Page 1: The Computer · 2020-01-11 · Free Tech Support Upcoming Workshops 3 Genealogy Ralph’s Archives 4 H appy New Year! / January 2019 1

Computer Booter


January 2019 Computer Booters of Sun Lakes

Newsletter Highlights


General Meeting:

Wednesday, January 2, 2019 6:00 pm Cookies & Coffee / Tech Support

6:30 pm Meeting Navajo Room, Sun Lakes Country Club

C l u b N e w s From the President Modeling the Universe


Next Up Free Tech Support Upcoming Workshops


Genealogy Ralph’s Archives


H appy New Year! We hope that you had a fun-filled holiday season! We are so glad you are reading this

newsletter and hope to see you at our meeting on Wednes-day, January 2. As you will see on Page 2, we have an ex-citing speaker coming to the meeting and he is one of our own club members! On Page 3 you will find information about our upcoming speakers and workshops and that

Allan Levy is of-fering free Tech Support before the meeting on W e d n e s d a y . Please be sure to read Barbara Hug’s article about Genealogy

on Page 4, as well as some tips from Ralph Larsson’s archives which should be of great help and interest to you! Do you have questions about online piracy? Perhaps the article on Pages 5-6 can give you a better insight. Also on Page 6 is an article on drones. They are here to stay and businesses are onboard with this technology. Page 7 features an article entitled “How to Connect a Laptop PC or a Tablet to an iPhone Personal Hotspot”. If you would like to see more articles and how-to’s for Apple devices, please let us know! On Pages 8 and 9 you will find information about the Club along with the Club calendar and Club Benefits. Don’t for-get to check the Club calendar on our website!

F e a t u r e s Is It Piracy…? 5

Drones Future of Business 6

Connect Laptop to iPhone 7

Club Info 6

Calendar / Benefits 7

Modeling the Universe

on Your PC

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A s 2018 comes to an end, we look back to a successful year for the Computer Booters Club. We have had very informative speakers at our meetings to help stay us informed of the progress of technology in the many devices that we use.

Have you noticed the many advertisements about the various systems that provide security for your home when you are present or on the road? Also there is any number of information assistants at your command. If you don’t already have Alexa, or a similar device in your home, there may be one in your future that will give you the time, the weather and play your favorite songs at your request?

Our Club continues to offer Workshops that help you hone your skills in work-ing with various software packages as Word, Excel, Genealogy, and Pho-toshop Elements, to name just a few. Likewise, Microsoft Store, at the Chan-dler Fashion Mall, has graciously offered to open early once a month to provide a class in using Microsoft software.

There are many opportunities to learn more in the area of computers and corresponding devices. If you want to learn more about your latest device, come and join Computer Boot-ers Club and share with its members. It is enlightening while having fun using your latest gift.

Have a very happy New Year,

Janet E. Quade, President

C l u b N e w s

From the President

by Janet Quade, PRESIDENT

Modeling the Universe on your PC by Ralph Larsson, VICE-PRESIDENT / PROGRAM DIRECTOR

A Minimalist View of the Universe…

The universe is a collection of objects moving about in space. A computer simulation of this idea will be presented. The computer has given us some new insights into our world. Some of these will be discussed by presenting a super simplistic simulation of the universe. Topics such as chaotic behavior, and the "butterfly effect," will be explained and demonstrated.

Ted Berenyi is a retired Mathematician and a member of the Computer Booters Club. (B.S. in Math from Iowa State & M.S. in Math from University of Iowa)

He spent most of his career at the John Deere corporation in Iowa and Illinois, doing engi-neering related research and software development. Areas of expertise: mechanical model-ing, computer graphics, computational geometry.

He has developed software for displaying 3D animation of machine simulations before such things became generally available and worked on applying this technology to virtual reality problems. He has also developed software for applying GPS technology to agriculture.

Since moving to Arizona, he has continued working as a part time consultant.

Ted is a member of our club and uses his personal computer for more than just eMail and Web Surfing. He will discuss and demonstrate his hobby where he programs his comput-er to model the Physics of our lives. (Sir Isaac Newton would be proud!)

Ted Berenyi (Club Member)

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C l u b N e w s

Date Speaker Topic

Jan 2 Ted Berenyi (Club Member) Modeling the Universe on your PC

Feb 6 Judy Taylour (APCUG) Utility Apps (Webinar)

Allan Levy, Technical Director continues to offer free technical support at the start of the regular meeting from 6:00-6:30 PM in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club.

