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Sunday School @ 9 am Worship time @ 10:00 am

Church Telephone #: (402) 873-6218

Emergency: (402) 6369-0842 (Pastor Bill)

Email: [email protected]


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just thinking...

In a perfect world, we would always get

what we want, right? In a perfect world

we would never have to answer: “Why

were we not chosen?” “Why? Are we not

acceptable and lovable?”

The cynical answer is: “All he wanted was

the money!”

If we want a “why,” the explanation will

ultimately be unsatisfactory. We will still

be disappointed and disheartened, reject-

ed. The pain and frustration and anger,

the sense of unfairness, doubt, and

violation of good faith remain with us.

It is like trying to explain why the young

person died; it is like trying to explain why

I have cancer; it is like trying to rationally

understand cause and effect where the

cause is unknown.

The “why” ultimately can never be

satisfactorily answered. We do not live in

a perfect world; God did not create a

perfect world.

As a famous person once said, “It is what

it is!”

So, the choices we have are simple: do we

give up or do we forgive the world for not

being perfect? Can we forgive God for

creating a world of imperfection? Can we

go on despite all of this?

In the final analysis, “why” he didn’t

choose us must become “What do we do

now?” How do we respond?

The simple and difficult merge into one:

can we acknowledge that our God given

ability to forgive and to love are the

weapons God has given us to live fully

and meaningfully in a less than perfect

world, even when we feel disappointed

and hurt.*

You know…a Biblical character that asked

these same questions. Know who it is?

Pax vobiscum,


just thinking

*Kushner, Harold S. When Bad Things Happen to Good People.

1981 Schocken Books. p. 148

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Justin Williams, Betty Blankenship, Logan Drabek, Mason Wieckhorst, Ella Mathisen, Ruth Wurtele, John Ensign, Alice

Oelke, Don Grundman, Linda Clark, Roy Murphy, Tim Worcester, Kay Nannen, Gerald Jensen, the family and friends of Leta

Bremer, the family and friends of Marcelo Kronemberg, the family and friends of Joel Lundak, the family and friends of Delrosa

Riege, and all who struggle with chronic illness, including those who reside in their homes and long-term care facilities.

Our annual Thanksgiving dinner will be Sunday, November 13th following worship.

Turkey, potatoes & gravy, stuffing, rolls, drinks, and table service will be provided

by our 3 councils/boards and Women’s Fellowship. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.


The Building and Grounds committee would like to thank everyone who

came and volunteered their time for our fall clean up day on October 15th. About 15 people showed up and much

was accomplished.! Thank you!


The Search Committee would like to inform everyone that Pastor Jamie Kent has decided not to accept our

call to be the new settled pastor at Bethel UCC.


Please remember that your 2016 pledge sheets are due on Sunday,

November 13th.

There will be a Building and Grounds mtg.

@ 9 am on Saturday,

November 5th.


Sunday, Nov. 6 is the first day of practice for our

Christmas program AND it’s 1st qtr. Attendance awards.

Also that day……


Nebraska City’s annual Advent Recital for 2016 will be held again at St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Sunday, Dec. 4th

from 6-8 pm.

Thank you to everyone who

brightened our sanctuary

with flowers, and who

sponsored bulletins during

the month of October.


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Fri. 2nd: CWU Christmas Tea @ Bethel

Sun. 4th: Communion/Food Pantry, Advent Recital at St. Mary’s Catholic Church 6 pm

Tues. 6th: Board of Christian Ed. Meeting 6pm

Sun. 11th: Sunday school Christmas program and

Election of Officers

Tues. 13th: Women’s Fellowship 12 pm, Spiritual Council meeting 5:45 pm, Church Council meeting 7 pm

Sun. 18th: No Sunday school or Youth Fellowship

Tues. 20th: Ministerial Association meeting 9 am

Sat. 24th: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with communion at 7 pm

Sun. 25th: Christmas morning worship 10 am (no Sunday school)

Mon. 26th: Office closed

Mon. 28th: Meals on Wheels 11am

Sun. Jan. 1st: No Sunday school

Mon. Jan. 2nd: Office closed

*Choir practice every Wednesday at 7pm


Carol Beccard 1st Jamie Horstmann 1st Dylan Vock 1st Brenda Wieckhorst 1st

Jim Wozny 2nd Christine Rivett 5th Molly Hermann 10th Kassi Holman 10th

Hailey Herzog 11th Zoie Mills 12th Betty Joe Adkins 14th Braiden Moyer 16th

Keston Holman 20th Jane Vock 22nd Stephen Luther 25th Ben DeVorss 26th

Michael Mills 26th Dylan Holman 27th Connie Jensen 29th Bonnie Wurtele 29th

Matthew Ramold 30th

The Board of Christian

Education minutes for October

were not available at time of



Leslie & Janice Dawson

~ Nov. 3, 1989 ~

Bill & Katheryn Walters

~ Nov. 9, 1963 ~

Jim & Rev. Charlene Wozny

~ Nov. 22, 1972 ~



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Growing for the Future is a unique online, interactive virtual conference focused on beginning farmer and rancher issues,

including: mentorship, business planning, USDA programs women and veterans in farming, conservation and much more!

