Page 1: The Bear River Tides READ ON THE TIDES · Dave and Stephanie Ramsey celebrate their 6th anniversary on Oct. 6. Zoe and Jeff Knorek-Onysko celebrate their ninth anniversary on October

The Bear River Tides A Monthly Presentation published by

THINK FOR YOURSELF PUBLISHING – news, events and social notes for the community


October 2011

A NNAPOLIS HIGHLANDS WINS AGAIN! A lovely Fall harvest event was

recently held at the Annapolis High-lands Winery when new wines were uncorked and sampled and admired. Spirits were not dampened by the rain:, the many visitors enjoyed the wines, the fantastic food, the art and the socializing.

This year, Annapolis Highlands Winery entered their first international compe-tition held in the Finger Lakes, NY. There were more than 5200 wines en-tered from 19 countries. their 2010 DeChaunac, 2010 Lucie Kuhlmann, 2010 Pinot Gris and 2010 Geisenheim Riesling, and won a medal for each one .... Silver's for the two reds and Bronze for the two whites. Owners Karen and Brendan Enright were exceptionally happy to know that theirs were two of very few 2010 reds entered into the competition and still won silver medals. Most of the reds entered were 2007 - 2009 vin-tages. Pretty cool for a little boutique winery from Bear River, NS!

U nfortunately, the organizers of Fall For Bear River did not deem

it important to include the local winer-ies in their celebrations of the grape harvest.


T HE BEAR RIVER MILLYARD is closing for the season and Bob and

Gertrude would like to thank the ven-dors and all those who supported them in the first year. The Millyard will re-open in the spring of 2012, and we can look forward to a variety of new experiences that will be offered.


A MOVING EXPERIENCE! After many years of operation in

the Oakdene Center, Teresa's His and Her's Hairstyling has moved to her home at 19 Chute Rd. Teresa Henshaw first opened her hairstyling business in

the building across from the Post Office in June of 1983, and has been making men and women of Bear River look great ever since. Check out the new premises and get a great "look" at the same time. Congratulations to Teresa who has suc-cessfully owned and operated a busi-ness in Bear River for longer than any-one in recent memory.


R EAD ON! Exciting news for the village: the

Annapolis County Bookmobile will now be visiting town every two weeks, for more reading and viewing opportuni-ties. Starting Oct 12, the Bookmobile will be in Bear River , next to the Post Office, between 5:30 and 6:45, loaded with great books, periodicals and movies. Library cards are free and the team of bookmobilarians are all friendly and helpful. So check it out and get on board!


A HHH, cinnamon buns and bread pudding....

Here's great news! Diane and Noel Lalonde are staying put in Bear River this winter which means that cinnamon buns and bread pudding will always be close by at their shop, Myrtle and Rosie's. Yes, the other yummy stuff will be there too. Check for fall and winter hours.


B EAR RIVER LEGION BRANCH 22 Everyone is getting into fall mode

now—the Legion is bustling. The win-ners for Friday night 9 ball pool for Sept. are: Hoyt Frost, Myles Jefferson, Lloyd Smith, Squid &. SENIORS POOL has started: If you are 55 or over, join in the fun Every Thursday at 1:30. DARTS are back on Oct. 2 Participants must be Legion members, and at least 19 years old Starting time: 2 pm WEDNESDAY NITE POOL AND SATURDAY NITE POOL:

Start October 5/Oct. 8 at 8 pm $5.00 per person and any Legion member of any Legion in good stand- ing can participate.

Anyone who says there isn't anything to do in Bear River is sadly mistaken!

The Legion would like to thank the fol-lowing for their support in the ham and b e a n s u pp e r o n Se p t . 3 0 : Cherry Brook Grocery, (Alan Genette's Farmer's Truck) Superstore, Digby, Gordon and Nancy Coakley, Cecil Hooper, Glendean Parker, Jake Bar-rett, Todd and Sam Sloan, Ernie and Rachel Ryan for food donations and Mark and Sue for doing the cooking!

Oops; the Legion would like to clarify that it was the Bass Tournament fund that donated the turkey for the recent dinner, not Fred Miller and Duff Wil-son.


H ALLOWEEN HORRORS Ghosts, ghouls and goblins run

rampant again this year and anyone who has visited the home of Carolyn Wagner on Dunn Road know how scary they can be. This year promises to be even more terrifying, so grab your loved ones and treat them to a Halloween adventure they will never forget.... be afraid, be very afraid!

B onnie McLeod has been at it again with her love of pumpkin

people. This year Peggy Chisholm and Wanda Trimper got into the act.


TERESA'S HIS AND HER'S HAIRSTYLING: get great cuts, colors, perms, highlights and even a nice tan. 19 Chute Avenue, 467-3930


For any and all masonry needs including WETT inspec-tions, contact Bernie Morine, licensed bricklayer. Get your chimney cleaned before it gets cold, & be safe! 467-3384


Very spacious, lovely apartment in of restored Victorian house in downtown Bear River. Great details and light., big kitchen. Heat/utilities incl. No smokers. 467-0268.

