Page 1: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904


Page 2: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904


Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P)

President: Derek Elton 01384 371904 Vice President: Alec Fraser 01162 386070 Chairman: David Harbach 01384 861001 70 Vicarage Road, Wollaston, Stourbridge, W Mids DY8 4QX Vice Chairman: Julie Wacey 01886 833465 8 Seymour Court Malvern WR14 1EW [email protected] Secretary: Allan Page 01886 832940 Hadley, 29 Grit Lane, Malvern, Worcs WR14 1UR [email protected] Treasurer: Lew Nash 01684 564223 3 Eastabrook Close Malvern WR14 1TE [email protected] Editor: Pat Parks 01684 565516 18 Christ Church Road Malvern WR14 3BE [email protected] Minute Secretary: vacancy

Page 3: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904


Thank you all once again for all your contributions: without them the magazine would be really dull. If you feel in need of a good chuckle, read the wonderful piece sent in by Lew Nash of Malvern Branch on page 6. I could feel myself nodding in agreement with the sentiments expressed.

The seasonal photo on the front cover is our friends from Henfield Branch delivering Christmas presents. The photograph was printed in a local newspaper on Friday 23rd December last year. You can read the article on page 7. Do you remember me asking if anyone knew the meaning of ‘Te Pukapuka’ which is the name of the New Zealand B-P Guild magazine? I had an email from Joyce Telfer who is the Editor of the magazine. She says that as far as she is aware, it is Maori for ‘The Written Word’. Thank you Joyce and we extend greetings to our friends in your beautiful country.


Page 4: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

Between them, the lads have lost a whopping

Well Done!


Page 5: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

Henfield B-P Guild – 50 Years Old On Saturday the 29th July 2006 the Henfield B-P Guild celebrated its 50th

anniversary with a party of present and previous members. Over 130 people attended Saturday’s event and spent much of their time reminiscing about the 50 years the B-P Guild has been established in Henfield. The event was held at the Girl Guide Hut in Henfield which was built by members of the B-P Guild in 1982 and is still maintained by B-P Guild members today.

“The B-P Guild have helped numerous causes locally in Henfield and its surrounding areas over the past 50 years and its great to see the past and present members enjoying the afternoon and catching up with each other” said Eric Williams, Chairman of the B-P Guild. Eric welcomed all those attending, including Arthur Adams one of the founding members of the B-P Guild in Henfield.

The B-P Guild in Henfield is one of the strongest, all male, branches of the national organisation and raises money for local causes in the Henfield area. Monies are raised through events such as Shuffleboarding, Race Nights and during the summer months the hiring of marquees. One good cause that the money raised is spent on is the annual senior citizens outing in September, usually attended by around 180 people. The event starts with a mystery coach tour and ends with a 5 course meal


Page 6: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

supplied and cooked by B-P Guild Members with some light entertainment to follow.

If you live in the Henfield area and are interested in becoming a B-P Guild member then please contact Eric Williams on 494470 or email [email protected]

Past and present Branch Members who attended the party.


Page 7: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904


Page 8: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904


Page 9: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

The following is a letter received from a Scout in camp to his parents: Dear Mum and Dad, Our Scout Leader has told us all to write to our parents in case you saw the flood on the news and were worried. We are all O.K. Only one of our tents got washed away. Luckily, none of us got drowned because we were all up on the mountain looking for Billy at the time.


Oh yes, please call Billy’s mother and tell her he’s O.K. He can’t write because of the plaster cast. I had a ride in one of the search and rescue cars. It was great fun. We would never have found him in

the dark if it hadn’t been for the lightning. Scout Leader Webb got a bit angry with Billy for going on a hike alone without telling anyone. Billy said he did tell him, but it was during the fire so he probably didn’t hear him.

Did you know that if you put a gas canister on a campfire, it will blow up? Jimmy is going to look really weird until his hair grows back. We will be home on Saturday if Scout Leader Webb can get the car fixed. It wasn’t his fault about the accident. The brakes worked O.K. when we left. Scout Leader Webb said that with a car that old, you have to expect something to break down: that’s probably why he can’t get insurance for it.

