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Jack Alban Dyer 2768 AUC/ 2015 CE

“Space –The Final Frontier –To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before…”

US President john Fitzgerald Kennedy 1961…“We choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard…”

John F Kennedy, September 12, 1962

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind…”

Astronaut Neil Armstrong –the raising of the US flag, first lunar landing 1969…

"It would be very interesting to speculate on what the human imagination is going to do with a frontierless world where it must seek its inspiration in uniformity rather than variety, in sameness rather than contrast, in safety rather than peril, in probing the harmless nuances of the known rather than the thundering uncertainties of unknown seas or continents. The dreamers, the poets, and the philosophers are after all but instruments which make vocal and articulate the hopes and aspirations and the fears of a people. The people are going to miss the frontier more than words can express. For four centuries they heard its call, listened to its promises, and bet their lives and fortunes on its outcome.It calls no more..."

— Walter Prescott Webb, The Great Frontier, 1951


The author and space economist Jack Dyer hereby asserts and gives notice of his right under section 77 of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988, to be identified as the author of the foregoing book. All



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rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission by the publisher, author or copyright holder.


ContentsTHE ASTRONAUTICAL ODYSSEY...................................................................................................................1


TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................................................2

List of Definitions.....................................................................................................................................3

List of Abbreviations:...............................................................................................................................6


Chartering the Universe.........................................................................................................................16

The Beginning: Historical Saga of Space Exploration.............................................................................29

Universal Failures of the Human Species 2001: The Space Odyssey?....................................................40

From Dreams to Reality (utilising science fiction)..................................................................................50

The Value of Space Technology.............................................................................................................59

Space versus Warfare............................................................................................................................64

The Lack of Alternatives.........................................................................................................................76

The Colonisation Imperative................................................................................................................102


The Prospects of Encountering Life in Space.......................................................................................131

The Spirit of Discovery.........................................................................................................................140

The Solution to Ecological Catastrophes and Humanity’s Collective Suicide.......................................162

Overcoming the Scarcity of Earth........................................................................................................170

The Ultimate Answer –To Life; the Universe and Everything Else.......................................................189

GOVERNANCE IN SPACE......................................................................................................................198

How to Inaugurate an Age of Space....................................................................................................206

THE FUTURE OF TOURISM...................................................................................................................216

The Vulnerability of the Human Race..................................................................................................225


Observing Our Orbit………………………………………………………………………………….…

Why? (motivating space)……………………………………..………………………………………


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List of Definitions

The following definitions are based on those of the International Astronomical Union and other official sources.

Asteroid: Rock based bodies, lacking an atmosphere orbiting a star.

Asteroid Belt: consists of layers of myriad asteroids positioned between Mars and Jupiter.

Astronomical Unit: Equivalent to 149. 6 million kilometres for one unit, this represents the geographic distance between our Sun and Earth. The IAU, space agencies, academia and others use this unit to measure Solar System geographical distances

Black Hole: Where a supernova’s eruption exceeds several times the mass of this solar system’s Sun/ Helios, the gravitational pull warps into a vortex –a potent black hole capable of engulfing everything around.

Comet: Composed of a nucleus of ice and organic material (dust/ rock) with an average several kilometre radius, orbiting Helios, originating from our solar system’s formation estimated around 4.6 billion years ago, reflecting solar radiation. When it possesses a tail, it often exceeds 10,000 kilometres from the exploding trail emitted of dust/ gas, capable of maintaining itself on its voyage across the cosmos perhaps spanning over 100,000,000 kilometres. According to the IAU definition, “Comets may pass by the Sun only once or go through the Solar System periodically. A comet’s tail is formed when the Sun’s heat warms the coma or nucleus, which releases vapours into space.”

Constellation: One of 88 patterns of stars based on mythology, to which the nocturnal sky is separated by humanity. (See Table in Chartering the Universe).

Coronae: The luminescent ring or halo surrounding astronomical phenomena such as stars (including the Sun), stars and moons, often visible during eclipses.

Dwarf planet is defined as a celestial body that: orbits the sun, has enough mass to assume a nearly round shape, has not cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit and is not a moon. The first five recognized, officially declared dwarf planets are Ceres, Pluto, Eris, Makemake and Haumea

Galaxy: An amalgamation of stars, planets, asteroids, meteors, comets, supernovae, black holes and other space phenomena divided into spiral, elliptical and barred spiral categories, one of multiple galaxies that the entire Universe consists of. Our solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy with over 250,000,000,000 stars (Collins 2007) estimated by astronomers, as a Spiral Arm diameter spanning 100,000 light years

Galactic Cluster: An assembly of several stars within a galaxy e.g. the Pleiades.

Globular Clusters: These consist of anything from 100,000 to a few million stars including the Large Magellanic Cloud 170,000 light years away and the Small Magellanic Cloud over 200,000 light years away.


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Kuiper Belt: The Kuiper Belt extends from about 30 to 55 AU, past Neptune, with multiple comets, planetissimals and ice based celestial formations

Meteors (“Shooting Stars,”): The swift, iron based, debris emerging from an accelerating comet, flaring across the sky from the intensity of planetary atmospheric friction (These are known as Meteors whilst orbiting through space).

Meteorites: Celestial originating debris/ detritus originating from space –i.e. planets, moons, asteroids, meteors and comets that reach Earth’s surface. Chondrites refer to rock-based meteorites, others are achondrites.

Moons: Celestial entities or natural satellites that orbit planets, (which orbit around a star).

Nebula: An interstellar gas cloud (composed of hydrogen and helium) as the source for future potential stars, which germinate from traces within through the celestial equivalent of a nuclear reaction.

Oort Cloud: 5000 to 100,000 astronomical units from the Sun, consisting of myriad ice based orbiting bodies in a colossal spiral formation

Planets: The IAU define a planet as “A celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.” They resemble dwarf planets and their definition above but orbit their local star while dwarf planets tend to orbit in zones of similar objects that can cross their path around the sun, such as the Asteroid and Kuiper Belts. Dwarf planets also are generally smaller than the planet Mercury and an example is Ceres.

Plutoids: are celestial bodies in orbit around the Sun at a semi-major axis greater than that of Neptune that have sufficient mass for their self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that they assume a hydrostatic equilibrium (near-spherical) shape, and that have not cleared the neighbourhood around their orbit. Satellites of plutoids are not plutoids themselves, even if they are massive enough that their shape is dictated by self-gravity. The two known and named plutoids are Pluto and Eris.

Red dwarf: Stars around 3000 degrees Celsius surface temperature –the coolest, with least mass and weakest luminosity or solar radiation emitted.

Small Solar System Body: This is a new IAU definition to encompass all objects orbiting the Sun that are too small (not sufficiently massive) to satisfy the definition of planet or dwarf planet. All objects that orbit the Sun that are too small (not massive enough) for their own gravity to pull them into a nearly spherical shape are now defined as being small Solar System bodies. This class currently includes most of the Solar System asteroids, near-Earth objects (NEOs), Mars and Jupiter Trojan asteroids, most Centaurs, most Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) and comets.

Solar System: A solar system refers to a star and all the objects that travel in orbit around it. Our solar system consists of the Sun, nine planets and satellite moons, dwarf planets; asteroids and comets. Our solar system is located in an outward spiral of the Milky Way galaxy. (NASA website October 2014).

Stars/ Suns: Incandescent balls of gas with a surface temperature ranging from 3000 to over 20,000 degrees Celsius, with variable masses, luminosity, colour, appearance and lifespans, created by nebulae


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Supernovae: One of the rarest of celestial phenomenon. When a star flares into eruption for a brief timespan, the most dazzling of all stars in the aether to devolve into a nebula…

List of Abbreviations:ABE: Bolivian Space Agency


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ABAE: Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (Venezuela)

ACAE: Central American Association for Aeronautics and Space (Costa Rica)

AEB: Brazilian Space Agency

AEM: Agencia Espacial Mexicana/Mexico

ALR: Austrian Space Agency

AMAKA: Azerbaijan National Aerospace Agency

ANGKASA: The Malaysian National Space Agency

ASAL: Agence Spatiale Algérienne/Algeria)

ASI: Agenzia Spaziale Italiana/Italian Space Agency

ASR: Romanian Space Agency.

BISA: Belgian Institute of Space Aeronomy

CCE: Columbian Space Commission

CIDA-E: Centro de Investigación Difusión Aeronáutico-Espacial (Uruguay).

CONIDA: The Peru National Commission for Aerospace Research and Development.

CNES: French Space Agency

CNIE: National Commission for Space Research for Argentina (which changes to CONAE or the National

Space Activities Commission).

CNSA: Chinese National Space Administration

CNT: National Remote Sensing Centre of Tunisia.

CSA: Canadian Space Agency

DRC: Danish National Space Centre

DLR: The German Aerospace Centre

ESA: European Space Agency

FCT-SO: Portuguese Space Office

GIST-DA: Thai Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency

HAS: Croatian Space Agency

HSO: the Hungarian Space Office

HKAY: The National Space Agency of the Ukraine

IAU: International Astronomical Union

IDET: Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing (Greece)

INTA: Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (Spain)

ISRO: Indian Space Research Organisation


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JAXA: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

KARI: (South) Korea Aerospace Research Institute

KCST: The North Korea Committee of Space Technology.

LAPAN: Indonesian Institute of Aeronautics and Space

LSA: The Lithuanian Space Association

NASA: National Aeronautic and Space Administration

NARSS: Egypt National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Science.

NASRDA: The Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency

NRS: Norwegian Space Centre

NRSC: National Remote Sensing Centre of Mongolia.

STIL-BAS: Bulgarian Space Agency

SRI: Kazakhstan Space Research Institute

SRON: The Netherlands Space Research Organisation

SUPARCO: Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (Pakistan)

TUBITAK UZAY: The Turkey Space Technologies Research Institute:

UN: United Nations

USA: United States of America

USS-RA: the Uzbek State Space Research Agency Uzbekistan.

PrologueThere is a time in the existence of those that seek life, purpose and meaning, where we wonder: What is

Life all about? What is really out there? Is there more to life and existence. Or is this it? Is this all I can

expect and demand of being alive? There is a point where we wonder: what else remains? Are we truly

alone? It is questions like this, that partially establish what it means to be more than just a composite


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accumulation of atoms, protons, electrons and neurons… when we stumble towards intuitively knowing:

just what does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be a conscious, sentient being? Questions such

as these help us to become philosophers and individuals –when we seek to possess our own cosmic

identity and purpose –to know what defines us and gives us meaning. Casting our eyes above, helps us to

navigate and position ourselves in the real world and to remember what else is out there… It helps to form

our perception towards the world, other beings of other species, our approach to physical matter and

materialism –and even the celestial through refortifying our belief in the unknown mysteries that exist out

there, the sense of wonder entrancing our souls. When we cast ourselves away from the physical world

and our immediate perception of reality and turn towards the Universe, then that is when we start to

approach this…

There comes a moment – a time, where we say: Enough is Enough! What else remains for humanity to

achieve? What else remains for us to seek? What other challenges are capable of inspiring the potential

best rather than the worst –more inspiring than seeking to avert and vanquish the many disasters that we…

ourselves perpetuated? What more do we have to do; to ensure our survival and our prosperity? What else

is capable of saving the human race and resolving every problem and plight that plagues us? What other

frontiers are there to explore? What is the answer to every ecological catastrophe; each resource depletion;

the evaporation of the human spirit; imagination; will and daring…? What is the solution to the Unknown?

What is the Ultimate Answer to life; the Universe and Everything Else? What is our single utmost failure –

apart from the environment; so far throughout history?... Space! The Universe that awaits us… has so

much for us to discover… as the basis for a new Space Age… It is our species and our generation that has

the technological capacity to conquer the solar system and beyond –if we have the will and determination

to exert that effort…. Humanity may feel that it has enough challenges but if we renounce the pursuit of

warfare; electing to devote diplomacy; resources; our governments; private sector; communities;

individuals; universities; NGO’s and ourselves to space –so many of those challenges will disperse… as

this treatise will conclusively demonstrate…

Humanity is used to achievement… It is used to advancement not stagnation! The saga of our species

appears to consist of a continuation of progress –of strides forth, where we actually are improving our

perceptions, common sense and knowledge –or so we aspire to. We try –despite disturbances, delays,

distractions that hinder us to persevere. Ultimately, even though problems exist, we used to believe that we

had the power, the will and the capacity to improve things. For example; every achievement that we can be

genuinely proud of, the virtual disappearance of slavery, the growth of universities, vaccination, the

eradication of CFC’s and leaded petroleum, the steps towards the 2015 UN Millennium Development Goals

that countries have made, the Nobel Prizes to celebrate the best of us, the establishment of the United


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Nations with its Charter on Human Rights and the International Criminal Court, the preservation of

Antarctica and our galaxies as neutral global research and ecological sanctuaries, shows what we can

accomplish through coordinating our efforts… to show that real universal progress is not inconceivable… It

is not hopeless to expect that whether out of pragmatic self-interest, altruism, the thirst for knowledge,

survival, profitable new markets or power, just curiosity or any of the reasons developed in this treatise and

others, that we as humans could have both the power and the will to create this Age of Space, given

everything that we have accomplished so far…

The pursuance of space… might, just might; have the potential to save us from incurring defeat and

reversing this path of progress that threatens us, with the miasma of problems created by globalisation and

an apathetic humanity, sapped of its spirit. It might send us reeling back from the precipice. For those of us

who have dreamt of progressing, for those who have worked so hard, who have sought to change things, to

master their fates to achieve their destinies and have failed by those who seek to cling onto the status quo;

who have vowed not to surrender this spirit, valiantly trying to retain it; space offers that which we have

been so callously denied by mortal apathy, hostility, ignorance, pessimism; cynicism, contempt and natural

limits on Earth. We will then be able to face the celestial aether and the other planets –and be able weather

their impact, where only the most audacious bear. It has the potential to save those who currently are

trudging through life –see only the drudgery –not its beauty of one day allowing our dreams to be. If nothing

else, it is something to do –something extraordinary that is worth pursuing… and might give us a further

motive to live for… and a warning about the essential fragility of this exposed planet and how blessed we

should feel towards Gaia, who continues to let this happen. As individuals, as society, whoever and

whatever we are –even as outcasts, there are times where we may feel ostracised and that we do not

belong –that no one here in our lives is ever likely to understand us/ aid us where we need it. Yet this

treatise yearns for a Universe in which we can all share, view, value and participate in a Universe of a

Billion Worlds –for this Celestial Vision of a new Spacefaring Destiny alone and the achievements

highlighted so far should be enough to persuade humanity that anything is possible –when we truly


Who of us have ever been enthralled and entranced enough by space exploration –to wish that we as

individuals and collectively, were a part of it –and had progressed far farther than it has? Who of us, seeing

all that we despise and despair in our own worlds and existences, has dreamed of whatever might be out

there, in the spirit of Elpis (Hope), daring to dream that what is out there might be so much more

enchanting? There is no zenith to discourage us –to cause us to relinquish our hopes… In space, the


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boundaries, like our imagination are infinite… Who of us has felt disappointed… even betrayed in that

which never came to pass and the extinction of those hopes that once seemed so promising? When it

comes to space, what is out there? Who knows what lies beyond the horizon? Is it not worth finding out,

now that our Age is the first with not only the dream that aeons of human beings have held, but the

practical capacity to act –and implement them as well? The Universe with its myriad galaxies is the place

where we can test our initiatives –where we could not afford to gamble so impetuously with our planet,

which for aeons and remains the sole permanent home that we know of that sustains all life forms and their

miraculous achievements.

Who of us really feel that they can wait for the leadership of the world to do something? Who of us would

rather help with other dissenters who actually want to earn a place and history and do something with their

lives rather than doing nothing –that do not believe in such? Who of us, wants to make these things happen

–and is willing to act to do so, rather than waiting eternally for others who will never pluck up the courage

and mettle to do so? Who desires to initiate change but finds they are struggling to be taken seriously on

Earth? We can all support those who can, even where we ourselves may feel reluctant or cannot think of

any other way in which we can contribute –other than to bless them with the psyche, resolve, confidence

and will that they will need to prevail. It is possible to contribute and to help towards a new future in a world

that for all too long has categorically sought to renounce the dreams of individuals and achievements of

human beings, who sought and continue to seek ways, to challenge the world and embark upon a

Renaissance and a New Chapter in the saga of our species. Those who wish for things and our problems

to remain as they are because they are not prepared to sacrifice, commit, support and enact, that which

would solve the problems and chaos of our world and period in history, rather than to perpetuate them… do

not deserve or need a part in our lives, if we have an entire Universe, to awaken our innermost spirits,

project our most ardent desires, fulfil our most vividly imagined fantasies and discover more about what can

be possible…

This treatise follows those pioneers by inaugurating the hallowed Quest to convince humanity to revive the

Space Age not just saving the planet and us all. It will cover the ultimate series of questions that motivate

the future of humanity in space: What? Which? Where? How? When? But above all…. it will seek an

answer to that ever-burning question: Why?” Those of leadership –whether in academia or elsewhere, that

our generation has invested with power, cannot help us. They would not –for words aside, they are short

term compromisers and pragmatists, wielded to the past and convention –because they have no stomach

or imagination for anything else… Space, like the decision to ecologically rehabilitate Earth in my former

treatise: How to Save the Planet, is a long term saga –a project that will span the generations –something


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that can unite us, provided the commitment is maintained long term by generations –it needs more than

one government or individual to sustain it –It needs us all… not to be squandered for political expediency.

Never before in the history of humanity have we dared to prioritise space. So far it has been the privilege of

a handful of countries to research and contribute to it…. But it is a privilege and an honour –to share the

vision of expanding our celestial boundaries –of chartering the Universe; to increase our chances of

survival and to progress farther… Consider what has happened to our world in destroying religion,

traditions, belief, hope, imagination, creativity, initiative; curiosity; the spirit of adventure; the pioneering,

colonising, inventive and entrepreneurial spirits… Never before has there been a political campaign or

ascent based on discovering and chartering space… It is seldom covered in the media of the world… They

call it impudence and arrogance to believe in something. But surely it is always better to believe in

something –to have a purpose and force to guide and inspire you, then not to have these things at all? The

vision of space that is being fought for entails being more than just a person whose fealty is to a state, a

religion, a culture and a country. It encompasses being proud to belong to Earth as the foremost of all

potential habitable worlds, whose denizens are even capable of transversing the contours of its surrounding

galaxy. It involves being a part of the Universe. To be that part…. can only occur by us discovering more of

it –as much as lies within our destiny and capacity to do so. As humans, the desire to be cosmologically

significant –and to make our presence involved, can only be fulfilled by striving to observe and explore it…

Our long-term plan is a vision where this is possible. We seek a terraforming initiative for each planet

discovered that can sustain us; where any who wish to settle can be pioneers –establishing research

facilities and colonies in a Pax Galactica, interconnected by a galactic economy, inspired culture and

research nexus.

This treatise desires a Space Age –where it and its benefits are accessible to everyone on our planet.

Where space has the possibility of saving us and enriching our existence, as outlined to a point in this

research, where it has solutions to our problems, we advocate embracing the best it has to offer all life

forms on this planet. Why should the Universe not work to the welfare and benefit of all (provided we

respect and ensure its sustainability)? There are so many potential self-evident advantages to prioritising

space. This treatise’s prime research objective is to illuminate several and to continue the legacy of all

those that dreamed of Utopia, Fantasia or a Galactic Empire –any who has dreamed of anything beyond

Earth –whether fantasy, science fiction, philosophy, religion, natural or pure science…. Particular sources

of inspiration included among many, apart from consulted references include the Discworld of Terry

Pratchett, Fantasia of Michael Ende, Neal Stephenson’s Anathem, the Edgeworld Chronicles and the

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the Dune Saga and Saga of the Seven Suns by


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Frank/ Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson and the dreams of Sir Arthur Clarke –especially 2001 A Space


What can we learn from our predecessors who chartered the Earth and dreamed of the stars?

Never to take things as they are and that is foolish to presume that the world will always remain as it is

We can learn from the space history of our failures, to ensure that they are never repeated. The start to this

research is to reduce the potential disasters that historically have existed to thwart us in space. Issues of

cost, issues of time, resources, publicity, access to knowledge, to volunteers but most of all conscious will

and effort, determined to progress are all essential factors when preparing for the unknown beyond this

planet. So many chances exist, making it practical but also necessary among many of us to venture beyond

the safety of our own spheroid. Can space become truly desirable as a future salvation to human

problems? Also, it is essential to consider all space developments including the private sector, what can

each space agency teach us and how can space inspire us? What are the individual initiatives that each

country is seeking to undertake when it comes to space? How many of them really value it? How many are

taking it seriously enough and what are they doing to enable us to be a part of the Space Age of the


To be able to merge reality with fantasy… that seldomly has been achieved –only envisioned. In doing so,

instead of suppressing the spirits that motivates humanity, in seeking to make them an actual existence, we

will encourage the best of us to devise ever greater ideas. And why not? Space offers the chance for our

brilliance and our greatness, partially as a distraction, partly as a solution to many current problems but

ultimately as a source of inspiration that we achieve something worthy, rather than merely be known for our

failures, our strife, our chaos, vices, flaws and weaknesses… As humans surely, we wish for so much more

than our present reality. Surely, we dream of a better world, a brighter life, a more gleaming –even more

translucent future? Why not be able to witness and take part in the most spectacular of all spectacles: the

natural and celestial environments –or: The Earth and the Universe? Our perspective will not be limited by

time –but will represent an ongoing, eternal and recurring saga –not limited to the constraints of a mere

lifetime –but by its necessity needs to be a pan-generational project that has never before been achieved in

the human race –the ultimate goal. It is the only way to ensure that we as human beings –the species that

we value and need, the relics, the other great parts that we have fabricated and assembled –all have a

chance to outlast the lifespan of the planet we call home –to ensure that we always have a base –no matter

what else, that we will prevail, that we will prosper –and that we will not be lost or go extinct as we have


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done in our arrogance and ignorance to so many other species but that the universe has also participated


The spirit of human ingenuity, inspired by the Muses has found ways around so many other problems… but

space marks the possibilities to deal with others that confront us, that we cannot afford to ignore. Too often

as humans, we seldom think of the consequences of our actions as foolish, even when billions of others are

doing the same… In all disturbing the increasingly frayed, ecological balance of Gaia becoming more and

more fragile, vulnerable to human wrought interference in a formerly perfectly functioning system that

endured for aeons perfectly well without human intervention, threatens not just its survival, health and

prosperity but increasingly our very own. As humans if we want these not to exist… we need to work

towards an epoch where space can be accessed by all… There our mistakes will not plague us. There it

will not matter so much if we dare to dream, to experiment and to gamble… for at least we will have

alternatives… a plurality of inhabitable realms… rather than being selfish to only pursue our short-term

personal interests and profits.

So far however, there is little presented by the political, economic, social, media, cultural, academic and

religious leadership of the world to point out anything that enables us to have a future –politicians and

democracy are short term, the world financial sector lurches from crisis and cycle to cycle, small island

developing states such as Kiribati, the Maldives and Tuvalu are among the most immediate nations to soon

disappear from global climate change and most of all; no one is seriously proposing and enacting how to

reform or dispose of globalisation so that it becomes more palatable to many –and serves the people. What

have we ultimately achieved in space? What have we achieved as the human species? What are we

seeking? What are we trying to achieve? What is that we dream of as individuals and a species? If there

are alternatives, let them be voiced and implemented…. So many agree with the need for the world to

change, for globalisation, economies, governments, research, societies and environments to stabilise, to

survive and to flourish -also that they serve us and our own purpose to existence, rather than remaining

impotent, apathetic, ignorant and lethargic. For isn’t that what we ultimately wish as human beings and as

individuals not to feel alone, powerless and helpless, that we matter and are a part of something that we

can be proud of and have no reason to feel ashamed, tainted or any other aspect… Space exploration

harms no one, ruins no one, provokes no conflict among us and represents our promise –striving for the

best –and not the worst of each and every one of us.


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This treatise on the Age of Space considers it first to physically describe and map the Macrocosmos in

“Chartering the Universe.” It then provides a continuous history and summary of present developments in

space in “The Historical Saga of Space Exploration.” 2001 A Space Odyssey,” reminds us of the

failures of the current space programmes and research to advance as far as Mars, despite the promises –

chartering these failures and disasters of space that can be learned from and surmounted. From Dreams to Reality offers one novel approach to making a space age real –by turning to those –even fictitiously,

have the potential to imagine plausible solutions. There are several reasons to pursue the path of space

that this dissertation proposes. One chronicles: The Value of Space Technology. Another considers that

space has far more to offer it than pursuing conventional warfare which is what most favour in the debate of

“Space Versus Warfare”. Once we manage to access, conquer and transform the infinite frontier worlds

that exist –opening it up to volunteers and exiling criminals, those who do not appreciate or value Earth, the

vice addicted and social dissidents, not only will there be fewer pretexts to precipitate conflict and strife, but

many other perils that plague this world will be considerably reduced or mitigated. Ecologically and

financially, there are a Lack of Alternatives and it may provide the Solution to Ecological Catastrophes and Humanity’s Collective Suicide. There is also the need for a new space-based economy, especially

amid such economic turbulence from globalisation of the international financial system and its subsequent

“Why,” motivate space further as does the potential for new knowledge in “The Spirit of Discovery,”

along with being profitable and sustainable.

These include the Religious/spiritual: The Ultimate Answer –To Life; the Universe and Everything Else”, The Prospects of Encountering Life” –the answer to if we are truly unique or alone in the

Multiverse throughout all history, “The Future of Tourism,” and the fiscal argument: Overcoming the Scarcity of Earth. Ultimately, the most necessary reason for space is that of enhancing our resilience and

prospects of survival in an uncertain Universe and increasingly precarious future, as we continuously

undermine the stability of the one world that we know with categorical certitude is capable of not only

sustaining life –but allowing it to succeed, to prosper and to ultimately advance –to the degree that it is

capable of reaching beyond its own planet; as our venerable and hallowed Matriarch Gaia has so

graciously allowed. It is this that is examined in: “The Vulnerability of the Human Race.” For this and for

many other reasons, it is argued that humanity’s future lies in space…. whether in increased observation

(Observation), space colonisation and settlement (“The Colonisation Imperative” and “Progressing Forth.” or in other initiatives that enable us to Inaugurate an Age of Space. Of course, in chartering

space, it is essential to know also how it is governed or advised to be governed as more planets become

known and reached: “Governance in Space.”


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Chartering the Universe

As humans, we have achieved the chartering of every other frontier on our own planet but not that which

surrounds us. And yet anyone reasonable must have at some point of their lives cast their eyes to the stars

that illuminate the celestial aether and realised that this world represents just a minute micromism of the

entire Universe… As humans we have chartered our own world with an armada of satellites; seeking to

probe and map every inch of territory, every resource; every climate and every species. To a substantial

extent, we have surveyed our own globe; perhaps very few scattered land areas and the depths of the

oceans remaining unchartered. However; there is more to the Universe than Earth alone… Over half of

Mercury’s surface –the closest to the sun, remains unknown… There is only so much our probes have

revealed and yet we have been observing the presence of these planets since Stonehenge! Then other

planets, moon, asteroids and stars are vastly visible only on the surface –the side that faces our

observation sensors. Anything… anyone… may be out there… We have granted so little attention to our

universe until last century. Very seldom is the attention of humanity, outside of specialists even aware of

the rest of the celestial void that surrounds our orbiting oblate spheroid. Such is the marvel of rotational and

other forces; that the motion of Earth on its orbit around the Sun, its gravitational forces that stabilise our

balance and its axial tilt are imperceptible outside of instruments or artificial conditions. We venture forth

into the virtual unknown and yet the Universe has obvious implications to influence us… its physical effects

cannot be underestimated, suppressed, ignored or influenced, let alone controlled, dominated and

exploited, the way we pressurise our own planet, until we charter the universe and know ultimately what is


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out there… of which this treatise chapter seeks but a part, to pinpoint just part of that which we have

discovered so far about our universe…

What enables space phenomena? How many of them do we truly recognise or understand? Even those

that science purports to explain raises innumerable questions. How certain can they possibly be about

anything? What do most of us truly know about space? So, what do we truly know about each planet and

astronomical feature of our own solar system, Milky Way Galaxy and Universe? To begin to appreciate

something, to realise just how miraculous the Universe is, how magical Earth is and how spectacular are

the wonders out there; how brilliant and unexpected the achievements represent! It would benefit those

who desire to conquer space, to make it an individual and common human future, to be familiar with as

many aspects as possible. One has to understand its purpose, how it works, its form and what its future

might be as well as, the consequences should it cease to exist and what its true significance really is –or

even if it exists at all. This section aspires to provide some simple guidelines to know our celestial environs

–so that they become as familiar as our continued inhabitation of the human world becomes to us… -but no

less precious, magical and inspiring… Whatever our religion or belief system; this planet’s existence in

such a chaotic, dynamic and intriguingly complex Multiverse, is miraculous and so is that of all life forms

that have ever lived and survived. Gaia surfaces as a conscious, interdependent web of life with its

interconnected ecosystem, with so many factors and variables. Therefore, as Earth and our solar system

represent true life sources; if we are to value life at all; we should value our environs. This treatise therefore

rejects the hypothesis of mediocrity favoured by a number of so-called “scientists” as the most fallacious

and erroneous absurdity; the most pernicious of gross heresies: Earth and its biology are nothing special in

the Universe… For all the wonders out there; including hundreds of worlds and millions of stars that our

sensors have detected and recorded… nothing has remotely surfaced that is comparable to Earth. Even if

life exists in abundance elsewhere –our achievements and legacy are particularly distinctive. They deserve

to be cherished, especially as it is the only celestial entity, we are aware of, with the capacity and existence

of an ecosystem and significant wonders both naturally formed and those artificially created by humans and

other species.

The list of basic definitions summarised earlier are based on those of the International Astronomical Union

classification system to provide a consistent, internationally acceptable process to categorise astronomical

phaenomena. Table 1 below provides the most elementary physical facts but no human can know except

through the substantially inferior substitutes of volumes; technological instruments and automated space

probes, anything of what the other planets and features of our Universe; other than Earth and the Moon;


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truly are like, until one day the experiments that our imagination and courageous tenacity achieved on

Earth enable us to physically monitor each of the billions of astronomical phaenomena for ourselves –or

even more than beyond Earth and the Moon. One day; our own galaxy could be as familiar as our own

neighbourhood or settlement… if we desire. Perhaps once it is as accessible as Earth’s land surface, its

oceans and its aether, then we can begin to appreciate and prioritise it. Perhaps if humanity were aware of

how we depend on space for the future, we can also value it further enough to conserve. The more we

charter –the more we find out. The more we have faith and can seek solace and value that which the

Elementals and Astraeus have so generously bequeathed to us…; the more we can value and appreciate.

We need to find a means to access and encounter each of these personally as human beings –and to

assess the reactions, insights, behaviour and adaptability etc of other species, if we truly wish to proclaim

ourselves human beings, desiring to evolve, to understand and to master our fates; achieve our dreams

and make something of ourselves and survive…

Table I: Physical Characteristics of Our Solar System.Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

Moons 0 0 1 2 68 62 27 14 1

Rings No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Major AtmosphericConstituents

(O2), (Na), (H2), (He), and (K).

CO2, NO2

NO2, O2CO2, NO2, Argon H2, He H2, He H2, He, CH4

H2, He, CH4



Distance from the Sun (km)

57909227 108209475 149598262 227943824 778340821 14266664222870658186





Radius (km)2,439.7 6,051.8 6,371.00 3,389.5 69,911 58,232 25,362 24,622 2,439.


Volume (km3)










Mass (kg)

















00,000Density (g/cm3) 5.427 5.243 5.513 3.934 1.326 0.687 1.270 1.638

Equatorial Surface Gravity (m/s2)

3.7 8.87 9.80665 3.71 24.79 10.4* 8.87 11.15

Escape Velocity (km/h)

15,300 37,296 40,284 18,108 216,720 129,924 76,968 84,816

Rotation Period (Earth

days)58.646 -243.018 0.9972696

8 1.026 0.41354 0.444 -0.718 0.671

Mean Orbit 170,503 126,074 107,218 86,677 47,002 34,701 24,477 19,566


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Velocity (km/h)

Minimum/ MaximumSurface

Temperature (°C)

Cox 2000.

Helios (otherwise knowns as our Sun), along with the Moon; is the generator of life energy for all species

on Earth. It has no rings and is the largest body, with the greatest mass in our solar system. It is a star - an

incandescent sphere of ionised gas, the most luminescent object in the Solar System with up to 3.9 X 10 26

Joules of energy per second, a core over fifteen million degrees Celsius in temperature, composed of 92.1

percent hydrogen (H2) and 7.8 percent helium (He), created via gravitational forces and over an

astronomically estimated 4.5 billion years old. It consists of an inner core, with radiative, convection and

photosphere zone barriers and a chromosphere (initial atmosphere) level and reflective corona glare of the

outermost area. Its miracles include solar flares, eclipses, the solar wind and surface sunspots

Luna –Our Moon serves a number of vital roles in stabilising Earth, and has been attendant for most of its

history – (perhaps even all) to make it habitable and allow its species to live and flourish including Earth’s

rotation on its axis, creating tides, influencing currents and climate –along with a potential source to help

deflect incoming asteroids and other celestial threats. Yet in itself it has no life signs, no atmosphere and no

magnetic field. Its most significant sea –or dry impact basins with a diameter over 1100 kilometres, is the

Mare Inbrium (Sea of Showers). The underlying rock layers are megaregolith, the powdered residue and

lunar dust of its surface is lunar regolith. Our moon is the only celestial entity that humans have physically

set foot on and been able to experience –a physical source of inspiration and impressive achievement…

but also an overwhelming measure of how far we as humans still need to go… until we can land and

establish permanent bases off Earth. Perhaps, with enough terraforming imagination, will and resources,

life is possible for even the most unlikely of planets. The moon shares the intriguing astronomical

phenomenon of eclipses with the Sun and the regularity of both has helped formed our calendars and

organised time, as well as being understandable sources of worship and inspiration for our species in art,

literature, science, exploration, navigation – even music… as have the other planets, stars and other

formations of the Universe. Our conscious decision to source the names of these features from classical

Olympian polytheism reflects this from sources that 2500 years later still evoke awe.


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We have nine officially recognised planets (including the controversial Pluto) in our Solar System and we

have only settled and really probed Earth, the third one –the obvious birthplace of humanity and all life that

we know of. (NASA website/Rothery 2011) Mercury, (which the Messenger mission and ESA 2015 Bepi-

Columbo Mission seeks to clarify further), the smallest of planets after Pluto, consists of terrain that has

only been partially mapped but shares with Earth the distinction of a partially molten core, magnetic field

and rock-based core surface, though pocked with impact craters. It possesses no rings along with the

distinguishing characteristic of no attendant moons with the most prominent elliptical orbit. It also has an

exosphere manufactured by Helios’s solar wind as a substitute for an atmosphere but no clouds (Wilkinson


Venus, the most gleaming of planets observed; with a three thousand mile iron core, includes the highest

surface temperatures in the Universe at a blistering 464 degrees Celsius and the Magellan mission has

reaffirmed its dominant physical presence of myriad volcanos, lava fields, domes and craters extending

over 6000 kilometres of Venus’s surface. It too has no present moon or rings. It has the marvel of sulphuric

acidic clouds that precipitate atmospheric lightning bursts. If we were ever privileged enough to be there,

we might have to experience the unusual anomaly of a Venus Sunset –from west to east, as retrograde

rotation creates it to spin in reverse on its spherical axis. However, with its high temperatures and

atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, (Rothery 2011) –it provides perhaps the most formidable

emblem of what a planet’s fate might be; if we fail to modify the potential impact of global climate change. If

our leadership do not react to the greatest of twenty first century threats that could exterminate the majority

of life forms and their wonders, our planet might end up like Venus or any other uninhabited rocky world or

gaseous giant which comprises the gigantic number of worlds that we have observed and our instruments

encountered. Venus also proves the miraculous wonders that each planet in our solar system is

astronomically unique in spinning on its axis, reversed from other planets.

The third planet Earth –our homeworld of 7 continents, four oceans and myriad life organisms is the most

familiar as the source of all encountered life and the miraculous existence of an ecosystem, climate,

atmosphere and core capable of not only ensuring it to wondrously exist at all –but also to thrive and

advance. It needs little articulation being the most experienced and extensively probed and chronicled even

beyond our capacity to leave Earth and devise satellites. It is the one planet familiar to the living inhabitants

of the solar system that we know of –the only one our species often takes for granted. Earth orbits in a

sidereal year at 365 days, 6 hours and 9 minutes at an axis inclination of 23.5 degrees. An axis rotation

takes a sidereal day at 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds. Similarly, Mars has the rudiments of oxygen,


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water, an atmosphere with a potential climate; its landscape more susceptible to wind erosion and winds

than Venus, according to existing probe sources. The Mars Rover mission discovered the remnant of a

lakebed at the Gale Crater with similar chemical properties to equivalent places on Earth which germinated

life, therefore indicating that it might have previously possessed it, the only place apart from Earth and the

moons of Jupiter which we have seriously considered this to be possible. It has proven the source of

continuous speculation in its potential as the next objective in our quest to understand the Universe; the

next planet –celestial body that we as humanity are capable of pragmatically reaching and the future base

for exploration and colonisation –to move beyond Earth along with the Moon. Mars’s celestial satellites are

Phobos and Deimos. It too lacks rings but faces the spectacles of Olympus Mons –the loftiest volcano at 24

kilometres high (Mount Everest is only a mere 8,892 metres) and Valles Marineris –one of the major

equatorial canyon systems of the solar system –over 4000 kilometres compared to the 200 kilometre wide

Grand Canyon in Arizona USA, dust storms, polar ice caps and its red hued oxidised, geological

formations, soil and atmosphere.

Jupiter, the first of the gas based worlds and with rings present; is known for being the largest of planets –

with 67 moons orbiting it(the most conspicuous and prominent given their possibility as future bases of

colonisation/ sources of life include Io, Europa, Calisto and Ganymede –the largest of our own Solar

System moons., in our solar system as well as experiencing formidable thunderstorms (especially the

centuries old gargantuan Great Red Spot with wind speeds up to 150 m/s-1); that overpower Earth’s in

comparison. Other moons include the inner moons Metis, Adrastea, Amalthea and Thebe. The outer

moons are Themisto, Leda, Himalia, Lysithea, Elara, Carrpo, Euporie, Thelxinoe, Euanthe, Helike,

Orthosie, Iocaste, Praxidike, Harpalyke, Mneme, Hernippe, Thyone, Ananka, Aitne, Kale, Taygete,

Chaldene, Erinome, Aoede, Kallichore, Kalyke, Carme, Callirhoe, Eurydome, Pasithee, Cyllene, Eukelade,

Pasiphae, Hegemome, Arche, Isonoe, Sinope, Sponde, Autonoe, Kore and Megaclite. Less poetic moons

include S/2003/J3 S/2003J4, S/2003J5, S/2003J9; S/2003J10, S/2000/J11, S/2003J12, S/2003J3,

S/J2003J10, S/2003J11, S/J2003J15, S/2003J16, S/2003J17, S/2003J18, S/2003J19, and S/2003J23

With so many to charter, (even to properly name), who could possibly consider the Universe to be a

completely boring, superfluous investment of our time, talents, energies, resources, will and imagination, for

those of us, disappointed that the Earth’s surface has so been comprehensively chartered and all frontiers/

environments primarily colonised and discovered? It also possesses 3 giant dust rings, far less

conspicuous than Saturn. Saturn, the next of the “gas giants” consists of its famous seven layered water

ice derived, rings, enchanting aurorae and 62 moons from the largest Titan to the innermost Mimas. These

moons include Pan, Daphnis, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Epimetheus, Janus, Mimas, Methone, Pallene,


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Enceladus, Tethys, Telesto, Calypso, Dione, Helene, Polydeuces, Rhea, Titan, Hyperion, Iapetus, Kivuaq,

Phoebe, Paaliq, Skathi, Albiorix, Anthe, Bebhionn, Eriapo, Skoll, Siarnaq, Taqueq, Greip, Hyrokkin,

Jarnsaza, Tarvos, Mundilfari, Belgimir, Narvi, Suttungr, Hati, Farbauti, Thrymr, Aegir, Bestla, Fenrir, Surtur,

Kari, Ymir, Loge and Fornjot,. Others include S/2004S3, S/2004S4, S/2004S6, S2004S7, S2004S12,

S/2004S13, S2004S17, S/2006S1, S/2006/S3 andS2007S3. It includes a 12,700 kilometre Great White

Cloud or Storm Spot (Wilkinson 2009) and the moon Enceladus has confirmed water/ice, spurting in

geysers –another potential from extremophile life forms.

The gas planet Uranus consists of 27 moons and a 98 degree tilted axis that circulates winds south

towards the Equator, distinctive for its magnetic field that ignores the planet’s core, tilted at 59 degrees and

possessing rings, though less significantly prominent than Saturn. Uranus’s moons (primarily classified

using Shakespearean characters) include Cordelia, Ophelia, Bianca, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Portia,

Rosalind, Cupid, Belinda, Perdita, Puck, Mab, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, Francisco, Caliban,

Stephano, Trinculo, Sycorax, Margaret, Prospero, Setebos and Ferdinand. As another gas ring planet

rather than rock centred planet, Neptune contains at least 13 moons and is known for its Great Dark Spot

with the diameter of Earth. Neptune’s moons include Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Proteus,

Triton, Nereid, Halimede, Sao, Laomedeia, Psamathe and Neso. Pluto remains the smallest and furthest of

full planets in the Kuiper Belt realm of space (also home to certain comets) although the IAU since 2006

has demoted its status to dwarf planet. Like Earth, it has one satellite: Charon discovered in 1978 but Nyx

and Hydra were added in 2005. In contrast the dwarf planet Ceres (NASA August 2014) has a mass of

947,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg, a mean radius of 476.2 km, an Orbit Size (semi-major axis)

of 413,690,250 km and a volume of 452,331,448 km3. Ten of the largest asteroids in the solar system

include Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, Hygeia, Interamnia, Davida, Cybele, Europa, Patienta and Euphrosyne. No

asteroid has yet been founded to possess a magnetic field.

globular clusters; red dwarfs; coronae; nebulae; aether; supernovae; comets; meteors; meteorites –physics

and description; zooming to the solar system; asteroid belt; moons; planets; stars; Helios; consider record

planets; eclipses

In our quest to understand the Universe, to maximise its potential benefits and welfare; to increase our

survival prospects and to advance the potential repository of accumulated lore, observations, data and


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hypotheses that we possess; current space programmes and instruments have been centred on the

features illustrated above… However, we will only be able to understand these physical characteristics of

our universe through extensive further research and practical observation –unfiltered through technology

alone. The Gaia mission launched in 2013, specifically realises the imperative need to charter space; to

understand it –its assigned quest is to provide as complete and as accurate portrayal of the Universe it can

provide in its 5 year mission. We need however for this not to be just a once off mission but to constantly be

able to add to our charts of the Macrocosmos beyond our own blinkered terrestrial perspective. The

European Space Agency’s Athena XRay telescope aims to follow her epitome of pure intellect and the spirit

of discovery, through pinpointing other non-fixed astronomical wonders such as black holes, comets, gas

clouds (i.e. Oort/Large and Small Magellanic), wormholes, black holes and supernovae and their potential

consequences. The Solar Orbiter forthcoming mission promises to plot our own star Helios/Sol. Through

knowing the geography of space; we might be able to trace its history and to track down the answers to

certain of the mysteries troubling sentient, conscious species since their dawn: “How, Why and Where Did

Life Itself Originate?” “How did our planet originate?” “How did our Universe Originate?” We also might be

able to use the past and present to track the future –to find homes for our Astronautical Odyssey –to launch

a new Age of Space Colonisation, where those of all species and backgrounds are granted the liberty

denied to our predecessors but within our grasp… For all will be free to shape the lives and the worlds they

choose; whilst simultaneously helping the plight of our beleaguered homeworld of Earth… as they are

currently unable to do so… But first, it remains essential to prioritise chartering our Universe


How well do we know the geography of our own Universe? For example how many humans truly

appreciate or understand our planet –the honour to be a part of the celestial legacy, of Gaia and the

Elementals? For example, how many know that the Boomerang Nebula is the coldest discovered part of

the Universe at -270 degrees Celsius, 5000 light years away? Each living being should always be familiar

with our history –both of the Universe and our exploration of space –along with the features it consists of –

as part of their identity and relationship with the rest of the Universe, as with knowing about their own eco-

literacy, climate, geography and history for their specific planet –especially Earth given its uniqueness as

the birthplace of humanity. It would be foolish not to familiarise ourselves with our cosmic environment and

to continually recollect our celestial origins, to prepare ourselves –or at least to identify and relate to it –

even for those of us who elect to or are compelled to remain forever consigned to Earth. Whether it is

seeing an eclipse, identifying the constellations and individual stars, experiencing a meteor shower or even

perhaps the largest known super star Betelgeuse with a 980 million kilometre diameter, 430 light years


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away from our solar system (Guinness 2001), to be privileged enough to enjoy space, whether from Earth,

its orbit or further beyond, is a privilege and delight that we as humans can work towards and enjoy…

To see the Universe we are dependent upon the limits of our technology –even where it is evolving… for

the moment. But what if we could physically manage to see them and appreciate them for ourselves rather

than dreaming of them –as an idle fantasy or daydream that perhaps we one day may attain –in an ideal

world? To be true intergalactic wanderers…roamers through the cosmos… rather than chafing at the

restrictions that bind so many of us on Earth, until we can liberate ourselves and locate a destiny that we

personally are satisfied with –as among the first of a new series of space faring progenitors. If any ever tire

of Earth – how can we possibly ever be bored of a fluid Universe, where each experience is unique? As

humans, we do not know whether or not, we will be privileged enough to face the wondrous spectacle of

the very Universe itself… and why should we be so uncertain? Why should we be so deprived? Why

confine our physical knowledge of space to what we can see in films and books –or simply through a

telescope? For most of us, we remain even less fortunate, with only the nocturnal sky as the merest glint of

the infinite realms beyond…. For those of us who have appreciated that there so much more for our senses

to perceive, our mind to ponder and our memories to behold than our familiar environs, this can be real.

Those that our sensors have noted include…

Manned human missions currently undertaken include… Those proposed for the future include…

Space as President Kennedy stated: truly remains the final frontier for humanity to discover, to colonise and

to utilise sustainably as the one long term viable future for humanity, apart from resolving our Earth based

environmental catastrophe threatening all life. There are so many treasures and spectacular sensations to

encounter out there including…. In addition, as stated below, not only could we reach these (plus new ones

unknown) we could have the potential to live out there… In the vastness of the Cosmos, only a few semi-

inhabited pods of humanity are able to observe it as billionaire tourists… (as revealed later in the chapter

on space tourism) or as cosmonauts… Existing space stations include Soyuz and the International Space

Station but there is so much more potential –even space hotels. Its vastness awaits… Yet with over 7

billion people who have yet to experience it personally; the chances of currently being able to afford the

privilege of accessing it remains fractionally infinitesimal and insignificant… compared to Stanley Kubrick

whose “2001: A Space Odyssey,” dreamed of it being as prevalent as international commercial flights.


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After all, would you not like to be one of those who could have the chance to join them, for whatever

reason? To know what it was like –perhaps just once… Yes we may value our lives on Earth –but simply

being aware of other –celestial rather than terrestrial horizons may offer so much to so many… if nothing

else, as stated elsewhere, it may assist in gratitude… Until more humans are able to become a part of

space; it will remain an elitist reality –even if throughout our history, it has been something so many of us

have dreamed of –and earnestly hoped that we could one day advance enough to actually accomplish… It

is one thing to gaze at the thousands of stars that our own eyes present to us in the celestial aether but

quite another to dream of reaching them –and then to do so… One day perhaps we will be able to move

past the Moon, Mars and Europa perhaps to Alpha and Proxima Centauri a few light years away and then

eventually towards entire galaxies and their stars, such as for the 88 constellations that honour part of our

great mythological legacy, summarised in the table below.

Table II 88 Earth Constellations

Name Area/Square ˚ Order of Magnitude Name Area/Square ˚ Order of Magnitude

Andromeda 722 19 Lacerta 201 68

Antlia 239 62 Leo 947 12

Apus 206 67 Leo Minor 232 64

Aquarius 980 10 Leptus 290 51

Aquila 652 22 Libra 538 29

Ara 237 63 Lupus 334 46

Aries 441 39 Lynx 545 28

Auriga 657 21 Lyra 286 52

Bootes 907 13 Mensa 153 75

Caelum 125 81 Microscopium 210 66

Cameleopardis 757 18 Monoceros 482 35

Cancer 506 31 Musca 138 77

Canes Venatici 465 38 Norma 165 74

Canis Major 380 43 Octans 291 50

Canis Minor 183 71 Opiuchus 948 11

Capricornus 414 40 Orion 594 26

Carina 494 34 Pavo 378 44

Cassiopeia 598 25 Pegasus 1121 7

Centaurus 1060 9 Perseus 615 24

Cepheus 588 27 Phoenix 469 37

Cetus 1231 4 Pictor 247 59

Chamaeleon 132 79 Pisces 889 14


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Circinus 93 85 Piscis Austrinus 245 60

Columba 270 54 Puppis 673 20

Coma Berenices 386 42 Pyxis 221 65

Corona Australis 128 80 Reticulum 114 82

Corona Borealis 179 73 Sagitta 80 86

Corvus 184 70 Sagittarius 867 15

Crater 282 53 Scorpius 497 33

Crux 68 88 Sculptor 475 36

Cygnus 804 16 Scutum 314 47

Delphinus 189 69 Serpens 637 23

Dorado 179 72 Sextans 314 47

Draco 1083 8 Taurus 797 17

Equuleus 72 87 Telescopium 252 57

Eridanus 1138 6 Triangulum 132 78

Fornax 398 41 Triangulum


110 83

Gemini 514 30 Tucana 295 48

Grus 366 45 Ursa Major 1280 3

Hercules 1225 5 Ursa Minor 256 56

Horologium 249 58 Vela 500 32

Hydra 1303 1 Virgo 1294 2

Hydrus 243 61 Volans 141 76

Indus 294 49 Vulpecula 268 55

Adapted from Collins 2007.

The constellations were named from classical mythology for most. Astraeus (? Section in mythology; fable

and legend);

Maps of the constellations, the moon, surveyed planets plus images of the solar system apart from adding

to our knowledge and ability to perhaps survive; may help us understand whether or not there are such

things as natural laws and whether they do apply universally or not. However, for most of us they will

remain all that we can experience as personal points of contact with the rest of the Universe… until we

manage to achieve a true Astronautical Odyssey. Therefore, we have to invest in observing not just our

own orbit but those of the rest of the Universe; to familiarise ourselves with what is out there, so that it can


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provide a physical beacon with which we could illuminate the long-term Celestial Reawakening of Humanity

and move forward pragmatically, towards a sustainable space-faring future. Most of us will never set foot

off Earth –all we can observe are these images and dream our own celestial fantasies of Paradise, of

Potential, of Prosperity and of Answers… At the moment, why restrict our appreciation and awareness to

the wonders and details of our home state and Earth alone? All we will know and be able to appreciate are

the constellations in the celestial aether, the distant, elusive sight of other planets, our Moon; the impact of

an asteroid or meteorite; or perhaps the brief passing of a solar flare; a comet, an asteroid, meteor… The

more that we are aware of space and its discoveries, the more we can benefit from it –on Earth supporting

the Astronautical Odyssey to pursue for now however; as humans at least, we can appreciate the

frequently recurring following meteors in Table III, observable annually.

Table III: Universe Annual Meteor Events

Meteor Types Peak Night Date+- (1 day)

Viewing Time* Maximum Rate per Hour** Parent Body (Asteroid or Comet)

Quadrantids January 3-4 23:00 to dawn 60-200 (196256) 2003 EH1

Lyrids April 21-22 21:30 to dawn 10-15 Comet C/1861 G1

Eta Aquarids May 5-6 01:30 to dawn 40-85 Comet 1P/Halley

Delta Aquarids July 27-28 21:30 to dawn 15-20 Unknown sungrazing comet

Perseids August 11-12 Dusk to dawn 60-100 Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle

Oronids October 20-21 22:00 to dawn 25 Comet 1P/Halley

Leonids November 17-18 23:30 to dawn 10-15 Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle

Geminids December 13-14 1900 to dawn 60-120 (3200) Phaethon

* For observers in the northern hemisphere.

** Under perfect conditions

The marvels of the Universe that we have never experienced for ourselves with our own experiences are

infinite… Even United States dollar billionaires have not witnessed and encountered the following. As

marvellous as observation probes may be considered to be –they are nothing compared to actually

encountering the actual totality and immensity of the celestial void… the fundamental, inescapable,

splendid reality of the phenomena itself –as in nature… without been filtered by the pages of a book or a

technological generated sensor, image, model or data. What would it be like to experience the Orion

Nebula –the most brilliant of nebulae? What about listening to the acoustic waves of the Perseus galaxies –

the deepest in the Universe that we know of? How about sensing the southern star Achenar –the flattest or

HE0107-5240 (the oldest found so far) in the Milky Way Galaxy (Guinness 2005)? What about reaching the

frigidity of the Boomerang Nebula -272 degrees Celsius and 5000 light years away? And one day will we


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ever reach the spiral Andromeda Galaxy 2.2 million light years away? Even in our own solar system there

are wonders that we have yet to charter, to research or to face as tourists and pioneers… The Jupiter

aurorae –a thousand times more potent than the Aurora Coriolis/Borealis (Guinness 2005), scaling

Olympus Mons on Mars -25 kilometres high or 7 kilometre deep and its 4500 kilometre long Valles

Marineris canyon, the volcanoes of Io, the 40,000 kilometre wide cyclones of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot or

perhaps the remnants of Saturn’s Great White Spot, the Rings of Saturn, fireball comets from the Kuiper

Belt, whose incandescent glare surpasses those of Venus, the coronae of Venus –including the 2100

kilometre diameter Artemis Corona, the 2,400 kilometre per hour winds of Neptune… even if they are

physically difficult to savour, are among the most breathtaking wonders of the Universe

Therefore, there is so much to consider in chartering the Universe –and how it could become our next

greatest adventure in our continuing saga as human beings seeking to be immortalised, to develop and

survive –as with any sentient, worthy life organism of note… Our own probes and recorded observations of

the Universe could be systematically evaluated, dividing our own galaxy to truly annotate and decipher it to

the best of our abilities –so that we may learn and benefit from it – whilst we still can… A joint solution

utilising every space agency to attain information and develop the benefits of space whilst it is still possible.

This aether survey could serve as a prototype for the rest of the Universe over the forthcoming millennia as

we strive to understand our Universe in the quest to advance ourselves; whilst preserving all species rights

to exist as well.

The Beginning: Historical Saga of Space Exploration

The historical saga of space exploration, (though only just under 60 years of orbital space flight)

summarised in this chapter provides a basic outline of our history and achievements of the past and

present that relate to space, as a source of information, inspiration and perhaps possible guidance for

where we have failed to reach and yet to go in the future… It aims to provide a succinct overview to

chronicle notable individuals, discoveries, accomplishments and disasters that remind us of the history of


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space and how it has even further exerted an influence upon our planet. This also emphasises the most

heartfelt evidence that space has continuously been a concern for humanity since we first observed the

stars though only possible since the last few decades to physically implement. For without the past, we

cannot hope to prepare sufficiently for the future.

Seven planets known to the Ancients of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.

125 CE: The Roman Lucian publishes perhaps the first space age science fiction novel of a rocket

journey to the Moon.

The geo-centric versus heliocentric model of the solar system presents a continuous debate, vying

with other interpretations of our immediate cosmic surroundings as truth fought from Hypatia to

Galileo, implications of the Ptolemaic system of the world and the implications of human arrogance.

16th Century CE: The astronomer Tyche Brahe creates one of the earliest known extra-terrestrial

science fiction adventures.

1801: Discovery of Uranus by Giuseppe Piazzi.

1860’s-1900’s’s Works of Jules Verne, HG Wells and others though fictitious provide a basis with

which to inspire the spaceflight and conquest efforts of the forthcoming two centuries.

1930: The discovery of Pluto (named by 11 year old Venetia Burney from Oxford) by Clyde

Tombaugh represents a culmination in the 9 major planets of our galaxy –though it would be

demoted to dwarf planet status in 2006

20th Century, the first planetoid Ceres is found in the Asteroid Belt classified a dwarf planet with

Eris in 2006

1920’s-1940’s, the efforts of Robert Goddard (A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes),

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (The Exploration of Space with Reaction Propelled Devices), Sergei

Korolev and others propose the foundations of theoretical/ practical rocket-based spaceflight,

extended to multiple rocket stages by Herman Oberth.

1944: Nazi Germany Peenemunde V2 space programme creates 3500 miles per hour rockets

reaching an altitude over 60 miles high

1950’s onward, Sir Arthur C Clarke and Konstantin Tchaikovsky among others dreamer of

geosynchronous orbiting satellites and other essential features of the current (21st century CE)

space faring era.

1956: Conception of Chinese space programme.


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October 4 1957: –launch of Sputnik by the USSR (United Supreme Soviet Republic) as the first


1957: The dog Laika – sent by the USSR first living being in orbital space –but is the first being to

die in space

1958: The creation of the US Space Agency NASA (National Aeronautics and Space

Administration) at Cape Canaveral Florida. January 31. Explorer I, the first American satellite joins

Sputnik monitoring the Earth.

January 1959: The Soviet Luna I satellite is the first to enter lunar orbit.

1961: First man in space –Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in Vostok I reaches over 327 kilometres

above the surface of Earth while Gherman Titov experiences the first day and night in space. Alan

Shepherd becomes the first American man in space.

February 20 1962: John Glenn becomes the first American to hover above the Earth

27 August 1962: The US Mariner II is the first probe to explore Venus

16 June 1963: The USSR send the first woman Valentin Tereshkova in space.

18 March 1965: Alexi Leonev spends 20 minutes in the first ‘spacewalk.’

First human to conduct extra-vehicular activity outside a spacecraft (another Soviet achievement)

1960’s NASA’s Mercury/ Gemini programmes further test spacecraft, equipment and conditions.

1966: First rover to land on the lunar surface by the Soviets Luna 9

January 27 1967: Apollo I tragedy –delayed the first proposed US manned space mission.

1968: The US Apollo VIII: with astronauts Frank Borman, James Lowell and William Anders are the

first humans to orbit the moon.

July 20 1969: The first to land on a surface and physically experience a place other than Earth that

we know of in human history –US astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin arrive on the Moon,

with Command Module Pilot Michael Collins remains onboard whilst Neil Armstrong places a US

flag at the Sea of Tranquillity 953,054 miles away from Earth (Augustine N, Austin M, Chyba C et al

October 2009) This remains, not just a symbol for the USA but as a tribute to the pioneering spirit

and determination of aeons of humanity, to be the first mortal species that we know of to have

found a way to escape planet Earth –our homeworld and the planet confining limits of our birth as

we realise what it means to be human and to escape our terrestrial boundaries and limits. This

represents a significant achievement for sentient life from Earth that we can all be proud of.


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1970’s. The first US space station Skylab is initiated. The Apollo-Soyuz joint US-Soviet mission

proved how the desire to progress and advance humanity could be a unifying force even during the

height of the Cold War between 2 major nations with bitterly different political, ideological and

economic differences (The true Pax Galactica!).

1970: China becomes the fifth country to enter space when the Dongfanghong I satellite is


April 17 1970: The Apollo 13 disaster (See Space Failures 2001: The Space Odyssey).

1971: Mariner IX is the first unmanned probe to reach Mars. The Soviets establish the first space

station: Salyut.

1972: The last time a human being landed on the moon’s surface (total of 12) –another Apollo

lunar mission.

1973: Pioneer 10 marks the first space vessel to survey Jupiter.

1974: Viking –NASA automated probes land to investigate Mars preceded by the Soviets.

August 1977: The first probe scheduled to leave the galaxy, Voyager 1 is launched by NASA

(expected to leave the solar system at least 30 years later). In September, Voyager 2 is launched

with a record of humanity with the aim of seeking any potential life that may exist in the Universe,

reaching 15. 3 kilometres from Helios by September 2013.

1980’s CE. The Soviets construct MIR –the first orbiting space station and experimental/ habited

facility outside our planet Earth for the human race.

April 1981: the first Space Shuttle Columbia (NASA) exits the atmosphere and enters planetary


June 1983: The Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova has the distinction of being the first

woman in space.

January 28 1986: Space Challenger Disaster (See Space Failures 2001: The Space Odyssey)

1986: ESA Giotto mission to record the passage of Halley’s Comet followed by JAXA’s Sukigake

and Suisei probes.

May 4 1989: The Magellan mission evaluated Venus, its topography, gravity field and other

dimensions by entering its orbit.

1989. The completion of Voyager I mission to survey Neptune after 12 years.

August 8 1993: Dactyl – the first moon of an asteroid (Ida) is encountered on the Galileo mission.


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1997: Mars Pathfinder (The first in a set of programmed spacecrafts to probe and charter the

mysteries of Mars).

1998: The Galileo mission identifies oceans below Jupiter’s surface, considering possible life.

1999-January 2006. A probe is sent to decipher the enigmas of stardust.

2000: The International Space Station was constructed as a joint partnership between fifteen

nations in the interests of mutually beneficial cooperation and desire to benefit and discover space,

its $150 billion too expensive and dimensions too complex for any single nation alone to be able to

construct, undertake, supply and operate alone…

August 8 2001. The Genesis project to investigate Helios is launched.

2003: Discovery of dwarf planet Eris and its moon Dysnomia via a Palomar Observatory telescopic

solar system overview survey by Michael Brown.

February 1 2003 –The Columbia Space Disaster.

October 15 2003. The Chinese Space Agency launch their first manned spaceflight Shenzhou V

August 3 2004 –March 2011: Messenger Mission –enabled to observe Mercury and Venus

before eventually reaching Mercury’s orbit for examination. It discovered that despite being the

closest/ most exposed to the sun –it was possible for the miracle of ice to be present there…

2005: Deep Impact Mission –to understand the structure, formation and value of an asteroid

March 2005: Michael Brown is among the first to be involved in the discovery of more than one

planet with Makemake (named after the Pacific Rapanui Island fertility deity) and Haumea (March

2003 –named after the Hawaiian goddess of childbirth and fertility.

2006. NASA New Horizon’s project to examine Pluto is initiated aiming to reach it by 2015.

2006: The International Astronomical Union decides to recategorise the largest asteroid that we

know of as a dwarf planet –known as Ceres.

September 27 2007: Project Dawn is established to evaluate the newly classified dwarf planet

Ceres and its neighbouring asteroid Vesta.

May 14 2009: The Herschel Telescope is inaugurated with the specific aim of seeking to

understand the origins of the Universe and the stars…

Japanese Space Agency JAXA’s Hayabusa mission returns with the first physical sample

specimens obtained by an asteroid.

2011: NASA retires the space shuttles after approximately 30 years of faithful service with no

replacements, another significant failure of humanity.


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May 2012: Space X becomes the first nongovernmental/commercial sector company to create a

spacecraft capable of transferring supplies between Earth and the International Space Station

February 12 2013; China launches its first moon probe surface landing with the Chang-e 3.

2013: Gaia mission –The aim of the European Space Agency remains to chart the entire Universe

February 26 2014: The Kepler Mission discovers 715 new planets around 305 stars

February 2014. The Cassini Mission reaches Titan chartering it through the onboard infrared

spectrometer, assessing gravity in March, Magnetospheric interaction in April, surface composition

and the albedo effect in May, the ionosphere and atmosphere in June.

August 2014: The private sector Space X shuttle replenishes the International Space Station using

its Falcon 9 rockets on a routine assignment, adding a Rapid-Scat instrument capable of probing

and recording marine wind, hurricane and storm cell systems

September 2014. Space X convey a Cloud Aerosol laser instruments to assess atmospheric

particles including those in clouds and pollutants.

24 September 2014, India design a space probe MOM that reaches the atmosphere of Mars at an

apparent tenth of the cost of comparable NASA and ESA missions.

November 2014: SMAP mission –a low orbital flight targeting the evaluation of terrestrial soil


2014: Hayabusa II mission by JAXA to probe Asteroid 1999JU3 for sub-crater geological samples

The foundation and history of space societies and research/exploration embassies

The following dates make the official foundation of specialised space agencies for those countries astute

and pragmatic enough (other than the USA, USSR, China and the ESA) to consider an official space policy,

programme and resources, to realise that the pursuit of space research is essential –and that there is

certainly more to the Universe and the future survival, welfare and knowledge of humanity than just centring

ourselves on Earth alone… These space agencies primarily concentrate on satellites –operations/launches

and extra-terrestrial probes with only a few part of the International/ other Space Stations, while fewer still

have lunar or planetary reaching and exploratory capacity or space tourism. They also focus on educating

the public on space, liaising and coordinating efforts internationally to advance humanity in space, although

far less than the degree of mobilisation that is effectively necessary for a true Age of Space Exploration,

which empirically can be ascertained by our pathetic progress in space –in humanity not even having

reached and set foot on Mars and not returning to the Moon in over 30 years…


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1942: Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA –Spain) is founded.

