) 257 2783

Oxana SteinMoscow+972 (52) 223-5015

Maria StulovaMoscow+7 (916) 604 2140

Lora Zakon-OranMoscow+7 495-7888386

v Scotland

Paul Francis WrightForres, Scotland+44 (077) 9684 0762

v Serbia

Jelena RadosavljevicKraljevo +381 (063) 76 28 792


Replacing the Disability Paradigm Thomas Armstrong, author of The Myth of the ADD Child and numerous other works about children and adults with learning challenges, is about to release another book: Neurodiversity in the classroom: Strength-based strategies to help students with special needs succeed in school and life. Teachers who are readers of this newsletter should keep an eye out for this book, as it promises to be an important one. The idea of focusing on the strengths of our clients, rather than on their weaknesses is not a new one to Davis Facilitators, and it’s likely that we will find much to appreciate in Armstrong’s forthcoming work. Recently he published a little ‘taste’ in Educational Leadership, published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). Its title is reminiscent of the physician’s creed: First, Discover Their Strengths. Armstrong is a fan of the term neurodiversity, coined by activists for individuals with autism some years ago. The term suggests that we should apply the same positive attitudes that we hold about biological and cultural diversity to the differences among human brains. Just as we don’t look at a lily, he says, and consider it ‘petal difficient’ we should not label children as ADHD or learning disabled. Rather we should honor and celebrate the different ways they learn and use their perceptions.

The basic premise of neurodiversity is that there is no “typical” mental capacity – no “normal” brain to which all other brains are compared – and because this is the case, we should look at students with autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, emotional and behavior disorders, and other disabilitycategoriesnotintermsoftheirdeficits,but primarily in terms of their strengths. By focusing on assets rather than labels, educators in both regular and special education can develop better ways of helping all students succeed… Once we recognize the strengths of students with special needs, we can start to create positive environments within which they can thrive. Animals in nature do this all the time. Beavers build dams. Bees create hives. Spiders spin webs. Birds build nests. All of these creatures are changing their immediate environment to help ensure their survival. Essentially, they’re creating their own version of a “least restrictive environment.” A neurodiversity perspective encourages us to do the same for students with special needs by constructing positive niches – advantageous environments that minimize weaknesses and maximize strengths and thereby helpstudentsflourishinschool.

Armstrong encourages teachers to investigate the characteristics of the labels placed on students, and to examine each child’s school history to discover what strengths she may have demonstrated in the past. Doing this will allow teachers to develop a deep respect for student differences. And that perspective will help teachers move from a deficit orientation to one that will allow them to create an environment in which all children can become who they are truly meant to be. I look forward to reading Neurodiversity in the Classroom, to see Armstrong’s specific suggestions.

Reference:Armstrong, Thomas. First, Discover Their Strengths. Educational Leardership, Vol 70 No. 2, October, 2012.,-Discover-Their-Strengths.aspx

New Research: Visual Attention and DyslexiaResearchers have confirmed a causal link between visual attention difficulties and dyslexia. A 3-year study of Italian children shows that 60% of children who develop dyslexia had difficulties with visual attention orientation as pre-schoolers. From the abstract: “Although impaired auditory and speech sound processing is widely assumed to characterize dyslexic individuals, emerging evidence suggests that dyslexia could arise from a more basic cross-modal letter-to-speech sound integrationdeficit.Lettershavetobepreciselyselected from irrelevant and cluttering letters by rapid orienting of visual attention before the correct letter-to-speech sound integration applies. …Our findingsprovidethefirstevidencethatvisualspatialattentioninpreschoolersspecificallypredictsfuturereading acquisition, suggesting new approaches forearlyidentificationandefficientpreventionofdyslexia.” All Davis programs begin with focusing training or orientation counseling, to ensure that students are able to accurately perceive letters and other symbols. The full study appears in Current Biology, Volume 22, Issue 9, 814-819, 05 April 2012.

Page 20: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


v South Africa

Sharon GerkenSalt Rock+27 (82) 828 5180

Axel Gudmundssonalso Fundamentals Workshop PresenterWestern Cape+27 (021) 783 2722

v Switzerland/CH

Tinka Altwegg-ScheffmacherSt. Gallen +41 (071) 222 07 79

Monika AmreinZurich +41 (01) 341 8264

Regula Bacchetta-BischofbergerHorw/Luzern +41 (041) 340 2136

Priska Baumgartner Wettingen +41 (056) 426 28 88

Renata BlumNiedergosgen +41 (079) 501 52 71

Michelle BonardiCastel S. Pietro, Ticino+41 (091) 630 23 41

Brigitta DünkiRafz + 41 (079) 318-8300

Susi Fassler St. Gallen +41 (071) 244 5754

Ursula FischbacherOrpund +41 (032) 355 23 26

Antoinette FluckigerMohlin + 41 (61) 854 4760

Heidi Gander-BelzFehraltorf/Zurich+41 (44) 948 14 10

Katharina GrenacherLiebefeld (near Bern)+41(31) 382 00 29

Doris Rubli HuberSt. Gallen +41 (071) 245 5690

Christa JaegerRiehen +41 (061) 643 2326

Consuelo LangLumino +41 (091) 829 05 36

Claudia LendiSt. Gallen +41 (071) 288 41 85

Beatrice LeutertStein am Rhein +41 (052) 232 03 83

Erika Meier-SchmidBonstetten +41 (01) 700 10 38

Yvonne Meili Reinach +41 (77) 415 69 46

Christine NoisetChavannes +41 (21) 634 3510

Véronique PfeifferZürich +41 (01) 342 22 61

Regine Roth-GloorMohlin/Basel+41 (061) 851 2685

Benita RuckliRuswil +41 (041) 495 04 09 or (079) 719 31 18

Lotti Salivisberg Basel +41 (061) 263 33 44

Sonja SartorWinterthur +41 (052) 242 41 70

What STEM Crisis? For years we’ve been told that the United States is suffering a crisis in the study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). As he often does with all sorts of imagined crises in educaton, Professor Stephen Krashen points us to evidence that belies the common wisdom. In fact, the US leads the world in articles published in “prestige” science journals (SCI/SSCI approved journals), with 474,306 in 2011. China was in a distant second place, with 170,896 publications in such prestigious journals. And yet China is often mentioned as one of the countries that is overtaking the US in STEM. Meanwhile, Krashen has also checked out a study by X.W. Wang and colleagues which, among other things, calculated by country the number of scientific articles downloaded from the internet over the 24-hour period on April 12, 2012. Here are the top ten:

United States: 61,361 (29.62%)Germany 31,122 (15.02%)China 19, 826 (9.57%)UK 8066 (3.89%)Japan 6915 (3.34%)Canada 6752 (3.26%)Australia 6020 (2.91%)India 5552 (2.68%)France 4880 (2.36%)South Korea 4630 (2.23%)

Once again, the interest in science in the US outpaces its closest competitor in this area by nearly double. The next time you read a lament about how America’s falling behind in STEM, how it’s essential that more young people be persuaded to study Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, take it with a significant dose of salt!

