  • 8/3/2019 Ten things that make Ethiopia your choice :Here are few of the Whys


    en things that make Ethiopia your choice

    Here are few of the Whys

    1. The People:The people of this old realm are a mixture of above 80 ethnic groups speaking above 70

    different languages; they dont seem so though, for they understand each other in almost every aspect of

    heir lives. To appreciate what diversity and living in peace with all the difference anyone might have,

    Ethiopia is the best choice. Having three thousand years of experience the people of this land has come to

    be unusually very kind for strangers and travellers. Once you are in their land their treatment would make

    you feel as if you are almost home. The lives of these people of innocent hearts will trigger your soul to

    ook for a place among them. You, certainly, would be amazed of their social life; how they speak to each

    other; how they eat together. These well-mannered people live just a plane ticket away from your home.

    2. Their History: Ethiopians are not a nation of hundreds of years

    of history as most of the worlds countries are. Owning their own

    calendar, rather, they have a 3000 thousand years of existence.

    Remnants of the oldest kingdoms are living witnesses for these

    words of ours. The Axumite Kingdom that had been ruling across

    the Red Sea in to the Arab world has left its huge fingerprints onthe exceptionally massive obelisks of Axum. The Zagwe Kingdom,

    on the other hand, has left us the miraculous Lalibela Church,

    made out of a single stone. A country that had been ruled by Kings

    and Queens, these days has a Prime minister. But, the history of

    these great kingdoms has been reserved, so that the world can see

    the last 3000 years.

    3. The Landscape: Africas forth highest point is

    on the tops of Ras Dashen Mountain with

    beautiful volcanic range of gagged peaks. The

    Great Rift Valley and Afar Depression are the

    very sights that your eyes would, undoubtedly,

    fall in love with. Here, you will travel from the

    highest peak of the continent to the deepest


  • 8/3/2019 Ten things that make Ethiopia your choice :Here are few of the Whys


    6. Lost Ark of the Covenant: You must have seen

    the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark starring

    Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones. It must have your

    sensations arisen. Graham Hancock, Philip

    Marsden and Richard Pankrest are few of the

    prominent writers and travellers of our times.Their researches and extensive journeys enabled

    them to explore to where that most important

    object in the world The Ark, has been

    disappeared. Some people say it is just a legend, the people of Ethiopia, instead,

    believe that the Ark is not lost; it is among them, hidden in one of the Tana islands.

    As a proof, every Orthodox Church of Ethiopia has its own Tabot a similar object to

    the original one. How could it be? Well, why dont you come and see and listen to the

    whole story yourself?


    (The Liquid Miracles) the Blue Nile River, its

    source being in one of Ethiopias biggest lake,

    Lake Tana flows crossing Sudan and ends in Egypt.

    This river contributes 2/3 of the Nile which is the

    longest river in the world. Many people of the

    olden times of Europe had travelled following it

    until they reached the source of this liquid

    miracle. Tekeze, Shebele, Jubba, Atbarah/The

    Black Nile are few of the rivers that you would be

    dreaming of drinking.


    Ethiopians own a culture that has

    been growing ever since history itself

    begun to be present. Unlike the other

    African nations, Ethiopians were able

    to protect their country from the

    European colonizers which helped

    them in keeping their culture fromthe exposure of becoming a mixture

    of another. Every ethnic group has its

    own unique way of dealing with life

    which usually gives a shock for many

    of the travellers whose luck has made

    his destination to be Ethiopia. If you

    are a person of curiosity to see what

    such genuine culture looks like

    Ethiopia must be your choice.

    7. The Animals: You, probably, have beenresiding in one of the most beautiful and

    modern cities of the world. Now, it is time

    for you to have a little change for a little

    while. Where should you be travelling

    then? Ethiopia. Those first animals of the

    Paradise, named by Adam himself are still

    alive, though only here. You will have the

    blessing to watch gelada baboon, Walia

    Ibex and Simien Jackal - unique creatures

    to Ethiopia dancing only in the Ras Dashen

    Mountainous areas.

  • 8/3/2019 Ten things that make Ethiopia your choice :Here are few of the Whys


    9. The Air Way: Did you feel that you have missed

    something great in your life? Dont worry; the

    plane is waiting for you just outside your door.Ethiopian airlines is not only the best air ways in

    Africa but also competitive in the world.

    Wherever you are it just does not matter for

    there is no place that the Ethiopian Airlines dont

    make flight. All you need to do is just packing

    your things. The rest is our job.

    8. The Air

    These days it is obvious that we are

    breathing in to our lungs not just what is

    necessary for our body but a mixture of

    poisoning chemicals coming out of massivefactories. The streets of the worlds cities

    are becoming very crowded of vehicles and

    people rushing to work all over the day and

    again rushing to home for rest. You must

    have already felt that you will need to be

    out of this system for a little while and

    breath the true Oxygen. The highlands of

    Ethiopia are waiting for you so that you may

    breathe from the fresh air that is moving

    over mountains and lakes. You would simply

    stop those chemicals entering your lung and

    breathe what is natural which obviously

    would make you live longer.

    The National Museum of Ethiopia, the Sidist Kilo Museum inside the Addis Ababa University, (it had been the

    palace of Emperor Haile Selassie) the holy trinity museum, the palace of Emperor Menelik in his days of his

    kingship on the Entoto Mountain, these and many others have reserved the countrys valuable artefacts.

    The National Museum, especially, is reach of the paleoanthropologicalartefactsthat includes as Lucy and

    Selam. Visiting some of these museums within a few days you will realize how great and worth-seeing

    Ethiopia is.

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