
The 8-Figure Pitch ScriptThe slides that follow represent the exact script I use when crafting a high converting sales pitch. It has been

responsible for well over $10 million of sales in my own businesses. It’s primarily fill-in-the-blank with several examples sprinkled in throughout as well. This should give you a simple guide to follow when

crafting your pitch so you can easily write compelling sales copy even if you’re not particularly creative and don’t consider yourself a wordsmith or a great salesperson.

The order of 17 components in this pitch framework are not 100% set in stone. The first and last step should probably stay exactly where they are (for obvious reasons) and certain other steps in between might need to

stay relatively close to their current position, but there is a certain amount of flexibility in this framework.

Your success does not lie as much in “having the perfect order” of elements as it does in delivering the right message to your prospect in a way that feels normal and natural to both you and him/her. So feel free to move things around a bit and even eliminate certain steps from the pitch if you genuinely believe they are un-necessary for your sales environment, for your product’s price point, your selling style, your prospects’

level of readiness and a host of other factors that only you can decide.

Finally, don’t feel like you have to use these examples word-for-word. Use your common sense judgement and modify as you see fit for your specific offer. If you’re stuck on what to write/say, start with my exact

wording and it should jog your brain for more ideas of your own.

2 IMPORTANT NOTESSHARING IS PROHIBITED: This work is copyrighted and for the eyes of Tyson Zahner’s authorized customers only. You do not have permission to share this document or the associated videos with anyone, for any reason. You may not distribute this information online or offline. You may not share it with your best friend, with your business partner or anyone else. If you do, you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and publicly called out as a thief.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: While this 8-Figure Pitch Script has worked incredibly well in my own businesses, you should not interpret my results or the “8-Figure Pitch Script” Title as any type of claim whatsoever about your own results from using this information. I’m not suggesting you’ll make “8 figures”, nor am I promising that you’ll make any money whatsoever. I don’t know what you’ll do with this information. I don’t know how well you follow instructions. I don’t know what you’re selling. I don’t know what your marketing process looks like prior to getting people to your pitch/offer. I don’t know how qualified your leads are … And a multitude of other factors that would make it impossible for me to know how well this script will work for you and your own business.

The 8-Figure Pitch ScriptThe Bird’s Eye View

1. Here’s What I’ve Got

2. Here’s What it Will Do for You (the Benefits)

3. Here’s How it Works and How It’s Different

4. The Value Stack (Features and Benefits … What you’re getting and what it’s worth)

5. The Price Reveal (and Logical Justification)

6. Direct CTA

7. The Bonuses

8. Scarcity and Urgency (if any)

9. Fear-Based CTA

10. Risk Reversal

11. Logic-Based CTA

12. Use Testimonials to Address Objections & demonstrate results (if you haven’t already injected them throughout)

13. Desire-Based CTA

14. Recap

15. Walkthrough CTA

16. Objection Handling Disguised as FAQ

17. Reminder and Final CTA

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• What I’ve just shown you is the exact [SYSTEM / BLUEPRINT / FORMULA / ETC.] I use to [INSERT OUTCOME/BENEFIT] and it’s called [INSERT OFFER NAME]

• What I’ve just shown you is the exact [SYSTEM / BLUEPRINT / FORMULA / ETC.] [I, MY STUDENTS, MY CLIENTS, ETC.] have used to [INSERT OUTCOME/BENEFIT]. At this point you have two choices. Option 1: is the Trial and error path. You can take everything I’ve just shown you and try to figure it out all on your own which is likely to be costly, time-consuming, frustrating and confusing or, since you’ve sat through this entire presentation, I know you would probably prefer to take option 2 and do it the fast way. That means you’re going to get this right in the next [INSERT TIME FRAME] so you can skip [INSERT EFFORT / PROBLEM / FRUSTRATION / STRUGGLE / SACRIFICE] and just have this handled quickly. If option 2 sounds better to you, then my [INSERT OFFER NAME] is perfect for you.

