Page 1: The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-08-11 [p ] · 2017-12-17 · TI[F? K &nK tKW things which afford us greater, 'eThau sitting down to write a notice of the P uhr.ted Hooflaini

TI[F? K &nK tKW things which afford us greater, 'e Thau sitting down to write a notice of the

P uhr.ted Hooflaini German Bitters, because we are

i> - ron-cious we are conferring a public benelit,10

our heart Tells us that by our notices many have

f ~ induced to take these Bitter-, and been rescued

Cm death by Dyspepsia, Liver, Btc., tor

Ik. cure of which it is certain. It is prepared and

i n.dv bv Dr. C. M. Jack-oti, at the German Med-store, No. 120 Arch street, Philadelphia.

FUR LI NOS. The lungs are the most liable of all

,h orirans of the human body to take disease, espe-

Uv in the winter, owing to the cold and variable

°nte of the weather, which causes obstructions of

s jjjn ; ;he humours are driven in upon the inter-

'i f>r*ans, hence coughing and shootiug pains in the',rea-t"are experienced. To any afflicted in this way,

nv would 111 the way of salutary advice say , buy Dr.

Keyser's Pectoral syrup. Take it according to di-

rections, and you will get well.

-\u25a0\u25a0y WE are authorized to announce Maj. SAMI EL

II T\IE. of this Borough, as a candidate for Pro-

-1hortatory subject to the decision of the DemocraticCounty Convention.

r~'\Ve are authorized to announce JOHN P.

PFI'.D, F-BQ-, as a candidate for l'rothonotary, sub-' ? to'the decision of the Democratic County Con-

ation. August 11, 1851.

--7-VVe are authorized to announce W \i. M. HAIA,J..;,.. ?f Bedford, a- a candidate for the Legislature,-uhject to the decision of the Democratic District

Conference.- -We are authorized to announce JOHN S.

liICI(FY, p.BQ., of' Bedford Town-hip, as a candi-,iate for Commissioner, subject to the decision of the

Democratic County Convention.

Aug- , 1354.*

37"We are authorized to announce WILLIAMVFUQI'HAR. EGQ., as a candidate for County Com-missioner, subject to the decision of the Democratic'County Convent ion.

jEr'VW are authorized to announce THOMASW. HORTON, Esq., of Broadtop township, as

a candidate lor Commissioner, subject to the de-

cision of the Democratic County Convention.

f We ate authorized to announce DA N-

IEL BARLEY, Esq., of Middle Woodburytownship, as a candidate for Commissioner, sub-

ject to the decision ot the county convention.

r' We are authorized to announce the

name of HUGH MOORE, ESQ., as a candi-

date for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the

Democratic Countv Convention.June 23, 1554->

SHERIFFALTY.Tu the People of Bedford County.

The undersigned offers himself as a candidatefor the office of Sheriff, subject to the decisionof the Democratic County Convention.

DANIEL W. LEHMAN.May 12, 185*.*

Notice.Letters Testamentary on thee.-tatc of Jacob Mark-

ing, late of South Wood berry township, deceasedhaving been granted to the subscriber, residing it

-sitl township, all persons indebted to said estate art

hereby notified to make payment immediately, am

those having claims will please present them dul)authenticated tor settlement.

JOS. B. NOBLE,Executor.

Augu-t 11, 1851.*

STRAY ITEIFFER.Came to the premises of the subscriber, living ii

l'nion Township, Bedford County, about the 2(ul

day of June, a Mnley Ileiffer, with a bell, and cro|

out of the left ear and hole in the right.

The owner is decired to come forward, prove pronertv, pay charges, and take her away.

1 '


August 11, 1851.

CASSVILLE SEMINARY. FThe Cnssvilk Male ami Female. Seminary

of the l}niiimore Conference , will open its (hist thrill of the second year, on I hwrsday, An-trust the 10th, and its first term of the third year jNov. IG.

Expenses for Hoard, 1u it ion, Room-rent andFurniture, for one Academic year, 89a. t

Cassville, tile seat of the Institution, is a ro- (mantic, mountainous region, twelve miles from

the Peuna. Rail Road, at Mill Creek, from

which it is accessible bv stages. Ihe Hoard :of Instruction will consist ol seven, and will lie ,prepared to impart instruction in all the Prac- (tical, Scientific, Classical, Liteiary and Orna- ;mental branches usually taught in similar In-jstitutions. (Catalogues and circulars, or further |information, can be had by addressing the Prin- jcipal. L F. rOMLIN. |

Cos, JhmtitfctloH Co.* Pa. y tAugust 4, 1851.?2 m.* V

NOTICE.The Partnership heretofore existing between \

Thomas and John King, is this day dissolved by imutual consent. All persons having unsettled iaccounts with them, aie requested to attend to jtheir liquidation without delav.


Havin<r tlsis day associated Henry S. King,of

the City of Pittsburg, with us in the business of ;manufacturing Iron, the business will be con- jducted under the name and firm ol Jonu King ,\ Co.


