
15 tenets of a druid Tenet- to adopt what's in the laws of perfection 1: Rock: Is a solid based object composed of multi objects infused and heated to form a big or bigger mass. In this understanding a rock is multiple systems al l infused to be one object, meanwhile a stone though composed of the formation o f a rock is a separate entity that is selective in its released nature from the multiple systems that established it as a collective. The rock stands as a found ation of principle of the divine will that gives you the right to call yourself worthy. For it is in this nature that ones emotions become as hard or as difficu lt as the challenges they serve. For it is the nature of the rock to be the grea ter achievement of solid principle, not choosing to waver because of time or cha nge. Stone: In stone we find systems like circulatory impulses, true the stone is still part rock, but it's based on ever growing levels of external achievemen t. For the nature of the stone is to constantly be moving, growing, shifting, ch anging. While the rock remains the principle example of unchanging nature. Rock, in the art of stone the runi, standing and the material stone play apart of our design and nature, we use the rune or runi as a way of forming magic about the art we wish to work with and standing as a silent way to communicate with the pa st or future in both we try and respect the land never adding or taking away unl ess they "as in the greater voices tell us to". As for material stone as in divi ning crystals or stones, we merely use these as attachments to objects or materi als as we see fit, though it is more just look then its magic, as real magic co mes forth from the need to use these objects to heal teach, inspire, or control the forces of change, when one take and places their hands in nature they are ta king on the role of wanting, and changes will occur... River: The idea of the river is a collective of free flowing movement that is to fill a riverbed a.k.a an empty quasi whole or lengthwise tubing that is used to transport this element, a.k.a water. However its main design is to flow from a mountain top into and around open tubing outward towards the ocean, or that whic h is the free flowing mass from which all things combine. In the nature of the r iver one goes with the flow, and like the river achieves momentum by letting eve rything go. This is a version of self reflection and meditation, for one must re lease everything from themselves from time to time to move forward if they are t o keep their sanity and sense of self freedom. The river does not ask for anythi ng, it is made up of the droplets of a million of other droplets. Now this could be viewed as mass opinion, but we druids believe it's the nature of cause as in one always agrees with their higher spirit when not bartering with their ego. R iver, is the lifes blood of the land, and to us it is the mystical wellness of t hings, so when we travel we take abit of water with us, and share it with the wo rld or those on our journey, more on this as you grow into the brotherhood, for we are like the rain that falls from this great water, and like that we serve th e needs that one sees in nature as if we are that example.. this is the mystery of our design of material worship..of the land... Tree: In the art of the tree the roots play the biggest part, roots do not disti nguish between good food and bad food they absorb it and purify it. Whatever min erals or liquid based substances within that which they can use becomes the hear t of the tree, that which they can not use becomes the bark or the hard outer sh ell. And that which can not be used at all it turned into vapor, or entreated ba ck into the stone to form the foundation and/or hodgepodge of protective coverin g around the root. A.k.a toughening the soil. Now I could go into the full natur e of the tree, branches, leaves the whole aspect of tree culture but this is pag anism not druidism, it is the refining qualities that speaks about the action or inaction of an object that the druid model cease fits to examine and call their own. These qualities are not for separating one life from another but to compar e them in their working process to the universal design. A.k.a life and death. L esson one is to become these. Changing seasons does not make on season more impo rtant than another, it just reinforces the desire of self renewal. Getting rid o f the old, and growing into the new. This does not give you the freedom to chang e what is but to create what could be, for a tree is a family object even among only one tree. The roots however, in our life, are about struggle. One could say

we're being stubborn but we believe without pushing our views on others or outs iders that a strong foundation of honest awareness brings us closer to that whic h made us what we are. And this is why the symbol of the oak tree, the willow, t he ash, the ceder and the hawthorn and even ivy and mistletoe are like periods o f personality to be cherished and then forgotten. For roots should be automatic and not need to be uttered but felt and followed like the will of a dragon. Tree , for us is memories connections to times and places of other ways, cultures oth ers so we tend to mark these great things with tokens of life or symbolism it is our way to worship in silence and in this we are listening to what has come bef ore it is here we become and remain teacher, for like a tree it is a marker of t he path or road cut through its lines and that which surivives earns the right o f age, so like the tree we fight the forces of nature to cut easy paths in the w orld by letting us know which way the wind blows and in such is our rituals and nature, more on this as well when we are together.. 