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Thameslink Programme

People Plan

Authorised for Issue:

TLP Major Programme Director

Document owner: Rachael Evans

This document is the property of Network Rail. It shall not be reproduced in whole or part nor disclosed to a third party without the written permission of the author.

Copyright 2017 Network Rail.

This document is controlled ONLY when viewed in Thameslink’s Integrated Management System.

Published & Issued by: Network Rail, Thameslink Programme, James Forbes House, 27 Great Suffolk Street, London, SE1 0NS.

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Compliance This document is mandated upon the Network Rail Thameslink Programme. It shall be complied with from date of issue.

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Supply Copies of this document are available electronically via the Thameslink Programme’s IMS website.

Control This document shall be deemed uncontrolled once printed.

Version History Issue Date Amendments and summary of changes 1.0 April 2013 Issued following TLP Exec review and issued to IMS for review and

upload to the IMS system 02 Dec 2015 3. People Plan Strategy Principles

Removal of the 10th Strategy initiative ‘Future career path teams/specialist specific to TLP’ as now incorporated in strategy points, 1 and 4. 5.1 Strategy Central Direction Amended to highlight change in IP and HR central strategies. 5.2 Initiative Risks & Dependencies- The IP Risk Register Amendment to highlight the introduction and interdependency with the IP HR Risk Register 10. Employee Engagement Amendment to highlight the change to the NR engagement service provider from Gallop (Q12) to Your Voice. Section also highlights the current and future TLP engagement strategy. 11. RACI

03 July 2017 3. People Plan Strategy Principles 3.1.1 Review of the key principles: Update of points 1, 2, 3 and 4. Amendment of points 6, 7, 8 and 9 to align strategy to new HR focus. 4. People Plan Update & Evolution Demobilisation strategy has been replaced for the IP Transition Strategy 5. Strategy 5.1.3 and 5.1.4 have been removed to truthfully reflect TLP HR work

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remaining; still aligned to IP Strategy and HR Vision. 5.2. Addition of the IP HR Risks 5.4. Addition of the IP Transition process. 8. Agency and Temporary Staff Management Aligned to the Transition project work. 9. Celebrating Success Updated to align with the Re-classification policy changes. 10. Employee Engagement Updated to truthfully reflect TLP HR work. 11. RACI accordingly updated.

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Table of Contents 1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 6 2. Scope ........................................................................................................................... 6 3. People Plan Strategy Principles................................................................................. 6 4. People Plan Update & Evolution ................................................................................ 7 5. Strategy ........................................................................................................................ 8

5.1 Central Direction ..................................................................................................... 8 5.2 Initiative Risks & Dependencies- The IP Risk Register .......................................... 9 5.3 Thameslink Strategy Resourcing .......................................................................... 10 5.4 Project closeout .................................................................................................... 11

6. Talent Management ................................................................................................... 12 6.2 Mapping Performance & Potential ........................................................................ 12 6.3 ‘Stretch and grow’ ................................................................................................. 13 6.4 ‘Develop and motivate’ ......................................................................................... 13 6.5 ‘Performance manage’ .......................................................................................... 13 6.6 The role of the TLP Exec in the Talent Management Process .............................. 15

7. Performance Management ....................................................................................... 16 8. Agency and Temporary Staff Management ............................................................. 17 9. Celebrating Success ................................................................................................. 18 10. Employee Engagement .......................................................................................... 19 11. RACI ........................................................................................................................ 20

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Abbreviations & Definitions

Abbreviation or Phrase ER Employee Relations FAQ Frequently asked questions HoP Head of Profession IP Infrastructure Projects ITD Indicative Transfer Dates KO1 Key Output 1 KO2 Key Output 2 L&D Learning and Development MI Management Information SLA Service Level Agreement TLP The Thameslink Programme RACI Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed References

Title Document Reference Number TLP Programme Execution Plan N000-01000-NRT-PLN-CL-000003 HR Vision Located on the HR IP Sharepoint, this

contains confidential information for HR practitioners only

Infrastructure Projects HR Policy

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1. Purpose

1.1.1 As Thameslink transitions through KO2 our people will face challenges that we will meet and exceed by putting in place plans that are both robust and flexible. Client expectations are to deliver our projects for our customers on time and on budget and therefore our People Plan concentrates on a strategy to address 9, distinct, interlinking themes, fundamental to achieving the Programme objectives. Within those 9 themes we have identified 5 key areas which require particular focus: Resource Management and retention of critical roles, Managing potential and performance, Transition of employees “life after TLP”, Engagement and welfare of TLP employees and Line management capability.