The conference is completely online, and features farmer-to-farmer webinars, live Q & A, a discussion board, a resource

center and free giveaways! Call 1-202-554-1600 and register now for free to join us in December for this

unique opportunity!

December 5-8, 5 pm—8 pm EST

Tentative Agenda

December 5th

Tom Driscoll- Grant Writing 101

Paul Goeringer – Managing Legal Risk on the Farm

Harrison Topp- Less Than or Equal To: Turning Mentor Relationships into Healthy Business Partnerships

Farm Labor Live Discussion with the Virginia Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coalition Program

December 6th

Barbara Patterson– Farm Bill Breakdown

USDA Sarah Campbell – NAP: How it Benefits Beginning Farmers

Michael Kovach- Sticking With It: Surviving the 'Seven Year Itch

Brian Massey Interview- Urban Farming as a Beginning Farmer

December 7th

Bridget Holcomb- Managing your farm/businesses/nonprofit: It all comes down to communication

Michael O’Gorman– Beginning Farmer Needs for Veterans

FarmHer - Live Q&A, 7:00PM EST

Lisa Kivirist – How She Does It: Women Farmers Generating Income through Diversification

December 8th

Bill Stevenson- Co-Ops 101

Ben Dye– Technology and Farming, FarmLink

JoAnn Baumgartner– Biodiversity on the Farm

Tom Giessel: Farmers Union Progressive

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Each year one of our Christmas projects is to donate to Every Child’s Hope Evangelical Children’s Home. They have a “Christmas Store” that the children can choose gifts from that they give to their friends and families. It is these items that they are ask-ing UCC congregations to donate. A list of the items needed is in-cluded below and posted on the bulletin board outside of the office. Your dona-tions will need to be turned in to the office by Sunday, November 20, unwrapped. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

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It may surprise you to learn just how much the Bible says about finances! There are

more than 2,300 verses on how to handle money and possessions God’s Way!!! In

fact, Jesus said more about money than almost any other subject in the Bible!

Crown Financial Ministry offers a 10-week personal Bible study that will begin on

Sunday January 8th 2017 from 8:00-10:00 AM. It will be facilitated by Darcy and

David Carpenter who participated in this study at their church in Overland Park KS 10

years ago. Now they want to “brush up” on what they learned and to bring this

incredible opportunity to Bethel. The study provides solutions for both the symptoms

and the root cause of financial problems once and for all. It combines solid biblical

teaching, powerful online tools, and hands-on practical experiences. The Crown

Financial Study is a 10-week journey with the potential to change not only your

finances but also your life!

Please contact Darcy Carpenter at 816-223-2602 (cell) or

[email protected] to learn more about the details and/or to sign up.

You can also check out Space is limited to 15 people so prayerfully

and quickly consider joining Darcy and David for an amazing journey to financial


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Church council met Sept. 13, 2016 at 7pm. Present were Jen Hamilton, David Carpenter, John Vock,

Loren Mleynek, Peg Johnson, Jane Kreifels, Pastor Bill, Sandy Ried, Margaret Brust, Sarah Bando, and

guests Darcy Carpenter, John Brust, Steve Luther.

The meeting was called to order by President Jen Hamilton. David made a motion to accept the minutes,

seconded by Loren, and the motion passed.

Darcy Carpenter would like to lead a bible study on biblical finances, possibly on Sunday mornings with a

cost of $25 per person. Jane made a motion to proceed with promoting this for January, a second was

given by David and the motion passed. John Brust and Steve Luther spoke regarding lawn mower

repairs. John Vock made a motion to repair the lawn mowers, with a second by Peg and the motion


Sandy gave the financial report. Peg made a motion to approve the financial report and pay the bills.

David seconded the motion and the motion passed. John made a motion to approve the presented 2017

budget. David seconded the motion and the motion was approved. The budget meeting will be Oct. 16.