Page 10: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

It’s a great car. He doesn’t care if we get it dirty, and if it’s hot he lets us ride on the roof. It gets pretty hot with ten of us in the car. Scout Leader Webb is a great driver. He can even steer with his knees when he is rolling one of his special cigarettes. In fact, he is teaching Terry how to drive. He only lets him drive on the mountain roads though, where there isn’t any other traffic. All we ever see up there are logging trucks.

Guess what? We have all passed our first aid. When David dived into the lake and cut his arm on an old bike, we were able to see how a tourniquet works. Also, Wayne and I threw up. Scoutmaster Webb said it was probably just food poisoning from the leftover chicken. He said they sometimes get sick that way with the food they eat in prison. I’m so glad he got out and became our Scout Leader. He said he’s really found how to get things done while he was inside.

Anyway, I have to go now. We are going into town to post our letters and buy some bullets.

Don’t worry about anything. We are fine. Love Jimmy.

Submitted by Derek E. Elton, President – extracted from the June 2006 Dudley MS Monthly Newsletter and published with the full permission of Mr Tony Garlick, Honorary Secretary Dudley Multiple Sclerosis Society.


Page 11: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904


How to recognise a stroke: advice that could save lives!

Dennis Howard is a member of the Stourbridge Baden Powell Guild who has been Chairman of the New Road Methodist Church Stroke Club Stourbridge for the past 18 years. Dennis has sent me a copy of an informative article which he feels will be of value to us all. A neurologist says that if he can get to the victim of a stroke within three hours, he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognised, diagnosed and getting to the patient within three hours. Sometimes, symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify and the lack of awareness spells disaster. The victim may suffer brain damage when people nearby fail to recognise the symptoms. Doctors say a bystander can recognise a stroke by asking the following three questions:-

1. Ask the individual to SMILE. 2. Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS. 3. Ask the person to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE coherently: ‘it

is a sunny day today’. If he or she has trouble with any of these tasks, call 999 immediately and describe the symptoms. After discovering a group of non-medical volunteers could identify facial weakness, arm weakness and speech problems, researchers urged the general public to learn the three questions. The conclusions were presented at the American Stroke Annual Meeting last February. Widespread use of this test could result in prompt diagnosis, and treatment of the stroke and prevent brain damage. A cardiologist says, if everyone who reads this tells ten people about it, you can bet that one life will be saved!

Page 12: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

Willie Taylor, National Chairman, extends Fellowship Day Greetings and best wishes to us all from himself and the B-P Guild members in Scotland.


Page 13: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

1st Crown East Guides Visit the Czech Republic

The participants deemed the holiday a success. We enjoyed a variety of activities despite the temperatures being in the upper 30’s. The morning of departure started badly when the coach was late arriving, but we were soon loaded and on our way. 2 major traffic accidents and a series of roadworks found us at check in with only minutes to spare before the desk was closed. We rushed through all the formalities and were soon on our way again. The plane flight was marred by the fact that we were unable to sit together, but following the discovery that some of the girls were sitting next to the television star Mark Warm things started to look up. Mark kindly signed an autograph for all of the girls and posed so that we could have our pictures taken with him when we disembarked. The coach collected us and we made our way to our house. It was very hot when we arrived but the tea was started and the 2 leaders went off to the


Page 14: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

Jeka meeting and made the final arrangements for the proposed activities. Here we collected important information about train times, doctor’s numbers and a variety of other information. Our first day was spent on the river canoeing and despite the late finish we all arrived back tired but happy. We were all very wet and we dripped our way home!

We then spent a day visiting a glassworks where the adults were horrified by the lack of Health and Safety! The owners gave all the participants a small glass momento. The girls received a bird and the adults an elephant. On our way home we stopped at the Caves. These were not as

impressive as the ones we had visited in France, but were still well worth the visit. The stalagmites and stalactites fascinated the girls. It was another hot day and so very pleasant to be in the cool. We visited Prague the following day and started on a riverboat. It was very pleasant to be on the water looking at the fabulous architecture around us. Two of the participants overcame a fear and crossed the river on the wooden footbridge! Charles Bridge was amazing and we all rubbed one of the panels for luck as the local people suggest. Even the onslaught on a thunderstorm did nothing to dampen our spirits and we made our way back on the train.


