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The (Cathedral of the Soul

B y   H. S p e n c e r L e w is , P h . D ., F. R. C.

O f f i ci a l Pub l i ca t i o n N o . 333 

Privately Printed in the U. S. A. 

by The Publishing Department,


R o s ic r u c i a n P a r k , S a n J o s e , C a l i f o r n i a

Rosicrucian Press

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[HE ROSICRUCIANS, as a body of mystical phil-

osophers and workers, invite all thinking men and

women to share with them the knowledge which

they have accumulated through their researches,

investigations, and their united experiments and dis-courses, covering many centuries and culminating in the pres-

ent day Rosicrucian revelations. They offer these remarkable

and astounding disclosures not as dogmas or elements of a

creed, but as a rational study and expose of the mysteries of life.

Since this book has come into your hands by some means

approved by the Fraternity,  you are invited to consider the fol-

lowing facts which explain the primary causes for the existence

of such an unusual Fraternity as that of the Rosicrucians.

1. The mysteries of l i fe are alluring. M an ’s very existence on

this earth, including the presumption of a reason for his birth and

his manifestation in a physical form, constitutes one of the greatest

of all the mysteries which have confronted the human mind since

the dawn of civilization. The re are hundreds of other mysteries

associated with his existence and his desire to attain an indefinable

goal, which are alluring in their majesty and intriguing in their

evasive and fascinating demonstrations.

2. The  purpose of our existence as human beings on this earth

plane most certainly needs some explanation other than that of-

fered by the dogmas and creeds of religions. W h y was it necessary

for the Consc iousness o f God to extend itself into multiple forms

of the Divine Image? W h y were physical forms of God ’s likeness

created with faculties superior to any possessed by other creatures

of the earth and yet tempted to sin and to fall from grace? W h y



M A N ’ S




[ 1 ]

The Rosicrucians—an august fraternity whose doc-trines hinted at by the earliest philosophers, are still a mystery to the unworthy. I do not blame them for their discretion —Lord Edward Bulwer Lytton.

(A Rosicrucian)

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the necessity for man to save himself from that which was beyond

his making and his responsibility? W h y the continuous struggle

against seemingly insurmountable obstacles? And why the trials

and tribulations throughout human life? O f what avail is the vic-

tory gained through these tribulations if the worldly perfectionthus attained becomes useless and of no value at the time of death?

W h y this brief span of existence in earthly life, which is all too

short in which to attain any considerable degree of soul perfection?

Certainly the purposes back of our existence here have not been

adequately explained by any theology or purely religious


3. Man rightfully demands some knowledge of the cause of all

c a u s e  

causes, and the law of all laws. Th ese things must become como f   c a u s e s   prehensible to him and not remain shrouded in allegorical and dog-

matic symbology.


4. The comprehension and understanding of man has risen

through all the ages and is becoming broader, more penetrating,

m i n d   more inclusive, and more approaching the absolute. That which

satisfied his inquiring mind in ages past now constitutes the simple

faiths of a childlike nature.

5. Through the ages in which man has personally evolved asman, he has become Resurrected from the Grave of superstition

and now lives a more regenerated life in a new cycle with a higher

e v o l v i n g    form of consciousnss. He has risen from the tomb and cast aside

the material limitations which held him captive in the darkness of

intolerance and bigotry, and he now stands as a new being facing

the sunrise of a new day , and demands to know the meaning of

the new cycle and of the coming life.

6. M an’s power to create and achieve contentment in his life

is dependent on his freedom from the shackles which have en-

slaved him. The Divine gift of creative mind power  was given to

f r e e d o m   man unsolicited by him. Th ere fore, it is to be used by him for his

own redemption and advancement. By the same token this bless-

ing must not be limited by the decrees or dogmas, the faiths or

fallacies, of any group or organization of men.

7. M an’s understanding of his Divine mental powers and Cos-

mic, psychic, faculties and capabilities, lies in his comprehension

[ 2 ]

 W e now come to the knowledge of ourselves, whither we are directed by the ancients, which merits a closer examination, since the knowledge of himself is to man the end and time of the sciences, of which nature only forms a portion. —Sir Francis Bacon.

(Imperator of the Rosicrucians.)

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oi the real nature of his being, and the relationship he has to cer-

tain spiritual and natural forces, and the true purpose of his exist-

ence. Until man does comprehend and understand in Truth, and

in the light of Co sm ic Inspiration, the real nature of his being, he

cannot understand the reason for the latent, undeveloped, or un-suspected powers and capabilities lying in his inner consciousness,

and which he can use, and should use, to further his personal


8. The essential facts of life, and all of the laws and principles

which surround man’s being and man’s relationship to universal

powers, laws, and principles, are not concealed from man by any 

Divine decree , but by a “veil of obscurity,” as the philosophers of

old expressed it. This veil has been placed before the conscious-ness of man’s penetrating gaze in all ages and all lands by the 

 pow ers that represent the d arker fo rces in lif e, and by those who

have much to gain through the continued ignorance of man and

his slavery to creeds, dogmas, false beliefs, and superstitions. Man o b s c u r i t y  

has at times torn assunder this strange veil of mental opaqueness

and spiritual denseness, and in a flash of brilliant illumination has

discerned the power that lies beyond, in his being and in his attune

ment with Cosmic forces. Such illuminated beings have revealed

from time to time their flashes of divine wisdom, and by this lightcivilization has advanced and man has become mighty and power-

ful in the true manner which God decreed when man was extended

from Cosmic consciousness to this earthly plane.

9. The intellect in man is essentially the Divine Mind of the

Creator or the Creative Causes throughout the universe. This in-

tellect in man is capable of attunement to the evolving inspirations

of Cosmic wisdom. The mind of God is in man; and in its search

it functions like the searching consciousness of God. It can neitherbe stayed nor ever thoroughly allayed in its desires and ambitions

for more knowledge.

10. “Let us reason together,” has been the "open sesame" to

man’s mastership over the ethical and moral principles of life.

