Page 1: The daily Chattanooga rebel. (Griffin, Ga. and Selma, Ala ... · I ifce ejcaaoluitfca of General awiriorno 1&Jfir7rs3tTmwii3rtoa6laie'4ttaafpita of Vleksbarf, OenerM 8. was'ofthat

"- s -- i . , ... t. , ... ' ; '.'i . .v: . - v

ge--- a

Gar n - r

WlfTrttaiCrt Ua wt fcny ba fiatij

: fa lSca J?ni. '1 iaalMl'tica f mEFj, tj. npeired to fko Bkl or GIrfBtf,

, lier Alk, ao4 tasaSiili tarries

I vics'teaa-ca ai aaBI . to ochalgr vIUiSssTSai&y 1S& bla aid raalc amd gmde aaHnt22asi-- si JArt3e7v Uali pojitiaa km fcIiL i& tltr

. . UaHwiSiaka mrieaaa ta & Uatajaf-lilaTatfg-

' Ii998!4ilBii GomtsI H73 'Arkaasai,-- WlM.!:ifiuBg2rf44 UttaW'oT rtmTj.

' ast awwnfaifrd Chai. Hardao la Uowliuj Gstn,KjwiL UiV5JQ4ir yliahU retire'Uuit dejiartmaait '

, f"Tlti2i to lH7j Aftasuas, Q. ShoQp, &

Si&iJ&g&i aBUUft4 ffi.' sfaBaatof 1nfcliryywalea lie icwlad at tba aolkiutWa cC Li avpetiorafe,3 WEIavetl kia awvlM tadlpsaabl atc-aatH- X

to s artiaey onaeh! of tha terrifs. '

. .I'iiyju ustaator aad. ,dijaipJhiaiiAa atswa j339Erti.'tar av-- priaaBl;ppffJaoa, andkipi'dZS Q f0 ka'waa a4astl.-TMt-o ta aoaaiaad af. ail, tLasWJSf!fEawoW'.:. '.-- ; -

. AatiMrrosEMtta)kof arlia(iraca aa'taadiwadTiafil ashrioa la tha taatTal of tba . Imubepja

afif af falsahla ctotfta at taat Poet, n4 bla'pra-aoti-ca

traa itroo5?y urjd by Gea'a. Jobqtan and2Xaffdaa ' , '

At t2ia tih!i"cCJulcj, lie lerred'- - ai :?ofjfji2Ty'aif ETd'a ecopa, aad bla conduct spon

t&a.a!49B tor kl ta wirpral cotaineDliacf al aaygiota aa a callaai aad aaefal Sinter.

' iiUr &m katila f EMloh, ha waa 'feadafea,' byCaatral TZis;sttg tlkeaeommaadintbe Armj

tLa X&ao&dppSt taa posiikw of Chkf"Jtyaf whola aitny, tm aarfaf aiiiafiflii . fakVSljti t bo5y3nral aUudi&a Uitlui

s aCe? taiUtad tipcur-- ta- -

'liiagiaraa tedlKtaaabiy aaaury ia tlia.'arJ52i2saia of ila a- - aonmand, aadfltai !ma-attiata- d

Zaapaetor 0acral of ta DpaHnvwit,' att&Bia tfiaXof CoiovlU : Ta bia atilfty an

ia aajaly doa tba etxiit .-- -- tit af Um oaotpais which immaditly. q--

IaTletoiar 1862, li teied thp. appoiat- -i cf Brigaflr (Maaral , cf tba Confederal

fclmM Inr. aiifei tba kattla PnuH Gcsn.,QB3aBj4d a diviaioa, aad saeccsafully .rcsiated

' tb usaaaH of Eerroa'a entire corpa of artb-irtst-f- n

troops, aad largely ooatiibatod to tbe. rt sjtjatwportant triaenph of oar arm. ., Dialog

. tl faaaerral of aad mAie question vralaad aa ta ib valklU of bi ppoint- -

kaaat,"ba appllad tar and obtained pertniMioa toTialt EkbiaoDd, wliere, tbo ppo!ntmefat' " Jehig

--eo&&rmi, ba aa ordered toUobile, and .in thellkj taVkyVfaz fW( dlrpcitto report to Lienten-rGLsr-

Pembertoc, by whom he was assigned. tst t5a LeaUlaaa brigade which had forpierlyen'ttaSk tba eoeaa-Ma- d of Brijadkr Oeaeral StepbanD.jXwv , Tha acrrc of thi noble 'brigade,' --daj

- --Iibji'jaeniorairie VJksbors aelge, exatcojyauiaotre to roqairajtatSsnaV VJaor5 Biioap, by

h?lUtau Eajlaaei, 'AOniiA MxA ELtatestJii4jaTaay ig aderaiUprena eKfd!Sbefc J

. I ifce ejcaaoluitfca of General awiriorno1&Jfir7rs3tT of Vleksbarf , OenerM 8. was'of thatmwii3rtoa6laie'4ttaafpitaJJt;"bM aapedaljx offered auouatopeslUfta

t W tlaarfaadar at ut eityaibrriaattspflGusetk: af JaVfVS&j escattbata. day prtrioaa

m. or eae 4aj fserwwrds,-- t se!eted --for the espUola.--riEi.vfIt- lli

Wtti araraled, aad yiekft t the"aK4rlry;tai siidl wlii taa'winoAryadTiMLSrte

their erifiasl jplofoa Wffl kja-- , ' AAd

j&S'be WfcJ r&tre8-to11- doamaind of Fort

"'1'tUaaa traWisrraa tha' (Bnaf theAsUasaeM th' aity of JiibiL'JpCt1?UXptnlast at the arseul reqaast of General Joseph E.

Johasav ha was e,sslgaed ta be ooasAadd cf. the' - AstSasy of the Amy of Teaxat'atfe. Trcnfht

. tba aMaorabla namjais tktt C0' cotnutanaetvnijrCiiB akillful witbdravei Vl tb4aaa

f(j f&BBaessa1, Oasat4j 8bartvwaa diCIaiisdSee azaltat eoartf and persoaal daK'nt-'ao- d for too

uaiii434.f3i4 fa tjatae 5fuCvf agh ordflr.

- JZhn ttii thtw jhoa t the ttrosTdDOTecaeatv asaiaaaily ralaablH'aad all who eoma wilbin

s 1m f Ikil Uered le mtaea In bla the

teeat awlldoaoa,-- . t; n iivr0 p..IJTIS the amy was AoaUla,

- Ooeral Johaeton, with a a to saoeeesfallybacetdiraotad Graeral Scoop (o

aparviBa tba aadatraelloa HL Una of works aponCi ittC back f ttw Cbattahaoebea' Those worksW'lie are tawa la arory .axperkacad aad iataUl-tpi- ii

'aoUSet ortba Amy af iXeasauee, apeak moat

elimti'y of Qeaaral Saoop's gentss aad skill as; r."itfA'-TLy'sr- a refasded aethe'taeRtldn-'"- .

iai y"ii'lsa4 aa3 eooctrasted workf, - a1 t2te asost

,aesalla Xi af &&ec4 hlcb iassk Ue eoarse af

,.Oitfe.M i. Tfil ;tiiaaffiiiof (tbaKwittt- -'ejn Pros way be ralirid spoa as a rSex of tBilitary

nt; JarjiwcrPt wrsaia. thw works waro also

m rt4 ty fSrsl oCeera offh'H tlrlsatadX1

Tbam Gejicril Jobssfoa; wi rsllevad front ooia.

MitJaf liia'Ajay of Tcsaeasaiv aai

sty; Rotated aa bis sueeonsor, Qeajerai Shsttp"

f..l' to ;tpob1 posn&i' wtiia be: tir'iitijfcis1,' as Chief af BtaSt ' of Cie jCoiBaoaioder

$1 ffetof .ie Amy f Teaacsscolj'la relaUoh to

' ou-l- i piU af i4l alSew Ji '?iaaalfB of Atiiat& S sisy ba jap erxly aeeessaryje atato,

. ftAt ly irisai'to'il.asiitt ia o&eiel aad nillta--ry ftslAreaaw urdis: hrrestIatioa bofosa ae7rr fJa-rstr- aad I5. b fair to freeqm from aoVtjMl rvjrfd Ja&e !fasU 'jcareelj besUufcl' to ii atiaiiiady" eaipatae la' ihejiori rVeattf'idiie'of Es'datA 64 Vtf oaa2fy, a4 e &e

. ttABaa wtk ha ba aiofad: ffibtaiaTWw,s waallba bat simple JatlirljbtBaud3ice- -

ft!a.a tVa pert of oat eotowptjarfee aad tha pab- -' 1'la ii?a4 Jadaiest ta a ease liUle aaowa

' srs aswra a n&ueoM-Mr- y aa

C3 IZasraM I crtea joe, we wbm oar bokobxx

If tkffia a baad aw IIkb iXshUd-ti- a brfif Mid'.2?2m2i$&Cres3eaawetb1sdbty to as If Somsvv yai.rpsaiasj !