• Today I want to tell you about an exciting new way to [INSERT OUTCOME / BENEFIT]. It’s Called [INSERT OFFER NAME] and if you want [INSERT OUTCOME / BENEFIT] with Less [INSERT EFFORT / PROBLEM / FRUSTRATION / STRUGGLE / SACRIFICE], then this is offer is for you

• I’m offering you a [DESCRIBE DELIVERABLE such as “53 page book”] that outlines how to [INSERT OUTCOME / BENEFIT] and it’s called [INSERT OFFER NAME]

• I’m Obviously excited to tell you about this program so that you can [INSERT OUTCOME / BENEFIT]. If that’s what you want, then [INSERT OFFER NAME] is just what you’ve been looking for.

1. Here’s What I’ve Got

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• What you’re going to love about [INSERT OFFER NAME] is that you just [BRIEFLY EXPLAIN HOW IT WORKS] and you’ll [INSERT OUTCOME / BENEFIT] faster than you could do it on your own. Example: What you’re going to love about my Attract 100 Leads in 30 Days Program is that you just follow the step-by-step videos and fill out the advertising templates and you’ll be attracting high quality leads and customers from social media faster than you could ever do it on your own.


• In fact, it’s so [EASY / SIMPLE] to use, we’ve had [INSERT GROUP THEY THINK WOULD FIND IT HARD … e.g. “Grandmothers”, ”Tech Challenged Newbies”, “Children”, etc.] get [OUTCOME] in as little as [TIME FRAME]

• NOTE: While some slides in this template work best by only choosing one of the bulleted examples for that particular step of your pitch, other steps of the pitch framework (this step is a perfect example) work best when you use multiple bullets in combination with each other. On this slide, I would recommend that you try to fill out all 3 bullets from above and string them together one after the other.

2. Here’s What it Will Do for You (the Benefits)

Before We Get to Step 3 …What is a Unique Mechanism?

• The unique piece, part, component, aspect, process or system that delivers the results your prospects want

• Gives Prospects “Hope” that this is what they’ve been missing

• It separates you from the generic

3 Types of Unique Mechanisms1. The Actual Mechanism

2. The Unspoken Mechanism

3. The Manufactured Mechanism

• “Tripwire Offer”• “Muscle Confusion”• “S3 Affiliate Sales System”• “770 Account”, “President’s Secret Account”, “Invisible Account”• “USG-4 Tipsheet”• “Hidden Energy Switch”

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• [INSERT OFFER NAME] is a [DESCRIBE DELIVERABLE] that uses [UNIQUE MECHANISM THAT MAKES IT WORK SO WELL] to [OUTCOME] … example: “P90X is a Home Workout System that uses Muscle Confusion to Help you Get in the Best Shape of Your life in just 90 Days!”

• You simply [DESCRIBE ACTIVITY and BENEFITS] … example: “You simply pop in a DVD and follow along with the workout in the comfort of your own home. No working out in front of other people, no waiting for machines and no wasted time commuting to the gym”

• [INSERT OFFER NAME]’s [UNIQUE MECHANISM THAT MAKES IT WORK SO WELL] [EXPLAIN WHAT IT DOES IN A WAY THAT IS EASY TO UNDERSTAND] so that [INSERT OUTCOME / BENEFIT] … example: P90x’s Muscle Confusion Technique keeps your muscles guessing so they are forced to grow and your body sheds unwanted fat faster than any other program on the market

• The Average [INSERT PRODUCT CATEGORY] [TAKES X TIME / ONLY PRODUCES X OUTCOME], but users of [INSERT OFFER NAME] have [INSERT OUTCOME] in as little as [INSERT TIME] … example: “The average workout program takes 6 months to really get lean, but P90x users have gotten into beach body shape in as little as 2-3 months”

• Plus, you don’t have to [INSERT EFFORT / SACRIFICE / FRUSTRATION] … example: “Plus, you don’t have to pay an ongoing gym membership or even leave your house.”

