  • 8/4/2019 Terry Boardman - Muslim World in 2011



    What's Going On in the Muslim

    World in 2011?The Impulses of Sun Moon Mercury

    by TerryBoardman

    This article first appeared inNew View magazine Spring 2011

    Soon after the outbreak of civil disturbances in Egypt in January 2011, on the well-known

    alternative news website run by Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson

    declared that what had been going on in Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen and now Egypt was "a cry

    for freedom [that] threatens to derail the new world order agenda". The 'Global Awakening'

    that Zbigniew Brzezinski (the USA political strategist) feared has arrived, he announced.

    By 'the new world order agenda', Watson meant not necessarily a one world state or one

    world government but the establishment of a global one world order, a semi-feudal world

    system controlled by an oligarchy of financiers and industrialists and their associates who

    would be able to bypass or manipulate national governments to achieve their aims and

    ensure that their will was executed in any country. In this world the middle class would be

    driven to extinction, and a small class of plutocrats would rule via technological means over

    the rest of a largely impoverished and subdued society. This would mean in effect the effort

    to move society back to the period between 1500-1800 rulership by a wealthy aristocracy

    when the middle classes had not yet asserted themselves politically. American historian

    Carroll Quigley ( Georgetown University ), in his enormous tome Tragedy and Hope (1966)

    put it this way, when he wrote that the aim of the powers of financial capitalism in the West

    dating back to the early 20


    century has been:

    "....nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to

    dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.

    This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world

    acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.

    The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel,

    Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were

    themselves private corporations. Each central bank...sought to dominate its government by

    its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level

    of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent

    economic rewards in the business world.....(p..324)

    "It must not be felt that the heads of the world's chief central banks were themselvessubstantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather they were the technicians and

    agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up,

    and who were perfectly capable of throwing them down. The substantive financial powers

    of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers [also called 'international' or

    'mercantile' bankers] who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated

    private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance

    which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the

    central banks. " (pp.326-7)

    "Closely allied with this [J.P.] Morgan influence were a small group of Wall Street law

    firms, whose chief figures were Elihu Root... the Dulles Brothers...and... JohnJ.McCloy ...

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    On this basis, there grew up in the twentieth century a power structure between Londonand

    New Yorkwhich penetrated deeply into university life, the press, and... foreign policy... For

    example, it set up in Princetona reasonable copy of the British Round Table group's chief

    Oxford headquarters. The copy was called the 'Institute for Advanced Study' and was

    organized by AbrahamFlexner of the Carnegie Foundation and Rockefeller 's General

    Education Board. The plans were largely drawn by TomJones , one of the Round Table's

    most active intriguers and foundation administrators. The American branch of this 'English

    Establishment' exerted much of its influence through five American newspapers ["The New

    York Times," " New York Herald Tribune," "Christian Science Monitor," " Washington

    Post," and the "BostonEvening Transcript"]."(T & H p. 952-3)

    Global Awakening?

    So much for 'the new world order agenda'; what, then, did Zbigniew Brzezinski mean by a

    'Global Awakening'? At a meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations in Montreal in 2010,

    he said:

    "For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated,

    politically conscious and politically interactive The resulting global political activism is

    generating a surge in the quest for personal dignity, cultural respect and economic

    opportunity in a world painfully scarred by memories of centuries-long alien colonial or

    imperial domination The worldwide yearning for human dignity is the central challenge

    inherent in the phenomenon of global political awakening That awakening is sociallymassive and politically radicalizing The nearly universal access to radio, television and

    increasingly the Internet is creating a community of shared perceptions and envy that can

    be galvanized and channelled by demagogic political or religious passions. These energies

    transcend sovereign borders and pose a challenge both to existing states as well as to the

    existing global hierarchy, on top of which Americastill perches

    The youth of the Third World are particularly restless and resentful. The demographic

    revolution they embody is thus a political time-bomb, as well Their potential

    revolutionary spearhead is likely to emerge from among the scores of millions of students

    concentrated in the often intellectually dubious tertiary level educational institutions of

    developing countries..... there are currently worldwide between 80 and 130 million

    college students. Typically originating from the socially insecure lower middle class andinflamed by a sense of social outrage, these millions of students are revolutionaries-in-

    waiting, already semi-mobilized in large congregations, connected by the Internet and pre-

    positioned for a replay on a larger scale of what transpired years earlier in Mexico City or

    in Tiananmen Square. Their physical energy and emotional frustration is just waiting to

    be triggered by a cause, or a faith, or a hatred (emphasis TMB)

