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  • 8/2/2019 The Cold War Notes


    The Cold War

    The Peace Treaties (End of WWII)

    London ConferenceSeptember 1945o Agree upon the Bill of rights

    To be attached to each of the treaties which the axis powers will be made to sign

    Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania, Finlando Many disputes also arise about the procedural issues

    Second meeting is held in ParisApril 1946o Biggest dispute is over the border territory of Yugoslavia and ItalyTrieste

    Occupied by Yugoslav forcesBritish believe it should be returned to Italy National self determinationand the Americans and British are afraid of the

    rise of communismo Italian colonies should they be allowed to keep them??o Reparations!! Stalin is demanding reparations and insists that Roosevelt promised

    reparations at the meeting at Yalta Soviet Union wants new production as well as what they are taking from East

    Germanyo The Danube Riverencompasses many countries in Eastern Europe

    Used for navigation and industrial purposes British and the Americans want to have it made an international water way but

    the river flows through many of the states which belong to the Soviet Unionso Allowing elections in the newly created statesdemocratic states want there to be

    multiparty elections while the Soviet Union wants single party electionso Spain was the other Fascist powerthe Soviets want fascism to be destroyed Soviets

    want fascism to be destroyed not ever going to happen because the British andAmericans will not attack Spain because they were not initially part of the war

    Paris meeting re-convenes in Juneo Solution to the Trieste Problem

    Made a free state to be governed by the United Nations The Soviets agree but the Yugoslav government doesnt agree and they occupy

    Triesteo Italy is required to give up its colonies

    JulyOctober 1946 Meeting of 21 nationso Get nothing done except discuss procedural issues

    NovemberDecember 1946 New Yorko They draw up the outlines for the peace treatieso The Paris Peace Treaties of 1947o Italy

    Give up all African colonies Pay some reparations - 360 million

    Mostly paid in existing materials Trieste is eventually divided between Yugoslavia and Italy

    o All the other axis powersHungary, Bulgaria, Finland, and Rumania have to payreparations

    Finland300 million to the Soviet Union Borders are decided by the Soviet Union

    Soviet borders are placed upon Polando San Franciscotreaty signed when Japan becomes a democracy (4 years later)o Also a treaty is signed with Austria

    Austria is reinstated as a free country with a self governing governmentThe United Nations:

    April 1945San Franciscoo 46 countries meet and create the charter of the UNo derived from the Atlantic charter

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    o they are supposed to foster democratic principles of freedomo most important part is the Security Council

    Britain, France, United States, China, Russia They have the power of Veto over anything and anyone

    They deal exclusively deal with military and political issues Any decision which is made that is binding upon all members (only applied with

    economic sanctions)The Origins of the Cold War

    There was fear that there would be fanatical Nazis coming out of the woods to attacko There was no one that resisted

    The economic system in Germany has become to a standstill after the war due to the fire bombingsby the allies

    o Infrastructure has been destroyed The people from the concentration camps are roaming at large nowit is estimated that there are

    about 10 million displaced peoples there

    There are 2 million prisoners of war (the allies)o The processing of these individuals will be done as quickly as possible

    There are 2 million members of the German armed forces who are unable to function because theyhave serious injuries and disabilities

    3 million have been killed in Germany in the War

    there are millions of people fleeing the Soviet Union Germany is divided into 4 occupation zonesBerlin is as well The 5 Ds

    o Demilitarizationo Denatzificationanything associated with the Nazis is so be destroyed, removed, or

    made illegal Nazi philosophy is to be removed from the world Nuremberg War Crimes Trials

    Chosen because it was where the Nazis held their summer rallies Illegal combatants were to be tried by a military tribunal

    Military Combatants You are not allowed to shoot a soldier once they surrender Not allowed to shoot prisoners

    Crimes against peace and crimes against humanity Most famous trials22 Goering Bormantried in abstention Hess Ribbentrop Speer Radeer Dnitz

    Some of them are given trained professional lawyers Of the 22 twelve are condemned to death: Goering, Borman, Ribbentrop Three of the 22 are acquitted Others are given life imprisonment: Hess Speer is given a 20 year sentence

    Believed to be because he admits guilt Dnitz only gets a 10 year sentence Simultaneously they declare all Nazi organizations illegal They are not sent to a regular jailsent to a special prison called Spandau on

    the out skirts of Berlin: it is a Military jail and the guards rotate between thecountries of occupation

    Speer is released after 20 years and becomes a famous author

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    Hess is the last prisoner in the jailapprox. for the last 10 years of his life theonly prisoner in the Jail the prison is torn down after he dies

    o De-industrialization In the Soviet sector it essentially takes place In the British and French sectors

    o Decentralization There is no central government Economically it is to be decentralized as well

    Americans go after the big companiesKrupo They wanted to break up large companieso Takes place in the American zone

    The Soviets break up their industries because they are opposed tocapitalism

    Landerlocal governments Permitted to elect a diet (parliament) Therefore there are 4 dietsone for each zone Attempt to re introduce democracy Elections take place in 1946 and 1947

    The State of Prussia was abolished

    in the Soviet sector only the communist party is allowed to run In the Western Zones they let the democratically incentive parties from beforeHitler to reform

    the Social democrats and the Christian democratso Democratization

    the creation of a democracy within Germany May 1946 Americans stop all shipments of new materials to the Soviet Sector

    o The American s and British decide to connect their sectors economically Press nicknames it Bizonia

    Molotov accuses the allies of failing demilitarization and Denatzificationo Accuses them of protecting war criminals

    Meet periodically throughout 1947 about the reparations crisis There is great space growing between the Soviet and the Americans


    Europe Recovery Program Winston Churchill is on a speaking tour across the United States

    o He makes reference to the idea that an iron curtain is falling between eastern Europe andWestern Europe

    Between communism and democracy Communism maybe attempting to take over the world Russia has the Truman Doctrine significant shift in American Policy

    o View themselves as the leader of the free worldo Assist other nations to remain free or to become freeo Help economically and politically

    The Marshall Plano Requests financial aid for the Greece and Turkey

    Requests $400 million to assist their freedomprotect themselves fromcommunist parties and ideals

    o They want the European countries to work together along with the aid which is beingprovided

    o Denounced by Molotov as an attempt to seize control of the European markets March 194716 countries

    o From these 16 countries the CEECCommittee of European Economic Cooperationo American government and economists believe that high tariffs are the reason for the great

    depressiono Are encouraged to reduce tariffs to allow goods to pass easily between the countries and

    the Unites States

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    February 1948Czechoslovakiao Becomes a true communist state over night

    All other parties are eliminated and leaders are arrested This causes the American congress to pass the legislation

    o 5 billion was on loan to the European countries in the first year of the Marshall plano no countries with the threat of communism in their borders were to receive any aid at all

    The ECCE becomes the OEEC to administer the plan

    The recovery of Europe took up until 1952 Robert Schumann proposes a further agreement between French and West Germany

    o Concerning coal (France) and steel (Germany)o The Schumann plano Expanded to 4 other countries becomes the European Coal and Steel community

    Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg the Benelux nations!!o 1955 ECSE

    agreement comes into place which allows tariffs to be removed on productsbeing moved through out the 6 countries

    o EEC is created ( European Economic Community) Common tariffs are placed upon all goods entering or leaving the six countries

    o Parliament of Europe located in Strasbourg Make decisions which are common issues

    o Britain wants to join the Common Market It is blocked from joining by France Charles DeGaul

    A second trade union is formed EFTAo European Free Trade Associationo Common market expands

    Turkey, Greece and Malta are permitted to join in the 1960so Britain joins in 1973

    This is the end of the European free trade associationo Ireland joins , Denmark joins

    1992 European members of the EEC decided to rename themselveso The European Uniono The Maastricht treaty is signed to create the European Uniono Make up of 25 memberso Agreed to have a common currency 1999o Worlds largest trading block

    Surpassed the US at production February 1948 United States met with Britain and France

    o Treaty of BrusselsMarch 1948 Britain France and the Benelux nations It calls for cooperationpolitical, military, and economic They are protecting themselves if Germany ever decides to attacks

    o Soviets view the Brussels treaty as a military alliance against the Soviet Union The proceed to walk out of meeting concerning Germany from this point on

    o Allow Germany to accept aid from the ERPo New currency, three western zones are combined trizoniao Re financing the growth of Germanyo Soviets take very strong measuresthey blockade Berlin to prevent the movement of

    people and material to Western GermanyJanuary 1948 Stalin is trying to react to the treaty of Brussels He wants to take the entire city of Berlin Stalin wants to test the allies to see how far they will go to defend their

    possessions in Berlin Brinkmanship push the enemy to the edge The Berlin Air Lift

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    Allies begin to airlift goods into Western Berlin to provide for theirtroops

    This could be seen as trespassing on the Soviet sector The Soviets dont shoot down any planes A Soviet plane flies into a carrier Americans state that they are sending 60 b29 bombers to England with

    atomic bombs It is agreed by the members of the Brussels that Germany will be allowed to

    have its own government

    Meet in Bonn Germany to write the constitutiono Completed in May 1949

    Creation of the Federal Republic of Germanyusually referred to asWest Germany

    Bi-cameral parliamentary systemo Bundestag, Bundesrat

    First elections are held in August 1949 The Christian Democrats won

    o Led by Conrad Adenauerfirst leader of the new Germany Coalition governments because it is representation by population

    The Soviet Zone1949o Elections for the peoples congresso Bi-cameral system is createdo Constitution is written to apply to all of Germanyo German Democratic Republic - commonly known as East Germany

    Communist party wins the election Party SecretaryWalter Ulbricht

    o East Germany is rearmed.thought they are all Soviet officers o Take on the attributes of the Soviet Union

    Police force is created (the Peoples Police) The Brussels Treaty is redirected to be against the Soviet Union 1948The Brussels Powers agree to the agreement of the European assembly

    o regular meetings of the foreign ministerso

    Americans are attempting to create a military alliance Discussions are underway April 1949 North Atlantic Pact (NATO)

    o Signed by the Brussels nations Americans Canadians, France, Britain, and Benelux nations

    o Includes most other countries in Western Europe except for Icelando 1951 Greece and Turkey are allowed to Joino Should West Germany be allowed to join???

