Page 1: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal

Doc. No: D195.07.02 Rev. 01 Last revision: 24.06.2008






Page 2: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


n° Date Author Software

TEST1 Software ROLLER2


Software ROLLER10/20P



00 08/07/2005

AP 4.05x 5.02 Creation

01 09/07/2008





SIRE Analytical Systems S.r.l. Via Biella 121/3 33100 UDINE – ITALY tel. +39-0432/547454 fax +39-0432/547378

ALIFAX s.p.a. Alifax S.p.A. via Petrarca, 2/1 35020 Polverara (PD) - Italy Tel. +39 049 0992000 Fax +39 049 5855434

Page 3: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


1. INTRODUCTION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

2. ADD PARTS to INSTALL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

3. USEFUL TOOLS FOR DEBUGGING------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

4. SYMBOLS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

5. TEST1 RS232 PORTS features: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

6. SERIAL CABLE PIN CONNECTIONS TO CONNECT TEST1 TO PC-LAB: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

7. TEST1 protocol options------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

8. RS232 test function to check the communication of TEST1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

10. Protocol description:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

11. ROLLER20 (old model) RS232 PORTS features: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

12. SERIAL CABLE PIN CONNECTIONS TO CONNECT ROLLER20 TO PC-LAB: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

13. ROLLER 20 protocol options---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

14. RS232 test function to check the communication of ROLLER20 (OLD MODEL)---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

15. QUERY PROTOCOL project for ROLLER20. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13

16. Protocol description:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17

17. ROLLER 10- 10PN - 20PN RS232 PORTS features:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

18. SERIAL CABLE PIN CONNECTIONS TO CONNECT ROLLER10PN/20PN TO PC-LAB:--------------------------------------------------------------- 19

19. ROLLER10PN/20PN PROTOCOL OPTIONS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

20. RS232 test to check the communication of ROLLER10PN/20PN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22

21. QUERY PROTOCOL project for ROLLER 10- 10PN / ROLLER20PN. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

22. Protocol explanation (BCI Configuration): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24

23. TEST1, ROLLER10PN-ROLLER20PN and ROLLER20(old model) Multiple connections ---------------------------------------------------------------- 26

24. INTERFACING LATEX PROTOCOL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

LATEX PROTOCOL INTERFACE EXPLICATION Up to Sw. version 6.01C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 LATEX PROTOCOL INTERFACE EXPLICATION From Sw. version 6.01D (Test 1 and new Roller 10-10PN / 20PN)--------------------------- 28

Note: The paragraphs written with the italic blue characters (as on this note) indicate a variation or an

addition to the previous version of the manual.

Page 4: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


1. INTRODUCTION This manual is focused to give detailed information about serial ports connections available on TEST1 ROLLER20 (old model) ROLLER10/10PN/20PN instruments and communication protocol features. It should help Software House Companies during the modification or the installation of their program in the Host Computer.


A standard cable to connect two Personal Computers via serial port. This cable must have:

D-type 25 pin female connector at one side and a D-type 9 pin female connector at the opposite side for TEST1 and ROLLER20 (OLD MODEL). D-type 9 pin female connector at one side and a D-type 9 pin female connector at the opposite side for ROLLER10PN/20PN.


A PC computer with a communication program installed (like HyperTerminal of Windows) to test the instrument communications. HyperTerminal allows the technician to check the communication messages byte by byte.

To run it follow the path: start, all programs, accessories, communication, HyperTerminal; run it and choose new connection. Type a preferred name e.g. TEST1, press OK and then EXIT. Open the curtain menu pressing File on the left upper side of HyperTerminal window and Property; a new window will be opened. Press Connection and choose the serial port where the serial cable has been connected: e.g.Com1. Press Configuration and choose the speed which should be 9600Bps. Press OK twice.


The below symbols will be displayed on HyperTerminal if the program is configured with Terminal character.

☻= STX symbol

♥ = ETX symbol

♠ = ACK symbol

§ = NAK symbol CHECKSUM = XOR calculation of part of R received message to check the correctness of it.

Page 5: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


5. TEST1 RS232 PORTS features:

Communication ports parameters are fixed and cannot be modified.

Baud rate 9600 Parity N Data bit number 8 Stop bit 1

HyperTerminal program must have the same parameters to a correct data exchanging.

PORT2 connection.

PORT1 connection


DB9 F DB25 F

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

This instrument communicates through Serial Port 2. This port uses a 25 pin male (DB25) serial connector. The used pins are: no. 2 for TXDATA, no. 3 for RXDATA and 7 for ground. The remaining pins are connected together as null-modem configuration (4-5-8 and 6-20).

Serial Port 1 cannot be used for communication. It is connected internally to the INTERNAL BAR CODE READER (IBCR – if installed) or it can be connected to an EXTERNAL BAR CODE READER (EBCR) The maximum number of ASCII characters for each patient ID is 15 (fifteen).

Page 6: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


7. TEST1 protocol options

The right choice of the protocol enables the Query functionality. The table below specify different configurations:

DAT8 either DAT15 option can be choice accessing in the COMMUNICATION MENU passing through TECH MENU. Press key 5 from MAIN MENU and keys 1 and subsequently 9 as password and then key 3.

If the internal bar code reader is installed in a TEST1 instrument, DAT15 will be forced automatically at powering on.

In the TEST1 COMMUNICATION MENU, RS232 Protocol option can be recalled pressing key

1- DAT08 2- DAT15 This message will be displayed

Option (1) Enables the patient identification number length to 8 bytes. Option (2) Enables the patient identification number length to15 bytes.


No Patient ID codes, having length of characters of 8 digits at maximum, could be read by an external bar code reader (EBCR) or they could be introduced typing them manually. The output message structure will be followed by the sedimentation curve date (like STD) if KINET option in the COMMUNICA-TION menu is enabled.

