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Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Children in Australia

Read inside:

- Life of Saint Martin de Porres p. 4 - Eucharistic devotion p. 6 - The life of Christ p. 8 - Bible History - The taking of Jericho p. 11 - Saints & Nations - Saint George p. 12 - Holy Souls Corner p. 13 - My Catholic Faith - An image of God p. 14

April 2015: Month of the

Blessed Sacrament



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2 The Crusader April 2015

Saint Mark


(† 63)

S aint Mark was converted to

the Faith by the Prince of

the Apostles, whom he later

accompanied to Rome, acting there

as his secretary or interpreter.

When Saint Peter wrote his First

Epistle to the churches of Asia, he

affectionately joined to his own

salutation that of his faithful com-

panion, whom he calls my son

Mark. The Roman people entreat-

ed Saint Mark to put in writing for

them the substance of Saint Peter's

frequent discourses on Our Lord's

life. This the Evangelist did under

the eye and with the express sanc-

tion of the Apostle, and every page

of his brief but graphic Gospel so

bore the impress of Saint Peter's

character, that the Fathers used to

name it Peter's Gospel.

Saint Mark was then sent to Egypt

to found the Church of Alexandria.

There his disciples became the

wonder of the world for their piety

and asceticism; Saint Jerome

speaks of Saint Mark as the father

of the anchorites who at a later

time thronged the Egyptian

deserts. There, too, he set up the

first Christian school, the fruitful

mother of many illustrious doctors

and bishops.

After governing his see for many

years, Saint Mark was seized one

day by the heathen, dragged by

ropes over stones, and thrown into

prison. On the morrow the torture

was repeated, and after receiving

the consolation of the sight of

Angels and the voice of Jesus,

Saint Mark went to his reward.

It is to Saint Mark that we owe

the many pictorial touches which

often give such vivid colour to the

Gospel scenes, and help us to vis-

ualize the very gestures and ap-

pearance of our Blessed Lord. It

is he alone who notes that in the

temptation Jesus was with the

beasts; that He slept in the boat on

a pillow; that He embraced the

little children. He alone preserves

for us the command, Peace, be

still! by which the storm was

quelled, and even the very Ara-

maic words He spoke, the

Ephpheta and the Talitha, cumi!

by which the dumb were made to

speak and the dead to rise.






Saint Mark’s feastday is on 25th April

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Dear Crusaders and Friends,

By the time you receive this,

the season of Lent will be near its

end. Only a few more days until

the glorious feast of the Resurrec-

tion. Before that day arrives and

with it the end of your special

Lenten penances, I wanted to warn

you of a little trap that the devil

prepares for souls once Lent is

over. When Easter day comes, it

will be time to rejoice, to cele-

brate, to relax after a long Lent.

However, most of us will celebrate

too much and relax too much and

very quickly lose all the merits

and graces we had gained during


I’m not saying that we can’t

rejoice and celebrate and relax.

We are supposed to do that, Easter

is the remembrance of the day on

which Jesus conquered death and

brought to completion the work of

our redemption. That is why there

are so many “Alleluia”s sung or

read by the priest at Mass.

Indeed rejoice with Jesus

risen from the dead, but avoid the

trap of rejoicing and celebrating

without any thought of Jesus. If

you celebrate and rejoice without

Jesus, you will end up falling into

sins; sins of eating too much food

or lollies, sins laziness in neglect-

FROM THE CHAPLAIN ing your prayers, sins of disobedi-

ence because you don’t want to do

anything on your days off, and

many others.

How will you avoid this trap

that has been set for you? How

will you protect the graces and

merits you have won by suffering

through Lent by Jesus’ side? The

answer is in that last question. If

you won many graces and merits

and strength by suffering at Jesus’

side, you can protect them by stay-

ing at His side in your joyful cele-

bration of Lent. Remember Him as

you wake up each day of this com-

ing Easter season. Take Him with

you in your heart as you go to the

homes of friends and relatives to

celebrate. Whenever you feel hap-

py that Lent is over, use this feel-

ing as a reminder to think of your

King and thank Him for the work

He has done for your soul. Most of

all, make great efforts to attend

extra Masses during the Easter

season so as to be able to receive

Him into your heart in the sacra-

ment of the Holy Eucharist.

