Page 1: Tg»DAILY STANDARD UNION: mOOBSXX. SATURDAY. … 14/Brooklyn NY Standard...Lewis Clark, D.D.. will preach in the morning at 10:30 o'clock on "A Living Sacrifice,


B A P T I S T . |

Baptist T e m p l e , Third avenue and Kc.hermcrhorn street . The pastor, the l lcv . Dr. Cort land Myers, will p r e i c h t o - m o r r o w e v e n i n g t h e first of a aortas of four s e r m o n s especial ly to womt.n. T h e topic wil l b e ^ T h e Modern Btre.' Succeed ing t h e m e s wil l be "The Mod­ern Hehecca ," "The Modern Del i lah" a n d "The M o d e r n Ruth ."

Calvary, F o u r t h avenue and F o u r ­teenth s t r e e t Morning service to ­morrow a t 10:80 o'clock. Fo l lowing the m o r n i n g serv ice the hand of c h u r c h f e l l o w s h i p will be extended to n e w m e m b e r s and the ord inance ' of the Lord's Supper w i n be observed; E v e n ­ing service a t 7:45 o'clock, fol lowed fry bapt i sm. P r e a c h i n g by the Rev . fir. H . Al len Tupper , pastor. On Monday evening , March 8, an i l lustrated l ec ­ture wil l be g i v e n in the chapel . <m "The S e a B e a c h at Low Tide," by J o h n J. Schoonover , M.A.

Calvrtry, F i f ty - s eventh street and Sixth avenue, Manhattan. "The Soul's Ooal" will be Dr. Robert Stuart Mac-Arthur's morning theme, and in' the even ing the topic for pre-: i-ntation by the composite preaching of pulpit, organ, soloists, 100-volced <holr and congregat ion, the new type of popular e v e n i n g service prepared by I>r. MacArthur and Prof. Bowman, wil l b e "Christ, t h e Good Shepherd." In h i s Current E v e n t s Class a t 10:80 Dr. MacArthur wi l l speak on "Theodore lio.iseveit'a Wonderful Administration."

H a n s o n Place , corner of South P o r t ­land avenue . T h e pastor, the Rev . W . M. Vines, D.D. , wil l preach a t the morn­ing hour on "Malachl's Message to the Church To-day.V The ordinance of the Lord's Supper wil l b e observed a t th i s service . A t 7:46 P . M., Lleut.-Col. Alex. M. D a m o n wil l deliver his lecture "In Darkest America," Illustrated with 125 stereoptlcon v i e w s and songs. The S u n ­day school will m e e t at 2:30 P. M., w i t h s u p e r i n t e n d e n t Harvey O. Dobson in charge. ,


Pilgrim Chapel, Henry and D e g r a w streets . Bible school at 2:45 to-morrow, Chlrstian Endeavor at 7 and evening service, with sermon by the pastor, the Rev. Charles M. Calderwood, a t 7:45.

Tompkins Avenue . To-morrow Dr. W a t e r s wil l preach at both services . I n the e v e n i n g he wil l preach the second sermon In his series, "Earnest W o r d s to Earnes t People ," with the special topic, "F ind ing Goodness Where It Is Leas t Expected ." Men's Class at close of morning service , under leadership of J. C. Oswald; subject, "Foundation of a World Parl iament ." Open parlia­ment for men a t 3 o'clock In the par­lors. J. W. Copman will deliver an ad­dress on "The Progress of Civil isation in the Orient." * Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, the Lenten literary lectures and organ recitals will be continued. Dr. Waters ' subjec t will be "Tennyson." and Mr. E ddy ' s programme, which lasts from 8 t o 8:20, will be In accord with the subject .

B u s h w l c k A v e n u e , corner Cornel ia street. T h e pastor , the Rev. J o h n Lewis Clark, D .D . . will preach in the m o r n i n g at 10:30 o'clock on "A Living Sacr i f i ce , ' and at 7:30 P. M. on "St. J a m e s , " In t h e ser ies "New Tes ta ­m e n t Wri ters ." Monday evening, m o n t h l y teachers ' meet ing and social it the h o m e of Mr. and Mrs. Wi l l iam .•hell, 34 Corne l ia street. Busi iwl i i*

Congregat ional L e a g u e week ly co t tage prayer m e e t i n g , Tuesday evening, at 48 Eldert s treet , the home of Mr. a n d Mrs. Wi l l i am N a g e l . On Wednesday even ing the Men' s Club will be a d ­dressed by E d w i n R. Jones, v ice-pres i ­dent of the Uni ted Men's Clubs of Brooklyn , P r o t e s t a n t Episcopal , T h u r s ­d a y e v e n i n g unton mee t ing of i n ­t ermedia te Christ ian Endeavor So ­ciet ies of the S i x t h District.

Church o f t h e Pi lgr ims , corner of Henry and R e m s e n streets. The p a s ­tor, the Rev . Marlon L e R o y Burton, Ph .D. , will p r e a c h to -morrow at ,11 A. M.. u p o n t h e subject , "Devot ion to Christ." At 4:30 In the afternoon, c o n ­ducted by t h e pastor, will occur the c o m m u n i o n serv ice , with reception of new m e m b e r s , in the even ing at 8 o'clock, first s erv ice In a n e w fea ture of the c h u r c h ' s work. Hereto fore there h a s b e e n no evening service upon c o m m u n i o n Sundays, but h e r e ­after, under t h e auspices of the Men's Club, there wi l l be a service, as usual , at 8 o'clock on communion Sundays , addressed by prominent speakers of the country . J u d g e Robert J. Wi lk in will speak t o - m o r r o w night u p o n t h e "Work of Our Children's C o u r t " Dr. Burton has jus t issued a leaf let d e ­script ive of t h e Lenten services . On Sabbath m o r n i n g s the general t h e m e is "Christ." On Sabbath even ings t h e general t h e m e Is "The Holy Spirit ," and at the m i d - w e e k service the g e n ­eral t h e m e is "St. John's Portraya l of the Last D a y , " the mee t ings be ing based upon J o h n 14-17. D u r i n g H o l y W e e k t h e r e wil l be a series of m e e t ­ings from 5 t o n In the af ternoon, a d - ! dressed by Drs . Boynton, Cadmati . Water? and L y m a n . The m i d - w e e k sri-' i>••• on March IT will be addressed by the Rev . Dr. Hll l ls .

Central. Hancock street , near Bed­ford avenue . Dr. Cadman wilt preach In the morning a t 10:45 upon "A P l a i n Man and H i s Bible." In the e v e n i n g iii" choir will g ive its usual monthly praise service, and there will be a n a d ­dress by the pastor upon "A P l e a for Books." T u e s d a y . 6:30 P. M., the men** annual dinner will be held In the lower rooms of the chapeL The Rev . Dr . Fosdlck and the Rev. Dr. Leroy B u r ­ton, pastor of the Church of the P i l ­grims, will be the principal speakers . Addresses wil l a lso be made by the president of the Men's Union, Al fred E. Vass , the pastor and others. W e d ­nesday, 8:15 P. M., the regular month­ly meet ing of the Central League will be held. A concert will b* given under the direction* of Frederick Preston. r .

