Page 1: The Caleb Club, Dr. James Wilkins

Dear Fellow Senior,Things are bad in our beloved country, and things will con-

tinue to get worse unless someone does something about it.You may feel that you can do little or nothing about it – you

are right if you do nothing, but God blesses faith. Old Grandpa Abraham and Grandma Sarah had every right, humanly speak-ing, to give up and die. But they didn’t…and they, also humanly speaking, old has-beens, changed the world.

I need your help. I am an old has-been, 82 years old, with a heart which is functioning at 18% capacity. But God wants this Caleb Club in operation. We need a Caleb Club in every local church or town in America. We have the tools and God will give us the workers to accomplish this great task.

That thought that you can learn to win souls and disciple them may be a little overwhelming to you. But after you read Healing Words for Retired People, you will be convinced that it is something you by God’s grace can do. It is your spiritual birthright.

You may feel very small and unable to do much, but you may be the little dog which barked and woke up the big dog, which saved the day and kept the property safe.

I am counting on you to join, do your best and recruit the big dog. We must do something to save America.

Failure to do something means America will die.Look around you, at your family and the great need. Please

get involved today! Contact us at [email protected] or call us at 817-909-8010.

Pray for me.Sincerely,Dr. James

Page 2: The Caleb Club, Dr. James Wilkins

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The Caleb Club for the Eleventh-Hour Harvest

Purpose Statement

The Caleb Club is a spiritual and benevolent club for people of retirement age which is dedicated to the

undergirding of the ministry through prayer, fasting, mentoring, witnessing, and giving.

Principles for SuccessThere are four success principles upon which the Caleb Club rests. These principles work in building a successful business or church and will work in building a success-ful Caleb Club for and by senior citizens.

A. Recruit to a great cause

B. Train in Christian ministry

C. Equip with good tools

D. Hold to a high standard of accountability

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Declaration of CommitmentFor unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake (Philippians 1:29).

Foundation for The Caleb Club – Three Biblical Principles

I. Christ is the owner, and we are His servants

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and YE ARE NOT YOUR OWN? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, emphasis mine).

II. Keep His commandments and do the things pleasing to Him

And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight (1 John 3:22).

III. Submit to do the work of the ministry (church)

The work of the ministry is fasting and prayer,

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mentoring, witnessing, and giving (2 Corinthians 5:20; Ephesians 6:18).

How Can My Involvement in a Caleb Club Save Uncle Sam?

You will learn the principles of fasting

1. You will learn what the principles of fasting are and why they are commanded.

2. You will be challenged to commit to fasting one meal.

3. You will be challenged to commit to fast for one day each week or longer.

You will learn to pray more effectively

1. Set an exact time or times each day to pray.

2. Become a part of a prayer support team.

3. Become part of the pastoral intercessory prayer team.

4. Make a list of sinners to pray for by name each day.

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5. Keep records of all prayers answered and victories.

You will learn to become an effective witness

1. You will learn the biblical method of witnessing.

2. You will learn to overcome awkwardness in witnessing and share your faith with confidence.

3. You will discover where your fear originates and how to overcome it.

4. You may become a support member of the wit-nessing team while others are out witnessing.

5. You will learn the standard of training that Jesus placed upon His disciples.

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