Page 1: Test trend analysis: Towards robust reliable and timely tests

@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology

Liberty IT, Belfast and Dublin

Test trend analysis: Towards robust, reliable and timely tests

Hugh McCamphill

Page 2: Test trend analysis: Towards robust reliable and timely tests

@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology2Liberty IT @hughleo01

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Page 3: Test trend analysis: Towards robust reliable and timely tests

3Liberty IT

Hugh McCamphill

Principal Software Engineer in Test

Writing Automation since 2004


Page 4: Test trend analysis: Towards robust reliable and timely tests

@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology4Liberty IT @hughleo01

Which tests are slow

Which steps are slow

By Martin Lewison from Forest Hills, NY, U.S.A. - Cedar Point and Oberlin's Commencement Uploaded by Astros4477, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Page 5: Test trend analysis: Towards robust reliable and timely tests

@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology5Liberty IT @hughleo01

Tumbling Dice : Decorated Anti-tank Blocks near Harkess Rocks, Bamburgh, NorthumberlandImage Copyright Richard West. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic Licence

Which tests are intermittently passing

What are common failures across tests

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology6Liberty IT @hughleo01

“Create commons cute robot mural, Toronto" by is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Where are the issues?

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology7Liberty IT @hughleo01

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology8Liberty IT @hughleo01

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology9Liberty IT @hughleo01

~ Henry David Thoreau

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology10Liberty IT @hughleo01

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology11Liberty IT @hughleo01

Example dashboard

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology12Liberty IT @hughleo01

RunTests ResultsPost


A Simple Process Flow

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology13Liberty IT @hughleo01

A time series database is a

software system that is optimized

for handling time series data,

arrays of numbers indexed

by time

Elasticsearch is a tool for storing, searching, and

analyzing structured and unstructured data

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology14Liberty IT @hughleo01

Setting up a mapping

{"mappings":{"result":{"properties":{"project":{"type":"string"},"environment":{"type":"string"},"duration":{"type":"double"},"name":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"classname":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"message":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"status":{"type":"string"},"created":{"type":"date","format":"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"}}}}

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology15Liberty IT @hughleo01

Setting up a mapping

{"mappings":{"result":{"properties":{"project":{"type":"string"},"environment":{"type":"string"},"duration":{"type":"double"},"name":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"classname":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"message":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"status":{"type":"string"},"created":{"type":"date","format":"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"}}}}

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology16Liberty IT @hughleo01

Setting up a mapping

{"mappings":{"result":{"properties":{"project":{"type":"string"},"environment":{"type":"string"},"duration":{"type":"double"},"name":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"classname":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"message":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"status":{"type":"string"},"created":{"type":"date","format":"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"}}}}

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology17Liberty IT @hughleo01

Setting up a mapping

{"mappings":{"result":{"properties":{"project":{"type":"string"},"environment":{"type":"string"},"duration":{"type":"double"},"name":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"classname":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"message":{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"},"status":{"type":"string"},"created":{"type":"date","format":"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"}}}}

curl -XPUT “http://localhost:9200/test-result” –

d @mapping_schema_framework.json

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology18Liberty IT @hughleo01

{"index":{"_index":"test-result","_type":"functional" }}

{"project":“TestProject","environment":"QA","classname":“TestProject.Foo.Bar","name":"ShouldBeAbleToAddItem","duration":"47.12","created":"2016-09-14 21:35:53","status":"Passed"}

curl -XPOST “http://localhost:9200/test-

result/_bulk?pretty” --data-binary @testResults.json

Posting of results

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology19Liberty IT @hughleo01

A Simple Process Flow

RunTests ResultsPost

Results Visualize

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology20Liberty IT @hughleo01

Kibana is an open source data visualization plugin for ElasticSearch

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology21Liberty IT @hughleo01

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology22Liberty IT @hughleo01

New visualization results in a single bucket

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology23Liberty IT @hughleo01

Splitting error messages into buckets of top occurring error messages

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology24Liberty IT @hughleo01

Showing top ten most occurring error messages

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology25Liberty IT @hughleo01

Splitting error messages into buckets of tests affected by that error

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology26Liberty IT @hughleo01

Error Messages

Individual Tests

Splitting error messages into buckets of tests affected by that error

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology27Liberty IT @hughleo01

Top Failure Reasons By Test

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology28Liberty IT @hughleo01

Top Slowest Tests

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology29Liberty IT @hughleo01

Top Failing Tests

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology30Liberty IT @hughleo01

Step Time Versus Number Of Times Executed

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology31Liberty IT @hughleo01

Step Time Versus Number Of Times Executed

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology32Liberty IT @hughleo01

Step Time Versus Number Of Times Executed

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology33Liberty IT @hughleo01

Example Dashboard With Time Filter

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@hughleo01 Liberty Information Technology35Liberty IT @hughleo01

Thank you

Hugh McCamphill@hughleo01

Run Tests ResultsPost

Results Visualize

In Summary

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