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Your key to happiness

If you are reading these secrets, it means you have realised that the time has come for

you to take your destiny into your own hands. Many people complain about not enjoying

their lives, being unhappy, having money problems, sentimental difficulties, no luck, or

trouble at work, but how many of them actually do anything to change all this?

Hardly any.

The vast majority just sit and wait for a miracle that never happens.

This is by far the worst thing to do. Have you ever had to spend long period of time doing

nothing? Maybe you couldn't move about because of illness or an accident, or even just

because you were depressed or run down ... You probably noticed that, if you don't move

yourself, nothing moves for you!

The only way to change things, in any area, is to take the situation in hand and stir up

some movement.

"If you don't start the cart moving yourself, the cart won't move."

Asian proverb

You have already “started the cart moving”.

With the "Seven Secrets of Happiness", I aim to give you a new impetus.

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You are what you think

Your way of seeing, thinking, speaking and acting is a reflection of your inner personality.

The world is an illusion, in the sense that everyone sees it from their own perspective.

If you are cheerful, the world seems happy and lively. If you are sad, everything around

you seems grey. This is a basic spiritual and psychological tenet. Your perception of the

outside world depends on your "inner spectacles".

Thus, an event can be experienced in many different ways, depending on your point of

view. We were struck by this, a fellow-clairvoyant and myself, during one of our visits to

India to meet great seers. Assuming we were on the same wavelength, we had not

discussed our impressions throughout our trip. So I was very surprised when, back in

Europe, I realized that we had returned from these very profound human experiences with

the great masters with very different impressions.

We had met the same great, spiritual personalities but we had retained different

experiences and powers. And yet, we had stuck together like glue throughout the two

months of our Eastern travels. We had spent all those spiritually-rich days together, not

separating from morning to night, except to return to our respective rooms.

Try it yourself, one weekend or during your next holiday. Take a trip, even just around your

home town, with a friend. Agree between you that you will stay together, go to all the same

places, but without exchanging impressions at all during the course of the visit. Wait until

you are back home to discuss it. You will probably be surprised at how differently you saw

things. Similarly, everyone looks at life through their own "inner spectacles" and you can

never wear your neighbour’s glasses. We all have different approaches and points of view,

depending on our education, upbringing, life experiences, as well as our private,

professional and social environment. Everyone’s experience is unique and irreplaceable.

In the same way, your appreciation or otherwise of your own life and all these different

elements of it is forged by the factors mentioned above.

Depending on whether you have adopted a positive or negative approach, you will be

more, or less, self-confident and more, or less, able to react to events.

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1. Spiritual poison

Often, rather than acting, we are acted upon That is to say, we do not think, we do not

speak and we do not perform acts of our own will, but rather through the distorting mirror

of our conditioning.

This conditioning has shaped us, very gradually, into a personality that is not our own, one

that we believe to be the true "me".

Completely unaware of this programming, we act, confident that we are applying the best

solutions when, instead, these are only the results of a distortion of our mind.

Want some proof?

You need only take a good look at your own life to recognise this catastrophic situation.

Can you claim to be happy, right now?

Can you say that you have everything you need?

That you have no difficulties over money, love, luck, work ...?

Do you feel satisfied, fulfilled by your life?

Do you always feel positive?

In short, at this moment, as you read these lines: "Are you happy?"

If you are able HONESTLY to answer YES, then you can put down this introductory guide!

But if you are honest, you will have to recognize that, sadly, not everything works out for

the best in this world.

What more striking proof could there be that you are not yourself right now!

If it were your true personality talking now, you would be happy.

Your mind would be inspired only by positive thinking and your life would reflect this.

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Indeed, if your inner self could really speak, you wouldn't have a care in the world right

now. You would not even be asking yourself whether you were happy or unhappy, you'd

be so overwhelmingly successful and fulfilled!

However, it is clear that this is far from being the case.


Because at this moment, it is not the reaI YOU that is acting, but a caricature of you, a

being that is not really yourself and that is actually the result of all the misconceptions that

you have taken on board since the moment you were born.

We will call this your DOUBLE.

Fortunately, thanks to the Seven Secrets of Happiness, things will now finally change!

More quickly and dramatically than you can possibly imagine!

2. Programmed from birth

To fully understand what you have become, we invite you to take a journey back in time,

to the moment of your birth. Obviously, you do not remember it. According to

psychologists, our first conscious memories go back to somewhere around our third year.

And even these are just bits and pieces of memory that come back to you only if you think

about it. When you try to remember such far away events, all you get are fleeting images,

impressions ... blurred faces come to mind at the mention of your earliest days.

And yet, everything that ever happened to you is of great importance. In fact, even if you

don't like looking back on the past and you think you have finished with it, you are very

mistaken because it hasn't finished with you: you are its product!

You are impregnated and shaped by all the acts, ideas, emotions, words, impressions and

thoughts that you have experienced since the moment you emerged from the womb into

the light of day.

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Unconsciously, at the very least, the memory of the light, the smell, the touch of the

midwife's hands, those of the nurse to whom you were then passed ... before finally being

placed in your mother's arms ..., these impressions are all deeply ingrained in you, even

though you have no conscious memory of all this. And it is scientifically proven that

microbes from your immediate surroundings are absorbed into the body, especially into

the digestive tract, during the very first moments after birth.

Now, when you were newly born, you were like a clean sheet, without any conditioning,

apart from your genetic heritage, endowed with all the qualities necessary for success.

But from this point on, from the time of your birth, the psychological bombardment began.

Often with the best intentions in the world, your parents and grandparents began educating

you, instilling moral values, teaching you to walk, to sit, how to behave at table and also

to think, to speak, to reason "correctly".

These efforts, generally laudable, which are the duty of a family, nevertheless instilled in

you ways of thinking, speaking, acting that continue to characterise you today, whether

you are twenty, forty, sixty ... or eighty years old!

Obviously, no-one wants to cast doubt on the value of your education, which was

indispensable and has no doubt saved you from a lifetime of frustration as an uneducated

person, an asocial being, but it is important to recognise that all these psychological and

physical elements have contributed to shaping you and making you the person you are

today ...

To this family upbringing must be added the programming instilled in you at school, by

your circle of friends, close or otherwise, your social and physical activities, the sports you

played... This "training" continued as you grew because you didn't develop in a neutral


You are affected by the ethnic, religious, social or even philosophical criteria specific to

your country, your culture, your society, your continent, your time ...