    So Zbigniew Brzezinski, a leading representative of the forces of those attempting to steer

    mankind towards their 'new world order', recognises that we are at a critical historical

    moment in which the pent-up frustrations and passions of semi-educated youth can be

    triggered and directed to serve certain causes. We can recall that in 1989, at the time of the

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    Tiananmen Square demonstrations and later that year, when the Berlin Wall came down, wewere told, by the western media, almost without exception, that those events were entirelyspontaneous popular uprisings, which could not have been foreseen. "No-one could haveimagined that the communist era would end as it did", was the media mantra. We nowknow, however, that it had been the goal of "The 1980s Project", which emerged from theRockefeller-Brzezinski-led Trilateral Commission and from the American thinktank theCouncil On Foreign Relations (1) in the early 1970s, to bring about the end of the SovietUnion in the 1980s, and that furthermore, the Solidarnosc trade union movement in Poland,the placement of a Polish Pope in the Vatican, the Islamist mujahideen in Afghanistan,

    Ronald Reagan's Star Wars project and the tensions over nuclear missiles in Central Europewere all elements that were deliberately used by elite western forces to bring multilateralpressure to bear on the USSR. It was not only that the communist bloc collapsed by itselfdue to economic mismanagement or due to gallant opposition from within the communistregime by the likes of Vaclav Havel , as we were encouraged to think. Rather, consciouscalculated actions were devised and executed in the West to take advantage of the growingsituation of frustration in those countries that had built to a certain point by a certain time.A similar thing has been going on with regard to developments in the Middle East . In suchcrises pressure builds both from within and from without. Andrew Gavin Marshall writes:

    We must not cast aside these protests and uprisings as being instigated by the West, but

    rather [see] that they emerged organically, and the West is subsequently attempting to co-

    opt and control the emerging movements." Marshallwent on to exult: "...we must view the

    'Awakening' as the greatest hope for humanity. Certainly, there will be many failures,problems, and regressions; but the 'Awakening' has begun, it is underway, and it cannot be

    so easily co-opted or controlled as many might assume. (2)

    Zbigniew Brezinski

    Western Plans for Muslim autocracies

    He is right to point to something real happening and to claim that the uprisings are not onlyinstigated by the West. But at the same time, it is not the case that they emerged entirelyspontaneously and that the West then simply tried to manipulate them to its advantage. TheWest has for some years now been looking forward to the fall of the Arab regimes itsupported during the Cold War decades:

    The UK Telegraph recently carried an article written from a WikiLeaks leaked diplomaticcable describing how the US (and the Anglosphere generally) had been deliberately

    orchestrating a build-up of anti-Mubarak feeling in Egypt for at least two years and maybe

    longer. US intel [sic] was evidently educating the youth of Egypt(Egypt being a youngcountry demographically) on how to carry out a successful revolt. (3)

    Classified US documents from October 2007 revealed by Wikileaks and titled SUBJECT:EGYPT : UPDATED DEMOCR ACY STRATEGY (REF: STATE 130991)(4) detail howthe US had been spending millions of dollars (e.g. US$75 million projected for 2009 alone)in building civic opposition to the Mubarak regime. This included US$5 million forgovernment and elite foundation-sponsored NGOs such as Freedom House (5) to fund off-

    shore human rights activities that may include training for bloggers, assistance to human

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    rights lawyers, international coalition building with civil society, and off-shore civic

    education. Providing onshore and offshore support and training for indigenous human

    rights efforts, including those focused on minorities, religious freedom, freedom speech,

    and youth. Providing training for independent media, internet-centered media, and

    increased public diplomacy.

    On the surface this seems all very plausible but such organisations and activities have long

    been used as covers for very different agendas, as was pointed out as long ago as 1916,

    when for example, on 4th December that year Rudolf Steiner in a lecture drew attention to

    an event that had taken place in 1887: a Russian 'Slav Welfare Committee', supposedly

    sending aid to the Balkans, turned out to be in fact simply a medium for arms shipments to

    anti-government forces in the region. In this connection, the following passage from the

    above-mentioned Wikileaks document is very revealing:

    President Mubarak is deeply skeptical of the U.S. role in democracy promotion.