1955: IDET: The Greek Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing is formed.

1 October 1958: NASA –the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration is established

1961: CNES –The French Space Agency is founded as is CNIE or National Commission for Space

Research for Argentina (which changes to CONAE or the National Space Activities Commission 28

May 1991).

16 September 1961 SUPARCO or Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission

is founded.

25 November 1964. BISA –The Belgian Institute of Space Aeronomy is created.

27 November 1964. LAPAN or the Indonesian Institute of Aeronautics and Space is formed.

1 January 1968: DRC or the Danish National Space Centre is created.

1969: DLR –The German Aerospace Centre is formed.

15 August 1969: ISRO –the Indian Space Research Organisation is initiated

12 July 1972: ALR (Austrian Space Agency) is founded.

21 February 1974: AMAKA is founded (Azerbaijan National Aerospace Agency.)

11 June 1974: CONIDA is started –the Peru National Commission for Aerospace Research and


5 August 1975: Foundation of CIDA-E/Centro de Investigación y Difusión Aeronáutico-Espacial


31 May 1975. The ESA (European Space Agency) is established.

1979: The first launch of the Ariane satellite series –between French agency CINES and the ESA/

the first from the new base at Kourou, French Guiana.

1980’s KCST is started –the North Korea Committee of Space Technology.

1983: SRON –The Netherlands Space Research Organisation is established.

April 1983: The Israeli Space Agency is formed.

1985 TUBITAK UZAY is created –The TUBITAK Space Technologies Research Institute is formed

in Turkey.

1987: STIL-BAS (Bulgarian Space Agency) is formed as is the NRSC or National Remote Sensing

Centre of Mongolia. The NRS or Norwegian Space Centre is formed

1988: The creation of ASI –Italian Space Agency Agenzia Spaziale Italiana and CNT or the

National Remote Sensing Centre of Tunisia.

1 March 1989: The creation of CSA (Canadian Space Agency).

10 October 1989: KARI the (South) Korea Aerospace Research Institute is initiated.


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1991: SRI –The Kazakhstan Space Research Institute is founded as is ASR or Romanian Space


January 1992: HSO The Hungarian Space Office is started.

2 March 1992 HKAY: The National Space Agency of the Ukraine is established.

22 March 1993: The initiation of CNSA –Chinese National Space Administration

1994: NARSS –Egypt develops a National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Science.

10 February 1994. AEB: the Brazilian Space Agency is formed.

1998, NASRDA: The Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency is created.

2001: USS-RA or the Uzbek State Space Research Agency is established for Uzbekistan.

2002: ANGKASA –The Malaysian National Space Agency is founded.

16 January 2002: The foundation of ASAL (Agence Spatiale Algérienne/ Algeria). In October HAS

or the Croatian Space Agency is created.

3 November 2002. GIST-DA (Thai Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency)

is established.

2003: The Iranian Space Agency is launched

1 October 2003: JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) is created.

18 July 2006: CCE –Columbian Space Commission is launched.

2007: LSA –The Lithuanian Space Association is established.

1 January 2008. ABAE –Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (Venezuela) is formed.

2009: The FCT-SO –Portuguese Space Office is created.

2010: The founding of Belarus Space Agency, ACAE or Central American Association for

Aeronautics and Space (Costa Rica), 30 July - AEM (Agencia Espacial Mexicana/Mexico)

2010/2011: The United Kingdom Space Agency is initiated after the British government realise the

potential of a sector contributing 9.1 billion pounds to its economy (UK Space Agency August

2013). 2012: ABE –The Bolivian Space Agency is formed.

The African Union, the Arab League, the Philippines and Sri Lanka are considering establishing their own

regional/local specialised space agencies to join the list above. As human beings our future has to resonate

in space –for what other option is there?

Timeline of famous space missions


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APOLLO: 1967: Apollo IV: The first successful Saturn V rocket launch after the Apollo I explosion at Cape


April IV 1968: Apollo VI managed lift off from its base but faced stalled engines for the first 2 stages

before orbit and the last engine froze in orbit.

October 11 1968: Apollo VII successfully proved that spaceflight could be sustained for 10.8 days,

and that humans could survive in space at least that long and technology would function beyond


December 21 1968: Apollo VIII not only further developed the plausibility of pursuing space

voyages through reaching and circumnavigating the Moon for 6 days but in testing the command

service module, instruments and equipment necessary

March 3 1969: Apollo IX ensured that the Lunar Module was thoroughly tested along with crew

rescue and other training procedures; that extra-vehicular activity and other equipment functioned

for the forthcoming planned lunar mission.

May 18 1969: Apollo X was a thorough preparation for landing on the moon in Apollo XI including

the first recorded live television transmission relay broadcast between the Earth and space.

July 16th 1969. The launch of Apollo XI – the first lunar landing.

November 14 1969: Apollo XII. The second victorious lunar landing (this used a Saturn V AS 507

rocket) reaching the Ocean of Storms on the Moon, continued to ascertain that humanity’s pursuit

of space is not just a fabled dream but can become a sustainable reality, collecting lunar samples

and conducting physical research and ascertaining the fate of the Surveyor III unmanned

spacecraft which crashed April 20 1967.

January 31 –February 9th 1971: Apollo XIV mission as the third actual lunar landing sought to

charter the Moon’s Fra Mauro region and further develop our understanding of the moon through

research samples.

July 26th 1971: Apollo XV sought to penetrate the lunar orbit and Hadley-Apenine region of the

Moon, spending an impressive 66 hours and 55 minutes on the surface and 145 hours in lunar


April 16th 1972: Apollo XVI: chartered the Descartes region of the moon and experimented with the

effects of weaker lunar and zero space gravity.

December 7th 1972: Apollo XVII lunar mission continued our task of further understanding our

planet’s partner satellite for the Taurus Litrow region through geological surveying, scientific


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experiments and photography, as we have yet to do for any other space entity. After all this

systematic evaluation is essential to replicate elsewhere; for how can we possibly begin to consider

anything other than our own planet, by relying on mere hypotheses and instruments or

observations alone, until we have physically reached it, experimented, probed and evaluated it for


THE PIONEER SERIES (Autonomous space probing vessel missions): 17 August 1958: Pioneer 0 as the first effort to reach beyond Earth –failed to take off

11 October 1958: Pioneer 1 –reached certain distance

8 November 1958: Pioneer 2 experienced an ignition failure in the stratosphere

6 December 1958: Pioneer 3: concentrated on radiation effects

3 March 1959: Pioneer 4: reached within 60,000 kilometres of the Moon target.

11 March 1960: Pioneer 5 continued to investigate the properties of Helios.

16 December 1965 -9 November 1968. Pioneer 6 added accurate measurements of solar intensity,

the magnetic field of the Sun and the solar wind continued by Pioneers 7-9

1973: Pioneer 10 (See above –the first human object we know of to depart our Solar System.

1974: Pioneer 11 was activated reaching Jupiter by December and Saturn for observation by

January 1979.

20 May 1978: Pioneer 12 was started to monitor Venus

9 December 1978: Pioneer 13 ignited in Venus’s atmosphere after launching probes.

The Future of Space (Forthcoming Space Missions and Objectives)

2016: The Square Kilometre Array Telescope in South Africa’s first phase is estimated to be


2016: Exo-Mars Mission is estimated to be launched as an ESA/ ROSCOSMOS initiative to send

unmanned probes/ landers including Italian Space Agency (ASI) manufactured DREAMS,

automated meteorological recording station to evaluate Mars’ climate, dust, atmospheric electric

field, solar radiation, pressure, wind, storms, moisture, humidity, temperature etc… plus an

Analytical Laboratory to scrutinize Mars’ geology.

2018: The proposed launch and operation of the infrared James Webb Space Telescope to orbit

1.5 million kilometres away from Earth, design to trace and seek greater perception towards the

original galaxies of the Universe, the origins of the Universe and life itself.


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2022: JUICE mission to return an automated probe to resurvey Jupiter and its moons, especially

concentrating on tracing potential lifeforms on Europa, Ganymede and Calisto.

The question remains: Where can we learn to become a part of the quintessential quest…. –to accelerate

humanity across the galaxy; to colonise and benefit from space, to even become involved in space? How

can we choose to have a space economy, culture and future… how can we possibly learn about space –

(and from it), if our leadership continue to fail us, if they, media, society, academics; educators,

corporations and individuals continue to dismiss it, ignore it and marginalise it? We value other parts of our

history –whether as accomplishments or warnings, as things inherently worth remembering and worth

teaching? Why should this not be among those things added to the curriculums we teach as well,

immortalised in not just our media but also in our cultures, museums, archives and memories? Why should

we not get to experience it as part of being human? After all, we are trying so much –Why should we

exclude ourselves from space as well? These timelines of attainments in space exploration may only

provide the rudiments of our historical journey to conquer space but it is a history that needs to be

chartered and considered as much as any other legacy or record of human achievement –to learn, to

inspire, to utilise and to cherish –as part of our identity. We will remain stunted –emotionally, physically,

mentally, spiritually and psychologically –until we open ourselves, our senses, our experiences and our

resources far beyond the celestial frontier –of reaching Earth, the Moon and the International Space



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Universal Failures of the Human Species 2001: The Space Odyssey?

“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and to do the other things not because they are easy… but because they are so hard… because that goal will serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills because that challenge is one which we are willing to accept, one which we are not willing to postpone, and one which we intend to win, among others…”President John F Kennedy.

Observe the opening of 2001 A Space Odyssey to Straus’s Blue Danube waltz… where they demonstrate

the dreams that launched the space race and how far we could have progressed by now… This Stanley

Kubrick film was one of the inspirations of this treatise –whose aim is to try and arouse both awareness of

what we have failed to achieve and knowing what we need to achieve! It desires to advance the cause of

space through considering reasons why space is necessary as the next step forward…With this, surely we

as humanity realise this we have a long way to go… before we reach our potential… having not achieved a

fraction of what we could have in the last forty years… 37 years since Apollo missions ended and a person

was last privileged to make surface contact with our Moon. We have yet to set foot on Mars or an asteroid

in person… while the rest of the Universe remains. Therefore, we have failed to achieve the Age of Space

envisioned by humans, dreaming of it since they first wondered if they would ever reach the stars, escape

Earth or if they were truly alone and unique in the Universe… And yet as the achievements detailed in this

chapter and throughout demonstrate; we have the potential to make this destiny a physical reality –the

knowledge, the resources and the capacity –so why not surrender to the imagination –or at least provide

the chance to progress somewhere and give the choice to so many humans. If things remain as they are

than we will continue to face one of the greatest universal failures of the human species –granted the

chance to advance so much farther than the physical limits of our planet –perhaps even our galaxy and

beyond –and yet utterly content for us to remain only living on Earth, our knowledge and insight confined to

Earth and our dreams limited to technology and the pages of our books rather than shifting into an actual

reality… The question is do we wish for this humiliating failure –the one area apart from our devastating

environmental record where we as human beings have so blatantly fallen short of what was intended,

dreamed –and even promised by not only those of fiction but scientists, businessmen and politicians

decades ago, to continue or do we actually want it to never blighten the strides in progress that we have in

fact made?


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By what strides can we measure our progress? For if we were to measure it by that which we were

promised –in the ethos of 2001, we could have achieved decades ago… (if war/ strife and other petty

distractions had not strangled us –perhaps even centuries ago) or by any objective standard which

dreamed of humans at least landing on Mars –let alone establishing permanent bases on the Moon, Mars

and habitable moons of Jupiter -40 onward. Although we might have achieved a number of parameters and

objectives, in the areas of planetary colonisation, exploration, a space economy, intergalactic travel,

enhancing the probability of survival and in the search for extra-terrestrial life –and intelligence… we have

so far to go… Experience cannot matter if we never really progress that far as those who wish to argue in

favour of retaining our global and individual space programmes.

Reviewing the space programmes, policies and missions existing, to some extent progress is made.

However, it is short term, profit based and scattered, with no real attempts to specialise, to coordinate

vision to develop a space economy and colonisation programme or any human destiny beyond our own

planet. Any of the speeches, media releases, reports and strategic plans all purport to be advancing the

cause of space but nothing is actually achieved. For example President Kennedy promised the USA would

put a man on the moon by the end of the decade, in 1961. We managed this feat in 1969. President

George W Bush in a November 2004 NASA Vision of Space Exploration promised the same for Mars –

over a decade later we are still waiting). Many other agencies pledge the same. Few of the benefits that we

have gained already are publicised, disseminated and utilised sufficiently by humanity. But this is where

allocating more funding, prioritising it –and offering it the psychological support as the way which so many

of us as humans can personally contribute to ensure that it actually happens… After all, we remain more

than just inhabitants of the Earth, we are also inhabitants of the Universe… However, we have failed to

advance to the extent that we as humans dreamed of… And yet it is in our technological and physical

capacity to do so. So, why have we yet to advance and counter such apathy? What has each space

agency achieved so far other than in the sphere of satellites? When the USA cancels the Space Shuttle

without considering a superior replacement, it appears that we are regressing… When the last lunar

landing was over thirty years ago and we have yet to move to Mars… we are stagnating. When we are still

utilising rocket-based propulsion technology. have not devised replacement fuel cells or decided to

consider the dreams and support all of those of potential insight –even if they happen to be fantasy or

science fiction based, we are failing to excel and advance….

Where have we failed in space?


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January 27 1967 marked the Apollo I tragedy on Earth’s surface when a fire incinerated the spacecraft

interior, destroying astronauts Virgil Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee. April 17 th 1970 marked the

nefarious Apollo XIII mission disaster, when the Number 2 oxygen tank (which had previously worked

during the Apollo X mission), was economised and recycled. 55 hours and 53 minutes into the mission, the

tank breached and exploded into flames. This built pressure onto the first oxygen tank -200 pounds per

square inch causing the loss of vessel oxygen. Commander James Lovell, Lunar Module Pilot Frank Haise

and Command Module Pilot John Swigert abandoned the vessel and emergency evacuated to the Lunar

Module. The crew had to ration water and faced high exposure to carbon dioxide emissions as the lithium

hydroxide canister removal system was not meant for three people - only for 2 people for half as many

days. This demonstrated the inherent risk and uncertainty in space –how things could so swiftly potentially

go wrong and how it was essential to invest in equipment, redundancy and train for emergencies –never to

take space for granted!

24 April 1967, Vladimir Kormarov was the first human to die in space in a Soyuz I failed parachute tragedy.

Gus Grissom, Roger Chaffee and Edward White perished in Apollo I. Three more cosmonauts died after

returning from Salyut station on Soyuz XI June 1971. January 28 1986 marks the date of the infamous

Space Challenger Disaster and the 7 cosmonauts who perished with them. Leaving its base, the rocket

launch exploded 37 seconds after. Like the Titanic in 1912 which made lifeboats sufficient for all

passengers, mandatory lifeboat drills and permanent radio, the Challenger provided further chances (if

costly) to improve the safety and design of spacecraft and to improve space operations/ inspection

procedures of vessels. February 1 2003 –The Columbia Space Disaster caused the first orbiting space

shuttle in history to perish, (22 years old) with seven deaths according to the Congress Report, identified

the need for an official government policy towards pursuing space –and in preparing for humans to become

a part of it rather than just instruments such as satellites, robots, scanners, telescopes and probes.

In an age which values rewarding colossal failures via moral hazard of rewarding those corporations that

caused the global financial system and the lives of so many human beings to collapse; our dreams are

increasingly likely to be sacrificed. We could potentially be fulfilling rather than forfeiting so many fantasies,

dreams and desires to inhabit and explore space –even if ultimately space colonisation can provide the

necessary alternative and one of the few viable solutions to global climate change. Governments and other

funding sources continue to economise, sacrificing a long-term future of resources and species for short

term illiquidity or from exchange rate fluctuations, even where space has potential. This short-sightedness

characterises the US government cancellation of the Constellation programme (for technical/ fiscal


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problems) which sought the return to the Moon and beyond with the Altair lunar lander, the Ares I/V

launcher vehicles and Orion capsule.

The multitude and magnitude of our disasters in space should not discourage us. How many shipwrecks

did it take to establish the modern world? How many battles and conflicts, how much did we sacrifice to

create everything? How many failures and struggles, were we prepared to face as humans to see things

achieved? We were prepared to endure so much before we infiltrated every habitable environment of the

world, before we explored it and before we reached where we are at the present. Despite all hesitation,

doubt, toil, pain and costs –our ancestors prevailed. Without their persistence, we would not be here and

have the blessings that we do have? So why should we fear defeat in space? Given all that we have

managed, why objectively with sufficient emphasis should we fail in this –given that in almost everything

that we have ever truly considered to be important and worth prioritising, we have as individuals and

collectively, managed to realise? Space is no different –except for the grandeur in scope and challenge…

To explore and conquer space it merely needs the support of as many human beings as possible, to

embrace it as the future salvation that it could be….

We are making notional progress within the areas that could make space a feasible long-term solution to

many of Earth’s, humanity’s and other species;’ most imperative problems –especially, survival, long term

colonisation of space and diffusion globally of the myriad benefits of space research. Too much emphasis

is placed on satellites and terrestrial observation by the world’s leading space agencies and space

programs. While it looks as if we are achieving –compared to the promises of science fiction, politicians,

business leaders and scientists, decades ago, we are far from living up to that which we should have

managed in the last 50 or more years… Consider the problem of space debris as another potential

sequence of disasters. In 2009, the Russian Cosmos satellite rammed with NASA’s Iridium… Given the

significant detritus and tour increasing dependence on satellites, the potential for even greater chaos is

evident and we have been extremely fortunate so far that the collision/damage rate has been so low. At

least the DLR space agency) and the Swiss Space Centre are working on resolving the problem (the Swiss

are developing a debris analysis tool to mitigate the effects and means to safely remove decommissioned/

obsolescent satellites) and a space vessel flight, sophisticated debris tracking camera.

Those involved in our history of space have something in common with those in every other spectrum of

history, whose memory we recall, whose achievements we praise, value and honour… They share a

willingness to persevere –a desire not to quit but to do whatever it took to prevail or succeed. They were


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willing to do, whatever it took to make an Age of Space possible… The question to demand of the

present… the question to ask of the future. is: Are we? Can we put up with adversity? Do the benefits

exceed the cost? Are we prepared to gamble? Or would we rather let others decide for us, live for us and

control our potential free will, imagination and passion? The choice –although it may not often seem it, is

ours –and we alone can determine whether or not we wish for it to succeed… Even though we might be

failing in our endeavours – in our vocations, professions, desires and relentless toil… on Earth… we may -

just may be able to escape those that would dog us down and sap the very life force that animates and

sustains us, defining a wondrous lustre to enrich our lives… Aspire to the loftiest heights of space –we may

not succeed –but at least we will have tried… in the footsteps of others, who may have failed in space –but

their legacy and memory remains as a presence to guide those audacious enough to try in the future…. If

we could see a way out, who of us would not dream to dare and take it? Whom of us, after what we have

personally endured and faced, might not be tempted by this? All it takes is but enough of us –to serve as

rallying points to inspire others – and in time… spontaneous legions could form to conduct this epic quest

to pursue space. Failures aside, at least we will have something that those who oppose us lack… a

pragmatic long-term solution to the problems we face –a realistic means of achieving the dreams and

establishing the destinies that we set out to achieve… Even better, it is one that we can pragmatically attain

–without excessive dependence upon others… in which we can convince others, as well as ourselves –it is

the path to take and the way of survival… (especially given the lack of alternatives…)

In space, no one can chastise us for our individual and collective flaws, follies, weaknesses and failures –

because a mission that has stalled for over forty years does not exactly point to a legacy of success and

glory… Who has ever really succeeded in space –especially permanently? In 1969 Neil Armstrong, a US

astronaut from NASA planted a US flag on the Moon to commemorate the pivotal first manned lunar

mission and successful landing with the deservedly immortal words. “That is one small step for man –one giant leap for mankind.” We are still awaiting the follow up manned mission promised to the surface

of Mars 45 years later. Others cannot point to us as having failed, when our predecessors and their

successors in government, in academia, in the private sector and everywhere, have failed to deliver a

Space Age and create the reality that was pledged to us aeons ago, that they and we dreamed of. They

have failed to live up to their promises –and we say that, it is our turn and our time to create a Space Age

and destiny…. It is time for leadership to face the reality that where it most matters –in this potential

Cosmological Era where true progress in colonising the Macrocosmos of human ignorance has failed and

in failing to rectify the hazards of this Age of anti-Globalisation, of Strife, Global Warming and other perils

endangering the human species and the fate of our globe. It is time for them to awaken, to take


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cogniscence of their failures and undertake the radical changes proposed, needed and desired –both here

and from those who protest –such as the voices of a global humanity… or allow us to provide the answers

and be directly empowered… It is our turn to be a part of this brave new world and Age if we truly want to

be and who are government, who are our critics to deny that it can be done –when it can and so patently

must be done?

What is it about space that we as humans, should fail to embrace it as our destiny? What is it about the

chance to charter the unknown Universe, that we fear so? The pinnacles that we have failed to scale are

not unreachable. Space exploration should not be dissuaded by our many failures, weaknesses and

catastrophes –as humans sought to give up on airships –after the Hindenburg in 1937 –only 38 people

perished. How many die from technology related deaths? There are risks in everything. Simply living on this

fragile spheroid hurtling through space as asteroids, meteors, comets and debris in turn zap past every

single moment. Besides how many were lost in the earliest days of aviation and millennia of ocean

voyages? Even today, survival is not definite. There are risks in every gamble. As long as people seek to

go of their own free will – with no coercion they should be free enough to embark – to choose to determine

their fate. The greatest risk after all is waiting on just one planet –essentially stalling and not prepared to do

anything. Films such as the Europa Report and 2001: A Space Odyssey remain fictitious – only dreams

after 50 years. The question that each of us should be pointedly asking is; “Are we actually getting

somewhere?” Are we finally progressing?” If not, why not? What could each of us do individually and

collectively to overcome our most phenomenal failure? How many more achievements, how many more

discoveries, how much more resources and technology need to be devoted, how much research, education

and publicity is needed to awaken our slumbering, stultified stance towards space?

What have been the recorded disasters in space so far and what could they potentially mean for us as

lessons to learn from? The fact that despite the lurid sensationalism of films such as ‘Apollo XIII’, there

have not been so many fatal incidents that in hindsight, greater resources, technological advances and

attention could not have resolved. The disasters in space though, do show how precarious it is –that we

cannot take it for granted. But our own past terrestrial lives often independently confirm how fragile and

precarious life truly is. We need to experiment and any who wish to volunteer, who can contribute in some

meaningful way, ought to be able to do so, not constrain themselves by the failures of others to strive to

reach beyond our own narrow Earth-centred and blinkered perspective. If we truly wish to measure the

extent of our potential inadequacy of accomplishment, all we have to do is ask human society and

individuals, their dreams and aspirations –that have yet to be enacted a reality. All we have to query is their


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vision of space – and what they hoped it might mean – compared to what actually is. We have to question

the extent of their ignorance of space exploration and how it has and can personally benefit them, their

families, their vocations, their community, their businesses, their home, their environment and their world…

If we were serious about enabling this Space Age to happen, we would be ensuring that there are only the

most essential obstacles and precautions that need to be undertaken in order to capitalise on the Age of

Space. Bureaucracy need to be minimised and processes expedited so that any entrepreneur, corporation,

individual, organisation, university, society, NGO or government agency that seeks to research, invest,

investigate, develop and in any other way work towards the attainment of a space economy, space tourism,

space research, discovery and colonisation. To enhance the benefits of space –they should receive

preferential treatment, prioritised attention and specialised legislation, enforcement capacity, taxation

concessions and other instruments that governments possess to enable them to reduce the probability of

their failures and enable their successes. How serious can we be about working towards a future in space

for humanity, if we have yet to do this, divert most military expenditure towards space research and to

mobilise humanity? After all, official dedicated space agencies and government research facilities alone

cannot undertake this initiative. The future of space proposed by this treatise is one where all those that

desire it, need it and deserve the pursuit of space, its benefits and to be able to reach/contribute towards it

will be able to be a part of this. For that is why we as humans have achieved this universal failure in space

–by refusing to use the full arsenal that we have at our disposal – wasting the human potential that we do


If we were serious about this, we would broadcast openly to the citizens of the world about the greatest

failure of the human species so far –the wasted potential that they had –of not even achieving the results

dreamed of in Arthur Clarkes’ 2001 a Space Odyssey. This motivates the basis for this chapter and one of

the prime reasons why this dissertation was conceived and composed. We would use this to shame the

leadership of the world that the answer to many of their problems, concerns, constraints and challenges –

space; is staring them in the face but none of them have the vision, the imagination or the perception to

work out something which is to the ultimate benefit of the majority of the human species… They have to

respond to shame; the fear of insecurity; the chance for ambition or the fear of losing their influence, status

and power –which is so dependent upon the multitude of beings… Most of all humanity possess, short term

attention horizons i.e. they have to be persuaded of how essential and urgent it is. Global leadership seems

to have a short-term attention span and a limited time horizon perception capacity –hindering their ability to

perceive the consequences of their actions and any who hope to convince them –need to continuously


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batter at them –pressure, coax, wheedle, threaten, cajole and charm to get them to openly commit and then

to actually enact it. There are only a limited number of ways to persuade those in positions of power to

adopt something as radical as that which we propose. Random spontaneous uprisings and demonstrations

seldom result in a change of official policy –from corporations, government or others of influence –who

merely resort to deploying the weapons they possess.

They either respond to fear or self-interest! They have to be convinced that it credibly is a way to retain or

extend their power/wealth/status –for fear of losing it –from those seeking change or others. Or alternatively

they have to be convinced that somehow, they can benefit from it –they can profit from it/ gain popularity/

power or some other strategic advantage that will enable it to work in favour for them –and this treatise

seeks to address that perspective as well through illustrating just how many potentially different sectors of

the human race –and individuals could benefit from this. No one has yet really worked to mobilise the

media, communities and others towards an Age of Space –despite the benefits… Until this happens –and it

receives official, commercial, academic –and community endorsement, this era will never be achieved. It

will continue to remain just a figment of Arcadia that never came to pass from a disinterested global

populace, who chose to drown, facing the uncertainty of a global warming submerged world, literally

swamped by the problems they so naively and persistently chose to ignore.

It is a prime failure if we fail to utilise that which we have been given. We weaken ourselves as individuals

and collectively, in turn forgetting to use that which we were once so privileged, blessed and fortunate to be

able to do. In this Age, we need to prioritise anything that might give humanity hope, that might be able to

solve its problems and secure it a future. After all, this age of technology and scholarship now has the

potential that was denied to our predecessors. If we do not work towards an Age of Space –especially now

given the discoveries that we have undertaken then we really do not deserve to consider ourselves as a

species and an age that is devoted to enlightenment and the advancement of the human species… But

how can we work towards space when we currently have only three significant state-based facilities (those

of NASA, the ESA and ROSCOSMOS with which to access and launch major space missions of

consequence and relevance, acting as significant constraints if we ever sought to make space a long-term

viable solution? We would have to constraint additional facilities on the Moon, Mars and beyond to improve

the potential as well as to review Earth to see if any other potential sites could be provided to serve

humanity –especially around the equivalent Latitude –perhaps in Africa for example. We could search out

not just for the talented but those willing to volunteer to participate in space as well as in researching how to

access it and maximise its potential benefits. According to an October 2009 NASA Review, valid 5 years


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later; as humans we really have spent so little time in space that we cannot definitely pinpoint its potential

effects of prolonged exposure? We are so reliant on full gravity –how long before being too weakened,

could we survive without it? What are the potential implications of cosmic radiation? Can we harvest

sufficient supplies, without needing Earth on a voyage?

Below is summarised a review of the three main state-based rocket propelled space vessel launch facilities

other than private space tourism alternatives in its specialised chapter…

The European Space Agency site (valued at over $1.8 billion of improvements) was founded in 1975, in

Kourou French Guinea South America. It originated from the 1964 decision of the French government to

project missiles as among the most geographically and cost advantageous places on Earth to enter the

stratosphere and beyond, situated 500 kilometres north of the equator with a launch angle of 102 degrees.

The NASA Space Launch Site situated at Cape Canaveral, Florida, the United States of America evolved

with NASA itself since 1958. The Baikonur Cosmodrome used by ROSCOSMOS situated near the town

Leninsk Kazakhstan, first became active in the 1950’s with Sputnik and Vostok (ROSCOSMOS August

2014). Its present physical capabilities include Gagarin’s star rocket launch pad, an airfield, an oxygen and

nitrogen plant, microgravity and other training facilities, along with the Soyuz, Rokot, Tsiklon, Energiya and

Proton launch vehicle sites. The 2 Proton launch sites are divided into Russian armed forces and

international launches.


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From Dreams to Reality (utilising science fiction)For decades, so few have had the chance to reach, experience and live in space itself… The rigorous

professional training, experience, physical aptitude, academic qualification or wealth requirements along

with the very few flight chances screen this as the most elitist of possible pursuits… Why not try a differing

approach to our failed attempts at conquering this final frontier –the dreams of those that envision

accessing space? Why not utilise all individuals, societies, organisations, corporations and sentient species

willing and able to be a part of space? Why not let people themselves publicise their dreams –expand upon

them and find a way to transform them into more than idle speculation –and help them to do so? Wherever

science fails –we could always seek what other alternatives there are –and be prepared to consider how

viable they are, as some, no matter how radical must provide answers. Solutions must exist –even if it

means utilising science fiction as this chapter proposes…. In this we would be guided by listening to people

themselves… It would reduce the feelings afflicting so many… apathy, low self-esteem, misery, pain, rage

etc that feel so fragmented or disassociated, if it was possible to harness our energy, our sense of curiosity,

our dreams, our imagination, our creativity, our skills, our talents… all the blessings that Gaia, spiritual

forces and the Macrocosmos itself has blessed us with in being able to visualise brighter futures and



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Given how expensive space is for the major constraints we face, it would be beneficial if faculties of

astronomical sciences, research laboratories and agencies collaborated on research to avoid pointless

duplication of effort and wasted resources. However, serendipity, the Muses of inspiration and other factors

have historically advanced humanity. We would also encourage immersion in related fantasy and scientific

fiction to stimulate human ingenuity and imagination; nature for inspiration and understanding – and space

itself, to apply theoretical concepts into concrete, conscious reality along with practical research trips to

both public and private sector space facilities, exhibits and universities to exchange a mutually beneficial

flow of ideas as well as to exchange connections and alert awareness along with increasing publications

and amateur societies specifically devoted. There must be a practical way to make dreams a reality. If

those who weave fantasy can propel us forth, where technology has failed, then we should unleash its

wizardry. If the research laboratories lack inspiration and imagination – we suggest that they turn to

humanity themselves, to harness their ideas, their enthusiasm and their potential support.

Just how right are those who have dared to dream this? Can their visions and dreams assist us? To

explore the works of those from Jules Verne in the 1880’s CE to Douglas Adams in Hitchhiker’s Guide to

the Galaxy to the Dune Saga of Frank/Brian Herbert and Keven J Anderson’s Saga of the Seven Suns to

the Mars terraforming visions dreamed by Kim Stanley Robinson is to realise just how practical this could

really be… Many authors painstakingly project a capacious array of scenarios, information and concepts,

which should further emphasise just how pragmatic a concept this really is. In this trove can be often

gleamed practical applications of how to establish a new space faring future. It is not just some arbitrary

fable but it provides some indication of what can ultimately be achieved by those that work for it. The

question is to consider just what our visions are for other worlds… and contemplate ways to pragmatically

reach them. Science would benefit if scientists, technologists and technicians (and those who research and

fund their efforts), occasionally looked towards books and films to perpetuate imagination. This is where

reviewing fiction can frequently assist… We can be guided by the successes and flaws but offer incentives

–of status, material or otherwise –to play our part as pioneers of a true Space Faring Age. It would not hurt

–to either be inspired by the visions of others – or to imagine such a way of attaining your own destiny, as

the ultimate stimulus and motivation to making it happen.

From science fiction we owe may of the ideas from which we sourced our existing space capacity, even

when we often did not appear to recognise the significance of this at the time. Examples include… After all,

rockets were once considered impossible. Yet Jules Verne was proven right when Werner Von Braun first


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launched the V series. Arthur C Clarke made geosynchronous satellites possible, while Buckminster Fuller

devised geodesic domes and possible new materials that can all be harnessed.

Future possibilities remain as a source for us to consult. We have limited ourselves to conventional

spacecraft based on shuttles and rocket propulsion when if we were truly serious, we might consider the

feasibility of other, more promising solutions, that might be more efficient, economical, environmentally

sustainable –or able to progress further… faster… Sir Arthur Clarke, (the founder of geostationary

satellites) proposed space bolas (2001: A Space Odyssey) and the space elevator. Freeman Dyson under

the Orion project (Dyson April 2001) in the 1960’s CE proposed using carefully controlled thermonuclear

explosions as a means of propelling rockets… which aside from velocity and reduced cost, would reduce

the significant waste of materials that the Saturn V and other rockets require, when escaping the Earth’s

atmosphere. For example, perhaps faster than light, hyperspace, star or warp drives or wormhole portals

can become real as measures of propulsion across stars and the galaxy. Perhaps a giant Astronautical

Aether Way can be made of some as yet undiscovered compound or singular elements, to make celestial

navigation more reliable and accurate. Perhaps we can harvest helium and hydrogen from space, utilise

the gravitational pull of planets as accelerating slingshots, fuel from comets, extract minerals from asteroids

and meteors, and anything at all from life, moons, stars or other planets that we may someday encounter or

discover – if we truly focus our minds upon them.

Dreams – not the fear to dream… have been the visions behind the substance of everything that humans

have ever conceived as being real… The ability to project those dreams that enchanted us has been a

quintessential part of every victorious soul, every progressive triumph. It was the thought of the possible –

and the desire to make it more than merely probable that guided all of our finest talents in the past. It can

be that way with space as the solution to our stagnation –for we are stagnating when it comes to space –

when we could be so much more… The world and era we strive for; is one that makes the most worthwhile

and accomplishable dreams of our species (and one day, those of others), tangible – not destined to

evaporate, as have so many in the past. This should be motivation enough for us to pledge our allegiance

to prioritising space –as a way of practically reaching the dreams/ avoiding the fears and the nightmares,

allowing us and our imaginations the liberty to roam the galaxy… which we previously were so unaware

of…. Let us dare to be creative. Let us dare to harness the human imagination. Let us dare to ultimately

dream and to project those dreams openly, unafraid of social ostracism, ridicule or apathy. And if we lack

the capacity to do so – let us not encumber others and indulge but also honour those who can make these


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dreams an ultimate reality. For those that manage to persist so, despite all the issues they face in this

modern Age… deserve every support for their fealty and valour…

One value of fiction is that it makes so many things plausible –and therefore can help us to hope and

believe sufficiently enough to make them a reality. Enough counterfactual scenarios probably exist to thrive

and to ensure survival in space… and yet we have still not managed to achieve archologies capable of

supporting permanently off Earth. If they do not, they can be imagined –if those occupying power and with

resources could be prompted to turn to Space rather than self-indulgent materialist binges, war or other

wastes. To imagine is infinitely so much more satisfying than immersing ourselves in someone else’s virtual

fantasy –as is to be an active participant rather than a passive observer. Surely as humans –capable of so

much – it would not take much – of anything, to be able to convert that which might aid us the most, to

create that which we imagine as real? Surely, if enough attention, thought and action was dedicated to that

which we most want –could occur –if we desire it so? After all, consider that which we thought could only

exist in fiction and how we have made it happen… from Stonehenge and the Pyramids to the Hubble

Telescope and International Space Station. Also recollect and understand; why we chose these dreams…

Why is an Astronautical Odyssey so essential for the human race to achieve? Resolving the quandary of

regular, cost-effective intergalactic space travel is imperative in order to ensure it can maximise the optimal

benefits to humanity and all species –including everything from prosperity, to peace, to the environment to

the spirit of discovery to reaching our destinies to answering the mysteries of religion and the unknown, to

ultimate survival! To re-ernervate the essence of discovery, although challenging and often trysting is one

of the most crucial tasks that those creators of fiction and those individuals endowed with such passion,

creativity, imagination and dreams as we –or we can become, can perform. This is what we would work

towards. The idea is to persistently remind people that their dreams could have physical forms –they would

not be afraid to express those dreams. They would not be afraid to face and experience those dreams.

Through encouraging people that books and films can become real, it will convince us to retain our hope

and our spirits, remaining true to ourselves and our dreams, in a world which too often forgets….

To find out how many actually dare to dream of space, to consider those who have found solutions… only

to be ignored or maltreated… let alone suppressed or persecuted would sober the most inebriated pillock…

This ought to be among the most obvious priorities that any regime, organisation, society or individual that

actually wishes a space faring future to materialise. Where conventional scientists find only problems –or

expect vast resources…this treatise considers that any constraint can be overcome by empowering,

listening and actively supporting others who could make an Astronautical Odyssey a reality. Just think


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about how it could save those of the human race who are or appear to be floundering over the precipice: To

awaken and to know for the first time –what another planet is like –what this could ultimately mean for us…

How could we live –and why… if nothing that we knew would stop us on earth –pain, poverty, authority,

environment, our adversaries or otherwise… existed… In fabricating a new world… we could never be

bored… or face the stress of the mundane. We could undertake the vocation we choose to do – not that we

need to do… construct the home we have desired… be ourselves, not enact some defined act… be free,

wild and spontaneous… or just cohabit in a community of similar minded souls, knowing that whatever else

you may face in starting from nothing, at least you no longer have to face that which you sought to leave

behind on Earth… Even to travel or research there would be truly refreshing for the novelty that has never

been experienced before –even when it has been imagined.

Imagine what it would be like to be not so dependent on certain things/ ways that although they lessen us

as human beings, we feel that they compromise us –but we view them as necessary to live our lives among

others… To be utterly chilled… to relax without stress or pressures… To be spaced out… literally – without

resorting to the desperate remedies that befuddle the mind and mutilate the body…many of us may feel

that we may never know what it is like not to need these. Life and the world should not be like that. Now

that secularism and science are deriding religions with scepticism and contempt… for many of us,

globalisation is looking less aureal as they taint our beliefs and principles as well… -or aspire to corrode

them… Space is pure… it offers a place and a frame of consciousness… where instead of seeking

materialism, trivia, overindulgence, vices or technology and computer games, which only superficially

satisfy us… we focus on that which matters –and should matter… It offers something for everyone –

whether the rich jaded and satiated with existing diversions to youth seeking a challenge to the researcher

who wishes something new rather than to merely refine someone else’s hypotheses and fall in the

footsteps of past others considered to be the only great ones worth remembering to the poor seeking to

uproot their poverty and transform their lives, to companies seeking new profits, to those of us seeking an

escape –whether for a new life – or to live our own. Why not physically construct a world… rather than

wasting our energy on some artificial reality or banal mediocre existence… where all of us can actually

contribute to something…

Surely the finest minds, fictional as well as scientific, are the ones who are best able to assist us to prepare

ourselves –physically, mentally and psychologically –at least for many general aspects that scientists,

specialising on technical knowledge rather than grasping a perception of humanity, often fail to consider?

To work out inhabitable worlds –to know where we should be going, how and why – a question not merely


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for scientists and philosophers –but for anyone qualified –or able to make it so… cannot be beyond their

talents, so why not let those proficient and those who yearn for it all vigorously compete to exercise their

talents where they can benefit us most –to expand our horizons and our species beyond Earth to the

farthest reaches of the Andromeda Galaxy 2.2 million light years away –and perhaps even beyond? After

all, there is only one lifetime that we know of –and although ours seems consigned to Earth for most of us,

we might as well strive to aim for an existence so that those of our and any subsequent generation of any

species are able to be able to face theirs beyond our stratosphere, now that it is technologically possible for

us to do so. As we only have one life –and one chance, we might as well literally plot our course for the

very stars and constellations themselves, for it is always worth trying to excel and to enhance our limits in

the spirit and quintessence of Ancient Olympian Greece, Rome and the Renaissance. We might as well

seek to master ourselves and plan to go as far as we can in achieving our destinies and our long-term

space vision. Otherwise, what is the point of living, if we do not strive for the final frontier, if we do not seek

to accomplish our dreams, to reach that which could save us and to be more than a nonentity that Chronus

and Clio herself, will not bother to record at all? The spirit of being alive, the sensation of adventure, the

elation that comes of knowing that you exist more than just for the drudgery of daily being and your

profession… are these not priceless and timeless? Are they not worth cherishing and stimulating? Do we

consider our imagination, dreams, talents, thoughts and destiny to be of such little account that we privately

keep it to ourselves, wishing it would happen one day but never working towards a world where it can

possibly do so? This treatise mandates that space is one way to unlock this for all human beings, even

when Earth itself appears not to have the resources necessary for satisfying our material requirements or

our other dreams and desired fates.

Space can be enthralling; full of adventures that most would be denied on Earth – especially once we reach

other worlds, whose vey climate, geography, resources and perhaps even inhabitants lie awaiting new,

untainted by the ghosts of the past, of cynicism or any other curses of our own world. Its very presence

exists as a physical reflection of a yearning that can never be fulfilled – except to go there and savour it for

ourselves… it could be the salvation to the prayers of our generation who want meaning and a purpose –

but also a sensation of exhilaration that comes from daring something new, that craves new places to

roam, and the ecstasy that can only come not by suppressing it or becoming addicted to vice, materialism,

technology and other distractions – but from immersing ourselves in the wondrous fullness of life –and our

Multiverse. But why should such be constrained to the dreams of our imagined Fantasia and of Hollywood?

What is the point of embarking upon any quest, economic product, technology, research, mission or

budgetary allocation, if it cannot work towards what we desire –or more crucially: what we actually need?


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This should be the basis which we decide whether or not to do things as human beings – for space but also

in general. As stated above, another lodestone to focus knowledge upon –is the potential of science fiction

–and daring to make it a reality. This involves investigating the most plausible visions of science fiction –

and then working to make them a reality.

Examples of the most plausible visions include…

From space, we will know what truly is impossible –and what the limits are, as constricting ourselves to

doing so merely for Earth, hinders us from cultivating any true insight or perceptive awareness! It is for

space to determine our conscious reality and realise what we are capable of. It is not for mortals to

determine this, but our planet Earth, our deities and the Universe we populate. The only way of seeking that

certitude is to go out and grasp it. What may not be the case on Earth, may not apply on Saturn or Ceres…

even Proxima Centauri or further… No human can contradict us and our beliefs and talents until reality

affirms, they are right. This should help us to feel confident and steadfast in our convictions, our dreams

and desires –even if there is a long transmission lag to making them exist for us in the present and future

moments… As with technology, these lags and barriers can be reduced and obliterated. Even the singularly

most dominating obstacle – humans themselves, can be circumvented with time and the right approach/

resources. Whenever one is confronted by the worst degenerates of humanity, those that prevent you from

being who you are, achieving what you believe in or set out to do –or hinder it, those who act hypocritical,

who denounce your principles, who harass, persecute or conspire against you… remember this… Recall

that you could be working to participate in a Universe where you could escape them. Or at the very least,

you might be able to challenge them –and have the satisfaction of destroying their beliefs/certainty… The

surest means to revenge on any who doubt or hinder you is to devote all possible energy, passion,

imagination and resources to ensuring that whatever you wish but they do not does happen, despite your

opponents’ efforts, and then beholding the exquisite satisfaction of their lingering despair or prolonged

torment… The most satisfying means of enacting revenge, is then to deny them the chance of achieving

theirs –and witness their anguished frustration.

It is not just some idle daydream etched here. The Moon and roamer surveyors of Mars point to how space

research can be practically orientated

Other technology includes


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To set forth a new part of our history – what could be more wondrous and enthralling? As a species and as

individuals, many human beings need purpose, a vision, hope, meaning, inspiration, a sense of adventure,

a chance to test and risk ourselves… and dare to dream and discover, as the twenty volunteer winners of a

lottery must have felt when they were selected out of thousands to participate in a one way amateur project

–not government or university –or major corporation based mission –to form the first off world permanent

colony of residents to Mars. The world and life urge is to participate… If we listen to nature…. –if we really

listen to ourselves, we will find that our own bodies, minds, hearts and spirits urge us to as well… Too

often though, we renounce or dreams for the vaporous, meaningless reality of a globalised society with all

its flaws and tragedies and wonder why we feel so alone and dissatisfied. Those of us who know that we

are different –we are special… Why should we have to always be the ones to compromise –to lessen,

prostrate and debase ourselves for others, when life, the Universe and the spiritual forces that animate and

guide these do not seek these from us? Off planet we, who feel ostracised, marginalised, suppressed,

downtrodden, ignored… hapless and cast off, who feel that the world of globalisation is not for us… that in

some respect it is hollow or lacking… we will find somewhere and some way to do this… one which it might

seem impossible to ever manage –or even contemplate on the world we face… We will not have to

sacrifice our individuality –we will be able to retain our identity…

It is to us that this manifesto is directed –to forge new sanctuaries and redoubts out there… where if the

mortals we leave behind on earth will have no part of us –we can seek in turn to have less to do with them

–except where it is mutually profitable and advantageous for both to do so – in scholarship and information;

in diplomacy, militarily and commercially, in tourism, in religion and in culture… except where settlers of

their free volition decide otherwise… If it is a choice to escape –or to endure the torment and the rigmarole

of not escaping… then humanity –and any other species who have decided that they have had enough and

they wish no more to be a part of ever-increasing globalisation, deserve that choice… and no force should

be able to deny them that, mortal, natural or otherwise… After all the world of ordinary humans and this era

has necessitated so many compromises – regardless of the cost to one’s character, hopes, desires,

dreams, needs, soul, talents, being… Some of these are necessary – for the preserving of social stability

and law. Some are based on physical, environmental, economic or other constraints. These are justifiable

to a considerable extent. However, so many are not. So many are opposed, squandered, denied or

extinguished by a multitude of foes and factors from parents to environment to education to peers to

corporations to government to colleagues to psychologists to society, corporations and others –even

ourselves… And to what end? So much of our potential destiny and legacy has been squandered as we

lost our self-esteem, our imagination and the will to be courageous. We got distracted on vice, on


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materialism, on conflict, on the trivial on the petty and the pointless. However, in a world that centralises

space, we will be able to afford the answer to: Is it really necessary for all this? Do we have to part with

ourselves? Once other transporting to other worlds is as common as commercial flying, we will no longer

have to!

The Value of Space Technology


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Consider the CAT scan; flat screen technology; barcodes; smoke detectors; firefighting equipment;

joysticks; consoles; pace makers; virtual reality…. Remember these? What was life like without them?... To

any that affirm that space research is a waste of time and that it has produced nothing of material value;

space technology continues to prove this as erroneous by offering invaluable products and imperative

information… without which our quality of life and its duration alone even without all other benefits, would

have never excelled to its current extent. This chapter seeks to illustrate through practical examples, the

value of space –and how even in seeking to progress in space, there are many additional benefits

(technological and otherwise) that so many humans convinced that the Age of Space is a frivolous

speculation and idle pastime of the rich developed countries seldom conceive let alone appreciate. Many

remain highly sceptical towards an Age of Space as they presume that budgetary finances and corporate

research devoted to it, would yield considerably higher rates of returns of investment, that would help the

human race far more… The following examples help to examine how fallacious that is… For how can we

place a value on the human lives aided by the measures previously listed above, the time, financial and

opportunity costs saved – of every human who has ever benefitted from these? What could have been

invested or produced that would have helped our species to the extent that these discoveries, technology

and other by-products of space (mostly random and unexpected) have already?

The space lobbying group ISECG (International Space Exploration Coordination Group) in a 2013 White

Paper, identified further contributions that simply choosing to enter space has provided for humanity

including solar cells and batteries, based on efforts to resolve the challenges in reaching space orbit, the

Moon, in fabricating and launching satellites, the various Space Stations etc… Other ways in which space

has improved the quality of life include. The purpose of chronicling these achievements is to familiarise how

both directly and indirectly, we have personally been enriched through pursing space and if we were to

pursue an Age of Space, unlike many fabled Utopias, it would actually be one way to improve the quality of

life and solve many problems of not just humanity but of many species; especially that of survival and

prosperity. How else, other than by reminding people continuously are we to encourage society to support

its funding and for those in favour of science and technology directly relevant to the needs and priorities of

all species, to pursue it at the institutions of higher education and to awaken interest so that people may

volunteer –perhaps even to be colonists… but essentially as part of their life’s vocation…

Until we continue to research, develop and open these markets, the benefits that space has so far

perpetrated will continue to benefit only a certain few far more than the rest of humanity could potentially

benefit if every country, talent and resource, needed and willing to act, was utilised so…. Once a New


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Space Age finds a way for so many others to benefit from it only then will it satisfy popular consensus and

gain appeal as so many of our achievements have done so previously. Surely the appeal to self-interest

and the fact that new resources, opportunities and technologies are continuously being located with higher

probabilities if we made space our overriding Quintessential Quest that could unite humanity and

accelerate its pace forward, where few other causes exist, is reason enough to support this? If NASA’s

Kepler mission alone can discover 715 new worlds for humanity to explore and consider reaching, then the

Universe has to offer the hope – and the infinite frontiers for all that so few of us seem privileged enough to

face and accomplish on Earth. If just one mission can provide sufficient technological innovation to justify

funding its initial research; than investing in space and the future expected value of its technological and

other research innovation has to be promising…

One thing this chapter seeks to establish in chronicling that which we have already gained from space is to

answer this: Is space exploration worth it? Does it merit the resources, time, effort and energy devoted to it

and to creating an Age of Space –or does it not? The value of space technology alone surely provides a

sufficient answer to this… The implications of mining asteroids and surveying new planets/moons alone,

should prove to be financially viable and enhance the potential welfare of all. The NASA/ESA joint paper on

space’s potential benefits for humanity (November 2012) not only points to mining but medicinally it is

helping us to survive longer physically including cancer, shingles and asthma treatment, ultrasound

diagnostics, vaccines, prosthetics, bisphosphonate to reduce bone loss/osteoporosis threats from a loss of

calcium and physical inactivity in orbit and others. The Canadian Space Agency devised NeuroArm for the

Space Shuttle, where a robotic arm assists in performing surgery inside magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

scanning machines, at too high a risk for humans. JAXA and ROSCOSMOS jointly conducted the KIBO

experiments into growing high-quality protein crystals in the International Space Station’s orbiting research

laboratory. Although taking 2-4 months to grow; the resulting hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase or H-

PGDS can be used to mitigate allergies/ inflammations and treat muscular dystrophy – whose progressive

weakening could affect any who might choose to undertake the potentially long voyages to Mars and

beyond. The following ESA report table (November 2012) identifies this further.

Table IV: Current and Proposed Technologies Necessary For A Space Age.

In Space Propulsion Technologies Life Support and Habitation Systems

Liquid Oxygen/Methane Cryogenic Propulsion Systems (Mars Lander) Closed Loop and High Reliability Life Support Systems

Advanced In-Space Cryogenic Propellant Storage/Liquid Acquisition Fire Prevention, Detection and Suppression

Electric Propulsion and Power Processing EVA Deep Space Suits (Adapted to planets/moons)

Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Engine Advanced EVA Mobility


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Space Power and Energy Storage Long Duration Human Health

High Strength and Autonomously Deployable In-Space Solar Arrays Space Flight Medical Care, Behavioural Health

Fission Power for Electric Propulsion and Surface Missions Microgravity Biomedical Countermeasures

Regenerative Fuel Cells Human Factors and Habitability

High Specific and Long-Life Batteries Space Radiation Shielding and Protection

Robotics, Telecommunications and Autonomous Systems Human Exploration Destination Systems

Telerobotic control of robotic systems with time delay Anchoring Techniques

Robotic Systems Surface Mobility, Dust Mitigation

Autonomous Vehicle, Crew and Mission Ground Control Systems Lunar and Mars ISRU in Situ Resource Utilisation

Automated Rendezvous, Docking and Target Relative Navigation Entry, Descent and Landing Systems

Communication and Navigation Precision Landing and Hazard Avoidance

High Data Rate Forward and Reverse Link Communication Thermal Management System

High Rate Adaptive, internetworked Proximity Communications Low Temperature Mechanisms/lunar poles

In Space Timing and Navigation For Autonomy Robust Ablative Heat Shields

If we had prioritised space (and if we will do prioritise it) to the extent envisioned by this treatise, just how

far could we have excelled and how much could we have potentially gained from this? Part of this treatise’s

emphasis is awareness…. And yet in reviewing the value of space technology and other consequences of

investing in space, it remains impressive as to how so much has been produced compared to how

comparatively little resources have been devoted as inputs… Perhaps if other humans were as sufficiently

enlightened to be aware of how much it has benefitted our species collectively and ourselves individually…

we might value and express this with gratitude, respect and fealty more. More of us might elect to choose

to prioritise an area which can benefit us not just in space but on Earth – and any planet of any galaxy that

we could potentially achieve additional homeworlds on. There are many examples including in the work of

understanding the potential impact of climate change upon our planet as essential to our future survival as

a species. Our very environmental future depends upon a thorough understanding of the impact of human

pollutants contaminating the atmosphere, climate and natural ecosystem of Earth. The only way to

measure this accurately is through also prioritising space research including the Orbiting Carbon

Observatory launched July 2 2014 CE.

From what other economic sector, have we acquired so much in the five decades since its initial start amid

NASA and ROSCOSMOS’s Soviet Union sector? In what other sector, have academics cooperated to

answer challenges and key questions so pragmatically, for the sake of discovering knowledge and

progressing us forward? What else has produced so much for humanity and yet remains substantially


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unpublicised and unappreciated by the nations of the world? Apart from eco literacy in terms of restoring

ecological equilibrium, conservation and resolving the threats presented by global climate change; what

else matters so much for aiding humanity, its hopes and dreams; its wealth; its scholarship; its welfare and

its ultimate survival and yet is so marginalised that no school curriculum in the world, offers more than

token inclusions submerged in astronomy sections in physics? What else has been so undersupported,

lacking in finance and glamour and yet, whose agencies have proven to be rare –profitable on average

across the nations of the world? The SANSA 2013 report shows that even South Africa benefitted from its

space agency – the SKA telescope and IAU research cooperation.

Specific technological developments that originate just from NASA according to their September 2013

report include: automated and robotic technology that could increase efficiency economically in many areas

from medicine to computing and communications. Cryogenic propellant storage may enable supplies and

other objects to survive far longer. With development of stasis, we might be able to make science fiction a

reality and use it to sleep out the long cosmic voyage to neighbouring planets/ stars without incurring the

problems of aging. Perhaps people could bypass the present for the future if they chose –or ensure that

certain objects, literature, cultural heritage relics and antiquities for example are not lost. Future

generations would not have to lose the Parthenon to acid pollution or incur the genius of Da Vinci,

Shakespeare and others, to survive for far greater portions of time… - (Even longer if we manage to leave

earth). It could help to disseminate other species of fauna and vegetation across the cosmos. If we achieve

autonomous precision to guide robotic spacecraft accurately, safely and cost efficaciously, we may be able

to perfect a generation of future transport able to navigate itself without human intervention, which may

reduce traffic accidents.

What is to be done?

If humanity realised just how much it has already benefitted from ever daring to pursue space initially, as

this chapter on the benefits of continuous observation of our own orbit and planet has sought to illuminate

further –to justify us continuously supporting and subsidising it, then perhaps more of society would realise

just how much we need for it to be prioritised. A true space economy, space research and colonisation

program would entail involving and mobilising far more humanity, with far greater resources and attention

than the cause of space currently gets. It deserves far more… for what it can mean for our species and for

others. We have a long way to fare before we can reach our neighbouring planets… Beyond our own solar

system, we still have to reach our nearest stars crossing at lightspeed or faster. Proxima Centauri remains


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4.22 light years away –so close astronomically, so far from our own lack of technology… Alpha and Beta

Centauri are 4.39 light years away, Barnard’s Star is 5.94 and Wolf 359 only 7.8. Then there is the

challenge of surviving space. We may be able to reach Mars as humanity with current technology but to

experiment and investigate it, let alone to establish a permanent base/colony there, we would have to learn

how to insulate ourselves from the threats of vast solar flares, cosmic rays, the Van Allen radiation belts

and nuclear rays. Any crops/water supplies transplanted from Earth might need to be shielded against the

significant cosmic radiation effects. Alternatively, as we have managed to exploit Earth, we need to adapt

our technology to be able to harvest resources sustainably from comets, asteroids, moons and planets if

we are ever to achieve autarchy from our homeworld.

Space versus Warfare

As humans, our history has been smitten with many battles and skirmishes that have resolved nothing

except to divide us even more and precipitate even greater damage to the life forms, environment and

human achievements that have been caught up within these struggles… Every great empire, period and

civilisation has found itself thwarted from advancing its people and enduring –because it has had to resort

to warfare –either as offensive or defence –and declined as a result. This chapter’s purpose is to argue

that given the choice between space versus warfare, this treatise and this chapter argues that any human

that want to progress, would favour that we embrace an Age of Space –for all its challenges, then continue

to embrace a Dismal Age of perpetual Turmoil, Conflict and Strife –that globalisation and the great majority

of recorded human history has recorded and faced… If nations, individuals, societies and groups sought to

rechannel their patriotism from jingoism, strife and war and directed their energy towards space, not just


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other species and our ecosystem would gain respite but we would all benefit. For what could be more self-

advantageous than peace and prosperity, given how little most of us gain from war? One thing so many of

us seem to agree upon is that with a whole universe at our disposal, many of our reasons for waging

conflict so seem fickle and scarcely worth pursuing… So why waste time, resources, lives and the planet

capacity to rehabilitate that which we choose to destroy, when we finally find that the price isn’t worth it?

Why choose conflict and war? There is another solution to perpetual strife, the pursuit of international

peace in space. This treatise does not ignore the potential impact of current affairs as factors that often

result in conflict beyond our control but lower tensions may arise from increased international partnerships

in space. This is necessary as each space reaching country –or aspirant, has various ways to continuously

strengthen the quest to conquer space for Earth’s species, our beliefs and our achievements. This may

potentially lower the probability of pointless conflict

Besides we have tried centuries of conflict and how have the great majority of us benefitted from so much

warfare? How has our planet fared as well? Why destroy ourselves? The answers make even less sense

when Space presents itself as the aureal chance for us not to have to resort to conflict –there is another

feasible way and only aggressive war hawks would desire it otherwise. Once the arguments advanced in

this treatise and others are measured, once the physical benefits of cooperating peacefully in space for

over fifty years –even among the tensions of the Cold War, there were no conflicts over space or attacks

launched from space, then it becomes even more foolish to ignore the rescues out of these ages old

midden that has blighted us for all too long. It can serve as a paragon of peace –to remind us that we can

progress infinitely more without it… In the short run we are all bound to Earth –there is no other home or

permanently inhabitable settlement. No country alone can develop an alternative or do everything on their

own to benefit from Space or create an Age of Space –it needs all of us. That is why space agencies have

agreed to co-operate. Only once a constellation of colonies spans across the myriad galaxies of the Spiral

Arm cluster will humans not be so vulnerable and dependent. But by them it still makes sense to cooperate

instead of choosing warfare for countries to invest in colonising space…

Many examples of international cooperation exist to demonstrate that it is not impossible for the world to

cooperate on whatever it takes to settle civilisation in space. Observation of the world’s climate and

meteorological patterns can never be orchestrated by a single country or government alone –unless it

spanned the entire world… They could never be observed or monitored without the satellites that orbit our

homeworld. Without finding a way either through technology or physically in reaching space, we could

never even hope to anticipate, to learn, to prepare or even to survive our own elements –or any external


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threat unless we The army of communications satellites which so many of us depend on for the free flow of

electronic commerce, information and other aspects of globalisation, which mostly have not been targeted

as threatened, equally require extensive international cooperation efforts –even among adversaries, who

seldom realise how vulnerable they are to being blinded to the furore of the Elements themselves. The ISS

Benefit for Humanity paper (December 2012) is but one example of contemporary research that decries

space observation as worth every single budgetary expenditure devoted to it. For example they cite the

space station helping Northern Japan against tsunami flooding, preventing the Venetian lagoon from

submerging the trove of cultural heritage located there, detecting the health of Pacific atolls and coral reefs

among others.

The countries that are strategic enough to pursue space have realised what it means to benefit from space.

If we reject it, we reject the greatest agreement outside Antarctica –perhaps one which no party has yet to

violate –unlike charters expressing commitments on the rights of species or otherwise. But few have

realised the extent to which prioritising it even more –by diverting all but the most minimal amounts to

financing conventional military forces and research, could benefit their countries future far more than

conventional warfare or research ever could if one were to objectively evaluate its legacy... The countries

that are precocious, prescient and perspicacious enough to make space (and the environment) their

ultimate priorities when it comes to research, investment and development will be the most potent ones of

the new century –and the future of humanity. The future of humanity has to lie in space –given how much

we have pillaged and castrated our one biosphere so that life itself is perilously exposed to a forthcoming

Century of Storms and human engineered sequence of disasters, chaos and other problems. It is these

perceptive countries that recognise this and choose this as soon as possible, that will ensure that humanity

has a future. It is they that can gain power far more lasting and significant than the power to destroy this

world. In exchange; they will have the powers to access the universe –to create or eradicate the futures of

not only our species and our planet… but all worlds…

These can be illustrated through the declared mission objectives of the following space agencies.

Certain countries that have worked out that they possess no or little military threat have realised the futility

in wasting resources in defence when they could be utilising the discoveries and variegated potential of

space to profit and prosper as a much more strategically advantageous alternative investment. They have

chosen to prioritise civilian usages and their space agencies have been invaluable assertions refuting the

fact that choosing to prioritise peace not war, cannot be profitable, benevolent to public and personal


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welfare, magnify survival; reduce risk and uncertainty and other advantages… If a Pax Galactica can

suspend conditions of warfare, strife and other pestilences, accepted virtually by all countries to apply

outside the stratosphere on Earth, then why not simply try it? Examples of their efforts include the myriad

treaties devoted towards pursuing mutual cooperation and peace in space… Regardless of political,

commercial, cultural and other relations on Earth, in the realm of space, good governance has generally

been observed in the five decades or so that we have had the capacity to access beyond our own

atmosphere… Most nations appear to recognise the benefits of cost-sharing information, research and

resources, economising, enhancing reputations and improving diplomatic relations, more than many

alternatives on Earth (Broniatowski et al. 2007). It also helps to ensure the sustainability/survival of any

space exploration strategy endorsed by a space agency and therefore to plan for the long-term future of

humanity rather than short term electoral policies, as necessary to honour existing international agreements

–especially joint partnerships between 2 or more companies, space agencies, governments, research

universities etc, to further defend the myriad hypothetical opportunities that space can offer

? insertion of a table summarising conventional armed force strengths… To what extent are these armed

forces really necessary?

? list of countries with atomic capability or suspected of it

Yes the world has strife –but with space it can be substantially eroded. The more countries that have

access to space, the less will feel the need to be hostile to the concept. The surest way to peace and to

reduce global tension is to work towards as many countries as possible being able to contribute to space

research –through joint research exchange partnerships, collective funding, collective space ratified treaties

and legislation and other ways to ensure that all share in the benefits of a Pax Galactica. This can

contribute towards peace on Earth, especially as governments will be able to open it up to volunteers –

those with a different perspective from those in power on Earth –or even simply chafe at the restrictions,

hypocrisy, compromises, interference with their beliefs, talents, lives, principles, passion, imagination,

creativity, hopes and dreams –and are prepared to gamble – to see what is out there – and to be an

interactive part of it.