STX 1 byte R 1 byte Not used 2 byte Identification no 8 byte Not used 6 byte ESR result 4 byte Checksum 1 byte ETX 1 byte TOTAL = 24 byte

☻ ♥

Checksum note Checksum value is the result of Exclusive OR (XOR) of all characters of the message, excluded STX, ETX and Checksum. If the Checksum value calculated by the analyzer is 03 (corresponding to ETX), or 02 (corresponding to STX), or 00 (corresponding to NULL), the value will be automatically replaced with 7F hex value. Software House must adopt the same procedure when calculating checksum of the strings received from the analyzer.


Yes It works by an internal (IBCR) or external bar code reader (EBCR). It accepts the maximum patient identity code with 15 characters of length. This protocol will be activated automatically if an IBCR is connected.

STX 1 byte R 1 byte Workstation number 2 byte Identification no 15 byte Rack no 2 byte Position 2 byte Cycle/Bayer (Note) 2 byte ESR result 4 byte Checksum 1 byte ETX 1 byte TOTAL = 31 byte

Checksum note Checksum value is the result of Exclusive OR (XOR) of all characters of the message, excluded STX, ETX and Checksum. If the Checksum value calculated by the analyzer is 03 (corresponding to ETX), or 02 (corresponding to STX), or 00 (corresponding to NULL), the value will be automatically replaced with 7F hex value. Software House must adopt the same procedure when calculating checksum of the strings received from the analyzer.

Bayer note: This field is managed by Bayer parameter on tech/communication Menu: If Bayer is 0, the field deals with the number of Cycle otherwise if Bayer is 1, the field will contain '01' (hex 30 and 31) to maintain the Bayer protocol compatibility.

Page 7: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


8. RS232 test function to check the communication of TEST1

It simulates one transmission of 10 TEST1 results to host computer through RS232 serial port (SERIAL PORT 2). If DAT8 is chosen, a message with 8 ID digits will be sent to the Host. Selecting DAT15, the ID digit number to send to the Host is going to be 15.

DAT8 test transmission and its explanation:

Field name

Symbol Hex value



STX ☻ 02 1 char

The first field is the same to all ten strings

‘R’ 52 1 char The second field is the same to all ten strings Workstation Number

2 char The third field is the same to all ten strings

Patient ID Number

8 char The furth field is different from the others strings

Rack no. 2 char The fifth field is the same to all ten strings Position 2 char The sixth field is different from the others Bayer (Note2) 2 char The seventh field is the same to all ten strings Result 4 char The eighth field is different from the others Checksum (Note1)

1 char The nighth field is different from the others.

ETX ♥ 03 1 char The tenth field is the same to all ten strings.

Note : what above explained refers to the TEST Strings instrument send to host computer, this string is displayed above this table.

Note1: Checksum note

Checksum value is the result of Exclusive OR (XOR) of all characters of the message, excluded STX, ETX and Checksum. If the Checksum value calculated by the analyzer is 03 (corresponding to ETX), or 02 (corresponding to STX), or 00 (corresponding to NULL), the value will be automatically replaced with 7F hex value. Software House must adopt the same procedure when calculating checksum of the strings received from the analyzer.

Note2: Bayer field remains

activated to , '01' (hex 30 and 31) because it is only a test.

Total length 24 char

DAT15 test transmission and its explanation:

Field name

Symbol Hex value



STX ( ☻ 02 1 char

The first field is the same to all ten strings

‘R’ 52 1 char The second field is the same to all ten strings Workstation Number

2 char The third field is the same to all ten strings

Patient ID Number

15 char The furth field is different from the others strings

Rack no. 2 char The fifth field is the same to all ten strings Position 2 char The sixth field is different from the others Bayer (Note2) 2 char The seventh field is the same to all ten strings Result 4 char The eighth field is different from the others Checksum (Note1)

1 char The nighth field is different from the others.

ETX ♥ 03 1 char The tenth field is the same to all ten strings.

Note : what above explained refers to the TEST Strings instrument send to host computer, this string is displayed above this table.

Note1: Checksum value is the result of Exclusive OR (XOR) of all characters of the message, excluded STX, ETX and Checksum. If the Checksum value calculated by the analyzer is 03 (corresponding to ETX), or 02 (corresponding to STX), or 00 (corresponding to NULL), the value will be automatically replaced with 7F hex value. Software House must adopt the same procedure when calculating checksum of the strings received from the analyzer.

Note2: Bayer field remains activated to , '01' (hex 30 and 31)

Total length 31 char

Page 8: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


In the COMMUNICATION MENU, RS232 function can be recalled pressing .



This message will be displayed

9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1

This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal Bar Code Reader (IBCR). It queries HOST Computer through Serial Port 2 (RS232C). This protocol is the same of QUERY TEST1 program; a Windows software designed to be loaded in a Personal Computer (LAB PC) installed in a laboratory and connected to HOST through a network. QUERY protocol uses two files to exchange data for the communication with HOST by using the LAB PC like a bridge between TEST1 and HOST Computer. Further information of QUERY TEST1 program software can be taken from the QUERY TEST1 installation and using manual.

TEST1 Settings for a correct communication COMMUNICATION MENU in the TECH MENU, allows the configuration of some parameters for the correct communication protocol. The accessing in it is allowed by typing key 5 from MAIN MENU, keys 1 and subsequently 9 for the password requesting and key 3.


Page 9: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


The configuration for a correct Query protocol functioning is:

RS232 PROTOCOL= It has to be set to DAT15 (Working with an Internal Bar Code Reader it is forced automatically). To access inside and select DAT15 press key 1 in the COMMUNICATION menu. KINET. SETUP= It must be kept to 0. Press key 3 in the COMMUNICATION menu to access inside and select 0.

This parameter, when activated, sends a kinetic curve data for factory checking after having transmitted “R” message.