2. Scope

2.1.1 This document is applicable to all employees on the Thameslink Programme (TLP) and describes the strategy to deliver the right people for the right job at the right time, in order for TLP to deliver the TLP Key Outputs as defined by the DfT. It brings together centrally driven HR Strategies and initiatives with the day to day risks and issues of the Programme to define a strategy that supports the delivery of the Thameslink Programme, whilst developing our people for future roles elsewhere in Network Rail, after Thameslink is delivered.

2.1.2 This document does not describe the standard HR processes and procedures adopted and implemented across Network Rail. The Thameslink Programme will adopt and use these procedures as part of its normal business and these documents can be found either on the Network Rail intranet site Connect or via the Network Rail advice centre HR Direct.

3. People Plan Strategy Principles

3.1.1 To enable the Programme to successfully achieve its output in KO2 the People Plan will define how we obtain the right people for the right job, at the right time. This will be achieved through the retention plan, accurate resource forecasting and identifying critical roles. This will enable Thameslink to identify the skills and expertise needed at each stage of the Programme and in doing so deliver successfully the key outputs of the Programme. The principle is to engage with these individuals as part of the retention plan to understand and map their future career transition to appropriate roles in the business. IP transition principles are focused on job matching, based on employees’ current substantive role, job band and preferred location. The proactive management of the individual’s career transition will warrant a successful transition when the Programme demobilises.

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The key principles are as follows:

1. Resource Management and retention of critical roles by improving skills

forecasting whilst balancing recruitment v transition. 2. Managing potential (talent) and performance - utilising the 9 box Talent

Management Model. 3. Succession planning for business critical roles impacting our close-out

strategy – nominated deputies, long term successors and backfilling key roles.

4. Transition of employees in line with IP Transition principles. 5. Enhancing line manager capability and people manager development. 6. Competency management of TLP workforce and broadening the horizons of

training across IP and NR boundaries. 7. Enabling the implementation of ‘One Vision, One Way’. 8. Engagement and welfare of TLP employees by actively contributing to the

Diversity & Inclusion and Health & Wellbeing local and corporate initiatives. 9. Knowledge retention to ensure TLP preserves acquaintance and tacit

knowledge during the critical last stages and share of best practices with other business areas to ensure continuity of business knowledge.

4. People Plan Update & Evolution

4.1.1 The TLP People Plan has been built on input from The TLP Programme Director, members of the TLP Executive Team, key members of the Project teams, HR and employees. It continues to evolve as the Programme progresses through various GRIP stages.

4.1.2 The re-launch of the People Plan in 2015 was to build on the future needs and challenges employees will face as the Programmes continues through the KO2 stage and eventual demobilisation.

4.1.3 This 2017 revision aligns the People Plan to the business needs and gathers the IP Transition principles introduced in February 2017; the main aim to prepare TLP people staff ready for transition and through to Programme Close-out.

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5. Strategy

5.1 Central Direction

5.1.1 Infrastructure Projects (IP) HR initiatives are kept under the IP HR SharePoint and where IP strategy initiatives are implemented and rolled out to TLP, these are communicated to TLP Exec and line Managers as appropriate.

IP Strategy, HR Vision TLP will achieve these objectives by: Safety Leadership TLP HR Team is committed to offering staff training that

addresses TLP training requirements that includes safety leadership training. The TLP HR Team will consolidate all in house training and regularly review the uptake and waitlist. There will be contingency plans in place for training solutions not provided in house.

Great Place to Work This will be achieved through employee engagement and welfare. Thameslink promotes a culture of inclusiveness as well as the wellbeing of our people, both initiatives empowered by the Diversity & Inclusion and Health & Wellbeing forums, respectively. Ensuring a standard level of knowledge and competence is acquired by new joiners within the first months of joining TLP and strengthening people’s capabilities and skills with training. Ultimately matching transitionees to suitable opportunities at the end of the Programme.

Engaging with Technology

The TLP HR Team engage with data and management information to help assist with competency management, resource management and retention of critical roles.

