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The CrucibleJosh Fejeran

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Title PageThe CrucibleJosh Fejeran

3rd PeriodDue:21/May/2014

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Table of Contents

1. Cover Page2. Title page3. Table of Contents4. Prompt # 1 Prologue5. Prompt # 2 What’s In A Name6. Prompt # 3 Personal Alphabet7. Prompt # 4 Likes and Dislikes8. Prompt # 5 Sensory Experiences9. Prompt # 6 Metaphorical Definitions10. Prompt # 7 A Quality Personality11. Prompt # 8 Color Your World12. Prompt # 9 Room Sweet Room13. Prompt # 10 Personal Metaphors14. Prompt # 11 Extended Metaphors15. Prompt # 12 Symbolic Recipe16. Prompt # 13 The Ultimate All purpose Excuse17. Prompt # 14 Telling Tales18. Prompt # 15 Unfinished Sentences19. Prompt # 16 Personal Symbol20. Prompt # 17 Map of Life21. Prompt # 18 A Mysterious Place22. Prompt # 19 Synectics23. Prompt # 20 A Day In The Life24. Prompt # 21 These Words Belong To Me25. Prompt # 22 In Other Words26. Prompt # 23 Flashback27. Prompt # 24 Remembrance of Things Present28. Prompt # 25 As Time Goes Bye29. Prompt # 26 My Own Lists of Lists30. Prompt # 27 Cheer Yourself Up 31. Prompt # 28 Metamorphosis32. Prompt # 29 Picture This33. Prompt # 30 Look Who I look Up Too34. Prompt # 31 Remembering The Child35. Prompt # 32 One Medium Suitcase36. Prompt # 33 The Perfect Present37. Prompt # 34 Memorable Event38. Prompt # 35 How to…39. Prompt # 36 Always Say Never40. Prompt # 37 Are You Hungry

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41. Prompt # 38 Where I’m From42. Prompt # 39 Deck of 5243. Prompt # 40 The Examined life44. Prompt # 41 Annual Report45. Prompt # 42 Ekpharasis46. Prompt # 43 Visually Speaking47. Prompt # 44 Lessons I Learned After It Was Too Late48. Prompt # 45 The Door49. Prompt # 46 Advice To The Young50. Prompt # 47 Who Am I51. Prompt # 48 Ten Rewarding Experiences52. Prompt # 49 Valuable Lessons53. Prompt # 50 Futures—Fantasy and Fact

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Prompt # 1 Prologue

What you are looking at right now is a beginning to an amazing story of a life, told by the

only one who could tell it best which is me Josh Fejeran, inside this booklet isn’t just an

assignment that I had to do to pass a class. No it’s much more, it’s chunks of my life written

for you to see and think about, as you read through this I ask you not to judge me on what

has been written but rather to respect me for what I have written, a lot of late nights have

been put into this project and a lot of stress has been put on this author, but the stress was

not in vain because what I created here is a masterpiece, a reflection of my life on paper,

when you read these prompts that I have written you will get to know me better, you will

understand where I have come from and where I want to end up. The title of this portfolio

is called The Crucible and rightfully so, “Crucible” means an extreme test or challenge,

which this project was, I admit I did not think this was possible to be done at first, but now

that it is here in front of you and I is a testimony to the challenge that I have overcame and

no matter what anyone says in regards to how this could be better or what was not done

right, it matters little to me because I put every bit of effort I had to complete this, enjoy.

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Prompt #2 what’s in a name? My parents are Christians so they took a name from the bible to name me and that’s

where I got my name “Joshua” means savior or deliverer. They never told me why exactly

they wanted my name to be Joshua but then again I never asked. I do remember my dad

saying he wanted to name me Dexter but that dint go through with my mom, I think the

reason why my dad thought of naming me Dexter was because that is my mom’s maiden

name. My middle name is Ryan which is of Irish decent and also means king. That makes

enough sense to me I guess I’m going to be a savior and a king. My last name is Fejeran of

course, and this doesn’t really have a meaning to it as far as I know. What I do know is that

most of the Fejeran’s on Guam are from Piti and Asan, my family name for Fejeran is Kupa.

A family name is kind of like a clan of a last name that is most closely related. My initials are

JRF which dosent stand for anything special or mean anything really. I did put JRF 2014 on

my graduation ring only because “Gecko by God” wouldn’t fit.

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Prompt # 3 Personal Alphabet

AwesomeBraveCaringDevotedExcitingFastGenerousHardworkingInterestingJustKindLegalMachoNecessary OutstandingPridefulQuiet RealStrongTiredUncontrollable Vicious WiseXanthicYoungZealous

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Prompt #4 Likes and dislikesLikes

Fast cars Attractive women Dogs Eating Drinking Coke McDonalds Explosions Kim Kardashian Shotguns

Dislikes Slow cars Onions Cats Not eating Throwing up Diet coke Clowns Cockroaches Home work Getting in trouble

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Prompt 5: Sensory Experiences

A sensory experience that I had was one when I was travelling to the states from Guam

last summer. I was flying by myself from Guam to Tokyo, Japan to Minneapolis, Minnesota

to Des Moines, Iowa. My grandparents live in a small farm about 2 hours away from Des

Moines airport; I usually go there every summer but this time I was alone and I wasn’t

really going back there for a vacation either I was looking for a job which is harder than you

think. But what I will share about my sensory experiences is when I first arrived in

Minneapolis, Minnesota I remember walking out of the airplane and I automatically felt

sensory changes, well for starters everything was brighter and there were so much people

everywhere, everything was so fast paced. Considering that the flight I just arrived from

was 12 hours long I was still pretty tired I hate long plane rides I barley sleep and I’m

always tired right after I get off, so I had this bad taste in my mouth since I just woke up 30

minutes before arrival but I did have a coke and peanuts before I got off the plane so I could

still taste that, everything was loud too I heard the rolling wheel of luggage’s and people

talking and the intercoms going off every few seconds. The air smells different in the states

maybe it’s the humidity I don’t know but I do remember smelling star bucks coffee and that

weird airplane smell. My hands were freezing cold the airlines are not stingy with their air

cons I also felt feeling of panic because my flight arrived late and I had 30 mi to get to my

next gate at the opposite end of the airport.

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Prompt 6: MetaphoricalDefinitions

1. A rush is driving fast2. Happiness is making others happy3. Anger is raising a fist4. Sacrifice is giving up sleep5. Hard work is a hand and a brain6. Knowledge is a key 7. Love is a willingness to give up anything8. Hate is a fire9. Death is a thief 10. Karma is a bee

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Prompt # 7 A quality personality

Perseverance : steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

Perseverance as a person

Perseverance does my homeworkHe helps me through the day when I’m boredHe gets up in the morning even when he only had three hours ofsleep because he had to work overtime to pay the billsHe is known for not being a quitter He knocks out his opponent in the last round every timeHe carries a log on his shoulder while going up a hill and didn’t stop For a break.