The more countries that have access to space, – the more we have to fatally lose from any potential

conflict. However if we were to establish a Great Convention working towards mutual disarmament –or

mutual death and international ostracism economically, culturally, politically, tourism, sport, academically,


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socially to any country, individual, religion, organisation, movement, corporation or other entity – singularly

or collectively initiates a nuclear/chemical/biological attack as an aggressor, and most importantly if this

were credulously established as an unwavering response by the most powerful countries –especially those

with nuclear capability, to be an efficacious deterrent, as this would be the only concrete method that

avoids bloodshed. It is better to resort to the ultimate convincing case of punitive sanctions causing

complete ostracism from the creditable global community of nations, then a series of minor wars and

peacekeeping exercises or half-hearted sanctions that seldom attain their desired objective. Humanity will

only work towards peace and disarmament –if it appears that it is in its advantage to do so. A Pax Galactica

–and encouraging countries to compete more peacefully in advancing towards our common space destiny

and in averting global climate warming, is far preferable from many perspectives than automatically

resorting to war. Active retaliation –enforced by actively working towards sufficient signatories could provide

the convincing fear needed to compel them to commit. Only then when people realise how pointless

investing in conventional weapons are –in a nuclear age –and where many countries are so vulnerable in

space – (their satellites for one) makes devoting such considerable budget allocations to them rather

pointless anyway…

The more conventional weapons could be agreed to be phased out –for, with nuclear and other capability

to provoke reprisals, there is far less need to invest in them as the above indicates. The resources saved

could therefore be pledged to a far more productive, profitable, sustainable, useful and necessary

alternative – financing an Age of Space. Each country could then sign a Charter pledging to work towards

financing an Age of Space, so that through collaboration, we can all actively experience the benefits to all,

along the lines advocated in this volume… If this is publicly stated in all forms of social networking media

and frequently in representative legislatures and we continue to remind our leaders of the satisfying

humiliation of rejection and obscurity that so many ensconced in power or influence so frequently fear...

perhaps then we can actually afford to progress. This is practical for the first time in our history for our

development of nuclear weapons capable of penetrating every region on this planet – and the capacity to

sterilise Earth a thousand times over and more – eliminating all life means that we do not need to further

develop military weapons –and ever more sophisticated means of destroying ourselves, our planet and our

legacy… What more do the armed forces need to research after having perfected techniques for several

thousand years? Our arsenals of death are formidable enough if as humans we wish to unleash

conventional, nuclear, biological, chemical, economic, guerrilla, technical and all forms of warfare –except



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The only possible justification of research that would justify even a fraction more of the considerable

resources, research, development and. These facilities and budgets could easily be diverted and

configured to satisfy the myriad requirements of researching and prioritising space. And yet if the armed

forces of the world were to complain: suggest that Space represents an even greater threat than other

humans do… Human nature is to a great extent predictable, we have millennia of experience/knowledge to

be able to project a sophisticated understanding of our psychology, behaviour and capabilities. But how

could we possibly prepare to survive and vanquish the unknown? How could all our military capacity defend

us from the possibility that there may be life plausibly out there in the universe… and it may be hostile!

Deities may also have far from benign intentions as well. How could be possibly respond if we haven’t

considered planet-based defences? An even greater threat may come from natural/universe based forces –

asteroids, comets and meteors for example… or if something were to affect the orbit/ impact of the Moon or

other planets. Anything which threatens our survival should be a priority for the forces that purport to

defend inhabitants of Earth –not just from each other. At the moment our preparations are non-existent.

Compared to this it is spectacularly ironic to waste our resources on squabbling amongst ourselves –and

not even preparing for the real adversaries out there –extra-terrestrial life, natural, mechanical or celestial

and the supernatural! Why bother to wait for an alien when we, ourselves are so breathtakingly bumbling

along, determined to remove ourselves? At the very least we could reduce being blind by extend our

observational capacities –and to produce an extra-terrestrial based early warning system –as by the time

something reaches our current sensors –assuming traces register –it will be far too early to wonder up.

Launching probes beyond our galaxies on a mass scale seems sensible. Any intelligence is useful –given

the magnitude of pan-galactic distances even given the languorous transmission signal time lags.

In addition, space is necessary for peace. Every society needs a form of social safety valve – a means of

unleashing dissention, of harnessing the primeval procreative energies that stimulate humanity –and even

a means of releasing both creation and destruction. Amid an increasingly crowded Earth, what alternatives

are there? Space can provide this social valve. Our planet however has reached its natural limits and

carrying capacity of human beings, decades ago. The need to construct and the instincts that form combat

is an essential part of humanity that needs a conduit. And yet with our population there is only one answer

possible to an ever growing need short of a population cull! It can be sublimated into space exploration and

the founding of new outposts of humanity –as pioneers settling new worlds as detailed in the Colonisation

Imperative and Pioneering Forth… as a substitute for war or channelling it into drugs, crime, violence and

other globally socially unacceptable behaviour. If we do not prioritise the chances for social engineering –by

freeing humans who chafe at the constraints as volunteers to the more pleasant Elysiums that exist, while


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simultaneously exiling criminals, degenerates, those who provoke war –and commit related war crimes and

others who by their actions show that they do not value laws, the environment, society, our heritage and

humanity to the more bleak ways –where they can do as they wish, experience a world they deserve more,

while those who remain behind on this planet are free… It would reward those behind who will no longer

have to suffer their potential presence –or fear their potential escape/ release. This helps give them a

second chance –as conventional prisons/ laws and other efforts to reform or restrain these have so

evidently failed. A world with fewer wars, conflicts, crime and social dissonance can only benefit those who

remain on Earth. There they will have chances greater than they deserve to rehabilitate themselves by their

own efforts… If it worked for Australia –why can it not work to convert places such as Pluto –or others? It

also equally removes us from them

Space therefore can provide a portal of escape to those that seek to prove themselves, those who wish to

impose themselves on others –without their voluntary consent and those who see no other way but to

resort to war, violence, chaos, crime, vice or other socially unpalatable activities. Many would have far less

incentive or opportunity to do so, when they know that their chances offworld mean that they do not have to

scrabble around under bleak and miserable prospects on Earth when they could be pioneers on a bold new

world. It would provide a beacon of hope to those in despair. Which would you choose? Would you really

choose to commit the crime and be sentenced on Earth or exiled to an inhospitable space world or

cooperate to volunteer to one of the potential Paradises? With interstellar travel – if somebody does not like

you, they will be free to wonder off elsewhere –they can be light years away… That should be far enough.

Conversely, you will also be able to reciprocate. There will finally be a world, a place, a community, a

system of beliefs, a purpose, a meaning and identity for virtually everybody… it may never be Utopia –

which may always be unattainable –but one benefits to pursuing space – is that we will acquire space and

not need to resort to such domination and aggression – pursued by our species for all too long. What need

will we have for conflict, violence, war, crime, chaos, protests and demonstrations, amid a fecund

abundance of potentially infinite resources amid infinite planets… unless we ourselves are being wilfully

obstinate just for the sake of being obstinate? There is a place for everyone in the infinite bounds of the

Universe –even when it seems there doesn’t appear to be a place for a being –whatever their species,

character or circumstances to be a part of Earth. Even if all other planets have to be seeded and

terraformed to resemble Earth over the next few millennia – if it helps to reduce these ever-recurring

challenges that have plagued humanity since its distant origins (plus unfortunate disastrous side effects on

hapless other species –too many innocents of which have paid through utter complete extinction), it has to

be worth it, rather than letting the pointless aggressive struggle continue. Why force those that chafe at


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authority or have such an urge for being mavericks to live among those that willingly accept the status quo,

seeking nothing more than to live their lives, with minimal intrusion from those that do not, to live amidst

each other, when neither will no longer have to?

Think what it might mean if virtually every historical traditional pretext to initiate a squabble, conflict or war

is eliminated in the Universe of a Billion Worlds. Then ask: Are these still relevant?” Is this still worth

fighting for? Far fewer absurd clashes would result… benefitting all. There would less need to destroy

something or wage chaos towards it… if there was no point to it. Besides our species has tried centuries of

warfare –and the planet along with humanity are invariably poorer for having undertaken them… War does

not improve the plight of the planet – it worsens it dramatically… Things have only worsened. We spend too

much of ourselves in sacrifices. We compromise too much trying to endure the dross, the failures and

mistakes, the ennui, the pain, the ignorance, the woe and the ineptitudes of others, when we find it difficult

enough to stomach and tolerate those of our own and those we cherish or value. In doing so, chaos

distracts us from the pursuit of living our lives without fear, without hesitation, without doubt and

uncertainty! Perhaps if we were to try space –Pax might return. Perhaps if those who consider resorting to

war –truly had the options and the liberties that space provides –they would not need to resort to this…

Each group/ section or individual that feels marginalised or alienated –could leave if they wanted to –to

establish their own new way. They would feel no need to protest, to resort to vices, crime or social

misdemeanours if they could escape to a place which allows them to be taken seriously and they are free

to be as they choose to be – and as they deserve…

It may be considered foolish or naïve to try and conceive of a world where peace is possible when it has

long clouded us since the beginning of conscious time for our species. But there are no other alternatives

short of a plague capable of substantially purging the human population to a natural equilibrium threshold.

Yet if being together among billions of humans has largely initiated tension, strife, conflict, crime, war and

other forms of chaos, then surely creating a space colonisation drive – on each new asteroid, lunar satellite

or planet capable of sustaining life would help? Perhaps the solution is to allow people to be as constrained

or as free as they choose to be, to allow them to exercise reasoned free will, allow them their imaginations

and their destinies –uninterrupted by others. It is a destiny which I would dream upon those of all species

who deserve it. A Universe where each person can be alone if they choose, can have the land/resources/

space they need, where they can inhabit or explore worlds other than this… where is essence they are free

to define themselves, who they are, what they are, their talents, limits and what they represent or stand

for… A Universal diaspora will not work for all but by removing those more likely to dissent –and to fight/


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provoke if they cannot; it has the chance to salvage peace and social stability. At least it presents a solution

–how many others have considered ways to reduce the probability of wars and turmoil?

It cannot be contested how vast the Universe really is. This is one thing that can be agreed upon. So

surely, it is gargantuan enough for us all? The more that is chartered, the lower the probability of conflict

from an extra-terrestrial source. The more worlds we discover –the more that can be settled and utilised

and therefore naturally, the lower the need for conflict. Any who remains dissatisfied with Earth will be able

to initiate their own cult, their own space, their own identity, purpose and destiny. The more we can prepare

ourselves and the more worlds that we have to charter and settle for ourselves and other living species on

our homeworld. Therefore, why do we need to squabble about Earth –to desecrate her natural and cultural

integrity mercilessly, when there are so many other worlds out there? Based on current chartered research

observations, enough potential planets (and the technological capacity to transform them) exist to cater for

perhaps every single philosophy, religion, ideology, political, cultural, ethical, economic, social, artistic, legal

or other division that has traditionally resulted in promulgating such dissent and conflict. Can we not be

satisfied with these? Would it not be possible for those who cherish their distinctions to suspend their

animosity so that we can collectively utilise all minds, talents, energies, imagination and willpower to the

unleashing of the human spirit, in conquering the final frontier for our species? With the freedom to migrate,

war will not be considered the only ultimate answer, where diplomacy and other such tactics fail.

It has long been considered that a state of warfare and conflict is an innate, fundamental part of what it

means to be human. Darwin, Dawkins and other secular apologists have long considered this essence of

struggle or natural selection to be a dominant trait that has contributed towards the survival of humanity. It

is also observed among other species. But there are advantages to peace and symbiosis. However, it can

also be argued that this malaise of perpetual dissention has retarded the progress of our species. No more

than this be proven visibly than in space. Although, it was humanity’s penchant to seek ever more

sophisticated means of destroying others of its species and the environment they were on… that inspired

the initial modern space program, the space/ civilian application of this technology has the opportunity to be

far more valuable to humanity than yet another, more sophisticated means of sterilising the only planet that

we know that has produced a functional ecosystem and series of human civilisation. It was the German

scientists at Peenemunde in World War 2 that initiated V2 rockets and their propulsion system as the

scientific bases for Saturn V traditional rockets. As the basic technology still forms the basis of space

propulsion, although it may seem naïve –just think how much further if the same research laboratories and

budgets designed to destroy humans, their legacies and hapless bystanders of other species… were


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devoted to space not warfare? It was Geo-politics concerning 2 contrasting ideologies –US capitalism

versus Soviet communism, which created both an arms race and a space race as the two nations

vigorously competed with each other, which enabled so many space discoveries but so many substantial

resources were wasted simultaneously through a lack of international cooperation and symbiosis. Given the

significant proportions spent –We could fund more than enough satellites to charter every sector of the

Universe, we could afford to colonise the Moon, Mars, Europa and Io… send many into space… and

venture beyond the solar system. Based on the value of space technology, knowledge and other existing

current benefits elaborated in this treatise and others, any initial investment in these, is destined to repay

itself a hundred times over –even when and where the benefits are not immediate. It has to be worth


This chapter wishes to endorse the argument that this is pointless. The concept of global warfare is biased

and a joke. We have enough firepower in the arsenals to sterilise the planet a thousand times over and

more… What need have we of so many weapons? Why prioritise military research where most countries

this century and those previous have long chosen to allocate such significant expenditures to defence? And

yet for all our efforts to prepare ourselves against internal enemies (those real, exaggerated and

imaginary), we would have not one whit of defence against any unknown intruder –whether it is from an

alien race, from the Gods –or from the physical forces of the universe such as an asteroid, a comet or a

meteorite? Perhaps if we had more satellites and probes scanning not just this quadrant of this solar

system to observe and forewarn us… perhaps if we had alternatives storing our plants, all species, our

records, our heritage and our people, we might have a potential chance… Perhaps an Earth Defence Force

–of volunteers –to encourage this defence of our planet might need to be established –a High Command

across continents and nations to encourage them to join it. Therefore, an internal arms race or series of

wars that foolishly weaken are not necessary. Humans do not need to provoke conflict among themselves,

when they could be facing their true adversaries. Consider the price and ask: Is it worth it? How many of

these conflicts are worth it? To what extent do things change for the better –the means to assess the value

of this? Look at how war ruins so much and foolishly alienates us –when given the magnitude of problems

facing us that our energy would be better spent resolving… A superfluous war or conflict weakens us,

alienates us, ruins our world and poisons our destiny. It squanders talents, lives, energy, passion, hope,

joy, curiosity, nobility, our ecology. Ultimately war is regressive for any that seek to be enlightened and

progressive as a distraction and panacea from what really matters and ought to matter.


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The spirit of cooperation is one example worth emulating… As of yet no conflicts have arisen in space or

conflicted with space. Humans can progress in space by working together and using these as samples to

convince others… How petty our squabbles are and seem, when we cannot secure peace, stability, law

and order on this… when we allow such chaos to proliferate… and yet have the power to do so. The

pursuance of space has so far been marked by peaceful cooperation –out of necessity –There are only a

handful of spaceports –all are vulnerable along with satellites –we are co-dependent upon each other for a

tacit form of peace, stability and co=operation as if many of us instinctively understand that space –and our

prospects within it; is risky and uncertain enough without ourselves as a species contributing towards it….

Perhaps in space we can unite once more –as rarely we have managed throughout recorded history.

Humanity only appears to unify for a grand common purpose –for a collective challenge or against a shared

adversary. Space and the restoring of the environment can both offer these. We need it both individually

and collectively to fulfil this. They present us with the chance to be so much more than we currently are…

full of meaning, hope, wonder and daring –not desiccated husks of our potential glorious selves! Up there

we need to co-exist in symbiosis –no single being can reach the stars –and colonise them alone… it needs

all of us who share in this vision… to be both willing and able. Enough physical examples exist to be

emulated of joint research initiatives across space and projects spanning many countries, scientists and

space agencies.

Space research is one way to pay for this. Diverting expenditure from existing armed forces is another.

Eventually space will become a self-financing venture, profitable enough as a sector of the economy from

the rate of return on investment –whether from a new intergalactic planet based commercial network, that

of knowledge and observations or the value of past, current and future technology. At least it offers

corporeal, tangible returns –rather than a speculative stock bubble. There will be no need to need bailing

out. In contrast to the global financial sector or any other industry, those space companies that have

commercially pursued/ invested in space have not faced bankruptcy or collapsed. Any taxpayer subsidised

research has already repaid for itself based on the priceless and incalculable value of the contributions it

has already provided for our and other species. How many other areas can truthfully in retrospection prove

to have merited themselves as being worthy of the expenditure? Consider how many government

sponsored enterprises and projects have crumbled into white elephants. Can the same be said for space?

Even where it appears this, can we afford to let it deteriorate to an unprofitable venture –or can we merely

rechannel expenditure to more productive areas? Unlike the shadow economy or the global financial

sector, space does have the advantage of producing physical assets and access to renewable resources/


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alternative resources on comets, asteroids, moons and planets; that remain when the abstruse, erudite

models collapse.

Although many examples suggest that we as humans would not be prepared for this Age of Space, with the

money conserved, existing scientists, laboratories and armed forces could all be given increased,

accelerated training to comply and establish this. The pursuit of space will profit us far more than increasing

benefits to the armed forces, (who seldom enrich a state, useful only in being deployed for emergencies,

defence against external enemies, civil strife or crises from poaching to migrants). They are even less

financially enriching at present now that looting, pillaging and annexing territories are prohibited. However,

if we wish for humanity to retain its hallowed traditions of conflict and strife –then let us continue… It is up

to the human race if they conscientiously desire this world of perpetual warfare –for throughout recorded

history we have so rarely had moments of truly global peace and stability, this treatise can but seek to

illustrate potential implications of such. If we do not, let us try alternative approaches. It is up to us to create

the futures willed by the Fates –Or are we satisfied in leading our on average, mediocre global world

leadership and their flickering efforts. Nor can we rely on scientists, the media, teachers and universities,

community groups, NGO’s, the corporate sector etc… But there will be the cost to pay as the forthcoming

chapter on the lack of alternatives forewarns… To forget the celestial aether above and to ignore all that

which it potentially has to offer, is the most permanent of foolishness. It is even more foolish to warn our

origins, the spiritual answer to life, the universe and everywhere else, the knowledge, the resources, the

planets with functioning ecosystems that could be habited… the true threats that are out there and their

possible impact on the fragility of this –our Motherworld. To spend our lives, Earth bound and Earth –

centred, while ignoring that which surrounds our oblate spheroid with all its natural forces, is the ultimate

foolishness especially when pragmatic alternatives exist. To spend so much of our time, energy, resources,

lives and very souls in squabbling over finite territory and resources, when with considerable effort we could

put all these disputes aside –for the sake of collaborating with each other until we reach every world that

we as humans and our technology discover and identify as suitable for settlement and utilising for the

inhabitants of Earth –of all species. Opening up the portals to space has to reduce the probability of war

and strife rationally, if we as humans seek to renounce such objectively. There are enough challenges in

seeking to reach the frontiers of space and then terraform/ acclimatise ourselves and the worlds we may

colonise, to retain the need to adapt, to survive, to enhance our endurance and other survival skills/areas

that are tested by war and conflict without resorting to pandemonium erupting on Gaia.


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The Lack of Alternatives

What other alternatives really exist? Those who pontificate on the problems of globalisation and humanity,

seldom mention pragmatic ways to apply them – or to convince humanity of why it should support them and

how… They seldom consider that there might be alternatives to the status quo –that instead of just blindly

being against globalisation, they could be consciously supporting and working out feasible ways to enact as

this treatise consoles with mitigating and reducing the potential effects of climate change and in electing to

concentrate on space as the two most fundamental and urgent challenges facing the whole of life on this

planet –without discrimination or favour. They assume that it is sufficient, merely to postulate it as some

abstract theory without finding a means to actually enact it… Often, these often even fail to be propagated

effectively! This treatise can only hope to provide a precursor for other exponents of a Space Age to

follow… and to provide some motivation as to why such is so patently necessary… The nature of the

revolts, revolutions, crime, vice, affluenza, global warming and other panaceas of humanity assailing

globalisation prove that the time for action is imminent. This is an era of protests. Dissent is physically

manifesting itself throughout the world as more and more realise that globalisation is not the answer –and

that it is not working for them. However, they seldom contemplate what needs to replace those systems

that they are so dissatisfied with. A true Space Age and a real Ecological Epoch –these will form the

catalysts of the Renaissance of all continents and principates. These are the answers to many of the

problems facing humanity, in the absence of other convincing alternatives.

Why taint the planet when we do not have any physical means of reaching others that could sustain us, to

the degree that we have deflowered it? There are few alternatives: the Moon, Mars and perhaps Europa –

are far unlikely given current myopia to be the next outposts of humanity – let alone the envisioned

Gardens of the Hesperides so disappointingly envisioned once… Is the planet Earth not worth preserving?

Then why do we behave so abominably towards it? We may never be able to reform all beings –but at least

we can prolong the duration of the planet until we resolve these other pressing challenges. Is it not worth

doing everything that we can reasonably undertake to perform it? Is it not worth pursuing this cause –if it

means that we can observe and even participate/embark upon such a grand and glorious voyage? As

humans it makes sense for it to be so –to commemorate what it means to thrive or die or be alive. As

humans we dream of Utopias and fantasise over lives and circumstance we desire –when if we mobilised

and rallied in support, we might be able to aspire to more than just mere dreams and a virtual reality… Up

there… amid the stars… they exist… As human beings who want a chance to shape things in their lives,

who dream of participating in history – who live for themselves –not for work, not only for religion, not for


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materialism, not for just the state or the drudgery of work, who do not want to rely upon others but seek a

chance to prove themselves worthy of life and a destiny –a purpose they can be proud of; surely it makes

sense to contemplate one of the most certain ways of this… For those of us who will never amount to fame,

wealth, glory, honour, power… the chance to use our talents, to be what and who we want to be, to live as

we dream of it… let us find a way to cast aside those who vehemently deny us that chance and move

beyond Earth – to a planet that may –just may find a way forth… Time is running out –but not if we find a

way to access other planets… How can the cost matter, when without it… we are so shackled? The way

out –is above –staring at us –every time we pause to be cogniscent and conscious of the majesty of the

Macrocosmos that surrounds us… Would it not be a pity and a tragedy – if only a handful of us ever got to

see that horizon –even those that glide above the Earth surface –from beyond the stratosphere –let alone

from the Moon, a planet or another constellation?

If there is another solution to the problems that exist, then let the opponents to a Space Age proclaim it! If

there are substantial arguments that this treatise cannot provide some insight over than let them pronounce

these… We are not afraid to consider alternatives but we are afraid of being forced to remain the way

things are –not really progressing our species –and with such a prevailing malaise of dissention, apathy,

despair and other unpalatable malignant human tumours we face in this globalised period. This treatise has

yet to hear of such and presumably so have many humans – otherwise billions would not live the way they

do… However, if no other alternatives exist then this treatise calls upon those humans who seek to be

worthy of the name and the honour, who wish to be as great as those of past generations, to be

immortalised for the triumph of the will and our achievements, not just as the Century of global warming,

strife and other human engineered disasters. Do we really wish for things to remain as they are? Or do we

seek actively to change circumstances and our environment/world for the better? Other than space itself,

what else is there? What other choices do we have – that could work – to radicals, the defenders of

globalisation’s status quo, the apathetic and others? What other cause could perhaps unite religion,

philosophy, secularism, humanism and science? What could appeal to the profit of corporations and

entrepreneurs yet speak to champions of civil society and the environment? What could speak to the youth

in need of an adventure, those who seek to colonise as imperialists and those who just want to be free to

express and be themselves, to resolve the social, political, economic, environmental and other constraints,

the scholars for new areas to research and inhale the spirit of discovery, that argues in favour of our own

survival and vulnerability; that could exile criminals, that could provide a Paradise to many human beings, a

thrill to tourists and a means of opportunity and hope to all?


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Our opponents – such as they are… speak of cost. But what is the opportunity cost of doing nothing. What

will it cost humanity to preserve the status quo of globalisation amid growing dissension, riots, revolutions,

protests, jihads and other chaos? Is it really worth it – to do nothing and seek to ignore the problem who no

matter how urgent the catastrophes are, will continue to do nothing and evade responsibility for the

consequences of such? Is continuously protesting –the best solution –for those with valid reasons for doing

so? This chaos and ignoring of our planet/the other real roots that plague our civilisation, costs our species

a true Renaissance and our world a true paradise. The answers to so much that haunt us, that ruin our

lives and creates so many problems in our experience and our world –all lie in space… An Epoch where we

are space-centred and can access other planets so easily –using them for our own personal advantage as

well as that of the species, can only address the chaos that has blighted Earth and help give greater

meaning and stability, without which we remain consigned to the perpetual flux of Toffler’s future shock, the

Earth and the Universe, without any preparation, hurtling into the perpetual Vortex. Besides if we persist to

make it a reality –than the benefits will even further outweigh the costs of these. Perseverance and

extending that which we have discovered so far, will ensure that any conceptual leap of faith –is orientated

in solidarity among others and in physical reality.

Examples include

We turn to the Universe, because we realise how ludicrous the alternatives are. We know how few choices

exist for our species not to end up disappearing or populating a desolate, radioactive wasteland…. The

world has become perilously close to a nuclear Holocaust (all in the name of ideology) several times

including the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis between the US and the Soviets, with many points of potential

tension. It would not take much for a conflict to turn nuclear. If intergalactic exploration is what it takes to

survive, then let us commit to it – regardless of the cost or consequences… as we cannot afford not to.

Drifting apart, without a long-term policy to ensure the survival and continued wellbeing of our species and

others, of remaining blind and vulnerable to the future, to humans, the Fates, our planetary and

astronomical environment… is not a convincing argument to ensure that we and our achievements remain

as significant as we are now. It is essential to act before it is too late.

In looking at the stars it is reassuring to know that they are more than pinpricks twinkling in Erebus – but

that scientists, philosophers and priests all agree that out there are answers… to some of the most

hallowed, sacred and eternal of mysteries –answers that we will never know as long as we remain confined

to the parameters of Earth. There is only so much that we can discover, achieve and learn on our own


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planet. It would perhaps take to the potential end of the Universe itself to exhaust the opportunities that it

provides. Out there are opportunities, are choices and places to begin anew –that can be inhabited and

reached –even conquered. The Universe of perhaps a Billion Worlds. Perhaps there is even one for each of

us… although most of us would not wish an entire planet for themselves as many humans are extremely

sociable beings, as with many species. But once the motives for animosity, envy, covertness and others

reduce… perhaps we will finally begin to witness generations at greater peace with themselves and each

other than most could have ever thought to hope for… As materialism becomes less of an obsession, they

may learn to appreciate that which is considerably more important –themselves, their principles, their

friends, lovers, family and those of other species. And what could be wrong with any of this? If we can –why

not? Each person who becomes content –somehow better off because we elected to choose space

exploration, planetary terraforming and ecological literacy/ conservation over destroying each other…

becomes yet another reason to justify the undertaking of what could be the most ambitious pf projects that

humanity has ever attempted for itself.

Perhaps in finding life – we might find answers – and greater solutions. Even finding alternative worlds,

multiplies the options that we have… How can this not be worth it? Whether we are satisfied with our planet

or not, whether we are grateful or not, others may not be, for our sake and the planet’s –it is better that they

are free to encounter a part of the Spiral Arm that they would rather seek to inhabit than forced to be

consigned to this one that they do not wish to be a part of. Free of the laws, taxes, social, religious, cultural

and other taboos or censorship that others face upon ourselves which for the sake of lacking any other

alternatives we are so often compelled to swallow... It would be far easier to retain our beliefs, our

principles, our thoughts, dreams, characters and destinies if we did not have to keep compressing them –if

we could be true and faithful to who we really are –or were meant to be; not the pretext/compromised of

souls… Those of us who know that we are different –that we are special –need space –Whoever has felt

lonely, vulnerable, enraged, hapless, conflicted or miserable to the degree which it significantly affects our

capacity to function as we should –being able to escape by accessing the Universe –or at least being able

to learn about it, to marvel at it, to ponder and appreciate it…. would be a start towards the healing

process… We would be able to stomach more of it and realise the truth –that there is so much more of this

and that we would not have to put up with those that do not wish us. We would find somewhere where we

can be free to contribute –that we are needed and appreciated, that we can do something substantial that

will make a difference and that we will not be beholden to others –except if we of our own free volition

choose to be. Those of us who feel ostracised from participating in a world and age meant of secularism,

globalisation, materialism, vice, hypocrisy, apathy, conflict, pain, poverty, ecological catastrophe and all


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these other panaceas we have to force ourselves not to regurgitate… do not have to face this –when other

possibilities do exist… There are many worlds out there that have been found where we could begin anew,

once we persuade those in power that it is in the mutual benefit of most human beings –and most species

to pursue an Epoch of Space –even when the costs seem initially higher than might have been considered.

A Space Age –where all –not just astronauts, scientists and the rich/influential can personally witness and

be involved in –is the world and epoch this tome envisions. It is those of us who are fed up waiting for

others to lead –to honour the words once promised by US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy to conquer

space the final frontier of humans, who wish to take part –and have a universe to charter/annex in the spirit

of humanity and quintessence of enlightenment, to whom this manifesto is dedicated…

For those of us who continue to wonder whether or not this treatise has any relevance for them, who wish

to know what possible relevance space could possibly have for them in addition to the reasons outlined

here, this treatise re-iterates the lack of alternatives that exist for our species, as the consequences of

destroying so much of our biosphere. If there is a choice between defending the status quo and continuing

to feel fairly trivial, superfluous and overwhelmed, not to mention the uncertainty, pain, fear, misery, wrath,

conflict, tensions and so many hurdles that hamstring us and prevent us from being a generation and world

of humans at peace with themselves, then why would we foolishly choose the option which threatens to

never have this? Every aspect of space examined here and in other sources has the potential to uplift us

and create a new Renaissance, to advance us physically through geographical expansion reducing the

Vulnerability of the Human Race and satisfying the ingrained impulse to roam –to wonder and Pioneer

Forth in the Colonisation Imperative, mentally through The Spirit of Discovery, spiritually through the

Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything Else, psychologically and emotionally as above. We

can found a new culture to be inspired by the Muses further. Economically we can reduce the scarcity of

resources and environmentally we could forever preserve biodiversity and ensure that never again will a

species face the threat of extinction, that we can learn from ecological literacy –in observing our own planet

and any other potential life bearing worlds… so that they never suffer the fate of the wastelands of Venus,

Mars and Pluto –in just our galaxy alone… How can there be possibly any arguments against any of these?

For those of us who seek interest, space is far less likely to bore us than most areas in our real lives, for we

can always continue to wonder what might happen next… Assuming we pay attention to the lessons it has

to teach us and the consequences of our previous conduct historically, our cosmic search… is far less likely

to distress or disturb us… We have a chance to create worlds free of the problems and limits that we

encounter on Earth so why not just take it?


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The distances to reach our neighbouring galaxies are monumental… Its reaches appear infinite – the time

taken to travail them will not only aid us in adjusting to any potential future shock… but we will appreciate

any wonders/beauty/anomalies that those of us who embark upon the great Astronautical Odyssey to

discover, decipher and colonise the Universe, establishing a federated cluster of populated galaxies… For

those of us who do not, at least we will have the option… It is an option that our current deficiencies in

global research do not allow us to have, even when the obvious benefits that exist to such are so

transparent… Even if we are perfectly satisfied with the way things are, as I extrapolated in: “How to Save

Our Planet,” due to persistent human meddling, the planet’s situation will deteriorate to the point where

virtually no one will be able to enjoy the level of affluence and privilege that is possible; that they take for

granted – where the world is as habitable and enjoyable as it is for those humans privileged enough to be a

part of this; let alone the billions more for whom this remains a dreamed of but distant possibility… Space

will provide the crucial breathing space and alternative, to an ever crowded planet – unless we drastically

cull our human demographics… Humanity –especially its globalised leadership promise so much… but it

can only be made real through us showing sufficient devotion to those and that in which we believe…

something that so many seem to have lost the will and the desire to try it.

We pay for any decision and future we undertake. Therefore, we might as well choose the conduit which

presents us with more alternatives, than globalisation’s current course, seeking to short circuit our

choices… We might as well attempt that which might have the potential not only to save us, to increase the

planet’s sustainability but may increase our future prospects as well. What other course might even

remotely ensure that those of us who have ever dreamed of something else, to be somewhere different, to

escape Earth and its problems/ restrictions into a place of our own devising/imagination –where things are

different, can come true? How else can some of our adventures, desires and dreams become a reality?

Globalisation has been very seductive in persuading us to distract ourselves with materialism, escaping

through books and technology –but again they are a poor, inferior substitute to the ingrained urge to

migrate to roam forth in search of new opportunities. Who hasn’t ever desired of beginning life anew –of

doing what you ought to/ wished you had done. On a planet exceeding seven billion people crowded into at

least 192 separate countries –where every square centimetre can be plotted –by air, land, the oceans or

space… the chance for individuality, solitude and wilderness will become more and more appealing in time.

Even just thinking about the Universe –what it might potentially offer and what might be out there, sooths

the spirit… a psychological balm to palliate the restless, the anguished, the voracious and the perpetual

wanderer –plus those who really seek more to life and their experiences of this spheroid… It would be


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fascinating to ponder just what do the Cosmos mean to humanity – to us as individuals; to our community;

to our religion, culture and academics… Does it mean anything to our leadership? Then there is the even

more enigmatic unknown… Do any other species on Earth –plant or animal… ever perceive, are they ever

aware –let alone think about the Universe? What might we be able to learn from them? Do they too, yearn

as so many of us do; to be a part of that Multiverse… Perhaps they too dream of a celestial Elysium!

Perhaps they fantasise over a terrestrial based Paradise – similar to Earth –but where they are free of

humans that enslave, persecute or exterminate; even threatening extinction. Perhaps they desire the

escape, seeking better things, an adventure or just to satisfy their inquisitive nature as so many of us do…

Actually, undertaking this destiny may further help those who psychologically feel as if there are very few

alternatives… All this might further support the need across all humanity; regardless of our background,

who desire something else… which Earth for all its fecundity and potential does not promise… -but also

extends across perhaps many other species…To participate –would involve far more of us, than those who

currently have that honour by virtue of luck, high wealth or training… We would all need the chance to be

able to participate should we desire, but only through championing and working towards it, as individuals

and symbiosis, even if it is just to constantly remind our leadership, corporations, academics, communities,

religions, education and culture to support it…

There may be another reason for pursuing space… the burgeoning modern schism that looms between the

forces of science, secularism and those of religion. If the two realise that they need each other –to prompt

humanity in choosing space of its own volition, then they may be less antagonistic towards each other and

less inclined to resort to the “global war against terror,” or It may be perhaps the only chance for them to

cooperate in a mutual alliance –other than that of working to save the natural environment –the other

necessary aim. Science and religion were historically not incompatible –i.e. natural philosophy –they were

both used to enlighten humanity’s quest to master its comprehension of the self and the rest of the

Universe. However, they have drifted apart as the centuries pass. But humanity is enriched by both and

needs both. Perhaps a quest in the spirit of discovery –to seek greater glimmerings towards The Ultimate

Question to Life, the Universe and Everything… may convince these factions –along with philosophers, the

intelligentsia, politicians, the media and other parasitical harbingers forever spouting gloom, to start working

towards the future of humanity –its welfare, prosperity and assured survival… as it once did in the spirit of

Ancient Greece, Rome and the Renaissance… may provide one means to achieve this…

Of course argument that favours space colonisation given the lack of pragmatic alternatives that this

chapter advances can also be extended to Earth. After all there is only one certain birthplace of the human


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species and all of our achievements. This includes one of our most remarkable of all accomplishments –

managing to produce a means of actually departing the world, so that it no longer presents the barrier faced

by other equally perspicacious species…. However, for the next several decades –perhaps even species,

until we resolve the means of transportation across galaxies –spanning light years or longer, out of

necessity –anything that we undertake in Deep Space, will have to base itself on what is available to it on

Earth. Therefore, what happens on Earth and to Earth will and ought to remain a matter of attention and

concern throughout all time –even with an Intergalactic Confederacy of Worlds/Empire of Planets. We may

always retain these terrestrial ties to Gaia out of necessity but at least colonists will be able to work towards

a future federation of autonomous planets –or whichever means of space governance is decided upon as

proposed in a forthcoming devoted chapter. Independence and an Exodus can only benefit all species –

those who have the honour of going –and those who are choose to remain behind –with more breathing

capacity as they have done so in the past, whenever groups or individuals have elected to roam and

escape their homelands, whether temporary as merchants, scholars, pioneers and explorers… or more


Pioneering Forth

There comes a moment in our lives –a time when we have to stand up and proclaim: ‘Enough is Enough! I

cannot take much more of these compromises and inhale even more tosh, than the putrescent midden I

face, the features in life that suppress my greatness, happiness, potential, peace, merit, dreams and

actions, where I am no longer enslaved by fear or by others.’ We wish to be ourselves more than anything.

We wish to escape. We wish to live our lives to selfish impulse –and be free to roam, to be independent, to

do, to dare, to think, to dream, to discover, to be… Such is the very quintessence of what it means to be

human. But how many times are we compelled or persuaded to suppress this, to treasonously deny a part

of ourselves, because no one is interested, it is deemed such barbs of being impossible, unfeasible,

unrealistic, too expensive, too much of an opportunity cost etc… and our spark of independence – that

which momentarily enlivens our spirit, ignites our hope and animates our very lives and souls? This treatise

considers that such is not only treasonous it is completely unhealthy physically, spiritually, psychologically

and mentally for those of us that do experience these… it argues that sometimes we do need to try

something new, to pioneer forth… One of the most compelling reasons for electing to ensure that space

commerce, culture and colonisation really do occur –because out there you are free… No one will be out

there (especially if you are far enough) to every deny what you truly feel that you wish to feel, think, act or

otherwise… There will be no social censorship to chafe and chastise you, to drown you as on Earth…


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In the past as humans, we could escape – to the oceans, the desert, to jungles… to outposts… to

somewhere or something new…. 7 billion people, in a world where every square inch is plotted, fought,

contested and subjected to control… make this impossible in the age of globalisation… Privacy and

solitude are becoming ever rarer. Moments of peace to ourselves, time and opportunities… with the

modern world, how rare these have become. Yet they remain as necessary as they ever were – if not more

so. The world seems to lack living space… not just to farm… but even to live… Often, wherever we go,

whatever we do…. There are others… Whatever we try – mostly it is either stopped by others –or else has

been done before… and little purpose, lingering pleasure or merit is found in repeating it… Too often there

are others who seek nothing more than to interfere to deny us the pleasure and luxury of being ourselves,

of not being disturbed, of doing as we wish or need or to prevent us, when by chance we need their

cooperation to actually do something that they are supposed to do. However, in perhaps a Universe of a

Million Worlds, we will be free, as we once were, to wonder… to unleash ourselves… pioneering forth –for

those of us, who desire nothing else… but to exercise the historic roles of venturing forwards, as our

predecessors did, to recapture what is lost –but to apply it elsewhere… What else remains –but to pioneer

forth? In what else is their meaning or purpose, other than the world and the universe which fabricated our

souls, forged our character and enabled us to excel the degree that we have actually managed to

accomplish? For this is what it takes to advance our species. This is what it means not to stagnate –to be –

and to remain a human being… We have walked a few steps… but so much more remains as this treatise

seeks to elaborate.

The pursuit of space exploration –in creating an Age of Space, with an intergalactic trading and research

network, a colonisation and terraforming programme, a new federated charter that allows internal planetary

and settler autonomy, but forms a common alliance against exogenous threats among other elements…

might… -just might, save us from the void of oblivion, that those who advocate doing nothing –the path of

suicide, would caution us into doing… Without facing the potential for unfurling the brilliance that remains

shackled and browbeaten by the masses and mediocre global leadership (of all kinds), humanity is

doomed, given our vulnerable we are to this planet – there are no human backups or redundancies. If

something goes wrong –if we, Gaia, the Gods or some internal/ external threats succeed in eradicating the

conditions that make it possible for life to thrive –or to even subsist and remain alive, then that is the end of

the human race and everything that we have accomplished. The natural forces that formulate life will have

to start off with a far worthier species, far more gifted and deserving. Perhaps they would have better luck

in at least targeting a natural survivor, one capable of showing deference, humility, respect and

responsibility, who understands that actions have consequences and not to stubbornly resist or impede the


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natural order and forces of the universe… i.e. the crocodile or the cockroach……. As they for one have not

reached nearly the same degree of mistakes and terminal stupidity that is the perpetual malaise of our

species… they may stand a better chance of weathering the future and preparing… they may even deserve

far more…

With space, pioneering forth offers what few others do not – a chance to save ourselves and salvage all

that we value most. With this trail, we can ascend into the celestial aether, where only the most audacious

ever so much as dreamed of potentially soaring –and to strive for the real world to make it possible.

Space if nothing else; has the potential, along with environmental conservation to save the driftless – so

many of those flowing through life, seeing little or no point to it all… It offers those, who society ridiculed,

spurned or victimised… for there is a place in the Universe for all –with its many potential planets, moons

and asteroid belts. It can help those lost, adrift, aside from society – who feels discombobulated. Perhaps it

can soothe their tempest wracked souls. Just as certain processes only provide healing, so too can this one

reduce the tenseness, the wracked nerves, the anguish of futility, the listlessness, the apathy and other

malaises that fracture the human spirit, fragment the human body, shatter the imagination, fissure the

character and rupture the soul. There is only so much pressure that any reasonable soul can withstand

before the fissures in their nature crack… Some resort to socially unacceptable behaviour, some

degenerate to crime or vices. Others seek to destroy themselves or others, become recluses, succumb to

affluenza, cruelty or any of the other problems that afflict this world… In our Universe centred Epoch, we

would seek to listen and utilise all souls where they most desired it –or at least offer them the chance to get

away and release it more constructively as they pioneer forth…

Just thinking about other worlds, infinite frontiers and possibilities…a way out, alleviates stress and sooths

the soul… in a way that only meditation on something inherently worthy, inspiring and promising can do so!

Its potential tranquillity may help to plague the most tempest troubled of souls… It represents the last

fountain of inexplicable miracles –that are enjoyable without been pierced and overanalysed. It is the last

Redoubt of imagination. We might find it easier to relate to the universe than to each other... it demands so

little of us in exchange… like other species. We may have to experience it –but at least it isn’t the same

extend of frustration and contention as dealing with other human beings… To participate in space –in

working for a world and time –where space is accessible to virtually all of us –not just those significantly

affluent enough to be able to pay for an orbital flight –all that is possible for current space tourism, would

mean that all of us could grasp the chance to be a part in this…. A Space Age would be worth the price –in

helping us to progress… Would that on its own not be a sufficiently compelling reason to act to support


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this? If we could be one holistically with the universe… and to contemplate it, helps us realise how much

more there is beyond the mere physical humdrum reality we often find ourselves trapped in and forced to

swallow its acridity…. True peace of mind, soul and body, comes only when they are aligned with true


It is something that does not depend on only others – especially professionals, politicians or anybody that

you would rather not be dependent upon, it depends on yourself –something to significantly motivate you –

for only the singular person can fully motivate themselves and to act in this way. Whatever problems that

we have as humans… Whatever our trials, tribulations and experience, if we rationally analyse it, if we

appeal to our emotions and our memories… has space ever been a part of it? For the great majority of us,

we can answer: NO! Space had not been a part of it. But in offering us a release, a way of imagining what

might be –where we are free – to be who we wish to be –and do as we like… -whatever it might be… with

nothing of Earth-bound reality or our lives to intrude –it can help to be part of the solution… Even

contemplating this as an interlude to making space exploration and travel real… provides spiritual solace in

a way that is far more reassuring than many alternatives… For one thing it is free. It does not debase us,

ruin us, cost us, poison or in any other way have a debilitating effect on us. It actually channels our focus,

imagination, mind and energy in a healthy, constructive manner, unbeholden to others, perfectly legal,

socially and individually acceptable.

But to pioneer forth, space would have to be taken seriously by all… The idea of pursuing it, will met with

evident challenges –especially that of persuading the human race to voluntarily accept that which is in our

own best interests and that if we are to move forth and flourish that we need to accept. In consulting the

human majority along with extensive previous research –space proves to be the last thought, consideration

or priority of so many… and it will continue to be as long as its presence is marginalised… And yet not

marginalising it would make such a definite difference –to ignite Elpis the Spirit of Hope. And as humans do

we not need hope to fortify us? Do we not need to believe in something that is so much greater than us,

that is worthy of us and of immortality as a long-term quest to ardently save humanity and all life on this

planet? Space exploration can provide this for both the foreseeable and the distant future as a means to

appeal to so many different segments of humanity and species, so many divergent circumstances and

environments. We need things to aspire to – not just more challenges that so many of us feel impotent

towards. We all need things that as a species we can be proud of, that allow us all divergences in dreams

and enable us to be so much more than the modern world ever allows us to be. Otherwise we are nothing

more than the drained husks of mortals, the barely conscious puppets of a globalised world, the droning


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technology and materialist addled cadavers that lurch the earth, doing, dreaming, thinking and being little

more than we have to –or that we are influenced and permitted to be.

We would prioritise educational awareness of this mandate to space –in school curriculums, in open

lectures, seminars, talks and events –and through the media… as the one force capable of unifying the

human species –as it is worth temporarily reconciling our differences –perhaps even having a truce with our

adversaries if it enables us to both finally be able to escape each other, practise what we believe separately

and get what we think/feel that we require even if it is to establish a separate colony/company/base

elsewhere – even light years away… Would this not be a sufficient incentive to modify ourselves, to better

ourselves if our education was reconfigured towards pragmatic training that taught us how to think, to live

and to survive –if we chose ever to be pioneers and to take the courageous plunge to begin anew, rather

than consign ourselves to bitter, never ceasing drudgery, boredom, pain, strife and disaster? We would

openly solicit proposals and request volunteers to participate. How would you implement this?” “What do

you think needs to be done?” “How?” and “Why.” It is absolutely crucial that as many human beings are

involved as possible –for a revolution and Age to have a chance – it needs to win the support and motivate

the effort of so many. Psychology is essential – convincing humans that it is one of the most necessary of

ingredients if we want to live and if we ever seek to get anywhere… especially physically and intellectually.

We cannot rely upon those with comparatively little incentive to act to change the world or solve its

problems –many of those entrenched in positions that have the potential to influence this course… After all,

how have they helped to solve any of the existing problems that we face? How have they shown

themselves to be truly perceptive to popular opinion or the needs that we face? Like the Arab Spring

Uprisings in Libya and Egypt three years ago, this process of space… is too important to leave it to

leadership alone –even if they do have to be involved… It needs to include popularist elements, grass root

movements and decentralisation as part of a democratic process imploring people to participate if they

want to ensure that all the visions proclaimed in this Manifesto and the Astronautical Odyssey really do take


However, there are many significant indicators which would affirm that pioneering forth can be the salvation

and the future path for humanity to embark upon. Current projects that space agencies have commissioned

to help us include:

As human beings we have found ourselves able to thrive in all spheres of the world, within the International

Space Station, Soyuz and others in orbit. Progressing forth would work towards conditions that would


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enable us to actually inhabit space, including being able to manage nutrition, hygiene, reclaim water,

provide fuel, recycle waste to prevent it from becoming hurtled space debris, locating replacement parts,

adjusting to the hazards of space, reducing the risks of navigation, flight and even space walks among

others. Experiments on the International Space Station include the most expensive harvests in recorded

human history. Growing soybeans and potatoes may be costly under these conditions but –miraculously it

shows that it can be done. As humans we can therefore transport our knowledge and experience, modify it

to space –and receive a tangible –even organic outcome as a solution. If it is possible for these crops, what

more can be done? Perhaps it could become viable to produce self-sustaining arkships –with volunteers in

stasis prepared to venture beyond our galaxy to Alpha Centauri or the nearest dwarf planet neighbours that

might potentially support life forms such as ours. Space is the next logical progression of our ever-yearning

desire for advancement and the means to make technology that could conduct this and move forward,

provides a beacon for others to follow. Examples of current research that might further assist us include…

To explore whole new worlds, to colonise and commandeer is the essence of pioneering forth and to do so

it would be essential to discover means of physically transcending these distances, which current research

with its bias towards conventional rocket propulsion-based systems isn’t seriously targeting sufficiently. And

yet there are other visions out there, as with anything that is truly worthy of pursuit, we should try any

feasible method that yields results no matter how unconventional – if we wish it to occur. We also have to

decide whether we are sufficiently satisfied to restrict ourselves to the depressingly familiar or banal. Or are

we prepared to accept the challenges and risks that embracing our heart’s desire and our dreams may

demand of us? Do we wish to pioneer forth or do we just wish for others to be a part of it? Why would any

person turn down something that would have some potential advantage? To pioneer forth, to have the

access –or at least the option to space, its potential economy, culture and colonisation programme, seems

so obvious for those of us who do crave an answer. For those of us who do not wish for space, it may

provide an escape or solution in the future –is that any sound reason not to pursue this now; especially is it

will be a generations long saga? Besides why inhibit others from having the chance to be a part of it?

The official future of space exploration that governments are currently favouring (and remain for over 30

years) include investing in the following space launches and missions within near orbit from here to the

Moon then Mars (See Timeline) NASA’s 2014 Orion Project seeks to probe an asteroid through an

automated solar powered scouter.


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To set forth on a new part of our history, is something to enthral, all but the most moribund of beings, who

cannot contemplate anything so wondrous…. We pity these –for it is they who cannot even remotely

fathom any possible joy, truth, beauty, meaning, purpose, imagination, hope or inspiration for us as human

beings. How can we stomach these beings who having given up upon their lives, their dreams and

themselves, work so assiduously to infect others with the same dispiriting and disheartening malaise of

surrender, inertia, misery, ridicule and contempt? It is they that have overwhelmingly conspired to taint the

purity, magic, mystery and enchantment of our own planet. It is they who have sought to stall our

advancement by leading us to doubt our achievements, to dream of a better world and to have ambitions,

hopes and dreams –as if they have forgotten what these mean and are worth… However, they are


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symptoms – that remains confined to this planet. As of this moment, it has not infiltrated the rest of the

Universe… If we cannot find those who desire to support us here, if we find them actively discouraging and

working against everything we desire, believe and working towards, then why not strive to utilise our

potential to fabricate an escape from them. Why not seek to be among similar intrepid spirits, with the

resolve and spirit to advance, to move forward and stride beyond the familiar…? Why not aim to go where

no human being has ever been…? To set forth on a new chapter, a component of our legacy as the human

race, where each of us can find a role to play –even that of just ideas or supporting others, this is the path

of pioneering forth.

Although we may desire to pioneer forth, I caution that we will always need our homeworld and that it is

pivotal to always remember our terrestrial origins… even if we reach our ultimate desired celestial

destination… It is important never to forget the links that being an inhabitant of Earth – the highest of

privileges that all of us possess in common… have offered to unify all living parts of the global ecosystem,

as they remain our anchors to the reality of this planet of our birth – the spheroid that made it possible,

even focus; to dream of being in space – let alone the physical resources and condition necessary for us to

become a part of it. Our planet has trained us well to manage the daunting hurdles that we face if we would

but listen and honour those. It is the adaptation to every environment, climate and conditions on our home

planet that can prepare us to face whatever is out there for us to encounter across the pantheon of

prospective worlds. The abilities to be creative and adapt, to assimilate, to process, to proceed and

endure… our planet has conditioned our species throughout history and will continue to do so –provided

that we revere her enough to preserve her –and to pay attention. These lessons that she can teach us are

but some of the rudiments of eco-literacy and common sense that are essential when pioneering forth so

that wherever we might roam or end up – at least it will not share the same problems that we humans have

generated on our home planet Earth itself…

To pioneer forth we would have the chance to learn from the mistakes our species has perpetuated on

Earth –so that never again will our shame and irresponsibility blight the fate of another planet… How rare

has been the chance to begin anew –where consequences of disastrous actions can help to contribute

towards reducing permanent harm? We might have to work more on peace and cooperation to listen and

support each other as individuals, as societies, as those of faith and of being human beings but these

cannot hinder the human species. A lowering of the warfare mentality, establishing mutual research

exchanges and experience, modifying educational curricula, diverting economic expenditure from the

military towards civilian space research and meteorological observation, cannot hinder human beings. We


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can all only benefit from consciously selecting these long-term objectives as the future to prepare for all

humanity –across nations as something to advance and unite us, as other factors have sought to thwart

and divide us. If we adopt the defeatist attitude that characterises so many beings around us and never act

–only react, we will never be able to participate in creating such a sustainable future for ourselves… If we

abrogate free will and the right to choose/responsibility for others, then we cannot complain when these

objectives and the benefits envisioned in this long-term solution for solving a significant number of

humanity’s problems for which no other comparable solution has formally been proposed or even

considered let alone endorsed… fail to materialise. At least it considers the dreams and eternal legacy of


Realistically, in pioneering forth, these are what space has achieved in several countries. It has established

an infinite variety of calculations to pilot and scry a new course for humanity for us to choose and pursue.

Examples include… If these are our achievements so far… consider how much more could be done!

Space can therefore become the apex of a rich and meaningful life, without being as easily seduced and

vulnerable as those who do not undertake the course of space on our planet to trivial materialism and

socially/individually destructive pursuits. Every one of us as humans’ beings needs something that allows

us to have a purpose and a vision, to retain our identity – the very quintessence that forms us, guides us

and motivates us. As human beings we all need something personal –something that no human being can

interfere in –something we keep to ourselves and have done so, realising that to admit it to others, might

destroy belief in it, confidence in oneself or being actually able to undertake it. I present space as the most

pragmatic solution to this. At least new frontiers offer innovation and possibilities, where we ourselves could

choose – where little choice is often presented to us in reality on this planet among an increasingly

globalised society, in these times. Most of our free will on Earth is sapped by the fact that the world was

overpopulated, explored, utilised and developed the way it is –and those of us living, merely compounded

the mistakes of our predecessors. As we have the capacity to extend free will into space, why not strike

whilst the chance is actually there? The more our planet faces climate change, the less feasible this chance

to enjoy and contribute to life becomes… We will need a moratorium on exploiting nonessential,

unsustainable resources and species if we ever wish to retain them –or face the possibility of extinction.

The more we will be reactive… -in responding to the problems that become increasingly more urgent and in

need of attention, the less evident chance do we have to be pro-active, doing something not only because it

may be considered necessary for our species but because we dream of it…. It is this desire to make

something of their dreams, their imaginations and themselves that have guided every cosmonaut who has


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heroically ventured on a mission into space… and every being who in some small but crucial and

interconnected part made it possible for these to occur… that has led to the space achievements that we as

a human species can be proud of in being a part of….

These space achievements include those summarised in the chapter on space exploration history including

the first person in space, our first lunar landing, the Space Shuttle, Apollo missions, the International Space

Station and satellites… along with sending probes such as Mars Express in its decade of observation since

2003 CE. But they need to be added to as a definitive long-term mission for space, with the resources and

human will that voyaging beyond really will need. If we are to follow the ambitious terraforming projects

dreamed of for colonising the Moon, Mars, Europa, Ganymede, Calisto, Titan and beyond… there are

many issues to resolve and considerable expense and time involved. Even for Mars (Impey 2007) we

would have to resolve the following problems of adapting to low surface temperatures, producing a self-

replicating and sustainable, oxygen filled atmosphere of a comparable nature to Earth; we would have to

terraform significantly with plants and animals; provide enough resources to be self-sustainable and

eventually economically viable… Then there are all the other issues – legal, social, environmental;

economic, academic, cultural etc. once the planet is sufficiently prepared, the ecological process especially

needs to be preserved and continued. Yet the example of Venus with its extreme temperatures and

volcano strewn landscape warns what might happen, if we continue to remain passive and allow climate

change that we have engineered to sabotage everything…

Whether we choose to pioneer and progress forth or not; Chronus and others will not wait and will choose

to act… Time passes on –it does not take into account the plans and aspirations of mortals and given the

old adage: “If you fail to prepare –prepare to fail!” The Century of Storms will worsen and humanity will

have to weigh the economic opportunity cost of all those. That is why it is best to commence now! There

has never been a more auspicious moment to value and utilise space…. to the problems and catastrophes

that we face on Earth. Comparatively recent examples in the “Vulnerability of the Human Race,” such as

the Shoe Levy Comet that struck Jupiter in 1994 show how precarious, external menaces can be as well…

The history of our world is inundated with examples of risk and uncertainty… The longer we procrastinate,

dawdle and dither, the fewer resources and chances we will have; the less of a planet and ecosystem we

will have left to preserve and support us; the lower the probability that a Space Age might happen at all.

The question is do we wish to be so exposed to that which Time and the Elementals, the physical and

spiritual entities of the Macrocosmos have waiting for us? Or are we prepared to take the necessary

gamble to pioneer and progress forth? The choice remains ours for now… but the deadline in which we can


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actually substantiate, mitigate or erode it is passing… Only we, ourselves can determine whether or not we

wish to succeed and prevail – we cannot solely attribute blame to those forces, if we ourselves are

unprepared to accept the concept of free will, responsibility and the fact that actions have consequences.

To survive –one has to be prepared to react – to assimilate into whatever must be done –no matter how

radical or what the cost is… if the alternative opportunity cost of not doing so is far worse…

What matters most is that this treatise considers every possible argument that can be presented in favour

of space including refuting wherever possible those which discourage any funding, resources and actual

support towards humanity’s future in the stars. It seeks to categorically assert several of the myriad reasons

for our species to urgently choose the Way of Interstellar Research and Pioneering Forth far beyond our

existing record. For them too –it is a chance to survive and prosper in a world where they will be necessary

(help to monitor all species and provide security. In reviewing the following developments this treatise

seeks to ascertain the extent to which our species can be genuinely considered to be actually progressing

through selecting certain current targets of the spacing sector on Earth. These targets include… Further

examples include…

Of course it is essential to prepare correctly to maximise potential chances of survival – and to ensure that

any Age of Space actually does have a chance at success. There is no point repeating our failures –and

disheartening the human spirit even further for all those disenchanted with what our world has become, the

reality we experience and the problems we face with globalisation and the status quo… far from what most

of us probably ever dreamed of or hoped. There are certain prerequisites that would enhance our species

ability to fare brilliantly away from Earth, the Moon and this localised sector of the galaxy. These could

include initially reviewing both existing academic literature and fiction. This would provide a direction of

what has been achieved so far –and what remains to be done so that we may strive to undertake this grand

project now, even if it may take generations to complete. Fiction helps us to imagine what can be done… –

It sets no constraints or boundaries other than that of the human imagination, hope, passion, spirit, will and

energy… It can guide, inspire and empower us. For a considerable volume of what has been achieved so

far, first faced the doubters and the critics… as dreams and inspiration… Examples of these involve… And

yet if these dreams can actually become true… then there is nothing at all to prevent anything else

plausible that we or others have considered and desired…

These prerequisites would necessitate harnessing the individual and collective talents, wills and energy for

us as humans to be a part of this envisioned Age. For out there in the world are a plethora of individuals


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and sources, without fame, distinction or attention – let alone the recognition and appreciation they

deserve. The world at this moment does not value them and this needs to change. If all organisms can

directly or indirectly potentially benefit by a being, group or organisation’s actions, policies or proposals,

then it can only benefit us all to listen to them, to grant them basic respect and courtesy – and then to help

them make it occur so… Most theoreticians, politicians, the media and many people often think it is enough

to mention these, to publicise and to talk about this but talk can be considered no effective substitute for

action. The problems exist and no amount of waffling at a Global Summit or local event/academic journal

on its own will have any effect at all. It is essential to use these to consider what has achieved, what has

failed, that which is being considered and that which can be undertaken… Once we consider all the factors,

then we can define the necessary objectives before considering a way to make them a realistic target. But

this should not be a pretext for inertia as we increasingly face the constraints of this planet, the external

threats of this universe and human beings on Earth. To ensure these, means of enlightening those capable

of influencing the decision to finance and support these are necessary before undertaking a feasibility

study/ cost- benefit analysis to determine the extent to which it may be considered necessary… It is

essential to consider education to familiarise more with the concepts of space, of what a Space Age could

potentially mean for humanity and other means of heightening awareness.

For example, consider what training might include. The curriculum would not just be based on the

skewered terrestrial perspective –that rates humans as the centre of “evolution,” dominating all other

species but take into account the practical orientation, survival skills, planetology, eco-literacy and other

specialised skills essential to be a part of space colonisation, tourism, exploration, scholarship and the new

potential economy. We would learn about other worlds, the cultures, history, geography, astrophysics,

astrochemistry, astrobiology and more… NASA and other space agencies are pre-empting this, to

familiarise generations with what space really is, what it consists of, how it was formed, what we have

discovered and are discovering over the Universe, through…. They are electing to…

We would pioneer forth if the UN Space Affairs Secretariat or a new equivalent could be established,

developed and discharged to undertake and coordinate research/investment opportunities wherever

necessary so that space receives the attention that it needs so desperately for a true Era of Space

Exploration to occur. This can only occur with the interlinking of governments, commercial companies,

academic and research facilities, religions, nongovernmental organisations, the media, communities,

societies, organisations and most of all individual human beings to ensure all effort possible toils to achieve

this… This is the only way that something such as globalisation could ever truly be considered to be


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globalised with true world support through efforts to save the environment/Earth from human created

ecological catastrophes and through seeking space as a long-term viable solution to many of our

impending problems…. At the moment, each stakeholder is pursuing their own short term interest but given

the uncertainty, the cost and the waste of resources squandered in a pointless duplication of efforts,

cooperation in research, in training, in facilities, in exchanging information and in so many others, could

only mutually benefit both the donor and the recipient along with all of us who would benefit through space

–whether one of those who pioneers forth, or one of those gaining more breathing space and a longer time

period of the planet’s potential survival.

We would invite volunteers prepared to train themselves in space and to acclimatise to it. Until we progress

further, each volunteer who wished to be part of the space colonisation armada would also necessitate this

training. Why should the benefits of space be allowed only to those tourists rich enough to afford it or a

comparative handful of researchers and cosmonauts? Space is certainly vast enough for every being of

every species on Earth and elsewhere to be able to co-exist in peace and harmony, without unwanted

interference, harassment or persecution. Further scholarships for developing countries/those especially

gifted would also be offered. Any chance for those of all countries who are the most gifted and have the

most to potentially offer to contribute –regardless of wealth, beliefs, background or environment. At each

step it could be necessary through ceremonies of our failures and successes and through education, the

media, culture, physical exhibitions of potential space benefits/ discoveries and other examples that human

imagination considers to assist as physical reminders of that which remains. For example we could have

symbolic ceremonies for each new major discovery of the Universe, exhibitions of goods, technology and

services provided of space to market its potential and flames/other symbols ignited for each new colony or

research base that is achieved. We could have exhibitions which market the resources and contributions of

past, present and future stages of probing space. We would offer vocational guidance training that enables

those seeking careers advice/ skills development particularly related to space, receive support and priority.

At all times it can be reminded as among the forefront of career paths for humanity for many of those who

might not have considered it. We can provide vocational guidance to enable those who desire to progress

forth to become a part of the new space orientated world… as the demand for them will multiply.

We would endorse specialised publications, publishers, guest speakers by leading pioneers, activists,

astronauts among others to directly convey both their insight and their experience and competitions to

progress. But we would also recognise that even amateurs could offer a planet –shattering insight that

could transform the world… and solve certain problems faced at the moment. The rotation of faculty/


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private research laboratories to freshly often exchange knowledge and funding for such –even to promising

graduate and undergraduate students is another policy that has worked in the past and can currently serve

pending a more efficient as a latent catalyst for future sparks. Students, science fiction and others can

provide even more answers. It is essential to scour the world for talent and potential. As humans we have

gambled too much with our world –seriously threatening to mortgage the future –and anything at all that

could assist in this, is worth the time and investment allocated. There are a number of other methods to

pursue –from open lectures to demonstrations, to promoting a new planetary culture, endorsing related

societies, harnessing the social networking and other forms of mass-based media and communication to

alert and convince humanity that this has to be the necessary path to choose to undertake. They include

protests and petitioning any authority, organisation or individual with influence/ power first to prioritise

awareness and access to space, second to enable it has the resources and other capacity to do so and

finally so that the potential benefits, achievements and discoveries of space are available and known to all

of us who could benefit individually and collectively. A part of that responsibility would involve accepting

their responsibility to continuously prove that they are doing what they can to advance this –to pressurise

them into accountability and continuously compelling them to act. Apart from education and publicity, one

could introduce humanity to space through recreational pursuits or an alternative inspired culture so that

space does not merely have to be a pragmatic solution based on survival, the environment or economics. It

would demonstrate that space does not merely have to be about the pursuit of knowledge which those

outside academic faculties may find esoteric and inconsequential, it does not have to be construed as

boredom but in devising new chances for recreation, tourism (as in the chapter) and even culture, that it

can provide a means to heighten enjoyment, pleasure and relaxation as well For example there are no

space/ few science fiction based theme parks devoted to either factual or fictional non Earth bounds parts

of the Universe. Specialised clubs and societies could be formed to promote space and involvement.

As stated, a specialised United Nations or other international body for conducting space affairs would be

necessary to be extended, with increased power and autonomy – even for coordinating the efforts of

individual space programs and the private sector. This would help so that humanity can unite in the

singularly spectacular achievement of an inter-galactic odyssey, rather than flounder in sporadic, random

efforts, with little connection to each other, that will only partly benefit a few –those who get to participate in

space –and those countries with existing space programs and policies to an extent. The achievements of

the current Secretariat are so unimpressive as to be one of the most invisible of UN agencies unlike

UNESCO, UN HABITAT, UNICITRAL, UNICEF or the General Assembly itself. We also not only have to

convert more military and university existing research facilities but it could only help us to create further


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ones. But we cannot rely on the UN alone –each country could strengthen its own institutional and legal

capacity to enable the Age of Space to occur far more swiftly than it has so currently. If the UN and

governments alone were the answer – such is ingrained inertia that nothing would ever be accomplished.