P. A. HEAIEY & 3R0.,

Wifioße*alc Dni?rs?ists, jAND DEALERS IN

PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES, DYE-Stuffs, Spices, Patent Medicines, &c.,

v£ uinbc vIa u ib, ill li .

QT" Order'! from Physicians and Merchants fillrilvirh jn/rc o art Harid aitr rat rd art/eft at halt I atorc


June 9, 1854?1y.

ra-ankUii House.C/iesnut Street, between Third and Fourth.



H. LAIRD, of this city, having leased the abovewell known and popular house, for a term of

vears, are now prepared to accomodate guests ina manner equal to any house ill the City.

The location of this House is superior to any

other, being in immediate proximity to business:also to most of the Banks, Public Offices, PostCilice and the Exchange, where omnibussesMart for a! 1 parts ol the City.

The house having been put in thorough re-

pair, and new furniture added, with many mod-ern improvements, will add much to the com-

fort oi guests. The tables will at all times besuppiled with the best the market affords, andnothing shall he wanting, on our part, to makethe FRANKLIN truly the 1 ravelers Home.

Your patronage is most respectfully solicited.

'PARKER & LAIRD.July 21, 1 ST> 1-.

SUMMER HATSg-a great variety for saleat the Store of A' -B. CRAMER & CO.

Truth is JfaarhiySImport/ml news for the. Invnfiifs of Alba jty!


A .\'cv:, A'ovrl, anil strictly Seientijic Moth,

of applying Electro-JMttgnei is nt Jur liteIn.stunt Relief and Permanent (.'are

of all AERVOfS DISEASES,Is for the first time introduced to the people of Al-

bany and vicinity. We know that there is too muchgood sense among the inhabitants of this place to de-sire a long, unmeaning, extravagant advertisement;hence we shall simply give you a history of theChains, and the success they have had in curing with-in the last year, JS'ERVOITS DISEASES.

Pulvermacher's Electric Chains were first used inFrance, three years since, where the sue'eess that

attended their use, roon attracted the attention of the'MUST MF.MCAI, men in Paris, who took pains to givethem a still further trial, and recommended theiradoption in the different Medical Colleges of thatKingdom. Within the last two year- they havebeen introduced in Germany, Au-tna, Prus-ia, Bel-gium and England, where they soon became the nm-t

popular article for the INSTA.NI- REI.IEK AND VKIIMA-

XKNTcriiK of that clas- of diseases called Nervous.One year since thev were introduced into the

l otted Stati-s, and can now be found in all the prin-cipal cities in the I'nion. It is necessary to speakat length of their great success arid unpaialleled sale,wherever they have been introduced. It is sufficientto state that they aie highly recommended by Pro-fessor .Mott, Van Buren, Post undCarnoehow, of NewYoik, and also in daily use in every Hospital in thatcity. SI,OOO dollars will be given to any person whowill produce so many well authenticated certificatesof cure, from intelligent patient- and scientific phy-sicians, of the following disea-es, as may be found in

a pamphlet of30 pagps, to he had (gratis) of the on-ly agents in Albany, DEXTER NELLAGER.Painful and Swelled Joints Palpitation ot the HeartRheumatism Neuralgia o! the FacePains in the Back Nervous HeadacheDeafness, Blindness Dy-pepsia, IndigestionPains of the Liver General DebilityNervous Cough Female DiseasesTooth Ache Prolapsus Uteri.

It is not strange that the application of Electro-Magnetism will instantly relieve pain, wherever lo-cated, more quickly than opium or any of its com-

pounds?for it is based upon the true theory of theorigin ofpain?a lack of" the nervous fluid, which theChains supply, by b-Fug applied over the parts af-

fected-?alter first being moistened with common . in-

egar, which is the only preparation r.-cc.-sary.The common sense of the people all over the coun-

try is awakening, and they have concluded that theywill no longer make drug -hops of their stomachs, or

lie guilty of swallowing the miseiuble, disgustingnostrums that are thrust before the public.

RHEUMATISM, that common disease of thisclimate, can be almost INSTASTI.Y relieved of its pain

?and a permanent cure produced by simply applyinga chain of IS links for a few days, a few hours eachday.

FROLAPSUS UTERI.More than one hundred cases of this disease have

been cured within the last year, that had bafiled ev-

ery other mode of treatment, by wearing a 30 linkchain for a few weeks, by attaching one end iqwri

the spine and ihe other on T lie abdomen. Alter a

simple application the worst symtoms disappear, andthe patient soon gains flesh and strength. 1 do notknow of one single instance that has not been great-ly benefitted, if not permanently cured.

ONE VVOKII OF CAI TIOX TO THE LADlES.?Ladieswho are ENCIKNTK. are requested to wear them only

for a lew moments at each application, for by longand frequent u-e MISCARIMAOKis often produced.

JOSEPH STEINKRT, General Agent,Uioadica)/, A' w 1 on'..

Agent: ?Dr. F. C. Rr.,i.\ti:i:, Bedford, Pa.June 9, 1851?ly.

DR. T. S. THOMPSONHaving permanently located at Contrevillc,

Bedford County, Pa. offers his Professional ser-

vices to the Citizens of the surrounding Coun-

try. Office and Residence at the Half-WayHouse.

