Page 1: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

r I


Page 2: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has




Page 3: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has



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24 ~------38 54 70 80

Page 4: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department , and for the past five years has been Director or Instruction. Dr . Strickland holds the B. S., M. Ed. , and PH.D degrees.

In dedicat ing this yearbook to Dr. Strickland, we recognlze hlm as a person devoted to his pro · fesslon beyond the mere performance of hls duties . Dr . Strickland Is a consummate administrator and teacher whose Interest In and rappen with both students and co-.... 'Orkers Is recognized by aJI. His amiability and sense of humor are without equa l.

To all those who know him , he is the embodJment of a dedicated man wholly concerned with the education and wetfare of aJI the students. We , the Perkolator Staff, dedicate this, the 74 -75 yearbook , to Dr. Clyde Strickland .

Page 5: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has
Page 6: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


~tot . Scuborough, Sponsor , D~nlse Holliman, Darwin Holl!nsworth, Lisa Uon, Janet Fayard, Wendy WllkellJIOn, Jeani e Buttnn, Tim Wallaee, Casey Wehunt, Wanda Poore, Ricky Whltr, Unda Reagan, Barry Sketlle, Linda Franke , Ma l. eolmJonu, joeyCulffrla.


Pres ident Denise HolH man

Vice -Pres ident Danvin Hollinsworth

Secretary Li sa Lion

Treasurer Janet Fayard


Pres ident ; Linda Franke

Vice President; jeannie Burton

Secretary-Treasurer; Billie Keyes


Page 7: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has
Page 8: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

~bv~ru, Lh>da Hembue, Dn1d Hot:an, Aa&eb Holbod, D~nnr Holland, Wllllehhy HolllllitwOrtb,


Hnlmn, jukle Holmn, John lllicb, DJvld Jacquet, Kalhy jonu, AlvU. }onu, Debbie

Keyr, 81\Ue Klmtr, Oebr~ Kirker, ).mn Krohn, Ce110tne Ladner, Myron Lllrd,jobn

Umpkln, RDMrt Undn, David Undtt,}ohn Landnlm. Della Le81urd , Arv~l Llndl!ly,~ld

Lion, Llu Lyoru, Net~ Mabry, Gloria Mackoy, 81\lu Madden, brt Mapler, Clen<b

Manhall, jamer Manhal\, Joey Mattbt'"l, RtMe MeDonald, Sandra McCrep, Mollie MeHtiU'}', Sharon


Mcndou, Yamlna Mlle1, Muy Muter, Sbntc Mill!, Vtcu .. ta Mlm1, Stephen

No< f' lc rured

Moyer, Su.Pn Muny, R.obotrt Newman, Don.nJt Ntebob, ~rln Nlchol10n, l<'e Nonnand.ln, Micbul

Oliver, Jan o'Nul, D~,.. .... O'Nut, William Orfelt, jocob O.bome, Eddie Oultl~. Suun

f'agaoo, Rocl<y f'ark~r , John Permebalcer, Kim Po.m~r, M~ttl)"' f'o•e, UD<b Pretton, David

Prevoa,Pauy f'reyear, Mona Pucheu, Renee Rabby, Marsaret Ran<bll, Debbie Rand.ll , Riehle

Raw~e~n, Angda ~yburn, Oo~ld Raybun1, Ronald Aeever, Mnda Aucan, Liofa Rhodct, hb

RldlardJ, J>mn Robbins , flluh Robotnon, Boyce Roland, Van Ro1e, Betty Routt! , Stndr.~

Sabol,jeff.,ry SaUn, WIUiam Sauder, Kenneth Sc:hart, Do~ld ScntS&•• julb Shaw, Karc:a


Page 9: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

FRESHMEN 1973-7 4


President , - - - Ricky White

Vice President, - - - Rita Shettler

Secretary , - - Wanda Poore


Page 10: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

Davton, Diane Adami, Mdvin Davt1, Bruce AlcuD<Iu, Barban DeGregorio , Vlckto Altx:aD<Ie r, YevoniU' DeU.ncey, Nancy Allf'OII, Marbut DcnBlcykcr, K•l AmbroJC, Judy Dubuhaon, Gluda AndreWJ, IIWia

Bakn, Jade Dupree, Bcllnda Butrtl, Swle Edwards, Thomu Bauln, Cynthia Elki ru , Stephen C. S.aver , V~n Euary, Kathryn D. &.~tt,fland EttcJ1 Theren Btrcucci,Bel'1: Eubanks, Beth

Bbhop,Jeanle Evam, Mdvln Fairley, Carolyn Soh, Shannon

Faldcy, Luther Boll, Robert

Farnham, Marynell Borm!k, Du1d

F1.rr!J , Cynthia BoudruWI, Twyla Fcrg\I.JOn1 Carol lindley, Chnyl

&-adley, Offle

Ford, Henry 8rilllann,B1Uy llrollSI.Ud, Sharon

Fortenbuty, Floyd &yu,Jarnu Garcia, jorgcS. Burchfleld,Juc Gatchell, Dale lll.otb, Mary Glover, Rebecca Goff, Duncan

Byrd, Kevin Callahan, Evelyn

Goff, judy Ca~~:~.dy, Ftand.o.ll Gordon, Gerald Caruu.dy, Dalllta Gnham, Bcdcy Caroldll, R!llsell Graham, Dewey Car11011, Wando. G..UW, janet Hanly, Glenda

Carft'O, Keith

Hal"lhbarger1 Unda Cucy,Bman.