JTiTBatiiasawa raise oar telr,jja aJsh,rrEx a reap u wane we live, ana eaen n as 1

W ii. jv- - . -

. ""aa-- ' .inv-- ' H,a-- .5 J

zLk?' mww tLJiwlw, wCI l.Mtil 1

certainly AEtows' I3wra3

, fc& .UZSjti f 1U aaaaSTfrei'r AlltestaaaTtoiU!asdAy4y Saaiestrain, arid raatMJS af Vmssi aaA


v- - Mr'jWsiiAsla awaaTsia fyWwfwgTWlil Z09Peaf.t?ayeirrialhaB tieUlmtf ra tre? by a-ir-

vhka 'orBAuod' 1.1 aee'to'sSelcai ll.Pft imh).t 1


c. -

!LTaJell'wiBU ottub nwartrood-caa-a

hairo.il9n,jidias'th Ai--ftyoK Teaaaa9tt ad;lh etieal SberauaeompisnaiBfu. JtTcrecJ at Atlaois. v

J j. Jtiuvlat J);v,V' or tub Ifmisairri. '

la the Tie!!, anunjtjs arSpvl,1MI; 7 "

T2eaeali JlMiTtflhe hor to aekoowledj.'o thererMpl ef jw ktor f thU da's, at the baitd orAfesers. fesll and Craw,' oiMartea t tba anaaj-- .meats I ' bad pritposed Ticlltata the trrinovalSMtb of the pebj le'of Atllaala, who prefer to go inUuU diraetioB,' eacloH yt a eopy f lay orders,wbieb will, I aa aUsfil, siieomplish ay pcrposopeffftly.VoOStrla 'CsMiQrea propocd "iity.

aaeB?? stjjp-&iMdari'jliisWi- oflirraparaliel, '4a k-k- it UValdctB.aa4Ungtaiieraelty." ft Is not aapraseiliearod, for Gen. John-sto- a

. hlovkslf, Try wbiery aad properly, reiaoTedtoo fwailes all tba wsTfreii" Dalton dowa, and Isee no reason why AUaata lbeald ba exeeptelT '

er Is it aooaasary to spiral to too dark Ilbtoryof War, wkea ' rVe?&i sl 'tirouJfh examples re sohaaiy. Yea yoirself barae-- dwelllas houses alanyoar parapet and I hsra nwen ts-d- ay CKy ilieaiwethat yen bare resdmd aobibsbltAble beeaase theystood rir'tlw wjl: Wyoar Ihttt infd - weii "Yon

.iilt f f JJst ;o-eJ!-5e rfttowa.tbat ereryeaaaoa abej, aad asaayaneii l4 tails from oar llnaof iaet&awais tftar eindidik.: thsTr-yaor- k, wentinto the balUatls of waatisi aadetlldren. .Gen-eral Hakes did ih Sa at JosSoW,' aad GeneralJobastoa - did th e nut ;wr ' Sumavu at JiieksoaMisrisslppL X hsTe noi aoetifed yoa oT heartlesseraelty, bat aoarity taitaaatr tJaaaa eaaak of niry I

aatj eoild 00 and eno steratebaadreds of oCksrs and oatUtn any fair inan tojnJge which of ras had pur heut of pity for thefamUtea of a bra re people. .'rfcay fiat ttJ b'1ctodaas to these familiee ofAtlanta to remore them' toir, at once from thescones that women andvhBdtan should Sot be ex-pos- ed

to, and (lie "brare iieoule should : siiorn toeonuait their wires and ebCdioa to the rode barba-rians who Ihaa, im'roia' Wy. hiWlmUi urwit?;as mashratod te tb par tJt'fil .da,Hlstorj-- . .

- Xa tba aaiaa'iif ' eoonaoa aiskaVl aVk.yoa not toYfItsaiakiL41d sac I aB&a&axoua niannerYoa, who ta tJae seidt of Bioa aad prosperity bateplMVnaralit'wsifCaki 4d creel war,wko dared arl badijered arUo.; bait'la, Insalted ourtg, tijalmt'wrtm''tbtw9n lef intbekqraisk aeMif&lerdaane eer--Ceaat, and eatoai aad asa pris oners of war, thaw Mrtda4Ji-:lrViWt9rMn- t 1

hTairroas aatf IniUana. '.m'i ': ILong before saoTert nttT-wa- oottatHtod by tha.

to yoa, h atefel Jaawdn-Q- c tpraaym tried to foroaKantoeky and lUasoarl iae i&lUoa spito of them--selrae, fuIst&aaV&a osf f IrisiaV taroed looseyour pirain to pbiader aiamked ihlpa, axpelled Union families by 'lboi!Mis, tiraerthttir homes, and-!- 'declared by a iiatof josa'CoaayeiH) the oeaAieationof all debts dee aorders; neit for gods bad end

' '.Talk Jbas to, Uariaea,, hat not to ia, who have

seen these things aad iriill this day atake asmaoli saarllee'f tithe pssfio rod konor of tte South,as tba best bo'm ; Soatbrea asoag yoa. If wemast be iailafIVi t, tad flgbt U rst asarjriropeca todij, aad ait do) ta sach bypoerlHcalappeals to God isn4 noisiditj. ' 4lod w&l jitdge asVda tisovtot bo stlieuoaaea "whathsr It w&lbe mora haaaaii.toaVbt wjtlt a tiwa fall of womanaAdthefaaIfefbaAii pecpl aivjar biioks, orto nesova tbaa ia th pUeeii ofaafety usnatlxiir own friea4le aad psphw f 1 '

I'sm vary; 9jillfiaiXIy,

' ' ;- -yemr beJeaf( rraat,

. (Signed) V W. T. Siianaaa, ' ' 'Omeml Con : t ' Gsnorat ; ,

. Era, B.."Was,AX),C. ', '' :

i ;n. acaavaa'B urT. cctK:tlUiyfO tb kxiiks J

siajixaastma ujuiraaT mitbiw- z, -- ,: .. .. rrn.niMinm.Ia tha rkli AUikiiirCUy l?cp lfr, UU

X. Pcrscasi ib aa. eirafa tnl f fcfatHien Geaeralbut e--" or jot. TUBf

J . B. lioad, eosBtadi Cictafadtraie forfeitlaGralS&tiiaMa;.'.rn'. T, Oernuta,.ooawnaading tltia Mmy,, a Uxtoi- - U hasfahy declaredla t!4 rv:-:- J i RjiaH.hae

IUdhroa4teea,aKo05ftdI aad tht.eotan--y rosild aW&tfcr a fiknJa rtf o (S auiles

la.iiaaraMirV. tSaVfiail fea&aj .to aai.from ia tha dirscUoaoi'AlliaU aad Lovtoy at"tioa, ressectivejy, To tba p'arpoBO cf affardinj tbpeople of Atlanta a

'poiati i

II. hm Chiii Qaii'brmaittor ib Atliaata, ColonelEaston, will aflbrd 3l t'M poopbji of Atlanta, whoelect to SoBth, ail tita fasiiiuM ha can spareremove them semfcrlaliiy wdasjWy. with theiraffects, to W aadone andsNda33C5.,)r4itBC?oi ; con- -maaoora of tvsJsneaUi lend Imgadea'aiay oae theirrazimental aaat ataJSTtaaaas crry oat the ebt;of rhls' prdrr, tk whek ii'rJv tl'aidiy;the Slat lasiain. . .

IU.Taj: GeafTUwraesiaaa a guard toiasUbUa oaQw4 01 kysd taa CampGround, wim ijrdaiaWsai.B' all vagoea aad Wwith'oat undae aanraaA:t4, xioward winasaA B.jawJHBfe1l3jsai ifa -

aafjntore ggi peitftce-- itrfar ta YSas vkieaiejM

sag wtu be taaslavda AiarHis Ul iHics.. aa umiguard wiaeawie aUafPos to leave si 4p. m., 0, . - . f

;t"fy 5' y T- -

-- r-r ' '.'1'

': ' r rftnr f 'fif w 1

5 iwiiinr--

saranotiSM properaa mj?their booosta l'oltfaf AtJaiitiJ;'l roa

.smiths is reasss.Wi'srT??; toJtetol!srt eCteaX'T ;?f4 i-tr- r yes? ptawa .

