Page 1: The Basics of Digital Marketing

Digital MarketingRiley Waugh

April 21st, 2016

Page 2: The Basics of Digital Marketing

The Basics● Uses digital technology to:

○ Target and reach potential customers○Promote “thought leadership” in your industry○Generate leads or ecommerce sales○Build your brand presence


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Marketing Mix●Product●Price●Place●Promotion


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The Sales Funnel


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Sales Funnel●Strangers●Leads●Prospects●Customers●Advocates


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“Hmm, this guy looksUnregistered presidential…” or undecided“I wonder what his views Want to know moreon immigration are?”

“His views match mine Weighing candidatesmore than that other guy.”“Aw yeah! I’m doing Votingmy civic duty.”

“My choice is the best, Getting in pointlesseveryone should know.” internet debates


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Sales Funnel - Strangers ●Unaware or uninterested in your brand

●How to get the most out of them


○Use broad appeal

●Content: sponsor an event that interests your target audience


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Sales Funnel - Leads●Awareness, interest, and first communication

●How to get the most out of them

○Educate, persuade

○Present with general information

○Make it visually memorable

●Content: infographic, checklist


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Sales Funnel - Prospects●Consideration, intent, comparison●How to get the most out of them

○Educate, persuade, convert○Have them ask the right questions○Answer those questions with targeted content○Reassure their choice to purchase with social proof

●Content: case studies, white papers, eBooks, guides, instructive blogs


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Sales Funnel - Customers●Like your product and have converted/purchased

●How to get the most out of them

○Build in a feedback loop/way to collect reviews and testimonials

○Turn them into Advocates

●Content: follow up emails


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Sales Funnel - Advocates●Repeat customers and those who give you word of mouth business

●How to get the most out of them

○Manage relationships



●Content: special offers, giveaways, coupons


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The Types of Media


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Types of Media●Paid●Earned●Owned


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Types of Media - Paid●Advertisements that primarily target Strangers

●Pay Per Click (PPC): search and display

○AdWords - you place your ads on someone’s website (costs money)

○AdSense - you allow ads to be on your website (earns money)

●Social network ads

○Banner ads, promoted posts


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Types of Media - Owned●Communication channels within the company’s control

●Primarily targets Leads & Prospects


●Social media


○Blog posts, research/studies, white papers, etc.


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Types of Media - Earned●“Organic” traffic and attention

●Primarily targets……….

●Social media shares or direct news/influencer coverage

●Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

○On page (architecture) vs. off page (links)

○User intent: transactional/informational/navigational (aka do/know/go/buy)


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Marketing for WordPress


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WordPress Plugins●SEO: Yoast or Squirrly, XML Sitemap, W3 Cache

●A/B testing: Title Experiments

●Blog organizer: Editorial Calendar

●Email subscriber list: OptinMonster


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More info●Helpful blogs

○Moz, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, WordStream, Unbounce, Design Modo, Single Grain, Top Rank, Distilled, Backlinko, PPC Hero, Seer Interactive, Kissmetrics


○Email me at [email protected]



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Thank you!


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