Page 1: TERM YEAR Office Phone: Office Location: Office Hours · New York: Springer Publishing Company. ISBN: 978-0-8261-0681-0 ... and interventions in the field of couples and family counseling


MCC 650: Couples and Family Counseling

3 Graduate Credit Hours, 12 Week Course Syllabus



Office Phone:

Office Location:

Office Hours:

Email address:

BEST way to reach me:

Required Course Texts:

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th

ed., 2nd

printing). American

Psychological Association: Washington D.C.

Metcalf, L. (2011). Marriage and family therapy: A practice oriented approach. New York:

Springer Publishing Company. ISBN: 978-0-8261-0681-0

Patterson, J., Williams, L., Edwards, T., Chamow, L. & Grauf-Grounds, C. (2009). Essential skills

in family therapy: From the first interview to termination. New York: Guilford Press.

ISBN: 978-1-6-623-305-4

Prerequisites: Successful completion of all foundation courses with an earned grade of C or higher or

written permission of the Clinical Counseling Program Director

Catalog Description: This course introduces students to a broad range of theoretical approaches

and interventions in the field of couples and family counseling with an emphasis on the systemic

and relational components commonly associated in working with couples and families. The

impact of societal changes, trauma, and mental health disorders on the family system are studied.

Theories and models of couple and family resilience as well as the promotion of wellness over

the family life span are introduced. Knowledge of how to effectively counsel couples and

families, including problem identification, treatment planning, intervention, family wellness

education, and relapse prevention are emphasized

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Purpose: The purpose of this course is to provide important skills and knowledge as a

requirement for all students obtaining the Masters of Clinical Counseling degree.


Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

Knowledge Standards How/where covered and



Recognizes individual, couple, family, group, and

community strategies for working with and

advocating for diverse populations, including

multicultural competencies.

Discussion board posts;


Case- Study/Treatment


II.G.3.a. Demonstrate theories of individual and family

development transitions across the lifespan.

Discussion board posts;


Case- Study/Treatment

Plan Assignment

II.G.3.d. Apply theories and models of individuals, cultural,

couple, family, and community resilience.

Discussion board posts;


Case- Study/Treatment

Plan Assignment

II.G.5.e. Apply a systems perspective that provides an

understanding of family and other systems theories

and major models of family and related interventions.

Discussion board posts;


Case- Study/Treatment

Plan Assignment

Skill Standards


C.8 Recognizes the importance of family, social networks,

and community systems in the treatment of mental and

emotional disorders.

Discussion board posts;


Case- Study/Treatment

Plan Assignment/ Family

Systems and Social

Networks in Counseling


Residential Class Attendance Policy

Attendance is mandatory. You are expected to attend every class meeting. If you are unable to

attend you must contact me in advance for an alternative assignment. There may be points

associated with class participation. If you do not notify me of your absence in advance, you will

not be allowed to make up the points that you missed.

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Online Attendance Policy

Attendance is mandatory. Online students are required to routinely log-into Blackboard and

submit their assignments as scheduled by the syllabus. The student will receive a letter of

nonattendance if the student has not logged-in to their course or submitted any assignments for

more than seven consecutive days per course. Nonattendance could impact a student’s ability to

receive financial aid. Online students encountering special situations which will prohibit them

from accessing their course and meeting their course obligations should contact their instructor.

Instructor Communication Policy:

I will make every effort to communicate with you within 48 hours (not including weekends or

holidays). E-mail is the most efficient way to communicate with me. Additionally, please make

sure to have your updated e-mail in the Bellevue University system, as that is how I will

communicate with you. If you have multiple e-mails, you can go into the system to have e-mail

automatically forwarded to other e-mails. I would suggest simply using your assigned Bellevue

University e-mail. Regardless of what e-mail you choose, make sure to have it updated so you

do not miss any correspondence related to the course.

Student Expectations:

Students are expected to embody and display professional interactions and behaviors in all

aspects of this course. This behaviors and interactions reflect those commonly expected from

professional counselors and human services professionals. This includes, but is not limited to,

respectful dialogue and interactions with faculty, students, and staff. Students not maintaining

professional behavior will be advised; and, this advisement will be part of the documentation of

the student’s progress and performance in the program. Additionally, if warranted, further action

may be taken to address inappropriate or unacceptable behavior, which may include removal

from the course and/or program.