Flat hush. Dorchester road and E a s t Eighteenth s t r e e t The pastor, the R e v , I > w l s T. Reed; will preach In the morn­ing at 10:45. Sermon Subject, "N*lco-demus' Denial by Equivalents ."- Music by quartet a n d chorus .under the direc­tion o f Wi l l iam Edward Taylor, 'ehorN master. At noon the Men's Class will consider the subject of "Garden Cities and Model Vi l lage as a Remedy for Congest ion," In the even ing a t 8 o'clock Mr. Reed will begin a series of addresses on "Rational Living," a t ­tempt ing to show how psychology, by Its d iscover ies of the methods of opera­tion of the mind, has given us both en­couragement and warnings. The first address will be on "Habi t ' '

Clinton A v e n u e . To-morrow the Rev . Dr, Boynton will preach at both serv­ice*. The morn ing subjec t will be "See,-ing Jesus ," and In the evening "The U n -hast lng Bel iever," At the- midweek service, on Wednesday evening, there will be a conference upon "My Early Rel igious Training."

South, Court and President street , the Rev, Dr. L y m a n and Rev. Boyd Ed­ward* pastors . Morning service a t It A, M. will be the sacrament service, wl ih reception of members. The even­ing service a t 7:S0 will be of praise and song. The fol lowing special features tire announced for the Lenten t ime: For the m i d w e e k (Wednesday) service* the general t h e m e will be "Christian Rela­t ionships ," The addresses will be made

- alternately by the pastor* on tha themes , "Christ and His Heavenly F a ­ther," "Christ and Hla Friends ." "Christ's Fr iend* a Community ," "Christ's Fr iends and HI* Kingdom." The Women'a chapel service, a lso In

— 8 — - Jg-ggggMSBjasssg

charge of the pastors, will consider t h t Women of the gospe ls a t 8:80 P. M. Thursday. • f 7 «

M E T H O D I S T , E P I S C O P A L •

W a r r e n Street, the R*v. Dr. A. W , Byrt and the Rev . John B. Zelter, p a s ­tors. To-morrow Mr. Zelter wilt preach both mornlpg a n d evening . Dr. B y r t will preach in the morning at t h * F i r s t Place M. E. Church and at n ight a t the South Second Street M. E. Church.

Grace ( B a y Ridge) . Fourth a n d Ovlngton avenues . Sacrament of B a p ­tism, Lord's Supper, reception of m e m ­bers and address by the paator, the Rev. Dr. George Adams, a t 10:80 In the morning. In the evening at 7:80 m e m o ­rial service for the' lata Dr. Theodora L. Cuyler.

Jane*, Reld . avenue and Monroe street. In the morning Holy C o m ­munion and reception of member*. I n the e v e n i n g the pastor, the Rev . R o b ­ert Bagnell , D.D., will preach o n "Rea­soning Together With God." The e v e n ­ing service will be the regular month ly musical service. The choirj with Dr. Browne at the organ, will render spe­cial numbers . On Monday evening the Epworth League will hold. It* regular monthly business meet ing* in the par­lor. The Men's L e a g u e wtll meet T u e s ­day even ing and will be addressed by Dr. E . S. Lewie . . a s s i s t a n t editor of Sunday school l i terature. - On T h u r s ­day even ing the choir wil l g ive a con­cert in the auditorium.

York Street, the Rev . E . Cunningham, paator. Morning aervlc* a t 10:80 A. M , Holy Communion; even ing aervice a t 7:30 P. M., pastor's topic, "Dal ly Bread."

D e K a l b Avenue , t h a R e v . Dr. W. W . W. Wilson, pastor. T h e s a c r a m e n t s of the Lord's Supper a n d B a p t i s m wil l be adminis tered a n d n e w m e m b e r s wi l l be received t o - m o r r o w morning , and at n ight the paator wil l preach o n "Prevai l ing Prayer ," another L e n t e n subject , h a v i n g preached on " F a s t i n g " the preced ing Sabbath . Sunday schoo l at 2:30 P. M.; E p w o r t h L e a g u e m e e t ­ing at 6:30 P . M.; subject , ' 'The Soul ' s B r e a d ; " t h e Rev . C. P. Corner, l eader . Mid-week prayer m e e t i n g W e d n e s d a y n ight and c lasses Sunday m o r n i n g , Tuesday, and Fr iday night3.

Epworth , D e K a l b avenue. Dr. J. S. Chadwlck, Pres id ing Elder of t h e Brooklyn North District , will preach to-morrow morning and dedicate t h e pipe organ recently Installed.

Fenlmore Street. To-morrow at 10:30 communion will be adminis tered a n d n e w members will be received. Mr. O s m u n will g ive a brief address. E v e n ­ing service at 7:45, w i t h special mus ic by the quartet. The first of a ser ie s of sermons will be g i v e n on "The L l fa Beyond the Grave," the special t h e m e being "The Certainty of the Life B e ­yond." Official board meets Monday at 8 P. M. Girls' Sunshine Society pre­sents "The Bilberry Boy" on F r i d a y even ing at 8 o'clock.

P R E S B Y T E R I A N .

L**M*f}a preacher next W e d n e s d a y • v a n -In* wil l be the Rev. Arthur B. H o w a r d . T h e confirmation c | a » s a n d the Men'a Club will meet on Thursday e v e n i n g .

St . Ann's on the He ights , Clinton, corner Livingston streets, the R*v, C. CapiPhell Walker, rector. Services to ­morrow, a s follows: 8 A. If., ho ly c o m ­munion; 11 A. M., Litany, sermon and holy communion; 8 P. M., even ing prayer and sermon. T h o rector will preach In the morning, and a t I P . M. wil l preach the first of the Lenten course' Of sermons on "Tha Croaa of J e ­s u s . " Special music will be rendered a t th i s aervice by cello, harp a n d or­gan--*!'. F . Helnroth, cello; Miss Anto -nla Griffin, harp; Wil l iam A. Qolda-worthy , organ. Organ, harp and cello recital a t the close of service . Dally Lenten services, 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. F r t * organ recital Friday at 4 P . M.

Church of the Holy Trinity. To-mor­row, celebration of the holy c o m m u n ­ion a t 8:80 A. M., with short address . Morn ing prayer, sermon and second celebrat ion at 11, when the ReY. J. H o w a r d Melish will preach, a n d e v e n ­i n g prayer and sermon by the Rev. Clifton H. Brewer at 8. There wil l be the usua l noonday services next week, wi th short addresses by the fol lowing preachers , dally 12:00 to 12:30: Monday, the Kev . Charles C. Harriman. rector Of S t Ann's Church, Morrisanla, N. Y.; T u e s d a y , the Rev . Wllford L. Bobbins, D e a n of the General Theological Sem­inary, N e w York; Wednesday, the Rev. T h o m a s J. Lacey rector Church of the Redeemer; Thursday, the Rev. Camp­bell C. Walker, rector St. Ann's Church, and Friday, the Rev. H u g h Birchhead, rector St. George's Church, Manhattan. There will a l so be a -daily service in t h i s church a t 5 o'clock, and on Wed­n e s d a y n i g h t s - a t 8. Monday evenings dur ing March there wil l be organ re­c i ta l s at 8 o'clock by one of the organ­i s t s of the church. N e x t Monday Sam­uel A. Baldwin will g i v e t h e recital.

Church of the Nat iv i ty , Keni lworth place, near Avenue F and Flatbush avenue . The Rev. A n d r e w Fleming, rector, wil l preach at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. to-morrow. The holy communion will be celebrated at the morning ser­vice. The special preacher on Thursday evening . March 11. wil l be the Rev. Wlnf ie ld S. Baer. rector o f St. George's Church.

