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March/April 2018 Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5778

Temple Beth Shalom Established 1953

Member United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

What’s Inside…

Temple Times

Message from Rabbi Sarah 2 President’s Message 3-4 Programming 4-5 Ritual News 5 65th Gala 6 Men’s Club 8-9 TBS Teens 10 Matthew Hirsch 10

Religious School 11 Sisterhood 13 Adult Bnai Mitzvah 14-16 Passover 18 Calendar 20-21 Contributions 22-24 Birthdays/Misheberach 26 Yahrzeits 27-29

Our Advertisers 30-44

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760 Route 6 Mahopac, NY 10541

(845) 628-6133

Sarah Freidson


Libby Spitzer Director of Education

Steven Bettman President

Gail Freundlich 1st Vice President

Melody Weisman 2nd Vice President

Mary Palmer Treasurer

Gabrielle Duke Financial Secretary

Allan Gunzburg

Recording Secretary

Ron Arsham Past President

[email protected] ___

Joel Greenberg Men’s Club President

Robin Kushner Sisterhood President

TRUSTEES Abigail Avellino Brett H. Bowden

Wendy Greenberg Dana Gutt

Bernard Jacobs Rachel Jurisz Singh

Michael Kushner Edward Lapa

Kjersten Lazar Jennifer Lomas Scott Markman

David M. Michaels Beverly Petrone

Ari Samson David Volkman

OFFICE STAFF Alexa DeLaurentis

From Rabbi Sarah’s Desk

Temple Beth Shalom is a happening place. In the last several months, we’ve welcomed nine new households to our small but mighty congregation. Our Family Service, Tot Shabbat, and Shabbat

Chavaya (Shabbat experience for our Religious School students) fill the Temple with a joyful energy. We have people of all ages learning, laughing, and celebrating Shabbat together. What a tremendous blessing! Terrific insights and conversation came out of the three part adult education series, “Text Messages: Jewish Ethics for an Interconnected Age.” Rabbi Michael Goldman’s presentation on the Spiritual Lives of Dementia Patients affected all who heard him speak. His organization, Seivah: Jewish Life Beyond Memory, is a wonderful resource for those with dementia and their loved ones. Our Blood Drive collected 20 lifesaving units during an emergency blood shortage. March and April are full of terrific Jewish and communal experiences. We have the opportunity to honor many of the incredible individuals who make Temple Beth Shalom such a wonderful place. On March 8th, Joel Greenberg will receive the Julian Bernstein Distinguished Service Award from the Westchester Jewish Council. The ceremony will be held at Temple Israel Center in White Plains. We will be honoring Joel on Saturday, March 10th during Shabbat services. Sisterhood is honoring Lynn Michaels as this year’s Woman of the Year and Men’s Club is honoring David Michaels as Man of the Year. The Men’s Club’s Youths of the Year are Seth Gunzburg and Evan Volkman. On May 6th, I hope to see you at Temple Beth Shalom’s 65th Anniversary Gala honoring Ron and Marilyn Arsham and Steven and Patti Bettman. It’s a blessing to be a part of this wonderful synagogue and work alongside our dedicated, funny, kindhearted volunteers.

I’m writing this article on a dreary February day when it’s snowing. Again. Spring feels awfully far away. Well, sure, Purim preparations are well under way and our Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the pages of this Temple Times are filled with information about Passover, Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), and Yom HaAtzmaut (Israeli Independence Day). Spring really IS around the corner. For nearly a decade, I’ve worked with poet and playwright Merle Feld as part of the Rabbinic Writing Institute. Her poem, “Passover Miracle,” captures this time of year. Please read the poem below, which is followed by questions for reflection or journaling. Passover miracle By Merle Feld that we find our spring selves again, shed the thick protective layers of winter that shield but separate us from the world out there. We sit at the seder table tired, yes, from all the work of preparation, but hoping to be refreshed, hoping in spirit to be refreshed. Sitting at the seder table we encounter our younger selves, wide-eyed, asking questions. We become each year once again the four sons, child-like, spring-like, ready each year once again to go out from Egypt with nothing but a pack on our back, ready to walk once again out into the wilderness in search of our freedom

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A Message from our President

When I told my therapist that I was being honored at the TBS 65th Gala she said, “You all are crazy.” Then, when I said it was really Ron that was being honored she said, “of course!”

It’s not that I am not bowled over and humbled by this gesture to be recognized for my

contributions to Temple Beth Shalom, it’s just that I am way too young and vulnerable to be bestowed such attention.

Now Ron, on the other hand, is ripe for the picking. This man has been the Immediate Past President and an active Executive Committee member for the past eight (8) years. Ron was President for 4 years prior to that. In addition, Ron served as a Trustee and then an Executive Board member as a First Vice President going back more than 15 years. If that is not reason enough to honor him, how about the following: Ron single handedly put together Bar/Bat Mitzvah showcases for more than 7 years in a row starting in the early 2000’s, which generated thousands of dollars for TBS; Ron has been a venerable one person Ambassador of Good Will for Temple Beth Shalom with the Westchester Jewish Council and the USCJ and the Jewish Federation in Danbury. Ron has also been instrumental in the vibrancy of the Northern Westchester consortium of synagogues. Closer to home, Ron has been, for the past 5 years, one of the lynchpins of TBS’s new member dynamism.

Truth be told, the main gist of this article is really not

even about Ron or me.

It is about Believing.

How much time do we literally have in our Life? How long do you have to Live? We all have adversity in our lives. We each carry with us personal struggles. The one constant for all of us, is that in the morning, we awake alive and we believe that we shall have another day. All it takes is putting one foot in front of the other and being mindful to breathe and love and support and protect ourselves and our loved ones. This is the hope of each of us…that one step after the other will lead to one year and then another.

But who will take the step for Temple Beth Shalom?

Throughout the Temple’s history - individuals standing together; people going it alone; children growing up in the footprint of The Jewish Center of the Mahopac’s, have nurtured, protected and steered TBS through decades of International War, assassination’s; racism; bigotry; sexism; homophobia; anti-Semitism; market crashes and the current state of affairs.

And Temple Beth Shalom is only 65 years young!

Being 65 today means being vibrant, purposeful, significant and productive. But ageing is a reality. What becomes of a synagogue when it grows up? When it gets older? What will the future bring for an 85 or 95 year old TBS? Will the steps be taken to keep it healthy? To keep weight on it? To promote its strong bones and develop and sustain its muscles? Will TBS be transitioned to a wheel chair or do the

and our God. (c)Merle Feld Finding Words URJ Press 2011 Questions for Reflection:

Do you feel differently in the Winter than in the Spring? How so?

What memories do you have of Passover seders in the past?

How can the Passover seder refresh you this year?

What were you like as a child? What excited

your curiosity then? What are you curious about now?

How do you define freedom? What do you seek?

May this holiday season be filled with joy, curiosity, and renewal. Chag Sameach, Rabbi Sarah Freidson

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Programming Previews By Wendy Greenberg

Tarot card readers out there see a long lifeline in the palms of Temple Beth Shalom? Do you believe in at least 23,725 more new mornings for Temple Beth Shalom?