All the events that have occurred since your birth, and even before, insofar as they have

conditioned your parents, your grandparents, your ancestors, have also influenced your

mind, your body, the moment of your birth ...

So, depending on the political regime you were born under or presently live under,

depending on whether you are living through or have lived through periods of war or peace,

social struggles, depending on your ideas, your commitment your thoughts, your words,

or your actions, you are what you are today.

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In the same way, your professional environment also has an influence on you. It is affected

by what studies you undertook, including both academic successes and academic failures

in given subjects. Similarly, if you have had little or no education, you are marked because

(either): you did not achieve the required level to proceed to further education, you feel a

sense of guilt or regret for having or not having followed a school or university course that

suited you.

Therefore, depending on your level of knowledge and your qualifications, you currently

have such and such a job. This has given rise to you adopting certain modes of thought,

of speaking and behaving which also mark you out, just like all your other conditioning.

You are, or you are not, creative, fulfilled, decisive ...

You get along well, or else you don't, with your supervisor, your colleagues ...

You are likely, or you are unlikely, to be considered for promotion, salary increase,

reassignment ...

Depending on your position and your salary or your income, you have or you don't have

the means to support your family, help your parents or your children, go on vacation, buy

a house, change cars regularly ...

In short, this set of factors has repercussions on you and your entourage whose reactions,

in turn, condition your attitude and your feelings about your life ... Endless other examples

could be given, but the point has been made.

By this time, you have doubtless understood the principle here: our whole life is a

continuous chain of cause and effect which, in turn, lead to further cause and effect, and

so on ...

We could compare our earthly journey to an endless chain, which in some cases,

moreover, doesn't even end with physical death, but continues influencing other lives,

whose number would depend on the degree of evolution reached in each of them. In other

words, if you evolve quickly in one life, the next will be more favourable and so on until we

become once again the perfect being that we were originally, the state to which we aspire,

deep inside. But that is another story!

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The Seven Secrets of Happiness, which will, of course, enhance your life in terms of love,

luck, money, health ... are ultimately intended to help your inner self to develop.

But, as mere mortals, in order to achieve that, we need to come up against real life, gain

experience, and develop in the correct way.

It is not a matter of asking you to reject everything, be it your education, your environment,

your parents, your job, your spiritual or political ideas, to stop seeing your friends, to

emigrate ... or even to change the way you dress!

But you do need to re-assess everything, separate the wheat from the chaff; identify those

ideas that are conditioning you, keeping you locked in your psychic prison with its invisible


Try to make those walls visible, so it becomes easier to destroy them.

This is the idea behind the Seven Secrets of Happiness!

They will help you to see clearly inside yourself, get rid of poisonous thoughts, protect you

from bad energies and attract instead good vibrations, whatever your age, your social

condition, your previous programming ... and your current situation!

3. Take stock of yourself

We can learn from our failures and weaknesses, so make sure you recognize your own

limitations. This will be the first step towards transforming them. Recognising our strengths

and weaknesses is the basis of all real attempts to change, as suggested through the

Seven Secrets of Happiness.

You have been judged worthy by higher, invisible worlds to receive these secrets.

However, powerful and omnipotent as they are, even these cannot take action in your

stead. You have, within you, the capacity to understand, assimilate and, above all, apply

the Seven Secrets of Happiness.

You are the only person who can study them and incorporate them into your daily life.

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I am sending you the Seven Keys to Happiness, but it's up to you to open the doors to a

happy, failure-free existence, blessed by spiritual and material success, the life that is

yours by right, as originally intended by Divine Providence (call this what you like,

according to your personal beliefs).

So, let's see how far you have understood the theory behind the Seven Secrets of


Fill out the questionnaire below, taking care to be completely honest. If you haven't quite

grasped one of the concepts outlined above, just go back and read it again until you have

grasped its meaning fully.

It's quite understandable if the principles underlying the Seven Secrets of Happiness seem

tricky, baffling or even difficult to accept ...

That's a good sign!

It proves that you are not yet in such a bad way, that you still have critical abilities,

motivation and dynamism ...

And this is fundamental if you are to understand the gist of the Seven Secrets of


This proves that they are being addressed to the right recipient!

You have been deemed worthy of receiving them because you still have a critical mind,

an essential tool for a successful existence. It is understandable that you react to my ideas

because these data and information are probably new to you.

You are not yet completely sleepwalking through life, as is unfortunately the case with

many people. This is a good thing for you and a shame for them. A day will come when

they, too, will be able to see the light. But for the moment, the light is trained on you.

Make the most of it because good luck like this doesn't come knocking at your door often

in the course of a lifetime.

Breathe deeply now, for a moment, to help you become completely calm (mental agitation

is always a bad counsellor) and ask yourself, who is really reacting at this moment: your

true inner being or the person you have become as a result of your conditioning since

birth, the person we call your DOUBLE?

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If you are sufficiently clairvoyant, you will understand that two tendencies are emerging

and clashing in you: on the one hand, your ME who believes, or is at least attracted by,

the deep meaning of our words; on the other, its illusory DOUBLE who feels threatened,

whom you will shortly challenge and get rid of!

Often, it is they who govern your actions. It is this DOUBLE, who has managed to make

you believe he is you, who inspires you with all those negative ideas that you believe are

your own.

You are so used to them that you have come to believe that you are them! It may even be

that you do not quite see the difference between your true inner being and that caricature

that ended up convincing you that it was you. We must learn now to distinguish ourselves

from them until we can finally get rid of them altogether. For the moment, start by

answering the following questions with YES or NO, and then see what you think.

Simply choose the answers that are appropriate for you.

o Do you feel that you are on the right track since receiving the Seven Secrets of



o Since receiving this book, has your negative state of mind altered?


o Were you in the habit of complaining about your fate without doing anything to

change it, up till now?


o Have you ever tried to change yourself by psychological, magical or other



o Have these attempts brought results?


o Do you have health, money, sentimental, work problems right now?


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o Do you plan to change this situation, thanks to the Seven Secrets of Happiness?


o Are you ready to make the necessary effort, including applying the Seven Secrets

of Happiness, to change the unlucky life you have been leading so far?


o Are you aware that it is not you who acts at present, but rather your Double who

controls your life and lives it for you?


o Are you satisfied with the results achieved by this DOUBLE up to now?


