  • 7/31/2019 The Art of Conversation.docx


    The Art of Conversation What makes it easy to talk to someone?

    What traits do you look for in a conversation partner? Tell about your favorite types of conversations to have?

    What do you talk about? How do you know the other person?

    Who is the best conversationalist that you have ever met? Why are they such a great conversationalist?

    Have you ever had a great conversation with a complete stranger? What made it so great? What did you talk about? Where were you?

    What is your role in a conversation? Do you dominate? Do you subordinate?

    What percent of a conversation do you spend talking? Have you ever tried to consciously change your conversational style? What did you change?

    What are some good habits you have in conversation? What are some bad traits you have in conversations? Who communicates better: men or women?

    What makes their style better? What makes it worse?

    Do you like to flirt? How do you flirt? What do you say?

    On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate your conversational skill with the opposite sex?Explain.

    How do conversations between men and women differ? Do you like to argue?

    What do you like to argue about? Do you always want to be right?

    What types of arguments do you hate to lose?

    Complaining Is it always necessary to complain? When is it appropriate to complain in a restaurant? What do you think of the saying, "The customer is always right."? What do you say to someone to complain about bad service in a store or

    restaurant? Have you ever gotten angry at a worker in a store or a restaurant? What are some reasons why we might need to complain in a store or restaurant? What are some reasons why you would not complain about bad service?

  • 7/31/2019 The Art of Conversation.docx


    Do you prefer to make a complaint over the telephone or in person? When is it necessary to write a letter of complaint? Is it common in your country to complain about bad service?

    Conflict What is conflict? When you see the word "conflict", what do you think of? What causes conflict? Is conflict inevitable? Is conflict always negative? How can conflicts be resolved? What would you consider to be a constructive approach to conflict? What would you consider to be a destructive approach to conflict? Does there have to be a winner and a loser of a conflict? What happens to people who are involved in conflicts? What conflicts are going on around the world? What conflicts exist in your life? How do you deal with conflicts? Can violent conflicts be solved with violence? How can the world be peaceful when other countries are not trying to bring peace? Can conflicts at work place affect the efficiency of one's work? Is it possible to avoid conflicts? Does it solve anything? Have you ever used third-party mediation?

    If so, did you use a professional, or a friend? What was the experience like? Did it help resolve the conflict? Would you recommend this approach to others? Are there any kind of conflicts in the family? What kind of conflicts occur in a family? Is there any conflict in your family? Did you experience any kind of conflict in your family? How can conflicts in the family be solved? What strategies do you know to solve conflicts in the family? What kind of conflicts appear at school?

    Why are there conflicts at school? What should teachers, parents and pupils do to avoid and solve such conflicts? What conflicts could happen in a neighborhood? Why are there conflicts among neighbors? What should neighbors do to avoid and solve conflicts? Should a conflict be solved straightaway or when we calm down?

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