Finally, and I beg this of

every Eucharistic Crusader, do not

let a single day from Easter to

Pentecost go by without making a

spiritual communion when you are

not able to receive Him sacramen-

tally. You are all in my prayers.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Campbell


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Saint MARTIN OF PORRES The story of the little

doctor of Lima, Peru By Mary Fabyan Windeatt

not know that Ventura often watched him

at prayer. Indeed, as he grew older, he was

interested in only one thing and that was

what he should do with his life.

By the time he was fifteen years old, he

had decided to

stop being Dr. de

Rivero’s helper.

Instead, he would

offer his services

to the priests at

the Dominican

convent in Lima.

This, he felt sure,

was what Our

Lord wished. This

was the work for

which he had been born. However, he

would be just a helper in the monastery,

doing odd jobs about the place that were

too small for anyone else.

“You gave Yourself to me, I will give

myself to You,” Martin said. “Lord, just

let me help people who are tired and sick

and unhappy. Just let me make them see

how much You love them!”

Martin’s decision to go and live at the

convent of Santo Domingo was a great

surprise to everyone. Dr. de Rivero was

terribly upset.

“For three years you’ve been with me,

Martin, the very best boy I ever had. What

am I going to do now all by myself? What

am I going to say to the patients?”

Martin smiled. He would miss the little

shop, with its crowded hall where the sick

people waited for the doctor, the little back

room where he had learned how to mix the

native herbs and grind them into healing

T he months passed, and Martin was

as busy as ever at the shop. He

loved his work and was pleased

when he saw that he was learning to be

useful. But the thought never left him of

the greatness of God’s love, and how He

had given Himself to ransom mankind.

“I should like to give myself for a great

work, too,” the boy thought. “I should like

to spend my whole life in making people

understand what God has done for them.

But oh, Lord! You tell me how this is to

be! You tell me how I can keep very close

to You, and use myself in Your service!”

It was not so very long before Ventura de

Luna became puzzled about Martin. There

was always a light burning in his room at

night, and the candles she so often gave

him were used in no time.

“That boy should not be reading so much,”

she told herself. “After working all day at

the shop, he should get his proper rest.”

But was Martin reading every night in his

little room? Was this really the reason that

he used so many candles? Ventura was not

sure, but she determined to find out. Early

one morning she crept up silently to Mar-

tin’s door. A faint ray of light was stream-

ing through a crack, although the rest of

the household had been long deep in slum-

ber. Silently she stood outside the door,

then peered through the keyhole. What she

saw made her heart beat fast. Her young

friend was not reading. He was kneeling

beside his bed, in front of the crucifix, and

there were tears streaming down his face.

“Mother of God!” thought the good wom-

an. “So this is what he is doing! Praying!”

In the three years that followed, Martin did


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More next month

medicines. But God was calling him now

to a different life. Nothing else mattered.

“I’m sure you’ll find another boy to help

you,” he told the doctor. “And thank you

so much for everything you’ve done for

me. Without you, what should I have ever

known about medicine?”

The next few days Martin was very busy

saying good-bye to his friends. Of course

he was not going very far away. He would

still be living in the city of Lima, but once

he was a servant at the Dominican convent

his time would no longer be his own. He

would not be able to go and come as he

pleased. His mother, the doctor, Ventura

de Luna, Doña Francisca and the priests of

the church at San Lazaro (where he had

been hearing Mass each morning for the

past three years) promised to come and see

him often.