2: The dragon: an ethereal based creature who by contract serves the will of the mage/magus through honorary contract the gatherers of the mage class in recogni tion for help for the witch kind gave permission for those of the druid class a grade group or gathering to establish personal contact in ceremonial ritual with the dragon self. Though there are million of dragons only a few thousand are al lowed out at a time and among these dragons are teaching quality beasts, educate d dragons they are given authority to watch over mankind like angels. However un der the oath of wizardry dragons can not intervene in any event that personally does not have their name attached a.k.a summoning. [oath] it is by this oath tha t one works with, learns from, is guided by, influenced by, pushed or taught. Th e nature of the dragon is simple [oath] to serve, to develop service, to advance the mage/magi/magus and to honor the oath. Lesser designs outside of oath based contracts can have use of dragons but aren't held by any rule so as quick as th ey are given the power it can be removed just the same, those who think of unity with beast, demons, daemons, and other occult based summoning creatures are mor e powerful than a dragon they have yet to see a dragon in work. Truly real demon s are powerful, but they don't bat an eye to a dragon, because they don't care. What those of the occult, mystical collective know about their world can fit in a coffee can compared to a dragon. For dragons are the collectors of truth, not perspective, not decision, none debatable, absolute sources of their beginnings. You can argue all you want, preach this or that but when a dragon acts it is ru thless. It's ruthless in its endeavor to set right, justify, or examine the mome nts for what they are for when one deals with a dragon they deal with a variety of perspective. Meaning at least six different thoughts at the same time for a d ragon does not seek it's own perspective but instead tests it against others rea lity and then tries to find what is missing and what is hidden. What is missing can be taught, what is hidden must be re-awakened. For it dwells within and anyt hing within is already complete just not accessible. Dragons will not teach you this, they'll make you stumble upon it yourself for the dragon's goal is to guid e if that's its design. It can take on many perspectives but the best one will b e for your will or the one for whom it works for. Do not dismiss the dragon as j ust a spiritual empowering tool, for the you waste its grander connections. The dragon: for the dragons world is one of service and service can't be rendered if the menu changes at will, so conformity to what one is and wishes to know becom es the direct nature of the dragon to the one worthy of its time, in the arts we can be granted many things but a dragon is the greatest gift of it as a druid, it means the universe is listening to you... 3: fire/water/air: in ritual to the dragon we use this model to ascend to the wo rthy awareness of the dragon, because we as people of the stone need to be remin ded of that which is, though the modern world will try and transform us, it will still not be able to transform what it, itself can't see and in this mistakes t o their perfection will show up bring out the "why" and that is the reason we tr gather what the masses deem beyond their control.. Fire: is the living remnant of all frictional existence it is the sole absolute being between the vacuum and the ethereal, though there are many mythos the over all design of fire is one perspective of a tri-system a.k.a three based design.

Fire in relation to druid or druiedic will is life force, ones life force is the spark of their being like a candle measuring time the druid model is based in t he idea that the stronger the flame the longer the age. And strength is determin ed by skill, will and heart. And this must equal the stars themselves for druid soul is like a ghost that you feel before you feel, it touches you like you woul d touch an old book to relive those pages once again in your mind. Even if you d on't have the book in your hand the scholarly thought passes across your eyes, t his does not come from natural action. It comes from ritual and spiritual dedica tion to that which is the commitment of being a druid. For being a druid is like being inside of a volcano as the heat and temperature rises, it's not a dangero us action, the volcano is not going to blow a.k.a erupt but the heat is going to meld your thoughts, sharpen them, make them irresistible to ones action and jus t like fires engulf those who are listening, or seeing from your point of view. Fire is the concentration of emptiness. Water: is the container of the universal being, multi-organism or organistic in its nature to the physical self a.k.a liquid or plasmatic. The fundamental natur e of water is to distill and purify its process, in druidism this is the way wis dom is passed through. With a little help from magehood theology. [oath] for you see, druidism is layered as most other system is, however it is distilled layer for layer. Meaning the first time your tasting, the second time your testing, a nd the third time you're drinking. There is a fourth and fifth but those are the levels of command, as in teaching others. The nature of nature is not to separa te but to analyze what works, what doesn't work, and what could work. This ones again can be said for all systems of magically aware natures. That's why the dru id can not deny that outer experiences of wisdom are possible. For like water wh at is in