Harufleld, DaMy Catchot, JoAnn

Havard, Gregory O.ambrn, Debbie

Haven11 jcan.le Chapmn, f'n.,.k Cir lot, Marla

Hemenway, Ruu Hcndenon, Sandra

Ci:uk, hth Cl:uk, Fi}'!UI

HeNon, janice C1on, Sharon Hennu, Rae ComtaUJ\1 Star Hickman, K:aren 2;;,~"'ee~e~~:r1e Hook, Katherine Hurlbert, Deborah H.uband, Odh

g:~~; ~~u

~:~~·~=~le D'AnaeJo, Thereq O"tltlo, Jimmy DutlelJ, Wllllam

jame1, Shirley Davlon, Danese Jetton, janice jonu, Malcolm

16 Kennedy, Thomn


Page 11: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has
Page 12: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


Tr:~uun~n, Cindy TUmer,)anlel VnWinkle, Mich.~el Vaughan, Debbie ve1a, Sahador Wahl, P,.llc111a

Waites, jon Walku,)oao Wallen, Shelb WatU, Ourles Watu, Clnsc• Webb, Suny

WehWll, Casey Wuoovh:b, P•m Wes:t, Johnene V.'hlte, Ricky \\'hlttln&~-on,Ellubetb Wllkh!JOn, Wendy

WJ\1bms, Tent Williamson, Sanford Wllaoo, jeff IVlbon, Wllll•m W110dar<l, Janice 1\'ouUar<I,Diam=


Mr. PaulE. Bl'lluc:hle Di rector, George County OccupnloltliiCenter

Mn. frieda Mae Davh l!Utructor, Nun\"8

MrJ. Georgia Rouse lnltructor, Health Org•nlzation

RonnlcC . Mizell Counse\.or

JerryT . Havard \nstructor,Pipefittlns and Plumbing

l.aurie&!bankJ Secretary, DirectOr

John Ward Cooley

Dennie Klcne \nsuuctor, Air Conditioning

NucyGrovn File Clerk

Mn. Johnctu Hddelburg \QSC~Uctor, Sccrcurbl Sclcocu

) .H. Manln Instructor, Welding

ClifronSpl .. cry Janitor


Page 13: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


L-..£dnu\T"""'; Mable Cochun;Chrl•lne Mlller, Mklltlle Mea, 2rod-Pqzy M<Ciury, lclv~ Altdcno11, U...S. Odom; Su>;ln fa>rley, a .. bu•Quinn,Spo..,r,lrd-Sb•-Roberto AmoieV.:,tllamo, Wa..doV.Uey,MtllhVIII­~·IettyTaylor,BuUyDo t Kotly1oh-


lot. Mo\vi11 L>otu, Vlu- Prn.dent, Mi:b.,.l

~~\ ... ~~~d;.~~~:~yp~:~~~bvc!:b'":t"'Y· ~~cz~~~.,.~;!·:,·~:;.,~i ,~;!l· s:=:: ::::.rd, M"&rke Gray, A.....,ld Walley~·.,!~"



Ltt-Bonnte Ho.,ell, Trc~Nnr, LS 11d1 Beech, Zold\'lu -PreoidcntEmHy fdrley, President; Ann..J Broome, Srneury, 2nd- L.orrcii•Strin&tr, Re­rorter Ceo'll:e County; lntogrt>e Me. Levdo:n, R<"ponerC~e"" Couno:y; Crace R .. evu, ht VlcC"PtC"oldenli, frieda Davis, Sporuor.


L•- Lynn.eSmltll; R.ab!oTanncr, Secreury; ,lo Ano Smith, Hto­todan; Muh Hicks; Ehlne Strln,;er, Trururer; 2nd- Oorotlly Clarl<, Elo!Je Tumtr, ReporHr; CarollneChrlll.ernn, Pre1iden11; Patricia Ruckl!r; KathyCreen; lrd-Dtbor~ll Dixon; Lenora Crart; Ameue Edwordo, Vlce­Preddent; EdnorBrown;Avio Burry; Mary Jamu.

Page 14: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

F E A T u R E s

Page 15: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

Most Beautiful Wendy WUk.tnaon

M ost Handso me David Pepper

Myron Ladner, Long Beach; Darwin Holllngeworth, Long Beach

Page 16: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

Susanne Papania and Chaiiotte Walton


Deni se Easte rl ing, j an Gluld

Freshman Bea uties

Page 17: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

n "' 3 g "0 c ~ "' 'Ti 8. "' < ~ 0 ~ 0:

~ g:

Page 18: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

David Pepper and Kathy Jacquet

Best Dressed

Barry Skellie

Mo st Spirited

jeannie Burton

Page 19: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

Daphne Easterllng aod Broce Mackay

Charlone Walton, Rob Murray, Marilyn Porter

Page 20: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

Wittiest David Ullch Ginger Warts Maples

Friendlies t Lisa Brannon (Not Pictured, Clemont Ashley)


Page 21: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has
Page 22: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has
Page 23: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has



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Danny Murphy J•.:ob Crull, monas~• joh11Pu4cu, m•""l"

Page 24: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has
Page 25: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


Miss Dort1 Smith, Asllaua Coact.; Randy 8EIUiett , Vide\ Mllb, T~ Donley, Kim Wlbon, Denbo: Kina, DebbiE Triplcn, Regl 11 a McMillan, lunnb Cowut, ]a11e Ann Cell, Sanh McKay, Kathy Llggen, Daph..e Euurlt..g, Min Sue Ron, Head Coach .



