
"Make Christ's presence a living reality

in our lives and in the lives of others."

SAT. MAY 27, 2017– Saint Augustine of Canterbury 8 a.m. INTENCION ESPECIAL 3 p.m. XV Magaly I. Lopez 5 p.m. + Emilio Marcos (Daughter, Nelly Marcos) 7 p.m. Wedding Viridiana Mercado and Daniel Hermosillo

SUN. MAY 28, 2017– The Ascension of the Lord 8 a.m. + Raul Trevino (Familia Treviño) + Daniel Villagran 10 a.m. + Fernando Laurel– Anniversary (Family) 12 p.m. Wendy Ramos Birthday (Family) + Genoveva Martinez (Family) 2 p.m. INTENCION ESPECIAL 4 p.m. FOR ALL PARISHIONERS 6 p.m. Carla Jimenez XV Birthday (Parents) GRADUATION MASS

MON. May 29, 2017– Easter Weekday 7 a.m. + Adolfo Campero Estrada (Family)

6 p.m. + Ricardo Hernandez Birthday (Family)

TUE. May 30, 2017– Easter Weekday 7 a.m. + David Snyder (Esposa e hijos) 6 p.m. + Humberto M. Herrera 11th Anniversary (Wife & Son)

WED. May 31, 2017– The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7 a.m. SPECIAL INTENTION 6 p.m. + Angela Juarez (Gutierrez Family)

THU. June 1, 2017-St. Justin Martyr 7 a.m. SPECIAL INTENTION 6 p.m. + Francisco Estringel (Family)

FRI. June 2, 2017– Easter Weekday 7 a.m. + Alberto Molina Moore (Papas y Hermanos) 6 p.m. Tere De La Miyar– for her health (De La Miyar Family) 7 p.m. Wedding Veronica Guzman and Manuel Gonzalez

SAT. June 3, 2017– Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions

8 a.m. INTENCION ESPECIAL 3 p.m. Wedding Monica de la Rosa and Jose B. Carrizales 5 p.m. + Marissa King (Family) 7 p.m. Wedding Sofia M. Rodriguez and Ken Walter

The Ascension of the Lord

May 28, 2017

The Ascension of the Lord "Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ." The Easter season is resplendent with the joy of eternal life. Jesus conquered death through his resurrection and promises all believers a share in this miraculous triumph. The gates of heaven have been opened for us by the great sacri-fice of our Savior. All good things lie in wait for us who know "the only true God" and his Son, Jesus Christ. When we gather together in our communities of faith, it's easy to remember all of this. We share common beliefs and practices with those friends, family members, and neighbors who attend our church. But carrying the joy of Easter with us out into the "world" can be more of a challenge. Once we step outside the safe confines of our parish or home, we encounter those who do not know the true God. We work with, study with, encounter, or gather with many people who have forgotten, abandoned, or never even known Jesus. Sometimes this can make us hesitant to share our joy, or even apologetic for our beliefs. But of course we are called to be witnesses of what we believe, not cow-ards who hide it from public view. So let us take courage from today's Gospel. Jesus himself offered prayers on behalf of his followers. "I pray for them. I do not pray for the world, but for the ones you have given me." As the followers of Christ, we have the benefit of his own desire to help us, to strengthen us even amidst the challenges that we face. He knows that we "are in the world" even though he is not here in the same way. And he has asked God the Father to share his divine bless-ings with us even as we make our way in this world.

“I will not leave you orphans, says the Lord.

I will come back to you, and your hearts will rejoice..”(Jn 17:1-11)

St Patrick Church Men’s Club Scholarship

On behalf of St. Patrick Church and the Men’s Club, we

would like to congratulate our scholarship recipients on

their upcoming high school graduation. Thank you for

your service to our church and we wish you much success

in your academic career. Scholarships in the amount of

$1,000 were awarded to the following students:

Abiel F. Canales -United High School

Alyssa Kristelle Gabrillo -United High School

Catherine Nicole Gonzalez -JB Alexander High School

Joel E. Izquierdo -Texas Academy of Int'l & Stem Studies

Katelyn Jeanine Miller -JB Alexander High School

Barbara Navarro -JB Alexander High School

Sebastian Ojeda -JB Alexander High School

Roland Jay Patricio -JB Alexander High School

Avianna Denise Ramirez -JB Alexander High School

Maureen Rendon -JB Alexander High School

Mariana Sarquiz -United High School

Joseph Tijerina -United High School

Paulina Trevino -United High School

Annette Verduzco -United High School

Congratulations to all! God Bless.