it rides with the current, or sinks to the bottom and diverts the curre nt a different way. Either way flow is achieved, even in restriction. For the dr uid theology, if you can call it that, is about sharing, adopting a brother or s ister not about who is right or who is wrong. The dragon and its rituals determi ne this, they are just learners. Monkish if you will. In water we see all things , just like the river we learn to harness what is around us to bring into harmon y and spells and other tools a sense of euphoric being. For all things have a se t chain to their empowerment, and it is water that allows us the time by drinkin g it to reflect on this awareness. Psycho-babble, shortcomings in character, fea r, doubt and frustration are all eliminated in rituals of water. That's not to s ay that problems won't arise it's just there will be a harmonic solution and eve ryone earns instead of loses. Air: The old saying goes to air is human, and to forgive divine this statement ri ngs true to all druids, not because of the words as you read them but because of the way a druid reads them. To air is hu as in the deity of the Egyptian art, H U is the secret name of a being that controls the nature of the word human and i t is in his air that we as druids understand what is meant as in man. The schola rly nature of the druid self is to boldly and mystically understand the foundati on of why. Even if those would disagree the harmony of that which is the answer or the most aware answer shines through. In this particular instance the word HU . [Oath required] To forgive divine, but that's not what it says what it says is the divine have the capacity to forgive. Meaning those who know the whole story don't hold the person guilty because they see it from both sides, I'm not talki ng about crimes of life which is taking another persons, I'm talking about crime s of virtue, who continues to take another's. See, wisdom does not come from mer cy, it comes from a lesson. And not a heavy handed one. For air in the word of t he druids means air[error] for the nature of will is to fix what's wrong if it i s of equable and peaceful solution. Greed or gain can not be balanced for these are weaknesses of the spirit and fear controls them, and fear will turn brother against brother and sister versus sister. And when one means gain they mean illgotten gain, meaning you harmed another to get it. And harm is not equated with personal justice, for once again the dragon sees in time what must be surrendere d, even if we don't want to. See hunger for something is not greed, greed is whe n you don't want to share that hunger with anyone else, the idea is like this; i f you have a million dollars and share it amongst two people you will have two m

illion dollars by the time it is over with. And this is the way the druid design has always lived. And this is one of the reasons that nothing is written down b asically, because such words can become hollow and empty for those that are not dedicated in the druid design. Air, in the nature of the word druid is a symbol of not just going with the flow but sharing in the motion of all directions, lik e a compass the druids sensibilities a.k.a sensitivity selves senses the changes in the environment, hence the idea they re called the tree people. But they are n ot. We use trees, we identify with the worth and wealth of a tree, but we are no t its people. That is a whole new world of pain and suffering that we are equate d with because of the knowledge of the dragons. Take the word air and add it bac kwards and mixed with a d. And you get the word raid. Are is an alerter to the d anger one faces if one challenge something stronger and more prepared for battle than themselves the druid chooses not to battle but to defeat the reasoning beh ind it. The fog of war so to speak is when misconceptions become liberties. True there is no such thing as not doing what you want in a world without lawlessnes s. For the conqueror doesn't care for the conqueree, or justify their rights to existence unless their existence is threatened. The power of the druids knowledg e of air comes not from the druid but from a much more ancient way of thinking t hat has given us tools as druids to share in this alertness, this higher conscio usness of the fog. Ethereal veils of color and discolor that smoked across our e yes in illuminating thought, for it is the druids gift to those who are ready to see beyond this veil. This fog. 4: The keystones: In ritual three stones are used, these represent the keystones . [oath] utilizing this training one can begin to tap into the knowledge of rock , stone, river and tree. For these keystones are a living example of them, the i dea is the energy of each stone and we use stone because the nature of the druid self in ritual is often singular. Not solitary, just singular. So what's the di fference? Well solitary means you have no others to educate or share knowledge w ith, while singular is more about doing it for ones own personal perspective but having open discourse with any who do exactly as you. a.k.a learning. So do dru ids do rituals as a group? The answer is no, they can but it's more for image th an it is for themselves. But aren't they a community? The keystones make them a community whether you're together or far away in great distance having the same rituals, the same goals, the same practices make you family. For only you or the m have such knowledge, like secret handshakes. Or a sort of dream everyone share s. The keystones [oath required] aren't what they appear, have much more power t han they're given, and if used correctly are the summoning tools of everything t hat