Christ Church, Bedford avenue . The preacher a t 11 A. M. will be the Rev. Wi l l i am Sheafe Chase, and at the e v e n i n g at 7:45 tho Rev . Spencer S. Roche, D.D., rector of St. Mark's Church, on Adelphl street, The preacher on Wednesday night wil l be the Rev. W . S. Baer, of St. George's Church. A t the service a t 5 P . M. on Monday the Rov. R. H. Scott will g ive the sec­ond of the series of sermons upon "Evolut ion and the Bible ," h a v i n g for his topic, "The Doctrine of Sin." On Tuesday , a t 5 P. M., the R e v . Wi l l iam Sheafe Chase wil l g ive the second of the series of sermons upon "Religion a n d Health," h a v i n g for his topic, " H o w to Overcome the F e a r that B r i n g s Disease." On Thursday, a t 5 P . M., the sermon by Canon Chase will be on "What Do the Var ious Part* of tha Church Building Mean?" On Sat­urday, a t 5 P. M., hfe wil l g ive a talk i l lustrated by the stereoptlcon, on "The Prodigal Son."




PEMMSYLVAHIAR.R. L e a v e N e w York

March 9, 1909

Round $ 5 0 Tri' SPECIAL PULUAN TRAIN For particular! consult C. Studda, E. P. A

203 Fifth Avenue, New York Ctty.

Classon Avenue. To-morrow In the absence of Dr. Burrell, the morn ing a n d evening services wil l be conducted by the Rev. George Wi l l i am Knox . D .D. , LL.D. , formerly professor In the I m ­perial Univers i ty of Toklo, n o w pro­fessor of phi losophy of religion In U n i o n Theological Seminary. N e w York. Dr. Knox Is the author of several Impor­tant works and has been decorated l a t e ­ly b y the Emperor of Japan. T h u r s ­day night, ladles' n ight of the Men's League. Dr. R a m o n R e y e s La la . of aMnlla, will g ive a stereoptlcon lecture on the Phil ippines.

Lafayet te Avenue. The Rev . Cleland B. McAfee, D.D. , wi l l preach in t h e morning on "The L i f e and Character of Dr; Cuyler," and the h y m n s will .all be old favori tes of his . In t h e e v e n ­ing the Rev . Al lyn K. Foster , M . A , wil l preach.

Bedford. Nos trand avenue and D e a n street. "Blessed I s Pain , or the M i s ­sion of Suffering," wi l l be the R e v . Dr. E. E d w a r d Young's s u b j e c t t o - m o r r o w , a t 10:46 A. M. and h i s e v e n i n g s u b ­ject, a t 7:46 o'clock, will be " H o w t o Live Perfect ly One Day ." The Men's Club of the church will hold Its mock trial on W e d n e s d a y evening a t 8 o'clock. At torney L lewe l lyn A . W r a y presiding a s Judge, and Prof. E . W . Falr ley and Chester D Griesemer b e ­ing chief at torneys . "The- Bible Men and W o m e n Adapted to the T w e n t i e t h Century" i s the subject of the n e w s e ­ries of the Fr iday n ight Bibl* s tud ies conducted by the pastor-

F i r s t Henry street near Clark. Ser ­vice to-morrow, w i t h preaching b y the Rev . Dr. L Mason Clarke, minister , a t 11 A, M. and 4 P. M. The theme of the afternoon sermon will be th« third s tudy In "What I Bel ieve." "What I Be l ieve? Jesus ." T h * men's a s s o c i a ­tion of the church wi l l meet in the upper conference room on T u e s d a y evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Clarke wil l lead. Midweek service. In the lecture room on W e d n e s d a y evening a t 8 o'clock. Dr. Clarke" wi l l be In charge-Subject , "Jesus a t the F e a s t of the Tabernacle*," *

Wel l* Memorial , - Fos t er avenue a n d E a s t Thirteenth s treet . The paator. the Rev . Wil l iam Bishop Gates , wi l l preach- morning and evening. In the morning h i s subject wil l be "A K e r ­nel of Life," and in tha e v e n i n g wi l l be g iven the fourth In a . ser ies of s tore -optlcon sermons, wh ich cont inue u p to E a s t e r t ime. • On Friday, March 12, tho anniversary of th* great b l l s sard Of IMS will be a s trawberry fest ival In tha church. The n e w officers of th* Christ ian E n d e a v o r Boeiety h a v e Just bean elected and wllLtee Installed morrow evening . Currey: V i c e - P r e s i d e n t Langenbacher; Correapoi tary. Miss R o s e K o c h ; EC retary.MJss Helen Polhemua; Treasurer , George Langenbacher . L a s t w e e k t h * pastor declined a call to the a s s i s t a n t pastorate of ops of the largest churches In N e w Jersey.

P R O T E S T A N T E P I S C O P A L .

St. James , L a f a y e t t e avenue , corner S t J a m e s place. T h e rector, the R e v . Charles W. N e u m a n n , will' preach a t the morn ing service, and In the e v e n -Ing the Rev. George T h o m a s Dowl lng . D.D. , formerly rector o f St. J a m e s , wil l preach- Dal ly Lenten services are be ing held* in th i s church at 5 o'clock, and every W e d n e s d a y noonday service for s tudents and dtho/s , beginning at 13:30 and ending promptly at 11:80. On W e d n e s d a y of this week the apeeker Wlil be the Rev . -Spencer 8, Roche , D.D. , rector-of St. Mark's Church.

Church Of S t Matthew. McDonough street and Tompkins avenue, the Rev . Frederic W . Norrfa rector. The service to-morrow morning a t 11 o'clock will Include a celebration mt holy c o m m u n ­ion, the Li tany "«d a sermon by the rector. At 7:80 o'clock there Will he s o evening prayer<aj*rvIce, with a sermon by the Rev. Samuel H. Job* o n the "Academic and Legal Healer ." This la the fifth In the ser ies which Is be ing given by this c l ergyman each S u n d a y evening. At I A. M. there will a l so be a ce lebrat ion of ho ly communion.

Dur ing Lent the fol lowing w e e k d a y evening prayer services are he ld: On Tuesday at 4, Wednesday at I. T h u r s ­day at 4 and Fr iday s t 8 p . M

Calvary, Bushwiek avenue, be low Gates, the Rsv . .John w i u i a m s rector , serv ice* to-morrow: 8 A u.. holy c o m ­munion; 10:41 A M . holy c o m m u n i o n and sermon by the pastor: 2:45 P. M . Sunday •chool; 7 * « P. M.. e v e n i n g prayer and sermon by th* R e v T h o m a s Davlea, of Manhattan T h e special


preaches a short sermon, the general subject being "The Spiritual Life." The special subject announced for next Wednesday e v e n i n g is " 'Watch, As God's Athlete.' " The Wordsworth Club, composed of young people con­nected with the church, will have a meet ing on Monday e v e n i n g at the home of the minister . The subject to be considered Is "The Problem of Be­ing."