However, as this treatise considers, the most guaranteed way to enable us to progress forth and to enable

us to colonise is to ensure that it becomes bound up with the destinies of any of us as human beings… It

therefore has to be perceived as something we as humanity –as individuals and collectively… seek to

achieve. Besides anything which can take our mind off the bane of pursuing eternal materialism or

“affluenza” or seeks as a physical step to work towards reducing the many problems that singularly we

each face as well as the community and every other species that is affected by humanity’s eco –illiteracy so

that can be achieved.

Realistically this is what space has achieved…. In summarising each county’s achievements so far, they

lay a basis to further ensure space exploration continues to remain technically feasible and to further

benefit our species. Along with these achievements and authors, academics such as Se et al. (September

2004), who advocated stereo camera based, planetary rovers to adequately survey frontier worlds such as

Mars have empirically proven that it is possible.

To pioneer forth, initially humanity would have to be screened and shown able to contribute to ensuring the

realistic feasibility of a colony in space, researching surviving in space. These restrictions are necessary to

construct the first space research and exploration. Current exposure to space, the training, the suits, the

space rockets etc all require time and resources to construct which need to be staffed by those chargeable

of using them properly as space is expensive – especially in transport. Resources and training are currently

expensive, being tailor made from the most mercurial and unexpected of all environments –but economies

of scale may reduce the long-term costs for those of us who seek to venture into space. Eventually as

settlements are able to fiscally contribute then they could become more and more open to the mass of

humanity –anyone willing to gamble, to speculate and consider living in the future of humanity – not its past

or present.

We would find a way through persuasion (or examples such as sanctions by the majority of approving

members of a motion) to reconfigure the economies, armed forces, research facilities and elsewhere so

those in favour of space would be facilitated as this remains the most critical of all tasks that the human

species needs to undertake not only to advance but also to actually survive –along with climate change. It

is not impossible. All it takes is synergy and effort. We would not be ashamed to call upon those most


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qualified individuals, companies, universities and others to provide solutions –nor on the public either. This

Age of mediocre leadership however is afraid to interact or in seeking to pioneer forth, when along with

averting climate change, it provides so many with no answers to: What should the future be? How can we

make this so? If there is one thing that the history of our planet has shown is that, events happen. We can

either help to be decisive and influence them. Or they in turn can rule and influence us –as we react to

factors… Which would you choose?

Along with questioning: What Does it mean to Be Human?” What do I desire from life and how can this

achieve me, it ought to be essential to ask each worthy human: “Yet what do you think needs to be done?”

We have to ask ourselves: “What Does It Mean to Be Alive?” “What do we want out of lives as our

destiny?” “Are we truly satisfied with the way things are or do we desire change?” “What keeps us going?”

To any that feel that globalisation does not provide this, why not consider something that has the potential

to do so… to provide answers, to address our needs (all of them), our fears, hopes, dreams, constraints

and concerns and so much more? Pioneering forth –to continue where we once dreamed and were

promised we would reach –but have failed to do so –to establish a new course for our race to inhabit would

reverse our failures and our stagnation as a space faring populace, has to be far worthier than electing to

choose a path that seems to be leading nowhere for the last few decades... In dreaming of a new life, it

may help us to prevail through its ordeals – no matter what! If we ever desire or ever wanted a world full of

challenges –a chance to prove ourselves and have an illustrious existence – (or at least one that we can be

proud of) we can only get it through actually striding beyond the world that we know of, where almost every

square inch and wonder has been chartered, scanned, probed and viewed by countless others before we

ever get to experience it… How many new sensations remain? It will be ours to determine. What can that

possibly mean to a soul, who chafes at what society and specific individuals require from it – often without

even a simple gratitude? What could a solution mean to us, if it enabled us to have answers to the

questions and challenges that besiege us? Perhaps then it would help so many of us to advance - moving

further on.

This treatise projects broad yet fluid parameters for a dreamed future of space –where it matters and it also

provides joy to the dreamers as they continue to imagine it… Nothing is chiselled in bedrock – things can

still be changed –provided we act decisively soon. This treatise is but a start and reflection of this seldom

considered area. Even where this treatise presents specific solutions –it is evident that they are not the only

answer. With the Universe before us, we will learn more. Besides apart from our enemies and except

where it adversely may affect us why would we as humans seek to deny this for others? Why would we


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wish to deny it for ourselves as well? It can only extend us. It would help to complete us. What matters

most is that space involves a multitude of infinite possibilities, whether we pioneer forth or not just based on

existing efforts…. Examples abound whether in…. or…. Contributions include… Pioneering forth means to

continue however on paths that are mere traces to others or that don’t exist yet, where pioneers have yet to

venture including the possibility of extracting helium as an alternative fuel source given its abundance in the

Universe –eve perhaps it is extractable from the Moon (although that would violate the UN Treaty on moon

mining as a US corporation are currently seeking to exploit and infringe…) …. This could also actually

involve human beings leaving Earth and venturing beyond the Moon all those decades ago. The

International Space Station was impressive –but if we can reach Mars and beyond… then why not? At the

moment Space Agencies are cooperating on several future missions but they are proposing sending

robots/automated probes and launching satellites when the priority should be with humanity –and equally

attention given to the propagation and survival of other critical species, fauna and vegetation.

Examples include

Realistically this is what pioneering forth means and what it has achieved for various countries. It is the

celestial quest for those who seek to become a part of a collective human destiny of far greater hope,

expectations and potential than the many problems that globalisation and those who espouse it have

bequeathed to us, along with providing many possible solutions as this treatise seeks to illustrate. It has

helped them to save their countries and open up their vision to something encompassing the entirety of the

Macrocosmos –something far more magnificent and potent. Any government, organisation or individual that

has become a part of space – their contributions will become a legacy, so that those championing space

will gain a substantial rate of return on investment… especially the earlier they get involved as the

opportunities remain substantial and based on real and environmentally sustainable economy rather than

investing in conventional solutions to employment, investment, growth and development…


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The Colonisation Imperative

We thought that only those of previous generations had the chance to participate in an exodus to far flung

places unknown… until it became possible to leave our homeworld’s surface. How many of us looked with

nostalgia towards either the worlds of our imaginations, of literature and dreams or back towards the past,

wishing that we too could have had adventures. How many of us have truly satisfied our thirst to begin,

charter and live anew, away from everything that drains us and that we can barely endure? Now nostalgia

can be real. For any of us who dreamed of this space armada never possibly happening were wrong. It can

happen and must happen. Recent developments made in observation, sampling, astro-engineering and

meteorological updates will confirm that it can actually occur and we might as well expand our prospects by

establishing permanent bases on the Moon, Mars and as many places that could support human life (or

configured so that they can that exist) to create a new generation of cosmological voyagers…. Examples of

recent developments include…

For there is often one chance for us to leave our permanent mark in history where we can be remembered.

This is most assuredly that one chance! There is often one point, not just to spectate but to participate…

This is that point. We have to question whether or not we are willing to pay the price, to sacrifice and to do

whatever we need to do – or to step aside and endorse that willing to be bold and daring… for why should

we hinder or obstruct the colonisation imperative, when it will improve the welfare/ employment prospects

and environmental survival probability of all our planet’s inhabitants? The colonisation imperative will aid

those of us who feel the urge to roam and those of us who wish to settle, who feel no fealty to the modern

world and states that exist… It will aid all of us who have realised that we do not belong as we pass through

life, abused, ignored, neglected, underappreciated and underutilised… unaccepted to find out a home for

ourselves. It can attract individual or community that feel to be superior –or at least different… For those of


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us that seek liberty and peace, who grow weary of politics and the other divisions and strife that consume

so many of the humans we face, space is mercifully free of politicians, bureaucracy, the problems of the

world and this Age of Humanity and the only problems that we may face are those that we, ourselves have

manufactured…. We will be free to determine the lives we wish to face and the forms of government,

economy, belief and society that we and similarly minded souls may wish to develop in colonising new


In an age where so many seem to desire nothing and value nothing, we now have the chance to be a part

of something truly universal… The chance to migrate – to be part of the greatest diaspora since humanity

first reached every continent: that is the future that I envision that we could make happen. For those of us

who cannot find it on Earth (and it seems superfluous to point out how many feel this so) –surely it must be

possible to find it elsewhere? For if we can find nothing on this planet, within this galaxy or universe: no

experience, no memory, no vocation, no dream, no place… nothing that provides us with the zest and

passion that we all need as living, conscious, conscientious, animate beings – organisms of all species… to

continue… then there is no hope for us at all and we cannot truly consider ourselves really alive –or worthy

of the hallowed privilege that we are blessed in truly being alive, cogniscent and functioning at all… Those

are just the forerunners of the conditions, talents and gifts that our planet and the spiritual anthromorphisms

that we believe or know to be out there, have really blessed us with.

It is all very well to hypothesize but until we as humans have the vision and the tenacity to ensure the

reality of that vision, this remains speculative. Only by actually colonising and inhabiting space for period far

beyond the few weeks, perhaps mere months that those privileged enough to be on the International Space

Station or others have been in the past; will we have any idea of what it means to live in space. Only then

can we possibly consider would it would be like to become a part of space –and somewhere else other than

a permanent home on Earth. Why restrict our inhabitation and survival to Earth alone, especially when

there remains the rest of the Universe? The colonisation imperative would be a natural extension to

establishing initial temporary and then permanent research, observation and space assemblage/transport

processing facilities on the Moon, Mars, the Asteroid Belt and Europa as precursors to the rest of the Milky

Way and beyond.

Again examples illustrate this although more are noted in the chapter on space tourism which this treatise

urges has far greater future potential and far lower externality coats associated with it than the equivalent

volumes of Earth based tourism with millions upon millions of migrants, tourists, students, business people

etc…How else could we prepare people to enable a permanent space colonisation drive – to volunteer to


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live in space, except by showing that it is a feasible and realistic concept that can be achieved? How else

can we condition them to accept and support this, except by alerting their awareness of the most

contemporary innovations and discoveries make it possible?

Space could offer the prospects of a fresh start…. A new order… an era and epoch that we want to live in –

not determined by historical forces over which we exerted no influence and even now are paying their price.

How many of us feel that the benefits of globalisation outweigh the costs? How many are truly satisfied not

even to possess the chance of an alternative –even a suborbital flight and launch? The need for adventure

and to be a part of something on a greater scale more than that the duties of work, education, family, peers

and society, demand of us… has long been a core bastion of being part of the human race, as old as our

history… The lack of convincing alternatives from a present ideology of globalisation that is bankrupt in this

spiritual/psychological quintessence, further recommends space as the only flickering ember of hope, in

addition to restoring the environment that might ensure a long-term project sufficient enough to give us all

that we so desperately seek… This need for a new life – or to make something of ourselves as the Fates

will, should not just be a prerogative that we reserve for those of previous eras who got to explore the

world, to found new settlements, to make new discoveries… to live… It is a privilege that all who deserve it,

should be free, regardless of background, experience or circumstances to get to space –and to stake their

claim – provided they are willing and interested enough to defend and utilise the great privileges they are

given… It is an objective to which we could all aspire to; that if we worked and merited it – we should

receive as a blessing and an opportunity.

There can be no substitute for helping to formulate a better world than a world that never had us… as the

highpoint of any living being’s aspirations for their life. To be immortalised for contributing to a new

Universe and Age of Possibilities, what more could we desire or seek? What could be more noble,

enriching, enlightening and rewarding than to be able to take part in colonising a new world… one of many

new planets for humanity? What could be better than to work towards an astronautical odyssey as a

physical means of ensuring that dreams really can come true for humankind? Space colonisation as a

viable long-term future for our species would provide a receptacle worth toiling towards. At least it is a goal

to realise that even if you faced a journey slumbering in stasis to reach outside the solar system to know

that Paradise may potentially exist in reality out there and one does not have to wait until death before

being able to know of a place other than our homeworld. It’s chances like these that will help to keep us

focused, interested, efficient, capable and productive beings –which can only improve the world through


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providing more peace, order and stability. The world of strife and uncertainty favoured by so many,

currently lacks this. What impact would it have on people –on their thoughts, behaviour, actions,

characters, lives and destinies, if they knew that there was more to life than Earth –and if they so desired –

they could physically approach and access the Universe? How would it morph the human species if an

alternative exist? We would not need to wait until death to know if Paradise is possible. Through faith, toil,

persistence and our imaginations, we could make it so… Whether we are one of those who chooses to go

– or one of those freed by the constraints of a ravaged, overpopulated world, where many problems have

vanished or been substantially reduced… it is clear that space can clearly benefit us… Space will provide a

source of motivation and inspiration until we can reach this and until we have the world and life that we feel

that we have earned, that is just and that we deserve… The question remains, without space colonisation

and pioneering forth for an Age of Space, is it possible to ever achieve any of these?

If there is nothing else than it is important to remember this. The universe is large enough to accommodate

us and our ideas… For those of us who feel compressed by the limited perceptions, perspectives and

visions offered by those who rule Earth, we offer them the destiny of space, where we are free to exercise

our talents, our gifts and our energy. We present to them this manifesto of the future that sets no limits to

the daring and to what can be achieved for the philosophy of space is that of acute pragmaticism and

imagination liberated: “Carpe Diem!” “If you put your mind to it –y ou can accomplish anything.” Most of us

my feel confined on Earth but as long as we can at least try, we will have far greater lassitude to be able to

breathe, live and act than currently on the luckiest or elite can afford. If we desire to be cosmic architects,

engineers, fabricators, dreamers, tourists, colonists or in any other way participate then we will have that

chance. It can provide the solutions to many of our problems, constraints and concerns where we feel that

those on Earth are too hidebound and fossilised to ever change –as we recruit the best to be a part of this

expansion of the human frontier onwards…. For those who feel that these may never occur on Earth the

imperative of enabling space colonisation is significant… -its necessity is paramount, given the lack of

alternatives. Where else exists to the colonisation of space that can support the ever growing numbers that

cannot be even remotely sustained ecologically? Geophysically and from the population demographic

explosion on this world –we need to look to others to save us. The technology exists –initial space research

has not made this an impossible fantasy that will never materialise –unlike some of our previous efforts as

humans… We would list all the places that we could theoretically prosper on around the Cosmos and then

utilise the best of humanity to find a means of ensuring that it will work and that we could reach and

manage to settle there.


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I urge as humans –let us do something worthy of immortality… let this Age not be considered as ones of

catastrophes and disasters –the one in which we could have acted to save and ensure the wellbeing of all –

but did not… Space could be truly one of our most commendable of futures which would significantly

bolster the frail human, deny the sceptic as well. Let us not be constricted to the present and the mundane

–but think always of casting ourselves beyond… into the future, of figuring out our destinies –and believing

in ourselves and in humanity enough –to make them practical… Once we figure out why to go and where to

go… it should be comparatively simple to determine, when and how… as logical steps in the progression

towards a real Space Age. There has to be a way to prompt humanity to be interested in the magic,

wonders and mysteries of the universe that surrounds it and so that we crave to want to familiarise

ourselves with it, to value it and eventually to understand it. are so many problems on this world, so

perhaps we do not feel that anything ever really changes for most of us… Bu that is because no one has

perfected a means of escaping to another base even if it is just the Moon and Mars at first… Managing to

inaugurate new chartered settlements Just being able to seed a colony –like the Greeks and Romans did

centuries ago, where we extend the options to us… would be a start… as politically there is nowhere on

this planet to escape from all this. People try to be self-sufficient –but individuals, governments,

organisation, their laws and constant petty interference prevent most of us from attaining autarchy. Sheer

demographics, global geopolitics and environmental constraints, means that despite Gaia being a Paradise

to ours and many other species... human attrition has continued to jeopardise that regenerative capacity

until it is done, and therefore it really does need to pursue space.

In space there is the chance for autonomy… To be self-confident and self-reliant –unbeholden to anyone

else; whilst the individuality and strength of spirit that comes with this… is something that going forth as

settlers, heroes and adventurers, we can accomplish in a world that at the moment seems to have little

time, energy or patience when. To be among the first humans to impact a planet… to join those who

intrepidly trekked the first wildernesses… something that we thought that we had lost on our planet but

could so easily be regained for many others. Where can we have adventures on this crowded planet?

Where would we be allowed to migrate, to venture, to explore, to do as we wish, without facing laws,

bureaucracy, courts, brutality, crime, pollution, urban blight or other horrors –and especially without been

made to pay or get persecuted/ prosecuted for it? It is impossible! We will have the chance to appreciate

each planet for what it is. We will take pride in our toil and that which it reaps –without the fear of losing it –

of pain and sacrifice to those that do not deserve it and have not earned it… who will be relegated to the

more rugged frontier worlds, moons and asteroids as the basis of the penal settlements for those that

through their criminal activities or their nihilism that negates that. Secular authorities will have only the


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influence that we as humans permit… They will be dependent upon us –to volunteer and make this dream

work; to make these new colonies and worlds habitable, to establish an interplanetary commercial


Nothing is impossible! There are no restrictions –no laws, no bureaucrats –except those of necessity… We

would forever encapsulate the freedom to travel and roam –along with the right to settle. Space could be

used to grant to each person the world and lives that they deserve, as mapped out with exiling degenerates

and criminals to the bleakest, spartan of planets, moons and asteroids. Why should they receive any

honours/ rewards –by living in many luxurious jails on Earth? It could be the ultimate incentive mechanism

–the reward of land, resources and transport to Paradises –could be for volunteer spirits and as incentives

for good governments. Space colonisation could serve as sanctums for souls of kindred beliefs –seeking

sanctuary –or their actual freedom. For those that actually want their world, they will have to fight for it –to

terraform and to link it to Earth. There they will learn what it means not to be a part of Earth… They will

realise that hard and patient persistence plus toil has its own reforming merits. The only crimes, vices,

pollution, social, urban, poverty, unemployment and every other problem faced on Earth that exist in every

sector that we can observe of space so far… are those on our own planet. In space these problems will

only exist if we as humans undertake conscious decisions to import these… -they do not spontaneously

materialise. What would it be like to live in a world of minimal stresses, pain, misery and agony –where the

prime causes responsible for all of these have dispersed? Undoubtedly, we humans will fabricate problems,

–we are not perfect and history continues to show us that they are recurring throughout Time… but why

should we not seek to minimise our exposure to the problems enacted by others or that we perpetuate on

ourselves if we can? If it requires us to pursue space, so that with enough time, effort, resources and will

we can conquer these problems so that we are not defeated by them, then why not? For the affluent or

those not affected by poverty, vice, uncertainty, fear and pain along with social, political, health, economic

and other problems constraining them… there is always that of climate change and our environmental

catastrophes faced, or something from beyond our own atmosphere –or ‘terrorism” or something… None of

us are immune! Even the most seemingly fortunate, potent, influential and affluent may if nothing else… fall

risk to those who are not so privileged… as uprisings and demonstrations against globalisation continue to

abound exponentially.

All this age of globalisation seeks is to perpetuate itself –allowing those who thought of it to gain greater

wealth, power, influence and social status –with ever greater popularity… It cares neither for diversity… nor

of the dreams of pursing environmental conservation or of space. To shrink your horizons, to entangle your


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dreams into fettered snares, to extinguish the flickering flame of hope, that is what those who deny the

potential of this space program wish. They have little enough incentive to favour something as necessary,

brilliant as promising as this is unless… they can be persuaded that it is the answer to ensuring popularism.

Most are essentially conservative enough to support the status quo; along with certainty, survival, social,

economic and political stability –and retains their power/most of their stature, positions, wealth etc… As a

being capable of ration and of passion, it is up to you as a human being to determine if these leaders are

going to represent your interests? If not, how can they be persuaded? Or how can we achieve substitutes

to them? It is up to you and others if there are sufficient enough incentives in this treatise, in reality and

especially within our own lives to consider that this change is necessary. Space has brought out the best of

many –It has not been conclusively proven, demonstrated or stated that pioneering forth… that it adds to

the worst… What have we ever lost from space? Surely it has the potential as well to make us better

beings? Think of all we can learn from space? Would we truly not become more accepting, more forgiving,

more tolerant and more liberal beings than those who have never known it? Anything which urges us to

seek the best within ourselves rather than the worst… has to be worth endorsing. If something does not

increase the problems of the world and if the long run marginal or externality cost is minimised, this should

prove its need… then there is no convincing reason why at least it should not be attempted as a grand

human experiment –even prioritised as there are few things if any that could be considered more essential!

There are other often unconsidered aspects of choosing to embark upon a space colonisation program –

especially in resolving certain social, political, demographic and other problems that could not be

considered feasible on such an overpopulated Earth bound by conventional politics, international law and

social convention. Certain criminals could choose exile abroad in exchange for never returning to our

planet. They could accept reduced sentences in exchange for volunteering to provide labour/support to

fledgling frontier outposts as colonies historically served. Space presents these chances. After all, if it could

work for creating Australia –a prosperous, sustainable, politically, economically, environmentally, population

and socially stable country (of which few others on Earth share this), why can it not work to turn criminals

and social outcasts –into the settlers and pioneers of future space colonies? People would have a chance

that no program, punishment or solution on Earth can currently appear to provide –but could transform

them into beings of hope, prosperity and possibilities rather than societal mavericks, vice ridden

degenerates or habitual criminals. There blasphemers responsible for the most perfidious heresy –

committing the foulest ecological crimes on this planet –could receive the most just punishment –to a more

inhospitable world –where they cannot take the bountiful blessings of Gaia for granted. They would learn


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respect, humility, gratitude, appreciation and understanding –both of the need for limits/ restraint and that:

actions have consequences.

Few conventional systems of law and punishment have proven to be effective for humanity over a

sustainable period of time –with continuous repeat offenders and therefore exile to space provides an

efficacious solution, once transport costs are economical. Then there are problems of governance, politics,

religion and culture –where separatists wish to assert/ establish/ preserve their autonomy and achieve self-

determination and their own destiny. Just think how peacefully international relations could become (as pre-

empted in the Warfare Mentality chapter) if we were to encourage those with differences to established

states, cultures and societies on Earth, rather than automatically resorting to protest, violence and forms of

chaos where innocents perish and suffer (especially other species, the very young/old, along with our own

cultural and historical legacy –including scholarship that gets threatened by such…) The Middle East/North

Africa would not be in the crisis state they have been since the dissolution of the British, Russian, French

and Ottoman empires, if each could establish a homeland –or even a homeworld for itself and receive

international support/ endorsement by granting all the capability of inter-galactic travel and inter-planetary

exploration –or at least try to work towards the epoch this treatise envisions, where such is not only

theoretically and practically possible… it is a commonly accepted recurrence. If people were granted the

lassitude and ability to be free elsewhere –for those who truly believed in their principles –many of them

might choose to leave Earth rather than have to fight –often futilely for decades… Those of any sect or

belief could recruit followers –and choose somewhere of their own volition… In fact, it could be a global

instrument to ensure peace and social stability. Those not reflecting the popular will, who seek only chaos

and deviate (whether repressive institutions and leaders, criminals, vice ridden degenerates or splinters of

insurgents/ dissidents) –should have the freedom and opportunity to leave –and be encouraged to do so,

allowing those who are innocent to be spared. For those who violate international law and standards of

conduct/ behaviour, the worst of the dictators, those committing atrocities as governments, corporations,

against the environment etc, those who undermined the global financial sector etc, those nations with

spaceflight capacity could exile them with basic survivalist supplies on an outlying moon, planet, asteroid –

without the capacity to return to Earth-far more effective than any equivalent place on Earth.

Once we manage to develop more spacecraft and orbiting stations –capable of transporting the people and

material needed to establish bases on the Moon and Mars, we can go further. We could establish space

elevators to link them –and regular space shuttle services, until we develop other more efficacious/least

costly ways to propel people into space. In time we could also create settler recruitment drives. Surely a


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sufficient number of people would be interested in volunteering –especially for the chance to try something

new? In the short term, we could establish arkships with volunteers prepared to submit to stasis – with the

long-term mission of seeking to establish colonies on Mars, Europa and beyond the solar system –the first

dormant seeds waiting to be sown and reaped. It may take time but the sooner we start, the sooner we can

do this. Patience, perseverance and frequently reminding people of what needs to be done –these will all

aid us in this. We need to find a way of developing drives that could warp/ fold space –or utilise wormhole

short cuts as portal networks –or methods of propulsion capable of travelling at the speed of light-or faster,

given distance to extra-solar planets that could be habitable is currently estimated in terms of light years

away… Time shortens –and even while space may not disappear –who is to say that we may not at any

moment be threatened by the extinction of the dinosaurs…

We would establish specific outposts to research/defence wherever these were necessary and wherever

they had the potential to further enrich/aid in galactic commerce, research, diplomacy, preservation of

colonies, space etc. There are many planets and sectors. But the rates of return on investment would seek

to substantially offset the cost. Recent innovation on observation satellites, probes and drones for example

could minimise the expensive of field agents – and reallocate these towards increased automation for

greater physical effect given the colossal reaches of the Macrocosmos. Examples include… The expense

of funding additional observation monitors and patrols could be paid by the rechannelling of funding

proposed, away from the conventional armed forces and their research as suggested throughout. Although

countries may establish these as they choose, akin to polar bases in Antarctica and orbiting satellites/

space stations, we would still advocate preserving the freedom of the celestial aether, which no single

terrestrial power on pain of sanctions and exclusion by all others, should ever violate. Countries may have

reasons to defend themselves. It is imperative though that the boundaries of space remain free and open. If

space is accessible to all, no one can be considered a hostage – for up there we are all vulnerable –

especially our satellites. A war could emerge from above and affect us –and we would never know…

Space presents a seldom conceptualised long-term vision to many of the ecological, social, political,

cultural, religious, territorial and other problems that plague humanity… For in the long term it will grant us

the time, resources, scholarship, experience, sense and alternative choices that we will need to survive the

Unknown Abyss and that which Chronus and the Fates have conceptualised for us. One of the most

fundamental issues at the present moment that we all face throughout the world; that which convolutes

international affairs to being so entangled and seemingly unresolvable –is a lack of space… It is this which

led to the competitive struggle that Darwinists deem “evolution” or “survival of the fittest.” A lack of space


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entails a lack of freedom and opportunity –where we have to face physical realities –hindered by the past –

rather than being free to live as we choose and deserve… where we have to face these physical problems

that present themselves, this is what we face and will continue to face in the absence of a colonisation

imperative. The colonisation of space presents this long-term solution to an increasingly overpopulated

planet destitute of resources. We are running out of physical space. The planet and the ecosystem

generated to sustain life is increasingly threatened and besieged – it was never designed to deal with so

many humans at an increasingly unsustainable rate. The blight of extermination that we as humans have

so zealously inflicted upon other species while subjecting our own to no ecological constraints whatsoever

is one of our most heinous crimes for which we all bear collective and varying degrees of individual cupidity

and responsibility, even if so many of us feel such little guilt for our ingratitude. Our homeworld was never

meant to preserve or sustain such numbers of humans –without even a hiatus or momentary pause for the

planet to try and restore the balance/replenish depleted natural resources and species threatened with

extinction. A relentless humanity never slows its pace of pillaging, extraction and slaughter –so how can the

planet perform as successively as its historical record enabled it to do so? How is it supposed to preserve

that equilibrium when humanity doesn’t even try to be sustainable –doing as it pleases to the detriment of

all other life forms?

So much has already been sacrificed, squandered, lost and sacrificed – what remains? How much can we

afford to lose of our economy, environment and cultural heritage before we awaken ourselves to the

potential consequences? How can it possibly last? It is already happening; enough hype and publicity has

been increasingly generated –and nothing real to address the problem has been proposed –let alone

seriously committed to by the largest eco-criminals –or acted and implemented upon apart from a few mere

cosmetic differences that have no impact. The rate of extinction is increasing exponentially – as species

after species perishes. With a space colonisation programme –we could transfer species threatened –to

terraform new planets (provided we consider ecological implications), -there would be no reason why we

could not sufficiently preserve as many species as possible. We could maintain biodiversity and ecological

stability, arrange an exodus of surfeit human population to other planets, moons, asteroids, vessels and

orbiting space stations outside Earth and its atmosphere – and arrange it so that all beings have the right to

simultaneously manage a good quality of life, considerable space and a healthy environment if they so

choose… At the moment, our planet cannot support more than the fraction already ensconced in wealth

and conspicuous consumption –especially in the developed world, as unpalatable as that might appear –

there are too many of us for it to harmoniously balance… However, there are other worlds and chances –


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which we would explain and seek to ensure for all those that dream of a better life and cannot practically

find it on our own surface.


Humanity have prioritised satellites over other forms of space technology as most essential to supporting

current civilisations on Earth…. All they do is observe our planet… Or do they? We are becoming

overwhelmingly dependent on space technology and its applications in an increasingly globalised

community and many of us appear to fail to realise –just how prevalent this is… yet how few recognise it…

Too often the benefits of something are appreciated only by their loss –and often taken for granted and with

space it is no different. This chapter seeks to illuminate how even the tentative efforts in penetrating the

mysteries of space –in harnessing it for our own welfare, profit and interest, has physically enriched us,

especially through that of satellites and the purposes they serve –even the comparatively basic one of

simple observation…

Dr A Karin (September 2008) points out that satellites can help to ensure the maximum conservation and

effective utilisation of scarce water resources… especially given how many surplus humans are draining


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the Earth’s resources faster than the rate of natural replenishment, even in desalinisation osmosis

proposals for seawater. Harnessing solar radiation from space, (which satellites and space technology can

assist in generating) is pinpointed to be far more effective than Earth bound equivalents to provide sufficient

replenishable, electrical energy for our global civilisations without the externality costs of Earth based oil,

nuclear or fossil fuel based alternatives favoured throughout the world such as the $ billions that South

Africa is proposing on a new generation of coal fired stations which Earth cannot afford the emissions cost.

And these are just two of the many possibilities in which space technology can not only recover the initial

minuscule research investment cost but assist in solving the myriad challenges that we on Earth face in this

Age, practically and cost-efficaciously.

As with most technological advances, we would not truly appreciate the tremendous value of what we

possess and have benefitted from; unless we were to lose access. For example; simply observing the

atmosphere and orbit; we have the potential to save lives and survive better. The South African Space

Agency’s 2013 Annual Report estimated over one million people out of over eighteen million affected by

natural disasters between 1980-2010 perished, causing over on average R3 billion loss in economic activity

over their projected lifetimes, against projected costs and inestimable value in the potential that was

sacrificed from the world. Yet simple observation through remote sensoring and satellites, could help to

model and clarify natural disasters, climatological patterns, global climate change to resist/adapt more

efficaciously. They can assist in continuous monitoring of areas likely to be affected and as they are

affected; assisting academics; nongovernmental organisations; states and international bodies to respond

swiftly, accurately and efficaciously; (as South Africa had to for 2011 floods affecting its northern provinces

along with Zimbabwe and Mozambique), for without being able to access space; we remain perpetually

blind and ignorant. If we as humans fail to prepare through investing in satellite and other space technology

– in our own planet and for future space stations research and colony bases; we must prepare to fail!

Hence the need for continuous observation and support in researching the celestial aether. Because we

need to understand localised effects/conditions and implications and to ultimately survive; it is essential for

any state that finds it cost-efficacious and technically feasible to develop and launch space satellite

capacity to do so; whilst sharing information/research benefits (even if it seeks remuneration in

compensation) with others unable to. The very electrical energy that we take to illuminate and empower our

world, is not certain –based on storms and space phenomena that could paralyse or disrupt our entire local

or global economy.


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SANSA has used satellite imaging to evaluate urbanisation growth; survey minerals and now it seeks to

survey the ionospheric and magnetic radiation of the Southern Atlantic Ocean with the new SNIGGER

(South African Ionospheric, Geophysics and Geomagnetic Experimental Resource System. It has produced

Africa’s first nanosatellite ZACUBE –weighing 1.3 kilograms –as the possible future of space that was

created by postgraduate students at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, showing how

economical producing satellites can be. Another SA innovation: Vacuum Arc Thrusters involve minimal

energy pulses to thrust/ propel satellites into different locations.

The value of orbiting satellites meteorologically is indisputable. They are performing something useful –with

each observation that they undertake. With them, we might be better protected against hubris and

recklessness as well as increasing our chances to survive and adapt –perhaps the very quintessence of

what it means to be alive and prevail for perhaps any capable species. This serves as but another reminder

of how space influences our lives – even for most of us, unaware… We need it far more than we realise,

appreciate or understand and perhaps familiarising society and individuals about this may help to convince

them to value our record in space so far and to continue to do so. Any projections we do make concerning

the weather or the climate of our planet, natural disasters or many areas of our research –our very ability to

globally communicate over such distances, that we cannot observe for ourselves –is all based upon the

data –originating mostly beyond the stratosphere… We would not be able to fully survey the geography,

history and climate of the Earth, its resources; to anticipate or mitigate the effects of natural disasters; to

track lost vessels and planes without remote sensoring from orbiting satellites above nor possibly hope to

manage without it. To our opponents arguing that these are frivolous indulgences that we as humans

cannot afford, can we afford to be so blind and deaf? How long would we, could we possibly survive, if we

were to deactivate each one? How could our ever increasingly globalised world becoming ever more

complicated and dependent upon the technology such as satellites to sustain it, ever possibly survive

without it? What would be the opportunity costs of not possessing these and not continuously investing in

these, as the more immediate benefits of pursuing an Age of Space Exploration?

It is time and essential to realise that we have only advanced as far as we have and had the chances/

opportunities that we currently enjoy thanks to the decision of our predecessors not to be satisfied with

remaining confined to the Earth alone but one day to aim for – and even to reach the Moon itself… Yet we

still have to land on Mars and one day voyage to the neighbouring Stars… We have to realise that an Age

of Space Exploration has to be the future for all species… it has to become a reality, if we want to make

these benefits more universal, effective and permanent. Satellites orbiting the Earth appear necessary –


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especially if they can be recycled and continuously maintained and utilised –easy to minimise and simplify

costs. The need for accurate forecasting and meteorological prediction affects us all –and this fundamental

task is pursued by the projects of many government space agencies including the Chinese Space Agency

(with Long March launchers able to propel launches up to 9200 kg, from Jiuquan, Xichang and Taiyuan).

This chapter portrays what we have observed from space so far in the present, that which we are currently

observing and that which we hope or aspire to observe within the forthcoming future. That which we have

observed includes… Current examples include… Future dreams include the simple realisation that if we

have benefitted so much from observing Earth alone… extending this priority to any new space colony

whether it might be the Moon, Mars or another destination… -even with the hazards observed; just how

much could we as human beings benefit if we applied this? All it has to do, to recompensated us; is to help

us to mitigate the significant risk and uncertainty that living in a universe and planet of perpetual flux



What can space teach the human race?

Psychological, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and physical abilities – our strength of character and ability

to endure, we can learn so much from the challenges we face, the frontiers we access and the experiences

that we encounter including some of the most important: Not to take life and the universe – our planet and

even gravity for granted! It teaches us, how vulnerable we all are as a species, to the Macrocosmos as

emphasised throughout, how risky and precarious our circumstances truly are… This is how we would

benefit from space. It is not to deny that these do not exist on our homeworld but the limits to the Universe

are boundless –and we have yet to discover them; as we have already discovered the finite capacity for

human beings to be sustained in symbiosis within equilibrium with Nature – all other species without

threatening the very stability, atmosphere, species and conditions that preserve us all. It demonstrates how

our planet has acted as a shelter, refuge and bastion for all forms of terrestrial bound life… including our

own… -how helpless we would all be without it… and how we could not survive for long without it, the

forces (including the anthromorphic spiritual ones or deities), variables and circumstances that made it

possible initially and that despite everything (including human efforts themselves, enable it to continue.

Perhaps actually realising that the rest of the Universe is not such a Redoubt or Paradise and that we

would have to work hard to terraform other satellites, asteroids and planetoids substantially before we could


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replicate the conditions which so many of us on Earth take for granted… would perhaps aid the cause of

both environmentalism and choosing to pursue space exploration to be supported by far more human

beings. In this era, we unfortunately take other species, other resources, even other human beings for

granted, never realising the significance of what it means to be on the one cradle that we have found not

just in this solar system or galaxy but in the entire universe… Awareness via greater enlightenment and

experiencing greater exposure to what space could potentially offer might not only encourage this to be

supported but also make us value our Earth, our progress and the rest of our galaxy… even the Universe

as we include the first living generations capable of being space farers, that which history denied all who

predated Yuri Gagarin.

There is nothing like travelling away from home – exposing you to the unfamiliar and the unknown, to truly

enlighten one as to how fortunate and prosperous one truly is… compared to the alternatives… All of us

who can all ourselves Earthlings are truly privileged. Our lives and circumstances would be far more

arduous if we were denizens of Mars, Calisto or Alpha Centauri and had to begin as settlers anew!

However, it would certainly far more stimulating and challenging than the sedation and inertia that we

mostly face on Earth… Even with all the strife, constraints, problems and catastrophes, on Earth so many

of us feel powerless to intervene… We see no point or purpose… there are often too many obstacles it

appears… Yet the essence of defeatism and spirit which causes us to abdicate hope – from our many

failures, would not happen if we choose to start again in space and through pursuing space, we resolved

many of our own problems that we face on Earth and as human beings/members of any sentient species

trying our best to understand, survive and prevail through life. At least we could physically remove

ourselves from many of the human engineered or exogenous natural factors that seem to deprive us of

accomplishing the possible, the desired/ dreamed of and the necessary… Sometimes that can be enough

to start healing ourselves, to not abdicate everything that contains our identity and that we seek, that the

world too often most tragically, unjustly and debasely part ourselves from… With space, we have

something and somewhere to aim for that is ours –that we do not have to give up believing in, as a means

to the ends we seek that the modern world so callously tries to compel us away from…

Perhaps in space we would therefore learn to appreciate that which has eluded so many, what we blessed

in terms of natural endowments, beauty, stability, possibilities for a climate, atmosphere and other

conditions that make life to thrive so far. Perhaps there we would learn a sense of urgency –the hazards of

space can be all too immediate and fatal. Not to foresee can be perilously fatal. More of us would also soon

realise the fact that actions have significant consequences. We would learn the art of not interfering in


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areas which we do not understand –whether of the ecological equilibrium or in the lives of other human and

sentient beings, who merely wish to be left alone in peace to live their own lives –the root of so much

present angst, strife, conflict and tensions. If we do not pursue space, then many of us as humans seem

bound to repeat the same mistakes that throughout our recorded history we seem to make, our problems

and hurdles will not be overcome, and if we do not try that which is most radically new and promising… we

will inevitably and invariably face more of globalisation and other global problems, which clearly are not

working for most of humanity. When looking at the world and its problems, in considering what we have

done and what remains… space is a natural extension, given how much we have prioritised this world, our

birthplace –it is time to consider more than just this immediate planet and galaxy as a way forward and

considering all this. The need for this to occur –and soon, becomes more and more apparent as our

population explodes, our problems multiply, chaos and strife abound and the very ecosystem and climate

which once sustained us… threatens not only our very prosperity but our mere existence! We have to have

faith in something and for those of us who have lost it in mortals and in our lives, space can provide a

means to return back towards it, if we believe and make the effort to try… With this, we can find the

answers to our prayers and the remaining mysteries and dreams that we face, as art of something that no

other in human history has ever accomplished… especially our recent descendants, the forerunners of a

dream that is as timeless as humanity but is still to pass….

To be a part of the Universe is to learn how to discover it… We learn how to live in it… or perish! Just how

much have most of us lived in and prepared for the Universe? School and background rarely seem to teach

this for life itself –and therefore it is unsurprising that so many of us flounder so spasmodically –Yet it is

often presumed and expected of us that we know how to survive. But away from Earth, from an urban or

other familiar environment, where we are conditioned to the expected and our normal lives, environment

and the status quo –where so many things seem to function without us thinking about it… but what if they

weren’t or didn’t? How long could we survive exposed to a foreign environment, terrain, climate or factor/

series of events/ circumstances that we had not even contemplated? Nothing is certain in the universe –it

exists in perpetual flux… At the moment we remain unprepared. We would not know how to benefit or use

space –if we really needed to. But just think what it might have been if we were specifically acclimatised to

contribute and make the most of space… by actually knowing about it and the opportunities it represents.

To do so it would be necessary to work towards it, however, wherever and whenever each of us can –even

if it is to discuss it among ourselves, to raise awareness, support it and petition for it to become much more

than words in some treatise –to become the rallying cry that is necessary to pique the human spirit and

truly advance the welfare and survival of all species.


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In the meantime it helps to avoid fatigue, provides substance and a concrete way to visualise the solution to

so many existing problems that we, society and the world face –especially those for which our globalisation

minded leadership cannot seem to resolve. These provide the real reason to get up (for those of us that

continue to ask ourselves: What does it mean to be human? Are we achieving it? How can I advance space

so that I personally can benefit from it? What are the benefits of space? Does it really ultimately matter –

Will it affect me and what I wish or not?) It could provide a palliative to the misery, wrath, pain, tedium,

boredom and other pestilences that waylay us… We could continuously think: What possibilities will this

day and night bring? What do I desire and want from life? What do I see myself doing? How do I see myself

living? What sort of a world and universe do I desire? Just think what this could mean for humanity –

especially its spirit, its energy, its passion, imagination and willingness if we all considered this –and

worked towards space exploration and conquest that makes it possible from the earliest stages of our

education – even plausible and desired! Then we would have far fewer barriers to charting out our future

destinies –to reach the stars and even beyond! Our detractors will scoff at this. They will deny that this can

never be so – that our problems are hopeless and we are destined to try. I uphold the principles of the

Olympians themselves, the Hellenes and the Romans that I believe in, which deny this defeatism; that

believe in the essence of Carpe Diem –that it has to be the human destiny to seek enlightenment, to excel,

to dare to dream and progress…

Conserving the environment, founding a new Age of Enlightenment and an Astronautical Odyssey,

restoring faith and religion over secularism, spurning materialism/affluenza and working towards resolving

the problems of globalisation by utilising and listening to those with potential – letting them achieve it, these

are all interconnected links to the destiny that humanity – and all sentient organisms of every species can

choose to have. We therefore reject the status quo. Let this, previous treatises composed by others and I,

let the words, thoughts and actions of the present and the future, the voices of dissent that rally against the

problems of flawed globalisation and fundamentalist dogmatic religion pervading this world, speak out as

the true path for humanity… The reason to motivate space is that as a follower of Athena, Astraeus, Gaia

and those who are out there in the Macrocosmos; this provides not just a spiritual answer but perhaps the

ultimate answer to most of that which we seek from life, our universe and reality… Again, I question my

detractors… it is all very well to carp and interfere, to prevent us from seeking this course of hope… but can

you possibly think of any reasons why the Astronautical Odyssey could not benefit humanity, with enough

time, preparation, skills, resources, faith, will, energy and passion? It is all very well but those who cannot

do… criticise! What other alternatives could there be when the existing world is certainly not working to the


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satisfaction of others. However, establishing a plurality of worlds and choices… at least would allow more

choices… This treatise is not proclaiming that it would provide all solutions –but it would grant additional

time, resources and opportunities at least to experiment… The voyage itself and the knowledge gleamed

throughout, may in itself be priceless…

Ultimately, we have to decide if we do in fact want space by asking of ourselves? Am I content with the way

things are and my allocated portion in life? Or do I want things to change? After all, if the Macrocosmos

itself exists in a state of perpetual change… than merely to reach it, could transform our lives significantly…

As this treatise has sought to affirm –space has the high potential to bring out the very best in us –or at

least substantially offset and mitigate the worst of us… - as we work towards providing ourselves with

further choices, opportunities, chances –and even escape! Even if we do not make it –even if we have

failed at least we can have the satisfaction of knowing that we did at least try and sought to do what we

could, instead of forever cursing ourselves for never having the nerve an audacity to try… Our failures in

trying to save our world and existence surely rank better than our failures in trying to destroy it and our

lives? Worlds with no crime or environmental issues, no vices, no wars, pestilences, famines, strife,

poverty, religious, ethnic or other tension, no geopolitics or contentious history to cloud its chances of

thriving as so many states face and have faced on Earth – especially given the potential numbers of worlds

out there, – which no single person alone could annex and rule… Any of these worlds could be a potential

Paradise on its own, simply from the absence of factors that seem too entrenched in the cultures and

societies of Earth. At least these factors could be controlled/ mitigated from the very first sampling of

settlers –who can either seek to be individual Robinson Crusoes and autarchic – or learn to cooperate

among similar minded souls –face perishing on their own. Even if we advanced monumentally over the next

millennia, there is no way that without space, this planet could support billions of environmentally

unproductive humans. Only with space could this be considered beneficial –as a hub for a future exodus as

more and more planets, asteroids, moons and sectors of space itself become chartered and annexed by

Earth originated organic life forms of all species (pending eco-literacy and assimilation into the local

ecosystem wherever compatible and possible.

To our detractors, space will help us advance, unlike many other spectrums of knowledge currently

researched. For example it will aid us far more than many areas such as bailing out global banking

corporations that have gone bankrupt through complex financial derivatives and other chimaeras of

fabricated fiscal engineering, as we have already derived far more of value and benefit from this, as this


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treatise has previously elaborated upon. It would benefit our world and individuals far more than merely

investing in another pointless arms race or prestigious yet expensive event such as sport in South Africa.

To our detractors, space may not solve every problem and a thorough investigation into the practical

feasibility of the recommendations endorsed in this research. Others may be necessary, but given the

failure of the Space Age until now, it is believed to be a start… Given the potential value that Space can

provide with a universally resonant appeal, it is worth pursuing. It represents a beginning to solving myriad

problems facing humanity at the moment; that those espousing the status quo/globalisation certainly are

either hapless or unwilling to really do anything about. One challenges their resolve and ability if they are

unwilling or inept not to do anything other than continuously postpone this… There is a wilderness

undesecrated by what humans have wrought and a plethora of mysteries, untainted by that which remains

of the planets, once treasured physical legacy… These exist on other planets even if they do not exist in

other parts of Space in which perhaps over a million worlds exist… Even our own galaxy has untold

marvels that neither us nor the scanners that we have devised are sufficient to truly monitor compared to

ours. Why examine one small part of it? After all, even if the planet itself is compromised, it could become

robust enough to survive human apathy and indifference –primarily from indulging in overkill as is currently

so favoured… with this and other reforms…

To those that ask Why Space?

To those bored with their planet; shattered by its broken promises; disillusioned by the void of their lives;

overwhelmed by the apparent abject futility of it all; those who feel displaced and dispossessed; that feel an

inexplicable gulf to be bridged or yearning to be quenched… those who feel vulnerable… hapless…

despondent… enraged… indifferent… who cannot be comforted by the world –and derive no satisfaction

only pain, exasperation, misery, poverty, regret or contempt… space offers, literally the way to escape the

mortal confines of this terrestrial sphere… Space represents an entirely new, unfettered start. There is

another way, despite the fact that others have lied and said that it cannot be, it isn’t so… that is what this

book and idea is really about… There are many of us and we only need those of us who wish for it to

cease, who realise that we can liberate ourselves and do something to work towards the kind of world and

Universe that listens to us, that seeks to use us and include us, that gives us a purpose and meaning, that

uses our talents and potential – the best of us, rather than the worst of us. We seek a World and Universe –

where we can do what we choose and need to do if it does not involve harming others, where we can

believe, speak, think and behave as we wish and deserve –and live the lives that we also deserve and

desire. If we cannot find it here… perhaps we could find it by migrating away from this planet – by

ourselves or clustered among similarly sensitized, perceptive and enlightened beings, far more supportive


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and understanding than those we leave behind… These are the reasons why pursuing space has to be the

answer we seek.

For those that are prepared to strive for this future, this will open up the future of humanity as more than

just Earth… for all that we have achieved so far… For those that choose the path of a Space Age, will

awaken themselves and their spirits; to the destinies, hopes and dreams that they once dared to believe in

–or never did believe in… The universe will provide us all with a unifying purpose to save all terrestrial

races from a collapsing, threatened ecosystem and the other strife/perils we face on Earth this century. It

provides us all with the reason to value our own planet and selves, the lives granted to us and a way of

inspiration to sustain us – the drive to make this Age of Space a reality… Out there, is a universe to be

discovered, won and conquered! There are the treasures beyond all reckoning of a thousand worlds; a new

culture to inspire us; a new chance for a quest of adventure; for those that seek to do something and have

a point to existence. It offers this for those who wish to participate… who were discouraged by human

individuals; society, the education system and the laws of Nature/scarce resources from doing what they

always dreamed of and how they wished to live… In space; there are none of these restrictions to

encumber you or fetter one so… At least we will be able to stand proud as humans to have the confidence,

enthusiasm and passion, the hope, creativity and dreams that we secretly desire but for whatever reason

face censorship or the pressure to relinquish to acrid, bittersweet, tainted reality on Earth in this age of

Strife, Uncertainty, Chaos and Globalisation. Would this not in itself be an immeasurable argument; that

which enables our confidence not to be so fragile? After all, we can surely do without those degenerates,

those parasites that leech the human spirit that cause us to flounder in the Mire, those wraiths who will

never know what it means to have a life, a purpose and principles/beliefs and a world worth fighting for and

experiencing. The universe is so vast that even if you have to share it with all those and that you most

despise or fear –it is large enough for you to escape it all –especially if we prioritise the colonisation

imperative enabling us to reach any world capable of sustaining life forms…. Why not lay the foundations of

a planetary network interlinked by trade, a new Space Age culture –and where all can benefit from

increased peace across a united humanity; against any external threats… connected by mutual scholarship

and sharing the benefits? Why not leave Earth behind to be ruled by the cantankerous, the fossil bound

and those procrustean reactionaries that are determined never to change, to live their lives, to excel and

serve no more than either self-seeking degenerates clinging to power but not responsibility to resolve the

problems we face or those with the spirit of mediocrities, of bureaucrats and other forces that exist merely

to stop us from daring to liberate ourselves, to be who we are and to live the lives we felt we were meant to

live –that we enjoy living –and find comfort, reassurance and stability in pursuing that which we desire. No


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matter what it might be, why not aspire to avoid being compelled against our wishes, interests, capacities

and dreams… to live so… in accordance with the will exerted by others but against our own interests,

talents and character, as so many of those who seek to rule, dominate, exploit or hinder us, do so often

throughout our being here on Earth.

We envision a Parnassus where all humans can benefit from the access to a multitude of worlds; from the

value of space technology, a space economy and whatever else the spirit of discovery may find…. So, we

find a path to seek, a venture enterprise worth pursuing and a way to preserve our human spirit –that is

why we need to follow space… The Universe is unique – proliferating in mysteries and miracles that we can

only dream of on Earth… even if Earth has so many treasures of its own. Within even our own Solar

System, we cannot observe them all – despite the glimmerings of space tourism and despite all our satellite

probes. But what is the point of the splendour of the Universe if no one but the very Gods themselves are

there to admire its wonders? If we have a path and a purpose –then we have certitude and we are

empowered Those around us that we despise, that do not share this will never know what these are like –

They will never be able to be a part of an Age that could save them and could grant ways to access our

own Paradise –for each of us. Surely that in itself should be reason for us to pity or despise our adversaries

who will never know what it is like to be a part of the Universal grandeur or our true destiny that we could all

seek as humans, the unifier of the human race for generations.

Those of us –who find it a joy to be alive and part of the highest of callings; the most praiseworthy of

principles and aspirations; are far worthier, especially blessed and exalted by Gaia, the Fates, the Muses

and the Elementals. For those of us who find this a struggle –and life a struggle –space has the potential to

alleviate that toil, to enable a true new Renaissance –economic, cultural, spiritual, tourism, academic,

social, environmental and personal… For it has so much to potentially offer… whereas Earth currently

seems to favour the rich, the connected, the educated/ skilled and the geographically or socially fortunate.

And yet it remains possible to conceive of a time and series of worlds, where rewards and opportunities go

to those prepared to strive and work relentlessly for them –as potential pioneers. In working towards a

Universe where we are above all else –free to all be ourselves –especially where it does not interfere with

others –where we can live without being interfered by others; is this not on its own, even beyond all other

aspects detailed in this treatise, sufficient reason to pursue this? At the moment we do not have practical

solutions to the perils and problems that individually and collectively our species and others face –

especially those of globalisation and the modern era for which we can be held personally accountable –


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(either directly or indirectly.) But this treatise seeks to provide a few guidelines towards these by arguing in

favour of space, noting the lack of pragmatic alternatives…

What distracts the world from pursuing space? Why hesitate over what we recognise are problems? Why

oppose ourselves from facing the need to act? Why do so many of us, hesitate over that which we most

deserve? Why do we never seek the satisfaction of achieving our destiny as our purpose in life – that which

our character, abilities and circumstances enable us to do but frequently fail in? Of the other problems that

exist? Those which are not petty, frivolous distractions –are barriers, where space/the environment might

have the potential to either overcome these challenges, to make them appear irrelevant, superfluous or

inconsequential… We know what the challenges and constraints are to inaugurating the Age of Space.

They are the same forces of fear, contempt, ignorance and indifference that cause the world to repeatedly

falter –often when there is no need. Our successes make it possible to behold –not just some fantasy!

Besides, pragmatically we can after all afford to invest in space –as the highest probability of obtaining our

successes and dreams if we can afford to risk our mistakes in the far dodgier complicated global financial

sector or wasting it on vices or conspicuous consumption and frivolities. To inaugurate an Age of Space,

we must inform, we must persuade, we must remind, we must serve – but certainly we must act. To

convince others from individuals and society to academics, to NGO’s and to businesses, to motivate the

potential benefits of space… that could be the true test of every human being who is willing to commit

themselves and the fate of the planet to this…

Somewhere… where we can be ourselves… A realm where there is no racism, sexism, no war, no crime,

no pollution, no peer pressure, no stress, no barriers –except those we bring ourselves… There is a place

unsullied by our agonies, unpolluted, untarnished – entire planets –a Paradise for each one of us that we

do not have to wait until we are dead, subconscious or drugged to behold. There is a place where we are

not diminished by doubts –but can roam… for all those who feel powerless, hapless or impotent. Freer than

we could ever hope to be here. That is what the Universe provides, for those who cannot afford the wealth/

power that it often seems to require for such on Earth. But even wealth/ power/ privilege and other bastions

ensuring the quality of life you crave will become more and more expensive from the uncertainty of climate

change and dissent by those who do not benefit from globalisation. There are places where we are not

diminished by doubt as mere shadows of ourselves… or forced to pretend to be something we are not –to

put up a façade just to fit in –all too often... Who has ever dreamed of being something and someone, of

doing something momentous, in believing in something or in acting/ living a certain way –in trying to

accomplish or dream something that you valued/ wanted –desired and thought that it was worth it? Who


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has ever thought that you, anyone you knew or some part of the world would be better off –but were forced

to sacrifice it/ watch the chance disappear; to weaken; to compromise; to submit; to obey, to conform….

assimilate... adapt… to the world… Out there, we do not have to do anything –unless we wish to… if we

see a way out –a chance for this –whether by ourselves –or with others similarly inclined… -we can take it,

rather than let teachers/ professors; politicians, bureaucrats, enemies, friends, colleagues, family, religion,

culture/ customs, society, politicians, corporations or anyone else destroy it for us…

Pursuing space –will solidify our position –not just of history but of the future – as more than just eco

plunderers and the manically destructive… as the first era and species and individuals of that species that

dared not just to go beyond the Earth to the Moon but beyond the Kuiper Belt and the Solar System…. This

could be our finest hope of the human race. Our innovations and steps in space point to this as a bright and

illustrious future for our species... Examples include…This can be the eternal legacy – as one who sought

to reach beyond the confining constraints of our homeworld and venture beyond… perhaps even to actually

colonise and reach the stars. Is this not a better memorial for history, the Gods and any other forces that

may encounter us or relics of our species to have than our current aimless, wandering state with no true

enlightened long-term vision or where, when or why we wish to go? So, it can become a part of our lives

and society. So, space can speak to us, who desire it in our hearts, our minds, who yearn to physically

encounter it and individually seek surety/something beyond the realm of the mundane that ensnare us so.

The Universe awaits us – if we are willing enough to seek it –if we quest for it, we can experience it… the

ultimate adventure and thrill to experience! Anything it overthrows – I do not know if we can resolve it –but

we can be daring enough to try; as we did when facing the wrath of the Ocean and the Aether in our past.

Space is the next and final element that we have yet to find a way of convincingly explore, know and

transverse thoroughly. At the moment – we are reliant on mere images of roaming probes. But where is the

enjoyment and the satisfaction? How can experiencing it –through a book or a film –as enjoyable as they

may seem –as with any sensation that we as humans can partake of, possibly compare to the actuality?

Even for those rare few who can afford commercial space tourism – cannot sample another planet –or

venture beyond their confined capsule or shuttle, such are the limits of space tourism although it is growing.

None of us –apart from a handful of privileged astronauts… have ever known what it is like to float or free-

fall in space, to experience a lack of gravity or go beyond our world/ a spacecraft. Just imagine what it

might just possibly be like. The surest way to challenge our assumptions towards anything; is to experience

something new that prompts us to re-evaluate everything we considered certain…


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As humans we have to be realistic enough to accept that those other humans on Earth often cause us to

feel inadequate, either by them or in doubting ourselves. Space is not populated by humans –it offers

absolute freedom, peace and free will, even if we were able and willing to colonise. It presents us with a

physical chance to escape those that haunt us and doggedly hound us and our achievements (or attempts).

We will be able to take pride, to not doubt ourselves –for having made it out there, so far… and coming so

close to what the Fates and we declare our lives to be. Oh, for a Universe where we are not made to feel

less than we are… where the Universe can anchor us to our celestial and terrestrial roots… reminding us of

the voyage so far… -and where we still have far to go… This is the Universe and Age of Space that we

envision to all who have ever felt that the present world offers them so little. We spurn a world full of those

that would stall our progress as human beings –whether collectively –or as individuals, through their fears,

envies, vices, ignorance, ineptitude, avarice, contempt, hostility… Let them confine their scope and their

vindictive ways to the world. Those of us blessed with the grandeur of moving beyond Earth and

wholeheartedly, most vigorously pursuing this will have so much more –and the chance to amount to so

much more than they will ever or could ever hope to be… We have a Macrocosmos – away from all of the

parasites, the soul-stealers, the imagination sappers, the parasitic leaches, bureaucrats and politicians that

drain us, the stress, pressures and problems of this Age of Globalisation –and we want to find a way of

reaching it –whatever it takes… There are infinite places out there –where we can cast ourselves –or

maroon those who deny that this could ever be a reality along with all those who try to erase us, who

proclaim disparagingly that it is impossible and the status quo will always exist… We do not need them –

and they have shown that regardless of whether or not they need us, they do not want us and therefore

they no longer deserve us. Those who have no place for us, who isolate us, treat us with contempt, block

us, persecute us, suppress us, ignore us, refuse to be reasonable or seek to exploit or dominate us against

our will and what we want… those are the ones to avoid. If we cannot find another way –at least in another

part of the solar system we could be released from being tainted by their presence and even simple


As vacuums and the great void exist to be breached, as we long and ache for a way out… we can find it

within space… It can speak to those of us who can find surety and confidence in the presence of the

Universe and the natural/elemental forces that guide us and inhabit our intergalactic cosmos. It can speak

to us who yearn for a release from Earth, with its restrictions, constraints and boundaries that those of

lesser mortals, who never dream of awakening themselves to the cosmic grandeur of the Multiverse,

created out there, awaiting all those who dare to be more than they are. It simply is there… - omnipotent

and omnipresent –for us to discover… It awaits to challenge us and our limits/our preconceptions that


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hinder us – (whether those which we impose on ourselves or those of others) the horizons that we have

never dared to believe that those of us, not affluent or influential, could ever dream of envisioning.

Individually and collectively it can bolster us, our dreams, talents, spirit and passion where this reality that

we face, refuses to possibly entertain so often –except when it is most expedient for it to do so. So, Space

can speak to each of us individually, as well as collectively to our species.

As this treatise elucidates, space research provides the final frontier, the last challenge –the sense of

purpose, meaning and future that we seek. It provides the possibility of hope, of dreams and answers,

rather than the torrid, turmoil, chaos, pain, misery, anguish, frustration, boredom, fear and many problems,

for those that might not have any other potential answers…. What else can globalisation offer? If it could

solve its problems, then why do those in power not do so? Investing in space and the environment –

provides an answer. Why waste our lives when we could be expanding our celestial horizons, our talent,

our potential and our energy.

We can never know what we can become – until we dare to actually do it; until our limits are tried and

tested… How will we ever know if we can amount to anything if we do not try –and presume to try? How do

we know whether or not we can advance and save ourselves –that space is necessary and that to pursue

it, is actually worth it, until we are willing to try? The way to release the best within ourselves and within

others is to find these –by trying new experiences, paces, sensations, opportunities and means to face our

dreams and use our talents… This is the way to prevent them from withering away –to use what we were

blessed and endowed with…. After all what is the point of being guided by the Gods, the Graces, the

Muses and the Fates if we do not at least listen to them and their omens or messages? While we still can, it

is best to try this for space which only a rare fortunate number of human beings have encountered. In

space we can seek the essence of what it means to be human –to find these limits and Carpe Diem. It

helps to encourage it in others –that way they too have that chance to make an impression on the universe,

which can in turn assist you… Why not others to pursue this – space encourage is self-advantageous for

many reasons; not simply the ones I enumerate but any that you personally feel that you, others and the

world could benefit from? Even your adversaries or those who plague society/your beliefs/your state etc

should be encouraged –provided it does not affect you or that which you represent/a part of or believe

personally, as a way of diverting them from personally interfering or contributing to the chaos and the

hassles that make life on Earth resemble Tartarus. The art of distracting your enemies and those that make

you yearn for space rather than bearing life on Earth (whomever they might be) by asking them to also


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consider it and mobilise who they can, do what they can to participate –or at least support it, as a mutually

beneficial approach to both achieve what you seek, while simultaneously keeping you away from them.

For those of us that feel voiceless, powerless, hapless, ignored, persecuted, derided, listless, pointless and

superfluous… a Universe where we can all make something of ourselves –not just the privileged few –has

to be worthy of the time, effort, passion and resources that this treatise proposes are necessary… There

are enough resources, potential discoveries, planets, miracles, mysteries and answers out there –perhaps

even the deities that may be out there; to remove each of these barriers. We can gain passion, liberty, a

point, be listened to and contribute/make a difference –or at least go as individuals and collectively to try

and fabricate a portion of a moon, planet or asteroid as an experiment that we wish to be a part of. It all

depends on how seriously we wish to take this idea. It all means lobbying those of power and influence to

make it happen –to publicise it and to market space as much as possible. To market space –it has to have

sufficient demand. These have to satisfy enough capacity. A cost benefit analysis needs to be fully

calculated and publicised to demonstrate its potential. We can promote information and research. We can

press for legislation and action. We can ask those we know to raise funds, awareness and support –to work

towards the world we seek –both personal and communal. We would seek not just public education but

public discussions and occasions, where the need for space is emphatically declared and mentioned.

Enough events, seminars, political rallies, competitions, exhibitions and competitions may further promote

this to an extent –but only if we crave it enough as individuals and collectively can things change and will

things change. The more we can normalise it, the more we can familiarise others with it, the more potential

progress that we can make….

A Space Age is above all possible! We have already left the atmosphere and reached the Moon. Our

probes have reached the surface of a number of planets and daily, our knowledge, insight, discoveries and

experience increase fractionally as this treatise illustrates… Examples of these include… Therefore, there

is nothing but the malaise of human apathy and short-sightedness in not undertaking NASA’s proposed

2020 mission to Mars (NASA June 2014). It aims to operate for a minimum 687 days, providing surveys

and rock gathering missions

With sufficient reminders and public awareness campaigns to remind people of its benefits and relevance

to them, this should become easier. As people become aware of what it has to offer, how I can work to self-

advantage as well as to save us all… this task will become simpler. The highest challenge to contend with

is seeking to dispel the morass infecting humanity, the parasite causing their disdain and reluctance to


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commit. Nothing undermines a cause more than apathy… We have to block the malaise of the

unimaginative, the dispassionate, and dispirited soulless beings that for whatever reason have sought not

to enable an Age of Space happen so far –despite technologically being able to do so. People need to feel

galvanised to be spontaneous. It requires a sense of sufficient urgency. It must be perpetually at the

forefront of those ideas. The human reticence to undertake to change things –to act, has to be the greatest

of cancers… it is the panacea that stops the reforms that this planet needs such as the dream of chartering

the Macrocosmos and establishing other territories wherever we can do so peacefully, promulgated in this

discourse. This Age requires that as humans, beings have to be pragmatic –to realise that on their own –

ideals and ideas will remain as they are unless we conscientiously strive to work towards a universe –not

just a world of infinite possibilities and opportunities to those most deserving –i.e. those most willing to

assiduously work towards ensuring that it happens. Nothing will be accomplished by our own efforts alone

but unless we can convince others that this really is the turning point in our present, the chance that we

have been waiting for so long. Even if others are irrational –one can try appealing to emotion, the

imagination and another’s inner being, to point out what it might mean for them. Just think however, of what

the consequences might be – not what they are… and one’s idealised circumstances…

Most space agencies limit themselves to probes and satellites –they lack the willingness, budget and

institutional capacity to invest in larger. But it is foolish to denude the very agencies and sector that has the

potential to provide so much –Nothing else geographically or otherwise could offer such a high rate of

return on investment. Nothing else could help us to not only prepare for the future but possibly find a way to

survive more perils to come as well as many of the present. Erasing these resources as a means to being

economical is as short sighted and foolish as reducing education budgets during a recession. There,

perhaps the following that we have achieved including…. so far, will not be wasted and exploited to the

highest. There the future that we seek to attain, may provide further physical reminders that can be used to

elaborate further and motivate more into the question: Why Space?


