
Term 3, Week 10 - Wednesday 23 September 2015

Dear parents/caregivers Spring has sprung – or it had last week! When the warm weather returns I invite you to come and look around at the Wetlands Campus. Peer through the fence by the Red Studio and you’ll get an idea of the layout of the buildings on the site. Keep walking around to the adventure playground and look back to the new buildings. Notice how each Learning Studio has splashes of a different colour representing the earth, water or land. Inside the spaces are almost all gibbed and stopped and wall coverings are being installed. This is part of the acoustic treatment to reduce noise in the studios. Light switches are going in and some joinery has been delivered. The build is still on target to be finished on December 11th. Outside the existing classrooms you’ll see evidence of the learning Team Tahi (Learning Studios 7 and 8 and Room 23) have been doing this term about how the local environment is used for growing vegetables. After a visit from local market gardeners, Heather and Phil Kiesanowski, the children have been putting their knowledge into practice by growing potatoes and beans inside. The seedlings have now been transplanted and can be seen as a bean teepee and potatoes growing in tyres. Woody has made three planter boxes from pallets donated by Bunnings and these are now brimming with carrots, parsley, basil and cauliflower outside the Real Heroes room. Thanks to another donation from Bunnings, the Wetlands Campus now has two worm farms that the children feed with their lunch scraps. Enjoy the bursts of colour in the tyre gardens too. The rest of the Wetlands Campus, Team Rua (Rooms 18 – 22), has been busy inside their classrooms. Earlier in the term children from wrote to me asking if they could each make a toy for children in Nepal who lost many of their possessions in an earthquake. We clarified that the toys needed to be soft, light (to post) and colourful. The problem arose about how the children would raise money to pay for the materials they needed to make the toys. Ingenious plans were formulated so children could earn money at home by doing extra jobs to pay for the materials or make biscuits to sell to the staff. The children have followed the technological design process to design a toy and are now busy sewing them. We have a contact in Nepal who is able to ship the completed toys to those in need. Ask your child what they have been learning for Inquiry this term. I’ve been hearing a lot about volcanoes from River children.

REPORTS - some Year 1-3 children will be bringing home their report this Friday. This will depend on when your child(ren) started school. Look out for the report in their school bags. Have a great week. Regards Jacqui Malham Acting Principal



Wetlands & River Campuses: phone: 03 383 2736


OSCAR bookings: phone: 027 655 8104 School cellphone 027 202 3543


Payments can be made into our School account 03 1700 0622075 025

OSCAR account 03 1700 0622075 026

Please ensure you are signed up to receive our texts. This is one of the main forms of

communication. Text: follow WaitakiriSchool to 8987

SCHOOL UNIFORM OCTOBER SCHOOL HOLIDAY UNIFORM DELIVERY To receive uniform orders in the September/October school holidays please order online at by 12noon Tuesday 6 October 2015. Uniform can then be collected from the River campus office on Thursday 8 October between 10am and 3pm. Alternatively your child can bring the uniform home on the first day of school, Monday 12 October 2015. NEW SCHOOL UNIFORM

A reminder that students can continue to wear the interim school uniform (old Burwood & Windsor) until the end of 2015. There has been a phase-in period of 1 year and 1 term to allow children to grow out of their existing uniform before the need to purchase the new school uniform. The new Waitākiri School uniform is compulsory from the start of Term 1 2016. The uniform suppliers offer a lay-by system where you can pay any amount at regular intervals to ensure you have the new school uniform for the beginning of 2016. Please contact the school office if you need any assistance with the purchasing of the new school uniform. REAL CHOICES CHALLENGES The close-off date for the REAL Choice Challenges is almost upon us. It's been great to hear about and see the different challenges our Year 4-6 children have undertaken as part of REAL Choices Challenges and their enthusiasm and commitment towards achieving them. The end of Week 2, Term 4 (Friday, 23 October) is when all challenges need to have been completed, tracked and signed off by your child's home-base teacher in order to receive his or her badge or pounamu. There will be no extension for completion beyond this date. With the holidays almost upon us this could be a good time for children to give some time to completing outstanding challenges.


12 Jack Flash Play, Wetlands Hall, whole school 1.30pm

15 NZ Shake Out Event 9.15am

19 October to 14 December

Mondays - Rawhiti Touch 20 PTA Meeting 7pm Wetlands Staffroom 21 Team Tahi and Rua Travelling Road Show 9 to 11am Wetlands Hall 21 River School Athletics. Please remember, due to unforeseen circumstances, times can be subject to change. If you are planning to watch your child at athletics, please ensure you take sufficient time off work so you don’t miss their event. (pp 28th) 23 October to 11 December

Fridays - Summer Hagley

26 Labour Day

29 Music Festival rehearsal a.m. Performance at Horncastle 7pm


3 Kiwi League Tournament (pp 4th) 7-11 National Jump Jam competition, 2 teams

10 Zones Athletics (pp 12th) 11 Wetlands Athletics,( pp 18th) 13 Canterbury Anniversary

23-26 Team Toru catch up swimming lessons

26 Canterbury Triathlon

30 LS7 Swimming Lessons


1-11 LS7 Swimming Lessons

2 Canterbury Athletics

9 Year 6 Leavers Celebration Assembly 6.30pm

16 Term 4 finishes

Waitākiri OSCAR needs boxes large enough for a child to sit in for a holiday activity making cars.

