Page 1: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016

July 2016 - Issue #81


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INSIDE > > >NEWS - New super- region namedThose of us who used to live in the Limousin now reside in Nouvelle Aquitaine - a name change that has not gone down well in many areas >> Page 3

So it's official. The people have spoken and the United Kingdom has voted to leave

the European Union. The news has been met with shock, concern and anger across Europe and leaves hundreds of thousands of British expats in France fac-ing an uncertain future. Whilst it is not yet clear what will happen in the me-dium term, governments on both sides of the Channel have been keen to stress that nothing will change in the short term. At some point in the coming weeks and months, the British govern-ment will invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. This will signal the start of the official exit process from the EU and will begin at least two years of negotia-

tions on any future agree-ments between Britain and the European Union. Leave campaigners be-lieve that Britain is such an important market for Eu-rope that the EU will effec-tively be forced to give the UK access to the European single market through the European Economic Area (EEA) agreement. With 500 million consumers, the EEA is the world's biggest free trade area. Other non-EU countries that are members of the EEA (Norway, for example) have to allow re-ciprocal access to their own markets via the free move-ment of people and services in return; the EU is unlikely to back down on this when it comes to the UK. The Leave campaign, however, believe they can gain access to the EEA whilst still main-

>> continued on page 6

NEWS - Elephant's broken leg fixedIn a world first, an Au-vergne zoo has healed an elephant with a double leg fracture - an injury that often proves fatal >> Page 9

The United Kindgom has voted to leave the EU, creating fear and confusion for expats across Europe. Years of complex negotiations will follow, but what might the recent Brexit mean for those of us living and working in France today?

This summer, I'm heading to AubussonWe take a look at six reasons why you should take a trip to Aubusson, the home of tapestry >> Page 5

Brexit - what does it mean for you?

The Bugle Business Directory 9 pages of listings for local English-speaking businesses- your essential guide to finding just what you’re looking for >> Pages 15-23

NEWS - European air traffic network?Following more strikes by air traffic controllers, a group of major airlines is calling for a European-wide air traffic net-work to reduce the impact of industrial action >> Page 8

Defending champion Chris Froome will be part of the peleton as it passes through the Limousin >> Page 4

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Page 2: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 20162 ♦ IN THIS EDITION

Welcome toThe Bugle

I stayed up most of the night of 23rd June to listen to the results coming in. As the night progressed, my emotions went

from anticipation, to surprise, concern, shock and then fear. Later that day, shame would be added to the mix. The referendum debate was a frustrating one, with misleading statements and outright lies causing a toxic atmosphere. Both sides resorted to fear tactics and the facts were quickly discarded. As it turns out, the referendum was not actually about the pros and cons of the European Union. The ballot paper should instead have carried the question, “Are you happy with the current government?” as this is the question that the vast

majority of people appeared to be answering. As reporters travelled around the country gathering reactions, the common refrain of those who voted Leave was “It's always been them and us”, “Westminster doesn't understand what life is like round here”, “It's just a posh boys club”. I could have accepted a Leave vote if it had been made on the basis of the pros and cons of the European Union, but I have absolutely come to the conclusion that vast swathes of the country simply wanted to give the government a black eye. What has happened, in my opinion, is that the UK has now done the very definition of cutting off its nose to spite its face. And it's a one-way ticket.

Michael Heseltine summed it up for me when he said he wasn't a fan of referenda as whilst you get an answer, it is to a different question, adding, “We know what people were voting against, but we don't know what they were voting for”. Is the EU a perfect system? Absolutely not, far from it! Did the positives outweigh the negatives? In my opinion, yes. And before you say it, I am 100% certain I would have voted Remain if I had lived all my life in the UK. It is not a case of personal interest. The fear and anger turned to shame when the instances of bigotry and racism began. With a campaign that revolved so centrally around the thorny issue of immigration, it was always going to happen. I fear for what my country has become when a Muslim campaigning for Remain in Wales is told on Twitter to “pack your bags and go home”. When it was pointed out to the troll that the lady in question was a British citizen born in Caerphilly, the reply came “If a pig is born in a stable, it doesn't mean

it's a horse”. Unacceptable, shameful and shocking. I hope that the Leave vote does not prove to be a mandate for racism in the UK. I hope even more that there is a backlash to the racism and xenophobia and Britain will do some soul searching in the coming months and years, although I suspect this may be wishful thinking. As the week has progressed, I have became increasingly angry at David Cameron and the Conservatives for calling the referendum in the first place. It was initially promised by Cameron as an attempt to quash a minor backbench rebellion ahead of a general election campaign... and here we are 3 years later. So I have decided to stop worrying and get on with life. I (literally) had no say in my country leaving the EU (I fell foul of the 15-year rule) and right now I do not like what the country of my birth looks like. But hey, I don't live in the UK, I live in France and there are loads of great things in my life. Let the politicians dismantle Europe, it'll probably take decades. I

am going to concentrate on the here and now. Summer is ahead of us and there are great things going on all over the region. If you haven't ever been to Aubusson, there's never been a better time (see page 5). I have always liked Aubusson, it is a town that has managed to buck the trend and still has an “old fashioned” high street with plenty of independent stores, despite the economic downturn. After reading Neil's piece, I think it is definitely time for another visit. If the world is indeed going to hell in a handcart, then I'm going to go down smiling!!

Until next month!

Steve Martindale, Editor


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INSIDEthis edition

3-5 Local News6-11 National News12 French Life13 Practical14 Classifieds15-23 Directory24-26 Community27-28 What’s On

Bar - local beers on tapice cream parlour - hot snackstea - homemade cakescrazy golf - pedaloes - canoesbikes - fi shingOpen every day in July & August from 10h to 22h

Every Saturday evening from 9th of Julyto 27th of August: BBQ or themed meal 

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Page 3: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016


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In a move unrelated to the recent Brexit, it has been announced that the Welcome en Limousin

organisation will officially cease to exist in the coming weeks, another blow to Franco-British relations in what has been a difficult month.

The organisation was set up at Li-moges Airport in 2002 and grouped together local businesses in order to welcome British visitors in their na-tive language, employing one person full-time. With 85 current members, the association had been in financial difficulties for the last few years and, following the removal of certain grants, the tough decision was taken at an extraordinary general assembly in May this year. ■

Welcome enLimousin closes down

Introducing... Nouvelle AquitaineAfter months of discussions, sug-

gestions and concessions, leaders of the new “super-region” - made up of the former Limousin, Aqui-

taine and Poitou-Charentes regions - have finally chosen a new name... Nouvelle Aqui-taine. The news was met with howls of derision from residents of the two smaller regions that have fused with Aquitaine and before long a petition had been set up to protest the name change. “The merger of three former regions shouldn't be an annexation of two regions by the third one,” reads the petition, which has so far garnered over 22,000 sig-natures. “Nouvelle Aquitaine doesn't mean any-thing,” petition author Hugues Linyer told La Nouvelle République. “Eleanor of Aquitaine is dead and we must find a name of today that respects all identities. I’m Rochelais but there are also Basques, Béarnais, Limousins and Poitevins and we are not Aquitains.” Indeed, it would appear that even the Aqui-tains are not that happy with the new region's name. A survey carried out in the former Aquitaine region by France 3 revealed that 73% of people there were against it. Nouvelle Aquitaine was chosen by local officials from a shortlist that contained the apparently much more popular options of Sud-Ouest Atlantique and Grand Sud-Ouest. Despite there being much opposition to the new name, however, further protests are likely to be in vain after the Conseil Général of the super-region officially approved it at a session held on 27th June. The naming process has proved unpopular across the country and not just in the south-

west. Voters in the east of France settled on Grand-Est as the name of their new region earlier this year after a public outcry at the other options offered: Nouvelle-Austrasie, Rhin-Champagne and Acalie. In March, the name Hauts de France was chosen for the Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie region in the far north, but it too spawned vo-

ciferous protests. When the dust settles, the political map of France will have transitioned from 22 re-gions to just 13, a move that it is hoped will save billions in administrative costs. The Limousin was formerly one of the smallest regions in France, but it is now part of the biggest. ■

Page 4: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 20164 ♦ LOCAL NEWS


Bilingual French Estate Agency in CreuseWe have over 200 properties ranging from €12,000

for a renovation project, up to €1.3 million for a Château.

23 rue Zizim, 23400 BOURGANEUFEmail: [email protected]

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Ref 2052 - €40,700. House in need of complete renovation located in a quiet road of a village with shops, school and a few amenities. On the ground fl oor you have a kitchen, dining room, lounge, shower room and separate toilet. 1st fl oor: three bedrooms. Large cellar under the

house. The garden which surrounds the property on all sides is 1028m² with outbuildings. Connected to mains drainage. No heating system as yet. DPE n/a.

Ref 2065 - €77,000. 10 minutesʼ drive from Bourganeuf, very attractive stone house with two large barns and 3839m² of garden. The house is liveable but requires new electricity & septic tank plus some internal updating. Kitchen, lounge/dining room, toilet, 3 bedrooms and bathroom.

Attic and vaulted cellar. Oil fi red central heating. Two large barns on two/three levels currently used as garage/workshop with their own garden. DPE Vierge.

Ref 2068 - €82,500. Large house and garden in a village with its own beach beside the river. On the ground fl oor you have two rooms currently used as bedrooms, plus an artist studio/workshop and wc. 1st fl oor: kitchen, hall, dining room, lounge, cloakroom, bathroom and double bedroom.

Large attic. On the lower ground fl oor there is a garage/workshop & boiler room. Garden of 1158m² with a terrace and plenty of parking. DPE G 643 & G 170.

Ref 2043 - €141,700. Large detached 4 bedroom house in Bourganeuf with a garden of 1187m². Hall, fi tted kitchen, dining room, lounge with terrace, of-fi ce, bathroom, wc, 4 bedrooms, offi ce, 2 dressing rooms, shower room/wc. Attic and basement, large garage, summer kitchen/laundry room, cellar and

boiler room. Oil fi red central heating & septic tank but you can connect to mains drain-age. The fenced off garden surrounds the property on all sides. DPE E 303 et G 91.

Ref 2062 - €275,000. Stunning large “Maison de Car-actère” in very good condition with over 4 hectares. Entrance hall, kitchen/dining room, formal dining room, pantry, lounge, bureau, four double bedrooms, cloak room, two shower rooms. Large attic. Laundry room, boiler room, workshop & 3 vaulted cellars. At-

tached to the house is a sizeable barn, plus detached garage. Beautifully manicured gardens & orchard, additional 3 hectares of land rented out. DPE E 244 & D33.

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Tour de France heads to the LimousinJuly will see the return of the Tour de France to the Limousin and for

the first time in seven years the region will host a stage finish, as well as a stage departure. Expect traffic disruption in the region's capital, therefore, on Tuesday 5th July when the peloton arrives in Limoges

following the longest stage of this year's race from Saumur. “The welcome is always warm in Limoges,” said race director Christian Prudhomme after the route was unveiled. “It's a city and a region with real cycling heritage and it is a pleasure to come back.” The following day will see the riders head east out of Limoges and to-wards a tricky finish in the Massif central, but not before passing through the heartland of French cycling great Raymond Poulidor in the year of his 80th birthday. Organisers have revealed the approximate times that the peloton will be passing through the region, so fan's of France's biggest annual sporting event can already start planning their day (see table). The 3,519 km race will not feature a prologue or a team time trial, a struc-ture that should favour the climbers. It does include two individual time trials totalling 54 km, however, making it ideally suited to the all-round talents of defending champion Chris Froome. Bastille Day (14th July) will see the riders finish on the wind-swept summit of Mont Ventoux, a crippling 22.7 km ascent at an average gradient of 7.5%. It is the same stage that Froome won in 2013, effectively securing his first Tour de France win. “There are a couple of time trials in there, albeit they are not traditional time trials,” said Team Sky's boss Sir David Brailsford. “Ventoux is somewhere he really likes going. He has been there before and, if he per-forms well up there, that could be good. I can't see any reason why he won't be rubbing his hands together. You have got to race what is in front of you. That is the great thing about the Tour de France - every year is different.” “It challenges every aspect of cycling - time trials, mountains, a technical descent,” said Team Sky's Froome. “It's such an amazing, special race. I'm still 30 years old and feel I have a lot left in my legs. It suits me better than last year's Tour. The beautiful thing about the Tour de France is that it's not specifically about one stage. I think it's going to take a complete cyclist, but the stage that certainly stands out for me is Mont Ventoux - I know how dif-ficult this climb is and how much time can be won or lost.” ■

Tuesday 5th JulySaumur (depart) 9:30 11:30Montmorillon 13:03 14:43Le Dorat (int. sprint) 13:51 15:27Droux 14:06 15:40Roussac 14:22 15:55Bonnac-la-Côte 14:52 16:22Le Palais-sur-Vienne 15:18 16:46Panazol 15:26 16:53Ave Georges Dumas,Limoges (finish) 15:35 17:01

Wednesday 6th JulyAve de la Libération,Limoges (depart) 9:25 11:25Panazol 9:35 11:35Royères 9:50 11:49St-Léonard-de-Noblat 9:57 11:55Bujaleuf 10:24 12:19Eymoutiers 10:47 12:40

See for full details of stage routesoutside Limousin

Page 5: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016


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Six good reasons to visit... AubussonCet été, je file à Aubusson - This

Summer, I'm heading for Aubus-son. You may have seen the poster or picked up the flyer in your local

supermarket. Why now, you ask? Six very good reasons! The 'Cradle of Tapestry' is liv-ing in exciting times, the outcome of a happy convergence of initiatives, bold projects and real buildings, certainly worth the detour, according to Michelin. Let's take a stroll through a town which may have seemed familiar, even down-at-heel, but which has suddenly and surprisingly become a must-see for you and your guests.

Reason One: The New Tapestry Museum (Cité internationale de la tapisserie)

Due to be opened by President François Hollande on 10th July this year, the museum houses the finest collection of tapestries in Europe, even the world. The fruit of Aubus-son's status as a UNESCO site of intangible heritage since 2008, the museum has taken over the former Art School, a 1960s building now extensively remodelled and extended, right in the heart of Aubusson. 40,000 visi-tors are expected this year alone! You can enjoy an in-depth presentation of the art and techniques of tapestry weaving as they evolved over the centuries. Allow a couple of hours for this unique collection. ( Tel: 05 55 66 66 66)

Reason Two: The Tapestry Cartons Museum (Atelier-Musée des Cartons de Tapisserie)

This intimate and lovingly curated lit-

tle gem of a museum nestles down by the Creuse just across the old bridge leading to the former weavers' quarter of La Ter-rade. It is the brainchild of Chantal Chirac, the noted restorer and specialist in 'car-tons' - the template or model of a tapestry for the weaver to copy - and was designed by her husband, architect Bernard Chirac. This modest museum has already won a place in visitors' Aubusson agendas as 'in-contournable' (unmissable). Guided visits by volunteers in French or English are offered, as well as postcards and cartons themselves in the boutique section. As a plus, the museum is a bobbin's throw from Reason Three.... ( Tel: 06 88 25 35 07)

Reason Three: The Houses by theBridge (Les Maisons du Pont)

Filling a gaping hole in the previously mediocre hotel and restaurant scene of Au-busson, this complex of four old houses has been converted by Lille entrepreneurs, Corinne and Olivier Kaulek, to provide an aparthotel (9 suites), a private spa and - most welcome for visitors and locals alike - a bis-tro restaurant (Tel: 05 55 67 72 20) and a Café Canteen serving snacks (Tel: 05 55 67 72 21), with the added bonus of a new riv-erside terrace. The whole enterprise fairly oozes style while remaining affordable and welcoming. Make sure you book your table - the Aubussonnais know a good thing when it's on their doorstep! (

Reason Four: The New SwimmingPool (Aquasud)

Aubusson has jumped a league with its spanking new pool, a must for those with children as well as dedicated swimmers and already an enormous success. Its prize-winning design includes a leisure, 'fun' pool as well as a conventional basin, with sauna, hammam and beauty centre thrown in. Warning: you'll need your Speedos, or one-piece swimming costumes, to access the facilities. Shorts and bikinis are definite no-no's! (Tel: 05 55 67 71 01)

Reason Five: Aubusson Shopping(Commerces d'Aubusson)

The town has always offered the usual suspects in the retail sphere, but in addition there are a clutch of one-off shops which make a gander down the rue Grande well worthwhile. These include 'La Licorne', arguably the best bookshop in the Creuse, 'Maison Etcaetera', selling homeware and decorative items [ED – my wife's favourite shop in the whole of Limousin!], several an-tique/brocante outlets, craft and gift shops and numerous cafés. Keep an eye out for newcomers - interesting shops come and go...

