Page 1: The CAMP Performance Reporting Process

The CAMP Performance

Reporting Process

Michelle Meier

Office of Migrant Education

U.S. Department of Education

Page 2: The CAMP Performance Reporting Process

Overview of Session

Part I Overview of the Performance Reporting Process

Part II The Cover Sheet

Part III The Performance Report Form

Part IV The CAMP GPRA 1 Documentation Form

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Part I: Overview of the Performance Reporting Process

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General InformationThe performance report that is due on November 26* consists of three separate documents:

1) The Cover Sheet (in G5)2) The Performance Reporting Form (sent to you by email)3) The CAMP GPRA 1 Documentation form (sent to you by


* If you are part of the 2007 cohort and received a project extension, your report is due within 90 days of the revised project period.

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• You will fill out the first form (the Cover Sheet) using G5 and then you will submit the form through G5. You do not need to download this form from G5, fill it out, and then upload it.

• You must convert the second form (the Performance Report form) into PDF format (using Adobe) before you submit it through G5. No signatures are necessary.

• You must obtain signatures on the third form (the CAMP GPRA 1 Documentation form) and scan the signed document into PDF format (to capture the signatures) before submitting the form through G5.

You will complete each of the three forms and submit them all through G5.

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The Purpose of the Performance Report Is to Help Measure Project Performance,

including Performance under GPRAGPRA stands for the Government Performance and Results Act.

The CAMP program has two specific GPRA measures:– Measure 1: The percentage of CAMP participants completing

the first year of their academic or postsecondary program.– Measure 2: The percentage of CAMP participants who, after

completing the first academic year of college, continue their postsecondary education.

Grantees will not calculate and report GRPA results as part of the performance reporting process, but the data you report are critical for OME to calculate GPRA results.

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The Performance Report Also Allows OME to Calculate Efficiency Measures for each


Efficiency Measure 1: The total budget awarded for that budget period divided by the number of CAMP first academic year completers that continue in post-secondary education.

Efficiency Measure 2: The total budget awarded for that budget period divided by the number of students served in CAMP.

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Part II: The Cover Sheet

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The Cover Sheet—Indicating the Type of Performance Report You Are Submitting

Check only one box per Program Office instructions.

[ ] Annual Performance Report [ ] Final Performance Report

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The Cover Sheet—Please Consult the Instructions in G5 Carefully

Instruction Highlights

Item 7: The Reporting Period

If you are submitting an APR, this is the budget period stated in Box 6 of your most recent GAN.

If you are submitting a Final Performance Report, this is the budget period PLUS the performance period stated in Box 6.

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The Cover Sheet—Please Consult the Instructions in G5 Carefully (Cont’d)

Item 8: Budget Expenditures

“Budget expenditures” means allowable grant obligations incurred during the reporting period, whether or not you have drawn down funds to pay for these obligations.

• The amount listed in 8b of the Cover Sheet should be the same as the amount listed in cell 12(b) of the budget table under Section E of the Performance Report form.

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The Cover Sheet—Completing and Submitting the Cover Sheet

• You will find the Cover Sheet form in G5. Please fill out this form in G5 and submit it through G5 as a “Form.”

• Your Authorized Representative does not need to sign the Cover Sheet. By submitting the form in G5, you are representing that the form has been approved by your Authorized Representative.

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Part III: The Performance Report Form

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The Performance Report Form: Basics

All grantees use the same Performance Report form. This form is used by grantees submitting:

-An Annual Performance Report (APR) on one project year


-A Final Performance Report, which covers Year 5 and all five project years, cumulative.

OME sent this form to all grantees by email.

Once completed, please convert the form to PDF format (using the Adobe feature) and upload it into G5 as a “Narrative.”

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The Performance Report Form: Using the Data Tables

Report data in the column that corresponds with your reporting period (i.e., Year 1, Year 2, etc.)