one wishes to put in the center. A chalice is used in the center but this is merely imagery for that chalice isn't, it appears but it is not, it is to join relationships with a different art that shares its wealth with the dragon this e ducation comes forth from. The cup is really the witches design, it is an exampl e of their dedication where the design known as the cauldron model emulates it b ut not because it's not a cauldron, but merely an example of the moon itself. Th e mage/magi/magus even magiester are the owners of the cup a.k.a goblet. For it is their rituals and models that are served in the druid based ceremonies as evo lving. By tapping with the daggers of the druid model one can then precede an ho nest ritual who's the secret known as Awn, for the Awn is three objects not one. True, the daggers represent their points a.k.a candlelight, this isn't the full skill of the Awn a.k.a awakening. For the nature of the Awn is the tree and bra nching. Think of the daggers as leaves to the first tree ever, this tree control s the destiny of the world and each leaves represent where the wind blows. Thing s like the stick, bones, bird feathers, runi, and other small accomplishing tool s of divination are the hallmark of the keystones ability to share and reason. H ealth, knowledge and things about the future. Don't put one hundred percent trus t in it, for we are not here to make a buck but to bring you closer to the answe r. It is this answer like the capstone to a pyramid completes the seal that is o nes protection, ones hopes and ones communication. This is the magic, and it is the magic that quells and taps the land and not the druid themselves, normally. 5.The blade of the three and the four. Daggers were made for war, wars were made for killing. The warrior heart is all about owning the land, it is the bloodshe

d of those who want to be right, or righteous that need to draw sword or dagger against their brother. But why? Why is this considered honorable, why is this no t considered petty? The conqueror never thinks of the conqueree, they can't affo rd it. They draw the conclusion, time will bear them out as doing the right thin g. Because of the classical Kane and Able fable it is easy to deduce the idea of the first murder religious connotations dictates dumb selves as supreme when in reality they are a false head to a system that doesn't exist, through the text of magehood one can deduce that Kane never killed his brother Able but the idea of evil as in out of control model gives the freedom to those who have self-righ teous nature, the right to impose judgment and act accordingly. The greater wisd om denies the humanity but doesn't separate the rule of humanity, for the rule i s the way to find the teaching of truth. For the nature of life even in an accid ent creates remorse, if your enemy falls at your hands it is common nature to acc ept not the death but the pain and suffering you created. They say when you kill you get used to killing, but that's not true for the wisest of people know that life reflects life and death reflects death A.k.a odd religion out or other. To the druid this is the strength and weakness of the moral characters known as hu man being, and it is by this weapon that judgment must be rendered. So utilizing handed down secrets the way of ancient will, a string of simple spells and ritu als, and the keystones and the blades of three were created. Knowing that to bat tle another or a hundred others would surely cost lives the druids nature of mag ic was to fixate transformation in these eyes. A druids magic is to heal, along the lines of ancient shamans, however it is the dragon's will that pushes forth the secret ax or action. etc. The dragons judgment is meant to bear. etc. the legac y of the dragon Where it is the ritual that sets forth by oath to serve peace, ha rmony, abundance or judgment to those who would dare become their own kings at t he price of blood. For the druid a.k.a us, seeks only to bring harmony. Thus we are likened priests, but we do not pray, we worship in silence the term worship meaning respect. As said before and will continue to be said know, druids have n o enemies. But those who would use their magic wrong, force them to act. You wil l hear stories about druids slain or killed, this wasn't because they were druid s its because they acted like saints, and became druids after. A saint tries to do what is right, backed by angelic connection, a druid can be seen the same. Ho wever, the actions of a druid is only from within the 15 tenets, 15 being the nu mber six, on the seventh day he rested a.k.a bible texts. We are not likened to gods, or the god, we respect the light of gods. To use the blades of the three a nd four one must understand why there is four. You would think it is fire earth water and air. But it is not. It works the same, but it is the must famous work in history. Three to be a gift from Merlyn to the first druidess a.k.a witch hea rt, a druid soul, to protect and to teach. In the hands of the druidess the blad e becomes a moral compass of the values of humanity, though judgment is not the offering sets events can take place. Added by the power of the moon, this ethere al version of witchcraft walked its way into the druid being for one must be ren dered helpless before the dagger in a witches right. But as a druid one must be found worthy to hold true to the dragons will to render such judgment in oath. F or the druids oath is an will always be a secret for of bardo that allows the dr uid to jump from system to system for the nature of learning and healing. The aw n is the key understanding of cause, effect and result, however