Page 26: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

Parting Shots of State Champions


Page 27: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has



Mymn L.o.dn~r, Hu.d Churl~~d~r; Ch:ulotte Cr~ig, Pll.tty Am:r.ckl!'l", Pam Wes.covkh, Mc:\nnu, Olano: Rarxlall; Kneeling; Joy Evan.l.



I N T R A M u R A L


The Intramural Department's main objective this year Is to institute a program that will aid all students, both male and female. We are seeking to initiate those activities In whlch all students can participate. The key to any intramural program is student Involvement.

5 p 0 R T 5

Page 28: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

Ping Pong Michelle Lee , Slngles

Singles men Ping Pong , Don Wetze l

Ping Pong Doubles , Bill Br adley , j im Wargo

Chess Champion , Bill Daniels (Not Pictured) Snooker, Michael Heflin

Pool , Er ic Nelson

GOLF TEAM; BUI Baggett, Monty Stevens , Sponsor , Mr. Charles Cooper jefi Wil son , Daryl Lad ­ner. (Not Pictured, Ban Madden , Char les Long.)

Foosball, Steven Sims


Page 29: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

0 r g a n . 1 z a t . 1 0 n s

Page 30: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

Phi Beta Lambda is o bus!· ness organizatIon based on a definite set of purposes In· eluding development of c:om· petent , aggressive business leadership, c:reat I on of more interest and understanding in the Intelligent c:holc:e of business oc:c:upatlons , and part lc:l patlon In worthy un· dertaklngs for the Improve· ment of business and c:lti· zenshlp.

«D B A



Mn. 1\:t.y McUuW ~>••· Amufaye Kelley


Ptutdent, Tim Walllt; V\ce.Ptelldent, RandyDick.,..ton; Secretary, Sun.nWeJt; Tru...u«, Nelda Lyo1111; Report«, Riehle R,ndan


1ST ROW M)"''n, Pam Delltllrvt, A~c Rawton, Du Dc1t La..dn;Jm, O..bble Jon.ct, IUw O ... Jell, Charl<>ta Cnlg, ~tliYA l'brter, jdf De.,met, Jdf Motley, Dalllly Bud!, 2ND ROW lool;h A=c Frean, Ullda Rucu.. Sl!ftTy Miller, Shelby Onh, Uu. Uo11, S.U...n l>b~, PattiAmadier, Dlan.cRallllall, )RDROWMr, Warn.., SpoiiKif, HlleiHatrts, Stnelagett, Jcuda.cKI'ohlo, SulleHarriDfltl"'· Georae Boyene, W&}'Dt' Denton, Paul Cwtb, Und.a HanDs, Eddie Holmes, UDd.a Smith, Joe Nt<:hobo.., P.ob Murray, Oanrio Holliags­""')rtlt, Llml.a Franko, Kathy Jacquet, Dale Hare, Mc:Kay, }oh11 Parker, Mn. loU.1011, Spo_,.

Phi Theta Kappa Is a natloMI honor faternity among junior colleges to promote sc:holastlc achievement. Quallllcatlons for membership are a J . 2 grnde point average on at least 16 hours work for one semester and maintain a J . 0 average on at least 15 semester hours.


Page 31: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


The Bapclst Student Union Is a fellow­ship of college students seeking to find and Implement God's purpose for them and their world . BSU provides activities on campus for worship, discussion , Bible study, socla lllte , and witness .

~~Z.: 1~:~:r ... '!.:,' .. "~"""~.?"R~d .. ~~J::r:r:;~: .. ~~~~~":..~'T~~S~;~.s·R~~~~~ ~~~i. s,7~'7e ~~~~~~":.~.k Reid, Jtny Pitta, Kathy lop<!!', Jan Oliver, Bob MaT!tt, Bcc:ky Clonr, Cindy Howdl. BOTTOM ROW' Suolc Swtn, Ywrme YottQll;, lUll C..tlh>, Marilyn l'orttr, Lin Br&D%1011, R1n<ly Dkknoon, Don•h• Hollln-rth, Jim C&tTut, Pu C..ttrell, 5),,..,.\a M!Urr , Joote B:akn, Debbie Ra..dall, Cindy Broome, John l.oodDCr.


Mebnl~ Luk~, Rev~und Jim Wll llam1, Spon10r, U!>d.o Ha"tDI1

Manh:a Reeve 1, Jeff WJI.,n, Dale Tttln


The Wesley Foundation Is an organizat ion which offers a Christian Fellowship to young Methodist students on campus . Its purpose Is to provide a place for Meth­odist student to meet and to sha r e their faith wtth each other through Informal discussions .

t Maldota David l'~ppn. [)ould khan, )uiUII& lurll>ll, Ted p, ., ... ~. WT TO RICHT1 Kevin Byrd, Da,.,••h• HoUI~, Jam .,. ' Robin Rlchanbon.