July 28, 185*.?2 m.

FASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT.The subscriber would announce lo his old i

friends and customers, and the public in

al, tiiat tie has permanently located himselt in

Juliana Street, next door to Dr. RCAMKI: S Drug ,& Hook Store, wliere he is prepared to execute

all orders in his line in a superior manner, on

reasonable terms. From long experience in the jbusiness, he feels confident he can render satis-

faction to all who honor him with a call.He constantly keeps on hand ready-made

clothing, of every description, for Men andBoys?also, a superior assortment of < LOIHS, fCASSIMERES,' CASSLNETTS, SJLK. SA- ,TlN,and other NESTINGS,and Summer Wear,which he will sell as low as they can be bought !clsew here, and make them up to the taste of the ;'purchaser.

He also keeps a general assortment of Crarats, ji Stocks, Collars, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, iNc. I| lie hopes to merit and receive a liberal share

i of public patronage.; 1


Fresh Arrivsd.I .MRS. POTTS would respectfully announce

j to tile Ladies of Bedford and vicinity, that she ,| has just received from the eastern cities a beau- 1I tifni assortment of Viselts and Scarf X'isetts, ,! Bonnets trimmed in the latest style, chihliens 1'and Misses Flats, an elegant assortment of;

i French worked collars and I'nder Sleeves, and j' a great variety of embroidered Ribbon for Sasa- j

es, together with ladies dress goods ot every ;quality.

Bedford, June Hi, lSfvL


ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA.,WiLi. attend to all business entrusted to bis care, jHaving secured the services of a competent Agent

in Wa-hrngton, I>. C., he will give especial attention

to Soldiers' Pensions, Claims, and Bounty Lands.fryOffice on .Rijianna Street, one door Noitli-ol

the residence ot Samuel 11. i ate, and immediatelyopposite Capt. IJeckwith s Hotel.

He has fir sale one FARM situate in Monroe JTownship, containing 180 acres of land, 70acres cleared and under fence, with house andbarn thereon erected. I here is an orchard ol

excellent fruit on the premises.Also, 300 Acres of Limestone land, situate in

Woodcock Valley, oneand-a-half miles north ofthe town of Bloody Run.

! j Also, f>oo Acres of first rate timber land, sit-

rj uate 111 Hopewell Township, lying south of the! ! contemplated Chumbersburg and Ledfoid Rail

Road.Also, 1800 acres of unimproved land in Bed-

ford and Fulton counties which will be sold low

i to actual settlers.j The above lands will be sold in large or small

quantities to suit purchasers.April 21, 18b-L

SHINGLES??IO,OOO White Pine Lap Shin-gles lor sale bv

"A. TL CRAMER & CO.I ------

.'! ElSH.?Another supply ot Mackeial, Shad,

i and Herrine, just received and for sale byjand itert c ,j

R CRAME jj& C O.

j A two-Horse Wagon, and one Top Buggy,

I new, and work warranted, for sale cheap on a

e ! liberal credit, or for Country Produce.A. B. CRAMER 5c CO.


Ox h:\tltlj anil for sale, a superior lot of

Cookirig, Trh Plate, Parlor, and Church Stoves.GEO. BLYMIRE-

Iron, Nails, Spikes, and Grain and GrassScythes fur sale bv



LAW PARTNERSHIP.THE undersigned have associated themselves in the

Practice of the Law, and will attend prdmpily to ailbusiness entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad-joining counties.

j]yOffice on Jul farina Street, three dodrs south of"Mengel House,"' opposite the residence of'Mnj.Tate.


June '2, 1 SSt. G. H. SPANG.

11l AIiTHOR IT V.iiiMoliUion k'ropoidus' Amend- !

minify So the CoasliinfionOF THE CCjMMONWEALTH.

SECTION 1. liesolved by the Senate and lionet\u25a0 of \Rrprcsriitativi -i of the Co illmu nicealt It of .'\attixy/va- Inia m Crcnei i.l Assembly :mi, that the lo 'owing a-

iTiendnients be and the same are hereby propositi to

the Constitution ol the Commonwealth, under and inaccordance with the provisions ol the tenth articlethereof, to wit:

PuoroscriON 1, TO HE AIITKIE XI.

SECTION 1. The aggregate amount of debts hereat- ,ter contracted by the Common wealth shall never ex- iceed tin; ,u(n ot five hundred thouand dollars, except jin rase of war to repel invasion, suppress insurrec-tion, or to redeem the public debt ol the Common- iwealth, and the money so raised shall he applied to

the purpo-e for which the debt may be connected, or ;pay -neb debts, and to no other purpo.-e.