“Oh, how I’m going to miss you!” Anna

said. “It’s hard on a mother to lose her

only son, Martin. And I don’t see why you

only want to be a servant for the Domini-

cans. Why couldn’t you ask to be a lay

Brother, or even a priest?”

Martin had expected his mother to feel like

this, and his father, too, when the news of

his entrance into the monastery finally

reached him at Panama. He knew his

parents were proud of him, and of his

success at the doctor’s shop these last

three years. He was no longer an ignorant

little boy. He could read and write, and his

skill in caring for the sick was well known

to many in Lima. Now that he was fifteen,

why did he only want to be the least

among those who lived at Santo Domingo?

“Dear Mother, I don’t care about being

important,” Martin said. “I don’t think

God would ever choose me for the big

things in life. He has other souls instead.

But He needs people to do little things for

Him, too, and so I have offered myself as a

servant at the monastery. Won’t you pray

for me, that I may serve Him well there?”

Anna did not know what to say. She was

both happy and sad at Martin’s choice.

Suddenly she wondered if Martin had al-

ready gone to see Father Francis Vega, the

Prior at Santo Domingo. Had her son real-

ly been accepted by the Dominican

priests? Or was he only thinking about

going away?

Martin seemed to sense what was going on

in his mother’s mind. “Last week I went to

see Father Francis Vega,” he said. “I told

him how I wanted to live with the Fathers

and work about the convent. He said he

would let me know about it later. Today,

Mother, there was a message from him. I

am to go next week!”

Martin’s face was bright with happiness.

Looking at him, Anna had to admit that

her own heart was slowly filling with

strange joy. What was there about this lad

of hers that set him apart from other

youngsters in the neighbourhood? Was it

true, as Ventura de Luna had once told her,

that Martin was really very holy?

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Presence of Jesus

in the Blessed Sacrament

Jesus is present in His Divinity

o ur Lord and Saviour, present in the Tabernacle, veils His Divinity, His majesty

and splendour beneath the robe of humility and abasement. By the garb of

lowliness He conceals all His Divine attributes and perfections. As we gaze on the

Sacred Host, our bodily eye beholds only the appearance of bread; but the spiritual eye of

the faith penetrates the veil and beholds the King of kings in His infinite majesty, yet full

of mercy, condescension and love.

Oh, how consoling for every faithful soul is the thought: My Lord and God is here pre-

sent, present for love of me! With the spouse in the Canticle she can exclaim: “My

beloved to me, and I to him!” (Canticles, 2:16). God is ours; He has given Himself to us

poor sinful creatures! Who can comprehend this excess of love? Who can fathom the

boundless love that bestows such a priceless gift on poor creatures?

Jesus is ours in His Divinity which has united Itself with His human nature in one Person,

and in this union He is present in the Holy Eucharist. Jesus is present with all the merits

He acquired by His life, Passion and death, and which derive their infinite value from His

divinity. He is ours with all His divine attributes and perfections. How this knowledge

must console and encourage every faint-hearted, despondent soul!

Here God is most generous, ready to hear and grant our petitions

and to impart to us His superabundant graces. Here is God, the all

-knowing and all-wise, who sees what is most profitable and nec-

essary for us. Here is God, most faithful and true, who will keep

the promise He has made: He will open when we knock, provided

our request is not injurious to our soul. Here is God, whose

“tender mercies are over all His works” (Psalm 144:9), waiting to

receive repentant sinners with kindness and love. Here is God,

Eternal Love, who wills only what is best for us for time and eter-



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Jesus is present in His Humanity In the adorable Sacrament, Jesus is present in His humanity, with His true human soul and

His true human body. He is present with His true human soul, His noble, holy soul. He is

present with that soul which on the Cross endured the unspeakable anguish of being for-

saken by His Father. He is present with that soul which perceives as we perceive and feels

as we feel—truly and humanly—for He is like unto us in all things, sin excepted. He is

present with that soul which, like all human souls, is endowed with the

faculties of understanding and free will, which He exercises always in

perfect conformity with the will of His Heavenly Father. He is present

with His glorified human soul, radiant with infinite beauty and splen-

dour, now incapable of sorrow or suffering. And He loves you, O child

of Adam, He loves you unspeakably, not only with His Divine Heart

but also with His human soul. He shares with you the treasures of im-

measurable merits, of graces and gifts, with which the Triune God has

endowed and embellished His most beautiful soul.