Culture Thameslink values an inclusive and diverse workforce and successfully partakes in the Diversity and Inclusion Everyone Week. Thameslink has an active Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group and Health and Wellbeing Steering Group. Thameslink is also committed to sustainably within its wider environment.

Outstanding People Management

The TLP HR Team have developed a Line Manager Capability Programme, which covers targeted upskilling training for both new managers and established managers.

Growing our Own The TLP HR Team will continue to use succession planning for key business critical roles (agreed by TLP Exec) in order to retain and develop successors within the business, in line with IP Transition principles.

Behaviours All employees are aware of Network Rail’s four key

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behaviours and this is introduced via the On-boarding process and reinforced in team briefings.

Great Leadership This will be enhanced through our Line Manager Capability Programme, ongoing training plans and recruitment of those who possess our leadership qualities and behaviours. “I lead” modules 1 & 2 programmes are being rolled out in 2017-2018.

5.1.2 This approach will be reviewed on a periodic basis as part of the People agenda at the monthly TLP executive meeting, supported by Business Analytics and meaningful Management Information data.

5.2 Initiative Risks & Dependencies- The IP Risk Register

5.2.1 There are key IP risks related to HR initiatives that will be managed at IP Regional, Programmes and a Functional level that will work towards mitigating these risks.


• Inconsistent Resource Planning approach. There is a lack of consistency in the Resource Planning approach which will adversely affect IPs ability to attract sufficient capacity and the right level of capability to deliver IPs Objectives

• IP fails to Attract People. There is a threat that our recruiting approach will adversely affect IPs ability to attract the required sufficient capacity and capability of SEQP to successfully deliver IPs Objectives

• IPs Rewards Offer is not effective. There is a threat that the Offers being used to recruit People are not sufficiently competitive to attract sufficient capacity and capability of People to successfully deliver IPs Objectives

• Insufficient People Management and Leadership Capabilities. There is a threat the Infrastructure Projects Line Management do not possess sufficient people management and leadership capabilities to successfully enable the delivery of Infrastructure Projects objectives

• Inadequate Succession Planning Arrangements. There is a threat that robust succession plans are not in place to ensure sufficient capacity and capability remains available to enable the efficient and effective delivery of IPs Objectives

• Inconsistent Infrastructure Projects On boarding Processes. Ongoing compliance for mandatory training areas and take on board recommendations from HR Audit

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• Inadequate Talent Management Arrangements. There is a threat that

the Talent Management practises being adopted within IP may not be robust enough to develop and retain talent

• IP fails to be Diverse & Inclusive. There is a threat that the IP workforce will not be diver and inclusive; which affects the retention, ability to attract and develop our existing talent, our ability to be innovative and our ability to remain safe as an organisation

• Insufficient Role Specific Capabilities / Competencies. There is a threat that IP Employees may not have the required competencies to undertake elements of their roles

• Poor management of Health & Wellbeing. There is a threat that IPs performance will be adversely affected by Health and Wellbeing issues (including, but not limited to, absenteeism, presentism and mental health issues)

5.3 Thameslink Strategy Resourcing

5.3.1 The Programme team is resourced, however key vacancies exist and each Project Director or Functional Lead has a resource plan, coordinated by the TLP HR team. In coordinating this resource plan, the HR team will consider with the Project Director or Functional Lead:

TLP transition - Resource forecast in line with Indicative Transfer Dates

(ITD) - Utilising Heads of Profession (HoP) - Reviewing our resources, planning successors and taking cognisance of project end dates in particular planning suitable end dates, planning employee’s future career paths and retention of key employees to meet the TLP delivery demands.

Competency - Appropriate setting of competency profiles against current and future resource requirements, assisted by the HoPs.

Career paths - Helping provide clear routes in specific professions. TLP Induction Programme

- Keeping it current and relevant.

Leaver information

- Understanding what influences leavers to transfer within NR and/or move out of NR, by conducting and analysing Exit interviews.

Innovation - New ways of recruiting. New ways of resourcing skills, all in in line with IP Transition principles.

Control of labour costs

- Working with the Financial Controller & Exec to identify efficiencies.

Reward & - Consideration of innovative ways of reward,

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Recognition benchmarking salaries up and down, and recognising

success. Diversity and Inclusion

- Encompassing policy in all that we do every day. - Recruitment Management training as a requirement for hiring managers.