If you are submitting a Final Performance Report, you will report data in the column for Year 5. You will also provide cumulative counts in the “Final” column.

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The Performance Report Form: Using the Data Tables (cont’d)

In Year 1 of a project funded to serve 100 total students per year, data entry would look like:Example Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. Number funded to be served 100

In Year 2, the APR should take the following format:

Example Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. .Number funded to be served 100

The Final Performance Report (Year 5) should take the following format:

Example Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. Number funded to be served 100 500

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The Performance Report Form -- Section A: CAMP Project Statistics

and Reporting for GPRA

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The Performance Report Form – Table A1

A1.Number of students served during this reporting period.

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. Number funded to be served. 60 300

b. Number served in college courses. (Note: A1b1 + A1b2 should sum to equal A1b).

60 276

1. Number served who were new participants (first academic year in CAMP) (subset of A1b).

56 261

2. Number served who were returning participants

(not first academic year in CAMP) (subset of A1b).

4 15

Report Incoming Students Here

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Performance Report Form —Table A1: Who Are “New Participants” in 2012?

1. Students you have never served before.

2. Students you served in the previous year who did not complete their first academic year and did NOT enroll in the current reporting period until after your 2011 APR was submitted.

3. Students that you served in years prior to the immediately previous year (2+ years ago.)

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Performance Report Form —Table A1: Who Are “Returning Participants” in 2012?

Students you served in the previous budget period who re-enrolled in the current reporting period prior to your submission of the 2011 APR. (These are your 2011 APR’s “Persisters.”)

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Performance Report Form —Table A1: Practice 1

Q1. Samson was enrolled in your CAMP program during the 09-10 budget period, but he withdrew that same budget period. After 2 years, Samson decided to return to your CAMP program. He re-enrolled and you served him during the 11-12 budget period (i.e., the current reporting period). Do you count him as a “New Participant” or “Returning Participant” in Table A1 of your 2012 APR (or Final Performance Report)?

A1. Count Samson as a New Participant.

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Performance Report Form —Table A1: Practice 2

Q2. Antonio enrolled in CAMP in September 2010 during the 10-11 budget period. He withdrew in March 2011 of that same budget period. Antonio then re-enrolled in CAMP in January 2012. Would you count him as a “New Participant” or “Returning Participant” in Table A1 of the 2012 APR (or Final Performance Report)?

A2. Count Antonio as a New Participant.

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Performance Report Form —Table A1: Practice 3

Q3. Carmen was enrolled in your CAMP program during the 10-11 budget period, but she withdrew that same budget period. Carmen decided to return to your CAMP program the very next budget period and re-enrolled in October 2011. You served her in the 11-12 budget period (i.e., the current reporting period). How would you count Carmen in Table A1 of the 2012 APR (or Final Performance Report)?

A3. Count Carmen as a Returning Participant.

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Performance Report Form —Table A2

A2. Status at the end of reporting period. (Note: A2a-c should sum to equal the number reported in A1b).

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. Number of CAMP first academic year completers (Obj. 1 National Target: 86%)(GPRA 1)


b. Number of withdrawals. 5

c. Number of persisters (came back to continue in the subsequent budget period; persisters were enrolled in instructional services in the reporting period but did not yet complete their first academic year of college and have returned in the subsequent budget period to continue instructional services).


Report Outgoing Students Here

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Performance Report Form —Table A2: The Relationship between “Persisters” and “Withdrawals”

• Students you served during the reporting period are either “completers,” “persisters,” or “withdrawals.”

• Students who are not completers are either “persisters” or “withdrawals.”

If they re-enroll in your project in the subsequent budget period prior to your submission of the 2012 APR, they are “persisters” in the current reporting period (the 2012 APR).

If they fail to re-enroll prior to your submission of the 2012 APR, they are “withdrawals” in the current reporting period (the 2012 APR).

