Page 1: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector

Romulo PinheiroResearch Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO

Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Page 2: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

The Agenda

• Higher Education as a social institution• The importance of knowledge and rise of

’knowledge society’• ’Human Capital’ and Returns on Education• Types of Higher Education Institutions• Change processes in the last 3 decades• Recent reforms in Norwegian HE• Future outlook & challenges for the sector

Page 3: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

What do we mean by HE?

Primary Education

Higher Education (Universities & Colleges)Tertiary Education (OECD) + vocational schools (fagskoler)

Secondary Education(lower & upper)

Page 4: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Source: SSB

Page 5: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Why is HE important?Contributions to Society

Higher Education/ Tertiary Education




Economic(Quality Life)

Page 6: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Core Functions of HE

Creation/ Dissemination


Training Labour Force

Ideological Apparatuses

Socialization of Elites

Universities & Colleges

Source: Castells (2001)

Page 7: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

The Importance of Knowledge




Land Agricultural Era

Industrial Era

Knowledge Era(Post-industrial


Page 8: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

HEIs as Knowledge Institutions

”HEIs critical for the socio-economic development of world nations” (World Bank, World Development Report 1999)

”The new Europe of Knowledge needs strong and robust universities” (European Union, Lisbon Strategy 2000-2010)

”Universities are the ’engines’ of the new Knowledge Economy”(Castells, 2000)

Page 9: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Knowledge economy index

Tertiary education enrollment

Link: Knowledge Economy and Higher education

Page 10: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Human Capital

”Investments in schooling (incl. HE) deliver higher economic returns for both individuals and societies (economies), thus representing a positive (profitable) public investment.” (Becker 1964, 1993)

Dilemmas: Private returns easier to measure than social returns

Not all individuals benefit equally, RoE

Page 12: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

But, Norway is different, right?

Page 13: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Norway: HE labour markets

Page 14: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Do knowledge-investments lead to global (economic) competitiveness of nations?


Source: World Economic Forum (2006)

Page 15: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

More (possible) Linkages: Knowledge Economy Index and GDP

Knowledge Economy Index & Gross Domestic Product

Page 16: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Globalisation index 2004(

Page 17: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

How satified are HE Graduates? (European study, incl. Norway; 40.000 resp.)

Source: Cheers project

Job Mobility

New Challenges

Match: Qualifications vs. Task

Financial Rewards, RoE

Page 18: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

More on Cheers study…

40% start a job search before graduation

More 30% begun job search around time of graduation

Less 30% start job hunt after graduation

NO/SWE: 25% did not search for job (headhunted, in employment, etc.)

Source: Teichler (2007)

NO/SWE: More than 50% graduates began job search before graduation (less than 20% in Italy/France.

Page 19: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008
Page 20: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008
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Page 23: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

What about under-represented groups?(QoL of ethnic minorities in Norway)

Source: Pinheiro (2005)

Personal Identity & well-being

Aculturation & Integration

Economic Returns

Social Networks

Higher Education Experience

Page 24: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

More on Ethnic Minorities…

Source: SSB

Page 25: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Back to HE…(Types of HEIs)

Traditional Universities

Colleges (høgskoler)Polytechnics

Univ. Applied Science

Mid to Long-Term (3 to 5 years)Bachelor, Master and PhDs

All study fieldsNational/Global orientation

Short to Mid-Term (1 to 3 years)Bachelor & Master, + PhDs

Focus on Professional FieldsLocal/Regional Orientation

Binary System Of Higher Education

Page 26: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Recent HE Developments (Europe)

From ’elite’ to ’mass’or ’universal’ systems(Since 1970s, see Trow 1970)

Economisation of HE(efficiency/NPM),

since mid 80s

Internationalization & Globalization,since 1990s

Competition, Global university rankings

Last 5 years

Erosion of Binary system (mergers, alliances, integration)


Page 27: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Historical Evolution of the Norwegian HE System (1950-2008)

Mid 1950s to 1970s: Exponential Growth in enrolmentsRegional Colleges (Distrikt høgskoler)

Mid 1990s: Qualitative Shift

(Gender, internation., quality)

Current (2008-):Rethinking of HE landscape

(Erosion binary divide)New student publics

Mid- 1970s to 1980s: Rise of the College Sector (Binary System)

Page 28: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

NO: Educational attainment (93/03)

Page 29: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Relative growth in tertiary entry rates, 2000-2004 (2000=100)








Source: OECD Education at a Glance (2006)Refers to tertiary-type 5A programmes

Page 30: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Recent HE Reforms, Norway(last 10 years)

Competence Reform(1999)

Quality Reform(2003)


Facilitate access to those w/ non-formal qualifications But relevant work experience(adult learners – LLL Agenda)

Bologna Process++•Degree System (3+2+3)•Internationalisation•ECTS transfers•NOKUT agency/quality•Funding (output/lånekass.)

Erosion Binary System Decline of student Population (18-24 y.o) after 2015

Page 32: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

Norway: Future challenges…

Page 33: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

More challenges…

Source: NOU 2008: 35 (Stjernø rapport)

Page 34: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

The future HE landscape (4 possible scenarios or models)

FlercampusUniversitetet i Nord-,

Vest-, Sørvest-, Vest-Viken,Øst-Norge. Innlandsuniversitetet,


Prosess og Differensiering

Fusjoner «nedenfra» innenfor

nasjonale rammer


Nettverk av selvstendige institusjoner

(strategic alliances)


UiO (incl. UMB), Sørvest-, UiB, NTNU, UiT + 6 store høgskoler

Source: Stjernø (2008)

Page 35: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

How viable are these (4) models?

Source: SFSO (2008)

Page 36: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008

So what? Why should I care?

Diversity(degrees, HEIs)

Not a luxuryBut a



Social Cohesion

& QoL

Shortage ofProfessionals

Career Path

TertiaryEducation &


Page 37: The Dynamics of the Higher Education Sector Romulo Pinheiro Research Fellow/Stipendiat, UiO Høgskolen i Akershus, March 28, 2008


• Castells, Manuel (2001). Universities as dynamic systems of contradictory functions. In: Johan Muller, Nico Cloete and Shireen Badat (eds.) Challenges of globalisation. South African debates with Manuel Castells, Cape Town: Maskew Miller Longman

• European Union (2003). The Role of Universities in reaching the Lisbon Objectives. • World Bank (1999). Knowledge for Development. World Development Report 1998/99.• Castells, Manuel (2000). The Rise of the Network Society. Blackwell.• Becker, Gary (1964, 1993). Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with special reference to

education. Unic. Chicago Press.• Trow, Martin (1970). Reflections on the transition from mass to universal higher education.• Pinheiro, R. (2005). The Impact of the HE experience in the Quality of Life of ethnic minorities. A Norwegian

based study. Master thesis in HE studies, University of Oslo. Online at:

• Cheers project: • TEICHLER, ULRICH (2007) Does Higher Education Matter? Lessons from a Comparative Graduate Survey

European Journal of Education 42 (1) , 11–34.

• Norway, selected readings (in addition to Quality Reform/evaluation and Stjernø report):– Background Report on Norway for the OECD (2005): – OECD (2006). Thematic review of tertiary education in Norway– Bleiklie, I., Høstaker, R. and Vabø, A. (2000). Policy and Practice in Higher Education: Reforming Norwegian Universities.– Kyvik, S. (2002). The merger of non-university colleges in Norway. Higher Education 44, p. 53.72.– Universitetes rolle in regionen, Av Torunn Lauvdal, rektor ved Universitetet i Agder.– SFSO (2008).

– Various publications from NIFU-STEP:

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