Reports and reporting

- Utilise data for improvement not for the sake of reporting.

5.4 Project closeout

5.4.1 As a series of projects TLP will evolve and change during cycle phases of delivery and whilst we consider resource to deliver to certain milestones, we then have to plan how to transition our people. IP Transition principles were introduced, agreed with TSSA and RMT and implemented in February 2017. The IP Transition Programme Board was set up, led by Simon Blanchflower (Thameslink Major Programme Director) and other senior IP representatives. An IP Transition Steering Group was also implemented comprising Resourcing and Generalist members. Subgroups to focus on SLA/Resourcing, Capita Agency, ER/FAQ and Workforce data have been created, involving other IP representatives.

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6. Talent Management

6.1.1 TLP has implemented a Programme of talent management and identification to help guide the Executive and their teams when deciding how to develop people who have potential for the future. The Talent Management ‘9 box model’ is adopted across band 1 and is being devolved to band 2 levels.

6.2 Mapping Performance & Potential 6.2.1 Mapping performance & potential will be performed on an annual basis

by the TLP Executive, coordinated by the TLP HR Function. Senior managers will be identified into one of the 9 boxes in the 9 box talent management grid:

6.2.2 Each TLP Executive member identifies which cluster an individual sits in: • Stretch and grow • Developing and motivating • Performance manage

6.2.3 This will form the basis of development plan conversations to discuss motivations, aspirations and opportunities for development. This will help inform the individual’s personal development plan.

6.2.4 Network Rail provides support through HR Direct by providing a How to guide ‘Effective Conversations on Performance and Potential’ for Line Managers. This is available on the NR intranet site Connect.


Not performing in current role, yet demonstrate indicators of high potential. Maybe in wrong role/wrong part of NR. Needs different relationships to unlock their potential

Action: support them to move rapidly to perform

UNDER PERFORMINGUnder performer & limited demonstrable potential

Action: Manage performance to improve / exit

EFFECTIVE PERFORMERMeeting performance objectives

Action: Engage, focus, motivate, develop at current level.


Very good at what they do. Likely specialised/ expert

Action: Recognise, support to develop others, deepen expertise

KEY ACHIEVERPerforming and showing some potential

Action: Challenge, or potential lateral move to improve performance

UNDER ACHIEVINGUnder performing in current role, but showing some potential.

Action: Consider alternatives; support to improve performance

HIGH ACHIEVERVery good at what they do. Likely to have scope for more challenging role at similar level

Action: Continued extra stretch and challenge, recognise

HIGH GROWTHDemonstrates high potential to advance further. Real potential for significant career step

Action: Challenge, develop and recognise

TOP TALENTHighest potential & performance; demonstrates signs for success at next level

Action: Reward/ recognise; promote/ develop – ensure stretch role/ assignment

Below Expectations


Exceeds Expectations





High PotentialSignificant progression potential indicated; ready for next level move

Potential GrowthProgression potential indicated; identify bigger/ stretch role at same level

Develop at Current Level/ Deepen Expertise

Focus of Conversation:

Performance Manage

Develop & Motivate

Stretch & Grow


Not performing in current role, yet demonstrate indicators of high potential. Maybe in wrong role/wrong part of NR. Needs different relationships to unlock their potential

Action: support them to move rapidly to perform

UNDER PERFORMINGUnder performer & limited demonstrable potential

Action: Manage performance to improve / exit

EFFECTIVE PERFORMERMeeting performance objectives

Action: Engage, focus, motivate, develop at current level.


Very good at what they do. Likely specialised/ expert

Action: Recognise, support to develop others, deepen expertise

KEY ACHIEVERPerforming and showing some potential

Action: Challenge, or potential lateral move to improve performance

UNDER ACHIEVINGUnder performing in current role, but showing some potential.

Action: Consider alternatives; support to improve performance

HIGH ACHIEVERVery good at what they do. Likely to have scope for more challenging role at similar level

Action: Continued extra stretch and challenge, recognise

HIGH GROWTHDemonstrates high potential to advance further. Real potential for significant career step

Action: Challenge, develop and recognise

TOP TALENTHighest potential & performance; demonstrates signs for success at next level

Action: Reward/ recognise; promote/ develop – ensure stretch role/ assignment

Below Expectations


Exceeds Expectations







High PotentialSignificant progression potential indicated; ready for next level move

Potential GrowthProgression potential indicated; identify bigger/ stretch role at same level

Develop at Current Level/ Deepen Expertise

Focus of Conversation:

Performance Manage

Develop & Motivate

Stretch & Grow

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6.2.5 The TLP HR Team, Line Manager Capability Training Strategy will

include courses on people management, including financial acumen and managing for health, among others.