SETUP [ * ]= Press key 4 in the COMMUNICATION menu to access inside the option and 1 to enable the asterisk character transmission to the host. It works when a analysed sample gives a low value of hematocrit (around 20% and less). The position of it in the message is explained in the Warnings (next page). ENABLE BAYER Press key 5 in the COMMUNICATION menu to access Bayer option and 1 to enable it to guarantee the Bayer protocol specifications (field Cycle/Bayer = 01). If Bayer protocol is not requested this option must be kept to 0 (disable). MEASURE MISSING ID= Press key 6 in the COMMUNICATION menu to access to the option and key 1 to allow the analysis of samples without any identification number or not readable by IBCR. Keeping it to 0, these samples won’t be analysed. TIME OUT UART= Press key 7 in the COMMUNICATION menu to access this option to set the waiting time (from 2 to

99 seconds) if the increasing of the waiting time to receive “T” message and the confirmation byte (ACK) for having received “R” message is requested. The maximum time to receiving “T” message and the confirmation byte (ACK) for having received “R” message remain set to 2 seconds keeping it to OFF. If within this time no message comes in, the instrument will go ahead. This option works if ACK option, available pressing 9 in the COMMUNICATION menu is enabled.

Verify of the parameters setting in the flag list printing:

Pressing 6 in the TECH MENU, the flag list printing is going to be obtained like in the following example: TEST1

UK ver. 6.01F Jun 27 2008 xx:xx:xx. TEST1 SN. xxx # AVAILABILITY xxxx # GLOBAL COUNT. xxxx BoosterY 1.0000 Model Fact 1.0000 . MIXING CYCLES 180 MIXING SPEED 1 Smart warning 2000 Instrument number N° 1 RS232 DAT15 FLOW CONT. ON OFFSET LEV. FLOW 556 T. 100 974 FS fact 1.0159 Miss. ID set. 1 Change ID 0 ACK set 0 Print setup 1 Magnif Set 1 Calib. setup 1 Bayer. setup 1 [ * ] setup 0

Kinet.setup 0 Mixer speed 1 Offset car. 0 Offset nee. 0 Washing time 20 Vs. 0 TimeOut 20

Page 10: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


10. Protocol description:

1. The internal Scanner reads the bar code (patient ID) from the label stuck on the tube, the instrument creates “Q” message and sends it to HOST computer through RS232 serial port (or to PC LAB PC if it is connected like a bridge).

2. HOST computer verifies if the patient identity code is present in the working list and, accordingly, it replies with "T" message. TEST1 waits to receiving it within two seconds and then it goes ahead. If ACK option is off, TEST1 is going to remain waiting up to 2 seconds for receiving it, otherwise if it is on, TEST1 is going to wait for all the set time (TIMEOUT from 2 to 99 seconds).

TIMEOUT UART time and ACK are selectable in the COMMUNICATION MENU. “T” message is going to have the result field filled with “0001”, if the sample requires the analysis. The result field will be filled with “0000” if the sample doesn’t require the analysis.

3. After measuring (24 seconds about), TEST1 sends “R” message to host replacing the result field value (0001) with the ESR read value which should be between 0002 and 0120 or negative. Errors messages are reported like: -001 for SM (Sample Missing) error, -002 for NR (Not Readable) error and -004 for NF (No flow) error.

4. Host computer should send ACK confirmation byte (♠ symbol displayed on the HyperTerminal program) to TEST1 for having accepted “R” message. TEST1 will ignore it, if ACK is off otherwise it will wait for all the set time (TIMEOUT from 2 to 99 seconds) if ACK is OFF.

Warnings: 1 If a patient identity (ID) read by the TEST1 Scanner doesn’t find its own correspondent code in the Host

computer working list, “T” message will be replaced by <NAK> message (§ symbol displayed on the HyperTerminal program). The sample will be however analysed and “R” message sent to host.

2 If a particular sample has a very low hematocrit (around 20% and less) and * option in the communication menu is enabled, the result field of “R” message, sent to the host, will contains an asterisk set in the first position on the left and its own ESR result (i.e.

If the analysis of a particular sample generates an error and * option in the communication menu is enabled, ESR result field will contain 0 in the first left position, “-“ (minus) in the second and the error code (i.e.

3 If the internal Scanner cannot read the patient ID and “MISS ID” option in the Communication setup is 0, “Q” message won’t be created. The sample without its own patient identity won’t be processed.


<STX>T01123456789 0001e<ETX>

<STX>T01123456789 0000d<ETX>

<STX>R01123456789 0103050012f <ETX>

<STX>R01123456789 010305-004l <ETX>

ACK = Hexadecimal code 06

(NAK Message) Hex code 21

<STX>R01123456789 010305*015[ <ETX>

<STX>R01123456789 0103050-04\ <ETX>

Page 11: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


4 If the internal Scanner cannot read the patient ID and “MISS ID” option in the Communication setup is 1, “Q” message won’t be created. The sample without its own patient identity will be, however, processed and “R” message sent to host with an identity code generated by the instrument itself. The new patient ID, in this case, will be composed by 10 characters: cycle number (from 01 to 99) (2 characters), instrument s/n (4 characters), rack number (from 01 to 04- 2 characters) sample position in the rack (from 01 to 15- 2 characters).

Example: Instrument s/n Rack number

0307920106 Cycle number Sample position in the rack A complete “R” string for the transmission could be: [Workstation number] [Instrument s/n] [Rack number] [ESR] [Checksum]

[Cycle number] [Sample position] [Cycle number (Note 2)]

<STX>R010307920106 0106030012f <ETX>

Page 12: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


11. ROLLER20 (old model) RS232 PORTS features: Communication ports parameters are fixed and cannot be modified.

Baud rate 9600 Parity N Data bit number 8 Stop bit 1

HyperTerminal program must have the same parameters to a correct data exchanging.

PORT2 connection.

PORT1 connection.


DB9 F DB25 F

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

This instrument communicates to host through Serial Port 2.This port uses a 25 pin male (DB25) serial connector and the used pins are: no. 2 for TXDATA, no. 3 for RXDATA and 7 for ground. The remaining pins are connected together as null-modem configuration (4-5-8 and 6-20).