. .a .ipaa at, au. trnr t j a - - -

taaobj94. --fia ytraT baaaatieaittslibeee

rdjr HSi $s .aqiiBaaaa,9CJ. Jjpji yQ4.r&sjs3eatka. 'Irtlojj Ta--

wiia whkTiA.ahSifsbgSi! yoa.strrotthenji me'ln te optaba ta UkatiT

stripped of all orateBoas; jra aimooaoed G) a41ifor the sla reasoa that It waa "to tha iatwest tfthe talfei'Etalsileyoo Jofissol to ns"

sod tha irillsel. wosM asaa. all toSiat rasoafor difrapLrdintr laa fof Godjiad Aaa; Toasay tSat Ganersl lohattoa himself yarywolyaad'property rwtorod. th jaUkIl he way freta (

rJaltaadow!." It is de Cb.thal gaaoiildiet.and j

gwaUerda 4aay that a . tat o) ala. di6j,vlshedexraer tvea the least ooir to yojanfoctaiLsd as- -'

persiaapoii ttseeadaet.' Brdepoplaiedaatoaruey aay ,rittos, oiifcar-fsiaadl- y or boa--

tile. lXa efieml aad xteade4 frfoadb' M to biTCSBthera Kcittrtky, brinjj the WafdfftcsaavI thw nU cheering-repor-t ct tho-trra3t?- twaltafeUaw-eltiso- ej who paired ta tm fromunfortunate

yonr fraternal abraoeisi Yott ara oqaally anfbrtanate jn year attempt , to find a isstiflealetMl Jotjais aat ot'crjjelty, etther the deSmee of Vaee-bor- o;

by jmijraj nirJie, or roflAiLuata by Myself.Psaeral. jlerdeedended his poeltko front ofJunasboro; aUfeexpeaat of . friary to thaM jprnj,; proper and"jos$ie'ni of waV4 Idefended. Atlanta at tksaoso'tlak andoost Iflthere wss aryr. faritia afti cr eaak If 'was yiwjir Own,la not giriofl neUee, aepeolafly in fee case if AHanta, of yonr porpo&e to slw Uwlowa, which is asual

ia-w- sr among eivHised auona. ;Jo lohaliilaal ofoitlitr . tr ' m eaipeUed ftoaa --hiakoMn -- t&' by) tbo OfJ?s f Athea Gaaaaat .Xfaidce oriBjmft, ' and t&oniorte - year. 'bMoatu order - can'find lioitspport from tha boodaatofL BHber .of aa.I felt ao other emotion than, pala, in. readlr j thatporrton'of yotfr letter; a hkh AUcaaiU:to JustifyY-j- xir shelling AC&nta wUhoot notioi Badtr . thepretence that L dafobded Atliata; vim a. stna aoclose to town,-- that, TT oanuon-bb- ot aad aianymaskeVballafroBV jouf .Uac of inTitttmcait thatorer-sb- ot their mark, aad. went into .tha liabita-tion- s

of women and children. I , nukde co com-plai- nt

of yonr firing into Atlanta, in asy way yoathought jroper. I make none now, bot there arean hundred thousand living wita&t.s, that yoafired into the habitations . of women aad ctiildrentor, weeks, firing far abore, and mllea beyond my

rtino of defence. " i' hare loo &ood an opinion.fdanded both, apon observation and iciperieeoe, ofthe ski!! of tour ariillerWs, oredh tba insinua-tion tbat they for several "weeks, naiataataooallyfifed too' high .fur jay moderf field-work-a, andtlanghtered-Vorne- n and children byaeeident andwant f skill. '

.' -

' Tba rosldoo of your letter ia rather discnrsiTc.Xsoens a wide field fojUaLrlisoaaeiea mt inmm

VoaaTrtca!:Ilo .n4u JEotX ja. ewjninUted & MeI am only a jceneral of one loftbaarmlaa of. thaConfderaa.SU.t-a- , charged, with military opera-tions tba under .the direction of my eupcrior ouicers, and I laaal not CAlhdoKJa to' dlaonsajrith you te cses ofihepi'eient arar, or tha po-litic-

qBaatboBy.whiajb led to iaito ftwqjitThesa iisrporteat a.aeaUoas bare beeneomautted tItr abtit h fads thai idlKe,$.Ifhailonly refer to tbaai 110 far aa to raprl ajy onjasteooclatloa, a'htob ofIgbt bedaasa fixaa my aQeaee.

fToaabarga say: eon 1 .try with Vdariajt .ted btidfivr- -ing yoa to battlr.. Tbo Cmthvls, Wm peal roauab--sioners to yoa ?irp.tfV$T.(fferbif a peaoefal separationeefora the Spt gan was fired ca either aide.Ton. say ws;. ioeultsa yosr.CasV The tratb bwe Hred apon it- - andJ these who fo'nght aoder itwhen yoa oism to iiajroors .apoatlM mbsioa ofsabjagation. t , Yen iiayve seised npoa yoar fbrtsMd;areaaadiBads prboaers ef (b garrisonsseat- to BTotaot -- aa agaiaat aezVoea juid Xadtaas.

;Thatruth weexpNillsd by JSrea af arms iasolsatintruders, ami took, j sesl on' ofir r own farU andawenais 10 ni4 ypi ataua 10 aoauaioa ovtr mas- -,

slsreSj asd lodjltna, all of whoa are to this daywith nnaalmity naeiiazapled lathe history of tbaworld warripg aattst yourVttompto to beooniotheir ma(ersT6a ay"Qiawe'triad foroa 'hiiaiMorjjaadf fjS s?! !.P ff tlBia-selta- sy

Jthm Uaih bmy!gffpiJr.t2alolflgof this atnujlsTto tMs-.hosc- r has .againkfid 'jlnoSere4Jb(rornha vhol ;oridto leaveit"1, tq. 4ue sjtiawi JrEl' States and allothers texdetemiii for ihamsrlvaa . whethar they i

ill a it...:.. lJ t n : Iwin cut uuiir ocwnj wua yoar. worarsmast oroir inoTytrair.GovajiitaBh'l tau resisted this fa&damenial p'riucipia of (VeV1nitaJloiii with thahayb-net;slabrdjtlyj- eI

frand ;to.faatoaita bjitefnl tyrsatey sipaa, tartatafismaof these Statso. . Ya say wa Uh&S&6 tba vaSa offJouHa64u.!rrh'n-r4Sl4- not cn!y jp-- frated ieraeli'ti-oa-i roor Govsraaant by; '. Beaxty a

tbofefcirsBa'-ersz- y Iwttliislil from NiUyaharg tohei?aetKHias eevoiiao

sslJfCF;A .f; fTti7'laef .ftia.g ajm-f- or

tha epnreaaed or aAs&rataai tit- - heroi:

SUUa A WO a&7eldi

eoastry; aad .ffipll tha. saad m defiaaoe eftoaraerrjuml&a iarlsria cira3feraB of the gWbe.

VJ&ff havaai'aned Unioa feiailiea by thoaa--

rUk is, sol a, eiais CwuJy has heapigi4 foeen thaw tCoa&de&ta 6ta4ea;that I " am

tie eoatrarr the madefatiaa ofatfWerwBent' barards trnttora hah heaa sifrait--fol theme of denuaelaioa by ita eeijaiea aad manywau-meani- as lmnda of or oa&ae. Yoa say myGovet-nmen- t by ScUf of Qengresa eoaAwatod

sH t&b$s.; due aortbent-sne- a for'gttoda aold aad4!, da

dpa froth iwsrti area vilh their ' ahipa,- - snodaaadeiia,riaafea tWpr(?perry ofear aaseaifeia hi ,MEaSoaro fhur' aofs dacWiae?!M Uaitera aaJaonJataiij; w prirty arharever J. ...... .U c Ji ' M

(jimrpmar-viiOH-aa 4sser tCT&Stf OToiir own. acbaWyoeraMfcaaewit, aadaoah erejhfcfr&MTMi .Wtme; -- ; -

Yoa order fctto exfte & 'rhsiV pipalatiatt ' .of fdrltateffl,-woakB-: --aajt" hHits-'tSu- m t&ab' I

.p'0' l.;&o heyea eaOy;fhe pbavrTMn-swia-si Bad

M&et- -

fee.Pris3, thftSajRatoxe agaisiyn ef hia.GevevaH'acaJlfttyed tat Aa did traavaenbhept-Yia- a r sapped bfoovltgte

ashitdteu of city aadI add issalt to the lajory haafv.

unta 4ayUgbscf-THtrdi- ?. September Jxad,ijSlJCEtjM!lw,Ijrbeing tea (lOjlU.aaVaVah iaa pofcat oa the kGvcon Waght a f4.esas, hoists d the --3 ofouf


Xtorh Koadirca'eg'esraand







in ifeld,




'V'"-- y-


dos tboa a kUtdBaacV. Thjji;tr&uc hjet&af4

th peajaad litoaor of taari&difieatliron . 'Ajd baea&aa ItiaiS3S&k I

a5 kJadaass ai brrryVywayrfaaaMsi$ia4adgneBt batwaaa tiMt&U-jratsey to aare on womes a$ cTi..,-.r- a iresa

Toa eosaa u,(o. oar eoSy. f tha porpoea of

woSaa and eMdrea r aad et&f lalylataal.t4.E5sftfror "thita bs.&d L nw3o 'ftsi;V&rI!!T!sdideeira to pJaoe aW'aa 4a&s iiM4 h

' a J e . , ...dtava raisaa 1 roes tatbariadl to iU faaszt focilaajrbkh' Ui tbe 1ilgh(Mt eraf aBjS-iy'tl- r&m5ay aonatry la. all tiaa. XA Sjfeto aeeepi yootftBaati lavejbraod tt yaar;tJsd

. fcbadv of lhwJ3otb aa4 rafata to'ti gwarsidt$s UT.oa;iare'6raitwy eooatry,iod.Wr64i ' tn-- t 'b..--

Yoa ajy t aa gkl tt oat tike lBi.,3VthIaarpply la, fjireeadl bejftrSa:atea, ay aad-aross- aad ohUdfaa,' la,pyjesijJw01 gt yoa-lojtb- a dSa-Sstl'deVta-aa-

deaths tisa Biici;t,t Oolite o'ader'r'oW'or

iAaia afijwa-xiint4X- r4 epeaasa byyear letter of tLa t mi,'Jwmgrwrroaoanao wita yon aa aoewwajrasraeomments apsn my appeal God la 9 eacae. ofhwaairy, taarU? aiO-- ravCMe braakdIU Almighty aid to dlfenee Waeai rU;u

. Aospectfolly,. 1" ' V. -V-- .