Reason Six: The Tourist Office(Office de tourisme)

This should be your first port of call. It's well staffed and a mine of information on seasonal activities in and around Aubusson, accommodation, travel and much more. (Tel: 05 55 66 32 12)

Only six reasons to visit Aubusson? There are, of course, a plenitude of such and the visitor will find favourites of their own. As you sip your aperitif alongside the Creuse, or discover yet another remarkable old house, you will already be planning to come back, this time with your friends and guests. Enjoy! ■

Neil Parkyn is a retired British architect and writer living near Aubusson

by Neil Parkyn

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Page 6: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 20166 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS

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taining control over their bor-ders. Whether this is possible is likely to become one of the key points of negotiation over the coming months and years. Any future deal will require the support of a “qualified ma-jority” of the 27 remaining EU member states and it appears unlikely that poorer EU mem-bers would allow Britain un-fettered access to their markets while their citizens do not have the right to travel or work in the UK. Whether or not the UK be-comes a member of the EEA is likely to have a significant im-pact on those of us living and working in France. In the aftermath of the refer-endum vote, the pound plum-meted against the euro. This im-mediate change is one that will be sharply felt by those living in France off British pensions and investments. The volatile exchange rates may also dis-suade potential buyers from making the move to France un-til the markets settle and more is known. There are a number of other

areas of concern for people liv-ing and working in France, as well as those planning a move here. Under current rules, all EU citizens can purchase prop-erty anywhere in member coun-tries. Today, French authorities couldn’t say to a German or British buyer that they can’t purchase houses in certain ar-eas, but they could to an Ameri-can buyer. Outside of the EU and with no other agreements in place, these rights for British house hunters vanish. There could also be chang-es for those who have second homes here and rent them out. France has previously tried to impose additional social charges on foreigners renting out their second homes, but the move was ruled illegal by the European Court of Justice. No such protection will exist in the post-EU landscape. Healthcare is another area that will undoubtedly worry many current or future expats. The EHIC system and agreements with the NHS mean that Britons in France enjoy a basic level of cover, but again, it is not known how this will change in the fu-

ture. If bilateral agreements are not negotiated between France and the UK, expats in France could need private healthcare in order to be adequately covered. One alternative option is for expats to take either French na-tionality, or that of another EU country such as Ireland. The process for taking French citi-zenship is long-winded (it can take up to 2 years), but relative-ly straightforward. In general terms, you need to have lived in France for five continuous years and you have to be able to prove that you have integrated into French life, understand its culture and can speak the lan-guage. More information can be found at your local prefec-ture. There are as many French citizens living in the UK as there are Brits in France, so while we may well be heading back to the days of cartes de séjour, it does seem likely that the two countries will come to an agreement on many key is-sues such as healthcare and work permits; if they don't, both countries lose and neither seems to have an appetite for a

messy divorce. The message so far on both sides of the Channel has very much been “keep calm and carry on”. The EU will be well aware of the dangers of uncertainty and in the aftermath of the refer-endum vote European leaders were quick to tell Britain to get on with it and get out. Outgo-ing prime minister David Cam-eron has said it is for his suc-cessor to invoke Article 50 and the government is hoping that it will be able to begin a series of informal negotiations with EU member states before the 2-year clock starts ticking. Boris John-son has also gone on record as saying that there is no rush to begin the process. With the EU apparently keen for a roadmap to be drawn up, however, answers to some of these questions will hopefully start to emerge in the not too distant future. Either way, ex-pats will still be covered by EU regulations for at least two years. Populist parties across the continent have been closely watching events in the UK over recent months and some are al-

ready calling for their own in-dependence referendum. The EU may feel it has to take a hard line in any future negotia-tions with Britain to dissuade further countries from voting to leave and creating a domino ef-fect. In France, the National Front's Marine le Pen was quick to call for a French referendum. She welcomed the UK vote, placing a Union Jack flag on her Twitter page and tweeting: “Victory for freedom. As I've been saying for years, we must now have the same referendum in France and other EU coun-tries.” President François Hollande insisted that the Brexit vote would have implications far beyond the UK. After a meet-ing in Paris with the UN Sec-retary-General Ban Ki-moon, Hollande said: “It is true that for the whole world there is a question mark as to what will happen. I very much regret the vote of the UK, but I respect it.” “The British vote poses a grave test for Europe, which must show solidity and strength in its response to the economic

The UK votes to leave the European Union>> continued from pg 1

François and his multilingual team welcome you

Tue - Thu 10h to 14h & 16h to 21hFri & Sat 10h to 14h & 16h till late!

Sunday 12h to 16h

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Page 7: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016


Marc DESCHAMPS - Your French agentin Bourganeuf-Creuse-Limousin... Since 2002

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Ref 75669 - 118,000 €6-bed detached stone house with outbuildings,

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Ref: 74956 - 27,500 €A village house to restore, with

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Ref: 75514 - 72,500 € - A single storey house, liveable straight away ~170m², on

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and financial risks,” Hollande said, adding that the vote was “a painful choice”, but insisted that France would continue to work with the UK, which he called a “great ally”. Outside the EU, US president Barrack Obama, who had urged Britain to stay in the Union, said: “The people of the United King-dom have spoken, and we re-spect their decision. The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is enduring.” However, he has not backed down from a previous comment that Britain would join “the back of the queue” when it comes

to trade deals in the event of a Brexit. After the vote, the White House confirmed that the presi-dent's position remained the same with regards to Britain's position in the world order. “Obviously, the president stands by what he said and I don't have an update of our position,” spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters at a brief-ing. It is difficult to predict what lies ahead but certainly in the short term there is no need to panic. Life will go on as usual and British expats in France will still be covered by all the rules of the EU until negotiations on the UK's exit are completed. ■

What is Article 50of the EU Treaty?

• In force since 2009 but never tested• Allows governments to notify intent to leave. Talks then begin

on a range of issues between the leaving nation and other EU members

• If no deal is reached, membership will automatically cease two years after notification

• The article is only a basic template for leaving, settling the date and some other matters. It does not automatically include issues such as movement of people or trade. The latter could take years to conclude

One-hour Amazon serviceworries Paris authoritiesD espite already be-

ing in operation in 40 cities around the world, includ-

ing London, Rome and New York, authorities in Paris have been taken by surprise by Am-azon's unveiling of a 1-hour delivery service across the capital. The Socialist mayor, Anne Hidalgo, has vowed to take an “uncompromising” approach to Amazon’s Prime Now service, saying that it could upset the French capi-tal’s “commercial equilibri-um” and complained that they were only given a few days' notice. Hidalgo said she was urging legislators to examine the de-livery service to see whether safeguards could be drawn up to prevent it harming in-dependent traders. Paris city hall has also said it will look out for unwanted side effects of the operation, including increased traffic and pollu-tion. “This operation risks seriously upsetting the com-

mercial balance in Paris,” said the mayor. “This large Ameri-can company did not see fit to inform Paris until a few days before the launch.” She said there was a need to “define by law the protec-tions, in order to prevent such services becoming an unfair competition to shopkeepers and artisans”, going on to say that “Paris will be intransigent with regards to Amazon”. The mayor also called on Amazon to “guarantee that its approach fully respects local Parisian businesses and takes into ac-count the absolute necessity of preserving their diversity”. Amazon has previously only guaranteed same-day de-livery on orders placed across the capital by 2 pm. The new service, which costs €49 per year, guarantees delivery of 18,000 products, includ-ing electrical items and fresh and frozen produce, in under two hours; one-hour delivery is possible for an additional €5.90.

“At first sight it can seem very good news to have a new shopping service, except that it’s not a real shop and is not under the same constraints as other businesses,” said Olivia Polski, one of Paris’ deputy mayors, speaking on French radio. She said the service was a direct threat to local shops, but was not subject to the same taxes and competition rules as physical shops. It is not the first time that Amazon has clashed with French authorities. In 2013 they were branded a “de-stroyer of bookshops” by the then culture minister, Aurélie Filippetti, over their discount-ed prices and free delivery. France has strict rules aimed at protecting independent booksellers, meaning retail-ers can only discount books by a maximum of 5%. When a 2014 law change banned free delivery on books, Amazon announced it would charge customers a nominal one cen-time for home delivery. ■

Page 8: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 20168 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS

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Calls for EU-wide airspace Cheque validity cut to 6 monthsFrustrated by the frequency of

crippling French air traffic strikes, a number of Europe's largest airlines have called for

a merging of airspace, allowing neigh-bouring countries to step in during industrial action. Ryanair have long been a vocal critic of France's air traf-fic controllers and claim that following June's action there have now been 51 strikes in France since 2009, unfairly disrupting airlines. An online peti-tion has been launched by the airline (, calling for measures that include a ban on strikes by the French controllers. Ryanair have been joined by Brit-ish Airways’ owner IAG, Lufthansa, easyJet and others in calling on the EU to take action. Together, this group accounts for more than half of all air passenger journeys in Europe A spokesman for Airlines for Eu-rope said: “It is the right of anyone to go on strike but it cannot be allowed to affect everyone in Europe.” The group has warned that Europe is “hurtling towards a summer of disruption and frustration for customers”, and said that strikes in France, Greece, Italy and Belgium have resulted in mem-ber airlines having to cancel more than 2,500 flights over the last three months, as well as causing long delays for many flights that did take off. UK passengers have been among the hardest hit by the strikes, with

flights being forced to detour wide into the Atlantic or central Europe in order to avoid French run airspace and reach destinations in the south of Eu-rope. “It’s unacceptable that we have these constant disputes affecting the industry and all of us as passengers,” said International Air Transport As-sociation (Iata) vice-president for Eu-rope, Rafael Schvartzman, who called the strikes one of the “biggest chal-lenges we see in Europe”. “Air traffic controllers are actually highly com-pensated professionals in a dynamic industry. They should be embracing reforms that are critical to delivering the safety, capacity, cost and environ-

mental improvements that European air travellers deserve. It’s time for governments to ensure measures are in place to keep airspace open, including looking to their neighbours within the European Union to help run air navi-gation services when one country’s controllers have stopped services.” Industry experts say that the tech-nology already exists to allow con-trollers to navigate flights over neigh-bouring airspace, but politics - and traditional national sovereignty - was the stumbling block. “Technically you can do it. It is not for us to negotiate. It is for the governments to agree. It is something that can be done today by governments,” said Schvartzman. ■

With modern life relying so heavily on technol-ogy, one seemingly outdated habit that has stubbornly refused to disappear in France is paying for goods by cheque. In a world of

contactless cards and paying with your smartphone, French shoppers are often forced to wait for several long minutes while a chequebook is extracted, boxes are filled in, stubs are updated and two forms of ID are verified.

The government has finally taken steps, with MPs voting to reduce the validity of cheques from 12 to 6 months in a move it hopes will encourage people to use more mod-ern forms of payment such as by card or bank transfer. The changes are part of a wider government initiative to slowly phase out cheques. Some MPs resisted the changes, arguing that cheques were an important option “for many on modest incomes looking to manage their outgoings”. Others argued that phasing out cheques was logical and that the move was important to pro-tect businesses from unpaid bills and to allow swifter access to their money. The average French person currently writes 37 cheques per year; in the UK this figure is 11 whilst the Germans write fewer than one! The new limit will come into force from 1st July 2017. ■

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French eating fewer baguettes

When you think of F r a n c e , w h a t

is the first thing that comes to mind? Putting aside childhood stereo-types of men in stripy tops, cycling along in a beret and with their shoulders adorned by a string of onions, your next thought may well be the humble baguette. Is there a greater sym-bol of France... with the possible exception of strikes and the Eiffel Tower?! Recent figures, however, have shown a marked decline in the popularity of the 'French stick'. A cen-tury ago, the baguette was a staple of every Frenchman's diet, with three being eaten on av-erage by every person, every day. By 1970 this had dropped to just one and the National Asso-ciation of French Mill-ers (ANMF) has said that in 2015, the aver-age person ate just 120 grammes of bread per

day - less than half of a standard 250g baguette. The association cited changing diets as a sig-nificant factor in the decline of bread con-sumption, in particular those low in carbohy-drates or which do not allow gluten. Another reason given was that people now place less importance on break-fast, a meal that would traditionally involve a lot of bread. The baguette was also once a cheap sta-ple, but prices have been steadily rising over recent years. To-day a baguette will cost you an average 88 cents - not a fortune, but al-most 25% more than it would have set you back ten years ago. In a possible “chick-en and egg” situation, there are also far few-er bakeries in modern France. Whilst there were an estimated 50,000 boulangeries in the 1950s, that figure has dropped to fewer than 30,000 today. ■

Plastic bags banned from shops

World first for broken elephant leg

F rom 1st July, France has be-gun phasing out the use of non-biodegradable thin plas-tic bags. In the first instance,

plastic bags will be banned from checkouts and then from 1st January 2017, they will also be banned from the fruit and vegetable sections of retailers. The law change has been planned in France for some time, but has been the subject of a number of delays. According to the government, there are 5 billion of these types of bags used at checkouts across France each year and a further 12 billion in fruit

and veg sections, the vast majority of which are thrown away as soon as the produce they contain gets home. Fur-thermore, many of these bags end up in the sea where they cause serious problems for marine ecosystems. The bags covered by the ban are those thinner than 50 microns - thicker plastic bags will still be allowed. From January 2017, the plastic bags used to package fruit and vegetables must be replaced by biodegradable paper ones. Many of France's large chain retail-ers already charge for plastic bags at the checkout, a move that has dropped their usage from 12 billion to just 700

million in the last 12 years. Today, the average French person gets through 79 plastic bags every year. This compares to an EU-wide average of 175 bags per citizen, a fig-ure the EU hopes to reduce to 40 by 2025. Plastic bag use varies widely across Europe. In a recent survey, Estonians were the worst offenders, with each resident getting through an impressive 466 single-use bags annually. As is so often the case, Scandinavian countries lead the way: residents in Denmark and Finland use only four plastic bags on average each year! ■

An Auvergne zoo has managed to heal an elephant with a broken leg in what is believed to be a world first. The elephant received a double fracture of her leg when she was kicked by the park's male last

year. The injury would ordinarily be a potentially fatal one for an elephant, requiring the animal to be euthanised to avoid pro-longed suffering, but the park's vets were determined to help save the 23-year-old female who had a 2-year-old son. Thanks to a series of x-rays and a (presumably quite large) general anaesthetic, a jumbo-sized cast was applied to the leg and staff at Le Pal zoo near Dompierre-sur-Besbre worked round the clock to help the animal recover. A huge sand bank was con-structed which allowed Nina to rest without lying down and daily care was given by the team that look after the elephants. After six months in plaster - and a €50,000 bill - Nina's cast finally came off a few months ago and she took her first tenta-tive steps. Now, with all the weight she lost regained, Nina is back to full health and enjoying life once again as part of the herd that lives at the zoo in the Allier department.

“We have often kept a male elephant with our small herd of females, and we've never had a problem before,” explained Ar-naud Bennet, Le Pal's manager. “But just to be certain, we are looking for a new placement for him via the European Breed-ing Programme (EBP), and as soon as a suitable place becomes free he will be relocated.”■

© L

e PA


Elephants at Le Pal

Page 10: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 201610 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS

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Kerviel awarded SocGen damagesIn January 2008, rogue trader Jérôme

Kerviel ran up €50 billion of unau-thorised trades at France’s second largest bank, Société Générale - more

than the bank was worth at the time. The scandal would eventually cost the bank €4.9 billion - the biggest loss of its kind in history - and go on to be seen as a harbin-ger of the global financial meltdown that was just around the corner. Although it was fined €4m in 2008 by the French banking commission for its failure to efficiently control its trading floor, Société Générale vigorously denied any knowledge or involvement in what it called Kerviel's “financial terrorism”. The trader was found guilty in a 2010 trial and sentenced to 3 years in prison and a fine of “four billion, nine hundred and fifteen million, six hundred and ten thousand, one hundred and fifty four euros” - a sum equivalent to the bank's losses. The fine was later overturned on appeal and the trader subsequently spent 5 months behind bars. Kerviel has always admitted the unau-thorised trades, but said officials at So-ciété Générale knew what he was doing and turned a blind eye while the bank was making money. Speaking during his origi-

nal trial, Kerviel told the court: “The daily encouragements of my superiors didn't put the brakes on me, but rather encouraged me”. He claimed that his bosses must have been aware of his massive illicit trading positions: “On a trading desk, we are all 50 cm from one another. Everything is seen, everything is heard.” In an attempt to hold his previous em-ployers to account, Kerviel recently sued SocGen for wrongful dismissal and a tri-bunal has now agreed, ordering the bank to pay the former trader €450,000 in compen-sation. The labour court said the bank had dismissed him not because of his actions, which it must have known of, but for their consequences. One of the judges at the tri-bunal said that the bank could not pretend it was unaware of Mr Kerviel's fake opera-tions and said he was fired “without genu-ine or serious cause”. SocGen’s lawyer, Arnaud Chalut, said the ruling for unfair dismissal was “scan-dalous”, highlighting that Kerviel had been convicted of a crime and adding that the bank would appeal against a decision that they claim runs counter to French law. Kerviel’s lawyer David Koubbi told Reuters that the tribunal’s decision “re-stores justice and tears apart the story that

Société Générale has presented from the beginning”. French investigators are also currently considering Kerviel’s request for a retrial of the criminal case, after Nathalie Le Roy, the police officer who led the Kerviel in-vestigation in 2008 and 2012, recently expressed concerns about how she was pressured to focus solely on evidence that would incriminate him, and said Kerviel’s superiors must have known what he was doing. ■

It is never a good idea to rob a fast food restaurant, but it is a particularly bad idea to do so while a crack team of elite soldiers are enjoying a quick bite to eat.