Page 15: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

Our coach trip to Kutná Hora was fun. We stopped at an open-air museum and looked at some very old houses. The Czech people have made some wonderful buildings and it was great fun to explore them and use the artefacts there. We were soon on our way again- this time to the Silver mines. I must admit I was filled with trepidation after we had been told what was going to happen to us, but everyone who actually went on the tour enjoyed themselves tremendously. Again a couple of girls who were very nervous did not stop laughing and smiling after they had felt the walls of the tunnels and the stalagmites and stalagmites. The mines were amazing, and I was very glad that I had not been a miner there. We discovered that the miners used to breed cockroaches to warn them of land tremors! We then explored the town, ate too many ice creams and investigated the cathedral before returning home.

As the weather was so hot and everyone was starting to flag I changed the itinerary and instead of going to the swimming pool some distance away we played in the local woods in the morning and had a water challenge in

the afternoon. Alan was very wet and some of the other leaders all got a soaking too. I was pleased we had changed the itinerary as some other groups had gone to the swimming pool on the previous day and over half of the participants had been very ill. We had a lovely relaxing day and the girls’ finished it off with a campfire…splendid!


Page 16: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

Our last day was spent shopping in Prague. Again we were all very hot, but that did not deter the girls from shopping until they dropped. A good day was had by all.

We ended up cleaning the house (for which we received lavish praise!) and setting off for the journey home. We closed with a ceremony that enrolled 2 Young Leaders and 1 Guide.

After a long flight delay we arrived home tired but happy! The girls have also planned our next international trip! Hungary 2008! Watch out Hungary! Kay Poole 1st Crown East Guides.


Page 17: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

Scout Group Board Refurbished

The 1st Malvern Link Scout Group headquarters housed a Board with a copy of the 10 Scout Laws, thought to date from the 1930’s. The Board was looking a bit ‘tired’ and the Malvern Branch offered to refurbish and remount the board for the Group. The restoration of the artwork was undertaken by Iris Skilton, and has been accomplished with great skill after research into the original colours etc. The actual paper has been remounted and reframed by Peter Skilton, with assistance from Lew Nash. The whole board has now been replaced and secured to a wall in the headquarters. Photo shows the Group Scout Leader, Sandra Starkey with Peter and Iris Skilton. Yet another instance of “Scouting Spirit in Action”


Page 18: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

News from Bebington In February 2006 our Chairman, Ian Partington, decided that after 15 years it was time to retire and so on the 16th March we made a presentation to him of a certificate, a pair of Edinburgh Crystal whisky glasses and some whisky, as a token of our appreciation for his years of service.

On 1st April Bebington District Scouts and Explorers held their annual rifle shooting competition and five members of the Bebington Guild took part, Grant Bailey, one of our younger members came joint first in the adult section, Steve Tollady third, and Kathie Bailey third in the ladies section.


Page 19: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

In April Guild members acted as both stewards inside and marshalls outside Christ Church in Port Sunlight Village where Bebington held its St George's Day Parade. In the absence of Police who were required for more urgent duties, our fluorescent yellow jackets stood out and helped keep unwanted vehicles away from the parade. On 8th June the organist from the Philharmoic Hall in Liverpool came to the music room at Poulton Hall to entertain us and some invited friends on the organ with reflections from Gilbert & Sullivan, popular music and some of his own ways of making unusual sounds come from the instrument. After the interval we had a sing song of various well known pieces. A few weeks before the musical evening we had approached Mr. Scirard Lancelyn Green, who owns Poulton Hall, about becoming our Branch President. This he kindly agreed to do and so before the entertainment started Scirard was duly 'enrolled ' and presented with our branch tie and badge along with a National Guild pin badge. A bouquet of flowers was presented to his wife Caroline.