    Americans advocate this because if the soviets attack it will be useful to haveWest Germany armed

    o 1954 Americans put pressure on France to allow the Germans to Join ino Location of NATO head quartersParis (SHAPESupreme Head Quarters of Allied

    Power in Europe) Its now in Brussels

    o Commander for NATO Eisenhowero Coordination of forces and joint use of military bases and armso Conscription in Germany begins in 1956o Occupation of West Germany ends in 1955

    East Germanyo Growing disturbances concerning how they see that West Germany is being rebuilt and is

    wealthy while Eastern Germany is dirt pooro Floods of refugees from Eastern Germany move to Western Germany

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    Federal German Republic give the refugees a citizenship, help them findjobs, provide housing, and financial support

    o 1953 300,000 refugees moveo there are increasing demonstrations against the Soviet occupation

    the Soviets retaliate with severe consequences25000 people were arrested inBerlin alone

    Soviet Response to NATOo The Warsaw Pact signed in May 1955

    It does not include Yugoslavia!!The Berlin Crisis of 1958

    Khrushchevo Wants to force out allied powerso Policy of Brinkmanship

    Series of crisiso Public demand in November 1958

    Access to city will be controlled by Soviet government*dont take action but he threatens it!

    The Americans are in the middle of an arms raceo Is Khrushchev ready to go to war??????

    Not reallybut he likes to play it upo Americans are flying planes of the Soviet Union

    Called U-2s They have a terrific advantage cause of this

    o Khrushchev meets with Eisenhower in the States He praises them for Disney land and is friendly He was the first Russian president to visit the States

    o Khrushchev visits the United Nations He denounces America Khrushchev bangs his shoe on the table and denounces the states

    We will bury you America! statement is about the economy the press takes it out of context and obscures it

    Dtente lessening of tensiono There is a dtente when Khrushchev comes to powero In 1958 everything deteriorates Khrushchev initiates this

    Meetings take place between the states and the soviet uniono Nothing is resolved and nothing happens

    Kennedy comes to power in 1961o He meets in Vienna with Khrushchev

    They challenge each othero Kennedy goes to Berlin and declares his support for the Western Berliners

    The Building of the Berlino Reality of what Churchill calls the Iron Curtaino Resolves the refugee problemo Policy becomes shoot first ask question later

    Advantageous for the Americans.the oppression of the East German peoples Willi Brandt 1971

    o Begins to negotiate with the East German Governmento Western allies Western zones of Berlin will not be part of West Germany

    This is so that communications between East Germany and West Germany willnot be blocked

    1972 Berlin Treatyo agreement that Germany will never be one country and that the two governments will

    recognize eacho Brandt receives the Nobel Peace Prize for this

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    OstpolitikBrandts policies (name of them!) Austria:

    o Divided into four occupation zoneso Occupation ends in 1955o Becomes a neutral state

    The Korean War

    *June 25


    1950 150 tanks cross the border between North Korea and South Korea Korea is a Japanese Colony

    o The Russians invade Korea and Manchuriao South Korea

    Theoretically democratic government Led my Syngman Rhee

    1949 China has fallen to Communismo deeply alarms the Americanso Chiay Kai-shek they loose and he flees to the Island of Formosa (now Taiwan)

    The nationalist Chinese are recognized by the Americanso Red Chinapermitted into the Security council in place of the nationalist Chinese

    The Americans veto this!o The nationalist Chinese are the representatives of all of China

    1949 Soviets exploded their first atomic bombo growing belief that the Soviets are spying on the Americanso belief that they had infiltrated the Manhattan Projecto there were Americans giving secrets to the Russiansthere are traitors in their midst

    Senate organizes a committee on un-American activitieso Headed by Joe McCarthy

    The republican party goes after Truman for being soft on communismo 1952 seeking reelection

    Arbitrary decision to divide Korea in two 38th parallel Truman must show that he is against communism

    o Realized that North Korea crossing the border is not just a border raid but a full scaleinvasion

    o Stalin is supporting North Koreao North Koreans fight Americans with essentially the same planes (both have the same

    planes from the German fighters)the pilots for the North Koreans are Soviet soldierso The North Koreans are using the T-34 (the Russian tanks)o In all probability the Soviet Union is behind all of this

    The Americans are going to go through the UNo Trygevliehead of the UNo Soviets stay out of the UN (boycotting the security council because the Americans are

    refusing to let the Red Chinese in)o Americans request an emergency meeting of the Security Councilo Yugoslavia abstains from the voteo UN will render assistance for a cease fire along the 38th parallelo Americans have military forces in South Korea

    Though they do have significant forces in Japan and the Philippines a dozen divisions are in Japan

    o South Korea has no significant military They have no planes or tanks .

    o North Korea has a significant advantage hereo Americans are supporting the South Koreanso The Americans gain air superiority because the Soviets pull their planes out in order to

    keep their involvement secreto McArthur becomes Commander and Chiefeventually becomes commander of the

    UN forces

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    His view point is opposite of Trumanso June 28th3 days after the initial invasion Seoul has fallen to North Korean forces

    McArthur requests the movement of two division to attempt to stop the NorthKoreans at Han River

    Truman says no He eventually agrees to commit four division

    They are sent from Japan Australia commits troops, as does Canada and Britain

    Commander and Chief of UN troops is McArthur Truman orders a blockade of all ports McArthur is given permission to bomb targets above the 38th parallel The situation begins to deteriorate as the North Koreans further their advance

    down the South Korean peninsula

    The UN forces cant stop them There are not significant forces and they dont use tactics very well Like when the British fought the Japanese the North Koreans just go

    around the UN forces on the roads Taegucity along the border Pusanis the last significant port which the UN forces have command of

    o Americans are planning a behind enemy lines attack Inchon Area they chose for the landings have some geographical disadvantages There are extreme tides (between 20 to 30 feet a day)

    Gives them approx. 3 hours to make landings a day Woumiwalls that are 12 feet high (they are sea water breakers)

    Only one way to get to the main land Everything is dependant on speed and surprise Truman gives approval to the plan

    o Operation Chromite!! Forces leave Japan carrying 70,000 men Attack begins on the September 15 th Goes according to plan

    They land on Woumi and cross the bridge into Inchon September 16thNorth Koreans withdraw their forces from Inchon they begin to move towards Seoul North Korean forces begin a massive withdrawal of South Korea With in two months of Inchon the North Koreans are retreating back across the

    38th parallelo September 27th

    Truman makes the decision to follow the North Korean across the border in anattempt to reunite the country

    Truman is very cautious of the Chinese and Russian borders or to bomb anycities near these borders

    Won Sansecond beach landing to capture Results in the capture of Pyongyang (the North Korean capital)

    McArthur and Truman meet on Wake IslandOctober 15th, 1950 Truman doesnt want to enlarge the war or involve any Chinese forces Border is the Yalu River

    o They do not want to infuriate the Chinese McArthur disobeys the orders and bombs the bridges and advances to

    the Yalu river

    November 25th, 1950 massed numbers of Chinese forces cross theYalu river at various points

    o UN forces are forced to retreat from their positionso They are forced into Withdrawal from North Korea passed


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    **the situation has completely reversed its self**

    They are forced to abandon Seoul and the North Koreans capture the capital again McArthur begins to make public statements before he is fired by Truman

    o Truman does not refer to it as a war he calls it a policing actiono Truman publicly fires McArthur

    He returns to the states and the republican party turns against him

    There is now a stale mate along the 38


    parallelo Continues on for two yearsthe American people are tired of the Korean war by

    1952 and believe that they should bring the troops home

    in truth they can not achieve a military victory without sending increasing numbers to overpower the North Koreans

    Big question becomes should they use the atomic bomb??o Russia has themwill they retaliate?