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Performance Report Form —Table A2:The Relationship between “Persisters” and “Returning


• “Persisters” (Table A2) in one year will always be equal to “returning participants” (Table A1) in the next year.

• The only students that can be counted in the “returning participants” category are the previous year’s “persisters.”

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Performance Report Form —Table A2: Practice 4• Q4. Paul dropped out of his courses in April 2012 during

the 11-12 budget period (i.e., the current reporting period). He re-enrolled in September 2012 for the 12-13 budget period. How would you count Paul in Table A2 of your 2012 APR (or Final Performance Report)?

• A4. Count Paul as a Persister.

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Performance Report Form —Table A2: Practice 5Q5. Ricardo dropped out of his courses in March 2012 of

the 11-12 budget period (i.e., the current reporting period) without completing his first year of college. He plans to re-enroll in your CAMP project, but he has not done so by the time you submit your 2012 APR. How would you count Ricardo in Table A2 of your 2012 APR (or Final Performance Report)?

A5. Count Ricardo as a Withdrawal.

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Performance Report Form —Table

A2: Practice 6• Q6. Maria enrolled in your CAMP project in August 2011

for the 11-12 budget period (i.e., the current reporting period). In May of 2012, Maria successfully completed all her college courses, accumulating a total of 24 semester hours of credit. How do you count Maria in Table A2 of the 2012 APR (or Final Performance Report)?

• A6. Count Maria as a First Academic Year Completer.

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Performance Report Form —Table A3

A3. Status of CAMP first academic year completers from question A2a above at the end of reporting period. Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. Unduplicated number of CAMP first academic year completers who continued in postsecondary education programs. (This amount should not be greater than the amount in A2a above.) (Obj. 2 National Target: 85%)(GPRA 2)

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Performance Report Form —Tables A4 and A5

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

A4. Number of CAMP first academic year completers during this reporting period whom you were able to track for follow-up data.

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

A5. Number of your former CAMP students who graduated from college with a Bachelor’s Degree this reporting period.

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Performance Report Form —Tables A6 and A7

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

A6. Number of your former CAMP students who graduated from college with an Associate’s Degree this reporting period.

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

A7. Number of your former CAMP students who transferred to other IHEs during this

reporting period.

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Performance Report Form —Table A8

A8. Time to completion for CAMP first academic year completers from question A2a above. (Note: A8a-c should sum to equal the number reported in A2a.) Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. Number of CAMP first academic year completers who completed their first academic year of college within one calendar year in your project.

b. Number of CAMP first academic year completers who completed one year of college after more than one, but within two calendar years in your project.

c. Number of CAMP first academic year completers who completed one year of college credits after more than two calendar years in your project.

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The Performance Report Form –Section B: Student Participation Information

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The Performance Report Form – Table B1

B1. Supportive & Instructional Services and Financial Services provided only by CAMP funds and received by CAMP-enrolled students during the reporting period. This count does not include other services provided to CAMP students by the university or another entity.

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 F

a. Count the total number of CAMP students served with the following types of supportive & instructional services. Students may appear in more than one row if they received more than one service. (Calculation of total hours received or visits received, etc. is not necessary.)

1. Counseling or guidance services to CAMP students (personal, academic, and career services) provided in support of school-life balance and other psycho-social aspects of college completion.

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The Performance Report Form – Table B1 (cont’d)

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

2. Tutoring (additional instructional services provided in support of a specific curriculum, course or course of study).

3. Mentoring or coaching (advisory services provided in support of general academic career).

4. Health services.

5. Assistance with special admissions.

6. Other__________________________________.

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The Performance Report Form – Table B1 (cont’d)

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

b. Count the total number of CAMP students served with the following types of financial services. Please indicate the number of students receiving financial support services. Students may appear in more than one row if they received more than one service.