There were 40 people enjoying their dinner in a branch of McDonald's near Besançon, in the eastern Doubs department, when two armed men stormed in. One fired a warning shot while his partner raided the till for cash, but neither real-ised that 11 of the diners were off-duty members of the Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN), an elite unit that specialises in counter-terrorism and hostage rescue. In order to minimise the danger to the pub-lic, the off-duty soldiers waited for the heist to end before springing to action and tackling the pair in the car park, Besançon public prosecu-tor Edwige Roux-Morizot later explained. The first man, who was carrying around 2,000 euros in cash, stumbled as he attempted to flee down some stairs and was quickly subdued. After threatening the soldiers with his weapon, the accomplice was shot in the abdomen and also arrested. The pair soon found themselves in hospital and awaiting trial on charges of armed robbery and violence, Roux-Morizot confirmed. ■

McDo raid goes bad

Page 11: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016


Page 12: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 201612 ♦ FRENCH LIFE

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In the garden - jobs for JulyWhere is the summer? I want to

shout. And ten million slugs and snails will slimily reply, with a certain amount of glee

“Pas encore!” That's been the situation up to the middle of June. Warmish periods alternating with wet conditions have seen an explosion in the growth of weeds and wildflowers, and a corresponding slowdown of young veg plants in the garden (those that have survived the onslaught of the molluscs, in any case) - logical when you consider how much more fragile seedlings are, trying to grow their roots at the same time as their leaves. So what do we do? Well, first of all, don't panic. The weather will do what the weather will do and this year's rain is luckily filling up the water table, which was heavily depleted last year. But during dry moments, go out and make sure you mow the grass round your veg garden as short as possible. Trim back overhanging plants and grasses. Clean around the bases of shrubs and spread a layer of dry mulch. Then, if les escargots, etc. have been a problem for you, decide how to tackle them. Collect and eat them?! Maybe not... Slug pellets are highly toxic and even the “environmentally friendly” ones are apparently not as innocuous as marketed. Killing all these animals also has a dreadful impact on the things that eat them - birds, hedgehogs, frogs and toads - so don't

aim to eliminate too many. Instead, look at ways to make your vegetable beds less friendly for them. Remove planks or stones they can hide under. Some people like spreading wood ash or broken eggshells round their plants but I prefer wheat bran (son de blé). This is loved by our enemies. If you sprinkle it in a thick line all round your plant, then they'll eat this, bloat, and not eat your greenery; that is the theory, and it's worked well for me in the past - with the added advantage that you are leaving them for your hedgehogs to consume later! It also feeds your soil as any uneaten “son” quickly rots down to compost. A virtuous circle. As a last resort, try beer traps but you need to stomach emptying them out! Keep the weeds under control, especially in the potager, and mulch newly cleared ground to slow down their reappearance. If we do finally get some good sunny weather, we are likely to see another explosion of growth, so keep your tomatoes, climbing beans and peas tied in. Check stakes for things like dahlias, asters and chrysanthemums. Keep pinching out the tomato side shoots, melon tips and the tips of other trailing squash when you've got a reasonable number of female flowers. If things like courgettes have started to look a bit yellow from all this water, give them a feed with some blood fish and bone, or nettle tea. Or simply pile cut nettles (minus seeds and

roots) round their base. Similarly, pay attention to your pot plants, tubs, hanging baskets and containers because they may have had a lot of their nutrients washed out by the rain. Give them a good couple of feeds at a week or so's interval, or add some slow release fertilizer granules if you didn't at planting. Should you be lucky enough to have any fruit left on your trees, keep an eye that there are not too many, and thin out if necessary when they are at a small stage. Keep sowing leaf veg at regular intervals, to replace the stuff eaten by slugs, and to give you a good quantity of salad leaves for all those outdoor lunches and barbecues that we'll hopefully soon be enjoying. Sow quick catch crops in between longer term varieties - radish among cabbages, etc. - to utilise all available space, thus reducing weed colonisation. Remember to deadhead flowers to keep them going as long as possible. Sounds crazy, but look through the seeds to see which things will need sowing during July/August for the autumn - chicory for winter endives, winter varieties, etc. If you have left a few plants to go to seed, things like poppies, etc., now is probably a good time to collect them. Look at the capsules and if they seem quite dry, and there are signs that they are ready to split, either collect the individual capsules, or cut off the whole stalk, and put it in a paper bag to finish drying, and

thus collect the falling seed. Alternatively just let them self sow, but this does mean you have no control over colour mixes. Pick regularly to keep things going and avoid those gluts that can be such hard work to process. Cut yourself buckets of fresh flowers for the house! Dry herbs before they flower to get the best flavours. Collect some stalks of lavender flowers before they are fully open, to dry for cooking or flavouring sugar or vinegar. Remember to collect and dry some of your roses and rosebuds for pot pourri. Check and deal with cuttings of shrubs that you took earlier in the year, keeping them in moist conditions, but not too wet. Note where there are new suckers of plum trees, or cherry trees, baby peaches grown from stones so that you don't mow them over, and then you can pot them up later in the year, move them to more desirable places or give them away. This is especially important if you are planning to fell the parent tree. Visit other people's gardens for new ideas - is a great source of inspiration! Most of all, enjoy the beauty of your garden, and its productivity. Last year we'd had temperatures in the 40s by now and everything was wilting, scorched and suffering. So different year, different challenge! Good gardening! ■

by Michelle Pierce

Page 13: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016


If you own, or are buying, a property in France and spend time here each year, you need to understand the rules about resi-

dency in France and the UK, so that you comply fully with the correct tax regime. Getting it wrong could cause problems with the taxman later, or result in you paying more tax than you need to.

French tax residency

You will be deemed tax resident in France if you fulfil any of the fol-lowing four tests. Note that you do not have a choice; you either are, or are not, French tax resident under the rules. 1) France is your main residence or home (your foyer). This embraces ideas of permanence and stability and is the rule the French authorities most rely on. 2) France is your principal place of abode, your lieu de séjour principal. This usually means you spend more than 183 days in France per calendar year, or you spend more days here than in any other country. 3) Your principal activity (for ex-ample, your occupation) is in France. 4) France is the country of your most substantial assets (centre of economic interests).

You are tax resident from the day after you arrive in France, if you arrived with an intention to reside there indefinitely.

Tax in France

If you meet any of the above crite-ria, you are liable to French income tax, capital gains tax and wealth tax on your worldwide income and as-sets. You have to declare all of this, including income that is taxed else-where, such as UK rental income and pensions. In France you are taxed on a house-hold, rather than on an individual ba-sis. This means that if you are mar-ried or in a civil partnership, your tax liability is based on your combined income. French income tax rates are progressive up to 45%. In addition to income tax, social charges are levied on most types of income (8% on sal-aries, 7.4% on pension income and 15.5% on investment income). UK government service pensions remain taxable in the UK and are not taxed in France, although you need to declare the income as it is taken into account when the rate of tax payable on your other French source income is calculated. You also have to consider the tax implications on any other types of income such as investment income. It is important to note that what is tax-efficient in the UK (such as ISAs) is not tax-efficient if you be-come French resident. Besides income tax you may be li-able to wealth tax. This is an annual tax on the value of a household’s worldwide assets as at 1st January. You are liable if your taxable assets

are above €1.3m. Rates range from 0% (for assets under €800,000) to 1.5% (for assets above €10,000,000). Succession tax is the French equivalent of UK inheritance tax but works quite differently. Tax is not charged on your estate but paid by each beneficiary on the assets they inherit. Rates vary according to the relationship between the deceased and the beneficiary.

UK tax residency rules

In the UK, the Statutory Residence Test determines whether you are li-able for UK income and capital gains tax on your worldwide income. In summary, it is a combination of day counting and the number of “suf-ficient ties” you have with the UK. Whether or not you were resident in the UK in the previous tax years also plays a part. This is detailed and complex legislation so you really need to take professional advice. You can be resident in both the UK and France simultaneously. In this case, “tie breaker” rules in the UK/France double tax treaty will deter-mine where you are resident for tax purposes. These consider where you

have a permanent home available to you, where your centre of vital inter-est is located, and where you have an habitual abode. If these are indeter-minate, it comes down to nationality. Many people avoid becoming resi-dent in France because they believe they would pay too much tax as a re-sult. However, if you are retired and take specialist, personalised advice, you may find that you can use com-pliant tax efficient arrangements in France to considerably lower your tax liabilities. You may even find that you could pay less tax in France than you do in the UK. International tax legislation and cross-border tax planning is complex and you should always seek profes-sional guidance to make sure you are completely up to date across your fi-nancial affairs. ■

Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our under-standing of current taxation laws and practices, which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; an individual is ad-vised to seek personalised advice.

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D epending on whether you ask this question to a French or British woman, you may get a different response.

In general terms, when a British cou-ple marry, the woman may choose to take her husband's name. This will then become the only surname to appear on official documents such as a passport. These official documents will not men-tion her maiden name, which will usu-ally only then be found on birth and marriage certificates. On the other hand, women in France keep their maiden name on official doc-uments, even after they have married: “Marie DURAND épouse MARTIN” - “Marie DURAND married name MAR-TIN”. The reason for this dates back to a law from the French Revolution that is still in force today: la loi du 6 fruc-tidor an II * (23 August 1794), which states that a citizen can only use the forenames and surname stated on their birth certificate. Upon marrying, a French woman only gains the right to use her husband's sur-name - it never becomes hers. For all administrative dealings, she will still be identified by her maiden name, because article 4 of the previously mentioned

law forbids public servants from refer-ring to a citizen by any other name than that shown on their birth certificate. So, if you find yourself having to deal with the French authorities and needing to verify your name, you should always take along your birth certificate as well (showing your maiden name), as this is the only document that will be recog-nised by the administration. ■

* During the Revolution, a new calen-dar, the French Republican Calendar, was created to replace the one currently in use at the time (and which is still in use today). This calendar renamed the months of the year and began on 22nd September 1792, thereafter known as the 1st vendémiaire year 1, the day of the foundation of the Republic. It was abandoned in 1806.

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SECONDARY OFFICE13 pl. Général Espagne,23200 AUBUSSONMob: 06 50 66 77 48

Excuse me madam,what is your name?

Page 14: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 201614 ♦ CLASSIFIEDS

Free for adoption 1 male adult donkey, 1 female adult donkey with her 4 month old male sibling. Together or separated. Please contact for more info. Tel: 06 11 73 50 00 Email: [email protected] 4 Kittens need good homes Weaned 1st week of June. Near Aubusson. Contact Mark. 06 45 82 34 03

FOR SALE: 134 litre drum electric cement mixer In good condition. Clean drum. St Sornin Leulac area. €100.00 Tel: +44 (0)7413 242 004 FOR SALE: Acro-props One pair (French type) acro-props. 20 euros for the pair. Dun-le-Palestel area. Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: 3 Aluminium Scaffold Towers 6 m high x 1 m width. Comes with platforms, wheels and stabilizers. 600 euros each or all 3 towers for 1600 euros. Tel: 05 55 82 09 11 FOR SALE: Automatic self-levelling optical site survey level kit Comprising: GEO FENNEL X32 dumpy Level; Sturdy carry case with plumb bob; Tripod, staff and staff carry sack. Used for swimming pool project, now redundant! Very good condition. (Magnac-Laval). €125.00 Tel: 05 55 68 14 51 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Pillar drill stand €10.00 Tel: 05 55 68 39 57 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Twin-headed Halogen work spotlight on tripod €15.00 Tel: 05 55 68 39 57 Email: [email protected]

FOR SALE: Chair that turns into a single bed Hardly used, comfortable and useful. Beige-light brown colours. Nr 23150 AHUN. Tel: 07 68 42 18 01 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Dresser in medium oak

200 H x 210 W x 50 D cms, shelves, cupboards, drawers, vgc. Comes apart for easy transport. Nr 23150 AHUN. €160.00ono Tel: 07 68 42 18 01 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Kitchen wall units Very

attractive 2 kitchen wall units 72H x 50W x 30D cms 30 euros each; 1 matching wall unit 124H x 50W x 30D cms with mirror at back 60 euros. Light ash colour, glazed doors. Nr 23150 AHUN. Tel: 07 68 42 18 01 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Clic/Clac Put-u-up L200

x H98 x D98 cms. Colours two tone blue with two additional cushions

and inside storage boxes. Used only occasionally. €250.00 Tel 05 55 76 70 51: FOR SALE: 6 dining room chairs Dark wood, with wicker seats. Gueret-La Chatre. €80.00 Tel: 05 55 80 14 97 FOR SALE: Ercol Plate Rack Dark Oak 50cm x 100cm. €25.00 Tel: 05 55 80 14 97 FOR SALE: Single electric bed Raises at head and foot. V.g.c. Bujaleuf area. €100.00 Tel: 05 55 69 49 28

FOR SALE: Renovated cart for the garden Priced for quick sale. Coussac Bonneval area. €150.00 Tel: 05 55 08 29 45 FOR SALE: Merida turbo compact 330 electric mower Metal blade, integral grass box, with long lead. €50.00 Tel: 05 55 68 39 57 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Garden Cultivator Petrol Hardly Used. Gueret-La Chatre. €150.00 Tel: 05 55 80 14 97

FOR SALE: Granite cobbles approx 10 x 12 cms 30 euros / m2. Nr

23150 AHUN. Te: 07 68 42 18 01 o Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: FOR THE BUDDING DJ 1 Prosound 800 watt power amplifier; 2 Prosound 300 watt loudspeakers, (10” heavy duty woofer, 4” horn tweeter); 2 Heavy duty extending speaker stands; 2 x 10 metre speaker cables. All in excellent condition. Cost new €470, I would like €350 for the lot. Text: 0044 7773 152 990 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: BALMORAL BRM H 2500 OIL TANK Plastic tank in very good

condition. 230cm long x 140cm wide x 145cm high. Delivery can be arranged at cost. €200.00 Text: 0044 7773 152 990 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: CARL ZEISS JENA,10X 50W, GERMAN BINOCULARS, WITH EXCELLENT CASE Excellent pair of Carl Zeiss Jena 10 x 50 W binoculars in near mint condition. Everything works as it should. Focus is smooth, bodywork is immaculate, optics are clear & clean with no fungus, scratches, cleaning marks or other optical blight. These have spent the last 30 years in the included case and are in excellent shape. They were made in the former East Germany (DDR). The serial number is 4660936. €190.00 Text: 0044 7773 152 990 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Various Electric log splitter, 40 cm cut, 120e; Large electric hedge trimmer 15e; Chain block 10cwt, 15e; 2 double alloy ladders, 50e; Yew stereo and tv unit 25e pair; Corner mahogany glass fronted unit 40e; Matching telephone table, nest of tables, magazine rack 30e; 50 red old quarry floor tiles 20cm x 20cm, 2 half cm thick, 30e; Cane storage unit - 2 cupboards plus shelves 188cm high x 90cm high plus cane chair, 40e; Beautiful old mahogany English bow fronted

sideboard, 2 cupboards 3 drawers 168cm long 46cm wide 86cm high, with 4 long slim legs 50e. Tel: 04 70 06 34 12 FOR SALE: Table top oven with grill As new, larger than average.

Ideal for a holiday home, summer kitchen or just to save money! Dept 87. €20.00 Tel: 05 55 03 04 49 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: MOBILE SPLIT AIRCONDITIONER VIVALP Climline

3200. 1190 watt. Excellent condition. €80.00 Tel: 06 34 06 27 14 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: MOBILE SPLIT AIRCONDITIONER OMAS Trendy

Maxi Split. 1590 watt. 16000 BTU/hour. Excellent condition. €120.00 Tel: 06 34 06 27 14 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Evo-Stik "Gripfill" Gap Filling Adhesive 10 x 350ml tubes. Surplus to requirements. 50 euros the lot. Tel: 05 55 76 27 18 FOR SALE: Black colonial wood burner With 1 metre flue, black

doors, very good condition. St Sornin Leulac area. €100.00ono Tel: +44 (0)7413 242 004 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Various Brevi travel cot, excellent condition 20€; Black flue for fire size 100 mm, brand new, bought too much, 1 metre long 30€ new selling for 10€; Three quarter mattress, excellent clean condition 40€; Moulinex microwave white 1315 microchef, good condition 10€; 65mm satellite dish with LNB new 20€ never used. St Sornin Leulac area. Tel: +44 (0)7413 242 004 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: "DRIZA-BONE" COAT Genuine Australian 'DRIZA-BONE" brown long wax coat - worn just three or four times (for walking)... and then stored away in a dry place in our barn. €95.00 Tel: 05 55 78 79 02 FOR SALE: Aquarium It comes complete with filtration system, heater, aerator, thermometer, gravel, ornaments and books. The tank sits on a bespoke cabinet and measures W : 80cms, D : 30cms H : 128cms. Photos available on request. Tel: 05 55 71 30 07 (Folles) FOR SALE: Various White wooden bookcase 29 inches wide 54 inches high; White metal shelving unit 32

inches wide 62 inches high; White chest of drawers (4 drawers) ex-Fishpools; French marble topped bedside cabinet with pot cupboard; Wooden planter with trellis back 35 inches wide 52 inches high; Full size antique pram. Carriage is a replacement, but the wheels, springs and handle are original. Would make unusual garden display. All offers considered. Tel: 05 55 76 10 36 FOR SALE: BRASS SHEETS 3 sheets 2m x 1m x 1.2mm; 1 sheet 1.2m x .6m x 1.2mm. New. Still in original crate. Weight: 90 kgs. New: €760. Selling price €500 €500.00 Tel: 06 34 06 27 14 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Various CLARKE CH4000B 400kg Electric Power Hoist (still in box) €100. (New £119.98 / €154 ) and Polyester Round Web Sling (SR1/4). New. 2 for €20 - Together €120; CLARKE CCB2 Compact Floor Mounted Parts Bender (never used) €85. (New £95.98 / €123); CLARKE CHS2E 2” Petrol Powered Semi-trash Waterpump (still in box) €350. (New £395 / €507); CLARKE CSD3A Submersive Electric Waterpump (still in box) €200. (New £239.98 / €308); CLARKE 100+50m 2” diameter Layflat Delivery Hose + Couplings (still in box)€200. (New £235 / €301). Tel: 06 34 06 27 14 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Various Large stainless steel Preserving pan 10 Euro; Large stainless steel Wok with lid (never used) 10 euro; Coffee Table 12 euro; Rug 108 x 73 (9ft x 6ft dark rose with blue) 10 euro; Computer Stand 25 euro; Mahogany Blanket Box 75 euro. Coussac Bonneval area. Tel: 05 55 08 29 45 FOR SALE: 10ft opening metal gates with fittings (Bujaleuf area).

