Download - The 5 W’s

Page 1: The 5 W’s

The 5 W’s........

WHEN: In 2011, The U.S. Institute of Peace occupies its state of the art facilities:; this signal event, inspired by various Presidents since George Washington, will serve as the principal catalyst for our launch, via its ‘Centers of Innovation, Science, Technology & Peacebuilding’;WHAT/WHY: See Xmas Day email;WHERE: Cyberspace (see Slide 2 for Stages of Development);WHO: The Children, (and their ‘adult’ allies: e.g., Yoko Ono, et. Al.) pre-teen, as Delegates, from every nation participating in Sister Cities the words of our First Secretary General of RejuveNationz: “Why can’t we be friends with......everyone? Everyone’s got something cool about ‘em, it’s all about being child-like, not childish, duh!!”

Page 2: The 5 W’s

‘‘Video’, Game...Theory--In ActionVideo’, Game...Theory--In Action• After the 5 W’s, now, the HOW:• STAGE 1--Identify & Select (via school

administration) English-speaking boy/girl/other candidates as Delegates in ‘Sister City’ venues worldwide, via

• STAGE 2--Negotiate, once media-visible, video conferencing in-kind charitable donation(s) of technical facilities, e.g., Skype, Cisco,;

• STAGE 3--’Clone’ San Francisco Chartering of extant U.N.; Charter based upon Bucky Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’, his blueprint for the children/leaders of the future, via ancient tweet format: the haiku; game theory as methodology for implementing Fuller’s strategies, via Yale University,

• STAGE 4--Major international TV media positioned, via ‘exclusive’ scoop, to cover launch, with ‘over-to-you’ Delegates hand-offs of reading/(virtual) signing of the Charter;

• STAGE 5--Regular weekend video feed 52 weeks a year, with Delegates in rotating local venues w/in Sister City Facilities comprising virtual RejuveNationz Global HQs.First (Muir Woods)‘Virtual’ Meeting of U.N.

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