
The Journey Begins...

[email protected]

One upon a time on a balmy Summer weekend in post-war

Britain, little Andrew was playing in the garden while his father

was perusing his pay-packet from the local mill. In trying to

interact with his father he posed a simple question:

What are

girls really

like, Papa?

Well son, I’m glad

you asked me that

because I think it’s

about time we had

this chat.

According to

traditional nursery

rhymes, published

circa 1820, “little

girls are made of

sugar and spice and

all things nice”.

On that same day, just a few houses away, Andrew’s best

friend’s sister Geraldine, was also playing in her garden, with

her attentive mother and new puppy Ziggy. She too posed a

similar question: What are

boys really


Mummy? *

* NB: Sex Education had just been added to the school curriculum and the children had been

asked to investigate the subject for Homework.

Well darling, it’s

well known that

“little boys are

made of slugs and

snails and puppy

dog’s tails”. But

don’t let your twin

brother George

know this, he needs

to find the answer

himself and he’s

happy playing with

his toys at the

moment !

George was confused about the Sex Education Homework

question and would ask Andrew what he thought later. Why

was all this sissy stuff necessary anyway?

He was a boy, for goodness sake - one day he’d be a Train

Driver, or in the Merchant Navy, or even an Air Steward!

NB: This story took place a few years after Burt Bacharach & Hal David produced the definitive

‘Trains & Boats & Planes’ song that reached it’s peak at Number 4 in the Hit Parade of 1965!

Maybe it struck a chord in George’s subconscious mind?!

George was, indeed, upstairs in his bedroom, trying to decide

which indoor toy to play with. He felt slightly annoyed that after

he had kicked Andrew’s ball into the river a few days ago, and

it had floated out of reach, that he was banished indoors.

Surely this wasn’t what ‘penalty’ meant?!


Why is it

always MY


Later that day, Geraldine was out playing with Andrew’s friend

Emma in the park, while George was still kept indoors. She

whispered carelessly ...

I asked my

mum about

that homework

question and

apparently boys

are made of

slugs and snails

and puppy

dog’s tails!

And Andrew asked his dad

who said that we’re made

of sugar and spice and all

things nice! Hahaha!!

I really, really, REALLY,

want to go and play on

the swings now ...

So, while Emma enjoyed her afternoon on the swings,

Geraldine did what she liked doing best ......

I really, really, REALLY,

want to play with

ZiggyZig .... Aaah!!

NB: This story took place many, many, many, years before Geraldine and Emma met up again, with their

three friends, the two Melanies and Victoria (who lived on the posh side of town!).

Meanwhile George was still banished to his bedroom. He

became so bored that he even began ballroom dancing with

an imaginary partner. At this age it’s dangerous to leave boys

locked up by themselves for long periods, they begin thinking!

I wonder

what girls

really ARE


I wonder

what it

would be

like to BE a


He knew that Geraldine was in the park and mum was out

shopping, but he called downstairs to double-check that no

one else was home, just in case.

It was easy to find something to try on in Geri’s bedroom, and

he also knew she had a play wig too.

Why not go the whole hog?! After all, it WAS homework


He felt guilty and knew it didn’t seem ‘normal’ to rifle through

his mum and sister’s wardrobes, but he also knew that there

was no going back now. He made a mental note of where

everything was placed and facing on the rail and how

everything was positioned – which buttons were done up, how

far the zips were open.... and then he saw THE RED COAT!

Boy, I feel

like a girl! *

* NB: This story also took place many years before a Canadian country-girl penned her 1997 celebration of

womanhood! In an interview for Billboard, Shania Twain explained her song's meaning:

“That song started with the title, then it kind of wrote itself. The whole expression is a celebration of being a

woman these days, I think we're kind of spoiled in a lot of ways, with the advantages we have. Feminists may

not feel that way, but I do. It's pretty darn fun to be a woman. A lot of the stuff I do has such a feminine, female

perspective, but a powerful one. It's not only girl power.”

His heart was pounding like the wheels of the train he’d seen the week

before. But what was amazing was that when he tried on the red coat, he

felt calm and relaxed, even though all his senses were racing! He didn’t

worry about losing Andrew’s ball, or being the fastest runner in the school!

But what he didn’t hear was his mother’s car on the drive or her footsteps

up the stairs! It was too late to make it back to his own room!

Nor did he comprehend what she said next!

Hello Geor, er

Geri, I thought

you were in the

park with


That coat suits

you – it’s a lot

better on you

than it looked

on Andrew last



She knows!

NB: Mums ALWAYS know best!

The following week, the boys reverted to type.

I thought you’d

lost the ball?! I

spent days

locked indoors

because of that!

I thought it was

gone too, but dad

fished it out of

the mill-pond on

his lunch break.


these open-

toe sandals! At least it

gave me a

chance to

try on



* “To open Pandora's box" means to perform an action that may seem small or innocent, but that turns out

to have severely detrimental and far-reaching consequences (Source: Wikipedia).

But George had opened Pandora’s Box* and wanted more ...

Geri, could I

borrow your red

coat please? I still

have more

research to do for

my homework.

Sorry George, Andrew

asked me for it

yesterday, so you’ll have

to get it back from him!

But you can

borrow something

else if you really,

really, really, want

to. As long as you

look after it!!

George could not believe his ears!

She knows


Maybe girls

ARE ‘all

things nice’?!

Why didn’t you

tell me you’d

borrowed Geri’s

coat for



I only tell people

on a ‘need to

know’ basis, and

didn’t feel I

could trust you

back then.

By the way, your

family’s special.

Do you know


His mother really WAS special!

Hi Georgina, yes

darling, you look


Now get upstairs, wash

all that makeup off

your face, and finish

your homework!

Andrew’s coming

round in an hour,

you’ve got swimming

practice in The

Tropicana, and

afterwards you two can

use the garage for your

jamming session for

your new band - dad’s

just finished the sound-



She knows

how to hit me

right between

the eyes!

And so was his sister!

When did

you suspect

anything was


Surely it’s not

‘normal’ for

me to want to

try on your


Oh George, I’ve

known for ages! And

it’s no big deal,

honest! I wear

trousers, don’t I?

You’re a great

brother and friend,

and I know you’ll

always be there for

me, the same way

we’ll always be here

for you. We’ll just

have to get used to

calling you

Georgina every so

often! And quite

frankly, who gives a

shit about being

‘normal’ anyway?

And that was the first time he’d heard his sister swear!

Maybe little girls were just like little boys after all?!

And they all lived very happily ever after!

Children seek guidance and a moral code from their parents,

immediate family and friends – be that beacon for them.

Issues are only issues if you make them so.

Address others with a respectful, open mind and they will

reveal their true authenticity in their own time and way (if they

feel comfortable in doing so).

[email protected]

“never trust a

man who, left

alone in a

room with a

tea cozy,

doesn’t try

it on.”

Billy connolly

“never trust a

man who says he

doesn’t try on his

partner’s clothes

when she’s not


“it’s only men

wanting to try

on dresses.

it’s not brain


nobody dies!”

“friendship is

born at that

moment when

one person says

to another

“what? you too?

I thought I was

the only one”. “

c. s. lewis

“i will dare

to just do

what I do,

be just what I am,

and dance

whenever I want



“you’re not here

for long – why

not have a little

fun along the


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