
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited, Succursale italiana BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited - Sede Legale: 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL.Autorizzata e vigilata

dalla Financial Conduct Authority. Iscritta al Registro delle Società di Inghilterra e Galles al No. 2020394. Capitale sociale autorizzato: GBP 170.000.000, di cui GBP 119.006.480 totalmente versato. Succursale italiana – Codice Fiscale e Registro Imprese Milano: 97283210157. Partita IVA: 13433060152. R.E.A. Milano: 1650247. Iscritta al n. 24 dell’Elenco Consob.

Via Brera, 3/5 20121 Milano

Italia Tel +39 02 91597 1

Fax +39 02 91597 472

Giovanni Lombardo worked as a translator for BlackRock during two different events held in Singapore on 26th September 2014 and in Hong Kong on 1st November 2014 with one of its Italian top clients. Mr. Lombardo’s service contributed in a very relevant way to the success of these two events, as he not only provided us with an excellent translation from English to Italian but also showed a very good knowledge of what he was translating. This turned to be a real value added for the client to better understand the actual financial and political environment in Asia.

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