SECTION "2. To pay the public debt of the Common-wealth, and debts which may hereafter be contractedin case ol war to repel invasions, suppress insurrec-

tion, and t<s redeem the public debt, ihe Legislatureshall at their next session alter the adoption of this ;section into the Constitution, piovide by law for thecreation ola sinking fund, which shall not be abol- ;ished fill the said public debts be wholly paid, to jconsist ol all ttie net annual income from the publicworks and stocks owned by the Commonwealth, or

any other funds arising under any levenue law now

existing or that may be heienlter enacted, so tar as

the same may be inquired to pay the interest ol saiddebts semi-annually to retiree the principle thereofby a sum not less than five hundred thousand dollars,

increased yearly by compounding at a rate v>t not lessthan five per ceutum per utuium ; the said sinking

fund shall be invested in the Commonwealth, which

shall he cancelled from time to time in a maimer to

be provided by law : no portion of the sinking fund

shall ever be applied to the. payment of the debt o!

five hundred thousand dollar- mentioned in the fustsection of this article, but the said sinking fund shallbe applied only to the purposes herein specified.

SECTION 3. The credit of the Commonwealth -hall

not in any way be given or loaned to or in aid ol anyindividual, company, corporation or association, not

shall the Commonwealth hereafter become a jointowner or stockholder in any company, association or

corpuia'.ion in this Commonwealth or elsewhere,formed for any purposes.

SECTION 4. The Commonwealth shall never assumethe debt.-ot any county, city, borough or township,or of any corporation or association, unless suchdebts shall have been contracted to repel invasion,

j suppress insurrection, or to defend the State in war.


P*vhihiti)nr JMnniciyal SHbsrrtjtiioMs,The Legislature shall never authorize any county,

: city, borough or township, by vote of its citizens or

1 otherwise, to become a stockholder in any joint ,-tnck

company, association or corporation, or to rai-e mon-

ey for, or loan its credit to, or in aid of any such com-! pany or association.1 3 F.. B. CHASE,

Stealer of the House of Representative*.._M. M C'ASLIN,

Spen lee of the, Senate.In Senate, April 2S, 185-1.

Resolved, That this resolution pass. leas 22,

navs <>. Extract from the journal.(

T. A. MAGLTRi'-. Clerk-.In House of Representatives, April 2J, V

Ke-olvetl, That this resolution pass. Yeas 71, >riavs 20. Extract from the Journal.

\\ M. JACK., Clerk.SKCRF.T.IIIY'S OM-ICK, ( JFiled April 2J, i S3l - \ C. A. BLACK, j"

Secretary of the Comnionvvealtb. <\u25a0I'EXXS l'Lr.J.AV.I, 88: f*

SKCKETAKY'S OI'FK'K, | ,< 1 Harrisluirg, July 1, 1sr > l ? )) 51.A1.. '\u25a0 Ido certify that the above and forego- ji ing i> a true and coirect copy of the ori-

m?al "Resolution relative to an amendment of the !C/mstitutioe," a> the same remains on tile m this ol-

lice.In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand

and caused to be affixed the seal of tlie Secretary's |otiice the day and year above written.

C. A. BLACK.Secretary of the Commonwealth.

Journal of the Senate."Resolution No. .">i'.2, entitled 'Resolution propos-

ing amendments to the ( onstitution ol the ( omnion- jwealth,' was read a third time. On the rjue.-tion, jwill the Senate agree to the first proposition, the yeaswere taken, agreeably to the Coifstitution, and were jas follows, viz:

YKAS? Messrs. Buckalew, Darlington, Dar-sie, Furguson, Foulkrod, 1' rick, 1*ry, Goodwin, iHaldeman, Hamilton, B. D. Hamlin, E. XV.

| Hamlin, Heister, Hoge, Jamison, McClintock,

j McFarlati.i, Piatt, Quiggle, Snger, Slil'er, andMcCaslin, Speaker?23.

N'.ws Messrs. Crabh, Creswell, Hendricks,' Kinzer, lvtinkle and Skinner ?ti.

; So the question was determined in the aflir-! mative.

On the question, will the Senate agree to thesecond proposition, the yeas and ncys were la-

ken agreeably to the Constitution, arid were as

follows, viz:YKAS Messrs. Buckalew, Darsie, Furguson,

j Foulkrod, Fry, Goodwin, Haldeman, B. D.Hamlin, E. W. Hamlin, Hendricks, Heister.Hoge, Jamison, Kinser, Mc( lintock, Mil'ai-land, Piatt, Price, (Quiggle, Slifer, Wherry,McCaslin, Speaker?22.

NAYS? Messrs. Crabb, Creswell, Darlington,

j Hamilton, Ktinkle and Skinner? <>.

So the question was determined in the affir-

! mative,Journal of the House of Representatives.

"The question recurring upon tlm final pas-sage of the Resolutions, the first proposition was

agreed to as follows, viz:

. ' YUAS? Messrs, Abraham, Adams, Afherton,

i Ball, Barton, Byer, Bigliatn, Bovd, Bush, Byer-lv, Cadwell, Calvin, Carlisle, Cbamherlin,Cook, Crane, Cummins, Daugherty, Davis, De

i France, Dunning, Eckert, Edinger, Eldretl,! Evans, Foster, Fry, Gallentine, Gibboney, Gil-

more, Gray, (Room, Gwin, Hamilton, Hart,Herr, Hiestand, Hiilier, Hippie, Horn, Hum-mel, Hunsecker, Hunter, Hnrtt, Jackmon, Kil-gore, Knight, Laurv, (Lehigh,) Linn. Magee.