Page 32: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has



Delta PJI Omqa OfOcb'f:

Susie HVTifl&UlD Rab Muruy (NOt Plaur-.d) Ted Reumpkc

Perle Pbyen, STANDINC, K~thyrn Lewis, Spon­.,..; Bill Oan.leb, Jane Ha1>1en, Rab Munay, Ro'"Y" l.ongm&e, ON STAIRS, Dcbblt. jadtto11, Susie Hmi~on, DcDbe Holloman, Cny Ce~:~try, Rlu Shclll~rr , Tat! Williams, Allen f'al11


OFFIC£RS1 Wendy WJikiDIOD 1 hhtorta .... phoc.osn pber, T wyla Boudruux, 5ectetary-Uu1U,...r ; Melody Jonn, Vlu-~lld.,,..; Knhy J•atull , president ,

The newly formed Gulf Coach Mod~llng Squad's pur pose Is ot learn the basic modeling rouLinea and gain knowledge in the world of fashion . This group has modeled successfully for several stores .


Page 33: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has



Purpose of black cultural society: Through our united efforts we str!Ye to enhance our awareness of our priceless heritage as black Americans and to motivate student participation in all campus activities.



OFFICERS: BOTTOM ROW: Donnie Rayburn; Club Artht. Kelly Cutiglia; R~­portcr. WHile Mae Holland; Secret:zry. Seren Ainsworth; Treasurer. TOP ROW: Ronnie Rayburn; Parl!mrnurlan. Hemy Fox; Pru!dent. ChadeJ long; Vic(' Prell­dent.

The Vocational Industrial Clubs of America is an or­ganization for youth enrolled In vocational, trade, and in­dustrial education. VICA has established goals and devel­oped programs with consid­eration for the unique needs of youth living in an age where skilJ and motivation are es­sential to success.

Page 34: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

FRO!'rr ROW-Roger Sims. Judy Ambrose , Philbert Casey, Cle­mont Ashley , Jane Ann Guile, j lm Cat ­rett, Bruce Smith , j ohn Ladner, Capt. Americus CUI; instruc­tor or Rare . BACK ROW -F red Sims , Sherri MUier , Sandy WUliamson , Paul Leuron. Wayne ~rr, Chuck Nichols , joey Gulffrln , Dale Titter, Richie Randall.

Mary Kay Ad ams, Sponsor, Charlottle Kirkwood , Ann Ruther ­ford, judy Nlolet , Linda Havens , Pam Eleuter ius, Marcia Reeves , Lynette Havens .





FIRST ROW, j1ma Rlchinh, Oarid llllch, }adr.l~Holma, SECOND ROW, MrJ. Ndl H~tDCicno11, Marsha a~~"et, Jam~a Caotcu, Jim W111bma, Rn-. Jimmy Oavil, JdfWllJan

The Christian Council Is com­posed of the presidents of each religious organization on cam­pus and other representatives. The main function of the Ch.rls­taln Council Is to coordinate the activities of the other organtza­tlons and to sponsor the Reli­gious Emphals Week In the spring of the year .

Page 35: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

SEATED lDT TO RIGHT: Carol fergiUIOo, lUthy ~cqu.~t, Twyt• BoudrullJ.' , AnD Ru!.h erfM<I , SWIIct BarHil, Jan Peredch

STANDING: Mike U.ey, Jdf Sabol, ~b Troot:


EDilOP.S Dele Tld1:1 Rlehlell.elld1 U

SPONSOR: Robert Romltlgcr




AuoehteEd.itor . ,




A.d vilor.

... Karu L. Sbeltoa.

. .• . Dlientler ReaeeP\.Iehuu K1~11Hic.kmu Rlae Daniell

. . K1"'aSheltoa DaleTitler

Debbie Reid

•••• • • • , Wln&c>d Mooetlef

Page 36: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

I!IOII'OM L. toR. Bed:y Wru, Rltr Sbealcr, Up BnDDOo, ShrNII Cloer, Lu.ciU• Cnhtru, Debbl• 1\a..dall, Becky Blrilb, Mub O rloc, Debbie Cba111ben, s...,..,e S•1411, Jute Baker. 2Dd ROW; Chody Broome , Yam\01 Mcm:lou, Moor Prq-ear, DoMr Mo~mery, MuHyn Port tr, Shelby Drvh, A11 ih Wude11 Y.-olltiC YGW~t;, Lori• Ttoomp1011, Tmy Ytomrck. Bobble Bro~n~, OclliH Hollomao. ' )rd. ROW; Dr rid t.allller, Bill CI'IIWell, AUao hill,. Jim lellcard, Cary Cclltl'y, Mlh Atkl-.:~a, ,lobo McCormick, Doug Davit, \.eo01rd LID.u, Steve S1nu, E.ddie Creel, CaleY YoU""', Cnhy Lopu. ~r :,:;~~:,r~~d:..::t, TC~~~~:..";..; o:..~c;:~~i. joil11 t.a..der, David PiUI, Steve Elkin~, RDb Mwn y, Vh1c e Castiglia,



FRONT ROW• ~hrold Sites, johMy Waten\1, James Borden, Lowell Wiley, Ob O...U1U~. f!ia11cy Delancey; BACK ROW: Ja ck Freel• ad, We1 joDCa, Tommy Ten"CII, Mr. Chulea Rrtcllffe, Spo...,r.