Throughout all the ages, men and women have come together to r e a s o n  

reason and discourse on. the problems of life and to delve analyti-

cally into the mysteries that constitute the real principles of our

[ 3 ]



The Cosmic influences are invisible, but they act upon man. Heat and light are intangible and incorporeal; nevertheless, they act upon man, and the same is true of other invisible influences. —Paracelsus.

(A Rosicrucian)

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existence. Out of these conclaves of investigation have come the

ethical and moral standards by which man has broadened his life

and advanced civilization.







11. Religion, as a sc i ence o f dogma, did not have in it the es-

sence of flexibility or evolutionary growth except by contraversion

and contradiction of its doctrines. Its dogmatic statements, created

by arbitrary decisions of a few men, had no element in them

which permitted of expansion and growth in keeping with the de-

velopment of man’s understanding and the evolving nature of his

inquiries. To question the authority of these dogmas meant con-

demnation as a heretic. On the other hand, true religion, as a

science of real knowledge, has always contained within itself the

urge to reject that which is found to be untrue, incompetent, or  

impractical. It is through revealed knowledge, therefore, rather

than through dogmatic religion, that man may accomplish the

greatest good in evolving his powers and understanding, and in

bringing to his career all of the possibilities of human existence.

12. M an’s continued and concentrated gaze beyond his immedi-

ate knowledge has been the beacon light guiding his inquiries and

researches. Like the child who points into the distant space of

the sky and asks as to what lies beyond his reach, and like the

man or woman of today who sits in meditation at the firesideand wonders what the morrow may disclose, so man has always

looked beyond the now and the immediate present seeking to bring

from the mystic spell of the future not that which is imaginary or

ethereal, but that which must be real and must come to pass as an

inevitable sequence of the things with which he is familiar in his

present mood. In this manner, man has extended and projected

his consciousness into the absolute Cause of all Causes and dis-

covered a new world of ineffable inspiration.

13. M an’s inherent restlessness for knowledge that will enablehim to live in harmony with natural laws and be free from fear

and doubt, has brought him in contact with the Cosmic Mind and

the G od Consc iousness ruling the universe. It has, in fact, brought

him closer to God and the Omnipotent Intelligence residing within 

him and about him. Such higher contact has placed him in rapport 

with other seekers similarly situated and likeminded. He thus has

found himself at times in mental companionship with the higher

minds on earth, and with the illuminated minds of the Cosmic.

[ 4 ]

The Eternal Truths are revealed through spiritual meditation, and make all men who receive them the Magi of their time. —Sir Edward Kelly.

(A Rosicrucian)

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This Holy Assembly has been his school, his church, his sanctum.

In it he has revelled in the beatitudes, and basked in the sunlight

of new life, new thought, new power, and new attainments. Here

he has found peace and happiness, contentment and consolation,

for all of the trials and tribulations of this earthly life. Here he

has found inspiration, guidance, instruction, and the companion-

ship of minds that sympathetically understand and offer brotherly

association in the meeting of his personal problems.

14. In this wise there has been formed on the earth plane the

groups of reasoning minds who come together to reason on life’s

problems and mysteries. As the focal points on earth of these in-

quiring minds and reasoning mentalities are called schools of wis-dom, so the spiritual, or Cosmic focal point of these minds, lifted

beyond the earth plane in their thoughts, has become the t h e  

Cathedral o f the Soul , where the inner part of man’s being rises

to sublime meditation, spiritual revelation, and transcendent

thought. It is in this Cathedral o f the Soul that man finds the

mind of God revealed, the mystery of life explained, and the des-

tiny of each individual open as a book, that all who wish may read

and understand.





15. Hence, on the earth plane and in our earthly affairs, groups

of thinking and analyzing men and women have become essential

students of the higher principles of life and are deemed to be the

mystic philosophers of the hidden and Arcane facts of our life

here and now. In all ages and in all times, these groups of mystics, 

and these associations and assemblies of analyzing students, have w i t h i n  

been the schools of advanced knowledge aiding men and women

to attain, without bias and without prejudice, that knowledge

which constitutesthe real power within man

for the accomplish-ment of his desires and the fulfillment of his ambitions,

16. The earliest organizations of these inquiring minds and

illuminated souls were known as the  M ag i o f C h a ld ea , the T h e r a

 peuti o f E gypt, and the Essenes of Syria and India. Organized as s i l e n t

fraternities or silent Brotherhoods, nonsectarian in their discus s e e k e r s

sions and speculations, unbiased in their findings and pronounce-

ments, they came to be the leaders of this earth’s assembly of

progressive beings.


The Adept only converses at his best with the Adept.  Around him is a sacred circle, and within it only the Elect are allowed to enter. The Brotherhood of Conse-crated Lives admit all who are worthy, and all who are  excluded exclude themselves.

—“Fra" Elbert Hubbard.(A Rosicrudan)

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17. In turn, these bodies associated and united in one organiza-

tion that eventually became the foundation for the fraternity of

investigators and seekers for Light known as The Rosicrucians. 

The ancient records of this new foundation bespeak the glories of

their accomplishments in behalf of man’s civilization and advance-

ment, and give us, today, the most dependable record of man’s

unflinching determination to pierce the veil of obscurity, receive the

Cosmic Illumination, and become the master of his life.

18. Because of their conservative activities, their exclusiveness,

and their high accomplishments in art, literature, and the silences,

they became generally known as the secret mystics of the hidden

schools of true misdom. They were, however, practical workers

and practical thinkers, determined to reduce to man’s immediatebenefit all of the laws and principles which were revealed to their

understanding, and thereby assist man to attain that essential de-

gree of selfmastership through the power of knowledge that

would enable him to face every problem of life, to solve every

mystery of existence, and lead his own soul and the souls of others

to the highest state of earthly existence.