Serial Port 1 has been reserved for the connection of an external SCANNER The maximum number of ASCII characters for each patient ID is 15 (fifteen).

Page 13: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


13. ROLLER 20 protocol options

The right choice of the protocol enables the Query functionality. The table below specify the different configurations:

STD, DAT8 DAT15 or BCI protocol can be selected by software accessing in the SETUP menu.

In the SETUP MENU list, RS232 Protocol can be recalled by pressing or until the following message is displayed:


RS232 PROTOCOL Confirm the function by pressing

The following menu will be displayed:

1 - STD 2 - DAT08 3 - DAT15 4 – BCI _


Yes It works by an internal (IBCR) or external bar code reader (EBCR). It accepts up to 15 characters of maximum patient identity code. The instrument enables Query protocol which enquires the host if a specific sample needs to be analyzed or not.

STX 1 byte R 1 byte Workstation number 2 byte Identification n 15 byte Rack number 2 byte Position 2 byte Cycle/Bayer 2 byte ESR result 4 byte Checksum 1 byte ETX 1 byte TOTAL = 31 byte

☻ ♥

Checksum note: Checksum value is the result of Exclusive OR (XOR) of all characters of the message, excluded STX, ETX and Checksum. If the Checksum value calculated by the analyzer is 03 (corresponding to ETX), or 02 (corresponding to STX), or 00 (corresponding to NULL), the value will be automatically replaced with 7F hex value. Software House must adopt the same procedure when calculating checksum of the strings received from the analyzer.

Bayer note: This field is managed by Bayer parameter on Tech Menu.

If Bayer is 0, the field deals with the number of Cycle otherwise if Bayer is 1, the field will contain '01' (hex 30 and 31) to maintain the Bayer protocol compatibility.

Page 14: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


14. RS232 test function to check the communication of ROLLER20 (OLD MODEL)

It simulates one test transmission of 10 test results to host computer through RS232 serial port (SERIAL PORT 2). If DAT8 is chosen, a message with 8 ID digits will be sent to the Host. Selecting DAT15 or BCI, the ID digit number to send to the Host is going to be 15.

STD test transmission and its examination:

No test is available in STD test

DAT8 test transmission and its examination:

Field name

Symbol Hex value



STX ☻ 02 1 char

The first field is the same to all ten strings

‘R’ 52 1 char The second field is the same to all ten strings Workstation Number

2 char The third field is the same to all ten strings

Patient ID Number

8 char The furth field is different from the others strings

Rack no. 2 char The fifth field is the same to all ten strings Position 2 char The sixth field is different from the others Bayer (Note 2)

2 char The seventh field is the same to all ten strings

Result 4 char The eighth field is different from the others Checksum (Note 1)

1 char The nighth field is different from the others.

ETX ♥ 03 1 char The tenth field is the same to all ten strings.

Note : what above explained refers to the TEST Strings instrument send to host computer, this string is displayed above this table.

Checksum note: Checksum value is the result of Exclusive OR (XOR) of all characters of the message, excluded STX, ETX and Checksum. If the Checksum value calculated by the analyzer is 03 (corresponding to ETX), or 02 (corresponding to STX), or 00 (corresponding to NULL), the value will be automatically replaced with 7F hex value. Software House must adopt the same procedure when calculating checksum of the strings received from the analyzer.

Bayer note: Bayer field remains activated to , '01' (hex 30 and 31) because it is only a test.

Total length 24 char

DAT15 test transmission and its examination:

Field name

Symbol Hex value



STX ☻ 02 1 char

The first field is the same to all ten strings

‘R’ 52 1 char The second field is the same to all ten strings Workstation Number

2 char The third field is the same to all ten strings

Patient ID Number

15 char The furth field is different from the others strings

Rack no. 2 char The fifth field is the same to all ten strings Position 2 char The sixth field is different from the others Bayer (Note 2)

2 char The seventh field is the same to all ten strings

Result 4 char The eighth field is different from the others Checksum (Note 1)

1 char The nighth field is different from the others.

ETX ♥ 03 1 char The tenth field is the same to all ten strings.

Note : what above explained refers to the TEST Strings instrument send to host computer, this string is displayed above this table.

Checksum note: Checksum value is the result of Exclusive OR (XOR) of all characters of the message, excluded STX, ETX and Checksum. If the Checksum value calculated by the analyzer is 03 (corresponding to ETX), or 02 (corresponding to STX), or 00 (corresponding to NULL), the value will be automatically replaced with 7F hex value. Software House must adopt the same procedure when calculating checksum of the strings received from the analyzer.

Bayer note: Bayer field remains activated to , '01' (hex 30 and 31) because it is only a test.

Total length 31 char

Page 15: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


BCI test transmission and its examination:

Field name

Symbol Hex value



STX ☻ 02 1 char

The first field is the same to all ten strings

‘R’ 52 1 char The second field is the same to all ten strings Workstation Number

2 char The third field is the same to all ten strings

Patient ID Number

15 char The furth field is different from the others strings

Rack no. 2 char The fifth field is the same to all ten strings Position 2 char The sixth field is different from the others Bayer (Note 2)

2 char The seventh field is the same to all ten strings

Result 4 char The eighth field is different from the others Checksum (Note 1)

1 char The nighth field is different from the others.

ETX ♥ 03 1 char The tenth field is the same to all ten strings.

Note : what above explained refers to the TEST Strings instrument send to host computer, this string is displayed above this table.

Checksum note: Checksum value is the result of Exclusive OR (XOR) of all characters of the message, excluded STX, ETX and Checksum. If the Checksum value calculated by the analyzer is 03 (corresponding to ETX), or 02 (corresponding to STX), or 00 (corresponding to NULL), the value will be automatically replaced with 7F hex value. Software House must adopt the same procedure when calculating checksum of the strings received from the analyzer.

