  • 7/29/2019 The Astrology of 2013 Equinox to Eclipses



    The Astrology of 2013:

    Tracking the Trail through the Eclipses

    Part 1: April.

    For those with eyes to see it, the March Equinox chart acts as a map for the coming3 months and what months they are likely to be! This year, its definitely not business

    as usual. The 2013 eclipse season is fast approaching, bringing themes from

    November 2012 up for resolution. What makes this quarter so significant? The stark

    fact that the old astrology has changed forever. No longer can we interpret outer

    planetary transits as happening out there, on a societal level, having no effect on

    our personal lives. Since 2011 and now building towards 2016, the Uranus/Pluto

    square is making the personal inescapably part of the political and vice versa. On top

    of this, the eclipses are working across the Scorpio/Taurus axis bringing deep

    change wherever they touch a nations or an individuals planets and angles. Saturnin Scorpio is embedding the lessons from the eclipses. This article will give you the

    tools and resources you need to become your own astrological scout through the

    coming months.

    the map of the terrain,

    the time-line of events ,

    the cosmic weather forecast

    some clues left by those who went before

    The Map of the Terrain

    This years Equinox has a Kite aspect pattern straddling the chart. Kite

    configurations operate on three levels: they introduce a powerful new insight, the

    ability to envision what can be done with it plus the strategies to bring it into reality.

    Moon/Plutos insight is the expanding ability to explore your personal connection to

    your higher self. The main strut of the Kite is the Pluto/Moon opposition with Saturn/

    Neptune/ Mercury as the cross spar. The Cardinal T-square between Pluto/ Moon/

    Sun/ Mars/Uranus integrates your connection to your personal and higher self. The

    Moon from Cancer trines Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio as we are guided by whatfeels right. This is a prelude to the Grand Water Trine in effect from July when

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    Jupiter in Cancer will connect with Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces,

    unleashing a flood of emotional intensity. This Spring, working through the

    magnetising energy of Saturn in Scorpio, you can learn to collaborate and co-

    create with a more expanded version of your Self. The next three months bring a

    high potential for personal flowering along with an enhanced sense ofbelonging. This expanded compassion will in turn nurture your relationships. Pay

    close attention to new possibilities in which you can be a pioneer, but only if

    you are completely willing to rise to the occasion, meaning the opportunity wont just

    fall in your lap without a committed effort. At this Equinox, our collective cosmic

    intelligence and wisdom impels us to create positive change, to be conscious

    partners in the revolutionary dance as the evolutionary agents, the strange attractors

    that we are.

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    Here Be Dragons!

    As you scout and track your inner and outer landscape during this next season, you

    need to watch the dates, read the celestial weather and be alert for clues left on the

    trail. A striking image of the North and South Node jumps out of the map, remindingus of the ancient mariners cry of Here be dragons! With the Nodes moving

    backwards through Scorpio/ Taurus, we stumble into a zone of Water and Earth and

    cant get through it without getting dirty, wet and entrenched. With the fixity of

    these two signs you become more passionate about grounding what youve

    already had a chance to philosophise and think about in the last 1.5 years.

    Now you look forward to getting yourselfstuck into it, whatever stuck into

    may be. On a global level this sounds far worse than what has been, but gives rise

    to more action and less talk, more doing and less watching. Wherever the Moons

    Nodes fall, there be eclipses! Immediately, you know to be alert and prepared for

    cosmic wild cards.

    The North Node speaks to us of our destiny, our fulfilment, and has a lot to say about

    the evolution of the planet and ourselves along with it.

    Initiating and developing unfamiliar (but progressive) talents /situations

    /relationships will be triggered by the North Nodes transit of whatever house

    has Scorpio in your chart. Since were talking Scorpio, expect to push (or be

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    pushed) through limits to get to these new energies. Youll have to go deeper and be

    authentic. It will be your evolutionary prompt. If the transiting North Node passes

    over a planet, add the planets energy to the mix. Moving past ingrained /stagnant

    behaviours is the theme of the transiting South Node. For whatever is

    being initiated in your Scorpio house, there will be a corresponding situation/behaviour in the opposite house that you need break away from. It will involve

    Taurus energy, so think about moving beyond your comfort zone and familiar

    routines. In a nutshell, the transiting Nodes are evolutionary triggers that are

    coloured by the sign and house they pass through. This Nodal transit will involve

    launching yourself from cautious (Taurus) to fearless (Scorpio).