Thus we have an outline of the ideals and purposes, the motives

and inherent tendencies in man, which have brought into existence

the present worldwide organization of Rosicrucians. Misunder-stood by those who have not contacted their philosophy or their

knowledge, misquoted by those who could not and would not view

with the same tolerance and broadness of vision the power they

offered man through their wisdom, they were imitated by those

who sought to lead the true seeker from the real path of the quest.

The Rosicrucians maintained, however, a unique organization and

solidarity, unblemished by any of the fanaticisms of the past period

of evolving civilization, uncontaminated by the political or social

powers of any government or faction of men, uncontrolled by anypersonal ambition or selfish interests, and altruistically devoted to

the betterment of humanity.

Appealing to the cultured and the intelligent, the progressive,

and the thinking persons of all lands, and all ages, the brotherhood

today constitutes the most intimate, the most complete, and the

most fascinating movement for the advancement of knowledge, and

the attainment of Spiritual, Cosmic understanding, leading to a

higher expression of earthly life, a higher attainment, and the full

realization of God’s blessings on earth.[ 6 ]

God’s wisdom is for those who would reach up to receive it, and with others prepare themselves to be worthy of it. —Petrus de Abano.

(A Rosicrucian)

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I V _y u r Cy n v i i a h onS v v Leans a\The ideals of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood can be carried out

only by the spread of its principles, teachings, objectives, and


Bringing these things into the lives of as many progressive,

thinking men and women as possible and aiding them to attain

greater happiness, contentment, intellectual mastership and spiri-

tual uplift, is the ageold purpose of the Brotherhood, and con-stitutes the G r e a t W o r k .

This book was designed for private circulation, and more than

likely reaches your hands through a desire expressed on your

part to know more about the Rosicrucians, or through the desire

of some member to aid you in your search for greater Light.

In either event, this book is an open invitation to you to unite

with the Rosicrucian organization in its unselfish efforts and highideals. You are invited not to become merely a member of a fra-

ternity or a Neophyte of an Arcane School of Mystical Philsophy,

but to become a personal, private student of the sane, practical,

and sacred principles of which the Rosicrucian Brotherhood is an

ageold exponent.

Uniting with the Rosicrucians means more than simply making

an intimate contact with a group of persons or a body of like

minded individuals . It means entering through an invisible portalthat stands like the ancient pylons of Egypt, at the entrance to a

new section of the world. It means passing through the gateway

that leads to a new world of thinking and living, presenting to the

one who passes through the gate, a vista of life that is fascinating,

intriguing, uplifting, inspiring, and practical in its helpful solu-

tions of the every day problems that confront all human beings.

Coming within the fold of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood means

entering into the close spiritual and mental companionship of a







He who knows most grieves most for wasted time.— Dante. 

(A Rosicrucian)

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worldwide organization composed of those intellectually happy,

spiritually contented, and materially successful men and women

who may be your neighbors, your acquaintances, or the outstand-

ing characters in your community or your city.

Aside from the very many practical benefits that accrue from

such association, and which are given to each member of the

Brotherhood week by week in a very definite form, there are so

many spiritual and mental benefits from the companionship, and

from the contact with the spiritual forces and mental vibrations,

that it is hardly possible to even outline them in the brief space of

this book.

One of the most common expressions on the part of thousands

who are within the fold of the organization is that the entering

into membership, or the Crossing of the Threshold, brought into

it an immediate sense of security as well as of illumination, and a

realization of a new outlook on life with the accumulating power

to understand and master each major or minor problem of life as

it arose in the course of human events. Another expression used

most frequently in the remarks of the members everywhere, isthat they wished above all else that they had made this contact  

and form ed this association y ears ago, because of the greater good

that would have come through the inevitable changes and prog-

ress created in every important feature of their lives.

If we review the history of the Rosicrucians, as presented in

the writings of such eminent characters as Roger Bacon, Sir Fran-

cis Bacon, Lord Bulwer Lytton, Marie Corelli, Shelley, da Vinci,

and scores of others, we learn that it has always been conceded

that the students of the Rosicrucian principles and the practitioners

of its fundamental laws were not only healthy and immune to the

common ailments of the flesh, but were more fortunate in their

personal affairs through the high development of their intuitive 

 fa cu lt ie s, and more masterful in their attainment of the higher and

better things of life, because of their attunement with spiritual

forces that made them appear to be blessed by the  gods and the

recipients of Cosmic beneficence.

[ 8 ]

God operates by His works— in heaven by Angels, and on earth by men. Eliphas Levi .

(A Rosicrucian)

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In America, today, we find the traditions of the Order, which

was first established in this land in 1694, held sacred and in the

highest regard by the descendants of old families in whose blood

and hearts are the cultural, intellectual, and spiritual principles

which appeal to reason, satisfying the inquiring mind, giving aguiding index to the purposes of life, and fortifying the soul and

mind against the perplexities that tend to bring discontent and


Men of eminence today in the highest circles of scientific

achievements, at the helm of great industries, or leaders in scien-

tific research and instructors in schools, colleges, and universities, l e a d e r s h i p

express without reservation their high praise for the benefit that

has come to them and to mankind generally through associationwith this unique Brotherhood.

In the highest circles of music, in the recognized fields of art

and literature, in medicine and surgery, in law and other profes-

sions, we find the outstanding successes, the illuminating, unsel-

fish, humanitarian workers, active in their Rosicrucian affiliation

and nobly trying to promulgate the Rosicrucian ideals in their own

lives and in their contacts with others.

Here, then, is an exclusive yet worldwide organization com-

posed of men and women who are united by purposes free from

bias or selfaggrandizement, extending their hands to you to join

in fellowship, and in spiritual and mental association, that you

may have the benefit of what the organization has accomplished

in the past and aid in the Gre at W or k of the future. Th is, then, f e l l o w s h i p  

is the invitation extended to you, personally, and to those of your

immediate family; for in this organization men and their wives,

parents and their children unite and find common interests andcommon ties that help in establishing peace and harmony, beauty,

elegance, richness, and spiritual inspiration in their homes and in

their daily activities.