In recognit ion of all the clubs on Perkinston Campus we, the editors of 1974 • 75 Perkolator , appreciate the efforts of each club to promote interest In their various fields. We recognize , also, the time spent by the sponsors Is thelr own free time usually , but thelr dedication Is unceasing. We also recognize the eflorts of each club member In keeping their respective organization together on the basis of mutual understardlng and co·operatloD.

With these thoughts In mind, the comblnatlon of sponsor leadership and student participation wUI continue to grow and each club wUI continue to enlighten Perkinston junior College.


Page 37: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

A c t . 1

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Page 38: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words


Page 39: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

I •• 1e• , .. •• ~:;

-I of M il' •.rr•• .... _ .. ••••• -----

Page 40: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


Page 41: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


Director, Mrs. Anne Moo re


Mr. james Ray Smith Assistant Counselor


Mrs. Ruth Ford Secretary , Student Special Services

Wendy Swanle r' Program Student Deedy Landrum, Tutor

Front row· Deddy Landrum , Ltnda Franko, Ltnda Reagan , L'ynn Davis , Rae Hermes. Susan West, Van Roland , Leigh Ann Frentz ,


Angela Ausme. Wendy Front rowt.~ · 1~~nrAdams , Louise Myko!yk . i9 ~:~:~; R~ger Sims. joe Young, Dwight


Page 42: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


Page 43: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has
Page 44: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has



Mrs. Glennie White Bookkeeper

Mrs . Clarice Coker Secretary, Swdent Services

Mrs. WHile ~nch Records Clerk

l-oU's . Ruth Ellen Ford Secretary, Speda.l Services

to.trs. joyce Rogers Secrem.ry , Executive Dean

Miss!th Hide- Mrs . Doris SttlckJ.aiJ:I Mrs . Meryl Smith Library Assistant man Library Assistant

Secretary, Librarian

Mrs. Carolyn Brooks Secretary (Not pictured)

Mr. Jimmie Rayburn Clerk, Attic

Cafeteria Staff Manager- Mr. joe Byrum


Mrs . Glor ia Reid Sec reta ry, Dean of Instruction

Mrs. Tommie Weathers Veterans Affairs Sec-

Mrs. Louise Crutherds Receptionist, Secre­tary

Houscmolhers Mrs. Dorothy McHenry Mrs . Vlrglnla Strlngfello Mrs. Lydea n Davis Mrs . Mary Dees

Mrs . Ma r y Kather ine Mrs . Sidney Alexander Adams EngUsh

Home Economics

Mrs. Jan Chorley Assistnnt Llbrarlan

Clem Dell engcr P. B. and Coach

1\trs . Dorthy HaU English

Charles M. Clark Llbrarlan

Kenneth Farris P. B. and Coach

Mts. LilLian A . Hayden

Deporonent Cha.Lrman Genera l Studies

Mrs. Cassie Bamon Mlthematlcs

Eugene Clement Deparonent Chairman Fine Arts

Capt. Americus CUI ROTC

Leonard Heath Mathematics

J. B. Brown We lding

Jimmy Davis B. S. U. DLrecror

Dr . Wor ld Guild Foreign Language

Mrs. Nell Herxler son English

Page 45: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has
Page 46: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


We, the Editors , would like to express our thanks to those who put fonh their efforts on this, the 1974-1975, Perkolator. This Is the first separate annual since Tri-Campus joined together under one book , and we are ex ­tremely proud to have held this pOsitlon for the first edition , Much time was put Into comprising the highlights of this year Into a book that will bring back memories , long after the students have gone Into their respec­tive careers,

We would especially like to thank Mr. Bob Rominger , our Sponsor , for his guldance and Immense help. To the staff and everyone, we wish much success and happiness In the years to come.

Riehle RandaU Dale Titter

Page 47: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


The Golden Year

From a modest beginning 50 years ago, Miss issippi Gulf Coast Junior College, now celebrating Its golden ann! · versary , has grown to its present status as a leader among publlc supported two­year Institutions in the state and nat ion .

With a physical plant valued at more than $13 mill ion and a $6. 5 mllllon building program under way at Its three cam­puses, the college today bears little resemblance to what It was In 1925 .

That was the year Harrison­Stone County High School , organized at Perkinston In 1911 , added post -secorxlary courses and became a junior college. Twenty-five students were enrolled In the freshman class. The physical plant was valued at $135, 000 ,

Attending Gull Coast 's three campuses during the 1973-74 session were some 22 , 000 persons In all pr ograms . More than 6, 000 were fulltlme .

It Ls unlikely that eve n the most far-sighted of the founders of the college envis ioned the multi-campus concept that became reality in 1965 .

It happened under the guidance of Dr. J.J. Hayden Jr., who has been affil iated with the college for 25 year s , the las t 21 as president.

Backed by a s trong, coopera· tlve board of trustees, Dr . Hayden steered to completion the Jefferson Davis Campus at Gu1fport, and the Jackson County Campus a t Gautier , What had become Perkinston Junior College in 1942 com­pleted the campus t riangle.