left in the hand s of the three successors of M as in the letter m. 6. Herbalism and secrets. Though it is gonna take you some time one must study t he shamans herbs for it is the shamans nature the druid adopted, in teaching and learning the art of healing. And the secrets that followed. The purpose of the shamans gift a.k.a healing, is to be broken down into three forms: One verificat ion of need, two season of the material and three the confliction of material ve rsus material. When we mean confliction we mean one use overlaying another in he rbal or alchemeic standards. Druids are taught the nature, or we, are taught the nature that better serves the seasons for in your oath and in your study you're to draw upon these complexes of the dynamics of alchemiec and herbal awareness to mold it together, to create a system of not learning but receiving. For herba lism is an art that requires the mind and spirit to learn what the plant wants y

ou to do with it. Remember you're in a mystical world of ethereal education so y our scientific or theological principles don't play well here, true we can disti ll the answers through alchemy, but you only get the seed of the design not the core. Example: Petals of a rose have five different ways of being used, have six different ways to be manipulated as in ground up, turned around or turned into a paste. But we're not going there, we're going on the idea that there's more th an one way, to a simple use of one item and it is the intermingling of these pro ducts of alchemeic awareness that set the stage for the ethereal veil. What I sa id sounds like gibberish but it is explaining how difficult the scientific theos of an object is in comparison to the mystical. For the mystical properties are beyond practical measurement, not unexplainable per say, but the acquiring of th e knowledge from the plant or herb or material is like being an ubermensch. For one attains a genius, genus pura strata, to communicate with the microcosmic vei l. Just like we are to believe in the sighting of atoms and the atomic structure we must also believe or make them belief in the measurement of the metaphysical not to suit their meaning or their measurement but to reinforce what they do no t know. For in the scientific way of thinking what one does not know does not ac count it as being unknowable, just untested. For the shamans world has been true and is the factor of today's medicine however the true secrets of the plants an d materials are outside of the reach of sciences limitations. Not that it can't proceed to there but just like one person has one set of fingerprints the idea o f a persons overall health is only knowledgeable auricly for it is the aura that gives away to some of the reading ability of tapping into a plant usage or herb s usage. Though there are many herbal and plant like natures we druids specializ e in the powerful ones, validation of power as in powerful, means the most usefu l in doing multiple tasks and not just singular tasks. For this is our forbidden magic, meaning the herbal and alchemeic models for our design were not to be us ed in medicine this is a higher magic that is used in transformation. 7 Hidden doors. Entering into druidism is like entering into a water bowl rainin g down hard on ones person, with the idea of no tunnel within. But by accident a tunnel is seen and once seen explored. This exploration isn't about knowing but feeling the right to belong as in being offered to belong. Some take these thin gs for granted, but the goal is to live in the moment for it is the weak mind th at thinks that they're are worthy without being tested. No one is fully home unt il they are invited, these ideas are the nature that makes up the stone mentalit y. One perception. Two invitation. Three will. Four exploration. Five truth. Six silence. Seven the door. If you match these to the sayings above the original t enets of one through seven you will see what was hidden. Go, you've been invited on a great journey this is beyond the shaman but below the witch for the druid is invisible in the idea of measurement. What I mean by this is in shamanism you are its freedom to act on its higher scale and purpose of being, on which you a re its lowest being. For you serve the dragon that teaches the witch her place h owever utter, change or manipulate the road ahead. For a druid is merely a sign post on the pacification of entering into something greater, truly we are beyond both these things but a stone must be as humble as the lands on which it stands and given only notice by the wind that crosses upon it. We are neither beautifu l nor are we a blight, we are merely here. The hidden door isn't hidden but taug ht to be respected, reflected, emulated and taken within. For this is the humble way towards the door know as wizardry, secrets are our trade, but neither writt en nor owned. We are merely explorers in a world of millions of minds but only o ne passion and that's truth. Those who don't value truth never wanted questions answered. Hidden doors: ask yourself why are you here, what do you want to be, a nd why do you want to be it, and if an answer comes from within with pure honest y then you will be it but if you have to think about it perhaps it wasn't meant for you, because as a door of choice one can offer themselves anything, but a do or of nature as in no choice then you might be seen in yourself worthy to walk a students path, and this is what you have been seeking to know and be as a stude nt to knowledge, do not think your trapped because you aren't, you are as free a s you want, but we seek only to find the answer sharing it depends on those who show up.