3. Here’s How it Works (and How it’s Different)

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• When you take me up on this incredible offer today, here’s everything you’re getting

• List Feature then the Benefit of the Feature (and optionally, assign a value) “This [DESCRIBE DELIVERABLE] has [DESCRIBE FEATURE] [SO THAT / WHICH MEANS / FOR YOU TO … / ETC.] [DESCRIBE BENEFITS]. This is valued at [INSERT $ AMOUNT] [JUSTIFY VALUE]

• Repeat for All Features You Want to Highlight

• Example: “The ‘20 pounds in 60 Weeks Challenge’ includes 6 weeks of group training at our fitness facility which means you’ll have a fun experience and meet new people while losing weight. This is a real world value of $150 because our gym membership is normally $99 per month and you’ll have access to our facilities for 6 full weeks”

• Example: “You’re also getting an Accountability Coach at no additional cost to you so that you don’t fall off the bandwagon like so many other programs which means this time, you’ll finally hit your weight loss goal. Our coaches are normally $200 per month so this is a real world value of $300”

• Example: You’re also getting a Nutrition Coach so you don’t have to worry about what you’re going to eat. Your nutrition coach will answer all of your questions and personalize your nutrition to your taste and to your goals. Our Nutrition coaches normally charge $200 per month so this is another real world value of $300”

4. The Value Stack(Features and Benefits … Here’s What You’re Getting and What it’s Worth)

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• The total value of everything you’re getting in this [INSERT SUMMARY WORD … such as “amazing breakthrough system”] is [$ TOTAL VALUE], but today you can get this entire offer for just [INSERT ASKING PRICE]

• OPTIONAL: Tie Total Value Price to Outcomes before revealing the actual price … Example: “The total value of everything you’re getting in this [INSERT SUMMARY WORD] is [$ TOTAL VALUE]. Of course, you’re not going to have to pay that much today, but even if [$ TOTAL VALUE] was the asking price today … would it be worth [INSERT TOTAL VALUE $] to [INSERT

OUTCOME] Picture being able to [INSERT ANOTHER OUTCOME / BENEFIT], would that be worth [$ TOTAL VALUE] to you? Just imagine [INSERT ANOTHER OUTCOME / BENEFIT / SOLVED PROBLEM]. Would it be worth [$ TOTAL VALUE] for you to finally [INSERT OUTCOME / BENEFIT / SOLVED PROBLEM]. I think we can agree it would, but you’re not going to have to pay [$ TOTAL VALUE]. For the next [X Hours / Days / PEOPLE], you can get this entire offer for just [INSERT ASKING PRICE]

• OPTIONAL: Reduce Price to Irresistible Level before revealing Final Asking Price … such as “As you can clearly see by now, thisis an unbelievable value at [$ TOTAL VALUE] but I want to give you every reason to take advantage of this [INSERT SUMMARY

WORD … such as “amazing system”] today. So I’m going to give you a chance to grab it right now at a steep discount. When I originally ran this by some of my top customers, they said I would be crazy to offer it for anything less than $______. Obviously, they know the value because they’ve experienced the results for themselves. But, since we don’t know each other and I want to give you every reason to say yes, here’s what I have for you. At first, I was going to cut the price in half, which is only a one-time investment of $_______. But since you’ve watched/read this far, you’re probably ready to get started and I wanted to make this an absolute no brainer for you. So for the next [INSERT # OF PEOPLE OR TIME PERIOD], I’m going to make this incredible offer available for the one-time low investment of [INSERT FINAL ASKING PRICE]

5. The Price Reveal (and Justification)

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• NOTE 1: At this point, most prospects are still saying “NO” in their mind which is why we want to reveal the price early in the pitch so that we can take the rest of the time to justify it and add more buying pressure through bonuses, guarantees, scarcity, etc.

• NOTE 2: If you know price is going to be an objection in the prospect’s mind, you’ll want to further justify the price. Below are a few examples of price justification

• Example 1 – Comparison: “You get the full P90x Training Program for less than one training session with Tony Horton”

• Example 2 – Which would you rather have: “Now, you probably spend far more than $39.95 on a regular basis going to dinner and movie. I’m curious, which would you rather have? One or two extra nights out on the town or the body of your dreams?”