    Nonetheless, USG programs are helping to establish democratic institutions and strengthen

    individual voices for change in Egypt . This change is often incremental and painstaking,

    but will also have enduring impact. We will sustain successful programs and create

    additional on-shore initiatives to optimize American influence through the looming

    leadership succession. (emphasis TMB)

    This was written in 2007, four years before the overthrow of Mubarak ! So, does what we

    have been witnessing since the first disturbances in Tunisia signify a "cry for freedom [that]threatens to derail the new world order agenda"? Is THIS what has been happening in

    Tunisia , Yemen , Egypt and Libya and perhaps elsewhere throughout the Muslim world?

    Food shortages, chronic youth unemployment, corruption, and decades of police brutality -

    these things have certainly been serious problems in the Arab world, but they have been

    festering and accumulating there for decades. Why is it they have erupted now, in 2011?

    Why 2011?

    Firstly, we can consider the possibility of an inner relationship between the years 1945,

    1978 and 2011. 1945 + 33 = 1978; 1978 + 33 = 2011. 1933-1945 were the 12 years of the

    Third Reich, when great evil was loosed in the world, which was actually the shadow of a

    greater light. This greater light, according to Rudolf Steiner , was that the Christ Being,

    Who is now in the etheric world - that realm of the spiritual world closest to the material

    plane - would begin to become visible to human beings' spiritual vision in the 1930s. The

    spiritual counterforces sought to divert humanity's attention from this development by

    means of a massive distraction strategy through the awful events of the 12 years 1933-1945,

    which began with Hitler 's takeover of power in Germany and ended with the liberation of

    the death camps and the use of the world's first nuclear weapons. Preparation for this

    distraction began with the financial disasters of the Great Crash of 1929 and the ensuing

    Depression in the early 1930s. In the 12 year periods 1966-1978 and again in 1999-2011

    there has been a kind of echo of the events of that initial 12 year period 1933-1945. In

    1978, following the invasion of Cambodia by the Vietnamese, the evils of Pol Pot's Khmer

    Rouge regime were revealed to the world just as the world had learned of the Nazi death

    camps in 1945. In 1978 the Iranian revolution began that led to Ayatollah Khomeini's

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    assumption of power in 1979. The mujahideen war against the Soviet puppet state in

    Afghanistan began in 1978, which prompted the Soviet invasion of that country the

    following year and US support for the mujahideen. On 29 September 1978 Pope John Paul I

    died in very suspicious circumstances after only 33 days in the Vatican; he was replaced by

    the Polish Pope John Paul II, who would play a key role in the US effort to destabilise and

    terminate the USSR; US support for the Afghans was the other wing of that effort. A

    related element was the trial of President Zulfikar Bhutto of Pakistan which went on

    through 1978 (he was executed the following year). In 1978 too came the shocking news of

    the hundreds of deaths of Jim Jones ' People's Temple cult in Guyana . 1945 and 1978weredark and momentous years; 2011 looks like it may be another.

    Secondly, inBerlin , on 30. July 1918, Rudolf Steiner said in a lecture that

    It is extraordinarily difficult to understand the present with its different spiritual and

    material streams, and one should not believe that one can understand this confusing

    present-day situation without the will to grasp that which basically, has for long, long ages

    been preparing itself for this present age in the womb of history.

    Almost exactly 100 years ago, on 13 March 1911 in Berlin Steiner gave the 9th lecture inthe series titledBackground to the Gospel of St Mark (GA 124). This lecture itself is titled

    The Moon Religion of Jahve and its reflection in Arabism -The Penetration of the Buddha-

    Mercury Stream in Rosicrucianism. One element from this lecture is crucial for an

    understanding of todays developments in the Middle East and for the history of the 21st

    century as a whole. In this lecture Steiner describes how Christianity, which he calls the

    stream of the Sun, comes into contact with two other streams those of the Moon and

    Mercury. These are Islam and Buddhism respectively. He makes it clear however, that by

    Islam, he really means the whole culture of the Near East , whether Semitic, as with the

    Arabs and Jews, or non-Semitic, as with the Iranians and Turks. For all this, he usually

    employs the collective term Arabism (Arabismus orArabertum) the culture of the

    Islamic world. We can see the religion of Islam as the vehicle, so to speak, through which

    the whole panoply of cultural influences was eventually transmitted from the Near East invarious directions, east and west, north and south, from Spain to Indonesia , from Bosnia to

    Nigeria . Steiner describes how the Sun culture of Christianity developed for a period of

    some 600 years within the region of the Roman Empire and then encountered the new

    Moon culture of Islam, or so-called 'Arabism', during an initial period of cultural clash that

    lasted for the next six centuries, from roughly 600 to 1200. Historically, that is the period

    from the lifetime of Mohammed , who was 30 in the year 600, to the end of the Third