8 .Respect to hear. Confusion, illusion, amusement, none of these things registe r in a druids mind, a druid seeds only good thoughts. For bad thoughts don't off er anything, now omens on the other hand we have to say what is, good or bad. Bu t the will of man kind is to strive to get the better no matter what. And a drui d is not one hundred percent true unless they are seeding this joy, others will think its false flattery, fear to fit on, a way of showing submission but to a d ruid this is dragon energy. When a person finds joy in themselves dragons finds joy in them and grants their wish, and that's what druidism is in a way. A sense of granting worth or wish, but we are not to tell them we are not to show them, we are not to debate them. If they long to hate themselves them let them hate. If they long to live in happiness bring them happiness. For our goal is to fulfi ll the dragons duty; to make a world that likes itself by just being in it. This is why it is both a hardship and a truth for when you reach the level of wizard ry if you seeks the wizards way then know you are going to be torn between the t wo. For a wizards goal is answers and a druids goal is life. It is hard for us t o admit as a druid but we are like the muses of ancient Greece, inspirerers of g reat art and wisdom, passions and reflections, and the whims of goddesses and go ds themselves. For this is the honesty of travel, a secret exchange if you will, for nothing seeds better than a happy life. Or a fulfilled goal it is a power u nto itself. Pain on the other hand is self sacrificial, one chooses to live in p ain, one doesn't need to. The confusing thing is as a druid we don't seek pleasu re or pain we seek a mirror like reflection of ourselves. 9. Touch on the death arts: What is it to be born? What is it to live? What is i t to know death? These are the questions of a mortal man, but not the immortal s oul or spirit. Just like the nature of growth as a planet evolves and changes so to do the will of the unseen. Beings and natures as old as time itself for it i s here that we witness the magnitude of existence and the magic therein. As a dr uid we normally don't touch on the nature of death, as in seek it by our own han ds. We merely shift the balance of the magical design that shares the union with life and death. But as time went on we too were attacked, mistreated and to a p oint enslaved. Normally these are the hardships of any helper but those in our s ystems thought 'why suffer when we can persevere'? When we can push the order in what direction we would like? This is where the value of self sacrifice and the heart of the great design met. For one has to think not for ones own greater gl ory or even preservation of life but for the tragedy that could occur for others . As a druid we have no known enemies, we have those who seek our skills but tha t's not personal. So when we decided to reach as a system into the darker arts w e had to make a moral judgment of how far we were willing to expand for the sake of protection. 10. Gaining your order: The right to a name, in all things one is named for what they do, how they work, their connection to this or that. But the nature of a d ruids name is to bring greater value to the person or being who had your name be fore. As you now have theirs. You are an extended example of their greater will for in it you will seek only to bring glory to their name for it is now your nam e. The idea of this is show thankfulness for the right to learn all these secret . Though some may not cherish the treasures they may get it is never ones fault for not choosing to belong when one is chosen. However like any other systems th oughts or otherwise, one must be willing to put aside weaker fears and seek what seeks them. Your naming as a druid allows you into the freedom of their world w hich is now ours for like any family you're born to them but it is up to you to get along, as in make things work. They will only accept you for as far as you'r e willing to be accepted. The stone is a very prominent druid model, one would s ay it is like a culture. But we are not that materialistic for material models l ed into ownership and not the great full thing that makes one want to share. But we are not kittens as well, we are young lions choosing not to roar until roari ng out is needed. Gaining your order: We have for the longest time only sought those who in themselves seek to understand, for the nature of understanding is g rowth, no name, faced ideals that share one bond and it isn't to pick apart stuf f but to see what like a puzzle is well put together and help it find its missin g piece if it dare do so, for though we are this or that, we don't as a druid in

terfere unless it is hurting more then the design it was created as then we may have words.... otherwise we are silent observers of this a hidden gallery of ima gery and awareness and walk a direct path through them all in the company of a " wizard's" way of thinking.. ask me about this when you see what its about.. sorr y for the puzzle but the pieces aren't all there until the need is... 11. The secrets of herbs and acids: When you play in mystical circles you will l earn our factory, our secret objects that make up our design. Yes this is an own ership but it is an ownership of rules not rights to protect those who would dab ble from harm. For it is the nature of alchemy to have no mistresses, no masters , and to take no prisoners. It can accidentally kill as fast as it can cure and this is the reason for ownership to act as a guardian to those things that one w ould deny in the prospect of their greater needs. This is not druid. This is sor cery, to steal from the earth or from the elements or even from life itself is n ot the druid way. You are to be welcomed into these mysteries, into these formul as, into these formations, into these discoveries. For even though a dragon can get you in your conduct get you about. This is the legacy that you must walk in and walk about. 