Jan 11

Jan 18

Fri 9:00 am Genealogy The Modern Way

Barbara Hug

Ceramics Room

Cottonwood Country Club

Jan 14 Mon 8:30 am One Note—Part 1

Microsoft Staff

Microsoft Store

Chandler Fashion Center

Jan 23

Jan 30

Wed 6:30 pm Excel Part I

Teri Bitler

Ceramics Room

Cottonwood Country Club

Feb 20

Feb 27

Wed 6:30 pm Excel Part II

Teri Bitler

Ceramics Room

Cottonwood Country Club

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F e a t u r e

Genealogy the Modern Way by Barbara Lane Hug, SECRETARY

G enealogy has changed so much from when I first started back in the 1970’s. I wrote to churches

over seas and waited for weeks to get a letter back telling me who my ancestors were. I used to go to the historical and genealogical libraries and spend hours searching line by line to find my relatives in the cen-sus. I used to have dozens of notebooks and lots of paper on each family. Now I just search or and get the information in minutes and record it in my genealogy software.

The class that meets on the first two Friday mornings, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the Ceramics Room of Cotton-

wood, is an opportunity to learn more about doing genealogy on the Internet. In January I covered gen-eral cautions when using the Inter-net and searching

On January 11th, I’ll present information on down-loading and using “Legacy Family Tree Genealogy Software,” a free or inexpensive record keeping pro-gram and on the 18th, “Searching Census Records.”

Please sign up if you plan to attend so we know how many seats to set up. Thanks.

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F e a t u r e

Is It Piracy When They Steal From You? by Jim Canfield, January 3, 2018

It seems ironic that every soft-ware company out there cries about “Software Piracy” and then turns around and steals your personal data. I know that some companies claim trans-parency but in truth, simple acts like signing your smartphone contract give them access to your personal data. In a recent article published by Ashampoo, they were sur-prised that Microsoft Windows was not the biggest collector of

your personal data but rather Microsoft Office, Particular-ly the newest versions. Exactly what data is taken is hard to determine because it is all encrypted. The Dutch Government has currently initiated an inves-tigation into the data collection procedures by Microsoft Office and published a report. Right after their report, Microsoft released its data collection policy. The EU has been very aggressive in defending the Priva-cy laws of their individuals. I believe this helps all of us even though the US lags behind. My one bone of conten-tion is they only seem to sue the big boys like Google, Microsoft, Facebooks, etc. That obviously provides a big-ger payday for them. I have yet to hear of them going after any company that has an annual income of less than billions. Exactly Who Is Collecting Data The simple answer is just about everyone. Even privacy-conscious Apple admits to collecting data on users and according to one security firm’s report, over 24,000 Apple Apps collect personal data. We all know that Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft do it. Even Linux users are no longer immune. Canonical had decided that it will include data collection tools in the Ubuntu 18.04 installer. As far as phone and computer Apps, let’s face it, we have all seen the list of what an App is going to collect and click on “OK” anyway. An example is “Norton Safe Web”. If you look at the permissions you agree to, it can make you question their reasons:

On the surface, it appears very intrusive. But is it? Frank-ly, it is up to the user to decide to either accept or not use the App. I don’t believe they are using this information in a bad way, but honestly, that is just an assumption. I don’t really know. Right now, there appears to be a certain degree of awareness and fear in individuals in just what data is being collected and used against them. In reading the Ashampoo article, it does appear to steer you towards fear rather than explain how we are affected. So, what exactly do we have to fear? I really don’t be-lieve that the major players out there are gathering “dirt” to harm us. I am not so sure about the smaller compa-nies. I have no doubt that data collection is profitable and that is why it is done and not to gather private infor-mation for some nefarious reason. One major problem is that regardless of the purity of the reason to collect the data, it can be stolen. That is why a certain amount of security and responsibility must be in place before a company should be allowed to collect personal data. Orwellian Fears Any data that is collected and compiled in an anony-mous way is harmless to us and helpful and profitable to software manufacturers. However, if anyone is collecting my personal data, I want much more transparency on the “what and why” part. Data that just puts you in brackets, like age, salary range, sex, and product pur-chases are harmless, and I don’t mind them collecting that. However, I am more concerned about how they use it. If the following basic rules are used, I don’t see the harm: • First of all, they should make you aware that they

are collecting it • Secondly, any data collected should not be associat-

ed with an individual • If they use it to improve their product or even in-

crease their profit, we should benefit somehow • Finally, firm laws should be made to prevent them

from using it against us I understand the exception to this is that some govern-ments demand companies maintain records for a period of time. Reasons like terrorists sending messages through social media, Russia and other countries flood-ing our sites with propaganda, and true hate-related crimes are all good reasons for that. Even that data should only be obtainable through legal warrants. ➔