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Prompt # 8 Color your worldBlue a poem about the color blueThis is a poem about the color BlueThe color blue may be familiar to you You see it everywhere you look, on this screen tooYou see it in the ocean you see it in the skyYou could not, not see blue even if you tryYou see blue in cars and also in stars Blue is a color that means joy and relief It’s a color that brings happiness after a grief Blue is hope and bathroom soapBlue is dope But see blue has many faces It can be happy or sad It can help fit the mood when you’re feeling badBlue is mysterious and pleasant to the eye I will love blue until the day that I die

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Prompt# 9 Room Sweet Room Well to be honest my current room sucks, like not just sucks as in its messy and dirty it

sucks as in there is nothing in it at all right now. Why? Because I just moved from the

wonderful village of Chalan Pago to the southern village of Asan so we had to totally

remolded the entire house and I mean totally, everything in the house is new so my room

has new tiles and paint and an air conditioner and one bed it’s a chronic story as to why I’m

not adding to my room so ill just explain my old room in cp and how I felt about that my old

room was neat most of the time I’ve been living in it for about 10 years it used to have a

soft blue carpet floor but my parents decided to switch with cold hard tiles I had my bed

under the window and a TV with an Xbox 360 on top of it on the other side of the room. My

room was a place where I could go to just sleep and relax or do whatever else I wanted to

do, I felt safe in my room and it was one place where I could gather all my thoughts at the

end of the day and just think. I still remember having to clean through everything before

the move its funny how stuff that you thought was gone just randomly appears behind an

old pile of junk I the corner of your closet. I always had a guitar in the corner of my room

for about four years I got it as a gift but I never was really good at playing the guitar so it

just sat there for a while my room was peaceful and calm but now its gone.

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Prompt # 10

Personal metaphors1. Animal-Lion2. Car-Lamborghini reventon3. Article of clothing-Hat4. Day of the week-Saturday5. Food-Pizza6. Color-Blue7. Movie-Cheech and Chong up in smoke.8. Fragrance-fresh9. Type of building- sky scraper 10. Plant-Red oak 11. Musical instrument-Triangle12. Geometric shape-Triangle13. Piece of furniture-Bed14. Song-“How I got to be this way”15. Season of the year-Winter16. Television Character-SpongeBob17. Cartoon or comic character-Batman18. Appliance or machinery-Sports car19. Natural Phenomenon-Earthquake20. Word-YOLO

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Prompt# 11 Extended Metaphors

-Hate is a fire Hate is a fire because if you hate someone you just started a spark, and if that person hates you too everything will only get worse you will be constantly trying to destroy each other and like a fire you the person you hate and anything or person who gets between you will be destroyed also. A fire does not care what it burns, just like a hateful person does not have any remorse or mercy. The only thing a person with hate wants is to see something burn. A fire, if not stopped grows and continues to do so without pause. Just like a person with an angry enough grudge will hate someone else even more as time progresses. If two people hate each other they both are fires, and when you fight fire with fire the only thing that comes out of that is a bigger fire that can be uncontrollable.

-Death is a Thief Death is a thief. Why? Because death can come quick and without warning. Death can also come slow just like a thief coming into your house and tying you up while you watch him take everything you have. Death is also a thief because death has no mercy, death does not care for the problems that you have or how much you value life, death only wants one thing your life. Just like a thief who does not care what the thing he is taking means to you he only wants it for himself.

-Karma is a bee Karma is a bee because karma is something that comes back to you, good or bad. But for this instance a bee is bad karma not good karma why because if a bee stings you it hurts that bee just dished a out pain that was intended to hurt you but in a few hours karma kicks in and that bee will die. Just like if you pop someone’s tire sometime in the future maybe all your tires will be popped. Karma can come back harder, even like a bee who sting only hurts you for a while (unless you’re allergic) karma will come back harder and kill the bee.

-Knowledge is a key Knowledge is a key because with knowledge you can unlock almost anything. Just like a key can unlock doors and boxes that are filled with things that are all yours. Knowledge can unlock doors to new adventures and boxes filled with things that you never knew existed. When you have a key you can take it anywhere, same thing for knowledge as long as you have it with you can do whatever needs doing. Knowledge can also be shared like a key can be copied to unlock whatever door you need to open.

-Hard work is a hand a brain Hard work is a hand a brain because hard work has many different definitions, hard work can be typing on a computer for Mrs. Griffin’s class in order to pass high school and live out the rest of my life or hard work can be using a pick and shovel to dig a hole for a fence post. Just like hands and a brain are meant for different things some people use their hands to fix watches or paint art and some use it to lift logs and cut trees with the help of an axe or

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chain saw of course. Some people use their brain to be a domain for drugs some people use it to make millions of dollars.

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Prompt # 12 Symbolic RecipeIngredients for making me

1. 1 cup of determination 2. 2 cups of endurance3. 1 cup of strength 4. 1 teaspoon of rebellion 5. 2 cups of critical thinking 6. 1 cup of common sense7. 3 cups of humor8. 3 cups of care free spirit9. 2 cups of perseverance10. 1 bag of miracle growth.

This is everything you need to crate me, cook on high for 17 years. Be careful not to add more than a teaspoon of rebellion or else the recipe will turn out wrong and I will end up dead. There is no special order to put these ingredients in just get a big bowl and throw everything into it. If you add to care free spirit it will cancel out everything else so be careful on that. when done let him sleep.

Warning do not double the ingredients size if you do an angry hulk like figure will come out of the oven not me.

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The Ultimate All-Purpose Excuse: Prompt. #13

Dear Mrs. Griffin the reason as to why I am late to your class is because I was violently

awoken by a loud noise outside my door at 4:39 in the morning. As it turns out the loud noise

was actually the roar of a lion in my hallway I have no clue where this beast came from it must

of swam here from Canada or something this should make sense to you because I live next to

the ocean, anyways as soon as I opened the door the lion jumped at me and tried to take my

head off so before it’s massive jaw clamped on my head I grabbed the monster’s upper jaw with

my left hand and the bottom jaw with my right hand and held the cats mouth open then I

quickly slammed it on my bed after the lion was off it’s feet the game was over I grabbed the

shaver on my dresser and shaved the king of the jungle’s mane off its head in less then a few

seconds, after I had its hair I made a rope out of it and tied the lions mouth shut and feet

together I figured it should hold at least until I get back from school I closed my door just as an

extra precaution. Now by this time I had to shower and get ready for school and it was already

4:41 I was late so I figured the only way to avoid traffic at this time would to be to take a

helicopter so I jumped into my helicopter and took off . I was quickly ordered to land not even 2

minutes into my journey as it turns out your not allowed to fly a fully armed military helicopter

without a flying license or a firearms permit so the United States Air Force took the helicopter

away whatever though I’ll just order another one off e bay. All this drama really made me late

for class so I ran from Agana to GWHS in about 15 or so seconds but half the day was gone

already so that Mrs. Griffin is why I am 10 seconds late to your class please excuse me.