This is why we gather Sunday, May 6, 2018… to celebrate the birth of Temple Beth Shalom. The gala to honor is to honor what TBS has meant for all those who have come before us and for our legacies and for us. Your presence is welcomed yet your

commitment to translate your birthday wishes into monetary contributions would be an even greater symbol of your personal resolve to be an integral care taker of Temple Beth Shalom. Please keep close in your heart and mind that this is our…yours and mine Birthday Celebration Gala.

Spring is coming to TBS…let us make sure that it continues to blossom, season after season…year after year.

A Message from our President (continued)

We had a Ground Hog dilemma on February 2nd as two of our most famous weather prognosticators disagreed on when we could expect the arrival of spring. Staten Island Chuck, who resides in the Staten Island Zoo, did not see his shadow which was a prediction of an early spring. On the other hand,

Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his burrow on Gobbler’s Knob and saw his shadow which indicated six more weeks of winter. As I left for Yoga class this morning, the sun was shining brightly, the birds were chirping, and I did notice a few patches of green grass as well as some tiny leaf buds on the trees. Can it be possible that Staten Island Chuck was correct and we’re going to have an early spring? I certainly hope so! But regardless of the weather, things will be busier than ever at Temple Beth Shalom in March and April.

The TBS Book Club will be meeting after the conclusion of services on Saturday, March 3rd. Our excellent moderator, Gail Plaut, will be leading the discussion on The Bridge Ladies: A Memoir by Betsy Lerner. A fifty-year old Bridge club provides an unexpected connection across a generational divide between a mother and daughter. Ms. Lerner’s book tells a funny, intimate and deeply affecting story where we learn a little about Bridge and a lot about life. The book can be found at local libraries and on Amazon. All are welcome to join us.

Chef Michael Garelick will be giving a demonstration Passover Cooking Class on Sunday, March 4th from 1-3PM. Chef Michael will be making salmon gefilte fish, matzoh ball soup, and tsimmes. There is a $10 charge for the class. RSVP’s would be appreciated, but walk-ins are welcome as well. Come and learn, eat and connect!

On Thursday evening March 8th at 7:30PM, Joel Greenberg will be receiving the Julian Y. Bernstein Service Award for his many years of work on behalf of TBS. The ceremony will be held at Temple Israel Center of White Plains located at 280 Old Mamaroneck Road in White Plains. All are welcome to attend. There is no RSVP necessary and admission is free. Kosher dairy desserts will be served after the ceremony. Do hope you will be able to attend.

TBS Sisterhood will be honoring Lynn Michaels as its Woman of the Year on Sunday, March 11th from 11-1PM. Lynn is being recognized for her extraordinary and myriad contributions to our Tempe Beth Shalom “family” for so many years - Bar/Bat Mitzvah tutor, editor of the Temple Times, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Coordinator, Minyan leader, past Sisterhood President, the embodiment of Gemilut Chasadim, Adult B’nai Mitzvah tutor, SCRIP coordinator, Sisterhood Treasurer – just to name a few of her many roles. All are welcome to attend – just make sure you RSVP. It will be a fabulous afternoon! See you then!

There is an extremely interesting and compelling Yom Hashoah Observance which will take place on Sunday, April 6th at 4PM. Mr. Shant Mardirossian, Board Chairman Emeritus of the Near East Foundation will be showing the Documentary They Shall Not Perish. Mr. Mardisossian was the executive director of this remarkable film. They Shall Not Perish details the genocide of the Armenian people and other Christian minorities perpetuated by the crumbling Ottoman government in Turkey before, during, and after World War One. It is also the story of a group of selfless American humanitarians led by James L. Barton (a Boston missionary), Henry Morganthau (U.S. Ambassador to Constantinople and later Secretary of the Treasury under President Franklin D. Roosevelt), and Cleveland H. Dodge (a friend of President Woodrow Wilson) who galvanized the nation to save over one

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million lives, including 136,000 orphans. It is a shocking, moving, stirring, informative film and one that should not be missed! Mr. Mardirossian will hold a “Q and A” after the film.

Our next Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas?(GWCTS) is scheduled to take place on Friday, April 20th. GWCTS? is a program that partners congregants for a Shabbat dinner in their homes. The goals of GWCTS? are to strengthen our synagogue community by giving people the opportunity to get to know one another and to help families create meaningful Jewish memories. Don’t be shy! Contact Patti Bettman or Wendy Greenberg if you would like to host or be hosted.

As you may already know, David Michaels has been chosen to receive the 2018 Man of the Year Award, Seth Gunzburg and Evan Volkman have been chosen to receive the Youths of the Year Award by the TBS Men’s Club, an affiliate of the Hudson Valley Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Club. These prestigious awards will be presented during the annual luncheon which will be held at 1PM on Sunday, April 29th at Temple Sinai located at 75 Highland Avenue in Middletown, New York. Please join us and consider

placing an ad in their honor.

Rabbi Sarah and our Rabbinic Intern Arianna Siegel are working on plans for adult education classes. Topics, dates, and times TBA. Wendy Greenberg and Rabbi Sarah are discussing the Second Night Community Seder which will take place on Saturday night March 31st. Details to follow. Elaine Jacobs’ MOTH 1 program (personal storytelling by TBS members), which took place at Selichot, was such a success many congregants have asked for another one. As a result, MOTH 2 will be held on March 17th with a flair for humorous family stories. Elaine is looking for TBS members to contribute in their own comedic style. Stay tuned for more information.

Remember to check for information and updates on all events and activities in the TBS weekly Shabbat announcements and in constant contacts. As always, I am delighted to hear from you with any suggestions you may have for additional programs and events as well as any questions you would like answered.


Best regards

Ritual News by Eddie Lapa


I can't believe I'm sitting and writing the March/April Ritual column for Temple Times. It's been a very busy time for the Religious Committee. I hope everybody came out for the Purim

Carnival and our Super Hero Megillah reading. Thanks to all Lynn Michaels for preparing the Megillah Reading. Thanks to Marilyn for helping the children with the play. Thanks to Jeff and Marlene for the Mishloach Manot. Thanks to Wendy for setting up the food. Thanks to Sisterhood for providing the the decorations. Please forgive me if I missed anyone.

Upcoming we have Passover - look for flyers and constant contacts as to any activities at the Temple.

On Sunday, April 8th at 4:00 p.m. we have our Yom HaShoah Program. We will be presenting a screening of the documentary "They Shall Not Perish," by Shant Mardirossian. It is about the Armenian Genocide. Using Shant’s own words, "I wanted to show a few slides that draw on some parallels between the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust. In particular, I also wanted to shed light on members of the

American and International Jewish communities that were “upstanders” during and after the Armenian Genocide. For example, Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, Rabbi Stephen Wise, Rafael Lemkin, Armin Wegner, Franz Werfel and in contemporary times, Yair Auron and Israel Charny. I will also touch on those that have been actively involved in its denial. This should make for some interesting discussion." Hope everybody can make it.