    Crusade (1191). Steiner draws our attention to this periodicity of six centuries. He goes on

    to point out how after this cultural encounter, this flowing together of Christianity and

    Islam, from about 1200, and lasting for a further approximately 6 centuries until around the

    death of Goethe in 1832, there was a Renaissance of Greek culture in Europe. The effects

    of this are not difficult to recognise in the history of western civilisation; one only has to

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    think, for example, of philosophy and architecture. Furthermore, picking up Steiner's

    stimulus here, we can say that the initial period of encounter between the Christian and the

    Muslim worlds, the Sun and the Moon cultures, came to an end about 1200 and that there

    then set in a further approximate 600 year period in which the results of the encounter

    between the two cultures the encounter which began c.600 were then elaborated and

    further developed. These results were manifold (e.g. Gothic architecture, arabesques in

    music, styles of fashion and food, paper, gunpowder and printing) but the greatest of all of

    them, according to Steiner , was natural science itself.

    After the death of Goethe , from around the 1830s, Steiner saw a new element come in, a

    second stream alongside the Sun stream of Christianity. This is the Buddhist stream, which

    Steiner associated with Mercury and its traditional cosmological association with healing

    and mediating, or linking the parts with the whole, humanity with the heavens. This

    mercurial Buddhist stream originated in India , the heart region of Asia . (6) However, just

    as it was not only Islam but the whole culture of the Near East that encountered and then

    flowed into the Christian West in the 1200 years from 600 to 1800, so for a further 1200

    years, from approximately 1800, the cultures of the rest of Asia, not only of India but of the

    whole vast region from India to Japan, have been flowing into the Christian West.

    According to Steiner , they will continue to do so for 1200 years until about 3000, in two

    broad phases. From 1800 until 2400 there will be a period of encounter between the two

    cultures that will probably sometimes be tense and fraught, as was the period 600-1200between Christianity and Islam. This first phase of cultural encounter, which inevitably has

    included conflict and will no doubt include more, will give way to a second phase in

    approximately 2400. Then again, the results of the first phase will be elaborated until about

    3000. What will the West learn from this new adjunct to Christianity, this new, Buddhist

    side stream? According to Steiner , the most important will be the knowledge of karma and

    reincarnation, which clearly has been the case since approximately 1800. So to summarise,

    since c.1200 the West has been learning natural science from the Moon stream of Islam

    and Arabism, and from c.1800, the healing spiritual science of karma and reincarnation

    from the Mercury stream of Buddhism and the wisdom of India and the Far East . Clearly,

    these two streams of Moon and Mercury balance each other. One can well understand that

    as the knowledge of karma and reincarnation penetrates western societies ever more widely,

    this will present a strong challenge to materialism, which grew to dominate western societyin the period 1600-1900. As we move on in the 21 st century, relations between these three

    cultural regions of the West, the Middle East and the Far East , which first encountered

    each other in the 13th century during the Crusades, will be of central significance in world

    affairs. But the knowledge of this Sun-Moon-Mercury relationship too has long been

    available to the spiritual counterforces, who will seek to use it to block human progress.

    Consciousness Soul and aristocratic will

    Steiner also indicated that in the modern epoch since the 15th century two major impulses

    have been continually clashing. The first is the force rising up from the growing

    consciousness of people who steadily become aware of themselves as individuals in this age

    of what Steiner called the Consciousness Soul the historical epoch, lasting some 2160

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    years, in which individuals would no longer be satisfied with belonging to old collectives(race, tribe, clan, nation, family, class, gender) and would become ever more self-aware,first as independent but more or less egotistical personalities, and then as spiritualindividualities who would seek to re-establish their link with the whole of society andcosmos. Brzezinski seeks to mask this development to an extent by referring to it as a questor yearning for 'personal dignity' and that is indeed an aspect of this profound change that issteadily rising up in the consciousnesses of the masses of the human population: "I am anindividual in charge of my own life and I do not consent to being controlled!" This'historically legitimate' motive however, is confronted by an historically illegitimate one

    that of elites who seek to hang on to the traditional role of elites in the past, that ofshepherds, or guardians, and also often exploiters of the people. These elites, who includeZbigniew Brzezinski himself, do not wish to recognise the increasingly consciousaspirations of the people. They see these aspirations growing, but they seek to divert theminto channels that will serve their own elitist interests. In doing so, they provide theretarding resistance that humanity needs for its development (in the same way that a musclecan be strengthened through resistance exercises).