" i rr . " ,Yoor Tbedbnt'servaa ;

tJ5,ner ' J Geaeratr"OOclal eojJy., , .AVV

T. II. ,'tt'iari.itfc, DC, '. . - . rv'"

. --TWLv,r- sTroot .. -- !.- Keatea7.-t- : ';- -

In the fiichmQndnqairer.w-e- ' find the annexedoawsfrpm Kentucky: t , . - - .

Gaptaib 8 V. ..Ottnalnghata of Cftloprl. AdimJehnasn's comroaed, aiTired- - la' tSstsaond a fejr4ava klix ftvm th nr If flJtxrV TTkJ3iiii if

la that quarter and the bright thda awaittha vrosTreaa of bar arms ia the eatdroCtaUv --CoLJohatoa'a mo'Votaects taVe bean dttoedxati lrthe ewemy a mere nuU.a&airofaiae aweaoa afdirect advies wo have been aader a hkr impcea-eto- a

kievetofoiav J:t spf teavs. hasNaraatltaf regr- -lar Military Dcaartaiitas basiiftea. raetod -- ia(

Southern Kea4nJy-cwapnai- B aa arse,-- ' of - eightpojjralond eauntBsar -- It Is g, anddaily extending itJoitdrr. . ,;?.'-- ir hj. On antovinr-tb- a Stats Colcaaei vloboaoa iataadthe foUowtoflfddrei . i 'CHfaena of Ketoeky:X -:- - !

Tbo elternaUfe IsWw pTeiied to yoq 'ofterjing either tAe Federal or Confedes-at- a Sjritiy.,lilpcrsanc betertiea ihfasa avaateii.axid' "forty-fir- e,

who are not lawfully 'exetnptad, eritt fca'-Te-- !

quired to go into aervka at oaoe. r tr. sju:Yoa matt imtw see thtt, aTur tbs ee?t3& f all

ad to eavo yonr ?ropa?ry, tbt theiBa diaotibcea rjeaerea secnref aaa yoa bare not covbpyoaracVf from tba other, cvaa bytke ancHVa. ofprinciple and honor. Year aoSafFy ha:boa ovav-ru- n

by ktwlesa bands, whose deprodatieoaftRa vAfquaiby tha oatragos of largor be.sdar oclheFederal ansy. Keitheir foel.jMtshairaajBV raapoatfor the aabBfliiaskinisto, and yon are . BluC&sred,robbed and murdered sritb iaspanity. iIow. ,Wcgdo yoe intend this to continue? . To-- .what depthof degradation and shame are yoa to be redacdbefore yon cat loose she bonds of slavery and --,sert your rigtits as freemen? '. ' " " '


Jfen of Kentucky! are yoa willing to 'see yoarfamilies reduced to the level of yoar etaves? Moth-ers, csn yoa realise an affiliation of TOBf doeh- -

Mem with tba African -. 1 . t :I onng men: can you expect to nava any mauae

to maihodd, can yoa bojte to share tha amiba orclaim tke love of the btit eyed daogfctera atbiafamed "Lend of baatf,' whAa thoaegeatld beiagaare subjected to the t'oiiults of Yankee hirelinesand negro troops If not, then speedily asixe theonly way to bring roa peoe, liberty., and honor.Too lon have yoa tlstonod to tpe siren eoag ofthe traitors of the oonatry. Abaadr too maeh baabeen aaorifieed to no advaaUga. Yoar- oniy hopeof peace ia in the eucoses of taa Southern aroaiea!Not alono votir liboniaL boivCotar Uveaare iavalr?4 ra taia. laase. . Tba BVtderata Unioa man, the

Democrat at tbo SorthreU as-tba liioe thornsoldier, will all owe loiiLr Uvea thisresult. .

..- -

,; 1

' I appeal to yoa again aa I did two yaura ae to Jtrally and strike a btosr- - for tke free&rai eftyaaur Jooontry. i V - --j.rr-" '

' - . Commandmf CosstaderaussMba)'- In ithMi-SX's?!3s- i,Beeruit' poared in from all .irtsra ieftb-- i ftiftto.It will be seee, from tne sajoiaaaaradr, tiM we

do not intend to QknUa amlr lathaisw"department t .

. v' i-v- t: ,.--

. ' "Jlaap'tja D'jtPaitTViaT BotorariirST.,' 1

:' v Auvast tk &rLt - r ,

Ganaral Order, No. 2. I

Ia mnauiM ta Geeeral Orders fren tho.WaxDepaitmeiM. Riebmaad, Vlrgtaia J , aoteby otdar

tr MW(asoai nateaamptiromajiaUiry my,j- -

to report to their eoaaty towns, o tlmaiuresioaeaijtoerato, tor otity as aoidien in T

btatas' army. , ; A r ' tThb departmeat elroee-a- H thai asti: af theConfederaey eoataiaed within tba foOanrfaig keoad-mr- jf

to 'Wit: Ceosmeaotevax-thi- a aoeottk ef fallriver, aadaxtandiag threap FThebothhwrar Stes-co- w

aad Tmpxiasvilla JCentasSky so: 'Oerthaga,,Teemessec te& fbUawmgbe Ctwaeatami-rtae- a toKaebvlSei Uiaase with tha liae tS

railroad to the Teaieaase irar t hqa ?jasatoHiokman, Ka taeky x tba ai Ctbs-b?lT- rrto the mou h fS ba Oklo,:tiMn i tha piace pt keia- - J

- All persons fallmg-- to rrt.bovo!s3edwill be eosripifri. Injdiiai1fcr-th- i Itb nt.

By owsnaand of ; '; - - .. t3oi; A? It; 7MJMfr(

Com'SJeir, Depastmant eothera B'yr'' ... ?" Captala aad A.-- S. J- -

As tba dezrtiRnt s Sta4a4,' the. --srt?y i3OoabUeaa be aaisrgoa,Ba t rsy .roasssaiy aplreaurned withipodreroif. ii4$FtU!ia feprs--mstod as ablaaa with rvlatk9a, Efea iaesflstw.toaiitherinM'ao&i3js3 pvesraiKaJis j. thefeather tbat &as brok'i & beck .ef. fufti?si.ty.fA tbovseja'l eitiaaBs !b.'rt's-be- rr'std.abipped dowa ihm Mknis0pni esd "eftt ' lj ;Yaaartaa.. There waa ttst u4oiad: m -a- ioats.--wiUi

tba wi!tr, ai, ti hoprleaa won

eoapuaaie aitore at i3Kut iiEa tiis. viy?a tthat deadly daaTeaa; aawBaievogtrbere men itsvs bea --mieb jHbC

foread Into the 1'itderal rasdta. aaiLcatbate 'ifaffitiiiea .banished wilhoat a atoraant'a varsaas.' lEraKatn

y-th-a haabaad ia east to 2aa4a aad !. yriie 'tol ?

Yaoatoa, or vie vers. , . k. 1 ', .t

ft 'jtali la set by'the Fsdsral.rMthorkiaa to tafiaodiahaesa of fayae and Boxbtidga,; v&acheve'already beeomo, aoder th tmakgat .of Bf rsifjs

aadexamplo of Botlar,. tb cny aaeampiasd.eearadalaia :

xno aHUtsxy -- operauwis wtotnu obiohave beea auoatly eooSaed to oftmiei: - bit

recreiaiag eV atili, hhas, tottad. .t&sei capture a larf a camber ef rxsprtoi cpwardjof aerea hosidreil head ot catUe.!iai --oasati'tsea of qaaHrnaitstera' slorai, 1nut aQ villi tHj- - tnmm ruf ImtA thstn iKrMa. . i----

Wa hope to aaa thin ar dspairtaasrpssde? IZt 1 -

mftgAM ifcaft4l ffst afibdraojaaw g .2 aVfs B r a?e- - w m Smm MM "tp.w

anta U include ttes aaiiffB. iflfhaeSeatf I

wTOusht to Uwaeatimeetef- - Kantacil.- - existo totbe exteaa ro irasentod by all eoo64',ijtLbAvtffreached as fr ism the., State, - the - eoistare toe

ocb resaiia mwau aa is waa . : I

ltaaarvi tt. We aajoercUnl that wlule aeaeiiai esw-- j

: i jl.j-- '.li1 .n.--

Beet fawUys. they foteeaae aoeele mSeaaway ia jars. Of ooatrse" there wastastsatly a rleeoea aerstalUYMr sbareiw Baai &vSsmmwr weeaaada Irnaara. fiooi aft Ithb S'. eSA-- It fca thlMlwVfcorruKi:! t to the 'tm jtsteaow I

nd mma. raalmlAam ant? 'rkit-'rhi- l maS aa iv.2jf - - . , . i - - k4.. tit ji s' L.jllIk la 18fl i Imt itafiyrtoaalksiriisr YssK eaae--m I

UTher EsBfed bsuisii. ith"Ietorr. 'th' were. . .- T a awf- j ' .JtoMs 1583. 1 Cf tKiarse aae sugs, B5.taj.rr

thasa afieir.the eiixmal E2ieelti fcfc'.fc!2f3if tsTbir

had 'aa' tfpptatas Hy of makta fhit .1ipla.6Ai. ' 'ittrav.