The B'nai Mitzvah committee is very busy pulling together the upcoming 2019-20 Religious School students B’nai Mitzvah class and we had our first meeting with the parents in February. The adult B'nai Mitzvah has been scheduled for November 23, 2019. We still have space for anybody interested!!!

In closing, I want to wish everybody the most wonderful Pesach. May your homes be filled with the love of family and good friends. May your tables be filled with abundant and delicious food and remember to lean.

Next Year in Jerusalem.

Be well, Eddie

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From the Men’s Club By Joel Greenberg

On Friday, February 2, 2018 the groundhog saw his shadow. This means 6 more weeks of winter. If we are lucky, it will only be 42 days (boo hoo). However, in spite of the weather we had one of our most informative programs on Sunday January 21, 2018. The theme of the program was “Drug Crisis in Our

Backyard”. The founders of this organization, Susan and Steve Salomone were our featured speakers, along with Judge James Reitz who runs the Putnam County Drug Court, State Senator Terrance Murphy who is on the State’s Heroin Task Force, and Assemblymen Kevin Byrne. While there is still much work to be done, some positive steps have been taken. Sen. Terrence Murphy talked about a bill he sponsored that was signed into law last year by Governor Cuomo that now prohibits opioid prescriptions to last longer than seven days. “Next month, we are having a state task force meeting at Pace University,” he said. “We gather together everybody’s ideas. This is an issue that must be addressed. We have made some significant progress taking the stigma of (addiction). Years ago, you wouldn’t even mention the word ‘heroin.’ You thought it was some degenerate in the corner with a needle in his arm out in the street. At least we can talk about this. Look at what we are doing today,” he continued. “This was not even on the table years ago. Now we can get it out to the kids that this is serious and they should not be afraid to tell Mom and Dad that someone is stealing pills or whatever. They’re not going to get in trouble; they are going to be commended and could save someone’s life.” Murphy pointed to Putnam County’s Drug Court, run by Judge James Reitz, in which drug offenders are guided and given a second chance, as another beacon of hope in the fight against opioid and heroin addiction. “I would love to take (Reitz’s) Drug Court and make it throughout New York State because the second chances he gives people are incredible.” Another advance in the battle against addiction, Murphy said, are a myriad of drug take-back pro-grams held throughout his district in which residents can clean their medicine cabinets of expired or unwanted prescriptions and bring them to designated drop-off points, no questions asked. Judge Reitz said

solutions to the opioid epidemic won’t be found in just legislation and government programs – it has to be confronted on a grassroots level, family by family. Susan and Steve Salomone, co-founders of Drug Crisis in Our Back Yard , gave a presentation about the origins of the epidemic and the role drug makers have played. “Prior to 1996, Oxycodone was approved by the FDA for terminal patients with cancer,” Steve Salomone said. “Purdue Pharma produced evidence from their own internal sources that if they time – released (the drug), it was not harmful, which was a falsehood. It was fabricated by their own statistics, but no one challenged them on it. From 1996 to 2001, they spent $115 million marketing this drug to doctors to increase its use from a single use to any use. Consumption of Oxycodone went from nothing to off the charts.” That led to a spike in opioid addiction. Salomone said 64,000 peo-ple died from overdoses in 2016; 72 percent were because of opioid prescriptions. “This is hitting affluent communities. This is hitting good families,” he said. “ On average, it is affecting one in four families.” Assemblyman Kevin Byrne agreed that the demographic for heroin addiction has changed since the ’60s and ‘70s. Steve Salomone noted that Purdue was fined $600 million for falsifying data and its role in the epidemic, but said compared to the billions of dollars in profits the company earns, such a fine is negligible. “That’s petty cash for them,” he said. Susan Salomone broke down some data on a local level. She noted that the state attorney general’s office is undertaking its own investigation into how these drugs are getting into people’s hands. “It’s hard to identify who will be addicted,” she said. “This is a disease like heart disease, diabetes, cancer. Understand that this is a disease, but the best defense is prevention.” A lively Q & A ensued after our guest speakers spoke. As you are aware, each year the Hudson Valley Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs has a luncheon to honor the men and youth from each Temple in the Hudson Valley region. This year’s honorees are David Michaels (Man of the Year) and Seth Gunzburg and Evan Volkman (Youths of the Year). This award recognizes the accomplishments

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that they have made to our synagogue. This year’s luncheon will be held at 1:00pm on Sunday April 29, 2018 at Temple Sinai, 75 Highland Ave., Middletown, NY 10940. Please check your email if you wish to purchase an ad in the journal recognizing the tremendous work of our honorees. Please watch your email for our programs coming up

this spring. Wishing you all a Happy Purim and Joyous Passover.


Joel Greenberg

From the Men’s Club By Joel Greenberg—continued

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TBS Teens by Marissa Malett

It’s wonderful to see the Teens enjoying all the activities and trips we have planned. Our participation rate is very high! When we are not meeting, we communicate as a group through an app called “remind me” (thank you Evan and Seth for coordinating this). I am so honored to be part of a Jewish

Community at TBS where the Teens have so many opportunities for involvement. Many of our Teens participate in weekly meetings with Rabbi Sarah where they discuss current issues that affect young people today. Our Teens also volunteer weekly during Religious School as class aids. Whether they are calling me Ms. Malett or Marissa, it’s great to see them around the Temple involved in other capacities!

Please see me if you have any ideas or would like the Teens involved in any special events at TBS. We would be glad to help! Also, the community work and volunteering that the Teens participate in can count as volunteer hours that many of them need to fulfill student requirements. So it’s a win-win for everyone.

Upcoming Meeting Dates:


March 18th at TBS from 12:30-2pm

Our annual TBS Gala dinner takes place on May 6,

2018. The teens are very excited to be able to create a special project for this year’s Gala. Sorry, I am told by the Teens that the project is a surprise so you will need to attend the Gala dinner to see!


March 25th from 12:30-2pm (location TBD)

During the month of January, both the Teens and Kadima came together to discuss a social action project. We decided that helping animals was an important cause to all of us. We plan to go help and volunteer at a local shelter on March 25th. There will be more detailed information regarding the project and location of event.


April 22nd at TBS 12:30-1:30pm

Board Meeting at TBS 1:30-2:30pm (for Board Members only)

During this meeting the Board will plan for summer involvement and activities.


Marissa Malett

[email protected]

Matthew Hirsch —Bar Mitzvah March

We are extremely proud of Matt and all the hard work and dedication he has put into preparing for this day. I would like to acknowledge everyone that has helped us along the way, especially Rabbi Sarah and Jeff Guest for your continued patience and kindness throughout the year.

For Matthew’s Bar Mitzvah project, he is raising money for Ben's Bells, an organization that inspires kindness. They paint bells and place them in different areas with a note for people to find in hopes of making their day a little brighter. This is important to me because people need more kindness and happiness in their lives.

Thank you to everyone who has made a donation to this incredible cause. I truly appreciate it and hope it spreads more kindness in the world.

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Religious School News By Libby Spitzer, Education Director

Our Purim Carnival theme this year was Superheroes. Here at TBS Religious School, our children are learning that each of us has the power to be a Jewish hero.