€100.00 Tel: 05 55 69 49 28 FOR SALE: Shower door - Pivot type 1860 x 860mm. Used but good condition. White aluminium frame and frosted glass. Magnetic door strip. Adjustable pivot. Montrollet (dept 16). €30.00 Tel: 05 45 89 08 46 FOR SALE: Various Various furniture new & old - tables, ercol chairs, sofa, armchairs, drawers, etc. Also electrical - fans, fridges, freezers. Other household. Children's toys for 8ys +. Child's bike. All for sale due to moving house. Welcome to view. St. Loup, Nr Gouzon. Tel: 05 55 62 25 18 or 06 40 30 86 17 FOR SALE: Drawing board Size A0+ with parallel motion. Solid wood. Adjustable metal stand. St Loup, nr Gouzon, Creuse. €50.00 Tel: 05 55 62 25 18 FOR SALE: Aluminumum sink 1 basin, 50cm x 95cm. St Loup, nr Gouzon, Creuse. €10.00 Tel: 05 55 62 25 18 FOR SALE: Ceramic sink, basin + drainage board Fairly good condition, 60 x120cm. St Loup, nr Gouzon, Creuse. €35.00 Tel: 05 55 62 25 18 FOR SALE: 3 internal doors Solid pine, 6 panel, knotty, new, no fixtures, 1981 x 762 x 34mm. 35euro each. St Loup, nr Gouzon, Creuse. Tel: 05 55 62 25 18 Down sizing sale Large earthen ware Chimaera with metal stand and two waterproof covers great patio heater. 60euro or near offer; IKEA kitchen centre work table. 60e or near offer; Ride on mower needs minor mechanical repair (fuel filter) 550e. Tel: 02 54 62 01 87 Email: [email protected]

FOR SALE: Camera tripod With ergonomic joystick head 'Manfrotto' - brand new, never used. €60.00 Tel: 05 55 69 21 98 FOR SALE: French Rosieres Cooker (oil burning) Good condition -

Height 84cms/ Depth 59cms/ Width 75cms. Pick up from Bourganeuf, you will need 2/3 people to help lift item as it will be heavy. Ready for collection. €80.00 Email: [email protected]

FOR SALE: 4 BRAND NEW QUAD TYRES 145/70/6, Fit Suzuki lt 50. Please contact for further info. €90.00 Text: 0044 7773 152 990 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: SWIFT CHALLENGER 2 BERTH CARAVAN FOR SPARES, REPAIR ANNEXE Good aluminium

chassis by Syspal Ltd. Overall length 6.25m. Overall width 2.13m. Interior ideal for camper conversion, has cassette toilet, handbasin, shower, oven. Located in 03380. Please contact for further information. €300.00 Text: 0044 7773 152 990 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: 2005 Vauxhall/Opel Zafira, Design, 2.0DTi, 16v French Registered, 7 Seats, 77800 mls, Full Service History, CT until June 2018, PRE RECALL MODEL. The car is located in the Limousin near Limoges. Please contact me for further details. €1,900.00ono Tel: +44 (0)7836 202 238 FOR SALE: Luton Transit with tail lift Year 2005. English registered. Good tyres. New brakes all round plus front disc. Mileage 102,000. Drives well. Comes with tow bar fitted. €2,750.00 Tel: 05 55 82 09 11 FOR SALE: Pair of 205/65 R 15 H Uniroyal tyres Only three months old. Engine failed not the car. Still on rims. No offers. €100.00 Tel: 05 55 03 27 67 FOR SALE: New Alternator - Ford Endura Diesel engine 1.8 Still in box – not required. €60.00 Tel: 05 55 56 52 28

FOR SALE: Gas Cooker + Fridge/Freezer + Dishwasher Gas Cooker, Belling Euroline with gas bottle connections, v/good condition €100.00. Fridge/freezer Fagor Class A, v/good condition €100.00.

Worktop dishwasher Oceanic OcealVC655AW €100.00. All ideal for holiday accommodation/rentals. We are in Dept 23 near Crocq. Tel: 05 55 67 94 52

WANTED: Perrusson Ecuisses S & L terracotta tiles, 40cm x 25cm

PERRUSSON TILES: RIVE DROITE X 3; RIVE GAUCHE X 4; ABOUT DE RIVE, DROITE X 1; ABOUT DE RIVE, GAUCHE X 1; FRONTON DE RIVE X 1. Just need these remaining few tiles to finish roof so look forward to hearing from anybody that may have some tucked away. Please contact for photos. Text: 0044 7773 152 990 Email: [email protected] WANTED: Aluminium ladders Tel: 05 55 80 14 97 WANTED: Double or 2 single beds With mattress, must be good condition. Tel: 04 70 06 34 12 WANTED: Lazy boy recliner in good condition Contact Robert. Email: [email protected] WANTED: Small ride on mower Must be reasonably priced and in good running order. Please contact me by email. Email: [email protected] WANTED: RAGONDIN/COYPOU TRAP In good condition. Text: 0044 7773 152 990 Email: [email protected] WANTED: Live-In Guardian French-speaking lady seeks an able-bodied man or woman to act as a live-in guardian for her countryside property near Auzances. Small jobs to be agreed e.g. help with gardening. Driving licence essential (a car is available). Basic spoken French required. Attractive self-contained accommodation offered, with all expenses paid. Tel: 05 55 67 17 56 WANTED: Upright Piano Based south of Limoges. Tel: 0044 7789 253 342 WANTED: Kitchen units Must be in good clean condition. Tel: 05 45 23 76 90 Email: [email protected] WANTED: I want your unused bowls Cash paid for flat green, crown green, indoor and short mat bowls, from a single wood up to sets of four. Tel: 05 55 03 27 67 WANTED: Cleaning lady Cleaning lady wanted for a manor house in Verneuil. Must have experience with antiques and animals in household as well as recommendations, weekly basis. Tel: 06 27 10 54 07 WANTED: Housekeeper/Cleaner I have quite a large house in Saint-Leger-la-Montagne 87340 and am expecting several guests this summer running into the autumn. I’m looking for a housekeeper to look after the house; jobs will include cleaning and looking after the linen. My house is in the hills above Ambazac and is quite remote, so you must have your own transport. Flexibility in hours is also required as there will be busy and quiet times. Please email for more information. Email: [email protected]


The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with









European Vehicle TransportAll vehicles / Tous véhicules

Classic & Prestige cars / Véhicules Collection et PrestigieuxFully insured / Assurance tous risques

David0044 (0)7480 216 395 / 0033 (0)6 23 29 24 70

Email: [email protected]

Page 15: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016


Business DirectoryYour indispensable guide to finding local businesses & artisans

Animals & Pets >> pg 15Antiques/Brocantes >> pg 15Auto Services >> pg 15Building Services Architects/Surveyors >> pg 15 Carpenters/Joiners >> pg 16 Electricians >> pg 16 Fosses Septiques >> pg 16 General >> pg 16-18 Groundworks >> pg 18 Painters/Decorators >> pg 18

Plasterers >> pg 18 Plumbing/Heating >> pg 18 Roofing >> pg 18 Sandblasting >> pg 18Chimney Sweeps >> pg 19Computers/Satellites >> pg 19Food & Drink >> pg 19-20Garden Services >> pg 20Gifts & Crafts >> pg 20Handholding Services >> pg 21Health & Beauty >> pg 21

House Clearance >> pg 21Insurance & Finance >> pg 21Language Services >> pg 21Pest Control >> pg 22Property Sales >> pg 22Retail & Commerce >> pg 22Transport/Removals/Storage >> pg 22-23General >> pg 23


Caring, quiet accommodation just for cats

JUNCT 22 off A20, Arnac la PosteAlison & Ray

Tel: 05 55 60 27 [email protected]

SIRET: 520 896 671 00010

Animals & Pets


RING BILL!Registered Car Mechanic Display Ad pg 19



LCS 23 AutosEuropean Transport

06 23 29 24 70 - see pg 14

UTOPIACat & Dog boarding (23)

Professional (CCAD)

Our services include,heated cottage for cats with gardens,

boarding for dogs in a familyenvironment, plus heated kennels.

Pro 2m high secure garden,pet taxi, pro pet food.

Contact Kelly 

Siret: 750 721 581 RM23


holidaysSmall, friendly English-runkennels in Betête (23270)

Open 365 days a yearCall Leanne on:

05 55 80 42 47or email

[email protected]: 810 192 807 00016

ArchitecturalDRAWINGSERVICERenovating yourFrench property?

New build?Dossiers prepared

Permis de Construire Déclarations Préalables

Tel: 05 53 52 36 [email protected]

SIRET: 493 770 358 00015

At we can help guide you through your planning application in France. From initial feasibility to completed dossiers. We will compile all the relevant drawings and complete the necessary paperwork to ensure

your application proceeds smoothly.We are equally at home working with clients

here in France or those living abroad.

Tel: 05 55 80 72 83Mob: 06 33 07 29 72Email: [email protected]

www.masterplans.euSiret: 790 016 984 00011

Suppliers of Car & VanSpares & LHD headlights,

anywhere in FranceJOHN SOWERSBY

+44 (0)7830 [email protected]


Vehicle Repairs and Repatriation

Can, van & motorcyclerepairs and servicing

Vehicle transport undertaken,both locally and from the UKTyre fitting/repairs/balancing

[email protected] 17 49 11 72

siret: 815 114 772 00016




Antiques Vintage RetroLovely French finds from the Limousin

Open most days

4 La Brauderie, 23160 St-Germain-Beaupré

Tel: 07 80 00 46 23UK Mob: +44 (0)7902 838 776


Siret: 499 234 615 00015


05 55 41 17 76


ENGINEERPre-purchase & Structural Surveys.

Verbal & written reports.Structural calculations & drawings.Redevelopment ideas & solutions.Tim Haw B.Eng C.Eng M.I.Struct.E

FR: 0033 (0)6 05 56 42 81UK: 0044 (0)7448 466 662

Web: www.versineer.comEmail: [email protected]

Siret: 498 843 051 00018

The OrchardKennels & Cattery

(Farges, nr. Aubusson)Small & friendly, English run.

Viewings welcome.Certificat de capacité.

Also available: Pet foods, treats & accessories.

Mon - Sat: 9.00 - 7.00Contact Dave Grant: 05 55 67 58 87

www.the-orchard.eusiret: 504 584 228 00010

Please mentionThe Bugle when

responding to adverts

[email protected] 55 41 17 76

Page 16: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 201616 ♦ DIRECTORY

Septic tanks Concrete Renovationsystems designed with permissions &paperwork included and independent

approval with certifi cation.

concrete fl oors, concrete terraces,concrete retaining walls, openings,

underfl oor heating, insulation, steps.

bathrooms & kitchensfrom design to completion, ceilings,

partition walls, drylining.

see our portfolio at registered and insured for all work we do [email protected]

trading 7 years

siret: 503 169 237 00016

Entreprise Hines Building ServicesAll Internal & External Works, completed to a high standard.

We also supply KWIKSTAGE scaffold for hire - either DIY or full scaffold service provided.See website for more info - - 05 55 89 69 46 - [email protected]





Pink ElectriqueRuth & Geoff Kowalczyk

All electrical work, home automation & security.Project management. See our website for more

information. French qualified and insured.30+ years worldwide experience.Departments covered: 23, 36, 87.

Tel: 05 55 63 10 68Mob: 06 64 59 48 64

Email: [email protected]

SIRET: 788 709 871 00016



Available for all types of electrical workSmall jobs, new builds,

renovations, rewires Consuel assistance and

certification service availableFully insured with 10 year workmanship guarantee

Based near Chalus (87230)

Tel: 09 72 35 74 73Email: [email protected]

@iret: 794 282 368 00016



LES VIDANGES LIMOUSINES▪ Emptying septic tanks

▪ Unblocking pipes▪ Cleaning wells

▪ Group rates availablebetween neighboursCall David - 24/24 7/7

06 49 66 44 2587800 JourgnacSiret N° 750 725 780 00019

Steve JohnsFosse Septique

Specialist 25 years experience All aspects covered:

Paperwork and permissions arranged Installations (full/part)

Upgrades (to current regs) Inspections

Digger and dumper hire Groundworks, foundations, driveways, etc.Building & Renovation services

Free devis and site visit guarantee to beat any like for like quote !

siret: 514 556 208 00015

Lumiere Serviceet Energie

Steven Rofe20+ Years experience

• NICEIC approved Electrician for 8 years in the UK

• Wiring of new installations(including liaising with EDF)

• Rewiring existing houses/barns• External & garden lighting

• All aspects of electrical works• Fully insured - (10 year Decennale)• Departments covered 19,23 & 8705. / [email protected]

Siret No. 501.792.386.00010


Tel: 05 55 64 94 20Mob: 07 86 38 09 61

* Qualified electrician* All types of electrical

works carried out* Free estimates* Fault finding

* Consuel certification arranged* Temporary and permanent

EDF supplies arranged* Departments 23 and 87

No Siret: 494 916 760 00015

INSTALLATION23- Electricity- Plumbing

- Air conditioning and heat pump- Small renovations

(bathrooms, kitchens, etc.)Dutch and English spoken

Creuse / Puy-de-DômeE-mail: [email protected]

Mob. 06 40 56 96 12Tel. 05 55 67 57 64

Siret: 753 054 030 00014

A. WrightCarpenter & Joiner06 35 12 10 66

see main ad - pg 7



IN SOFTWOODS OR LOCAL HARD WOODSSIMPLE ORDERING / 10 DAY TURNAROUNDPlease explore our website for more info: 55 14 12 43

Oradour Sur Vayres (87150) - siren 752 051 482



CarpenterAvailable immediately

All typesBest Rates

References available

Call Mark:06 45 82 34 03

Siret 798 692 778 00011

La Coterie EntrepriseApproved septic tank installer

See our main ad above

Neuvialle MenuiserieMike Christie

05 55 64 35 11 / 07 87 38 58 88 see main ad - pg 17

Masonry& MoreGeneral building

Renovation & maintenance Reliable, good quality work

30 years expBased central 23 - will travel

Martin Sprague

05 55 61 93 07martin_sprague_1@

SIRET: 531 768 182 00010

Entreprise Hines

Building & Renovation ● Roofing - New & Repairs ● Masonry ● Plastering ● Dry Lining ● Sand Blasting ● Equestrian Buildings ● Digger/Scaffold Hire ● ... and much, much more28 years qualified experience

[email protected]: 503 169 237 00016

[email protected] 55 41 17 76

Please mentionThe Bugle when

responding to adverts


• house/barn clearance(pre sale / post sale)

• garden/land clearance• dechetterie runs• rubbish removal

Specialist equipment available:• tractor with flail mower,

rotavator, etc.• vehicle with 1.5 tonne crane

05 55 37 45 [email protected]

siret 532 981 198 00015

RSW EntreprisesFosse Septiques/Micro stations05. our Display Ad - pg 9

Davis & Davis30 years' Experience in Construction,Renovation & Project Management

Quality Workmanship GuaranteedInternal/ External Developments

Barn conversions, loft conversions, new-build, drylining, plastering, rendering, spray

rendering, tiling, installation of kitchens/ bathrooms, painting, carpentry, replacement doors & windows, velux installation, ground-works, landscaping, decking & much more...No job too big (or small). Give us a call for a free competitive quote.

05 55 60 29 50 / 06 04 13 30 57email: [email protected]

Based Arnac-la-Poste - Covering depts 87, 23 & 19Siret: 498 203 652 00017


05 55 41 17 76

[email protected] 55 41 17 76

Paul Jones Renovation

Experienced and fully registered artisan, offering a high quality

finish and service• 10yr Decennale Assurance• Full house/barn renovation

• Plasterboarding walls and ceilings• Tape and Jointing • Kitchen Installation

• Roofing works • Carpentry • Patios/Decking

Tel: 05 55 69 28 12Mob: 06 73 18 63 47

Email: [email protected]

siret no: 495  067  829 00020

Page 17: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016


All Renovations and ConstructionsRoofs constructed & repaired

Attic conversions & velux fittedChimney repairs

Kitchen & Bathroom fittingTiling

Dry LiningAll work fully insured

Free QuotationTEL : 05 55 69 24 82

E-mail : [email protected] No: 524 866 621 00013

Dave Cardwell - Builder05 55 98 24 12

See our Display Ad - pg 4

Double DRenovations & Home

Improvements05 55 65 00 29 - pg 10

JONES ENTREPRISEQuality Workmanship Since 1986

Carpenter BuilderPortfolio available to view atwww.jonesentreprise.comemail: [email protected]

Jeff Jones: 05 55 62 46 21Mob: 06 38 25 74 62

siret: 810 322 123 00011

Paul GoldsmithInterior RenovationsRegistered for 8 years in France

High quality work,excellent references available

• Kitchens • Bathrooms• Tiling • Wood flooring

• Loft conversions • Pointing• Windows • Plasterboarding

Covering Creuse and Indree: [email protected]: 09 66 03 52 89

SIRET 494 123 847 00019

GODSONTravaux Publics

www.fossepro.com05. - pg 3

Scaffolding HireLarge stock

Rapid responseGood rates for long & short term hire

Erected or self-erectDelivery or collection

All areas coveredCall Dave:

06 42 73 83 37siret: 795 207 067 00013

La NoneixConstruction& Property ServicesEstablished, Professional and

Personal Building Services. Fully registered with décennale

insurance covering all works.●Renovations

●New builds ●Roofing ●Stonework ●Carpentry

●Ground worksLarge or small projects undertaken

- please view our website.Contact: Paul or Joanne Rands

[email protected]: 501 144 596 00019

HarlequinDevelopmentsAll aspects of renovationand refurbishment, big or

small, undertaken. Harlequin Developments are

a Distributor and Installerfor Solarventi,

solar dehumidifyingand ventilating products.

[email protected]

SIRET: 494.501.067.00016

Neptune by French LilyKitchens & Interiors

05 55 80 92 91 - see pg 10

Stephen Cullinane & SonFrom the foundations to the roof

Established 9 years in France05 55 81 00 53 - see pg 2

Steve JohnsAssainissement

fosse-septique23.com05. - see pg 8

upvc-solutionsuPVC windows, doors,

porches & conservatoriesAvailable in white, beige

& oak woodgrain.Visit our website for more information.www.upvc-solutions.webs.comemail: [email protected]

siret: 503 133 159 00015


A. WrightCarpenter & Joiner06 35 12 10 66

see main ad - pg 7

Max HuggettExperienced and fully

registered builder with 10 year Décennale Insurance

Offering a broad selection of buildingservices in depts. 87, 19 & 23.