All assignments in the course should be completed using the most recent publication of the

APA manual, especially with regards to writing academic papers.

*Note – all assignments are to be submitted electronically in Word format.


Assignments are designed to reflect the students’ retention and synthesis of knowledge of

counseling theories and models. Rubric for evaluation of the discussion board posting is

available under the Rubrics tab.


Discussion enhances learning as you share your ideas, perspectives, and experiences with the

class. You develop and refine your thoughts through the writing process, plus broaden your

classmates’ understanding of the course content. You promote a professional, substantive

discussion. Use the following feedback to improve the quality of your discussion contributions.

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Discussion will take place in both Residential and Online formats of the course.

In the Residential format, students are expected to fully engage in class discussions as outlined

in the Rubric below. Instructor guided peer to peer discussion facilitates deeper learning and

your development as a professional.

In the Online Discussion, there will be two required original posts per week responding to

assigned questions to deepen your learning. Students are expected to be thorough in their

responses to these questions, using graduate-level writing, correct grammar, and APA format.

Please refer to the rubric explaining how postings will be evaluated. Please note there may be

multiple questions housed within one posting assignment; and, all questions posed must be


Discussion boards will have two discussion posts per week: the first will be due by 11:59 p.m.

CST on the Wednesday of the week, and the second will be due by 11:59 p.m. CST on the

Sunday of the week. Responses to other students’ posts (to both discussion boards) are due by

11:59 p.m. CST on the Sunday of the week. All discussion boards are worth 20 points (up to 10

points for the primary post and up to 10 points for peer responses).

Masters of Clinical Counseling Residential Discussion Grading Rubric

Criteria Unacceptable Needs Improvement

Competent Excellent



not address



Addresses the

assignment but

response lacks

detail and


vocabulary or is


Addresses the full


and uses


detail and


Addresses the full

assignment and

uses appropriate

detail and

vocabulary plus



examples or


Engagement in the Discussion

Does not participate in the discussion

Responds to at least one peer in the discussion but comments are tangential or general to the topic

Responds to at least one peer and comments are directly related to the topic and assignment at hand.

Responds to multiple peers and comments are related to the topic and assignment at hand and expand the discussion in some way.

Please note – discussions missed in class can only be made up if you notify the instructor in

advance for an alternative assignment.

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Masters of Clinical Counseling Online Discussion Grading Rubric

Discussion Grading Rubric #1 – Primary post

Criteria Unacceptable Needs Improvement

Competent Excellent


(up to 6


No post or does

not address the


(0 points)

Addresses the

assignment but

response lacks

detail and


vocabulary or is


(4 points)

Addresses the full

assignment and

uses appropriate

detail and


(5 points)

Addresses the full

assignment and uses

appropriate detail

and vocabulary plus

presents additional

examples or


(6 points)


(up to 2


Does not cite appropriate


(if required)



(0 points)

Includes reference citation

but incomplete (if


(1 point)

Includes complete reference

information but

APA format

error (if


(1.5 points)

Includes complete reference

information in

proper APA format

(if required)

(2 points)


Grammar &

word choice

(up to 2


Many spelling and grammatical

errors or lacks

clarity in


(0 points)

Uses vocabulary from the text but

inappropriately or

several spelling or

grammar errors

(1 point)

Uses vocabulary from the text


few spelling or

grammar errors. (1.5 points)

Uses vocabulary from the text

appropriately, no

grammar or spelling

errors (2 points)

Discussion Grading Rubric #2 – Peer Replies

Criteria Unacceptable Needs Improvement

Competent Excellent

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Peer reply

#1 (up to 5



No peer



(0 points)



compliments, or

agrees with

peers’ posts.


grammar and

spelling errors (3


Provides some



to peers’ post but

largely restates

own primary post.

Minimal grammar

and spelling

errors (4 points)

Provides additional


example, resource,

disagrees, or


corrects an error in

peer’s post. No

grammar or

spelling errors. (5


Please note: All discussions in this course are worth 20 points. You can earn up to 10 points for

your primary post (grading rubric #1) and up to 10 points for your peer responses (grading

rubric #2). All deadlines are clearly noted in each Discussion Board assignment. No posts

outside the current week will be considered when computing your grade because the class

discussion has ended.