Maguire, Manderfi-jd, M'Cotinell, M'Kee, Mil-, Monaghan, Montgomery, Moore, Moser,; Muse, Palmer, Parkee, Parmlee, Passmore, Pat-

? ! terson, Porter, Putney, Rawlins, Roberts, Howe,

Sal lade, Scott, Sidle, Simonton, Smith, (Berks,

i Smith, (Crawford,) Stewart, Stockdale, Strong! Sfruthers, Wheeler, Wicklein, Wright, Zeizler

' Chase, Speaker?So.NAYS?None.Ho the question w as determined in the aflir-

( j mative.

i I On the question will the House agree to tlx| second proposition, the yeas and nays were ta

| ken, agn ably to the 10th article of the Consti

tution, ak! are as follows :YEAS -Messrs. Abraham, Atherton, Hal! J

Barton, >eck, Byer, Bighani, Boyd, Cad well,Carlisle, Jhamberlain, Cook, Crane, Cummins,Dane'iery, Davis, Deegan, Do France, Dunn-ing, Edi; sr, Eldred, Kvans, Fry. Gallentine,Gihbone ,Gilmore, Gray, Groom,Gwin,Hamil-ton, Hi/stand, Hillier, Hnnsecker,Hunter, Hilrtt, Jackmdn, Kilgorc, Knight,Laury JLehigh,) Lowery, (Tioga,) Linn, Magee,Maguif, Manderfield, M'Connell, M'Kee, Mon-aghan/Montgomeryj Moore, Moser, Muse, Pal-mer, Hrke, Parrnleej Passmore, Patterson, Por-ter, Rfvlins, Roberts, Rowe, Sallade, Scott, Si-

montd, Smith, (Berks,) Smith, (Crawford,)Stockpile, Wheeler, Wicklein, Wright, Chase,Spealfr?7l.

>lYS ?Messrs. Adams, Baldwin, Beans,BusUßyerlv, Eckert, Ellis, Hart, Herr, Horn,Hurrpel, M'Cgmbs, Miller, Poulson, Putney,Sid!if Stewart, Strong, Struthers, Ziegler?"2o.

Sohe question was determined in the affirmative.SECKETAUY'S OEVSCB, (

llarrishtirg, July 1, 1851. )VE .IV.SJ ~L VAXIA, >'.S :

I J Ido certify that the above and forego-?: siL. > ing is a correct copy I>l the "YEAS" and

f \ "NAYS" taken oh the "Resolution rela-tive p an amendment of the Constitution of the

Cornjonwealth," as the same appears on the Jour-nal-| the two Houses of the General Assembly ofthi- (miirionwealth, for itie Session of 1851.

Wjne-s jny hand and the Seal of said nflice thisfirst ay of July, one thousand eight hundred and fif-ty-fcr. C. A. BLACK.

Secretary of the Commonwealth.Jir 11, 165 L ?3m.

IMMEPROPERTY FOR SALE.T) subscriber will sell, at private sale, his valua-

ble Joperty, situate in Union Township, BedfordConjy, Pa., on which he at present resides, contain-

ing it acres of patented land, .10 of which arc clearedandpder post and rail lence/the balance well tim-berij vvitli good saw timber. This property is on

thefateis of Bobbs' Creek, 1 miles north of Arfol-phiiAke's Mill, on the public road leading fiornBemrd to Johnstown or Jefferson, within I'd milesof jflefsOn, and 10 miles of Hollidaysburg. The irn-prepments are a Stone Grist Mill, with two run ofSups, one pair first rate French Burrs, wfth good

mirhaiit and country Bolts, and a complete SmutM jhine. The .Machinery is all good and substan-tial and is partly new. The water power is snffi-enjt during the entire year, and the custom is good

anplenty of it. There is also a new Saw Mill on

111/premises, which will cut from 1500 to 2000 feetotiumbpr a day inch measure, which is ready saleafhe Mill. One of the Dwelling Houses is a threesty frame, suitable for a public House or Storellise, and is well linislied. There are three other(fellings, two frame and one log house, also a frames'ble and Wagon Shed, and other necessary build-its.Also, will be sold, another Tract of Land contain-

k 30<l acres, about 7-3 acres of which are cleared,cwhi<;h 10 are good meadow with facilities for mak-

I k2oor 30 more. The balance well timbered arid

I vll watered by the llohbs' Creek running throughi There is on the premises an excellent site cul-ilated for either Grist Mill or Saw Mill, with head

iid fall of 22 feet. There is a variety of choice fruitees on the farm. The buildings are one good Log

nuse and Stable and other outbuildings. Also, will: >\u25a0 sold, 6-10 acres of good timber land, convenient tojle Saw Mill, on which are the very be>t of saw

jigs. The above land is all patented, and a clearid indisputaide title will be made to the purchaser

it purchasers. Those wishing to purchase good pro-ertv. will learn the conditions, (which will be mod-rate,) by calling with the subscriber, residing onlie first named property.


I Inly 01, 1851.