From one off installations to completerenovations, construction,

landscaping and ground works.E: [email protected]

T: 05 55 69 37 64M: 06 80 92 23 82

www.maxhuggett.comEnglish & French spoken - Siret: 518 511 340 00011


RENOVATION WORK• All types of plastering

• Plasterboarding, studwalling• Lime mortar pointing

• Window and door openings• Stone work

• Sand blastingFree and friendly quotations,

no job too smallFully qualified and registered

artisan for over 19 yearsCovering dept 23

Contact: 07 89 71 25 69E-mail: [email protected]

siret: 434 085 338 00037


Here at Limousin Spas we aim to offer our clients a comprehensive sales, in-stallation and continuing advice and

support package. This means that you can truly relax and enjoy your experience of choosing and owning a spa... whether it is for a holiday home or all year round. We set up our business after finding it dif-ficult to obtain reliable advice or choice when trying to buy a spa for our own home. Most of the widely available models demand a high power supply and are thus unsuitable for the majority of rural properties (unless you can

manage without using any other electric appli-ances at any time!) After many meetings with suppliers we decided to stock 3 full ranges of spas which we found particularly sturdy and reliable... this gives a choice of models for 2 to 8 people and from basic to luxury. We run our business from home so we don't have to pass on the cost of running a huge showroom and can keep prices reasonable. There is always at least 1 model on display to inspect and wet test to truly appreciate the features. We welcome any enquiries and visits (although we suggest you phone first to check

we are not out delivering a spa). Many of our previous customers have offered to discuss or show the tubs they have bought so we can probably put you in touch with someone local. We are happy to visit and advise on siting your spa and advise on items such as decking and bespoke gazebos to enhance the surroundings. Full specifications and details on all our spa ranges are available on our website We are further developing our website, so please contact us if you would like any more information in French or English. ■


Email: [email protected]

Durasport Colorado luxury 5 person spa,now €5,995 including delivery and installation

Limousin Spas

50,000 sq ft of covered showrooms& 2 large external display areas- P5 18mm tongue and grooved water repellent chipboard. Available in 8ft x 2ft sheets.- C.L.S. stud work: 2.4, 3 & 4.8m lengths.- OSB 8ft x 4ft sheets, 9mm and 18mm in stock.- Plywood all in 8ft x 4ft sheets. External grade, suitable for construction use.- Skirting board & Architrave in stock.- Insulation earthwool, 100 & 150mm. R value for 100mm - 2.25.- Rigid board insulation Xtratherm R: 40/75/80/90 &120 mm. R value for 40mm - 1.73.

Open Mon-Sat 8.30am to 6pm - - Only 1km from Confolens on the D952 Ansac-sur-Vienne road

Double DRenovations &Home Improvements

All types of building work, groundwork,renovations, decorating and maintenance05 55 65 00 29 / 06 33 19 99 64

email: [email protected]: 510 357 155 00017


no job too small - very competitive rates30 Years’ Experience JoinerKitchens, Bedrooms & BathroomsFlooring & General 2nd FixFinishing, Joinery & DeckingEmergency Lock Services

Mike Christie05 55 64 35 11 (Home)07 87 38 58 88 (Mobile)[email protected]

Siret: 802 265 728

R & B ConstructionALL ASPECTS OF

RENOVATION & CONSTRUCTION• House & barn renovations

• Garage/loft conversions• Bathroom/shower rooms• Doors/windows • Roofing

• Patios/decking• Plumbing & Electrical

• 10 year Guarantee InsuranceSee our website:

www.rb-first-construction.comTel: 05 55 37 74 06 (Dave)Tel: 05 55 69 75 67 (Steve)

(Depts 23, 87 & 19) siret: 501 792 386 00010

Page 18: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 201618 ♦ DIRECTORY





Mini-Digger with driver05.

[email protected] Main Ad below



CALL KATHPainting and DecoratingInterior and ExteriorColour Consultations

Room Re-designsKathleen Willis

05 55 63 53 [email protected]

siret 802 262 35200015

Simon CarterPainter & DecoratorQualified craftsman with over 25 years UK

experience, now based in Haute-Vienne.Specialist services:

Interior & exterior painting &decorating, wallpapering, plastering.


Tel: 05 87 19 91 50Mob: 07 81 26 88 65Web:

Email: [email protected]: 792.130.932.00017

[email protected] 55 41 17 76

To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 05 55 41 17 76


Based St-Junien. Covering Depts 87-16-24.


ROOFING SPECIALISTSInsurance guarantee on all work. 15 years’ experience.

[email protected]

Siret : 531 655 231 00011

WantedExperienced shopfittersExperienced shopfitters required for

installs all across France.

Joiners, electricians and labourers also required.

Email: [email protected]

Mini Diggerwith Driver for HireLandscaping, Ditching,

Land Clearance etc.Hedge Removal and

Stone Wall ConstructionJohn Bonella

87440 Marval

05 55 78 62 [email protected] no. 523 183 580 00019


PlasterersGLEN VINEY

PLASTERERQuality Plasterwork,Internal & External

Plasterboarding, Partitioning,Skiming, Solid Plastering,

Floor Screeding,Rendering: Mono Couche/Coloured Render

Waterproofing Render SystemsTel: 06 45 18 86 10

(18 Years Experience)Email: [email protected]

Siret: 527 736 326 00010

Le Plâtrier du LimousinThe friendly

& reliable plasterer10 year guarantee.

Covering depts. 23 & 87.Call Stuart on:

05 55 80 92 91 [email protected]

Siret: 534 396 908 00012


A genuine plastererFrench and English spoken

Traditional PlasteringRendering, Stud partition dry lining

Lime mortar stone pointingCALL FOR A FREE QUOTATION05 55 63 53 0606 23 29 48 19

[email protected] Bourg, 23360 Nouzerolles

SIRET: 504 612 441 00015

H20 CREUSEHeating & Plumbing engineer

05 55 63 89 23see pg 13

Martin WaltersPlumberCaught out last winter?

Don't worry!We can now offer

winter checks, drain downs, caretaking,general DIY, key

holding, as well as our usual friendlyplumbing services.

Tel 02 54 24 84 62Siret 522 804 723 00016



PMC BATIMENTRoofing Specialists

www.pmcbatiment.frsee main ad below

MUMFORD TOITURERoofing & Plastering/

Plasterboarding Service25+ years roofing experience

All aspects of roofing, large or small15+ years experience plastering/boarding

Fully registered and insuredTrading in France since 2007 Call Mark for a free quotation06 78 60 96 16

[email protected] No. 493 159 412 00011

Eurl Réno-Gén


All types of roofingExternal insulation

Carpentry workDormer windows

Velux windowsZinc guttering

Chimney repointsLead flashing, etc.

Contact Phil Andrews:

Mob: 06 42 38 54 22Tel: 02 54 30 11 20

Email: [email protected]: 509 180 410 00011


Plumbing& Heating

ECOCHALEURNathan SherrardSales and installationof all types of boilers,solar thermal panels,

heat pumps and many moreheating based products

FREE delivery to all of France

[email protected]



Sand and BlastWe provide a fully operated

sandblastingservice for wood, stone and metal.

Perfect for stripping away yearsof grime or paint.

Contact us for a free quote, or see our

05 55 76 31 59 / 06 77 40 95 [email protected]

SIRET: 812 727 253 00013


05 55 41 17 76


05 55 41 17 76

MINI DIGGERWith driver for hire

Hedge cuttingand paddock topping

Work to High standardContact Michael:

Mob: 06 44 24 10 17Email [email protected]

Area 87, Bellac

The Old OrchardDigger Company

3 ton digger & driver1.8 ton digger & driver

Dumper for hireGreat rates

General propertymaintenance undertaken

Contact Darynm: 06 32 24 03 09t: 05 55 76 16 40

e: [email protected]

KWIKSTAGE Scaffold Hire

DIY or FullScaffold ServiceSee our website

or phone for details

05 55 89 69

[email protected]: 503 169 237 00016

PropertyMaintenance Services

Qualified Tradesman 20+ years experienceOffering extensive handyman

and general maintenance servicesSmall jobs a speciality, able to work with

you on your renovation projectsAffordable & reliable, a quality job every timeServicing 23 and surrounding areas. Call Jim:

05 55 66 23 9706 27 25 07 78

Siret: 792 049 025 00010

Please mentionThe Bugle when

responding to adverts

[email protected] 55 41 17 76

Page 19: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016


To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 05 55 41 17 76

Chimney Sweeps

Chimney Sweeping• Flue ways cleared

• Birds nests, vermin& debris removed

• Smoke evacuation & gas tightness tests

• Official certificates of cleaningissued (Certificat de Ramonage)

www.stovesellers.com05 55 63 78 72

Siren: 502 409 949

RING BILL!Registered

Car Mechanic05 55 81 31 85

■ Services■ Brakes

■ MOT Prep(contrôle technique)

■ ... much moreDept. 23 & surrounding areasSIRET: 494 617 798 00017



Established since 1986

Brush & Vacuum

All types of chimney

Fully InsuredCall Ruth Clear

02 54 31 48 [email protected]

siret 504 218 454 00016

TOUTE SWEEPChimney Sweep Service

* All types of chimneys cleaned* Brush & Vacuum

* Smoke Tested * Fully Insured* HETAS Approved and

member of NACS* Official certificates of cleaning issued (Certificat de Ramonage)

* Clean, tidy, professional& friendly service

Contact Barry ManningTel: 05 55 66 48 55

Mob: 06 31 59 81 [email protected]


FATAL... DON'T TAKE THAT RISK!SIRET: 534 351 754 00013

Computers,Satellites &Web Design


SYSTEMS & AERIALS. FAULT FINDING.Dept 23 & surrounding areas

Tel: 05 55 62 05 61Mob: 06 23 40 18 64Email: [email protected]

siret: 453 067 910 00019

CreusetecSatellite Systems05 55 66 60 21

High speed internet via satellitefrom "tooway" & "SES Astra".

TV Satellite Sales, Service & Installations. Dish alignments. Sky/Freesat/TNT/FTA.Most of depts 23,03,63,87,36 [email protected]

http://www.creusetec.comSIRET: 510 117 328 00011

For all your TVand satellite

installations and repairs(Sky TV, Internet etc.)

Call Patrice:

[email protected] dependable service

Based Séreilhac (87)siret: 353 613 227 00035

Big Dish

05 55 78 72 98see main ad - pg 12

Food & Drink



05 55 41 17 76

Try Something DifferentChez Jacques

Marsac (23)• Cosy atmosphere• Speciality Crêpes

• Large burger menu• Around 50 single malt whiskeys• Selection of bottled British ales

• Book corner, pool table• Fish & chip night

(2nd Fri each month)• Curry nights

05 87 40 02 83closed Wednesdays

Petticoat Lane5 Rue Nationale – 16150 Chabanais

Tel: 05 45 29 03 99Visit:

E-mail: [email protected] groceries, Fresh Beef &

Steaks (to order only), Gammon Steak,Bacon, Sausage & Cheddar Cheese.

Wide range of frozen itemsincluding vegetarian.

Traditional English beers, Sherries & Wine.Cards for all occasions.

Opening hours: Mon - Sat 10am – 6pm Visit us and compare our prices

CA F E - G A L E R I EOpen for tea, cakes, scones, and full cream teas, on theterracce or in the garden

Thu - Sun, 3 - 6.30pmthroughout the summer

Tel: 05 87 56 13 7849, rue du pont de la Gartempe

23240 Bénévent-l'Abbaye


Advertising with The BugleWith 7 years’ experience delivering

print advertising to an expat market, The Bugle represents one of the most

cost-effective ways to let English speakers know about your business. An advert with The Bugle starts from just €11.20 HT per month – that’s less than 37 cents a day to put your business in front of 30,000 people each month. In the Limousin we have more than 300 distri-bution points across the region and surrounding areas where readers can pick up a copy for free. We also distribute 3,500 copies through Limoges Airport, which means that we are in the perfect position to target not only residents and second-home owners, but also tourists and those new to the region. The Bugle is the only English language news-paper dedicated to the Limousin - in fact, today, The Bugle is the only free English language newspaper in France and we are growing all the time. If you would like to discuss any of our adver-tising options further, why not give us a call to-day to find out more about the ways that we can help you grow your business.

T: 05 55 41 17 76E: [email protected]:


SAT-ELEC is BACKWe didn’t mean to

go, but the sud-den loss of my wife and partner

rather upset the last two years. Mike has done a tremendous job keeping things ticking over without me.

Satellite Broadband

There have been a lot of changes recently. In a nutshell, owing to congestion, the low data rates are not really viable. However, commercial packages are still available on both TOO-WAY and SES. Beware of iPhones on satel-lite, they automatically update from the cloud unless this func-tion is switched off and will quickly eat up a 10G allowance.

UK Satellite TV Again much has changed. It is still available in our area although for reliable reception a

bigger dish may well be need-ed. We no longer keep Freesat boxes in stock, as they can be obtained easily and cheaply on the internet. However, our full professional installation service is still available for both UK and French TV. For Sky TV, yes we will install it, but you must get the box, etc. yourself.

Wi-Fi and CCTV

If you have problems in this area then call us. Here again, we do not use cheap off-the-

shelf kits but professional grade cameras and recorders. The above picture was taken from 900m on a system we recently installed. ■


t: 05 55 09 15 73m: 0044 74 95 21 89 75

or Mike Tt: 03 66 88 06 20

e: [email protected]

CCTV image taken at 900m on recent installation

Page 20: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 201620 ♦ DIRECTORY

Please mentionThe Bugle when

responding to adverts

Opening times - Tue-Sun: 10h-14h30. Wed-Thu 18h-21h. Fri-Sun: 18h-22h. Closed Mon & Tue evening.

Le Viaduc Bar-RestaurantLe Bourg, 87250 Folles

Menu du Jour - 4 courses + wine for €12.90Full à la carte menu - locally brewed beers - regular events

05 55 10 96 [email protected]

Restaurant AUX CEPESLA veytiZoU, 87130

Tel: 05 55 69 33 38see main ad - pg 3

Le PèlerinBar/Café - Bénévent-l'Abbaye

Open midday and eveningsfor snacks and traditional food.

Beer GardenTel: 05 55 62 43 51

Mon & Tue: closedWed & Thu: 10h-14h & 18h-22h

Fri: 10h-14h & 18h-23hSat: 11h-15h & 18h-23hSun: 12h-15h & 18h-22h

Le ChampsacB&B Restaurant Bar

Tabac & Salle des Fêtesgood food!

good company!good night out!

open all yearregular eventsprivate parties

[email protected], Rue des Fontaines, 87230 Champsac

LESCERISIERS33 Rte Nationale, 36300 CironRestaurant/Brocante/

Book RoomOpen : Wed - Sun, 11:30 - 6pm

Monday & Tuesday closedFood served all day

Licence 4email for more info:

[email protected]'t pass us by...drop in and say Hi

Le CreusoisBar/Restaurant

Les Genêts, AzerablesHigh quality British & French food

at reasonable prices.Menu du Jour €12, Traditional Pub Food, Vegetarian dishes, Childrens

& Snack menus also available05.

www.lecreusoisbistro.comSIREN: 483 988 853

Cross Cut Tree Surgeons30+ years experience Free quotes and advice We will not be beaten on price or standard of work

Fully qualifi ed arborist - Fully insured Covering depts: 87, 23, 86, 36, 19 & 16 Reliability guaranteed

[email protected] /

for all your tree requirements

siret: 530 840 958 00017

20% discount in

July & August !!

Food & Drink

To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 05 55 41 17 76


Cross Cut Tree Surgeonsfor all your tree requirements

[email protected] /

see main ad below


All gardening work:Grass Cutting

StrimmingHedge Trimming

General MaintenanceDept 23 & Surrounding Areas

Tel: 05 55 89 57 [email protected]

Siret:  483 059 242 00030

T.A.D. 23(Travaux d'Accès Difficiles)

All aspectsof garden maintenance

• Tree Surgery• Garden Clearance

• Strimming• Pruning

T: 05 55 81 14 51M: 06 85 78 81 32

siret: 788 438 562 00019

Sherrie et Steve -Jardiniers

All generalGardening

UndertakenNo job too small. Reasonable prices.

Contact Steve or SherrieM: 06 58 72 03 43E: [email protected]

Siret No: 811 161 835 00001

La JardinerieSt-Léger-Magnazeix

05 55 68 73 76 - see pg 12

Gifts & Crafts


All products made in France.New for 2016 : Wrinklies Movies

Cards also available at Chez Mabel at Pers.Same prices as 2015!

Email for more details:[email protected]

See Notice Board for details of where you can find us at local markets.

Send an email to sign up to the newsletterTel: 06 86 89 81 02

siret 528 539 448

Mon Chic CottageDéco IntérieurCadeaux / Café

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint,Little Greene paint &

wallpapers, deco for the homeLe Dorat, 87210

We teach you to paint your furniture with Chalk Paint™

Contact [email protected], Wed & Fri 10h-16h


Très JolieLadies fashion accessories

05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 53see main ad opposite

Mandys-curry-2-goMobile Curry Take Away

For menus and

Follow us on facebooke : [email protected]

m : 07 70 39 12 23Parties 20+ & events catered for

siret: 498 199 306 00016

Ivan Petley

3D Puzzle MakerHandmade, fully interlocking,

multi-layered 3D puzzles from just €9.Keyrings €2 plus other unique gift ideas.

Customisation and personalisation possible.Come and visit the workshop by appointment.

Tel: Bregères, 23150 St-Martial-le-Mont

[email protected]

26, Ecurat 23150

Atelier d'Art du Jardin


for yourgarden

2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix

tel: 05 55 81 31 85

email: [email protected]

[email protected] 55 41 17 76


05 55 41 17 76

Le Viaduc - Bar/

Le Bourg, 87250 Follessee main advert above

Château de la CazineHotel & Restaurant

www.chateaudelacazine.fr05. - see pg 2

[email protected] 55 41 17 76

Come to

Annie’s BarAigurande

Great atmosphere,refreshing drinks,

and a good game of pool.

Open 7 days a week.

For details of our upcoming events visit:

26, Ecurat 23150

Le Restaurant EcuratAtelier d'Art du Jardin

Restaurant du soir by reservation. Our menu changes monthly.

Special occasionsand parties welcome.

Fish and chips and mushy peas €11,50 the last Friday of each month.

For more information:

tel: 05 55 81 31 85

email: [email protected] from Chénérailles and the

Chateau Villemonteix.

Sue and Rob Manning

BEEF and LAMBEARL Les Fromentaux

Excellent beef and lamb available from our farm direct to you.

All are bred feed and finishedhere in Vilenne.