In the Blessed Sacrament Jesus is present with His true human body, in which dwells the

fullness of Divinity. His Sacred Humanity is now resplendent with heavenly glory and

free from all suffering. Yes, Jesus is here present with the same body which He assumed

from Mary, the Immaculate Virgin, with the same body in which He endured heat and

cold, hunger and thirst, hardships and fatigue, and which he finally sacrificed amidst

nameless woe upon the Cross.

Behold, here are the same loving eyes that looked upon men with mercy and compassion!

Now their tender, fatherly gaze rests upon you as you kneel before the Tabernacle. Here

are those lips which once spoke such sweet, entrancing words. Now they speak to your

heart, but their soft, mysterious whisper is heard only by the ears of your soul.

Here are the same hands that once blessed the sick, the af-

flicted, the repentant sinners and the little children, the blessed

hands which wrought so much good. Now He extends them to

you, to draw you to His loving Heart, to bless you and to en-

rich you with His graces.

Here are the sacred feet that wearied and fatigued themselves

in search of souls; the feet, that, bruised and bleeding, climbed

Calvary’s heights, and were pierced on the Cross for the salva-

tion of men. Form the Tabernacle they invite you to follow in the footsteps of your Divine

Saviour and to keep far from the pathways of sin.

Here is present that Sacred Heart which beat for sinners in unspeakable love until It broke

upon the Cross. In the Sacred Host this admirable Heart still beats for you and for each

human soul as warmly and tenderly as It once beat upon the Cross.

Here is present the Precious Blood which coursed through every member of the sacred

Body of Jesus and which, in love, He shed to the last drop for the world’s Redemption.

Now It is your nourishment in Holy Communion, and It daily flows in a mystical manner

upon the altar to wash away your sins and to adorn your soul with heavenly graces.

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THE Life of christ

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1) fold in half and then 2) fold along this line

Daily Offering (to be recited when you wake up):

O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer Thee all my prayers,

works, joys and sufferings of this day, for all the intentions of Thy Sacred

Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world,

and in reparation for my sins. I offer them particularly for...

April: for the propagation of the Catholic Faith

(follow the dotted line instruction and send it without an envelope)

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PAGE: Morning prayer and offer ing, Evening prayer and treasure sheet CRUSADER: 2 Decades, Holy Communion every Sunday, at least 1 sacr ifice

a day fight against dominant fault, Confession once a month KNIGHT and HANDMAID: 5 decades every day, Spir itual Communion, 15

min. of meditation, Confession every 2 weeks.

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Crusader Treasure Chart—April 2015

For the propagation of the Catholic Faith

Day of Month Morn-




es Commuions Sacri-

fces Visits

to the





15 mins of




Example Sac. Spirit
































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The Crusader

61 Koplick Road

Park Ridge, QLD 4125




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More next month!

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By faith the walls of Jericho fell down. – Heb. XI, 30

A fter the death of Moses, the Lord spoke to Josue: “My servant Moses is dead; arise and pass over

this Jordan, thou and the people with thee. I will deliver to you every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon. No man shall be able to resist thee all the days of thy life.” Encouraged by

these promises, the people advanced towards the Jordan. When they reached it banks, Josue ordered the

priests to take the Ark of the Lord, and go before the people.

As soon as the priests, carrying the ark, stepped into the Jordan and

their feet touched the water at the bank, the waves that came down

from above stood heaped together, and swelling up like a mountain, were seen afar off; but the foods which were beneath, ran down into

the sea, until they wholly failed. Then all the people passed over

through the channel that was dried up. They pitched their tents before Jericho. On the following day they celebrated the pasch, and having

eaten of the fruits of the earth, the manna ceased to fall.