If you answered YES to questions 1-2-4-6-7-8-9 and NO to questions 3-5-10, you are an

optimal candidate to take full advantage of the Seven Secrets of Happiness.

If the opposite, it's time to find a solution to your problems!

If your answers are variable, it is not too late to change.

In short, whatever your answers, you will find it worthwhile to study the Seven Secrets of


Obviously, if you are an optimal candidate, you will make faster progress. The others will

also get there in the end but it will call for more effort, including re-reading and

understanding the theoretical part described above.

It's time to move on to the practical part.

A tip: come back to this little quiz as you progress and once again at the end of your

study of the Seven Secrets of Happiness.

For sure, you'll be surprised by the changes you will see compared to your first answers!

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The Seven Secrets of Happiness

Before you begin practising the Seven Secrets of Happiness, make sure you understand

the theory behind each one. Making good use of them, eradicating your problems, fulfilling

your wishes and, quite simply, your success in life, all depend on this.

Secret No. 1

Permanent protection against all mental assaults

Every day, without even realising it, you receive thousands of suggestions, thousands of

thoughts. Some of these thoughts are negative and pollute your subconscious. If someone

doesn't like you, they emit thoughts that reach you and destroy your self-confidence and

your chances of luck and success.

With this secret, suitably tailored for you, you will be permanently protected.

First of all, you must be aware of being a transmitter and receiver of thoughts, and thus an

energy sensor (thinking is primarily a form of energy). Of course, if you are one, everyone

else is too.

So, you receive thousands of thoughts every day from all over the planet (some people

believe that we also receive from extra-terrestrial sources!).

Usually, you cannot prevent this phenomenon, you do not know how or do not think of

doing it. However, this mental resistance is fundamental because, whilst some of these

thoughts are constructive, others are extremely harmful!

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So, you have to protect yourself, and all the more because they come from everywhere,

sometimes even people on the other side of the planet that you will never know, who do

not even know of your existence or of the harm done by their mental emissions!

If thoughts from strangers on the other side of the Earth can hurt you, then imagine the

damage that can be done by ideas generated by people around you or related to you

physically or emotionally. Their power for harm is proportional to the proximity of the bonds

that bind you to them.

Love and hate are two of the most powerful forces on Earth. Consider only that the former

makes the world go round, while the latter is responsible for most of the troubles, wars,

catastrophes, uprisings and enmities amongst people. Either in the past, or even right

now, you must have hated someone just as intensely as you have loved them! This is

because these two opposite feelings are, above all, a manifestation of the Fundamental

Energy that animates the universe.

Total protection ceremony against all mental assaults

The ceremony below will help you build a psychic protection barrier around yourself that

will repel all negative thoughts from any individual, near or far, whether they know of your

existence or not, be they emotionally or otherwise related to you or perfectly indifferent to


Before building this energy armour, it is a good idea to select a location for the rituals that

you will perform.

In this phase, we will create your sanctuary.

Choose a space, or a whole room if you have one, which will only be used when you

perform the ceremonies relating to your Seven Secrets of Happiness.

It must be pristine and scented with incense before you start.

You will only enter it dressed in clean or new clothes that you reserve exclusively for these


You will purify yourself by taking a bath first or, at the very least, you will have clean hands.

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The more you practice in this place, the more positive energy it will absorb and the quicker

you will achieve results.

The ceremony will be conducted as follows:

Sit or lie quietly in your sanctuary, where you must be free of disturbance for the next

fifteen minutes.

Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

Empty your mind and focus on your breathing.

When thoughts arise, do not pay attention to them, let them pass and return to

concentrating on your breathing.

When you exhale, say, "I'm breathing out, I'm aware I'm breathing out."

When you inhale, say, "I'm breathing in, I'm aware I'm breathing in."

Repeat this for five minutes or at least twenty breath cycles

(a cycle = one outwards breath followed by one inwards breath).

From the twenty-first outwards breath, start relaxing your body.

At each cycle, mentally project your breath towards a body part that you will also relax,

physically and not just mentally.

Starting from the feet and working upwards to the head, so,

"I breathe out, I relax my feet. I breathe in, I leave my feet relaxed "

"I breathe out, I relax my calves. I breathe in, I leave my calves relaxed "

"I breathe out, I relax my thighs. I breathe in, I leave my thighs relaxed »

"I breath out, I relax my pelvis. I breath in, I leave my pelvis relaxed "

Continue, right up to the third eye, relaxing in order: the belly, the chest, the lower, middle

and upper back, the hands, the forearms, the biceps, the shoulders, the neck, the jaw, the

eyes, the back of the skull, the top of the head, the forehead and the third eye, located at

the root of the nose between the eyebrows.

Now imagine that in the middle of your chest a slightly translucent, yellow bubble is slowly


Focus all your attention on this. Calmly visualise it. Admire its perfect circular shape and

translucent yellow hue.

Make it grow until it completely swallows you up.

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Imagine you are bathed in its light until you feel a sense of calm and serenity.

Repeat the following magic words five times, with conviction:

"Oh you, vibratory bubble, you protect me against all bad energy and you only allow to

pass thoughts that are good for me.

Protect me permanently against the harmful effects of evil thoughts.

Oh You, Celestial Powers (or give them your preferred name), this psychic protection is

of your doing. It takes its qualities from you. Make it effective at all times, even long after

this ceremony."

Concentrate again on your breathing. After three or four breathing cycles, open your eyes

and return to your normal state of consciousness.

You are now under the vibratory protection of the Celestial Powers. In the course of the

day, as soon as you feel a mental attack or if you experience unexplained mental

discomfort, visualize your protective bubble. Likewise, you may view your protective

bubble whenever you like, but at least once a day, in addition to during your ceremony. If

possible, repeat this ritual once a week or every two weeks to reinforce the good vibes

that now surround you.

Secret No. 2

Restoring your vital energy

Vital energy is the life force that animates you. This life force, this vital energy has been

altered over the years and that is why, today, you often feel uncomfortable or tired for no

apparent reason. With the help of this secret, you will find the necessary vitality to regain

your self-confidence and achieve your potential.