NOTICE.Job Mann adm'r of the Estate of Jos. S. Morri-

son, deceased,

vs.George Fu ok and Samuel Funk.

No.- 202 August Term 1852 in the CommonPleas of Bedford County.


! Application of George Funk to have the a*

Eive Judgment and those upon which it isunded opened. The undersigned, appointediditnr, to report facts, Gc. u ill sit to attend to

he duties of his appointment at his otlice in theSorough of Bedford, on Wednesdey, the ICthofLugust next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.


\ July 21, 1554.

NOTICE.In the matter of exceptions filed to the nc-

nuit of Alexander Kicheson, administrator of>hn Davis, late of Dublin Township, Fultonjbuntv, (formerly Bedford County.) deceased,e undersigned, appointed by the Orphans'aurt of Bedford County to examine said ex-ertions and report an account, will sit to at-jnd to his duties at his office in Bedford Bo-ugh, on Monday, the 14-th day of August\\t, at 1 o'clock, P. M.

S. H. TATE,July 14, IS">4, Auditor.


:]n the matter of the exceptions filed to the

fount of SamM H. Tate, Esq., administratorSamuel Tate, late ofWest Providence Town-

Hp, deceased, the undersigned, appointed by

> Orphans' Court of Bedford County to exam-' ? and report on said exceptions, and make an

' iuiint, also to make a distribution among theis, will attend to the duties of his appoint-nt at his office in the Borough of Bedford, on

> | hsdny, the 15th day of August next, at 10? lock', A. M.

WM. M. HALL," Tuly 14, 1554. Auditor.

VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.' Iffie subscriber will sell, at private sale, his

; liable Farm, situate in Napier Township," J iford County, containing 390 acres of pa-

ted land, on which is erected a good Double-elling House, good Bank Barn, Smoke House,

~ j-ing House, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and all

s| er necessary outbuildings. About ISO acres

i his land cleared and under fence and in a

'| d state of cultivation. About 20 acres of| idow, and more can be made. J his land is

' , able of being made into three farms, and lias' excellent orchard of choice fruit upon it.

' s situated about six miles north of Schells-"

! r?anil only 1 i miles from a good mill, and'

i pleasant neighborhood. 4or further infor-ion, enquire of


['; uly 14, 1854.?3 m.*

NOTICE.J1 persons are cautioned against trespassing

' n mv farm, in Colerain Township, either inng, hunting, or otherwise, as 1 will enforce

i law against any person so trespassing with-'' respect to Dersons.

WM. S. BEEGLE.blv 14, 1854,

new Falling Top Buggy and Brass Mount-ie i larness, of very superior eastern work, made

i- jfiler, for sale by RL PP G OSI ER.

i- j j tie Hi, 1854.



EgHieg) & OsierRespectfully inform their numerous patron?

that they are now receiving direct from Balti-more and Philadelphia, in addition to theirSpring supply, a large and handsome assortmentof new style


SUMMER GOODS,Comprising a great variety ofLadies' Dres* Ciocds,

Of the newest and most fashionable styles, to-

gether with every other article adapted to theevery day wants of the people ; all of whichthey will sell at the shortest possible advancefor CASH, or upon a short credit to good andin NVTI AI. customers. Having purchased ourgoods CIUIAF FOR CASH, and having adopted jor

our motto, "Quick sales and small profits wefeel assured we can make it to the advantageof purchasers, in search of cheap bargains, tocall before purchasing elsewhere.

We therefore respectfully invite all, and theLadies especially , to call and see, learn ourprices, and judge for themselves. We willshow our goods with pleasure, whether you

wish to buy or not, and hope bv fair deal-ing and a desire to phase, to continue to meritand receive a liberal share of the public patron-age.

It?- All kinds of produce taken for goods.June 9, 1S;")F.

MFIM MB NEW GOODS.THF. subscribers respectfully beg leave to an-

nounce to the citizens of Bedford and vicinitythat they have just received and opened a splen-did assortment of

SPRUNG AND SUMMER GOODS,which tbev are determined to sell at low priceseither for cash or country produce. Their as-sortment is very large, and has been selectedwith great care: consisting, in part, of Cloths,Cassimers, Tweeds, Jeans, Satinets and Linens,for men and br>vs wear: Ladies fine dress goodsin great variety, among which will he foundSilks, Alpacas, Bombazines, Mous l)e Laines,Tissue, Baredges, Chintz's, Lawns, .See. ike.,?also Calicoes of every description: Brown andBleached Muslins, Shilling, Sheetings, Ticking,Table Diapers, Crash, Cotton Baggings, Csna-burgs, Hosiery for men, women, and children;

Hat and English Crapes; Bonnet Silks and Rib-bons of all descriptions; Linen and Silk Handker-chiefs: Linen Edgings and Laces: Silk LacesandFringes. Our stock of mourning goods willbe found very superior, to which we inviteespecial attention.

Shoes and Boots. ? Mens, Youths, and Chil-drens BOOTS ?Ladies fine Shoes and Bootees;best silk lasting Gaiters, assorted colors?MissesGaiters and Jenny Liiul TU's ?also tine shoesfor men and boys.