The services a t the Moravian Church. Jay street , near Myrt le avenue, the Rev. Paul M. Orelder, pastor, will be as fol lows to-morrow: 10:45 A. M., Lenten l i tany and sermon; subject, "Self Sacrifice," fol lowed by the Lord's Supper. 2:30 P. M., Sunday school; 8 P. M., gospel service . Every d a y at 4:30 P. M., prayer service. Friday, 8 P. M., Christian Endeavor and Sunday-school lesson s tudy,

At the Welcome Primit ive Methodist Church, c l a s s o n avenue, near Lafay ­ette avenue, the pastor, the Rev. John J. Loekett. will preach to-morrow at 10:45 A. M. on "Uncerta inty and Op­portunity," and at 7:45 P. M., on "With Long Life Will I B les s Thee," in m e m ­ory of the Rev. Dr. Cuyler. At a pub­lic meeting at 2:30 P. M.. at which dis­cussion is al lowed, Thomaa W. Leon­ard will speak on "Causes of Political Corruption." Alderman Daniel R. Cole­man will preside.

The Rev. A. B. Hubley, of Montreal, Canada, wil preach to-morrow In the Reformed Episcopal Church of the Reconciliation, Nostrand and Jefferson avenues .

Church of the N e w Jerusalem, Mon­roe Place and Clark street. Services at 10:45 A. M. to-morrow. The Rev. Arthur Mercer will preach. Subject, "A Hard Road to Happiness ." Free li­brary and reading room, 98 South El ­liott place.

N e w Thought services in Aurora Grata Cathedral a t 3:30 P. M. Caroline S. F. March, speaker.

Holy Communion will be celebrated and new members received in the Si-loam Presbyter ian congregation to-mor­row at 3 P. M., In the auditorium of the A. M. E . Z. Memorial Church. Bridge street, between Wil loughby street and Myrtle avenue.

eervlce during; Lent i n the Church of' Our I>ady of Lourdes , Broadway and Aberdeen s t r e t

In the Church of S t John the B a p ­tist, Lewis and Wi l l oughby avenues , the fol lowing sermons will be delivered during tho week: A t the last m a s s on Sunday "Confirmation," by Father Judgf, C.M.; a t the v e s p e r service, the sermon will be on "Impurity," delivered

j by a vis i t ing miss ionary; on Tuesday ; evening, the sermon will be "Our j Faith and I t s Pract ices ," by Dr. Men-

nls, C M . On Sunday evening . In the Church of

the Visitation on Richards street, the second of the ser ies of sermons on "Christian Marriage" wil l be preached. f>n Wednesday e v e n i n g tire, preacher will b«< the Rev. John Wilson, of St. Patrick's.

The Paul ls t F a t h e r s , under the di­rection of F a t h e r C o n w a y , C.S.P., will •<;.!. a four week*' miss ion in the Church of St. A u g u s t i n e , on Sixth avenue, at the last m a s s to-morrow. The services dur ing the c o m i n g w e e k !

will be for the m a r r i e d women . The Fathers of the Prec ious Blood

will open a two w e e k s ' mission on March 21 In the C h u r c h of St. Boniface on Duffield street. T h e first week the services will be c o n d u c t e d in the Ger­man tongue and the second week will be devoted to the E n g l i s h - s p e a k i n g members of the c o n g r e g a t i o n .

On Sunday af ternoon the Vincent ian Fathers will conc lude the mission for the married w o m e n of the Church of St. Vincent de Pau l on North S ixth street, in the even ing t h e y will open a mission for the s ingle w o m e n of the parish.

The Ladies ' Auxi l iary of the St. V i n ­cent de Paul Society will hold Its a n ­nual retreat at the Convent of the French Nurs ing Sisters, on H e n r y street, during the c o m i n g week. It will be conducted by Dr. McGlnnis, president of the Internat ional Cathol ic Truth Society.


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Pas tor C. T. Russe l l , who S u n d a y before last attracted a larger aud ience to the Brooklyn A c a d e m y of Music by his f a m o u s d i scourse on "Where

Cathol ic l^eu)s To-morrow is tho j>-cond Sunday of

Lent . The F o r t y Hours* Devotion Is scheduled to t a k e place in the Church of St. Vincent de Paul, on North Sixth street; in the Church of the Visitation, on Richards street, and in the Church of St. Anne, on Gold street.

During the coming week the follow­ing feasts will be observed: Sunday. St, T h o m a s Aquinas ; Monday, St , John of God: Tuesday . St. Franc i s of R o m e ; Wednesday, the F o r t y Martyrs; Thurs ­day, St . Eu log ius ; Friday, Spear and N a i l s ; Saturday, St. Gerald. ^

Father Brady, of tbe Church of S t Teresa, h a s been sent to* the Church of St. Monica, a t Jamaica , t o ass i s t there during the i l lness of F a t h e r Matthews , the pastor.

There will be an important meet ing of, the Bx'Miuttve Committee of the Diocesan Union of Holy N a m e Societies in the parish hall of tne Church of the Holy Fami ly , on Thirteenth street, on Sunday afternoon. The meet ing i* cail"d for 3 o'clock.

Much bus iness o f importance wOl b e transacted at the meet ing of the St . Vincent de P a u l Society next Thurs ­day evening a t St . Vincent's H o m e on Boerum place.

The n e w Church of the H o l y Inno­cents, Bever ley road and East Seven­teenth s treet

R E F O R M E D .

R e f o r m e d on the H e i g h t s , Plerre-p o n t street. The pas tor wlU preach t o - m o r r o w morning, subject , "Work­e r s w i t h God." At 4 o'c lock the choir , under the direct ion of Clifford D e m a r e s t , organist, wi l l g ive a Men­d e l s s o h n afternoon, w i t h a d d r e s s by the pastor.

Bouth Bushwlck ( W h i t e Church) . T h e Lord's Supper wil l be served at t h e m o r n i n g service. D u r i n g March t h e P a r m e n a s c lass f o r m e n •will take a s Its t h e m e "Civic Corrupt ion," tak­i n g a s their topic for d iscuss ion th i s S u n d a y afternoon "The E x t e n t of Corruption." The c lass ho lds Its s e s ­s i o n s a t 3 P. M. every Sunday . T h e pas tor has been delegated to conduct s e r v i c e s at the "Hague" th i s s u m m e r a n d l e a v e s w i t h h i s f a m i l y for Hol land on t h e Holland Amer ican l iner N o o r -d a m , J u n e 22. H e wil l be a w a y about three months , sa i l ing f o r h o m e Sept. 11, o n the American l iner St. Louis ,

F irs t , Seventh avenue and Carroll s treet . Dr. Farrar, the minister , will m a k e an address to -morrow evening oh "The Life of Wagner ," in connec­t ion wi th the "Richard W a g n e r Ser­v i ce" to be given by t h e choir wi th so­lo is ts .

T. M. C. A ,

Dr . Cadman will speak at the Bed­ford Branch Y. M. C. A,, Bedford a v e ­n u e and Monroe street, e v e r y Sunday afternoon this month. To-morrow he wil l begin a series of Lenten lectures. T h e special subject for the first address will be "The Plain Man and H i s Bible." Dr. Cadman will follow his usual c u s ­t o m of answering ques t ions sent In from the audience. T h e specia l feature of th i s service will Include "Songs In the Dark," with the s ing ing led by H a r p e r G. Smyth. Charles Wold will g i v e several select ions on the musical g l a s s e s .

T h e Rev . Theodore S. Henderson, the new pastor of Hanson P l a c e Methodist Church, i s to speak a t the Central T. M. C. A., Ful ton and Bond streets , to -morroay afternoon a t 8:30. T h e music for th i s aervice will be furnished by t h * choir o f the Church of the Recon­cil iation.

M I S C E L L A N E O U S .