12: The grooves history. It is difficult to determine where the druid was beginn ing as in first because we rely on stories and connection to those of stories. W hen one seeks a spiritual working or an essence of culture it is the tools that define the art, it's not like it popped up one day and decided to mess with the world it became oppression of other educations. However wholesome in the idea th at others did not use these things to explain themselves. A culture is the right to abide, those things that make it different from other designs. For the natur e of druid is the reason solitary or small grouped gatherings share a common ban d with shaman like principles. But don't hold the same tenets. A tenet is a degr ee of trust stating that you are this and nothing else for these are necessary i n managing the truth of a culture from another. It's not that you can't mix and match it's just what defines you from them. Otherwise you're a blended culture w ith no rules on either side. You can make rules after but what stops you from ch anging them. The idea of the stone is to be solid like the stone, worn away with gracious marks of the elements including other stones. This is the symbolism we took on to establish our way of thinking in collecting wisdom, we aren't the bi g standing stones that tower or monument a place. We're the people like stones a s if caught in the middle of time itself hoping to meet another. This is what gi ves our tradition the art of silence for only in memory can one see vision move without moving. Have knowledge without knowing. Sharing in the natural as the my stical, for what is mystical if it's not looked on as eternal? Far reaching? Pro gressive? Magic is just one of our tools but it is the heart of our hope for the world. For our world is a world of peace we're not the conquerors we're not the conqueree we're those lost in between. That's not to say that we can't be, that 's to say that we trust we shouldn't be. For we value life, peace, beauty, trut h and the will and heart to survive. We're the teachers those that are worn away like the stone, who realize the heat on them like the sun, who bask and bath in them like the moon and who's shadow outstretches time. Are we a ghost? Or are w e a promise? We don't know. We only hope the journey will bring us closer to oth ers who share our root. Anything can be defined by time, conquerors and conquere es, But for us we became a brotherhood and a sisterhood, of secret ways to heal or reveal the passages of being alive. For our nature isn't to harm or actively help but be invited to break bread with others. Some can choose to be warriors f ighting for the cause of good as in good natured, not ones own good. Others can be choosers of the path of the scholar, teacher, observer. And it is here our gi fts were acknowledged by outside cultures to exchange. Like trades or trade skil ls, we swapped one thing for another. Would it surprise you to learn that even s ome druids became metal smiths? The idea is unlimited if one seeks exchange we c an date our groove but this is a personal truth not a marking of birth or birthr ight. There was thirteen of us, then there were ten, then there were eight, and now there's five. Though we make it look like there's three. To hide is our natu re, to look you right in the eyes are our respects. For we are not hiding, we ar e being seen without being noticed. A long the way we gather tools to make it mo

re fun. 13: History's mistake. Truthfully history makes no mistake it is those who misre ad it or use it for their own aim that add in or take away from the finer points of true knowledge. For the goal isn't to prove them wrong but to get to the ans wer. For the answer is the most valuable part of human based existence. However in druidism the nature of the stone's worth they made serious mistakes. They cre ate it as barbarians given the fruit of life, roman poets and bards, and fertili ty deity s/ pagan elders that programed or set up rituals for the seasons, a.k.a p riest or priestesses. True we hold tenets to these designs but not in the way th at they play out for they're looking for an organized force or culture that's de manding its right to be retaught or to expand knowledge as if it was an all powe rful singular religion. This once again is the wrong awareness of us, for as I'v e already stated we honor each culture equally whether our personal agreement wi th them is this or that doesn't matter. And now modern paganism and wicca models are trying to be us as Unitarian idealists. More power to them for as said befo re we're only interested in what we're only interested in. Not to make waves, po litical statements or change the world at the drop of a hat. It's fine for other s but it upsets the nature of the harmony as it grows as it reaches out from cul ture to culture, and back again. History's greatest mistake will be underestimat ing us for we are like the weed that doesn't wish to be pulled but we aren't try ing to strangle the pretty flowers. That which is normal as in commonplace is of ten seen as unenlightened, not evolving. We prefer this image for to raise a fus s or an overwhelming cheer of self pride is for warriors in battle. Not for wise men cleaning the