1. Stipends.

2. Scholarships.

3. Transportation.

4. Career-oriented work-study.

5. Books and supplies.

6. Tuition and fees.

7. Room and board.

8. Other _____________________.

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The Performance Report Form – Table B2

B2. Characteristics of the CAMP enrolled students during this reporting period. (Note: [B2a and B2b] and [B2c and B2d] should sum to equal the number reported in A1b (no. served).)

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. Number of students who report themselves as male.

b. Number of students who report themselves as female.

c. Number of students who are 21 years old or younger.

d. Number of students who are over 21 years old.

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The Performance Report Form – Table B2 (cont’d)

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

e. Number of students who enrolled during the reporting period and required placement in developmental or remedial courses (i.e., courses that do not count toward graduation).

f. Number of students who were admitted under special admissions.

g. Number of first generation college students (i.e., students whose parents have attained an education at or below the high school level).

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Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

h. Number of students who were referred from MEP and accepted into CAMP.

i. Number of students who were referred from HEP and accepted into CAMP.

j. Number of students who were referred from NFJP and accepted into CAMP.

k. Number of students who were referred from any other program and accepted into CAMP.

l. Number of students who received other financial services paid for by an agency or program other than CAMP.

The Performance Report Form – Table B2 (cont’d)

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m. Does your project screen students for English language proficiency as determined by a language assessment test? If “No,” skip to question C1. Mark Y for yes, or N for no.

□ Y□ N

□ Y□ N

□ Y□ N

□ Y□ N

□ Y□ N

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

1. Number of students who enrolled during the reporting period and had English as a second language needs as determined by a language assessment test.

The Performance Report Form – Table B2

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The Performance Report Form –Section C:

Project Services Information

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The Performance Report Form –Table C1

a. Report the number of commuter students. (A commuter student is a student who does not live in IHE-funded housing.) _____________

b. Report the number of residential students. (A residential student is a student who lives in IHE-funded housing.) _____________

c. Is this project in a four-year or two-year institution.

□ Four-Year Institution□ Two-Year Institution

d. Is the project in an institution that uses a semester, quarter, or trimester academic calendar?

□ Semester□ Quarter□ Trimester

C1. Project Model Characteristics during the Reporting Period

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The Performance Report Form –Table C2

a. Number of FTE administrative staff funded by the CAMP grant. _________

b. Number of FTE supportive staff and instructional staff (tutors, coaches, mentors, counselors, etc.) funded by the CAMP grant. _________

c. Number of FTE administrative staff and supportive and instructional staff contributing to the project’s CAMP services, not funded by the CAMP grant.


C2. Project Personnel Characteristics during the Reporting Period

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The Performance Report Form--Table C3

a. Does your project’s IHE use SAT scores during the intake process?

□ Yes □ No

1. What is the average score for all first-year IHE students?



2. What is the average score for CAMP students? English____


b. Does your project’s IHE use ACT scores during the intake process?

□ Yes □ No

1. What is the average score for all first-year IHE students?



2. What is the average score for CAMP students? English____


C3. Test Information Collected during the Reporting Period

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The Performance Report Form -- Section D: Project Goals and


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The Performance Report Form – Section D1• Section D1 requests data for individual project

objectives. (These data are different from the GPRA data reported in Section A.)

• Note that the Final Performance Report will show data for Year 5 and, in the “Final” column, it will show AVERAGE success rates across each of the project years.


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Example: Reporting in Section D1

In Year 1 of a project funded to serve 100 students per year with a target of awarding financial aid to 100 percent of students, 80 percent of students actually received financial aid. Data entry would look like this:

1.a. Performance Measure Quantitative Data

Award financial aid to 100 percent of students.

Target Actual Performance Data

Raw No.

Ratio% Raw


%/ /

Y1 100/100 100% 80/100 80%






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Example: Reporting in Section D1In Year 1 of a project funded to serve 100 students with a target of providing tutoring to 80 students, only 65 students received tutoring. Data entry would look like this:

1.a. Performance Measure Quantitative Data

Provide tutoring to 80 students.