6.2.6 IP L&D have created leadership and management modules, which TLP will be implementing in 2017-2018.These programmes are:

• I-Lead module 1. This module introduces management tools and is designed for new managers or those who need a refresher.

• I-Lead module 2. This module introduces leadership skills and tools and is designed for experience managers to build their leadership capability.

6.3 ‘Stretch and grow’

6.3.1 HR will support line managers by providing coaching and support at regular intervals for personnel identified into this cluster.

6.3.2 The focus for this cluster will be around supporting high performance and setting stretching goals.

6.3.3 A key consideration will be discussion of career direction, readiness for new roles, or greater stretch in current role. As part of this, available development opportunities will be identified.

6.4 ‘Develop and motivate’ 6.4.1 Individuals identified into this cluster have a critical role as core

performers, and as a result it will be important to engage and motivate further.

6.4.2 The focus for this cluster will be to develop in the current role, deepen expertise, unlock potential and engage. This will subtly vary depending on the sub cluster breakdown:

• Effective Performer – coach and motivate • Key Achiever – additional stretch • Outstanding Performers – specialists , deepen expertise

6.4.3 Career direction and suitable development opportunities will be discussed as part of the development plan.

6.5 ‘Performance manage’ 6.5.1 Personnel in this cluster may demonstrate potential but are under

performing. 6.5.2 The key focus for this cluster will be to refocus and motivate. 6.5.3 Conversations with the personnel in this cluster will be about improving

performance, setting SMART objectives, and understanding why they are under performing.

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6.5.4 A consideration when reviewing personnel in this cluster will be whether

the person is in the wrong job, over/ under qualified, or understanding why the person is no longer motivated.

6.5.5 If unwilling or unable to improve and consistently identified as a low performer the line manager can invoke the Performance Improvement Procedure and gain support through HR Direct. Performance management guidelines are maintained on the NR Intranet site Connect.

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6.6 The role of the TLP Exec in the Talent Management Process

6.6.1 The role of the TLP Exec in the Talent Management Process will be to: • Consult and coach line managers on the process, skills and behaviours

required for effectively managing talent • Support the business in implementing and embedding the NR Talent

Management System • Carry out the following specific responsibilities:

• Lead identification of key roles and individuals to inform the capability needs to deliver the business goals.

• Support and monitor line managers in their people’s Personal Development Plans.

• Lead the Talent Reporting process, as agreed with HR and the business.

6.6.2 Additional areas to be considered are as follows:

• Improving the high performance culture based on challenging roles and career opportunity

• Drive that performance culture based on rewarding merit whilst taking cognisance of affordability

• All employees to have a PDP • Managers as real “people managers” – train, educate and encourage

managers to be real people managers • Succession plans for business critical roles • Training plans to be developed and in place • Centralised IP training budget, which includes Oracle, Non-Oracle and

Higher Education Programme/Sponsorship • Identification and evaluation of skills (gap analysis) • Diversity and Inclusion – part of our culture and how we carry out our roles

and responsibilities • Leading for high performance • Talent Management

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7. Performance Management

7.1.1 TLP follow the Annual Performance Review process, as outlined in the guidelines updated and issued on Connect each year. The process requires managers to set SMART objectives, one of which will need to be a people management objective, as set out as below:

To successfully manage and develop direct reports, this includes:

• Holding regular high quality performance coaching conversations/121s ideally on a fortnightly basis with documentary evidence to feed into quarterly peer review/talent discussions

• Identifying high potential individuals and supporting personal development plans to aid career progression

• Identifying individuals who need to improve their performance and with early intervention, manage appropriately

• Embedding and demonstrating our behaviours

• Positively support a High Performance culture within TLP

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8. Agency and Temporary Staff Management

8.1.1 To deliver TLP we will need to consider our resource pool from a variety of sources including in some instances from agency/temporary means. There are times when it makes better business and economic sense to buy in short term skill requirements. Ideally, and where practicable, TLP will always try to utilise transitionees and displaced employees from around the business to fill such short terms needs, where their skills match the requirements for the job and they are available at the times necessary to deliver our Programme.