• NOTE: The previous example can also work well with the “I don’t have the time” objection such as: “A lot of people tell me ‘this all sounds great, but I just don’t have the time. Here’s the thing, this program only takes about 45 minutes a day, five days a week. That’s less than one episode of Game of Thrones. I’m curious, which would you rather have? A toned body that you’re proud to share off at the beach or an episode of Game of Thrones. We both know that this is more important. Don’t let a TV show come between you and your health. Let’s get started right now”

5. The Price Reveal (and Justification continued ... Part 2)

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• Price Justification Example 3 – Future Pacing + Divided Price (and a comparison): “Now you might be thinking this is expensive. And you know what, I don’t disagree with you. But let’s fast forward 90 Days from now after you’ve completed this program. Your body is transformed. Your clothes fit again. Your friends are commenting on how amazing you look. How would that feel? Well, if you divide $120 by 90 days, it’s just $1.33 per day. What’s more important to you? $1.33 or having your clothes fit again? $1.33 is nothing. It’s less than what you probably spend on a coffee every day. What’s more important to you? Having your clothes fit and your friends commenting on how amazing you look or a cup of coffee? The bottom line is that it won’t affect me if you say no. I’ll make due without the $1.33, but I don’t want you looking back in 90 days wishing you had made a different decision over a measly $1.33 per day. So let’s get you started now so you can look and feel amazing in 90 days and so you don’t look back on this incredible offer with any regrets.

5. The Price Reveal (and Justification continued ... Part 3)

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• Let’s get you started right now so you can lock in this limited time discount. Just [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO … such as “Click the button below this video”, “Call the number below to set up your appointment”, “Submit the application at the bottom of this page and we’ll contact you with 24 hours if you qualify]”

• This is obviously an incredible deal, so [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO] take advantage of it right now

6. Direct Call to Action

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• You’re clearly getting a bargain already, but I want to make this an even easier decision for you so for the next [INSERT # OF PEOPLE / AMOUNT OF TIME], I’m also throwing in the following [#] Bonuses

• NOTE: You don’t have to use the scarcity & urgency, it’s just more compelling if you do.

• Announce Each Bonus along with the Benefit (and optionally, assign a value) “You’re getting [ANNOUNCE BONUS] [DESCRIBE BONUS IF NECESSARY] [THAT WILL / WHICH REVEALS / THAT HELPS YOU / FOR YOU TO … / ETC..] [DESCRIBE BENEFITS]. This bonus alone is valued at [INSERT $ AMOUNT] [JUSTIFY VALUE]

• Repeat for All Bonuses You Want to Announce

• Example 1: You’re getting my Bargain Grocery System, a ‘Look-Over-My-Shoulder’ Video Shopping Guide that will save hundreds of dollars each month on your food and take less time than your current shopping routine. This is a $1,000 Value based on the money it will save you from this point on in your life.

• Example 2: “You’re also getting The Personalized ‘Finger Lickin’ Good’ Meal Plan. These meals are so good that you’ll think you’re having a cheat day every day you’re on this meal plan. I normally charge $500 to create a personalized meal plan, but you’re getting it as a bonus at no additional cost with this incredible offer.

• Example 3: And I’m not done yet! Because I know you don’t want to fix multiple meals for your family while you’re on this program, You’re going to love The “I can’t believe my kids are eating that” recipe guide which includes 20 Healthy Recipes Your Whole Family will Love that are Proven to Shed Fat without hardly any prep time, without breaking the bank and without you having to fix multiple meals for the picky eaters in your house”

7. The Bonuses

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• But you’re going to want to take action immediately because …

• I’m Only taking on [# CUSTOMERS / CLIENTS / ETC.] this [WEEK / MONTH]

• I only have [# SPOTS / SEATS / POSITIONS OPEN / ETC.]

• This offer expires on [DATE/TIME] because [GIVE REASON]

• This video will come down when [DATE / TIME / EVENT … such as “the timer on this page hits zero”]

• After the first [# PEOPLE], all the fast-action bonuses will be gone

• These bonuses and the discounted price expire on/in [DATE/TIME]

• The price [GOES UP / DOUBLES / TRIPLES / ETC.] on/in [DATE/TIME]

• I’m not sure when or even if we’ll run this promotion again …

• [EVENT / OPPORTUNITY] is happening on/in [DATE/TIME] so you need to get started now to [PREPARE / TAKE ADVANTAGE / ETC.]

• Let’s face it … How much longer do you really want to struggle with [PROBLEM / FRUSTRATION / ETC.]?