Bayer note: Bayer field remains activated to , '01' (hex 30 and 31) because it is only a test.

Total length 31 char

In the TECH MENU, RS232 function can be recalled pressing or for many times until the following message is displayed.


RS232 TEST TX Press to run the test

Page 16: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


15. QUERY PROTOCOL project for ROLLER20.

This paragraph describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by ROLLER20 with an External Bar Code Reader (EBCR) connected to Serial Port 2 (RS232C). This protocol is the same used by QUERY TEST1 program; a Windows software designed to be loaded in a Personal Computer (LAB PC) installed in a laboratory and connected to HOST through a network. QUERY protocol uses two files to exchange data for the communication with HOST by using the LAB PC like a bridge between ROLLER20 and HOST Computer.

Further information of QUERY TEST1 program software can be taken from the QUERY TEST1 installation and using manual.

Settings for a Query protocol correct communication on ROLLER20

The configuration for a correct Query protocol functioning is: RS232 PROTOCOL= It must be set to BCI (And an External Bar Code Reader must be installed).

This function is available in the SETUP MENU. It can be recalled by pressing or

until the following message is displayed:


RS232 PROTOCOL Confirm the function by pressing

The following menu will be displayed:

1 - STD 2 - DAT08 3 - DAT15 4 – BCI _

Make your choice and press CLEAR twice to go back MAIN MENU

Chose 4 for a Query correct communication:

Page 17: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


KINET. SETUP= This function is available in the SETUP MENU. It can be recalled by pressing or

until the following message is displayed:



The following message will be displayed:


1 -Y 0-N _

SETUP [ * ]= This function is available in the TECH MENU. It can be recalled by pressing or

until the following message is displayed:


[ * ] SETUP

The following message will be displayed:

1- [ * ] [ Y ]

0- [ * ] [ N ]

The asterisk function activated allows the instrument to send the asterisk parameter to the Host computer through the serial port. It will be displayed near the ESR value if the sample analyzed has a haematocrit value low (< 20%).

IDENTITY ESR Example of ESR result (045) with the * parameter enabled

2367483493 *045 and sent to the host computer with the patient identification together.


Example of a sample analysed with a haematocrit value over

2367483493 0-05 20% and * parameter enabled. The ESR result (5) will be sent to the host computer using this form.

Note: Having disabled the asterisk function, the instrument cannot send the asterisk character to the host if the analysed sample had a haematocrit value lower then 20% but it will be printed out next the ESR result however.

Confirm the function by pressing

It must be set to 0

Confirm the function by pressing

Page 18: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


ENABLE BAYER Bayer communication protocol detects the Bayer field value (the previous field of the ESR result) in the “R” message. If Bayer function in the COMMUNICATION menu is enabled, the field will contain '01' (hex 30 and 31) to maintain the Bayer protocol compatibility otherwise if it is disabled, the field will report the number of Cycle.

This function is available in the TECH MENU. It can be recalled by pressing or

until the following message is displayed:



The following message will be displayed:



Query setup= This function is available in the TECH MENU. It can be recalled by pressing or

until the following message is displayed:



The following message will be displayed:

1- Query [ Y ]

0- Query [ N ]

If Query is enabled (default), the instrument will be able to interrogate the Host computer for the analysis requesting of each specific sample.

ACK= This function is available in the TECH MENU. It can be recalled by pressing or

until the following message is displayed:


The following message will be displayed:

This function allows to extend the waiting time for receiving “T” message (Query answer from the HOST computer) and ACK (acknowledge message confirmation from the HOST computer for having received “R” message). To modify the extension time (in seconds), it is available the TIMEOUT function explained in the Protocol description (Paragraph 15).

1 ACK [Y]

0 ACK [N]

Confirm the function by pressing

Confirm the function by pressing

Confirm the function by pressing

Page 19: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


Parameters verification:

In the SETUP menu you will find FLAG LIST function. Press or until the following message is displayed:


FLAGS LIST Confirm the function by pressing

Below is an example

UK ver. 6.01C ROLLER20 SN. xxx # AVAILABILITY xxxx # GLOBAL COUNT. xxxx GAIN 1.0000 MIXING CYCLES 180 MIXING SPEED 1 RS232 BCI FLOW CONT. ON OFFSET LEV. FLOW 800 OT OFFSET LEV. 700 T. 100 974 ROLLER n. 1 ACK setup 0 Query setup 1 Print setup 1 Calib. setup 1 Bayer. setup 1 [ * ] setup 0

Kinet.setup 0 Offset nee. 0 Vs 0 TimeOut 20 Warning SMART 1000


Page 20: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


16. Protocol description:

1. The patient bar code ID stuck on each sample tube can be read by using of an External Bar Code Reader connected at the ROLLER Serial Port1. The instrument will create and send “Q” message to the HOST computer through RS232 serial port (or to LAB PC if used like a bridge) if Query Setup option is 1. (Note 1)

2. HOST computer will verify if the patient identity has been inserted in the working list and then it replies with

"T" message. If ACK option (in the TECH MENU list) is 0, ROLLER 20 remains waiting up to 2 seconds for receiving it. otherwise if ACK option is 1 it will wait for all the set time (TIMEOUT from 2 to 99 seconds).

TIMEOUT UART time option is located in the TECH MENU list. (Note 2)

As soon as the instrument receives “T” message, it will be checked. The wheel will rotate to one position to allow the operator to insert the sample tube, if “T” message has the result field compiled with “0001” (that means the sample requires the analysis). The wheel remains stopped, if the result field will be “0000” (the analysis of that particular sample is not requested).

The procedure above explained will be repeated for the first to the 18th sample tubes before starting the analysis.

3. After measuring (20 seconds about), ROLLER 20 will compile “R” messages replacing the result field value (0001) with an ESR value between values of 0002 and 0120 or a negative one. For reading errors, the instrument will report the error codes like: -001 for SM error, -002 for NR error and -004 for NF error.