All the lamb is free rangeand naturally finished off grass.

A box of beef is 12-18 kgat €10.90 per kg

Tel: 02 54 25 34 7310 Route de Vilenne, 36200 Celon

Le Village, ChaillacRestaurant/Pizzeria

www.restaurantlevillage.com05 55 02 52 11 - see ad pg 8

Page 21: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016


Please mentionThe Bugle when

responding to adverts


The last fifteen years have seen a huge volume of foreign buying and selling activity in France. In fact,

the level of activity has almost tri-pled compared with the previous fifteen-year period. “The internet has obviously played a huge part in this change but so too have methods of fi-nancing,” says Harris Raphael, Managing partner of France-based Pioneer France. “The big-gest financing change has been the ability for those transferring funds when buying or selling properties to utilise the services of a specialist foreign exchange com-pany to achieve exchange rates only available previously to large commercial organisations.”

“What is odd is that buyers are almost twice as likely as sellers to use the services of such a special-ist,” says Harris. “This is a real shame, as having tried so hard to achieve the best price for their house, many sellers then relinquish an unnecessary chunk of these funds by using old-fashioned and very expensive banking methods to repatriate their money back into sterling, dollars or whatever. This often loses the seller thousands which could have been so easily avoided. Our historic data shows that the average loss is around €3,500.” Harris believes that this is pri-marily because the profile of a typ-ical seller is usually older than that of a buyer. Sellers are therefore

more likely to have traditionally used a bank for their transfers and are reluctant and nervous about using ‘new methods’. “I understand this completely,” says Harris. “Anything new can be daunting, especially when it con-cerns one’s major asset! However, Pioneer France’s foreign exchange brokerage has been operating for over 35 years and is one of the very few that is fully authorised and regulated by the FCA, with the right of establishment in France. As such, we are able to provide our clients with full security of funds, and we can give expert currency exchange guidance to aid our cli-ent’s decision making, which the banks are not licensed to do.” Pioneer France was recently voted number one for foreign ex-change rates and service, so con-tact Harris and his team to find out more about saving thousands. ■

DON’T LOSE THOUSANDS ON YOUR HOUSE TRANSACTIONPioneer France ensures sellers and buyers maximise their funds

The Pioneer France team, from left: Harris, Tanya, Carole and Peter

Tel: 05 53 07 06 27Email: [email protected]:

Granulés du Limousin

Très JolieLadies fashion accessoriesBeautiful scarves, purses, handbags, jewellery & gifts(See Notice Board for where to fi nd me)

Paula Bonella05 55 78 62 2906 04 08 29 [email protected]: search for “Tres Jolie Milhaguet”siret 753 125 061 00014



A HELPING HAND Translation/interpretation

Dealing with utilities/banksPermis de construire

Sourcing/supervising artisans1-2-1 conversation classes

05 55 62 50 38Jonathan Critchley

[email protected]: 792 285 025 00013

Holla!It's our business to shout about yours

www.hollainfrance.comsee main ad below

Sophie ArsacFrench lessons

& handholding services05 55 14 07 64 - pg 25

Health & Beauty

Tu Es [email protected]

Tel: 06 41 69 21 29see main ad - pg 4


UK Reg. Counsellor & PsychotherapistSenior Accred. MBACP 548379

• French Reg. Conseille de Vie & Coach• Based on borders of 87-19-23

• Meet in person or via skype• Initial appointment without charge

05 55 38 33 [email protected]

SIREN: 818 604 654


debarrasser87House Clearance Specialists

www.ferraille87.comsee main ad - pg 4

Insurance & Finance

Blevins FranksInternational tax and wealth

management adviserswww.blevinsfranks.comSee our main ad - pg 13



with over 20 years' experience advising expatriates throughout

Europe on all aspects of financial planning. Represented in Creuse

by Tony Farrell:

Tel: 05 55 89 57 94Mob: 06 15 28 54 82

Email: [email protected] Insurance Services S.A.R.L. Siège Social: 34 Bd des Italiens, 75009 PARIS"Societe de Courtage d'assurances" R.C.S. Paris B 447 609 108 (2003B04384)

Numero d'immatriculation 07 025 332 - www.orias.frSIRET No.: 500 064 183 00014

HiFXInternational money transfer


Jenny Homer BA hons, PGCESympathetic French Tuition

- Speaking and Understandingfor life in France

- Relaxed but purposeful- Confidence-buildingFree taster class (3hrs)

Funding possible if in/seeking work

Tel: 09 73 13 62 10Email: [email protected]

87120 Eymoutiers

Ecole de Langue86, Rue Nationale, 36400 La Châtre

All yourlanguage needsunder one roof!

02 54 31 12

Sophie ArsacFrench lessons

& handholding services05 55 14 07 64 - pg 25

Tesol cert. & BA Hons in French

French tuitionwith

Lizzie Snowden- Individual lessons 20€ / hour

or small groups on demand, at adiscounted rate (complimentary

session to assess your needs)

‐ Based in Marsac (Creuse) but happy to travel within a 30km radius

Tel: 07 84 05 56 72Email: [email protected]

SIRET: 817 419 336 00018

Want to learn French?Vocabulary

French-English / English-FrenchCuisine, European Fauna and Flora,

Birds, Gardening and Farming,Beauty and Cosmetics

Paper brochures and

[email protected]


05 55 41 17 76


05 55 41 17 76

Chez BoutiqueFormerly La Petite Place our Display Ad - pg 10

Page 22: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 201622 ♦ DIRECTORY


06 31 17 25 60see main ad - pg 9

Pest Control

Central France Pest Control

Dératisation, Déinsectisation,Désinfection

02 48 60 83 72 / 06 74 33 02

Email: [email protected]

Curative and preventativerats, mice, moles, flies, woodworm,

bed bugs, fleas, wasps, hornets

La Petite Barre, 18210 Bessais Le FromentalSIRET No. 498 544 741 00024


Cendrillon - BourganeufBilingual Estate Agent in Creuse

www.limousin-bilingual.com05 55 54 95 85 - see pg 4

Retail &Commerce

Houses on (0)1 15 82 35 53See our Display Ad - pg 3

Chez AmandaDepot Vente des Vêtements

Dress agency and gallery, specialising in designer and high quality pre-owned clothes

for women and children, together with accessories, footwear, jewellery, gift items,

and hand made furniture.8 rue Principale, St Mathieu, 87440

Email: [email protected]:

Tel: 05.55 48.28.89SIRET: 510 995 681 00010

French LilyKitchens & Interiors

05 55 80 92 91 - see pg 10

Stove our Display Ad - pg 6

Limousin SpasAlongside the amazing "Rotospa"

spa range, we are now able tosupply the "Durasport" &

"Strong Spas" ranges of quality spas.

All our spas are manufactured tothe highest standards & havefull manufacturers warranty.

These spas have relatively low powerrequirements & are very economical.

Prices start from €3,750.Models seat 2 to 7 people.

For more information on our rangecheck out our website:

www.limousin-spas.comor telephone: 05 55 63 26 20

Numero Siret: 752 157 610 00011


00 33 (0)5 55 27 51 14see main ad - pg 4

CALL 0044 1424 853

Are you looking for your perfect base in the UK? We have beautiful 2 and 3 bedroom models available

in East Sussex. Relax in style in a modern holiday home and take advantage of fantastic facilities.

Open for 11 ½ months a year.


From £9,995

Leggett Immobilierwww.leggettfrance.com05 53 56 62 54

see main ad - pg 12

Moulin de TintinFurniture, interiors & gifts

www.moulin-de-tintin.com05. - see pg 3

Eco EntrepotGet down The Shed

87230 Bussière-Poitevine05. - see pg 12


A simple solar energy sys-tem that runs on its own, even when you are not

there! – And provides a free heat supplement in winter. The Solarventi air panel was invented more than 20 years ago by Hans Jørgen Christensen, from Aidt Miljø, with the back-ing of the Danish government. He wanted to use the sun’s en-ergy for airing and ventilation of the thousands of holiday homes on the West coast of Jutland, - houses that were left empty and unheated for long periods - houses with damp problems, mould and bad odours - houses that left their owners with dis-comfort, lots of work and ex-pense. He wanted a system that would be safe, simple, without the need for radiators, water and/or mains electricity. Slowly but surely, the first Solarventi model came together.

How it worksThe principle behind Solarventi is simple: a small, built-in, so-lar cell powers a 12V fan that is connected to an air vent, a con-trol unit and an on/ off switch. Whenever the sun shines, the air in the solar panel is heated and the fan, receiving power from the solar cell, introduces warm, dry air into your home at the rate of 20 to 100 cubic me-tres per hour. The initial models were more than capable of keeping the cot-tages dry (and ventilated), even with the limited sunshine hours available in Denmark during the winter season. Since that time, the technology has re-ally come along in leaps and bounds. Now, more than 20 years later, the 3rd and 4th gen-eration Solarventi have exceed-ed all expectations. In Southern Europe, Solar-

venti is not only used for ventila-tion/dehumidification purposes; with far more winter sunshine hours, it also provides a substan-tial heating supplement. Sev-eral technical and governmental studies show that incoming air temperature can be increased by as much as 40°C.

A DIY Solution?The installation process is very straightforward and should only take two or three hours. All that is needed is a drill, hammer and chisel to make a hole in the wall. Roof installations are also possible. In fact, the Solarventi was originally designed to be a DIY product - in Scandinavia it still is. There are no electrical or water connections and it can be safely left running, even when the property is empty. Solar-venti requires no maintenance

- if the property is unoccupied during the hot summer months, then it can be left running at low speeds for ventilation and dehu-midification purposes or simply switched off. With a range of panel sizes, and the option for wall or roof mounting, Solarventi is suitable for all types of buildings, cara-vans or even boats!! Following the patenting of its design in 2001, Solarventi has only re-cently been actively commer-cialized. Over the last six years, Solarventi units have been in-stalled in more than 24 countries and demand is increasing rapid-ly. From Greenland to Australia, Solarventi is finally getting the recognition it deserves. ■

Units start from €630 TTC. Several ex-demonstration

models available at reduced prices, call for details.

SOLARVENTI - Available in the LimousinFrom Harlequin DevelopmentsTel: 05 55 68 67 56Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97

“SolarVenti”- the solar solution to damp and humidity

Transport,Removals & Storage

VAN ROUGEAffordable Moves Europewide 18m3 Van / 4.5m load length29m3 available on request

Full loads/ part loads/ single itemsRegular UK runs.

[email protected](+33)

Siret : 532 526 001 00013

MAN + VANPeugeot Boxer

with 13.5 m3 Load capacity"Official Transporter of The Bugle"

Collections \ Deliveries \ Brico RunsTransport and Small Removals

France - UK - Spain - NLMonthly return UK trips available

Based Nr Aubusson, Dept. 2305 55 83 02 77 \  06 30 90 58 90

[email protected] Siret

No :

523 9

55 15

1 000


Stockage Sécurisé - Châlus Heated, ventilated and secure

storage at our site in Chalus (87230).

Approximately 180 cubic metres.

Just off the RN21, centre ville.

Call Dan the storage man:

[email protected]

siret: 818 782 468 00016

Buggs Car HireBergerac & Limoges Airports

www.buggscarhire.comsee pg 5

• Man with a van service• Friendly, Mature Service,

Ex-Police• Living in Limousin,

specialising in moves between UK and France

• Competitive Rates• Fully Insured

Please call Mick for further infoUK: 0333 022 0359FR: 07 68 64 22 54

W: [email protected]

Watson EuropeanInternational Removals main ad - pg 7

Central France Storage

www.centralfrancestorage.comDry, safe & secure storage

to suit all needsVehicle storage also possible

Tel: 09 66 03 52 89Email: [email protected]

siret: 494 123 847 00019

Man & VanTransport

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www.frenchvanman.euSiret 530 213 644 00012

[email protected] 55 41 17 76

Transition Removals(+33) 05 55 34 19 46

www.transitionremovals.comsee main ad - pg 4

0033 (0)6 83 66 83 09 - see ad pg 7

SAFE GARDESecure self storage

units in GuéretWhether you are a businessor a household, we are here

to make your storage a worry freeexperience at affordable prices.

Why not take a lookat our website or give us a call...

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• All risk insurance cover• Full and Part load specialists

• Professional staff & modern vehicles

• Every vehicle from a Luton van to a full removals lorry• Prices from £3.63 per sq ft +44 (0)1274 724 [email protected]


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FOR HIRETo raise funds for the

SPA dog rescue centre in Guéret.High chair, buggy, travel

cot (plus mattress/bedding), changing mat, etc.

Each item will incur a hire charge of 10 euros, plus a refundable

10 euros deposit.For more INFO or to HIRE

Call Vanessa: 05 55 64 32 08or email: [email protected]

Carrefour duBois Limousin

www.chauffagebois-limousin.com05 55 63 72 45 - see pg 21


Cleaning Services Windows 

Conservatories Garden maintenance 

OfficesFor a free and personalised

quote please don't hesitateto contact us on:

07 81 39 21 49

LCS 23 AutosEuropean Vehicle Transport

Visit: www.lcs23.comor see our ad - pg 14

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Page 24: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JULY 201624 ♦ COMMUNITY


Noah's ArkNoah’s Ark is a French registered charity run by Cindy and Lauren Maasik who have spent the last five years rescuing animals and caring for them on their farm near Saint-Mathieu.A warm welcome awaits you at their shop and tea rooms in Rochechouart, with home-made cakes, tarts, and quiches followed by plenty of tea or coffee.For more info visit or Facebook: Noah's ArkTea Rooms and Brocante, 6, Rue de Poitevin, Rochechuart. Open Tues - Sat 10h-17h. Tel: 05 87 41 26 16.Farm visits for animal adoption are welcome at La Ferme, Les Dognons, 87440 Maisonnais-sur-Tardoire. Tel: 05 55 70 64 76. Email [email protected] AssociationPhoenix Association is a registered charity that has existed since 2001 to deal with the sad plight of the ever-increasing number of abused and abandoned animals in France.Phoenix does not have a 'rescue centre' as such. Sadly, many of the animals it saves have only ever known confinement and isolation, so instead, the animals are placed in foster homes all over South-West France while they wait for their loving and permanent forever homes. This gives Phoenix a better chance of assessing the animal in the normality and comfort of a home which leads to the virtually 100% successful adoption rate.Phoenix is not state funded and so relies on fund-raising and donations to cover the very high re-homing and veterinary costs. Phoenix is formed of a committed but fun and positive team of volunteers, and is always on the lookout for more, so if you are interested in adopting an animal, foster caring or becoming a Member, please visit the Contact page of the website at and

Church NoticesAnglican Holy CommunionServices are now being conducted by Rev Robert Leone at 2:30 pm on the 1st Sunday of each month at the French Protestant Church, Place du Temple, Thiat (87) near Le Dorat (87) and Montmorillon (86) until the Anglican church is ready for use.For more information email: [email protected] Worship in EnglishIf your journey of life has brought you here to France, why neglect your journey of faith? We look forward to giving a warm welcome to everyone from whatever Christian tradition (or none) on the 3rd SUNDAY of the MONTH at 3pm. Where? At the Temple in Thiat (in the north of the Haute-Vienne) – we are part of the Parish of the Basse-Marche of the Eglise Protestante Unie de France. The Temple is on the main road close to the Mairie. After worship there is tea/coffee and cake – and a chance to chat.If you want to know more contact Rev Derek Lawson on 05 55 68 53 03 or Rev Stephen Sawyer on 05 49 84 33 86.English-speaking church services GuéretCome as you are... This is an invitation to join us at our CHURCH SERVICE IN ENGLISH. Whether you have a faith or would just like to attend a church service you are welcome at 3pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Eglise Evangélique, 9b Place Bonnyaud, Guéret, 23000.We welcome all who want to join a group of English-speaking Christians for a time of worship and learning together. Children are very welcome. For more details contact Jim & Pat Scott on 05 55 67 54 78 / email [email protected] or Ian & Becky Jefferies on 05 55 61 10 23 / email [email protected] together in Limousin La Souterraine Area We hold a time of fellowship and Bible study every Tuesday afternoon. Barbara and Cedric look forward to welcoming you. Tel: 05 55 71 09 04The International Free Church in CreuseThe church presently meets at 10, La Chaudronnière, a small hamlet mid-way between Crozant and Eguzon. Sunday worship meetings are held on the first and third Sundays of the month at 10.30am. Fellowship meetings, for mid-week prayer, bible study and discussion are at the same venue every Thursday at 7.30pm. For further information contact