Jericho was a strongly fortified city, capable of offering a long resistance. The children of Israel wished to take it, but they lost courage when they saw the height and strength of the ramparts. But the Lord, seeing

their want of confidence, ordered Josue to bring together all the fighting men of Israel, and to march, in

deep silence, around the city once a day for six days.

But on the seventh day they should go around the city seven times; and

at the last time, all the people, on hearing the priests that were before the

ark sounding the trumpets, should shout together with a great shout. So it is done. When the seventh day came, they marched silently six times

around the city; but at the seventh turn, when the priests sounded the

trumpets, all the people shouted, and instantly the walls fell down. Every

man went up by the place that was against him; and they took the city.

After many hard-fought battles, Josue at length made himself master of all the land of Chanaan. During this time he frequently experienced the

assistance of God. On one occasion he waged war against the five kings

of the Amorrhites. The Israelites conquered and pursued their enemies. But night coming on would soon have put an end to the victory. Then

Josue spoke to the Lord, in the sight of all the people: “Move not, O sun,

towards Gabaon; nor thou, O moon, toward the valley of Ajalon.” So the

sun stood still in the midst of Heaven. There was not, before nor afterward, so long a day.

Chanaan was divided among the twelve tribes of Israel. The tribe of Levi alone received no portion, as they

lived on the tithes and sacrifices; but they received forty-eight cities in different parts of the country. The descendants of the two sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasses, received each a portion of the land. Thus

the country was divided among the twelve tribes: Reuben, Simeon, Juda, Zabulon, Issachar, Dan, Gad,

Aser, Nephtali, Benjamin, Ephraim and Manasses. Thus were the promises fulfilled which God had made to the patriarchs. When Josue was old, he assembled the people and admonished them to observe the law,

and to avoid intercourse and marriage with the heathens. Josue died at the age of one hundrer and ten


The promised land was a figure of Heaven. As the Israelites did not obtain possession of Chanaan till they

had tolled and fought and suffered much, so Christians cannot enter Heaven, the true land of promise,

unless they contend bravely against the enemies of their salvation.

THE TAKING OF JERICHO - Entrance of the Israelites into the promised land -

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16 The Crusader April 2015

Saints and NATIONS

St George, England, 23rd April

E ngland’s history is very much to do with military exploit: the

Angles and Saxons overcame the native Britons to become her first

kings by warfare. They were, in turn, supplanted by the Normans in

1066. War with the Scots, Welsh, Irish, and French (her nearest neigh-

bours,) were, for good reasons or bad, a constant feature of the Middle Ag-

es. In later times nations further afield, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Ameri-

ca have opposed her on the battlefield.

We should not be surprised, then, that England’s

Patron is Saint George the martyred soldier.

George was of Christian parents and had risen

through the ranks of Diocletian’s army until this

unfortunate emperor launched the last and the

bloodiest of the Roman persecutions of Christians.

George would not obey this command and told the

emperor so. For this he was lead through the

streets of Nicomedia and beheaded.

At the Crusades of the eleventh, twelfth and

thirteenth Centuries, many of the Crusaders

claimed to have seen Saint George in the sky, spurring them on to greater

bravery. England’s knights wore the red cross on their breast, and soon this

became the symbol of Saint George and then of England.

The patient man is better than the valiant:

and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh cities.

So says the Holy Ghost in the Bible’s book of Proverbs. What use is mili-

tary success if we have sinned in victory; if we have lost the Faith? What is

the best way to keep the Faith? It is to take up our cross daily and follow

Jesus. And the best way to do this—to practise all the virtues, heroic acts,

even? It surely must be to communicate every day, if not sacramentally at

least spiritually. Saint Pius X, who gave Holy Communion to children, said

it was the easiest way to heaven. Let us keep our true crusading spirit!