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F e a t u r e

Is It Piracy When They Steal From You? (continued)

Pushing Back When we try to push back then the more pop-ups we have to endure. Who has not seen the following lines on a webpage? • By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the

storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navi-gation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts

• This site would like to send you notifications • This site uses Cookies (OK, Got It)

Summary I have very mixed feelings about data collection. In most cases, I really don’t care. I know I haven’t done anything wrong and don’t mind honest data-mining tactics used by companies. Obviously, I am assuming they are taking steps to secure the data from being stolen and that they are encrypting the data so that, if stolen, it can’t be used by others.

I do not approve of any data mining that collects personal data other than what is necessary for transactions with a company. It should only be stored for a reasonable time. In no instance should they be allowed to sell it. Mining data just to turn around and sell that data to some-one else should not be allowed unless it is just raw analyt-ics that does not contain names or ways to identify some-one. Accessed at: About The Author My interest in computers was a natural transition from all things electronics. I was hooked after building my first Heathkit com-puter around 1976, which evolved into a TSR80 and a long list of Windows computers. My first full blown program was a graphics program which started my career path in graphic de-sign and IT work for 40 years. I now run a small computer repair and service company focused on helping veterans and retirees in our area with computer and software training classes.

7 Reasons Why Drones are the Future of

Business by Jeremy Goldman, Founder and CEO, Firebrand Group #1: Drones won't necessarily be bad for employment pro-spects. Some jobs might go away, but they may be replaced by bet-ter jobs. McNeal uses the example of the individual whose job it is to grab random spot samples of water to look for envi-ronmental contaminants. Drones will be able to gather far more data points than that human, so lower-level jobs like this will likely be replaced by many more analytical roles. You might even have some of those jobs replaced by people actu-ally trying to do things to mitigate against that environmental harm. And, that's probably a good thing. #2: Military drones are really just a fraction of the overall drone market. The commercial and civilian drone market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth (CAGR) rate of 19% be-tween 2015 and 2020. That dwarfs the CAGR of 5% for mili-tary drones. #3: Seven million drones may be in the skies by 2020. An FAA 2016-2036 drone forecast predicted that we will have about 7 million drones in the air by 2020. The FAA pre-dicts that by 2020, commercial drone sales alone will reach 2.7 million. To put that number into perspective, it's estimat-ed that there are between 23,600 and 39,000 planes in the

world today. #4: The global commercial drone market will reach $17 billion by 2024. Right now, the most visible commercial application for drones has to be their use in photography and video. But, as a report from Global Market Insights highlights, drones are increasingly being used in sectors such as agriculture, con-struction, real estate, media, and delivery - just look at Ama-zon's proposed drone delivery service. #5: Drones will save lives. There are all sorts of mundane activities such as roof inspec-tions that can be done more cheaply or more safety with a drone. At this very moment, you have people inspecting tiles or shingles on roofs, and every year, about 50 roofers are killed on the job, with countless more injured. Today, AirMap works with companies like Kespry to get a drone up in the air, and in a few minutes can get the same information it would take a human 45 minutes to get. Of course, not only is this done quicker, but it's completed without jeopardiz-ing someone's life. #6: Less than 1 in 100 drones will be a delivery drone. Drones delivering our packages are what most consumers

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F e a t u r e

How to Connect a Laptop PC or a Tablet to

an iPhone Personal Hotspot by David Kretchmar

Computer Hardware Technician, Sun City Summerlin Computer Club, NV An APCUG Article

M ost smart cellphones can connect to the Internet wherever they can find a 3G or 4G signal, but most

PCs and tablets need a Wi-Fi connection to get online. Some tablets do have 3G and 4G connectivity, but those cost extra and aren't that common. As a result, users with smartphones can usually get online in places other device users are stuck offline.

This article discusses a technique for using your iPhone as a personal hotspot, allowing your PC to connect to the Inter-net. My personal experience relates specifically to the iPh-one, but similar techniques are applicable to most other 3G or 4G Android cell phones. I only have an iPhone to play with, and a Windows 10 laptop PC to connect, so my experi-mentation was limited to these devices.