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Prompt # 14 Telling tales

I remember one story that my dad would always tell every once in a while. The story

was about my great uncle Greg, he’s my dads, dads, older brother. My dad would tell me

how strong he was I cant really remember everything but I do remember some things like

how this one time 5 men tried to hold him down and beat him up, but he jumped up and

knocked out all of them. My great grew up in a ranch so he was use to hard work, he would

carry giant tree limbs and could pretty much pick up anything he could also kick down

banana trees in one hit or even hit the metal telephone poles and crack the glass at the top,

I don’t think I’ve ever met him I might have when I was really young but I don’t have any

idea what he looks like. I picture him as a big muscular version of my grandpa.

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Prompt # 15 Unfinished sentences

1. I usually worry about…Getting arrested, it seems like I’m always stuck in a

situation that if caught would put me in prison, I’m learning though.

2. I feel angry when…Some one messes with me or my family.

3. I’m moody when…I first wake up.

4. I’m happiest when…I’m making someone else happy and I’m having fun while

doing so.

5. I feel confident when… I’m doing everything right.

6. I feel frustrated when…I have to do something I don’t like over and over again, for

example, you wont believe this but I had to rewrite this prompt four times over

because somehow it got deleted 3 times.

7. I feel depressed when…I let someone down who wouldn’t of let me down.

8. I am comfortable when…I’m around close friends.

9. I feel nervous when…I’m trying something new

10. I feel sentimental when…I know I wont see something or someone again.

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Prompt # 16 Personal symbols

An object that has a symbolic meaning to me is my blue 1993 Toyota hilux pickup truck.

The reason why I treasure it so much is because it was bought new by my grandpa in 1993

and when he left it was given to my dad and then now my dad gave it to me. I love it

because it has been in the family for so long and it has done its job whether its job is taking

my dad to work or my grandpa to work or the bed being filled with sand from Hawaiian

rock it did it all. Sometimes I would just go outside and look at my truck just to admire the

beauty of it sure it’s not a Lamborghini or Ferrari but it is mine and that’s what makes it so

special. This truck has taken me through bad roads and good roads, good times and hard

times. Sure it’s kind of scratched up and has some dents but that doesn’t matter to me I still

love it. I have to admit though at first I was almost embarrassed to drive it when I first got it

I felt that I deserved a new car that wasn’t so beat up, I was prideful and stupid but as time

grew on I made a bond with the truck I began to not see the scratches and dents as

imperfections but simply as part of a wonderful thing that was mine. I’ve had so many

laughs and fun in that truck that I’ll never forget. But as you know all good things come to

end last month she died from a blown head gasket. I was truly devastated, I did get a new

1990 Toyota hilux 4x4 pickup but it’s just not the same don’t get me wrong I do love my

new truck but just not as much as my old one this 4x4 has a lot to prove.

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Prompt # 17 Map of life

Born on May 30 1996-At Guam Memorial Hospital

Parents are Roland and Kristin Fejeran Went to Harvest Christian Academy from k-3 till 9th grade Had a younger brother when I was four Had a younger sister when I was eight Attended George Washington High School for 3 years

-Hopefully not four

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Prompt # 18 A mysterious place

A mysterious place I remember going to was Bordallo’s mansion at midnight. This was a

few months ago when I went and it was my first time. It started out with me and my two

friends chilling a t one of their houses and I recommended that we go to Bordallo’s mansion

at midnight they were down so we waited till midnight and got all our supplies ready which

was only two flashlights. When we got to Yona we could see the house but it was dark and

none of us have ever been there before so it took a while for us to find the road leading up

it wasn’t really a road that we found anyways it was more like a grass trail. So we parked

the car on the side of the road and started to walk up to the house when we got there my

friend didn’t believe that it was it so we searched it up on Google and watched a creepy

documentary on the house and that kind of spooked me a little considering we were right

outside the house. At a first look the mansion is pretty big with graffiti all over the walls.

There are three levels to the mansion and at the bottom there are two big open rooms and

a tiny staircase leading up with the moonlight illuminating the stairs, it was creepy because

it was a spiral up to the second floor. Then we slowly made are way up to the second floor

and when we got up there, there was a bunch of rooms of different sizes with a hallway that

looked like the actual hill behind the mansion I guess the back of the house was built almost

inside the hill and it was a long dark hallway with vines and grass hanging from the top.

Nothing really scary happened yet though, until I saw a devilish graffiti of a cats heads with

it’s eyes crossed out then right when I saw that I heard a knock from the third floor it was a

steady and constant knock, knock, it sounded like someone was upstairs banging on

something I thought it was the wind but I realized there was barley a breeze out that night.

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My friends decided they were done and wanted to leave already but I said no way we came

this far we might as well finish searching the mansion we were still arguing about it when I

heard a loud bang from the third level that was louder than any before at this point I was

beginning to get scared and I almost thought about going back down which my friends

were already doing but I yelled to them screw you guys then I’m going up by myself the

entrance to the third floor was a staircase that was at the end of the hallway since my

friends and I were debating about going back or not we were closest to the 1st floor

staircase so I had to walk down that creepy hallway to the 3rd floor staircase at the end of

the hallway about half way through the hallway I got this unreal chill down my body and

the hair on the back of my neck stood up. As I reached the end of the hallway nearing the

staircase when I heard my two friends walking behind me cursing at me telling me how

stupid I am for not going back to the car but I didn’t care what they said as long as I didn’t

have to go up there by myself. So I was the first one to reach the top and when I did what I

saw was….nothing I looked around to try to see what was making the noise but I couldn’t

find anything the view was pretty legit though. So we headed back down to the car and left.

I was kind of disappointed I was looking forward to getting scared, I’m disappointed I

didn’t see anything but hey at least I was able to sleep well that night without an image of

something that I would’ve seen at that spooky mansion.

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Prompt # 19 Synectics

1. Which is wiser? A pencil or a pen?-A pencil is wiser because it acknowledges the fact that everyone makes mistakes that’s why it has an eraser.2. Which is more fearful? New or Old?-Old because it knows what’s coming.3.Which costs more? A home or a house?-A home costs more because money alone can buy a house not a home.4. Which is happier? Music or art? -Music because it moves 5. Which is braver? An hour or a year? -An hour because its time is shorter6. Which is easier to teach? A question or an answer?-An answer because it already knows what it will be taught?7. Which is more useful? A friend or an enemy.-A friend is more useful because he will help fight you enemies. 8. Which is like a contest? A cloud or a sunset?-A cloud because there are more of them.9. Which is easier to forgive? A street or a sidewalk?-A sidewalk because less people die there.10. Which has less charm? A signature or an autograph?-A signature because it’s usually more on the official side.