Dr. Madison C. P e t e r s wil l preach, to-morrow In the Old B u s h w l c k Re­formed Church, corner Conse lyea and Humboldt streets , the Rev. J. J . Munro, minister. At 10:4* Dr. Peters* subject wil l be. "The Evolut ion o f t h e Back­slider"; at 4 o'clock, "The Kind of a Church that Wil l Get the People ," and a t 7:46, "Popular Cloaks for Sin."

Lesl ie Wil l i* Bprague wil l speak o n "Moral Scepticism and I t s Cure" before the Ethical Society at Carnegie Hall . Manhattan, to-morrow morning. Mr. Sprague Is leader of the Brooklyn So­c i e t y for Ethical Culture a n d t» one o f Dr. Fel ix Adler s a s soc ia t e s In the loadership of the N e w York Ethical Society . It I* the first t i m e this year that Mr. Sprague has occupied the plat­form a t C u n s g i e Hal) .

At Uni ty Church t o - m o r r o w m o r n -Ins; the subject of Dr. B o n d a g e ' s ser­m o n will be "The Greates t o f Greek H e r o e s ; Thnoleon."

At the Fourth Uni tar ian Church, Bever ly road, and East N i n e t e e n t h street," Flatbush, the minis ter , the Rev. I* A. Harvey, will e x c h a n g e w i t h Rev. A. C Nlckerson, of P la lnf le ld , N. J. Serv ice at 11 A . M.

Brother Corner, of t h e D e K a l b Ave­n u e M. E . Church, wi l l h a v e charge o f t h e communion serv ices to be he ld a t t h * In-As-Much H o m e to -morrow a t 3:So P. M.

Before the People ' s F o r u m to -mor-row, at 3 P. M , a t Hart ' s Ha l l , Gates a v e n u e and Broadway , e x - A s s e m b l y ­m a n Barttey J. Wright will s p e a k on "The .Qomper* Contempt Proceed ings" and resolutions wilt be presented for | HU theme e n Sunday adopt ion protes t ing aga ins t t h e recent | pany Keeping ." dec i s ion of Federal Court Just ice Wright . The Social ist Educat iona l C l u b announce* at Its l ec turer for to­morrow,, at 3 P. M.. at It* rooms , 635 G r a h a m avenue, < near E n g e r t street. Robert Baker, who will apeak on "The Bat t l e for F r e e d o m . " T h e lec turer a t the Worklngmen'a E d u c s t l o n a l Club to-morrow, « P. M„ will be J a m e s F. Morton. Jr. Hi s subject Is "The N e s t Step In Social Evolut ion -

F a i t h Chapel, 126 N e a e a a avenue . W. H. Crlddls. super in tendent . E v e ­n i n g service t o - m o r r o w a t • P . M. Kvsngeli«t Clifton will h o l d revival services at the Fa i th Chane l beg inning to-morrow, and an M a r c h I, I. IA, l l , U , M e e t m f t every even ing a t 7:H.

In the Second Uni tar ian Church, Clinton and Congress s treets , the min­ister, the Rsv . Caleb fl. fl. Dnt ton , will

SUi.dayHSclTOol L e s s o r

First Quarter. March 7,1909.


Lesson X.

Acts viii. 26.

Philip and the Ethiopian. T h e c h a r i o t ride toward Gaza la a scenic Incident. H e r e comes t h e g l i t t e r ­

ing cava lcade—the avant -cour ier wi th van and rear -guard and b a g g a g e - t r a i n . Center of it all is this e legant , embossed , Egypt ian car. wi th its rider, so n o b l e and pens ive . In s tr iking contrast to* th i s brave array is the solitary f o o t m a n on the b y - p a t h that intersects the h ighway . If onf: could have a bird'a-eye view, h e w o u l d see that the c o n j u n c t i o n between t h e caravan and t h e s i n g l e trave ler is go ing to be accurate . It wil l occur just a.s the nobleman lays h i s f inger u p o n that passage of the Old T e s t a m e n t w h i c h , more than a n y o t h e r , conta ins t h e heart of the N e w .

H o w c o m e s this d u s k y pr ince to be a prose lyte? Perhaps s o m e f i r s t -century' R o t h s c h i l d , intent u p o n d o i n g good a s well as ge t t ing the h i g h e s t p o s -r'.ble rate of interest for h i s money , as he talked over bonds and c o n s o l s w i t h ' h i s t reasurer in the f a r - a w a y empire , coveted h i m for God. Or, t h e m o t i v o m a y h a v e been as evil as that wh ich received Jesus ' severest stricture.

At all events , the g e n u i n e n e s s of the convers ion of the Numid ian p r i n c e can not be discounted. I t i s ev idenced by h i s long , expensive .and t o i l s o m e j o u r n e y to the seat of h i s n e w l y - e s p o u s e d faith, and by his purchase a n d perusal of the Bible . To t h o s e w h o have , more sha l l be given.

Ph i l ip ' s call a w a y from S a m a r i a is inexpl icable to h im. The revival i s a t its h e i g h t . W h o can s h e p h e r d the converts like h i m s e l f ? Then, too , ordered to a p l a c e where there are no peop le to preach to . W h o can unders tand i t? But t h e evange l i s t is the v e r y incarnat ion of obedience . He s tops not "to** reason w h y , " rhuch less "to m a k e reply." His c o m p l i a n c e is in s tantaneous , implici t . H e w o r k s wi th God. W h o shal l measure the results?

A n o t h e r Spir i t -uttered order r ings in his heart , "Go, join this char io t ." It m a t t e r s not that the r ider Is ev ident ly a prince and a foreigner. P h i l i p is at t h e char io t -whee l in a m o m e n t . H e uses a wi t ty jingle of w o r d s to at tract t h e reader's a t tent ion , and a m o m e n t later is seated beside h i m u p o n the g o r g e o u s upholstery', w h i l e t o g e t h e r t h e y bend over the ye l low scrol l of the prophet . The upshot of It is that the "man of Eth iop ia" is converted , a n d the evange l i s t f inds that he w a s cal led t rom a c i ty to convert an empire . F o r that c h a r i o t is t ransmuted into a car of salvation. W i t h its load, m o r e p r e c i o u s han t h e ivory or gold of a cont inent , it rolled a t h o u s a n d miles u p t h e N i l e

Into t h e v e r y heart of Nub ia .

The Teacher's Lantern.

Are the D e a d ? gathered there, and w h o last Sunday spoke to a s imi lar ly large a s s e m b l y In the largest audi tor ium at Wat.-f-bury. Conn., w h e r e s tanding room was at a p r e m i u m , is to be h"re a g a i n to­morrow and 'conduct services in the Broo lyn Tabernac le , H i c k s street, near F u l t o n ( the old P l y m o u t h BeiJt*! of H e n r y Ward B e e c h e r f a m e ) . A t 11 o'c lock P a s t o r R u s s e l l wi l l p r e a c h on " B a p t i s m f r o m th« Bib le S tandpoint and I ts Import ." w h i l e a t 3 P. M. the topic wil l be "In t h e Cross o f Christ W e Glory," based o n t h e t e x t f o u n d i n Corinthians , I:IS: "The p r e a c h i n g o f t h e c r o s s Is to t h « n t h a t perish foo l ­i shness , but unto u s that are saved it is the Power of God." At 7 o'clock In t h e e v e n i n g there will b e a pra i se serv ice a n d half a n hour later a q u e s ­t ion meet ing , a t w h i c h Bible inquir ies f rom the publ ic w i l l he answered .