Page 20: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

In July the gardens at Poulton Hall were open to the public for the second time this year as part of the National Gardens Scheme raising funds for charity. Again the members donned yellow jackets and directed vehicles of all shapes and sizes into orderly rows in the field being used as a car park. We had an enjoyable day and much appreciation was expressed by those leaving their cars in our charge. In May one of our members, June Lancelyn Green, our president's mother, had her 80th birthday and in August Eddie Platt was also 80 and so they had a joint party celebrating 160 years. A good time was had by all present including former members and friends. This included at least three nonogenerians and several octogenerians.

Eddie and his wife Joan have another celebration this year when they reach 50 years of marriage. They are holding a Golden Wedding Barn Dance and Hotpot Supper at the end of September. Over the last few months we have done a lot of work on our branch headquarters, the 'Brewhouse', which is in the grounds of Poulton Hall. The building has been generally cleaned and repainted and the clock has been removed, overhauled, cleaned, replaced, and is now illuminated from inside. This will now act as a beacon to guide us to our meetings on dark winter nights. Ray Bailey, Branch Chairman


Page 21: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

A Perfect Day If anyone could have wished for a perfect day out, Malvern Branch had one on Sunday 11th June for their day out to Hartlebury Castle . We left Malvern at about 9am and took the scenic route, arriving there 1 hour later. The first thing to do of course was to have a cup of coffee. Now a little about Hartlebury Castle, It has been the home to the Bishops of Worcester for over a thousand years. The 13th Century fortified Bishops Palace was rebuilt after the civil war fighting and then Gothicised in the 18th Century. The present Bishop of Worcester still lives in the private quarters of the south wing. The north wing of the castle is now the home of the Worcestershire County Museum, including many out door buildings. The museum itself consists of a variety of local Archaeology, coins and medals. Costumes and textiles, decorative and applied arts, land transport, social history, toys and hobbies. Apart from a dozen other people we were the only visitors that day. Lunch time saw us enjoy a picnic in the gardens, the weather was just perfect. Before leaving we enjoyed a cup of tea in the museum restaurant. Then on route home we stopped at the Fox Inn and we all enjoyed an evening meal. What a perfect day.


Page 22: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

The Bottling of Malvern

It’s pure, it’s invigorating, it’s good for you, yes, it’s Malvern Water. So members of the Malvern branch of the guild went to visit the Malvern Water Bottling Plant on Wednesday 21st June. A most interesting talk was given about the sauce of the water and the history of the Schweppes family, by John Tyson, Quality Assurance Manager for Malvern Water. 1851 – to The Present Day. Schweppes has been associated with Malvern since 1851, when J. Schweppe & Co, supplied the Great Exhibition at the Crystal Palace. This event was an outstanding success and established the national reputation of Malvern Water. It is Britain’s oldest and best known water and deserves its title as “The Original English Mineral Water”. Water from the Holy Well was initially bottled and marketed as Malvern Soda and then as Malvern Seltzer Water from 1856. Seltzer means ‘mineral water ‘o ‘water that effervesces’. In 1890, Schweppes entered into a contract with the Ballard Family from Colwall for the piped supply of Spring Water ‘of pure and soft character’. The present site was acquired and the Factory built in 1892. Much effort was made to ensure the site was in keeping with its village setting, with the use of local materials and striking architecture-thought to copy the Holy Well. The site, originally an orchard, was ideally situated close to the railway –the Great Western Line ,as it was then. In 1929, the factory commenced bottling of water from the Primeswell (or Pewtress) Spring, which Schweppes acquired from Burrows in 1927. The spring source is on the western side of the Herefordshire Beacon, high up in the Malvern Hills. In 1987 Malvern gained European recognition as a Natural Mineral Water, reinforcing its reputation for purity and quality.


Page 23: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

Lavender Cottage Madresfield

Malvern Worcs.

