Page 1: The CAMP Performance Reporting Process Michelle Meier Nathan Weiss Office of Migrant Education U.S. Department of Education New Directors Meeting Phoenix,

The CAMP Performance

Reporting Process

Michelle Meier

Nathan Weiss

Office of Migrant Education

U.S. Department of Education

New Directors MeetingPhoenix, Arizona

December 4-5, 2012

Page 2: The CAMP Performance Reporting Process Michelle Meier Nathan Weiss Office of Migrant Education U.S. Department of Education New Directors Meeting Phoenix,

Overview of Session

Part I Overview of the Performance Reporting Process

Part II A Closer Look at Critical Data Tables in the Performance Report (Table activities)

Part III The Interim Performance Report

Page 3: The CAMP Performance Reporting Process Michelle Meier Nathan Weiss Office of Migrant Education U.S. Department of Education New Directors Meeting Phoenix,

Part I: Overview of the Performance Reporting Process

Page 4: The CAMP Performance Reporting Process Michelle Meier Nathan Weiss Office of Migrant Education U.S. Department of Education New Directors Meeting Phoenix,

General InformationGrantees must submit a full Performance Report each year to cover the previous budget period.

• These reports are due in the fall. We’ll be providing more information about the 2013 report in the coming months.

• The data you submit with these reports let grantees and OME know how your project is progressing.

• You’ll want to be familiar now with the data you’ll need to submit next fall so you can set up systems to collect the data throughout the year.

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Today’s Session Will Focus Heavily on the Data You’ll Report That Is Related to GPRA

GPRA stands for the Government Performance and Results Act.

The CAMP program has two specific GPRA measures:– Measure 1: The percentage of CAMP participants

completing the first year of their academic or postsecondary program.

– Measure 2: The percentage of CAMP participants who, after completing the first academic year of college, continue their postsecondary education.

These measures tell us a great deal about project effectiveness.

Page 6: The CAMP Performance Reporting Process Michelle Meier Nathan Weiss Office of Migrant Education U.S. Department of Education New Directors Meeting Phoenix,

The Data You Submit in Your Performance Report Also Allows OME to Calculate an

Efficiency Measure

CAMP Efficiency Measure: The total budget awarded for the budget period divided by the number of CAMP First Academic Year Completers that continue in post-secondary education.

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Other Parts of the Performance Report

• Data related to previous CAMP students and whether they have received an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.

• Data related to your CAMP project design (e.g., types of instructional and financial services offered participants, academic screening tools and standards).

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Other Parts of the Performance Report (Cont’d)

• Data related to the nature of your IHE (e.g., no. of commuter students and no. of residential students, semester vs. quarter schedule, etc.).

• Financial information (e.g., actual expenditures during the reporting period).

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The Interim Performance Report

• This report is primarily designed to generate preliminary performance data from grantees in their first project year in a timely way.

• Some grantees in their later project years also submit an Interim Performance Report if they’re on an Assistance Plan.

• This report is due on January 30, 2013, and we’ll talk about it more later in this session.

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Part II: A Closer Look at Critical Data Tables in the Full Performance Report

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Note: The tables presented here are from the 2012 Performance Report form. OME anticipates using the same (or very similar) tables in the 2013 Performance Report form, which we’ll send you next fall.

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You will fill in the column that matches the budget year on which you are reporting.

In Year 1 of a project funded to serve 100 total students per year, data entry would look like:Example Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. Number funded to be served 100

In Year 2, the data entry would like:

Example Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. .Number funded to be served 100

The Final Performance Report (Year 5), the data entry would look like:

Example Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. Number funded to be served 100 500

Page 13: The CAMP Performance Reporting Process Michelle Meier Nathan Weiss Office of Migrant Education U.S. Department of Education New Directors Meeting Phoenix,

Table A1Report Incoming Students Here

A1.Number of students served during this reporting period. Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. Number Funded to be served. 60

b. Number Served in college courses. (Note: A1b1 + A1b2 should sum to equal A1b).


1. Number Served who were New Participants (subset of A1b).


2. Number Served who were Returning Participants (subset of A1b).


Page 14: The CAMP Performance Reporting Process Michelle Meier Nathan Weiss Office of Migrant Education U.S. Department of Education New Directors Meeting Phoenix,

Table A-1Who Will Be New Participants in Your

2013 Report?

1) Students you did not serve before the 2012-13 budget year.

2) Students you served in the previous budget year (2011-12) who did not complete their first academic year and did not qualify as a Persister in your 2012 Performance Report.

3) Students that you served in years prior to the 2011-12 budget year.

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Table A1: Who Will Be Returning Participants in Your 2013 Performance Report?

Students you served in the previous budget period (2011-12) who re-enrolled in the current reporting period (2012-13) and remained enrolled in CAMP coursework through the “add/drop” or census date.

(If you operated a CAMP program during the 2011-12 budget period, these are your 2012 APR’s Persisters.)