T h e historical accuracy of the narrat ive has incidental proof in t h a t w e k n o w from other sources t h a t there were at this period m a n y Jews in E t h i o p i a . Also , B. C. 22. a queen, cal led Candace , was forced by t h e prefect of E g y p t t o accept t e r m s of peace.

• • • • W W In t h e Mosaic ritual, the pr ies t put a drop of b lood on the tip of e a c h h o r n

of t h e altar. Incongruous , do you s a y ? A horned altar, and b lood o n t h e •Think a m o m e n t . T h e altar stood four-square . A horn pointed t<>

q u a r t e r o f t h e g lobe . I n t h * l a n g u a g e of t h e Lord's k indergarten . t« o r * ! meant t h a t the a t o n e m e n t w a s to b e carried e v e r y w h e r e , bo Pau l , la ter ,

i carried it n o r t h w e s t Into As ia Minor and beyond, and In this i n s t a n c e t h e j E t h i o p i a n carried it s o u t h w e s t into Africa.

• • • W W • ( T h e p h e n o m e n a l n i n e t e e n t h - c e n t u r y miss ionary m o v e m e n t is the p e r p e t u a ­

t ion and ex tens ion o f ' P h i l i p ' s work. It t ransmutes the chariots of c o m m e r c e i.tto c a r s of sa lvat ion, and s e n d s t h e m rol l ing t o w a r d the hearts of cont inents^ .

• * * * # * A s u m m e r s h o w e r drove s o m e p ious s tudent s o f Wi l l iams Col lege t o s h e l t e r

o f a hays tack . One s u g g e s t e d prayer for t h e h e a t h e n world. F r o m s u c h a n -vpnt rose t h e A m e r i c a n B o a r d o f C o m m i s s i o n e r s for Fore ign Mission*. J o h n S t e w a r t , a wayfar ing m a n . conver ted a t Marietta, Ohio , felt prompted t o s t a r t n o r t h w a r d to tell s o m e o n e o f his convers ion . H e entered the r e s e r v a t i o n o f t h e W y a n d o t Indians . T h e . tr ibe w a s converted. Fr#Jm"tbis c i r c u m s t a n c e rose t h e Miss ionary Society o f t h e M e t h o d i s t Ep i scopa l Church . A pa ir o f e m ­broidered s l ippers , admired b y a nat ive of rank In India , opened h i s h o u s e t o the w i f e of a miss ionary , t h a t s h e m i g h t t e a c h h i s w i v e s the art . T h u s * w o m a n ' s n e e d l e o p e n e d t h e zenanas . D o e s not t h e Prov idence w h i c h b r o u g h t P h i l i p a n d t h e e u n u c h t o g e t h e r sti l l order e v e n t s f o r the spread o f t h e c o s p e l ?

W. C. T. U. NOTES. T h e W o m a n ' s Chris t ian T e m p e r a n c e

Union of K ings C o u n t y i s to hold a ser ies of m e e t i n g s under the l eader ­s h i p o f Mrs. Mary H a r r i s Armor, S t a t e pres ident of G e o r g i a W. C. T. U. T h e

wil l he readv for o i c u - I m e * U n * s l 0 b e a d d r e s s e d by Mrs, A r -..v., J z U • re y iT= m o r wi l l be a s fo l lows: Monday

pancy within the n e x t t w o weeks. I March 8 , 8 P . M„ Bedford P r e s b y t e r -Father Chidwick . the former naval i a n c h u r c h . N o s t r a n d avenue,

chaplain, wil l lecture In St. Michael's Dean s treet ; T u e s d a y , March 9, 8 P, Church on March 14. A sacred c o n - j M., Greenpoint Tabernac le , M a n h a t ­

t a n a v e n u e , c o r n e r N o b l e stnse*; W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h IS, I P . J L , E d g o -

S U M M O X S N O T I C E S .

C A S T O R I A flflslistlsSaCsstsa,

Tht Klsd Yoa Haw Alwifi BMgkt

cert will precede t h e lecture. Workmen are m a k i n g great progress

on the basement of the new Redemp-i torlst Church. F i f t h avenue and F i f ty -ninth street , and the new edifice is e x ­pected to b e ready for dedication a t Easter .

The new school of the Holy F a m i l y . on Thirteenth street. Is about ready for dedication. Another new church ready for blessing is that of St. Thomas at Forest P a r k South.

In the Church of St. James , on J a y street, a so lemn month's mind m a s s w a s offered u p th i s morning for the re­pose of the soul of the late Father Mc-Keon.

In the Church of St. Casimlr, on Greehe avenue , there will be a solemn observance of the titular feast to -mor­row by F a t h e r Malowskl. This Is the pioneer Pol ish parish, end Poles Tare expected to a t t e n d the service not only from Brooklyn but from outside the borough.

Father Tork, pastor of S t Patrick's Church at Hunt ington , has sailed for Europe, a n d will present Marchion*** McLaughl in t o t h * Pope.

In the Church of Our Lady of A n ­gels , Fourth a v e n u e and Seventy-fourth street, the L e n t e n service* for the week will Include a sermon a t tha last m a s s on S u n d a y b y Dr. Dov ie on "The City of Confusion." At the vesper .iervlce in the e v e n i n g a sermon by Father Gor­man, of St . John's Seminary. On Thursday e v e n i n g a sermon by Father Walah. S J . . o f Brooklyn College. On Friday e v e n t n f a lecture will be deliv­ered b y Prof. W a l s h of Fordham Uni­vers i ty « i "Mow T h e y Educated the Mind."

In the Church o f the Presentation on Uockaway a v e n u e . Dr . Mennls, C . H , of Pt. John's Col lege, will preach on Sun­day evening the second of his course of sermons o n "Christian Marriage."

will be "Com-

At noon n « « t Wednesday , Father Donnelly, of Centre Moriches, i r t l de­liver a wrrrsTA In the Church of Our I/ady of Mercy on Sehermerhom strffi . His subject wil l he "Christ In tha Home,**

Father Parker , S.P.M., the eloquent Father of Mercy, la preaching a course of Lenten sermon* in the Church of St. Hrlgid, on Linden street , on the Tit---day evening* o f Lent.

Father O art land, o f Union Hil l . K J . la the preacher at th* Sunday evening


w o o d R e f o r m e d Church , F i f ty - th l td s treet a n d F o u r t e e n t h a v e n u e ; T h u r s ­day, Mnroh 11, 8 P. M.: Hanson P l a c e M. E. Church , corner St. F e l i x s t r e e t ; Fr iday , March 12, S P . M., Marcy Avfe-ttue Bapt i s t C h n r o h . c o r n e r P u t n a m

r a i d e d la th« complaint.—Dated January 14. ISO*. WHtTMEt. H. SMITH, Attorney for Plain­

tiff; Of Oca ana l \ O. Addreaa, 315 Mon­tague street. Brooklyn. S. T. To defendant Jalla Knapp McCarthy: The

foregoing summons la served upon you by publication puissant to an order of the Ho-, Edward B. Thomaa, a Justice of tne Supreme. Court of the State at Haw Tori, dated February nth . liWfl. and tiled oa February 13. ICOS. with a cosy of tna

. amended complaint in tha offfc* of the corner | Cler* of tha County of Klasa In tha Hall of