    To take and example of diverting into channels: John Dove was an early member of theRound Table, the British imperialist thinktank and pressure group, founded in 1909 by SirAlfred Milner to pursue the grand imperial aims of the secret society founded by CecilRhodes in 1891 to promote the cause of British imperialism. It was out of the Round Tablethat the plans emerged to metamorphose the direct imperial control of the British Empire

    (i.e. through gunboats and soldiers) into the indirectimperial control of the Commonwealth(i.e. through economics, finance and elite networks of influence and patronage). In view ofthe growing Indian demands for independence, Dove wrote to another Round Tablemember in 1919: "You can't dam a world current. There is, I am convinced, 'purpose'under such things. All that we can do is try to turn the flood into the best channel...Unity

    will, in the end, have to be got in some other way...The future of the Empire seems to me to

    depend on how far we are able to recognise this"(7)This turning of the flood into desirablechannels is what Brzezinski and his Anglo-American allies are concerned with today.

    Of course, one can see that the regimes in the Muslim world are authoritarian and one canthink they ought to be replaced; the question is how and in whose interests? Thoseauthoritarian regimes have been supported by the West for over 30 years, mostly in

    exchange for either support in the Cold War or for privileged access to cheap oil. The UShas been giving $1.3 billion a year in military aid alone to Egypt . But if regime changehappens in effect merely when the West wants it to happen, rather as one would open thegates of a lock, allowing the pent-up waters to flow in and then close them again when onesees fit, would that truly serve the Egyptian people's interests?

    If we had had TV coverage during the first Russian Revolution in February 1917, fromwhat we would have seen on the streets (as with Egypt recently) it would have looked as ifthe people" were taking over in a 'spontaneous' and undirected, chaotic manner.In fact,what eventually happened was that certain leading figures emerged from that seemingdisorder and formed a government. mostly of Freemasons, one that declared it wouldcontinue the war against Germany and continue to do the bidding of London and Paris . Thekey in Egypt will be the relationships of those at the top of the Egyptian military whetheror not they can assert independence from western interests, which may be difficult, giventhat the US has been financing much of the Egyptian military. Omar Suleiman , Head ofEgyptian Intelligence since 1993, was sworn in on 29th Jan. as Vice-President by Mubarakas one of the dictator's last acts. The Middle East-based media organisation Al-Jazeera,which had clearly been sympathetic to the anti-Mubarak protestors, immediately startedtalking about Suleiman in terms of someone who can promote 'credibility' and 'stability'!This was a man very acceptable to the USA due to his compliant role in the Egypt-Israeli-Palestine relationship. (8) Another commentator on Al-Jazeera, however, said that Suleimancomes "from the shadows". Under the heading of "Corporate Briefings", we see OmarSuleiman speaking on: " Egypts Role in Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" at theMiddle East Institute conference in 2005, where the opening address was given byZbigniew Brzezinski.. (9) The US and UK were not going to spark such a wide-scale fire

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    initially in the backyard of their faithful ally Hosni Mubarak, but they have been quite

    happy to let that spark carry over from Tunisia a country to which hardly anyone in the

    Western media previously paid any attention whatsoever to Egypt and then engulf

    Mubarak. It is no accident that as soon as the Tunisian crisis began, the western media

    eagerly began speculating about fast and how far the contagion would spread and then they

    speculated how long Mubarak could possibly last, as Western leaders fell over themselves

    to warn the Egyptian government not to obstruct the protesters. Not much support was

    being voiced for the West's loyal servant of 30 years, Hosni Mubarak . The BBC in Britain,

    which for 30 years said nothing about Tunisia and its leader Mr Ben Ali, was, once the

    demonstrations began, quick to tar him and his regime as 'a Mafia State' run by 'his corruptfamily'. And why? Because the media are 'on message'; they are with the storyline. They

    know which way the action is going to go. It's all going to end so they infer in pro-

    Western, so-called democratic regimes throughout the Muslim world, regimes compliant

    with western interests. In London and Washington , the decision was made years ago that

    NOW would be the time to sever the connection with the Muslim autocrats who have been

    so useful to the western elite these past 40 years.(We might remind ourselves that the Shah

    of Iran - before he was deposed by the Iranian revolution in 1979 was just so useful for

    the 30 odd years he ruled, having been put in power himself by Britain in 1941 when the

    British engineered the overthrow of his father, Reza Shah).

    Future scenarios

    When the Cold War ended in the early 90s, the US/UK foreign policy elite knew that there

    were just two significant cultural forces left in the world that posed some kind of resistance

    to US/UK dominance, that is, resistance to the western-style materialism that leads to global

    control by corporate and financial oligarchies. These were the Islamic world and China .