Those who are radical in their political, religious, or social

views, or those who are unworthy to have the highest respect of

their communities, or who are engaged in any hobby or practice e x c l u s i v e  

beneath the dignity of respected men and women everywhere, are

not invited to join with the Rosicrucians and are not truly ready

[ 9 ]

Be persuaded first to apply thyself to the Eternal Mind,  entreating Him to grant thee understanding, then seek knowledge with diligence, and thou shalt never repent having taken so laudable a resolution.

Francis Barrett, F . R. C.(A Rosicrucian)

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for the greater Light that can only be appreciated and utilized for

the benefit of all by those who have been properly prepared in

the ancestry and evolution of their mental abilities.

To you, then, as one who is specifically invited because of yourworthiness and willing readiness of open mind, this book, and

especially the following pages, are dedicated with the hope that

you will find in it the urge and the inner call to enter the First

Portal and dwell in the Temple of Knowledge.

An A nci en t Cust om 

Differing from other fraternal organizations to which the appli-

cant must humbly submit a petition, the Rosicrucian Fraternity hasalways believed that it was its duty to invite worthy and sincere

seekers to join its ranks and share its knowledge.

Throughout Europe and the Orient it is generally considered a

distinct honor to receive an invitation to unite with the Rosicrucian

Fraternity. Th is is because it is a definite recognition by the

Brotherhood of the individual’s sincerity and earnestness in his de-

sire for Light, Life , and Love . It is with this tradition in mind that

the Rosicrucians in America today extend the ancient invitation

and a cordial welcome to such persons as they believe are sincerely

interested in the great work and truly desirous of knowledge. Th e

insincere, the unworthy, the frivolous, the skeptic, and the one who

believes neither in the directing power of a Supreme Intelligence

nor in the immutability of the Spiritual and natural laws, are not

invited to join the Brotherhood, nor is the portal open to them until

they have learned the first great lesson of life.

 An Ancien t, E sote ric S ym bol of the Rosicrucians

[ 1 0 ]

All that happens In time has in Him its eternal principle.

—Albertus Magnus. 

(A Rosicrucian)

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embers i

^ YY leans 

W e have said that membership in the Rosicrucian Brotherhood

means more than mere fraternal fellowship. W hile the principles

of fraternalism, or true universal brotherhood, are highly exempli-

fied in the Rosicrucian movement throughout the world because

of its many centuries of operation, nevertheless, there are other

direct benefits.

It is not possible to outline to the unaffiliated all the activities

of the Rosicrucians, but these may be sensed in the references of

eminent scientists, theologians, educators, and leaders in man’s

progress, intimating that in every field of spiritual and mental illu-

mination, the Rosicrcucians have been found in the silent ranks

of the most devoted and influential.

The Rosicrucians have always been happy in the fact that they

have been successful in protecting their unselfish, austere, and

honorable activities from the spotlight of idle publicity and bom-

bastic expositions. Th eir existence as a fraternity, their activities

in the educational fields, and their humble accomplishments in the

spiritual elevation of man, have been conservatively revealed in

hundreds of public pieces of distinguished literature. This has

had the desirable effect of removing any possible conception that

the Rosicrucians were a concealed group of mysterious philosoph-

ers. But, the complete program of their unified and long estab-

lished activities is known only to those who search for the deeper

spiritual and mental labors of the Master of Rosicrucian principles.

If you accept our invitation and submit your application for

membership in the Brotherhood, your plea for admission will be

duly considered from the standpoint of how helpful the organi-

zation may be in bringing to you the knowledge which begets





The Fi r st Personal Benef i t s 

[ i i ]

Life is a mission. Ever y other definition of life is false, and leads all who accept it astray. Religion, science, phil-osophy, though still at variance upon many points, all agree in this, that every existence is an aim.

— M azzini. (A Rosicrucian)

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Peace and Power, and how helpful you may become in carrying

into the lives of others the great message of Light, Li fe , and Love.  

All other possible considerations are secondary. Yo ur worthiness  

of character and soul, even in the utmost humility and simpleness

of earthly position and occupation, are paramount qualifications.

Upon being found worthy and sincerely deserving of the efful-

gence of the FI R S T P R IN C IP L E S, you will be notified in due

form, and certain secret, private, typewritten instructions will be

dispatched to you, sealed against undesirable scrutiny.

St r ict l y Pr iva te 





These first Manifestos, containing the First Principles, will re-veal to you in simple language, and in a most interesting and in-

triguing manner, the foundation facts of a series of revelations

and discourses which will reach you weekly by mail, sealed and

protected. No one but yourself need know that you have made

any definite contact with the Rosicrucians, nor have any idea of

what you are reading and studying.

Certain papers of general instruction, and documents of identi-

fication will also be sent to you whereby you may keep us ac-

quainted with your progress and privately communicate with oneof the secretaries at the Supreme Temple, and express your fur-

ther wishes and desires.

You will not be required to do anything, say anything, or con-

duct your personal or public life in any manner that will embarass

you, change the even tenor of your manner of living, or cause

any inconvenience. Men and women of established routine habits

appreciate this feature of privacy and reserve in the study of the

Rosicrucian revelations. There is no need for association with

other members unless this is desired and requested. You mayeven now live closely associated with or in daily business relation

with one who is an advanced disciple of the principles of the fra-

ternity, without your knowledge of the fact.

Cont i nuou s Revela t ions of Law s 

From week to week there will come to you through personal,

sealed communications, the carefully prepared discourses, lectures,

[ 1 2 ]

The one remains, the many change and pass; Heaven’s light forever shines; earth’s shadows fly.

— Shelly.(A Rosicrucian)

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and lessons which are officially issued by the Research and In-

struction Departments of the large organization established in the

Administration and Temple buildings of the Brotherhood.



These lectures, lessons, discourses, and secret manuscripts in

typewritten form, are not the work of one mind or one personal-

ity holding the position of “discoverer” of some new or old phil-

osophy, but the findings, expositions, and carefully edited writings THE

of a worldwide group of secret workers, philosophers, scribes, t r u t h

and Spiritual thinkers, who constitute the international instruction

committee of the Rosicrucian fraternity in all lands. No statement,

no law nor principle, no observation nor any natural or transcen-

dental fact of life, is a  person al opin io n of one human mind.