The article Krashen referenced for these statistics:Wang, X. W., Xu, S. M., Peng, L., Wang, Z., Wang, C. L., Zhang, C. B., & Wang, X. B. (2012). Exploring Scientists’ Working Timetable: Do Scientists Often Work Overtime? [J] Journal of Informetrics, 6(4), 655-660.

Bored, Stressed or Both? According to an international group of researchers, the boredom students often complain about doesn’t just reflect their desire to be entertained. Rather, a certain kind of stress can interfere with their ability to focus their attention and learn. Boredom in school is pretty much a universal phenomenon. A recent study of boredom among high school students in the United States resulted in 65% of those surveyed saying they were bored at least once per day. Essentially, we’re bored when we have trouble paying attention to internal information (thoughts or feelings) or external information (whatever’s going on in our environment). This keeps us from participating in whatever activity we’re involved in, like the lesson we’re supposed to be paying attention to. We become aware of the fact that we can’t pay attention, and believe that the problem is exclusively external to us – that the lesson’s boring or stupid, or, if we’re at home, we complain that there’s nothing to do. New studies suggest that stress. distractions and symptoms of ADHD, all of which take up working memory, can contribute to the problem. In addition, students who are asked to work on material that’s too difficult for their level of academic development – which also takes up more working memory – are more likely to say the work is boring, than that they’re frustrated. Essentially, if you’re in a negative emotional state, discouraged or depressed, you will have trouble paying attention. Stress – and boredom – interfers with the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that allows us to reason and hold different facts in working memory. And this makes it harder to focus. A viscious circle can result, because stress and boredom seem to feed on one another. If an emotional trauma has you stressed, you’re more likely to disengage, feel bored. But that, in turn, adds to your stress. In the classroom, everyday stressors, like noise, can interfere with students’ attention and contribute to feelings of boredom. Teachers often try to prevent students from fidgeting or doodling, however, a study published in 2009 suggests that doodling, even something as simple as shading in shapes on a sheet of paper, can help focus attention and improve memory of what was being taught.

For more information: Sparks, Sara D. Studies Link Students' Boredom to Stress. Education Week, Oct. 10, 2012.

Page 21: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


v Switzerland/CH (continued)

Beatrix Vetterli Frauenfeld +41 (52) 720 1017

Andreas VillainZürich +41 (076) 371 84 3

Margit ZahndGerolfingen+41 (079) 256 86 65 or (032) 396 19 20

Claudia Ziegler-Fessler Hamikon (Near Zurich)+41 (041) 917 1315

v United Arab Emirates

Linda RademanDubai +9714 348 1687

v United Kingdom

Joy Allan-BakerLondon +44 (0757) 821 8959

Nicky Bennett-BaggsGt. Gaddesden, Herts+44 (01442) 252 517

Amanda BergstromManchester+44 (161) 256 3209

Lisa Cartwright London +44 (0773) 890-6500

Sarah DixonRanmore Common, Surrey +44 (01483) 283 088

Susan DuguidLondon+44 (020) 8878 9652

Dyslexia Correction CentreGeorgina Dunlopalso Autism Facilitator/Coach Jane E.M. Heywoodalso Autism Facilitator/Coach – Training Supervisor also DLS Mentor & PresenterAscot, Berkshire+44 (01344) 622 115

Christine EastKingsbridge, Devon+44 (01548) 856 045

Nichola Farnum MALondon +44 (020) 8977 6699

Maureen FloridoHarleston, Norfolk+44 (01379) 853 810

Carol ForsterGloucester +44 (1452) 331 573

Ines Graefin GroteGreat Yarmouth Norfolk+ 44 (1493) 393 208

Achsa GriffithsSandwich, Kent +44 (01304) 611 650

Tessa Halliwell also Autism Facilitator/Coach Tugby Leicestershire+44 (0116) 259 8068

Karen HautzLondon +44 (0207) 228-2947

Annemette Hoegh-BanksBerkhamsted, Herts+44 1442 872185

Phyllida Howlett also Autism Facilitator/Coach Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire +44 (01437) 766 806

Angela JamesReading, Berkshire+44 (0118) 947 6545

Liz JollyFareham, Hants+44 (01329) 235 420

Get off the Clock (continued from page 5)The Bird in the Window (continued from page 5)

The explanation is simply that we tend to see what we expect to see, what we want to see, and often miss details unrelated to what we’re looking for. So our expectations determine what we see. Ohanian points out that the more school reform efforts in American schools require teachers to focus their attention on test prep for consonant blends, apostrophes, or fractions, etc., the more likely it is that teachers will fail to notice what philosopher of science David Hawkins called the bird in the window. That is, to be good educators, we need to keep our eye on the actual children, on what they’re focusing on. The child’s focus generally has very little to do with the ‘student-will-be-able-to’s in the Common Core State Standards or even in their own teacher’s lesson plan. Ohanian rightly points out that “in a good classroom the teacher bases her decisions on what she sees children doing. She pays close attention to the accidental things that happen along the way, the things nobody can anticipate. That gorilla. That bird in the window.” Sometimes the best lessons, the best class discussions result from unforeseen accidents. Impossible-to-plan-for things happen in the room that redirect everyone’s attention, allowing everyone to perceive in a different way. These aren’t disruptions; they’re opportunities. But of course, how you see them depends on what you’re expecting, what you’re looking for. The Common Core State Standards – compiled by a crowd of people who have never spent any significant time teaching in an elementary, middle or high school classroom – would have us eliminate every unpredictable moment, every accident, every spark of spontaneity from our classrooms. Yes, we can drill and kill kids on specific skills and get improved results on some test a month later, but ultimately, education is more about who the child becomes seven years down the road, than how he or she performs on any given day, on any given test, over any given set of skills.

