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The Dark Corridor

It was pitch-black night. I was lying on my mothers bed because she was not here. The bed was beside the huge dull window. I was gazing outside steadily and intently. I come to know that weather is going to be terrible the sky was replete with dark clouds, the moon was vanished. I switch off the light and pulled up my blanket on my face. My eye lid start to get heavy and soon I felt in a deep sleep. Suddenly I felt that someone is shaking me, I woke up and look around there was nobody. I heard sibilant sound from outside. My throat became dry. Yet, deep in my gut, I knew something was not right, something was nagging at me but I choose to go outside. I stepped outside of the room and decided to walk toward the cookhouse to overcome my thirst. I have to pass gloomy corridor lit with oil lamp to go to the cookhouse. When I was walking through the corridor, an acrid smell smacked against my nose with such force that I reeled back in shock. The corridor begins to be foggy. Suddenly I saw women in a white dress sitting halfway front of me. Her face was covered with her lusterless black hair. I was terrified my blood want cold, I tried to turn back to run away but my feet were rooted to the spot and I could not move. My breath became short. She started to crawl on the floor slowly with harsh voice, my attention was now focused on her figure, her eyes were red filled with tears, her nails were blue, she had broken-glass teeth and her lips were bloodless. She was holding knife in her right hand and coming right toward me. I started to scream loudly but it was not correct to do, I raise my hand upward and started to pray to god. Hopefully I was free to run. I ran toward the main gate but the gate was locked I picked out the key which is usually with me in my pocket. I twisted the key in the look but it did not worked I think that lock want cold. I tried second time again really hard, now its unlocked and I was out off my house. I deeply breathe in and a big smile appeared on my face.Author: Zaair Haider Rizvi

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