Ladies and' Misses Bonnets, latest styles, con-

sisting of Gossamer, Belgrade, Florence Braid,French lace, together with every other style tobe found in the eastern cities?also Tampicoand Palm Ilats for Men and Bovs, and a verysuperior article of Silk Siotich Hats.

An elegant assortment of Groceries, such ascrushed, pulverized and Brown Sugars, bestCoflep, Hummell's Extract of Coffee, Baker'sBroma, Corn Starch, Golden Syrup, and X. O.Molasses, together with a great variety ofotherarticles which would occupy too much space to

enumerate. Purchasers willfind it greatly to

their advantage to give us a call.

£r" A!! kinds of Country Produce taken inexchange fur Goods at the highest prices.

SA.NSOM G GEPHARTBedford, April 14, 1854.

, SPRING GOODS] LOW "PRICES!!;The undersigned respectfully announce to j

jtheir friends and customers that they have just :received a large and general assortment ot


'which, for cheapness, quality, and style, sur- i. passes any Stock they have heretofore offered.:

We name in part:

| Blue, Black, Brown, and Olive French Cloths, 1Black, Mixed, and Fancy Cassirnors, Coatings,)

i CantonVts, Summer Cloths and Cass oners, Cassi- j1 netts, Kentucky Janes, Velveteens and Cords,:j Russia Duck,- Linen Drillings, Table Damask,j Jacquer'd Diapers, Gc.

Rag, Listing, Hemp, and Wollen Carpeting,Mattings of various widths, Floor Oil Cloths,

| Gc.1 2SO pipci? Summer Calicoes, all colors ami prices ij 55 pieces Blue Brills and Summer Pant Stalls;

20 pieces Bed Tic-kins and Furniture Checks;40 pieces Bleached Muslins, from 0 to 18 cents ;

j 25 pieces Plain and Figured Parage Be Laines;20 pieces Blk. tiro de Rhine, waterNl & cluing. Silks;

Alpaccas, Irish Linens, Cambrics, Plain, Swiss,G Dotted Muslins, Jaconets, Colored Crapes,Sballies, Silk Tissues, Broka Barage, Wash'd

i Dlotid, Tarletons, Hollands, French Embroider-! Ed Sleeves, CollarsG Hdkfs., Ribbonds, Gloves,

Hosierv, Laces, Edgings, Trimming Braids, Blk.Silk G Fancv Cravats, Lustre G Lisle '1 breadGinghams, Domestic Ginghams, Gc., Gc.

Mens', Boys', Childrens' Summer Hats,

j Misses' Flats, Bonnets, Gc.: Mens' G Boys'Citv-niade Calf-skin Boots G Shoes ; Ladies' G

I Misses' Morocco Bootees, Gaiters, Slippers 8.

' Ties, of the very best quality : Hardware, BarIron, Anvils, Vices, Springs, .Nails, Scythes,

I Traces, Cords, Gc.: Wooden Ware, Tubs, Buck-' ets, Churns, Brooms, Queensware, Stoneware.

Groceries of evm/ kind. Best Rio Coffee,Java Coffee, Rice, Teas, Spices, Tobacco, Ex-tract Coffee, Linseed, Whale, G Patent Oils;New Orleans G Porta Rica Sugars, and Crushed,

i Clarified, and Pulverized Loaf Sugais.We respectfully invite every -one in search

; of bargains to give us a call before purchasing.Returning our thanks to all who have so kindlypatronized us, we respectfully solicit their re-newed favors.

(Lf"All kinds of tountry Produce receivedlor Goods at Cash prices.


April 14, 1854.

FISH. ?Fresh Shad, Mackerel, and Herring,for sale at RUPP G OS I Eli

BACON ?A nice lot of Country cured forsale at the CHEAP SIDE.

Transparent Window Shades received andfor sale by RUPP G OSTER.

BONNETS.?A new supply of very cheapBonnets just received and for sale by


| CONSUMPTION AND SPITTING BLOOD?fcee!lt- certificate of Mr. Turner H. Ramsey, for manyyears proprietor of the Farmers' Hotel, Fredericks-,ijursr, Va., and late of the City Hotel, Richmond, Vsr.

Dr. John -Minge, of the City of Richmond, though

a regular jihyisieian, and of conrse opposed to what herailed quark'medicines, was obliged to say thai itsgood effects in the case ofMr. Ramsey, were won-

derful indeed.He had been given up by several physicians; had

tried most of the quack medicines, and was on theverge of despair, as well as the grave, when he triedCarter's Spanish Mixture.

We refer the public to his full and lengthy certifi-cate around the bottle, stating his cure.

See advertisement.

RENTER'S t\omAll persons interested, either as heirs, credi-

tors, or otherwise, are hereby notified that thhfollowjng named persons have filed their ac-counts in the Register's Office, and that theywill be presented o the Orphans' Ccurt ofBed-ford County, on Friday, the Blh day ofSeptem-ber next, at the Court House, tor confirmation,at which time ami place they may attend, it"they think proper.