ctftrcr'-- --

"L1" foi" v--t aal!a(Ui KS' tr ijl).fft-t- " :"Vj X i,a .ia T" - ai 1.f JWJ--- . -- . y . V I JWW wu. li

1 bae BesSciar.3.I- -


aor noif fcfa fetyi)perjiag the ligaatare" !".P. I ait tin fra-- the Mew vriesiaj aaiU- -

M ffvissa raaaoaa a! it whteia deterMMiV'fM i9 a w!mm 1 ainMi,lii, tdta fbrf.

et etatease&t o-- tna patina tit aas

lirlEtaH pr1alplo ofaleaW'to4jUBaMl--t- o a 'bear

?aEast' 'Hr f?f?T"tien tbo rah! in

Qensraf-itWatay- n mSaa Galaas waa-- sort. 1

Siiacsiaiiie w4 ajHRetaloaa tkaA the pablicS

3S3weJat ,asatf, , pais awxaeriaov

tidily 3io tli&t fort Xiall naar iaaa aaybu;(feEariaD saal wJSBtasafcle from taa tltoajeyaeavfeague of, a fart aad iu

safety siaatilated ia. aob4as attack.. Wajsavw tte spaea far FeaTs-awlir- e arthsle, aadasjili iiaTetaixas&BsS eTareax.wiw.eJB'auon

E? U.?!2ifS' .UNJrcr deelarea thaiilatba enemy gons

by wakf , 3 ifbaatlate wsa no pfotoottoa for . tboSMta fciifsBiS3iaesfwr betabpreafs, tbo-iitcl-iea wereepaa tae:asiiBS jrfria the amy,. the mag.aalwi!5F-eV.t-- ia eonisaary stores otiprotoet-e- d,

mta taald aot etastd tosseh puns ai was leftth'fftiii tiitlS'h feald ri weald hafa iacol--$& atsaaaara.arHaoat taa . sraawexbee TlsB!Sfbl Ksb&Ba EoJoiwl Aacloraondiiitf?gtptpoatae karreader. It was, doneby f e cvi3rs c fse' gwrbonv arbe all save one,rs,Tert' iSetiaseae fradrbiag it ba wrdng,JfftfiMge-hiB- h took alaaa bafiartrrbe

mniA. Coloiwi AadersoB displayed ik ffpealailtiMr.y' aad eoolaeas, aad woo theaaike nJ&ki'um of"bia oSeera swd aea. Ea- - referse41ttaasJSthtCeto6el As4sriba.!jaobeydtbafdwa. ofi'bia ewporkx affieer, Ge&ersl Page,tba wrte states that hboaly erder fcom Page waaks "da tha Iieet he toold." . General: Page makes 'adlSoikeUtataeat ta bb ealeiac-clbpat- oli. Timeasid K eaax tfJlaejBby win hare t recoaoile - thedawrrpegijy. "-- 1 -

." Ke a?qshd'e eopy of (hemtnate . of proecd-Ib- s

of tridiears aad their commaaicatioB to Col.AirierWrffcrBUhed Paal ( "

sai4 thetaeaa dtvelopeienU pat i.dif-srestfa-es

ea, the aasitalatloa of JFort Gaines, 'andare far ' more favorable than we had dared tope.Th whefcj matter wfll b4 sifted to fhm bottom, andaaiSseedaet aay tba ft will afford ts both irelieiraadajsumja to Aad tha coarse of tba .Oynfaderate . o(&-o- rr

ia osmmaa ally JastiSed and sustained by aititary tTiftOEaF. We repeat that "wa ana." afford

tiicaa foytfaad ahfa tf-w- do not lessJJihomr ofararms wtta taemr T.r. .4-'- -' ;

";-v.t--vs 'Ioprj l: -rr.: hi r,jt xi tXoBX Gi47xs AJa Aug. C, 1801. .

, AtaflweUag of the t Stoera yoaporing the gatri--e- S

f'f weiae, held tib iay,' it was nnanl-oeil- y

resolved that the semes of kaLl 'meeting beeoxamanloated, ia writlng'te Col. Anderson. Com --

wiBAdar'atthwpoetaAd to order to carry, oat saideUaa the. folUwiBff effioers were appointed a

MmmHteeJp'y.Ote President 0 the meeting 1 Capt.T.lffnilaa; Jrtlbut: T K. Jfarartney and Chas.CllUfbvEdgeriBhargei. - - -

;- - ."i; . - '. v

21.rJndrf21rt JSI 2e. lo.; Cum.ssoafti Vert 'Ooiaa, Alalomtfi

'i'C6trwwa t lb tSetsnajbee of the abeva - resoSntion,--Wet3LS doenilto ; apptd by the. saoetmy held,casareveaafwie eisoaiai eeenpaeing tna garrtsou,4o?.tij.pur!5S5 t&L deUberattog upon the conditionof the d7aei of (its place, bow proceed to expresstaa r4OBstlataJve-came- d tiie moumg to be heldvl&eaeeir.tiede, aad the . eonrlasions wa

- ieertiayi morning tne enemy a Beet, um sr a,ior-VtB- dSfe frealise afune of Fort -- iltfwrani sueeeeded

KlfoTfaaxte&eAartj aad 'haveJtow uken up theirgRK-lttaa . UMiscr ce&r detenawi njr after atnei eaaeiadaV fa eysejMiiioA of Fort Powell -

Vli arn oat fSJwm seooiBranWatton ' by landOr kia,' and 'tsskJe-iS- a' fort wboee armament cannot:laTaasiaar'trfftaally respond" to the guns of theftmt. j-- --iT ' .

The fortius, is. so weak and so ill proleeted. byill iaaSlabint bottb-pritof- s, aad the bastioBetteii atti&a&b&tsaew.anodes powder magaaiees that BmarbBadfixai' fke'pbtoe ia ao longer question to asox to any eni olaa, . '

. ,. It then beoomea oar doty to eonsider whether

a drfnoe, entailing, the fearlol responaibUity ofateavyioes olLGfe,-iBnlLb- oCaamcier.t asefnlness toCftcnpaaaate rtba sacrifice, and we- - anhesiutinglybut no. j

-- - The poe&faa : of the fleet is-su- ch as tooafiwdetiiaxparapeta, the parade groand. the entire rangeof eaaematoji inside, and ear ditches outside. CUir'pickets, wboee duty is of a very trying natnee, un-der their exposure to the ann. and to the 3re of anaaemy maeh tnore numerous than we could possi-bly expect to cope with aacoessfully. can be 'cora-plator- y

raksai by its-tiv- al force and we feel conf-ident that jaadgroae. or perhaps two single broadsides ot the fleet. Fort Gaines wonld be completelyitomaiitledw-th- e ' ereaker - pert of its deleadors.atir del or woaaded. aad the ooaitUn lost

we fcnowJaax tt wtu c.arre4 tast we most jioldon ai,tosg as possible to,- - ordr that Ktte mayTnseprepareuoaa- - ee, aaf 40 bom.-- tnesjssxjBereycmi se imi .are a.tswert U30 . ttoct taeriy etarra .Bare aeoaese it ta out roadv to ro:sed that oar aitompt at raslstsea, wboao aevna- -tltfttt&lftwia ba a veryJMavy loaa of tUjp; sriiUaoVvrssr.a seeyaxsaes' osy resara toe eouxs .01 events

- Th4 men sadar iar dsvetooffiunanda fisel this4jaarU aaara da, aad iuiva frwely eotnmnaioatod to.

xm ar opioiuaa on vne auect, vowing, at tifiatlhe,'ttff-'- deemed it neoeasary theyirara' raadtaaib CoUew where wa led.

iJtbaJl era asfma .. tbo heavy , responsibility of thelive field a&aer oar trust T ' - ." ltd; aiwa, formr ktfW that no bope is left ofthe aaenerofiiia being asefsi ia the slightest de- -

'Iaaeealerntioti cf the above we have eonchid-a- dto addraaa aad US ear to roa: Col. Aader- -

yoar . sommandf8 yoa a a brave and oA-trie- d officer,

Shd thai yoa woai4l bever propose a aorreader to;ria axcctar the moat extreme neoessitr.' We

ilm fmi thapaiafttlpoaisioaof a oommandIBS Pee bceacatas toe sacnect to nis subordi- -iiatoa. with refereaoe to" the fcauhnjr dos'B of hia"Flaigwe we rwrw abe tha Sflder tba prestaraef the asxaal poabioa, tvtrdr is aaaroidable,aad ire oomo thU night to advise row to take ; the

LSieceiiaarv steps to trocar --from the enemy tb e

texavr",a&d vrafsel it ao shame to surrender totbae eNMHM tetaMatoay of oar impossibility to do--fend tbiapoet wiB not be withheld one instant

sftor they see taapositiea-o- T this fort.: And la order th$t aa one, may assume that yontook the. ialtiatlTie tn ' this case, we now qartiyOver awaasJerbl that we recommend' to yon toitxtVB&ta, W teraadai act 'forth in the aboveirfloSBr$iBft7ar.deef mraation to defendtbii tl&3i ai&hai asetaent posibie. . , m.

-- !r8fS7 Ws!StJap4. CoO,' 21st Ala.'1ABa.'B:,olioa,2iorilst'AJa.. . .r ca, ,4.. L iai n ntZ h. XJfias.'toa. 'tirst. Co; H, it Ala. !