• NOTE: Please Review the Scarcity & Urgency Slides/Training from the Sales Boost Class for More Ideas and Clarity

8. Scarcity and Urgency

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• Why pay more later when you don’t have to? Go ahead and [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] right now.

• Now, I want to give you a fair warning [REMINDER OF SCARCITY / URGENCY FROM PREVIOUS STEP], so [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] immediately so you don’t miss out.

• This [SUMMARIZE OFFER … such as “amazing system”] will never be made available again at this ridiculously low investment so [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] before it’s too late.

• If you don’t do something today about [INSERT PROBLEM], how will you life be different [INSERT TIME DELAY] from now? I want to see you [INSERT OUTCOME] and I’m sure you do too so [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] right now!

• You’ve probably heard the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. This is your chance to finally do something different … something that actually works so you can [INSERT OUTCOME]. What are you waiting for? [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] and let’s get handled once and for all!

• I’m only taking on [#] more [CLIENTS / CUSTOMERS / ETC.] so if you want a spot, you need to [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] before all the open spots are filled

9. Fear-Based CTA

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• At this point, you’re probably thinking ‘I really want to do this, but how do I know it’s going to work for me and my situation? That’s a totally fair concern which is why I want to take all the risk off of your shoulders and put it squarely on my own where it belongs with my [ANNOUNCE AND EXPLAIN YOUR GUARANTEE]

• I’m so confident in your results, I’m going to put my money where my mouth is and offer you [ANNOUNCE AND EXPLAIN YOUR GUARANTEE]

• To make this a total no-brainer for you, I’m also going to give you the absolute best guarantee I possibly can [ANNOUNCE ANE EXPLAIN YOUR GUARANTEE]

• Now, I do need to tell you that this offer is not for everyone. For example, if you’re more concerned with a how you can get a refund than you are with how you can get [INSERT OUTCOME], then this program is probably not for you. We do not offer a GUARANTEE on this purchase. That means all sales are final, and here’s why…[EXPLAIN YOUR ANTI-GUARANTEE … see previous training from this class on how to do this effectively]

• NOTE: Please Review the Risk-Reversal Slides/Training and the Examples of Guarantees from the Sales Boost Class for More Ideas and Clarity

10. Risk-Reversal

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• As if you didn’t already have enough good reasons to pull the trigger on this investment today, the guarantee I just explained should make it perfectly clear that you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. You have no risk whatsoever, so go ahead and [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] right now.

• Oh, and by the way … Your investment today should be tax deductible. Just give your receipt to your accountant so he can calculate that in to your total deductions come tax time. [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] and I’ll get your receipt emailed over right away.

• Remember, you’re guaranteed results or you get double your money back so go ahead and [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] right now.

• Remember, you’re saving [% / $] when you order today. Why pay more later if you don’t have to? Go ahead and [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] right now to lock in this incredible discount.

• The bonuses alone are worth more than what you’re investing today so [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] right now to take advantage of this incredibly valuable bundle!

11. Logic-Based CTA

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• NOTE: You must use the right kind of testimonials. Testimonials that talk about how great you (or your product or your company) are must be used sparingly. These are not nearly as effective as Testimonials that

• Show Speed to Results

• Address Fears, Skepticisms and Objections

• Demonstrate that other people just like them have succeeded

• Reinforce How Your Offer is Different

• NOTE: To collect these types of testimonials, check out my “Testimonial Collection Blueprint” Training (which is available as a bonus to anyone who owns my course “Attract 100 Leads in 30 Days”)

• NOTE: I often sprinkle testimonials through a presentation to re-enforce a point, demonstrate a result, address a question, etc. So you don’t necessarily have to put testimonials in this specific place during your pitch and you don’t even necessarily have to do all testimonials together. I often sprinkle them throughout the presentation where they are appropriate and where they re-enforce another point I’m trying to make.

12. Testimonials

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• Just like my other customers I’ve shown you, I want you to be my next success story so that you can also [INSERT OUTCOME] so take advantage of this offer right now by [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] and I can’t wait to help you get started immediately on the path to [INSERT OUTCOME / BENEFIT].