    Beginnings of negotiations July 1951o There are arguments about the seating arrangements of the meetingso Americans would not negotiate because they had to look up to the Chinese and the

    North Koreans as they are on tiered levels

    Democrats had held office for 20 years in the Stateso Truman retires at the end of his term in 1951o

    Eisenhower takes his place and the republican party takes office There is a cease fire agreed upon on the 38th parallelthe war never officially ends ever

    The Vietnam War

    An extremely long war! about 30 years Vietnamwas part of French Indo China, and was invaded by the Japanese during the second

    world war

    Ho Chi Minh wants independence for Vietnamo Hes a communisto Seen more as a threat as a communist than a nationalist

    They are afraid that communism will spread through out all of South Each china The French receive the area back after the second world war Viet Minh communist army

    o Giap leads the armyinitiates an insurgency against the French The French underestimate Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh armyo Bao Daigiven the support of the French and becomes the head of the Vietnamese


    1946Haiphongo they were smuggling artillery into the harbor and when the French capture a ship and

    bring it into the harbor the Viet Minh fire on the French from the lando 12 French soldiers die

    ValluyFrench commandero Demands that the Viet Minh withdraw from Haiphong

    They refuse to withdrawo He orders a French cruiser to open fire on the city

    6,000 people are killedo this is a very heavy handed measure to take out on a city

    Reaction takes place about a month later

    really the start of the Vietnam warDecember 19th, 1946

    Guerilla measures from the Viet Minh intensify French civilians come under increasing fire

    o They killed 500 Hasnt drawn much attention outside of Vietnam and France yet 1947 The objective of the French is to clear the cities of the Viet Minh

    o They are pushed back into the mountains The French are hostile to the civilians and there is more support for Ho Chi Minh

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    French initiate new weapons to remove the Viet Minh from the country sideso They use Napalmo General Lattre commander of the French forces in Commando Concerned with protecting the northern Rubber plantations and the entire business

    structure which is being attackedo Lattre dies of cancer

    Americans begin to take interest in Vietnam

    o Concerned that this is another attempt by the communistso They assist the French financially

    New French Commander Henri Navarreo Want to establish a French outpost

    AtDien Bien Phuo Navarre under estimates the Viet Minh

    March 13th 1954o Giap attacks Dien Bien Phu

    They drag Chinese artillery down the mountains in to Dien Bien Phuo Not long after the French at Dien Bien Phu are completely cut off from everything

    The Viet Minh have brought in anti-aircraft guns too!!o Giap begins a massive assault on Dien Bien Phu on May 1st and it falls on May 7th

    French make an announcement that they are going to withdraw and an international conference isheld

    o French Indo-China is to be separated into 4 countries Laos Cambodia Vietnam

    Divided at the 17th parallel Ngo Dinh Diemleader of the democratically elected government in

    the south

    The north is communist There are elections to be held in 1956 to reunite Vietnam

    o Americans organize SEATO Americans, French, British, Australians, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand,

    Pakistano Ho Chi Minh

    He is exporting drugs to the states and is extremely corrupt he is extremely oppressive of traditional Vietnamese culture Buddhist Monks are being oppressed and demonstrate against Diems

    governmento Viet Congguerilla forces sent from Northern Vietnam into the south to provoke a

    revolutiono South Vietnamese Army November 11th 1960attempt to assassinate Diem and

    replace him with a military government CIA is aware of this but do not warn Diem It fails because Diem has loyal followers in the Army

    January 1961 Kennedy takes officeo States that he will do anything to stop the spread of communismo Challengers the Soviet Union publicly in every way possibleo Kennedy increases the amount of forces in Vietnam

    Begin to go out on search and destroy missionso Needed to create safe areas in south Vietnam to protect civilianso Viet Conghave gained considerable support of the population and the Vietnamese

    government has lost control of the Northern part of Southern Vietnameseo The government removes people from the country side and places them into safe

    havens the people deeply resent this!

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    o Some of the people they re moving into the safe havens are part of the Viet Cong, andthis causes more resentment towards the Vietnamese government

    o Everything that they leave behind is burned to the ground using Napalmo The American public are not aware of the deteriorating situation in Vietnamo They must made a stand in Vietnam because of the Domino Theory.all South east Asia

    will fall to the communists if all of Vietnam fallso Supplies are being brought in through the Ho Chi Minh trail from Laos

    Kennedy originally decides to go through Laos.but decides against ito Pathetlaohead of the communist party in Laoso November 1stCoup deetat against Diemthis time it is carried outhe and his

    brother are killedo Replaced by a military government led by Kahno U.S. Vietnamese Commander Westmorelando Kennedy is shot 3 weeks laterresults in Lyndon Johnson taking overo Johnsons fall out is the Vietnam war

    He is a Hawkwilling to use military forces He puts a million men into VietnamKennedy only put in 16,000

    Upcoming American Election!!o There is great fear of the Soviet attacko Johnson wins the election easily

    He does virtually nothingo Barry Goldwater believed that the solution to all the problems was to nuke everythingo Johnsonbelieved that they needed the opposite of separation integration!

    The federal government provided money for schools Busing became extremely controversial Nuclear weapons was the other major controversy

    o He wins using a method never used before Television broadcasting and advertising!!


    Tension between the Soviets and Americanso Brinkmanship

    Dulles American secretary of stateo Believes nuclear war will be the rise again of Christo Hes a born against Christian

    **Atmosphere of Paranoia

    Americans fear of communismo If they go to war with a member of the Soviet Bloc they will have a massive retaliation o Info gathering was needed to justify the massive arms build up!

    Meetings took place between the 2 leaderso Khrushchev speaks of a peaceful co-existence

    He is criticized in both the West and the East Comes under fire from his own party for abandoning Marxs principles

    A U2 plane is shot down (Gary Powerss plane) Americans are caught in the middle of a liebecause they previously denied it!

    1957 First satellite is launched into space!! The Soviets launch it!!Sputniko They can put missiles into apace & use them for reconnaissance

    1961 Kennedy claims there is a missile gap and that the Soviet are planning a space station to rainmissiles onto their enemys

    There are misgivings amongst the French about ICBMs and how NATO will reactnuclearwar??

    They are working on ABMs to shoot down missiles DeGaul forces NATO to move its head quarters out of France & into Brussels Kennedy changes the retaliation policy; there wont be immediate use of nuclear weapons

    o There will be a flexible retaliation (meaning not EVERYONE will get fried)

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    The repressive culture in the United States is resulting in a wide spread retaliation of policy and offear

    o The Rejection of American public to the foreign policy!!The Cuban Missile Crisis

    o Culminates in 1962 with the Cuban Missile crisis The Americans had freed the Cubans from the Spanish

    Cuban government is supportive of the Americans and allows them to rentmilitary bases Guantanamo Baymost famous American Base in Cuba

    o Batistathe leader of the Cuban government Allowed American business to operate in Cuba He also allows the Mafia to move into Havanathey can own hotels and pay off

    the government and police with out the FBI watching them like in Las Vegas strike a DEAL with Batista!!

    o The entire sugar industry is owned by the Americans Fidel Castro & Che Guevara two of the most famous Cuban revolutionaries 1959 Castro successfully takes over Cuba and the government

    o he kicks out the Mafia and cleans up the countryo Batista and his followers flee the country to Floridao He nationalizes the Sugar Cane industry and applies to the IMF for money to rebuild his

    country**Americans label him a communist because he nationalized the Sugar Cane industry**

    o Eisenhower places an embargo upon Cubao First its only on the sugar and then it extends to EVERYTHING

    o Castro makes a deal with Khrushchev to trade sugar for armso In the eyes of the world it would be very bad if the Americans attacked Cuba just because

    they didnt like their governmento Americans assume that the Cubans hate Castroplan to use the Cuban exiles to invade

    The plan is in motion when Kennedy comes to power; he can choose to keep it,or throw it out.he goes with it

    o Takes place in 1961 The Bay of Pigs Kennedy calls off the air superiority to look like he is only marginally involved Castro has planes and arms; 3 days after the plan is initiated Castro defeats the

    exilesthe people support Castro not the exileso CIAgiven the task of assassinating Castroo Kennedy his military is drawing up plans to attack Cuba

    o Fear that this is a stepping stone for Communism in Latin America1962: military installations for missiles in Cuba

    o Khrushchevchallenges Kennedy with Cubao Build the installations and hide them with Palm treeskind of dumb

    o They didnt tell Castro they were installing the nuclear weapons in Cubao It would take hour for missiles to reach the united states if they were launched from Russia .it

    would take between 28 minutes to destroy every city on the east coast if they were launchedfrom Cuba

    o Immediate invasion? Should they elevate it to that level? challenge it or do nothing? o Kennedy decides to blockade Cuba; any ships entering the blockade attempting to break through

    will be considered an attack on the U.S.o Soviet subs are to be sunk as wello NoRad defenses are put on alert

    o Planes are sent to their fail safe pointso America goes on full alert!