The instruction given in this manner is dual in purpose andeffect. First, it relates certain known facts to others hardly sus-

pected and thereby reveals surprising knowledge along many

lines, and, second, it gives certain definite principles for test and

trial during the spare moments of daily life which bring forth in-

teresting and helpful demonstrations of fact and arouse many new

thoughts and revelations in the subconscious mind of the student.

Step by step, in a manner more absorbing and pleasant than

the reading of fiction, astounding truths are revealed which require

no blind faith for acceptance and no childlike beliefs.

As an additional contact with each member, to keep him inAN

formed of the most illuminating discourses of the leaders of Rosi a d d i t i o n a l

crucian thought throughout the world, a monthly magazine, “The h e l p

Rosicrucian Digest” is sent to each member as a part of his study

and the educational system.

M al { ing L i fe a Song of Joy 

From the very first hour of the course of contact with the fra-

ternity, the outlook on life changes and then a new viewpoint

brings the dawn of a new life. In each revelation of truth, the PEACE

mind and intellect are raised to a higher concept of all the prin p r o f o u n d

ciples and problems of our existence here on earth, and the spiri-

tual nature within becomes slowly attuned to Cosmic forces and

inspirations which bring joy, mental power, and a Peace that the

Rosicrucians have ever termed, Peace Pro found .

[ 1 3 ]

 When man neither careth for, nor seeketh, nor desireth anything but the Eternal Good alone, he is made a partaker of all manner of joy, bliss, peace, rest, and consolation.

 Ja co b Boe hm e.

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No books are necessary to the thorough understanding of the

carefully prepared weekly discourses, although the brotherhood

does publish some books for specialized reading along practical

Hnes of everyday interest. All the necessary charts, illustrations,EXPLAINED  J J J 

reports, explantions, and expositions are contained in what hasbeen acclaimed by thousands to be the most thorough, most ex-

haustive and the most understandable revelation of the mysteries

of life ever given to man.

Systemat i c and Compl et e 






It is not pretentious to say that no other school or system of

human thought is as inclusive, as broad and unbiased, as is the

elaborate and graded manuscripts sent to each member of theRosicrucian Brotherhood.

Thousands in America today, as in other lands, look forward

to the coming of the weekly envelope— the large envelope that

contains the larger knowledge of life. Men and women in all

occupations, from that of dircting the affairs of a home to the

pinnacles of eminent professions, have found the weekly study

period and the minutes of meditation and reflection associated with

this Great W ork , the happiest and most profitable moments in

their lives. It must be so, for, throughout the centuries the Rosi-crucian movement has grown in numbers of members and in power

of accomplishment in a tremendous and inspiring manner.




T he Secur i t y o f A t t unem ent 

The simple language, the unquestionable selfevidence of the

facts revealed, their easy application to the affairs of life, and the

resulting mastership over perplexities of life, make the lectures,

lessons, discourses and instructions a real pleasure to anticipateeach week, and a blessing to absorb.

The whole attunement with the study and the high ideals of the

organization, brings a sense of security and  p rotection , a casting

off of fears and dreads, and a blotting out of the doubts that for

ages have held millions in mental and spiritual slavery.

There grows in the hearts and souls of all true Rosicrucians an

increasing intimacy with the God Consciousness within, and the

God M ind without. Th is is accompanied by a carefully arranged

[ 14 ]

Seek not too eagerly after the grace of devotion, sen-sible sweetness and tears, but let thy chief care be to remain inwardly united to God by good will in the intellectual part of the Soul.

—Albertus Magnus.

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development of the Higher Faculties, or what da Vinci the emi-

nent painter and Rosicrucian called, the Higher Powers, such as

intuition, foresight, inspiration from the Cosmic, and an enlarging

degree of Divine Love, which adds to the vitality of the life

forces, improves the health and mental faculties and brings trueimmunity from disease and errors of mind and body.

T h e Cat hedr al of the Soul 

Gradually, and in no indefinite manner, the consciousness of the

student is raised to a point of easy attunement with the spiritual

consciousness of the universe.

It is then that the student becomes aware of one of the most

astonishing and consoling principles of the Rosicrucian knowledge.

During the weekly study periods the student is prepared, by the

secret system of the Rosicrucians, to sense the mental and spiri-

tual contact of the thousands of other idealized thoughts attuned

with his own from all parts of the universe at given periods of the

night or day. These , uniting in one universal Cosmic Conscious-

ness of Man, constitute a mighty Assembly of attuned minds,

directing their thoughts toward the mystic beams of Light, Life,

and Love. Gradually the focal point of this universal Assembly

is raised higher and higher until, in a short space of time, the

student finds that his weekly period of meditation, brief or long

as he or she may wish to make it, lifts the consciousness to a

Holy Sanctum within the Cathedral o f the Soul . Here is the

ultimate of Spiritual Contact. Here are Rest, Peace, Power, and




T h e M i ra cl e of G od ’s Exis tence 

It is during these weekly contacts with the Sanctum of the

Cathedral o f the Soul , that the worthy seeker of Divine Illumina-

tion finds the realization of his quest, and the Dawn of Eternal

Life. Th e very attunement with the Spiritual Power in that

etherial but very real Cathedral, is beyond any description that

may be reduced to words or finite concept.

Here the higher consciousness of the soul of man senses the

Music of the Spheres, the Rhythmic Vibrations of Spiritual Music

and Harmonic Chords. W ithin the vast spaces of that Cathedral

[ 15 ]



There is a transcendant power that comes to the human mind when it finds joy in attunement with the Cosmic wisdom. —Friar Roger Bacon.

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the Soul and Mind of the individual seated comfortably in the

privacy of his home, finds spiritual companionship in prayer, medi-

tation and contemplation of the Miracles of God’s Existence and

God’s Beneficence.