Eric Sutton tel 05 55 89 26 62

Fitness & FunPhoto Club La Meteorite (87) RochechouartAll welcome, all levels; we meet fortnightly at 3-5pm on Sundays. Field trips, friendly critique, conversation and competitions (to contact and more details go to Bowls ClubNew for 2016 - Short Mat Bowls (45ft) in the Charente. Now fully open with 3 mats incl. a brand new one provided by our sponsor - FBEYE, Singapore and Manila. 3-hour sessions: Tue 10 am & Thu 2 pm with tea/coffee breaks sponsored by Petticoat Lane. We welcome all ages and abilities. Use your own UK bowls or borrow ours. For more info ring 05 45 29 05 73.Drawing and painting classesAt Saint-Junien with the CAPCC (art club). All levels welcome, every Monday and Thursday, English and French spoken, friendly atmosphere, materials provided by the club. 45€ / half-term.Contact: [email protected] for brochure with full details.Keepfit (Bonjour La Forme) Held at Saint-Sulpice-les-Champs in the Salle Polyvalente: Mon evening at 19.45-20.45 for cardiac and muscle exercises; Thurs afternoon at 15.00-16.00 for gentle exersises.All are welcome to join us. Contact Jeanette 09 62 58 49 03 (Eng) or Catherine 05 55 66 67 30 (Fr) for more info.Tai Chi, Pakua & QigongTai Chi, Pakua & Qigong classes organised by the ACAMIES (association culturelle d'arts martiaux internes et d'exercices de santé). Wed: Jarnages, 18h30-20h, Salle Polyvalente. Thu: Bétête, 19h-20h30, Domaine de Tournessac. Individual classes, courses, massage & treatments also available. Contact: 06 48 00 02 07http://acamies.e-monsite.comKeep FitAmazing abs, breathtaking buttocks! Come and join our group at the CAPE in Pontarion. We are all ages, all sizes, men & women, but are serious about keeping fit.Our “monitrice” is English and will happily provide bilingual instructions. We meet every Thursday at 8p.m. in Pontarion Town Hall, for a one-hour workout.Come for a free trial, or call 05 55 64 98 87 or 06 32 42 95 68 for more details.Indoor Bowling at Oradour-sur-VayresIf you already play or have never tried indoor bowling then come along to a meeting. It's great fun and easy to play. If you have never played it before we will show you how. We meet every Monday evening starting at 18.30 hrs at La Chapelle, avenue des Chapelles, 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres. Come and try it - it's free. If you require further information or directions to our venue please contact me - Email: [email protected] or telephone: 05 55 08 41 75Zumba! Regular zumba classes across depts 36, 18 & northern 23. For more info tel 06 58 37 17 04 - email [email protected] and for details of classes visit www.zumbazumba.frIndoor Short-mat Bowling at Cussac 87150....and now Outdoor too!As the premier bowls club in the Haute-Vienne, we are going from strength to strength with members seeking us out and travelling great distances to continue their love of bowls or simply to 'try us out'. Our reputation as a "very friendly and welcoming club" goes before us. If you've never tried the game, just come along and take a look; there is far more to it than first appears!We are a formally registered association within the French system and benefit from assistance from our local commune by use of a wonderful indoor venue. AND NOW...the use of a synthetic outdoor court where Flat-green, Crown and Short-mat can be played. Just imagine the summer evenings with a drink in your hand, watching fellow bowlers enjoying the quiet of village, interrupted only by the 'click' or 'tunk' of bowl against bowl!Our regular sessions indoors are Wednesday evening at 8pm and Thursday Mornings at 10am. Outdoor sessions will be arranged as the spring arrives so keep in touch. Serious bowlers and beginners are welcome - club bowls are available for use.For further information contact [email protected] or

telephone 05 55 78 66 45.Association Equilibre, le mouvement du corpsYoga for all levels: Tue 18:30 Aubusson, Pied au plancher (Espace Philips); Wed 18:30 Vallière, salle polyvalante. Pregnancy/Post Natal: Tue 17:00 Aubusson, Pied au Plancher (Espace Philips) For further information tel 06 83 24 62 72 or visit www.spaequilibre.yolasite.comChinese Gym & KarateMondays & Thursdays at the DOJO, Allée Jean-Marie Couturier, Aubusson. Chinese gym 17h-18h15 & 18h15-19h30 and karate 19h30-21h.For more info tel 06 08 92 30 53Tai Chi at Boussac and La ChâtreTai Chi classes in Boussac (Tue 18.15 - 19.45) and La Châtre (Thu 18.15 - 19.45). The first two lessons are free, the subscriptions are 36 euros per month and members can go to both venues having paid this fee. The style is that of Yang. All ages and abilities welcome, but folk must bear in mind that they will be on their feet, doing the equivalent of what one might classify as light exercise, for about an hour and a half. For more information contact 05 55 65 08 20.Gym Bien-êtreWould you like to be more supple? Come to our gym class on Thursday mornings from 10.30am to 11.30am, where we do gentle exercises to help all our muscles and joints. The classes are held in Rochechouart in the Capitole building, upstairs. Our group is part of a National Federation of Gymnastics. For information contact Pauline at [email protected] to Meditate Learn to meditate and meet other like-minded people. Simple mindfulness technique. Dechen Choling, Le Mas Marvent, St-Yrieix-sous-Aixe, 87700. Also, ongoing regular group meetings and events. Contact tel Christina 05 55 03 82 01

GardeningLes petits jardiniers du LimousinGetting out in the garden is one of life's pleasures for many people and there's a lot of satisfaction in seeing seeds and plants thrive and grow under your care. Our Association has a different, garden related topic each month and you are very welcome to come and join us in learning more about growing plants, flowers, fruit, vegetables and trees in this region. We also have visits to other gardens and an Annual Show in September. We meet on the third Thursday of each month (excl Feb) in the Mairie at St-Amand-le-Petit (between Eymoutiers and Peyrat-le-Château). Meetings start at 2.30 pm and visit timings will be advised. For more information contact Carolyn or Antonia at [email protected]:// Agenda for 2016: 21 July - Gardening by the moon and how to produce your own seed; 18 August - Summer lunch – venue to be advised; 04 September - SUNDAY 4th Annual Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Annual Show; 20 October - AGM followed by All about Pumpkins; 17 November - Visit to Moulin Got, paper manufacturers; 15 December - Gardeners' Question Time and Christmas Party.Club Liseron – Gardening ClubMeets on the 2nd Mon evening of the month at 19.30 at the Salle des Fêtes in Massignac. We're a mixed bunch of English & French, who are united by a passion for gardens and gardening, sharing plants, seeds and information. This year the President is Véronique Granet and the Vice President is Michelle Pierce. For further information contact Michelle on 05 45 89 36 54 / [email protected] for 2016: 11/07 Taking cuttings; 12/09 Saffron; 10/10 Helpful tips; 14/11 Forest gardens; 12/12 AGM.Aux Plantes, etc.We are an association of independent, ethically-minded and passionate plant producers. Our aim is to encourage consumers to know more about the plants they buy, how they were produced and their needs, thereby avoiding the disappointments that so often come with mass produced plants. It’s not just about us selling you plants - we want them to thrive and do well for you!Current members include plantspeople specialising in unusual shrubs & trees, butterfly plants, heritage vegetables and flowers, irises, perennials and drought-tolerant plants.For more info contact Michelle Pierce 05

45 89 36 54 or visit:www.auxplantesetc.jimdo.comLes Jardins de SiriusBased in Pressignac, Charente, we are a small association of people who are keen on gardening. As well as finding plants an endless source of interest, we believe that the simple fact of gardening has numerous positive benefits for health, stress, social interaction - in other words, our daily lives - and we’d like to encourage this aspect. We run flower workshops on the first Saturday afternoon of the month. If you’d like to get involved, have more info on the association or become a member, please contact Michelle Pierce on 05 45 89 36 54 or at [email protected]

IntegrationBessines-AccueilBessines-Accueil is a group based in Bessines-sur-Gartempe (87250) which seeks to welcome new arrivals both to the town and to the surrounding region and to assist them with integration in the community.The group is comprised both of French and English members and meets weekly, generally on Thursday afternoons, in Bessines-sur-Gartempe, when various activities take place, all aimed at promoting a friendly and welcoming ambiance.Through these activities, which include visits, talks, entertainment and much more, the group aims to discover and promote an appreciation of the life, the history and the heritage of the area and to help new arrivals settle.For more details or to join please contact the President, Bernadette Ruffenach, on 05 55 76 11 19.Les Franglais de Banize (23120)French and English people meet every Wednesday at 2-3 pm in the mairie in Banize to share English and French language and lots of laughter.We all learn from each other, in both languages and about aspects of both cultures. In general the English try to speak in French and vice versa. As far as possible!The meetings have been going on for seven years now but new arrivals are always welcome. For more information please contact Anne Chadwick at [email protected] or tel 05 55 67 53 60.Connect87CONNECT is a group for English speakers of any nationality in the area of St-Yrieix-la-Perche. Our Objective is to help people make friends and exchange information. We hold fun events and a Monthly Coffee Morning on the First Friday of every month at Espace Ferraud, rue du Docteur Lemoyne, St-Yrieix-la-Perche. We are a non profit making group and we are run by volunteers, there are no membership fees.For Further information visit our website or contact Nikki Evans at [email protected] or on 05 53 55 09 83.French Conversation Group at Les Billanges (87340)We are a small group who meet fortnightly for an hour and a half on Tuesday evenings during term time in Les Billanges, 87340, close to the Creuse/Haute-Vienne border. We are accompanied by a retired French schoolteacher and a current French teacher of English. Discussion is informal, loosely based on everyday topics, including some grammar plus general discussion. We need a few more people to help keep it vibrant and to cater for inevitable absences. The only cost is yearly membership of the local Association, about €20, which brings with it other social opportunities. To find out more please contact Peter Metcalfe at [email protected] Rurales in Peyrat-le-ChâteauAssociation Familles Rurales now offer assistance in English and Dutch to all non-French speaking people (British, Dutch, German, etc.) concerning all kinds of administrative steps. The service is available in Peyrat-le-Château and surrounding communes. We will try to provide information and help you find your way in social and administrative matters. We will also do our best to help you with practical matters such as language problems, payment of bills, hiring workmen, etc. Find Heleen Tichler-Botermans at the AFR office in Peyrat-le-Château on Mondays from 9 am to 12 pm and Wednesdays from 9 am to 1 pm. You are welcome to drop in or make an appointment. [email protected] Telephone: 06 41 20 06 83Office address: 19 avenue de la Tour, 87470 Peyrat-le-ChâteauFamilles Rurales 2 in St-Yrieix-la-PercheWeekly courses in French for foreigners (mainly English and Dutch) living in the area. Held at five different levels, all with the same native French teacher, so it is easy to move from one class to another if you feel out of place.Level 1 (beginners) - Mon 10h30-12h; Level 2 - Thur 10h30-12h; Level 3 - Tue 10h30-12h; Level 4 - Sat 10h-12h; Level 5 (top) - Weds 14h30-16h30.All courses are held in Familles Rurales' premises at 1 rue de la Piscine (former swimming pool), 87500 St-Yrieix-la-Perche. For more info tel 05 55 09 30 86, or Mark GRIEVES (English-speaking president) tel 06 76 64 89 94 will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.International Apero ReseauDue to unforeseen circumstances we no longer meet at Les Picards, Aubusson. Meetings are continuing Saturdays 11.30 am at various cafes in Aubusson.Due to the ambulant nature of our meetings, should you like to join us, please contact Catherine on 06 86 17 80 88 or email Jan at [email protected] for location updates.We continue to meet to exchange views, make new friends, help and advise one another and help integrate newcomers. We are a friendly group of French and English who enjoy conversation in both languages.Learning Together – Apprenons EnsembleWe are a friendly club based in Rochechouart and our aim is to promote good relations amongst the local French-speaking and English-speaking community. We offer courses of tuition in English and French as well as organising social and cultural events including visits to places of interest.For further information please visit our website, email us at [email protected] or telephone our President Alan Bretman on 05 55 49 08 75. We look forward to hearing from you.The Melting PotMembers of the Ambassador's Club of the Welcome en Limousin Association. We are a group of around 70 members, both French and British, who meet with the aim of sharing things and trying to integrate with the French community. We meet every week at the Ancienne Ecole in Darnac, on a Wednesday morning from 10am - 12noon, except for the first Wednesday, when we meet in the evening at 8pm. We hold information meetings, plant swaps, BBQ's, games nights, visits and have guest speakers about topics relevant to living in France. Contact: www.meltingpot-limousin.comCLE – (Charente Limousine Exchange)CLE is a not-for-profit organisation whose members form a valuable resource for the exchange of news, views, ideas and information. We lobby and work with key organisations to help protect our members' best interests, particularly when Government or other proposals threaten to impact the well-being of expatriate citizens. We organise a range of events, workshops and seminars throughout the year, plus social activities including coach trips, activity days and charity events. Our special interest groups include a Fishing Group, a Pudding Club and Gourmet Club which holds regular lunches at some of the region's better restaurants where we negotiate set menus a cut above the typical 'plat du jour' but still reasonably priced – all activities to help members make new expatriate and French friends.www.cle-france.comEmail: [email protected]: Barry Leech 05 49 87 19 85

Libraries & BooksSale of Second-hand Books, La Croisille-sur-BrianceOn the 18th of every month, during the monthly market at La Croisille-sur-Briance (87130), there is a sale of second-hand books (both English and French) from 9am to 12 noon, at the former restaurant in La Place, opposite the bar/tabac. All proceeds go towards the local school funds (for La Croisille-

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sur-Briance and St-Méard RPI).La Souterraine English Library and Information CentreLocated in the historic Porte de Puy Charraud, at 10 rue de Portail, La Souterraine, we are a lively, well-stocked English language library with almost 10,000 books and media available to borrow. We have an attractive cafe which serves tea, coffee and a range of home-made cakes. There is also a regularly changing display of works by local artists and an interesting brocante area on the ground floor.The Library offers classes in French for English speakers with a professional teacher and also organises Anglo-French conversation groups in association with the Municipal Library in La Souterraine. There are also a number of thriving special interest groups, such as the Gardening Group, Camera Club, Friendship Group, etc.We also provide support & assistance in bureaucratic and administrative matters for both existing British residents as well as newcomers to the area. Whatever your interests don’t hesitate to pay us a visit and you will be made most welcome.We are open from 09.30 until 12.30, Mon, Thu, Fri & Sat. For more info tel 05 55 89 57 62 during opening hours or visit www.englishlibrary.frThe English Library, Dun-le-PalestelThe English Library, which has now been established for over 5 yrs, is situated in the Route des Rateries, beside the Bibliothèque Municipale, Parc Benjamin Bord. The library is a very welcoming meeting place, where you can come and enjoy a cup of tea, or coffee, whilst you browse through our collection of around 7,500 books, DVDs and talking books. Our opening hours are Thursdays, 10h00 – 16h00 and Saturdays 10h00 – 12h30. Also, on the first Tuesday of every month, 10h00 – 12h00, you are invited to join us for our Club Franglais, which welcomes people from all nationalities, to chat in French, English or any language you wish(!) whilst enjoying a cup of tea, and a piece of home-made cake. We host a range of other activities too, including the Café Philo, and Club Scrabble.More information can be found on the Entente Cordiale website at or email us at [email protected]

Music“Le Jeudi Meta Blues”Organised by the association Nessgig this takes place every 4th Thursday of the month, from 19h30 to 22h at “La Petite Charrue” pub, Le Bournazeau, Château-Chervix (87).All music lovers who would like to share and exchange information and stories around blues, folk and rock, in French AND in English, or who might like to jam a little, are welcome.Free admission! For more information email [email protected] or tel 05 55 09 99 34.Music Club BoussacThe venue of the Club de Musique & Music in Boussac "open mic" night has changed. We welcome musicians of all levels and styles, spectators and all music lovers to join us for an evening of musical entertainment and fun at L'Origan restaurant, 34 rue Vincent, Boussac 23600 from 20h until midnight on the last Saturday of each month. A PA system will be available. For only 8€ Christophe,

the chef and proprietor, will be offering a special formule of Fish & Chips or a small pizza of choice from a Reine, Campagnarde, 4 fromages or Creusoise plus a drink. His normal extensive menu is also available. Food will be served until 22h.For more info please email Dave and Bev at [email protected] or phone 05 55 65 19 24 or Rosie and Mervyn 05 55 65 70 06 [email protected] look forward to greeting you all at this new venue.Open Mic NightIf you like music and have ever fancied getting up and having a go, why not come along to our Open Mic Night at “Le Loch Ness” in La Souterraine town centre every Friday around 8.30pm.L'Orchestre Philharmonique de La SouterraineIf you or one of your family are interested in playing in an orchestra and think your standard might be adequate do get in contact with us. We meet weekly on Friday evenings in La Souterraine (apart from the summer holidays) to rehearse. Most of our concerts are around Xmas or May-July. Our members come from all over Limousin so lifts to and fro may be possible if necessary. Contacts: French language Marie-France Martinie 05 55 30 76 23 / English language Alan Kerr 05 55 56 34 52The HarmonicsThis is our 6th season of singing as a group. Our music is varied classical, madrigals, spiritual, songs from the shows etc and we sing in French, English, Swahili, Latin - whatever the music demands. Our concerts are in support of a variety of charities including the British Legion, L'Oregon at Civray and Retina and thus non profit making. We meet Wed 14h – 16h in the Salle d'Annexe behind the Mairie in Civray. Interested? We'd love to see you so contact: David Lee tel 05 49 87 53 93 email [email protected] or Dolly Ait Boualou email [email protected]


Alcoholics AnonymousIf you or someone you know has a drinking problem, there are now English-speaking meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous at Limoges, Périgueux and the recently opened meeting at Civray.Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women who share their experience,

strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. For details of the meetings or other information contact Roger 05 55 76 22 65 (Limoges), Ewen 05 53 05 76 62 (Périgueux) or Angela 05 49 87 79 09 (Civray).Other meetings in South-West France can be located on our web-site at aafrancesud-ouest.comEnglish-speaking council surgery...for residents of the commune of St-Léger-Magnazeix. Every 2nd Weds in the month, an English-speaking council surgery with councillors Manuela Stroescu and Patrick Johnson will take place at the Mairie between 11am and 12pm.Elizabeth Finn CareRegistered charity Elizabeth Finn Care is able to offer direct financial assistance to British and Irish nationals or residents who live overseas. We ensure that our help does not affect any means-tested payments.For more information contact: Mary Hughes - Case worker France, Elizabeth Finn Care - tel 04 68 23 43 79 or visit and’Association France Alzheimer DordogneCharitable organisation offering English-speaking support and guidance to anyone dealing with the day-to-day difficulties affecting those with dementia, their families and their carers and assistance with how to access the best provisions of care.English Helpline (available on Tuesday mornings between 10am and midday): 09 64 21 40 86.For more information email [email protected] or visit www.francealzheimer-dordogne.orgCancer Support France, Charente PlusFree confidential support for English-speaking people touched by cancer in departments 16, 17 & 86. CSF 24 hour helpline: 06 45 35 32 30, Email [email protected], Facebook: Cancer Support France - Charente PlusCancer Support Haute-Vienne We offer free and confidential support to English speakers affected by Cancer in the Haute-Vienne (87) and Creuse (23). Our helpline number is 06 04 43 39 87. If you would like more information or would like to become a member or help in any other way, please contact Sue Ware 05 55 00 31 15, [email protected] or visit

Meet GemmaShe’s a 9 yr-old Beagle who, up till we took her in, hadn't had much of a life. She came into our care in November from the SPA where she had a zero chance of adoption as she was elderly and had a mammary tumour. This has been successfully removed and she is now ready to find her forever home.