    o Negotiations between Kennedy and Khrushchev take placeo Kennedy is ready the Guns of August and sees him self making the same mistakes

    o Kennedy destroys Diefenbakers government by accusing him of jeopardizing the safety of NorthAmerica

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    o Khrushchev agrees to pull out of Cuba and sends a second letter requesting the United States pullout of Turkey

    o Kennedy is viewed as the hero!!o He stood up against the communists!

    o Khrushchev is ruined by this.2 years later he is removed from power**Closest point to nuclear war EVER****Weapons now become deterrents**


    Johnson implements the civil rights act! The liberation of blacks.its not supported by the white population of the States


    Concern is greatly focused on civil rightso University educated students are willing to demonstrate and there is a protest movement


    Conscription becomes extremely apparent during the Johnson administrationo The media is disseminating the message of the protest

    The movement is generated by fear, media, conscription, and the civil rightsmovement

    The American Government has not made a formal commitment to military forces in Vietnamo Gulf of Tonkin US navy ship Maddox

    Fired upon by Vietnamese gun ships Believed to be in international waters Considered an act of war

    o August 3rd 1964 both the Maddox and Turner Joy are fired on Provokes the Americans to retaliate They go public with this

    o Tonkin gulf resolution allows Johnson to bomb Vietnam The bombing of North Vietnam cant destroy much industry because there is

    virtually none there.public are not aware of this All of their equipment is coming from China and the USSR

    o The Americans claim that Operation Rolling Thunder will force the North Vietnameseout of the southtakes place over a time period longer than that of the second world

    war.more bombs are dropped on North Vietnam than on Germany during the SecondWorld War

    This all becomes a new focal point for the protests The decision is made to send combat troops to Vietnam

    o Say only 50,000 men are neededprivately spoken about sending 200,000 Johnson is supported by the majority of the populationbut the bombing is an issue! Chemicals manufactured in Canada are being used (agent orange) to destroy the VCs cover in the


    The protest movement begins to grow through the media!o Hugely through music!!!!

    The poverty of the black Americans results in them HAVING to go to war when they wereconscripted!

    o 40% of the American army war blacko there are increasing protests from white university students

    This is what the world sees!!!1967:

    first riots begin to take place in black communitieso overwhelming frustration and increasing violenceo LA, Chicago, Detroit, Jerseyo The message is spreading


    The number of soldiers in Vietnam = 500,000

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    They are now beginning to call up the middle class in increasing numberso People are beginning to question if they really support the war

    Protests against the war begin.principles of morality Reason for existence is being questioned

    o Rejection of purpose of life being self indulgenceo Hippies turn away from conventiono

    Drugs are becoming more apparent Marijuana, heroine, LSD LSD is promoted as a drug which expands your consciousness (not illegal) Rejection of personal appearance by hippies

    They grew their hair long and wore different clotheso Increasing promiscuitymostly in college age women

    Abortion was illegal; contraceptives could not be talked abouto Hippiesmake love not war

    They believed in free love Objections to the war itself and the civil rights in addition to the hippie movement


    Johnson announces he will not seek reelectiono There is a division within his party about the support of the waro

    The most likely candidate for the democrats is Robert Kennedy (JFKs brother) He becomes an advocate for the underprivileged and the minorities of the states He never says he will end the war in Vietnam but says he would take different

    measureso Other candidate McCarthy

    States that he will pull out of Vietnam Khe Sang comes under attack January 31, 1968

    o The VC and North Korean Army go on a serious offensive and strike in many differentplaces on the same day

    o The Tet offensive All live on television (most famous is a VC member being shot in the head by an

    American General)o Violence is now demonstrated on the nightly newso Shows that the American government may be lying about the situation in Vietnamo The VC and North Korean Army loose militarily

    The objections from the American public become greater and they begin to turn against the warThings only get worse

    Robert Kennedy is assassinatedo The hope of the hippie culture is shatteredo Killed by Sirhan Sirhan on his campaign trail

    Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinatedo There is no longer a leader in the black communityo The black panthers take over

    They believe there will be a war against the whites because they cant livetogether

    They are all killed by the 1970s Yippies violent hippies

    o They demonstrate against the democrats at their convention in Chicagoo The large scale riots are countered by the police

    This is promoted by the media.o The image is that Chicago has lost control, the police have lost control, the democrats

    have lost control, and society has lost control

    Around the same time riots take place in Paris and its shut down for a month and in Mexico city2,000 students are wounded or killed by the police during the riots

    Hubert Humphrey becomes president

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    The Americans are committing atrocities in Vietnamo They have established free fire zones (they kill everyone with in that zone)o American soldiers are always on edgethey are taking tons of drugs to get rid of ito Saigon becomes a haven for criminal activity, prostitution, drugs, and alcoholo most infamous atrocityMylai Massacre

    General Calley slaughters 509 people in a village79 of them were children

    This is the atmosphere which is now emerging The up coming election is extremely close.Nixon wins it

    o He argues that the hippies and yippies are out of control and he wants to return law andorder to society

    o He wants to crack down on drugs and alcohol Becomes a mandatory sentence

    o Vietnamization of the war Responsibility of fighting will be given to the South Vietnamese government This comes as a shock to the Vietnamese government Ties (leader) is forced to recruit 400,000 soldiers

    o The crack down in the states begins Student groups in the states believe that there needs to be a revolution (the Weathermen)

    o They start robbing banks to fund their revolutiono They kidnap Patty Hearstshe ends up joining them

    Nixon cracks down on themo Some go into hiding and all eventually turn themselves in

    Nixon decides secretly to begin bombing Cambodia and Laos to prevent supplies from NorthKorea getting in to South Korea

    o Bombs VC bases in Cambodia and the Ho Chi Mihn trail through Laoso He doesnt go through congress and does it illegallyo Information becomes public from journalists in Cambodia reporting the bombingso When Nixon is question he denies it directlyo And insider reveals the Pentagon Papers which provide damning evidence that Nixon is

    lyinghe is forced to stop by the congress

    o Pathet Lao (left wing revolutionaries) begin a revolution is Laoso Khmer Roug (left wing extremists) begin a revolution in Cambodia


    80% of the soldiers in Vietnam have been returned home 75% of southern Vietnam is occupied by the VC Nixon sends Kissinger (secretary of state) to meet with China and Russia

    o Announce that negotiations have begun.o They put a spin on it in their favor to gain popularity for the next electiono The negotiations go no whereargue about who sits where at the table

    Nixon is reelected claiming they have claimed honor in Vietnam1973:

    Secret information is released about the Watergate scandal by an insiderThe Water Gate Scandal

    Mission was to find out information about the opposing democratic candidates Water Gate Hotel democratic head quarters

    o The plumbers break in & manage to screw up They get arrested

    o Believed that they were sent in by the president (some of them were previous members ofthe CIA)

    Big issue = did the president order it and commit criminal activity OR did he not know until afterand try and cover it committing a criminal offense?

    A congressional committee is set up to investigateo They request the audiotapes that Nixon took during all white house meetings

    He says no and they go to court

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    It is ordered that he turn them over Some are missingeventually foundpieces of them are destroyed

    o Is there any definitive evidence?? Not exactly Congress moving towards impeachment The tapes completely destroy Nixons public image and the war in Vietnam still wasnt over!! His vice president Agnew went to jail for tax evasion**Nixon offers his resignation**Gerry Ford (New President!) pardons Nixon


    The Vietnam war comes to an end April 30th 1974the last Americans are evacuated from Vietnam Ho Chi Mihn has diesSaigon is renamed after him (Ho Chi Mihn City) The Americans are thoroughly embarrassed and humiliated by this Their policy becomes to throw in overwhelming military force America is in an economic recession!! it appears that the Domino effect is coming true

    o Vietnam = Communisto Cambodia = Communist (1975)

    Pol Pot takes over hes a Marxist He forces everyone in Phnom Penh into camps in the country and liquidateseveryone that is against them

    He uses children to kill everyone (use plastic bags) He renames Cambodia Kampuchea

    o Laos = Communist Pathet Lao take overo It seems to stop beyond that though!!