The Way It W as .

1 9 2 5

1 9 7 5

And Gull Coast became the first Junior college in the state , one of the first in the natlon, to operate a "branch" system,

With the opening two years ago of the George County Occupa­tiona! Tra)ning Cente r at Lucedale, Dr. Hayden' s phi ­losophy of "taking education to the people" was fulfilled, Now a Gull Coast facUlty Is wlthln easy reach of citizens of thi s college district of Harri son , Jackson, Stone and George counties .

lf modern-day expans ions and Im provemen ts are impressive, so were some of the str ides made by the college durin g Its formulatlve doys.

The re were the lean years . The origina l supporti ng counties of Stone, Harrison and Jackson , which joined the system in 1926, were comparat ive ly poor . Their people, like those ac r oss the nation , were faced with a depression . Mississippi's economic backbone was agri­cu lture . Balancing agriculture with industry was but a dream in the mlnd of the late Gov . Hugh White.

So agr iculture was the main s ubject offe red at the college In the late 1920's. There was plenty of land on which to

practice the latest farming techo lques, A group of Per­kinston c itizens In 191 1 had donated 656 acres when they helped form the Harri son County Agricultural High School.

In addition to agriculture , the college in its opening year taught English , history , Latin, French , mathematics , science , Spanish and piano, Sophomore courses were added In 1926 .

Q(fered today are academic courses that prepare students for upper division level degrees and a wide range of career pro­grams , adult and continuing education , and other services geared to commun ity Interest .

The idea Is to prepare students for professions , or to enable them to pursue courses of study leading to employment In vo­cational and technical fi elds.

There also are non -credit , "special Interest" and adult courses which may be taken for enjoyment, to lea rn new skUls, or polish old ones,

Superlnterxlent of the high school when it added the college program was J . L. Denson , who had promoted the plan to offer courses beyoiXI the 12th grade.

Among the other Lnnovators at education at the college waa C.J. Darby, He was elected supe r intendent In 1929 and held the position untU 1941, when he was elected chancery clerk or Harrison County.

Under Darby's adminlstratloo, the curriculum was enlarged arxl revised to quallfy In 1929 for accreditation by the Southern Association of Col ­leges arxl Schools.

Darby also is credited with helping the college survive the depression year s. He managed to pay oU an ~so. 000 construe­t lon debt In the '30s. Arxl he was able to meet the payroll with regularity by Issuing checks that were convertible to cash .

Succeeding Darby was A. L. May. He served until his death In 1953, Under his guidance the college began offering vocational programs In cooperation with the Mls · sippi State Vocational Board .

May was instrumental In gain ­Ing the support of George County, rounding out the four ­county district now supporting the college.

In 1953, Dr. Hayden was pro ­moted from dean of men to

Original Campus in the Early Days

Page 48: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


president of Perkinston Junior College , becoming Its youngest chief admin istrator at 33. When he assumed the post the coll ege enrollment was 513 , and high school 174 . The college plan t was valued at S I, 123,000.

His new title came just 13 years after his graduation from Perkinston, where he played football and was a mem ­ber of the traclc team .

Mter leaving Perkinston , Dr . Hayden , a native of Pass Christian, and the son of Mr . arK! Mrs . J. j . !-Iayden , entered the Air Force and later trans­ferred to the Coast Guard for six years .

While in service he married Lillian Ruth Aschbacher. They are the parents of three chUd­ren , julius john Ill, Glover and Susie .

Dr . Hayden received the bachelor's and master's de· grees from Mississippi State University and the doctorate from the University of South­ern Mississippi.

His first teaching assignment was at Lee Road School , St .

Tammany Parish, La . lie re­turned to Perkinston In 1950 as instructor of history . In 1952 he was appointed dean of

When Dr. !Iayden was named pres ident, It Is reponed that he did not have an acceptance speech prepared . As the story goes, he told Thelma Andrews, head cook at the cafete ria . about the problem.

Thelma, reputed to be an able talker, "ghost spoke" for his president, del ivering a 30-m\nute acceptance address to the board of trustees.

In his first public statements, Dr. !Iayden outlined for the college a philosophy which d lifers little from what it Is today ..

. .. Low cos t education ... Training for employment ..• Preparation for higher educa­tion ... Service to the com­munity .

Dr. Hayden was quick to pro­pose the formation of a board of trustees building committee to guide college expansion programs. Outside expert

ONLY A FEW .•• These students comprised the fre shman class of 1925-26, the fir st year the col­lege was in operation . Members v.oere. FROM LEFT: FIRST ROW • • julia Lewis (de­ceased} , Irene Flurry, lone Hu nter, and Evelyn 1-iowcll. SECO!\.'D ROW -- Harold Hamitt , Odgen Lott, George Rolf, Hersel McDaniel. Sylvester Dedeaux , Miss Frances Bailey , sponsor, and Mlllard Hatten (de­ceased) .

advice was sought to deter­mine wh.a.t new facilities were needed to enable the college to keep pace with the times.

In 1955 , a S885,000 bu ilding program was Initiated under Dr. Hayden's leadership. Others have been approved since at regular lntervals.

