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The Centurion

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1. Did you ever feel shy? 2. Do you think grown-ups ever feel shy?• Sometimes it’s hard to ask for a favor.• Even grow-ups can sometimes be afraid to ask for a

favor.• Look at his man; he is a Roman officer, an

important man.• He is in charge of a hundred soldiers. This is why he

is called a “Centurion.• This man was very good and kind. • He loved the people he worked with,

• He specially liked one young boy, who work in his house. The boy like him too,, and was very loyal to him.

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THE CENTURION AND HIS SERVANT• One morning, the boy couldn’t get up. He

ached all over. He couldn’t move. •When the officer saw how sick the boy

was, he called for a doctor.• When the doctor arrived, he just shook his head

and said, • I can’t do anything for him’ there’s no medicine for this. I

am sorry, but I don’t think anyone can help”

• But the officer didn’t give up. He looked at the boy and thought to himself: “I’ve heard about someone who can help. But I don’t know how to ask Him.”

• Can you guess who he was thinking off? He was thinking in Jesus.

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HE TALK TO HIS FRIENDS• Then he had a good idea. He said,

• “I know what to do!• I’ll go to the synagogue, the house of prayer, • and ask my friends there, to talk to Jesus for me.”

• The officer hurried to the synagogue to talk to his friends. • He found these 2 important leaders and told them

his problem.• They listened to him, and nodded their heads.

• “Of course we will ask Jesus this favor for you,” they said:• “don’t worry , Jesus will help.”

• Then the officer went back to his house.

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• By the time, Jesus had arrived in the town, as usual, many people were following Him.• The 2 men hurried to Jesus, and begged Him

to help their friend.a) “Lord Jesus, please help,” they said,b) “we know a Roman officer who deserves your help.

He loves people;c) He help to build our house of prayer. d) The young boy who works in his house is sick.

Please hurry to help him.”

• Jesus listened to them and started out right away for the house of the Roman officer.

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• But before they reached the house, the officer himself came to meet Jesus. He said:

• “Sir. I am not worthy that you would come into my house. All I ask is that you say so, and I know that the boy who works for me will be healed.”

• When saw the surprised look on the face of Jesus and people, he was not shy, or afraid to explain what he meant. He said:• “I am an officer, when I call my soldiers they come; when I tell them to go,

they go.• I believe that you, Jesus, can do the very same thing with life and health.”

• Jesus was deeply touched. He said, “I have never found such faith as this!” • He looked at the officer kindly and said, “Go home, what you have asked for, will be given to you.”

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THE OFFICER FOUND HIS SERVANT HEALED• The officer hurried home. When he arrived, he

found the boy up and well!• The boy was so happy, he was jumping all around!

• Everyone in the house was happy and rejoicing with him!

1. Do you think the Roman officer, the boy, or his friends ever forgot Jesus? NO!

2. Do you think Jesus forgot them? I don’t think so either

• WE don’t know if they ever asked Jesus for any other favor, but if they did, • I am sure, they found it much easier to go to Jesus

themselves, instead of having someone else talk to Jesus for them.

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JESUS IS KIND & HE IS WILLING & READY TO HELP• It is good to know how kind Jesus is.• It makes it much easier for us to go to Him, and

ask for His help.• The Bible shows that Jesus is always willing

and ready to help us.• All we have to do is ask Jesus.

• But when we ask we should ask with great FAITH• Believing that Jesus can help, like this Roman officer


• We should also have great TRUST IN Jesus and know that he wants to help us very much.

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HAVE FAITH IN JESUS AND TRUST HIM•When we have faith in Jesus and

trust Him, it’s not hard to ask Him for the help we need.• But then, let’s remember to

thank Him. • If you don’t have anything special

to ask, a) just talk to Jesus b) and tell Him that you love Him. c) He will be happy to hear it.

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• You must realize that almost everyone is shy sometimes.

1. Why do you think someone may be too shy to ask a favor?a) The savior may seem too greatb) We’re not sure the person will give us what we ask for c) We might feel that it’s no use asking, etc.

2. Do you ever heard of someone so sick that even the doctors couldn’t help him?

3. Why didn’t the Centurion give up hopping, even after the doctor told him no one could help?

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• Meaning of having “FAITH”: believing that Jesus can help.• This is what we are saying before HOLY

COMMUNION.•What would you say to show Jesus that

you have faith and believe in Him?• Let’s pray.

• SCRIPTURE REFERENCE: Luke 7:1-10, Matthew 8: 5-13

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