    The rest of South East Asia isnt affected at all! o Fighting breaks out between Vietnam and Cambodia

    Vietnam invades Cambodia and China invades Japan Nixon wants to drive a wedge between the communist nations

    o Makes a historic visit to China to meet with Mau = normalizes relations with Chinao Negotiates with China to open up to American businesso

    After Mau dies the new government allows them to move in The first two businesses are Coca Cola and McDonaldsThe Middle EastIsrael:

    There was a growing desire of many Jews to have a homeland Balfoar Declaration of 1917 promised a homeland for the Jews in Palestine WWI ends Palestine becomes a British mandate

    o Allow increasing numbers of Jews to immigrateo There is increasing violence between the Arabs and Jewso All immigration is cut of as of 1939

    1945 following the waro significant Jewish population is displacedo

    discover their homes had been taken by otherso there were considered DPs (displaced peoples)**They want to go to Palestine but are forbade by the Britisho the British want to stop the exodus of the Jewso they attack the British and blow up a hotel*the British are unable to close of the Palestinian border

    They transfer Palestine to the United Nations The UN partitions Palestine

    o Part Jews and part Arabs

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    War between the Israelis (supported by the Americans) and the Palestinians (and surroundingArab nations)

    First Israeli War1948 1949

    The surrounding Arab states arent well equipped Israel has significant European support They force the Palestinians to flee to the West Bank of Jordan or to the Gaza strip Israeli government encourages Palestinians to leave Atrocities are committed on both sides

    Arab States:

    Purpose is to push Israel back into the Sea Nasserleader of Egypt

    o Begins arming himself for a war with Palestineo Buy guns from the Czech Republico To the Americans the Egyptians are now Communisto Nasser had applied for loans from the IMS to build the Aswan Damn.they are deniedo Nasser takes action to precipitate a second waro Palestinians are encouraged to take place in terrorist activities

    Guerilla warfarethey cross the border at night and kill Israelis in the bordervillages

    1956Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canalo Nasser is a Communist (Americans view point! Again)o This upsets the British and the French

    British have lost their way of transportationo British, French, & Israelis combined plan to attack Egypt (weaken them militarily)

    October 29th, 1956 Sinai Dessert Peninsulao Israeli troops cross the bordero British and French provide the air supporto Mitla Pass Israelis cross and capture quicklyo Port Said British and French land forces and move southo Egypt is in retreatthey are sinking ships in the Suez canal essentially blocking it,

    which was what the British didnt want o The Americans and Soviets intervene

    The British and French are humiliated because they invaded wrongfully The Israelis were wrong too

    The British made the assumption that the Americans would not object to thewar.they were wrong!

    o Khruschev states that if the French and British do not withdraw immediately he willnuke Paris and London

    o The French and British are deeply in debt to the Americans If the war continues the Americans will cut off financial assistance

    November 6, 1956 fighting stopso Everyone is ordered to stop fightingo This has been a political disaster for Britain and Franceo Edens government in Britain is forced to resign

    Macmillan takes over as the new PMo The French government collapses (the 4th republic)

    5th republic replaces themCharles DeGaul becomes the president they change their constitution to allow the president more power

    o This is the end of British and French influence in the middle east The Americans support Israel (they are the only democratic middle eastern state)

    o Deliberate policy to strengthen Israel Soviet become a huge player in the Middle East with Egypt and Syria Eisenhower Doctrine aid any nation with internal or external threat attempting to overthrow the


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    Cento Central Treaty Organization (encompassed Britain, U.S. , Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, andTurkey

    There is a decision made to create a peace keeping force on suggestion of the Lester B. Pearson(he receives the Nobel Peace Prize for this)

    o UN troops are placed in the Gaza Strip There is an intensification of terrorist attacks by the Palestinians

    PLOPalestinian Liberation Organization Most famous leaderYasser Arafat

    Occasional military scrimmages along the border of Syria and Israel Syria and Egypt and preparing for war

    o Nasser orders all UN forces patrolling the border to be removedo They close the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shippingo The Gulf of Aqaqba is blockaded by the Egyptians

    Israelis begin a plan of preemptive attack on Egypt o Dayan devises the plano They will gain air superiority, attack and destroy Egypt first then turn and attack Syriao They are going to attack at 8:45 am while the Egyptians are having breakfasto There will be a heavy ground mist which will hide the planes flying below radar

    The 6 Day War

    June 5, 1967

    Attack on Egypt

    o Tanks head out from the Suez Canalo Planes head out below radar level and circle around attacking from the west opposed to

    the easto Attack on Egypt takes 1 hours and 62 air bases are destroyedo by 12:15 they are attacking Jordan and Syriao Lebanon intervenes for a small period of timeo The first ground forces are moving across the Sinai Peninsulao Second move across the Gaza Stripo Third move across the West Banko Forth move across the Syrian Golan Heightso It takes them 4 days to capture the Sinaio Capture the West bank in 3 days after heavy fightingo The Gaza strip is captured in 24 hourso It takes 5 days to capture the Golan Heightso By the end of the 6th day the war was over

    Most significant areaso Gaza Stripo West Banko Golan Heights

    There were very large Arab populations living within the new borders of Israel The Arab states refer to them as the occupied territories and now have more reason to fight There are increased terrorist attacks post 1967 Syria and Egypt are rearming

    o The Soviets give them surface to air missiles The Israelis attempted to create a buffer zone but it only causes more problems PLO purpose is to return Palestine to the Palestinian people

    o They blow up school busses; break into airports and shoot people at randomo Spread their attacks to Israeli businesses in European nations

    Other organizations are sympathetic to the PLOo Baader-meinhofa German gang which has sympathy for themo Black Septembero Red Army Faction

    There is the emergence of World Wide terrorism through out 67 & 68 Student organizations use terrorism as a way to overthrow the government ideally

    o They hold air planes hostage and occasionally blow them up

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    1972Munich Olympicso Black September takes Israeli athletes hostage and eventually kill them all

    Egypt is planning to destroy Israelo If Israel attacks Egypt it could potentially precipitate a larger war with the Soviet Union

    Americans are to be reliant on Arab oil once their oil stocks run outpredicted to happen in 1972 The Yom Kippur War

    Egyptians strike first!! There is an intensification of terrorism the people who have grown up in the Palestinian refugee

    camps are now in there teens or 20s

    There are a considerable number of Russians in Egypt (40,000) Brezhnev

    o Doesnt want the situation to become globalo They dont want to provoke things in the middle east o The Soviets and Americans have accepted the fact that nuclear war will result in mutual

    destructiono The Soviets are trying to hold the Egyptians back

    Nasser dies in 1970 Sadat takes overo Sadat takes an initiative and on July 17, 1972 orders all the Soviet advisors out of Egypto

    This doesnt bother the Israelis they are extremely over confident October 6, 1973Yom Kippur (Jewish Day of Atonement)

    o Simultaneously 700 Syrian tanks will attack the Golan heights and Egyptian forces willmove across the Suez canal

    o Heavy fighting for the passes Mitla, Khaimia, and Giddi The Israelis hold their positions

    o The Syrians are driven back by Israeli counter attacks October 14th 1973 the largest tank battle since the battle of Kursk

    o There are over 2,000 tankso General Sharondiscovers a gap between the Egyptian forces between Mitla and Giddi

    pass This precipitates the battle of Chinese Farm Goes in favor of the Israelis they push the Egyptians back to the Suez Canal

    The other Arab states are morally supporting Egypt and Syriathey are taking retaliatorymeasures

    OPEC all Arab members agree to an embargoo Gasoline rationing begins in the stateso Gas stations are running out of Gas

    Americans are suffering greatlyo Failure of the Vietnam war + economy falling apart + oil shortages + oil embargo

    Nixon sends Kissinger to meet with all the Arab stateso They receive a cease fire = a moral victory for the Arabs states

    October 24, 1973 Yom Kippur war ends!!o A cease fire is negotiated; the Israelis must draw back in to the Sinai

    Oil is the new weapon the Arabs will use!!o The Arab states make arms deals with the Americans


    set oil prices so that there are only limited amounts

    o There is a 70% increase in gas prices The United States goes through an economic crisis

    o People begin buying smaller cars = crisis in the automobile industry = shutdownproduction = slow in steal production = CRISIS!!!

    Post 1973:

    Sadat = a hero in the Arab world! The Americans being putting pressure on Sadat and Begin (the Israeli leader) to negotiate a


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    o This is inspired by Jimmy Cartero They meet in Israel and then Cairo and then with Carter at Camp David out side of


    September 17, 1978 = Peace Treaty!!o The Camp David Treatyo The Israelis will withdraw from the Sinai gradually until the finish in 1982 o

    There are further discussions concerning Palestinian refugeeso Sadat recognizes Israel as a state (non of the other Arab states will recognize it)**Non of the Other Arab states support this at all!!!**

    October 6, 1981Sadat is assassinated by his own military Mubarak replaces him

    Lebanonthe Civil War

    Civil war breaks out in Lebanon in 1975o Its an extremely convoluted civil war

    Christian Lebanese Muslim Lebanese Syrians invade Israelis invade PLO

    It is provoked by the Christian Lebanese 1978Syria occupies the Northern half of the country on invitation from the government to

    suppress some of the fightingo they dont leave until almost present day

    Israel invades from the South of Lebanon1978o They occupy to create a buffer zone along the border to protect them selves from the PLOo This has a limited effect upon the PLO

    Attempts to kill Yasser Arafat Beirut is bombed

    o 1982ground forces are sent in all the way to Beirut the South Lebanese army members turn fire onto the Palestinian refugees

    it is a massacreGeneral Sharon is the leader of the Lebanese armyo assassination of the Lebanese president

    peace keepers are sentFrench and Americanso this is a disaster they are attacked and become the victimso the U.S. withdraws its forces after they attacked by suicide bomberso all peace keepers are removedo an American battleship shells the hillside around Beirut

    last time the US Missouri is used in battle Ongoing confusion! Israel removes its troops in 1985leave some troops in the buffer zone The insurgency begins now!! Intifada young people begin throwing stones at soldiers in the occupied territories

    o This is inflamed because there are Israelis moving into peoples land o Attack both soldiers and settlerso It becomes a state of siege in particularly the West Bank area

