
Mission: Protect the Vulnerable, Promote Strong and Economically Self- Sufficient Families, and Advance Personal and Family Recovery and Resiliency.

Charlie Crist, GovernorCharlie Crist, GovernorGeorge Sheldon, SecretaryGeorge Sheldon, Secretary

The American Recovery and The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009Reinvestment Act of 2009

What does it mean for What does it mean for

DCF Programs inDCF Programs in

Palm Beach County?Palm Beach County?

Perry Borman,Perry Borman,Circuit 15 Circuit 15 AdministratorAdministrator(Palm Beach County)(Palm Beach County)

DCF ProgramsDCF ProgramsAutomated Community Connection to Economic

Self-Sufficiency (ACCESS)• Food Stamps• Cash Assistance• Medicaid


Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Adult Protective Services

Child Protective Services

Refugee Services


Federal Stimulus Provisions Federal Stimulus Provisions Affecting DCFAffecting DCF

• Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/Food Stamps)

• Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF/Cash Assistance)

• Homeless Prevention Grants

• Violence Against Women Act Funds

• Medicaid

• Adoption Assistance

• Foster Care


More Money for Food More Money for Food StampsStamps

Effective April 2009

13.6% benefit increase statewide

In Palm Beach County:

• $11.2 million issued in April ($2 million increase from March)

• $256.29 average amount per household


March 2009 April 2009

$39.94 (average monthly increase per family after federal stimulus)


Homeless PreventionHomeless Prevention Short-term rental assistance, housing relocation

and stabilization services for families who may become homeless due to the economic crisis

$1.5 billion nationwide

$65.3 million for Florida (Of that, DCF would issue $21.5 million.)

$2.8 million for Palm Beach County(County Commission decides agency to manage the grant;

HUD deadline for plan: May 18)


More Money to Fight Violence More Money to Fight Violence Against WomenAgainst Women

$225 million increase nationwide• Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecution Program• STOP Violence Against Women formula program

Florida: $6,976,652

Palm Beach County (State Attorney’s Office):$272,484

$50 million for transitional housing for victims of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault

* DCF Office of Domestic Violence Program is reviewing applications for grants - $1.2 million statewide


Adoption AssistanceAdoption Assistance

• $4.2 million more federal money this budget year

• $5.5 million more federal money in 2009-10 budget year

Child and Family Connections in Palm Beach County: $121,810 more for Maintenance Adoption Subsidies


Federal Foster Care FundingFederal Foster Care FundingUnder the IV-E WaiverUnder the IV-E Waiver










FFY 2005(base)

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

In Millions

More Money for Foster Care Services in Florida



$27.2 millionincrease for

Palm Beach County

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