Our teachers plan ways to meaningfully educate our students as

they learn Jewish values and mitzvot, experience Shabbat and Jewish holidays, and take pride in our Jewish homeland, Israel. Our TBS youngsters are strengthening their Jewish identity and pride in being Jewish through each of these pathways as they understand the values of tikkun olam, “repairing the world,” and what it means “to behave as God’s partners” in the world.

Throughout the year, our students see how they can make a difference in the world. Some of the ways TBS youth are making a difference is through giving tzedakah to Puerto Rico, the JNF and St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, collecting holiday toys for needy local children, taking care of our environment by reusing recycled materials as art, volunteering in a local animal shelter, and learning to compost. Being a part of a community, helping to heal others, fixing the world, these are all part of what Jewish education and Judaism offers us. We learn in the following text from Pirke Avot 1:2 that “The world depends on three things: on Torah study, on the service of God and on kind deeds.” We sing this text as one of our favorite songs, “Al Shlosha Devarim,” and through it we learn how each of us are Jewish heroes who can help make our community and world a better place for all.

Here are the words in Hebrew:

Al shlosha d'varim Ha'olam, ha'olam omed

Al HaTorah, v'al ha'avodah V'al g'milut chasadim

TBS Youth Happenings for March and April:


March 4 Teva (Nature) Family Program- Parents and students in grades 1-5 (9:45-11:45am)

March 10 Shabbat Chavaya (9:00am-12:00pm) and Tot Shabbat (11:15am-12:15pm)

Sunday March 11 No RS

Sunday March 18 TBS Teens Mitzvah Day (12:30-2:00pm)

Sunday March 25:

Gan (9:45-11:15am) Eden Village Passover Matzah Making Program

(9:45am-12:00pm) TBS Teens USY and Kadima Social Action Pro-

ject (12:30-2:00pm) Shalom Kids Playgroup

Wednesday March 28 RS Model Seder (grades 3-7) (4:15-6:00pm)


April 1-April 8 Passover: No Religious School

Wednesday April 11 RS resumes

April 14 Shabbat Chavaya (9:00am-12:00pm) and Tot Shabbat (11:15am-12:15pm)

Sunday April 15 No Religious School

Sunday April 22 RS Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration and TBS Teens USY Charity Day

Sunday April 29 Gan Family Torah Program (9:45-11:30am) & Shalom Kids Play Group during RS

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Book Club News By Gail Plaut

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Sisterhood News By Robin Kushner

Weekends are when most of us do not work. It is a time where we can let our hair down (if we have some) and get together with friends and family. On Saturday, February 3rd sisterhood held their 3rd wine tasting contest. Many braved the cold to come and spend tim with others from

TBS. The rules were simple, bring either a red or white wine of your choice. The bottles were then covered so no one knew whose bottle they were tasting. After tasting each bottle of wine they gave the wine a score. At the end of the evening the votes were tallied and the winners declared. It was a close call. Due to a scheduling conflicts last years winners were not present to defend their titles. Either that or they knew that they did not stand a chance with the Stochel's fine victorious selection. The favorite wine of the night was a delicious sparkling rose "Sweet Melissa". So wine critics of TBS had voted and decided. A request for a vote recount was denied.

The event was not just for oenophiles, plenty of designated drivers had a great night of conversation and snacking. Whether you drank wine, coffee, water

or soda everyone indulged in a little nosh of appetizers and desserts. It was a fun night!! Everyone had such a good time socializing that some people had a hard time finding the right shoes to wear home.

The calendar is filled with so many terrific scheduled activities. Please remember to take a look at what is offered so you can join us and make a friend or catch up with those you already know. Here is whaat you can look forward to from Sisterhood's calendar of activities.

Sunday, March 11 from 11 am to 1 pm We honor LYNN MICHAELS as Woman of the Year. Don't miss it!

Sunday, April15 at 7 pm is our rescheduled gift exchange with fun and games. This will also be a programming meeting.

Sunday, April 29th from noon until 1 pm. Mother (or grandmother) and child event. Art and Crafts making dream catchers.... with Bria Gunzburg. RSVP required by April 25th for purchase of supplies and lunch that will be served.

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Bnai Mitzvah By Patti Bettman

I, Patti Bettman, have always referred to myself as a devoted Jew. Growing up in a Conservative family, we observed Shabbat and attended Friday night services regularly. I sat through services and holidays diligently daydreaming because I could not read Hebrew and thus, was unable to follow services and prayers. My brother had an elaborate Bar Mitzvah and was given a place in Judaism while I was not granted any such benchmark in Jewish law. Thus, I continued a lifetime of “religious observance” while having no foundation and no knowledge of concepts regarding the religious and spiritual observances.

I later found myself at TBS which I laughingly refer to as my “personal country club.” It is within those walls which I find my “people” and my “things”. As for my flair for the dramatic, I have been in productions, skits, talent shows and singing perfor-mances. To satisfy my intellectual curiosity there has been endless learn-at-lunches, book club speakers, discussions and lectures. Fulfilling my penchant for shopping, I have helped organize and run flea markets, holiday fairs and Farmer’s markets. I have ballroom danced, cooked, decorated, grieved, laughed and prayed all under one roof with my community.

A miracle occurred not different from when G-d handed down the Ten Commandments to Moses at Mt. Sinai. A gift was offered. Rabbi Sarah and Lynn Michaels paired to offer the opportunity for an adult B’nai Mitzvah. And so it went: Friday mornings with Lynn who tirelessly and unrelentingly taught and

guided us through Hebrew instruction, religious education, Jewish history and fundamentals of the religious service; monthly meetings with Rabbi Sarah for the inspired versions history of Judaism, the origins of our prayers, rituals and religious education and then practice on the bima Sunday evenings with Lynn.

On November 11, 2017 I stood with my 8 compatriots on the bima in front of my community, under the eyes of G-d within the walls of TBS to have what was one of my 10 most extraordinary and awesome experiences of my life.

Steven asked me what has changed for me as a result

of having participated in the B’nai Mitzvah. I still

don’t pay attention when Ashrei is being chanted; I

still talk throughout the service and gossip while

prayer is going on. Now, when I refer to myself as a

devoted Jew, I recognize that the more one knows,

the more they know what they do not know. I now

know the things that I do not know and I certainly can

say that I know more. I now can follow the service, I

can follow the Hebrew (unless Lynn is reading

Torah), I do not cringe out of fear when Bernice

approaches me for an Aliyah and I am willing and

honored to rise to the bima. I find that I now cry

often when I am in services. I grasp meanings and I

recognize the awe that is in every aspect of Judaism.

Yes, I AM a devoted Jew.

Bnai Mitzvah By Wendy Greenberg and Melody Weisman

For almost a year and a half, the B’nai Mitzvah class of 2017, comprised of Patti, Melody, Gail, Ellen Sylvia, Elaine, Sharon and Gabe met each week, both individually and as a group, to study and to learn to prepare for our B’nai Mitzvah. The strong bonds of friendship that have been forged by the class is the icing on the cake. We could not think of a more wonderful group of people to have made this journey with.