8.1.2 As part of the IP Transition strategy TLP will review the IP Transition List prior to engaging external employees and will review TLP Capita contractors.

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9. Celebrating Success

9.1.1 The TLP Executive team are committed to recognition of success, whether this is across the whole Programme in achieving overall business milestones, or for individual/team achievement. The TLP Executive holds regular quarterly staff briefings to celebrate the progress made to date and refocus on the challenges ahead.

9.1.2 Other means of recognising contribution above and beyond normal business or outstanding performance will be recognised through:

• Letters of recognition • Entry of personnel or projects for industry or NR awards, i.e. IP Aspire

Awards. • Recognition through the performance review and calibration process. • Further development through secondments into more challenging/ higher

band roles, always aligned to the IP Transition principles.

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10. Employee Engagement

10.1.1 IP is committed to having their views embedded in the corporate Employee Engagement work stream. Local HR TLP will formulate ways in which we can use the NR Employee Engagement, Your Voice survey to consider how our people are feeling overall and utilise any tools or solutions that come out of the overall Your Voice survey and develop these into action plans.

10.1.2 From a local TLP strategic view, within Thameslink there is a Your Voice champion that will help with the collaboration of employee engagement steering groups post the results of the survey.

10.1.3 TLP forums with HR representation will continue their local initiatives to achieve a more inclusive, healthy and happy workforce.

10.1.4 Outcomes of the Employee Engagement Steering Groups, which help to formulate action plans for line managers and teams based on the findings in the Your Voice survey and are monitored by TLP Exec on a monthly basis.

10.1.5 The TLP Programme Director and the Executive team hold quarterly briefings aimed at not just providing information as to how the Programme is doing but also to gather questions or concerns employees have.

10.1.6 TLP Exec have committed to promote a better uptake of volunteer leave and flexible working arrangement in the Programme. The TLP HR team contribute by educating managers, sign posting employees and reporting progress to an Exec level.

10.1.7 Management cascades take place on a 4 weekly periodic basis (TLP Exec meet on Wednesday of week 3 of the periodic cycle) where each Exec Member briefs their teams on Engineering standards, Health and Safety and general information either from NR overall management cascade or from local TLP technical cascade.

10.1.8 More formally across the business annual Business Briefing Sessions are held around the country, chaired by Mark Carne and the local senior representative from IP or the Route Management team.

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IMS Level 1A N000-NRT-STR–HR-000001 03

11. RACI

11.1.1 The table below summarises those people who have responsibilities under the strategy and what these are.

RACI Details

RACI is a means of identifying activities to roles, as follows:- R, Reponsible: the individual(s) who perform an activity - responsible for action/implementation - although usually only one, Rs can be shared.

- A, Accountable: the individual who is ultimately accountable including yes/no decision and power of veto - only one 'A' can be assigned.

- C, Consulted: the individual(s) to be consulted prior to a final decision being made or action taken - two-way communication.

- I, Informed: the individual(s) who need to be informed after a decision or action is taken - one-way communication.


TLP Major Program

me D


TLP Exec

TLP People Managers

TLP Employees

1. Resource Management and retention of critical roles by improving skills forecasting whilst balancing recruitment v transition. 1.1 Creation, update and monitoring of a TLP Transition master that identifies ITD and employees who require transitioning/redeployment and consider TLP Resource managenent so that TLP has the right resource blend to deliver TLP milestone.


1.2 Utilise the IP Transition master to make informed recruitment decisions and efficient transition between roles. R/A C I R1.3 Utilise management information (MI) obtained through exit interviews, exit questionnaires and HR reports to identify leaver trends and causes. Mitigate the risks by effectively utilising the TLP retention strategy – see (2.2) & (6.0). A C R R

2. Managing potential (talent) and performance - utilising the 9 box Talent Management Model.2.1 Regular reviews of existing talent information to ensure it’s accurate and fit for purpose (Band 1 employees) R C A I2.2 Ensuring all staff have agreed PDP’s in place. R R R A I2.3 Develop line management capability in holding effective development conversations. R/A I I I2.4 Develop line management capability with managing performance. R/A R R I2.5 Review internal learning and development offerings and package based on requirements. R/A I I I I3. Succession planning for business critical roles impacting our close-out strategy – nominated deputies, long term successors and backfilling key roles.3.1 A full and regular review of existing information on succession to ensure it is accurate and fit for purpose. R C A I3.2 To have successors mapped for all business critical roles identified on safety, statutory and regulatory requirements. R/A R R I I3.3 To have contingency plans in place where no successors identified for critical role. R R A R3.4 To ensure all successors have an agreed development plan in place designed to bridge any skills/experience gaps identified. R I R A