Spiritual Council-no report. Board of Christian Ed- The hayrack ride is being planned. The Christmas

program will be Dec 11th with practices to begin in Nov. Pastor’s report- The confirmation classes will be

involved on 5th Sundays. The council decided to open the doors in front of the altar in the Duensing

Chapel more often. Secretary’s report- The Thanksgiving dinner will be Nov 13. Council will bring the

meat, Spiritual Council- stuffing, Board of CE-potatoes & gravy, Women’s fellowship-beverages.

Members are to bring a side or dessert. Women’s Fellowship report- A soup dinner will be held after

church on Oct 16. They will host a CWU tea on Dec.2. Search committee report given by Maggie. Jen

made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Search committee. The motion was seconded by

Peg and the motion was passed.

The next meeting will be Oct. 11, 2016. Loren made a motion to adjourn. Jen seconded the motion. The

meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Kreifels, Secretary

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The Church Council met on Oct. 11, 2016 at 7pm. Present were Jenn Hamilton, David

Carpenter, Peg Johnson, Connie Jensen, Loren Mylenk, Jane Kreifels, Maggie Brust,

Sandy Ried, Sara Bando, Pastor Bill and guests Chip Johnson, Dennis Marshall, Mike

Redelfs, and Dean Griepenstroh. John made a motion to accept the minutes of the

previous meeting. Loren seconded the motion and the motion passed. The financial

report was discussed. David made a motion to accept the financial report. Peg seconded

the motion and the motion passed. Spiritual Council report- All the councils are assigned

foods to bring for the Thanksgiving Dinner. There will be no communion on Jan 1. There

will be communion on Christmas Eve and not on Christmas Day. The biennial review is on

hold. Search committee report- David made a motion to invite Pastor Jamie Kent to visit

and preach on Oct 16 with the financial package as previously approved. Loren seconded

the motion and the motion was passed. Jane made a motion to no longer publish the

proposed budget on the website. David seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Board of Christian Ed report-Christmas program practice starts on Nov 6. The hayrack

ride was held this month. Pastor Bill gave his report. The secretary gave her report.

Women’s Fellowship report- The soup dinner will be held Oct 16. Memorials report-The

lawn mower has been repaired. Building & Grounds report-A sign will be placed on the

elevator lift for a weight limit. The parsonage cleanup is Oct 15. The church office monitor

is not working. Friends of Faith has given us a $500 grant which will be used to provide

Thanksgiving Dinners for the needy and the remainder for cleaning the floors in the


New business- John made a motion to have the financial secretary prepare the

annual budget and present it to the council for approval, in lieu of having a budget

committee. David seconded the motion and the motion was passed. The nominating

committee is at work searching for council members. The Christmas offering envelopes

will be donated 50% to OCWM and 50% to the general fund. Kevin Barrett will be

contacted about snow removal. Any potential pastors will be responsible for their own

snow removal. The next meeting will be Nov 8th at 7:00 pm. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Kreifels secretary

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Bethel United Church of Christ Spiritual Council Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, October 11, 2016 5:45 pm

Pastor’s Office

Present: President Dennis Marshall, Vice-President Burt Weible, Secretary LaVonda Bando, Larry Bando, Cindy Weible and Pastor Bill Dennis called the meeting to order. Pastor Bill opened with a word of prayer.

Burt made a motion to accept September Spiritual Council meeting minutes. Larry seconded. Motion carried. Pastor Report: Conducted Leta Bremer funeral; Doing hospital visits; Board of Christian Education working on the children Christmas program to be held on Sunday, December 11; The Confirmation classes will be doing the 5th Sunday service on October 30 and also will be serving a meal after church service, too; Emmaus newspaper had pictures of the confirmation class when they down in St. Louis; Sunday, November 20 after church service will be decorating for the Advent season; Sunday, November 27 will be the first Advent Sunday; Coming up will be the Church Budget meeting, election of officers meeting and January annual meeting; Will need a supply pastor for Sunday, January 1. Burt made a motion that Bethel Church will join the Community Thanksgiving Service at First Christian Church on Sunday, November 13 at 6:00 pm. Cindy seconded. Motion carried. Old Business: Leftover quasquicentennial souvenirs will be put out on this coming Sunday for members to be picked up at the Harvest Soup Luncheon. New Business: Burt made a motion the biennially roll of members review was postponed until if we see if we get a new pastor. Larry seconded. Motion carried. The Spiritual Council was informed to bring three crock pots of dressing for the Bethel Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday, November 13. Communion will be served on Christmas Eve service on December 24 with walk through communion. In January communion will be served on Sunday, January 8. Next regular meeting will be Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 5:45 pm. Larry made a motion to close the meeting. Burt seconded. Motion carried. The meeting closed, by joining hands and saying the Lord Prayer. Secretary, LaVonda Bando