'Fepi4lakpt.tJo.OjS'4aa Ala. - .

1M.rvCej7wv'iBj liU Dattory, 8. C. Y., !

? CCO liooaue, 1st Uaat. Co, O, 2tet Ats. f

- ag leg i. Ktet Ala..' v -

Ji3Jpt2sB0p;AXiet. CoC, Sift Ala. f4- - MwmztaTt d I.kiity .oom'd'f Co. F.SJftai 1,;V ..'J .r-'-; ; . ..tC i?rt.s?iWiae W eeasewmdipg; Jst baVAtatJfit&ts,? t - .JsS-- PosOsitvtfd XA, t G', SUt Ala.' -- :

, SJl Jaaaatsays- A XA eo Jf4 2ist Ala, '. '

i M Jt. A4llsBSk, ii lA. aoeuitaadias eo . 2lst Ala. "--A iltearSlAoniiSluAla. . . ;

ja issss-- y, co u, sutais. . ,.

v J A:&oansJ C, list Ala.Ac J 'saer, A'tj Stnsee a. Culpepper Urht

kAst. Kattory - . .WtttXaggStf IH latee A, ZJst Ala.

fal IX.Ptcfs&y, A' Barsaoa, P A CS.J ;ti Xard. ftarjtevl! A C-f- i.

i-- tiaas .Ua&tsetaes. i,oy in Charge. .mjXtdasws,2dA.teeG, Ala. .

GaaFsdsaarinH Ala. -

JiWJebe, ,iei3goiBetia list ALLf . XSaAavJat XttBBd Grdaspoe OBcer ef Port.

S KeCullwsh, Wl o,zlt Al--- '. 'r4T 'aVllerhert. Ltea X. ilat AU. . : . ' J"" ' . .

rM V.CiwbawrCspteef.JUt Ala. ', '. ,v--i' & ( J4k gsaxl g co, K, Beserve

Uaatder, SdHA el. sfst'A!.. : ,

it :P 13 aidark, Sd lUeftt eo , 1H1 AU. ': .J V fTCesuto?, Cast CO Slat Ala.

. 5a..Kssr2a. Sd latest Ml K. 21at Ala - - -- ' ,tJ' l&IA' "11 c.W atlVtM "t ear .aa - 1.

.rrr . 'rr.. r- - a- -- "i"1"-- i

kt.4tCkiiirLlrBtWrmi' ld-m- tUkArt3eryi'-- 7 r i - --. . ... - . . -

'fltll Bacait.LbrutexrD, 1st Eatt. Ala. Arta-- J

tmTt'i't'-- a- -- brt tvXl, DoeerJuU LmzI Culptppcr Battery. -- : 1

Ui, 1 ,BJrr Gaiasm. Ata Aair. T. lftt. z i f.St aimaaji jai v- -., vboovw VF a i stawoy reuna to taa aoteltyioC uve rott, aad taa eoaseqaeat oewSitaa

fey ravi fee asA'Jay awa4 - - - suf dkav -. 'i",

ea-- ta?is' .v. i;.vh.a

.. .ai aa-r- ia. tslintra. nyuir iera)a''' a ettai?eea' wtth thea?tef s, aad as a ' Urge' Bttasef of

ttU.tpira'-- p

tbAVnmoVfhal eu

4SaaVfa)rui ara tm aa Ulasd toiaui-Jn- ?

eao&i Joo. lLat ..tfcniy fcttre aaada tha vovysneAaelrequest, thittara wiatOdttllev Oair fataiiiee to re.torn for oji to fucd, and allow than taa aappypriTtlesfo oji rBii4iaf with tfe Tank aesLaateuagainst ua.. alas - is usuuEoaiy - a stha eooleat aad saoat baated.tJasBsasmweheard of aiiioa lie. eran ?oijMm3 ("fit) (J&a I

Slfe avt -"m Y-- ' V

' '


From tie Eiehaead X 1

' Ja-- frOAt of Pstor' ij- -, ijy quleS; KAb) C? ikistod tor ajvacitt dtyr.tha aaTera parjae-tad- ? ranpeare to bare iHk - its.aeLte.i-- - i withbis family :st Cttf iu - forthat parpcea !!' .ifegs'

land aeetns port aetf i' '"'-- to the. Isarala aresjhas goae f .orUrMt. lei v i fr3S2ea,. tUd of ttie .Pottwsas?.;'?s- ?rjaS!ti iia,cr.

Je-ta- a ja ray4dly,aecunauog; us raxu. a s Ui the bt itaLsare-aUo-

d, isad he) ;-- vTiSStaf aesS dW'Vea

dtown JamiM riveshr t$ en'ih.dak- - arset.lrand tba nxia are ilet jbt?i' aa "inahttau-

ratrons of aJalwh6wt-likaykv- - 5m' , .

Th Anaav kaeisf nafbfr. m? rtvfe fmnn.h"wiumiiWf: .'jirSit,vr,-- wus.waaiaevjec wa ar at a tig t S,--;- 3 v TlAiisporto'arrenainsresakirfr t i iSs lsaroa: aad.Jv,3 rtsy b that those.cameo eioirn tf y,

. " m o;: ;r7 et?-vice hs expired.The Toikeea,-!- ! in? Ct-..e--r jevhave matroetj! rwi,- rrrr7 PMe&iEcra oeKiioh tB0.i yrf a a rsJwi. certwiiew..'taoecasieBalhr rn& i kroia Cia'til- SoliI ras..y itas

gwid 4ii-- ef aoiaa'fi.jrT?S:t3 taa eas?y,Vt thne iraaa bsu-ja- . r " ," x ." Tha jexlirMtr'Sslu-- a G tisfaeia tw

M ixiaa lwai. -- ar rKtii rt t:Di!j at tirfs oaatia qse huBdicM aal :htj3 yra. Th riiige oftheeaaalls'Iicy fStetfarwii) B2i.ueepih somflfteea or tartly Its tw&rakaBS&rteofcTfaaYaakees are fnU(itd in , ii:jixxx , hj, stropbreaatwerik, SZbirQ b B'fsiJ of few tsehea ta (besevea mfia of watw wiaC;? afosta-- J the peifsxsc-l- a,

and wilh Ue itii&sa.disUitk&koVuta eaaJtsa-dre- dcad if?WB ,fsre.ia aststad that when

the canal is tibbJii, (li i09 ever iiiedi) Ue ratoof tlie ennrmt tSjij tLa tv? t iJ?s:i hefuUreishUmtcs tur-a-a e--.. - 2: .?

people Marti teptheJower ra$ n eeroXcrins nereireiv iktm toe desred&ani ' of Tan

tee - --aad rovSsiXiimsratidsrt iB'orsca, s'tsroare staler, aI 'cUueaS atajAnearnad;. elThese cxpeditKM . arox j?oic?w ia Tjart. of theNaial briido, coder tie, 'cp3:J "cf the lafmoiiaGralsata.-thi- i asthor --ef Atxtraetaii atBraadon, that well known rjt tfj James.Our tole)hJctrra?poad3Ht nhri dnty eesifjio by tide

anyset wttaia the time atorenid. net

predalorv exeamaiis of the anrmv will aorr'fe laTMBftmrnM tharnfln-B- v hr atck-ie- M or other aaa--arrief vet.-'b- et thieatit what sreeess ofc ia srbaemanner bt am Baktaficaed...'..v: j n'.--

A Yxax Arl xsixji ScCTDxa.---T- b, rrh callthe Englita a.esieidat Batua,.aad deeisra thaEngKtdi ale as KgtdarrrsKoaustoeied to kill thecx:selves tJfovmlb-iiaaihe- y are to shoej Mrda iaAngast, T Stslstiw,jhwflEvsT. vvmva that thelivevly aeigiibora of tlm Boll are atVadaa freely Sir-en to wf-dsinw)ji-rit aa-a- otters' A" aaeatrrre-to-r;

tor laaEaia, reera tJsatdariajp. Ibabtrt tnears ao leeauknii gt.Jiaa, of csraoae. foBsd

dead have bee n.eipcoed attiie jofg eiofco--. Ofthese 1,188. or jttiJjer-taar- e then eoe- - half, --rarasuicides, of arhiai 14hdCroaed.eAit!res,Hi bad tenwl IberaseiTus, ftf . had ahot tbsm-selre- s,

Whai sfitpUd 'a mode rjf atlf-atfM-er at

pecs liar t --).' ranch BJRwal v stCbca- -tka ay detssi; ;t tywd latapcd; oSTha, torn ofbins, II peiso&e-- i themair&i;7 tSiw laeeaieJ-s-sOBder-tb- e vtwb f egfejtfl, axsd g.teaik' tjbea-selr- es

toxbf'Tbacsass of; tbaaraahaQtaare curioia!y;Kl sa isifi Jat? the caaeewas insa-stit-

y to which sbicida b&re is far- - morefreqaeatl' ectribaiteaV-few- ere eajesf Areaikatr-nea- a,

T6 poor wreache killed. theiPwslrajr throogh,destjuuioj, 63 wtre b&orijg froni. jsacaolary

nerrthe xam Krrmher-- - nainejyfls were'la ktre, s s)ehtiaeaiJrxafagfrMBidomeatio trouh'Mt. aadj. wn&rtsnalea . ware the.vieiims oi aiztumia levers,, xieartyioar-r.n- a

of the snicidra i

GN the lata aaah frost AUaata, my hey B2! stocX biili, 23 yaars ekf; aboaA Ave .feet

birfi, VWJt wern!exiosusd,hAd a i'r5 tanitasha.A liberal, raiaard ttl be giyva .for bia or for isfor- -matioa toat wju ttaaaia me to rat ma;

--- Itefc T. hb X

10th 8. 0, Afaaigaaies Brigade,seplSSl Iliadresa's iirUou.