You can read all of The Gorilla in the Room at:

YoucanfindoutmoreaboutDavidHawkinsideas on teaching science from the primary grades on up at: v

what the teacher is looking for. You might think that there was immediately a mad rush to sign up for the latest due date possible, but that’s not what happened. Instead most kids opened their notebooks, looked to see when work or tests in their other classes were due, and signed up for a date that was relatively free of other responsibilities. Since students all had different schedules and studied different subjects, the chosen due dates tended to be scattered all across the two-week period. The result was delightful: once students began to schedule their own due dates, the quality of their work shot up dramatically. Timeliness and responsibiity increased as well: it became very rare for a student to miss his due date. On those rare occasions, I simply required 24-hour notice (the same amount of time my doctor requires if I need to cancel an appointment), and allowed the student to select another date. At the same time, as students gained control of their schedule, their stress decreased, and motivation increased. They knew exactly what my expectations were; they knew they had sufficient time to complete their work; and they knew that as long as they kept communication lines open with me, if something unexpected interfered with their plan, they could still be successful. Redford suggests that insisting on time limits as a metric for academic success is counterproductive. My own experience demonstrated clearly that eliminating time as a metric improved quality, responsibility, motvation, and general happiness in my students. It also improved my working conditions. Since I no longer collected 25 to 30 projects from each of five classes, all on the same day, I had no more stressful evenings trying to grade and return all work within 24 hours! Instead, projects trickled in three or four at a time allowing me to spend enough time assessing each child’s work, to provide all my students more meaningful feedback than I had previously had time for. Redford’s conclusion: “It’s very simple: Students should get access to the time they need to express what they know.” In her case, there’s a corollary: if a student regularly needs additional time, the school should consider an evaluation to determine whether the an IEP is needed. That’s undoubtedly wise. On the other hand, considering the truism that in ANY group of 20 to 30 students, the talents, challenges, motivation and stressors at work within the group always vary widely, it seems to me that abandoning our fixation on timing everything from tests to seatwork to projects, would not only be sensible but equitable. We might well discover that if we treated all our students like the unique human beings they are, instead of like raw material on a production line, the need for special education services might decrease dramatically.

YoucanfindKyleRedford’sarticle,OfftheClock:GivingStudents More Time to Demonstrate Learning at: v

Page 22: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


v United Kingdom (continued)

Sara KramerNew Malden, Surrey +44 (208) 942 9994

Marilyn LaneRedhill +44 (0173) 776-9049

Stuart ParsonsLowton/Warrington, Cheshire+44 (07754) 534 740

Fionna PilgrimKeighley, West Yorkshire +44 (1535) 661 801

Maxine PiperCarterton, Oxon+44 (01993) 840 291

Elenica Nina PitoskaLondon +44 (020) 8451 4025

Ian RichardsonLonghope Gloucestershire+44 (01452) 830 056

Pauline RoylePoulton-le-Fylde, Lancs+44 (0125) 389 987

Janice ScholesLiversedge, West Yorkshire+44 (0) 8000 272657

Caroline SmithMoggerhanger Bedfordshire+44 (01767) 640 430

Judith Shawalso Supervisor-SpecialistSt. Leonards on Sea/Hastings, East Sussex +44 (01424) 447 077

Elizabeth Shepherd Crowborough, East Sussex +44 (0189) 266-1052

Drs. Renée van der Vloodtalso Supervisor-SpecialistReigate, Surrey+44 (01737) 240 116

Evelyn WhiteWalton-on-Thames, Surrey+44 (01932) 243 083

The Blueberry CenterMargarita Viktorovna Whiteheadalso DDA DirectorRichard Whiteheadalso DDA Directoralso DLS Presenter-Mentoralso Fundamentals Presenter+44 (0)1684 574072 Great Malvern, Worcestershire+44 (8000) 27 26 57 (Toll Free)

v United States


Lisa SprattHuntsville +1 (256) 426-4066


Dr. Edith FritzPhoenix +1 (602) 274-7738

Nancy KressGlendale +1 (480) 544-5031

John MertzTucson +1 (520) 797-0201


Cyndi Cantillon-ColemanLadera Ranch/Irvine+1 (949) 364-5606

Reading Research CouncilDyslexia Correction CenterRay Davis also Autism Facilitator/Coach, Ronald D. Davis, FounderBurlingame/San Francisco+1 (800) 729-8990 (Toll-Free)+1 (650) 692-8990

Anette FullerWalnut Creek +1 (925) 639-7846

Famous Dyslexics Remember

Chris Cosentino Chris Cosentino is a chef-partner at the restaurant Incanto in San Francisco. Cosentino has appeared on numerous telvision cooking shows, perhaps most notably winning Top Chef: Master on Bravo in September of 2012. His new cookbook, “Beginnings: My Way to Start a Meal,” went on sale in May of this year. In an article in the Chicago Tribune, he spoke about his dyslexia, explaining that rather than writing his cookbook, he talked it: “When I was a kid in school, we were taught to never write like you speak, red pencils and grammar every single day. Here I am, dyslexic and ADD, it was hard. Writing the foreword, my editor Jennifer Newens hammered me for 2 1/2 hours about my recipes. She took my words verbatim, and it sounds like me being who I am and encouraging people to cook at home. If cooking comes from the heart, then it’s good.” You can read the entire article at:

Goldie Hawn Goldie Hawn is an American actress, film director and producer, perhaps best known for her roles in Private Benjamin, Cactus Flower (for which she won an Oscar), Overboard, Death Becomes Her, and The First Wives Club. In May, Goldie Hawn received an award from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration in Washington DC, in recognition of her work to help children with learning challenges, and to raise awareness of mental health issues in schools. She feels that schools today are very different from those she attended as a child. “I think we had much more dream time. I think we didn’t have as much pressure...I was not a great student... I had minor dyslexia, but I never felt the pressures of those kinds of problems; I felt like I was going to be ok,” she said. “…kids now are so pressured that their stress factors are really great.” Ms. Hawn has created her own organization, the “Hawn Foundation” which has developed a program for troubled children that builds on their social and emotional learning skills.