Each member of the class wrote a synopsis of their experience and Jewish journey for the program given out on the day of the Bnai Mitzvah. Below are excerpt and quotes by the participants.

Patti Bettman – “Now I am a woman who has found

her Jewish identity.”

Melody Weisman – “Becoming a Bat Mitzvah is something that has been in the back of my mind since Barbara and Hayley prepared for their Bat Mitzvah’s.”

Sharon Gunzburg – “This incredible journey was worth all of the hours of study to be here today.”

Elaine Jacobs – “It is especially meaningful for me to be standing on the Bimah, reading from the Torah and leading the congregation in prayer.”

Gail Freundlich – “During the TBS trip to Israel, when I attended a Shabbat service at the Conservative Synagogue in Jerusalem, I felt my personal

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connection to Judaism and my desire to learn intensified. “

Ellen Reing – “I never had the desire to become a Bat Mitzvah as that is not how I grew up. I initially declined the opportunity when it was presented to me last year. But as the summer approached, I calculated how much money I was going to have to spend on the Bat Mitzvah gifts for all of my friends that I felt it would be more cost effective to join them.”

Wendy Greenberg – “I view my Bat mitzvah as the beginning of a path to further learning and the confirmation of my responsibilities as a daughter of the Commandment”.

Gabe Lomas – “As my daughter, Becca, began her journey to become a Bat Mitzvah, I too sought my

own course of Jewish learning”.

Sylvia Philip – “About a year ago, I read a notice in Temple Times about a newly forming adult B’nai Mitzvah class. No prior knowledge of Hebrew was required. I jumped at the opportunity.”

This class would not have been possible if it were not for two very special people; Lynn Michaels, our tutor and Rabbi Sarah, our teacher and leader of worship. We want you to know the great love and affection we have for both of you and how we hold you both in the highest personal regard. We consider ourselves fortunate indeed, to have you both guiding us through our Jewish Journey.

The B’nai Mitzvah Class - November 11, 2017

HBnai Mitzvah By Wendy Greenberg and Melody Weisman—continued

Bnai Mitzvah By Sharon Gunzburg

I always identified myself as a Jew. Growing up celebrating the traditional holidays with family and enjoying good food, this is how I connected with Judaism. Whilst going to Hebrew School for a couple of years, it was the only association my family and I had with a synagogue.

Fast forward into my adult years, settling into Mahopac, having a close connection to a spiritual home was an experience I wanted not only for my children, but for me as well. TBS was the best religious experience for my family, a community in which I have met some of my dearest friends. Seeing my children go through Hebrew School, learning about Jewish history, the language, the holidays, the tradition and the Bat and Bar Mitzvah training, I knew this was an experience I too had yearned for.

After seeing an email about an upcoming B’nai Mitzvah Class, I knew this was the perfect opportunity for me. I grew closer to those in the class that I already knew, and those I didn’t know, I quickly became friends with. The year plus we spent

learning together was the most enriching experience for me, the Rabbi and Lynn were so generous with their time and knowledge. Learning the language, the history and preparing for the ceremony was hard work, but immensely rewarding.

There are 3 magic moments that stand out for me:

September 12, 2016, the B’nai Mitzvah first learning session.

September 10, 2017, the first time I read my Torah portion on the Bimah from the Torah itself.

November 11, 2017, celebrating my Bat Mitzvah with my beloved family, classmates and TBS friends.

I will forever be grateful to Rabbi Sarah, Lynn and my classmates for taking this spiritual journey with me, one that I will never forget and will always reflect upon with heartfelt memories.

Adult Bnai Mitzvah Reflections—By Sylvia Philip

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Adult Bnai Mitzvah Reflections—By Sylvia Philip

Adult Education with Rabbinic Intern Ariana Siegel Can questions make us free? Can silliness help us explore life’s darkest moments?

Can we ever truly be independent? The next few months are full of Jewish holidays with themes we know well: freedom, salvation, independence. Yet beneath these

well-known narratives lie deep questions that can unlock secrets of life.

Rabbinic Intern Ariana Siegel will take us on a tour of this Jewish calendar-coaster in a three part series exploring Purim in February, Passover in March, and Israeli Inde-pendence Day in April. Join us on Shabbat mornings for discussion and exploration

of holidays as you’ve never thought of them before.

February 24, 2018 Purim: The World Turned Upside Down

March 24, 2018

Passover: Finding our inner Freedom

April 14, 2018 Yom Ha’atzamaut: What does it mean to be independent?

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EREV PESAH SIYUM The sunrise to sunset ta'anit (fast) bekhorim (of the firstborn), which occurs on the day before Passover, is the only fast that applies to just a segment of the community: all males who are the firstborn children in their families (if the firstborn child is female, the first son born after her is not obligated). There is a widely practiced exemption: On the princi-ple that fasting is prohibited on a joyous occasion, Judaism allows for anyone who attends a religious feast to forego fasting. It is customary to hold a cele-bratory meal on the completion of study of a tractate of rabbinic literature, called a siyyum (conclusion). So the sages initiated the practice of studying the end of a tractate after morning services on Erev Pesach fol-lowed by a celebratory meal. At 9:00 am Friday, March 30th, the firstborn in each family (and anyone else who is interested) is invited to the Siyum B’khorim, led by Rabbi Sarah. We’ll study Torah and enjoy breakfast together in the Oy Vey Café. Is it Kosher for Passover?

Passover has its own special rules of kashrut. On Pe-sach, Jews are forbidden from owning or consuming hametz (flour, food or drink made from the prohibited species of leavened grain: wheat, oats, barley, rye or spelt). The Rabbinical Assembly’s Passover guide is a terrific resource about keeping kosher for Passover:

While historically, most Ashkenazic authorities have added the following foods (kitniyot) to the above list: rice, corn, millet, legumes (beans and peas; however, string beans are permitted), last year the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards has ruled that kitniyot are acceptable for consumption by Ashkenazi Jews. For more information on the CJLS ruling:


The Torah prohibits the ownership of hametz (flour, food or drink made from the prohibited species of leavened grain: wheat, oats, barley, rye or spelt) dur-ing Pesah. Ideally we burn or remove all hametz from our premises which may be affected by donations to a local food pantry. In some cases, however, this

would cause prohibitive financial loss. In such cases, we arrange for the sale of the hametz to a non-Jew and its repurchase after Pesah. You can arrange for this sale of your Hametz by sending the following form to Rabbi Sarah at the Temple office no later than Thursday, March 29th.

It is customary to include a donation to provide Maot Hittin funds for Passover supplies for the needy. Please make checks payable to Temple Beth Shalom which will contribute to maot hittin on everyone’s behalf.


Temple Beth Shalom

790 Route 6

Mahopac, New York 10541

Dear Rabbi Sarah Freidson:

Please act as my agent for this sale of any hametz on my premises.



Enclosed is my contribution to sell my hametz.


