Download - The Bananabread Pig

Page 1: The Bananabread Pig
Page 2: The Bananabread Pig

Once upon a time there

was an old lady who cooked

a banana bread pig. The pig

came alive and the old lady

chased him into the barn.

The pig got to the highest

point and jumped in the sky.

The pig ate clouds on the

way to Antarctica. Then, the

banana bread pig landed on

an iceberg. He met Sophia

and Jorge, a walrus and a ti-

ger. They told banana bread

pig to watch out for Phil,

Lilly, Millie, and Billy the

ninja penguins.

Page 3: The Bananabread Pig

So the pig hides in a

tunnel from the ninja pen-

guins and he found a

chubby shrimp named

Tubby. The pig told Tubby

all about Jorge and Sophia

getting locked in a cage

from the ninja penguins.

Tubby and the pig sneak

from the penguins and

unlock Sofia and Jorge.

The penguins corner

Tubby and the pig and

Phil locks them in with the

tiger and walrus, Sophia

and Jorge.

Page 4: The Bananabread Pig

Next Sophia uses her claw to

unlock the cage. When the

penguins weren’t looking

everyone burst out and tack-

led the penguins and threw

them in the cage instead. But

Sophia didn’t know that the

penguins had an extra key to

the cage and when Tubby,

Sophia, Jorge, and the pig

left they unlocked the cage,

jumped out and attacked

them. Then Sophia, Jorge,

and Tubby fight over the ba-

nana bread pig because they

were hungry and the pig

jumped out of the way. He

wished he was back at the


Page 5: The Bananabread Pig

But the fight wasn’t

over yet. Sophia and

Jorge were running af-

ter the pig. He ran as

fast as he could and fell

into a hole and met a

fox family. The foxes

invited banana bread

pig to eat supper with

them. The pig thought

that the fox family

meant he would eat

with them but they

really meant he would

be their dinner so they

ate the pig together.

Page 6: The Bananabread Pig

Sophia, Jorge, and Tubby

were really sad because the

fox family ate the banana

bread pig. They had a fight.

The fox family of three vs.

Sophia, Jorge, and Tubby. The

fox dad takes Jorge. The fox

mom takes Sophia. The fox

boy takes Tubby. The fox dad

defeats Jorge. Sophia defeats

the mom fox. Tubby defeats

the fox boy and Sophia and

Tubby scare the fox dad into a

tunnel and they told him to

never return.

The banana bread pig does not

live happily ever after.

Sophia and Tubby live happily

ever after.

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