Richard Ford Richard Ford is an American writer of novels and short stories. His best-known novels are The Sportswriter (1986) and its sequels, Independence Day – for which he won a Pulitzer Prize in 1996, and The Lay of the Land (2006). Ford didn’t finish reading an entire book until he was 19 years old. “I’m dyslexic and so it was always easier for me to not finish books than it was to finish books. Nobody in the school that I went to made me finish books, and so I was pretty adroit at getting off this side and getting off that side of

the responsibility.” Ford feels that being dyslexic as a writer can be an advantage. “For me, [being dyslexic] equates me with all of those non-cognitive qualities that language has besides just the cognitive qualities of what words mean. So I’m interested in how many syllables a word has, how many long A sounds, all of those things that meets the reader’s interior ear, because I think that that’s what readers do when they read. If they read the literature they hear the language.” v

Page 23: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


v California (continued)

Angela GonzalesNorco +1 (951) 582-0262

Richard A. HarmelMarina Del Rey/Los Angeles+1 (310) 823-8900

David HirstRiverside +1 (909) 241-6079

Suzanne Kisly-CoburnManhattan Beach+1 (310) 947-2662

Dorothy (Dottie) PearsonVacaville+ 1 (707) 334-7662

Cheryl RodriguesSan Jose +1 (408) 966-7813

David Carlos RosenSan Rafael +1 (415) 479-1700

Dee Weldon WhiteLexie White StrainSunnyvale +1 (650) 388-6808


Janet ConferLittleton +1 (720) 425-7585

Annie GarciaWheat Ridge/Denver+1 (303) 423-3397

Crystal Punch also DLS MentorCentennial/Denver +1 (303) 850-0581

Karen Johnson WehrmanElizabeth +1 (303) 243-3658


Random (Randee) GarretsonLutz/Tampa/St. Petersburg+1 (813) 956-0502

Tina KirbyNavarre +1 (850) 218-5956

Rita Von BonNavarre +1 (850) 934-1389


Dr. Yolanda Davis-AllenFt. Gordon+ 1 (706) 772-5567

Lesa Hall also Autism Facilitator/CoachPooler/Savannah+1 (912) 330-8577

Martha PayneSuwanee +1 (404) 886-2720

Scott TimmWoodstock/Atlanta+1 (866) 255-9028 (Toll-Free)


Vickie Kozuki-Ah You also Autism Facilitator/CoachEwa Beach/Honolulu+1 (808) 685-1122


Kelley PhippsFruitland + 1 (208) 949-7569

Carma SutherlandRexburg +1 (208) 356-3944


Kim AinisChicago +1 (312) 360-0805

Susan SmarjesseSpringfield +1 (217) 789-7323

Another Davis Success Story By Laura Zink de Díaz, Davis Facilitator in Bogotá, Colombia

When my daughter, Sara, was in Kindergarten, her teacher said she was disorganized, too sociable and too distractible. I heard the same thing all through elementary school. Sara could read as well as necessary, but didn’t read much for pleasure. She wasn’t a great speller and her handwriting looked as if it had been produced in pain. To help her stay on task during homework time, we’d put on classical music; it seemed to help her learn to concentrate. Off and on through middle school, Sara would seem to be doing fine academically, but then suddenly there’d be a troubled period, particularly in math. In the primary grades, Sara insisted she’d grow up to be a marine biologist or some other kind of scientist. By the end of middle school, she’d dropped all notions of science as a career. Fortunately, during high school she had a handful of really wonderful math and science teachers who built her confidence back up. In college she majored in chemistry and Spanish. She earned excellent grades in Spanish, but college level chemistry was really challenging. She stuck with it though, and after college she worked for several years in biotech, where she excelled and was repeatedly rewarded with promotions. Eventually, in spite of her success in the private sector, Sara decided she wanted a career in academia, and began work on a Masters degree in History of Science at the University of Washington in Seattle. Right away, she started to have trouble. She had to read about 600 pages of history texts every week, and within a month she was falling behind. Sara realized that it was the little words that were holding her back in her reading, so she called and asked me to assess her. It hadn’t occurred to us when she was little that Sara might be dyslexic. After all, she’d done reasonably well in school, somewhat better in college when she could focus on the studies she was most interested in, and had been admitted to graduate school. Was hers the portrait of a dyslexic? Yes! Sara’s Perceptual Ability Assessment pointed to an ability to process her thoughts non-verbally and in three dimensions. So she hung on until the end of that first, difficult quarter and did a Davis Program with me during Christmas break of 2005. The powers that be in the History Department never really understood Sara, and didn’t seem interested in changing that situation. As she was finishing up her Masters degree, her advisor warned her that she might not be accepted into the doctoral program. Sara’s a big picture thinker and she has a gift for synthesis: she sees connections among disparate elements and combines them into a more complex whole. When she’d look at historical events, Sara would draw connections between one period and another, one advancement