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Prompt # 20 A day in the life

Josh wakes up, it’s Monday morning his family has left to work and school already he is

late to school again. He stays in bed debating whether graduating high school or sleeping is

more important. He makes a decision and goes to the bathroom freshness up and goes to

his truck the truck won’t start. He goes to his neighbor and asks to jump start his truck. And

before he takes off he notices he left something he goes back in the house for his bag. He

finally heads out to school. He gets to school late of course then walks up to GCC from the

GW parking lot he says good morning to Mr. Wayne and begins on his journey. When he

gets to the GCC gate its locked so he jumps the gate. Usually students jump the gate to ditch

class but this kid is determined to get to class before it ends. What a brave young fellow. He

ends up getting to his automotive class and he walks in during a lecture and tells Mr. Perez

an excuse as to why he’s late. He checks his Facebook Instagram and kik during class since

GCC has free Wi-Fi, he is always convinced that something crazy happened on a social

media site from his house to school. While in class he checks his wallet he has two dollars

and twenty five cents, he asks Kayonu for a dollar Kayonu has no money either. He goes to

BCS and asks sonny for a tab. Sonny hesitates then agrees and lets the kid go but takes a

picture of josh and tells him if you don’t bring in the dollar tomorrow he will call the cops

josh nods his head and walks out he goes to the alley does what he needs to do and walks to

school with food in his hands, by the time he gets to his bench the bell rings for second

period. He goes to Mrs. Atlaig’s Chamorro class he learns Chamorro. He goes to lunch. He

talks about life with students in GW and asks Terrance how many submission s h has left

Terrance says he’s done, josh gets jealous. The bell rings he is scared he has to go to Mrs.

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Griffins class he walks around the entire school to prepare his mine for the hardship ahead

he gets to Mrs. Griffins class late he opens the door and sees miss butler he trolls her by

opening the door and pretends to walk out she calls him back in he smiles and sits down,

while Kyle says “josh the boss” griffin assigns a lot of work josh complains class ends josh

runs to his truck because he hates all the traffic he speeds out of school in fifth gear he goes

home and sleeps.

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Prompt # 21Family ; The foundation of where we come from. The structure of my life was shaped by my

father, mother, sister, and brother. Who I am today is from what they have taught and given


Automobile ; The truck I own is a representation of myself. You cannot succeed in life if

you allow yourself to be dragged down by your problems. Keeping a smooth transmission

will help you get the most for your gallon of gas, like how keeping a clean life allows you to

have a smooth ride.

Craftsmanship ; Before the time of mass production men worked with their hands and took

pride in what they made. The art and style of the old times still shines though what still

remains. It is in these products that we should strive to go back to.

Fortuitous ; Another word for strength. No matter what the world throws at me, I will

remain strong and defiant against it.

Four ; The number of years that I have spent in this school. It is small when compared to

hundreds or thousands, but we need to realize that four is still a long time, and we should

have been putting it to better use.

Honor ; The thing that keeps hard working men sane, without honor we would all just be a

bunch of hypocrits.

Courage ; The only time a man can be courageous is when they are afraid. We should hope

that we are able to act when we are afraid. There is not a man who remembered as a hero

when they cowered behind other men.

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Justice ; The Law of the world is bent to the need for justice. It is what sets human apart of

animals of the world. When we are wronged, we shall have our retribution, one way or


Hope ; The need for a better tomorrow. I know as many others do that we all have made

mistakes. What allows us to go on is the trust in ourselves that we can do better tomorrow.

Hard work; without hard work the world would be lazy and nothing would ever get done I

pride myself in being a hard worker.

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Prompt # 22 In Other Words

1. “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give

him power.”-Abraham Lincoln

2. “Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.”-Albert Einstein

3. “Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.”- Bruce Lee

4. “Come what may, all bad fortune is to be overcome endurance.”-Virgil

5. “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”-Friedrich Nietzsche

6. “There’s not much to do, when you don’t know what you’re doing.”-Joshua Fejeran

7. “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom”-Thomas Jefferson

8. “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”-Mark


9. “Real integrity is doing the right thing without being told.”-Victor Hugo

10. “Get up close to your friend but not over him! We should also respect the enemy in

our friend.”-Friedrich Nietzsche

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Prompt # 23 Flashback

If I could relive one day of my life it would be when I went to adventure land in Des Moines

Iowa last summer, I went back there to get a job and help my grandpa on his farm. When I

was back there I met a guy named Joseph Hiexenbaugh who goes to the high school in the

town next to my grandpa’s farm. We started to hangout and when we did I go to meet his

friends and they were a cool bunch of people so almost every other day I would hangout

with him and his friends we would do random things like go offroading and shoot guns or

light off expensive fireworks that were illegally smuggled into Iowa, believe it or not

fireworks are not legal in Iowa so thee dudes would drive to Missouri and come back with

like three hundred dollars worth of fireworks. I remember one night we went to a small

town about fifty miles a way from our town and we lit it off there they were pretty loud and

bright we had to leave fats though because I wasn’t ready to explain why I’m in jail to my

grandparents at 2am in the morning. But anyways what I really want to relive was the day I

went to adventure land with Joseph and his friends Jacob, Ethan, Nathan, David, Kellie and

Sarah, which were now my friends also. Adventure land is kind of like a small six flags but

that’s the best we could do in a hundred miles so we took it, I remember when the day first

started out Joseph arrived at my house at 8 am and we went to pick up they others we

drove two hours to Des Moines and when we got there I had an amazing time not just

because of the rides but because all of these guys had humorous personalities that stuck

out like David who was a bout two inches shorter than me, which was odd because of out of

all of them I was the second shortest, but anyways he loved to mess with people, not mess

with is as an bully but just like do funny things to them like how he would go up to random

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people and ask if the want to see him levitate and then he would stick his arms out and look

down and I would come out of no where and throw him up in the air and we would always

end up laughing like crazy it’s jus those small things that made that day so fun,. After

adventure land it was about eight pm and we went to a camp site next to a lake and slept

there for the night this is the true reason why I would want to relive this day because that

night I almost froze to death I’ve never been so cold in my life I did not expect summer

nights to be in temperature’s of thirty degrees what made it worse was the breeze from the

lake, I didn’t sleep the night I spent the entire night shivering all I had was one blanket and

a pillow. So overall awesome day and super uncomfortable might, but it was all worth it.