Wh ile he was expanding physi­cal facUlties to meet projected Inc reases In enrollment, Dr. Hayden also was keeping an eye on the educat ional de­velopmcnt of the college.

Vocational-technical programs alone have !ncrcased untU to­day more than 50 are offered at the three campuses and the George County Occupational Training Center.

Recognized nationally for his cont ributions to JUnior college education , Dr . Hayden has re­ce ived numerous awards. A­mong them arc: --The Pace· maker Awa rd (1966) , present· ed jointly by "Parade" magu­z inc and the National Education Association of the United States. Cull Coast was recog·


nlzcd as a pacemaker ln leading the way to better education of America's youth.

Active In professional and civic affairs, Dr . Hayden:

··is presently serving on the committee for t"atlonal Li­brary week.

--Is an official with the \1\s· slssipplans for Education Tel­evision .

·-belongs to the Mississippi Economics Council committees on special education legislation.

--serves on the board of directors of Phi Theta Kappa, national junior college scholastic fraternity .

--represents Mississippi on the National junior College Athletic Association committee on poUcles.

Or. Hayden has also been pres· !dent of the ~I Jsslssiprl Educa • tlon Assoclat ion and the M is­sippi Association of Colleges.

Active in the Southern Assoclo-

tlon of Colleges and Schools, Dr. Hayden has been chairman or the committee oo standards and reports for junior colleges: the committee for admtssions to membership for junior colleges; the nomlnating commlttee: commission on colleges; alii the board of trustees.

His civic activities include membership in the Wiggins Rotary Club; Mississippi Coast Power Boat Squadron; Navy League, nnd Pine Burr Area Council , Boy Scouts of America,

Said one observer: "Dr. Hay· den's leadership ability is apparent because it speaks for Itself: the man has to say noth· ing.

And a board member, speak­Ing of the college and its gro""'th, said: "Gulf Coast stands t.ree-top tall across the country. This starus has been achieved through a successful working relationship between the president of the college, the board of trustees and the supervisors and citizens of the four-counry area . "

Page 49: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

Bec...nt .. e ht., lOntnbutton M,.,.,,.,,,pp1 Gulf Co.1 .. t Jun1or College .1 .. det.uled m the opcn­tng p.1gc ... tht .. o.;cdton of TRI­DENT 1., rc..;prc..tfullv Jrd!lated to Dr J j.H.l\'denjr

Page 50: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

Moment- Homecoming

Plaque Presented

~~t'f;e1~t~u~ ~~~~. ~r~~r~~, ~~::•;:..11~:!,l~,u::,;rc:;~ugt;';;.,~~W -olttWtoes.

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Page 52: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has
Page 53: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

COMMUNilY SERVICES . .. MluKayGollotte (SEATED), director of CommWlity Servh:es, u.lks with ber seaeury, t.Urle Elhe jarre0111 at their oUiee Ia Edgewater Mall at Bllw;\,

COMPUTER CENTER . •• Roben Smith (lLf'T), director of dat:.l proc:uA!:!i, mecta with computer eente.r lUff atJeUet$0D Davis Campw. They P:lt B11ekley, comp1.1ter operaun; Elaine Mc­Dennott, and Patricia t.ogao, both key punch operators.

Central Office

IN PRESIDfNT'S Q'F ICE ... At center Ethel Bonci. Kc:reuryofthepreddent. With herareother5e.cretarles. They are Mn.. Karen Mc:Q~~oeeo (LE.FT) and Mn. Gloria. BrelaDd.

"DOWNSTAIRS" . , . Mrs. S~~Janne Day (LEFT) h booklteeper- clerk and M"- Kay Taylor h IICCretary ln college budneJJ of­flee.

"UPSTAIRS" SECRETARIES" · · • FROM LEfT: Mrs. Dot Lyons, MOTA prognm1; Mrs. S\ltle fanb, vocatlonal- tccholeai; Mrs. Betty Cobb, p~llclty; and Mrs. Gertie Brown, innitlltloml rei'Ciarch.

"NU~iBER PIL\SE" ••. t.~a=iog ecotral office rwitchbCN.rd are Mn. joyec W\Uiam1 (SEATED), aDd Mn. Tb&lma Rogers.