and another, and between different disciplines as well. But the predominant view in the history department was that she specialize narrowly, limit her focus to one aspect of one era. Meanwhile, Sara’s global vision and interdisciplinary tendencies, had served her well when she took history classes offered through the Women’s Studies Department. The faculty there appreciated her gift for synthesis and her global vision, so she applied for their doctoral program as well. Ultimately, Sara was accepted into doctoral programs in both departments, but Women’s Studies gave her a hefty scholarship. From History: nada. Since she could do the same work in either department, Sara moved over to Womens Studies.Graduate school keeps you so busy sometimes you don’t know if you’re coming or going. I wondered if Sara had been doing her Davis follow-up work, and after a couple of years, I asked. “Well, no, Mom, I really haven’t had time to do the clay work – I have way too much to do for my classes.” She’d done well anyway, and discovered one interesting thing. Whenever Sara was writing a paper, if she got lost in the middle and couldn’t figure out where all her research was taking her, she’d stop and ask her room mate to toss her the Koosh balls as she’d learned during her Davis Program. As soon as she finished the exercise and headed back to her desk, all the information seemed to line up perfectly and point towards the conclusion she was striving for. “Why would that be, Mom?” she asked. “Of course, dear!” I replied. “The Koosh balls fine tune your Alignment. That makes you focus better. And of course, the physical exercise sends oxygen to your brain, so no wonder you see more clearly afterwards!” Sara still does Koosh balls whenever something has her stumped. Now, as of June of this year, she’s Dr. Sara Díaz. I was lucky enough to get to Seattle in time to see her defend her dissertation on the representation of women and minorities in the sciences. She focused on three women scientists, one from seventeenth century Mexico, and two from the twentieth century, one African American and the other, Chinese American. And I also got to see Sara don her regalia to officially receive her Ph.D. A couple of months before Sara received her degree, she was selected from a field of over 180 applicants for a position as assistant professor at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. Starting this fall, Sara will be the first official member of Gonzaga’s brand new, Department of Women and Gender Studies. In addition to teaching three courses per semester this coming academic year, she will begin to design the future curriculum for this new department. Her global vision will come in very handy with such a monumental task!I’m as proud as I could possibly be of Dr. Díaz! She and I both know just how much her success in academia is owed to her gift of dyslexia. We also know how much having found the Davis tools at the start of her graduate studies helped her finish and find a great job! v

Page 24: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


Kelly Attebery“I am a home school mom whose daughter Alice went through the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program a few years ago and changed all our lives.” Playmaginating. 1157 N. 9th, Laramie, Wyoming 82072, USA. +1 (307) 221-3081. [email protected]

Jeannette Bruinsma“Since 1985 I have been working as a teacher at primary schools in the city of Amersfoort, in the Netherlands. Over the years I got more and more frustrated not being able to offer the right help to students who struggle in regular classes.

In my quest to find a way to help them I ran into a book called The Gift of Dyslexia. This book made me see the logic of dyslexia and how to help people deal with it. Now I’ve reached the point where I am able to provide picture thinkers with the tools to cope with their different way of thinking in an effective and surprising way.” Zit dat Zo! Berlagestraat 2, 3822 TA, Amersfoort, Nederland. +31 (06) 3914-8188. [email protected]

Sophie Flaux Lasnon23 rue Landejulien, Riec Sur Belon 29340, France. +33 (6) 14 57 03 38. [email protected]

Marie Gaydon“I’m a teacher. I teach French language arts and I decided to become a Davis Dyslexia Correction Facilitator to help my dyslexic students who are having difficulty in class. I’m going to continue to teach, but will also work as a Davis Facilitator so I can help both children and adults with learning challenges.” Dys Sur Dys. 152 rue de la Guicharde, Limas Frei de Lyon 69400, France. +33 (06) 66-58-14-26. [email protected]

Nina Gekhman “In 1994 I graduated with a B.A. in Pedagogy from Yakuzk University, in Russia. I have seven years of experience as an elementary school teacher. In 2011 I became a therapist coach in ABA, the Applied Behavior Analysis Method for

Autistic children in Israel.” Clinic Medis. Academica Anohino Str.2 corp.6, Moscow, Russia. +7-495-788-8386. [email protected]

Lisa Henry49 rue de Laseppem, Bordeaux 33000, France. +33 (05) 57 87 19 43. [email protected]

Jocasta Oliver Dyslexia Learning Solutions. 4 Te Kupe Road, Paraparaumu Beach, Paraparaumu, New Zealand. +64 (4) 904 4162. [email protected]


Myrna BurkholderGoshen/South Bend+1 (574) 533-7455


Mary Kay FrasierDes Moines +1 (515) 270-0280


Kristi Thompsonalso DLS Presenter-MentorManter +1 (719) 529-5276


Kathryn KovacSterlington +1 (318) 789-8976 Massachusetts

Karen LoGiudicealso Fundamentals Workshop Presenteralso Autism Facilitator/CoachAmesbury +1 (978) 337-7753

Carolyn TylerFairhaven +1 (508) 997-4642


Molly Scoby Greenville +1 (231) 250-7260

Kathleen McNallyNear Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo +1 (517) 796-5429

Sandra McPhallGrandville/Grand Rapids+1 (616) 534-1385

Cinda Osterman, M. Ed.Grand Ledge/Lansing +1 (517) 652-5156


Cyndi Denesonalso Supervisor-Specialist Edina/Minneapolis+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll-Free)+1 (952) 820-4673


Clark BrownRoach +1 (573) 552-5772

Cathy CookColumbia +1 (573) 819-6010 or 886-8917


Elsie Johnsonalso Autism Facilitator/Coach Manhatten +1 (406) 282-7416


Elaine ThoendelChambers+1 (402) 482-5709


Barbara ClarkReno +1 (775) 265-1188

New Hampshire

Glenna Giveansalso Autism Facilitator/CoachLebanon+ 1 (603) 863-7877

Michele Siegmannalso Autism Facilitator/Coach Mason/Manchester/Boston+1 (603) 801-1247

New Jersey

Lynn ChigounisMontclair +1 (973) 746-5037

New York

Lisa AndersonSeneca Falls +1 (315) 576-3812

Newly Licensed Davis FacilitatorsNewly Licensed Davis Facilitators

Christine McCarthy “Originally from England, my husband, three children and I moved to New Zealand in July of 2003. On leaving school I trained as a Registered General Nurse at Guy’s Hospital London. Later I specialized in Accident and Emergency Nursing. Having developed an interest in Nurse Education I was lucky enough to travel to many interesting parts of the world, training nurses in the use of special equipment in ITU’s. This was what first brought me to New Zealand. After my third child was born, I retired from that life and indulged my passion for textiles, by setting up my own soft furnishing business. When it later became apparent that my youngest child was struggling with some kind of “learning difference”, I was fortunate to be put in touch with a fantastic Davis Dyslexia Facilitator (Janet Pirie Hunter). With her guidance and support my daughter has gone from strength to strength. Seeing the fantastic results from the Davis Correction Program led me to want to learn as much about it as possible, and then to train as a Davis Facilitator. In my spare time, I create Oamaru Stone Sculptures.” 24 Fairway Oaks Drive, Waikanae Beach, Kapiti Coast, Wellington 5036, New Zealand. +64 (2) 173-4795. [email protected].