WR13 5AH 09 August 2006

Dear Baden Powell Guild, I am writing to thank you for your kind donations which allowed me to have another truly memorable year at the National Scout & Guide Symphony Orchestra. We were staying in a 4* youth hostel next to the Cardiff Millennium Centre which provided very good hospitality for me and the rest of the orchestra. I was very glad to see my old friends from last year and I have made many new ones. I had another amazing experience performing the music of well known composers such as Schubert and Elgar, on my cello, at Bristol Cathedral and Cardiff University. In our free time we explored Cardiff, visited the Cardiff Millennium Centre and the Red Dragon Centre. One of the most memorable afternoons was when the NSGSO filled up the lanes of the Red Dragon Bowling Alley for a massive bowling session! Thank you for supporting me once again. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous contribution towards the Malvern District scouts going to the 2007 World Jamboree, another exciting scouting event! Thank you very much, Kind Regards, Sam Coates


Page 24: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

The Chairman’s Cup

Being Awarded the Chairman’s Cup this year, I found myself on the receiving and not the presenting end of the trophy. I found this a little strange because I remembered the institution of the award. I go back to 1989, I was then Chairman of the National Committee and it was decided that an Award should be instituted and awarded annually to a member or a branch that in the opinion of the Chairman had given good service or support in their Guild work. The Award would be in the form of a Trophy and would be known as the Chairman’s Cup, the recipient would be announced at the AGM and if possible the presentation would also be made at the same time.

The names of the recipients are engraved, at the committee’s expense on plaques placed on the plinth at the base of the trophy. The first presentation was made in 1990.

1990 – Stourbridge & District Branch

1991 – Gravensend Guild 1992 – Doris Vowles 1993 – Malvern Guild 1994 – George Knight 1995 – Joseph Ingham 1996 – Kinver Guild 1997 – Dorothy Dowling 1998 – Enid Ingham 1999 – Bert French 2000 – Enid Ingham 2001 – Patrick Nye-Garbutt 2002 – Louis Barber 2003 – Joyce Marshall & Joyce

Millinchip 2004 – Harold & Norah

Lamming 2005 – Joyce Elton 2006 – Allan Page

2007 - ??????? – will it be you or your branch – Allan Page


Page 25: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904


Members of Malvern Guild recently attended a meeting for those Scouts from the Malverns District who have been selected to attend the World Jamboree, at Hylands Park, Essex in July 2007, a Cheque for £400 to help boosts the funds to pay for their participation was presented by the branch treasurer, Ken Brixton. They were also offered, and accepted the opportunity of running the Witches Hat Raffle at the coffee morning held on 28th October.

Allan Page


Page 26: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

Recognition Awards

The National Committee have made available ‘Recognition Awards’, in the form of a Certificate. These are for work or service by an individual of a Guild Branch to the Guild, Scouting, or some other organization or individual in their community. Guild Branches themselves can decide which member(s) deserve to be recognized. All applications to be submitted to the national committee, these should contain the name of the Guild Branch and the name of the member to be recognised, together with a short history of their service. In addition a short statement outlining why the member is being recognised by their fellow Guild members should be included. The date, time and venue of the occasion on which the certificate will be presented should also be notified if possible. The National Committee will draw up the Certificate and this can be signed by the Guild National Officers or by the Branch Officers as required. The completed Certificates will be sent to Branch Secretaries for presentation. Applications for this award should be addressed to the National Secretary in the first instance.

The Baden Powell Guild of Great Britain


RECOGNITION AWARD for …………………………………

Presented to ………………………………… 2006

Signed…………….. Signed……………..

Example of a Recognition Award Certificate. Allan Page


Page 27: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904


The Flame of Peace 2007 - Kenya to the UK” A flame will be lit on Lord Robert Baden-hinking Day, 22nd February 2007 and will be

carried by Guides, Scouts and ISGF members to Brownsea Island, where it will arrive on 31st July 2007.