Saint George, who was promoted to the ranks of the heavenly court on

April 23rd 303, pray for us!

Angels, sing

Praised be Jesus Christ our King.

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HOLY souls corner

M any of the saints were noted for their devo-

tion to the Holy Souls. St. Malachy (1094 –

1148,) Archbishop of Armagh, conversing

one day with his disciples, the subject turned on

death. Each person was asked where and when he

would like to end his days, supposing it were his fate

to die away from his own country. Various were the

answers. One person designated such a place at such

a time, another a different time and place, each

according to his peculiar views and line of reasoning.

When it came to the saint’s turn, he said that he

would select the Monastery of Clairvaux, a place

noted for its love of rule, and spirit of fervent charity; and as to the time, he

would prefer the day of the solemn Commemoration of all the Faithful

Departed, to the end, he said, that he might share in the advantage of all the

prayers on such an occasion in that abode of sanctity. Nor was he

disappointed in his desire, for being on the way to visit the Pope, Eugenius

III, a short time after, he became seriously ill, on arriving at Clairvaux, and

perceived that his end was approaching. Then, raising his eyes to heaven in

gratitude, he cried out with the Psalmist: ‘This is my rest for ever: here will

I dwell, for I have chosen it.’

On the morning of 2nd of November, the intensity of the fever increased to

such a degree that death ensued, and his soul, released from its earthly pris-

on, and accompanied by the fervent prayers of the monks and the faithful,

and surrounded by a multitude of Holy Souls whom these suffrages had

released from Purgatory, presented itself before the tribunal of Our Blessed

Lord, to receive the crown of eternal glory.

At the funeral of St. Malachy, St. Bernard, offered a Requiem Mass for the

repose of the soul of his holy friend, adding to the Mass a prayer to implore

divine assistance through his intercession, having been assured of his glory

by Divine revelation during the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice. St. Mala-

chy’s feast day is celebrated on 3rd November.

Have mercy on the souls in Purgatory, for Thy bitter Passion, I beseech

Thee, and for Thy glorious Name, Jesus.

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18 The Crusader April 2015

Chapter 17. An image of God

The Book of Genesis describes the creation of the first man and the first woman in these words: "And the

Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth, and breathed into his face the breath of life; and man

became a living soul. Then the Lord God cast a deep sleep upon Adam: and when he was fast asleep, he

took one of his ribs. ... And the Lord God built the rib which he took from Adam into a woman" (Gen. 2:7,

21, 22). Such was the creation of Adam and Eve, our first parents. God gave them power over all created

things: the earth, the beasts, birds, fishes, plants, and all things else.

How can we prove that the soul of man is immortal?

We can prove that the soul of man is immortal, because man's acts of intelligence are spiritual; therefore, his

soul must be a spiritual being, not dependent on matter, and hence not subject to decay or death.

If even matter cannot totally disappear, however small the particle, how can the soul of man, of

a far higher order, be thought to suffer extinction?

1. Man has mind and will. He can reflect, reason, plan for the future, make judgments, remember.

These prove his soul is spiritual. Such a soul cannot die as the body does.

Man longs for an ideal state of perfect happiness, such happiness as is impossible to attain on earth. This universal

longing must have been placed in men's souls by God Himself; it is a desire for the infinite happiness of a union

with the Creator. If, therefore, man's soul were not immortal, he would have no chance to realise his dream of bliss,

and God would be cruel in implanting the longing for it in his breast.

2. There have been many instances of the dead appearing to the living. In the Gospel, Moses and

Elias appeared on Mount Thabor to Christ and three of His Apostles. At Christ's death, many

who were dead rose and appeared in Jerusalem.

The Blessed Virgin has through the centuries continued to appear to men; such instances are almost innumerable.