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The Prospects of Encountering Life in Space

“There are infinite worlds both like and unlike this world of ours… We must believe that in all other worlds are living creatures and plants and other things that we see in this world…”Epicurus

“Sometimes I think we’re alone. Sometimes I think that we are not. In either case, the thought is staggering.”

Buckminster Fuller, designer and architect.

The prospects in life in space may or may not be small… but they are one of the greatest areas of

ignorance remaining… A challenge that has gnawed at humanity as old as our observation of the stars is

the fundamental question: Are we alone in the Universe? Or are there, have there ever been others? Is our

species, our planet and natural ecosystem unique, or are we one of a billion worlds? No one… not

scientists, not astronauts, not governments, philosophers, not those representing religion, not the individual


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or the community… knows with certainty. Many of us have surely wondered and asked the question at

some stage. Surely, somewhere there must be another species awaiting us? Sufficient intelligence

including the ability to reach beyond their nearest moon or planet. Or are the Earth-centric monotheists and

evolutionists entirely right? Would it not be interesting to find that out? Investigating life traces may affirm

that there is life in space… But what would this mean for us? How could we communicate or understand

even if we could? What could we learn from this? Perhaps there are others with similar victories… Perhaps

there are achievements that would eclipse ours into cosmic insignificance… Or perhaps our planet is the

sole source of sentient life, achievement, scholarship and progress in the cosmos… We will never know –

until we investigate all potential life sources out there. It is a search that could occupy us until the end of

time –or until the end of Earth or humanity itself (which in the absence of managing space exploration and

colonisation will tragically amount to the same thing.) Would it not be worth finding out, given what it might

mean for humanity to find out that our planet is not the sole source of life and that we might not be the sole

source of sentient intelligence capable of many wonders –including the ability to reach space itself as

potential inter-cosmic Argonauts?

What it would mean for us, if we are alone, is that the accomplishment of life itself – and the emergence of

humanity and all its achievements might rank among the most cosmically significant events. The ability of

Gaia to enable all conditions of life to first originate –and then continue after all this time has passed, is

even more spectacular and miraculous to behold, if we just dare to pause and contemplate it… However, if

we are staggeringly alone… would this not be an even greater warning to take greater care of our planet

and make a greater effort towards seeking to mitigate the potential of human engineered pollution and

climate change, as it is the only planet we know of? The other animal and plant life forms and natural

resources that exist might be the only ones out there… Surely it would therefore be beneficial to seek to

ensure their welfare and survival (no matter how obscure), by transporting them to frontier worlds so that

we can ensure that they never face the possibility of extinction – the same as for our own species? We

would be able to afford to grant sanctuaries and ensure the survival of every organism and species on this

planet if we chose. They form part of the world biome for a reason… each species occupies a key niche –

that directly or indirectly is essential to preserving the optimum ecological equilibrium and life/ welfare of all

prospective species… We never know which species might potentially help us. If not in this environment

and planet, perhaps in assisting us for somewhere else, even if you feel there are no other reasons to

convincingly motivate to conserve other species…


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So, what has the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence throughout our Universe consisted of so far? First

the emphasis has been to consider planets capable of sustaining human or Earth based life forms. We

consider the search for intelligence, life and alternate culture civilisations based on that which feels most

familiar including sunlight, water, oxygen and carbon-based living organisms as they would help to initiate

our own space colonisation initiative and provide the resources needed to make this economically and

environmentally a reality; but life could exist independently of these conditions and forms. (After all, our own

planet does). Perhaps if we were to consider alien environments (given how versatile and remarkable the

conditions/ circumstances which can support life can be i.e. extremophiles); such as inside comets and gas

giants; dwarf stars; asteroids; in suns… and elsewhere –as well as all planets; we also might increase the

possibility of actually encountering them. SETI’s Phoenix Institute Searches for extra-terrestrial life in our

own galaxy have not proven or disproven its potential existence and given how much we could potentially

learn and benefit if we were ever to reach another conscious entity and found an effective means to utilise;

communicate or interact with that species; surely it has to be worth continuously supporting the efforts of

space agencies; organisations; universities and other academic institutions, researchers; enterprises and


Potential sources that both science and science fiction have considered may possess life forms apart from

the Moon and Mars; include Europa, Ganymede and Calisto as Jupiter’s satellites, with subterranean

caverns of rock and salt-based oceans –even perhaps with tides. Another possibility is the ice encrusted

Saturn’s moon Titan with precipitation, methane clouds and the potential for a carbon-based hydrological

cycle/ climate detected through the Cassini automated spacecraft missions. We can only survive if we can

recreate the conditions that allowed us to prosper on Earth and prevail upon Soyuz/ the International Space

Station, whether through eco-literate sensitive terraforming or assimilation to any new realm we find. Even

if water may not currently exist, the presence of ancient aquifers/ ice detected by (Ehrenfreud P et al. June

2010), the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, the Lunar Prospector, the Lunar Crater Observation and

Sensing Satellite and Chandrayaan 1 probes indicating water once did exist on the Moon and therefore

perhaps it can be restored and sustained, once we investigate Selene thoroughly with the spirit of discovery

that we applied to Earth.

If we are ever to pinpoint life elsewhere in the Universe; we need to have research bases beyond our own

planet and handful of orbiting space stations. Our scientists would have to not be so Earth-centric and

human orientated. As humans, we have yet to establish exactly: What is Life? Is it biological (requiring or

able to produce movement, reproduction, growth, sensitivity, nutrition, respiration and energy), spiritual;


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metaphysical; intellectual, emotional or chemical? Does it require metabolism; a soul; a conscience, the

ability of emotions, sensory stimuli, principles, memory, the ability to genetically reproduce its identity/

species record –unlike a rock or any other combination of factors?” Does it dream perhaps? Does it need to

be able to manipulate matter in the world around it or is it a passive receptacle incapable of interacting or

influencing the rest of the Universe? These along with environment and other conditions all influence the

probability of life, its location and uncertainty. Life may turn up in the most unexpected form from giant

carnivorous trees to shadow like ice wraiths in the voids of comets to fire based elementals inhabiting stars

to space whales… or something even more unlikely; in conditions that do not resemble anything ever

required on Earth –such as the fiery calderas of Venus or inside a black hole. Other species may not need

something so pivotal as water, carbon or oxygen in some potential form. After all, even on Earth

tartigrades are able to withstand temperatures from -185 to +150 degrees Celsius and a pressure-less

vacuum up to 1000 atmospheric Pascals, with the remarkable ability of cryptobiosis –suspended animation

and the ability to regulate body properties –including metabolism. We have to consider everywhere… to

avoid being surprised. NASA plans to launch a Terrestrial Planet Finder in 2015 to scan the Universe for

potential Earth like spheroids that perhaps we as humanity could also consider calling home, including 150

existing stars with an 8 metre telescope. Its 4 metre telescopic interferometers will produce additional

infrared imaging and scanning to investigate the probability of life. However, an entire Universe awaits…

A future question to consider is also from an environmental conservation and survival perspective, whether

any species on Earth –even if just bacteria and other micro-organisms; botanical or zoological could

possibly potentially exist outside our planet… A Bontemps article (April 2014) reported locating water and

organic carbon in the dust particles transferred by solar originating winds. It would be imperative to sense if

they are compatible with the climate/environment and any other life that might potentially exist (if

applicable) –to monitor the environmental consequences of our actions so that the same ecological

mistakes made on Earth are not fatally repeated elsewhere. Ultimately; it could however ensure that more

species on Earth can actually survive… which may or may not help us. A few of us as humans may survive

temporarily. But without considering other species that we depend upon more than we might normally

realise and value, this would be effectively worthless…. As we humans could not synthesise artificially the

same nutrient and ecological benefit for which we depend so much upon our Matriarch planet; it is not just

essential to consider our own species; but it would be mutually advantageous to establish our own long

term program of allowing other species of fauna/vegetation to become a part of the astronautical odyssey;

researching the effects of space/other planets etc in helping them to also live and continue…


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As we probe beyond the Milky Way, the possibility of encountering life has shown to be continuously

increasing… as is the possibility of being able to categorise and determine: What is Life?” ‘What conditions

are necessary for it to originate, to become extinct; to become dormant; to flourish –or even simply to

survive? Hypothetically life cannot be unique to our own world –surely it has to have existed or exist

elsewhere. Of billions of planets, what is the probability that we alone have shown our ecosystem, climate

and atmosphere as possessing the conditions capable of producing life and continuously ensuring that it

manages to survive? Chyba and Hand (2005) are among the academics considering this new spectrum of

knowledge (astrobiology) –the search for life beyond our own planet and the microscopic portion of the

Universe that we inhabit as essential for our future space missions to aim for. At least we will know truly

how special our planet is and how unique life – especially sentient life is… Perhaps then this might help to

persuade more of us to value our achievements; our ecosystem and the fragility of our world/ its legacy.

The fact that we have failed to trace life so far (as with the Viking spacecraft lander mission) should not

dissuade or disappoint us… it could be based on equipment limitations; human error or simply the fact that

we have yet to adequately even survey the Moon and Mars (heedless of our satellites and planets), our

neighbours to a fraction of the extent on Earth. After all, we on Earth are still encountering new life forms (if

sporadically) and new discoveries.

The 1999 ESA Exobiology Group also had the specific mandate to evaluate the prospects of life beyond

our own, via extensive scanning of Mar’s surface for extinct relics, encouraged by the fact that the bleakest

places on Earth from Antarctica to the Marina Trench, thousands of leagues under the sea –even

subterranean, to the barest of coral atolls and most scourging of Deserts, with temperature, acidity/ salinity

and other factors have the possibility for live to emerge an prevail. They also considered that perhaps

understanding life there might help to understand its apparent spontaneous formation on Earth. Brack,

Fitton and Raulin lead a 1998 European Space Agency report to consider the potential for life elsewhere,

especially for Mars, considering its geology, geochemistry, climate, water, ice, meteorites, thermal spring

deposits, radiation impact, subsurface microbial fossils, carbonation basis and other potential signs/

influencing factors, subjecting specimens to spectroscopy and other means of analysis all of which would

be necessary to consider for future space efforts. Life according to Chyba and Hand (August 2005) needs

water in some form, other elements such as carbon and free energy… such as from the sun. If we were to

scrutinise other stars (such as WASP-17b, HD209458b, WASP-12b, WASP-19b and XO-1b with potential

water/atmospheres) planets and other galaxies to the same extent that we, with our satellites and probes

seek for the surface, atmosphere and subsurface of Gaia, then surely we would be able not only to

contribute to scholarship and the basis of a sustainable space economy and resettlement future but to also


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be finally able to determine whether or not, we remain alone and unique in the Universe. The ESA are even

contemplating the search for organic life forms – or traces on their forthcoming Rosetta mission to sense if

life originated from the impact of a comet? For all we know, life could have been introduced to Earth –from

the rest of the Universe billions of years ago… Perhaps some time in our past, we might have found a

means of introducing it elsewhere… Perhaps if we haven’t we could truly acclimatise and adapt, as

mentioned above…

The 2013 James Webb Telescope…. The NASA Terrestrial Planet Finder…. The ESA’S 2015 Project


Of course, the prospects of life in space have been shown to be possible ever since the Soviets introduced

the dog Laika into Space over five decades ago. Humans have shown that with a well-crafted suit and

vessel design/ construction team, that we can survive in space as human beings. According to an article

(Bloom June 2014) Bigelow Aerospace, to test whether orbiting space hotels could be habited by guests;

has tried seed harvester ants, Madagascar hissing cockroaches, scorpions and Mexican jumping beans (all

survived). Life is possible –and if we have managed the basics – we can continue to show how true this is

for any planet, asteroid or moon that we actually manage to access. Perhaps by studying and transporting

Earth based extremophiles; we could work towards simultaneously saving them and improving our

research –exposing them to similar conditions, where the volcanoes of Venus or the moons of Jupiter and

Saturn. We could also research panspermia – the hypothetical possibility of being able to transfer life

across planets and to allow it to survive. At the moment, those researching space are concentrating upon

other ways to improve our fairly limited capacity and duration that we have proven able to subsist with, far

away above the surface of all – providing Earth…

Directions for future research certainly need to work towards autarchy – whether harvesting water vapour,

mining asteroids for minerals, using solar reflectors and lunar gravitational pulls as future rocket propulsion

sites etc… We would need to extend our capacity to survive the vacuum of space, solar radiation itself –if

necessary. Perhaps we could learn to perfect suspended animation – to conserve resources –through

seeking to replicate and understand the natural process of cryptobiosis in which extremophiles can adjust

metabolisms and other life processes. Would we feel the same sense of superiority and Earth centric –if life

originated elsewhere in the Universe –perhaps even Mars –and later perhaps became diffused to Earth?

However, since SETI was cancelled by the United States Congress in 1993, short-sightedly citing budget

cuts; our search for extra-terrestrial intelligence has been marginalised –despite one of the greatest


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mysteries that our species has grappled with for aeons, still remaining. A true Space Age would prioritise

this need for first contact with another species –to seek whether we as humanity, our planet and all other

living organisms are currently alone… The Allen Array network as a future initiative to probe the spectrums

of the galaxy with over 350 radio antennae… illustrates what could be done…

Exo-solar planets capable of bearing life may exist in abundance just beyond our own galaxy as the

discovery of dwarf planets such as Ceres has potentially unearthed! We may even be able to inhabit them

–to call them home – or at the very least consider using them as possible outposts, archives or alternatives

to Earth as redundancy… On January 22 2014 CE, the planet Ceres was discovered to have water vapour

essential to life and the presence of an atmosphere–by the European Space Agency’s Herschel telescope.

There may be others which could signal the presence of life if we could have but the confidence, the will,

the passion, the energy and the resources to reach them… The Hubble Space Telescope has reported

water on the exoplanets WASP-17b, HD209458b, WASP-12b, WASP-19b and XO-1b, perhaps even with

cloud-based atmospheres… NASA through its Galileo probe, have projected Jupiter’s gravitational pull

might be responsible for a subterranean ocean on its Europa moon. After all life has shown itself capable of

surviving on Earth in hydrothermal vents and depths such as the Mariana Trench.

In the absence of sufficiently advanced faster than lightspeed technology, the colonisation imperative

suggested as a means of reducing the vulnerability of the human race, creating a constellation of space

bound research and various colonies, becomes more and more necessary as a potential outcome to target.

Giant multigenerational ark ships with stasis fields or cryogenic freezing could be constructed to preserve

us as automated as possible and a small professional service/ bridge crew might enable entire generations

to hibernate until they reach the first of the new settler planets and outposts. After all, until we develop

means to warp space or travel faster than light, we will need to find a way of adjusting to the accentuated

time periods that our primitive current space technology limits any human being from physically accessing

as much of space as she or she dream of.

Other examples of existing and future improvements include

Living in space is not improbable provided cautions are undertaken. Surely it has to be simpler than a

number of things that we as humans have sought to try? Dozens have survived – even in the vacuum itself,

when repairing craft and acquiring data – out of necessity… If it is possible to survive –with the right

modifications and preparations, humanity and cockroaches (who have managed to exist in many truly


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remarkable environments), both show that it is fundamentally capable to not just, barely be alive as the 14

month continuous space residence in Mir Space Station of Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov but even to

possibly thrive. Examples include the single most expensive investment ever undertaken in the history of

humanity; the $150 billion International Space Station (Sarah Wild Mail and Guardian July 18-24 2014

“That’s no Moon, it’s the ISS.”) occupied for 5000 days orbiting the Earth fluctuating 278 -460 kilometres

away, solar powered by 4000 cubic metres of panels. It has a microgravity space laboratory for biological/

zoological experiments plus the capacity as a base for further space colonisation... Its gymnasium has an

“advanced resistance exercise machine as a prototype of ensuring that weaker gravity does not reduce

physical proficiency of astronauts… It represents an almost unimaginable joint effort between such prime

competitive rivals as NASA, ESA, Roscosmos, Canada, Brazil and Japan’s space agencies unlike any

other project on this planet.

Figure I: Diagram of the International Space Station With International Partner’s Contributions

Source: NASA


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In the pursuit of the spirit of discovery and peaceful global relations as detailed in the chapter: “Space Versus Warfare,” it has proved that where it does matter and where we are all vulnerable, humanity does

have the potential for peaceful co-operation, able to place the collective global interest above irrational

jingoism. Perhaps it is helped by the fact that we are all human beings – and share (or ought to share) the

privileges not just of life and survival but the continuance of being. Plus, we are all vulnerable from above…

There is overwhelming uncertainty radiating throughout the Macrocosmos. Alone it would have been

impossible to finance, operate and supply –that is if not misconstrued as a threat. However, despite being

so essential to the future of space exploration, its current operational life is planned only until 2024 with no

certitude of a physical extension or even a substitute…

Can life in space tell us anything new about our own species and understanding of life and natural ecology?

Certainly, the prospects of life on other planets, has the potential to transform all of our perceptions and

advance our potential for knowledge. Projecting a trajectory through space as a long-term mission can help

define and give purpose/ structure to ourselves. For aeons, humans of all backgrounds have gazed,

entranced by the celestial wanderers of the planets and the stars, wondering if life exists… It might be the

one rare and precious thing that commonly unites us, regardless of religion, ideology, society, technology,

economic, cultural, educational, demographic, fiscal, professional, community or individual background or

circumstance –that which we seek our dreams, our traditions, our heritage, our deities –but most of all,

where we potentially seek our destinies? Are we truly alone as a species? Are we unique? Or are we just

one of many races capable of reaching space… but we can go no further. Whether we find life or not, the

sheer means of probing the universe and pondering reality beyond the superficial and that based on the

surface of the Earth, can only heighten our consciousness. It can only enrich us. What adverse costs or

consequences can there be to pursing it, if one is able to do so and afford it? And I – and this treatise

declare that if it really aspires to it, if it renounces the pursuit of war and chaos – and seeks space as a

means of resolving so many problems, then it can afford to ultimately do so? We can seek to discover

ourselves –and perhaps with space, we may even find it… in a way that this current Earth continues to fail

us. Our own environment should prepare us. If there is one thing our history has taught us, is seeking to

twist the environment to serve our purpose, acclimatising ourselves to its conditions. So, we will be able to

adjust to anything that our spiritual forces that empower and animate the world, that form our lives and

detail our fates seek of us, with sufficient energy and persistence.The constellations and names that mark

space often symbolise our very myths and fables… as they inspire us in the cosmic narrative.

The Spirit of Discovery


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“The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. From it we have learned most of what we know. Recently, we have waded a little out to sea, enough to dampen our toes or, at most, wet our ankles. The water seems inviting. The ocean calls.”

— Dr. Carl Sagan

“To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.”Stephen Hawking

What is the state of current research on this quest for life elsewhere? Where are the possible directions for

future research?

To where else shall we turn to test our hypotheses and decipher our mysteries now that we have made

such progress on Earth itself? What else has the chance to illuminate us? Once we as humans feel that we

have managed knowledge of ourselves, our species and our knowledge of the physical world, where other

than the galaxy and ultimately the Universe; can we as humans seek to find out and extend the dominion of

our knowledge, hypotheses and experiences? The Universe holds the key to many areas that we have yet

to clarify and comprehend, as well as aiding us in evaluating that which we think we know or have

presumed to speculate upon, without any certainty. Although the Earth may have certain troves of

knowledge and marvels as yet unchartered… it is to the universe from which we need to decipher that

which we do not understand and have yet to prove. It is excellent for disproving or proving theories and

assumptions, in the corporeal cosmos, outside mere intuition, logic or conviction – as well as reaching out

and extending those, who live and dare to make something of themselves, to further develop themselves.

This chapter aims to avidly and assiduously cultivate this pursuit of the spirit of discovery, so as to extend

their perceptions and insight into the very void that permanently surrounds them –the vacuum of space.

Those who never cast their senses above, as well as below and all around will never attain true

enlightenment. Those who restrict themselves and do not contemplate the Universe or fail to see a point in

this remain blind, deafened, impoverished and lost. Just think of what we can do –once we progressed and

free ourselves of whatever seeks to must ensnare and bind us at the moment

We have progressed our knowledge of the physical homeworld Earth to significant strides but know

embarrassingly little by comparison for our neighbours. How could we, when we have made only cursory

efforts to truly explore beyond Earth – with only a few trips to the Moon and never a landed manned

mission to our neighbour Mars (Again one of our greatest failures as human beings)? For example; what


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would happen if one or even all others except Earth, didn’t exist? What would the physical consequences

be and what potential impact might it have? No scientist could even confidently assert exactly what the

outcome of disrupting the celestial orbits might be or if the moon were to modify its potential orbit, if climate

change were to occur – or a meteorite. These are the questions essential to ask. We need to understand

the significance of the world we inhabit, its ecosystem and apparent uniqueness in sustaining life, its origins

and its potential future –as well as the consequences and influences that Helios, Selene, other planets,

galaxies and evanescent phenomena have, will or actually do radiate and possess among our own

planet… as the basis of any attempt to intuitively understand the planet and solar system that we call our

home… Only then will those of our species and all species, have the potential (even if not the actuality) of

grasping the significance of the mysteries and wonders of natural and celestial creation – the miracle of life

and Earth itself, to consider for its personal advantage, its collective welfare and survival or simply as the

basis of future Enlightenment and peace.

This treatise advocates the pursuit of space as the main solution to Enlightenment, to activate the spirit of

discovery and advance our global scholarship where in the singlemost common area for which our

knowledge, our theories, information and data are restricted, blinkered and biased for any area in which we

might remain uncertain –where theories and speculations exist: everything is Earth-centric or influenced by

our assumptions, perceptions, experiences and life from Earth… Perhaps they are right –but for all we

know, they could potentially be wrong too. The only path to resolve this conundrum –is to systematically

survey each sector of the Universe that we can ever manage to access –especially any planets, stars,

asteroids, lunar satellites, comets, other space phenomena and anomalies – especially to unearth traces of

life that may exist as well. Knowledge and awareness of our position in the universe may promote

appreciation and fealty towards our planet, understanding the extent to which it serves as a bastion against

the external forces which could potentially pulverise us all… We still do not fully comprehend most

astronomical marvels –including dark matter and dark energy; the planets and most astronomical


Even if it does not, knowledge in itself – as well as where it is directed, can be a force of power and of

profit, of fame and other self-advantage –or it can help one to survive and acclimatise. Consider global

warming or climatic change –Our knowledge and perception would be minimal if non-existent if we as

humans had never managed to reach outside our atmosphere. Or when we reached the Moon, to have

given up with the space programme as an expensive, pointless folly. Yet scholarship is always to be sought

and valued, (for what may not immediately benefit us, could potentially do so in the future). Scholarship is


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only wasted if it is ignored or wasted –or never undertaken at all –and this applies to pursuing space as

well. NASA identified the following opportunities as key objectives in Table 5 below. Even if something only

becomes crystalline clear or cost recovers in the future, it can be worth pursuing. Besides, as long as we

remain Earth-centric, we are blinkered – even more it develops our sense of superiority towards all other

life forms and the Universe. Space would allow us to reappraise this –to consider if this is hubristic folly –or

if we truly are alone… even if decades are required. Humility would not be a curse. Greater research would

assess whether we know the universe to the extent that we think we do and perhaps challenge any

prejudices, preconceptions or assumptions that we might individually and as a species, possess. This is the

only way to truly be prepared or certain…

Table 5: NASA Current and Forthcoming Research and Technology Priority Objectives

Develop Exploration Technologies and Capabilities Test countermeasures and techniques to

NASA 2015


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The spirit of discovery is something that we all need to find inside us – to create a new Renaissance that

awakens our intellect as an Aureal Epoch for Scholarship… even and especially in the currently neglected

domain of space exploration. This quintessential quest of space – is a way of preserving the sense of

adventure, the zeal, the animation, the elation; the free thought, curiosity and open inquiry that

characterised the original period of the Greeks, the European and Chinese Renaissance around the

fifteenth century of the Common Era and the Enlightenment as among the most intellectually and talent

stimulating periods of our history – to challenge assertions, to speculate and to contemplate our Universe

and each other. The need for this, with so many challenges, problems and perils of this Age of

Globalisation, of Strife, Global Warming, Secularism, Materialism, Dissonance and Dissent is becoming

more and more obvious. And yet despite the need, many humans spend so much time on the trivial and the

inconsequential… when they could be facing a future as pioneers in space –a true Awakening of the

Human Spirit and new Renaissance of the Human Race… Why not target space, when there are so many

benefits to unleashing the spirit of discovery? Why not focus on discovering that which we can prioritise –

especially devising ways in which we can all benefit from anything discovered in the pursuit of space…

People devote so much time, effort and resources to such minutiae and what do they actually achieve for

all their effort? Yet if they invested in space –their time, mind, bodies, souls, resources and energy; the

returns would be so much higher –even if they chose to invest in this long-term vision for humanity and

yearn to make it a reality that could pass and not simply fade away as with most utopias…

The spirit of discovery calls for a colonisation drive. We need to discover more, we need to experience

more…we need to experiment more, dream more, imagine more, be more… As human beings, practically

all of our most formidable and wondrous achievements would have never been possible if we weren’t

prepared to defy the doubts of others; to hope and to try. If we weren’t prepared to gamble, we would still

be subterranean troglodytes –not dreaming that one day we might just be among the very stars. With space

and other planets, when can develop research, an idea, theory or belief, we will not have to face

compromises or persecution – we can try to accomplish anything that we could not dare to do, dream of

doing or afford to do on Earth itself. However, we can only ever do any of this–if we are prepared to leave

the planet –or to be able to send others who desire it… Reviewing current discoveries… show that it is

possible to dream of such. Already, we seek to devise solutions to conquering our final space frontier…

What is the value of space to improving our knowledge, welfare, economy, environment and survival?

For example, turning to space –and what it means for our potential knowledge…


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For those of us that hunger to know more, whose spirit glows with curiosity… researching and exploring

space… in finding out what is out there, is the most obvious way to affirm or deny any assumptions that we

might have –to evaluate our beliefs and suppositions –to provide certainty – or at least confirmation of what

is not. That is what space could provide. For some of us who feel incomplete, inadequate, drifting,

indecisive… uncertain, this may be enough. At least it can seek to provide such for many of us who crave it

so much, compared to that offered by consumerist globalisation which never satisfies us –the curse of

affluenza –desiring and seeking more and more of life, the world and others, especially from globalisation…

but never truly satisfied with what we have or the lives/ vocations and pursuits we face –for the most part.

Yet there is no logical or emotional reason why space cannot provide this somewhere… Only the forsaken

would find no satisfaction or solace anywhere in the entirety of the Multiverse. With space, anything we

have wished for –perhaps even the existence of magic/ the gods/ other life forms and the idealised worlds

that we have fantasized over… which have been denied on the most spurious of pretexts –that we have

not. When we have yet to charter every aspect of this galaxy –let alone our neighbouring clusters and stars

light years away and beyond –from Alpha and Proxima Centauri onwards, what else could we potentially

stumble upon? Or who else?

For example, space has already assisted us to… The following contributions to our knowledge that it

provides include… It extends to…. We have already discovered that…

Further discoveries that have been established just from the limited existing budgets that most

governments and organisations with the capacity to reach space –and to explore it but so lacking in the

vision, wisdom and common sense that anyone sapient and perspicacious enough to work out for

themselves of the value of space possesses, include… among others… To know… to add… to find out,

just on meagre resources granted, becomes impressive –especially given how so many other comparable

investments have yielded comparatively little… One only has to look at how much has been devoted not to

that which could improve the welfare, wealth, prosperity and conditions of humanity and other organisms on

Earth –but the pursuit of war and destruction –that which threatens to reduce these prospects and

probability of survival, to realise the truth in this… Examples include… Although the origins of space

exploration arose from applications of war technology – nuclear fission and rocket propulsion, these

considerations of war have clouded civilians –humans and other species from taking precedence in the

applications of space technology, in the directions of space research and in receiving the potential benefits

that space has provided so far. This includes the medical research recently undertaken. It also consists of


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channelling funding to the armed forces and law enforcement rather than to where it actually might benefit

a good proportion of humanity –via space exploration as this research potentially suggests.

For example this would include…

There are several aspects that research can teach us. Apart from the aforementioned value of space

technology itself, examples of which include… and…. and what we can learn about ourselves from living in

space such as…, there are the prospects of learning more about our own solar system/planet as well as

those of future worlds. For example from our legacy of existing space missions, we have realised that our

planet has… and is… We have worked out our galaxy is… and our own Universe appears to consist of…

Think of an area or a topic that you would like to find out more about. How much can this be explained by

the libraries, schools, laboratories and businesses of the world as anything other than theories? It only

applies from a human centric perspective –in not being able to accurately and efficaciously communicate

with other species. It also faces the constraints of being Earth-centric in focus. If we had never devised

satellites, we would have never been able to identify… If we had not reached space… we would never

realise… how correct or flawed we are or actually were… We have learned the following from the many

space missions that we have undertaken as human beings…

Current space missions have already commenced favourably. Examples include…

The future path of space exploration. Missions to be launched include the following:

How much of this area of potential knowledge lurking for us to encounter, to record and to dissect is solely

dependent upon the contributions of humans from our species’ perspective? How much is Earth centric or

based on our perceptions, experiences, theories and presumptions? How much lacks certitude? How

precise are these –or do they merely remain estimates and hypothetical conjectures? The only way to find

out for any of these and for any discovery –is to test if the same holds true under different circumstances,

through communication with species –either ones present here –or life forms that have yet to be

discovered… Alternatively what may be plausible or implausible under the laws of nature and reality/

conditions and circumstances on one planet (Earth or another) or part of the solar system, may not

necessarily apply for other parts… The potential implications for existing information on the Universe are

highly significant. That is why this cosmological search is so essential. Other planets and other galaxies will

provide answers and these answers may matter far more than anything else, given our search for humans


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for the reassurances of truth, of meaning, of stability, certainty and understanding… We need to know if

these actually exist. We need to realise that we occupy a small but vital part as sentient beings able to

record, modify and potentially travel/intervene in not just our planet but in the rest of the Universe as well.

Our planet Gaia has been responsible for inspiring some of our greatest achievements and aided us in

contribution to knowledge far beyond any single effort that could ever summarise accurately all for which

we are indebted to our home. We owe it so much already. Our Universe can exponentially gift us with its

blessing –by contributing so much more than we even have dared to conceive above if we but continue to

seek this path… Examples of what it has already potentially contributed include… Like Gaia, space can

influence further economic, cultural, environment, social, religious, ethical, political theories, empirical data

and knowledge, in the spirit of scholarship and progress. If it is constructive, creative and advances us with

few externality or opportunity costs compared to our other expensive alternatives –especially that of long-

term survival are far costlier and far riskier… Pursuing space will be worth it – it has to be! Any who refute

this after evaluating this treatise are not as attuned to reality. It has already proven itself to be of

continuous benefit as the following contributions and examples may illuminate... There may be costs to

space such as the Apollo XIII disaster and the opportunity costs of not investing directly in Earth –but the

benefits –like that of pursuing eco-technology and an eco-economy-based world significantly outweigh it…

that much is certain… as this treatise seeks to elaborate…

There is most definitely a need to prioritise space research. It is the one area of knowledge that we only

know the glimmerings of… For all our discoveries so far… they are but a fraction of what lurks out there…

Too often we ignore the celestial and physical environments –concerning us –with ourselves alone –We

often marginalise the extra-terrestrial environment. It is peculiar how Earth –centred we are –how so little

time is given to the miraculous presence of the Universe that is out there. And yet we need it –we could not

survive at all without it –and we need it to remain continuously working as optimally as it has done. Yet we

can no longer rely on Earth to shield us from the malignant mistakes that we in our terminal ignorance and

voracious gluttony have made. If we do not consider other alternatives such as the colonisation of space –

we will face the consequences of our own actions and the more the world of humanity –especially its

leadership –government, commercial, cultural, media, academic, NGO and otherwise dither, blather and

prevaricate, the more likely and swifter our demise will be… We cannot sustain ourselves at the pace we

have done, accelerating for millennia… We depend upon the Sun, the Moon, our position around each that

is essential to ensure not only life but everything that we take for granted from the climate to the seasons to

the tides to the atmosphere to biodiversity to the presence of water. It is odd – even sinister –how often we


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ignore it –do not even think of its presence –and yet how without Helios and Luna –life itself would not be

possible –for us –and for so many others. Can we really afford this?

For those of us that learn to challenge assumptions, to contribute something new –not to merely refine and

incrementally add to those of the present and their predecessors, who believe that we are but mewling,

pusillanimous fledglings, while they are the ones’ whose eyries are able to roost upon lofty peaks, that we

can never scale, it is our option to be as illustrious as they. It is our chance to be remembered as

conquerors, pioneers, heroes, adventurers, explorers, founders and innovators… just as worthy of

remembrance as they. Why should we be denied our chance to contribute and be just as great as they?

Why can we not add to the world repository of lore and critique the findings and policies of others? For

space belongs to those of us as youth and those of any generation, who are perspicacious and sapient

enough to choose it as our vocation and our passion –as a calling… with the spirit of intelligence and

imagination… This is our moment and only those that are lethargic – that lack passion, ability and creativity

will face never reaching for the stars, of amounting to something – of achieving holistic unity with the

Universe, the Gods and themselves, as they work towards fulfilling what humans have been meaning to

fulfil ever since their first inception dawned…

In addition, whole new faculties of knowledge await inaugurating to challenge our perceptions and offer

answers. Astrobiology and perhaps Astro-archaeology and anthropology –if we detect life/ former traces in

our previous lives. Astro-history, Astro-climatology, Astro-chemistry, Astro-engineering, Astro-physics,

Astro-philosophy… even Astro-architecture, cosmic music and culture/ literature based on the new

planetary colonies and asteroid mining complexes/ orbiting research bases and space stations that we

could produce in addition to the International Space Station. Fledgling steps have been made to form a new

culture… In the areas of possible research contacted above…

Therefore, what have we been so fortunate to learn from space/ other planets and celestial phenomenon

since the inception of the space program itself?

Summarising each country’s potential records in space is a task for the phenomenally ambitious…

However a few examples, apart from those such as the value of space technology and other chapters

detailed, can illustrate just how much we are enriched through being able to access space at all and how if

we humans really value knowledge, scholarship, experience and potential… then we really cannot be so

foolish as to ignore the greatest trove that exists… that is infinite compared to that which we might find on


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Earth… For example, the ESA manufactured a microbiological automated system to detect air quality

(Technopolis October 2010) applicable to environmental and human health not just directly to space

vessels and bases. Evaluating astronaut health –in training in experiments (e.g. gravity) and in technology/

equipment has been successfully transferred to benefit patients on Earth. The Netherlands Space Agency

invented a nano pill and a lab on a chip both of which are capable of conducting medical diagnostics on

internal body cells once ingested along with a portable blood pressure monitor specially to overcome the

evident lack of medical facilities –even natural plants that are present once one has left Gaia behind.

As so few currently get to experience the privilege of space, it is evident that the only way these benefits

can justify themselves (plus recoup the considerable rate of investment required) is to be available to

benefit a wider market/sector of humanity than just astronauts, therefore justifying their initial cost of

research. To continue this is essential for the spirit of discovery – and if we are to advance through

endorsing a sector whose very risks, problems and lack of progress demands continuous innovation, talent

and entrepreneurial capacity in a way, which the comparatively sedate lifestyles of the developed world no

longer really have to face. This age will also need an ample supply of volunteers (including those

volunteering to be space tourists/scientists –who are willing to try –to expose themselves. If there are

solutions to the challenges we face and the questions we pose… if we cannot find them here… on our own

sphere, as marvellous as it is, then it has to exist somewhere in this galaxy or beyond… even beyond the

farthest void…

The same report (Technopolis October 2010) also suggested that economising essentials of life in space

i.e. recycling water consumption, is applicable to our own growing scarcity of resources against an

overwhelming acceleration in global human population growth. Space faces weight and preservation issues

with its food through straws/ dehydrated form which may be applicable to Earth- or simply for those without

teeth/ dental and diet issues while the lightweight fabricated, compact materials and need for redundancy/

automation in technology but also manual overrides might just assist us in our regular lives. Renewable

energy (including photovoltaic solar cells by the Spanish Space Agency INTA and solar sails by Japanese

JAXA) apart from fuelling ways to enable our probes and spacecraft to transverse the galaxy, could seek to

remove our enslavement towards fossil fuels. This doesn’t even touch upon robotics, probes, surveyors

and other technological instruments that could save manual labour, economise, enhance reliability,

efficiency, profitability, reduce environmental externality, time and other resource opportunity costs once we

manage to find ways to practically apply what we have learnt and discovered in the pursuit of space –to

Earth and any future colonies that we might settle elsewhere.


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What else can space potentially teach us?

First we could discover our place in the Universe by chartering that which we know of the cosmos, before

assessing the parameters of our scholarship and developing questions/ other research objectives that we

would benefit from by pursuing and prioritising. Before we know what we have to find out, we must seek

and dissect our own limitations and accomplishments to orientate and prepare ourselves… It is the way to

challenge our preconceptions and perceptions as human beings – so far most of us, know only what occurs

on Earth as personal experience and memory record – for all its bias and restrictions. When it comes to

presenting space as the pragmatic solution to saving human achievement –especially the legacy of

enduring and remaining, we have to consider every possible factor that has hindered us so far, if we are to

avert them being repeated. Second, we could review our history of achievements and failures in space –

and learn from them to enhance the future likelihood of success in this ardent quest. They could provide

guidance of how to prioritise the essential from the inconsequential. Too often the past is ignored –including

lessons from disasters and those also emanating from successes –of what actually works. And yet the

past, science fiction and what we ourselves have to contribute, while being ignored by those in power who

determine whether or not we pursue, advance and benefit all species in pursuing space, often shares

recurrent parallels to present reality.

Wherever possible it is essential to guide modern research in space; into that which develops our chances

of being there, of colonising and utilising space –whether one appeals to self-seeking profit; the thirst for

knowledge, seeking inspiration for new culture, pragmatic survival and militarily strategic, technology; piety

or simple human burning curiosity… to know what is out there – or to at least potentially try. It is essential to

guide it towards the problems that face humanity, other species and this world, if it is to justify the

opportunity cost of the significant economic, social, environmental and other investment that this will

necessitate and the patience/passion of those human beings who are urged to have faith and support it

sufficiently, so that it might make a tangible difference. The way to persuade humanity is as always to

appeal to its ambitions, its, hopes, its fears but also its sense of profit, self-interest, curiosity, adventure…

The developing world could see that the long-term benefits of investing in space and researching there

could help them to swiftly advance and resolve their problems –along with being able to swiftly access the

benefits of new resources, technologies and discoveries of more established space agencies. Research

could start by improving the resilience and range/ capacity of our existing equipment, space vessels and

ourselves to survive for longer first to the next planet –capable of satisfying the requirements of not just


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humans but potentially other transported species that may be used to seed and germinate entire new

worlds. Third, we could actually commence with exploring our own solar system as a start. Finding what is

out there has evident value. It may aid commercially, it may aid to become more ecologically sustainable, it

may increase our chances of survival, it may assist in research and other benefits also exist to assist

society. Even if the benefits take time to develop –they are worth commencing now, so that we have a

future for generations to not only enjoy these benefits but to enjoy a relatively normal, peaceful and stable

existence at all, one which may take decades, centuries or even longer on Earth but should be far easier

for a space colonisation drive… At least they would provide a means of hope to keep us going, while why

try to actually save our world and all that we value most dear…

From more lunar missions and Mars, it is but a step to the Kuiper Belt… to Jupiter and in time the rest of

the potential Universe… Perhaps one day we might even reach Alpha Centauri our neighbouring star, be

able to compare the plumes of Saturn’s moon Enceladus with the geyser Old Faithful at Yellowstone Park,

scale Olympus Mons, or manage to sample the water vapour that the ESA Herschel Space telescope have

pinpointed for the dwarf planet Ceres. There are many examples to illustrate our potential progress. Each

planet that we encounter, each technological advance or new discovery that we behold is worthy of

commendation and in the Age of Space proposed, we would publicise, educate and celebrate every one of

these as something to inspire us, rather than depress us (as with so many global problems…) We await to

be proven wrong by those decrying that space will not resolve anything… that it is impossible… that we

cannot afford it… by continuously pointing to the limited scale of achievements that has materialised and

how individually and collectively, as this treatise only partially conveys; they have proven themselves to be

of far greater worth, value, use and advantage – (socially and self) than many counter-investments –

especially in war/law enforcement What other alternatives are there that could possibly provide such?

Fourth, whenever scientists fail, –we could incorporate science and fiction/ ideas of humans to attempt the

next solar system and beyond. It has the potential to prepare us psychologically… and perhaps

physically… We need to solve certain problems to make space real including conquering the ability to travel

swiftly at lightspeed or higher that science appears clueless, still promoting conventional fuels, shuttles and

rocket propulsions. To make a Space Age feasible –vessels would have to find a way of harbouring

significant fuel reservoirs or be self-replenishing from the universe/ planets they encounter. Fiction at least,

is willing to consider alternatives and dreams of making it a reality. After all, it was Jules Verne’s 1885

“From the Earth to the Moon,” that first came up with Florida as an excellent base to enter space and

proposed firing a space rocket. It was Sir Arthur Clarke who first postulated the concept of a space elevator


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using geostationary orbits and satellites in the 1950’s. From solar sails collecting radiation from Helios to

harvesting the ice vapour of comets to extracting hydrogen and helium from planets as Kevin J Anderson

proposes, to wormholes, to warping matter/ folding space in Frank Herbert’s Holtzmann Effect to

Magnetospheric propulsion (where a spacecraft is surrounded by a Magnetospheric bubble) with a

magnetopause/ artificial sail capable of deflecting a solar wind) advocated by the Finnish scientists

Toivanen, Janhunen and Koskinen in a 2004 paper; anything has to be worth trying, given the glacial speed

of conventional technology which could never seriously precipitate an actual Age of Space Exploration and

Colonization. A nanoparticle field extraction thruster detailed by Musinski, Liu, Gilchrist et al (2007), could

help to resolve the problems of communicating across such distances with fledgling colonies and frontier

outposts as but one idea. If just one solution proved to be feasible enough to resolve these problems, it

would simply surpass the resource, research, opportunity and externality costs of failure

Fantasy and science fiction may have the potential to alleviate the current constraints and uncertainty

faced by scientists in establishing a genuine Space Age where we can all participate and access –to the

same extent as a passenger jet or even a motor car… (From other parts of space, there will be no pollution

externality costs on Earth unlike these). Thousands upon thousands of ideas speculated have been

published – and ignored, except by those reading them wistfully, seeking to make them real… It is time for

that approach to end. It is time to cease. It is time for us to move on towards a world, an Age and a destiny

where we can all benefit from space, learn from space, discover space, encounter, travel and survive in

space as has been dreamt by so many of us… for so long. Besides, if science cannot make dreams of

humanity actually happen, then what is the point? What purpose then do scientists and technology actually

serve if not to be devoted to the next great human achievement? Why do they deserve their power, status,

fame and funding if not to help us, where and when we truly need it most?

Each section in this manifesto to the Space Age, speaks of directions to direct the spirit of Discovery… At

the moment, where are we drifting to? Current missions are focussing on…. And yet, what about

challenging the most elemental concepts? Everything that we have known, thought we knew… or accepted

and considered, can be questioned to see if it resembles the same or is equally applicable to other parts of

the universe –i.e. other worlds… Whether in fabricating a Space Age colony, culture or economy –or

making imagination real… this spirit can guide, inspire and animate us… One only has to extend upon our

fantasies and seek to turn them into realities: (From Dreams to Reality). The vision of science fiction in a

genuine position to assist us for the first time, rather than engaging in ever more commercial orientated

materialism of the Developed World, ever more technology, weapons and stuff that we do not need and


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really shouldn’t want but mostly that our environment could not afford... Instead those with true research

expertise could be motivated by the vision and opportunities that space offers for the talented… but mostly

through the focussed and guided… to utilise it as a catalyst for the future advancement of humanity –in the

path that individually and collectively, we and they desire…. We could harness their abilities to enlighten us

all and find solutions to the most pressing problems we face… as this treatise emphasises and has sought

to extensively confirm. For if we cannot seem to find answers to these perplexing enigmas on Earth, then

perhaps we can find them elsewhere? Surely, they must be located somewhere in the Universe? All we

have to do… is to persuade those who can, where our Fate truly resides…

There are many things that space can teach us beyond the obvious in the pursuit of space – even if it is

enhancing us personally as human beings in ways which we are not often exposed to (if at all) on Earth,

whose seeming stability often causes us to become complacent and take things, circumstances, beings,

experiences or senses as they appear to be. Space can teach us pressure. It can train us how to hold on –

and simultaneously how to relax, to just let go, to drift and freefall… Our awareness of spatial-time

perception – of the infinite and the absence –heightens, where it is not bound by the artificial divisions that

we have sought to heed Chronus by worshipping and ordering within our own lives…. We lose the

sensation of being distracted by the marginal, mediocre, trivial and petty – in space you are aware of just

how fragile your existence really is… one cannot afford to truly take it for granted. One loses sense of being

pre-occupied with that which does not matter. In space you learn how to deal with solitude, with true peace

–to live with yourself –and to divert yourself. We may be able to partially train for these on Earth –but these

versions are only a precursor to those conditions that exist out there in the star blessed void… without

distraction. With space we will never know how much it could mean to us, how it has the potential to

change all of our lives –for better –and certainly not for worse… unless we dare to entertain the glimmer of

hope… to perceive it and try to find a way one day that we might be able to reach it for ourselves… Each

human should be able to find a way to leave the surface of the Earth – to reach the next planet –or the

nearest stars of Alpha and Proxima Centauri at the very least –to visit or to be able to permanently settle

there –For it is only in managing to leave the surface; that we will truly know what it is like for ourselves,

rather than for leaving it for others to determine. This is the vision which this Manifesto of a True Space Age

and Confederation of Frontier Worlds seeks for all species originating on Earth – especially our own.

Being above the lithosphere, you learn to appreciate the elements and Nature. To never forget the stars

and the miracle that is of anything actually existing at all. Problems seem so marginal, so petty, so

blinkered and seemingly parochial… Consider our position in the Universe… We may be considered mere


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animate specks of conscience or mere stardust compared to other life forms or miracles but the human

achievement is unique –and we should never forget it. Nor should we let fear of our flaws/failures –or those

of others ever psychologically defeat us. Science, the media, education, politicians, religion, the community,

family, work… future shock itself… so many factors seem to exist to make us doubt ourselves, our

environment and so much more… However, just by observing the stars, the Moon, the warmth of Helios, a

sudden comet, an eclipse… the tides…, the constellations, other planets and the Universe… reminds us

that we have survived –we have progressed –we have found a home and a life… for which we ought to be

appreciative of –given the harsher conditions that prevail in even our local galaxy. However, they also point

to a lodestone in which we humans can follow onwards… and a source of marvels, inspiration and

knowledge but especially a perception that there is more to life and the universe than that which we face

around us and take for granted on our own planet.

These poignant examples remind us of that which we can enjoy and query –without fear of others

interfering –to censor, chastise or interfere. Rich or poor, young or old it matters not. Religion, country,

politics, society, profession, education, race, culture, gender… or anything else… it simply does not

matter… Too often do they poison our world and divide us, where we as humans in an ideal utopia should

be working jointly to solve the pressing risks, burdens and challenges we face… in the spirit of mutual

cooperation, peace, prosperity and welfare –economic, environmental, social, religious, academic, cultural

and political. Our attempts to adapt to climate change on their own are likely to falter. We need to

synergise. These excluding factors do not affect our appreciation –nor in time, why we cannot reach it or

experience the multitude of benefits that a space initiative provides. For those of us who feel deprived –

materially, of justice, of hopes, dreams and potential, there is an entire Macrocosmos out there… full of

everything that we could ever dream of and desire… There will be more than enough and we will not have

to rely on consumerist materialism. There is a world here… that could have these –or at least serve to

make our voyage out there true… It helps to meditate on this. You realise how blessed you are to be part

of a world brimming with the fascinating and stimulating complexity of natural life –and to appreciate our

achievements/ beauty –to have pride in the many notable achievements that we have prevailed and made

real… Gratitude becomes more sincere… Truth matters more… in a Universe that is less likely to entertain

the luxury of self-deception, illusion, hypocrisy and other lies/ panaceas we face. The Universe is less likely

to deceive us, than we do to each other on Earth… Why should it –when there is no purpose to it.

True beauty exists in natural phenomena. It resonates in its holistic unity –in remembering what it means to

experience something for the very first time, at an age and time, when you can truly value that which you


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have alit upon… For most of us –our first encounters are soon forgotten. We stare so much at certain

elements, that too often they appear shallow, superficial and ordinary… we rarely thank the forces of life

that we believe in for what we have around us/ or what Gaia and others have accomplished for us. Being

away from everything on our planet, might just help us to contextualise it –and to develop a sense of

proportion and priorities, further reminding those ever hostile and sceptical that She matters and is so

clearly worth defending it. It reminds us to take the time and opportunity to think and to contemplate… that

there is so much more out there, beyond our lives and our reality… Nothing can compare to being able to

see or experience something truly wondrous and stupendous for the first time -and being old enough to

visualise and remember it – to actually appreciate it. This is where the celestial splendour of space

occurs… Can you imagine beholding the following spectacles, without being filtered through a

photographic, book or media image –but by yourself being physically there?

These samples illustrate how the marvels that await us out there could enrich us –if we could but be

permitted by the academics, commercial enterprises, social, religious, media and cultural leadership to do

so –and to embrace what space could potentially mean for us all… Therefore, the question is and remains:

Can we as humanity afford to ignore this? It is space that can unleash the spirit of true inner discovery – for

if we cannot find out about ourselves and that which we would know from physically surrounding and

probing the Universe, then only the Gods themselves surely know? The spirit of discovery is not

constrained to the intellectual; it extends to the physical, the emotional, the metaphysical, the spiritual and

the creative… We have had millennia at the very least able to contemplate and to discover what there is

worth finding out about ourselves and our own planet –but scarcely anything in comparison, devoted

beyond our own atmosphere and very core mantle of our planet and ourselves. This astronautical

environment offers us so much that is new. With everything we find out, we can be reminded about this –

on a minute by minute basis. It is space that could teach us survival and autonomy –to rely on the self

without being beholden to anyone –except out of necessity – perhaps one of the most valuable of all

lessons that life can teach us… It can help us awaken and define who we are in preserving our

individuality, whenever society threatens to stifle or engorge it… It can awaken our tolerance, our

persistence, our calmness and rationality… It can challenge our perceptions and presumptions. In an

increasingly globalised world where the parameters for complete autonomy in finding yourself, in being

alone, in exploring, in experiencing the world, in being able to savour new sensations, curiosity, space;

adventure and your own true course to plot or destiny – unbeholden to other human beings –is shrinking

instantaneously. Space offers the last true frontier that appears virtually infinite, capable of offering us a

release or escape – a means to provide alternatives to those facets of this globalised, modernised, secular,


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materialist, eco-destructive world of Humans, this leviathan of chaos and strife… This treatise argues that

all the benefits occurring from the spirit of discovery on this astronautical odyssey… as a guide to becoming

more involved and passionately committed to an Age of Space; if we choose to take part in what remains

one of the most fascinating of all areas… one with potential residues sufficient to appeal to everyone…

What do we know of this planet truly compared to the rest of the Universe?

Curiosity can be satiated –our ingenuity and our imagination do not need to be suppressed. We are always

told that we are inferior –that others are superior. We are seldom encouraged to be the best that we can be

–to Carpe Diem. We are told to ignore this, to focus on what the world expects and demands of us, often

being scarcely allowed to even dream that this is not what we desire from our lives and if given the choice,

this is not the way we would choose to live. For those of us, dissatisfied with the way things are and who

cannot find a way out in this increasingly globalised world with its problems, challenges, constraints and

concerns, this seeks to provide a means of how we can ensure the passage of what we aspire to be and

how we desire to live – or at least have far more options available. Life at present –consists of a series of

compromises –the price we are often told to live as part of global civilisation – whether we want to

subscribe to this sought vision of the world as our personal destiny. But sometimes to compromise is to

lessen oneself, it is to debase oneself by denying the greatness within ourselves – to not live the lives that

we wish to, to do as we want to.

Even when it does not break the laws of human ethics, nature, religion or the secular state –the community,

a company, a government or an individual often seek to deny us our liberty and our ecstasy, compelled to

submit to others, against our will (regardless of the price that it extracts of us that we pay in turn…) There is

a cost to everything we do –a toll that is expected from us. At times it is worth it, often it is not! However, if

we found a way off this planet’s surface, settling at the moon and beyond… then we would not be so

encumbered –being able to be a part of a place that we can truly call our home and be a necessary part of.

Why not work towards a world that exists only in our minds, the dreams of our imagination and our hearts?

Why restrict these dreams to books, to films to computer games and plays, when on other planets or off the

surface of earth, there might –just might be a way to ensure that we can have these in reality. After all, do

we ever contemplate: “What do we pay to live in this world? What is demanded of us? Do we feel that the

price is worth it? What do we endure to continue to survive? What do we face to continue to live our lives?

If there is an alternative, with a far lower cost than that which we are currently paying –even if it is a long-


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term project to undertake, is it not worth contemplating and evaluating at least, even if it is not actually


For centuries humans have gazed at the stars wondering what it is all about. These are the dreams that

have fuelled our progress in religion, culture, science, technology and philosophy… that revive us and

teach us to think, to marvel and to wonder, rather than casting ourselves on the soil we tread, never to look

upwards and ponder… These are the dreams that sustained them –the solace offered in hope and curiosity

– in simple refuge and envisioned approach to solving what they faced on Earth. It can be more than just a

hope. We have the technology to act upon it and perhaps make it a reality. If those who do not dream of

space, denying the notion as absurd would propose that we remaining perpetually endarkened or come up

with another solution can justify such convincingly than let them try… However as one pragmatic way of

reducing many of the pressures, fears, failures and concerns that many of us face, it has to be worth

trying… Otherwise we remain as things are –without a high probability of being solved. The question

remains and always will be: Are we prepared to accept the world and the lives/ experiences that we face

the way as they are? Do we dream of an end to that which appears inevitable and everlasting? Do we feel

as if we are progressing on the future that we choose for ourselves? Or are we not? If we are not, then the

pursuit of space really provides the best option, especially with a lack of viable alternatives that global

minded humanity will accept and endorse…

How much of the Universe and its cosmological phenomena do we understand? How much has been

chartered and how much do we know/could we map? Without a space awareness campaign, introducing it

into many school and university curriculums and recognised formally as a significant government research

and development objective, most of us will remain ignorant about basic information about space… let alone

its potential value and what it has to offer, the necessity of it, our history, current and future progress… or

anything else, despite what it could potentially mean for us… The spirit of discovery could really flow for us

–if it was allowed to exist and all of us really knew what space has been about and what it could mean. The

way to mobilise human curiosity in space –is to pursue educational awareness campaigns as NASA are

forming, to devote specialised training facilities, research centres, museums, media coverage,

competitions, events… even theme parks – anything and everything that can be used to publicise and

accept this. Examples include…

The spirit of discovery is something that we as humans need to fight to retain so desperately –in order to

prevent losing it. The more our imagination, our creativity, our dreams and our hopes are ignored,


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dissuaded… allowed to fester and decompose in putrescent globs… the poorer our existence and our

universe becomes as people undermine the best within us… We sacrifice so much that can never be

salvaged once the tentative glow which first started to emerge as we tried to work towards our innate core

potential, has been not only snuffed but drowned by those who would rather be forces that suppress rather

than stimulate. The Age of globalisation which is shrinking our diversity and replacing it with a uniform

materialist Western Hemisphere, First World, secular Darwinist era of uniform culture, education, thought

processes, political, economic, social and other structures threatens individuality – of individuals, groups

and countries –with little patience for dissenters or those fighting against it whether traditional Islamists and

Galileans, local tribes or countries seeking to defend their existence; ardent environmentalists and NGO’s –

along with the nonconformist of any kind and the marginalise that have been excluded –unable or unwilling

to afford the price that must be paid… And yet; if we all worked to unite –whether for or against aspects of

globalisation, towards a true Space Age – where we can settle the planets and the stars in a new

Federation of Humanity; the each of us could afford to be different –to possess our own distinctive flame, if

we feel the world can no longer tolerate or appreciate us. To mobilise the human race for space exploration

as a catalyst/ spark. However, as our floundering pace of advancement has shown, we cannot do it alone

(however much we might desire and believe this). It is essential to call a truce if we can and synergise -so

that we each can live as we choose, without threatening those who are not the same –but most of all

without the externality effects of threatening the most innocent –our planet and other species that are

innocent and deserve no part of human engineered maladies and dissonance, so that the ecosystem and

innocent beings do not suffer, as they should not.

To review the developments of the past, present and dreamed of future… especially those who had the

vision –but for whatever reason did not get to implement it… is what this treatise urges are necessary if we

are to have a Space Age within the grasp of most human beings. It is essential to pursue this within a

reasonable period of time, while we still can act upon it significantly to morph the world and global

community of human beings in the direction we seek as part of free will – before conditions deteriorate to a

point where we are merely reactive to the potent furore of the elements. We will embrace anything that

could potentially make this Age of Space a reality… for unlike those of the present; we have nothing to fear,

nothing to lose and so much to gain from pursuing it. Any initiative – from individual, society, science,

religion, commerce, academics, government, NGO’s or otherwise, if it has a reasonable probability of

success has to be worth supporting if we can advance – or enhance the potential benefits of space/

minimise the costs… All institutions, states, companies and individuals that have the potential to support

this one great dream destined for humankind, if they desire any of the advantages projected in this treatise


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–or elsewhere. If the world embarks upon space, if it professes to believe in it and wish to support it, it

needs to affirm their sincerity by publicly physically affirming this openly –to fund research, publications and

any idea or initiative that is a pragmatic solution that they specialise in. Once people come up with

solutions and ways to make these solutions occur for space, they should have every resource and support

that they might reasonably expected to need to resolve this recurring conundrum… Given the ambitious

scale of such a projected undertaking, above all previously attempted projects in history, it will require a

global commitment and effort –as well as simply relying on individuals as well.

What else have we learnt from being out in Space? What have we learnt from contact with it? What lessons

has it provided? How have its discoveries impacted upon our lives? They do so in ways beyond merely the


A whole universe at our fingertips! Such is the potential power at our command –to experiment, if we insist

on experimenting, in ways in which no longer could potentially threaten our birthplace. (We would be

careful to preserve the birthplace of humanity and in allowing development elsewhere based on the lessons

Magistra Clio of the Muses and Chronus have taught us.) One doesn’t have to be a highly rated academic

with degrees from three universities on separate continents –only sufficiently alive, sentient and animate –

to relish the prospects of what we might discover to be able to appreciate this spirit of discovery and

whatever new that this venture should come upon – it is not just potentially constrained to knowledge

gleamed from scholarship. New sensations, new experiences, new memories, new life-forms, new

resources, new worlds, new galaxies, new wonders, miracles –and nightmares… There are so many

conjectures to prove this, from… to… It promises us so much… it has to be worth prioritising and

pursuing…as part of the educational curricula and our general lives… a pantheistic faith –that is congruent

with both secularism and religions –arising from belief in a pantheist anthromorphic Gaia (the Gaia

Hypothesis) and in the Universe –especially its potential to be benign. There are so many of us wondering

aimlessly… drifting in this time and period… through life and whatever they could have made of it but failed

to, that it has to represent a considerable improvement upon that which we face at the moment. It provides

the answer to those seeking it – for those that want to be a part of their world, their life and the conditions/

beings they feel that they could see themselves living with – with always the option to go further and settle.

It will provide some certitude and clarity in existing… and in living, which many of us might feel that we

need, given all this uncertainty –and permanently reeling from the unknown –the constant influx of

continuous adaptation to this globalised world (Toffler’s Third Wave or Future Shock) that often threatens to


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bombard and overwhelm us... Space could provide a sanctuary if we sought it –where the distances from

Earth allow greater time to adjust if we chose –or to adopt only that which we desire…

So why is it so necessary? Of what interest could it possibly be? No one knows before experimenting with

many products, which ones would be profitable and thrive, or which theoretical knowledge may be practical

–until we find a purpose. The pace of knowledge and its value is exogenous and up to Fortuna herself. That

is why the spirit of discovery –the bud of scholarship must be permitted to germinate –so that it can flourish

wherever possible… The quest for space is the one area where our ignorance is beyond any measurable

boundary –compared to what potentially could be gleamed… and yet it is among the most necessary and

befuddling necessary. It is the most relevant mystery left for us to pursue –to trace our origins, to complete

the void in many of our previous areas of knowledge and insight, to realise where we are, what we are and

who we are –and where we are going. Questions such as this up to now, could not have been answered –

until we found a means of accessing the rest of the Universe. The more we advance – and the more we

concentrate on assuring that advance, the higher the probability of this.

The Solution to Ecological Catastrophes and Humanity’s Collective Suicide

It is time for space to be at the forefront of our minds for those of us who care about whether or not we

have a future. The state of ecological collapse which has resulted in so many environmental catastrophes

that we humans, who have forsaken our gratitude towards Gaia for the most part in working towards her


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desecration, devastation and doom towards many innocent organisms –flora and fauna, not just our own;

continue to experience. In our refusal to endorse a non-materialist, consumption based, globalised

economy and to do whatever it takes to resolve this, when it comes to ignoring eco-illiteracy, principles of

Balance and Environmental Harmony; we are all, a certain degree as humans (directly or indirectly)

complicit in significant ecological crimes. As self-appointed stewards and expropriators of its natural

abundance, we have perpetrated these crimes against an entity that has only worked towards the optimum

survival and welfare of all species. Therefore, this will be the Century of Storms in which we as humans pay

for abandoning our home planet and by plundering its ecosystems beyond sustainability. Unless we

manage to be self-reliant and conserve that which we have remaining, we will not be able to withstand the

planet’s Fury in revenge for the ultimate desecration –t he earth-shattering betrayal! The more we refuse to

accept the planet has limits, the less we are prepared to sacrifice and compromise, accepting a lower

population threshold, lower exploitation of resources etc. the lower the probability that the planet will have

the breathing space and chance it actually needs to recuperate, without human interference, adversely

impairing its potential capacity to do so and to revert to natural equilibrium, that it has so fragilely sought to

preserve for aeons.

What has an Age of Space to do with ecological conservation? Without this Cosmological Destiny, we will

never be able to experience the Paradise that our Earth used to be: we will never have the chance to begin

anew, learning the need for restraint, sustainable development, eco-tourism, an eco-economy and eco-

literacy. Space presents the solution to the ecological catastrophes that frequently assail our species. For

one thing there are many more worlds out there which we could be more likely afford to gamble –

something that we cannot do with Earth – not only as our home and trove of our heritage, our quintessence

and our legacy, sanctuary and birthplace. We could keep trying until we actually get it right! It provides the

chance to survive the course of collective species suicide, that in the absence of more than pinprick

cosmetic reforms, our species has brazenly descended to… as only a matter of time – perhaps decades or

even years… at this current pace of abuse and destruction. Eventually the solution of seeking to adapt to

climate change, can only provide a palliative – or temporary measure given fundamental ecologically

rapacious human nature and a suffocating population and resource crisis. For until we can establish

another space settlement and move beyond our dependency on Earth – until and even beyond a Galactic

Confederation of a Billion Worlds, we will need to work towards conserving the environment on our

homeworld Gaia – to mitigate and reduce the effects of climate change, loss of biodiversity, high pollution

and other disastrous of hosting far too many parasitic humans who contribute nothing back to the

ecosystem and in fact work actively against it. If we do not, it does not take this treatise to warn of the costs


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of losing everything –including all of us given the uncertainty of the future. Besides, the planet is our home

– like Hestia, we should guard the hearth, the birthplace of all life and its legacies that we have ever been

privilege to know, experience or discover…

Any who know the bliss of solitude; of seeing the natural world and encountering the wilderness – even

contact with another species, knows the benefits of Nature and our planet where humans intrude at a

minimum or not at all. Anyone that has appreciated organic engineering, artifices, art and architecture – or

revelled in the potency of the elements/Elementals whether in a maelstrom, a natural disaster or the Aurora

Coriolis should be able to confirm how magical and precious these are… Working towards a universe,

where we can experience this solitude and new dimensions on other planets – where we can work to

ensure that never again do humans irrevocably destroy and dismantle the irrevocable and the

irreplaceable, with something of far inferior value… is what this treatise is seeking to work towards. How

can the ashes of a life or a world, compare to its original natural form? It is simpler to ensure something

never descends to such deterioration than to resolve the problem/alleviate the circumstances afterwards.)