Weekly checkpoint assignments:

Each week students will be assigned at least one check-point assignment. These assignments will

vary in format and may consist of problems, term matching/review, and/or application problems.

These assignments have been designed to give you feedback on your comprehension of course

materials as well as to prepare you for the exams. These are graded assignments –point values

are noted on the weekly assignment sheets.

Genogram/Summary Paper:

The major paper in this course is intended to give you a chance to complete a genogram for your

own family and post to the assignment drop box. Include a minimum of two generations of data.

Identify key trends/patterns. If you are unable to contact family members for information answer

the questions that pertain to your situation to the best of your ability. Use the genogram program

at to develop your genogram. It is a free program and all genograms for

this course will be created through this program allowing accessibility to the instructor. To

obtain unlimited access to this program, download the program utilizing this link:

Symbols and other helpful insights can be found on the Genogram Guide Document found under

Resources and on the web site that you reviewed for discussion board

3.1. Summarize your insights after completing this assignment. Most importantly, include what

you learned about your family in creating this diagram that will influence your work as a family

therapist. The paper will need to be written in APA format and will have a length requirement of

at least 5 pages (including the genogram). This assignment is worth 50 points.

Genogram/Summary Paper Rubric (50 Points)

Criteria Needs

Improvement (C

Competent (B)

Proficient (A)

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or below)


of the


(up to 15


Presented fewer

than three

generations; used

the genogram

program from

(8 pts)

Presented two to

three generations;

used the genogram

program from

(12 pts)

Presented at least

three generations;

used the genogram

program from

(15 pts)



symbol key

(up to 10


Did not adequately

describe relational

patterns and/or did

not include a

symbol key

(5 pts)


relational patterns

and included a

symbol key with

most of the

symbols included

in the genogram

(8 pts)

Provided a

comprehensive list

of relational

patterns and

included a


symbol key

(10 pts)


summary of




(up to 15


Provided a limited

summary of


and influences

about yourself in

relationship to

your family

describing how

these influences

might impact your

work with families

( 8 pts)

Provided a


summary of


and influences

about yourself in

relationship to

your family

describing how

these influences

might impact your

work with families

(12 pts)

Provided a


summary of


and influences

about yourself in

relationship to your

family describing

how these

influences might

impact your work

with families

(15 pts)

APA Style,



and spelling

(up to 10



contains numerous


punctuation, and

spelling errors

Two format errors

Used some headers

but not logical

Substantial errors

in citations &





contains few


punctuation and

spelling errors

One format error

Used headers but

one or more not


Some format

errors in citations



Correct rules of

grammar usage

Correct format of

title page



Correct format of

citations and


Properly organized

and balanced


(10 pts)

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(5 pts)



(8 pts)

Case Study/Treatment Plan Assignment: Complete a case study of the Guest Family. The

second format sheet is provided as a guide to as you develop a treatment plan for the Guest

family. The treatment plan will include a minimum of three treatment goals, with 2-3 objectives

for each goal.

Case Study/Treatment Plan Rubric (30 Points)



(C or below)

Competent (B)

Proficient (A)

Identification of the


(up to 5 points)

Identifies and demonstrates a limited understanding of some of the issues/problems in the case study. (2 pts)

Identifies and demonstrates an acceptable understanding of most of the issues/problems in the case study (4 pts)

Identifies and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the main issues/problems in the case study. (5 pts)

Analysis and

Evaluation of


(up to 5 points)

Presents a superficial or incomplete analysis of some of the identified issues; omits necessary information. (2 pts)

Presents an analysis of most of the identified issues; missing some necessary information. (4 pts)

Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all identified issues; includes necessary information. (5 pts)

Treatment Goals and


(up to 10 points)

Treatment goals and objectives are missing or are not reasonable, and/or not measurable. (5 pts)

Treatment goals and objectives are reasonable and measurable. (8 pts)

Treatment goals and objectives are clear and measurable. (10 pts)

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Writing Quality

(up to 10 points)

Writing contains errors, is fairly organized and follows some specified guidelines. (5 pts)

Provides an adequate, organized presentation of ideas; writing has few grammar and spelling errors. (8 pts)

Provides clarity, an organized presentation of ideas; formatting is appropriate and writing is free of grammar and spelling errors. (10 pts)

Family Systems and Social Networks in Counseling Paper:


In this assignment, you will complete a research paper including a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed

journal articles (published after 2001) addressing the systemic nature of families and the impact

of social networks on individuals and families. The content of the articles will address family

social networks and community systems in treatment of mental and emotional disorders. The

paper will be a minimum of 5 pages completed in APA format, plus a title page and a reference

page, will use a 12-font, double-spaced and will be properly cited. This assignment is due week

10 and is worth 50 points.