AT WORK .. , Mn. Flore DCC Rainwater (SEATED), mamger of the c:eot:Til bllslneuoU!c:e, c:hec:ksf\lu..

~~~~~~ut!~'?'~1• ~~ ~':O:::.~~~~~i:~~:;v~:!;. ac:c:ouot1 oayable.


Page 54: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


An Exercise in Crea tivi ty

Gull Coast sponsore!d Its fourth Creative work:sOOp In June at Perkinston Campus. where fo r the first time consultants and pa.rtlclpanu were afforded the opportunitY to work ln a ltve·ln environment. ~·!any boarded In the dormitories and ate In the cafeteria.

Mrs. Nell Henderson , director of the work· shop which attracted more than 300 manu· scripts from 100 authors , descrlbed the two·day sess ion as "the best ever. "

The workshop was produced with the assls · ta!lCC of t he Mississippi Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Human­Ities, Washington, D. C. , a federal agency .


Fourth Annual Writing Work shop ' Best Eve r'

A Man of Letters

In March 1974, Richard Words~Wrth (left) , whose great -great grandfather was the English poet WUIIam, appeared at Gull Coast's three campuses , He presented poetry readings In what he co.lls "The Bliss of Solltu<le . ·· The En­glish actor from Surrey recited verse written by his famous ancestor aDd quoted passo.ges from Dorothy Words­worth , Journa l.

At a reception Ln his honor (below), Wordsworth greets a.clmlrers. With hlm arc GuU Coast President j . j. Hayden Jr. (RIGHT) and Mrs. !-!ayden .

Page 55: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has


Towles: 197 4 Instructor of the Year Named Instructor or the Year for 1974 at Mississippi Gulf Coast junior College was WUHam R. Towles , who teaches drafting design technology at jef!erson Davis Campus. Towles, 34 , has been with the college for five years . He was honoree at an Alumni Associa­tion banquet In AprU.

Bulldogs - Champions After All

What was stw.plng up as one of the worst football years ever for the Gulf Coast Bulldogs ended up with Gulf Coast winning the state cham­plonshlp. After taking the South Division title, Gulf Coast played favored ltawamba for the state crown , winning the game 10-6. At right !lead Football Coach George Sekul hands trophy to Brad Hemen­way whUe Donald Scharr (left) looks on . At far right Is Assistant Coach Clem Dellenger,


Page 56: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

--State Champs: Nine in a Row

Winning the state championship h:as become old hat for the Gulf Coast basebaU team. The Bull­dogs, coached by Kenneth Far­ris, copped the state title for the ninth consecutive year In 1974 . Admiring trophy arc Roge r Parker , (left) the win­ning; Mitch Hebert, Lee Trahan, and Clement Ashley . Farris, wOO has coached base­ball at Gulf Coast for 12 years, has never had a losing season ,


T r a c k

~~~~:t;;T£. FiR~~"'fot:\~~~~- ~:~~~e~~~ ~~:: t,!;;~ .. :o~ .. S:'~~~."~,:;,"r.'!!:~. ·~. ~;~~~~tOR~n-Gr~:~:o~eOf'&C SekuJ, Richard Thurman, li.evt 11 Tuhan, Kn l>eiiQ~tr,

T e n n 1


TtNNIS lL\MS -- Repruc11tln~; the collese 111 ifltr&m"ul tellnil •ere Wu campu> tunu •. \t,:,.,t.<n Me FROM U:FT, KNE.tllNG -- Daruu S~pard, Jod:lt Col~fl~lch, juu ly,ch, Sandra Stlglen, C.011a Davb, ._..d

STANDING-- AnlU Cioff, Allan Falo, Robert Gal~>to, I<» Stcl>obon, &rue" Grey, farl•y Shu• ud Joe Cah""Cl. Ny• o ... teb,


Page 57: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

Men ' s Basketball : a Rugged Year Gulf Coast's men's baskctOOII team held a 11-9 record In mid-February. While the season has not been one of the best, It has featured some exclt!ng wins by a determined group of players .

~~:a...~~~~=·· -Remard Calloway, Clpt<m, Sammy Goldm>lth, l!.ru~ McKay, DoQ Slmmoru, Mike HeOhl, TyroDc

fv~~~~~~~ !<;:;.!~Parker, nu.~gu; Boyd Jamea, Chrio Tl...,, Mike Cuey, JUn Singleton, Ken Steele, jeny Mohler, AI


Women Basketballers: a Challenge At yearbook deadline , Gulf Coast's women's baskclba11 team had won 13 games and lost 8. Runners-up last year for the nntlona l cham­pionsh ip title , lhc team In 1975 was seeded second In the tournament.


Page 58: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

THAT •coa> SOUND" •.• Mcm~n of tbe Mhdalpp\ Gulf Ce».ll Ju.nlor College Marching B:~.nd, directed by Sam Jooea, are: fRO:.\ u:rT, FIRST ROW -- Doue, Dnb, Mar!.a ADIIre•n, Luuub Cowut, El:aioe Allison, lucille Crabtn~c, Linda Reevu, Carnie Dubuhrion, Sreve Elkllll. Debbie McCbltt, Randy Dlcker10n, Rob Mwny. SECOND RO\V -- Huel Ho.n'h, Jane! Haruon, Don Barnett, frank Cb:l.pman, Debbie Cb:l.mben, Lawrence Stephens, JC!U Bcl'l'f, Jim Bellgard, Job.n MeConnlek, Darwin Hollingsworth, Steve S\mo, Mike AtldlUOn, Btu Corwell. THIRD ROW-- Kat Denbbeykee, )eft Howell, Mike Lacy, Anthony flteh, Roger Danley, D:~.vtd Lander, Gary Gentry, Roy Craig, Dunc;.an, Goff, Joe Nichohon, John Ladner, Allu Fain, Ricky White. FOURTH RO\'o' --Terry Armotro"!!, Jim Crleuon, Lh> CrluiO!I, DanDY lvcy, lynn HwtJand1, Mark Fbgge, Job.n Lander, Thom.;u Edwndo, M\Welelee,Eitor:~Polk,EddiC!D'ed.

Entertainment .

Band, Perkettes Help Provide It


Page 59: THE · Dr. Strickland came to Perkinston Campus in 1960 as an Instructor or Biology. He has served as Department Cha irman or the Science Department, and for the past five years has

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