Are these not obvious benefits to conservation? Are there not others, of simple common sense that many

of us can think of?

Are there also not benefits to be able to travel and face inhabitable planets, with environments far more

conducive to our health, happiness and prosperity –and for other species? Currently this appears a

privilege and luxury of the rich, the advanced and the fortunate. But why should we continue to accept that

others, no matter how deserving or how personally little they emit, should be made to suffer – in perpetuity;

while the so-called polluter pays principle seldom applies to the most industrialised and greatest eco-

criminals? Why should they shirk their responsibilities and the consequences of their actions by hesitating

to endorse the only two long term solutions to all of humanity’s environmental problems; The first – is to

substantially reduce the human populace and revitalise the world into a much purer environment; to counter

the impact of climate change and seek to restore our world into a far more pristine Paradise. The second –

is of course to not just limit our potential options to Earth –but to work towards reaching other planets and

ensuring that we as humans could survive on them/inhabit them –as we have waited several decades for

Mars and our satellite Moon. There will always remain a need for Earth –no matter what else may happen –

so much of what we seek to do and who we are, depends on her –but given how difficult it is to persuade

human beings to truly commit to reform –at least this provides additional solutions –including reducing

demographic pressures on Her. If we treasure our globe (And if we do not, then we really do not appreciate


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the miracle of life, survival and possibility that we have been so blessed with, then surely, we want it,

ourselves, our legacies and other species to last?)

Can anything other than space and ecological conservation secure this? Then surely we ought to pursue

anything that could essentially contribute to this… no matter what it might be, for we cannot afford to so

casually and disdainfully relinquish her. Examples include… We cannot afford to shirk or abdicate from

what needs to be done, as Earth’s self-centred, short term, blinkered leadership are mostly choosing to

follow. We have to be proactive; we cannot possibly afford to be reactive. Exploring and striving towards

permanent settlement of other worlds, will ensure that we have a future environment that all species –

including humans can live and prosper in. However, we also need to not only simply chart this and to reach

it – but also to find a way of being able to permanently dwell and reside in it. Until that becomes a feasible

and actual occurrence – and even beyond, we need this planet to sustain us… This entails conserving the

current ecosystem and biodiversity, working against extinction, the impact of climate change and the other

ecological crimes perpetuated against our Mother Earth as we need her to survive… and to make it

possible… This planet has been a sanctuary to us for so long –but aside from gratitude and what ought to

be appreciation/fealty to our planet, for our species –and for all species, there is a pragmatic argument to

conservation. It offers us the short-term prospects to the survival of us all –and everything we have

accomplished as well as a more medium and longer term as well? Is this not inherently what most people

seek? Postponing or mitigating the disruptions of a cauterised planetary biome and life/meteorological

cycle… is the only short-term solution to ensuring that we can ultimately be around long enough so that an

Age of Space is sufficiently possible.

In systematically reviewing our lack of eco-literacy and concern for the plight of our planet, space is the only

viable alternative to those who seek to continue our ecological catastrophes and humanity’s collective

suicide – the abysmal record that continues to plague the world. Gaia is fraying at her attempts to sustain

us and it will up to us to ensure that her attempts at exacting justice and equilibrium are rigorous enough to

work. Humans need constant reminders – of what the world once was and what they feel that it is destined

to be in the future. Strategically, it makes sense to rebalance the odds of our species’ survival at a level of

production and consumption that both we and Terra can afford. What is the point of producing too much or

too little when we cannot afford the environmental cost of a surfeit or the human cost of a deficit? What

arguments can possibly exist against recycling, of being more organic, against converting to renewable

energy and minimum emissions emitted. The resources that exist out there provide a chance for us to

continue, without excessive sacrifice our materialist obsessions, while our own planet attempts to


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recuperate –provided that we seek to minimise our impact ecologically on this and all future discovered

extra-terrestrial territories that we settle on. There may be enough for human and other’s species needs

(although it should be independently reviewed, analysed and determined if this is true for over 7 billion

people) but only the planets across the entire Universe can suffice for each species’ collective needs.

Perhaps it might, just be enough to satiate the jaded and gargantuan attitudes that each country’s prejudice

has.) Besides isn’t the chance to experience all these benefits, reason in itself to prioritise an ecologically

sustainable series of eco-economies, applied both globally and in any frontier worlds we develop, worth it?

What argument exists against this?

As humans, as with any species clinging precariously onto this planet as it orbits Helios, we cannot afford

to take the Universe and life for granted… The series of space catastrophes conveyed above, illustrate this

to a point. Ignorance will create our suicide. Further research and discoveries may not save us… but the

probability is far higher than those hurling through existence on a random tangent if we concentrate

specifically on the proposed outcomes… Besides why not research what is out there, if it has a chance to

spare our poor beleagued planet? Has it not suffered too much ravages and raped resources, extracted

without sustainable development? Has it not relentlessly exterminated enough species and caused enough

misfortune to our global ecology? Why can we not seek space, where it can do less damage – or at least

find new sources of resources or new ecologically pristine worlds that have yet to be so deflowered? We

know that there is a surfeit of humanity. For those that cannot contemplate wars, natural disasters and

genocides as environmentally necessary for the sake of our fragile biosphere to sustain all other life forms

through reducing humanity to far more reasonable levels; an exodus space colonisation programme that all

collectively will work towards remains vital as the only alternative solution… After all as Rockström, Steffen,

Noone (2009) among others point out, all planets have boundaries… Any ecosystem exists for a purpose –

to ultimately ensure the welfare and continuation of most species. Human engineered climate change

jeopardises this

To participate in a long-term voyage of colonisation beyond Earth, as we turn to other sources to relieve

pressure, means that we are finally doing what is not only right – to make up for our centuries of callous

torture and extermination but what is necessary. To act – is to be a part of the solution and not the problem.

It is self-advantageous not to marginalise this as the climate sceptics are doing as we cannot afford to

gamble so impetuously. For supposing, just supposing that even the most conservative projections of

climate change are correct… Even a 2 degree Celsius temperature and 1 metre sea level rise would cause

the permanent disappearance of an independent nation –The Maldives…. Parts of the South Pacific, the


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Caribbean and Southeast Asia would simply disappear? Do we really wish to cause these nations to

disappear? Do we want to be immortalised as the generation who made the legend of Atlantis real, who

caused aeon’s old territories to submerge into the oceans, destroying entire cultures and displacing entire

nations or communities? Can we afford to lose them? What are the implications for the human species of

betraying those most vulnerable as the world is doing, by refusing to act – not just publicly claiming to?

Humanity often despairs so at the problems confronting them, without daring to realise that these problems

may actually have solutions. If as humans we were actually to focus on what we wish to achieve, on how

and why we wish to do so and what is to be done, what can be done and what must be done – then we

actually can move forward. Globalisation never provides the comforting reassurance of daring to believe in

oneself and one’s own actions. The ecological dilemmas that face us, that threaten the continued existence

of the human species do not have to be taken for granted. It is often up to us to determine whether or not

this is actually worth it. Space offers us this opportunity – this one precious moment for us to take hold of

circumstances and vow perpetually that we will never let them, our fears or our failures defeat us… It offers

us something that can become precious to ours – sustain us as a vision for living – everything that we most

dreamed of when young and new, whatever they might be? For example; have we ever had the privilege to

behold the benefits and experience them of a virtually unpolluted environment? There are so many and so

obvious reasons to conserve the environment and to choose space that to describe them might seem

ridiculous… economic, health, environmental, social, educational, spiritual, psychological, artistic,

philosophical etc… On this planet it is a luxury that often only the extremely privileged or the extremely

affluent can afford this… -and even they often have to pay significantly for the privilege… Imagine a world

where never again could it possess such a prohibitively expensive threat to us….

As for those rich who are directly or indirectly responsible for being among the greatest polluters- as

tourists, producers and consumers... it seems even less just that they should be able to use their wealth to

escape the consequences of their actions – living among some of the least polluted, most valuable property

on the planet Earth… A clean environment should be given to each person who deserves it –i.e. those who

are willing to respect it, to recycle and minimise pollution… not be reserved to just the rich. There are limits,

constraints and pressures to achieving Paradise on Earth – especially lobbying interests of the affluent and

influential that often inhibit environmental protection/ reform… But if we could at least establish bases on

planets capable of sustaining Earth life forms –whether we conserved existing ecology –or for example in

the case of the Moon and Mars, we would probably have to construct greenhouses/ hydroponically cultivate

plants and fauna –or find other ways to terraform to make it a worthy place for human beings and others.


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These provide choices. To do nothing is to be hapless and to have no option. We have but one life and one

portion of time, for those of us that do not experience the reincarnation cycle of the Isles of the Blessed or

come back as shades (And these are uncertain prospects to rely upon). We might as well soar to our

highest, farthest pinnacles… the most distant reaches of the galaxy and the universe… to set no

boundaries and no frontiers to the ever-eternal roaming spirit lurking within so many of us… To not, would

be to deny a part of who we are –and what we might potentially become…

There are reasons for the planetary ecosystem to exist the way it does. Limits and constraints serve a

purpose. Establishing a federation of space voyagers, farers, explorers, research orbiting bases, asteroid

mines, chartered colonies and networks connecting each star will take time and resources –it cannot

happen instantaneously… We need to preserve the planet to make this reckoning pass. The optimal

welfare of all species –through conserving their existence and complete biodiversity is paramount and

needs to remain so. As long as we cannot replicate this elsewhere, as long as we cannot survive

elsewhere; we will need Earth. The more we save, the more we can avert extinction as their fates, -As long

as we cannot in fact access anywhere… marooned on this sphere alone… does it not make sense to work

towards resolving our environmental tragedies… Once we have a thousand or a million worlds, perhaps

that is different –and we will not have to be so prudent. But until this Age of Space is truly inaugurated… -

and we have a long way to go… it makes sense to conserve the same vitriolic quintessence, that in turn is

helping is to experience life –and to do what we can; to live as we live –whether for ourselves, others,

something or all of these… We cannot do it alone. Without a thriving, functioning Gaia, we have no chance

at all… and we would do well to remember that.

Ecological constraints facing us – exist for a reason. Several thousand years of interference should

persuade humanity of the need to consider the consequences of their own actions. The ecological

conditions that Gaia and the Gods have established have ensured our survival. To jeopardise the stability

of biodiversity; the climate and the very ecosystem that nurtures us, to create extinction, to destroy the

landscape, to plunder without recycling, restraint or sustainable development has irrevocable implications

for us and can we really afford the emergent chaos? Besides do we not have enough problems in this

world, without seeking to multiply them beyond our ability and very resources to resolve? As a society and

a species primarily concerned with short term self-interest and self-advantage, we haven’t really

investigated these perils and problems that we alone, not any other organism of any other species has

instigated with sufficient seriousness to make these feasible.


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If we wish for things to happen, we can start thinking and working towards a solution. We are not powerless

of educating ourselves, thinking individually –or working with each other to do so. We have the power of

free will –not Galilean/Judaic/Islamist monotheist dogmatist forms of “Original Sin,” that discourage us for

living up to our self-designated position as heirs of the Gods and curators of the Earth and its heritage. We

do things without thinking –because they seem convenient –but ecological illiteracy and the demise of

Terra from global warming will make these all but impossible. It is time to consider the future of our species

and the planet –that is if we are to have any influence in our prospective future at all… It is the final price –

the ultimate arbiter and chance to dream up solutions. We can adapt, surrender or perish! There are no

other options that are realistic and have even been seriously mentioned. While we know that ecological

rehabilitation and working to fight against the proliferation of climate change is necessary for all of us to

continue to survive the world in the future, this treatise proposes a manifesto, a declaration that could

potentially save humanity - (Or at least those willing to listen… It realises that many humans will continue to

oppose any effect to counter the damage to our environment (How to Save the Earth treatise). It suggests

that the answer to the ecological constraints that face planet Earth is to inaugurate an Age of Space

Exploration and Colonisation –to all inhabitable worlds, to allow biodiversity to flourish and each species to

avoid an extinction that they do not deserve and that Gaia/ the Elementals with all high probability did not

intend but which humanity proposes to thrust upon them thanks to aeons of ecological degradation…


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Overcoming the Scarcity of Earth

This chapter aspires to quantify and qualify the many economic benefits and opportunities already alluded

to and pinpointed in this treatise, not to mention those which space exploration continues to unearth and

profit the human species in abundant ways as the basis of an economic argument in favour of pursuing an

Age of Space Exploration. It may be difficult to place a potential value of an Age of Space! How does one

quantify infinite economic possibilities contained within a plurality of worlds – especially where we do not

have to compete with any other species? How does one value the Earth – or estimate the cost of all the

environmental and economic damage that humanity has wracked on Earth –the loss of Paradise, the

extinction of species, the loss of biodiversity, the externality costs of pollution and debris that has sought to

dismantle to ecological equilibrium that originally ensured Earth produced enough for all species’ needs not

their insatiable greed? The value of currently monitoring space alone is priceless –for whom could put a

price on survival, efficient information and reliable communications all derived from satellites. Who could

possibly imagine the modern world around them? Has space not in itself proven to be worthy of our

attention as potential solutions to our problems, profitable and with minimal externality costs.

Once constructed where are the environmental, social or other adverse externality costs of an orbiting

space satellite far above the surface of the Earth)? Of how many other potential investments on our own

planet could the same be mentioned accurately? It may seem trite but apart from investing in the

environment, there is no greater investment that any corporation, research laboratory, university, individual

or government agency could undertake that would yield them such high rates of return… especially in the

real economy compared to the virtual economy of stock market fluctuations, equities, hedging, derivatives

and other contrived artifices of financial engineering. First, there is the possibility of gaining access to an

entire Universe of knowledge and resources… From beyond Earth to stars light years away the end of the

Spiral Arm galaxies to even the Andromeda Galaxy 2.2 million light years away… Earth alone is highly

implausible the only world with resources to establish its own self-sufficient (apart from the Sun and the


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Moon) economy and ecosystem… Second, significant economic benefits already exist from space, such as

the significant contributions of space satellites, robotics, medicine and other technological/ scientific

achievements detailed elsewhere… Third, our own planet is under considerable pressures due to the risks

imposed on unsustainably supporting over 7 billion people, with significant environmental constraints and

limits to infinite economic growth and the disruption threats presented by climate change. Investing and

utilising the resources from space/ exporting a population surplus and establishing a true inter-solar system

–eventually inter-stellar economy beyond Earth, would help to increase the potential lifespan of Earth’s

remaining resources, prolonging its capacity to support life – especially the materialist proclivities of human

life. Although no politician, environmentalist, corporate CEO or academic has seriously proposed a

complete mechanism for it, this treatise contends that if we as humans had the audacity, the imagination,

the tenacity and the will to commit to investing in a long term economic future in space, we could conserve

scarce resources enough on Earth and divest enough volunteer, surplus population, ready to gain from the

wealth of a billion worlds, to turn Earth into a true Elysium or Paradise –a garden world, with less need for

industrial/ pollution blights and the other problems of perpetual economic industrialisation. Lower fossil fuel

concentrations, less pressure for resource intensive economic growth could reduce the threats of projected

climate change, which threaten the survival of significant islands and coasts from the Pacific to the

Maldives and Bangladesh to the Caribbean, (as detailed in the author’s forthcoming PHD thesis on climate

change and Pacific maritime supply chains).

Finally, there are the potential benefits to several billion human beings, many of whom face material

aspirations, in a planet that ecologically cannot provide the same capacity to support all at the consumption

rates of the United States, Canada, Japan, Europe and Australia. Without a significant reduction in the

human population, what other potential direction other than space colonisation – or favouring a complete

ecological based, sustainable growth, balanced service and knowledge-based economy focussing on the

quality of life, can possibly seek to reduce the significant poverty and underdevelopment challenges facing

our species in this century? We need to consider seriously investing and prioritising a space economy

based on initially exploiting its existing potential but ultimately to establish frontier colonies, that may initially

have to rely on support from Earth but can then work towards economic autarchy and finally become part of

an interconnected space commercial network as we no longer restrict ourselves to the resources and

parameters of one world…

Other short-sighted failings to truly consider space as the future of our globalisation minded economy,

include insufficient support for space both from providing resources and in public awareness – Do we really


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wish to scrimp on this? In an era that mandates billions of taxpayer’s money to encourage moral hazard

and the unprofitable financial sector that only impoverishes rather than enriches most of humanity as

reflected later, why ignore the macroeconomic benefits and other sound reasons for pursuing space that

exist? Space potentially has all that our current planet economy cannot currently provide, while over

sufficient planets, should be able to ensure far greater prosperity for sufficient humanity. To just so

brazenly, foolishly and arrogantly pass this by… without seeking to capitalise it, not only betrays our

fundamental nature as human beings –to constantly respond to challenges, to explore, dominate, excel,

advance, assimilate and conquest but also works against our own self-interest… It would be among the

most harrowing of tragedies! The fate of our lives after all, remains with us… We would open this dream up

to enterprise for those willing to gamble in something new as the most notable entrepreneurs are engaging

in… Examples include… Those bold enough should be rewarded for the courage and effort to do so as the

first market entrants. Anyone willing to market this chance should be freely welcome to do so. Such a

project needs as much of the human race that are willing to be mobilised if it is to become real… and if we

ever seek the opportunities and the lives that we dreamed of – the freedom that is denied to us on Earth.

Space has far more chances and prospects to offer economically than a planet, whose prime economic

system is hidebound and ensnared by several global predatory multinational banking consortiums… whose

tax-payer subsidised accumulated wealth and dividends/rates of corporate pay can individually and

collectively exceed the GDP of many developing countries…. Therefore, there is an economic/ fiscal

argument for pursuing a collective astronautical odyssey as our destiny in space, primarily as a means of

overcoming the scarcity of resources and associated opportunity costs that our lack of restraint collectively

and individually, has imposed on our own fraught, hapless planet. The existing benefits as summarised in

this chapter confirm that this is far less of a gamble than many alternatives…

There are many sound economic reasons for pursuing space. These all originate from the scarcity of

resources on Earth. Our world is based upon finite resources – each with an opportunity cost. Globalisation

is based on the premise that economic growth is good –even necessary but never really questions how to

resolve the problems of scarce resources. Historically our population has had two choices. The first is to

ensure efficiency –especially as space colonies take time. Productive efficiency ensures that goods are

produced sustainably/recycled – produced with the fewest possible resources. Allocative efficiency ensures

that those goods which are most wanted are produced – sufficient quality and quantity so as to minimise

the need to dispose waste. Even where non-polluting renewable energy is feasible and advantages both

economically and environmentally, most humans still choose more polluting, more expensive and less

efficacious products, technology and ways of living/ producing/ consuming. Humanity currently consumes


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resources far swifter than it ever manages to replenish them –for those who actually do use common sense

to recognise the need to be far more sustainable ecologically than most of our materialist beings have ever

managed. Therefore, the second historic alternative –has been that of discovery seeking to locate and

annex more resources.

The world has been chartered, political boundaries and economic suzerainty extended even up to the 200

miles of seabed that nations claim as their Exclusive Economic Zone. The only neutral zones, not

commercially exploited or colonised – are Antarctica and space. Efforts have been made by United States

corporations to even propose mining on the moon. Therefore, space provides the only true economic

frontier remaining, unless humanity wish to renounce its historic interest in resource intensive, economic

growth? The economic question of the future will all be about scarcity. For example it is the most basic

areas that remain uncertain for the future – the issue of food scarcity, water shortage, global warming,

deforestation and biodiversity, soil erosion, shrinking petroleum and polluting fossil fuels. As extrapolated in

this author’s Treatise on: How to Save Earth, those countries who have been the most cautious –and

prepared the most for the scarcity of resources by recycling, renewing and reutilising will finally be more

powerful and influential than those that have pursued materialism and imperialism to extract the resources

of others. Is this not among the most powerful reason of all to invest in the environment and to invest in

space as the only solutions for humanity – to be able to survive at all as a principate –especially the

Maldives, the islands of the Pacific, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean, already among the most vulnerable

physically and have a future? Also, by investing in these and in enabling people to benefit from the trade,

investment, employment, expenditure, resources and knowledge potential that both space’s existing

economy and a future one that transcends across many planetary settlements, world leadership will prove

itself worthy of serving its people and crucially retain their support in the long not just the short term…

The question remains; What will we as humans do when the resources run out? How will we possibly live?

What thought has been given to the most pressing of economic and environmental problems by not just our

leadership but each of us who will be affected, given that our leadership have not really invested in

offsetting or adapting the effects of climate change or an Astronautical odyssey and colonisation

programme? It remains arduous to try and hold leadership accountable for their actions –except during an

immediate or imminent looming disaster, crisis or election. It is already extremely difficult to get the human

species to actively cooperate over a long-term purpose for a single specific objective –even when they

specifically vote for that issue. It is even harder to sustain this across nations in areas that potentially affect

us all? Yet this treatise urges the need for these issues to be considered and prioritised by all –to cooperate


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with all – even if it means interlinking space with religion and science seeking ultimate answers; to

businesses seeking profit and individuals seeking, meaning, purpose and the desire for liberty/to be

themselves and face living out their potential destinies… Cooperation has already created the following

benefits of a space economy…

This treatise projects a new vision of a celestial rather than terrestrial bound economy, as the economic

basis of pursuing the future of humanity in space as providing the economic rationale proposing this

Astronautical Odyssey…

This treatise desires a world, where we do not have to sacrifice our quality of life or our planet to exist and

thrive. Even without other planets, the opening up of a greater, space-based economy to which industry,

commerce and people outside our atmosphere, whether orbiting satellites, on space stations, devoted

autarchic space vessels and permanent bases adding the Moon, asteroids and Mars (to start with) as

pioneers can be incorporated to rehabilitate our own planet. And why settle for just one world – why not

embrace as many as we can possibly reach for our duration as human beings. While the planet

recuperates and regenerates, we advocate pausing our exploitation of Gaia – and look to cultivating

resources; establish colonies and finding alternatives in the Spiral Arm, to our own planet. Imagine planets

where we could experiment to develop non-polluting alternatives to industry or resources that we so

conspicuously lack or remain short of on Earth. Each asteroid, moon and planet could be surveyed for

potential resources to see what it could potentially contribute to reduce the polluting industries on Earth.

The worthwhile ones could be added to the space network. But even in the highly implausible scenario that

each surveyed exo-solar planet that we found capable of sustaining life, had nothing to contribute… what a

luxury, a privilege and a treat would it be just to experience an unpolluted planet! We could even reserve

the first worlds to those that pledge to be far greater environmentally sensitive stewards than our species

ever was on Earth –to those who deserve them! Then there would be a way to reward all those that have

tried to mitigate their efforts – who deserve the quality of life and far less pollution that a new world could

actually offer them. Like the incentive proposed for rewarding those upholding law and those contributing

most to research in previous chapters –those of greatest value and most deserving would finally be


Would all this not be worth any costs or sacrifices required in the interim. Until we get there – our resources

are scarce and the consequences of pollution and environmental genocide are all too bittersweet real. Why

use all the resources now at such a disturbing pace, when common sense infers that this will then leave


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absolutely nothing for the future? But once we do arrive on other planets, asteroids and satellites we can

circumvent the existing pressures on our own ecosystem and all benefit… We could then afford to be able

to rehabilitate the blighted urban industrial wastes and slums in our most polluted areas on Earth, to pursue

afforestation and mine rehabilitation so that the degraded landscape, oceans and aether of our home

become purified once more to make them worthy places of all species as we move more industry off-planet

(and the associated externality costs associated with that). After all we would find ways to benefit without

threatening our own ecosystem – and then it could afford to pay for itself even more than it has been doing.

There are other unspoken benefits as the thesis will pinpoint… but think of the benefits of moving to a

cleaner Earth, while not necessarily compromising on our quality of life to the extent that those against an

Environmental Reformation or Space Age might suggest, economically, environmentally and personally…

Our pursuit of economic growth – will devastate this planet to a wasteland… full of spectres, each land a

sombre shadow of its former self; that we humans alone destroyed... unless we transform the world’s

economies to be as environmentally sustainable as possible. We do not know yet all that we might need

that our planet may provide to make such celestial voyages a permanent and inerasable part of the human

condition; as natural as the vessels which ferry us across the azure depths of the oceans and waterways of

the world. However, that may take generations! It also still fails to provide the human species with potential

alternatives. What will we do when the resources run out? What will we do when we have caused the

extinction of all the species that we regard as pests, parasites, to be exploited or trodden on; have vanished

and the ecosystem that we are all so dependent upon, collapses from the loss of biodiversity sustaining the

web of natural life? Space can provide the economic answer if we follow the path etched out below… and

in the paths of those science fiction creators, that imagined such… especially in providing alternative

planets with which we can establish reserves of all living organisms of Earth –whether plant or animal

(including our own species) so that both economically and environmentally, we can prosper. Space also

provides the answer to acquire any mineral or other resources with which we are so concerned about

exhausting the reserves and stockpiles on Earth. These present alternatives once we prioritise space to be

commercially viable as with any investment. If we desire water, electricity and other essentials as a

certainty –not just as speculation for us from the developing world, this is the only answer. This treatise

advocates securing resources on another world provided that all externality costs, risks and consequences

are carefully monitored to ensure that it does not adversely threaten the local existing cultural heritage,

ecosystem and climate should any be already present there.


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This treatise proclaims that the economic future of Earth for humanity is not to pursue heavily criticised

bailing out the collapsing banking sector nor to base it on mere fables but to create a tangible, value added

economic sector with regular and sufficient funding. The destiny of a terrestrial space economy –is to unite

all forms of commerce from every planet and every asteroid, satisfying both settlers and those of other

planets. It seems clear based on existing research and probing that this inter-stellar economy can be

sufficiently profitable and productive, through having resources that we need to counter the loss of our own

planet’s stockpiles –but also for the potential benefits of new unknown commodities that the spirit of

discovery can unearth! Besides, taxpayers deserve something for their money –whether or not it consists of

acquiring commercial, scholastic, technological or other values in exchange. At the moment, what are

taxpayers receiving in exchange for their subsidisation of a volatile, debt ridden government and financial

sector, throughout the world in the 2008 recession aftermath? If they had invested in space however… they

would not be worse off as this treatise has sought to do by summarising the existing benefits of space –

especially in the value of space technology and knowledge. Investing in traditional economic sectors, has

not worked. Therefore, the alternative of sponsoring and hosting the nucleus of a space exploration

colonisation drive programme might as well be tried. One way to finance it has been suggested is through

governments, factions, organisations, institutions and movements prioritising space rather than the

pursuance of conflict to resolve any geo-political, social, environmental, economic, technical, cultural and

other strategic tensions that develop. As indicated previously this would reduce the rationale for warfare –

and further facilitate trade/security simultaneously as each can focus on reaching space and settling worlds

Are we short of a resource? Why not find a way to make the universe provide what we rely on the planet to

provide in such abundance, according to absolute and comparative advantage. How does resorting to

conflict resolve most issues, rather than substantially contributing to debt, social, economic and

environmental loss? As with any other commodity, easier access will cause greater economies of scale

producing lower costs of acquisition, production and transportation –to trade with Earth and any future

spokes of an inter-solar system commercial network. Economics is defined as the art of allocating scarce,

finite resources. But what if the universe itself were on offer? No one would have to worry about restricted

access to markets or the limited resources they have on Earth. It would provide even greater incentives to

convert our global economies to be far more sustainable and eco-friendlier as our planet would have to be

able to sustain us until then –for aeons in this long-term manifesto for humankind. Consumer sovereignty

would also benefit from having access to the resources of the Universe – the freedom of choice and the

chance at least for a far greater proportion of the inhabitants that currently populate Earth to have

developed world living standards. At the moment our planet cannot afford to be so generous – Not for


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seven billion people! But scattered across a million worlds –a million or even a thousand or hundred Earths

and we have the potential to make an Age of Space an Aureal Age with far greater resemblance to

Paradise since we lost that chance at the dawn of humanity aeons ago. When we can access planets such

as these – planets where no pollution or any other human engineered problem has yet to exist, –anything is

possible. But until then and eternally, there will always need to preserve the resources, species, climate,

environment and other conditions that made life on this planet so wondrous; that ignited the spark that

animated life and being itself.

Our existing space economy consists of the over 50 countries with the capacity for satellites –launching,

accessing and continued maintenance or usage. Only the more powerful or affluent nations or political

confederacies (i.e. Europe in the European Space Agency) have specialised space agencies that

concentrate on developing space technology while only Europe, Russia, China and the USA have

demonstrated the physical public sector capacity to progress further and meaningfully support and

contribute to an Age of Space Exploration with the capacity for asteroid, lunar and planetary surface

landings at present, despite the need for others to participate if we are to ever advance significantly beyond

Earth, the Moon and low orbit. There is also private commercial sector involvement primarily through

contracts to the official space agency requirements, supplying the International and other Space Stations,

providing engineering and equipment, conducting research –or engaging in the emerging sector of galactic

tourism (see chapters) but virtually no utilisation of the myriad potential investment and resource

opportunities that space itself could resolve –especially in alleviating the scarcity of certain resources on

Earth. The OECD Space Economy paper (Khan 2011). In 2009, this paper estimated that while other global

economic sectors were contracting, space-related revenue was multiplying, adding at least $150-165 billion

in revenue to global GDP. Primarily this consists of telecommunications, broadcasting and other purposes

of satellites/probes (estimated to contribute 76-87 billion of the total) followed by engineering and

technology, with minor amounts from tourism/ supplies, insurance, financing etc. This excludes the indirect

economic benefits and value of space technology/ research that this treatise sought to illuminate. What is

the price of averting or mitigating a natural catastrophe such as a famine from a drought or to property and

life from flood damage and typhoons? One only has to measure insurance and reconstruction costs, even

excluding opportunity costs to determine this…. What is the price of ensuring food security? This is the

basis of social stability –the basis upon which the fate and survival of governments and states ultimately

survive –of the utmost critical essence… With climate change and over 7 billion human mouths to ensure

food… the value of space economically in helping to monitor precipitation, solar intensity, wind,

temperature, atmospheric pressure, moisture etc cannot be overestimated….


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Alex Grant in a 2012 paper on the UK Space Economy (since 2000 estimated to grow at 8.6% per year)

advocated that the United Kingdom among others could benefit by pursuing favourable laws to promote

research, education, investment and commercial support. He advocated that each country could take the

initiative of creating its own spaceport, stimulating the local economy –especially from space tourism. Tax

incentives could also be provided to encourage people further to speculate. Greater partnerships between

governments, societies, academic facilities, individuals, corporations and organisations could be created so

that it not just the state has to launch this Age. Certainly, since the Space Shuttle retirement space

transport demand will become considerable, as will supply/logistical requirements… far in excess of being

able to rely upon Russia, the ESA or China. Many more trade and investment opportunities exist. Think of

any that occur on Earth. A voluminous diversity of choices awaits the daring to pursue –especially once

permanent settlements are constructed. He estimated that existing benefits added over 8 billion pounds to

the UK economy but only 268 million pounds was subsidised by its taxpayers… -who received 24900 jobs

directly and an estimated 60,000 plus jobs indirectly… especially through specialising in satellite

broadcasting. And yet, NASA and the US government are so short sighted as to reduce budgets and

eliminate the Space Shuttle (hence needing Russia to reach the International Space Station) … so they can

bail out investment banks that cost trillions globally and throughout the recession retrenched hundreds of

thousands at least (directly and indirectly)!

So, to develop a space economy, this treatise would call upon parastatals and the private sector capable of

producing/ adapting products to satisfy the requirements of this new Age, orbiting satellites, spacecraft and

new non-Earth settlements… It calls upon the most gifted youth to consider their vocation in space – not to

waste their potential but to espouse their dreams and fantasies into realities –and for the educators,

communities, states and businesses of the world to seek to support them. As the potential for growth is

substantial, highly skilled and cannot all be automated or subject to outsourcing, reaching a true space

economy and pursuing an active colonisation programme off Earth would help to reduce the significant

problems of global poverty, unemployment combined with scarcity of natural resources and other ecological

perils humanity faces, amid an ever-burgeoning global population. It would prioritise research into these

urgently as our local global economy becomes increasingly volatile and incapable of satisfying the

economic demands of humanity at a rate sustainable with ecological equilibrium and a satisfactory quality

of life for each organism on this planet, as Gaia miraculously managed for epochs…


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Given the externality costs involved, a space economy would outsource opportunities to those off Earth –

whether in Space Research Stations, outposts or settlements, any material/labour/knowledge and other

requirements as catalysts to start their own fledgling economies, seeking to make them as sustainable/

commercially viable as possible… Examples include. It is clear that to have such an excess of human

population –over 7 billion is something that our planet and its ecosystem are literally unable to weather and

is able to sustain, without threatening other hapless species’ right to survival and prosperity. How many

more species must be sacrificed, how much biodiversity must be squandered, how much of the world must

be irretrievably polluted, eroded or lost before we as humans seek to admit to ourselves that we cannot

continue and that we need to get rid of a surfeit of human beings, whose voracious desire for production

and consumption is murdering the only planet that we have chosen voluntarily to be able to reach, to settle

and to call home/ find a means of resource extraction. For the economic and fiscal argument for pursuing

space is not just based on the fundamental scarcity of renewable/ finite resources that we face and the

associated costs this entails but on the disturbing surfeit of another resource – human beings… Pursuing a

space colonisation drive – first those of our own galaxy than arkships and other ways to progress beyond is

one of the most realistic ways –short of a universal birth control program, Great Purge, war –or sequence of

ever intense natural disasters that perhaps may occur from the consequences of climate change… is

among the more realistic ways to not only reduce the population pressures on our own planet – but also the

resources they require and the further costs of any offspring they may produce… It is far easier to alleviate

problems and begin anew with volunteer pioneers on new worlds to eradicate poverty and other problems

we face than perhaps to resolve it where it is deeply embedded on Earth. It might be among the only viable

ways to reduce poverty and act as catalysts to economic empowerment of humanity, that does not cost the

environment and the lives of most species as ever desperate humans eventually decide not only humans

first but humans only! Otherwise the sobering question remains: can we afford to lose this world and its

benevolent capacity to provide for us?

What is it about the human race that fails to consider its own self-advantage? What is it about humanity that

persists to cling onto an incorporeal economy that will always remain ethereal and the most supreme of

gambles, when there is a far more translucent economy that we can all understand its foundations and its

benefits? In considering the frequency of business cyclical shocks and recessions –from the 17 th century

CE to 1929, 1987, 2001 and the more recent 2009 financial crises…. the risk of electing to choose space

as this treatise cautions, may be far less significant than continuing to invest in such asinine decisions that

cost so much more than humanity can afford. Space at least has proven itself and shown continuous

growth and rates of return on investment. How many other sectors can show themselves to have such a


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sustainable basis? Unless we were to pursue a true economy based on environmentalism, rejecting waste,

recycling, ecological technology and renewable energy/ subsistence consumption, we face the economic

law of diminishing returns on finite resources drained far more instantaneously than Gaia could possibly


After all the foundations of a potential space economy would be far less volatile; based on solid physical

engineering and technology, fabricating tangible assets, physical resources and gateways to entire new

Earths – not just the value of aforementioned space technology whose benefits have enriched the lives of

so many. Why limit ourselves so, when there are so many frontiers to behold? Space can make dreams far

more profitable, provide real employments, expenditure and other catalysts for economic growth so that it

pays for us to be creative and support inter-stellar research innovation, in addition to the transition process

of converting Earth into a pro environmental consortium of economies. This is also highly necessary from

an economic perspective –especially to ensure sustainability and survival, given the continued vulnerability

of a global capitalist-based economy and tottering financial sector staggering from crisis to crisis and

causing us to flounder as well.

It is also urgent that we prioritise a space economy as attempts to persuade humanity to give up its

completely unsustainable materialist lifestyle, conspicuous consumption based, globalised economy.

Voluntary efforts to reduce its own environmental impact have scarcely worked so far, when both China

and the USA –the greatest producers of goods –but also the greatest polluters and contributors to

environmental damage and climatic change disruption are the two main violators. These countries have

failed to embrace even the concept of working to mitigate or reduce greenhouse gas emissions by not

ratifying the Kyoto Protocol (or any intended successors) and whose commitment to true environmental

reform –is evidently non-existent in their policies, culture, economy, materialist philosophy and actions.

People would only commit to tangible environmental reform able to actually make a difference when it is too

late, as they fear that it will cost them short term materialist comforts and economic growth they crave. Yet

the economy of the world is already in the doldrums. Globalisation is clearly failing humanity in so many

areas and materialism/ secularism create the curse of affluenza and other panaceas. All the materialism in

the world will certainly amount to nothing, if we pay Earth as the price… Surely we can afford to undertake

some compromises and devote a greater percentage of our budget, education, resources, concern, support

and most of all; attention; if it would grant us so many economic and other benefits, so that many of us can

actually not revert back to the technological “Dark Ages?”


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The commercial prospects that possibly exist in a space economy so far… –making the pursuit of space

highly profitable to those countries/economies who seek to undertake a colonisation imperative, should

further prompt adherents to choose to form an economy based on comparative advantage in space. Each

economy could specialise on creating sustainable yet profitable development unique to that source from

which the resource is produced or extracted. Again, it presents a genuine chance not just to initiate the

radial spokes of an inter-planetary trading nexus– but provide a chance to revive Earth’s short, medium and

long term economies which slump so frequently into the Doldrums. The time hearkens for space and to

move on… Examples include…Many opportunities abound for the Developed World providing eco-efficient

vessels, research and settling equipment – employment and associated expenditure. Policy makers

globally are clearly running out of real innovation to stimulate their economies –besides the externality

costs associated with potential development.

But any country which has the potential to contribute in labour, satellites; technology; research, commerce,

logistical support, capital and other areas has the potential to serve as a catalyst for its own economy…

Countries which have already benefited from this as specific examples… In a century of global recession

where orthodox solutions fail –why not gamble and create an expansion of this nascent sector? Why not

develop our potential and move into deindustrialisation on Earth and into the sector that can ensure that we

can migrate elsewhere, ensure the welfare, prosperity and quality of life plus survival for all species

simultaneously, instead of continuing on this colossal mistake of an arbitrary, unchartered passage? Again,

they can specialise according to the principles of comparative advantage and economies of scale –where

myriad fingerling individuals contribute via increments. There are ways. All it requires is for governments to

elect to economically empower their citizens to be able to benefit –and exploit any existing or future

discoveries/ colonisation schemes and intergalactic trade networks as they develop, whether asteroid

mining, water and gas vapour trailing from the Rings of Saturn and Moons of Jupiter, terra-forming or space

elevators. However, it is essential to ensure swift ways of transport to access the route to be able to access

and market them – unless worlds should deliberately seek to live in isolation. Sufficient contingency

reserves are also necessary so that economies can sustain themselves without being a drain on Earth –

and therefore they need to favour local autarchy as well for non-essential resources from Earth given the

transmission and astronomical geographical distance connecting these worlds and galaxies once

established. It is essential to prepare, as to be forewarned is to be forearmed… and the Universe is not

impervious to risks.


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Who knows what it may provide to enhance our profits, our prospects of survival and our welfare? It is a

place where individual entrepreneurs and global corporate conglomerates can both compete competitively,

where consumers and producers both have sovereignty often denied in globalisations’ proclaimed free

markets. Space could potentially offer to enrich humanity – so far more experience affluence –in a way that

one population of over 7 billion people, never could reasonably sustain… Whether from the resources

detected by our probes and telescopes or from the possibility of encountering trade with extra-terrestrial life

forms out there, space could potentially offer us that which we cannot find on Earth. Even for those

resources that it might locate on Earth – we may find sufficient abundance –that we need not be so

constrained by the scarcity of those resources exploited from our own planet, which may limit our horizons

and our capacity to uproot poverty and other problems affecting all species on Earth. We could even

establish a stock exchange exclusively devoted to space as an alternative incentive to invest in it….

hedging on speculative ventures, forming chartered companies prepared to invest in space… as merchant

venturers managed in the past for Earth. This exchange could be designed for those who realise the fact

that gambling in the unknown and volatile abyss of the artificial products of the global financial sector with

no real assets, precipitated many previous and the current recession… Those who seek real assets and

real returns, where manufacturing has been outsourced to the developing world, may also favour it.

Few have seriously considered the structure of an economy founded and based on another planet, moon or

asteroid and how it would be compared to Earth. Until it is established and until we know how successful

the private sector is, this cannot be answered. However, if it is possible to harvest soybeans at the

International Space Station in orbit, then space bound agriculture is possible. The presence of located

water on several planetoids and comets, means that certain economic activities are not impossible outside

the surface of Gaia…. Other initiatives that could be undertaken include testing to see if any species of

plant or animal or product capable of being created on Earth, could be replicated on any other planet,

asteroid or moon –or whether they remain unique to Earth alone… (but avoiding contamination –

threatening or affecting any indigenous species located or geophysically). After all, we can never predict

the consequences of our actions – (especially our mistakes), as other potential species become

increasingly more likely to become extinct. Anything distinctive in conditions or resources those other parts

of the Universe could provide; could be evaluated to see how it could be attached to a new space economy

to benefit our quality of life and progress, which is currently being ignored.

If nothing else, space offers the potential to reduce our own economic pressures and constraints to the

recurring problems of scarcity and limited potential for investment/entrepreneurship that we face on Earth


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through participating in a galactic economy –connected by faster than light space technology as a way to

transcend galaxies. For example Bloom of the USA National Space Society in a June 2014 article

estimated that Ceres (our largest solar system asteroid so far detected), has enough material to build

orbital space settlements with a total living area well over a hundred times the land area of the Earth . In

addition; there are significant energy sources –the sun alone… comets and others…. far more than we

could ever demand or need from Earth –enough to power entire colonising armadas. Our own Asteroid

Kuiper Belt could provide the metal we might need to launch these fleets. Bloom estimates one smallish

asteroid, 3554 Amun, has about $20 trillion worth of metals. Prospectors could stake their claims –open to

those not just with the wealth, but who are willing to gamble enough and be daring, to become settlers and

pioneer forth. The universe could reward those willing to work hard but prevented due to birth, education,

environment, limited access to capital, bureaucratic and other legal obstacles. Each part of the universe,

could be chartered for the degree to which it can sustain the lives of humans –and all parts of the

ecosystem/ =other species that it depends on to co-exist. It is a vision that has to be worth supporting.

Surely anyone could see that this untapped market is perfect for investing and those who are prepared to

gamble… will profit far more than many speculative ventures on this planet… Something that is worth

sustaining –and will sustain the economic upliftment of so many of us has to be worthy of investment…

Where else but turning to the Universe itself to enrich and develop us; without the many pressures that we

face undertaking such ventures as dreams on Earth, could we seek?

Nothing could actually mesmerise humanity more than having to be entrepreneurs –to be procreative –not

always by choice –but by urgent necessity. So many humans are risk adverse seeking to be employees on

Earth for the illusion of greater security when they could be out there… fulfilling their talents and desired

futures, especially economically. A space economy does not automatically bequeath its trove to humans –

we have to be intelligent enough –to acquire and till them for themselves. It would have to be worth it.

Each world that is settled is pristine and virgin… Each awaits surveying of its potential resources and a

potential economic-social-technical-academic-cultural feasibility study, to assess the extent to which it can

potentially contribute across the future cluster of enterprising worlds. Those of us that desire to experiment

–economically as well as socially/ politically, culturally and academically/environmentally will no longer

force the planet that we live on to face all the pressure. All humanity needs is a chance to access space,

the support and resources necessary for an exodus and the psychological will to do so. If tens of thousands

– or millions – even billions leave – Gaia will be able to breathe – given how so many humans on this

planet place a colossal drain on our own planetary ecosystem and economy. Each human however could

have something to contribute perhaps –just not here on Earth.


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It is estimated that Earth can only support a maximum of 500 million human beings –to enable a sufficient

quality of life, food, climate and ecological stability –symbiosis at most. We reached that level at the 18 th

century of the Common Era “Agrarian Revolution.” With the Industrial Revolution it has exploded to over 7

billion and still growing, despite the fact that neither we or our planet could afford so many – and even more

intractable problems. Advocated birth control as in China or voluntary efforts as in Europe, endorsed

globally would help preserve future population growth to ecologically optimum levels if we wish to be

serious and accept that a surfeit of humans is one of this planet’s most pressing problems. This problem

requires such drastic intervention as an Age of Space Colonisation/Exploration and transforming our

economy and existence to an environmentally sustainable process, adapting to the effects of climate

change. However, space has no such problems. If humanity chooses to settle there than one could have as

many offspring as they seek –for religious/cultural or other reasons and that they can afford. We would

learn, having paid the price of experimenting and failing (as well as succeeding), how to begin a new to

ensure that the problems, challenges and constraints that hindered us on Earth – or have the potential to

on another planet/satellite do not prevent us from achieving our destiny. Each colony will have to be

initially autarchic – capable of self-reliance and capacity in production and consumption, ensuring food

security and survival as resources will be constrained to those the first spacecraft initially bring with them –

until we can engineer a way to connect the worlds –the secondmost significant objective upon landing, after

prioritising ways of survival for any that do dare to venture forth. Each planet colony once established –

could act as a seeder colony/research preparation base –to accelerate for subsequent planetary

settlements and space exploration –a far more efficacious means of creating the space race, once the

infrastructure is constructed – than relying on Earth. The Moon, Mars, Io, Ganymede, Calisto and Europa –

could all serve as forward bases to spearhead the way out of the solar system… That way the initiative is

not dependent on the limitations of space and relying on Earth alone to be the initiator of missions and

discoveries to potentially directly or indirectly contribute to the welfare of all species here on Earth and any

that our cosmic voyage may encounter.

Space really does present itself as an answer to many of our growing dependencies on certain resources,

despite their shortage on Earth. From space, we could extract non-polluting forms of hydrogen and helium

–scarcer on this planet than many others. These could replace pollutant petroleum/diesel-based fuel. We

would advocate reviving non-polluting airships and aerodromes on Earth and elsewhere when this

extraction process becomes commercially feasible. There has to be a way of working with the Universe – to

help save us and our Earth as this one example suggests…. As humanity have we even tried? Have we


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ever sought to truly find a way of the morass with which we find ourselves seemingly encumbered? Or are

we at least prepared to truly/possibly try? Given the scarcity of Earth’s resources, the one planet we call

home and the disastrous consequences if we spoil everything, we cannot afford the opportunity cost as

human beings of sacrificing the resources we need to survive and to advance. We cannot afford to act,

when there are no resources left, when we have not planned or even contemplated on the day that Gaia’s

benevolent largess splutters out. We need the resources we do have to contribute not just to frivolous

leisure and consumption/highly wasteful production of the most materialist of all Ages of recorded human

history but to make space exploration possible. The longer we wait, the fewer planets we will be able to

reach any at all and to incorporate into this galactic mercantile consortium.

For those of us that have never known a pristine environment but have always sought one, new worlds –

with existing ecosystems –or those that have been transported and cultivated, the universe can provide

this. The discovery of many Earth-like worlds show that dreaming of another unravaged paradise where we

can begin anew in our own Arcadia, striving for our own envisioned Utopia or Parnassus do not make this

so improbable as many sceptics would behold. Behold the many possible Earthlike planets of space –it is

something to strive for; especially for those of us that have always been appalled by humanity’s ravishing

and mutilation of its own ancestral Mother Source… A Universe where space is as accessible to our

species and as prevalent as access to air, land or sea… with enough environment for those that have

always dreamed of such but have never known, has to be an image of a far more spectacular future for us

to work towards than our current driftless state, as we splutter, choke and flounder, with not even Elpis the

spirit of hope or our imaginations; talents and individuality being permitted in a world and age which has

steadily discouraged both. It will be possible for those who have dreamed of such to experience it… At the

moment, regardless of whoever is responsible for polluting the most, it is the most affluent of this world that

can afford access to the remaining wildernesses and less ruined locations on this planet. But why should

they alone – who have everything primarily because they had greater opportunity to exploit the world to

their intermediate gratification and self-advantage, be permitted a release? Besides, they cannot escape

the vicissitudes of a heavily polluted planet, exposed from her mantle of protection and equilibrium, so

tenaciously remaining… All their wealth would not save them realistically, unless they find a way to orbiting

space colonies, satellite settlements and planet colonies in the rest of the Universe. It is the same for us all.

Economically, we could revert back to an age of craftsmanship and artisans, where quality is still prized –as

our frontier worlds will initially lack the mechanisation/automation processes that we have here on Earth.

This may seem a nostalgic anachronism that has to be sacrificed in the name of efficiency, progress and


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modernisation on Earth but one that other planets would be able to afford. This not only ensures greater

employment and expenditure and grants planets to develop specific indigenous contributions distinctive to

that planet-based economy. It ensures that those who genuinely want this – either as creators or as

consumers, will be able to do so –with the transported local resources necessary to do so sustainably.

Everything will either have to be imported at great expense and time across galaxies or fabricated from

local elements. The economy will have a place for everyone – avoiding obsolescence… It is the evident

solution for a world in which many millions of human beings are under-utilised or not employed at all.

We can start by making the future economic systems we establish learn from the volatility and the lack of

ecological sustainability/ literacy that we face on Earth. Space offers the chance to avoid generating

mistakes. We could use space colonies as prototypes in economic, environmental, social and other

experiments – as celestial bound laboratories to test potential plausible scenarios. There would be enough

space so that other animals will have the space and freedom from human interference they seek, provided

we do not mess the local ecosystem. We could test how other species can react –and use domestically

raised game, crops and livestock to be able to subsist –but enough space exists to do so organically and

humanely, where their welfare is so horrendously ignored on Earth.

One of the simplest, most evident reasons for pursuing space is humanity’s unwillingness to reduce its

current pace of resource extraction by consuming natural resources far swifter than they can be

replenished by Gaia and the Gods. And yet has anyone ever thought to ask the question? What is the price

of extinction? What is the cost –economic and ecological of not having these resources available? The

need to research space –to test the frontiers of the resources that we can find a way to access off Earth –

and to devise new methods to commercially extract and utilise them. We may be able to focus on what our

true economic priorities ought to be as settlers… aware of the scarcity of resources, the opportunity costs

and consequences of our actions and the need for sustainability, to ensure a rational allocation of

resources based on consumer needs and efficiently produced –involving the fewest possible resources to

avoid waste. Space opens many opportunities/ deal conditions so that humans rationally devote common

sense to their actions as a new turning point in our species’ history… There are so many worlds out there…

some of them have to provide an escape – the means of a way out. The potential and the urgent need to

establish a pan-dimensional space economy of the future… is yet another compelling reason why we as

humans should embark on this latest of promising sagas. That is one reason for possessing and prioritising

the technology that will able to do so. That is why it is worth so many sacrifices and why every human or

any member of any species shows that it has a far greater probability to thrive and be alive, if given the


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chance to become a part of a Space Age with its space orientated research, colonisation, economy and

society mandate, than that which the Twilight of Our World prevents, should have this chance to do so.

We can benefit from a space economy. Or we can continue to make the mistakes of trusting in globalisation

alone –at least until the resources run out and we have no solutions. Those who have thought about

solutions should be supported and extended –in exchange for agreeing to assist humanity to resolve its

looming challenges and desires –both individual and collective including… Entrepreneurs have already

utilised space to gain commercially, why not open it up to more? … At least having made so many mistakes

and experimented with various economic and environmental philosophies; we could learn from our history.

Finding whatever is out there could be the answer to every prayer. It may be able to erase every constraint

that we have – especially our economic. Once we can commercially and viably extract minerals and other

resources from the Moon and Mars, with regular space cargo shuttle relays and the space elevator

established, they could either complement our terrestrial economy. Or they could provide the resources to

seed future bases and colonies –to propel ever more space farers…. further and further beyond… This

section proposed a nebulous concept for a global space bound economy, not restricted to ideological

dogma, parallel to the advocated system of space governance detailed elsewhere but flexible and

cogniscent enough of our discoveries and strides forward within space. Realising the fluidity of the concept,

it proposes some guidelines concerning the vision that may be achieved economically. It merely points out

that there are economic possibilities –to our constraints, problems and challenges that are pragmatic and

Yet these have been so seldom even contemplated by the economists, politicians and chief executives of

this world –or what the future of space might mean –especially economically from a trade, investment,

policy and revenue perspective? The question remains as eternal as human nature: How can we exploit

this so that we can maximise the potential benefits from the Universe? But it will enable current growth and

prosperity –as well as being the one path other than an immediate concentrated, globally coordinated

response to climate change that will enable the economies of the world to survive. After all the potential

implications of the forthcoming Century of Storms and Natural Disasters that we eco- illiterate and eco –

insensitive humans have so foolishly engineered for ourselves, merely on extremely vulnerable seaports,

shipping and maritime economies/ coastal communities (as covered in this author’s PHD) alone… for which

90% of global commerce is so dependent upon alone implies that we will be threatened with, infers that

without adapting and without space, we, our achievements and everything that we believe in such as the

apparent fragility of our imposed globalised civilisations and order, will catastrophically submerge and



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The Ultimate Answer –To Life; the Universe and Everything Else

There is one thing which science, religion and philosophy should unite. We have exhausted to a

considerable extent, the capacity for us to empirically ascertain the ultimate Answer: to Life, the Universe

and Everything Else. Among the many arguments to propose space is that which seeks to resolve the

greatest of mysteries, constraints and challenges remaining. This treatise therefore proposes the often

unconsidered other reason for inaugurating an Age of Space, to consider the religious, spiritual and

philosophical argument to conundrums that have resonated throughout the history of all species and the

formation of the planet and Universe itself. Pursuing space provides the potential for answers – even in the

long term, in a way that cannot be even contemplated were we to limit our horizons and perceptions to

Earth alone. Is it not worth pursuing space –in uniting and supporting a several thousand year, space

exploration and chartered program, jointly researched, supported, publicised and financed by religious

authorities, commercial enterprises, research laboratories, universities and other scientific institutions/

individuals, to discover that, which aeons of introspection and empirical data have unable to conclusively

ascertain the existence of sacred presences/ deities, miracles, omens, the Afterlife and the main principle

tenets of religion, science and philosophy.

Whether any of us are proved right -at least we would know… we would be able to reassure ourselves of

stability and certainty – it could reinforce our beliefs… And what would be the implications of if we were

wrong? At least humanity would have the benefit of greater enlightenment –or greater experience… Space

would help us to determine what truly matters… It could consolidate our faith and our spirituality as perhaps

few things could amidst such turmoil… or at least provide a funnel to channel our expectations. In providing

the will and support from all those who believe and value religion, science plus philosophy and truth/

certainty, consistency –but most of all want the Macrocosmos and planet they live in to have sense,

meaning and a purpose; it would provide an even greater source of support to persuade humanity of that

which needs to be done –to actually choose an Astronautical Odyssey as their salvation. Space provides

what centuries of terrestrial bound existence have not… a far more reasonable way to test our faith,

assumptions, hopes, dreams and fears. It offers the chance of hope and fulfilling all that we most truly

cherish and believe in a way incomprehensible to those that seek to obstruct us on Earth itself. As stated


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earlier, it provides a way to reconcile philosophy, religious faith and scientific reason. This provides the triad

that humans have sought to interlink in an attempt at finding a model capable of predicting and deciphering

the perplexing Universe that hosts us, the planet we call home, the conditions and the forces that somehow

enable things to function and for life such as that for our species –and others to continue… something that

can never be taken for granted. These together may answer what millennia in isolation has failed to

satisfactorily connect: the baffling enigma that surrounds us all… even if this Astronautical Odyssey should

prove a hypothetical quest now, it can be real. Even if it lasts for aeons –even if we do not see it… as a

committed long-term programme it can assist us.

It has already offered a number of insights philosophically…

Scientifically, the exploration of space has already yielded enough to make the initial decisions of humanity

to choose to be able leave Earth initially, the right step forward. Now it needs to be extended…

For ours is the Macrocosmos – if we would potentially reach out –and grasp it… If we could voyage beyond

our planet, we would follow the trail left behind by the Gods, who have mainly evacuated and forsaken the

planet. We could find the Elementals –the anthromorphisms and spiritual forces that we believe are out

there. It would be among the ultimate test of the pious –and a far worthier/promising aim for them and

humanity, rather than automatically resorting to discord, war and other problems. We could seek to

intuitively understand them and ask what do they require, so that those of us spiritually inclined may

correctly honour our beliefs. The very qualities of piety, conviction, determination, fealty, imagination,

passion, hope, creativity – in utilising the best of us, whether seeking to reach those celestial forces and

places we dream of, can only prove to them and to ourselves that we are truly worthy of this honour. If we

believe in more than atheism and rational science, perhaps our effort will seek to convince to any other

potential life sources – especially those perceptive and intelligent –that we are sincere and committed to

being a part of space. Perhaps by seeking to incorporate it as a central node in guiding our destiny forward

as we have yet to do, we might be able to encourage other sapient life sources that we are worthy of

contact –and can therefore completely change everything we thought we knew about life, the Universe and

everything else… But at least throughout we would benefit from encountering the experiences, the

wonders, the resources, the discoveries and the insight as we have already sought to do…

With space, we can restore spirituality in an age of secularism. This author’s previous treatise: “In Defence

of the Olympian Gods,” has already declaimed about the perilous consequences of undermining and


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ignoring religion in this age of Globalisation. Encountering the brilliant cosmological mysteries that abound,

helps us to remember the spiritual presences and beliefs that so many of us believe in – a way of igniting

those, whose passion, zeal and devotion to our faiths are flickering or disappeared, where secularism

scornfully intrudes to deny certitude and the other benefits of religious consciousness. It helps us to

remember who we are, where are we… We remember where we are from and know where we are going…

This treatise does not profess to proclaim all the answers –but it does emphatically state: Space holds a

great many more secrets and answers far beyond those we have reached so far. It has to be worth finding

these out – if only for the sake of ensuring peace and the appeasing of insatiable human curiosity as

worthwhile long-term objectives for humanity, along with survival. For those of us who actually care to find

out, we need the opportunity to participate. It can either provide a source of spiritual solace and guidance

for those who no longer believe in religion. Or with its potential for ever greater wonders, solutions and

even to test the very existence of our beliefs physically, it can provide further aid to those who are truly

committed to religion or philosophy. In such a materialist, disillusioned era, many of us need something to

hold onto, something to believe, a sense of wonder, meaning, hope, the potential to dream and a sense of


If we cannot find these in space, where else could they be possibly found? To all those exponents of

philosophy, religion and science, given these and other arguments, can there possibly be any potential

reason against space at all? Consider what is in the Universe that we have discovered –how miraculous

and spectacular it is…Do we not as humans want to savour these soaring sensations of elation, to satisfy

our curiosity; to provide hope and sustain belief that we are actually advancing, that we can benefit from

space and that all the answers and insights we seek; scientific; academic, spiritual and religious (not just

economic, cultural, tourist, social, political and environmental) have to be out there, logically if they are

resolvable at all and if Earth herself cannot provide the solutions? This in itself represents the spiritual

proposition of this treatise; that we as humans need to embrace and connect to space. Those of our

religious, education, scientific, commercial, media and general communities need to help support this

celestial vision for it is perhaps the only means of assuring certainty that we can afford to and pragmatically

that we are able to do whatever it takes to actually reach it…

Have we ever felt that we might be alone in the Universe? Perhaps we feel that we are not… Until we

encompass more than the world of Terra –until we dare to reach space… there will always be a void,

something missing, something that we cannot describe, let alone seek to fulfil… It is only in remembering

that we are a part of the Universe as well –and we need the Universe to dissolve the uncertainty we face;


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that we have a chance of providing these spiritual, scientific, religious and other problems we face. This

aids with the confidence and certainty that we are on the right path, especially if our beliefs and

assumptions are confirmed and held irrefutably to be true…Space provides the solution –for religion, for

science and for us all. It is a way that we can serve natural philosophy, science and religion –through

sustaining our beliefs and affirming their existence. Restraining ourselves to Earth cannot until we know

what is beyond the zenith. The physical universe can determine our reality. It is the ultimate arbiter of truth

and equilibrium, whether natural laws, other deities, the realm of death, other sentient species not of Earth,

the possibility of immortality, magic and the unknown – every outstanding question that we might have ever

asked within our history can ever be pierced –to definitely exist or not… Is belief in the supernatural

consistent with the Universe? Or are we part of some artificial clockwork matrix –as automatons dancing to

a shadowy puppetmaster? Or is it merely mechanical and deterministic? Or none of the above –purely the

realm of Chaos where the truth is unfathomable and we merely drift and perish? For any that seek more

than the comfort of belief –who seek reassurance or certainty, the more we find out and charter;

consistently deciphering Astraeus, the greater our chance of actually coming across that which is…

regardless of that which we presume to be…

There is but one decision that anyone who is spiritual and believes in religions –in their necessity and in the

existence of deities/a deity –something beyond mortality, can undertake. The decision is to appease our

sense of curiosity and dare to venture forth –in search of the dead and those Immortal, undetected on any

mortal map our terrestrial based calligraphers have ever scribed… Or we can just blithely and blindly

accept the way things are… awaiting death to finally meet our reckoning and ultimately know what happens

after life and what the answers to the secrets of religion really are…. We can shrink our horizons, we can

postpone our Decision Day of Reckoning, fetter our dreams and, exaginate the soul, smother the flickering

flame as well and do whatever we can to deny the desire with space. Yet space can so obviously bring out

the best of us as well. The fact of globalisation in its current form is that religiously and spiritually it is

bankrupt, scientifically it can only ever be blinkered from a human centric, Earth orientated perspective,

with all its prejudices and presumptions that may be completely erroneous and facetious. Our leadership do

not even seem to care about ethics, beliefs, traditions, heritage and individuality… as it subsumes us in one

universal culture, losing so much that was once an inherent and accepted part of us… They are exposing

our world to those that refuse to sever their past, their identity and their indigenous knowledge as the true

price of living in this modern world…


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And yet space offers enough planetoids and chances for each of us, to live and believe as we choose –and

the only way of finding out what might happen if we could, with exact precision and certainty. If our

leadership cared about religion and us; they would prioritise space far more as the only answer. Let them

have their system if it cannot be reformed without revolution. But do not let it cost us our spiritual salvation,

our liberty, our character, or identity, principles, virtues, selves, lives and the lives of those innocent species

around us when it does not have to…It is up to our age and generation, as those who will guide the future

given the failure of our leadership, to prove ourselves worthy to the tasks the elementals/those celestial

have set for us – to try and reach them and to consider conclusively proof of their existence… For those

that will have had the tenacity to excel in the most significant of challenges remaining, that of extending

terrestrial life forms beyond Earth, will prove themselves not just to Gaia – but to those sentient, higher

entities that may be awaiting for mortals to encounter…

Currently a wormhole exists as to who or what the Ultimate Answer really is. Dare we seek to warp it? If we

do not expose ourselves and sufficiently test ourselves and our capacities –if we do not challenge the limits

to human imagination and courage, how can we ever hope to prove ourselves worthy? How do we ever

expect to progress among the rift that these degenerates and parasites have corroded, unless we dare to

believe –and we strive to act to counter their failures? And so, we challenge those of all religions and those

who have any belief in the formation of the Universe, who are intrigued by its mysteries, miracles,

anomalies and purposes to provide funding and support to this dream for humanity of seeking to conquer

the ultimate frontier… We call upon those who desire an approach to prove their hypotheses as

indisputable facts. We implore those who seek to embark upon the salvation of humanity whilst saving

themselves and all we have accomplished of significance and all species/beings who deserve it. We call

upon all beings of all species for whom space can assist, to help finance, support and undertake such a

campaign, to find out if there are any ultimate answers to clarify the world and the universe –whether they

exist or not. Are these questions not worth fighting? Besides if we did encounter them, perhaps they could

provide some direct guidance and assistance, rather than relying on the interpretations of others, whether

verbal, written or conjectured…

For how can we ever be certain of what they claim to be the truth –unless we can independently verify it –

whether religious, philosophical, scientific, academic, cultural, natural or otherwise? How will we know

which political, economic, social, legal or other system is worth believing in and supporting, unless we have

the option to be part of a settlement out there that has tried it –and that we feel/know is correct for us? This

conscious decision to inaugurate a real Age of Space, to be a part of it and to do whatever it takes for it to

be a viable, cost-effective and supported concept by the majority of the human race (and other beings) will


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provide a way to save us all and to serve ourselves. It will solidify the spiritual presence that fortifies so

many –even if it is belief in Darwinism, secularism –or the spirit of proclaimed humanism and free scientific

inquiry that this Era with its pestilence of fear, doubts, tragedy and horror causes us to waver in believing.