    The Time-Line

    Mark these dates in your diary or calendar:

    March 20 Spring /Autumn Equinox at 0 degrees Aries

    April 10 New Moon 10 degrees Aries

    April 13 Pluto stations Retrograde 11 degrees Capricorn

    April 25 Scorpio Lunar Eclipse 5 degrees Scorpio/Taurus

    May 10 Taurus Solar Eclipse 19 degrees Taurus

    May 20 3rd Pluto/Uranus square at 11 degrees Capricorn/Aries

    May 25 Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse at 4 degrees Sagittarius/Gemini

    Clues from the Sabian Symbols

    Armed with the equinox map, the time-line and a cosmic weather forecast, discover

    hidden clues to the trail by scrying the Sabian Symbols .There is a Sabian Symbol -

    an oracle - for each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac which links the literal to the

    spiritual in metaphors.

    Add this to your astrological toolbox!: Look up the Sabian symbol

    for your 10 natal planets plus the four angles and your Chiron

    placement and your unique purpose will become clear. Always

    round up to the next degree.
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    April 10 New Moon in Aries: A boxer entering the ring; the relief and glorification

    of social aggressiveness. Question: what are you most passionate about?

    Where do you need to take a stand?

    April 25 Scorpio Lunar Eclipse: A Cantilever bridge across a deep gorge; theconquest of separation through group cooperation.Question: Are you ready to

    explore new options never before available?

    May 10 Taurus Solar Eclipse: Whisps of wing like clouds streaming across the

    sky; the awareness of spiritual forces at work.Question: how do you partner with

    your higher self?

    May 20 3rd Pluto/Uranus Square: A flock of wild geese; not come down to

    concrete expression and A student of nature revealing little known aspects of life.Question: how far do you look below the surface?

    May 25 Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse: A revolutionary magazine asking for action;

    the explosive energy of repressed feelings and root emotions.Question: do you

    walk your talk?

    A theme is painted of the radical nature of these times, the need to take action bystanding up to be counted beyond the confines of your own life by collaborating withlikeminded souls.

    The Journey through April

    Lets have a closerlook at Aprils New Moon and Lunar Eclipse. I will cover Mays

    dramas in my next article.

    This New Moon acts like a giant reflection of who you are struggling to become. The

    Sun and Moon sandwich Eris between Mars and Venus suggesting that the rising

    feeling of chaos and personal overwhelm is taking us all to a point of no return. That

    is,a radical refusal to accept being pigeon holed and conditioned not to rock

    the boat towards taking a stance on your values. The inner planets have all

    made a recent conjunction with outer planet Uranus starting four new cycles

    imprinted with a personal epiphany, nothing less than an awakening. In order to get

    back on track, mass consciousness had to first be jerked out of its Trance of

    Normalcy, the thickly hypnotic state that passes for ordinary everyday reality. The

    real news of the moment is that normalcy no longer is. The trance is thinning. It's

    finally getting through to us that we're here for something more than to hide ourheads in the sand. The Ostrich Era is over. Is there anyone out there any longer who

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    can doubt that the crisis, and its accompanying partner, awakening, has come. Pluto

    is stationing intensifying the call to action with the square to Uranus to make real, not

    superficial changes. The way to work with this New Moon is to keep a beginners

    mind, let go of what should or shouldnt happen and take a leap of faith. Wherever

    you have natal planets or angles between 9-23 degrees of Aries is your key toopening. Do more of what this area of your life is awakening.

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    Lunar Eclipse April 25 201

    This is the first of3 eclipses in April/May providing a strong tailwind for

    change.By the time of this Partial Lunar eclipse, well be wading knee deep in mud-

    the combination of earth (Taurus) and water (Scorpio). This polarity shows us that

    we need to know what we value whilst leaving anything else behind. This

    means living your priorities and ignoring the distractions. Commitments mean setting

    boundaries and goals. The planets in Taurus lend a feeling of physicality and

    grounding to the lunation while the Moon conjunct Saturn brings as sense of

    confinement. As it is an eclipse, the breakthrough will come when you build up a

    big enough head of steam to break out of your self-built prison. With Pallas in

    the Taurus herd, it will be easy to stay in your head so the key is to let your emotions

    lead you across the mudflats. The Grand Trine between Ceres, Neptune and the

    Moon can be your intuitive compass if you let it. Remember that Lunar eclipses tend

    to bring inner, emotional shifts rather than out of the blue events and to allow a

    month either side for the effects to be experienced. Think back to November 1994to

    see which issues came up for you back then. Any ofyour natal planets between 3-

    17 degrees Taurus/Scorpio will be your way to cracking the shell to yourunderstanding.

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    Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, but of stretching out to

    mend the part of the world that is within our reach.

    One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a

    stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold

    in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds

    signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soulin shadowy times like these, to be fierce and to show mercy toward others,

    both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity.

    Clarissa Pinkola Estes

    If you want to discover your own unique map and purpose,

    have a Phone reading with Lorna

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