4. Host computer should send an ACK confirmation byte (♠ symbol on hyper terminal program) to ROLLER 20 for having accepted “R” message. The instrument will ignore it, if ACK option is 0. It will wait for all the set time (TIMEOUT from 2 to 99 seconds) if ACK option is 1.

Warnings: 1. If the patient identity (ID) read by the Scanner doesn’t find its own correspondent in the Host computer

working list, “T” message will be replaced by <NAK> message (§ symbol on hyper terminal program), the wheel will however rotate to the next position to allow the operator to insert the tube. The sample will be analysed and “R” message sent to host.

2. If a particular sample has a very low haematocrit (less then 20%) and * option in the TECH MENU is enabled, the result field of “R” message sent to the host will be composed by an asterisk in the first position on the left and the rest its own ESR result (i.e. “ *015 ”).

If the analysis of a particular sample generates an error, ESR result field will have 0 in the first left position

“-“ (minus) for the second position and the rest of the field the error code (i.e. “ 0-04 “).

3. If no label has been stuck on the tube or the external Scanner cannot read the patient ID, “Q” message won’t be created. The wheel will rotate to accept the sample by pressing ENTER key


<STX>T01123456789 0001e<ETX>

<STX>T01123456789 0000d<ETX>

<STX>R01123456789 0103050012F <ETX>

<STX>R01123456789 010305-004\ <ETX>

ACK Hex 06

Hexadecimal code 21

Page 21: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


The sample will be however processed and “R” message sent to host with an identity code generated by itself. The new patient ID in this case will be composed by 10 characters: cycle number (2 characters from 01 to 99), instrument s/n (4 characters), wheel number ( 2 characters) sample position in the wheel (from 01 to 18- 2 characters).

Example: Instrument s/n Wheel number

0307920106 Cycle number Sample position in the wheel A complete “R” string for the transmission will be: [Workstation number] [Instrument s/n] [Wheel number] [ESR] [Checksum]

[Cycle number] [Sample position] [Cycle number (Note 3)]

Note 1: If Query Setup option is 0, no Query protocol will be created; the instrument is going to accept and analyse all samples. Note 2: Follow the instruction looking at the Chapter 13-8 of the technical manual for TIMEOUT UART activation. Note 3: This field is related to Bayer parameter on SETUP. If Bayer is 0, the field contains the number of Cycle. If Bayer is 1,

the field contains '01' (hex 30 and 31) to keep compatibility with Bayer protocol. Note 4: Checksum value is the result of Exclusive OR (XOR) of all characters of the message, excluded STX, ETX and

Checksum. If the Checksum value calculated by the analyzer is 03 (corresponding to ETX), or 02 (corresponding to STX), or 00 (corresponding to NULL), the value will be automatically replaced with 7F hex value. Software House must adopt the same procedure when calculating checksum of the strings received from the analyzer.

<STX>R010307920106 0106030012I <ETX>

Page 22: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


17. ROLLER 10- 10PN - 20PN RS232 PORTS features: PORT2 connection.

PORT1 connection



1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9

Serial Port 1 has been reserved for the connection of an external SCANNER The maximum number of ASCII characters for each patient ID is 15 (fifteen).

The instrument communicates through Serial Port 1.This port uses a 9 pin male (DB9) serial connector. The used pins are: n° 2 for TXDATA, n° 3 for RXDATA and 7 for ground. The remaining pins are connected together as null-modem configuration. This cable must have a D-type 9 pin female connector from one side and a D-type 9 pin female connector at the opposite side.

Page 23: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


19. ROLLER10PN/20PN PROTOCOL OPTIONS: The choice of the protocol enables the Query functionality.

Patient ID codes, having length of characters of 8 digits at maximum, could be read by an external bar code reader (EBCR) or they could be introduced typing them manually.

The tables below specify different configurations:

(NO QUERY) DAT8 transmission and its examination:

(NO QUERY) DAT15 transmission and its examination:

(QUERY) BCI transmission and its examination:

Checksum value is the result of Exclusive OR (XOR) of all characters of the message, excluded STX, ETX and Checksum. If the Checksum value calculated by the analyzer is 03 (corresponding to ETX), or 02 (corresponding to STX), or 00 (corresponding to NULL), the value will be automatically replaced with 7F hex value. Software House must adopt the same procedure when calculating checksum of the strings received from the analyzer.

Field name Symbol Hex value Length Description

STX ☻ 02 1 char

Start transmission ‘R’ 52 1 char R states for result message Workstation Number 2 char Is the number identifying the instrument if more than

one is connected to Host computer Patient ID Number 8 char

Patient identification Wheel no. 2 char Indicate the progressive number of analysis made Position 2 char Indicate the sample position inside the wheel Bayer (Note 2) 2 char

See note 2 Result 4 char ESR result Checksum (Note 1) 1 char See note 1

ETX ♥ 03 1 char End transmission

Total length 24 char

Checksum note: See note at the end of this page

Note2: Bayer field is not used, in this case show s the progressive analysis cycle

Field name Symbol Hex value Length Description

STX ☻ 02 1 char

Start transmission ‘R’ 52 1 char R states for result message

Workstation Number 2 char Is the number identifying the instrument if more than

one is connected to Host computer Patient ID Number 15 char

Patient identification Rack no. 2 char Indicate the progressive number of analysis made Position 2 char Indicate the sample position inside the wheel Bayer (Note 2) 2 char

See note 2 Result 4 char ESR result

Checksum (Note 1) 1 char See note 1

ETX ♥ 03 1 char End transmission

Total length 31 char

Note1: See note at the end of this page

Note2:see previous table

Field name Symbol Hex value Length Description

STX ☻ 02 1 char

Start transmission ‘R’ 52 1 char R states for result message

Workstation Number 2 char Is the number identifying the instrument if more than

one is connected to Host computer Patient ID Number 15 char

Patient identification Rack no. 2 char Indicate the progressive number of analysis made Position 2 char Indicate the sample position inside the wheel Bayer (Note 2) 2 char

See note 2 Result 4 char ESR result

Checksum (Note 1) 1 char See note 1

ETX ♥ 03 1 char End transmission

Total length 31 char

Note1: See note at the end of this page

Note2:see previous table

Page 24: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


NO transmission:

In the Communication menu is possible to choose the appropriate protocol and options: To activate the below option the password 1990 is compulsory. From Main Screen, the path to enable it is Setup, “Log In – Out, “LOGIN”

A keyboard to type the password is going to be displayed. Type the password:1990 then press the “left arrow” to confirm or “Clear” to exit without changing anything, in both cases, the instrument is going to display again the previous image, then press “Back”.