    Israelis resort to using live ammunition and tanks 1993 first significant change!!!

    o The PLO renounces terrorism and establishes talks with Israel (PLO is considered theleading representation of the Palestinians)

    o The Oslo agreemento Israelis make a concession

    Grant the right of self government to the Palestinians in the occupied territories Grant the PLO permission of self government

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    o 1994 Gaza and the West Bank are granted self government under the PLO Jordan also reaches an agreement with Israel Part of the Israeli governments agreement is that the Israeli civilians must move

    outo Rabinpresident of Israel

    Assassinated by fellow Israeliso The insurgency returnso The Israelis decide to build a wall across the West Bank

    Controversial because they are placing it across the boundary created by the UN Hamas does not recognize the right of Israel to exist

    Was a declared terrorist organizationIran:

    Was called Persia until 1935 Britain attempted to control Reza Khanseized power in 1921 and made himself Shah in 1935

    o He wanted to limit the rights that foreigners had in Persiao Mullahsalso wanted to limit their power (Shia clergy)

    WWII Iran is occupied by the British and the Russianso The Shah is forced to abdicate in favor of his Sono Muhammad Reza Pahlavi

    Hes supported by the Americans They have a considerable interest in the country Oil wealth = considerable economy He encourages students to go abroad to study He built up arms with the help of the Americans There was extreme oppression of those who didnt agree with him or like him

    o The First uprising was by the Mullahs There was an economic dispute Socialist movement!!


    Everything comes tumbling down! Ayatollah Khomeinileader of the Shiites

    o He was living in exile in Paris Abdication of the Shah he seizes power

    o Many people begin to flee the country He wants to turn Iran back to the traditions The government becomes a theocracy He nationalizes all industries this benefits those close to the government not the entire country He denounces the U.S. and calls them Satan

    o The situation escalates when students dressed as revolutionary guards attack the U.S.embassy and take everyone hostage for 15 months

    The Ayatollah is hurt by thiso All financial assets belonging to Iranians in the states are frozeno Negotiations between the Americans and Iranians begin

    Iraq and Iran go to war about a piece of land on their mutual border on the Persian Gulf Iraq = Sunni Religious Rivalry!!

    o Governed by Sadam Husseino He is the leader of the Arab Baath Socialist Party

    The war results in atrocities on both sidesHussein drops poison gas on his own peoplebutonly the Shiite minorities

    They take volunteers (young children) to run ahead of troops to clear mine fields Both sides begin attacking neutral oil shipping in the Gulf The Americans send ships to the Persian gulf to protect the oil tankers

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    An Iranian passenger airliner is shot down by the Americans because they thought it was a fighterplane and going to attack them

    o This increases the Iranians hatred towards the Americans Iranian leader dies


    Iraq = bad shape because of the oil Felt like they were being under mind by its OPEC members (Kuwait) Kuwait is blamed for undermining the economy of Iraq There is a border dispute between Kuwait and Iraq about oil wells Iraq has the ambition of absorbing Kuwait Cheney is sent to meet with Hussein

    August 1990:

    Iraq invades Kuwait (media calls it the Gulf War) Kuwait is easily over run The Iraqis actions are denounced by President Bush Sr. The UN security Council decides to send in the military to push the Iraqis out of Kuwait There is a lengthy arms build up of American forces in Saudi Arabia on the border of Iraq

    o The UN has overwhelming military superiority and it is an overwhelming victoryo They make the decision not to push the Iraqis into Baghdad and overthrow the

    governmento The retreating Iraqis burn all the oil fields.and they burn for several years

    General Schwarzkopf in charge of operation Dessert Storm (UN military forces in Kuwait)Post 1991:

    Sanctions are imposed upon Hussein to force him to give up his weapons of mass destruction He launched Scuds to Israel missiles Though he doesnt use his Weapons of mass destruction The UN demands that officials inspect the country

    o Hussein goes out of his way to hide things Everyone believes he is hiding something

    o In the end they are invaded again in 2003Latin America

    American Policy supports governments opposed to communism in Latin America even if thegovernment is extremely right wing


    Government is viewed as too left wing The CIA is given instructions to cause a coup detat

    o They train the military to overthrow the government 1954 government is overthrown

    o Guatemala becomes a military dictatorshipo There are uprisings against the dictatorshipo From the 60s to he 90s 200,000 civilians are killed o The CIA trains the military to use torture methods

    This America policy really ends with ClintonEl Salvador:

    Americans train the military and the police Create death squads

    o They go out at night to search for the enemies of the state On going blood shed which lasts for decades President Carter stated that El Salvadors government was one of the blood thirstiest in the world

    o President of the day is Regan.he supports it

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    If governments nationalize and take moves towards the left wing = communistPanama:

    It was created by the Americans Encouraged the people in Panama to rise up against the Columbian government and they became

    their own country

    They leased the land to the Americans to build the canal Noriaga worked with and for the CIA since 1971

    o Personally directly involved in the drug trade Because of this Panama is invaded in 1989

    o Purpose is to topple the dictator There is a siege of the building he was staying in they played very loud heavy metal music until

    he came out


    Recipient of CIA support The Shinning Pathcommunist revolutionary group

    o The leader is eventually caught by the Peruvian governmento This is after the government leader


    Salvador Allendedemocratically elected socialist left wing government Pinocheamilitary causes a coup detat and it becomes a military dictatorship

    o Tens of thousands of people disappear and are murdered by the governmentHonduras:

    CIA trains and equips Battalion 316o Death squad set out to kill communists

    Torture Electro shock & water boardingo Plastic bag suffocation methods


    San Dan Hista communist government The Contours supported by the Americans


    Second largest amount of aid from the United States Provide military support against the Columbian drug cartels succeededthere all in Mexico


    The Soviet UnionInternally

    All eastern European states have governments modeled after the Soviet Union They are all going to be industrialized

    o All the governments of the Soviet Bloc adopt the 5 year plan Rapid industrialization

    o Soviet Union supplies the raw materials and the countries of the Soviet Bloc produce thegoods which are sold in the Soviet Union **Massive economic reformation** in Soviet Union not much changes; non-war economy Stalin initiates new purges between 1943 and 1953

    o Zhukovhe was one of Stalins principle rivals; he would have been bumped off but hewas too famous to execute

    o Some are removed from power or demoted others are sent off for questioning by theKGB

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    Stalin emerges the hero of the Second World Waro He is admired by the general population

    KGB maintains a very strict rule over the populationo The standards of living are extremely lowo State housing is provided based on needso It is illegal to not have a job

    There were people whos job was to sit at the doors of the new apartmentbuildings

    The Russian people began to become suspiciouso Solzenhitsyntowards the end of the war he wrote a letter home to his parents (all letters

    are read by the KGB)he complained about the quality of the food and is sent to a Gulagprison for 5 years

    o Extent of Stalins paranoia he sent all the soldiers who had survived the Nazis toGulags

    o Continuous shortage of housing and occasionally shortages of food When things become available people wait in extremely long lines to stock pile

    for themselveso There is no effort to subsidize thiso The only two things that were kept in abundance were bread and vodka

    Stalins last act he goes after the Jewso Begins a policy of anti-Semitismo He labels them as Ruthless Cosmopolitans

    They are not Russians an they are international March 15th 1953 Stalin dies

    o This comes as a huge shocko Stalin may have been poisoned but he did have a massive stroke and died a few days later

    It was thought in the West that Baria would take overo He was arrested a few days later by the pollit borough

    He is prosecuted for crimes against the Russian people Nikita Khrushchevhe achieves consolidation of power in his own hands

    o Stalin had an icy grip over the nation there is now a thaw It is an intellectual thawhe allows intellectual debate to take place Its also culturalunder Stalin all cultural goings on were regulated

    o The restrictions which existed under Stalin were somewhat removed 1956Khrushchev attacks Stalin at a congress meeting

    o he speaks of the crimes of the Stalin erao it loosens the political structure

    it has the most profound effect in the eastern European stateso there are open rebellionso Khrushchev sends the tanks into Hungaryo The rebellions are crushed!!