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Prompt # 24 Remembrance of Things Present

In twenty years when I look back to the person that I was I want to remember that I was

young, rebellious, and free, from what I heard from other people is that when they look

back they remember how awesome it was to be young, I hear them tell stories and laugh

about the stupid things they did. I guess at my age I have a free pass to do crazy things, just

so that I can reminisce later on in life. When I’m thirty eight I want to remember what my

father taught me, I want to remember how hard he pushed me to be a hard worker so that

later on in life things would come easier to me, I want to remember how much I messed up

just to see how far I’ve come, like one of my favorite sayings goes “In order to be wise and

old you must first be young and stupid”.-Unknown

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Prompt # 25 As time goes bye

Things I want to do before I’m thirty five

See the northern lights: I really want to see the northern lights just because

I think that it’s an amazing sight.

Go to the Australia: I love adventures and I think Australia would be an

amazing place to exploit my love.

Watch a professional football game: I’ve seen Yankee games, but I’ve never

been to a football stadium, I think it would be pretty cool to see one.

Go sky diving: I’m an adrenaline junky I love to go drive fast and do things

that not a lot of other people would want to do, because their worried about

“safety” or “getting hurt”, and sky diving would be a combination of me going

fast and doing something that not a lot of people would do.

Go scuba diving in the great barrier reef: If I do end up going to Australia I

want to scuba dive at the great barrier reef because I heard it’s awesome

there, and I love free diving into deep waters it’s like the ocean is an entirely

different plant.

See a brown bear in the wild: This goes back to the part where I said I’m an

adrenaline junky, if I did see a brown bear in the wild I would want it to be

huge, just in case I would carry a desert eagle, I said I wanted to feel a rush

not go into certain death.

Go on a road trip across America: I want to go on a road trip across

America and stop at every awesome place on the way, I would need a few

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things though, which would be money, other people and a fast car, and what

kind of American would I be if I don’t even know what America looks like.

Meet at least one famous person: I wouldn’t just want to see a famous

person I would want to make friends with one, if I did so, I would have a

pretty cool Instagram picture to post up.


Graduate from Universal Technical University: If I gradate from UTI at top

of my class I will be pretty happy.

Get a job at a sports car dealership: If every day of my life I wake up to

work on Porches, Ferraris, BMW’s and Lamborghini’s, and get paid sixty five

thousand a year starting out I would be pretty content.

Graduate from Ranger school or BUD/S: BUD/S stands for basic under

water demolition seal it’s the first major phase out of five phases in navy seal

training it takes 24 weeks and has an eighty percent dropout rate, or I would

like to graduate from Ranger school it is a two month course that has a 50

percent dropout rate.

Things of the past

Harvest Christian Academy: I went there for 12 years of my life and

now it’s something of the past to me.

My grandpa: My grandpa on my dad sides past away when I was 9 so I

don’t remember too much about but I know he built a house with his

won hands.

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My grandma: My grandma on my dad’s side passed away two months

after my grandpa died, I can’t remember much about her either but I

remember whenever I went to her house I always had good food.

My family’s 1993 Toyota Hilux: This truck went through a lot, this

truck brought me, my dad, and my grandpa where ever we needed to go

for 21 years, but the head gasket blew out which means its dead.

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Prompt # 26 My Own Lists of Lists1. People who have influenced me… My dad, mom, grandpa, grandma, other grandpa

and other grandma.2. Places that make me happy… My house, the beach, movie theaters, church, my

grandparents house in Iowa and new places3. Places I would like to go… Russia, Israel, Australia, New York, Iceland and

Antarctica 4. Things in people which I like… Honesty, respect, loyalty, kindness, independence,

and humbleness.5. Things in people which I dislike… rudeness, pride, overconfident, picky, hate and

anger. 6. Things that worry me… Not graduating on time, the deaths of people that I love, my

truck breaking down, getting put in prison, not having money, letting others down. 7. Things I would like to know how to do… Fly an airplane, fly a helicopter, create an

atomic bomb, pick a lock, scuba dive like a pro, repair a solar panel, and solve a rubik’s cube.

8. Things that have moved me… The sacrifice that Jesus made, gravity, love, a car, a train, and an airplane.

9. Ideas that intrigue me… The size of the universe, automotive, electricity, creatures of the ocean, nuclear science, adventures.

10.My personal favorites… Adventures, love, automotive, the universe scuba diving and not having to deal with not having money.

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Prompt # 27 Cheer Yourself up Throw stuff into the sky and watch it smash the ground. Go off roading Get lost Climb high trees Plug in every speaker that you own a run it off of one phone and blast music. Crate a new recipe for food by throwing whatever you want into a pan and cooking

it. Slide down a muddy hill while it’s raining. Find a PVC pipe and pug up one end with a cane and tape it in place, then take gas

and pour it down the PVC pipe and plug in the other end with a can that is not taped in and drill a hole in the pipe just above the gasoline level while its being held up and insert a rope and soak it with gas and light it up. And find cover. WARNING: Do not hold the pipe up with your hand after lighting and make sure the rope is a least 20 feet long.

Sneak up behind people and grab their legs hard with your two hands and growl like a dog.

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Prompt # 28 MetamorphosisBefore

Chalan Pago Basketball Harvest Jujitsu Military 1993 Toyota Hilux RWD Was afraid of the ocean

Now Asan Working out George Washington High School Not in jujitsu Mechanics 1990 Toyota Hilux 4WD I spearfish

Before I lived in Chalan Pago and now I live in AsanBefore I played basketball a lot now I work out moreBefore I went to Harvest and now I go to GWBefore I was in jujitsu now I’m notBefore I was set in joining the military and now being a mechanic is an optionBefore I drove a 1993 Toyota Hilux RWD and now I drive a 1990 Toyota Hilux 4WDI used to be afraid of the ocean and now I spearfish.

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Prompt # 29 Picture this

What I see in this photo is a group of people who are willing to take action to against injustice. They wave their country’s flag high in defiance of their government. They want change, change in the system, for a better tomorrow. They value their nation over those who rule it. I see a fight that someone will win, I see fire and destruction. Flames do not care who start them, as long as they destroy everything around them. In end ashes are all that is left. Fire cleanses as much as it destroys, and with it comes a rebirth. Away with the corruption, and values that guide them shall take its stead. The flag is waving, as it is a flag of the people. Blue is the sky, and yellow is the wheat fields that make up the countryside. It is not a flag for wealth. Neither is it a flag boasting of nationalism. It is a simple flag for the people.

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Prompt # 30 Look who I look up to Abraham Lincoln

One person that I look up to is Abraham Lincoln, because even when half a country was

telling him he was wrong he still believed in what he did and stood firm to his beliefs, he

also was an honest man and that’s something that everyone should respect. Abraham

Lincoln also never gave up, when he was loosing the war he didn’t hide in a corner and cry

he went out to the battlefield and talked to the troops to increase moral, then he went the

drawing table and looked for a solution to win a war that divided a country.