• This is your chance to finally [INSERT OUTCOME / BENEFIT / SOLVE PROBLEM] and with everything I’m including in this offer, you’re guaranteed to achieve it so [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] right now to get started.

• The fact that you’re still here [READING / WATCHING / LISTENING / ETC.] tells me that you’re serious about [INSERT OUTCOME]. So if you finally want to achieve that goal without [INSERT PAIN / PROBLEM / FRUSTRATION / EFFORT / SACRIFICE / ETC.], [TELL THEM WHAT TO DO NEXT] right now to get started.

13. Desire-Based CTA

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• So to recap, here’s everything you’re getting when you say yes today to [INSERT OFFER NAME] … (then do a quick recap of what they’re getting and total value of all items when added up separately)

• Now before I [INSERT NEXT THING YOU’RE DOING … such as “Wrap up”, “Do Q&A”, “Deliver your attendance bonus”, etc.], let me give you one last final run down of everything you’re getting when you say yes today to [INSERT OFFER NAME] …

14. Recap

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• NOTE: If your ordering process is pretty straight forward, you don’t necessarily have to do a Walkthrough CTA, but if there’s anything special they have to do or steps that might confuse them or trip them up, I like to give a quick walkthrough of the checkout process so they are prepared, know what to expect and 100% clear on what to do

• Example: When you get to the order form, just fill out your contact and billing details and then make sure you tick this checkbox to indicate that you understand the terms of our Double-Your-Money-Back Refund Guarantee. After you complete the checkout, you’ll get an email within about 5 minutes which will have your log-in details so you can start going through this program immediately. If you don’t see that email, be sure to check your spam and promotions folders and feel free to reach out to my support staff through our website if you have any questions. Go ahead and click the button in the webinar room now to head over to that order form and lock in your spot while the fast-action bonuses are still available for the next few minutes.

15. Walkthrough CTA

The 8-Figure Pitch Script

• NOTE: If you’re doing a LIVE webinar, you’ll want to do some LIVE Q&A, but I always do my prepared FAQs first so that I can address the most common questions and objections first and then I’ll move into LIVE Q&A after that

• Here’s an example of how I would transition into Q&A: “Now, if you’re on the fence, I realize it’s probably because you might have a few questions, and that’s totally normal and understandable … so let me take a few minutes here to answer just a couple of the most common ones and then if there’s anything I don’t get around to, feel free to reach out to my support team through my website and we’ll be happy to answer anything else you might want to know. So the first, and probably the most common question I get is …”

• Typically, the objections I like to address (in the form of questions) are• How do I know if this will work for me (my situation)?• Can I really do this?• Can I really Justify the Price?• How much additional effort or cost will be required after this initial purchase?• How is this Different from other solutions I’ve tried?• NOTE: I don’t usually list them verbatim like this. I’m just communicating to you which questions they’re

asking in their head that I’m trying to address. I will often phrase it in a less obvious way. Feel free to watch my “100 Leads in 30 Days” Webinar Example included with your course as a demonstration of how I do Q&A to address these objections, fears, skepticism, uncertainty, etc.

16. Objection Handling (Disguised as Q&A)

The 8-Figure Pitch Script


• Example: Now, remember … once this webinar ends (in about 3 minutes), the Fast Action Bonuses are gone, so make sure you click the button to secure them now.

• Example: Don’t forget, once the countdown timer on this page hits zero, the price doubles so scroll down the page and click the button to lock in your discount now while you still can.

• Example: Remember, Once we hit 10 Clients for this Exclusive Offer, all the spots will be filled and you’ll have to go on a waiting list to see if you can even get in at some point down the road. So Submit your application now and if you qualify, we’ll contact you within 24 hours. But again, slots are filled on a first come, first served basis so head over to the application form and submit it right now if you’re interested in grabbing one of these 10 limited slots

• Example: And don’t forget … you’re completely covered by our 90-Day, Double Your Money Back Guarantee. So you literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Either you make money by applying this to your business or we give you double back what you paid to compensate you for wasting your time. But I’m certain you won’t need the guarantee because you should make at least 10x return in the next 90 days when you apply this to your business. So claim your spot right now and we’ll see you in the members’ website.

17. Reminder and Final CTA

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