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Page 1: Tenses Worksheet

Present Tense – Cumulative Review

Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in any aspect of the present tense.

Ring! Ring!

Beto: Hello.

Justin: May I please speak to Beto?

Beto: Yes, this is he.

Justin: Beto! How (be) _______ (1) you? This is Justin.

Beto: Ahhh…Justin! I (be) _______ (2) fine. How are you?

Justin: I’m great, thanks.

Beto: That (be) _______(3) good. So, what’s up?

Justin: Well, I (have) _______ (4) a question for you.

Beto: Sure.

Justin: My motorcycle (be) _______ (5) broken. I (try) _______ ______ _________(6) to

repair it for days. I (no, know) _______ _______ _______(7) what is wrong with

it. I (no, can, fix) ________ _______(8) it.

Justin: Have you tried to start it?

Beto: Yes, I (try) _______ ________(9) to start it many times, but it just won’t work.

The motorcycle is pretty new. I just got it last November.

Beto: Hmm. Well, what (happen) ________(10) when you try to start it? What kind of

noise does it make?

Justin: It (make) ________ (11) a strange sound. Then the engine (die) _______ (12).

Beto: Okay. (You, stand) _______ _______ _________ (13) beside it right now?

Justin: Yes.

Beto: Okay. There are some things that you need to check. First, you need to

inspect the spark plugs.

Justin: Hold on. Okay, I (inspect) _______ _________(14) them under a light now.

They look clean.Beto: Okay, that's good. Now, you need to check the oil. It’s possible that you


have enough.

Justin: Hold on. Okay, I (check) _______ _________ (15) the oil right now. It (look)

_______ (16) clean, and the tank is full. I just filled it up last week, so I didn’t think

that would be the problem.

Beto: Okay, that’s good. Now you need to test the battery. (You, have) _______


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_______ _______ (17) a battery tester?

Justin: Yes, I do. My brother got me one for my birthday.

Let’s see…okay, I (use) _______ _________(18) it right now. The battery

(appear) ________(19) to be full of life.

Beto: Hmm. That is strange. I (wonder) ________(20) what the problem could be!

Justin: Yes…very strange. I (not, understand) _______ _______ _________(21) it. My

brother thinks the motorcycle is trash. He (not, think) _______ _______

________ (22) it will ever start again. He (say) _______ (23) I need to take it to the


Beto: That’s too bad. Well, there (be) _______(24) one more thing you can check.

Justin: Really?

Beto: Yes, but I am sure you (check) _______ ________(25) it already. It’s probably

the first thing you thought of.

Justin: Well, what is it?

Beto: The gas level.

Justin: Wait! I (not, check) _______ _______ ________ (26) that yet! Hold on! I

(check) _____ _________(27) the gas level now.

Beto: Well, what (do) _______ (28) it look like?

Justin: It (look) _______ (29) empty! Wow, that (be) _______(30) the problem. How

embarrassing. I am sorry that I bothered you about this!

Beto: That’s okay. The same thing (happen) _______ ________ (31) to me before.

You had better go get some gas! Talk you to you later!

Justin: Okay, thanks!


Page 3: Tenses Worksheet

Cumulative Review of the Past Tense

Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in any aspect of the past tense.

Eric and Ilsa are brother and sister. They (grow) _______ (1) up together in the city that used to

be known as West Berlin, in the former West Germany. Eric (move) _______ _______ (2) to

the United States decades ago, before the eastern and western parts of both Berlin and Germany

were reunited in 1990.