Kelley Phipps “I hold a Bachelor of Science in Elementary/Special Education and a Master of Science in Literacy. At Art Centerpoint Learning Solutions we focus on the client, offering client-centered, drug-free solutions to learning difficulties. We work with all ages, giving assistance in reading, mathematics, handwriting, and ADD/ADHD.” CenterPoint Learning Solutions. 12009 NW 19th Street, Fruitland, Idaho 83619, USA. +1 (208) 949-7569. [email protected]

Nadezhda Popova Clinic Medis. Academica Anohina Str. 2. Corp.6, Moscow, Russia. +7-495-788-8386. / [email protected]

Desmond Smith “It is a privilege to call myself a Davis Dyslexia Facilitator. I am looking forward to the opportunity to facilitate others through a journey of self-discovery towards their gift of Dyslexia. It is my goal to successfully guide them in breaking through the boundaries currently challenging them to help them unleash all their true and wonderful potential. Special thanks go to my trainer, my peers in training, my parents, and my partner, Roo, for all their help and support throughout my journey.” Oakville Success Centre. Suite 38-1545 Cornwall Rd, Oakville, Ontario L6J0B2, Canada. +1 (905) 844-4144. [email protected]

Page 25: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


v New York (continued)

Wendy NiedermeierByron +1 (585) 233-4364

North Carolina

Gerri W. Coxalso DLS Presenter-MentorShallotte/Wilmington+1 (910) 754-9559

Ruth MillsPineville/Charlotte+1 (704) 541-1733

Jean MoserWinston-Salem+1 (336) 830-2390


Lorraine CharbonneauMason/Cincinnati/Dayton+1 (513) 850-1895


Patti GodwinBartlesville +1 (918) 232-0462

Ashley Gricealso Autism Facilitator/Coach Tulsa +1 (918) 779-7351

Rhonda LacyClinton +1 (580) 323-7323


Nicki CatesPortland +1 (586) 801-0772

Rhonda ErstromVale +1 (541) 881-7817

Janell WarkentinKeno+1 (541) 647-0841


Marcia Maustalso Autism Facilitator/Coach also Autism Training SupervisorBerlin/Pittsburgh+1 (814) 267-5765

South Carolina

Angela KeiferGreenville+1 (864) 420-1627

South Dakota

Kim Carsonalso DLS Presenter-MentorBrookings/Sioux Falls +1 (605) 692-1785


Kellie Antrim-BrownFt. Worth+1 (817) 989-0783

Success Learning CenterRhonda Brownalso DLS Presenter-MentorColleen Millslaglealso DLS Presenter-MentorTyler/Dallas+1 (866) 531-2446 (Toll Free)+1 (903) 531-2446

Shari ChuHelotes/San Antonio +1 (210) 414-0116

Jodie HarberCedar Park+1 (512) 918-9247

Lori JohnsonBoerne/San Antonio+1 (210) 843-8161

Casey Linwick-RouzerSugar Land/Houston+1 (832) 724-0492

Frances Adaleen MakinGreenville/DFW +1 (903) 268-1394

Paula Marshburn Tyler +1 (903) 570-3427

The Davis Autism Approach Facilitator/Coach Training Program is available to experienced and licensed Davis Facilitators. It requires an additional 200-250 hours of specialized training and field work to become licensed to work with autistic individuals and their families.

Davis Learning Strategies Mentors and Workshop Presenters are experienced teachers and trainers with 2-3 years of specialized training and experience mentoring classroom teachers of children 5-9 years of age.

The Davis Facilitator Training Program consists of eleven training steps, and requires 450 hours of workshop attendance, practice meetings, and supervised field work. The Davis Specialist Training Program requires extensive experience providing Davis programs and an additional 260 hours of training. Specialists and Facilitators are subject to annual re-licensing based upon case review and adherence to the DDAI Standards of Practice.

For more information about training and a full directory of Davis providers, visit: or or call +1 (650) 692-7141 or +1 (888) 805-7216 toll-free in the USA.

Davis Training Programs

Oxana Stein “I am a Facilitator at the Moscow “Medis” clinic, a well known establishment for over six years, with a wide range of clients of all ages. I am relaxed, friendly, and down to earth. I like to share my knowledge with my students. I am professional, positive, love to travel and meet others.” Clinic Medis. Academica Anohino Str.2 corp.6, Moscow, Russia. +97-252 223 5015 [email protected]

Roenie Visser “When I was a child, it became clear that I was a picture thinker. For me school was always a challenge. When I was younger I dreamed of helping people with learning problems, because I know exactly what they feel and think.

In 2009 I decided to attend the first DDA workshop. I am very proud to be a Davis Facilitator now and my goal is to work with children and adults, so they will be happier in school and at their work.” Buro Dyslexie. Postbus 337, CD, Amersfoort 3824, Nederlands. + 31 (06) 24 45 67 33

Lora Zakon-Oran “Since 2006 I have managed a family clinic in Moscow, where five licensed Davis Facilitators have successfully used the Davis Method of correcting dyslexia and other learning challenges. We also have a psychiatric advisor, and we work

with both adults and children. I have a lot of experience evaluating human resources, psychometric exams, developmental methods and analyzing test results. I graduated in sociological and psychological academic education at I.P.K Institute in Moscow.” Clinic Medis. Academica Anohina Str.2 corp.6, Moscow, Russia. +7-495-788-8386 [email protected].

Cherone Wilson “I spent several years working as a Learning Assistant in schools in New Zealand and overseas, assisting children with a whole range of learning difficulties and needs. Having seen family members complete the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program, I knew this was the way forward for me to make a positive change in people’s lives.” Positively Dyslexic. 53 Sandspit Road, Howick, Auckland 2014, New Zealand. +64 (21) 184 5047 [email protected]

Newly Licensed Davis FacilitatorsNewly Licensed Davis Facilitators

Page 26: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


Based on the Davis Dyslexia Correction methods, this Kit enables parents of children, ages 5-7, to home-teach and help young learners to:• focus attention• control energy levels• improve eye-hand coordination• learn the alphabet• learn basic punctuation• develop and strengthen pre-reading and basic reading skills• prevent the potential of a learning problem• improve sight word recognition and comprehension• establish life-long “how-to-learn” skills.