    Immediately, the US/UK thinktanks set to work to produce new ideological paradigms that

    would serve to guide the thinking and actions of world leaders into the new, desired

    channels. At the core of these were a number of seminal texts, most notably those which

    appeared in The Economist in early September 1990 (Defence and the Democracies) and

    again in December 1992 (Looking Back from 2992), and in Foreign Affairs in the summer

    of 1993 (The Clash of Civilisations by Samuel P. Huntington). Finally, the grand oeuvre

    that focused these more general ideological discourses into a practical strategic vision waspublished in 1997: The Grand Chessboardby none other than Zbigniew Brzezinski . The

    earliest of these texts laid out what was presented as the historical shift from economics and

    politics in the 20th century and the Cold War to culture and religion in the coming era of

    the 21st century, and how 'the West', i.e. the English-speaking societies, could and should

    seek to perpetuate its dominance in this new environment: 'the West versus the Rest', as the

    phrase went.

    In the second of the previously mentioned texts, The Economist laid out a scenario for a

    future major Eurasian conflict that would begin after a military coup in Saudi Arabia in the

    year 2011 that would overthrow the Saudi monarchy, America 's loyal ally since the

    petrodollar deal of the early 1970s. The result would be a pan-Islamic movement for a new

    Sunni Caliphate across the Islamic world that would originate in Central Asia .

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    Obviously, a problem here would be Shi'ite Iran, which would not fit into that picture due

    to the historical split in Islam, a split which goes back to the 7th century between Sunnis

    and Shi'ites . Iran would thus have to be brought into enmity with the rest of the

    (overwhelmingly Sunni) Muslim world. We can see only too clearly how that has been

    achieved since the end of the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s in which the West had backed

    Saddam Hussein's ultimately vain efforts to gain a military victory over Iran. The whole

    process actually began in 1978, when Brzezinski was Carter 's National Security Adviser

    and had the brainwave (for which he was later happy to take the credit) of arranging for the

    USSR "its own Vietnam in Afghanistan ". Four preparations were made that year 1978:

    1) the CIA moved to stimulate mujahideen uprisings against the Soviet-backed government

    in Afghanistan. This soon provoked the USSR to intervene when their Afghan client state

    could not handle the mujahideen challenge,

    2) To the east of Afghanistan, the problematic (from the US viewpoint) and overly

    independent-minded Pakistani President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (father of Benezir Bhutto,

    assassinated in 2007) was ousted in neighbouring Pakistan, executed, and replaced with the

    far more US-compliant but religiously zealous General Zia ul-Haq.

    3) To the west of Afghanistan, the US refused to assist its erstwhile ally the Shah of Iran as

    his regime appeared to give way before a massive popular revolution. The US looked on as

    the religious fundamentalist fanatic the Ayatollah Khomeini returned from exile to take

    power in Iran. Both Khomeini and Zia would provide their own support to the mujahideen

    in Afghanistan against the Soviet atheists.

    4) The Italian Pope John Paul I was found dead on 29 September in very suspicious

    circumstances after a papacy of only 33 days and was replaced by the first Polish pope,

    John Paul II . Not long afterwards, the new Polish Pope made contact with Solidarnosc

    (Solidarity), the Polish free trade union movement. In collusion with the US authorities and

    the CIA, which supplied it with money and technological assistance, in the 1980s

    Solidarnosc made a major contribution to bringing down the Soviet Union , which had

    found itself under pressure from two sides in the West, from Poland , and in the East,

    from Afghanistan . (When one wishes to create something, one must do so from two sides,

    from within and from without, or from above and below, or with male and female. Todestroy something, one uses a similar binary dialectic.) Poland was destroyed from two

    sides by Germany and Russia in 1939, while Nazi Germany was destroyed by the same

    two-fold dialectic in 1945 attack from two sides. In 1978 once again, it was the Polish-

    American Zbigniew Brzezinski who was in office as National Security Adviser, when the

    crucial collusion between the White House and the Vatican got underway; it was continued

    during Ronald Reagan 's Presidency.

    Following the dogma of the British imperial geopolitician Halford Mackinder (1904),

    Brzezinski 's Grand Chessboardin 1997 referred to the key importance of Central Asia for

    'the West'.

