
You want to live a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes it seems �like being healthy is a constant tough battle. But what if �

living a healthy life was as easy as ABC?

Become aware with the names of theseingredients (i.e. high fructose corn

syrup, aspartame, etc.)

The most important meal to eat everyday. Focus on fueling your body with

whole grains, proteins, and fruit.

Try to build your meals as colorful aspossible using a variety of grains,

fruits, and vegetables.

Our body needs water to functionproperly. Don't drink calories, drink


You'll get the most nutrients from yourfood because it's at its freshest point.

Visiting your local farmer's marketwill make eating seasonally easy. Talkto the farmers and get to know the


Get some natural Vitamin D. This willboost energy and immune system!

Not only a health coach can help youfocus on your goals, but they'll hold

you accountable too!

How you want to conduct yoursel f,what's important to you and how you'll

make that an aim.

Go through your cupboards and fridge,and either remove all the junk food ORmake a deal with yourself that when it

runs out, you will not buy more.

By doing this, you'll be able to see pat-terns of overeating, stress eating, etc.

Focus on proteins like ground beef,pork chops, chicken breast, and rawnuts. These will be the most hel pful

when it comes to energizing your body.

Plan your meals every week. Thishelps you stay on track and avoid

having to come up with quick, possiblyunhealthful meal options.

Sometimes all that you need is a quicknap! This will give you a great lift of


Omega-3 fatty acids moderate in-flammation, combat depression and

improve mood and memory.

Regularly, when working in an office,it's easy to make too many trips to thenearest fast food join. Pack your lunch

to keep it nutritious.

There are so many excuses why beinghealthy may not be convenient, but

start enumerating the reasons that youwant to be healthy! No more excuses.

Reduce your level of stress bymeditating, finding your happy

place, and taking time for yourself!

By doing so, all the people you tell a regoing to hold you liable.

Depriving yourself of things you wantwill work only for a short time. If you

love chocolate, try to eat dark chocolateinstead.

Focus on what's causing them. Manytimes you can balance your cravings

with something health y.

Try to go one day a week not eatinganimal proteins. It will force you to use

some creativity at first.

Concentrate on eating a whole fooddiet. This is a diet th at comprises leanproteins, fruits, vegetables, and whole


Exercising for 2.5 hours a weekcan bevery beneficial for both your mind and


If you're stressed, yoga is a great wayto relax. You'll focus on breathing and

keep your emotions in check.

Get plenty of sleep!

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