Ilsa and her family (visit) ___________ (3) Eric and his family last year. llsa's Family (fly)

____________(4) from Berlin to Detroit for the visit. Although the children (never, meet)

_______ _______ _______ (5) before, except through e-mail, the families (have) __________

(6) a great time together. Every day for a week, the adults and the children (play) _______

_______(7), talking, and eating together. One day, they (cook) _______ (8) some German

recipes that (be) _______ ________(9) in the family for generations. For years, Ilsa (save)

_______ _______ _______ (10) them and treasuring them in a box their mother (give) _______

_______(11) her just before she (die)_______ (12). One of their mother's favorites (be) _______

________(13) a dessert called Apple Kuchen.

One night after everyone else (already, go) _______ _______ ________(14) to bed, Eric and

Ilsa (quietly, sit) _______ _______ ________(15) and talking. "What have you (miss)

____________ (16) most about Berlin?" Ilsa wanted to know.

Eric (pause) __________ (17), then answered, "Mostly, I miss living in a city with such

wonderful landmarks. The kids and I (look) _______ _______ _______(18) at some books

about Berlin and Germany for a while before you and your family (arrive) __________(19). We

(discuss) _______ _______ (20) the Brandenburg Gate when Franz interrupted to ask why its

image (use) _______ _______ _______(21) as a design on some of the coins back when

Germany had converted its money to euros."

"What (do) _______ (22) you tell him?" Ilsa asked.

"I (say) _________(23) that I (not, be)_______ _______(24) sure," answered Eric, “but that I

(think) _______(25) it was because the gate (become) _______ _______(26) a symbol for

Germany, like the Statue of Liberty had emerged as a symbol for the United States."


Page 4: Tenses Worksheet

Future Tense – Cumulative Review

Choose the correct form of the verb in any aspect of the future tense.

Carrie has been training her dog, Jack, for competition for the past six months. Carrie is Jack’s

“handler,” and together they are a team. If Jack is ready, Carrie (take) _______ ______ (1) him

to a rally in a nearby city this coming September. Carrie imagines the upcoming rally. She has

many questions about it. She decides to ask one of her friends, Jessica, about it.

“What _______(2) I (do) ______ ________ (3) at the rally, exactly?” she asks.

“You (compete) _______ _____ ________(4) against other teams as they complete a course of

challenging exercises,” Jessica tells her. “The exercises at the rally (involve) _______ _______

_____ _______ (5) giving commands, jumping, pivoting, spiraling, side stepping, and dropping.

Each exercise (be) ____ _______ ____ ____(6) numbered. As they are doing the exercises

together, the handlers (talk) _______ _____ ________(7) to their dogs.”

“Before beginning the course,” Jessica continues, “Each team (receive) _______ _______ (8)

200 points. Each time a team makes a mistake, a point is deducted by the judge. At the end of

the course, the handlers (probably, praise) _______ ________ _______ (9) their dogs and give

them food as rewards. The teams (do) _______ _______ _______(10) their best together, and

therefore will deserve a rest. By the time the dogs finish eating, the judge (tally) _______

_______ _________(11)each team’s final score.”

“The dogs at the rally will not only be purebred. Lots of mixed-breed dogs (surely, participate)

______ _______ _____ ________ (12) in the rally, too. There is no age limit for the dogs,

either, and it has been decided that all future rallies (include) _____ _______ _____ _______

(13) a division for handlers ages 8 to 18. This way, kids can get more involved.”

Carrie is 19 years old, and Jack is 10. He is a Labrador mix. If they go to the rally, they

(enter) _______ ________(14) the Level 1 competition, because it (be) _______ ____(15) their

first rally. Rallies also include Levels 2 and 3. 3 is the highest level.

Carrie has a plan. She says that she (decide) ______ _______ _____ ________ (16) by July

4th whether Jack is ready to compete. By then, she (train) _______ _______ ____________ (17)

him for eight months. She hopes they (win) ______ ______ (18) a blue ribbon!


Page 5: Tenses Worksheet

Fill in the correct form of the verb – All tenses.