Just as I explained the First Secret, I will now explain this life force to you more in detail

and then we will move on to the practical part. To understand this vital energy, you need

to understand how the universe works. Its existence is underpinned by the presence of an

immense, invisible force, indescribably and immeasurably powerful, which created the

world we know today.

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We are not going to go into any theological, spiritual or scientific discussion here to

determine its exact nature or even to name it. It is referred to as God, Allah, Yahweh, the

gods and goddesses, the forces of Nature, the eternal vibration, the great architect of the

universe ... even as Chance, by the great majority of the scientific world. You can call this

power whatever you like. It really doesn't matter. The important thing is to be aware of its

existence, which constantly manifests itself around you. It's not difficult if you keep your

physical eyes slightly open and your inner eyes wide open. This Ultimate Frequency IS:

it's a fact. It created everything that has existed, that exists, and that will exist until the end

of time.

All of us are the result of this. We have it within us and we are permanently bathed in these

waves of energy. And, amazingly, even the most worldly researchers in astronomy,

physics or mathematics admit its existence, even if they apply names of their own, the

best known, already mentioned, being chance that, to use a well-worn phrase "works out

well", so extraordinarily precise are the physical, chemical, and mathematical laws, and

discoveries made up to now.

Looking again at current theory about the creation of the universe, it is said that this

originated from a gigantic, primordial explosion, called Big Bang, from which came

everything that exists and that will ever exist.

Indeed, according to this concept, in the beginning there was a gigantic, stellar "soup"

from which galaxies, solar systems, planets, life on Earth, minerals, the first cell, plants,

animals ... all emerged. including mankind.

So, there is a thread running from the birth of the universe that is linked even to the tiniest,

single cell, that is made of basically the same substance. A famous astronomer, Hubert

Reeves, even used the term "stardust" to describe our make-up and link us to our earliest


Obviously, it must have taken immense power to achieve this evolution, therefore a

fundamental energy was required to link the successive stages of the world's formation

and our subsequent appearance, whether that of the first man, the earliest peoples or of

we, ourselves, today.

What's more, this basic, vital energy runs through all of us; it is not only fundamental to

the continued existence of the universe, it also permeates our every thought and the force

of all our words and actions is proportional to the amount of vital energy they contain.

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In short: the more vital energy you have, the more you have the strength to think, speak

and, above all, act.

Tips for attracting vital energy

Whilst vital energy never runs out, is infinite, has no beginning or end, our ability to attract,

handle and use it, on the other hand, varies.

This depends on both internal and external factors.

Attracting vital energy works on three main principles.

Healthy Living, Good diet, Energetic practice

We will cover the first two principles briefly and then look more closely at the last one,

which is fundamental from the point of view of the Seven Secrets of Happiness. To

recharge with this vital energy, it is useless to recite a ritualistic formula. In any case, its

mere repetition would not be sufficient. It is better to start with our concrete lifestyle tips,

without altering the way you manage your daily routine.

Smooth reception of vital energy depends on physical factors that are absolutely essential

and cannot be substituted by spiritual exercises.

In the first place, it is important to avoid unnecessary loss of vital energy.

We are all endowed with a certain amount of this energy at birth. Only, we often waste it

and don't know how to recover it again! Causes of waste are fatigue, illness, a frenetic

lifestyle, bad diet, stressful life events (mourning, separation, accidents, natural or human

disasters ...) but also all the negative emotions: envy, anger, hate, physical or verbal

abuse, jealousy, anger ...

Whilst some loss is inevitable (the very fact of living considerably depletes our energy,

through accidents, illnesses, bereavements, natural or human disasters), some other

causes are easily preventable.

Only, it is up to us to recognise this. Already, if you regularly practice psycho-body

relaxation and mental deprogramming, you will have improved self-control and you will be

better able to avoid energy loss.

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How many times in your life could you have avoided, for example, getting angry, losing

your temper, not attacking, insulting or feeling jealousy, hatred, or negative thoughts

towards someone or other?

A good lifestyle means one that is regular, avoiding continual excesses. This does not

mean you cannot occasionally lapse, from time to time, but this must be the exception and

not the rule. You can spend the odd sleepless night, partying, eating or drinking more than

usual, but still staying in control of yourself.

Indulge in any pleasures that make you "happy", but without overdoing it because, on the

one hand, you will not enjoy them anymore and, on the other hand, permanent

hyperactivity would prematurely drain your vital energy.

It is important for you to know your own limits.

You have started working towards this with the mental relaxation and deprogramming

exercises. You will increase the effectiveness of your training by keeping a close eye on

your lifestyle to ensure you don't exhaust your energy reserves too quickly. If you lead a

balanced lifestyle, which you can do by following the tips above (healthy lifestyle, good

nutrition), you will be continually renewing your life force.

Finally, I recommend the practice of an energy discipline, such as relaxation, light

gymnastics, yoga, or Chinese methods like Qi Gong and Tai Chi Chuan ...

All of these mind-body activities draw the energy of the universe to your body to

strengthen, maintain or recover good health, fortify your immune system and increase your


~ 18 ~

Secret No. 3

Have a magnetic personality

This secret is very important because it enables you to awaken your potential for success

and develop your vital magnetism, safe from psychological attacks now that you are

protected by regularly practicing Secret No. 1.

This way, you have plenty of self-confidence. Thanks to this secret, you will awaken the

"giant" that lies dormant within you and you will be able to come out tops in all areas of


The capacity to emit and receive thought derives directly from the electrical activity of the


As such, this faculty must be considered quite natural.

From now on, consider all thought as a parcel of energy. You will learn to control it, channel

it and direct it to a specific person for the required purpose The inexhaustible source of

these projections is your mind, with the help of your brain. Now safe from negative

energies (thanks to Secret No. 1), you will discover and develop your patent or hidden

qualities, whether known or unknown to you at present.

With the following two exercises, you will develop a magnetic personality that will

spontaneously attract the right energies and other people to you.

Quality Detection Exercise

This exercise will not be difficult for you because the first part goes over familiar ground if

you have been practicing, in particular Secret No. 1.

Indeed, any true exercise of inner improvement is based on profound physical and

psychological relaxation, which opens up the inexhaustible reservoir of our unconscious.

This is the source of everything we need to achieve fulfilment in all areas of life.

The ceremony will be conducted as follows:

Sit or lie quietly in your sanctuary, where you must be free of disturbance for the next

fifteen minutes.

Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

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Empty your mind and focus on your breathing.

When thoughts arise, do not pay attention to them, let them pass and return to

concentrating on your breathing.

When you exhale, say, "I'm breathing out, I'm aware I'm breathing out."

When you inhale, say, "I'm breathing in, I'm aware I'm breathing in."

Repeat this for five minutes or at least twenty breath cycles

(a cycle = one outwards breath followed by one inwards breath).

From the twenty-first outwards breath, start relaxing your body.

At each cycle, mentally project your breath towards a body part that you will also relax,

physically and not just mentally.

Starting from the feet and working upwards to the head, so,

"I breathe out, I relax my feet. I breathe in, I leave my feet relaxed "

"I breathe out, I relax my calves. I breathe in, I leave my calves relaxed "

"I breathe out, I relax my thighs. I breathe in, I leave my thighs relaxed »

"I breath out, I relax my pelvis. I breath in, I leave my pelvis relaxed "

Continue, right up to the third eye, relaxing in order: the belly, the chest, the lower, middle

and upper back, the hands, the forearms, the biceps, the shoulders, the neck, the jaw, the

eyes, the back of the skull, the top of the head, the forehead and the third eye, located at

the root of the nose between the eyebrows.

Once in this state of relaxation, say while addressing your subconscious:

"Which are my main qualities and which are the ones I need to succeed in my life?"

Then let five minutes pass during which you will focus intensely on all the thoughts flowing

out from your subconscious and relating to the question asked.

Also mention the qualities you would like to have. If your mind gets distracted and ideas

arise that have nothing to do with your request, focus on your question once again.

~ 20 ~

At the end of this time, open your eyes and write down all the qualities suggested by your

subconscious or that you wish to develop, with as much detail as possible on how to

express them.

If you have not collected as many details as you would like, repeat this exercise by asking

your subconscious to suggest how to apply these qualities in everyday life.

Exercise to Stimulate your Qualities

After identifying the main qualities necessary to have a magnetic personality, practice the

following ritual.

Sit or lie quietly in your sanctuary, where you must be free of disturbance for the next

fifteen minutes.

Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

Empty your mind and focus on your breathing.

When thoughts arise, do not pay attention to them, let them pass and return to

concentrating on your breathing.

When you exhale, say, "I'm breathing out, I'm aware I'm breathing out." When you inhale,

say, "I'm breathing in, I'm aware I'm breathing in."

Repeat this for five minutes or at least twenty breath cycles (one cycle = one expiration

followed by one breath).

From the twenty-first outwards breath, start relaxing your body. At each cycle, mentally

project your breath towards a body part that you will also relax, physically and not just


Starting from the feet and working upwards to the head, so,

"I breathe out, I relax my feet. I breathe in, I leave my feet relaxed "

"I breathe out, I relax my calves. I breathe in, I leave my calves relaxed "

"I breathe out, I relax my thighs. "I breathe in, I leave my thighs relaxed"

~ 21 ~

"I breath out, I relax my pelvis. "I breath in, I leave my pelvis relaxed "

Continue, right up to the third eye, relaxing in order: the belly, the chest, the lower, middle

and upper back, the hands, the forearms, the biceps, the shoulders, the neck, the jaw, the

eyes, the back of the skull, the top of the head, the forehead and the third eye, located at

the root of the nose between the eyebrows.

Once in this state of deep relaxation, take advantage of the level of consciousness

reached to solicit your subconscious.

Take the first quality on your list, the one that you think is most fundamental to having a

magnetic personality, imagine or describe how you would like this quality to change your


For example, say: "By having a more resolute character, I will be better able to make the

right decisions in my work. This will draw attention to me, with all the attendant benefits:

salary increase, promotion, reassignment ... "

For at least five minutes, visualize yourself enjoying these benefits.

This will deeply implant this positive programming in your conscious and your


The aspirations pursued will surely materialize if you practice this exercise regularly.

Secret No. 4

How to be loved and appreciated by everyone

This secret will be one of the keys to your future success.

It won't be news to you that love, friendship and feelings are of paramount importance in

your life. With this secret, you will have an extraordinary power over the feelings of others.

If you want to find love, meet your soulmate or just make friends, this secret will bring you

the greatest satisfaction. One of the secrets of success is to be liked by as many people

as possible. This doesn't mean that you need to humble yourself, bow and scrape or

compromise your dignity because, if you were to do this, you would not feel at all

comfortable, if you have any pride at all. What's more, this kind of behaviour eventually

works against those who end up lowering themselves once too often.

~ 22 ~

It is better to arouse in others love, friendship or admiration through your attitude and the

power of mental magnetism.

The importance of attitude

The most important thing is to create positive feelings through your way of thinking,

speaking and acting. These three are all of equal importance. Even if you think ill of

someone, do not say so to anybody because that person, even if you think they wouldn't,

might go and repeat your words to the interested person, putting you in an uncomfortable

situation or causing irremediable harm. Be severe, but fair, in the way you speak and act.

People forgive severity, which indicates rectitude of mind and character, but they don't

forgive injustice. Even if some decisions are difficult, they may or may not go down well

but they will be understood. Whereas, if you exploit someone, if you treat them badly or if

you are unfair to them, you risk making an enemy for yourself, sometimes for a long time

to come. Who knows what the future may bring?

Today's "nobody" may be tomorrow's "big shot". How many people have paid the price for

underestimating someone who later became their supervisor or from whom they needed

to ask for help! This does not mean you should be overly obsequious with everyone but,

rather, you should treat everyone fairly, by the standards pertaining in your professional,

cultural, social, political, and family circles. Those who reach the top are generally those

who have managed to ally themselves with as many people as possible and have avoided

accumulating resentment and hatred against themselves. This is different from the envy

and jealousy that you will inevitably arouse from having succeeded in various areas of life.

This kind of resentment is felt by mediocre people, unable to change their own

circumstances, who get satisfaction from hating others in order to disguise their

helplessness. You shouldn't fear them much because you are protected from their

negative energies by your practice of Secret No. 1.

~ 23 ~

The power of mental magnetism

Another asset is higher-than-average mental magnetism.

Those who succeed have often made use of their magnetic power or spontaneously

exploited it from birth. Mental magnetism is indispensable for achieving and recognising

happiness. This magnetic power bends events and people to your will. For some, it is a

gift that develops naturally, for others, like you, it is a question of working on it. There's

nothing to worry about! This is done simply by practicing regularly, every day if possible,

the next small exercise.