NO Host NO No transmission

Page 25: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


20. RS232 test to check the communication of ROLLER10PN/20PN

To activate the below option the password 1990 is compulsory. From Main Screen, the path to enable it is Setup, “Log In – Out, “LOGIN”

A keyboard to type the password is going to be displayed. Type the password:1990 then press the “left arrow” to confirm or “Clear” to exit without changing anything, in both cases, the instrument is going to display again the previous image, then press “Back”. Pressing Comm menu and TEST it is possible to send a communication test to host computer through RS232 serial port.

If NO HOST is configured, the instrument will not communicate with Host Computer

If DAT8 is chosen, the test message having 8 ID digits will be sent to the Host like: <0x2>R01TESTR10A0001010002U<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10B0001020015S<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10C0001030031U<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10D0001040090^<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10E0001050100V<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10F0001060120T<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10G000107-004N<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10H000108-004N<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10I000109-002H<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10J000110-001@<0x3>

Selecting DAT15 or BCI, the ID digit number to send to the Host is going to be 15 like: <0x2>R01TESTR10A 0101010002t<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10B 0102010015r<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10C 0103010031t<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10D 0104010090<0x7f><0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10E 0105010100w<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10F 0106010120u<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10G 010701-004o<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10H 010801-004o<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10I 010901-002i<0x3> <0x2>R01TESTR10J 011001-001a<0x3>

Page 26: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


21. QUERY PROTOCOL project for ROLLER 10- 10PN / ROLLER20PN.

This paragraph describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by ROLLER10PN /ROLLER20PN with an External Bar Code Reader (EBCR) connected to Serial Port 1 (25 PIN). This protocol is the same used by QUERY TEST1 program; a Windows software designed to be loaded in a Personal Computer (LAB PC) installed in a laboratory and connected to HOST through a network. QUERY protocol uses two files to exchange data for the communication with HOST by using LAB PC like a bridge between ROLLER10PN /ROLLER20PN and HOST Computer. Further information of QUERY TEST1 program software can be taken from the QUERY TEST1 installation and using manual.

Fields to check looking at the flag list.

Page 27: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


22. Protocol explanation (BCI Configuration):

1. The patient bar code ID stuck on each sample tube can be read by using an External Bar Code Reader connected to Roller 10 Serial Port1. The instrument will create and send “Q” message to HOST computer through RS232 serial port (or to LAB PC if it is used like a bridge) if Query Setup option is 1. (Note 3)

2. HOST computer verifies if the patient identity has been inserted in the working list and then it replies with "T" message. Roller 10 remains waiting for receiving it on time (within 2 seconds), if ACK option is disabled. It will wait for all the set time if ACK option is enabled. (Follow the instruction looking on page 22 of this manual.)

3. As soon as the instrument receives “T” message, it is checked.

4. The wheel is going to rotate to one position to allow the operator to insert the sample tube, if “T” message has the result field compiled with “0001” (that means the sample requires the analysis). The wheel will remain stop, if the result field is “0000” (the analysis of that particular sample is not requested).

Before starting the analysis, the explained above, from 1 to 2, procedure will be repeated for the further 10th (Roller 10) or the 20th (Roller 20) sample tubes.

5. After measuring (20 seconds about), Roller 10 compile “R” messages replacing the result field value (0001) with an ESR value that, read on the paper could be between values of 0002 and 0120 or a negative one. For reading errors, the instrument will report the error codes like: --001 for SM error, -002 for NR error and -004 for NF error.

6. Host computer should send an ACK confirmation byte ( ♠ symbol looking at the hyper terminal program) to Roller 10 for having accepted “R” message. The instrument will ignore it, if ACK option is disabled. It will wait for all the set time (TIMEOUT from 2 to 60 seconds) if ACK option is enabled.

Protocol explanation (DAT 8 – DAT 15 Configuration):

In this case the instrument doesn’t query the Host Computer, it just perform the analisis and send the result to host computer as explaned at points 3 and 4.

Warnings: 1. If the patient identity (ID) read by the Scanner doesn’t find its own correspondent in the Host computer

working list, “T” message will be replaced by <NAK> message (§ symbol looking at the hyper terminal program). If MISS ID option is enabled, the wheel will rotate to the next position to allow the operator to insert the tube. The sample, then will be analysed and “R” message sent to host.

2. If no label has been stuck on the tube or the external Scanner cannot read the patient ID, “Q” message won’t

be created. The wheel is going to rotate to accept the sample tube by pressing “Next” button on touch-screen display.

3. The sample is going to be processed and “R” message sent to host with an identity code generated by itself.

The new patient ID in this case will be composed by 10 characters:

4. Cycle number (2 characters from 01 to 99), instrument s/n (4 characters), wheel number ( 2 characters) sample position in the wheel (from 01 to 10- 2 characters).