The Davis Methods for Young LearnersDavis Focusing Strategies provide children with the self-directed ability to be physically and mentally focused on the learning task at hand.

Davis Symbol Mastery enables children to master the alphabet letters, punctuation marks and basic sight words with a simple, easy and fun alternative to pencil-paper activities and drill.

Davis Reading Exercises improve accuracy with word recognition and comprehension.

The Kit is priced at $129.95 (Shipping and Handling will be added)To purchase a kit, use our secure on-line ordering at: call our toll-free number: 1 (888) 999-3324

Note: For older children (ages 8 and up), we recommend the Davis Symbol Mastery Kit.

The Kit includes: • Instruction Manual • Sturdy nylon briefcase • Reusable modeling clay (2 pounds) • Clay cutter • Webster’s Children’s Dictionary (hardcover) • Punctuation Marks & Styles Booklet • Two Koosh Balls • Letter Recognition Cards • Laminated Alphabet Strip • Stop Signs for Reading Chart

Young Learner Kit for Home-Use

Texas (continued)

Dorothy Owenalso Supervisor-Specialist also Autism Facilitator/CoachDallas/Ft. Worth+1 (888) 392-1134 (Toll Free)+1 (817) 919-6200

Edward OwenDallas/Ft. Worth+1 (888) 392-1134 (Toll Free)+1 (817) 919-6200

Beverly ParrishLeague City+1 (281) 638-0297 Laura Warrenalso DLS Workshop Presenter-MentorLubbock +1 (806) 790-7292


Donna KouriRockville+1 (804) 240-0470

Angela Odomalso DLS Presenter-MentorMidlothian/Richmond+1 (804) 833-8858

Jamie Worley Blackburg +1 (540) 552-0603


Elizabeth (Liz) BertranLake Stevens +1 (425) 231-9705

Aleta ClarkAuburn/Tacoma +1 (253) 854-9377

Renie Royce SmithSpokane +1 (800) 371-6028 (Toll-Free)+1 (509) 443-1737

West Virginia

Allison BoggessCulloden +1 (888) 517-7830

Gale Longalso Autism Facilitator/Coach also Autism Training SupervisorElkview/Charleston+1 (888) 517-7830 (Toll Free)+1 (304) 965-7400


Anne Mataczynskialso Autism Facilitator/CoachWausau +1 (715) 551-7144

Marla Verdone Janesville+1 (800) 753-8147 (Toll Free)


Kelly AtteberyLaramie+1 (307) 221-3081

v Uruguay

Marcela PiffarettiMontevideo+598 (2) 600-6326

This Directory is current as of December 15th, 2012.

It is subject to change. Between newsletter issues, new Facilitators are added,

and occasionally, some become inactive. However, the Davis Providers list at

www.dyslexia.comis always up to date.

Page 27: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


Basic Workshop for Primary Teachers

Teachers, would you like to…• Improve the reading skills of all the children in your class regardless of their learning style?• Manage your classroom more effectively?• Prevent the onset of learning disabilities?• Use research-based methods that are flexible and easily fit into and enhance any existing curriculum? This two-day workshop provides Primary Teachers (K-3) with unique and innovative strategies for improving reading instruction and classroom management, and equips young learners with proven life long skills in “how to learn.”

Instruction includes:• Theory and Reasoning for each Strategy.• Video demonstrations of each Strategy and classroom implementation suggestions.• Supervised experiential practice on each Strategy.• Q&A and discussion about each Strategy.

Materials include:• Detailed Manual with suggested year-long guides, black-line masters, and numerous tips for each implementing each Strategy in various curriculum activities. • DVD demonstrating each classroom Strategy. • Teacher Kit: alphabet strip, letter recognition cards, clay, cutter, dictionary and two Koosh® balls. (Classroom materials sold separately)

Workshop hours: 9am-4pm with one hour lunch break.Cost: $595 per person Early registration discount available (US only) Academic Units or CEUs (US and Canada only)Two Quarter Units are available through California State University. Cost is $89 per unit, plus $35 administrative fee. A written assignment, which can be completed before and during the workshop, is required.

Would you like to bring a DLS workshop to your school/area? Call 1 (888) 805-7216, and ask for Paula McCarthy.

2013 DATES & LOCATIONSDate Location Telephone


Jan 24-25 Tyler, Texas +1 (903) 531-2446

Mar 7-8 Tyler, Texas +1 (903) 531-2446

Apr 11-12 Richmond, Virginia +1 (804) 833-8858

May 9-10 Tyler, Texas +1 (903) 531-2446

June 18-19 Denver, Colorado +1 (719) 324-9256

June 20-21 Shallotte, North Carolina +1 (910) 754-9559

July 11-12 Amarillo, Texas +1 (806) 790-7291

July 25-26 Tyler, Texas +1 (903) 531-2446

July 30-31 Brookings, South Dakota +1 (605) 692-1785

Aug 1-2 Shallotte, North Carolina +1 (910) 754-9559

Aug 1-2 Tyler, Texas +1 (903) 531-2446

Oct 10-11 Tyler, Texas +1 (903) 531-2446

Oct 21-22 Richmond, Virginia +1 (804) 833-8858

For more details, visit

“In the forefront of what I liked most was how easily the Davis strategies fit into many areas of Kindergarten curriculum. It relieved me of a paper-pencil approach and gave me a hands-on, kinesthetic approach. It helped develop the little finger muscles to move on to coordinate paper-pencil activities. Creating the alphabet over time also accomplished the development of ownership, responsibility, and a sense a pride in all the children. I believe all Kindergarten children would benefit from Davis Learning Strategies.” –LB, Kindergarten Teacher, Mission San Jose Elementary School, Fremont, California

Page 28: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


The Gift of Dyslexia WorkshopRead the book?Take the next step in helping others correct dyslexia. Attend this workshop!

