Page 1: Textual analysis part three

The New Musical Express which is known as the ‘NME’ is a popular magazine in the United Kingdom which has been published weekly since March 1952. It was the first British paper to include a singles chart, which first appeared in the 14 November 1952 edition. The magazine's commercial heyday was during the 1970s when it became the best-selling British music magazine. During the period 1972 to 1976 it was particularly associated with gonzo journalism, then became closely associated with punk rock.


Page 2: Textual analysis part three

Like many music magazines NME uses its bright colours and boldness to stand out to other music magazines. It includes music news updates and information there target audience will want to read about, involving main headlines on the front cover to catch readers attention.


NME magazine has a well known British artist as there front cover being Lilly Allen. They have done this as many readers will recognize her and her music which will bring attention to the magazine gaining more readers and popularity to NME. This particular front cover shows women domination as it had a picture of a woman on the front whom is famous dominating the front cover with a head line stating ‘takes on the world.’ She is placed slightly central therefore taking up most of the magazine cover.


The audience to this magazine is aimed at young adults along the age range of 16- early 20′s. It attracts those that are ‘Indie’ and ‘Rock ‘n’ roll’ fans. Also, those that enjoy reading magazines or are influenced by it or the artist presented in it. This particular issue is aimed at those who are a fan of ‘Lily Allen’ and ‘The Artic Monkeys.’


There is essential information presented in the magazine such as the date headline mast head price and barcode. A black border runs along both the top and bottom of the magazine, it also has cover lines including important headlines which is the creator thinks will be more popular to catch the readers attention placed on the left hand side of the magazine. Lilly Allen is placed two thirds of the ay up as that’s the place where you first look so its more noticeable. The price is placed under the masthead and the barcode at the bottom, these are essential to make a magazine however are smaller as NME doesn’t want its reader to be put off by the price of the magazine so has it in small print however is still noticeable.


The masthead will be the biggest font on the magazine, it is in bright, big and bold colours therefore it stands out to its audience which a white stroke on the outline to make the masthead seem more noticeable. The masthead is slightly covered by a well known artists head, however this is done on purpose to show it’s a well known magazine and you don’t have to show the full masthead to recognize it.

Header/Rating Stars

Headers and sub heading are placed all over the magazine, one at the top of the magazine to show something import and featured at the magazine that the reader will immediately see. Headers and rating stars are splashed along the sides of the magazine or at the bottom as they aren’t important as the cover star which dominates the magazine but still captures the readers attention, therefore is in smaller print and placed at the left hand side of the magazine.

Page 3: Textual analysis part three

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