The Sanctuary Lamp Is burning this week for:

All Priests

Graduation Mass will be Sunday, May 28th at 6 p.m.

Reception will be followed in the

Parish Hall.

Total Sunday’s Offering $ 21,238.11

CONFIRMATION DATE: Saturday, June 10 at 9:00 a.m.

For more details contact Lilia Salinas at (956)722-6215 EXT. 223 or go to our parish website













WE WILL BE HAVING TWO MASSES! • Friday, June 9, 2017– Confessions for confirmation students, parents and sponsors in the church at 7:00 p.m.

• Saturday, June 10th Confirmation Mass for Students in Classrooms 5, 6, 7 please arrive by 7 a.m. with sponsor inside Parish Hall. Ceremony begins promptly at 9 a.m.

• Saturday, June 10th Confirmation Mass for Students in Classrooms 8, 10, 11 please arrive by 10:45 a.m. with sponsor inside Parish Hall. Ceremony begins promptly at 12 noon.

If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Herrera at (956)726-4644

May 20 & 21, 2017

St. Patrick Men’s Club

Would like to thank everyone who sup-

ported the steak plate. A big thank you

to Dr. Juan Montalvo and Dr. Santiago

Gutierrez for their monetary contribu-

tion. Thanks to all the cooperation we

received, we were able to grant scholar-

ship to several students.

Altar Society Dear ladies of St. Patrick Church you are invited to be a part of the Altar Society Ministry. Join us this Tuesday, May 30,2017 in room 3 at 7:00 p.m. for a brief chat (English and Spanish) about our ministry. There are many reasons to smile, and eve-ryday God gives us a new opportunity to serve. Hope to see you there! Lets all unite for the same purpose, to serve our Lord. Thank you and Blessings!

Apreciables damas de la Iglesia de San Patricio. Se les invita a formar parte del ministerio “De la Sociedad Del Altar.” Ani-mate vente este Martes, 30 de Mayo 2017 en el salon 3 a las 7:00 p.m. donde se dara una breve charla en Ingles e Español de lo que hacemos en el ministerio. “Siempre hay motivos para sonreir cada mañana, es una nueva oportunidad que nuestro Señor nos regala con amor.” Te esperamos unidas por un mis-mo proposito al servirle a Dios. Gracias y Bendiciones!

For more information contact: Para mas informacion llame

Sandra L. Hernandez 956-242-9332 Karla Torres 956-282-7535

Life Teen High School Steubenville Conference in Irving, Tx will be June 23-25th . Spots are still available. Deadline to apply online is June 5th.

Life Teen High School Meeting May 28th from 3:30-5:30 p.m.

In the Parish Hall. All the youth is invited!

Thank you to all the counselors that signed to be

volunteers in the Jail Ministry Counseling. Just a friendly reminder, if anyone is interested to counsel in Jail Ministry please call Mrs. Malu Portillo 956-206-3639.

TEEN ACTS Retreat will be Aug 3-6, 2017.

Applications for the High School Retreat

will be posted on the St. Patrick website at

9 a.m. on June 1st. This retreat typically

fills up very quickly, please plan to apply

as soon as the link is open. You will be contacted no later than

July 1st with your acceptance to the retreat and further instruc-

tion. Retreat is open to Teens in high school currently for the

2016-2017 school year.

Help us pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. 0 dearest Com-forter of the Troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in Your hands. We place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that what-soever You do, You do for the love of us.

Adolfo De Luna Olinda Montemayor Richard Camacho Rene San Miguel Aurora González Michael ‘Mikey’ Leija Jr. Refugio ‘Cuco' Escobedo Alex de la Garza

Adolph Puig Jesse Rodríguez Francisco Velásquez Juan Eduardo Riojas Frances Rizo Rosa Vidaurri

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