Marshall Bruce Mathers III 

I look up to Marshall Bruce Mathers III because he had a hard life and he used his

problems and combined them with his passion of music, and while doing so he became a

famous rapper, he can also has a different style to his songs, sure, all rappers to but his

stands out more than other’s. They also made a movie about him so that’s another plus, I

guess why look up to him is because after everything he’ been through he still made it to

the top, he didn’t quit, that’s really what I look for in role models, I like people who don’t

give, up.

Michael Jordan

I look up to my Michael Jordan because he is the best basketball player that ever lived, I

admire that even though he retired he’s still at the top, I also admire how he was cut from

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his high school basketball team and did not let that be the end of his dream. He took

something bad that happened to him and turned it into something that the whole world

would come to know as something that couldn’t stop the greatest.

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Prompt # 31 Remembering The Child

I remember when I was young I loved to get in trouble I think I got kicked out of three

daycares because I was to naughty, but it’s a good thing that I’ve shaped up a little, I

remember not having a lot of stress and just having fun without a care in the world. My dad

told me he would bring me to Asan park everyday after school to teach me how to ride a

bike, I remember myself also, I started out using training wheels then after a while I took of

one training wheel and after that I moved on to no training wheels at all. I remember

feeling proud of myself I remember how fast I took off on the small bike when I finally

broke free of training wheels, I still remember that feeling of success and accomplishment.

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Prompt #32 One Medium Suitcase

If I had only one medium suitcase to take with me if I was leaving home forever it would

be my wallet and all the money in it (which is not a lot by the way). I will also take a knife

because it’s a dangerous world (unless I’m going to an airport then this won’t work). I

would take my phone and my charger, i would take my Oakley’s too because I spent one

hundred and seventy dollars on them. I would take my bible because even though I don’t

read it as much as I should I would like to read it some more. If I was leaving by myself I

would also take a picture of my family, but if I’m leaving with them I wouldn’t take a picture

of them. I would take my dad’s Snap On torque wrench because it an expensive wrench and

it was bought a couple of years ago. That’s pretty much it I don’t have a lot of sentimental

objects in my house.

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The perfect Present: Prompt #33

If I could get the perfect prison from Mrs. Griffin it would be wisdom but not just wisdom

to get me past high school but enough wisdom to make me the wisest man on earth because if I

could be the wisest man on earth I would have the ability to obtain anything and everything I

wanted with ease, presidents and every body who was anybody would come to me for advice I

would be able to solve world problems and have all the money I ever wanted I could win a noble

prize and be famous. Another reason I would want extraordinary wisdom is because in the Bible

when God asked Solomon what was one thing he wanted he asked for wisdom.

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Prompt # 34 Memorable Event

A memorable event that really stuck out to me was this time when I went to this year’s

Mangilao fiesta with my boys Alex Blas and Jaymen Shimizu, it was kind of a last minute

thing but we went to it anyways it was Alex’s friend who was hosting the fiesta, when we

got there we ate some good chow and then this is where I really remember what happened,

a guy in his forties walked over to my table and asked if any of us plan on joining the

military, at first I was hesitant to answer because it was obvious he had a few already, but I

said yeah I’m thinking about it then we started talking about the military, earlier on this

year I was convinced I was going to be a United States Marine but he this guy was trying to

convince me otherwise, as it turns out he was a United States Army Ranger once upon a

time and was hell bent on trying to get me to agree to be one also, we compared and

contrasted for a while then this is where he pulled out his ace, he told me that he’s going to

give me his ranger tab to keep until I earn my own then I can come back and bring it to him,

it was a good experience I learned a lot from a have drunken ex special forces soldier. I’m

not one to brake my promises either so before I leave Guam I will make a final decision on

whether I want to follow his advice and keep my promise or find him and return the tab, to

be honest I like the first choice better, it makes for a better story.

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Prompt # 35 How to…

How to choose a fast food restaurant to eat at… Consider your options on Guam there are 5 different fast food restaurants:

-McDonald’s, burger king, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, KFC, Sub Way, and Sub marina Consider your location because gas isn’t cheap unless you’re driving a prius. Consider what was the last fast food place that you ate at, and then take that out of

your options. Consider who you are with if you are with a group of friends try taking a vote. If

you’re on a date, ask yourself if you should really be going to a fast food restaurant on a date and if you must go to the one that is the most expensive and that would be Sub Marina.

Consider how much money you have, if you only have a dollar go to McDonalds. If you’re with friends and you’re broke you’re out of luck. If you’re with friends and you’re broke, but you’re driving let them pay for you, and

if they refuse, simply leave the establishment by yourself and drive away.

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Prompt # 36 Always Say Never

I never want to… climb on a rusty tin roof again read the scarlet pimpernel again Do forty five submissions in one weekend again I never want to get stuck in traffic gain with a bad starter I never want to get a speeding ticket ever again Go to Saturday detention ever again Play with a machete ever again Eat watermelon flavored jolly ranchers ever again. Have my brake booster go out while I’m driving. Have an IV in my ever again Get lost at an airport ever again

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Prompt # 37. Are you hungry?

Out doors while the sun is shining I can smell the ribs on the grill. My uncle Eric

finally finishes searing the ribs and they gain that black brown finish. We all line up the

fiesta table and start piling on the food. When I dig in with the serving spoon, the rice is

steaming and the scent is wonderful. The barbeque chicken is dripping when it goes on my

plate. Finally the ribs in the tray are warm to the touch, still smoking from the grill. I leave

the table with half a plate of ribs, quarter of a plate chicken, and red rice filling out the side.

The chair at the other side of the yard looks so far, but it is still a long day ahead of me and

there is no rush at all. When I get back to my seat, my drink is still cool and my plate is full.

My friends are around and making jokes about anything and everything. I just laugh. I am

not really paying much attention. My focus is on not knocking over anything. It was a long

enough wait to get what I have already, a second trip back over from a clumsy mistake is

not worth the effort. Everyone is laughing and having a good time. I grab my ribs and take a

bite into the center of the meat. I can taste the smoke from wood fire grill. No propane, no

lighter fuel, just the pure old fashion stuff. There is the hint of flavor on the blackened skin.

Another bite and it still does not change. There is only the flavor of the ribs that have been

marinated for hours. I put down the now barren ribs and move on to the chicken. The white

meat is soft and moist. As I am chowing down on the piece in my mouth, I grab some rice

and start working on it as well. Finally I finish off my drink and sit back to relax. Maybe

another five minutes in line is worth it after all.

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Prompt # 38 Where I’m From

GuamWhere I was born and am proud to call home.

Chamorro languageA language which I don’t know a lot but I know enough to know.

Chamorro food-Kelauguen

-Fatada -Kadu -Kudan Pika -Stufao

Chalan PagoChalan Pago the village which I call home, the village which I no longer live in but I still consider it my home because a house isn’t always a home.