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    Halford Mackinder's 'Heartland' theory (1904)

    Control of this region would ensure global power due to its access to resources and its

    geopolitical position. The West needed to prevent Russia and China from making the most

    of it. As Brzezinski puts it:

    ... how America 'manages' Eurasia is critical... . A power that dominates Eurasia would

    control two of the world's three most advanced and economically productive regions.

    ...control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail Africa 's subordination,rendering the Western Hemisphereand Oceania [ Australasia and the Pacific] geopolitically

    peripheral to the world's central continent. About 75 per cent of the world's people live in

    Eurasia , and most of the world's physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises

    and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for 60 per cent of the world's GNP and about

    three-fourths of the world's known energy resources."(10) Brzezinski calls Central Asia the

    "Eurasian Balkans" and says that they "are infinitely more important as a potential

    economic prize: an enormous concentration of natural gas and oil reserves is located in

    the region, in addition to important minerals, including gold." (11)

    any nation that might become predominant in Central Asiawould directly threaten the

    current U.S.control of oil resources in the Persian Gulf . The key to controlling Eurasia

    ...the CentralAsianRepublics . And the key to controlling the Central Asian republics is


    Russia was significantly weakened after the end of the Cold War in the transition into

    oligarchical capitalism. Today the West is continually seeking to draw Russia onside while

    at the same time standing up for the interests of Russia 's remaining, often Jewish, oligarchs

    with their extensive international connections. Next, Islam was turned into an enemy in the

    1990s through the bugaboo of Islamist terrorism and 'al-Qaeda', itself largely a US-created

    phenomenon thanks to Brzezinski . Those Arab leaders prepared to stand up to the West,

    such as Col. Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein , were put in their place; Saddam

    was eventually executed, and Iraq was turned into a compliant state through the illegal

    US/UK invasion and what followed. Only Iran , its regime founded by Khomeini , and until

    2003, Libya , led by Col. Muammar Gadaffi , still held out in the Muslim world. All this

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    time, Osama bin Laden, the man in whose name so much of this devastation was wrought,

    was never caught, and it would seem that today western governments are not even bothered

    about him. He is rarely mentioned anymore and is widely believed to be dead.(13)

    [N.b. this essay was written before 1 May 2011, when Obama, 66 years to the day after the

    announcement of Hitler's suicide, announced that US special forces had killed Osama in Abottabad,

    Pakistan. This Hollywood fiction notwithstanding, the much stronger evidence for Osama's death yearsbefore remains.]

    The Muslim world had thus been manoeuvred into playing its part in bringing the Soviet

    Union low. It has itself been humiliated repeatedly by the West whose intention is for theIslamic world to be governed by regimes that will do the bidding of the West, whether

    dictatorships or some kind of democracy. It would seem at first sight that in the age of

    nationalism, when it was easier for States to control their citizens, the dictatorships and

    monarchies that the western elite used in order to control the Muslim world are now, in the

    age of globalisation and worldwide ease of communication, to be replaced by equally

    compliant 'democracies'.

    What is happening today, 33 years on from the beginning of the revolution against the Shah

    in 1978 would appear to be the attempt to move Islamic societies from their present, West-

    aligned autocracies into this new sheepfold of West-aligned democracies, in which the

    principle of selfishness in the economic sphere will dominate the cultural and political

    spheres, as it does in western capitalism.(14) This will allow transnational oligarchical

    interests, which act with the liberties of 'corporate persons' (whereby corporations areregarded in law as individuals) , to continue to superintend the Islamic world as they have

    done the western capitalist world and inject ever more secular materialism into those


    However, if we bear in mind the words ofJohn Dove cited earlier about not damming but

    channelling a new world current, and if we also recall what happened in Russia in 1917

    when there was a second revolution that year the Bolshevik Revolution in the autumn -

    which swept away the provisional pro-western revolutionary regime that had come to power

    in the spring, then we can well imagine that forces in the West (who after all, had backed

    the spring revolution and then backed the Bolshevik revolution by ensuring its victory in the

    ensuing Civil War) could seek to bring about a new global dialectical partner in their 'Grand

    Chess Game', namely, a pan-Islamic movement that would seek to establish an IslamicWorld State the restitution of the Caliphate. (15)This is in fact exactly the aim of the

    internationally active Islamist group Hizb-ut-Tahrir (The Party of Liberation), founded in

    Palestine in 1953 and especially rooted today in Uzbekistan.

