Page 1: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President

Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010

The mission of Temple Beth David is to provide an environment where the concepts of community prayer, education, and service to the greater Jewish community are provided within the context of Conservative Judaism. We pride ourselves on being a friendly, participatory, egalitarian community, welcoming all to be a part of our synagogue family.

August Schedule Shabbat Evening: 7:30 p.m.

The next TBD Service at the JCC will be on Friday, August 27 at

6pm in the Senior Lounge.

Shabbat Morning: 9:00 a.m.

Sunday Minyan: 9:30am

Please remember to contact the

Temple Office if you are considering scheduling any kind of

event at Temple. This will help keep everyone informed and avoid

scheduling conflicts.

We are handicapped accessible and equipped with a hearing loop.

Todah Rabbah

From the Rabbi’s Desk [email protected] 585-730-5179

A we complete our year of transition, we enter into our first year of transformation. I would like to dedicate this article to the quality of gratitude - for where we are in our lives, who we have become, and for all the moments that we have shared. You may be familiar with the following story, perhaps an urban legend, about the famous violinist, Itzhak Perlman. One evening, Perlman was in New York to give a concert. As a child, he had been stricken with polio and getting on stage is no small feat for him. He wears braces on both legs and walks with two crutches. Perlman crossed the stage painfully slowly, until he reached the chair in which he seated himself to play. As soon as he appeared on stage that night, the audience applauded and then waited respectfully as he made his way slowly across the stage. He took his seat, signaled to the conductor, and began to play. No sooner had he finished the first few bars than one of the strings on his violin snapped with a report like gunshot. At that point Perlman was close enough to the beginning of the piece that it would have been reasonable to bring the concert to a halt while he replaced the string to begin again. But that's not what he did. He waited a moment and then signaled the conductor to pick up just where they had left off.

Perlman now had only three strings with which to play his soloist part. He was able to find some of the missing notes on adjoining strings, but where that wasn't possible, he had to rearrange the music on the spot in his head so that it all still held together. He played with passion and artistry, spontaneously rearranging the symphony right through to the end. When he finally rested his bow, the audience sat for a moment in stunned silence. And then they rose to their feet and cheered wildly. They knew they had been witness to an extraordinary display of human skill and ingenuity. Perlman raised his bow to signal for quiet. "You know," he said, "sometimes it is the artist's task to find out how much beautiful music you can still make with what you have left." We have to wonder, was he speaking of his violin strings or his crippled body? And is it true only for artists? We are all lacking something, and so we are all challenged to answer the question: Do we have the attitude of making something of beauty out of what we do have, incomplete as it may be? The Hebrew term for gratitude is hikarat hatov, which means, literally,

(Continued on page 3)

High Holiday Schedule Enclosed!

Page 2: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

News from the President Martin Presberg, President [email protected] 585-794-3509

The rabbi selection committee began its work wondering if we would be able to find anyone who was interested in coming to Rochester, NY to serve as a rabbi. As it turns out, there was a candidate who was not only interested, but passionate about coming here and helping us to set about writing the next chapter in our development. Now that Rabbi Berg has been here for a while, I am quite impressed with her energy and commitment. She seems to be everywhere and to want

to do everything she can to make this community stronger, smarter and more committed -- committed to Judaism and committed to each other. Her first year has by no means been easy, but her energy and desire have not wavered. We have significant work ahead as we face challenging demography, geography, and economics, but I have no doubt that Rabbi Berg will continue to be as involved, as helpful, and as supportive as she can. I look forward to working with her and with all of you.

Come to Shabbat morning services: The sermons are stimulating, the singing is inspiring, and, one of our most important assets, our community of members, is joyous and caring. If not Shabbat morning, consider Friday evening services or Sunday morning minyan. We can enjoy our time together, strengthen our congregation, and serve the community. Let's continue to work together as a community.... amazing things will happen.

This High Holiday season, the members of the Jewish community in Rochester have the opportunity to help our brothers and sisters serving our nation in Iraq and Afghanistan celebrate the holiday by sending Rosh Hashanah care packages. We are seeking donations to cover the cost of sending the packages to these brave men and women. For the third year, the members of Temple Beth David will being sending Rosh Hashanah care packages to Jewish service members around the world. The care packages will contain: challah, honey cakes (baked and donated by the Temple sisterhood), grape juice, dried apples and other treats. During Pesach, 50 care packages were sent from Rochester to Jewish Chaplains or lay leaders to benefit large communities of Jewish soldiers. Earlier in the year, Temple Beth David had sent over 100 Hamantaschen to Jewish service members in Iraq and Afghanistan in

celebration of the holiday of Purim. This project would not have been possible without the generous donation of many of the Hamantaschen by the Temple Beth David Sisterhood which had baked the cookies. These projects are just the latest in a series of efforts by Temple Beth David in support of Jews serving our nation overseas. Care packages were also sent for Shavous and Hanukkah. In addition to Holiday care packages, Temple Beth David facilitated the donation of new prayer books to Jewish sailors serving on the USS Abraham Lincoln (an aircraft carrier involved in the Iraq War) in time for Rosh Hashanah in 2008. If you would like to contribute to this worthy project, please send a check made payable to Temple Beth David (note “Soldier’s Rosh Hashanah Project” on the memo line) to Temple Beth David, 3200 St Paul Blvd, Rochester, NY 14614.