If you have any spare please leave in the hall kitchen or contact Amanda and I can collect 027655 8104

SCHOOL BANKING This Friday 25 September we will have the draw for our "Banker of the Term". The draw will take place in the Library at 8.45am (Friday) with Mrs Royle. Can all the children that have banked with us this term please meet in the Library at 8.40am, so we can have the draw and still have you in class on time. See you then. Thanks, Rebecca


The next PTA Meeting will be held on 20 October at 7pm in the Wetlands Staffroom.

READATHON the PTA will be announcing the amount raised from the Readathon, the spot prizes and the reading heroes from each classroom at the Learning Celebration on Friday.

Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind



Would you like to collect for the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind at The Palms Mall on Saturday, 31 October 2015? Any child at school can do this with a parent or caregiver and for those Year 4 - 6 children who need to complete a REAL CHOICES Home Learning Community Challenge, this is the ideal opportunity! If you would like to do this, you will need to be at The Palms Mall for one and a half hours collecting with a parent or caregiver. The parent or caregiver MUST stay with you the whole time. More than one child from each family can help.

Everything will be there that you need to complete your collection, so you just need to bring yourself and your parent/caregiver.

If you would like to do this, please take this form home to be completed by you and your parent/caregiver, and return to the school office. A confirmation letter of the time you are to collect will be sent home with you.

Thank you for your help! Kim Hillson, Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind Co-ordinator


Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind BLIND WEEK APPEAL

Yes, I would like to help collect for the Blind Week Appeal at The Palms Mall on Saturday 31 October (1.5 hour time slot to be advised).

Name/s ________________________________Room/s_____ Date _____________

Parent Name _________________________ Contact Ph No ____________________

THE FOLLOWING TWO TIMES ARE THE ONLY SPOTS LEFT: Preferred 1.5 hour time slot (subject to availability) 1pm - 2.30pm 4pm - 5.30pm

Parent Signature _________________________


The Breeze Walking Festival returns in 2015, putting a spring in the step of walkers from all over Canterbury. Running from Saturday 26 September – Saturday 10 October the festival includes 37 free walks over 16 days. Catering to people from all walks of life: from child-friendly jaunts to more challenging treks for the experienced walker. Ideal for pre-schoolers and young children during the school holidays and shake your tail feather as you skip, walk, hop and stomp your way around Travis Wetland to find Perky the Pukeko and friends on the Pukeko Stomp on Wednesday 7 October from 10.30am to 12pm. A perfect outing for babies in buggies young walkers and their families. Or for young adventurers and explorers scout out hidden delights in the part treasure hunt, part orienteering All Right? Amble on Sunday the 4th October from 11am to 3pm in the Botanical Gardens. Collect a stamp at each point and return your map for a prize! The 37 walks take in areas within Christchurch city, the Port Hills, and parts of the Waimakariri and Selwyn Districts, including coastlines, forests, ridgelines, river ways, wetlands, gardens and city streets.

Savalivali! Get your fanau and friends together for The Pacific Walk Family Fun Day, Saturday 26th

September - now at Hoon Hay Park. Be there at 10am to participate in the 3 km family friendly walk, and stay on for heaps of other activities like tug of war, jump jam, basketball, Volleyball and more. There will be cultural performances, demonstrations and Pacific Food stalls ... not to mention heaps of give aways & prizes and free fruit and vegetables on the day! No registration necessary. Find out more on Facebook ‘Pacific Walk 2015’ or phoning Nicolette on 021 916 107.

KIWI TENNIS COACHING Tuition for 5 – 8 yr olds. Commencing 21st October to 25th November 2015, this a once-a-week (Wednesdays) 6 week after school programme from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. This is designed to teach basic skills and generate enthusiasm for tennis within this age group. It is a popular programme and a great introduction to tennis. Cost is $45.00 for 6 sessions and $39.25 for 2 or more children from the same family.

CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS: Bill 383-1068 or Varinia 352-5202

NORTH BEACH TENNIS CLUB INC 34 Palmers Road North New Brighton

Christchurch 8083

EAST CHRISTCHURCH SHIRLEY CRICKET CLUB Registrations at Burwood Park Clubrooms 10am to 12 noon September 26th. We have a limited number of registration forms at the office. Open days are 3rd and 10th October and the first game will be 17 October. All enquiries to Dave Teale 021 110 0452 or [email protected] NORTH BEACH SURF LIFESAVING CLUB-JUNIORS 2015/16 season registration day - Sunday 18th October 11am-1pm Trainings beginning Sunday 1st November 9am - 10 30am For ages 7yrs- 14yrs For further enquiries please call Andrea 0273439958

Hi all

I would like to take the opportunity to let you know that we are running another take a kid to footy promotion this coming Saturday 26 September. This is an opportunity for your children to be able to pop down with mum and dad (or by themselves) to find one of our 20 hidden rugby balls on Saturday. This will entitle them a family pass for the rugby game on Sunday 27that 4.35pm (Canterbury vs Taranaki). There is one family pass per family/child. We are also very excited to be able to announce that on Tuesday 06th October from 4.30pm – 6.00pm we will have 10 members of the Canterbury Rugby team in store packing shopping and we will have a small photo booth set up which children and parents are more than welcome to use and have their photo taken. Obviously school holidays are on then but still a good chance for the kids to come down and meet the guys. If you require any other information please feel free to give me a call and I will be only too happy to answer any questions. Kind Regards Terriann Jackson Store Manager Fresh Choice Parklands [email protected] 03 3831004 ext 210 Mobile 021 310295

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