But before developing your mental magnetism, it is important to know the basic laws,

which are:

Law No. 1

Success in influencing from afar depends on projecting images and not ideas.

Law No. 2

Motivation is the main factor affecting the efficacy of mental suggestion.

Law No. 3

The degree of suggestibility of the person influenced is the second determining factor in the efficacy of mental suggestion.

Law No. 4

Regular and brief mental projections, issued at the right moment, are more effective than long, irregular projections.

Law No. 5

Continued use of influence from afar always ends up by overcoming the strongest psychic defences.

These five laws are the pillars of your learning.

Study them until they are engraved in your mind forever.

~ 24 ~

These laws of remote suggestion will be your Bible of success, not only for applying this

secret, but also for numbers 5, 6 and 7.

They will be useful to you throughout your life. If you are able to memorize them,

understand them and practice them, they will be major assets for your success and


So, read them but, above all, understand them and apply them!

All the same, since we know this calls for considerable changes in your way of thinking,

we will provide you with guidance on how to apply them. That way, you will be able to use

them to your advantage throughout your life.

For now, just practice the following little exercise to attract your preferred ambition from

amongst: love, friendship, professional, social or political favours.

First choose your desired goal and then the person to influence, then proceed as follows:

If you wish to influence someone, any psychic projection must be accompanied by a

visualization, because the impact of an image on the consciousness is greater than the

impact of a simple sentence. This is the meaning of Law No. 1.

Prepare each visualization carefully and avoid cluttering it up with too much detail.

Make it up using some specific information. Let's say you want to seduce someone.

Prepare in advance four images corresponding to the four phases of your mental


Image No. 1: Imagine yourself appearing on the psychic screen of the person in question.

Image No. 2: Imagine this person welcoming you.

Image No. 3: Play out the way you want to implant a new idea in their mind.

Image No. 4: Visualize the effect of your suggestion.

~ 25 ~

This would mean, in practical terms:

1st step: appearing on the person's mental screen

Imagine yourself in their house, if you know them, otherwise, in your own house.

Visualize this image in your mind for as long as possible, with as few items as possible in

the scene in order not to disrupt your concentration, for example: you and this person,

sitting on a couch.

2nd step: Make them look friendly in the picture

Imagine yourself on the couch next to them; the person is smiling, relaxed, welcoming.

As before, visualize the scene as if the person in question was really in front of you.

3rd step: tell them how you feel

Imagine yourself looking confident and speaking with a firm and persuasive tone. At the

same time, repeat aloud the words that you would use.

For example: "X (name them), I want to (select your preference): have an affair, make love

with you, go on a date with you because you are (here, be imaginative and say nice things,

expressing your love, your desire, or anything else you think appropriate) "

Once you have managed to work out a clear and continuous visualization in your mind,

project this image resolutely and repeatedly to the subject, even if they are nowhere near


The strength of your conviction will determine the success of your mental projection (Law

No. 2)!

4th stage: Visualise them assenting

This is the final phase and the most important part of your remote magnetic operation.

Visualize a scene where the person responds favourably to you, or even grants you what

you want immediately.

~ 26 ~

Imagine the scene as if you were truly experiencing it.

You almost feel the softness of their skin, its natural smell, its scent ...

Repeat this magical operation until you achieve the desired result while checking at each

repetition that you are following the Five Laws of Magnetic Influence from afar.

Secret No. 5

How to bring good luck into your life

This secret is a very important one.

You will be able to create luck in your life. To get what you want, for example, that big

gambling win you have always dreamt of.

Normally, if you have carefully applied the first four secrets of Happiness, you will already

have seen your life begin to change, things getting better, or even some luck coming into

your life.

If this hasn't happened, or if you want to increase the effect, it is important to understand

what luck is, in order for it to really come into your life in a dramatic way.

To quote a famous saying: "Fortune favours the brave"!

Nothing could be truer, once you understand what the word "luck" really means. In reality,

when we use this term, we usually confuse two words: luck and chance. And this confusion

often leads to misfortune!

Indeed, most people think "you're either lucky or you're not!"

And they add, "that's the way it is and there's nothing to be done about it."

What is worse, luck comes to people indiscriminately, whether they deserve it or not,

whether they are honest or corrupt!

Nothing could be farther from the truth than these misconceptions that continue to do so

much harm. They lead to useless attempts to attract luck, involving superstition rather than

real luck, which is also known as Lady Luck or Good Fortune. So, for instance, people use

rabbits’ feet, horseshoes, four-leaf clovers and other talismans ... that never attract luck

except ... by chance!

~ 27 ~

In fact, going back to the expression "Fortune favours the brave", luck arises, inspired by

your attitude, that is to say by your thoughts, your words and your actions.

If these are positive, you will inevitably attract luck to yourself.

Otherwise, you will run after it vainly for your whole life!

So, think, talk and act positively and you will be lucky. Otherwise, it's a waste of time. This

is not some nebulous theory but a simple recognition of the universal laws of chance, even

of the scientifically recognised physical principles of the concept of cause/effect. Viewed

from a psychological point of view, this means that the strength and intention of an action,

but also of a word and an action, determine the result obtained.

If you put petrol in a car, you can start the engine.

If you put water, the engine will stall!

It's all about using the right fuel, both for the car and for yourself. Petrol for the former,

positivity for you.

It is the scientific application of the principle of cause/effect.

What's more, if you read interviews with people who have hit it lucky, it is striking that the

overwhelming majority are just ordinary people, with a positive outlook, who do no harm,

live normal lives, and are delighted to receive, for example, some winnings because this

will enable them to achieve their dreams at just the right time, whilst they were

unemployed, with relatives needing help ...

Another point to note about their luck, they really, really wanted a big win so that they

could satisfy some longing that they had been feeling, often over many years.

And this takes us back to the philosophy of at least four of the Five Laws of Mental

Influence from afar!

Law No. 1: The success of influence from afar, even when it is involuntary, as is often the

case for lucky people who have never even heard of it, is based on images, not on ideas.

~ 28 ~

And so, these people have sometimes pursued their goal for months or even years.

They imagined it, anchored it within themselves and visualized it so many times that they

ended up attracting luck towards themselves.