3.5 To review internal talent and succession information when recruiting internal vacancies to check if there are any suitable internal candidates before advertising (1.1) , and aligning with IP transition principles. R/A I C R

4. Transition of employees in line with IP Transition principles.4. 1. To use information (1.1 ) to identify when employees roles are due to end and proactively help manage their transition into new roles, at the appropriate time, aligned to their current substantive role, job band and preferred location (2.2). R/A I R R

4.2 To work closely with HR teams in IP regions/programmes to identify future resourcing requirements and potential opportunities that may exist for transition of TLP employees. To work closely with IP Transition Steering groups to review potential opportunities and future vacancies and map where possible transitionees.


4.3. Work closely with HRSS redeployment team to source internal vacancies to the right people at the right time and provide redeployment support R/A I C C I

4.4. To provide in-house training such as interviewing & CV writing for transitionees and redeployees seeking redeployment. R/A I


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Page 21: Thameslink Programme People Plan · TLP HR Team is committed to offering staff training that addresses TLP training requirements that includes safety leadership training. The TLP

Infrastructure Projects Thameslink Programme

Document Reference Number Project Code

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Document ID Code

Discipline Code

Sequential Number Revision

IMS Level 1A N000-NRT-STR–HR-000001 03


TLP Major Program

me D


TLP Exec

TLP People Managers

TLP Employees

5. Line Manager Capability Programme.5.1 To deliver the TLP line management capability strategy focusing on key areas of people management. Ref. (2.3) & (2.4). R/A C C I5.2 Promote available people manager development opportunities i.e. e-learning tool via Skillport. R/A I I I5.3 Targeted training for new people managers (new hires or promotion). R/A I I I5.4 Reinforcing the HR model enabling people managers to identify the support services available to them. R/A I I I5.5 Promote available culture & behavioural change development programmes i.e. Safety (safety leadership) & D&I (Inclusive Leadership) courses. R/A R R R/C/I

5.6. To provide line managers with tools and guidance, support to enable the IP Transition process. R/A I I R6. Competency management of TLP workforce and broadening the horizons of training across IP and NR boundaries.6.1. Close working with the HQ HR team to ensure the IP training budget is being utilised in a way that addresses TLP training requirements. R/A R R I

6.2 Unify all training requirements into a single process map to shed clarity over training opportunites and processes. R/A I I I6.3. Promote and monitor the completion of IP and TLP Mandatory Training. A A R R I6.4 Contingency plans for training solutions not provided in house by utilising Non-Oracle IP L&D process. R/A R C I I7. Enabling the implementation of ‘One Vision, One Way’.7.1 Enable central communication campaigns and assist central activities around implementation of 'One Vision, One Way' R R I I I7.2 Inclusion of HoP in Training processes R I I I I8. Engagement and welfare of TLP employees by actively contributing to the Diversity & Inclusion and Health & Wellbeing local and corporate initiatives.8.1 To embed the Diversity & Inclusion policy and initiatives in our day work and to representate HR in the TLP forum and IP steering group R/A A C C C

8.2 To recognise the importance of employees health & wellbeing by supporting initiatives that contributes towards ‘everyone fit for the future’. R A C C C

8.3 Promote a total reward culture where employees understand and value the entirety of all the benefits available to them i.e. volunteer leave, flexible working arrangements R/A A C I I

9. Knowledge retention to ensure TLP preserves acquaintance and tacit knowledge during the critical last stages and share of best practices with other business areas to ensure continuity of business knowledge.9.1 Ensure all employees complete an exit interviews. Leaver process map within eB where HR directly invite employees to exit interviews for all internal and external leavers R/A I I I R

9.2 Ensure all managers are following the handover framework which is integrated within the leavers process map R/A I I R R9.3 Share of information and best practices by the use of IP and NR networks and project groups i.e. IP Risk work streams, HRBP forums R

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