Please send your donation by Monday, 8/16/2010. The Temple and the IHSC wish to acknowledge: Keith Freedman for coordinating all these projects, as well as Rabbi Aviva Berg for her support and guidance, and the Temple Beth David Sisterhood for the baking and donating the honey cakes.

Rosh Hashanah Packages for Jewish Soldiers

Page 3: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew



OUR NATION BY HELPING TO SEND CARE PACKAGES. --------------------------------------- Yes, I want to help send a Rosh Hashanah Care Package to a Jewish Soldier. Name: ___________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________ E-mail/ Phone #:___________________________________ Amount of Donation: $ _______ PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: “Temple Beth David” AND PUT “Soldiers Rosh Hashanah Project” on the memo line. Send to: Temple Beth David, 3200 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, N.Y. 14617

Questions: Keith Freedman [email protected] PLEASE SEND DONATIONS BY MONDAY AUGUST 16, 2010

Page 4: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

Rabbi’s Desk, con’t. Rabbi Aviva Berg [email protected] 730-5179

"recognizing the good." Practicing gratitude means recognizing the good that is already ours. As a community, we are an inter-generational reservoir of creative spirituality. Our worship space and membership permit us to offer meaningful prayer, engaged learning, and a caring and sharing community -- where every person who enters our doors is treasured and respected. This is something to be grateful for. If, for you, prayer is the song of the heart, our beautiful worship services can fulfill the yearnings of our soul. By singing with our Cantor, Sam Asher, and the members of our congregation, I’ve been able to reach levels of spiritual intensity I had previously only read about in Abraham Joshua Heschel’s writings. This is something to be grateful for. In our new Temple Beth David Hebrew School, guided by Principal Marcy Berger, our children receive the individual attention they need to become literate, knowledgeable, and compassionate Jews who will grow to

love Judaism through experiencing joy in the values of Jewish living. It is not unusual to hear parents who did not enjoy their own Jewish educational experience express delight in witnessing their children’s experience in our Religious School. This is something to be grateful for. Jewish history is often portrayed through the lens of our catastrophes. What has made our tradition transformative is not our losses, but the cultural, religious, and social flowering that has been our people response to tragedy. In each of the 13 months of the Jewish calendar beginning Tishrei (when we celebrate the High Holidays), we will immerse ourselves in a different culture, studying the thought of its leading minds, enjoying its artistic contributions, and, of course, consuming its food, (at Kiddush). This legacy and journey of discovery is something to be grateful for. When Leah, wife of the patriarch Jacob, had her fourth child, she named him "Yehudah," which means, "I am grateful," to reflect her gratitude to God for the gift of another son. The name Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

name of the Jewish people (Yehudim), revealing the very direct tie between Judaism and gratitude. It is an established Jewish practice to recite 100 such blessings a day. The term for "blessing" in Hebrew is bracha, which comes from the same root as the Hebrew word for "knee." When we say a blessing, it is as if we have bent our knees in an act of gratitude. The habit of saying blessings can remind us to be thankful when we get the go signal of a green light, or the salad is fresh, or our children came home from school as usual. We are overwhelmed with gratitude by the blessings you have brought into Arthur’s and my lives -- to the lovely woman who planted a tomato garden for us, to the people who maintain our home, and to all of you who supported our community, in small and large ways. These are things to be very grateful for. Todah Rabbah, Rabbi Aviva Berg

(Continued from page 1)

Rabbi Berg is available by appointment. She looks forward

to hearing from you.

Home Phone 585-319-4407 (emergencies)

Office Phone 585-797-5179

Email: [email protected]

The Sisterhood Calendar is in its final stages and will be on in your home by September 1! This is due to the untiring efforts of our Office Manager Maria Dewhirst, Gladys Garey, Marilyn Goldberg, Sylvia Roth, and Risa Saltzman, and to the many Sisterhood Members who helped along the way to make this year's Sisterhood Calendar a success!

May this year and the next bring Peace to Israel

and the World. Shalom!