In the Holy Assembly of the Cathedral are the minds of the

THE Illumined Masters of the world today, lifted to this great sanctuary

m a s t e r s   by their noble thoughts and aspiring souls. In the East of the

Cathedral is the Great Altar out of which comes the sweet tones

of the inspiring message speaking to the veary hearts of those who

listen with understanding.

Only those who for years have experienced this most mystical

of all periods in human life, ever realize the secret of the Inner

Kingdom proclaimed by Jesus, and found to be the mystery ofHis Mission and the Mission of every great Avatar who pre-

ceded Him.

Here is the true church, the true Holy of Holies, the Dwelling

t r u e   Place of God and the Cosmic Hosts. Th is is the secret of the

c h u r c h   exoteric meaning of the Rose on the Cross and the meaning of the

cryptic message of I. N. R. I.

Personal Gui dance 





In every possible way, by private letters in answer to inquiries

for more Light and guidance, in special communications of a more

intimate nature, and in ways and means unknown to others, the

Masters of the Supreme Lodge maintain a close contact with each

member and extend with real joy the hand of fellowship in meet-

ing all the spiritual and mental problems of life.

Each member finds that the personal interest in his welfare, the

wholehearted concern in his progress, and the sympathetic desire

to help in every practical affair, makes membership in the Rosi-

crucian Brotherhood a living exemplification of the human spirit

of Divine relationship.

No element of religious sectarianism enters into tne spirit of the

teachings or other activities. Persons of all religious denomina-

tions are active members in all lands, and whether Jew or Gentile,

Christian Protestant or Roman Catholic, Mohammedan, Buddhist,

or a member of any other denomination, there will be found only

that which will bring your God closer to you and make the mys[ 16 ]

True happiness consists not in the knowledge of good  things, but in good life; not in understanding, but in living  understandingly. Neither is it great learning, but good will that joins men to God.

—Cornelius Agrippa.(A Rosicrucian)

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teries of life, the mysteries of your being, and the powers of your

faculties, more understandable and worthy of your adoration.

A School i ng U nusual l y Br oad 

In the course of lessons, lectures, and discourses the student

finds invaluable and helpful knowledge covering all the princi-

ples of socalled natural laws, such as chemistry, physiology,

biology, onotology, cosmology, and psychology. All the  fine ar ts  

of civilization are explained in their relation to the Cosmic princi-

ples. The human mind, the Divine Mind, the Spiritual Conscious-

ness, the physical faculties of the body, the psychic faculties of the e t e r n a l  

Soul, the harmonics of evolution, the cycles of life, the Cosmic 'VISD0M

vibrations and their manifestations, the true cause of diseases, the

creative powers of thought, the emanations of mind, the Infinite

Graces of G od ’s blessings in man— all are explained and made

understandable and of service in the awakening of the SU P E R -

M AN within each of us, bringing that magnetic personality, that

masterful intellect, that charm and poise of personality that mean

R E G E N E R A T E D BE IN G S on earth, evolving to the High State

of Supreme Consciousness and Eternal Life.

 Wide R an ge of Subj ect s 

Everything that has ever been taught in the past or is being

taught at the present time in Europe or the Orient, and that is true,

inspiring, and of practical use is included in the lectures, lessons,

and discourses. W heth er it be such fascinating studies as the laws

of vibrations in the sounds of names, colors, music, and other

manifestations of natural law, or the vibrations of life and health,

or lessons dealing with oriental breathing exercises, processes for

mentally creating ideas to be brought into realization, modern psy q l d

chological principles, the alchemy of the mind, the transmutation a n d

of base elements into refined expressions, the transmission of NEV/

thought, the projection of the human consciousness into space, the

mystery of the powers of the Divine Mind over mortal mind and

material things, the secret doctrines of the early Christians, and

other great Lights of the Spiritual Schools, or whatever else one

may find in the ancient writings of the leaders of human thought,

all are revealed and explained in a practical manner in the com-

plete and simple lectures and lessons that constitute the great

Rosicrucian system.

[ 1 7 ]

Ignorance is the true original sin. Men are bankrupt morally because they do not know the gold mine that is in them. — Brierley.

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ystery o /  xe Cy \osy








The symbol of the Rosicrucians through all ages has been a

golden cross with a red rose in its center. This symbol has both

an Exoteric and an Esoteric meaning, and neither of these are

related to any sectarian symbolism of the cross.

In fact, the cross is so much older in symbolism and in bothscientific and spiritual significance than any Christian symbol that

there should be no reason to associate the cross with any sectar-

ian application. The cross as a symbol of mystical principles

can be found on many of the ancient carvings in periods preced-

ing the birth of Christianity and the Maltese cross and many

other forms of the cross including the Swastika are developments

of this very ancient mark.

The complete Rosy Cross symbol as shown on the opposite

page is truly a key to all of the arts and sciences taught in thesecret manuscripts of the Rosicrucian Fratern ity. The number

of petals constituting the rose in the center of the cross and the

marks upon these petals are highly significant as are the chemi-

cal, alchemical, and astronomical emblems appearing on the face

of the cross, including the Pentagram and King Solomon’s seal,

both of which were well recognized philosophical symbols long

before the Christian era. The wisdom of the world is contained

in the symbols of the Rosy Cross, and by its mathematical, geo-

metrical, and allegorical form, every problem of the arts andsciences may be worked out including the fascinating problems of

the Euclid.

The spiritual significance of the cross used by the Rosicrucians

through all ages is as follows: The cross itself represents the

body of man with arms outstretched and typifies the physical

body of man suffering the trials and tribulations of earthly ex-

perience, which crucify his body and constitute the process lead-

ing to regeneration. The unfolding rose in the center of the cross

There is no chance, no destiny, no fate Can circumvent, or hinder, or control The firm resolve of a determined soul.

—Ella Wheeler Wilcox .