PLEASE NOTE: Because this is an assessment probe, you must score 80% or better (at

least 40 points out of 50 points) on the paper in order to pass the course. If you do not score

at least 80%, you will be given one opportunity to revise your paper. If you still do not

score 80% on the paper, you will fail the course and will need to retake it. You cannot pass

the course unless you earn a minimum of 80% on the probe.

Family Systems and Social Networks in Counseling Paper Rubric (50 Points)

Criteria Needs


(C or below)

Competent (B)

Proficient (A)

Presentation of

treatment evidence

regarding family


(up to 10 points)

Presented one

unique point

regarding family


identified in the



(5 pts)

Presented at

least two unique

points regarding

family systems

identified in the



(8 pts)

Presented at

least three

unique points

regarding family


identified in the



(10 pts)

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Presentation of

treatment evidence

regarding social

networks in


(up to 10 points)


evaluated the


regarding social


associated with


identified in the


(5 pts)




regarding social


associated with


identified in the


(8 pts)




regarding social


associated with


identified in the


(10 pts)

Source citations

(up to 10 points)

Did not

adequately cite

sources – many


statements with

no supporting


(5 pts)

Cited sources

but sometimes

not often enough

– cited sources

only at the end

of paragraphs.

(8 pts)

Cited an


source for every

factual statement

made within the


(10 pts)

Quality of sources

(up to 10 points)

Two or more of

the sources used

were not




published within

the last ten

years. The

majority of all

sources used

were not

scholarly, peer-

reviewed journal


(5 pts)

All but one of

the sources used

were scholarly-

peer reviewed


published within

the last ten

years. The

majority of all

sources used

were scholarly,


journal articles.

(8 pts)

All sources used

were scholarly,



published within

the last ten

years. The

majority of all

sources used

were scholarly,


journal articles.

(10 pts)

APA Style

(up to 10 points)



errors, two or

fewer format

errors, used

some headers

but not logical,


errors in

citations &





errors, one

format error,

used headers but

one or more not


some format

errors in






correct format of

title page,


headers, correct

format of

citations and



organized and


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(5 pts)



(8 pts)


(10 pts)

Final course grades will be computed as a total percentage of points earned; as follows:

A 93-100% C+ 76-79% D- 60-62%

A- 90-92% C 73-75% F 59% and below

B+ 86-89% C- 70-72%

B 83-85% D+ 66-69%

B- 80-82% D 63-65%

REMINDER: If you do not earn a minimum of 80% on the assessment probe (Family

Systems and Social Networks in Counseling Paper) – you will be given one opportunity to

revise the probe. If you still fail to meet the 80% required grade, you will fail the course

and need to retake it.

Please note per Bellevue University policy, students must earn a letter grade of C or above to

pass a graduate course without being required to retake the class. Earning a letter grade of C- or

below necessitates retaking the course, which is at the student’s expense. Additionally,

regardless of grades in individual courses, students are required to maintain an overall

cumulative GPA of 3.0. If a student falls below this threshold they will be placed on academic

probation, and may subsequently be dismissed from the program.

Assignment Grading and Feedback

Normally feedback on assignments will be provided within one week of the due date – for all

assignments submitted on time. This means, for instance, that grading for week one will typically

be complete by the end of week 2. If you have any questions about feedback, please reach out to

your instructor.