<STX>Q01123456789 0000a<ETX>

<STX>T01123456789 0001e<ETX>

<STX>T01123456789 0000d<ETX>

<STX>R01123456789 0103050012f <ETX>

<STX>R01123456789 010305-004l <ETX>

Hexadecimal code 0x06

Hexadecimal code 0x21

Page 28: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


Example: Instrument s/n Wheel number 0307920106 Cycle number Sample position in the wheel A complete “R” string for the transmission will be: [Workstation number] [Instrument s/n] [Wheel number] [ESR] [Checksum]

[Cycle number] [Sample position] [Cycle number (Note 5)] Note 1: Checksum value is the result of Exclusive OR (XOR) of all characters of the message, excluded STX, ETX and

Checksum. If the Checksum value calculated by the analyzer is 03 (corresponding to ETX), or 02 (corresponding to STX), or 00 (corresponding to NULL), the value will be automatically replaced with 7F hex value. Software House must adopt the same procedure when calculating checksum of the strings received from the analyzer.

Note 2: <STX> character (☻symbol looking at the hyper terminal program) in the serial transmission is represented by 0x02

hexadecimal bytes and <ETX> ( ♥ symbol looking at the hyper terminal program) by 0x03. Note 3: If Query Setup option is 0, no Query protocol will be created; the instrument will accept and analyse all samples. Note 4: Follow the instruction looking at the of the technical manual for TIMEOUT UART activation. Note 5: This field is related to Bayer parameter on SETUP. If Bayer is 0, the field contains the number of Cycle. If Bayer is

1, the field contains '01' (hex 30 and 31) to keep compatibility with Bayer protocol.

<STX>R010307920106 0106030012f <ETX>

Page 29: TEST1 and ROLLER10-20PN interfacing manual€¦ · 9. QUERY PROTOCOL project for TEST1 This document describes the serial protocol (Query Protocol) used by TEST1 with the Internal


23. TEST1, ROLLER10PN-ROLLER20PN and ROLLER20(old model) Multiple


Query protocol is able to manage multiple connections by using the same PC-LAB with multiple serial ports.

In that case every instrument connected to the PC-LAB has to have an identification number different for each and the PC-LAB the same number of serial ports as the instruments. Our instruments have an option (TEST1 number in the COMMUNICATION menu (for TEST1) and ROLLER number in the TECH MENU (for ROLLER20) to assign a different identification number to each instrument, “R” message should be different for each like in the following example: [Workstation number] [Checksum]

[Workstation number] [Checksum]

[Workstation number] [Checksum]

<STX> R010307920106 0106030012I <ETX>

<STX> R020308100106 0106030012z <ETX>

<STX> R030308150106 0106030012~ <ETX>

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LATEX PROTOCOL INTERFACE EXPLICATION Up to Sw. version 6.01C (Test 1), 6.01B (Roller20 old model) The three R Latex messages are sent, to the serial port, after having analysed the three referent Latex of the Control kit and at the end of the washing, by withdrawing water from the fifth and sixth inserted tube, for rinsing the capillary. It should be understood R Latex messages are not available by using Calibration Latex kit.


‘R’ message for Latex Field name Hex

value Length Description

STX (Note 2) 02 1 char ‘R’ 52 1 char Means the instrument is sending a Result

Workstation Number 2 char Identifies the workstation if more instrument are connected, normally is 01

LATEXSTDL 9 char Is the identification of the latex tube

Field 1 1 char Can be 1, 2 or 3 and identifies level 1, 2 and 3 of latex

ESR Value 3 char This is the expected Latex ESR value Space. 20 2 char Two spaces Field 2 2 char Fixed to 01 Field 3 2 char The same as Field 1 Field 4 2 char The same as Field 2 ESR Value 4 char This is the detected Latex ESR value Checksum (Note 1) 1 char ETX 03 1 char Total length 31 char

Note 1: Checksum value is the result of Exclusive OR (XOR) of all characters of the message, excluded STX, ETX and Checksum. If the Checksum value calculated by the analyzer is 03 (corresponding to ETX), or 02 (corresponding to STX), or 00 (corresponding to NULL), the value will be automatically replaced with 7F hex value. Software House must adopt the same procedure when calculating checksum of the strings received from the analyzer.

Note 2: <STX> character (☻symbol looking at the hyper terminal program) in the serial transmission is represented by 0x02 hexadecimal

bytes and <ETX> ( ♥ symbol looking at the hyper terminal program) by 0x03.

here are some examples:

<0x2>R01LATEXSTDL1005 0100010005^<0x3> <0x2>R01LATEXSTDL2028 0101010029><0x3> <0x2>R01LATEXSTDL3071 0102010072><0x3>

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LATEX PROTOCOL INTERFACE EXPLICATION From Sw. version 6.01D (Test 1), 6.01C (Roller20 old model) and 1.00P ( new Roller 10-10PN / 20PN)

When the instrument runs latex controls, it is possible to send the results to host computer, in this case the instrument will send a specific string here explained:

‘R’ message for Latex Field name Hex

value Length Description

STX (Note 2) 02 1 char ‘R’ 52 1 char Means the instrument is sending a Result

Workstation Number 2 char Identifies the workstation if more instrument are connected, normally is 01

LATEX0 XYZ 9 char Is the identification of the latex and the Lot to which they belong

Field 1 1 char Can be 1, 2 or 3 and identifies level 1, 2 and 3 of latex

ESR Value 3 char This is the expected Latex ESR value Space. 20 2 char Two spaces Field 2 2 char Fixed to 01 Field 3 2 char The same as Field 1 Field 4 2 char The same as Field 2 ESR Value 4 char This is the detected Latex ESR value Checksum (Note 1) 1 char ETX 03 1 char Total length 31 char

Note 1: Checksum value is the result of Exclusive OR (XOR) of all characters of the message, excluded STX, ETX and

Checksum. If the Checksum value calculated by the analyzer is 03 (corresponding to ETX), or 02 (corresponding to STX), or 00 (corresponding to NULL), the value will be automatically replaced with 7F hex value. Software House must adopt the same procedure when calculating checksum of the strings received from the analyzer.

here are some examples: <0x2>R01LATEX08451005 0101010002<0x19><0x3> <0x2>R01LATEX08452036 0102010034<0x1c><0x3> <0x2>R01LATEX08453083 0103010071<0x13><0x3>

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