For example, these lucky winners may have been gambling for years, with great conviction

and regularity, always focusing hard on their dream or their ambition.

They have been applying Law No. 2: "Motivation is the first determinant of the

effectiveness of mental suggestion. But also, Law No. 4: "Regular and brief mental

projections, issued at the right moment, are more effective than long, irregular projections."

Lucky people have thus constantly stimulated their power of influence from afar and have

not been content only to think about their dreams from time to time. What's more, they

have never, or very rarely, doubted that their dream would come true.

Indeed, the thing that very often prevents us from being lucky is that we don't believe in it

and wish for it enough.

Never doubt the existence of luck or the possibility that fortune may smile on you,

otherwise you will ruin your own chances.

When you are doubtful, you create a layer of negative energy that will come between you

and your luck. The more doubtful you are, the more bricks you will add to the wall you are

building. That way, you are sure to have only bad luck. With that attitude, you will go from

bad to worse.

To avoid this and help dissolve those layers of harmful vibration blocking you from the luck

you deserve, apply the following tips.

Pick a goal! Luck is a powerful notion, but a vague one. You have to give it a goal to focus


Pursue this goal by any means possible, without ever giving way to doubts. If necessary,

immediately counter every negative though with an "antidote thought". For example, if the

thought "I will never get lucky! » pops into your mind, immediately say, "I, too, can be


Repeat this phrase over and over until you are convinced of it.

If you do it with enough conviction, you will eventually defeat all your poisonous thoughts.

~ 29 ~

Practice mental projections of luck by applying the Laws of Influence from afar.

Encourage luck to come to you by adapting the ritual of Secret No. 4 to your goal and

practicing, regularly and consistently, blocking any doubts, until you achieve the desired


With this constructive attitude, the luck that is destined for you by the celestial plan will

soon flow into your life.

Secret No. 6

How to create positive events in your life

This secret is actually a set of secret visualization and concentration techniques.

With these very simple techniques, you will be able to achieve almost anything you wish.

You will actually be the master of your own destiny.

These techniques, which, I repeat, are very simple to use, will bring you results that will

amaze and astound you.

The results will be beyond your wildest dreams!

You really are the master of your destiny, but often you don't realise it or you doubt it,

because of all the conditioning that has formed this being who lives, thinks and speaks

like you, but who is not really you!

The one we call your DOUBLE. Your double makes suggestions that lead you to doubt

your capacity for autonomy, independence, free choice, as a way of maintaining

dominance over you. Sometimes, in weaker or less guarded moments, proof that your

double is not indestructible, constructive ideas will slip through to you but these are

destructive or even deadly for your double.

From time to time, it may happen that you feel good, strong, superior, optimistic, dynamic,

able to be lucky or to change your life, to be happy ... But, alas, these moments of lucidity

don't last long because you are immediately assailed by negative parasitic ideas, the

feeling that you will always be unhappy, sad, alone, dependent, unable to change, that

this is your fate...

~ 30 ~

And then, once more, you identify yourself with this tyrannical DOUBLE, who fools you

and keeps muddling you ... to the point that you think that they are YOU!

And this is the Double's weak point.

Now that you know that they are not YOU, you can fight them and get rid of them! They

know it's the beginning of the end for them.

Practice the Seven Secrets of Happiness and you will win out in the end.

If you have already practiced the five previous secrets, you are already more clairvoyant

than before and you have understood that you are not that deceitful DOUBLE. You have

probably already eradicated some of your conditioning, or even changed your life.

Continue to combat your Inner Enemy with the practices included in the Seven Secrets of

Happiness and you will be forever rid of the heavy burden you have borne since birth,

maybe for decades on end.

To gain full control of your life, do the following:

Set yourself some goals in the main areas of your life. Practice the relevant visualizations.

Setting your goals

It is important firstly to determine your goals in the main areas of your life. Naturally, you

are unlikely to be successful and to attract good luck if you don’t know what you really

want! No-one else can decide this for you.

Only you can know what is the right direction for you. When you take your car, you know

where you are going otherwise you would drive around aimlessly until the fuel ran out.

Don't live your life that way, don't go first right then left, wasting all your vital energy. Take

the bull by the horns now and set your life goals.

~ 31 ~

Fill in the spaces between the questions with what you wish for.

What do you want in your emotional life, in love, sexuality, seduction ...?

What do you want in your professional life?

What do you want in your social life?

What do you want in terms of friendships?

What property do you want to have (house, flat, other property, garden ...)?

What material goods do you want (car, boat, computer and devices, luxury goods


~ 32 ~

Practising constructive visualization

Constructive visualization is about making your life wishes come true through the creative

visualization described below:

To do this, proceed as follows:

Sit or lie quietly in your sanctuary, where you must be free of disturbance for the next

fifteen minutes.

Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

Empty your mind and focus on your breathing. When thoughts arise, do not pay attention

to them, let them pass and get back to concentrating on your breathing.

When you exhale, say, "I'm breathing out, I'm aware I'm breathing out."

When you inhale, say, "I'm breathing in, I'm aware I'm breathing in."

Repeat this for five minutes or at least twenty breath cycles (one cycle = one expiration

followed by one breath).

From the twenty-first outwards breath, start relaxing your body.

At each cycle, mentally project your breath towards a body part that you will also relax,

physically and not just mentally.

Starting from the feet and working upwards to the head, so,

"I breathe out, I relax my feet. I breathe in, I leave my feet relaxed "

"I breathe out, I relax my calves. I breathe in, I leave my calves relaxed "

"I breathe out, I relax my thighs. I breathe in, I leave my thighs relaxed »

"I breath out, I relax my pelvis. "I breath in, I leave my pelvis relaxed "

Continue, right up to the third eye, relaxing in order: the belly, the chest, the lower, middle

and upper back, the hands, the forearms, the biceps, the shoulders, the neck, the jaw, the

eyes, the back of the skull, the top of the head, the forehead and the third eye, located at

the root of the nose between the eyebrows.

~ 33 ~

Once in this state of deep relaxation, take advantage of the level of consciousness

reached to solicit your subconscious.

Think of your answer to the first area of the previous exercise (for example, what kind of

flat you would like...)

Imagine yourself inside your new flat, arranged just the way you want it. For example,

imagine its size, its rooms, its furnishings...