    Khrushchev consolidates his positiono From 1956 onward de-Stalinization takes placeo The Cult of Stalin is removed; cities are renamed as are street names

    Stalingrad is renamed Volgograd Khrushchev sets out to improve the economy

    o He had been placed in charge of the Ukraineheld himself to be an agricultural experto He improves their agricultural productiono He initiates the agricultural improvement of Russia to increase food supply

    He expands into central south east Asia (now the stans) They are extremely drythe plan is to use irrigation they are using the large

    lakes (Aral Sea) It is a complete and utter failure

    o It doesnt aid the food supply at all

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    o They become increasingly dependant on imports of food suppliesagricultural failureslead to a disaster

    He wants to decentralize the economyo Gosplanthe central planning agency from the 5 year plano Hopefully it would result in the increase of production

    Economicallythey have made great steps since the 1970s

    Their improvements are in their technologieso Most of it comes from the Nazis (the scientists)o They have developed their first hydrogen bomb, planes & air crafts, missiles

    They surpass the united states in numberso They are the first to put a man into space and a satellite

    Khrushchevs foreign policy he challenges states but speaks of peaceful co-existence Mau relationship between the Soviet Union and China deteriorates

    o Mau doesnt believe in peaceful co-existence Khrushchev has an increased cult personality the Pollit borough turns against him

    o 1964 Khrushchev is placed under house arrest & he is told he is to resign!o ** He is NEVER executed!

    Kosygin Soviet Premier (diminishes in significance) Brezhnev communist party leader

    oThis is the return to a more Stalinist rule

    o People are being sent away for reeducation though he never commits the murderousatrocities which Stalin did

    Andre Solzhenitsyn the scientist who developed the H-bomb he is sent to Gulag forreeducation because he spoke out against Brezhnev

    o Gulags become extremely profitable businesseso Foreigners are not allowed to leave the country with Russian money

    They must spend it there.and they must exchange a certain amount dependingon how long they are staying for

    The KGB is allowed much more power once againo Locals are required to report to the police if they speak to anyone who is foreign

    Soviet citizens are not allowed to travel freely in their own countryo If they were going on vacation they had to find someone to replace them at work

    Traveling out of the Soviet Union was near impossible

    o They had to provide a guarantee that they would returno They cant exchange soviet currency for foreign currency in the countryo They had to have an external sponsoro This causes most Soviet Citizens to never leave the country

    Brezhnevtry to limit Western Media from entering the Soviet Union You could make much more money smuggling things into the country then by working

    legally.ex. blue jeans

    Bribery goes an extremely long way! Brezhnev keeps extremely close restraints upon the French public

    o Prominent individuals travel (athletesperformermusicians) for competition and thendefect from the country this is hugely embarrassing for the Soviet Union

    There is an elite group which emerges with in the Soviet Uniono

    The communist party Though there are non of the extreme rich as there were in the United States

    The West takes advantage of the people who have defected to portray the atrocities of the SovietUnion

    o Shows it as an extremely oppressive society where living conditions are sub standard The life span of the soviet people was in decline

    o There life styles are uncleano Waterways are so toxic that some cant even be touchedo Entire cities are covered in industrial grime

    Brezhnev is more focused on the militaryhe wants a force which could take on the Unites States

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    o Wants to improve the nuclear capabilities of the USSRo He wants to make Khrushchevs bragging a reality

    The capability of the USSR to destroy basically the entire world Brezhnev and the American president (s) agree upon limitations

    o The SALT agreement Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty Agreement that the weapons will not be used

    oTest Ban Treaty

    post Cuban missile crisis: above ground testing is limitedo NonProliferation Treaty no making nuclear weaponso This takes away defense powers from the two great powers (ABMs anti ballistic

    missiles) The idea is that if you have no defense you wont attack n e one because you

    cant protect yourself if they attack back This lasts until 2005George Bush decides to build a missile defense system

    1970s:o there is an emerging dtente between the USSR and the USo relations are moderately ok

    1975 the Helsinki accordo agreements over human rights within each country

    Soviet ground forces are extremely formidable They now have nuclear powered submarines Americans are thinking about keeping their missiles constantly on the move to protect them from

    the sovietso They never actually get around to this

    USSR is planning to use their nuclear subs if their land missiles are attacked and destroyed Americans develop hunter-kill subs to track the Soviets nuclear subs The Cruise Missilefirst strike small missile

    o They fly at tree top level under the radars & track the target Even though there is a dtente both sides are working on what will give them the edge Coal, steel, oil Soviet GNP doubles again from its resource use

    o Consumer goods are still in jeopardy and impossible to find The Soviets are working on their space technology

    o Agreement reached not to put weapons in space

    Bush comes up with the idea of SDIs (strategic defense initiative) puttinglasers in space

    The Brezhnev Doctrine give a country aid and intervene if there was a revolt or threat against acommunist government in one of the Satellite states

    o Afghanistan becomes increasingly dependant on the USSR & is turning tocommunism and Marxism

    o The suppression of traditional Muslims becomes a revolt One of the biggest reasons is the drug trade

    o The Soviet Union sends troops in and Afghanistan becomes the Soviet Unions Vietnamo They initially only send in ground forces because they believe that the Mujhadeen

    (Afghan rebels) could not readily defend themselveso They have the advantage of technology

    Carter (American Pres.)declares this an invasiono He places an embargo on technology trade with the Soviet Uniono He says they have disobeyed the Helsinki accord and there is sever mistreatment of their

    own people

    Carter claims that he will do anything to stop the Soviet Union The Americans begin supplying the Mujhadeen with weapons Regan replaces Carter as President: he calls the Soviet union the evil nation The Mujhadeen becomes the Taliban U.S threatens to put an embargo on other products such as grain

    o It is temporarily cut off by Regan there is a decline in the productivity of the Americaneconomy

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    o This policy is dropped by the 1980s due to the protests of Americans farmers They begin supplying the Mujhadeen with weapons which paralyze the Soviet forces

    o They are able to move quickly and are easily able to over take the Sovietso Soviet tanks become very vulnerable the Mujhadeen are using shoulder missiles

    (stinger missiles)o The stinger missiles are also able to bring down Soviet helicopters ; there is a constant

    wearing down of the Soviet troops Brezhnev dies in 1982from natural causes Andropovformer head of the KGB & takes over for Brezhnev he dies of cancer 15months


    Chernenkoreplaces Andropovhe dies of cancer 1985**These are the last of the WWII hierarchy!!!

    Regan frightens the entire world by saying that he may use his nuclear weapons After Chernenko dies he says he may have pushed them too far 1985 Gorbachev comes to office

    o A huge change in the Soviet Union takes place!!!!The Eastern Bloc States 19451985

    Baltic States reabsorbed into the Soviet Unionthey all become and issue Yugoslavia and Finland are the only two which are independent Communist parties rule in all the Satellite states in the Eastern Bloc Early 1950s there is no real opposition that is vocal & the Soviets have established Comecon (

    trade agreements between the Eastern Bloc states)

    Tito he is the first to deviate from Soviet Policydiverts from collectivization Stalins acceptance of Tito results in near revolt in Poland and revolt in Hungary Poland Gomulka Polish leader; ends collectivization

    o State publicly that he is going to relax political policieso There will be greater political and economic freedoms

    Khrushchev threatens military actiono Gomulka backs down due to Khrushchevs threats

    Hungary October & November 1956 Nagy Communist reformer

    o He initiates reforms and pushes further than Gomulka had in Polando He is going to release political prisoners and states that he is going to remove Hungary

    from the Warsaw pact

    Kader replaces Nagy when the Soviet invade & remove himo Thousands of people flee the country into Austria and then to the United States

    No assistance is provided by the West; Khrushchev takes this as a sign of weakness Czechoslovakia Prague Spring Dubcekhead of the government initiates reforms

    o He speaks publicly Communism with a human face He permits freedom of the press; takes steps to allow democratization

    o Non communist parties are allowed to be formed Brezhnev wants Dubcek removed!!

    o He alerts the troops in Czechoslovakiao 2500 troops are sent to Pragueo Dubeck is removed from power

    The one thing he doesnt do it threaten to remove Czechoslovakia from theWarsaw pact

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    The Brezhnev Doctrine applies here! There are widespread arrests all across Czechoslovakia


    The economies of the Eastern Bloc nations are in serious trouble They are all in recession They have been built upon the technologies of the 1930s Governments are forced to subsidize their industriesthis is extremely expensive The infrastructure is in decay and the environment is in serious trouble The eastern bloc countries begin to borrow from western banks

    o They borrow heavily and to pay their debts begin exporting goods to other countriesbesides the Soviet Union

    Nixon allows this to take placePoland:

    Governmento Gomulka oppressive government (like Stalins)o He initiated an anti-Semitic campaign against Jews in 1968o By 1970 Poland is in serious troubleo Subsidizing of food prices ends There are major riots

    Gierek (he is a reformer) replaces Gomulkao Borrows heavily from the westo Becomes dependant on trade from the westo Consumer goods are in extreme declineo By 1980 government subsidizing is ending and the debt is astronomical

    Raising food prices again GdanskThe Lenin Ship yards

    o Gierek allows trade Unions The all encompassing trade union is Solidarity

    Led by Lech Walesa

    Solidarity includes 10 million members They want the ability to run in elections Ultimately the end of the communist era in Poland

    o The Brezhnev Doctrine applies here and Brezhnev orders Gierek removed from powero General Jaruzelski replaces himo Lech Walesa is arrested and put in jail and limits are put on Solidarity

    Regan reverses Nixons policyo Trade sanctions are placed on the soviet unionon Polando They are deeply in debt to the west

    End marshal law; release Lech Walesa; Pope John Paul is allowed to visit Poland (1983)o The Popes visit is not politicalbut the fact that he is there encourages the people to

    reform against eh stateo This is symbolic of the changes that are taking place and will be taking place!