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Prompt 39

Deck of 52 reasons to be late to class

1. Aliens are invading

2. The bell is broken

3. You suddenly go deaf and are unable to hear the bell

4. Russia is invading

5. China is invading

6. Godzilla is invading

7. Your hungry

8. Your tired

9. Your bored

10. You forgot what class comes next

11. The hallways are crowded

12. You needed #1

13. You needed #2

14. You needed#3

15. You forget how to walk

16. You pass out

17. You come to the conclusion that its better to skip class then be late but decide to go


18. You meet the love of your life

19. You start to throw up

20. You start to sweat

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21. Your to busy doing homework for another class

22. You get arrested

23. Guam sinks

24. An anaconda got loose and was in gwhs

25. You loose faith in society

26. You want to look cool

27. You want to avoid traffic

28. Your shirt turns pink

29. Your hair falls off

30. A meteor strikes Guam

31. Sharks start walking on land

32. You stayed up all night long doing a homework assignment for Mrs. Griffin

33. You got into a car accident

34. Your phone ran out of battery so you couldn’t tell what time it was

35. You trip

36. You fall

37. Whales start flying

38. Your playing cards for cash

39. You know she wont notice you walk in late

40. You forgot your bag in the gym

41. You like to be late

42. You don’t plan on graduating

43. You don’t really care

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44. Your to busy listening to someone else’s problems

45. America just entered a civil war

46. Africa united as one country

47. The sun blew up

48. Time froze

49. There was an earthquake

50. You forgot your identity

51. “She” wanted you to drop her to class

52. You have 52 reasons to be late.

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Prompt # 40 The examined life

Best things about me

Work well under pressure

I get the job done

I have enough endurance a persistence to get through hard times

I can sympathize

I’m a hard worker

I know how to fix problems

When I know no one else can lead I step up and keep going

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Prompt #41 Annual Report

Last year I was a junior with a life time away from graduating now I am a senior where

graduating is less than two weeks away. I am taller, I have more hair on my face then I did

last year. I have a different truck. Last year I thought senior year would be easy now I know

its not. I have picked up on a lot of automotive skills. I didn’t have a job last year and I still

don’t. I moved to a different house. I gained about fifteen pounds. I had an awesome

summer and I hope to have another one. I feel like the same person but I know I can do

more now than I could do last year, I know I am more capable of doing hard tasks than

before. So yes I feel like I have progressed but I also feel that more is expected of me and

that more will be expected from me as I grow older. But I know that I will be able to handle

it because I can handle it now. Hopefully in a year I will be in the universal technical

institute or the US Army on the way to becoming a ranger, it all depends only time will tell.

I hope to have a new car only because I would really hate to walk everywhere while in the

states. I hope that being alone by myself in the real world will make me stronger and a

better person.

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Prompt # 42 Ekphrasis

The northern lights is something I’ve always wanted to see, I remember when I was a kid and I

first saw these lights in the sky in a photo I didn’t believe it was real. I thought it was just a crazy

painting, but when I realized that it was real, I was amazed, its simply beautiful and one day

when I go to Alaska and when I get to a perfect spot where everything is at peace, and the

lights light up the night sky I will lay down, cross my hands behind my head and just soak in how

amazing nature can be. I will get to see the lights in person before I die I promise, I’m not a

mind reader but I’m sure God would want me to see this beautiful work of his in person, I hope

I have to hike a while in the cold and be miserable, because when I see the lights I will be awe

struck, its kind of like working super hard and then getting a large check at the end of the day,

because everything is more rewarding when you work for it.

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Prompt # 43 Visually speaking

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Prompt # 44 Lessons I learned after it was too late

Writing this on a Sunday night and with barely any hopes of sleep left would be a

good starting point for this essay. The lesson that I should be learning right about now is

that time management would make your life easy. If I had worked on what I needed to do

before I might be able to get some rest like any sane person would, but no I needed to wait

until the last minute to finally get started. Yet, this is not the first time this has happened.

From the day I have started school, the assignment have always come in late. Laziness is

more acceptable to the mind rather than hard work. Why, should I be working two weeks

ahead when I can do it next week? Why should I do it today, I can just do it on the weekend.

Why should I waste my Saturday on this, I can just crank it out Sunday night. Then when

Sunday night comes around I don’t get any sleep and I cannot seem to find anything in the

house any more. The exaggeration still brings a good point across. This is not a simple fact

that I can point out and laugh at, it is a lesson that I should have put to heart a long time

ago, and yet never can grasp. Hopefully, it is not too late to make this dead line, but to a

good night’s sleep I must say good bye. And at least I got a good prompt out of my laziness.

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Prompt # 45 The Door

The Door is sitting at the end of the room. Today seems to drag on forever. The clock

says that it is only five minutes before class ends, but for some reason the hand starts to

move slower. Time stand stills. I look around and see everyone is half asleep. Room is hot,

and I am so tired. My muscles are tired and I am starting to nod off as well. When I walk

out of that door I want to head to the parking lot, get into my truck, and burnout of the

school. The day is endless and heading home was never faster. All the lights are green and

the roads are clear. When I finally get home there is a stack of cash waiting for me. I do not

even know why, but it feels like I am set for life. I get a call from the school, and they say

that all of the classes have been postponed, yet it is so far into the year we all just get the

credits we need. When I walk out of that door I do not want to have my truck being towed

away because I doubled parked a moped. I don’t want to not find a ride and have to walk

home the cold rain. I don’t want to walk on graduation and find a note saying I have to go to

summer classes inside of my diploma case. Then from all of my luck, the world would be

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ending right after I find out that I forgot to charge my phone. Then I wake up and realize

that I have four minutes of class left.

Prompt # 46 Advice to the Young

To those of you still have their lives a head of you; there are some things that are

better learned now than later on down the road. Experience and life are the best teachers,

but books and papers have one advantage over them, preparation. You do not have to learn

from hindsight when the answers are right in front of you. Listen close, history tends to

repeat it’s self to the fools who do not learn from its mistakes. Now the first major lessons

that any one should know is that time is not on your side. The world will always be so open

and young, the sun will keep rising, and the ocean will span forever over the horizon, but

the same is not true for you. You will grow, you will pass, and you will be gone. Keeping

true to the fact that lives are not ageless, you should lean to appraise what you have today.

Second is the fact that you are not the only one in the world. All actions have effects on

those around you. There comes a point where it will all lead back to you. Remembering

this, and that every person you meet has their own lives and stories to tell, act how you

would want them to act to you. Finally is the lesson of not saving the viper. There is an old

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story of the man who saves a viper from a flood, and in return the viper poisons him. As the

man is dying he asks the viper why he did it. The snake can only say that it was in his

nature to do so. We must find what the poison is in our lives, and not put the effort into

aiding it.