Target Actual Performance Data

Raw No.

Ratio% Raw


%/ /

Y1 80 65






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The Performance Report Form – Section D2: Explanation of Progress

For each individual project objective and associated performance measure:

• Explain the expected progress that was made or not made.• Explain what kinds of evaluation methods and data were

used and analyzed.• Explain any deviations, if any, from your approved evaluation

plan.• Explain how you used data to monitor progress or make

improvements to your original project plan.

NOTE: Consult the instructions in G5 for a fuller explanation of what you should include in this section.

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The Performance Report Form – Section D3: For Final Performance Reports Only

• Using evaluation results, describe outcomes, benefits, and/or barriers.

• What is your advice to other educators that are interested in your project?

• If applicable, describe your plans for continuing the project and/or sharing the project results.

NOTE: Consult the instructions in G5 for a fuller explanation of what you should include in this section.

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The Performance Report Form –Section E:

Budget Information

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The Performance Report Form – Section E1

Respond to sections E1a through E1d by writing a brief narrative under each section that is applicable to your project. (If the section is inapplicable, write “N/A.”)

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The Performance Report Form – Section E2: The Budget TableFor Annual Performance Reports:• Report in column (a) your previously submitted revised

budget amounts for this reporting period. Use an asterisk (*) to identify any amounts that include carryover funds from the previous budget period.

• Report in column (b) your project’s actual expenditures for this reporting period. The amount in cell 12(b) should be the same as the amount in item 8b (Federal Grant Funds) of the Cover Sheet.

For Final Performance Reports: • Follow the instructions above to show Year 5 budget

information only.

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The Performance Report Form – Section E2: The Budget Table (cont’d)

Budget Categories (a)Revised Budget Amounts

(b)Actual Expenditure Amounts

1. Personnel

2. Fringe Benefits

3. Travel

4. Equipment

5. Supplies

6. Contractual

7. Construction

8. Other

9. Total Direct Costs (lines 1-8)

10. Indirect Costs*

11. Training Stipends

12. Total Amounts (lines 9-11)

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The Performance Report Form– Section F: Additional Information

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The Performance Report Form – Section F• If applicable, provide a list of current partners, if the

partners changed during the reporting period, and related information.

• Disclose any known internal control weaknesses concerning data quality and any remedies taken.

• Disclose any other appropriate information regarding the status of your project.

NOTE: Please do not use the performance report to request supplemental funds or approval for changes in your activities or key personnel. Contact your program officer outside of the performance reporting context for these matters.

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Part IV The CAMP GPRA 1 Documentation Form

• All CAMP projects must submit, as part of their performance report, a list of their students who were first academic year completers during the reporting period.

• This information supports (and should be consistent with) the “completers” information provided in Table A2a.

• Use the GPRA 1 Documentation form that OME sent you via email.

• Once the form is completed as a Word document, scan it into PDF format (to capture the authorizing signatures) and upload the form into the G5 system as a “Narrative.”

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The HEP GPRA 1 Documentation Form – Column Headings and Signatures

• Please consult the table headings and the instructions (embedded in the form itself) for guidance on completing this form.

• Note: The far right column is a check to ensure that only students who have completed the credits required to earn “completer” status are listed here and in Table A2a.

• Three signatures are required – including that of your Authorized Representative and your IHE official responsible for student records. Your Authorized Representative was named in your grant application.

  Student Name Student Identification Number

Was the student enrolled at the IHE in the CAMP program with full-time status during all academic terms of the regular academic year (i.e. all terms other than summer) in which he or she was a CAMP participant?(Yes/No)

Is the student a first academic year completer?(Yes/No)

Number of Credits Received at the End of the Project Year

1.  Ana Flores  XX-YY-ZZZ  Yes  Yes  24 semester hours2.          3.          

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Contact Information

For questions regarding completing the Performance Report, please contact your OME program officer.

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