Download - The dolphin

Page 1: The dolphin


Author: Gisela Castilla Campoy

Page 2: The dolphin

The dolphin The sea horse

– Features - Features

- Social life - Behavior

- The dolphin baby - Housing

- Alimentation - Alimentation

- Housing - Reproduction

- Physical appareance - Camouflage

- Behavior

- Reproduction

- Interesting facts


Page 3: The dolphin


Page 4: The dolphin

Dolphins are mammals that live in aquatic environments. Dolphins

belong to the family of cetaceans (in which we also find to whales

and porpoises) more specifically the toothed whales or odontocetes.

On their physical characteristics say that dolphins have streamlined

bodies with very small fins which facilitates mobility in the aquatic

environment and gives them great strength and speed in the water.

The average size of a dolphin is around 4.5 meters in length and

weight is usually about 300 pounds.


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Dolphins usually live in societies between 6 and 100

establishing a hierarchy of individuals working in the group.

With this hierarchy dolphins are very supportive to each other

and animals while some are in charge of finding food others

are dedicated to the protection of the pack. It is therefore

very difficult to catch a dolphin because, thanks to a system

of ultrasonic whistles, communicate quickly and efficiently so

that the herd is always alert.

Social life

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Regarding the offspring we can say that, interestingly, are

born in water and their mothers, along with other adults

responsible for the protection of such offspring, bring them

to the surface so you can start breathing. The dolphin

calves are large protected as always swimming in the

middle of the group so that access to them is virtually

impossible which gives them a quiet growth. So always take

the time to play and that has strong links with the rest of the

herd while developing musculature and swimming


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About power say that dolphins are predators so their power is based on crustaceans (able to break your teeth), fish, squid and

pulpos.Como all mammals at birth, the offspring were breastfed but

curiously, is done under water. Another important factor is the

insufficient supply of liquids that have dolphins as they do not drink

fresh water. Their only source of liquid is feeding. They have a control

system very similar to animals that live in places with extreme

conditions of hot liquids. Your urine is highly concentrated (factor

favoring the low fluid loss).


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The common dolphin can be found in all tropical waters, sub-

tropical, and temperate-warm. In the Atlantic Ocean, northern

migrate as far away as Iceland and are found in the

Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Red Sea and the Persian

Gulf. In the Pacific Ocean, in the north are from Northern

California and Japan, and south from the southern tip of Africa,

southern Australia, and New Zealand. They have also seen them

entering bays and rivers.


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There are two types of common dolphins - the long-beaked common dolphins and short-beaked

common dolphin . They differ by the size of their beaks and noses . Common dolphins have more complex color patterns of all cetaceans . They are between 40-55 pairs of small and pointy on

each side of their mouths teeth.

Color: Your back varies from dark gray to black from the back of the head to the tail. This color

pattern is converted into a V shape on both sides of the dolphin, a unique feature of the common dolphin. On both sides of the head have bronze or yellow patches , and also have dark circles

around your eyes . Dolphin belly is white or creamy-white and the tail is gray.

Size and Weight: The common dolphin can grow to 7.5-8.5 feet long and weigh 297 pounds . The

average size of common dolphins is between 5.8-8 feet and the average weight is between 155-245 pounds. Males are slightly larger than females.

Fins: The dorsal fin is located in the middle of the back and has the shape of a triangle , pointed, and with a curve . It may be of a black color to a light gray color, with a black border. The other

fins are long and narrow , and generally of a dark color.

Physical appearance

Page 10: The dolphin

Like other dolphins, common dolphins live in large

social groups called pods. The pods of common

dolphins 1,000-100,000 vary between individuals.

These dolphins are usually friendly and have been

doing them around and jumping in the ocean.

Dolphins communicate and hunt up through



Page 11: The dolphin

The dolphin reaches sexual maturity at 3-4 years, or when

they reach a size 6-7 feet long. Depending on where they

live, they can reach sexual maturity sooner or later in life. The

period of gestation lasts 10-12 months, while births occur

mostly during spring and autumn. Hatchlings measure 30-34

inches at birth and nurse for 14 to 19 months.


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As the bottlenose dolphin, common dolphin also likes to walk along boats and ships.

Common dolphins can dive to depths of up to 280 meters (~ 840 feet) for up to 8 minutes.

Common dolphins are fast! It is estimated that can swim up to 30 miles per hour.

Common dolphins are the most abundant in the bay cetácaos Southern California.

Interesting facts

Page 13: The dolphin


Page 14: The dolphin

They have the body laterally compressed and have a skin bony skeleton formed by annular rings , also called bony armor plates or shields , which stiffen the trunk.

Queue , however, is a hand and can be screwed around the stalks to provide marine anchor .

Lack of ventral and caudal fins . The pectoral and dorsal are very weak and have a fan. The dorsal drives the horizontal displacements , is located on his

back and shakes about 3 and a half times per second. The pectoral drive vertical motions .

It is a very slow swimmer moving through the rolling vibration of the dorsal fin , while the fish upright feature progresses . It also tends to roll up the tail to the

belly. Some experts estimate that a pony would take 2 ½ days to go 1 km

The vertical displacement achieved by adjusting the air volume of tiny sacs that are called " swim bladders " .

Their eyes move independently of each other and moving your head can perfectly monitor the weeds where they live .


Page 15: The dolphin

La conducta de los caballitos de mar vivientes es tan

interesante como las antiguas leyendas sobre estos

animales. Es capaz de ostentar notables cambios de color

para acomodarlo al del medio que le rodea.

Puede utilizar la cabeza para trepar por entre las algas en

las que vive descolgándose de unas a otras.

Con frecuencia varios adultos van juntos, trenzando sus

colas prensiles con apariencia de que ejecutan una danza,

la cual puede ser fatal cuando la ejecutan ejemplares

jóvenes, que a veces no saben desprenderse y acaban

muriendo de inanición.


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Seahorses live in calm and warm waters in temperate and

tropical seas worldwide, though they have a discontinuous

distribution, since they are absent in long stretches of the

coast of West Africa and the Indo-Pacific area, which may

appear in one region and another missing altogether.

They live near the coast, including seagrass and algae.


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They feed on small pelagic organisms stalking, camouflaged

among algae and sucking with their long snouts.

They also eat some fish fry, such as guppies, platys (fry) and

mysis (larvae Corethra)


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They breed from spring to summer months. At this time, the male and the female are intertwined with Tail. After a wedding dance, in this

position, the female pierces his cloaca, using a genital papilla of about 3mm. long, their eggs to the brood pouch (incubatriz) of males, which is lined with soft tissue and arranged in compartments to hold each egg separately, as in foam cells. Certain parallelism between the tissue surrounding these eggs and placenta of mammals can be


A male can be visited by a number of females that let you eggs, but if an egg does not reach to get to one of these departments is not

developed. However, those who like them, are developed in this bag until 50 or 60 days and hatch inside her. A good sized male can give birth to over 400 young people who are the perfect replica of the adult. The first days enter and exit the market as there are threats or abroad.

In other species of seahorses similar mating takes place, although both parties do not hold by the tail. Thanks to this difference between the two species crossings are avoided.


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Camouflage can attain a rare degree of perfection in some

members, such as Australian Phyllopteryx foliatus, which is

provided with fleshy appendages that adorn the body sheet

simulating algae. It can grow up to 30 cm., Really great for a

fish of this size group.


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