On the iPhone You need to set a Wi-Fi password in order to set up a Per-sonal Hotspot. To create the Wi-Fi password, go to Settings > Cellular > Personal Hotspot, then tap the Wi-Fi pass-word. Choose a Wi-Fi password that's at least eight characters long and use ASCII characters. ASCII characters include all the letters in English, both lowercase and uppercase and the digits 0 through 9. Many punctuation marks are ASCII, but most people avoid them in passwords.

Turn on Wi-Fi and Personal Hotspot on your iPhone, if it's not on already. You can do this through Control Center or the Settings app. Tap Settings Tap Wi-Fi Now go to Settings > Cellular Tap Personal Hotspot, and then tap the slide button to turn it on. Note that the password you established now shows.

If you don't see the option for Personal Hotspot, contact your

carrier to make sure you can use Personal Hotspot with your plan.

On the PC or other device you want to get online

Click on the wireless icon; on a Windows 10 PC this will appear near the right side of the Taskbar. This will reveal the wireless networks available. In this example I saw the name I assigned to my iPhone, “David’s iPhone.” Click on your network and enter the network password. It’s that easy!

When you connect a device to your iPhone Personal Hotspot, the status bar turns blue and shows how many devices have joined.

The number of devices that can join your Personal Hotspot at one time depends on your carrier and iPhone model. If other devices have joined your Personal Hotspot using Wi-Fi, you can use only cellular data to connect to the Internet from the iPhone host.

Naturally, cellular data usage and possible charges (if you exceed your plan limit) will apply when you use your iPhone to connect any device to the Internet.

think about when they think of commercial drones, but in reality, they will be few and far between. Gartner pre-dicts that by 2020, less than one percent of all commercial drones will be used for deliveries. Gerald Van Hoy, a senior research analyst at Garner, believes that "delivery drones will begin finding a niche in business-to-business applica-tions first, particularly for internal services within one com-pany where logistics will not be such a big factor." #7: Drone technology is more "advanced" than drone regula-tions. Aviation is one of the most heavily regulates industries, with makes it difficult to disrupt in the way that startups are used to doing. A company with the typical Silicon Valley mentali-

ty might believe that if you "develop the solution, and you show to people, the wisdom of your idea and your solution is going to win them over, and that's just simply not how government works, or how heavily regulated industries work," explains McNeal. "You really need to have an ap-proach to heavily regulated industries that allows you to recognize the constraints that the government faces even if they want to work with you as well as the timeline limita-tions on your ability to enter the market. With drones, it's not only the federal government, but there are also state and local government that are involved." Accessed at:

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C l u b I n f o r m a t i o n


The COMPUTER BOOTERS OF SUN LAKES is an organization established to aid per-sonal computer users in achieving maximum results from their home or small business computer. This newsletter is published monthly from January through January by the COMPUTER BOOTERS. It is not connected with any com-mercial or private business. The information contained in this newsletter is be-lieved to be correct and accurate. However, the COMPUTER BOOTERS assume no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. Any information used from these articles is at the user’s risk. The COMPUTER BOOTERS meet the first Tuesday of each month, except in June, July and August. We meet at 6:00 PM in the Navajo Room of Sun Lakes One Country Club, south of Riggs Road on Sun Lakes Blvd. Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 PM at Sun Lakes One. If you have any questions about membership, please contact Sue Bart, Mem-bership Director, at [email protected].. Other computer user groups have our permission to use the articles written by our members as long as credit is given to the author and source, and notice is sent to:

[email protected]

Member of














Janet Quade

Ralph Larsson

Barbara Hug

Howard Winkle

Patricia Hill

Patricia Hill



Sue Bart

Teri Bitler


Allan Levy


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

6:00 PM Cookies & Coffee / Free Tech Support Offered 6:30 PM Regular Meeting Start Time Navajo Room, Sun Lakes Country Club

Guest Presenter

Ted Berenyi Modeling the Universe on Your PC


2019 GENERAL MEETING DATES Navajo Room, Sun Lakes Country Club

January 2 April 3

February 6 May 1

March 6

Monthly meetings from September through May with presen-tations by club members and computer professionals on top-ics of interest. Each member and guest receives a free ticket for the door prize drawing at the end of the meeting. ➢ Workshops; these are separate from the general meeting. ➢ Newsletter with club news, articles, and product re-

views ➢ Website with club information, monthly program sched-

ule, recommended programs to download, and various member services

➢ Help from other members with your computer questions ➢ Vendor discounts

Clean Up Your PC Computer Components

Google Microsoft Excel

Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word

PC Basics Photoshop Elements

ProShow Gold Quicken Skype

Turbo Tax Welcome to Tablets

Windows 10

Top Related