Late Work Policy:

Because of the nature of an online learning environment, no late discussion board posts or exams

will be accepted. Other late assignments will receive a penalty deduction of 10%. Assignments

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more than two weeks late will not be accepted. At the instructor’s discretion, exceptions can be

made to this policy; however, exceptions would typically constitute documented illnesses or

emergencies. Having heavy workloads, both with school and work commitments, family

functions, and vacations are examples of non-approved exceptions. Students who foresee issues

with their schedules and plans should be proactive and plan to accommodate for these issues by

completing assignments prior to the due date or working with the instructor for alternative


MSCC Academic Honesty Policy:

The Master of Science in Clinical Counseling of Bellevue University Academic Honesty Policy

is in addition to the overall University Policy. Any time students commit academic dishonesty

they show little concern for their own personal sense of integrity, and they infringe on the rights

of all other members of the academic community. The following definitions and examples are

forms of academic integrity violations:

Cheating. No student shall use or attempt to use materials, notes, or information from another

student for normal course work that is intended to be done on an individual basis, either in class

or out of class. Examples include, but are not limited to: (1) copying from another person’s

research, paper, test or quiz, (2) using testing aids during a test where no permission has been

given by the Instructor, (3) copying another’s work, (4) collaborating on any written work,

without specific permission by the Instructor, or (5) allowing another person to do your work, (6)

taking an exam for another student or (7) allowing another person to take an exam for you.

Multiple Submissions. No students shall submit a paper (in part or in whole) or any other

assignment (in part or in whole) which was submitted for academic credit for any other course.

Plagiarism. No student shall present the work of another person as their own without the

specific citation of the original author. Examples include, but are not limited to: (1) the use of

another’s complete sentences or key words without quotation marks and accurate citations, (2)

graphs and charts, or (3) ideas and information provided by another. Computer programs, files,

and web pages must also be utilized only with the inclusion of a citation referencing or indicating

the original source of the file and/or program.

Consequences of Academic Dishonesty. The first violation of the academic policy will result in

a score of zero for the assignment, paper, exam, etc. The incident (including supporting

documentation) will be reported to the Program Director who will keep the record of the incident

on file until the student graduates from the program. The program director will forward the

information about the violation to the office of Student Affairs. If a second violation of the

academic honesty policy occurs, the student will receive a failing grade in the course in which

the violation occurred. The incident (with supporting documentation) will again be reported to

the Program Director who will keep the record of the incident on file until the student graduates

from the program. This incident will be reported to the office of Student Affairs. If a third

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incident occurs, the student will be removed from MSCC program with no opportunity to return

to the program. The student may appeal decisions regarding Academic Dishonesty as per the

university policy.

Need to Change Assignments and Requirements:

While not typical, the instructor reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the course

as needed, which may include but is not limited to, readings, point values, assignments, grading

criteria, due dates, exams, and corrections to unforeseen errors in any aspect of the course. The

instructor will provide students with notifications of any changes, and will provide students an

opportunity to adjust to these changes in a timely and reasonable manner determined by the


Course Topics and Corresponding Readings:

Date Topic Readings Major assignments

Week #1

Class Orientation/Introduction to

Family Therapy

Patterson: Chapters


Metcalf: Chapters


Week #2

Solution-Focused Therapy

The First Session

Patterson: Chapter


Metcalf: Chapter 12

Week #3

Structural Family Therapy

Using the Family Genogram as a Tool

Patterson: Chapter 5

Metcalf: Chapter 10

Week #4

Bowen Family Systems

Develo9ping Treatment Skills

Patterson: Chapter 6

Metcalf: Chapter 3


Paper due

Week #5

Contextual Family Therapy

Beginning Stages of Therapy

Patterson: Chapter 7

Metcalf: Chapter 4

Week #6 Symbolic-Experiential Family Therapy

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Human Validation Process Therapy Patterson: Chapters


Metcalf: Chapter 4

Week #7

Strategic Family Therapy

Milan Systemic Family Therapy

Family Secrets/Other Family Issues

Patterson: Chapter 9

Metcalf: Chapters



Treatment Plan

Assignment due

Week #8 Ethics/Cultural Diversity

Patterson: pages 50-


Metcalf: Chapters


Week #9

Narrative Family Therapy

Marriage Counseling: Personal Biases

and Beliefs

Metcalf: Chapters


Doherty Article

Week #10

Emotionally Focused Therapy

Marriage Counseling

Patterson: Chapter 8

Metcalf: Chapter 14

Lebow Article

Family Systems and

Social Networks

Paper due

Week #11

Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy

Relational Emotive Family Therapy

Patterson: Chapter


Metcalf: Chapters


Week #12

Pulling it all together: Termination


Patterson: Chapters


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