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represents the soul of man developing and unfolding through the

experiences and tribulations of earthly life, by which process the

soul attains divine perfection. Thus the soul of man evolves

through the crucifixion of the body of man. Th is interpretation

was held by the Arcane souls of oriental lands long before the

The Ancient Rosy Cross Is Very Different  

From Any Religious Emblem

crucifixion of Jesus the Christ and is referred to in many ancient

manuscripts as the great law of life.

The Rosy Cross is one of the symbols found in the highest spiri-

tual writings of all ages, for it is also a key to the mysteries of the

Bible, the mysteries of the alchemists, and the metaphysicians.

No other symbol has ever served so many purposes, and retained

the high spiritual esteem and veneration as has the Golden Cross

with the Red Rose. Day after day and year after year its unfold-

ing wisdom and fascinating revelations will lead your life to higher


[ 1 9 ]




God is a Number   endowed with motion, which is felt but not demonstrated. — Balzac.

(A Rosicrucian)

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The paramount requirement on the part of each member of the

Rosicrucian fraternity is that he or she shall strive in every possi-

ble way to understand the socalled mysteries of l i fe , and through

spiritual illumination and selfmastership over the human traits of

character and the problems of life, attain happiness, power, and

peace on earth.

The second requirement is that each member shall become unto

himself, and unto those whom he may contact, a demonstration of

the power of the Mystic Trinity — the three elements of which are

Light, Life, and Love.

T o enable its members to attain these high powers and ideal

principles, the Brotherhood maintains an elaborate Research Staffassociated with other departments of investigation and education

constituting the Rosicrucian Research Foundation. It also prepares

and distributes to its membership weekly, with no cost attached

thereto, the complete graded system of instruction, discourses, lec-

tures, and lessons referred to previously, constituting many courses

of profound study and practical help unequalled by the curricu

lums of any school or college. The monthly “Rosicrucian Digest” 

is also given to each member.

W hile it is not compulsory, it is most advisable, for every mem-ber of the Brotherhood to accept the instructions and lectures

offered, and thereby increase the spread of the greater Light.

On the other hand a third requirement on the part of all mem-

bers is that they contribute to the support of the Rosicrucian Re-

search Foundation and all the other material activities and operat-

ing expenses of the physical organization known as the Rosicrucian

Brotherhood. W hile the personal benefits from membership are

many, and are entirely distinct from those offered by any other[ 2 0 ]

But among these doctrines, there is none more neces-sary than an inquiry into the proper habits of each fac-ulty of the soul in the body and its organs.

—Sir Francis Bacon. (Imperator of the Rosicrucians)

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fraternity, there are no fees connected with these benefits, and the

course of instruction is given gratuitiously to all members.

By a vote of the large membership in North America expressed

through the delegates in the National convention held in America,a nominal contribution was established as the most fitting manner

in which all members might equally and  properly support the

physical organization without bringing the element of commercial-

ism into its activities in any form.

Therefore, all applicants for membership are asked to merely

make a contribution of Five Dollars to the Rosicrucian Research  

Foundation at the time of the submission of their application for

membership. All accepted members will continue to support the

physical organization and its elaborate operating methods through

a monthly contribution to the Foundation Funds of Two Dollars

payable each month by mail. No other fees are required because all

advancements and degrees of promotion or initiation into the

higher teachings are without price, without fee, and without any

other consideration than the good and welfare of the individual

member and his or her relation to the great work being carried on

by the Brotherhood. Nor are there any fees or assessments asso-ciated with the weekly mailing of the lectures, lessons, discourses,

monthly magazines, or other forms of personal instruction, or with

the giving of personal advice and help through correspondence or

other means to individual members.

Members may withdraw from active association with the

Brotherhood for good cause at any time, and their contributions

to the funds of the organization continue only so long as members

maintain active affiliation. The great work is supported by the

good will of the members through an equal and nominal distribu-

tion of the operating costs of the foundation work. Th is has been

the ageold custom of the organization and has been highly ap-

proved by all those in the past and present who have participated

in it. It makes each and every member of the fraternity a willing

and hearty supporter of its physical activities while enjoying to

the utmost the unique privileges of its spiritual and mental benefits.





Good always flows in the channels it has once selected.

— L. C. de SaintMartin.

(A Rosicrucian)

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e i l ine ov r o c e a u r e






Your attention is called to the following important points, which

should have your careful consideration. If the reading of this book

arouses in you any desire to share the knowledge and wisdom of

the Rosicrucians, or you feel any urge to unite with them in their

private and exclusive studies, you should submit your application

for membership either by using the blank Questionnaire that may

be enclosed with this book, or if no Questionnaire accompanies

this book, by simply writing to the SecretaryGeneral and expres-

ing your desire. To hesitate, or to lay this book aside, may mean

the passing of the opportunity; for the direct invitation may not

come again in the form in which it is presented to you at this time.

The work of the organization is very systematic and definite.

Immediately upon receipt of your application for membership, you

will be notified of its consideration, and upon acceptance you will

receive certain secret manuscripts of profound interest and fasci-nating reading. From that moment onward, your membership will

consist of a dual form of activity. First there will be the weekly

lessons, lectures, or discourses, and confidenital letters, which will

go to your home with a regularity and with a sequence and system

of graded information and knowledge that will please and surprise

you. This information constitutes the schooling and impartation

of the great wisdom of the organization. On the other hand, from

the moment of your affiliation, you become attuned with others of

similar mind and with certain  M asters and workers who will pri-vately and in their own way keep in touch with your progress and

your personal requirements. In this way the Cosmic, metaphysical,

and spiritual activities of the organization are carried on, culminat-

ing in the great spiritual assemblies that are held several times each

week through meditation, at which time you, in the privacy of your  

own home, and unbeknown to others around you, come in contact

with illuminating mentalities and inspiring impressions emanating

from the Cathedral o f the Soul .

[ 2 2 ]

Men who are devoid of the power of spiritual percep-tion are unable to recognize the existence of anything that  cannot be seen externally. — Paracelsus.