To dream of space could become the answer to all prayers – until we actually get there, to fortify our

constitutions in the interval. For we do not know what is out there in the interim. Why not indulge ourselves,

where and when we deserve it? Does it not provide some comfort that no one can subtract, where the

reality of Earth-bound constraints, fears, societal pressures, challenges and everything that we face around

us do not exist –where we can dream of a better existence? Unlike most religions we who believe in space

do not have to wait for the Afterlife to experience Elysium but by honouring the Immortals, with consistent

principles, endurance, sacrifice and all that is needed to consecrate this Epoch of Space, as this tome

ardently professes. To deny this epoch – which completes one’s soul and identity –would be tantamount to

treason –betraying oneself – by denying a part of that self. Besides, imagine the satisfaction in proving all

those that ever doubted you – or banishing your own doubts, mastering yourself, your dreams, your fears

an your hopes to attain a more realistic and satisfying destiny than the one that the modern world exposes

you to and forces you to stomach, whether or not you feel you want to…Omniscient, omnipotent and

omnipresent… it simply is there in all its radiant splendour awaiting us… The magic of the Universe lurks,

for us to enjoy... The suspense, the prospects… the miracles, the mystery; the beauty; the solitude –above

all where we can face pure, untainted, unadultered pure optimism and a zest for an adventurous,

meaningful, incisive life; to restore our certainty and our self-confidence... this could be the future for each

and every one of us, if we but sought to invest in it, rather than a mere handful of billionaire commercial

space tourists, scientists and cosmonauts –all that are currently permitted by the global space agencies to

experience it.

Space seeks to challenge us and our limited mental horizons providing enough risks and marvels to

enchant us. It provides so much. Everything that can ever be possible and real –everywhere – which we

cannot find in our own planet Earth, exists beyond. With sufficient resources, energy, talent, passion and

will, it is not only able to decipher the mysteries that remain but a means of ensuring that our dreams can

ultimately come true –if we really want them to. Before, we sought the spiritual to as a means of enduring

and escaping the temporal. Now we can invoke the celestial, to face or escape the terrestrial. In a secular

age, we now seek the celestial, to give meaning and purpose to the temporal. For that is what appears all

too often to be missing from our lives. Have you ever felt it whispering tauntingly, provocatively? Have you

ever felt the glimmers of it –and having tasted it, wished to devour it –hoping that it would last far beyond its


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short duration? That is what we desire for humanity –and to be able to sustain it…. We seek the elation of

spirit, mind, emotions and soul… unsullied by humans, the brilliance of intoxicating euphoria –without

having to stoop to cheapened, pirated versions prostituting themselves –drugs, gambling, alcohol, lust, war,

violence or other vices… Too often we seek to acquire it –only for it to be demolished by some petty

vindictive human force. But space would quell these fears –for no human could ever possibly trivialise

something so breathtaking, so colossal, so wondrous and yet so perplexing… unless they happened to

master every force and visit every period of time and place in human history… It provides a chance for a

fresh start, where we can be significant enough to matter, as our dreams shape our reality and we no

longer become beholden to those on Earth merely forced to accept things just the way they are. We can

choose our own path. We will be able to afford our own lives and to be ourselves –to let absolute liberty –or

absolute order reign, if we chose to.

The Macrocosmos remains one of the most insoluble of all remaining quandaries that we have left –one

that may take aeons in itself to complete. So, we might as well start by enlisting all those followers that

answer to the organised religions of the world and those who sufficiently believe in science/ \secularism/

humanism/ environmentalism and even commercial pragmaticism –lured by profits or other forms of self-

interest who can be persuaded and recruited to aid us. That is the only way to ensure that we as humanity

are able to achieve an Age of Space and that we truly can afford this Astronautical Odyssey… Besides, just

consider what a plurality of worlds –with resources and treasures… almost beyond all imagining…. Might

mean… Examples that infant contemporary technology have detected include…

In space we can be ourselves \for there are very few other souls in space orbit at any particular time –to

interfere – and very unlikely to intervene. (Why should anyone mind or desire to interfere, when they,

themselves could have access to everything they could possibly want for themselves?) Space with its

plurality of worlds is not constrained to the scarcity that we humans and those of all species so routinely

encounter on Earth, even if we have to be cautious and eco literate in colonising our intermediate

neighbours in undertaking this grand destiny. Whilst risk and expenditure may increase with the Age of

Space, the geographical parameters involved in our Macrocosmos, still mean that it can comfortably

provide all the space and resources we could ever possibly seek… It is the place to assert our identity –

confidently – or perish. There is less time or reason to doubt yourself and all that you value - when you face

the wonders of a new world environment. How rare it is to be able to do so –how tragic as well… We would

learn to appreciate the glories of the Universe that reverberate around us. However, as we seek to be

pioneers faced with the daunting prospects of chartering and establishing a home out of the wilderness of


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our neighbouring planets and satellites, we could only seek to improve our basic respect and gratitude

towards our own planet simultaneously and seek towards ensuring her preservation and that of all species,

resources and conditions that make our planet such a Paradise or Elysium compared to the other parts of

our own Milky Way galaxy.

Those in the past: experienced epiphanies, prophecies, portends, mysteries, omens, miracles and other

inexplicable phenomena, for which we have no answer. Out there in the infinite reaches of space… are

even more and perhaps the spiritual forces that we seek, await us. Logically for those of us who have not

found deities as physical manifestations upon this planet or have not experienced the arcane, the

supernatural, the mystical, the magical and the unknown, it can be conjectured that if they exist at all; then

they must be somewhere else in the Universe –or further knowledge/experience of them… Therefore,

space must hold certain answers and for that reason alone, is worth pursuing because no one can ever

admit that we have chartered everywhere within our own solar system… let alone the rest of the

Macrocosmos… The farther we delve, the more insight and understanding we will be able to answer, for

science, philosophy, religion and spirituality… If we choose not to devote ourselves to pursuing space, then

we can never know about whether any absolutes or certainty can be postulated to exist, if any definitive

answers exist in anything at all… Why seek to remain perpetually ignorant or distressed?

Human history has recorded many of these inexplicable occurrences, which cannot always be

automatically presumed or explained away… For example classical mythology has many reputable

historical accounts and physical/ other relics, that those of Mount Olympus played a part in the affairs of the

Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Renaissance and beyond… (See In Defence of the Gods/How to

Save the Planet). Sceptics claimed Troy was a myth devised by Homer –until the German archaeologist

Schliemann discovered the ruins in Turkey. Others may also be credibly true as well. Who knows what is

truly out there? Is it always wise to ignore the past? Perhaps the existence of the Immortals on this planet

was once true but as this author postulated –perhaps they once appeared but have virtually left and

deserted humanity – as with any spiritual force in an age of rampaging jihads, strife, doubt and secularism,

where materialisation not spiritual worship rules so many and where the planet has been marred to its

critical mass in global warming… Perhaps the Gods really do exist but they have forsaken a world that no

longer reveres, appreciates or even accepts them?

However, suppose – just suppose that there were grains of truth –and the gods really did exist –but waiting

out there… What would that mean for humanity – to confirm what it has prayed for, hoped and feared –as

real? What would it mean for rational science? Conversely, what if they happened to be correct? Surely it


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would be reasonable for any species to prove their piety/ or the faith of their atheism by seeking to affirm

the truth of their convictions. The only pragmatic way to do so, to prove ourselves consistently worthy of the

beliefs and principles we profess to hold, is to have true courage and will to support and do whatever it

takes to be able to resolve the Ultimate Answer. After all, just because we have sketched out a mere

fraction of the sector we live in, does not mean that we can presume to know all that lurks within it. Nor do

we know that which lies beyond. Perhaps they exist, perhaps they do not, but with so little surveyed or

inhabited how could we ever possibly know, until we reach what is out there? As with any life intelligent

enough to work out what we have done to other species –enslaved them, dominated them, caused their

extinction or otherwise sought to exploit them… they may have simply moved on… in search of a more

promising planet and –even a more promising species to deal with… -who may have greater need or have

greater promise… If we are to state our defence and to prove our worth, along with our piety, we should

seek to find the location of the sources of that/ those which we fundamentally believe in… even if it is but a

confirmation of religious or scientific hypotheses. This is the purpose of the spiritual reasons for venturing

forth and inaugurating the Age of Space Exploration and Colonisation to enable hope and certainty. Unlike

everything else we choose, it can finally provide a means to finally solve; The Ultimate Answers to Life, the

Universe, Religion, Science, Philosophy and Everything Else…


How is space currently governed?

One would think that this world and Multiverse would matter to many… rather than simply ignoring it as so

many humans seem content to? We have national and international laws on Earth – but there is an entire

Universe out there… After all, if we were ever to coordinate our efforts to ensure that an actual Age of

Space Exploration and Colonisation actually occurred, we might be interested to know, who would our

leadership be that would initiate policy and govern? If we chose to create a space economy, who would

regulate it? If we were to face a disaster from space, who would marshal our defence? If we were to settle

on other planets –who would help the colonists? Would we have to rely on scattered local efforts by space

agencies lacking sufficient resources/ support/ information/advice? If we were to encounter sentient life

forms not of this planet? If we were to encounter other species such as vegetation, who would be

responsible for preserving/ investigating it? If a crime were to be committed in space; would terrestrial

jurisdiction even apply and what would actually happen? What are the penalties for the violations of existing

international? What would happen if one country, accidently or deliberately damaged the property/ lives of

others in space? How would war in space be governed? Many of these questions though extremely


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paramount and ought to be considered; are not sufficiently finalised… The concept of space governance is

a nebulous, fluid concept and yet needs to be examined to have a true Age of Space…

Globally, the secretariat charged with attending extra-terrestrial affairs is so undervalued and unknown by

humanity that one questions just how much of a value do the governments of the wold place on their own

prospects of survival, prosperity and progress in solving several key problems facing humanity, when the

agency is so scarcely known or encountered in contrast to UNESCO among others The United Nations

General Assembly Resolution 1348 (XIII) established the Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space

in December 1958 becoming an Office of Space Affairs. It advises the UN Legal Subcommittee and a

Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the UN Assembly Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Space,

through its Space Applications Section and its Committee Services/Research Section.

However most effective power for space governance is devolved to the autonomous national (NASA,

ROSCOSMOS, JAXA etc) and regional space agencies (i.e. the ESA) of the more technologically

sophisticated of Earth’s nations with at least satellite launch capacity, theoretically consenting through the

treaties attached in Appendix I to cooperate peacefully in space. There is also an International

Astronautical Federation, which since 1951 has served as the main lobbying group for space with 246

members from 62 countries, which convenes an International Astronautical Congress annually for those

stakeholders and others interested in space. The International Astronomical Union founded in 1919 is

another entity which influences a number of space affairs including the classification/ naming of all newly

located astro-geographical features such as planets, asteroids, moons, stars etc and astronomical

constants as a celestial bureau of standards and measures internationally accepted with formalised

definitions, hosting and endorsing of space awareness publicity and education campaigns, research and

annual conferences… The question is as with most international organisations is who takes precedence?

The question of who is responsible for space governance and our future towards space, remains

unknown… But if we are to be serious about an Age of Space Exploration as our future, as humans we

need to know, who is responsible for guiding and coordinating that path –it cannot be left to over fifty

random space agencies alone with no coherent, long term sustainable vision for humanity as this treatise

proposes through reigniting a new Celestial Renaissance and Astronautical Odyssey.

As humans it may benefit our species to learn from example where examples of international diplomacy

have largely worked ever since we were first able to penetrate space with the Soviets sending Sputnik to

orbit Earth in 1957. Space is currently based on the principle of neutrality like the North Pole and continent


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of Antarctica. Conflict has been avoided, perhaps because –no singe nation in space alone – not Russia,

not China… not even the USA itself is sufficient to finance the space programme necessary to save our

planet and long-term charter of the Universe, or to access and control space on its own. No single power

could create a space economy, colonisation drive, all space research necessary –or to establish way of

control space… Therefore, the ideal future for the Moon and for the worlds, asteroids and satellites that we

elect to colonise in our own solar system should be opened up not just to one nation alone but to those who

dream of being intrepid pioneers of all states and backgrounds, able and willing to do so… Why should the

Moon or Mars be reserved for China or the USA alone? Whatever fate we decide for them –we all need a

voice –it is our planet and galaxy, it is our future –not just collectively but individually, that will be affected

by whatever we seek to choose and reach our own destiny. Once we have passed Pluto and reached other

stars/ solar systems and worlds, when a plurality of worlds is reached should it be opened of whoever

dares to pioneer it most –for there are enough realms for all –the potential celestial frontier appears

infinite…. millions perhaps billions of light years away….

It is an example which humans would do well to remember, as an idealised form of governance –that can

ensure international organisations such as the United Nations are more efficacious than the flailing

predecessor League of Nations. This peace in space shows what we as humans can manage. It remains

one of our most impressive accomplishments that should not be frivolously frittered away. Basic examples

of this remarkable tolerance –regardless of squabbling and confrontations on Earth - even for the

preservation of satellites remains remarkable even if based on common sense pragmatism –many

countries remain vulnerable to becoming mutually blind –if other countries were to retaliate through

destroying their satellites or orbiting research facilities. Destruction provides nothing in return – when

technology, communications, economies, weapons defensive systems and meteorological forecasting are

all exposed to risk and can be easily reciprocated by other humans or extra-terrestrial threats (whether

conscious organisms or inanimate natural forces/ objects). Being mutually vulnerable, combined with the

fact that no single political or economic entity can enforce a monopoly on space travel, satellites and the

Universe itself –and exclude us from its projected advantages and the fact that we could all benefit

personally –achieve the future, world, community, system, vocation, life or product (subject to natural/

celestial forces) that we could only dream of, whilst marooned upon Earth itself for aeons… should help to

convince even the most cantankerous of souls or governments or corporations that this is a future not only

worth investing in and supporting in. But it is one in which it is worth pursuing the path of peace and

international cooperation, as we have for the continent of Antarctica and in existing legislation concerning

peaceful governance in space.


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The Antarctic Treaty embodies the following principles, which must rank among the most astonishing

achievements of the twentieth century that its principles are not so frequently breached by its signatories.

While people may choose to have their own various forms of planetary and local governance, space itself -

especially in our solar system could be used for peaceful purposes only (Antarctic Treaty Article I), so that

all who elect to embark upon the Astronautical Odyssey may have equal access of opportunity, given the

significant costs to reach and develop this common human destiny. Freedom of academic scholarship and

collaboration (Articles II and III) is already extensively practised but increased coordination, cooperation

and utilisation in potential space economic, technological and other benefits presented in this volume and

elsewhere, to enable smaller, less endowed countries to equally benefit from inclusion in this hypothetical

communal future for all sentient organisms that desire it or require the chance to survive. Article IV, would

exempt claims for territorial integrity being applied to the Moon, the Asteroid Belt, Comets etc in our own

home solar system but recognise the case to settle planets as open to those who manage to do so as

reward for their effort and perseverance. This could be followed by those who wish to do so –can afford

to… Article V would avoid nuclear explosions, biological and chemical warfare and anything which has the

power to obliterate the capacity of a planet to function –in its ecosystem, climate or potential to sustain life

significantly or completely (The Great Convention). Article VI would allow the right to freedom of access –

mobility –to migrate and to colonise. Article VII would allow freedom of trade, Article VIII could allow

freedom of communication and information. Article IX, the right to pursue individual liberties, cultural,

economic, social, environmental, political or personal. There can be few achievements that have been

honoured for such an extended time by nations, which may oppose each other on so many other aspects.

These principles could apply to an accelerated joint global effort to cooperate over space governance and


Just contemplate how susceptible the world remains to this. We may have devised defences, governing

systems, alliances and deterrence’s on Earth to deal with issues on Earth but not relating to anything else

that may occur from the rest of the universe which may occur and intrude on us… If we ever do make it

beyond Earth (as stridently advocated by this treatise), then naturally humanity will have to decide which

form/forms the governance of space –and of newly established colonies/ free settlements of humanity they

wish to take. To impose a rigid system of governance that is constitutionally inflexible would be foolish

given that the apparent cosmological stability that exists in the Universe may be one of its most deceptive

illusions. We do not know what conditions are like there, what it means to reach and land let alone to live in

other parts of the Universe other than Earth and the International Space Station… Anything could change…


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We may even encounter other life forces, resources and ecosystems or unusual astronautical phenomena

and providing a means of governance that is pragmatic, flexible, economical, efficient, sustainable and

appropriate to the long-term welfare and survival prospects not just of humanity but that of all species as

the guidelines necessary to guide humanity forward… Yet another reason for considering space

governance that Space teaches the need for patience and prudence before action –but that we certainly

need to act –otherwise we will be forever reacting... to other forces and circumstances, like global

humanity’s modern response to the daunting challenges that it faces in this epoch.

It is this approach that we desire for a Space Age… for a number of salient reasons. This chapter will

outline the current precepts, prime laws and structures governing space currently in addition to the

aforementioned role of the various space agencies and International Space Station… This include those

summarised in the Appendixes. It illustrates a hypothetical approach towards governing space that if we as

denizens of Earth chose to initiate a Space Age; could consider… This treatise advises a federation –

permitting virtual autonomy for any who desire it but based on common sense principles including that of

the Pax Galactica –ensuring peace in the Universe and mutual cooperation in space exploration, a space

economy, in survival, in response to emergencies/ disasters and a defensive pact against common external

threats –whether natural, supernatural or extra-terrestrial. This is essential so that we do not repeat the

mistakes which nearly caused us to unnecessarily jeopardise our home Earth originally while ensuring that

as humans, we can all benefit from space, we can all access and experience space and that as humans –

whether on Earth or a planet light year away that we and all other species can ultimately thrive and survive.

–After all, this potential achievement to which we could all aspire to make a reality, provides one of the

prime reasons to embark upon this voyage –to avoid the restrictions we feel bind us on Terra. Those who

wish to remain bound to Earth –ought to be free to do so. But no one should be compelled to pay if they do

not desire taxes, support governments, systems, ideologies, culture, economic, education, religious, social,

legal or other policies that they have no desire to do so…

As humans we need to take responsibility for our actions and their consequences but why be punished by

those of others that we did not contribute to? We should be able to access the world and Destiny that we

deserve, as individuals and collectively. This applies universally to all species. The Multiverse is certainly

vast and majestic enough to absorb all humans… even if our own homeworld is no longer environmentally

capable of doing so. The principles that seem most sensible to enshrine, include: freedom to research,

freedom of settlement, freedom to travel/roam; freedom of commerce, a mutual defence pact against any

other life forces with potential hostility that remains. Any who desire to settle should forever renounce claim


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to undertake any actions that might harm the planet of Earth –as a sign of gratitude and to remain some

allegiance to the birthplace of humanity. For without Earth, nothing would be possible at all – assuming that

it is managed to be established. Most governments should support these policies as they assist the planet,

ensure that these colonies do not threaten stability on our species’ birthplace and enable those denizens

who prefer space to Terra to go and be of service elsewhere in the Universe rather than continuing to not

be so appeased and content with the way things are on this planet. It benefits neither the ones who want to

be part of space –or those that; to not find a feasible, economic way of establishing a space settlement

program. Of those who voluntarily choose to exile... why force them to remain on our planet when our

ecosystem cannot ever be stable amidst the deluge of humanity swamping it? Initially pioneers may need

government and other forms of support from our planet but eventually it will be self-sustaining –and

anything investment will easily be repaid… Space can pay for itself. It has already done so as this treatise

has sought to illuminate.

If we wish to project a future vision as to the future of humanity and any new planets, colonies or bases

established it would be of: a glittering confederation of planets – which can access each other through

regular commercial, cultural, tourist, colonisation and research exchange services… Each would be bound

not always by conflict but by scholarship and simple fealty to the principles enshrined here and elsewhere –

such as the Pax Galactica. We would base this on a mutual defensive pact to form a common alliance

against any non-federation, exogenous threats and to assist each other in times of peril or disaster –

whether this is war from an external aggressor or an incoming comet/asteroid or extra-planetary threat.

Even if we have nothing much in common surely something that threatens our ecology, our species

achievements, prospects or survival… has to be worth uniting against? Fledgling colonies cannot survive in

isolation for these self-advantageous reasons even if they wish to renounce all other contact from individual

humans, society and world that has no place for them, that cannot sustain them, utilise their full potential or

help enable them to complete their destiny… Otherwise those who wish political or any other form of

autonomy –provided they do not interfere with the rights/liberties of other planets should be eventually free

to do so… – especially Earth as the birthplace of a space faring humanity. At the moment the age of

globalisation and religious/ scientific/ cultural/ other fundamentalism wishes for people to conform –

otherwise it has no patience or stomach for it…

Current and future governance of space could be patterned on a Pax Galactica –the preservation of the

neutrality of space (whatever the fate of individual parts of it). Space is risky enough and through this

Covenant, it is preferable to avoid chemical/ nuclear/ biological warfare by prohibiting them as factors which


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threaten all planets and life forms. A charbroiled planet serves no living organism. If each organisation is to

share in the privileges of space: physical, cultural, economic and academic access then it should subscribe

to these precepts as a condition for retaining the capacity for nuclear power. The way to ensure

disarmament –or for people to agree to this –is to remind all nations, their leadership, scientists,

businesses, religious and other movements of the simple fact: that from space we are all vulnerable…

However, we only have one Earth as the cradle of all life forces and species –especially including our

own… The pertinent question remains: “Can we possibly afford to lose it?” This should be the guiding

precept behind any convention or protocol that ought to manage the basic governance of space.

Laws, power, the nature of the economy, politics, society, religion – or their absence, should be free to

determine by the individual as the way they chose to live… or the community they seek to be a part of, the

state/ institution/ organisation they seek to be a part of. This is should apply most of all to space –where

those who first settle should be granted that freedom. If specific countries choose to stake their claim –they

need to be prepared to enforce it –by physically occupying and utilising it. The same shall extend to

colonists… No one deserves to lay claim to something that they themselves have not inherited or acquired

legally. With no original inhabitants or species encountered, for many species the question of ownership

should be determined by original, physical possession and effort on the principle of natural law. Judicially –

those who choose the laws and jurisdiction of Earth –or any part of it –shall have that right of self-

determination. However –the right to choose others; will not be prohibited – it is up to the pioneers

themselves… to determine the laws and system of governance/economy, society, beliefs/ culture etc; that

they voluntarily seek. I propose that once humans no longer confine themselves to just Earth alone; there

could be a special representative assembly composed of planetary, satellites, asteroids and orbiting entities

with delegates to speak on their inhabitant’s behalf -patterned on the United Nations –but far more

democratic with an electoral franchise open to all individual inhabitants with the power, potential, funding

and prestige in addition to an extended, greater equivalent of the UN Secretariat for Space Affairs to

coordinate this Space Saga. The Universe is full of planets waiting to be inhabited; frontiers to transverse –

with nothing of the problems and issues confronting any on Earth that seek a refuge, an escape, an

opportunity or a chance to start anew… away from Earth.

This may be a long-term prospect. Aa confederation will not materialise overnight but perhaps over

forthcoming generations. – But it provides a rough template, flexible enough to adapt to future shock, the

challenges and requirements of our era –and what we ultimately seek to accomplish from space –as a

provisional prototype for perhaps one day, extending such to the world. It provides some guidelines as to


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the possible governance of space –as it has existed so far –and where it might develop. A universe where

individuals can establish their own colonies and forms of government but without having to face the

uncertain risk of being abandoned/ isolated from earth if they do not want to be – that is the purpose of

considering drafting possible legislation to assist them as founders of new outposts of humanity… Space

should be opened so that any human who wants to – can not only reach the stars… but settle among its

planetary wanderers capable of supporting human life… Ever since we have exhausted the frontiers and

wildernesses of our own planet, with practically all of Earth being surveyed, the human race has stagnated

in spirit. It has sought solace in mysticism; in secularism, in worshipping materialism, in vice, in the trivial

and mediocre of popular culture and hero worshipping sport; in technology etc– anything to escape;

anything to enliven its reality or satiate the senses; to provide some stimulation, meaning or purpose. This

solace provides a way to avoid confronting the bleakness of existence or any of the global problems that

we face, that so desperately need our attention… It pursues the trivial and inconsequential with great

seriousness; even though they provide only temporary diversions at best and provide no permanent

solutions to the void and challenges we encounter… Bizarrely; they ignore those which can…. Seeking

enlightenment through scholarship, philosophy and humanity; connecting with our environment and

pursuing a true Age of Space can help us to truly progress… Why ignore what is out there, when as this

treatise seeks to elaborate… it can provide so much?


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How to Inaugurate an Age of Space

Experience reveals the unreliability of directly relying upon others to do something that you yourself can

do… One can either become dependent on others to achieve this but realistically, anyone pursuing any

course of change, has to rely on the fundamental philosophy, that something is only achieved by hard toil

and self-effort, based on self-motivation. Only if one is sincere and is prepared to prove their convictions,

can others be reasonably expected to follow… And yet for those of us who truly wish for this treatise’s

central desire of an Astronautical Odyssey and colonisation programme to the farthest reaches of the

Macrocosmos; in a true new Age of Enlightenment to pass beyond these pages and to actually happen;

this treatise seeks to provide the main arguments in favour of pursuing this as our one collective manifest

destiny for the health, welfare, prosperity and survival prospects of all species… There are ways though of

inaugurating an Age of Space, by mastering the forces of indirect power and influence that this world

contains as this chapter partially provides. In addition this chapter will seek to potentially clarify practical

solutions from current and proposed research that could ensure this dream becomes real –and our

proudest achievement that we have ever accomplished in the history of the human race….

Current research is concentrating upon…

Speculative directions for future research include…

The course of space will only prevail if it wins the support of the affluent/ influential – and/ or is popularist

based. Advocates of space need to master this trait. However, the sheer fact of actually trying to do

something might attend radical support might encourage those who have not thought of attempting such…

Sometimes effort and patient persistence can often be sufficient to erode any resistance that may occur… It

may be even more advantageous for those, who are weary with their ordinary lives, tired of waiting for

things to change… to react and reciprocate… once they realise this Astronautical Odyssey proposed could

not only benefit other species, society, the economy and individuals able to be a part of it… It all depends

on what sort of a human being we really are? How much do we care about reaching our Fate, of living

based on our dreams, hopes and abilities rather than the world we live in that has no time to even listen to

these, let alone to support them? Whoever ranks among the pioneers of history and the preclude to a new

Aureal Age, will be the ones who will actually be remembered – and especially blessed by the hallowed

gods. We might as well be the ones to participate –especially if we want it to happen, rather than reel

along towards a disastrous doom in the twenty first century of the Common Era.


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So many people including our current and historic global leadership are reactive! They respond to

circumstances rather than ascertaining a core objective and then working hard to mobilise and persuade

others – and themselves in order to ensure that it can occur. Or they respond to events and circumstances

–as they happen – and in the aftermath. But as in space, forewarned is forearmed! We cannot afford to get

this wrong! However, for those who wish to inaugurate a revolutionary proposal such as a real Age of

Space –or anything else, need to prepare well, then strike swiftly and publicly –to accelerate the

momentum of the concept or dream that you seek to make real. People pay attention to example. If

something is attempted –even if it fails, if sufficiently publicised and directed, it can prompt others to

embrace the cause, to follow it wholeheartedly and in turn become encouraged to make their own efforts –

no matter how tentative.

There are two paths –that of preserving current biodiversity that nothing that was fought for and that of

annexing space. Which path is easier? To correct several thousand years of mistakes –Or to refresh anew,

basing it on avoiding our mistakes. Space will teach humanity –that there is away something to consider

beyond the obvious and the self-serving. We cannot afford to be complacent, among a lack of gravity and

those things that physically we take for granted. In addition, in preparing for space, we as humanity are not

blinding our senses to what is out there. Perhaps the prospects are not as desolate as they appear and we

can locate some terrestrial or celestial Utopia. We are choosing a direction and a purpose –so that we are

not uncertain and we can advance into a future of our own determination. We can multiply the choices

available. We have to be pragmatic about space –in our thoughts, in preparing for it and when venturing

out, the approach favoured to an extent by current missions and projects including NASA’s Astrobiology

Roadmap which focuses on the fundamental mystery, (though far more vague than a true Age of Space

Exploration): What is the future for life on Earth (-and the rest of the Universe perhaps…)?

With these and others; it remains transparent that the Age of Space (as potential prospects to glorify

humanity and advance us), will be far more promising than our Age of Uncertainty –or Dismal Age of

Ignorance, Turmoil and Strife –It is a tale awaiting to be told, a saga waiting to be composed… by

breathing it, living it… It is ours to volunteer for. Are we willing to face it? Space and the settlement of other

planets, their moons and even asteroids can add to the repository of life experience. These are reasons to

psychologically prepare and commit – as a way of keeping those of us who desire it occupied, distracted

and focused, as we need something more than merely living for materialism, our work or our routine

existence. Therefore, apart from myopia and ignorance, we see how real the Age of Space is. The greatest


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challenge will be to overcome these recurring banes of humanity. But if we put our minds to it, we can

accomplish anything… Look at several more achievements that we have managed… If the world is serious

about space; we really can progress and excel!

Do we want to be remembered for our failures or for our victories? Do we wish to be immortalised as the

generations who vowed to annex space –to save humanity and our planet, or the ones who destroyed it?

Do we want to be known for what we dared to try –Or will we be forever cursed by any that come after as

those who could have reached and achieved Paradise… but thought to fritter it away for materialism, strife

and globalisation? Do we see history –in what we once were… or do we see it as something worth living…

as a quest that we can choose and a destiny that can be forged? In choosing space, our minds, souls and

bodies can electrify the zest of living and thriving – hence the right to live. To charter space, there is a thrill

of the unknown, in solving the enigmas, to be where no other human being has ever been… To counteract

our sensation of feeling drained, helpless and inadequate, to compensate us for the banalities of the world

and the ordeals we face, to know we are a part of so much more… than the superficial that is all so many

others, ever bother to possibly contemplate, who never dream, of casting themselves, beyond Earth to one

day to voyage among the stars… We never know if it may be – unless we first dream of it. Therefore, we

might as well try…Why not do whatever it takes to accomplish this?… After all, what else could we possibly

try that could possibly compete with this?

Pursuing that which follows through the aether, re-enervating us, motivating us to continue with our chosen

paths and Fates, this is all a component of pursuing inter-stellar colonisation. For all those whose hopes

have been crushed, whose dreams have been vaporised by bureaucrats, politicians, celebrities, scientists,

religions, academics, teachers, peers, colleagues, families, society and individuals, this is something to

hold onto amid years of callous apathy, contempt, hostility, aggression, chaos and ignorance… the

Universe quite literally offers a way out, as the physical means to escape all this. For those who are; did

you not ever dream? Could you, could we all not find a way to benefit from this personally and collectively?

It is a release from the pent up agony, frustration, pain, sorrow, mortification and strife, that we as humans

have ever faced on this planet –especially from other members of our species….With space exploration -

once we advertise the probable and remind people of what can be –that on its own could be motivation to

those of us that haven’t really thought about it at all –let alone how significantly it could become an

influence and part of their lives… The decision to do something, to enrich our lives for those of us who are

not satiated with materialism, technology, global culture and other forms and for those of us, who delude


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ourselves that we have purchased satisfaction. How much of us are truly appeased, satiated and at peace

in our own lives and nations?

Even if we ourselves are rich, in Utopia, good health, attractive, powerful; influential; charismatic, intelligent,

proficient, virtuous, talented, skilled and living out our personal destinies; satisfied with who we are, what

we are and what we have; in a clean environment; stable family, friends; stimulating work etc… what about

those who are not? They might threaten us, if we do not care but for those that do care, why not do

whatever is necessary and whatever it takes? What about extending ourselves and our imaginations? Our

imagination can become real… This is not destined to remain confined in the films and books of fantasy but

can become real… Each of us will have the ability to excel, the opportunity to be a part of life. We will be

significant and more of us will matter –at least feel that we might have a part to play –even if it is elsewhere.

Governments will no longer be able to excuse themselves. No one will be able to deny something you do is

unfeasible –that resources are lacking, once we conquer the stars and that any projector idea – cannot at

least be tried –once we find a way to transverse the Spiral Arm. Even if it takes aeons –the sooner we start

–the swifter we can progress. We cannot let our historical failures and series of disasters in space,

dissuade us –as we stumbled in virtually every significant project that we have managed to complete…

Space offers one way to save all we value. It presents means to save who we are and what we are… Life

can go on. Horizons can be covered. We can move forward. We can overcome the boundaries – not

always fumble and flounder, doomed to witness these problems overwhelming humanity –to critical


For now, we can seek to prepare ourselves, by conditioning our reactions and using space to constantly

motivate us. It offers differing prospects –depending on our perceptions. We can discover, we can

pressurise, we can educate, motivate – but above all, we can commit and act. It provides a time lag for us

to extend the interval which we can survive. Whilst we strive for space, we are reducing the future impact of

humanity in systematically destroying the environment…. Unlike our failures with the environment, poverty,

war, plague and pestilence; that seem beyond the control of most of us – beyond our power to influence…

we can always try and try again –until we prevail. Perhaps the future of humanity is destined for space –for

we have a track record of major failures in so many areas… This treatise is one of the rarest paens who

believes in its reality –that one day not just humans but all species can become a part of this and enjoy

what they cannot on an Earth facing such callous and perfidious treason perpetuated on her by insensitive,

ungrateful, eco-illiterate sumphs and degenerates…. The future of humanity remains unquestioningly in


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space. There are few other viable solutions and humanity needs to recognise this, to prioritise the Universe

and our relation with it, if it is to live like this

For the one who doesn’t venture beyond at all and the one who can only dream of it but not articulate… is

fantasy enough? Human society may desire of its own volition to inaugurate an Age of Space through using

the power of technology and social networking, once these benefits are pointed out to them. Persuade one

–and our global culture will help to promulgate it –for such is the pervasiveness of technology. Space has

none of the stigmas of globalisation, none of its problems or catastrophes… There are many reasons to

pursue it… There is no crime, no vices, no ecological crisis, poverty, blight or human engineered instability

on other planets and other realms of the universe. Most of these remain human fabricated on Earth. Space

provides the chance for peace –pure bliss, becoming ever more elusive to find on our crowded, frenetic

world, as we flinch away from the rapid acceleration of future shock. Imagine a world where it has yet to

exist and the only issues that blight us on pristine territory are the ones that we, ourselves are directly

responsible for. It is a place where we can face the consequences of our actions and our free will –forge

our own destinies –not those based on others –the ultimate absolute liberty. For those of us who wish to

escape these that we cannot create; influence; mitigate or eradicate, while seeking to simultaneously

lessen the human impact and problems, working towards this vision of the Macrocosmos being accessible

to everyone; we need to broaden the access to space and being able to afford and benefit from it. These

problems may arise in time –but we have a chance to learn anew, to mitigate the impact and adapt, we

have the chance to make this Quest, the salvation and the dream for most species of Gaia, especially our

own –if we choose the path of long-term continuance rather than short term suicide –even if temporarily it

seems more profitable; it is not sustainable. If we can find a means of permanently gaining support for

Space Exploration and colonisation of the Moon, Mars and satellites of Jupiter as a precursor, to those

beyond the galaxy, we can accomplish this…

What does the concept of inter-planetary exploration mean for us? What does it have the potential to mean

for us? Have we ever considered its value –as measured by the impact of extending the familiar realms, the

resources and the knowledge of what may be out there, to all of us… If the spirit were to reanimate

humanity at least some of us – those who wanted to would progress, feeling less consternation, pain,

misery, ennui and fear –even if others don’t want to join those of us, who have found a way out… However,

this treatise calls out to those who do, to say… we are not alone… Together, we can reawaken the world.

We can enlighten humanity. We can get to Mars and beyond. It may take decades, it may take centuries

but the technology does exist and can exist. If we do not pursue space what then will happen for most of


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us? Why nothing, things will remain as they are –except as the problems are ignored, gradually the effects

will have intensified to the point where they can no longer be ignored. Do we desire the problems we face

to continue? Why do we only think of religion and our fantasies in moments of distress, diversion or seeking

to keep us going when it is technologically possible to enable that somehow some of them can become a

reality. Do we wish even further pandemonium among the impact of climate change, the chaos of over-

population, the internecine strife, the perils we face, the strife, vices and other problems of globalisation to

continue? Do you want these problems never to relent, to deceive ourselves that we will never have to pay

the ultimate price of choosing ignorance and inertia – of facing the consequences of our own actions… If

we wish the collapse of a miraculous ecosystem, devised by Gaia and the Elementals that has sustained

organic life forms for years beyond, definite accurate computed reckoning… then let us continue to treat

space as nothing but a means to provide meteorological forecasts by satellites and the luxury of a few

wealthy space tourists. Let us ignore one means of pragmatically extending the longevity of our terrestrial

environment, when there are exoplanets such as the recently discovered Kepler that resemble our own

Examples of state projects; private projects

The Space Shuttle

Saturn V

Various space bases

So, what is the path forward? What is to be done? How should we seek to progress? There is also no point

in fervently praying without working to maximise the opportunities they send. This happens with every step

undertaken. A True Space Age and Revolution would follow the objectives established here. To publicise

every achievement, every step forward so that as humans we are empowered and passionate never afraid

or unwilling to Carpe Diem for every moment that comes our way. We need to mobilise and win support –

establish clear targets and missions that we desire of our legislators. If we want colonies, space tourism

and research, we need to ask them of our leadership –to exercise the social, political and consumer

sovereignty that each of us have. We need to continue to clamour for it, until they carry out these reforms.

Any space programme needs a method of financing. Budgets need to be formulated… We need to rally

and remind the media that space can be just as newsworthy –and far more inspiring than many of the

disaster stories they always focus on… We would extend the range of satellites and probes scanning to

every quadrant. We would establish space orbiting laboratories and research bases on the Moon, Mars,

asteroids and more stable parts of the Universe. We would need to establish a new model of space

governance/ modify existing Earth approaches.


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It would help to review our legacy in space… We need to define our objectives –and then think of ways in

which they can become real, to publicise, rally and mobilise support. We would request volunteers to take

part in one of the potentially more glorious chapters of this or any saga of humanity. We would have to find

ways of implementing these changes proposed. We need research facilities, bases, programmes, agencies

and budget support/ skills and priorities to every country on this planet that could feasibly contribute to

inaugurating an Age of Space. We will need a means of financing. It will help to determine a pre-feasibility

study, a cost –benefit analysis that can successfully convince those in positions of authority to also grant

their approval. One of the major challenges will always be to persuade people to accept the need to change

the status quo –to persuade them to accept the fact that things cannot possibly remain as they are….

Space is necessary to the future of humanity –for several fundamental reasons but the most crucial one is:

to ensure that it has a future… It would help to establish specialised faculties at universities –and even elite

academies to train/ prepare students to be conditioned into the requirements for an accelerated space

programme… to specialise in training grants and research scholarships… This could involve especially

enabling the most promising candidates from the developing world with ideas and solutions–not to let the

conditions and country of their birthright impair them from possibly contributing to this space destiny… The

most piercingly brilliant should have the opportunities to be mentored, to receive actual space exposure to

aid their research and to be granted the freedom/ facilities to be creative…Political and media support is

essential for any initiative including the conquest of space. Popular consensus is insufficient without

persuading the ruling hegemony –those with positions of power, influence, wealth, fame or other abilities to

contribute to this… or at least not to resist those so actively in favour of this… It is also vital to encourage

the private sector…

So, what is the purpose behind this? It will help to awaken support and understanding of space –its benefits

so far and certain implications/ consequences for those involved in space. It will help to remind people

constantly of the more exciting discoveries in the Universe –It can never hurt to have one’s curiosity piqued

and to retain a healthy, vital interest in the galaxy and planet one inhabits… It will help them to be

continuously aware –perhaps be more grateful and understanding about what space has so far meant to

humanity –and to them personally through the ways that it has contributed. Every achievement marks a

further physical commitment to prove how necessary it was. Only the spirit of volunteers and their

sacrifices can help this move forward. When a movement, concept or aim for the future is ensconced in

professional bureaucracy and becomes increasingly formalised, this becomes even more necessary –so

that it does not flounder and always remains a long term not just a short or medium term objective or


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electoral rallying cry/ apparent global whim to be casually discarded flimsily for another as a passing fad.

“What do they think needs to be done and is this compatible with leadership?” can provide a reminder.

So how do we implement this, assuming we decide to embark upon this Age of Space?

If you want to convert humanity to a cause, the basis of motivation remains simple: Ambition, Lust, Fear or

Greed/Self Interest. One has to infiltrate the universities as the prime target to direct any effort devoted

towards changing something from the status quo. Those already in positions of power and influence are

mostly cautious and defend the status quo – even reactionary and far less willing to consider something

new –to acclimatise to the reality of the world and changing circumstances. They are less persuadable than

the youth –and less energetic or passionate. They are less likely to want to do things as well –being more

cynical and less idealistic in general. Those who lead already –have been moulded and influenced –often

by that which they have learnt in their educational environment and around that formative period in their

lives. It is difficult to transform the already converted from their beliefs –few are truly as liberal or as flexible

as is commonly proclaimed beyond a certain age/point. However, the prime way to persuade anyone is not

out of altruism – but the principle motive of self-interest/self-advantage i.e. What is in this for me? How is

this relevant to me? How can this be reconciled with what I desire or my beliefs/my position towards the


People also like to feel a part of something – so whether to leadership, the public or individuals –it may help

to emphasise not only the costs and benefits to familiarise themselves with aspects of the value of

embracing upon this, but also what it could mean personally to them – if given the chance to actually occur.

We would create an open project and participatory process –so anyone who wishes to support, contribute

or participate –even through suggesting an idea etc would be free to express and realise it. Specialised

Listening Services and research facilities would collate all these and then test the most viable one –sharing

intellectual property rights in exchange –so the state individuals can afford to experiment –to finance both

the potential successes and the actual losses. It is important to make them feel as if they are actually worth

something –that they deserve and can be treated as human beings and individuals in their own right –with

something of value and worth that they uniquely can provide –even if it is just to be an intrepid pioneer on

another world… which in itself is not insignificant! The fate of this planet depends on people like us – who

are willing to make something of ourselves- by ensuring that humanity has a future –economically and

environmentally –but also from ensuring the prospects of survival, prosperity, spiritual meaning,

enlightenment and fulfilment –not just for ourselves but for every species on this planet –given that we have


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interfered in the natural ecosystem and caused the death of countless species. We have a self-interested

but also self-enlightened responsibility to do so. Now we just need to make the opportunity –on as many

distant worlds as possible…

Another advantage of the Astronautical Odyssey is a universal resonate appeal and charm. This can only

be understood through understanding the arguments that those in favour of embracing an Astronautical

Odyssey and a Space Age Renaissance above all else (except climate change) as the most essential,

effective means of resolving the substantial problems and challenges that our world and we face, both

individually and collectively, whether in this treatise or in others… That is how any idea can be effectively

adopted and enacted –with enough persistence; toil and reminders. The purpose of this chapter is

pragmatic –unlike so many other worthwhile and imperative reforms which flounder because they often lack

a way to connect to the realities of the physical world and ways of practically convincing humanity to

endorse these.

There are ways to access the corridors of power (See previous self-composed monographs on The Art of

Governance, How to Ascend Power etc) and persuade the world should the person, faction, alliance,

institution, organisation or government really be interested in such and are willing to listen. Alert people to

opportunities; retain their contact details and updates –and feel free to help/make connections wherever

possible –you never know when personal contacts may be useful. It takes time and effort to establish a

network of patronage and connections –but then it becomes so much simpler to use them to convert others

–especially through social networking. It takes time and effort to persevere and advance. If something is

worth fighting for (as this is) than it is necessary to prevail. With enough lobbying power, democracy where

it exists or other forms of influence can pressurise leadership to respond not merely when that leadership

feels challenged or threatened –i.e. elections and hence more popularist and tractable. It is then that they

will feel most responsive and pliant to anything you propose that might enable them to preserve or enhance

their authority, status, influence, power or position.


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“We need affordable space travel to inspire our youth, to let them know that they can experience their dreams, can set significant goals and be in a position to lead all of us to future progress in exploration, discovery and fun.”

Burt Rutan, Founder, Chief Technical Officer and Designer, Virgin Galactic.

The current period is of necessity, just a temporary lull in space activity.  We must all get fully involved in due course. The eventual survival of our civilization depends upon becoming an extra-terrestrial universal civilization. In the starkest words it is “do or die.” So, let’s get the economy going again, get all the major nations involved, develop the necessary means for interplanetary and interstellar travel, and go for it.

Edgar Mitchell, lunar module pilot of Apollo XIV’s mission.

What other path could be the future of tourism (including recreation and leisure); than to choose to embark

upon space… Whether in the galaxy or upon another planet, to be able to undertake tourism elsewhere,

the future must be with space… now that our world is unable to sustain the majority of the world population

to be tourists –given the impact of existing tourists. It is this motivation which has guided both the private

sector and official space agencies to start opening up space –to those both willing and able to pay for it.

(Although currently this remains constrained to the extremely affluent…) For those who actually want to


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participate, the Space Tourism Society among others has devoted itself to making this concept both

practical and providing advice/ research as a lobbying group for those whom might be interested. Their

website suggests…The following ways to participate in space tourism apart from forthcoming space hotels

include an hour suborbital flight, 62 miles and an orbital 90 minute to 2 week flight orbiting the Earth at 200

miles above the surface of our planet both above the atmospheric boundaries of Gaia’s aether (currently

priced around $30 million)… along with more expensive options on a space shuttle and to visit the

International Space Station from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan/ other official space agencies. Upon

the completion of the European spaceport in Sweden and the private Spaceport America in the USA under

Virgin Galactic (around $200,000 for a sub-orbital flight while XCOR estimate $100,000 for their initial

flights), private sector space flights will be launched as this century’s forthcoming private sector

entrepreneurial initiative. Armadillo, Space X and Stratolaunch among others are also advertising potential

suborbital flights as competitors. These generally incorporate medical screening and training prior to the

flight, to acclimatise and prepare for space. Museums such as the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida are far

cheaper as is pursuing astronomy and astro-photography. With economies of scale and endorsement,

commercial demand eventually has to reduce prices to more affordable levels as occurred with most

technological/ scientific developments, as consumers many humans consider essential.

Commercial space tourism is currently pursued by the following

The other motivation which has provided an incentive for the official space agencies to pursue such; is that

of facing financial constraints from governments and international organisations currently spurning the

future of the world and humanity in space; besotted by short term fiscal constraints from the aftermath of

the recent 2008 global recession, indecisiveness and lack of vision; courage, and sense –let alone spirit…

heedless of the future While to some extent space tourism is commendable on the user pays principle;

those pursuing space research should have sufficient funding, publicity and support so that our future in

space remains uncompromised… However, the following projects undertaken by space agencies can

provide a means of inspiration…

In the future, space tourism is already working towards orbital flights and even space hotels. Although it

could extend this concept further, as envisioned by authors of science, fantasy and science fiction –or any

blessed with sufficient human imagination, capacity and resources in the following directions... this

represents an advance forward. However, at the moment, our range of destinations and opportunities

remains limited as do the physical locations from which we can access space. Current and future proposed


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orbital flights are constrained to one passenger per trip, while suborbital are limited between 6-8

passengers. $100,000 for a 90 minute suborbital flight ensures that it can only be afforded by the extremely

fortunate or affluent. These are several of the potential challenges to create a future for space tourism as

well as to motivate humanity.

In considering the potential for space tourism within humanity; it is essential to consider the rationale or

motivation for tourism in general and then to consider how this can apply to space –not just roaming by

land, sea and through the aether; especially as the most sustainable solution environmentally. As human

tourists, what is it that prompts us to travel? What do we actually desire from being tourists and why could

this not be equally applicable to space as well? Anyone who has ever travelled beyond their homeland will

be aware of the self-evident benefits of travel – to appreciate the highlights of your lives and that which you

are blessed to have at home, to offer new experiences to cleanse and rejuvenate oneself and to make you

more appreciative and insightful. Those rare few who have been able to gaze from far beyond the

stratosphere at the orbiting planet Earth alone are even more fortunate. Anyone who has ever been a

traveller or explorer –even just a local one, knows the truth and value of this, enriched beyond the one who

has not been afforded that chance. Last year it was estimated that the world had to face the pressures

generated by the impact of 1.8 billion tourists –out of over 7 billion human denizens, something that the

current environment will find it increasingly difficult to support at sustainable levels… But if we open up the

portals to space… it could significantly alleviate the constraints on our own planet (especially if an eco-

sensitive way can enter space without adversely impacting on the planet. From a tourism perspective, the

Multiverse is potentially infinite in scope… certainly extensive to support millions – perhaps even billions of

tourists among many thousands of possible life supporting asteroids, moons and planets. This is a

sustainable and viable future for humans –as space tourists as well as to be able to live in extra-terrestrial

colonies and settlements.

Anyone who has travelled beyond the familiar will surely understand the enjoyment and other blessings of

this novel sensation –the chance to become a part of the greatest of adventures and challenges that

humanity has ever managed to face. It would be among the highest of joys –anyone can work out for

themselves the value of this…. And if more worlds were accessible, naturally this would extend further.

Space could enrich our lives and amplify the substance of us all. Could the Universe ever run out of

miracles and wonders as there are so many more galaxies to access and explore? We barely know the

quadrant of the Universe and our own Milky Way. For those that desire this chance and want it to be as

true and cost-efficacious for space travel as it is for road, rail, maritime and aviation… the one way that


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could achieve this is space… For those who desire and dream of this, in time hopefully we will work

towards this. There is no compelling reason to argue against this – especially given the impact that billions

of tourists have already on our beleaguered Gaia. The number of planets, galaxies, asteroids and wonders

is infinitesimal. In the vacuum of space –even our polluting spacecraft, provided we can avoid debris of

relics, the externality costs/ marginal abatement costs produced also remains infinitesimal –with no

disrupting effects on ecosystems etc. Where life does exist, it could be minimised. But there are many

wonders among the universe which can be observe and enjoyed without fearing that its polluting output

would ruin other places to the extent that Earth has been so desecrated once we find a way to further make

space tourism commercially viable. Once we have space orbiting colonies and entire human populations –

able to use the weaker lunar gravitational pull for space launches etc and mine the resources from space,

our impact on Earth becomes even more minimal

Space tourism currently offers… (Gálvez and Naja-Corbin 2008, “ESA’s View on Private Suborbital Space

Flight,” European Space Agency Bulletin) several private sector companies in addition to contacting the

main official space agencies. The British corporation Virgin Galactic under Sir Richard Branson has been

particularly active in pioneering commercial sector suborbital spaceflights from the first private commercial

Earth spaceport facility Spaceport America in New Mexico, USA covering over 27 square miles constructed

at an estimated cost exceeding $200 million. Kiruna Sweden provides a European based joint initiative for

commercial space tourism between the Kiruna development company Progressen, Swedish Space

Corporation, the Jukkasjärvi Icehotel, and LFV Group. Space Adventure… XCOR Aerospace… Space X…

Those dreaming of hotels in space as the future include… Bigelow Aerospace and Galactic Suites… This

treatise seeks not to be a commercial advertisement, it merely wishes to note the significant efforts of those

who are willing to find the advantages of space –even in its tourism aspect and are committed to

investigating its potential as the future direction of the human race and ultimately all species…

Anyone who has ever been a tourist or an explorer will understand that to travel and to encounter new

experiences/ to have adventures and try new perspectives –is not only an essential part of being human

but for so many it is what being human is all about – or at least supposed to be… So many of us as

humans are always searching for something new to pursue… -at least this one could provide aeons of

opportunity, diversion, profit, knowledge, curiosity and amusement. We would never face being stifled or

boredom… Anyone who perceives the celestial splendour that is out there –not just confined to the stars

and constellations from the viewpoint of Earth, as so many of us are… knows how to experience this. They

can perceive why it is absolutely necessary to embark upon this quest. Anyone who gazes up and fails to


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be inspired and still remains quizzical or sceptical as to why we as humans should want to be part of this –

to see it for ourselves, to benefit from it through chartering and settling as much of it as possible… has

absolutely no idea what it means to be human. They have no idea of what it means to be alive… and how

we for all our achievements, will remain as hapless to our fates and destines as rocks exposed to the

elements, corrosion, corrosion, oxidation and erosion… until we find a way to permanently establish

permanent bases beyond our own planet and galaxy and until we find out whether or not we are truly alone

in the Universe.

As we have only one life those of us who want to experience as much of our surroundings that we can

afford to access, might as well have the chance to be tourists. We might as well make the most of it for

those cogniscent of the fact that as far as any of us could possibly know this might be the only life and

opportunity to actually do so. We might as well physically access the places, activities and scenarios that

we so ardently yearn and dream of; if we can. Space extends this further. The sensation of being active

stimulates and soothes one simultaneously. There is no substitute to effectively travelling –to sense and

experience something new, to face a new perception, to learn and to, while the memory of it or wistfully

anticipating and planning something in the future –can sustain you when it is really needed in the humdrum

of modern life. If some can feel bliss –just by escaping their city or workplace… just think how much more it

could be, if one could have the chance to be released from their planet and their solar system. Not to travel

is therefore to deny some part of us –our sense of curiosity, animation and passion –the spirit to roam,

migrate, to have adventures to experience and to remember something new. And what could be more new

to the human experience than becoming able to regularly access space?

What could be more new than facing the prospects of orbiting space hotels and entire new settlements –

intersecting space on inter-stellar shuttles with faster than light drive capability? What could be more new

than being able to partake of the many wonders in space – in being able to reach them? Hence

governments; academics; the private sector; the community and the planet itself would all benefit from

endorsing a future in space exploration and the efforts to favour space tourism, to empower a new

generation of voyeurs, voyagers, explorers and adventurers able to appreciate the miracles of the

Universe. Examples include the lava fountain eruptions of Io (lasting months), the rolling dunes of Mars and

Titan, the novelty of lacking gravity, the very stars themselves and other sights/experiences we could never

contemplate in our own lives on our own planet. Perhaps we might find out what it is like to dodge asteroids

and comets, actually set foot on asteroids such as Ceres the largest (913 kilometre diameter) and Pallas

(523 kilometre diameter) or moons, find the interior core, surface or atmosphere of another planet –even


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perhaps to discover the prime prospects of encountering life elsewhere… Once we pass the Asteroid Belt,

the Kuiper Belt and even the Oort Cloud; we will not have exhausted the infinite possibilities astronomically

of exploring our Macrocosmos… Beyond our solar system lurks Alpha and Proxima Centauri only a few

light years away; even the Magellanic Cloud and Andromeda Galaxies… And then, there is the other side

of the Sun…. our explorations have only dreamt of pursuing one side or spectrum from Earth and Mars

outwards… If our instruments/ probes were capable of bypassing/withstanding solar radiation as well as

self-propelling, in energy to Pluto and beyond; then the opportunities really are immeasurable… As human

beings; as conscious sentient, animate beings, many of whom are possessed with a probing mind, a heart;

a spirit; an imagination; sense of curiosity; determination and spark of life; how can we fail to ignore the

challenge of what lurks past our horizon? How can we not dare to strive – first as researchers then as

tourists; investors and businesses; then as society and pioneers –colonisers; but always as human beings?

How many journeys and vacations once we have taken them, do we regret having undertaken? How many

acts and activities as a tourist do we wish that we had never done at all? Space will never be wholly

untainted of hesitations or regrets for those audacious enough to wish to undertake this but at least it can

entice us by sheer novelty and far more! The Age of Space envisioned… will be a true Astronautical

Odyssey! What more can there be to the human experience; as well as the experience of being a pioneer,

a scout, a traveller, a tourist, a discoverer and a conqueror – whatever we wish – and have dreamed of

doing or being. Space tourism will be like most tourism; the conscious decision to make something of

oneself; not to waste one’s life and to wish one’s life away. Why would we as humans want to squander

that which we have been given – a privilege that many previous and current generations have dreamed of,

when we could be gaining so much more? If we can find ways to make space exploration work in the favour

of humanity –and there are multiple means of doing so, then why not, whether for tourism or elsewhere?

How pragmatic is space tourism? And what are humans doing to resolve it? Commercial space tourism is

focussing on… The benefits to assisting current space research are also evident… It remains essential to

favour this…

With space tourism the distances are so monumental that until we develop faster than light propulsion-

based technology, the odyssey proposed will be more about the journey than the destination. However,

based on the observation of our probes so far… it will be a magnificent voyage… well worth taking if able to

do so. Being infinite and ever changing in scope it is obvious that no one –even immortal and able to fold

across entire constellation clusters, would ever be able to exhaust the chance to be a voyeur… Space will


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never be truly static – and will remain so unfamiliar that we will never be subjected to the often-crushing

fatigue of monotony that often dulls any interest in what we find to be such ordinary surroundings, events

and circumstances that do little to arouse our interest, let alone our passion, energy and creativity/

inspiration. Every frontier… every challenge… -every new experience and sensation –will be not just worthy

of cataloguing –but also worth savouring in a way that restricting ourselves to tourism and settlement on

Earth alone, cannot possibly provide… Every boundary that we transverse, every action we face and

embark upon, every decision, every thought… every memory that we survive has to make us stronger and

improve us. The experience enlivens us… it enriches us… and ultimately it satiates us and completes us –

our core identity, being, perception and relationship towards our being, our planet, our beliefs and other

species. This is among the multiple reasons to champion space and all it provides.

Tourism is all about living, being, participating in the world –or at least doing one’s best to observe and

perceive a different reality other than your home and the reassuringly familiar. The chance for space

tourism as its pioneer agencies and corporations have already recognised –merely opens up the entire

Universe – beyond this planet and galaxy as a natural and logical extension to this. This treatise aspires for

a world where demand and the capacity/ resources are commonly available to those that desire it – and

that many more will be far more able to afford it. We do not wish to denude the prospects of being a tourist

on Terra. However, this is no longer a solitary planet… or planet for the solitary traveller. Solace becomes

ever more elusive – reserved to the incredibly affluent or fortunate, while developers and profits rule most

of globalisation’s political structures... So many sights of Gaia’s spellbinding, natural scenic beauty and

highpoints of human achievements lose their magic – and the probability of their survival when it is not just

you who faces them –but the imprint and exposure to millions of others… What are the costs involved?

How long can it possibly last, without some means of ensuring that those which we value most survive and

that we terraform other planets, moons and asteroids –and create/preserve equal monuments to the

presence of our species and others in the ever-present subliminal desire to be immortalised…?

Space tourism might be the only incentive for us to reach the wonders of space other than mere recordings;

images and books; as it remains otherwise restricted to a handful of scientists –despite being a dream of

humanity for centuries. How else could we possibly begin to experience the cosmological trove of

treasures that beguilingly mesmerise out of our reach including…? It might be the only way we know for

ourselves what it might mean –even if temporarily to immerse ourselves beyond our atmosphere, to truly

know what it might mean for us; to acclimatise ourselves to it; to appreciate it; to understand it and perhaps

to realise whether or not for ourselves we really want to become a part of it… So, governments (with


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suitable regulation), individuals, universities, society and organisations should do what they can to allow the

commercial development of space tourism and a space economy as the most cost-efficacious and

pragmatic catalyst to inaugurate an Age of Space…

Space can cater to pioneers, to youth in search for an adventure, meaning, a purpose and hope, to

scholars, to criminals to people seeking a new world and life, especially seeking not just personal

enrichment but the essence of opportunity, hope, liberty and a chance –to be themselves amidst a world

that crucially but all too often denies them this vital need. Alas, our globe is too densely populated to

sustainably allow the impact of people to do as they wish. Our actions have had disastrous consequences,

whether as tourists or human beings… As tourists alone – our sheer physical presence and growth for the

biodiversity of other flora and fauna remaining, whilst pollution erodes those parts of our human heritage

not sterilised in an air-conditioned museum – something that will not be a problem among the thin

atmosphere of Mars or the non-existent atmosphere of Earth. It can even especially appeal to the super

rich with jaded palettes –whose existing interested has already piqued the first glimmerings of space


As conveyed in the “Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything Else,” there is also another

greater purpose to space tourism for those of us who may never be as affluent yet still seek to establish

holism with our Universe… For those who have ever wondered what it is like to be out there, whether or not

we are alone in the Universe or seek the answers to the mysteries of the Universe or wish to become

closer to the spiritual/natural forces which are the very quintessence of the Universe, physically accessing

the universe, as voyeurs, as observers, as active, conscious participants, can access this. Supporting an

age and a world which prioritises such, has to be the way to achieve spiritual self-completion and

attainment. Whether we are scientists and the intelligentsia seeking the spirit of discovery, whether we are

the media searching for a new story, those who want to be inspired in a new Space Age Culture, or

whether we seek personally that of personal enrichment, developing space tourism can provide the initial

step to deciding whether or not we seek to permanently become a part of space –and let it become our

destiny, our future as pioneers…

Developing tourism as the following have sought to do, provides an initial step with which those daring to

become a part of the Astronautical Odyssey –to venture forth as volunteers and pioneers –whether as

academics, armed forces, merchants, tourists or those seeking to be colonists and dare to settle out there;

can experiment and determine if the future of space; truly is their future… It can be the future once we


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decide we can afford it… and once we have chosen to prioritise it sufficiently that we can make it so…

Given how far humanity has to progress, we have to see those seeking to choose the commercial

opportunities of space –are not just providing a service for themselves but one that might potentially help

humanity: to provide supply to our demand for space… For those who can desire and afford it –will

increase the degree of attractiveness for this to be researched and invested…. Eventually as suppliers

increase, in alignment with free market economic principles, the price should decrease… One day, space

may be as frequent and common. Governments cannot do it alone. Their resources and efforts are too

sparse… Until the glimmerings of an actual space economy, tourism and series of settlements are

solidified, all space should follow the principles of tourism by opening up the opportunities for them to invest

– providing tax concessions and other incentives –for not investing in space –will never aid anyone. One

day there will be a future with these chances –but currently only a few are prepared to gamble on the

venture, given the risks and uncertainty… Hence the need for governments to improve this and hence the

reason why this treatise advocates that there is a market for tourism in space... and that its future is


The Vulnerability of the Human Race


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Ultimately, everything the human race values, everything it prizes, all that it has achieved and all that it is…

could be vanquished in mere seconds, with nothing but a void… The human race is vulnerable. This much

is certain. The same is true for every other species on Earth that faces the peril of oblivion but they were

not the ones who caused global warming and unravelled the delicate ecological balance that helped to

shield ourselves from the fury of the elements and the Elementals themselves… There is a need for a

tangible, valid solution to these problems. People speak of the cost –but what is the cost of extinction?

What is the sacrificial cost of not losing the only the human species and virtually everything that we have

achieved on the planet –especially that which remains of this legacy but also those of other species;

including ultimate survival and the chance to ever get beyond this planet…?

It is time that we accepted not abdicated our responsibilities! Any who argue that there is no purpose to an

Age of Space, that such should not be undertaken, that it is unfeasible or illogical or trivial has never

proposed an effective way of protecting our planet and every single species on it –from any external

threats. Anyone who denies such perils exist and no solutions are necessary are at best pitiable, at worst

malignant – but clearly delusional and cannot be trusted. As for those who console faith in our present

vacuous leadership… when was the last time anyone even mentioned space; let along contemplated the

Astronautical Odyssey that this treatise proposes is perhaps, other than a serious Ecological Revolution,

the only possible solution to solving many of the most horrendous perils that our world and its inhabitants

face… thanks to humanity? Nor have they really worked upon a way to reduce our dependency on this

planet – for the prospects of survival. Nor have they considered the fact that space would be one option to

propose relegating those that either do not wish to be a part of Earth, those who do not wish to value or

contribute to Earth/ Life and those actively hostile to this proposal. This method would serve to exile repeat

offenders –i.e. habitual repeat criminals, those addicted to vice, those who extensively show their contempt

of the planet’s significant generosity as significant polluters and others. For those who feel that this

collective vulnerability of us and all other life we have encountered and proven, are only hypothetical,

consider the following…

What if the Moon were to vanish?

What if the Earth was to face an asteroid impact? Nothing in the universe can remain forever constant or

permanent –Since Heraclius and perhaps even before, humanity has perceived the Universe in a perpetual

state of flux… The asteroid impact has happened before -65 million years ago, apparently most lives

including the dinosaurs became extinct? How can we guarantee that we will survive unlike the coelacanth


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or the crocodile –especially as the price of erecting our civilisation and pillaging our world is that we have

so much more to ultimately lose… Do we want this? Or should we not be fighting to prevent it?

It might not even take such unpredictable impacts to remind us just how volatile the universe is and how

vulnerable the human race ultimately is to the path of utter obliteration. Any erratic path of a comet or

meteor could shimmer repercussions through the universe. If atmospheric storms were to increase on

Jupiter, if something happened to slightly move Venus or Mars, we do not know what could happen to us.

The universe may appear static but as Heraclitus found out aeons ago, everything is in a state of perpetual

flux, even when deceptively it appears to remain constant as Parmenides and others of the first natural

philosophers found.

Observe the universe… Consider it well – each facet in turn. How reliable, how stable is it? What do we

really know? Have we thought about survival? Have we really thought about a backup plan for the human

race –by outsourcing as many species, information; artefacts etc essential for preserving the heritage/

welfare of every organism of each type that exists on this planet (and perhaps the rest of the Universe)?

