

Prepared by:

Chef Marianne Miranda


Thailand Cuisine

Flavors of Thailand Common throughout Thailand is the delicate balance of taste and texture, fresh chilies with dried chilies, or fresh

herbs with lime juice and fish sauce.

Thailand Cuisine

• Thai cooks can perceive nuances of their bold flavors.

• The Thai rely on smell to discern these subtleties of flavor.

• They believe that aroma – as opposed to appearance – comes first.

Thailand Cuisine

Flavors of Thailand This is the reason why the Thai take note of the smell of the dish first, they will never comment on how great the

dish looks.

Using herbs as a main ingredients in dishes makes them lighter, healthier and multi-layered.

Their cuisine is also very beautiful because of its color composition..

Flavors of Thailand

CurryCurryAmong the most popular dishes in Thailand, are often the centerpiece of a meal.

The simple soups and salads that accompany curries act as foils to balance out intense flavors.

But curries themselves are also perfect examples of harmonizing flavors into a sum that is greater than its parts.

Types of Curry

• Red and Green curries – take their names from the colors of the peppers that are used to make them.

• Red curry is made from dried red chilies. It has a mellow flavor, and it can be sweet, hot or mild.

• Red and green curries are eaten mainly in Central

Thailand, especially in Bangkok.

Types of Curry

• With a green curry – use fresh green chili peppers. The color also comes from green chili leaves. In addition, green curry contains toasted and ground cumin and caraway seeds, which add an aromatic element.

Types of Curry

• Yellow curry – which contains turmeric – popular in the north and far south. In the north, it was influenced by the Burmese, while in the south; it was influenced by the Malaysians. Both the northern and southern versions include chili and garlic. In the south, the curry is cooked with coconut milk and, is paired mainly with fish not meat.

Flavors of Thailand

Other Thai Food:Yum is the Thai name for cold, tangy salads.

Chile, lime and fresh herbs are the basic flavors, which are then expanded with noodles, meat, vegetables and fish.

Lemongrass, shallots and lettuce are also typical ingredients.

Flavors of Thailand

Soups:Tom yam is the name for a host of rich, velvety broth-based soups that are eaten with rice. Lemongrass and/or lime and chilies provide the key flavors, but many other ingredients-including galangal and tamarind- are often added to enhance the soup’s complexity.

Flavors of Thailand

Rice: or also known as khao, is the fundamental staple of Thai cuisine.

Thai Jasmine rice is considered one of the premium rice in the world..

Rice is actually the main feature of a meal.

All non-rice dishes are equal in importance, and none is more important than rice.

As it is the centerpiece of the meal, the quality of the rice is critical. Like most Asian meals, a Thai meal is shared. It is served all at once. They do not serve soups or salads separate as a course.

Flavors of Thailand

Rice: They prefer to eat sticky rice with their right hand or using spoon and fork.

Thai do not use chopsticks.•A typical Thai meal consists of four or five dishes:



3.Protein – such as fish or chicken

4.Mild stir-fried vegetable

5.Dipping sauce with vegetable•Along with rice served from a pot.

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