The account of George Matdorff, administra-tor of Ann Martha Hyde, late ofColeraiu town-ship, deceased.

The account of Daniel Barley, administratorof Conrad Barley, formerly of Wood berry town-ship, deceased.

The account of Joseph Dull, Esq., admini-strator of Abraham Otto, late of Harrison town-ship, deceased.

The account of George Baughman, admini-strator of Dewalt Moitimore, late of Monroetownship, deceased.

The account of Robert C. Galbraith, one ofthe executors of the last Will, fcc., of Wm.Galbraith, late of Napier township, deceased.

The account of Samuel Clark, Guardian ofMaria Mock, now Maria Cam, wife of JohnCat n.

The account of John Cessna, Esq., admini-strator with the will annexed, of Ann Lehman,deceased.

The final account of Isaac Dicken, admini-strator of Jesse Dicken, late of Southamptontownship, deceased.

The account ofSamuel Osier, executor of thelast Will, vkc., of Henry Schriner, late of Mid-dle Wood berry township, deceased.

The account of George Fluck, administratorof Catharine Fluck, late of Liberty township,deceased.

The final account of Josiah Miller, Esq., ad-ministrator of Christian Wotford, late ot Lon-donderry township, deceased.

The account of Michael Reed, Esq., Trusteeof Mrs. Rebecca Wertf, under the last Will,&c., of Philip Reed, late of Franklin County,deceased.

The account of James O'Neal, surviving ex-ecutor of the last will and testament of PeterO'Neal, late of Providence township, deceased.

The account of David Housatv, administra-tor of George Buxton, late of Southamptontownship, deceased.

The account of James Allison, executor ofthe last will and testament of Michael Hammer,late of Napier toWnship, deceased.


Aug. 4, 1834. Readier.


The subscriber, anxious to go west, offers, nt Pri-vate Sale, the valuable Town Property on which heat present resides, in Schellsbtirg Borough.

There are two Lots,.(one of which is a corner lot.)

00 feet front by '240 feet deep, on which there iserected a two story Brick Dwelling House, 10 feetfront and '2O feet back, with Brick back building, 20by 16 feet, with double back porch, all nearly new.

Also, a two story Frame Carriage Shop, 58 by 20feet, with Smith Shop adjoining, 36 by 19 feet, andCarriage and Lumber House, 16 by 30 feet,an excel-lent new or nearly new Stable, and other olit build-ing- thereon erected.

The location is in the most desirable part of theTown, and one well -uited for the Carriage Manufac-turing Business, or the same may be changed to suitthe Foundry or any other Mechanical pur-uit. Theshops are suthcieutly large to wprk 10 or 12 hands toadvantage.

Being near the Allegheny, the best of Lumber can

be hud cheap?and coal can be got to great advan-tage.

Any person wishing to purchase property and start

the Carriage Manufacturing Business, will do well to

call on the subscribe;, as he is determined to sell ifhe can.

For terms, Ike., enquire either of the subscriber inSchellsburg, or Jno. P. Reed , Ksq., Bedtord, Pa.

<2. W. liC NT.June 23, 1854.

VXIUABLE FARM FOR SALE.Tilt' subscriber offers, nt Private Sale* the val-

uable Farm on which he at present resides, sit-uate -H miles west o!' Schellsburg, in JuniataTownship, Bedford County, on the TurnpikeRoad leading from Bedford to Pittsburg, con-

taining -PL acres ol good land, 1 '25 acres clear-ed, If) acres of meadow and land sufficient formaking as much more. The buildings are a

good dwelling house, part log and part stone,

(the stone part rough-cast,) Bank Barn, WagonShed, Granary. Dry-house, ?u W ell ol ex-

cellent water near the door, and a runningpump a short distance oil". Also, a fine or-chard ot choice fruit, say 200 trees, consist-ing of Apples, Cherries, Plums, Pears, N.c.About fifty acres of the land is well set in Clover.

IX'/"" Any person wishing to purchase a fineFarm with a small sum of money can do so bycalling on the subscriber.

GEORGE G. BURNS.June 2, lSf)4.

"Fellow Citizensr*Do vou want to have, your measure for aFASHIONABLE SUIT OF CLOTHES,

warranted to give satisfaction in STYLE, QUALI-TY, FIT and MAKE ? Do you want to see alarge ami splendid Si ode of

CIoILe, Cassimeres, Vestings,and other seasonable goods for. \J 11. \"S H SlllEtDo vou want to see a fine assortment of COATS,PANTS and VESTS, gotten up in a style not in-ferior to the best ordered work ? Do you want

Under Garments of the "Wg/ff stripe or Ft u-NisniNG AUTICLES that ca'/ be beat" or

BOY'S CLGTHISttfor your Sons ? In short, ifyou want all or anyof these things so essential to the adornment andcomfort of the "outer man," call on

STEPHEN'S, Merchant Tailor,McKaig's Row, Baltimore Street (next door

to Campbell's Drug Store,) Cumberland, Md.


1 would advise you to call at the RAILROADCLOTHI NG STORE, near the Depot.

May 10, IS3l.?ly.

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