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Through the monthly magazine, through personal letters, and

through many channels of well organized activity, the Brother-

hood will help you in your personal problems of health, success,

and progress in the attainment of mastership.

You will come to realize what the greatest of writers and think-

ers have meant when they have said so often in veiled or plain

language that association with the Rosicrucian fraternity brings

one into contact with those constructive, progressive, mighty forces

of the universe that carry the loyal and devoted student of the

teachings to eminent heights and planes of joy and peace. Nothing

of an abstract or theoretical nature is contained in the teachings or

in the plans of operation. The knowledge imparted is concrete,

definite, demonstrable by the student, easily applied to all theaffairs of life, and related to the fundamental knowledge of all of

the sciences and arts constituting a course of education equal to

that of a university or several colleges. It is easyto understand, p e a c e

simple in its unfoldment, rich and beautiful in its inspirinq wis AND1 , . 1 . 1 . • , • r POWER

dom, and practical m its application, during every moment of

your life. Th e Rosicrucian work constitutes the great work of

man’s life, and every man and woman regardless of position in

social life or business world or in the home, can benefit equally

with all other minds through the study and contact afforded eachmember. Th ere is nothing in the work that will detract from

your political or religious convictions, nor interfere with your

daily occupations. You do not subscribe allegiance to any indi-

vidual, and you do not pledge yourself to lifelong adherence to

the work, unless you find it the joy of your life to do so, for freely

may you enter the organization and freely mayyou withdraw

at any time. The outer portal is now open to you, and you are

invited to cross the threshold and enter the new world that

lies beyond.

As long as you live, you will value your membership in this Fra-

ternity because of its honored past and the great work it has ac-

complished in your country for the unfoldment of man’s highest a  

powers and the advancement of civilization. You will come to ,1 HERIT/i

regard your affiliation with the Rosicrucians as a blessing, a privi-

lege, and a rich heritage to be preserved for the future as a bene

ditcion to others.

[ 2 3 ]

In proportion as you detach yourself from things, in that same proportion, not one degree more or less, will God enter in with all that is His. —Eckhart.

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ve rmen t 

The AMORC in North America constitutes a separate Jurisdiction, affi-liated with the international AMORC  Rosicrucian Order. Similar Jurisdic-tions exist in Europe, Asia, Africa,  Australia, and South America. The word AMORC is an abbreviation of the complete name of the Rosicrucian  Brotherhood.

The Rosicrucian Brotherhood is, therefore, an international organization having had its origin in the traditional Arcane Schoo ls of Egypt and Asia, and operative for many centuries in 

the civilized lands of the world. All  Jurisdictions are operating uniformly, and as one organization, under a Su-preme Council for the world with in-ternational and world congresses held at various periods in Europe.

Each branch of this organization is identified by the ancient and accepted symbol of the fraternity— the Cross  with one Red Rose in its center. The AMORC has no connection with any cult, or personal philosophical move-ment, using the word Rosicrucian and a different symbol.

The Rosicrucian principles and ac-tivities were introduced in America through a Rosicrucian movement formed by several European branches, and which established itself in Phila-delphia in 1694, and later moved to its own lands outside of the city where it became associated with the estab-lishment of many of America’s earliest educational and cultural institutions. Many eminent characters associated with the foundation of the American Republic were very active in the Rosi-

crucian work, as is revealed in many historical documents.In the present regime of the 

AMORC, the ancient traditions, prac-tices, and high ideals are rigidly main-tained, and there are reading rooms, libraries, l e c t u r e rooms, temples, groups, and representatives in all the principal cities of the United States, Canada, Mexico, the W es t Indies, and Latin America constituting the North

American jurisdiction, with its Execu-tive Staff and various Research and Educational Departments located in the Administration building in San 

 Jose, California , where an Egyptian  Temple and Oriental Museum are also maintained by the Fraternity.

The States and Provinces of North America constitute divisions of the North American Jurisdiction, and each is under the direction of a Grand  Lodge and a Grand Master, as are the 

 W est Indies. In the Egyptian Tem-

ples of the various lodges, the ancient forms of ritualistic ceremones are con-ducted for those who wish to partici-pate in this method of dramatization of philosophical principles taught in the organization.

 While AMORC in all lands oper-ates as a fraternity, it has no direct re-lationship with any other fraternity or brotherhood. Although there is a Rosicrucian (Rose Croix) degree in Freemasonry, named in honor of the antiquity of the Rosicrucian fraternity, there is no connection between the 

Rosicrucian Brotherhood and Free-masonry, except that the principal offi-cers of AMORC in all sections of each   Jurisdiction are Freemasons.

The Rosicrucian Research Founda-tion of AMORC in North America has participated for many years in ex-cavations and research work in Egypt,  and is affiliated with research and ex-ploration expeditions in various coun-tries.

The highest officials of AMORC  have participated in initiations and 

ceremonies in foreign lands, and par-ticularly in the ancient temples in Egypt.

The entire organization of the Rosi-crucian fraternity throughout the world, operating under the name of AMORC is unique in all of its pro-cedures, its instructions, discourses, educational programs, and its scien-tific and humanitarian activities.

There can be but ONE internationally recognized Rosicrucian Brotherhood 

perpetuating the ancient traditions and principles.

[ 2 4 ]

The soul dwells not where she lives, but where she loves.

—Thomas Vaughan.

(A Rosicrucian)

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The Ancient Name and Symbols of the Rosi' 

crucian Brotherhood, Registered and Protected  

by The U. S. Patent Office exclusively in the  

name of AMORC.


H. SPEN CE R L EW IS, Ph. D„ F. R. C.

Imperator and Dean of the AMORC LIniversity.


Secretary General and Archivist.


Director, Department of Correspondence.

Chief, Personal Advisory Staff.


Director, Department of Welfare.

Chief, Cultural Development Staff.


Director, Research Department.

Chief, Lecture and Educational Staff.


Director of Editorial Department

All general correspondence pertaining to Membership should be addressed to:  


Rosicrucian Park 

San Jose, California (U. S. A.)

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