  • 8/3/2019 the bp gulf of mexico destruction with pictures


    The BP Gulf of Mexico Destr uction

    As uncovered by A Truth Soldier

    December 25th 2010

    Here is another gift of truth t o the world.

    So are your read y to learn and d iscover what has been done by Br itish Petroleum

    and the resulting perp etual destruction of all life in the Gu lf of Mexico and

    possibly far beyond?

    Altering of the worlds weather p atterns b y stopping the flow of the Gulf strea ms

    warm waters up the Atlantic seaboard and onto Europe.

    Which is why you are witnessing the cooling of the northern hemisphere and the

    freezing of Europe and the continental USA.

    After you read this and investigate all the links I will provide to the videos,

    documents and Intern et sites, you will understand my question.

    So here goes. I will explain to you in plain simple language what h as hap pened

    and I will also mention other Truth Soldiers enlightened theories as to why

    anyone could possibly do all this destruction for money.

    BP Gulf of Mexico Destruction Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier

    3 27/12/2010

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    I would like to mention that I do not believe that there is any shortage of oil

    on this planet. What there is is a shortage of easily and cheaply r etrievable oil.

    I will tell you a short story about the Ru ssian discovery that the core of the earth

    is filled with oil and th at thi s oil over time squeezes up into the imperfections in

    the earths crust an d fills voids and hollows.

    The voids and hollows is where most of the eart hs oil has been ret rieved from.

    But the oil companies h ave emptied most of these economical voids.

    There ar e many other huge oil reserves such as off Alaska and the F aulkland

    islands of south America. And yes deep under the Gulf of Mexico

    Remember when the Br itish fought a war for that seemingly worthless piece of land?

    That is because there is a 1500 miles long protrusion of land just u nder the sur face

    of the water that holds huge reserves of oil.

    BP Gulf of Mexico Destruction Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier

    3 27/12/2010

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    And employed their mercenaries to kill any tr uthers a ny time they felt like it.

    So I am about the un bury the evil truth for you as to what th ey did.

    BP contr acted (hired) the most expensive and technologically advanced deep sea

    oil drilling platform the world had ever built.

    The so called ($300,000,000) Deepwater Horizon

    oil rig had a per fect safety record and the best crew in the world.

    BP h ired Deepwater Horizon to dr ill a well one mile down below the surfa ce of the water and

    then more then a mile below the surface of the ocean floor in to a known huge oil reserve.

    BP knew and cri minally did not care that th ey were drilling into a known tectonic

    fault line. Known as th e Mississippi fault line tha t follows all the way up the

    Mississippi through north America.

    Furt her to what I explained earlier ab out oil from the core of the earth is the r eason

    why there is so much oil below the Gu lf of Mexico and is because of the cr evices,

    cracks and imperfections in the earths cr ust due to the fault line.

    So BP dr illed the first of two wells at that location.

    BP was doing what th ey had no p revious experience or knowledge about.

    That is d rilling a r eally deep well under t he weight of one mile of fluid ocean.

    The Russians long ago knew the obvious dangers of doing this. The danger being,

    what would you do if you had a run away well one mile below the sea sur face.

    A depth that no human can go to. Not even in a submarine.

    Deepsea drilling is the most stupid and criminally insane greedy thing to do.

    So what happened you might be asking yourself by now.

    Here is what h appened an d it will shock you when you learn about the genetically

    created micro organisms that ha ve been unleashed on this planet by BP.

    So you need to know some basics about d eep well drilling and how they get that oil

    BP Gulf of Mexico Destruction Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier

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    to the surface.

    It is not pumped up as no pumps on earth could do that.

    Many think that t he oil is under extraordina ry pressure and t hat when the well is

    drilled the oil will come gushing up to th e surface under its own pressure.

    Well that was not t he situation under the Gulf of Mexico. That oil was not u nder

    any pressures. It just sat there.

    So BP knew this from many other wells they have dri lled in their history.

    What t hey do is drill the well all the way down into the huge oil filled hollow that is

    called an oil r eserve.