Page 2: The Bear River Tides READ ON THE TIDES · Dave and Stephanie Ramsey celebrate their 6th anniversary on Oct. 6. Zoe and Jeff Knorek-Onysko celebrate their ninth anniversary on October

BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO: Stan Jacques, October 4, Wayne Milbury, October 5, Todd Sloan, Oct. 7, Alicia Jacques, Oct. 11, Linda Leblanc , Oct 15 Angela McMullen, Oct. 15, Mrs. Terry Leonard, Oct. 18, Glen Rice, Oct. 23, Noelle Lucas, Oct. 28. SOCIAL NEWS: Albert and Gloria Hewey of Bear River had a

very busy August and September. In August, daughter Donna and her husband from Ontario spent three weeks visiting and to add to the festivities, Albert's brother, Wilford, also from Ontario, joined them. Albert and Gloria also enjoyed visits from their son Michael from Monc-ton,and daughter Michelle, and the latest addition of the Hewey family, Grayson who is now six months. On September 14, Albert and Gloria celebrated their 55th anniversary, followed closely by their birthdays on the 24th and 25th of September. Congratulations!

Catherine Sherwood enjoyed a visit from her son and family and new grandson, from the USA.

Sharon and Alf Norton entertained Sharon's sister from Ontario.

We wish Dellas Taylor good luck as he moves on from Bear River to broader horizons.

Flora Doehler has been getting her shoes wet putting away her garden for the year.

Susan Friend took a break from gardening to enjoy the company of a very good friend from British Columbia for ten days in Sept.

Darla Anderson enjoyed traveling the province with a friend from Minnesota, before rambling off with River in search of the world's largest violin.

Dorothy and Les Robichaud traveled to Barrington Passage and enjoyed visiting with friends.

Michael Burrell has returned to work in Dubai.

Glendean Parker is back to her former self after her recent hospitalization and would like to thank all of her friends who comforted and supported her through her recent illness.

It's also good to see Sue Comeau back at work after her recent illness. She is pleased to an-nounce that she is expected two grandbabies early in the new year.

Eva Tibbetts was happy to entertain her brother and sister in law from Ontario for 5 days in Sept.

Shayla Harriss's daughter, Keely Harris, was thrilled with the baby shower recently held at the Clementsport Legion. Keely is expecting the arrival of her baby girl in early October.

Teresa Henshaw and James Delong had a great time whale watching and enjoying the scenery of Briar Island.

Bob and Gertrude Benson enjoyed the company of Jack and Gretchen Stevenson of Boston, who visited for a few days.

Jean and Harold Sheridan are off to Ontario again, but are very excited about returning and spending their first Christmas in Bear River!

A fabulous party to celebrate the arrival of au-tumn, was held at the home of Francois Bellefon-taine, with a delightful meal prepared by Cath-erine Sherwood.

Rosalind Rice's niece, Charlene and husband, spent Labour Day weekend with her and enjoyed the Wharf Rat Rally.

It's great to have Terry Cannon around for more than just a few days. He actually plans on spend-ing some real time here & enjoying some r and r.

We all wish Anne Fraser a speedy recovery from her recent surgery.

The last service at the Hillsburg UC is Oct 9, 2 pm. Everyone is welcome to the end of an era.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO: .Congratulations to Heather and Michael Charlton

who celebrate the 14th anniversary on Oct 11. Dave and Stephanie Ramsey celebrate their 6th

anniversary on Oct. 6. Zoe and Jeff Knorek-Onysko celebrate their ninth

anniversary on October 25.

CONDOLENCES TO: Condolences to the family and friends of Ezra Trim-per who died suddenly at the end of September.


B OARD OF TRADE NEWS: Still no movement in building on the park

next to the Cherry Brook Grocery, or the develop-ment of the trail next to the Cherry Brook. The VIC is now closed for the season. The Bear River Board of Trade promised to hold public meetings to develop a proposal for the water-front park and replacement of the Windmill with a new and better structure. No meetings have been held and no proposals have been forthcoming. Concerned? Call Kelly Foxton, president,467-0466 or Duff Wilson, chairperson, waterfront development committee, 467-0233, or any of the members of the committee; Jon Welch, 467-0357, Jane Kingston, 467-0989, Rick Jacques. 467-0551 to let them know! Check out for all the broken promises of the Bear River Board of Trade .


400 CELEBRATION It appears that Simone Wilson, organizer of 400 Years Celebration/ Fall for Bear River, is no longer quite as sure about the veracity of the historical claim she made earlier. Check out for the full story.

REGULAR MEETINGS AND EVENTS BREDS: The Bear River Economic Development Society meets the first Wed. each month at 7:30. at the Legion. All welcome!

BEAR RIVER AND AREA CLINIC: BOARD meets first Tuesday each month at 7:00. New Members needed.

OAKDENE CENTRE: CARD PARTIES Tuesdays and Fridays at 7p.m. All Welcome!

LEGION LADIES' AUX: 1st Thurs. each

month in Aux room at Legion at 7:30—exception during the months of July and August—no meeting. POOL AT THE LEGION: WED/SAT 8 PM AND THURS AT 1:30—DARTS SUN. 2 PM

BEAR RIVER BOARD OF TRADE MEETINGS:- 3rd Monday each month at 7:30 pm at the Fire Hall. All Welcome.

TOPS BR Chapter 5258 Meets at the B.R. Fire Hall; 911 Entrance Door. Regu-lar hours 6:30 to 7:30 Thursdays. Every-one welcome, open house date to follow.

Bear River New Horizons is open every Tuesday 1—4 for tea and a chat!!

Submissions for inclusion to the Tides must be received by 15th of the month.

Call 467 0268 or Email: [email protected]


Thanks to all the supporters of The Bear River Tides. There continues to be strong support and interest with tens of thousands of visitors to the site. Why? Because it is the one and only place where you get to read the real story of what is going on in town and who is doing what. Don’t be the last one to know— New information is posted regularly.

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