The stronger the emotional impression of this scene, the better it will be implanted in your

spirit and the greater the chances of making it happen for real.

Imagine this scene for at least five minutes, and wish very hard for it to come about. This

will deeply implant this positive programming in both your conscious and your


Once you have done this for your first wish, move on to the second on your list and so on.

The results of doing this are truly amazing and come about quickly, if you practise this

exercise really regularly.

Secret No. 7

How to develop your intuition and your psychic powers

You are already a very intuitive person and very receptive.

So, when you use this secret, expect some big surprises.

Your capacity for intuition will be so strong that you will be able to read other people's

thoughts. No one will be able to lie to you anymore. You will also be able to foresee

upcoming events.

Your intuition will warn you of events that are in store for you.

Everybody has significant psychic potential.

We all have extraordinary psychic powers but, most of the time, they are not active, we

don't know about them or we don't know how to develop them.

~ 34 ~

We are all able to develop our intuitive potential, to read other people's thoughts


We may also be able to foresee future events, especially those that concern us directly


We also have other concealed powers of which we are unaware: telekinesis (moving

objects from a distance, astral travel, duplication, psychic powers, levitation ...).

The main obstacle to discovering and using these is always ... yourself! Or, to be more

exact, the DOUBLE who is living your life, cunningly making you believe they were YOU

... But not anymore.

The fact is, your practise of the previous six Secrets of Happiness has opened your eyes.

This DOUBLE is in great danger, and indeed, has almost completely disappeared from

your life. They may still cling on and continue to spread venom in your mind but you are

no longer their slave. You realised they were there, you unmasked them and they now

know they are on borrowed time.

However, beware because a wounded beast can still be dangerous and can land some

deadly blows especially if it feels that its end is near and it has nothing to gain (now that

you are fully aware of its existence and its grip on you).

Your DOUBLE has nothing left to lose. Also, it is possible that they may still try to harm

you because, from being a parasite, they have now become an enemy since you are no

longer their dupe. So, stay on your guard and practise the six above-mentioned Secrets

of Happiness, regularly and with determination.

Secret No. 1: Set up permanent protection against all mental assaults so you are

permanently protected against psychic attacks, especially those of your DOUBLE.

Secret No. 2: Restore your vital energy so you are always able to call on great reserves

of inner power, enabling you to repel your DOUBLE, completely and with ease.

Secret No. 3: Have a magnetic personality to maximize your capacity to repel the Enemy.

~ 35 ~

Secret No. 4: How to be loved and appreciated by everyone, offsetting the hatred of your

DOUBLE with an immense loving force that is always infinitely superior to any negative


Secret No. 5: How to attract good luck into your life

Secret No. 6: How to create positive events in your life, to make you happier and protect

you from bad luck and unfortunate situations that might enable your evil DOUBLE to make

a comeback.

No longer being a slave to your conditioning, you will continuously create a favourable

environment in which you can develop, free your mind and awaken your extrasensory


You will then be able, spontaneously and without effort, to decipher other people's

thoughts and foresee future events concerning you. Nevertheless, if your psychic powers

still seem to you insufficiently developed or you feel that some, which you consider

necessary, are not yet awoken, perform the following magical ceremony regularly, until

you obtain the degree of extrasensory capacities desired.

If a psychic power is not triggered spontaneously after you have applied the first six

Secrets of Happiness or after regularly performing the following ritual for, say one month,

do not continue. It is very likely that your motives for owning this power are not strong or

positive enough, or that the moment for triggering it has not yet come. Try again later,

when circumstances are more favourable. Don't worry about how to determine the RIGHT

moment. You will feel it intuitively.

Psychic Powers Stimulation Ceremony

Before this ceremony, make a list of the powers you would like to have and, above all, list

your motivations.

For the reasons mentioned above, develop only those powers which you desire for

altruistic reasons, never for selfish ones.

~ 36 ~

Sit or lie quietly in your sanctuary, where you must be free of disturbance for the next

fifteen minutes.

Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

Empty your mind and focus on your breathing.

When thoughts arise, do not pay attention to them, let them pass and get back to

concentrating on your breathing.

When you exhale, say, "I'm breathing out, I'm aware I'm breathing out."

When you inhale, say, "I'm breathing in, I'm aware I'm breathing in."

Repeat this for five minutes or at least twenty breath cycles

(a cycle = one outwards breath followed by one inwards breath).

From the twenty-first outwards breath, start relaxing your body.

At each cycle, mentally project your breath towards a body part that you will also relax,

physically and not just mentally.

Starting from the feet and working upwards to the head, so,

"I breathe out, I relax my feet. I breathe in, I leave my feet relaxed "

"I breathe out, I relax my calves. I breathe in, I leave my calves relaxed "

"I breathe out, I relax my thighs. I breathe in, I leave my thighs relaxed »

"I breath out, I relax my pelvis. "I breath in, I leave my pelvis relaxed "

Continue, right up to the third eye, relaxing in order: the belly, the chest, the lower, middle

and upper back, the hands, the forearms, the biceps, the shoulders, the neck, the jaw, the

eyes, the back of the skull, the top of the head, the forehead and the third eye, located at

the root of the nose between the eyebrows.

Once in this state of deep relaxation, take advantage of the level of consciousness

reached to solicit your subconscious. Take the first power on your list (for example:

telepathy ...)

~ 37 ~

Imagine yourself successfully practising telepathy for a worthy purpose. For example:

reading other people's thoughts, from afar. The stronger the emotional impression of this

scene, the better it will be implanted in your spirit and the greater the chances of your

telepathic powers being awakened.

Imagine this scene for at least five minutes, and wish very hard for it to come about. This

will deeply implant this positive programming in both your conscious and your


Complete the ceremony by turning to face East, the rising sun, and say five times in a

determined tone, "Oh, Divine Providence (or use another name, according to your beliefs),

give me this gift of ... (in our example: telepathy) because it will allow me to know the

intentions of others, including my enemies and to counter their vile attacks. As I wait to

receive this gift, I thank you, Oh Divine Providence. I know you will bestow it on me if I

think, speak and act positively. "

Once your first wish has been granted, move on to the second on your list and so on. The

results of all this are truly amazing and come about quickly, if you practise this exercise

really regularly.

I hope that reading these pages will have been of benefit to you and will have enabled you

to open your life to Happiness.

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