Records Is tbe Borough of Brooklyn, City . . i f f New York, which amended complaint

was originally filed la the office of tha rirrk at tha County of Kings en January 14, ISO*.—Dated BrooklvB. NT T., Feb. IS, 18**- _ Voura, e t c WHITMKt, H. SMITH. At tome*- for Plain­

tiff; Office and P O. Addreaa, 215 Mon­tague street. Brooklyn. K. T. 2 1 J-S-«

^ 'PRJBMB COtTCT, KINO** COCNTT.— Julia M Dupell. plaintiff, against Syndicate

--_ , * . w : . .» « . * w i Construction Company. Th* l*st*S Realty a v e n u e ; Sunday, March 14, 1 0 : » A. M., tcompany. Jolhr, Knapp McCarthy.^ Wataon * Concord Baptis t , Duff ie ld Street, n e a r i Pittingar' fa cor»erstien>. IforTts OoMman, Myrtle a v e n u e ; S u n d a y , March 14, 3:45 } * , " • * & £ Praaatoger. Brrro. a OotlBar. Rob-P . M., H a n s o n P l a c e Bac t i s t , c o m e r of S o u t h Por t land a v e n u e ; Sunday . March 14, 7:S0 P. M., Greenwood B a p ­tist C h u r c h , S e v e n t h a v e n u e a n d S l* tn street ,

Kings County W . C T. U. wUl bold its e x e c u t i v e m e e t i n g March t a t % P. M. in th* lec ture room of the T . t L C. A.. F u l t o n and*Bond streets ,

Mr. W a t e r m a n w i n lead the m e e t i n g of the M a r y Hart t Vnktn to-morrow a t 4 I'. M. a t 580 G a t e s a v e n u e

A n e w l y organised !<oyal Temperance Legion h a * an unheard of aucces*. L a s t T u e s d a y e v e n i n g the room? of t h e f Grernwood H e i g h t s Reformed Church were packed t o t h e doors, when at t h e Invitation of the S u n s e t Park L. T. I* more t h a n t w o hundred men, women an J children ga thered to see the very f ine ' steredtttSeon v i e w s and listen to Mi of alcohol upon t h e human body, and of th? horror* o f Intemperance gener

•rt Ward. Herman Danker and Benny Jacob, Henrv >{. Mar as. John F. Lawrence. Frances F. Riegm. J*an O. Amos and Mary B. Ouid. Charles A._Fuller, George M. Aeklom, Stuart

old*. Floreaoa Wlsalow, tbe. nam* "Jatta" .laatag

John" D. fictitious.

BAsiey. defend­

ant's real name being unknown to plaintiff, defendants-To, th* above named defendants and each of them: Tou are hereby summon­ed to answer tha complaint in this acton. and to serve a cony of your answer on tbe atalntlffa attorneys within twenty dava after the service of this l u m w n i , exclusive of the day of service; and In ease of your tall­er* to appear, or answer. Judgment will be taken against yoa by default tut th* relief demanded la the complaint.—Dated January Ilth. ISO*. PICKarrT * MnX.BR. Att*rn#ya for Plain­

tiff, Offlee and P. O, Address. SIS Mon-taaae St . Brooklyn. N T. T» Julia Knapp McCarthy: Th* forego-

lag summons la served apon you by publica­tion pursuant to an order of tha Hen, Ed­ward B Thomas, a Justice of ths Supreme Court »f the Stat* of Mew Tork. dated February l l th. ISO*, and filed on Febru­ary tSlh, 1*0*. with * copy of th* complaint in the office of the Clark^of th* County of

^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ , Klnga Js th* Hall of Retorts In the Borough - K_ C R s v M e a k unon th«» effect« ' °* Bruolstfn, Ctty of New Tork. which « n i -' . * " - . ' •ZZ2Lw¥z?\}l?¥l , n * i ** T * c l ! * plaint was originally filed In th* office of

- - - - - - - of King* on Janu-^ . . . * lya. S . T.. Feb

rusry l*rt*j, !*•*, ToOre, sea, PICKETT * Mtt.UER Attorneys for Plain

tiff. Office and P. o Addreaa 3)6 Men tagw* St.. Brooklyn, N. T. 2-13-a-s


67'woodrno. i .a l i Wf fjflbart. Oeorge R * * ^ 4 & l ? * 4 f & — B * l e o * **" I o r * * » « a » b * r

SUPREME COCRT, COUXTT OF KINGS. —John Park Robinson, plaintiff, against Samuel Horowitz. Roale Horowitz. Emma E.

f 'etit. William W. Thomas, Chart** K. uckley. Jacob Lavingson, Jacob Schwartz.

Malachv Schwartz, Jacob Grossman, Annie Grossman, Morris Kronenberg, Reberra Kronenberg. Forrest 8. Chilton, Mendel Gel-fond, '"Mary" Gelfond, wife of Mendel Gal-fond, the said name "Mary" being fictitious. tbe true Christian name of tha defendant being unknown to plaintiff; City of New York, Gustav Radar Company, Hy-man Bar-Isb. Morris Posner. Crescent Chemical Man­ufacturing Company. Ctaudl.. Goon aa true-tee in bankruptcy of the W, J. Schmidt as Co ; KHas N. Pitser. Rubin Muslcont, Samuel Cantor. Isldor Braverman. J. C Turner Lumbar Co., Gabriel Isaacs, David Isaacs, Carlo Rosea, Anna Rosea, Morris Slegel, Esther Sieget, Bfrmim Carotes, Max Wil­liams Mary K McConneii. Sam Cohen, Isldor Schwartz. Jacob Goldstein, Sam Olatetn, Ahy Sakrai*. David Nowak. Morris Durotf, Ell Sikal. Haskel Schwartz, defendants—To th* above named defendants and each of them: Tou are hereby summoned to answer th* complaint ia this action, and to serve a copy of your answer on the Plaintiffs Attorney* within twenty days after th* aervice of tbi* summons, exclusive of the day of service; and In case of your failure to appose, or answer. Judgment will be taken against yen by default for th* relief demanded Is th*

mplalnt—Dated. New Tork,

Frances E . WlDard Union win hold a gospel temperance mee t ing to-morrow at 4 P. X . , T. S , QreawoM. leader, ch i l ­dren'* meet ing e v e r y Wednecday a t J » 1*. M i

the Clark of tb* County ary l l th , IsO*.-—Dated Brooklyn,

COt'NTT COURT. KINGS COCNTT. — John E Andrua. plaintiff, against Charles Bucaoaam and MM. Charles Buchbaum. hi* wife. If any. Philip Oreetitwrg, Herman Ros-eiiihal Sidn*y H. Resjoathal, Leon Pruslln. Kslmao Aitman, Frank Nudslman. Samuel S K«san Herman Berner. Samuel Solomon. Hvman Treedmaa, Max Mliiman. or Max nil'man rauiino Cehea. Henry Davidasn. David Strauss. Iseas H. Radford, L, 1. Ess

WILLIAMS, FOLSOM A STROU8E, Attor­neys for Plaintiff: Office A Post Office Address, 111 Nassau "freet. Borough of Manhattan, New Tork CWy, To tbe defendants Jacob Goldstein, Jacob