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Table A1: Practice 1

Q1. You started your CAMP project in 2012. You did not have a CAMP grant in a prior grant cycle. Will you report any Returning Participants in your 2013 Performance Report?

A1. No. Your count of Students Served will equal the count of New Participants.

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Table A1: Practice 2Q2: Your 2013 Performance Report, covering the 2012-13 budget year, is reporting on your second budget period. (You started your CAMP project in 2011-12.)

By May 2012, your CAMP student Carlos had completed 20 semester hours. In August 2012 he re-enrolled in your CAMP project as a full-time student and stayed in those courses through the add/drop or census date.

Should you count Carlos as a New Participant or a Returning Participant in Table A1 of your 2013 Performance Report?

A2: Count Carlos as a Returning Participant.

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Table A2

A2. Status at the end of the reporting period. (Note: A2a-c should sum to equal the number reported in A1b). Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. Number of CAMP First Academic Year Completers


b. Number of Withdrawals 5

c. Number of Persisters 7

Report Outgoing Students Here

Page 20: The CAMP Performance Reporting Process Michelle Meier Nathan Weiss Office of Migrant Education U.S. Department of Education New Directors Meeting Phoenix,

Which Students Can Be Counted As First Academic Year Completers in Table A2 of Your

2013 Report?

At the end of the reporting period (June 30, 2013), the student must:• Earn at least 24 semester hours or 36 quarter hours of

credit. (If your IHE’s definition of first academic year completion requires more credits, you must use that definition.)

• Be in “good standing” (i.e., academically eligible to re-enroll) – in addition to earning 24 or 36 credit hours.

NOTE: Credits earned in high school do not apply to the minimum credit hour requirement.

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Table A2: Another “Completer” Requirement

CAMP students must be enrolled full-time in each semester (fall and spring) up to and past the add/drop or census date.

Although this is a basic eligibility requirement, it also affects a student’s “Completer” status. If a student did not enroll full-time in both fall and spring semesters (or until the student completes 24 or 36 credit hours), the student cannot be counted as a Completer.

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Table A2: Which Students Can Be Counted As Persisters in Table A2

of Your 2013 Report?

A student should be counted as a Persister if s/he participated in your CAMP project during the 2012-13 budget year, failed to earn 24 or 36 hours of credit,* and re-enrolled in your project for the Fall 2013 semester.

In the fall, s/he must enroll as a full-time student and stay enrolled past the add/drop (census) date.

* The student must earn more than 24 or 36 if required by your IHE’s definition of first year completion.

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Table A2: Practice 3

Q3. Paul dropped out of his CAMP courses in April 2013 during the 12-13 budget period and did not re-enroll in CAMP courses in the Fall 2013 semester.

How would you count Paul in Table A2 of your 2013 report?

A3. Count Paul in Table A2 as a Withdrawal.

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Table A2: Practice 4

Q4. Let’s still say that Paul dropped out in April 2013 but re-enrolled in September 2013 during the 13-14 budget period. How would you now count Paul in Table A2 of your 2013 report?

A4. You will probably Count Paul as a Persister so long has he re-enrolled on a full-time basis and remained so enrolled past the add/drop or census date.

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Table A3

A3. Status of CAMP First Academic Year Completers from question A2a above at the end of reporting period. Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Final

a. Unduplicated number of CAMP First Academic Year Completers who continued in postsecondary education programs

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Questions and Table Activities

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Table ActivityPlease work with others at your table to:

1) Review the sample APR excerpt at your table.• Flag any missing data.• Flag any data entry that doesn’t make sense.• Figure out the correct data.

2) Review the scenarios and prepare your team answers.

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Part III. The Interim Performance Report

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What You’ll Be Reporting, When, and How

• The Interim Performance Report (required of all first year grantees) is a very abbreviated version of the full Performance Report you’ll be submitting in late 2013.

• You’ll be reporting Table A1, A2, and A3 data for the period from July 1, 2012 through January 30, 2013.

• The report due date is January 30, 2013.

• The report will be submitted through the G5 system.

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Table A2 Will Be Slightly Modified Because of the Shorter Reporting Period

A2. Status at the end of the Interim Performance Report reporting period.

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 F             a. Number of CAMP First Academic Year




b. Number of Withdrawals.                        

 C Number of Persisters DO NOT REPORT


Page 31: The CAMP Performance Reporting Process Michelle Meier Nathan Weiss Office of Migrant Education U.S. Department of Education New Directors Meeting Phoenix,

The Interim Performance Report Will Also Require A Cover Sheet

• You will submit two documents when you submit the Interim Performance Report:

1) The 2013 Interim Performance Report form

2) The Cover Sheet form

• OME will send you the documents for completing the Interim Performance Report (including Instructions) next week.

• OME hopes to host a webinar in January to give you final instructions and to answer any questions you may have.

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Contact Information

For questions regarding completing the Interim Performance Report, please contact your OME program officer.

For questions regarding G5, contact the G5 Help Desk at 888-336-8930 or [email protected].

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