Prompt # 47 Who Am I1. Brother

2. Son

3. Christian

4. American

5. Chamorro

1. Brother

I am a brother and I am the oldest I have a younger brother and a younger sister and i am proud of that it feels good to know that someone looks up to you. And nothing would make me fight harder than to protect them.

2. Son

I am a son to a loving mother and a father who wants be to do my best, I have to do a lot but I know better than to complain, because without them I would be in the streets.

3. Christian

I am a Christian and I believe in Jesus Christ and what he did for me.

4. American

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I am an American and if I have to fight and die for America than I will, I believe there is no greater country in the world, even though she has her problems I still love America.

5. Chamorro

I am a Chamorro even though I am only half when talking blood. I am full when talking culture, I’ve lived my whole life around the Chamorro culture and I am proud to be one.

Prompt # 48 Ten rewarding experiences

1. Learning how drive stick shift: Driving manual takes work to learn, and its like

riding a bike, once you know how to do it, you can do it for the rest of your life.

2. Learning how to install an air conditioner: My dads a contractor so I learn a lot

from watching what he does, now I van earn 1,000 dollars in 3 hours, knowledge is

key my friends.

3. Learning how to mix cement and lay it down: Yep I know how to do make a

legitimate cement wall or floor, heck I could make a concrete house if I want to all

thanks to my dad the contractor.

4. Learning how to change oil: My first oil change was on my 1993 Toyota Hilux, I

still got the oil stain on my shit to.

5. Flying alone internationally: This experience really kept me on my toes, if I have a

four hour layover I cant sleep or else ill risk missing the flight.

6. Learning how to drive a tractor: You ever heard of a John Deere tractor? If not let

me update you real quick, it’s a 5 thousand pound hydraulic diesel monster. Used to

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pick up two twenty five hundred pound hay bails. It has two brakes a clutch and five

sets of gears for four different speeds. I love driving those things.

7. Being in ju-jitsu for one year: Sure I’m not a black belt but it was fun and I know a

lot more about UFC now

8. Getting a speeding ticket: Getting a two hundred and forty five dollar speeding

ticket really humbled me and made me realize I’m not untouchable.

9. Having my grandpa teach me how to shoot a rifle: My grandpas pretty hardcore

he bought me a Remington 7400 a few summers ago I still use the knowledge he

taught me and that rifle till now.

10. Finishing this project: Enough said you know what I mean.

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Prompt # 49 Valuable Lessons

1. Put what you learn to use. No matter what you do, what you learn, or what you

say, all of it is worthless if you do not act on it.

2. The value of a dollar. Learning how to save, invest, and spend money is

something that everyone one learns eventually. Hope that you learn it before you

are in debt.

3. True friends are hard to come by and harder to keep. There are not a lot of

people who would be willing to stick their necks out for you, the least you should

do would act the same way for them in their times of need.

4. Deadlines are better meet then hassled. Deadlines are called deadlines for a

reason, as once you pass it your screwed.

5. Nothing is true until it is on paper. The world does not care about your word

anymore, and until something is signed and notified, people may not believe

what you have to say.

6. Time is finite. You will never have all the time in the world, so make what you do

have count.

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7. Reputation precedes you. People may not have met you, but what they hear

about you will have impact when they do.

8. Trust is easily given, and easily taken away. Betrayal of trust is a betrayal of a

person in the deepest sense, so do not think it will be easy to make up.

9. Cooking at home. You will not have someone to feed you forever, hope you know

how to at least make ramen.

A man worth is determined by their actions. Words are nothing without action.

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Prompt # 50 Future, Fantasy, and Fact

Ten years from now I hope to be living in a decent sized house with a family and a fast

car. I hope to have been a United States Navy SEAL and a Universal Technical Institute

graduate. I want to have a job at an exotic car dealership. I want to work on BMW’s,

Porsche’s and Ferraris I want to work on any car company that’s cheapest car is eighty

thousand dollars. Why? Simple, because the more expensive of a car you work on the more

money you get paid, I heard an oil change for porches pays three hundred dollars, that’s

insane. I also want to have been a Navy SEAL because everyone knows those guys are

awesome, I truly believe that that being a navy seal is the closest you can be to being

superman. They endure so much, they are good at anything they do, because they went to

two years of the toughest training in the world, so not much fazes them and seals just have

a rep of being hardcore dudes.

Ten years from now I will probably be like every other hard working 28 year old barley

being able to pay my bills trying to get my young kids through school while trying to be a

good father and husband. I will have a nice car that I know for sure. If I keep on going the

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way am going right now id end up in a bad situation, because right now I’m lazy and

rebellious and I don’t like to be told what to do, I don’t like doing unnecessary work and I’d

rather sleep than do much of anything else that’s where experience and maturity kicks in I

hope, ten years from now I will look back and think. Wow I’ve changed. Instead of a navy

seal I might consider being an army Ranger or Marine because those guys live out an

adventure and its something I can see myself doing.

Ten years from now I believe I will have most of what I want done, because I can’t be

stopped when I truly want something I can feel it in my soul I know I was destined to do

whatever I want to do. There’s no reason why I can’t live the life I want to, it will be my life

and my decisions, but it will also be my consequences and I realize that. I’m not sure if I’m

going to be a navy seal though I really want to but if I have a family I don’t think I would,

because being a navy seal isn’t just an eight too five job it’s a lifestyle and why go into the

seals and train for two years and only stay in for a few years. If I was to become a seal I

would hate to throw it all way and do something else. Most seals stay in for 15 years

minimum or die. I can’t tell yet if that’s the life I want to live.

I do know I will go to UTI its either that or a life in the military. I know I will have to work

hard because only the top of the class get exotic dealership jobs but if I was a ranger before

I went to UTI it should be a breeze. Even if I don’t join the military I know I’ll graduate at

the top anyways. Because ill be paying out of my back pocket and UTI is thirty thousand for

two years and only a idiot wouldn’t do his best for fifteen grand a year, and I’m good with


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As I am reading through this portfolio, I cant help but notice that this author is

humorous in his writing, like for example the way he answers questions in such an obvious

manner that it’s funny, I also notice how humble and open he can get it some of his

prompts, in one instance he talked bout his love for his truck that was passed down from

two generations, or his love for his family and friends and his profession of faith. I also see

some prompts that were rushed and it’s quite easy to tell which ones those were the writer

also uses specific words very often like “which” which isn’t such a bad thing but its

noticeable, I can also pick up on his frustration while writing this portfolio, for example in

prompt number fifteen unfinished sentences, one of the sentences says; I feel frustrated

when…and he replies with “when I have to do something I don’t like over and over again, for

example, you wont believe this but I had to rewrite this prompt four times over because

somehow it got deleted 3 times”. This right here is a good example of frustration and humor

to me. I did enjoy reading it though, I’d better finish reading it all and find this “josh fejeran”

and return this to him, it says its due today, I wouldn’t want him not graduate high school

all because of one careless mistake.

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