grounds. There's an old saying ' the greatest of men, the grea test of deeds, are often unsung.' For praise leads one into deception that they have to do more, to be more than they should be. History has recorded these peop le as gods, chiefs of the world, hearts that put things back together and peacek eepers. And now the term saint. Druids are as we are saintly but not sainted. Th e idea of history is written by the victors, it is the mistake an understanding that the weaker will not have their day. In this I mean, those subjugated by oth ers will have their day as if the weaker must be petty examples of being left to serve the so called greater groups, this is the idea of conquerors, for they mu st believe they are tending sheep. But given the eventual day and the properness of training, even a sheep can become a wolf. To put it simple, they have the sa viors complex, utilizing religion as a weapon. Adopting only the principles of t yranny to uphold their fear of the design. For design is always changing, but th e root of the design, that which is the core, does not. For it is to be understo od that even conquerors get conquered eventually. History also fundamentally and in purpose, doesn't record exact awarenesess for either political or social gai n, for they take things out of perspective to better suit their own aims. The fu ndamental miracle of the magical practice is that even in foreign objects the my stical reality holds true, sure it can be misinterpreted, and used in another fa shion but as time moves on that which is real remains. History in itself is the word 'hysteria' and 'try', and like any form of hysteria its subjugated by the m eans of society. Unlike the pure nature of knowledge, it's sought in a grand des ign. Cause anyone can manipulate, the rules for their own gain, however the wise feel this is a means to nowhere. Ergo, such as it is is to support the grander wisdom, for we are pillars to this wisdom and taught the mystical training withi n. All cultures at one time was subjugated by another, this will always be true. This is the animal nature of the human being. In others words, derived from the Egyptian, Phoenician for it represents the greater natures. HU , man , Hu from the E gyptian god of creation,and man from the word manual, a.k.a instrument of life. It's in this design, is the rituals that show its awakening. For that's what it is, like the dawn that rises in the heavens, becomes the high sun, becomes the m id afternoon night, and then the moon. It's easy to split this apart, when you'r e dealing with designs, a.k.a systems. That support its awareness. We are not an ts, cattle, sheep or doe based deer. We live for the right answer. The common mi stake in understanding, and mind you it's a common mistake not a deliberate one, is that things that are soft and simple and readily available are less valuable than those things that are rare. To the druid, a.k.a us, value is presented whe

n need is presented. 14: Standing circle rituals. A standing stone does not represent us, it is the f igurines that represent us. Our silent version of brotherhood or sisterhood, dep ending on our connective awareness of each others. See, it's this connective rit ual and it is an ongoing ritual, that brings us together, that openly allows us to share our oath, and wisdom as druids. Being a druid doesn't mean acting on al l the information available, for we are not judge, jury or executioner. Unless w e are bid to do it by the dragon, then in our rituals yet. The standing circle r ing, whether be stone, wood, house, whatever, is not the charging point. It is the land on which it stands, like crop circles we draw within the landscape. So those individuals that would choose a more visual point of view toward the druid being or druidess mixing is open to all not just. We are silent, like the wind and fog, we feed off the land, and the land feeds off us. For it is a symbiotic relationship, and no good or evil applies. There will always be strife, we just choose the easier road, that does not make us more correct or less correct, that just makes us free. For that is the essence of life, freedom does not mean givi ng up your burdens, it means to make your burdens work for you. This is the wisd om of druidism, and it is an -ism. For it is a mechanism. An A-B-C-D line of lea rning. Now, this is the hard part, just like the wolf and the sheep, the idea is to see it from both sides. And that is the ultimate goal,of the connection and ritual. For your asking for something to come, and fighting it to see from your point of view, as you exchange with it. The reason why others see this as evil, is because your not bowing and scraping before some hidden being. And you should n't have to. It's in a druid study to be a person of giving and in this we can o penly offer without hiding things, however like any great giving heart one seeks not to gain a enemy for the fact they may be more hungry for what you have and not take what would just offer them relief at the moment.. so in this we will ha ve to put up abit of protection, and that is in our internal natures as we are a lready silent we need not openly offer until the natures about us ask us to and in this we can then be certain the help is found by those who need it, not just want it... sad we live in a world that has to deal with its own hungry lost, whe n we could be a community that is feeding all who are hungry within d getting equal the work and chorse done, because nothing comes fully free not e ver, and abit of work makes one like life abit more as well....

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