Saints have also returned to earth to comfort or instruct the living; even souls in purgatory have returned, to beg for

prayers. We must, however, be very careful about believing in particular instances of appearances by the dead; the

devil can and often does use this instrumentality to trick the gullible.

3. Belief in the immortality of the soul and a life after death is universal among mankind, includ-

ing the most primitive peoples.

In the Bible are many instances of the belief of the Jews in another life, where the souls of the dead would be. The

Greeks and Romans believed in Tartarus and Elysium, places for the dead. Other nations have different cults to the

dead, especially during their burial ceremonies. Such cults would be meaningless did those who took part in them

not have an idea of another life for departed souls.

4. If the soul were not immortal, the wicked who commit evil all their lives would go unpunished.

The just who suffer continually on earth would not receive any reward. This would be injustice

impossible to the perfect justice of God.

If even man, imperfect as he is, can see innumerable examples of injustice in life, could not God? Would He not

have a way of correcting such injustice? And if so, since it cannot be corrected in this life, there must be another,

where immortal souls go to obtain perfect justice.

5. Holy Scripture, the Word of God, teaches that the soul is immortal.

"And many of those that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake: some unto life everlasting, and others unto

reproach, to see it always" (Dan. 12:2). Our Lord Himself said to the good thief, "This day thou shalt be with me in

Paradise" (Luke 23:43). "And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul" (Matt. l0:28). "He

is not the God of the dead, but of the living" (Matt. 22:32).


Page 19: The Crusader - · PDF file- My Catholic Faith - An image of God p. 14 April 2015: ... how much You love them!”he used so many candles? ... the church at San Lazaro

April 2015 The Crusader 19

April 2nd: Maundy Thursday

Jesus institutes the Priesthood and the Holy Eucharist to remain always with us.

April 3rd: Good Friday

The Sacrifice of Jesus is essential for our salvation.

April 4th: Holy Saturday

We remain in silence, in sadness and expectation of the Resurrection promised.


Finally Jesus proves once and

for all that He is God, rising

from the dead of His own

power. Day of Joy and Exulta-

tion, Sunday becomes the day

of the Lord, Dominica in Lat-


April 12th: Low Sunday

End of the eight days of cele-

bration of Easter.

April 19th: Good Shepherd


It is a special Sunday during

which we pray for vocations.

May God send many labourers

in His vineyard, to save many

souls in the whole world!

April 25th: Saint Mark

He was the disciple of Saint

Peter and wrote under his

direction one of the Gospels.

Liturgy this month

The Stations of the Cross - 12

Jesus dies on the Cross

The month of April is dedicated to the devotion to the Blessed Sacrament

O Sacrament most Holy,

O Sacrament Divine,

All praise and all thanksgiving

Be every moment Thine.

Page 20: The Crusader - · PDF file- My Catholic Faith - An image of God p. 14 April 2015: ... how much You love them!”he used so many candles? ... the church at San Lazaro

20 The Crusader April 2015

The Crusader prays, receives Communion, makes sacrifices and shows good example for the intention that is given him

each month by Bishop Bernard Fellay, successor of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

as Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X



April 2015 Intention: For the propagation of the Catholic Faith

Daily offering

To be recited every morning when you wake up

O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

I offer Thee all my prayers, works, joys

and sufferings of this day,

for all the intentions of Thy Sacred Heart,

in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

throughout the world, and in reparation for my sins.

I offer them particularly

for the propagation of the Catholic Faith

Remember that all the good works and prayers

from your treasure sheets are given each month to Bishop Fellay

and His Excellency offers them at his Mass

on the first Saturday of every month.

JANUARY 2015 RESULTS The Intention was for Catholic schools





Offering Masses




of the


Visits to



15 mins

of medita-



Example Sac. Spirit.

25 670 191 176 180 684 3259 131 127 539

Eucharistic Crusade in Australia,

St. Philomena School, 61 Koplick Road, Park Ridge, Queensland 4125

© Eucharistic Crusade 2015 - email: [email protected]

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