One of the required holiday ceremonies is Bedikat Hametz, searching for leaven. On the night before the first seder, Sunday, April 9th, we conduct a candle-lit search through our home to ensure that no hametz is still present. It is a brief ceremony in which the entire family can and should participate.

1. Make sure that all hametz has been removed or locked away with the exception of what will be need-ed for the morning.

2. Carefully hide some crumbs of bread. This is to insure that the blessing and the ceremony will not be performed in vain.

3. Take a candle, a feather or brush, and a box or cloth for the crumbs, and recite this blessing:

Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheynu Melekh haolam asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tsivanu al biur hametz.

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Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the Uni-verse, who has sanctified us with the commandments and commanded us to remove all leaven.

4. Perform the search and gather up all the crumbs. Tie them in a bundle which will be burned the next morning. Feel free to (safely) burn it on your own.

5. Recite the following: All manner of leaven which is in my possession, that I have not seen or removed shall be annulled and void of any ownership and con-sidered as the dust of the earth. (The Aramaic for this can be found in the front of your Haggadah.).

6. On Friday, March 30th, at or before 10:00 am, burn the leaven and recite the formula below:

All manner of leaven which is in my possession, that I have seen or not seen, that I have removed or not re-moved, that I have destroyed or not destroyed shall be annulled and void of my ownership and considered as the dust of the earth.

(The Aramaic for this can be found in the front of your Haggadah.)

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Contributions (December 1, 2017—January 31, 2018

65th Anniversary - Donation

Ira & Melody Weisman

Benevolent Outreach

Steven & Patricia Bettman In honor of Syliva Philip

Joel & Wendy Greenberg In honor of Leah Cohen’s Bat Mitzvah

Joel & Wendy Greenberg In honor of the birth of Thomas Semegran

Joel & Wendy Greenberg In memory of Erin Stern

General Fund

Gregory Bagarozy & Paula Sims

Herbert & Elaine Bessen

Paul & Ellen Dulberger

Mitch Jacobs & Samantha Ettus

Richard Kaplan

Robert & Kjersten Lazar

Ralph & Siobhan Musollino

Mary Palmer

Jenny Pereira

Judy Siegel

Ira & Melody Weisman

Steven & Patricia Bettman In honor of Melody Weisman

Howard & Naomi Garrell In honor of your aunty, Leona Carrell

David & Lynn Michaels In honor of the Promotion of Jim Richy to VP

Maxine Berlin In memory of Meyer Berlin-er

Brett & Cara Bowden In memory of Deborah Bowden

Howard & Naomi Garrell In memory of Roxanne Fyer Pancato

David Goldberg In memory of Edith Goldberg

Joel & Wendy Greenberg In memory of Ruth Weiss

Cynthia Hertz In memory of Matthew Hertz

Allen & Marlene Hochberg In memory of Sadie Garfinkel

Bernard & Myrna Holzman In memory of Sarah Holzman

Bernard & Myrna Holzman In memory of Louis Holzman

Bernard & Elaine Jacobs In memory of Mark Shaiken

Linda Lehman In memory of Mary Goldberg

Ellen Lever In memory of Julia Homelsky

Nina Levine In memory of Rose Gold Kosofsky

Nina Levine In memory of Minnie Levine

Marvin Lidsky In memory of Rose Lidsky

Marvin Lidsky In memory of Harry Lidsky

Mark & Patrice Liff In memory of your beloved father, Elias Feldman

Gary & Susan Loewenberg In memory of Leah Cobe

Gary & Susan Loewenberg In memory of Lynn Koppel’s mother

David & Lynn Michaels In memory of Erin Stern, Brian's Sister-in-law

David & Lynn Michaels In memory of Mark Shaiken

David & Lynn Michaels In memory of Arthur Sperber

David & Lynn Michaels In memory of Frances Michaels

David & Lynn Michaels In memory of Harold Michaels

Julie Mintz In memory of Charles Siegel

Maurice & Shirley Motola In memory of Fannie Padva

Mary Palmer In memory of Erin Stern

Sylvia Philip In memory of Ruth Bornfriend

Barry & Gail Plaut In memory of Libby Seiden

Barry & Gail Plaut In memory of your mother, Brenda Seiden

Ruth Rosenthal In memory of Irving Hurwitz

Agnes Rosner In memory of Sid Rosner

Lois Siegel In memory of Charles Siegel

Lois Siegel In memory of Max Louis Dreier

Harvey & Cindy Teplitsky In memory of Ann & Bernie Teplitsky

Louis & Susan Tuzman In memory of Isadore Axelrod

Louis & Susan Tuzman In memory of Blanche

Ira & Regina Uffer In memory of Yetta & Seymour Uffer

Mary Palmer Mazel Tov birth of Thomas Semegran

David & Lynn Michaels Wishing a speedy recovery for Sean Davey

Heating Oil Fund

Allan & Sharon Gunzburg Mazel Tov On Birth of Adam & Lan's Son

Kiddush Fund

Steven & Patricia Bettman In honor of Wendy Greenberg

Steven & Patricia Bettman In honor of Ellen Reing

Greg & Allison Stowell In honor of Elaine Jacobs

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Schedule of Services and Candle Lighting Times

Regular Shabbat Services Friday Evenings 8:00 pm

Saturday Morning 9:45am

Shabbat Chavayah - Sat 9:00am 03/10/2018 04/07/2018 04/14/2018

Tot Shabbat—Sat 11:15am 03/10/2018 04/14/2018

Candle Lighting

03/02/18 5:29 PM 03/09/18 5:37 PM 03/16/18 6:45 PM 03/23/18 6:52 PM 03/30/18 7:00 PM 03/31/18 8:20 PM

04/05/18 7:06 PM 04/06/18 7:08 PM 04/13/18 7:15 PM 04/20/18 7:23 PM 04/27/18 7:30 PM 05/04/18 7:38 PM 05/11/18 7:45 PM

Library Fund

Anthony & Lisa Branca Mazel Tov The birth of Thomas

Glenn & Nancy Sapir Mazel Tov birth of, Theo Pham Semegran

Prayer Book Fund

Joel & Wendy Greenberg Siddur for Aubrianna

Rabbi's Fund

Maria Eichel

David & Ann Rubin

Steven & Patricia Bettman In honor of Elaine Jacobs

Jeffrey & Bernice Guest In honor of Anastasia Pereira-German's Bat Mitzvah

Allen & Marlene Hochberg In honor of Bnai Mitzvah Class

Alvin & Harriet Rosenberg

Anita Feldman In memory of Fred Happ

Joel & Wendy Greenberg In memory of Felicia Zaccardo

Jeffrey & Bernice Guest In memory of Erin Stern

Ann Koblenz In memory of your brother, Morris Pomerantz

Ann Koblenz In memory of Seymour Hartman

Kenneth & Zila Koswener In memory of Feivish Zac

Stephen & Phyllis Nadelhaft In honor of Rabbi Sarah's hardwork with the B'nai Mitzvah Class