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Fall 2016 It has been a busy summer and fall at Bethel. Items of concern which have been taken care of include fixing the light at Pastors pulpit, a newly installed men's room vent fan, gutter cleaning and Hosta planting at the parsonage, a new basketball hoop and a lot of flower bed cleaning. Thank you to everyone who helped with those projects in any way. We held a fall clean up day on Saturday, October 15 where approximately 15 people worked very hard to tackle a long list of cleaning, fixing and updating issues at both the church as well as the parsonage. Jobs completed include cleaning the inside of the parsonage, trimming bushes for the winter, new shelving in the mower shed, a new kitchen faucet, lots of new light bulbs, new screen in the parsonage garage door, cleaning the pews and window sills at the church, disinfecting the nursery toys, installation of new church kitchen sink aerators and painting the back of the church yard sign. A big thank you to everyone who has helped with all of these projects and more. The Pavers Company arrived on Friday, October 14 and completed the new asphalt work on the north parking lot on Saturday, October 15th. They returned the next week to stripe the lot. Curb work and parking stops are planned for the near future. Thank you to John Brust for his continued attention to this project. It's been a frustrating season for the church mower as it needed repairs that proved difficult to diagnose. That issue has since been solved and we appreciate all of the help with that process. We also thank all of those volunteers who have taken the time to mow the church/parsonage yards this season. That is a lot of work and we appreciate how beautiful our property looks because of your efforts. The next meeting of the Bethel Building and Grounds will be Saturday, November 5th at 9am. These meetings are held quarterly. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please note we do not have any one person who handles the maintenance of the church properties at this time. It has only been through word of mouth and documenting issues (not necessarily custodial) that need attention on the church bulletin board that things get done. We all need to work together to see that our property is properly taken care of. Respectfully submitted, Jen Hamilton, Secretary

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2017 Bethel UCC Officer Ballot

Submitted by nominating committee

(Arlin Rohlfs*, Teri Stukenholtz*, Sarah Bando, Jane Kreifels)

Church Council

Norm Brown, Chip Johnson, Mike Redelfs

Spiritual Council

Dean Biere, Carol Biere, Paula Ramold

Board of Christian Education

Carrie Ferguson, Kassi Holman, Jen Tietz

Pastor Parish

Danielle Barrett, Maggie Brust, Teri Stukenholtz

Delegates, Nebr. Conference

Greg & Paula Ramold, Michelle Francis Alt: Sarah Bando

Delegates, Heartland Assoc.

Norm & Nancy Brown, Connie Gieseking Alt: Jerry Gieseking

The Nominating Committee expresses its appreciation for the involvement of all those

who have agreed to serve. It is the dedication of the persons who accepted these

positions that will keep our church going forward in the years to come.

May God Bless You and Guide You…..

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A congregational meeting was held on Oct.23, 2016. The meeting

was called to order by President Jen Hamilton. Pastor Bill opened the

meeting with a prayer.

The minutes of the last meeting were read by Sarah Bando. Dean

Griepenstroh made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected.

Loren Mleynek seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Sandy

Ried, financial treasurer, presented the 2017 budget and answered

questions. Burt Weible made a motion to approve the budget. Jason

Holman seconded the motion. Ballots were distributed.

The motion passed by 100%.

Adeline Vock made a motion to adjourn. Cassie Holman seconded

the motion. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Kreifels, secretary

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Bethel United Church of Christ

2400 Central Avenue

Nebraska City, NE 68410



LAY LEADERS Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 27 Kassi Holman Sue Griepenstroh Dean Griepenstroh Burt Weible GREETERS Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 27 Jane Kreifels & Cindy Kreifels Sharon Kotas Janice Dawson Harold & Gladys Huss USHERS Nov. 6 Nov. 13—Nov. 20 Nov. 27—Dec. 4 Stephen Luther, Janice Dawson Jason & Kassi Holman Dean & Sue Griepenstroh Burt & Cindy Weible David & Darcy Carpenter Jamie Horstmann, Sara Horstmann SOUND SYSTEM Nov. 6 Nov. 13—Nov. 20 Nov. 27—Dec. 4 Burt Weible Harold Huss Dennis Marshall

ACOLYTES Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 27 Landon Ferguson Katherine Luther Mason Hamilton Matthew Ramold Lilian Graham Elizabeth Luther Gray Carpenter Brianna Johnson

FLOWERS ~ Sarah Bando COOKIE FELOWSHP ~ Sandy Ried & Katie Chapin

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