Gemma needs an owner who will be willing to keep up her contraceptive injections, as she cannot be spayed for safety reasons, and as with all long-eared breeds, her ears will need regular cleaning. She’s also a bit portly, so it’s diet and exercise for her!

Gemma is very loving and just wants a lap to lay her head on, but she is a Beagle after all and will require an enclosed garden.

She is good with other dogs, travels well in the car and even took a liking to the cat (in the nicest possible way). Her only fault, if you can call it that, is that she likes to sing for her supper and gets over excited when food or treats are being prepared. She is not a barker, however, though she does give you a noisy welcome - or maybe a telling off! - when you come home if you have left her.

Gemma is chipped and fully vaccinated and has been wormed and flea treated. She’s house-trained and a really affectionate little character. All she needs now is a kindly soul to love her for ever and she's hoping it will be you!

For more information on Gemma please contact her foster mum Yvonne at [email protected] or on 06 02 38 20 70 (dept. 87).

New President for Cancer Support France – Charente PlusMy name is Vanessa Whyte, I am married to Scott and we recently celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary.

We have two daughters and now have a new member of our family, our first grandson Leo. We all live here in France, including my parents who also live close by.

I moved over to France in 2007 and don’t regret it for a minute. The whole family have benefited from livinghere and have adapted well to their new lifestyle, with both girls going through the French education system.

I am a fully qualified psychotherapist and have worked in the area of mental health, including working forThe Priory back in the UK.

Sadly I lost a good friend to cancer when she was only 40 years old, which then encouraged me to get involved with the charity helping those affected by cancer. So, when I heard about Cancer Support France, I happily volunteered and have been a member for a number of years now. I trained as an Active

Listener (AL), then went on to become an AL Trainer and am now delighted to become the next President of CSF Charente-Plus.

I should like to give my special thanks to outgoing President Joan Hogan for all the hard work she has put in over the last few years in raising awareness and forging vital links within the French medical services and developing the Charente-Plus region to its current respected status.

I am looking forward to working with members and friends old and new of CSF Charente-Plus, to forge new links, support fund-raising and spread the word about the valuable service that CSF provides for English-speaking people touched by cancer.


A thank you from Vanessa - Thank you to Richard and Rhiannon Beech for sharing their beautiful garden in June to support CSF Charente-Plus. The sun came out and the flowers looked quite lovely. Thank you also to Kate Britten for her hard work organising the event and to our members and supporters for contributing

delicious home-made cakes for the garden tea terrace. The whole event ran very smoothly and raised 688 euros. Well done all, great team work!

FRENCH LESSONS WITH A NATIVE FRENCH SPEAKERIndividual/Group lessons, all levels - Skype lessons via the INTERNET also available

Free trial lesson!Lessons in La Souterraine & Dun-le-Palestel (23)

OTHER SERVICES: Accompanying and interpreting - house purchase, arranging new utilities,car registration, healthcare, liaison with French administration, etc...

Sophie Arsac - 05 55 14 07 64 - [email protected]

WolfyThis gorgeous boy is Wolfy, a 5-year-old Berger cross who has been at the SPA refuge in Limoges for 2 long years.

He is a friendly and affectionate chap who has won the hearts of the volunteers and staff. After so long in the refuge he could do with a bit more training but Wolfy is a clever boy who loves to be with people, walks well on the lead and enjoys a game. At the moment he is happily sharing his box with a female and mostly he is content in the company of other dogs but sometimes he can be a bit picky about his friends - if he is to live with another dog they would need to meet him before adoption. Wolfy is smaller than a pure Berger and would fit in happily as a family pet or as a companion. He is castrated, chipped and vaccinated.

If you would like to give Wolfy the home he clearly deserves you can meet him at:

SPA de la Haute-Vienne, 156 avenue du Général René Chambe, 87270 Couzeix

Tel: 05 55 48 06 75or if you would like some help from an

English-speaking volunteer to meet Wolfyor any of the other many dogs at the refuge

email Pam at [email protected]

Cancer Support Haute-Vienne

thanks everyone who supported theBarn Sale at the end of May and came to our

Fund-raising Lunch on 12th June.

Both events were very enjoyabledespite the weather!

Sue Ware, President

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Mon Chic Cottage21 Place Charles de Gaulle, Le Dorat

Home Decor & GiftsTea, coffee & home-made scones / cakes

Official Stockist & Workshop forChalk Paint™ by Annie Sloan

& Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic Decorative Paint Workshops

To learn the basis of using Chalk Paint™ & ask questions, join us on a workshop.

All materials included. To book contact Jay.Opening hours:

Tue/Wed/Fri 10h-16h - Thu 10h-18h.

05 87 77 95 [email protected]

Très JolieFashion Accessories

Where to find me:Every Wednesday - Piégut Market

Please see my facebook 'Tres Jolie Milhaguet' to see what's new.

Mail order available, email for more details.Most items now stocked at the 'Coeur et Etoile', St-Mathieu

05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 [email protected]

LCS23 AutosWe are now making weekly runs

to and from the UK with our LWB van, car trailer and car transporter.

If you need anything transporting, from cars, vans, motorbikes and tractors through to household items and DIY

goods, get in touch for more

05 55 80 34 52 / 06 23 29 24 70

26, Ecurat 23150Le Restaurant Ecurat

Atelier d'Art du Jardin2km from Chénérailles & the Château Villemonteix

Open Wednesday to Saturday for:English Breakfast

LunchesSalon de Thé

Restaurant du SoirFish, chips & mushy peas €11.50

All by reservation please.For more informationtel: 05 55 81 31 85

email: [email protected]

Camping Lac duPont A l'Age

Fish & Chips: Friday 1, 15 & 29 Julywith Oh My Cod Creuse

BBQ: Every weekend in July & August (Sat & Sun evening and lunch time)

Live music: Thu 4 & 18 August

05 55 71 42 62 / 06 22 93 17

Managing Editor: Steve MartindaleEditor-in-Chief: Steve MartindaleRegistered Address: Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-BoisSIRET: 514 989 748 00017Printed by: Charente Libre 16340, L’Isle d’EspagnacMonthly circulation: 14,500 copiesAll copyright, unless stated otherwise, is re-served to The Bugle. Reproduction in whole or part of any text without permission is prohibited.Dépôt légal à parution.

Directeur: Steve MartindaleRédacteur-en-chef: Steve MartindaleSiège: Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-BoisSIRET: 514 989 748 00017Imprimé par: Charente Libre 16340, L’Isle d’EspagnacTirage mensuel: 14,500 copiesTous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, to-tale ou partielle, des articles et illustrations du présent numéro est strictement interdite.Dépôt légal à parution.

The Bugle cannot accept responsibility for the claims of advertisers or their professionalism. We strongly advise readers to verify that the company you are dealing with is a registered trading company in France or elsewhere in the world.

Petticoat LaneThis month we will be at the following markets:

Saturday 2nd July - AigreSunday 10th & 24th July – Panazol

If you would like us to bring anything foryou at any of the markets, please let mehave your order by telephone or e-mail

[email protected]://

5 Rue Nationale – 16150 ChabanaisTel: 05 45 29 03 99

Roussis MaidFind us at the following weekly markets:

Piégut (Wednesdays)Brantôme (Fridays)

and at the following monthly markets:Aigre English Market - 2nd July

For further details or to order cards, e-mail: [email protected]

LES CERISIERS33 RTE NATIONALE, 36300 CIRONThe Brocante - now has lots of card and scrapbooking

material & crafting books. Plus lots more items... come and see for yourself. All book sales go to animal charities.The Restaurant - where you can get a meal or snack

throughout the day, plus tea/coffee, soft drinksor something a little stronger.

See main ad for details of how to contact us.Please email us if you are looking

for a special item or book.Email: [email protected]

Le Champsac12 rue des Fontaines, Champsac 87230

Saturday 2nd, 16th & 30th JulyPizza Night with "Pizza del Sole"

Monday 4th JulyFish & Chip night with the "Dordogne Chippy"

Thursday 14th July (Bastille Day)Vide grenier - 8h00 till 19h00

For more information, please contact:[email protected]

Facebook: Le Champsac05 55 78 53 50

Dates for JulyGouzon, Chilled orders only! 3.30pm, (place de l'Eglise) -  Wednesday 6th

Boussac, (place de l'Hôtel de Ville) - Wednesday 6th (6pm)Aubusson, (place Maurice Dayras) - Thursday 7th (6pm)

Le Grand-Bourg, (place du marche) - Friday 8th (5.45pm-7.15pm only)Marsac, (Chez Jacques) - ** cancelled **

Bourganeuf, (place Martin Nadaud) - Wednesday 13th (5.45pm)Peyrat-le-Château, Thursday 14th - please contact us for details

Dun-le-Palestel, Venue now finished, but you can order chilled collection, please contact us for details.

Sardent, (Auberge du lac, Masmangeas) - Saturday 23rd (5.30pm)

Also chilled deliveries to various areas - please contact for details

Tel: 07 70 39 12 23Email: [email protected]

Cross CutTree Surgeons20% Discount

on all work completedin July and August!!

[email protected] /

As well as a fabulous range of tried and tested paints, we are now anofficial Crown Paints distributer. Bussière-Poitevine

Tel: 05 55 68 74 73

Le Viaduc Bar/Restaurant(87250 Folles)

Sat 9th July - Battle of the Bands2 rock bands battling it out side by side

with over 5 hours of non stop music.The battle starts at 8pm - food available.

No need to reserve.

Tel: 05 55 10 96

Lamb/hogget is now availableto order at €12.50 / kg

02 54 25 34 73 / 06 84 61 52 3910 rte de Vilenne, 36200 CELON

Page 27: The Bugle Limousin - Jul 2016

27 JULY 2016 ○ THE BUGLE ○ WHAT’S ON ♦Wed 1st Jun to Fri 30th Sep BOUSSAC Exhibitions at the Chateau This summer Boussac Chateau is hosting exhibitions of the tapestries of Georges CHAZAUD, an artist of la Creuse who created many diverse tapestries that were woven in Aubusson and the sculpted animals of Francoise MENEVEUX, also a local artist. These exhibitions can be viewed in the reception halls before or after your visit to the Chateau.Opening times: 9h-12h and 14h-17h30.

Sat 2nd to Fri 22nd Jul BOUSSAC Exhibitions at La Galerie Exhibition of the patterns ("cartons") of the famous Aubusson tapestries by Chantal Chirac and solo exhibition by Sandra Hanekom entitled "The Feminine Prerogative" at La Galerie, 11 rue du Docteur Gaumet, Boussac.Wed-Sat from 10h30-12h30 & 15h-18h.

Sat 2nd Jul to Sat 13th Aug CHASSIGNOLLES Summer Concerts A series of concerts at "The Piano Barn" in Chassignolles near La Chatre.The programme includes Peruvian guitarist and composer Jorge Caballero's debut performance in France. Caballero is the youngest musician and the only guitarist to win the Naumburg International Competition Award, one of the most prestigious and coveted awards given to performers of any instrument, and comparable to the Pulitzer Prize for musicians. He is known for his dazzling virtuosity, his intense musicality and his spellbinding performances.For more information and tickets (see poster page 28)

Sat 2nd to Sun 3rd Jul CIEUX Festival du Bois de la Pierre et de l’Eau The 5th Festival of Wood, Stone and Water takes place on Sat 2nd July from 15h and Sun 3rd July from 9h-19h, featuring: Artisans, artists, creators working with or handling wood, basketry, ceramics, porcelain, enamel, earthenware, earth, leather, stone, soaps, cosmetics, jewellery, mosaic, furniture, cane, wool, saffron, honey...50 exhibitors - no resellers: 100% producers, artisans and craftsmen and women. So much to see and do with stalls, demonstrations, entertainment, children's games and workshops, refreshments and tombola! Free entry.For more information visit

Wed 13th to Sun 17th Jul BESSINES-SUR-GARTEMPE Bandafolie's The 20th edition of this incredibly popular music festival will feature 18 groups from France, Spain, Belgium, Portugal and

Ukraine and 350 musicians to create "the best music in the best atmosphere".Plus brocante on the Sunday with over 150 stalls.For more information and to download the programme visit

Thu 14th Jul GOUZON Vide-greniers in aid of Secours Catholique We are once again serving cream teas with English scones, jam and cream and a cup of coffee or tea for only 2 euros each. Come along for a chat and we hope to see all our French, Dutch and English regulars.

Fri 22nd Jul LA SOUTERRAINE Late night opening in La Souterraine Why stay in on a Friday night? Come and join us; drink in our cafes, eat in our restaurants, shop in our shops. You will have the chance to win gift vouchers to spend in our shops and restaurants if you spot the "intruders", the items that don't fit, in the shop windows. See the antique cars and perhaps win a chance to ride in one. Come and join in the fun!

Wed 27th Jul to Sat 20th Aug Festival du Haut Limousin Nine superb concerts, a new dance production, six free music events and two opportunities to meet some of the performers, also free, make up the programme for this year's Festival.

Further information at

Sat 30th Jul BUSSIERE-POITEVINE Jack Laws' Rock Concert In aid of CSHaute-Vienne and La Ligue 87. Venue: Harry's Bar, Route 66, Bussiere-Poitevine (87320). Tel: 05 55 47 35 08 for more information.

Sun 31st Jul SAINT-SORNIN-LEULAC An evening of country blues with Rag Mama Rag On Sunday 31st July at 18h top European country blues duo Rag Mama Rag will be playing at the church in Saint-Sornin-Leulac 87290. Formed in 1991, the English duo has a well deserved reputation as one of Europe’s finest Country Blues acts, making use of an interesting and wide range of instruments. They create an exceptionally full and hard driving rhythmic sound which soon has feet tapping.Their repertoire is 20s and 30s Blues based, but very varied, encompassing Mississippi Blues, East Coast Ragtime sounds, early White Country tunes and many other regional styles of the period as well as original compositions.Touring non stop Rag Mama Rag have played at many major festivals in the UK, Europe and beyond.Tickets for this excellent evening are 10 euros per person and can be reserved by contacting M. Rene Guimbard on 05 55 76 31 86 or 06 15 46 17 58.

Guided tours of the Zizim Towerand medieval city of Bourganeuf

The medieval city of Bourganeuf was founded in the 12th century by the Knights of St John. Between 1484 and 1486, the Ottoman Prince Djem, known locally as Zizim, was detained by the knights in the tower which had been specially built for him. This summer, the tourist office of Bourganeuf-Royère de Vas-sivière is offering guided tours of the Zizim Tower in French, Dutch and English. The English tour is on Thursdays at 11 am. As well as these tours, the tourist office is staging 3 night vis-its (in French), by torchlight in medieval costume. These visits are planned for Friday 8th and 22nd July and 12th August at 9 pm. Children may wear their own medieval costumes or borrow them from the tourist office whilst adults (in costume if they wish!) carry their torchlight. Fairy tales, music and theatre are planned for these three performances. Guided tours in English: RDV 11 am at the tourist office. Adults €4; Under 12s €1. Costume rental €1. Reservation neces-sary. Torchlight visits: RDV 9 pm at the tourist office. Adults €5; Under 12s €2. Reservation necessary. For more information contact Geoffroy Bénat on 05 55 64 12 20 or at [email protected]

There is so much intolerance in the world today between competing cultures that, this year, the Festival du Haut Limousin is promoting the value and excitement of cultur-

al exchange in both music and dance. There are also a number of exciting new productions. It opens with Amel Brahim-Djelloul, a brilliant Algerian so-prano accompanied by her country’s top musicians singing po-etry from the 711-1492 Muslim Al-Andalus civilisation, when culture was paramount and prevailed over all ideologies. In exciting interpretations of Bach, Mozart, Saint-Saëns and American jazz, Vassilena Serafimova and Thomas Echo marry piano and percussion (including the African “marimba” hand-piano) for our second concert. Music from France, Poland and Germany comprises the next multi-cultural offering, with “Les Esprits”, three superb cham-ber music musicians playing sonatas by Debussy and Chopin, followed by Schumann’s trio no 1. Music from great 20th century American composers, Renais-sance English masters as well as French composers, Poulenc and Debussy, creates a superb “a capella” concert from the world acclaimed British “Kings Singers”. The Festival premières a concerto for cello, composed and played by Raphaël Merlin with Les Forces Majeures orches-tra which he conducts. They push musical boundaries in this concert with additional pieces from Mozart through to jazz arranged by American double bassist Marlon Martinez. In a fur-ther concert this talented orchestra will offer music from Ravel and Debussy finishing with Faure’s final version of his wonder-

ful Requiem, where they will be accompanied by soprano Amel Brahim Djellou and baritone Marc Mauillon with the Limousin Youth Choir and “Le Petit Coeur qui Bat”. Festival weekends move around the chapels and “patri-moine” of the Haute Vienne. They are usually free. Mesomede, a young ensemble created specially for the Festival, make their debut in the little church at Rancon and the theatre-barn at St-Junien-les-Combes with a cross-Channel selection of French and English 17th and 18th century music, including repertoire for castrato and soprano singers. Among other free events, two choirs, “Kaleis” and “Le Petit Choeur qui Bat”, will be singing to the public on cafe terraces, in shops and public spaces in the mediaeval city of Le Dorat during the hours of the famous French apero. The churches of Bussière-Boffy and Mezières-sur-Issoire host their second free concert, with songs from the UK and USA. There is also the chance to meet some members of the Festival-sponsored orchestra, Les Forces Majeures at the Ferme de Villefavard, and, later on, Joe Goode, choreographer, writer and director talking about his lat-est dance, created specially for the Festival. Joe Goode’s new dance creation, “Nobody lives here now”, was inspired by the martyrdom of Oradour-sur-Glane and the disappearance of many friends through AIDS in San Francisco. It is a beautiful and optimistic performance, with his actor-dancers accompanied by the Quatuor Varese.

Fiona Campbell, Vice President Festival site:

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