FOUND,T3 Y a o:cro man, a Caarcr, Bxo, eoaralamgJl-- rew iirticies ia eiottans. The- - name of "J. P.liall. Ejo-- 1 soisears . an a Dab of . aanta. Thaownprtwl apdji.iie,Cpt. Vt. P. Pra, south Caro-ll-na

Xtolbf Af:aeyr Grlia Gk stldhy proricgproperty, esa fiat a resaaB. ' - -- .

JTOTJEljrvrKis5!!: iSfaieisb4kiethy,-thas- a eit?ears 4ISi baadi igh4sMrt, tilnjftavHked i.maraa reem:ereE auout car epf a sear from one of htf foaikitt- - the hhrv b-4s-tb bvery, loog framed mad heaavSM aaa lajasgxv Theabore rewsnl will pe.gitjen ft the ratara , te. Ifaj.Mason, at A tlantiv or saoh iaformaiiOB as wiS loadto bar reyerf..Tba Mare ia the xzaperty of MsJ.R. G. Iliszins. Fitvf aster Stewart's Corns." Atlanta, Ac ratfTth,lS5. ' '

aagsr-iw?.:-.- --i-

; . . .

Tnifenterrrbiir gB4bWa'thjsi ratmiad saa ofat Manrkam'k total a the bth

Inst.', sW eocfcr il fever ea ate' by--dcoppiig' soyaatea iiad reeotints, proper la BasrVail, in tba; Arstyran vmeev or, at troae piaoe wharf x eaa get them,,aad potliy me thrg tkaPoae OSes.- - Ha cabhare the Vidlm bjje&ig for bb tooebbt ,

- -- V- V o. 1st Isea4-CIj- a aat's HivWos A. T. '

EANAWATf frji sorlSaVlhafUUaifcnetfjf abettt $ bet Asaelea

blgb, wflgbaiboiit one brndred aiti twenry-fir- e

pouBds, si years eld, laihs kroparry er airs, a aIJtisan, O riHn, tiiu Thar &bore rnsrd wm 'bepaid for the rooovEr-r- f ti awybV. - Grifin, Ga., BeyVOJ&iU - : - fi-- X. GRAY.

T EFI al the- - DfciflbttLtI2orlJ-- a laVeaot warJ-- Ailaata,noSU2rAeefp Brkti Mrs. jAf. B. choU,6art:in4h, hawl aad bskt is JCBargo ot a vtatn yeatt& a Ptaa coax, is ae winconfer a fever' ; by feiiiifigtbtsa ' by azprnsato taa at CfcaiciiBi,&'L lAs&tmblm- - rvsrrrd n i3be paid tareashJbe Cpftiry h$a for urecovery pr left jibl';or Iwrtef5 CojaisssryBabsbteaf Aor' tX".aae'Vr-- '


lrf. ?"? :r 'MpAZrzUj 'iti 153X0X5,- - .iffyif-'cczjiait- '

i'...r ,

l"'"r-y'sii-r- i jr- -

C?T0Ll frsantfasrswa ca tNr ?isafO Ctlii'cjbf'efrU' paati" of ieAry agjbh" rtsy.cloth, tacirl tU.'tsfraoa's trlttiBi.jti bread blacketripeeatba krdwaab-eu- l laoa.'.TheaDeva raw?? vui t p4-5-s;7;- fenareG to se andno qosptioB iuk;L . '.

apW'V' CSCBdst IL' HctlOTTELXv . ,tiilef Ifers-lSxjt-

es Dlrlala-- 4, AaT. (

H2 eftThlacnod BY fculf iiiintAii at-e- n" ,Sf

3 hi ell w.Or' thrr tti--i eba 1&H

All elaiis sifealit GSKm&iitj.aojoaiaa stnaamqf

--f,1 to ?r-f,w-St 4i

r l. : ."e' Z . ATT23'.- -r Gsars

TliE felhewlsc aatcest sjr zsea, ersrJef aWA." iheepif trsssci:4cfAry la tthi Etu,

have boea eaegbt, ead. sera aew ta ary g aiaiiiaOwiiautiT'Efr4f yhtixw aad talk4homaMy -- .' ".fat'iif. j ii,.-- . .

-- tsK- - Ifa(ia.-- lallii aVlfia- - H

beto&r teoa RsjaT' ; Xkl iTtirfOf- - ,1"SactHa " Jai-a- - .ilr a' JTI

CB jJAnTp BITY.- " ': vvhtic ACTS" ., -- -.. -

TSTB 'li'' ;.

Passed t tha foaVt& s3rl r.J5?1-?,ci-T cf RihmbtuU the Stoti of

- taxetiraarTi25 w .

raa. t&v.rrti act to anMia4 tfc tiVtj4;aa4aeit-- ' iVUoa af. BmlvamgM 1.;ahtosa bitadadayadVatxtv-C- a

? The e?Wf the Coeaerate sib of aer!aVaaaee4 e ioowa: . mt, theHmzrMTfot Trvv ry hun-h- aathort-e- d to'

lasea,we aeall reeetvv Ute sainu eoinpaaalvaJby saw in tha ehkf ebtks of tlwjUrp-i- - ItwhTraa4XIenaaeBt.. eeipad. Tha seoubd atwtioe tfU MLl Hi u kMthl' m.J.J .. .1 , . . ...readas fcltew:- - "eUoa ?voml fr the par-pCaj4- o.

lorylng aae enj!a-a-i sUi kwc aadlatesrwU ojftttj?, mcb' ssiau iiia)( nfii a tx (itfm.everiUeh aeall be apotitl by xa 4rasldBt, withrtee sad eoBaan t U thecia. --3iia CaiLsctiHi.

wbosusll be a reaidetM at.d rW.oiir U suca btato.w&aa afery trfoeart,ii tj r Ot(iiJs-3r- f,

nuoei aacaoa nia-- - nsnML ta n authe aaiarr be tossitaaa twe theaanad nor more tbo five-teaEU-

ed exi)rf BBtr- - said tste. CoJiae snail, asdertaa rcirabKttons prMlbr4 by

eireeUftt 0 t Seare?Ts Uareaaoryba esssr?34 witit the dntia k&ixMni uro:him?--- l aa4WtSXFMnHleaoe S4 of all tha flnde oftieweii iiaore bt his ilrWoa Gr BJateer-t-Pt-j- r

Wlaaut X5e aaid State Collector whaltftre kc4, wilt)seretlse seburrcetae tfutias af hi ofV sat-i- v

coattM cny he preeeribed ' lr tha 8--i :ry-- f tsTraasiXTt and t'tsll take eoUi atithAtitviNi 4caarr toedssUev cf JU oGv fcod to dupport a1' ike Oi-n- -

sutaiJoaot' theXoofiMierate 8t&t'KUrdrThtrteectaeesiiua es tSto satdaotjts harehyiue 5Ud and resaeed,soaa.ja read as foDov-s- : . tJc)x thirteenths 2 oat teelists aftif-ml- j, shall us takett jar such tfrnce aa may I

prascrtsea nj ute. iiOcniaiie.MKf or OK.--

atreetioa of tn aecieiiaiy 01 m lTearr, or usereaee se the Saae wfataa the --aid UaiaitmUawwM 1 jspo Ivttlr.efter eoilecttag tl. nU Itvshaarveoteo to-- arracff the Mine, sad to makereoenu lists, the first of ahlca Khali e&hiNt. ta mkbetax, residing wtthla the eollecdoa dUtrtct. tegother A'the vatae sad a?artxt r reumcradoa, aa the 4 ,

akyreesiral.ef the orjacta. HaJUa .tu. tax tioa wif Isash far wtilcs ecl such pcrsoa it lUhl,OB Ihlb sarTSVrBveamyeay orxaeyaniiaK 1s Bahle, t j

Oa amesntef tax pasaiile there r aad the seeontfaoaii rxhlbtth --Jphatietieitl order, tbo mnutoiUMtaeKat ccetdie aotas tbeaolleeUae 1 w a?ef wlJliin.the dietrlc, uU the valueana itenirtist or enumeratKui thereot- - aa the

sty-- bet wilk-- the amount of tax parable thereon, assic rear. til, use va-m-s or .tne hub rciwnu lurrvcaii oeborised and presorihed km-- the-- tt OoHector,' aa4rtae atreejion. ef the CoainiVioaer of Taspe,' aad Utssakaa ecoiirduis; to tajh fortvii than te mada out by Utnetmmmae oraeateeorsv and aeHverad to tte rtjcrtrt jU--s- or

wtthm thirty bya after the Ittne xed by this act, aeaforeadd. Aad If shall SOI to rtorm ssy

i voldahSe eaaaes erery socfraeoetw ahajt betmrm eOaa. mnA ahall axarwnrer. turfaltllud nay (he tramof twe baadred oVllara, as be. reeivered fev the use ofthe Coatsderato Statee, with costs of suit.'' Foorta.TUm tautT-fcl- h eeettoet of said act te htrctrr axaetMlvdaad re easeted so aato read as foOowa: "rveeHoo taan- -