    Inspires the Polish people symbolically to take action

    Lech Walesa is awarded the Nobel peace prize in 1983o This is symbolic of the efforts of freeing the poles

    Economic reforms take placeallow small businesses to be established Change from the Brezhnev era to the Gorbecheva era Gorbecheva ends the Brezhnev doctrine all together 19851989

    o Poland experiments with increased capitalism within the countryo Jaruzelski states he will allow free elections

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    o Solidarity is allowed to run in the election but regardless of how many votes anyone getsthe communist party must get the seats!

    o Solidarity wins a landslide victory in 1989 in the election This is a huge victory for the people of Poland

    This is the end of the communist regime in Poland!!o It could only work if allowed by the Soviet Union


    Kadarruler of Hungary since 1956 Turn increasingly to the west for borrowing and trade Turn increasingly to capitalism By 1988Kadar is asked to retire

    o New political party takes overo They allow opposition parties and multiparty elections

    By 1989 free elections are in Polando Everything that takes place is almost the same as in Poland

    Nagy is exhumed and there is a celebration burying him with honors One further step is taken.

    o Summer 1989 - Hungarian government decides to symbolically open the door to Austriao

    Allow Hungarians to visit the westo Did not anticipate East Germans travel to Hungary to flee East Germany to West

    Germanyo Request by East Germany to close Hungarys bordersthey say no

    East Germany:

    Honeckerleader of East Germany Has a problemhe knows that Gorbechev will not intervene

    o He opens the borders of East Germany to West Germany with the mistaken idea that theywill visit and then decide to stay in East Germany

    o 350,000 people have moved out The people of East Germany wasnt reform like in Hungary and Poland

    o Honecker requests military action from the Soviet UnionGorbechev refuses and saysthat Honecker must deal with this peacefully

    Largest demonstrations are in Leipaig to institute a democratic government New communist party leadership.pleads with the people not to leave

    o Promise the right of unrestricted travel and free elections The government decides to begin opening up the Berlin wall

    o Thought this doesnt end the exudes Public disclosures of the corruption in the government causes the pollit borough to resign and

    Honecker is arrested

    There is a new democratic constitutional government is installedWest Germany:

    Leader of the West German government is Khl Khl announces that steps should be taken to reunite East and West Germany Berlin is still an occupied territoryFrance is the only one who has a problem with this

    o The French dont have a very strong argumento Four allied powers relinquish their powers in the occupied territories

    October 3, 1990Germany is officially reunited and the capital is changed back to Berlin Khl is elected the chancellor of Germany The old Reichstag becomes the New Parliament buildings


    Czech government did not like Gorbechev

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    They dont have a strong relationship with the very There are mounting demonstrations in Prague by 1989 The reformers are led by Havel (he is a play write)

    o Demonstrations increase in sizeo Peak level is 350,000 demonstratorso November 24th 1990General strike beginso

    Threaten to bring the country to a stand stillo Dubcheck appears cheering on reformso The communist government decides to step asidemove into a democratic regimeo The Velvet Revolutionnicknamed this because there is no violence

    89 is 68 upside down(68 failed and 89 succeeded) The separation of the state into 2 parties1993

    o The Slovaks request independence Prague said OK!o January 1993divided into the Czech republic and the Slovakrepublic


    1989mass demonstrations in the capital of Sofiao they are demanding reformo the party is renamed (party is reconstituted)o theoretically it is a democracy


    government controlled by Nicolae Ceausescuo controlled the government since 1965

    he is an autocrat - has a cult personalityo he is pretty much the equivalent of Stalin

    Transform Romania from an industrial nation to an industrial nationo To do this he borrows heavily from the Westo They have very limited consumer goods

    Refuses to join the invasion of Czechoslovakia, declares his support for Israelo Gains support from the West

    December 1989rioting breaks outo The army is called out to shoot demonstrators and the army refuses to do so. o His security force is ordered to shoot demonstrators and the army

    Civil war has pretty much broken outo The Czech army prevails and the dictator is caught trying to flee the country.

    He is tried and sentenced to death The new party which emerges in generally the same

    The Soviet Union:

    1985 Mickael Gorbechev comes to power this is a very tense time between the USSR and the United States The Russians state that if the Americans nuke East Germany they will nuke Chicago and then

    ICBMs will most likely fly both way and everyone will probably die

    Regan publicly states that they could win a nuclear waro

    There have been no negotiations between the US and the USSR since the war inAfghanistan (6 years prior)

    Gorbechev is not from the Stalin erao He was the youngest member of the pollit borougho He wants to ensure that nuclear war never takes place

    1986 Gorbechev agrees to meet with Regano they meet four timeso the Americans have 30,000 nukes and the USSR has 20,000 nukes

    Gorbechev is a very different person from his predecessors and has a different outlooko He is willing to make serious concessions

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    He agrees to destroy 4 nukes for every 1 the Americans destroywith out evenbeing asked

    USSR allows the Americans into their country to inspect the destruction of them Agreement is different for the Americans

    o They have to remove the war heads but they can warehouse them and not destroy themo They begin this in Europeo

    They agree to remove and destroy all strategic missiles in Europeo Gets to the point where they are going to destroy ICBMs Regan is seen as the hero of the age because he was able to force the USSR into concessions

    o The Americans are essentially let off the hook about destroying their nukes 1988 George Bush Sr. takes over for Regan The situation with the USSR has been diffused!! Bush Sr. continues talks and more concessions are made Gorbechev sets out to remove the threat of nuclear war

    o He also sets out to change the country economically and politicall The plan is to reform the country within the socialist regime

    1985economic restructure (perestroika)

    Gorbechev does almost the same thing that Khrushchev did

    Allow managers direct control over their factories or farmso The idea is that by giving them more incentives they will work harder (ex. Consumer

    goods)o Working harder will result in an increase in the overall amount of consumer goods

    available in the country

    Wants a society which will be freero Glasnokt: liberalization of the Soviet Socialism with out moving to capitalism and

    democracyo How is he going to convince them??

    Some of the communist party members disagreeo They announce that Sakharov will be allowed to return to Moscowo Then the Soviet Jews are allowed to leave the country and emigrateo New laws are put in place to restrict the power of the KGBo Gorbechev publicly denounces Stalino His next step is the NEP allows farmers to sell their surplus crops locallyo This encouraged capitalistic reforms in Russiao He is allowing foreign investment (McDonalds!)o Private enterprises and business is allowed to take place

    Non of this really ever takes place at all.o he offers state farms to becomes share cropso land ownership is effectively given to the people who live on the land.only 1% actually


    Nothing is happening.. Pollit borough believes that this is the wrong way to go about everything

    o They eventually remove Gorbechev from power 1988 Gorbechev creates a multiparty legislature

    o he tries to encourage the public to change politically as well as economicallyo he loosens the monopoly of the communist governmento of the seats in the legislature must be given to the communist party

    1989 first multi candidate electiono new legislature changes the structure of the government

    they create a presidency (modeled after the American and French systems) 1990 Congress (the legislature) elects Gorbechev as the president the country is now divided (those who want change and those who dont want change) simultaneously all 15 republics within the Soviet Union demand independence

    o Baltic states demand independence (full independence)

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    o Gorbechev says no but they will add a new aspect of government There will be 15 members each representing their own republic with Gorbechev

    leading them

    Summer 1990: Gorbechev plans a 500 day economic reform

    It would end the subsities and help to create a free market economyo

    He ends up abandoning this idea Fall 1990he says that he will use the military force to crush uprisings

    o Gorbechev is contradicting himself! January 1991 Soviet Soldiers are firing on people in Lithuania

    o Democratic reformers now see Gorbechev as the enemy Yeltsin 0 former minister of the pollit borough

    o He becomes the central figure of the reform June 1991 Yeltsin is elected president of the Russian Republic

    o He is elected directly by the peopleo He argues for the independence of the Baltic stateshe says that all republics should be

    independent Gorbechev negotiates

    The Union Treaty gives the Baltic states their own powerso

    There is an attempted coup detat While on vacation Gorbechev is approached to join the old members of the pollit borough A state emergency committee of 8 replaces Gorbechev Yeltsin rallies the Russian legislature to support Gorbechev & rally the people to support

    Gorbechevo The emergency committee orders the KGB to shoot the demonstrators if necessaryo They refuse to and the coup detat fails

    Gorbechev returns to Moscow and resignshe believes that he can just replace the pollit borough Yeltsin labels the communist party illegal

    o Takes advantage of his popularityo He seizes all communist party propertyo Congress votes in support of this

    They are in favor of Yeltsin and then vote to dissolve themselves

    There is no real structure left in the Soviet Union government; all that is

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