1. They ___________________ in Chicago for 20 years (be).

2. I ___________________ a wonderful film in the cinema last night. (see)

3. The sun ___________________ at 6:38 yesterday morning (rise)

4. The sun ___________________ when the climber reached Mount Everest. (shine)

5. I promise that I ___________________ this secret to anyone (not tell)

6. Unfortunately, just as we got to the airport their plane ___________________ off (take).

7. They ___________________ to the movies only once in a while (go)

8. I was tired yesterday because I ___________________ well the night before (not sleep).

9. Sh! Someone ___________________ to our conversation (listen)!

10. When I left the house this morning, it ___________________ (already rain)

11. I think Bob ___________________ for London this very moment.(leave)

12. The plane ___________________ off in a few minutes. (take)

13. I ___________________ up at 7 every morning but this morning I ___________________

long and I ___________________ up until 8. (get, sleep, not get)

14. I ________________________ my watch because it is being fixed (not wear).

15. This ___________________ an easy quiz so far (be).

16. They ___________________ in an apartment right now because they can’t find a cheap

house. (live)

17. Everyone ___________________ when the earthquake hit the small town. (sleep)

18. He _________________________ by herself since her divorce (live)

19. I was angry that I ___________________ such a stupid mistake (make).

20. I predict that by 2020, man __________________________ on Mars (land)

21. He ___________________ his job a couple of years ago. (quit)

22. Our daughter __________________________ from the university yet (gradate).

23. They ___________________ any Christmas cards last year (not send)

24. She ___________________ to a doctor once a year for an examination (go)

25. They ___________________ about me when I interrupted their conversation. (talk)

26. Nothing much ______________________ when I got to the meeting (happen).

27. My parents ___________________ in New York two weeks from today (be).

28. I ___________________ two mistakes in the last quiz. (make)

29. Unfortunately, our team ___________________ any games last year. (not win)


Page 6: Tenses Worksheet

Fill in the correct form of the verb – All tenses

1. My family have ___________________ (buy) some land in southern France recently. They

___________________ (build) a summer house there at the moment.

2. Andy and Mary ___________________ (go) to a concert tomorrow night. They

____________________________ (look forward to) it the whole week.

3. Jonathon ___________________ (watch) the news on TV every day and it

___________________ (help) him with his English.

4. My car ___________________ (break) down when I ___________________ (drive) home

from work. I ________________________ (fix) it if I ___________________ (know) what was

wrong. But I didn’t so ___________________ (have) to take it to the garage.

5. When he ___________________ (found) Microsoft, Bill Gates was only 20 years old. He

___________________________ (already write) his first computer programme six years earlier.

6. An accident ___________________ (happen) near my house last night. A car

_______________ (hit) a young man. He ___________________ (ride) his bike when someone

in front of him suddenly ___________________ (open) a car door. Many people

___________________ (see) the accident. The police ___________________ (interrogate) them

last night.

7. Mrs Smith said that one day she ________________________ (retire) from teaching. She said

that she ___________________ (spend) her new free time learning about computers.

8. I ______________________ (not sleep) at all last night. Someone ___________________

(listen) to music all night.

9. I ___________________ (see) a film a week ago, but I _______________________ (not

enjoy) it very much because I _______________________ (already read) the book. If I

___________________ (not read) the book I ____________________________ (probably

enjoy) the film more.

10. The judge sentenced the man to eight years in prison because he ___________________

(rob) a bank.

11. They ________________________ (stand) in the queue for over an hour when the manager

___________________ (tell) them that there were no more tickets.

12. Alan ___________________ (be) in the car accident yesterday. The other driver

___________________ (lose) control of his car because he ___________________ (fall) asleep.

13. She ___________________ (not see) her father since he ___________________ (start) to

work in Marseille two years ago.


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14. I ___________________ (sleep) when the fire broke out.

15. Linda phoned and explained that she _________________________ (not can) to come to the

party the next day because she ___________________ (be) still sick.

16. I ________________________ (just see) the film “The Da Vinci Code”. –

___________________ (you see) it too? – No, I ___________________ (not have) but I

___________________ (read) the book.

17. My sister ___________________ (fly) home from London today. Her flight

___________________ (arrive) in an hour so I ___________________ (leave) for the airport

right now to get there in time.

18. Unless he ___________________ (sell) more he won’t get much money.

19. While he ___________________ (wait) for the bus there ___________________ (be) a

robbery at the bank. After the robbers ___________________ (go) away the police

___________________ (come) but they ___________________ (not can) to catch them.

20. I ___________________ (use) to ski when I was at the university but I

___________________ (break) a leg five years ago and since then I ___________________ (not

ski) any more.


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