The Moon could provide a start that we can feasibly get to – but we need to start now! The more we tarry –

the more exposed/greater risk we face; as we humans erode and taint our planet’s defences; its

atmosphere and its resilience. We have to remember that every presence of humanity in space – from the

satellites and International Space Station, to planet Earth herself, remain susceptible – we have not

adapted ourselves psychologically, let alone our equipment and our infrastructure. There can be no escape

or denial of this truth. It is a truth that should be as unpalatable to the war hawk as it is to the pacifist

believing only in passive resistance. Neither will work –nothing we currently do will. We are woefully

unprepared! As humans we have been exceedingly careless and naïve as to presume that our extremely

good fortune at having survived what the Universe, Life and Reality has barraged us with so far – but

nothing is ever truly certain…

As if we have not learnt about our mistakes on Earth, we are repeating them in space… For example, we

are so carelessly discarding phenomenal quantities of space debris, just as we do with garbage, without

any consideration as to how it might potentially affect the Earth or the Moon’s natural orbits… or anything

else that might intersect. Debris might even collide with the surface of the Earth. And yet it might be

salvageable… The German space agency DLR is conducting tentative research on space debris, which not

only threatens celestial originating objects and Earth itself but also the very satellites that global society is

becoming increasingly dependent upon and the impact survival of the International Space Station among

others. Given how few they are, protection remains essential if we are to have any future in space… to


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mitigate another source of risk and uncertainty. These threats are not just feigned or speculative… Apart

from that which may have initiated the extinction of the dinosaurs and myriad other species, Impey (2007)

cites the example of Tunguska’s meteorite in 1908 that pulverised the Siberian tundra. In February 2013,

over 4000 buildings and 1000 people were sacrificed from human hubris and marginalisation of space as a

potential threat, from an exploding 10,000 ton meteor in Russia (ISCEG 2013). The very same day, 27000

kilometres apart (relative given the distance of space), an asteroid came close to destroying life, reflecting

just how fragile and precarious simply orbiting Helios in the Milky Way Galaxy and simply being there

remains… And yet space is supposed not to matter?

Any being, any presence, any species that does not value its life to think about these, let alone to act… is

invoking the way of suicide –and we, for all our technological prowess, in focussing ultimately on the

internal problems that affect us, that isolate and divide us in sects –are no different Planet Earth –our home

is fragile at best –and miraculously we have survived to that point. As the highly plausible extinction of the

dinosaurs by an extra-terrestrial based object –an asteroid shows, we cannot afford to take this for granted

–It demonstrates that if we wish to survive as humans, we should start taking preparation –for by the time

our scanners and satellites detect anything, it will be too late to escape –even assuming we had the

capacity –and another base – i.e. the Moon, Mars or Europa to be based on. These should be the short-

term options, for it is against every advocated strategy, to be wholly dependent on a single force and single


The human race incurs a further vulnerability – its penchant for destroying the only planet it knows and

world capable of sustaining not just life but our entire heritage as well. This is increasingly threatened by

human engineered global warming, that threatens to destroy the very stability of the ecosystem life support

keeping it going… This is the potential for disaster –as without it, we have no other recourse. Our

vulnerability continues to multiply, the more we weaken it. The Earth acts as a citadel – a Redoubt against

the elements of the Universe – a space capsule magnified on a far more colossal scale. Without it, in

space, we would barely last a minute –without protective clothing. We need it. The implications of ignoring

the value of our planet in reserving virtually everything that we as humans have fabricated or conceived

that survives from our history and every organism of life, that most of us currently do –is foolish! This

extends to every human being that lives, whether or not they deserve to (from the ecological perspective –

survival of the fittest –but also surely that of the most grateful). Surely, we do not wish to mark it as a

graveyard to our species’ hubris and folly by doing whatever we can to masticate it beyond repair? Why

else are our attempts at meaningful ecological conservation and reform so febrile and impotent?


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The Vulnerability of the Human Race is one of the most excellent reasons of all to propose initiating this

Age of Space… in addition to the spirit of discovery, the potential solutions to the environmental

catastrophe, economic cyclical recessions and others. Anybody who considers that we as humans are not

vulnerable and dangerously exposed to the Universe, is not paying attention! Global warming with the

effects on thinning the protective ozone layer, increasing our exposure to solar radiation with the

consequences for skin cancer and other health problems is but one physical proof among how vulnerable

we really are… Blindness has ever particularly served our species well in the past and it is necessary to

prepare… Nor has a lack of preparation and forethought or simple restraint towards our environment ever

served us well…Preparations to reduce that vulnerability have scarcely commenced but as humans we

should be prioritising it… Although we may have survived Shoemaker Levy, environmentally our prospects

of survival are certainly not guaranteed… Space colonisation: finding a means to establish permanent

human bases off-planet, to ensure other animal and plant species survive and that our cultural/ intellectual/

physical legacy is backdated, given how much uncertainty permeates every moment we are conscious… is

imperative…! Not everything about the universe is constant or predictable –in its state of perpetual flux…

For example, Astronomers have predicted that assuming we survive as a species to March 16 2880,

Asteroid 1950DA will collide with Earth… There may be others far sooner… Any asteroid could implode in

our doom

When was the last time that mainstream media ever reported the discoveries in space –of phenomena that

might affect us –even obliterate us? When we consider how much attention is given to worshipping vice

riddled celebrities and shallow pledges/ selfish publicity stunts of politicians, why can our own universe not

become such an important part of our current affairs and our education curriculum? For example, how

many knew of the asteroid redirecting mission proposed by NASA for 2020, to capture an incoming asteroid

and deflect it? By 14 February 2014 CE, Earth faced over 10,715 potential targets such as comets;

asteroids and meteorites. All it takes is a repetition of the 2013 asteroid exploding equivalent of an atomic

bomb detonation over a more populous and Earth vital area than the somewhat obscure Chelyabinsk

region to make an expensive, destructive impression. A 200 kilometre long crater estimated to date back to

65 million years ago at Chicxulub, Yucatan, Mexico proves that we are not impervious from the hazards of

our solar system. Despite our attention to satellites; can we really monitor all celestial originating threats?

At the moment we do not have the capacity to repel any incoming threats from outside our own planetary

stratosphere nor the political will to do so. The consequences have yet to be fully pinpointed and

calculated. There are parallel examples of how we could learn of the potential ultimate doom that space


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could create to the most miraculous and the most ordinary of natural and human achievements. We could

not only learn from the past, we could increase observation of this and all galaxies –For who knows from

when, which direction and at which velocity, an extra-terrestrial bound object may appear? We can also

learn from the interaction of other space phenomena at a far cheaper price to gambling impulsively with the

lives of trillions of conscious organisms, aside from over 7 billion human beings.

Survival has to be worth investing in. Our probes can serve other lesser purposes such as scanning the

aether for habitable planets, life beyond Earth, possible religious proof, contribute to scholarship and

provide extractable resources as the basis of a self-sustainable inter-stellar economy and source of

ultimate adventure/ inspiration potential. Human civilisation may appear to work for many of us –but it is a

fragile coalition of forces –any one of which could collapse – being highly dependent upon the functioning

of the planet’s ecosystem, climate and other natural forces, especially the layers that shield us against the

rest of the Universe. At any moment, some celestial object could infiltrate our atmosphere, zap past all of

our limited array of sensors and satellites monitoring but a portion of the galaxy…and pulverise all

achievements They could incinerate our homeworld in a blink –long before we have even noticed. How

fleeting is the human lifespan! How precarious is our existence! How uncertain remains our fate! The

question remains: Do we wish for our species to remain blind? Do we wish to face the risk of uncertainty?

Are we prepared for climate change and all the other problems plaguing our governments, economies,

academics, organisations and people of the world or are we willing to commit and act efficaciously? But

why choose to restrain ourselves so? Why not work towards reducing the inherent vulnerability of the

human species, wherever and whenever it is most advantageous to do so? Those developments that we

have already committed and worked towards support this further.

Our species for all its achievements has never given this the priority it deserves. If so, it would observe the

galaxies that it could access on a far wider scale. It would be paying attention and initiating enquiries over

anything it felt uncertain. If it truly valued its own survival it would think about it more and work towards it far

more than remaining so utterly dependent upon governments. It would more efficaciously coordinate and

integrate various space monitoring programmes. The greatest difference could be made if human societies,

individuals and governments were to actively cooperate and synchronise their efforts – especially in

monitoring space. We would initiate more experiments and research on a far greater scale that would

enable us to physically inhabit and remain in space –as well as to be able realistically reach other planets

and colonise. Too few of us are doing so –and whether we care for others –or even if it is merely pragmatic

self-interest, there is no purpose and little value not to work towards reducing the vulnerability of our human


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species, our planet and our consequences on the ecosystem? Does an asteroid possess the faculty or the

inclination to be able to distinguish between the deserving and the undeserving, the rich or the poor, which

part of Earth it will impact most, if another follows the trail of the dinosaurs? Of course not. As in war, we

are all susceptible to the forces of the universe… and become ever more fragile with every achievement –

we have even more to lose…. It is up to each of us who seek to ensure that we have a future –to actually

have on by at least considering the potential implications of how vulnerable we as humans and every

species are… and whether we can make our species last…

But having comparatively little to fear from virtually all other parts of the ecosystem –after we have sought

to subjugate all life forms in the name of human centred religious and scientific (Darwinian) doctrines... we

should be prioritising means to divert and mitigate the true potential adversaries that threaten us. What

matters all of our accomplishments –if we remain just as powerless as the dinosaurs?… Everything could

be eclipsed by the next asteroid! We are vulnerable in so many ways. Too few of us have done anything to

actually prepare… To any of those who continue despite all this to question this by wondering: “Is this

Really Necessary?’ “Can you be assured that you will survive the gamble of life and all that the universe

could potentially throw at you and your planet? Have you even considered how best to prepare –or even

the extent to which you can? Just analyse how risky being bound upon this terrestrial sphere really is –the

simple act of being… and the simple miracle of being alive for one more day –to perceive the world and to

be able to learn and explore. Now extend this principle to the Universe. How much do we rely upon when it

comes to our own planet and Multiverse? How much do we take for granted? Too often we assume the

permanence of all things –and yet when our own lives and the world around us can change so swiftly in a

seemingly perpetual state of flux –veering from one vector to the next, why should it not be the same for the

rest of the Universe?

We are vulnerable in so many ways! Too few of us ever do anything to resist –even when we actually work

out the detrimental consequences something has. We do not consider how vulnerable we are –and remain

in so many imperative areas. Reducing our vulnerability via awareness of the hazards and risks of space

could only benefit us to prioritise it –even in education in a way so as to ensure that our species actually

pays attention. Too few of us ever do something to prepare ourselves to acclimatise –even when this is

essential to us personally –even regardless of everyone else. Just consider how risky our initial voyages of

discovery were. However, would it be possible to imagine our lives or world without them? Without being

willing to take chances, our species would stagnate, destined never to bloom… or “evolve”. We would not

have survived –given how physically vulnerable, if we had not worked out the challenges and considered


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practical ways to resolve these. Even in pursuing space as a means of reducing the vulnerability of the

human race, we may survive or we may not but at least we will have tried –and thus deserve to call

ourselves true human beings –those custodians safeguarding the human spirit. However, if we do not, how

much and how many will be lost in sacrifice? If though this era, has the practical capacity and facilities to

find ways of reducing such? We may survive ultimately –or we may not… But the probability that at least

some of us were to survive; even if some of us –even if just researchers on the Moon, would be alive to

carry on.

Humanity is limited in its short-term perceptions of the universe. But anyone who knows that to be

forewarned is to be forearmed can instantaneously perceive how this threatens the human species –its

potential advancement, its prospects and its survival. This is apparent both economically in the allocation of

scarce resources given the opportunity costs and risks involved but also in the vulnerability of our species

both environmentally –and physically as in the specialised chapters. This treatise can only provide certain

approximate guidelines as a basis for us as humans to think – not to take the universe for granted, to be

prepared to condition ourselves and acclimatise to whatever the Universe will confront us with in the not so

distant future. Any human who gives a toss for their own wellbeing needs to consider their own survival.

Consider the many uncertain variables, risks and challenges that Life –but also this Universe and planet

present… To what extent as individuals, as various societies, states, businesses, institutions and religions

prepared for what is out there? Surely, we should at least be thinking about Space and our future… along

with many of the issues and problems of this world rather than merely seeking to ignore them in sybaritic

hedonism and opulent materialism –or to virtually distract ourselves with the culture of globalisation

including synthesized, electronic generated artificial realities… At some point reality will intervene. Whether

we like it or not –we cannot merely ignore away the Universe and pretend that it doesn’t exist –especially

when these seems not to be working. We cannot afford to get this wrong, considering the time and effort

that it took to get humanity to its present state.–For all our problems and flaws, it would be virtually

impossible for a handful of humans surviving on a handful of space stations, shuttles –and perhaps the few

lone survivor volunteers of our first space mission, to repopulate the human race, the biodiversity of life and

all achievements, should only they survive an ultimate, Earth destroying catastrophe! However, what this

tome seeks to provide, is a motivation why we should want Earth to exist, but also to value and prioritise a

course that takes us far beyond anything we currently can experience from globalisation, through

embarking upon a true Astronautical Odyssey.


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There is more than one world out there for us to explore and inhabit. There is more than one galaxy for us

to discover and to penetrate. There is the entire Macrocosmos waiting… The chapter: “Chartering the

Macrocosmos,” shows just how much there is out there waiting to be surveyed, to be colonised… to even

be found… let alone… experienced, recorded and savoured… We can choose to do with the potential

offered by the Universe whatever we might desire, deserve and need, whatever we dream; if we but take

the steps not just tentatively sought by the space agencies with their past, present and future, timid

missions but those of the dreams of humanity, –whether the pragmatic approach of scientists or the visions

of humanity and speculative fiction… whatever we could possibly behold… Or we can elect or things to

carry on as they are, with no hope, no solution, no celestial destiny for our generation of humanity,

compelled to face the ever-lurking threat of extinction, the chaos wrought by climate change, to remain

alone in the Universe, without contact of any other sentient life – whether of another species or deities. We

can dream or we can watch our life, our destiny, our world and our various civilisations – the ultimate

human legacy and set of achievements fade, to let it disperse and pass us by… as the Gods seek to try a

worthier species –perhaps in another part of the Universe… If any of us have ever dreamed or sought of

space; of another world; of seeking answers, truth; experiences and something more than the reality that

life on Earth presents; then surely the need to prioritise and accelerate space exploration, a space-based

economy and outposts of species becomes evident?


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However, the greatest emotions of elation, the most hearkening presence of spirits that has propelled and

animated individuals, communities and states, now exists – where few others exist, to coordinate all

humanity, so that we may have a plotted course that will withstand us through future ages is Space. When

the Earth and circumstances have failed, many have been inspired by gazing into the beauty of the

celestial aether. It is the only path, short of a series of significant revolutions that has the potential to save

our species, to transmogrify the human race and solve its plight, answer its problems and progress us… To

strive and know what you are doing – is worth doing, to consider it worth remembering and acting upon. To

have the satisfaction of making dreams a reality and disproving any whoever sneered and doubted you,

your dreams, aspirations, hopes, accomplishments and differences, this what the pursuit of space can

mean and accomplish… In reviewing the aspects covered by this paen to the grandeur, glory and destiny

envisioned by space exploration, it is one full of hope not forespelling our doom. It is an area where religion

can still offer solace, where technology and science can serve humanity, not prompt aggression,

environmental problems, strife etc, where resources are not channelled to materialism but invoke benefits

for all, a new chance for tourism, a way to save our floundering world economies apart from converting

them into the environment. It is a means of reducing social, political and other dissention – (Space is large

enough for us all)

Is there intelligent life out there? Do deities exist out there? How and why does the Macrocosmos function

the way that it does? Can space potentially benefit us? Why should we choose to pursue space? Of what

possible relevance or value can it have to us in our lives? Does it really matter? Should we pursue space or

not? These are the questions sought to be answered in this treatise – to provide a start for further research

to follow. As humans, what are our perceptions towards space? For the reasons articulated throughout, it

can work as a viable proposition. This treatise provides the first manifesto to launch a potential space age,

not by a professional lobbyist but of an individually, just as mesmerised by space. It is a proposed

declaration, calling upon the human race to create an Age of Space. It is not a time or an Era to be modest,

to lack presumption or dare to dream of a world, where such a cosmic, inter-galactic vision is not merely a

speculative possibility –but real… The myriad problems that plague our world arise from indecisiveness,

apathy and unwillingness to act –to provide decisive leadership, to accept responsibility and to actually do

something about the problem rather than seeking to strut around.

If we left such an arduous yet pivotal quest –to save life and ensure the answers to so many problems, to

the professional academics and centralised space agencies/bureaucracies who specialised in it, rather than

turning to our alternative sources of ingenuity, the prophets that have heralded the first glimmerings, the


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amateurs, those who compose fiction, the individual; the private commercial sector, voluntary societies and

–any passionately committed to such, we will never succeed. Nothing would ever be done. They have the

power and fairly little is being involved but if parts were decentralised as much as possible. However, we

call to the human race –not just to save the planet as I proclaimed in: How to Save the Planet but to be part

of the greatest potential discovery and achievement perhaps since Prometheus aspired to enlighten

mankind with the blaze of fire from Mount Olympus itself… We need to concentrate on finding a way to

surpass all of our achievements and the restrictions that bind us to natural mortality, disease and one

ecosystem – one world –one chance to survive and to make something of ourselves –to know only one

solar system, to have visited, experience and know just one planet… just a fraction of what is out there… of

what the gods and mortals have provided for us… Who would not want to know –even if they chose to

make their home on Earth? It would be recommended for as many people as possible It would be the

greatest of tragedies and sorrows, if we limit our perception of reality; our dreams and our experiences to

this frontier and horizon –ever dependent on occasional probes and satellites to roam for us; destined

never to wonder, to follow our Guiding Star… to know where it might go and take us… nor nothing of what

else the universe is about… or even what is happening elsewhere…

So pragmatically, what would we have to do to inaugurate an Age of Space? How would we continue to

motivate humanity –to persuade them that this is the path to pursue? The chapters on motivating space

(Why?) and specifically evaluating inaugurating space among humanity provide but a basic outline for all

humanity. As always, our past and present achievements continue to affirm that if we put our minds to it,

we can accomplish anything –surprising as it might seem… They show that there is no limit to the places

we can settle, challenges that we can resolve, things we accomplish –if we believe… Those of us –who

have that will and can… need to be supported by the powerful, the influential and the affluent, who possess

the capacity to do so…

To set forth a new part of our history beyond the scattering of previous research where each of us can

contribute a line, a stanza, a page, even a chapter… To take part in the unfurling of the greatest of

mysteries that remains out there. To cast off the bloated, sluggish carapace that encumbers us from

progressing beyond this frontier thanks to the blindness of politicians, scientists, degenerates, wastrels,

those who are too afraid to cast themselves beyond their limited horizons and to propel us towards another

planet and another conquest for humanity… It is not to those failures, that this treatise is dedicated. This

treatise has no space in its pages for the mediocre and the nonentities too afraid to be a part of history and

make this period’s legacy –not just remembered for the problems and strife that we failed to vanquish but


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the challenges and opportunities that we resolved to create for us… It is to those that dream, to whom

space can be relevant, to whom space can speak to, can understand… that this is directed. Those of

willing talent, who have the hearts and ability to believe… For there are always other planets, systems and

strata… As we conquer and probe one step at a time, we have to eventually find what we are looking for,

whether they offer that which we are looking for… The question remains: ‘What do we want as humans?

What is it that we wish to achieve? What does space have the potential to provide for us?’

In an age where so many value nothing, space will offer us the elation of valuing something. When

satisfaction from materialism, is momentary –it is not long before we seek something else. This offers the

chance to be satisfied –if not everlasting, then for a significantly longer fraction than our current existence.

Space offers us, what the material world cannot truly hope to satisfy … that of actually being something and

realising our dreams… from the pages of fantasy and our imagination, which are considered hopeless,

expensive, unfeasible or impossible, for our own planet. Politics, education, law, economics, history,

geography, environment, religion, society, psychology, culture, protocol and behaviour… all these forces

serve as barriers, hindering most of us from setting out our desires. But if they have the chance to improve

our lives/ existence/ our world –even microscopically – without harming others/infringing on their rights, we

advocate that –even on another world or above our world’s surface, that we should strive to make it

plausible, wherever we can… For what does it mean to be human, if we cannot allow our technological

prowess and human ingenuity to flourish, if we continue to spurn what can be done –just because the

constraints chronicled above (and others) seek to reduce it on this planet. With this policy… beggars can

become emperors, religions can win converts, scientists can affirm hypotheses, the media can have

positive news to rely, corporations and enterprises can develop a sustainable economy the environment

can heal, governments have distractions and our society has solutions to many problems that blight it.

It is worth daring to try! With space exploration – once we decide to do something and commit to it, then we

have a chance to progress (like conserving the environment). Our past achievements for chartering our

solar system affirm this. As humans we have the world –and our own gifts to prepare us to know what lies

past our own meridian… so that the constellations are more than just clusters of fiery gas burning billions of

miles away… or legends cast from Astraeus – They become living, breathing, conscious worlds… The

decision and aptitude to reach these –and to make something of ourselves… lies with us. It does not dwell

beyond our most vibrant and vigorous of dreams but can exist… and soon… As space tourism has shown,

it does not have to rely merely on governments and research laboratories but entrepreneurs, corporations

and individuals…. For all those that dare and are encouraged so… This treatise seeks a world, where the


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pursuit and conquest of space is vividly publicised and prioritised as one of the most significant ways that

humanity can undertake to follow. For all those who have had their dreams crushed for too long, whose

imagination, vision, zeal, faith and passion has been evaporated by family, peers, colleagues, bureaucrats

and disillusioned society…choosing this, offers a way out, a chance to make these practical… to

continuously satiate curiosity, inspiration, wonder and novel sensations… to live and not to stagnate…

Each of us has an ability and an opportunity to be a part of life. We can elect for ourselves –no matter our

background/ or circumstances –when seeking to live out our dreams to aspire to be the best person

possible. This extends the probability of success and the choices/ chances that we have –for so many of

us, far beyond the handful of astronauts and affluent space tourists –it evidently will enrich the lives of any

of us –who ever feel this lofty ascension. For those of us –who believe in being remembered –as a part of

human history that deserves to be recorded –if we prevailed –the conquest of space would be one of the

most commendable of all the achievements we had ever excelled

What is our place in the Universe? Are we alone? What is the purpose or meaning? And what of deities,

miracles, life sustaining planets etc. Until we choose to find out, we may never know? Is it not worth

illumination? There are evident risks but there are… in all things. They cannot cause us to falter. We cannot

let the evident history of our failures in space dissuade us, to diminish our spirits/ prevent us from trying so

valiantly, otherwise we invoke our own doom. They cannot be permitted to defeat us –when we have

fought many campaigns against far more significant challenges to achieve our accomplishments. To be

apathetic and to do nothing –without seeking to even hope and try –is the antithesis of being human –for

belief and effort are what defines us –for space… as in so many other areas… Life can go on! Horizons can

be conquered. Challenges overcome, Adversaries browbeaten into submission. We can then move

forward… depending on what we propose to do –but not to remain submissive and let others dictate it for

us… but to take charge ourselves… except where it is beneficial for others.

For now we can but seek to prepare ourselves. We can choose many ways to future endorse the Age of

Space. We can discover, we can pressurise, we can educate, we can motivate –but most of all we can

think, process and act –if we feel so inclined. Space offers the chance to save us all –it is the one way that

will enable individuals and all species to preserve themselves. Space provides perhaps the last chance

remaining for any of us as humans to get our priorities –or anything else right… given our castration of our

planet’s ecosystem to thrive in the paramount interests of all species –even and especially where our own

impact must be alleviated and is compromised. Humans have become so bitter and disillusioned with the

potential enchantment of life–perhaps this is one way to awaken them once more… When mortals become


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jaded with the miracles that surround them, they turn to dissolution, turmoil, vices, strife and other woes of

global civilisation… that is when it is advisable to turn towards space…

What does the concept of inter-planetary exploration mean?

Space is one way to atone for the mistakes of our past –by vowing that we will never repeat them. It

provides a means of restoring faith, imagination and pure scholarship –of connecting and inspiring the best

of us –not the worst. Space offers the answer to those who wish to do something for their planet. It is a

solution to so many of the problems of globalisation… It offers the chance for knowledge, survival, a new

culture and government… It is the only way to pre-empt the revenge of the Immortals and of Gaia – the

price for everything that we have done to our planet, our fellow species, each other and ourselves –We now

face the ecological and human consequences of our actions. The only way to escape is to commit to that

which offers a physical way out… It is necessary because Gaia cannot handle 7 billion profligate human

beings most of human desire a pace of consumption that would turn the planet into a desert in a couple of

years –so voracious and without restraint –if given the chance, ruthlessly raping the planet –while trying to

establish a natural equilibrium that safeguards the optimal wellbeing of every living species on the planet –

each necessary as part of a functioning, thriving ecosystem –except for leeching humans –who take but

provide nothing in exchange as not only the chapter above illustrates .

Space as this treatise has sought to illuminate, is practically feasible. Like any other government policy or

research, it is all about knowing what to prioritise and value… Once we chronicle the inhabitable world and

work out how to access it, it will be reachable –as the Moon remains. This treatise aspires to provide some

practical guidance of how we as humans can benefit from space, the advantages of pursuing it and further

potential ideas for the future. It seeks to be different to those that pay lip service to the notion of an Age of

Space –or any claim to reform the world but leaves no impression and makes little difference. This treatise

argues that it might take science fiction to save us, we may need to recruit both religion and science, we

may have to target different strategy approaches and others –but also why it is so pivotal…

The world we inhabit is weary from the aeons of callous abuse, the rape and the plunder from humanity. It

is time to be tourists, explorers, settlers, investors, dreamers and voyagers elsewhere, to not only save our

own planet but also to increase our own opportunity, welfare and survival prospects. Can we afford to

remain indifferent, to surrender to the plethora of problems? Or are we prepared to challenge ourselves

through embracing and supporting this Age of Space Exploration? If only 0.7% of the total (NASA


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November 2013) USA Federal Budget is devoted to the NASA –the most significant of Earth space

agencies, how much can they really do to facilitate this vision? Besides why not try the spectacular

phenomenon of other galaxies? Consider the investment/economic, the environmental and other benefits of

doing so for our own planet in investing and patronising commercial and scientific space tourism –of

indulging as cosmic voyeurs able to experience the thrill of a space adventure. The tourist opportunities

that could be envisioned alone both in current and future space are so numerous as well, as the chapters

detail. Surely the majesty of the Universe must be comparable to the wondrous natural attractions on

Earth? Why let robotic exploration alone occur –and deny ourselves the ability to experience not just earth

but moons, asteroids, planets and entire galaxies…

The answers to what we might find are out there, do exist… We suggest that they can be found in space. It

may take aeons –but at least if we commence this and make it matter as a prime concern, our species has

a far loftier probability of surviving this century –to be able to reach the future, where we can access other

planets and galaxies –even other stars beyond Helios –light years away… This treatise sought to elaborate

on what humanity might take in order to persuade them to inaugurate this Age of Space. To make space

mean something more… is a key tenet that this dissertation recommends. The purpose of formal education

should be to retain the essential and to forget the nonessential –to prepare you to survive. Space

encompasses that –and its history, achievements and potential lessons/ benefits in which it can assist both

society and individuals should be added to every curriculum for any human that wishes to navigate their

Universe, to understand it, learn from it, appreciate it –but most of all discover it... Perhaps they will be able

to access it…

And so, when the old world passes and we potentially have a Space Renaissance it will be up to our

species to prove itself worthy of the benefits that it has been granted. At least, even if it does not, we will be

granted the opportunity to test our dreams and to survive for far longer, with greater knowledge,

awareness, resources and potential than we could if our species were for example to ignore the myriad

benefits of pursuing space. The question is to all those that doubt whether humanity should accomplish this

proposed Space Age is this? Are you satisfied with the status quo and the way things are? Do you want life

to continue or do you want the stability of this world to irrevocably disappear? Are we sufficiently appeased

by those who wield power and influence and the leadership of those that claim to represent us, that they

will solve every looming challenge that confronts us: economic, climate change; social; religious, political,

psychological, emotional, spiritual, cultural, physical and all others alluded to? If so than continue –and feel

free not to support space. However, for those of us concerned, space does provide a viable answer –to


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improving our prosperity, our scholarship, our culture, our tourism, our survival, our peace, our social and

other concerns and many others alluded to in this treatise? What else could ensure that we are free to

escape this world? What else would allow us all to play a part, to be of use and potentially seek out to live

our destinies free and unmolested –to face our dreams and enable them to become a physical reality –

especially through colonising space? What else would help us to feel alive and achieve our purpose?

Do we wish them to determine our fates – given their failures to resolve the many challenges that

complicate our lives and our world so unnecessarily? Do they really appear that competent and can we

afford to rely upon our leadership alone other when the glint of elections appears once every few years or

during periods of instability when they feel exposed? If any of us are sensible enough to have even a

glimmer or iota of doubt towards them, why not at least bring up and champion the concept of space as a

solution so that they at least consider it and are aware of it? Is space not at least worth a chance, given

what it means –and what it could mean for so many of us? If we want to play a part in history and seek out

a place in the future –to be among those pioneers who experience space –its economy, its contributions to

scholarship, for tourism –or for human habitation on a world of majestic possibilities… then it makes sense

to seek that chance whilst we still can… With its potential value towards advancing us, surely, we should be

seeking to persuade our leadership to devise solutions to the problems we face and I they cannot… to turn

to viable solutions which may be able to assist humanity?

Although those that rule this world of ever-expanding globalisation, groaning under 7 billion humans and

the multiplicity of perils battering down so many, are afraid to voice it… they need help! They are clueless

when it comes to solutions and they cannot afford to be, not when we all are so susceptible… If they were

cogniscent of the answers –the issues would not remain and they would be calling for globally coordinated,

united efforts to the problems facing the world. We would not need to call for a real Ecological Revolution

and propose inaugurating an Age of Space –because we as humans would be doing so –we would actually

be progressing in the direction envisioned by this treatise. Besides, apart from this and my previous

treatise: “How to Save the Planet,” how often is the concept of both an astronautical odyssey and a new

Environmental Age really championed to the radical degree that is necessary to reduce the magnitude of

the conundrums and obstacles that face us? Has it really been considered at all by those leading the

multinational corporate sector, the world governments, most pivotal media networks, nongovernmental/

cultural organisations, universities and religious institutions? If their intentions were really serious, we would

actually be progressing forth as proposed continuously throughout this volume. They lack the exuberance,

the passion, the interest, the imagination, the enthusiasm, the creativity, the energy and the need for space


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(After all they are so evidently benefitting from the status quo!) For those of us who have not given up on

life and our destinies, who seek to advance, to excel, to make our dreams become a reality, the whole

Universe is ours for the taking –if we would just act! It is up to us, who have these –to demand it of those

who have the capacity to change the future paths of humanity but refuse to do so –to face the need and the

urgency. It must be not only the right choice –but the popularist choice –if anything is to be done!

Space is a feasible proposition –it can be done… The guidelines here represent merely a step forth to

alerting humanity, to providing means of convincing others to join this ardent quest and inspire what pace

has meant –and what it could mean. Eventually, it is up to all human beings that this could assist, to be a

part of this process and help –however they can in working for a future of space colonisation, an

intergalactic culture and economy, whose benefits are accessible to far more humans than the privileged

handful of affluent elites… As constituents we can guide leaders – if they are willing to confess that they

need us, our ingenuity and our talents –make the aim to conquer space beyond our planet –and into

another galaxy onward… They cannot do it alone. This would make global democracy far more interactive

generally than just merely at elections. If we can benefit from this, why would we refuse the chance to

actually do as we dream to ourselves and to be able to roam/ express ourselves where we currently

cannot? Besides if we continuously participate, we can remind politicians that they are not indispensable

and that they actually need us. We could remind them at every step if they fail to make the progress we

seek, so that they are accountable in justifying their existence and are prompted to do what they are meant

to do. The same could be said for reminding scientists, civil servants, entrepreneurs and others who could

form this Age of Space that the demand is out there. This is not just applicable to space but anything that

we want them to deal with.

For those that think that these points are superfluous – that the most powerful countries have space

agencies and are devoting resources to space: Yes, we concede they exist… But what else are they

actually doing? Is it enough and given the constraints in a world facing austerity thanks to reliance on an

excessively volatile and precarious global banking sector, can more not be undertaken? We have

benefitted significantly, but space will never reach the prime vision imagined by this treatise and so many

humans, until we prioritise it and publicly declare this to be our wish for the future of all species –and to

save us from extinction… This treatise has to be necessary, for apart from technical papers, corporate and

government adverts seeking greater fiscal resources and the works of science fiction writers; who has

seriously voiced a way of making space happen? Who is considering all these aspects that need attention,

before a true voyage to the stars shall pass, to the degree needed to reach reality? And yet we all could


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play our part, by providing ideas, by learning, by supporting it, by volunteering to be among the first

pioneers, to patron it as consumers and partake of any potential cultural offerings, to work towards

ecological conservation and by doing whatever else necessary to make it happen… Even by spreading the

word to those who had not thought of it –or pressurising politicians –that it can make a better budget

allocation than to defence or cooperation in international relations or a greater rate of return on economic

and research investment, can only benefit in helping us to actually create this Age… We will then all be a

true part of the all-encompassing Astronautical Odyssey –on a voyage to the farthest reaches of Deep



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A. United Nations Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies

The States Parties to this Treaty, Inspired by the great prospects opening up before mankind as a result of man’sentry into outer space,

Recognizing the common interest of all mankind in the progress of the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes,

Believing that the exploration and use of outer space should be carried on for the benefit of all peoples irrespective of the degree of their economic or scientific development,

Desiring to contribute to broad international cooperation in the scientific as well as the legal aspects of the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes,

Believing that such cooperation will contribute to the development of mutual understanding and to the strengthening of friendly relations between States and peoples,

Recalling resolution 1962 (XVIII), entitled “Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space”, which was adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly on13 December 1963,

Recalling resolution 1884 (XVIII), calling upon States to refrain from placing in orbit around the Earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction or from installing such weapons on celestial bodies, which was adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly on 17 October 1963,

Taking account of United Nations General Assembly resolution 110 (II) of 3 November 1947, which condemned propaganda designed or likely to provoke or encourage any threat to the peace, breach of the peace or act of aggression, and considering that the aforementioned resolution is applicable to outer space,

Convinced that a Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, will further the purposes and principles of the Charter of the UnitedNations,

Have agreed on the following:

Article IThe exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries, irrespective of their degree of economic or scientific development, and shall be the province of all mankind.


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Outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, shall be free for exploration and use by all States without discrimination of any kind, on a basis of equality and in accordance with international law, and there shall be free access to all areas of celestial bodies.

There shall be freedom of scientific investigation in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, and States shall facilitate and encourage international cooperation in such investigation.

Article IIOuter space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.

Article IIIStates Parties to the Treaty shall carry on activities in the exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, in accordance with international law, including the Charter of the United Nations, in the interest of maintaining international peace and security and promoting international cooperation and understanding.

Article IVStates Parties to the Treaty undertake not to place in orbit around the Earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction, install such weapons on celestial bodies, or station such weapons inouter space in any other manner. The Moon and other celestial bodies shall be used by all States Parties to theTreaty exclusively for peaceful purposes. The establishment of military bases, installations and fortifications, the testing of any type of weapons and the conduct of military manoeuvres on celestial bodies shall be forbidden. The use of military personnel for scientific research or for any other peaceful purposes shall not be prohibited. The use of any equipment or facility necessary for peaceful exploration of the Moon and other celestial bodies shall also not be prohibited.

Article VStates Parties to the Treaty shall regard astronauts as envoys of mankind in outer space and shall render to them all possible assistance in the event of accident, distress, or emergency landing on the territory of another State Party or on the high seas. When astronauts make such a landing, they shall be safely and promptly returned to the State of registry of their space vehicle. In carrying on activities in outer space and on celestial bodies, the astronauts of one State Party shall render all possible assistance to the astronauts of other States Parties. States Parties to the Treaty shall immediately inform the other States Parties to the Treaty or the Secretary-General of the United Nations of any phenomena they discover in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, which could constitute a danger to the life or health of astronauts.

Article VIStates Parties to the Treaty shall bear international responsibility for national activities in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, whether such activities are carried on by governmental agencies or by non-governmental entities, and for assuring that national activities are carried out in conformity with the provisions set forth in the present Treaty. The activities of non-governmental entities in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, shall require authorization and continuing supervision by the appropriate State Party to theTreaty. When activities are carried on in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, by an international organization, responsibility for compliance with this Treaty shall be borne both by the international organization and by the States Parties to the Treaty participating in such organization.

Article VIIEach State Party to the Treaty that launches or procures the launching of an object into outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, and each State Party from whose territory or facility an object is launched, is internationally liable for damage to another State Party to the Treaty or to its natural or juridical persons by such object or its component parts on the Earth, in air space or in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies.

Article VIIIA State Party to the Treaty on whose registry an object launched into outer space is carried shall retain jurisdiction and control over such object, and over any personnel thereof, while in outer space or on a celestial body. Ownership


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of objects launched into outer space, including objects landed or constructed on a celestial body, and of their component parts, is not affected by their presence in outer space or on a celestial body or by their return to the Earth. Such objects or component parts found beyond the limits of the State Party to the Treaty on whose registry they are carried shall be returned to that State Party, which shall, upon request, furnish identifying data prior to their return.

Article IXIn the exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, States Parties to the Treaty shall be guided by the principle of cooperation and mutual assistance and shall conduct all their activities in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, with due regard to the corresponding interests of all other States Parties to the Treaty. States Parties to the Treaty shall pursue studies of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, and conduct exploration of them so as to avoid their harmful contamination and also adverse changes in the environment of the Earth resulting from the introduction of extraterrestrial matter and, where necessary, shall adopt appropriate measures for this purpose. If a State Party to the Treaty has reason to believe that an activity or experiment planned by it or its nationals in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, would cause potentially harmful interference with activities of other States Parties in the peaceful exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, it shall undertake appropriate international consultations before proceeding with any such activity or experiment.

A State Party to the Treaty which has reason to believe that an activity or experiment planned by another State Party in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, would cause potentially harmful interference with activities in the peaceful exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, may request consultation concerning the activity or experiment.

Article XIn order to promote international cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, in conformity with the purposes of this Treaty, the States Parties to the Treaty shall consider on a basis of equality any requests by other States Parties to the Treaty to be afforded an opportunity to observe the flight of space objects launched by those States. The nature of such an opportunity for observation and the conditions under which it could be afforded shall be determined by agreement between the States concerned.

Article XIIn order to promote international cooperation in the peaceful exploration and use of outer space, States Parties to the Treaty conducting activities in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, agree to inform the Secretary- General of the United Nations as well as the public and the international scientific community, to the greatest extent feasible and practicable, of the nature, conduct, locations and results of such activities. On receiving the said information, the Secretary-General of the United Nations should be prepared to disseminate it immediately and effectively.

Article XIIAll stations, installations, equipment and space vehicles on the Moon and other celestial bodies shall be open to representatives of other States Parties to the Treaty on a basis of reciprocity. Such representatives shall give reasonable advance notice of a projected visit, in order that appropriate consultations may be held and that maximum precautions may be taken to assure safety and to avoid interference with normal operations in the facility to be visited.

Article XIIIThe provisions of this Treaty shall apply to the activities of States Parties to the Treaty in the exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, whether such activities are carried on by a single State Party to the Treaty or jointly with other States, including cases where they are carried on within the framework of international intergovernmental organizations. Any practical questions arising in connection with activities carried on by international intergovernmental organizations in the exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, shall be resolved by the States Parties to the Treaty either with the appropriate international organization or with one or more States members of that international organization, which are Parties to this Treaty.

Article XIV


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1. This Treaty shall be open to all States for signature. Any State which does not sign this Treaty before its entry into force in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article may accede to it at any time.2. This Treaty shall be subject to ratification by signatory States. Instruments of ratification and instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Governments of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America, which are hereby designated the Depositary Governments.3. This Treaty shall enter into force upon the deposit of instruments of ratification by five Governments including the Governments designated as Depositary Governments under this Treaty.4. For States whose instruments of ratification or accession are deposited subsequent to the entry into force of this Treaty, it shall enter into force on the date of the deposit of their instruments of ratification or accession.5. The Depositary Governments shall promptly inform all signatory and acceding States of the date of each signature, the date of deposit of each instrument of ratification of and accession to this Treaty, the date of its entry into force and other notices.6. This Treaty shall be registered by the Depositary Governments pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

Article XVAny State Party to the Treaty may propose amendments to this Treaty. Amendments shall enter into force for each State Party to the Treaty accepting the amendments upon their acceptance by a majority of the States Parties to the Treaty and thereafter for each remaining State Party to the Treaty on the date of acceptance by it.

Article XVIAny State Party to the Treaty may give notice of its withdrawal from the Treaty one year after its entry into force by written notification to the Depositary Governments. Such withdrawal shall take effect one year from the date of receipt of this notification.

Article XVIIThis Treaty, of which the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Depositary Governments. Duly certified copies of this Treaty shall be transmitted by the Depositary Governments to the Governments of the signatory and acceding States.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorized, have signed this Treaty.DONE in triplicate, at the cities of London, Moscow and Washington, D.C., the twenty-seventh day of January, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven.

B. Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space

The Contracting Parties, Noting the great importance of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies,3 which calls for the rendering of all possible assistance to astronauts in the event of accident, distress or emergency landing, the prompt and safe return of astronauts, and the return of objects launched into outer space,

Desiring to develop and give further concrete expression to these duties,

Wishing to promote international cooperation in the peaceful exploration and use of outer space,Prompted by sentiments of humanity,Have agreed on the following:

Article 1Each Contracting Party which receives information or discovers that the personnel of a spacecraft have suffered accident or are experiencing conditions of distress or have made an emergency or unintended landing in territory under its jurisdiction or on the high seas or in any other place not under the jurisdiction of any State shall immediately:


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(a) Notify the launching authority or, if it cannot identify and immediately communicate with the launching authority, immediately make a public announcement by all appropriate means of communication at its disposal;(b) Notify the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who should disseminate the information without delay by all appropriate means of communication at his disposal.

Article 2If, owing to accident, distress, emergency or unintended landing, the personnel of a spacecraft land in territory under the jurisdiction of a Contracting Party, it shall\ immediately take all possible steps to rescue them and render them all necessary assistance. It shall inform the launching authority and also the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the steps it is taking and of their progress. If assistance by the launching authority would help to effect a prompt rescue or would contribute substantially to the effectiveness of search and rescue operations, the launching authority shall cooperate with the Contracting Party with a view to the effective conduct of search and rescue operations. Such operations shall be subject to the direction and control of the Contracting Party, which shall act in close and continuing consultation with the launching authority.__________________Article 3If information is received or it is discovered that the personnel of a spacecraft have alighted on the high seas or in any other place not under the jurisdiction of any State, those Contracting Parties which are in a position to do so shall, if necessary, extend assistance in search and rescue operations for such personnel to assure their speedy rescue. They shall inform the launching authority and the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the steps they are taking and of their progress.

Article 4If, owing to accident, distress, emergency or unintended landing, the personnel of a spacecraft land in territory under the jurisdiction of a Contracting Party or have been found on the high seas or in any other place not under the jurisdiction of any State, they shall be safely and promptly returned to representatives of the launching authority.

Article 51. Each Contracting Party which receives information or discovers that a space object or its component parts has returned to Earth in territory under its jurisdiction or on the high seas or in any other place not under the jurisdiction of any State, shall notify the launching authority and the Secretary-General of the United Nations.2. Each Contracting Party having jurisdiction over the territory on which a space object or its component parts has been discovered shall, upon the request of the launching authority and with assistance from that authority if requested, take such steps as it finds practicable to recover the object or component parts.3. Upon request of the launching authority, objects launched into outer space or their component parts found beyond the territorial limits of the launching authority shall be returned to or held at the disposal of representatives of the launching authority, which shall, upon request, furnish identifying data prior to their return.4. Notwithstanding paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article, a Contracting Party which has reason to believe that a space object or its component parts discovered in territory under its jurisdiction, or recovered by it elsewhere, is of a hazardous or deleterious nature may so notify the launching authority, which shall immediately take effective steps, under the direction and control of the said Contracting Party, to eliminate possible danger of harm.5. Expenses incurred in fulfilling obligations to recover and return a space object or its component parts under paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article shall be borne by the launching authority.

Article 6For the purposes of this Agreement, the term “launching authority” shall refer to the State responsible for launching, or, where an international intergovernmental organization is responsible for launching, that organization, provided that that organization declares its acceptance of the rights and obligations provided for in this Agreement and a majority of the States members of that organization are Contracting Parties to this Agreement and to the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.

Article 71. This Agreement shall be open to all States for signature. Any State which does not sign this Agreement before its entry into force in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article may accede to it at any time.


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2. This Agreement shall be subject to ratification by signatory States. Instruments of ratification and instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Governments of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America, which are hereby designated the Depositary Governments.3. This Agreement shall enter into force upon the deposit of instruments of ratification by five Governments including the Governments designated as Depositary Governments under this Agreement.4. For States whose instruments of ratification or accession are deposited subsequent to the entry into force of this Agreement, it shall enter into force on the date of the deposit of their instruments of ratification or accession.5. The Depositary Governments shall promptly inform all signatory and acceding States of the date of each signature, the date of deposit of each instrument of ratification of and accession to this Agreement, the date of its entry into force and other notices.6. This Agreement shall be registered by the Depositary Governments pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

Article 8Any State Party to the Agreement may propose amendments to this Agreement. Amendments shall enter into force for each State Party to the Agreement accepting the amendments upon their acceptance by a majority of the States Parties to the Agreement and thereafter for each remaining State Party to the Agreement on the date of acceptance by it.

Article 9Any State Party to the Agreement may give notice of its withdrawal from the Agreement one year after its entry into force by written notification to the Depositary Governments. Such withdrawal shall take effect one year from the date of receipt of this notification.

Article 10This Agreement, of which the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Depositary Governments. Duly certified copies of this Agreement shall be transmitted by the Depositary Governments to the Governments of the signatory and acceding States.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorized, have signed this Agreement.

DONE in triplicate, at the cities of London, Moscow and Washington, D.C., the twenty-second day of April, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight.

E. Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies8

The States Parties to this Agreement,

Noting the achievements of States in the exploration and use of the Moon and other celestial bodies,Recognizing that the Moon, as a natural satellite of the Earth, has an important role to play in the exploration of outer space,Determined to promote on the basis of equality the further development of cooperation among States in the exploration and use of the Moon and other celestial bodies,

Desiring to prevent the Moon from becoming an area of international conflict,

Bearing in mind the benefits which may be derived from the exploitation of the natural resources of the Moon and other celestial bodies,

Recalling the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, the Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space, = the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, = and the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space,


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Taking into account the need to define and develop the provisions of these international instruments in relation to the Moon and other celestial bodies, having regard to further progress in the exploration and use of outer space,Have agreed on the following:

Article 11. The provisions of this Agreement relating to the Moon shall also apply to other celestial bodies within the solar system, other than the Earth, except insofar as specific legal norms enter into force with respect to any of these celestial bodies.2. For the purposes of this Agreement reference to the Moon shall include orbits around or other trajectories to or around it.3. This Agreement does not apply to extraterrestrial materials which reach the surface of the Earth by natural means.Article 2All activities on the Moon, including its exploration and use, shall be carried out in accordance with international law, in particular the Charter of the United Nations, and taking into account the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with theCharter of the United Nations,10 adopted by the General Assembly on 24 October 1970, in the interest of maintaining international peace and security and promoting international cooperation and mutual understanding, and with due regard to the corresponding interests of all other States Parties.

Article 31. The Moon shall be used by all States Parties exclusively for peaceful purposes.2. Any threat or use of force or any other hostile act or threat of hostile act on the Moon is prohibited. It is likewise prohibited to use the Moon in order to commit any such act or to engage in any such threat in relation to the Earth, the Moon, spacecraft, the personnel of spacecraft or manmade space objects.3. States Parties shall not place in orbit around or other trajectory to or around the Moon objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction or place or use such weapons on or in the Moon.4. The establishment of military bases, installations and fortifications, the testing of any type of weapons and the conduct of military maneuvers on the Moon shall be forbidden. The use of military personnel for scientific research or for any other peaceful purposes shall not be prohibited. The use of any equipment or facility necessary for peaceful exploration and use of the Moon shall also not be prohibited.

Article 41. The exploration and use of the Moon shall be the province of all mankind and shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries, irrespective of their degree of economic or scientific development. Due regard shall be paid to the interests of present and future generations as well as to the need to promote higher standards of living and conditions of economic and social progress and development in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.2. States Parties shall be guided by the principle of cooperation and mutual assistance in all their activities concerning the exploration and use of the Moon.International cooperation in pursuance of this Agreement should be as wide as possible and may take place on a multilateral basis, on a bilateral basis or through international intergovernmental organizations.

Article 51. States Parties shall inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations as well as the public and the international scientific community, to the greatest extent feasible and practicable, of their activities concerned with the exploration and use of the Moon. Information on the time, purposes, locations, orbital parameters and duration shall be given in respect of each mission to the Moon as soon as possible after launching, while information on the results of each mission, including scientific results, shall be furnished upon completion of the mission. In the case of a mission lasting more than sixty days, information on conduct of the mission, including any scientific results, shall be given periodically, at thirty-day intervals.__________________

For missions lasting more than six months, only significant additions to such information need be reported thereafter.


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2. If a State Party becomes aware that another State Party plans to operate simultaneously in the same area of or in the same orbit around or trajectory to or around the Moon, it shall promptly inform the other State of the timing of and plans for its own operations.3. In carrying out activities under this Agreement, States Parties shall promptly inform the Secretary-General, as well as the public and the international scientific community, of any phenomena they discover in outer space, including the Moon, which could endanger human life or health, as well as of any indication of organic life.

Article 61. There shall be freedom of scientific investigation on the Moon by all States Parties without discrimination of any kind, on the basis of equality and in accordance with international law.2. In carrying out scientific investigations and in furtherance of the provisions of this Agreement, the States Parties shall have the right to collect on and remove from the Moon samples of its mineral and other substances. Such samples shall remain at the disposal of those States Parties which caused them to be collected and may be used by them for scientific purposes. States Parties shall have regard to the desirability of making a portion of such samples available to other interested States, Parties and the international scientific community for scientific investigation. States, Parties may in the course of scientific investigations also use mineral and other substances of the Moon in quantities appropriate for the support of their missions.3. States Parties agree on the desirability of exchanging scientific and other personnel on expeditions to or installations on the Moon to the greatest extent feasible and practicable.

Article 71. In exploring and using the Moon, States Parties shall take measures to prevent the disruption of the existing balance of its environment, whether by introducing adverse changes in that environment, by its harmful contamination through the introduction of extra-environmental matter or otherwise. States Parties shall also take measures to avoid harmfully affecting the environment of the Earth through the introduction of extraterrestrial matter or otherwise.2. States Parties shall inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the measures being adopted by them in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article and shall also, to the maximum extent feasible, notify him in advance of all placements by them of radioactive materials on the Moon and of the purposes of such placements.3. States Parties shall report to other States Parties and to the Secretary-General concerning areas of the Moon having special scientific interest in order that, without prejudice to the rights of other States Parties, consideration may be given to the designation of such areas as international scientific preserves for which special protective arrangements are to be agreed upon in consultation with the competent bodies of the United Nations.

Article 81. States Parties may pursue their activities in the exploration and use of the Moon anywhere on or below its surface, subject to the provisions of this Agreement.2. For these purposes States Parties may, in particular:(a) Land their space objects on the Moon and launch them from the Moon;(b) Place their personnel, space vehicles, equipment, facilities, stations and installations anywhere on or below the surface of the Moon.Personnel, space vehicles, equipment, facilities, stations and installations may move or be moved freely over or below the surface of the Moon.3. Activities of States Parties in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article shall not interfere with the activities of other States Parties on the Moon.Where such interference may occur, the States Parties concerned shall undertake consultations in accordance with article 15, paragraphs 2 and 3, of this Agreement.

Article 91. States Parties may establish manned and unmanned stations on the Moon. A State Party establishing a station shall use only that area which is required for the needs of the station and shall immediately inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations of the location and purposes of that station. Subsequently, at annual intervals that State shall likewise inform the Secretary-General whether the station continues in use and whether its purposes have changed.2. Stations shall be installed in such a manner that they do not impede the free access to all areas of the Moon of personnel, vehicles and equipment of other States, Parties conducting activities on the Moon in accordance with the


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provisions of this Agreement or of article I of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.

Article 101. States Parties shall adopt all practicable measures to safeguard the life and health of persons on the Moon. For this purpose they shall regard any person on the Moon as an astronaut within the meaning of article V of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies and as part of the personnel of a spacecraft within the meaning of the Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space.2. States Parties shall offer shelter in their stations, installations, vehicles and other facilities to persons in distress on the Moon.

Article 111. The Moon and its natural resources are the common heritage of mankind, which finds its expression in the provisions of this Agreement, in particular in paragraph 5 of this article.2. The Moon is not subject to national appropriation by any claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.3. Neither the surface nor the subsurface of the Moon, nor any part thereof or natural resources in place, shall become property of any State, international intergovernmental or non-governmental organization, national organization or nongovernmental entity or of any natural person. The placement of personnel, space vehicles, equipment, facilities, stations and installations on or below the surface of the Moon, including structures connected with its surface or subsurface, shall not create a right of ownership over the surface or the subsurface of the Moon or any areas thereof. The foregoing provisions are without prejudice to the international regime referred to in paragraph 5 of this article.4. States Parties have the right to exploration and use of the Moon without discrimination of any kind, on the basis of equality and in accordance with international law and the terms of this Agreement.5. States Parties to this Agreement hereby undertake to establish an international regime, including appropriate procedures, to govern the exploitation of the natural resources of the Moon as such exploitation is about to become feasible. This provision shall be implemented in accordance with article 18 of this Agreement.6. In order to facilitate the establishment of the international regime referred to in paragraph 5 of this article, States Parties shall inform the Secretary-General of the United Nations as well as the public and the international scientific community, to the greatest extent feasible and practicable, of any natural resources they may discover on the Moon.7. The main purposes of the international regime to be established shall include:(a) The orderly and safe development of the natural resources of the Moon;(b) The rational management of those resources;(c) The expansion of opportunities in the use of those resources;(d) An equitable sharing by all States Parties in the benefits derived from those resources, whereby the interests and needs of the developing countries, as well as the efforts of those countries which have contributed either directly or indirectly to the exploration of the Moon, shall be given special consideration.8. All the activities with respect to the natural resources of the Moon shall be carried out in a manner compatible with the purposes specified in paragraph 7 of this article and the provisions of article 6, paragraph 2, of this Agreement.

Article 121. States Parties shall retain jurisdiction and control over their personnel, vehicles, equipment, facilities, stations and installations on the Moon. The ownership of space vehicles, equipment, facilities, stations and installations shall not be affected by their presence on the Moon.2. Vehicles, installations and equipment or their component parts found in places other than their intended location shall be dealt with in accordance with article 5 of the Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space.3. In the event of an emergency involving a threat to human life, States Parties may use the equipment, vehicles, installations, facilities or supplies of other States, Parties on the Moon. Prompt notification of such use shall be made to the Secretary- General of the United Nations or the State Party concerned.

Article 13


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A State Party which learns of the crash landing, forced landing or other unintended landing on the Moon of a space object, or its component parts, that were not launched by it, shall promptly inform the launching State Party and theSecretary-General of the United Nations.

Article 141. States Parties to this Agreement shall bear international responsibility for national activities on the Moon, whether such activities are carried on by governmental agencies or by non-governmental entities, and for assuring that national activities are carried out in conformity with the provisions set forth in this Agreement. States Parties shall ensure that non-governmental entities under their jurisdiction shall engage in activities on the Moon only under the authority and continuing supervision of the appropriate State Party.2. States Parties recognize that detailed arrangements concerning liability for damage caused on the Moon, in addition to the provisions of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies and the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, may become necessary as a result of more extensive activities on the Moon. Any such arrangements shall be elaborated in accordance with the procedure provided for in article 18 of thisAgreement.

Article 151. Each State Party may assure itself that the activities of other States Parties in the exploration and use of the Moon are compatible with the provisions of this Agreement. To this end, all space vehicles, equipment, facilities, stations and installations on the Moon shall be open to other States Parties. Such States Parties shall give reasonable advance notice of a projected visit, in order that appropriate consultations may be held and that maximum precautions may be taken to assure safety and to avoid interference with normal operations in the facility to be visited.In pursuance of this article, any State Party may act on its own behalf or with the full or partial assistance of any other State Party or through appropriate international procedures within the framework of the United Nations and in accordance with the Charter.

2. A State Party which has reason to believe that another State Party is not fulfilling the obligations incumbent upon it pursuant to this Agreement or that another State Party is interfering with the rights which the former State has under this Agreement may request consultations with that State Party. A State Party receiving such a request shall enter into such consultations without delay. Any other State Party which requests to do so shall be entitled to take part in the consultations. Each State Party participating in such consultations shall seek a mutually acceptable resolution of any controversy and shall bear in mind the rights and interests of all States Parties. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be informed of the results of the consultations and shall transmit the information received to all States Parties concerned.

3. If the consultations do not lead to a mutually acceptable settlement which has due regard for the rights and interests of all States Parties, the parties concerned shall take all measures to settle the dispute by other peaceful means of their choice appropriate to the circumstances and the nature of the dispute. If difficulties arise in connection with the opening of consultations or if consultations do not lead to a mutually acceptable settlement, any State Party may seek the assistance of the Secretary-General, without seeking the consent of any other State Party concerned, in order to resolve the controversy. A State Party which does not maintain diplomatic relations with another State Party concerned shall participate in such consultations, at its choice, either itself or through another State Party or the Secretary-General as intermediary.

Article 16With the exception of articles 17 to 21, references in this Agreement to States shall be deemed to apply to any international intergovernmental organization which conducts space activities if the organization declares its acceptance of the rights and obligations provided for in this Agreement and if a majority of the States members of the organization are States Parties to this Agreement and to the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. States members of any such organization which are States Parties to this Agreement shall take all appropriate steps to ensure that the organization makes a declaration in accordance with the foregoing.

Article 17


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Any State Party to this Agreement may propose amendments to the Agreement. Amendments shall enter into force for each State Party to the Agreement accepting the amendments upon their acceptance by a majority of the States Parties to the Agreement and thereafter for each remaining State Party to the Agreement on the date of acceptance by it.

Article 18Ten years after the entry into force of this Agreement, the question of the review of the Agreement shall be included in the provisional agenda of the General Assembly of the United Nations in order to consider, in the light of past application of the Agreement, whether it requires revision. However, at any time after the Agreement has been in force for five years, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, as depositary, shall, at the request of one third of the States Parties to the Agreement and with the concurrence of the majority of the States Parties, convene a conference of the States Parties to review this Agreement. A review conference shall also consider the question of the implementation of the provisions of article 11, paragraph 5, on the basis of the principle referred to in paragraph 1 of that article and taking into account in particular any relevant technological developments.

Article 191. This Agreement shall be open for signature by all States at United Nations Headquarters in New York.2. This Agreement shall be subject to ratification by signatory States. Any State which does not sign this Agreement before its entry into force in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article may accede to it at any time. Instruments of ratification or accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.3. This Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the date of deposit of the fifth instrument of ratification.4. For each State depositing its instrument of ratification or accession after the entry into force of this Agreement, it shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the date of deposit of any such instrument.5. The Secretary-General shall promptly inform all signatory and acceding States of the date of each signature, the date of deposit of each instrument of ratification or accession to this Agreement, the date of its entry into force and other notices.

Article 20Any State Party to this Agreement may give notice of its withdrawal from the Agreement one year after its entry into force by written notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Such withdrawal shall take effect one year from the date of receipt of this notification.

Article 21The original of this Agreement, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall send certified copies thereof to all signatory and acceding States.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement, opened for signature at New York on the eighteenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine.

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly[on the report of the First Committee (A/60/462)] 60/54. Prevention of an arms race in outer space

The General Assembly,

Recognizing the common interest of all mankind in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes,

Reaffirming the will of all States that the exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, shall be for peaceful purposes and shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interest of all countries, irrespective of their degree of economic or scientific development,


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Reaffirming also the provisions of articles III and IV of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies,

Recalling the obligation of all States to observe the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations regarding the use or threat of use of force in their international relations, including in their space activities,

Reaffirming paragraph 80 of the Final Document of the Tenth Special Session of the General Assembly,2 in which it is stated that in order to prevent an arms race in outer space, further measures should be taken and appropriate international negotiations held in accordance with the spirit of the Treaty,

Recalling its previous resolutions on this issue, and taking note of the proposals submitted to the General Assembly at its tenth special session and at its regular sessions, and of the recommendations made to the competent organs of the United Nations and to the Conference on Disarmament,

Recognizing that prevention of an arms race in outer space would avert a grave danger for international peace and security,

Emphasizing the paramount importance of strict compliance with existing arms limitation and disarmament agreements relevant to outer space, including bilateral agreements, and with the existing legal regime concerning the use of outer space,_______________Considering that wide participation in the legal regime applicable to outer space could contribute to enhancing its effectiveness,

Noting that the Ad Hoc Committee on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space, taking into account its previous efforts since its establishment in 1985 and seeking to enhance its functioning in qualitative terms, continued the examination and identification of various issues, existing agreements and existing proposals, as well as future initiatives relevant to the prevention of an arms race in outer space, and that this contributed to a better understanding of a number of problems and to a clearer perception of the various positions,

Noting also that there were no objections in principle in the Conference on Disarmament to the re-establishment of the Ad Hoc Committee, subject to reexamination of the mandate contained in the decision of the Conference onDisarmament of 13 February 1992,

Emphasizing the mutually complementary nature of bilateral and multilateral efforts in the field of preventing an arms race in outer space, and hoping that concrete results will emerge from those efforts as soon as possible,

Convinced that further measures should be examined in the search for effective and verifiable bilateral and multilateral agreements in order to prevent an arms race in outer space, including the weaponization of outer space,

Stressing that the growing use of outer space increases the need for greater transparency and better information on the part of the international community,

Recalling, in this context, its previous resolutions, in particular resolutions 45/55 B of 4 December 1990, 47/51 of 9 December 1992 and 48/74 A of 16 December 1993, in which, inter alia, it reaffirmed the importance of confidence building measures as a means conducive to ensuring the attainment of the objective of the prevention of an arms race in outer space,

Conscious of the benefits of confidence- and security-building measures in the military field,

Recognizing that negotiations for the conclusion of an international agreement or agreements to prevent an arms race in outer space remain a priority task of the Ad Hoc Committee and that the concrete proposals on confidence-building measures could form an integral part of such agreements,


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1. Reaffirms the importance and urgency of preventing an arms race in outer space and the readiness of all States to contribute to that common objective, in conformity with the provisions of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies;1

2. Reaffirms its recognition, as stated in the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space, that the legal regime applicable to outer space does not in and of itself guarantee the prevention of anarms race in outer space, that the regime plays a significant role in the prevention of an arms race in that environment, that there is a need to consolidate and reinforce that regime and enhance its effectiveness and that it is important to comply strictly with existing agreements, both bilateral and multilateral;

3. Emphasizes the necessity of further measures with appropriate and effective provisions for verification to prevent an arms race in outer space;

4. Calls upon all States, in particular those with major space capabilities, to contribute actively to the objective of the peaceful use of outer space and of the prevention of an arms race in outer space and to refrain from actions contrary to that objective and to the relevant existing treaties in the interest of maintaining international peace and security and promoting international cooperation;

5. Reiterates that the Conference on Disarmament, as the sole multilateral disarmament negotiating forum, has the primary role in the negotiation of a multilateral agreement or agreements, as appropriate, on the prevention of an arms race in outer space in all its aspects;

6. Invites the Conference on Disarmament to complete the examination and updating of the mandate contained in its decision of 13 February 19924 and to establish an ad hoc committee as early as possible during its 2006 session;

7. Recognizes, in this respect, the growing convergence of views on the elaboration of measures designed to strengthen transparency, confidence and security in the peaceful uses of outer space;

8. Urges States conducting activities in outer space, as well as States interested in conducting such activities, to keep the Conference on Disarmament informed of the progress of bilateral and multilateral negotiations on the matter, if any, so as to facilitate its work;

9. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-first session the item entitled “Prevention of an arms race in outer space”.

61st plenary meeting 8 December 2005


The author Jack Dyer hereby asserts and gives notice of his right under section 77 of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988, to be identified as the author of the foregoing book

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