DAY ONEBackground and Development of the Davis Dyslexia Correction® Procedures• Research and discovery. The “gifts” of dyslexia. Anatomy and developmental stages of a learning disability. Overview of the steps for dyslexia correction.Davis Perceptual Ability Assessment (a screening for dyslexic learning styles)• Demonstration and Practice SessionSymptoms Profile Interview (used to assess symptoms, strengths and weaknesses; set goals; establish motivation)• Demonstration and Practice Session



For updated workshop schedules visit:

DAY THREEOrientation Review Procedure (a method for checking orientation skills)• Demonstration & Practice SessionDavis Symbol Mastery® (the key to correcting dyslexia)• What is Symbol Mastery? Why clay?Mastering Basic Language Symbols• Demonstrations and Group ExercisesReading Improvement Exercises• Spell-Reading. Sweep-Sweep-Spell. Picture-at-Punctuation

DAY TWODavis Orientation Counseling Procedures (methods to control, monitor and turn off perceptual distortions)• What is Orientation? Demonstration & Practice SessionRelease Procedure (method to alleviate stress, headaches)Alignment (an alternative to Orientation Counseling)• What is Alignment? How is it used? Group DemonstrationDial-Setting Procedure (a method for controlling energy levels)

DenmarkFebruary 27 – March 3, 2013Silkeborg (near Aarhus)Presenter: Robin Temple Language: English/Danish Telephone: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Email: [email protected]

GermanyFebruary 7 – 10, 2013 BerlinLanguage: German/English Presenter: Ioannis TzivanakisTelephone: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Email: [email protected]

April 4 – 7, 2013 FreiburgLanguage: German/EnglishTelephone: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Email: [email protected]

France May 3 – 6, 2013 ParisLanguage: English/FrenchTelephone: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Email: [email protected]

MexicoFebruary 25 – 28, 2013Mexico CityPresenter: Cathy CalderonLanguage: SpanishTelephone: +52 (81) 8335 9435Email: [email protected]

NetherlandsLoenen aan de Vecht15-18 February14-17 March26-29 April6-9 JunePresenter: Robin TempleLanguage: Dutch

South AfricaJanuary 7 – 10, 2013Randburg JohannesburgPresenter: Axel GudmundssonLanguage: EnglishTelephone: 021 783 2722Email: [email protected]

United StatesMarch 11 – 14, 2013 Burlingame, CA Presenter: Karen LoGiudice Language: English Telephone: +1 (888) 805-7216 Email: [email protected]

July 8 – 11, 2013 Burlingame, CA Presenter: Larry Smith, Jr. Language: English Telephone: +1 (888) 805-7216 Email: [email protected]

October 7 – 10, 2013 Burlingame, CA Presenter: Karen LoGiudiceLanguage: English Telephone: +1 (888) 805-7216 Email: [email protected]

To register for US workshops call toll free 1 (888) 805-7216, or visit

Materials included with workshop

DAY FOURFine-Tuning Procedure (checking and adjusting orientation using balance)Symbol Mastery Exercises for Words• Demonstrations• Group Exercises• Practice Sessions Implementing the Davis Procedures

Page 29: The Dyslexic Reader 2012 - Issue 62


Come learn and experience the Davis Dyslexia Correction procedures first hand!This 4-day workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles and application of all the procedures described in The Gift of Dyslexia. Training is done with a combination of lectures, demonstrations, group practice, and question and answer sessions. Attendance is limited to ensure the highest quality of training.Who should attend:• Reading Specialists & Tutors• Parents & Homeschoolers• Resource Specialists• Educational Therapists• Occupational Therapists• Speech/Language TherapistsParticipants will learn:• How the Davis procedures were developed• How to assess for the “gift of dyslexia.”• How to help dyslexics eliminate mistakes and focus attention.• The Davis Symbol Mastery tools for mastering reading.• How to incorporate and use proven methods for improving reading, spelling, and motor coordination into a teaching, home school, tutoring, or therapeutic setting.See page 27 for more workshop details.

DDAI-Int’l, Canada & USA1601 Bayshore Highway, Ste 260Burlingame, CA 94010Tel: 1-888-805-7216 Fax: 1 (650) 692-7075E-mail: [email protected]

DDA-Latin AmericaCalzada del Valle #400 Local 8Colonia del ValleGarza García, Monterrey Nuevo LeónMéxico, CP 66220Tel: 52 (81) 8335-9435Email: [email protected]

DDA-NederlandJacques Schreursstraat 256074 CR Melick NEDERLANDTel: 31 (475) 520 433E-mail: [email protected]

DDA-DACHDeutschland-Austria-Switzerland Wandsbecker Chausee 132D-22089 Hamburg

GERMANYTel: 49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Fax: 49 (040) 25 17 86 24E-mail: [email protected]

SWITZERLANDTel: 41 (061) 273 81 85E-MAIL: [email protected]

DDA-UKDavis Learning Foundation47-49 Church StreetGreat MalvernWorcestershire WR14 2AATel: +44 (0) 330 011 0680E-mail: [email protected]

DDA-Pacific295 Rattray Street Dunedin, New Zealand 9016Tel: 64 (0274) 399 020 Fax: 0064 3 456 2028 Email: [email protected]

Enrollment limited v Classes fill Early v Call 1 (888) 805-7216 or 1 (650) 692-7141For updated workshop schedules visit

For a full description of the Davis Facilitator Certification Program, ask for our booklet.

For a detailed brochure on enrollment, prices, group rates, discounts, location, and further information, contact the DDA in your country.

The Gift of Dyslexia Workshop


USA Workshop Information Questions?Toll Free: 1 (888) 805-72161 (650) 692-7141Email: [email protected]

The Dys•lex •́ic Read•́er1601 Old Bayshore Highway, Suite 260Burlingame, CA 94010CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED





USA Workshop Fees • $1175perperson• AcademicunitsandCEUsavailable

CALL 1 (888) 805-7216 for special discounts and early bird rates!

Jan 7 – 10 Randburg Johannesburg South Africa

Feb 7 – 10 Berlin Germany

Feb 15 – 18 Loenen aan de Vecht Holland

Feb 25 – 28 Mexico City Mexico

Feb 27 – Mar 3 Silkeborg (near Aarhus) Denmark

March 11 – 14 Burlingame, CA USA

Mar 14 – 17 Loenen aan de Vecht Holland

April 4 - 7 Freiburg Germany

April 26 – 29 Loenen aan de Vecht Holland

May 3 – 6 Paris France

June 6 – 9 Loenen aan de Vecht Holland

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