Joseph & Judith Occhiogrossi In memory of Burt Goodman

Joseph & Judith Occhiogrossi Mazel Tov on the birth of Thomas Pham Semegran

Religious School Fund

Steven & Patricia Bettman In honor of Gabe Lomas

Libby Spitzer In memory of Marvin Heller

Libby Spitzer In memory of your sister-in-law, Erin Stern

Ritual Fund

Steven & Patricia Bettman In honor of Lynn Michaels

Steven & Patricia Bettman In honor of Gail Freundlich

Shabbat Luncheon Sponsorship

Allen & Marlene Hochberg

(Continued from page 22)

(Continued on page 24)

Contributions (December 1, 2017—January 31, 2018

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Shalom Kids/PJ Library Fund

Rosalyn Mitzner

Sisterhood Woman of the Year

Allan & Sharon Gunzburg In honor of Lynn Michaels

Yom Kippur Appeal 2017

Joel & Wendy Greenberg Edward Lapa Barry & Gail Plaut Bernard & Ruth Simon Brian & Adrienne Stern Ira & Melody Weisman In memory of Erwin Kaplan and Barbara & Arthur Weisman

Yom Kippur Appeal 2018

Kenneth & Zila Koswener David & Lynn Michaels Felicia Gruber

(Continued from page 23)

Contributions (December 1, 2017—January 31, 2018

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Mar 01 Joshua Gershman Mar 02 Zoe Leviner Eli Leviner Mar 03 Kanna Wohl Mar 05 Celia Goldstein Mar 06 Ellen Freebern Mar 08 Joseph Freebern Mar 10 Gail Plaut Rachel Singh Mar 11 Jeffrey Guest Mar 12 Andy Philip Mar 13 Amiram Ranani Mar 14 Steven Stochel Mar 15 Marc Kandel Margaret Liu Mar 16 Scott Markman

Mar 17 Alan Belsky Mar 18 Howard Hammer Mar 21 Jessica Zager Mar 23 Michelle Kushner Ariel Simon Mar 24 Jennifer Lomas Sarah Shectman Mar 25 Daniel Philip Phyllis Solar Mar 27 Jennifer Bates Mar 28 Amy Solar-Doherty Mar 29 Gary Loewenberg Karen Savir Mar 30 Rebecca Peikes Apr 01 Bruce Singh Apr 03 Alissa Luxemburg Eileen Markman Sarah McDermott

Apr 04 Joseph Brice Apr 05 Joel Greenberg Judith Occhiogrossi Apr 06 Bennett Pallant Apr 07 Melissa Carrillo Apr 08 Ruby Aday Apr 09 Nisim Sachakov Apr 11 Dagan Duke Apr 12 Susan Loewenberg Apr 13 Scott Liff April Ljumic Apr 15 Emily Dancygier Hannah Martin Apr 17 Jocelyn Peikes William Raefski Apr 18 David Freundlich Spencer Rubin

Apr 19 Phyllis Nadelhaft Richard Zager Apr 20 Martha Pallant Sylvia Philip Susan Tuzman Apr 22 Eric Gershman Apr 23 Glenn Sapir Apr 25 David Lapa Alec Petrone Ari Pollack Anthony Shaffer Apr 26 Melody Weisman Apr 27 Ilene Thompson Apr 28 Sydney Ende Apr 30 Sharon Gunzburg Jeanne Toovell

Yom Huledet Sameakh יום הולדת שמח


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Gabrielle Duke Lynn Michaels

Advertising Editor David Michaels Contributors Patti Bettman Steve Bettman Alexa DeLaurentis Sarah Freidson Joel Greenberg Wendy Greenberg Sharon Gunzburg Stacy Hirsch Eddie Lapa Robin Kushner Marissa Malett Sylvia Philip Gail Plaut Libby Spitzer Melody Weisman

The Temple Beth Shalom newsletter is published five times per year and is provided by and for the membership of the synagogue. Neither Temple Beth Shalom, nor its members, assumes liability for any of the information, opinions or suggestions contained herein. Articles submitted are subject to editing. Contents may not be reproduced without written permission from the Temple office. We apologize in advance for any errors or omissions. Submissions can be sent via email in Word or Publisher format to:

[email protected].

Temple Times

NEXT DEADLINE IS April 10, 2018

Newsletter Errors Occasionally errors & omissions are found in the pages of Temple Times. We appreciate being notified of any corrections by calling the TBS office (845)628-6133. A newsletter staff member will return your call ASAP. The temple office is not responsible for newsletter content. Many thanks to our readers, Temple Times Staff

Mar 1 / Adar 14 Pearl Geller Samuel Gelchinsky William Bell Jacob Daley Max Zinbarg Arthur Weisman Seymour Weinberger Isidore Rubin Mar 2 / Adar 15 Fannie Feuer Isaac Freilich Stephen Raskob Ralph Lippman Fannie Ost Arthur Weisman Abraham Marcus Mar 3 / Adar 16 Robert Nieweg Frances Price Meyer Figer George Toovell Mar 4 / Adar 17 Mary Hertz Michael Abramson Louis Garrell George Biffer Edna Sapakie Mar 5 / Adar 18 Anna Rubin Sigmund Elber Dora Perlman Harry Goldsmith Mar 6 / Adar 19 Frieda Horowitz Ann Vogel

Rose Gluckman Suzanne Sedran George Gidal Jacques Grossman Mar 7 / Adar 20 Mildred Bookman Ida Glasner Morris Caplan Theodore Young Rachel Sellow George Rubin Mar 8 / Adar 21 Virginia Anik Sam Weinberger David Guest Samuel Zager Max Bakal Sam Weinberger Mar 9 / Adar 22 Helen Feldman Philip Hammer Dora Ross Elias Cooper Esther Gershenoff Mar 10 / Adar 23 Morris Negrin Harry Ginsberg Mar 11 / Adar 24 Bertram Silbert Beatrice Levin Mar 12 / Adar 25 Clara Krumgold Hannah Friedland Moshe Perlmutter Julius Krumgold Bernard Wirklick Mar 13 / Adar 26

Abraham Warshaw Heniah Rubin Robert Kaiser Marvin Schultz Jodi Green Mates Bessen Mar 14 / Adar 27 Chedwa Ranani Max Goldman Donald Michelson Mar 15 / Adar 28 Harry Schwartz Charles Bornfriend Rose Markman Macwell Kahn Morris Tesler Hyman Nussbaum Max Hammer Mar 17 / Nisan 1 Samuel Small Anna Pfursich Selma Fichtenbaum Morris Friedland Mar 18 / Nisan 2 Ethel Mallow Betty Weisskopf Gitel Seinfeld Samuel Goldstein Josephine Gershon Mar 19 / Nisan 3 Isidore Greenberg Ben Schwartz Benjamin Seidman Helen Berman Meyer Lichtenstein

(Continued on page 28)

Yahrzeits - March/April May Their Memory be a Blessing

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Martha Jacobs Elliot Weinstein Mar 20 / Nisan 4 Glenda Lewis Hilda Gershman Simon Hertz Bessie Glatzer Gussie Markman Joseph Shore Mar 21 / Nisan 5