Powell’s grave in Nyeri, Kenya, on T

The flame will be used as part of the centenary celebrations on Brownsea Island to commemorate the 100 years of Scouting and symbolising the spread of the B-P Spirit throughout the world. 28th July 2007 Dover

22nd February 2007 31st July 2007 Nyeri Brownsea

Guild members are helping to plan, organize and run the UK leg of this project, from Dover to Brownsea Island. Members in Kent under the leadership of Stan

Kemp will receive the flame at Dover on July 28th 2006, on its arrival from Belgium. Stan and his team will oversee the first leg of its journey. He will hand

over to members of the Henfield Branch who have taken responsibility for the second leg of the journey from Bodiam to Petersfield. Here members of

Hampshire Scout Fellowship will take over to see the Flame on the final leg to Brownsea Island, arriving on the evening of 31st July.


Page 28: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

AGM 2007

Bebington Guild will host the 2007 AGM, mark the date in your diary to attend the next AGM on Saturday 31st March 2007. Bebington members will host and make the arrangements for our 2007 AGM to be held in ‘The Barn’ at Poulton Hall. This has recently been rebuilt on its ancient foundations as a function room, complete with its own toilet and kitchen facilities. Poulton Hall will also open its gardens exclusively to our members on the day of the AGM, entrance is normally £3.50 but there will be no charge to us. Refreshments and a buffet lunch will be laid on by Bebington members. The Grange Country Club in Thornton Hough is just a short distance away, where a private dinning room has been reserved for us for the evening.

The Grange provides plenty of parking, a comfortable lounge and bar area in which to meet for pre-dinner drinks and then a dinning room to ourselves for the serving of a 2 or 3 course meal Any members

attending on a daily basis will be more than comfortable in the period between the AGM and dinner waiting at The Grange.


Page 29: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904


Complimentary entrance to their night club is available should any of our members wish, (strictly over 21 and suitably attired!!) Following an extensive survey of the area the most suitable accommodation was found to be at the Premier Travel Inn, High Street, Bromborough, adjacent to The Royal Oak. This is modern, clean and comfortable, has over 40 rooms, doubles, twins, & family all at £49 per room per night. There is car parking on site and is easily accessible from junction 4 on the M53 or the A41 and is close to Poulton Hall and The Grange, with easy travel directions. (08701 977 273) Bebington Guild will supply maps and a list of places of interest to visit in the area. The Wirral peninsula is a place of beautiful views, countryside, seaside, gardens and villages including Port Sunlight, Thornton Hough, the Boat museum at Ellesmere Port and one of the UK’s premier Retail Parks at Cheshire Oaks. Please book the date in your diaries and enjoy a weekend break whilst making this event a successful blend of meeting and socialising with old friends and new. Remember 2007 is our 30th Anniversary year and also the Centenary of Scouting. See you there – Allan Page, Oct 2006

Page 30: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

Park Bench to Commemorate Past Presidents

A bench to commemorate our past Presidents and the Guilds 30th Anniversary in 2007 has now been installed in the Open Air Chapel at Gilwell Park in Essex. The bench has plaques attached naming our past presidents Fred Hearn and Joe Ingham together with a plaque celebrating the Guilds 30th year as the Baden Powell Guild of Great Britain. Picture shows two of our guild members Yvonne Jones and Geraldine Shaw taking a close look at the Presidents Bench.


Page 31: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904


BRANCH SECRETARIES Bebington Len Marshall 0151 327 2344 Wirral Gravesend Mrs Enid Ingham 01634 851964 Kent Henfield Derek Gardner 01273 495028 W Sussex Malvern Mrs Geraldine Shaw 01684 566448 Worcestershire Stourbridge David Tomlinson 01384 393512 W Midlands Tiviot Dale Arthur Stevens 0161 483 0789 Cheshire Trent Bryan Noble 01159 735645 Nottingham

Page 32: THE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAINTHE BADEN POWELL GUILD OF GREAT BRITAIN . 1 Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P) President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

An independent National Association of Men and Women who believe that the spirit of Scouting should be extended into Adult life, including many who were not Guides or Scouts in earlier days.

By its help and practical assistance in a variety of local charitable causes the Baden Powell Guild make a worthwhile contribution to the community.


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