    Until that day they had always pumped down natural an d organic bacteria like

    organisms that would r eact and grow off of its consumption of the oil.

    This would then cause a reaction that would br ing up the pr essure to about 1500

    pounds per sq uare inch as expected and make it possible to retrieve the now pressurized oil.

    So now BP did not care what pr essurizing a huge oil reserve at a fault line might do.

    BPs criminal n egligence did not stop ther e. Keep reading it gets much much worse.

    What B P did is they unleashed a DNA Genetically engineered micro organism that

    never existed on this planet before.

    Again BP car ed not what t his could do to this planet if it ever got into t he wild

    natur al world an d the diverse ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico.

    BP only cared ab out money and profits.

    So now this newly created micro organism did the unknown. It grew and grew as it

    consumed the oil. This organism grew so quickly that it dangerously pressur ized the

    oil reserve to appr oximately 80,000lbs. Per squ are in ch.

    This caused the first oil well to literally blow apart. The super high pressur es went up

    and cracked the well casing pipe and blew thr ough all the blowout preventers No man

    made engineering can control such high pressures.

    I will soon tell you more about what else these high pressures did an d ar e still doing.

    So now the well drilling pr ocess had stopp ed.

    So BP ordered th at a second well be drilled an d the oil rig workers refused to do this


    BP Gulf of Mexico Destruction Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier

    3 27/12/2010

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    as t e r st we ow ou t a es tr oy e a t e s ae t y sys tems.

    The oil rig workers were very concerned a s to why all the safety systems had failed.

    I assume the oil rig workers did n ot know that BP ha d injected a genetically created

    organism into the well.

    So typical of the corporate mind. The BP executive cared about nothing bu t profits.

    So three days before the second well blew up the oil rig. BP executives had landed on

    the oil rig and they were having a very loud shouting disput e with the oil rig bosses.

    BP complained that th e well was six months behind schedule and that th is delay was

    costing BP h uge losses.

    The rig workers did not want to continue on with all the failed and unr epaired

    damaged safety systems.

    But the oil rig workers were forced to continue and thr ee days later when the rig

    reached th e now extremely pressurized oil reserve.

    The super high pressures and t he methane that the micro organisms where creating,

    came tearing up the p ipe and went up and blew the top off the oil rig. This happened

    because the scentless methane gases got sucked into all the generat ors that were

    running on board.

    The huge generators sped up so fast th at they began to blow the electrical systems.

    The resulting spar ks ignited the scentless methane gas and th e whole oil rig bur ned

    and sank.

    Meanwhile the first oil well was still leaking and now untold to the general p ublic

    there were now two oil wells leaking.

    Oh it j ust keeps getting worse..please read on.

    BP Gulf of Mexico Destruction Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier

    3 27/12/2010

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    The first dama ged well was very minor compared t o what happ ened with the second one.

    So now the whole world kn ew something was very wrong.

    As usual the criminally insane began their cover up an d disinformation program.

    NWO Corporat e executives think the public are nothing but dumb sheeple and that

    they never deserve to know the truth at anytime.

    Now I will tell you more about what the huge pressures were doing below the surface

    of the eart h. You can verify this by watching the videos I will provide the links to below.

    Videos from the unman ned submersibles showing that t he earths crust h ad been

    cracked in every direction out to thir ty miles or more. The videos clearly showed tha t

    the the earth s surface was heaving open and closed and that oil and everything else from

    below the earth was now uncontrollably leaking out from the cra cks.

    But do r ealize that the genetically created organisms were also being released into the

    ecosystem to cause unknown permanent and perpetual da mages.

    So what does BP do when they were forced to show the world the und ersea live video feeds?

    They showed the world their attempts to stop the very m inor leak at th e first well.

    The world was not shown the real d amaged second well.

    BP Gulf of Mexico Destruction Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier

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    As the world was watching th e video feeds the oil and everything else was spread ing

    and destroying everything it its pa th in t he Gulf of Mexico.

    You can ha ve a look at the man y photos I will provide links to and see the huge

    destruction and the killing of all wildlife under and above the sea.