Levlngsost Carlo Ross*. Anna Rosea. Mortis sieges. Father Siege!, Mendel Gelfond, "Mary" Gelfond. wife of Mendel Gelfond, th* said name "Mary" being fictitious, tha true Christian name of defendant being un­known to plaintiff. Sam Olatetn and Mary McConBelt: Tbe foregoing summons la served upon you by publication and pursu­ant t* an order of Hon, Edward B. Thomaa. one of tbe Justice* of the Supreme Court of the State of New Tork, dated th* sth day of February, IMS. and filed with tb* complaint in the office of the Clerk of King* County at tb* County Court House, In ihe Borough of Brooklyn, Ctty of New Tork. count v of Klnga and State of New Tork, en the Sth day of February, ISO*—Dated, New Tork, February «, IPOT WILLIAMS, FOLSOM * STROCBE. Attor.

neya for Plaintiff; Office A Post Office Address, l i t Nassau street. New' Tork Ctty. *•-«-*.•

preach to-rnotrew morning; subject, • T h * Otwfi IHrwer o f J*o*f.** T h e special Wednesday evening gorr tces wtll be continued until April 7. They are conducted by th* minister, who


Mrs. He len t., Bul lock, national or­ganiser and n a t i o n a l superintendent of the department o f mothers' m e e t i n g * for National W o m a n ' s Christian T e m ­perance Union*. Will speak under t h e auspice* of t h e f l a t b u s h Union a t t h e Flatbush <'on«TT*jgatlo»al Church, cor­ner of Bast E i g h t e e n t h street and Dor-ehestr-r road, S u n d a y evening, March 14, H«r topic wfll be "Voices." sagM^ I Will llllllMWasgBzg-je-13a*saE»

s i M M O X 8 N O T H K8.

"st-PRKSIR COURT. KINGS COUNTY. — !*•—-••• U l.vnch, ptaiatlff, against Syadl-

i ess*. Conatrwetlea Compaay, Tb* Lotus October 27th. ISO*. __ __ Rea'tr i-imr'W, Julia K. McCarthy. Watson EDWIN KEMrTON Plaintiff t Attcrnei ;

I * PHiimter. a domeatie corporation Morris office and Pest Office Address, <TS R#m-(ioldmaii, Austin B, Preaalnger. Michael sen street. Brooklyn. N*» Tork City u«iW. also krwwn as *Wk* Boal, Brvla R. To the ostondanls Charles Buchbaum and fi.v o«-r Aimi* Guides*, composing the firm Mr*. Charles Boehhaum, hla wife. If any:

I of lalvero. Guldera A Company Robert Samuel Solomon Hyman Freedmaa, Pauline i Wa'rt Herman Denker, sjMany Jacob. Orrla | Cohen and Isaac H Radferd: The foregoing


COCNTT COURT. KINC.B fX>TJ?r*rT— George Cooper, plslntlff. against Morris Manson, and others, defendants.—In pur­suance of a Judgment of foreclosure and aale duty made and entered In the abore-entttlect

i action, and bearing date the l l th day of J February, I BOB, I. the undersigned, the ref-i eree in aald judgment named, win sell a t i public auction to the highest bidder, hy [William H. Smith, auctioneer, at the Brook. Ilyn Real Kstate Ifttcbange, No, 1«|» Montagu*

_ . . „ -_ I street. In the Borough of Brooklyn, County .off Real Estate Company, M*sw«ll B. j o f Kings, on th* l l th day of Mareh, ISO* -* Mannes Jacob Wolf snrt Arm** Wolf, bfs wife,* Albert W Brown. Hagj -O . Currajfi, defendants Act io No. 3 — Summons. - T.i th* above named defendante and eaeh of ihsm You* are hereby summoned to answer the e*a»pl*int m this action, and to s#f*e a cony of your answer on the Planttlfr* Attor­ney within twenty days after tbe service of this aummona. exclusive of th* day of ser­vice, and i* case of your failure to appear, or answer. Judgment will b* taken against

i you by default, for th* relief demanded in the complaint—Dated Broohlya, N. T. City.

Bird, "William Trelour, Jt Q. Krake. A, A. Surer Christine Bonher, g . F, I.ySter, B. O.

„ _. —«. _ g i ^ _ ^ ^ B ^ ^ _ ^ K L « r T — - smith! ".iohn" Ourd, "•dward" «*ow, th* About th* Ma* #c »«ar shoes It's i*t«e satis- i : , , , n t n * defendants being tenant*, defend-fscttsn to kaaw that many people ran «-e»r : ..,,« Amended summons—To th* abov* shnea a sue smaller by sprinkling Allen's ..^med defendants an* eaeh of them: You Foot-sjas* late thesa. Just th* thins f.>t•'• ~.T* berebv summoned to answer the amend, liaacing Cerise*. I*al»at Leather Shoei! ar.i ,,t , omoialnt In thla actio*, and to str** a for breaking In New*. Whoa rubbers j ropy of your answer on tb* Plaintiffs At-or overshoe* ***£*•*• nsejuary and v.... , , „ B „ wl-hin twenty days after the service shoes »meh, _AU*sya s*wSMtsam gtraa Instant ; o ( l h!s summons, exclusive of th* day of ??:L-9MZ£*V1ld!!*Jl&- wasBpeaFRKK lUrvice. and in case of your fallal* I* Addreaa, Alien ft OlaSSta*. l a K o x N. T J „ r , r or answer, Jud.. n***| swept • * » st** w * l Kslnst v«i by dtrfauh

of gear failure to ap-isment wtll b* taken tilt for th* relief «*

r*g* of 1 summens la served upon you and eaeh ol y#*

ov publication, pursuant to an erd»r made bv Hon Lewis L Fawcetl, »n* of in* County Judges of Kins* County, dated t te twenty-nf»* day of February. ISO*, and flled ia the ..fflc* of th* Cl*r» *f th* County of Kings ,m th**t»*nty-«tsth day of February. 1*0*,

ith th* complaint, and you will farther take notice that the Suntmona and Com - , Rro*kf y rlnt in the *b*v*-*ntliled action were filed lya, N

the office of the Clsrk of the County of Kings on the 2Tt " - - -

f -St -dd

twelve o'clock noon, tbe premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described a* follows: All that certain lot piece er parcel of land, with tb* building and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying sod being In th* liorougb of Brooklyn of the City of New Tork, County of King* and state of New Tork, bounded and eie-acrlbed aa follows, to wit: Beginning at m point on the southerly eldo of Melrose atrset distant four hundred fifty f4SO*i feet east­erly from th* corner formed by the Inter­section of tbe southerly side Of M»lr,»e* street with th* easterty side of KjsiokSF-bocker avenue, running thence southerly parallel with Knickerbocker avenue and part of ths distance through a party wall to th* center tht* of the block between Metros* and Jefferson streets one' hundred riOo*) feet: thetie* easterly along said center tin* of the block and parallel with Melrose street twenty-ftv* <»'> feet: thence northerly' again parallel with Knickerbocker arena* one hundred (lofvi feet to the southerly eld* of Melrose street sssrt thence westerly al.»ng th* southerly aid* of Meime* street twenty-five r'V* feet to the point or pis*** of be­ginning Said premises being also known

" « 4 Mel and by No^ irose street Ctty of New York "•»% Uth. ion*


Borons Dated Ilr

h of rook-

the Tlerk of t h. County of WILLIAM l.tBBERMANW. R*f*r*a. *• ' e f .w^^s iM' iVr^N 1 ' A n i ." •*«H,..eTa?£ . . K : , " g w t V * 2 ? !

^ • . ^ n t i r r T O o r a , , K»SZ.?Z " Tt ~ , l h 0 , m •"•*•«' , ? i p f % '


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