    Furthermore, this was also the scenario described in that Economistessay of 1992, where it

    was stated that out of the military coup that would overthrow the Saudi monarchy in 2011

    would come 'the new Muslim entity', the movement that would sweep the Muslim world

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    and re-establish the Caliphate and that, in this process, precisely Uzbekistan would play a

    most significant role. And what would this Caliphate, this Islamic World State, then do? It

    would, according to The Economistscenario, ally with China and turn aggressively west,

    surprisingly, not against Israel (16) but against Turkey and ultimately Russia, which are,

    respectively, the micro- and macro-bridge states respectively, between Europe and Asia .

    While Europe and America looked on, China and the 'New Caliphate' would dismember

    what The Economistchose to describe as "the decaying corpse of Russia", which would lose

    all its territories east of the Urals. It would thus become a purely European state and as

    such, would be inclined to 're-occident' itself by joining a Euro-Atlantic Union which would

    confront the eastern powers.

    Russian expansion under Czars Ivan IV (The Terrible) and Fyodor to 1598

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    Chineseaccess to

    oil and gas in Central Asia and Russia

    800 years ago the Muslim world was assaulted from two sides by the western Crusaders

    and by the Mongols from the Far East. Certain forces in the West today have it in mind that

    Russia will be the new victim of such an assault, caught between the eastern hammer and

    the western anvil. With the bridge culture of Russia removed, the Islamic world would once

    again find itself between Western crusaders' and the armies of the Far East .

    If the Economist scenario were realised and the suggestion that Russia join NATO and

    the NATO become the armed wing of the EU has already been made in influential

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    American circles (17) , then once again, a dualistic bipolar world order would result to

    blight the 21st century as it did the 20th.

    Steiner indicated that the Bolsheviks succeeded in 1917 not least because the more

    moderate revolutionaries had no real ideas for how to proceed. An ideological vacuum thus

    resulted which acted as a zone of suction and into this vacuum were drawn the Bolsheviks

    with their simplistic slogans of "Peace! Land! Bread!" (18) If we see little that is

    constructive resulting from the new regimes that replace the Middle Eastern autocracies,

    then we should not be surprised to find the Muslim vacuum being filled with something far

    more radical, something like Hizb-ut-Tahrir, something calling for a Caliphate that would

    claim to restore to Muslims, and especially young Muslims, their 'dignity' vis-a-vis the

    West. And this something would inevitably be smeared and feared in the Western Press as a

    great threat, but it may actually be welcomed in the hidden circles of western power as the

    new, and useful, counterpart at 'the grand chessboard'.

    Neither western pseudo-democracy nor a Caliphate hostile to the West and certainly no

    grand game of geopolitical chess would be likely to contribute to genuinely good relations

    between the 'Christian' West and the Muslim East. Only a spiritual understanding that could

    build a bridge of understanding between the impulses of the Sun, Moon and Mercury

    cultures would be able to do that.



    (1) The Rockefeller family has long had a leading role in this body too, notably David

    Rockefeller .

    (2)Are We Witnessing the Start of a Global Revolution? at



    (5) Past board members include Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jeane Kirkpatrick, SamuelHuntington, Otto Reich, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Steve Forbes

    (6) See Steiner lecture referred to above The Moon Religion of Jahve and its reflection in

    Arabism -The Penetration of the Buddha-Mercury Stream in Rosicrucianism.(Collected

    Works GA 124)

    (7) Carroll Quigley , The Anglo-American Establishment(1949), p.136



    Scroll down (p.20 ff.) The lists of the donors, sponsors and associates of the Middle EastInstitute reads like a Who's Who of the western elite.

    (10) Zbigniew Brzezinski , The Grand Chessboard(1997) p.31

    (11) The Grand Chessboard(1997) p.124

    (12) The Grand Chessboard(1997) p.53

    (13) See David Ray Griffin , Osama Bin Laden: Dead Or Alive? (2009)

    (14) Cf. Islamic finance, in which usury is banned

    (15) Dissolved in 1924 by the new Turkish leader Kemal Atatrk

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    (16) The Economist has long had a strong association with the Rothschild Family. Lynn

    Forester de Rothschild and her spouse, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild currently both hold "a

    significant number of shares" in the 50% of Economist shares that are not held by the

    Financial Times Ltd, part of the Pearson plc. Lynn Forester de Rothschild sits on the board

    as a non-executive director.

    (17) See William Drozdiak, The Brussels Wall; Richard Rosecrance, Bigger Is Better, and

    Charles A. Kupchan, NATO's Final Frontierin Foreign Affairs May/June 2010 Vol. 89,

    No. 3

    (18)From Symptom to Reality in Modern History, Lecture 4, 25.10.1918

    Terry Boardman

    This page was created 2 May 2011

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