That all property, owin. earreacy, ere-ut- a,

macam mn& profivt, aad mxtrr r olfject setectedto taxaUo. shall te esUmstod, valued and aeaeaaed, attaa Talue fiii ta Oieied-erat- e

Waiaury SMem,-ealea- otfcvraia provided la theh feeposus fee tax." nfth. Tho IWrtT-fda- aea-tt-oa

of the sbM act to berebv amra-le-d andsees to read as follows: "'SeeUoa. thirty sUth. Thetompeaaaooii of district tar crfUoctnrs shaA be five jx rmtmK ea the rt twvaty thousand, dollar eolieed eodpaid oves, two per ee '. on the next thirty thoasajy

eolleeted and paid ever, nte per optt on Ihm rt---iCfty'thtmsaiid dollars collect and paid otct, stxl itantA erone par cent, oo all mrnty mUclcl anl pai'iever, above me sum e. one hendrvd thoumnd doUars.Aad there shall be allowed and paid to tha seTeral

eervlepe undvr tYia acc elctit dollarfor every day employed la maklae: liftta aad eaimntiecd-t- f this act, the aaaiter of days being eertifled by tliodiatrtol eolkscaar and anproved. by the tate Coll-cu- r,

aad else eisht daw Lara ior every bnnrirod lox-di- te itcrtoateoetatosd u the lists ss eornpfctost ty such iwrminmloWUrarad aa tita aoUcctrv: proTldcd, that hi citia--i andlarrs townat when, ta his adxiaat, tha pottle tntereetBtav reesire It, the Seoretary of the Tmaarr shall aarepm aa fsersaae the Per diem --xrtpenaaib ef

not te axceed taa dollars bat daV."aeetigaA Kefereea aodir t&e c to iy tsea tor tho

eemxeoa deftase, and carry e the Govevotneat ef tbovejeeereve ntacee- .- ap(irxvl . Apru wewy-ioaru- i.

aigtitaea headred aad slxty-trm- -, aiaiU Pe ror theiri. ii. a A. Ja m ttrJifTA mnL-wi- l uH

atasm s aad eoltectors shall haTe poarcr to euiuin-- l t)pstteeiliiriee ef adtaessea, by written annimnna ami tortastrv taair tesnmoay tn any matter or taTMtisatla. Inre&roboe to the saseasroents and estimates et taxrs :such vriamsas shall be entitled to the same enroprnBB-tka- a

allewed wtiarxias tec atteafllnx upoa courts of n-eo- rd.

ks the State where they may Le nxralred to attend,ftvmaata ta rafartaa and wltsraana shait hena trtba dtabnraiot; clerk tn the oGIre r.f CommUM-aaa- ofTaaet, apoa aeeoeoPirtUl4l ahtjl be t uqulrr.! by tharenbtioBS ef saidemor. e

beetloe A BTaere prriansl chettr-- or pno7 areSirtaxes, nSX be o&Inted by any raon otht--

than the party iar whose defltult the distrait t la made,the clatevent ahaa tha with tho oineer makinx the dv--

trainX an affidyr& statins dlatinctlr tha aeisre aad ex- -tettt of bis daim, aad thwrcvpon the rfttit ot propertyshall be determined as lothvw : TTie eaneetis-- and theclaimant ahah each seteet a diainttrntted lreha3T ufthe vleinape. who msy call (ba third In caae of dlaaree-mon- t.

- U the eUtmant shall no0oet or ratase to select alro bolder oa hiapart, tha eolluctur mar aelcet two, arliosball proeeed as before prortded. VUncrxi jnav ho

by either Vrty. end the daelaaaa tn earweaseaUsli ba QaaJ aod eeoduaiva. Thercfteoa aad wttm-av-e- e

la sach. rases ata 11 be pakl aa' provldf-- d in the woo ridesctina, aad-aa- r wiusaan fclUag to attend cjwm tha

raferees. la aay eaae menUwaed ia thisart.Sasil be sabee te a penalty .of one hundred dollars, tone ii yuan a waa 'eesis, ia any eourt of competyat Juris.tHrUcrC- - - ..euoaa. t Bearetair r the Trce-ar- ? is bervhy

,i...,"" '" irm mam IWUTIUUai USta,

Tl Ci .rr'V? nb' ebhtn haadrvd sadtta?t?tfe lfdr --Measmentamt onilee-- LLlfr7Trt1 7 first, eighte-- a hnndrerf andthe' CwtnntlaioaAe t i. w

aehaxlsxreeaurt, euosvf the Soe--

of maktor tetBrno end eetinsfttse of iixea. sad to esta- -ZT "TKrJT1CTn.M lnT. deemed beet for I'm-- asarzs-mni?- fd

eoll:tlQO f the taxevvrithoK tha IndtvkmdUau. btlis or statetnears; ProvMe!. Tha thoeetimseas ofreferees shall tie ruadn, as fceretofurs iaeordaace with the proTwion of the acts afveaid. ; j,toRtioai B. If tha tmuniap w auu.."VZ f "Ziey of the Confederate ettea,.or tn- -

or dsosljary, ar any eoUeetor ef taxes, ahaU. prior krtheBret aay ef Janoarv. cijrhtaen bandred aad aiitr.foerr. lat&a eooras mt the lawful rinu of enra nrYtav k.v.reeeived ta payment or ee deposit la each oO lee anyfceyod w eotsotevfeit treaacry aotea. a?wt shall establish.

aarwa, - waaesoi .ee uxg xeerUu- - .X Tinlaaarr. that the reeetPtarf savh rntirr.isneae-- cr soene. wss net th.realt ef aav want of dl!l- -

eeaea, oresre sued atiwaaMk ee- - the pert of sack ofn-r- ,Ka4 rFSCOd autaamaufelirtno laaltoa hisparIesid fcfttary shall hare vomer to rHieva each of--

Arrsovaff rbraary IVlA i . - s ; ' ' .; -

sSSA TYi arviTraaai1lawATCK-th-e aptrehfisloB sad dyrry at Criu.Ga.,

- two ittgroes aow,worlilag thei yy-iiuog-h

oarliBes, .

: Jpa ahaa'. W.larre. UH. M4.:'iciL?masi".t,t--tertvkaa tati4f-ael- o hnsy exparUsfe ' toChL VT.-Phailps- .

.--. . : 1 , - .j ;

' ssasjv r low, ratuet lwt'at, blaci tick lamSTaBBsnt, talks mpldly and quite audUtiueiiy bebmgs ta Sirs, Nfaitoa. Both will have pejee thatteSoog to Other partJct. . f2S lor either. 'Applyae orsKMieas uie neooi, uruaDa

'. 6 arrrriv G st 133,wanted for tha ikk and w0133 at the

bitlheUn nerpltal at Ew. Pemt, tta tx'msfevfTt-- oa t? earaVaa '. -

straw ti dipose"of forll rsbove '

rS6r''-!--,as-?e,wa- i sendftr tt.: AlibefBlbat'wiai-i- tLi i.-- '

,' Zhoee kavis J the meatus U- - ---. g , r? - VC1Bereadei'lBg an eases tel serrka 'hy hitis- - U ie-- ;

SS.g2a.-t- l , TO.-StnXTatibxl-.

OSi. ZSXOTJisAlf D DOIJL.feS BBYT AKD.frvsimy beasjterB sritIanta, bay, bald --fete v blacktSsaaaaitsQ sad Uaei. ' fc, with Iks errnrwU

etawttssdl white spots ea esicbAlsdfst, canicsahlsb bead aaialthofotber la Wryfay lehas.animal ander tT"A&e.--I f&l i iyfi f--T bar dalirrry to me at'tW pSaee or to fci.6ea fjaluivirniy af TcisDersee. by for ft.f7S4.tkm fiUt X eaa ret her. aad f5t foftb .fiecs f tlto tkbfthai stole bcr. ' - 4 '

i.'-.r-;V:- n. J. ttntS-!,- '

. , GrSa, Ga.,'Aicgt IX. VMJ. ad Cjg.

. baae a Teknrrspb, Me?gBry iUtmr,ttiCoisasbes Timaavliiaeissippiaa atgeia-- v andtA f.Isrt .ClarUae- - w El psbhsh tha ixre . eaapsaicslaeB4Ill to this eface. .' ' .

-t- iarsU-dl. . -. - - .

TYT53 lave wa baii? j! oSesva Urj fajy ef -

J .the Blanks Bsed by ebarsSk,' Clerks axdthis State, boaotifaliy-prfels- d ea ftae

white wvwhlrh wt wrc3! at .the same taiaa

T f9 4 Packet iiihbi. "- ','

fSS Sjk Testaastats. ..'J

talasa lflsalaaarias aad SoUiers .

" asag OX-t- Biiaaaaa mub"v7 uafS3, Stew era Irsvejoy sataiitm. I an t asttlat-a- r fUoe da the srtiivj af the titda. Tc-,--

aaffXt--kf . CeseraJ Ibw!aj Arat,

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