Nathan Sharove Herman Ecker Mar 22 / Nisan 6 Sam Etlinger Meyer Podell Sarah Baskin David Stein Michael Weiskopf Meyer Podell Sadie Siegel Meyer Podell Mar 23 / Nisan 7 Gertrude Sutton Jennie Felner Stella Kaufman Richard Haas Jacob Nathanson Mar 24 / Nisan 8 Dorothy Turchin Christina Gould Jack Keniston Mar 25 / Nisan 9 Joseph Dover Pearl Joseph Sharon Demarco Louis Zinbarg Harris Ulanoff Dora Bernstein Belle Feldman Hyman Zimmerman Mar 26 / Nisan 10 Henry Faber Joseph Garfinkle Regina Feld Joshua Fishkin Amy Feiman-behar

Mar 27 / Nisan 11 Marvin Smith Philip Corn Sadie Banner Anna Weisz Mar 29 / Nisan 13 Ida Grossman Hannah Green Benjamin Berger Pearl Wiener Louis Fried Mar 30 / Nisan 14 Harold Brodsky Lewis Cook Shiah Arsham Zacharias Honig Mathilda Honig Mar 31 / Nisan 15 Israel Katz Kate Schlesinger Marcus Mentzer Sadie Cossick Roslyn Krauss Apr 1 / Nisan 16 Rita Goldstein Theresa Beck Myron Pollack Abraham Abramson Myron Pollack Apr 2 / Nisan 17 Malvina Yavelow Wolf Heller Irving Weissberg Irwin Anik Lillian Tesler Apr 4 / Nisan 19 Jack Nadelhaft Bessie Meisel George Beldock Albert Schwartzer Apr 5 / Nisan 20 Lee Browner Apr 6 / Nisan 21 Jacob Rubin Ida Gottlieb Apr 7 / Nisan 22 Abram Bress

Apr 8 / Nisan 23 Sol Kass Edith Bob (esthes) Samuel Peterson Apr 9 / Nisan 24 Edath Small Helen Schwartzberg Ceil Nadelhaft Fred Spitzer Helen Schwartzberg Matthew Liebman Apr 10 / Nisan 25 Sarah Fishkin Mark Berman Arthur Danziger Pauline Weiner Apr 11 / Nisan 26 Leopold Winkler Celia Friedensohn Rose Levin Lee Lipins Irving Edelson Apr 12 / Nisan 27 Herman Schiff Apr 13 / Nisan 28 Donna Schwartzer Moses Gudis Murray Weiner Max Satz Daniel Woolwich Apr 14 / Nisan 29 Murray Levine Lee Hurwitz Ethel Abrams Ida Shaiken Apr 15 / Nisan 30 Samuel Simon Michael Goldstein Apr 16 / Iyar 1 Doris Gunzburg Gussie Berger Saul Freed Nathan Lidsky Minnie Rachlin

(Continued from page 27)

(Continued on page 29)

Yahrzeits - March/April May Their Memory be a Blessing

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Wishing a return to good health to those who are ill in our community

Mi’sheberach ~רפואה שלמה

Sonia Abrams Hilde Abrams Shoshana Bapsha bat Perel Chana Leah bat Cecile v'Yitzchak Yosef Rivkah Esther bat Dubbeh v'Moshe Cha'yim Rachel Bat Rut Judith Bates Ro Belsky Hayim Tzvi Ben Dov Ber Shmuel Chaim ben Malki Yosel ben Schmuel Karen Brodsky

Bea Chase Selma Chavis Carolann Cistone Patricia D'Adamo Jean Degl Avi Elazar LucyBeth Fraser Eunice Goldfarb Martin Goldmark Evan Heller Dale Herman Yvonne Horowitz Ralph Horowitz Dean Irwin Mitchell Kaphan Brahmani Chudus Leibman

Andrew Anshul Leibman Richard Leopold Owen McLean Menachem Mendel Simcha ben Sarah Yehuda Michel ben Faiga Chaim Nachman ben Malka Leah Ari Nachum ben Masha Steve Nadelhaft Christine Paravaty Alfanzo Petrus Darren Pinsker Lew Rabinowitz Margaret Savino Marcia Scanlan

Abba Shlomo Stanley Spector Ora Stochel Larry Ticker Ofelia Ticker Phyllis Ticker Shmuel Tzvi ben Freidel Lisa Valle Joan Weiss Dave Wolfe

Please notify the office if you or a family member is ill or in the hospital, so that Rabbi Freidson

can schedule a visit. Your phone call is greatly


Did we miss your birthday?

Please let us know!

If you see a name on the Mi’Sheberach list who,

thank G-d, has returned to good health, please notify the office at

[email protected]

Apr 17 / Iyar 2 Sol Gidal Bessie Gleich Apr 18 / Iyar 3 Anna Futterman Mendel Gold Apr 19 / Iyar 4 Jerome Levine Arthur Berkowitz Frank Dulberger Abraham Zarwanitzer Apr 20 / Iyar 5 Harry Stochel Ruth Gartner Ruth Somers

Apr 21 / Iyar 6 Kate Katz Jack Markman Apr 22 / Iyar 7 Eugene Koster Charles Goldstein Reuben Buckvar Hyman Gelbard Ansa Hendler Harriett Arsham Apr 23 / Iyar 8 Sam Kaplan Rita Laura Blum Philip Luxemburg Apr 24 / Iyar 9 Ignatz Green Bernard Perlman Harry Pallant

Frank Homelsky Man Levin Frank Homelsky Apr 25 / Iyar 10 Morice Haymes Henny Schwarz Joseph Stewart Apr 27 / Iyar 12 Erwin Kaplan Sarah Ginsberg Apr 29 / Iyar 14 Dora Seidman Rae Lewis Apr 30 / Iyar 15 Fannie Shapiro Lena Young Gordon Yosinoff

(Continued from page 28)

Yahrzeits - March/April May Their Memory be a Blessing

Page 30: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

Page 30 TEMPLE TIMES March/April 2018

Page 31: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

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Page 32: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

Page 32 TEMPLE TIMES March/April 2018

A great new way to donate someone else’s money to

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Page 33: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5778 TEMPLE TIMES Page 33

Page 34: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

Page 34 TEMPLE TIMES March/April 2018

Page 35: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

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Mention Temple Beth Shalom Code AG110

Page 36: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

Page 36 TEMPLE TIMES March/April 2018

Page 37: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

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Page 38: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

Page 38 TEMPLE TIMES March/April 2018

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Page 39: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5778 TEMPLE TIMES Page 39

Page 40: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

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Page 41: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5778 TEMPLE TIMES Page 41

Page 42: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

Page 42 TEMPLE TIMES March/April 2018

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Page 43: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

Adar/Nisan/Iyar 5778 TEMPLE TIMES Page 43

Page 44: Temple Times - March/April · Superhero Purim will be a blast. I’m looking forward to dressing up as Semighty Mouse and drinking the adult beverage “Kryptonite.” And yes, the

TEMPLE BETH SHALOM 760 ROUTE 6 MAHOPAC, NY 10541 (845) 628-6133




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