    BP Gulf of Mexico Destruction Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier

    3 27/12/2010

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    So now that the oil and damage was being viewed by people all over the world.

    The BP executives got really scared and d ecided to commit another even worst crime

    against this planet.

    Are you ready for this? It is going to shock you even more.

    So as Obama was now threatening all r eporters will jail if they continued to report a ny

    news about the destru ction of the environment.

    BP unleashes its ar my of aircraft and boat s to flood the ocean and th e atmosphere

    with yet another genetically created organism.

    BP Gulf of Mexico Destruction Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier

    3 27/12/2010

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    This was called corexit and it was an or ganism that eats all carb on based life forms.

    This means anything that is alive, plants, animals, natur al micro organisms and even people.

    The pur pose for this none stop spra ying was to hide the oil from view and to keep it and

    all the dead wildlife from showing up.

    The corexit causes all life forms to sink to the b ottom of the sea and a lso the oil.

    The corexit is a genetically created ar tificial life form that will keep gr owing until it has

    consumed and killed everything. It will surely spread all over the oceans.

    But wait it gets worse again. Reports ha ve come in that corexit gets picked up by the

    rains an d has been discovered as far away as 3000 miles north in Ontar io Canada.

    BP Gulf of Mexico Destruction Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier

    13 27/12/2010

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    You can watch many pr ivate videos on Youtube showing the damage that the ra ins are

    doing to plants and t rees.

    It is feared th at the corexit will find its way into all fresh water lakes and rivers.

    Then killing all life forms along the way.

    So now all reporting pertaining to the Gulf disaster is ban ned.

    But a ll along the gulf coast people and wildlife are a ffected.

    It was reported on Pakalert press that Obama announced to world leaders that the

    potential exists for millions of deaths du e to the BP disaster.

    Just t oday it has been announ ced that the oil has been discovered. It is at least a foot

    deep and covers thousands of squar e miles under the sea.

    The futur e implications of this man made disaster will never end.


    BP Gulf of Mexico Destruction Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier

    13 27/12/2010

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    ow scent st have sa d that the gu stream has stopped owng north. Wh ch s why

    Europe an d central USA are experiencing unseen before rains and snow storms.

    With never before recorded cold temperatures.

    I can a ttest to the scary weather. I live in Nova scotia Canad a which is located on the

    east coast on the Atlantic O cean above the USA and th e Gulf of Mexico.

    For th e past thr ee months we have been getting storm after storm, each with very

    heavy rain falls an d constant non stop hurr icane force winds of 100 to 130

    kilometers per hour.

    Therefore many scientists are saying it has the potential to start another ice age.

    I learned all of the above thanks to tru thers..I hope that now you understand how

    important it is tha t we all put truth back to where in belongs. At the front of all

    human activity for truth is absolute and it is an action.

    So become an a ctivist in th e world wide truth r not be a coward an d do

    not make me feel like I am the only sane person r emaining on this planet.

    I feel that I live on a plan et run b y the insane.

    Insanity is absolutely the opposite of truth

    Are you insane or do you seek the truth?

    The world wide truth revolution needs you to join and become A Truth Soldier.


    When the seeds of truth ar e sown.

    The grassroots truth revolution

    Will blossom from the enlightenment

    BP Gulf of Mexico Destruction Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier

    13 27/12/2010

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    Gulf Mexico Disaster 134 photos

    Gulf Mexico Disaster Album 2 128 photos

    Gulf Mexico Oil Disaster Album 3 167 photos

    Go here a nd look in the Gu lf of Mexico folder for all t he files to the articles about the

    Gulf of Mexico. You will also find links to many amazing videos.

    You will need a free yahoo mail account to join this group and h ave access to the files and links.

    Washingtons Blog: The Oil Slick BP Tried To Hid e Has Been Discovered

    Go here to my play list of Gu lf of Mexico important videos.


    The BP Gulf of Mexico Destruction.pdf

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    BP Gulf of Mexico Destruction Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier

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