Jackie Kaufman and Debbie Steinfeld, Sisterhood

News From Sisterhood

Page 5: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

5771 High Holy Day Services

Selichot Saturday, September 4th 8:30 pm Open Community Simchah - Laura Rich Interpretive Dance

Bat Mitzvah Celebration and Dessert Reception 9:30 pm Selichot Service Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, September 8th 6:00 pm Mincha 7:15 pm Candle Lighting Rosh Hashanah, First Day Thursday, September 9th 8:30 am Pesukei d’Zimra -- Shacharit 10:30 am Family Service 5:00 pm Tashlich at pond on Titus past Brookview

(depart from Temple Beth David at 4:30 pm); or if more convenient, 5:00 pm Tashlich at Canal across from JCC – meet in Parking lot of Canal

6:30 pm Mincha After 8:15 pm Candle Lighting

Rosh Hashanah, Second Day Friday, September 10th 8:30 am Pesukei d’Zimra -- Shacharit Fast of Gedaliah Sunday, September 12th Fast from Dawn to Sunset (individually observed) 9:30 am Pesukei d’Zimra -- Shacharit Erev Yom Kippur Friday, September 17th 6:45 pm Kol Nidre Service (Building will be open at 6:30 pm) 7:00 pm Candle Lighting Yom Kippur Saturday, September 18 th 8:30 am Pesukei d’Zimra -- Shacharit 11:00 am Family Service

Approx 11:15 am Sermon Approx 11:30 am Yizkor Approx 2:00 pm Break

5:30 pm Mincha/Neilah 8:00 pm Yom Kippur ends Erev Sukkot Wednesday, September 22nd 6:50 pm Candle Lighting Sukkot, First Day Thursday, September 23rd 9:00 am Pesukei d’Zimra -- Shacharit

After 7:50 pm Candle Lighting Sukkot, Second Day Friday, September 24th 9:00 am Pesukei d’Zimra -- Shacharit (Location to be announced) 6:46 pm Candle Lighting Hoshanah Rabbah Erev Shemini Atzeret

Wednesday, September 29th 6:37 pm Candle Lighting Shemini Atzeret/ Erev Simchat Torah

Thursday, September 30th 9:00 am Pesukei d’Zimra -- Shacharit Approx 11:00 am Yizkor

After 7:37 pm Candle Lighting 7:40 pm Simchat Torah-Ma’ariv, Hakafot Simchat Torah Friday, October 1st 9:00 am Pesukei d’Zimra -- Shacharit (includes Hakafot) 6:35 pm Candle Lighting

Page 6: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

Back to School ... Marcy Berger [email protected] 467-7820

The first day of Religious School is Sunday, September 12. All registration forms and final payments are due on the first day of school. Class begins at 9:30 a.m. The registration packet, including the school calendar and class supply lists, is available on the Temple Beth David website: and click on the Hebrew School tab.

What Is Appropriate Dress for Temple?

In keeping with the tradition of Kvod HsShabbat (Honoring the Sabbath) the standard of dress at Temple Beth David requires that Shabbat and Holiday dress for all participant be modest and dignified. We cannot give honors to anyone whose attire is not in keeping with this standard.

So what is NOT considered modest and dignified enough? Jeans, t-shirts, bare shoulders, midriffs and backs, and short, tight and revealing clothes of all kinds. Women are welcome to wear dressy pants if they like.

Everyone going on the bimah for an aliyah MUST wear a head cover-ing. Men must wear a tallit; women are welcome to wear one if they wish. Please use the side stairs to approach and leave the bimah.

Don’t get left behind!

We are now in the final stages of putting the book of Remembrance together.

Call us now if you forgot and still want your loved ones to be remembered.

Thank you, Cindy Halpern Debbie Steinfeld

334-5646 271-6223

Page 7: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

High Holiday

Honey Cakes 2010 Orders must be received by: Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mail to: Temple Beth David Sisterhood 3200 St. Paul Blvd. Rochester, NY 14617

Pick Up Only:

Sisterhood Bakers - all cakes are baked in the Temple kitchen.

Please note that our Sisterhood Honey Cakes contain no nuts.

If you would like to order a Honey Cake but cannot pick it up, please call 585-442-4174

BAKE my order for pickup on Sunday, August 29h. Payment must accompany order. Make checks payable to TBD Sisterhood.


Address _____________________________________________________


Phone _____________________________________________________

Honey Cakes _____ @ $9.00 each Total enclosed $ _____

Apple Cakes _____ @ $9.00 each Total enclosed $ _____

If you’d like to sponsor honey cakes for Jewish troops $ _____

All orders must be received by August 1

Sunday, August 29, 2010 10am to Noon at Temple Beth David

Once again, we will bake holiday

honey cakes for our Jewish

troops overseas.

Page 8: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

Rosh Chodesh Elul (August 11, 2010) 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Temple Beth David with Rabbi Berg: “Discover your Journey of Transformation” - Share insights, resources, and techniques to enable you to begin to craft your personal journey of transformation during Elul (the Hebrew month preceding the High Holidays). Workshops and private instruction will be scheduled according to your individual spiritual needs during the 29 days of Elul leading up to the High Holidays. Offerings may include: Literacy in Prayer: Individual and group instruction will be designed to enable you to understand, recite, and derive meaning from the central prayers of our Tradition. By learning specific techniques, you will achieve literacy in prayer that will help to unlock their meaning and transformative power. Guided Meditation Techniques: Guidance on forming meditation groups and developing visualization techniques will be provided to enable you to increase your ability to focus and enrich your experience of the High Holiday worship services, particularly Yizkor, and Ne’ilah. Study and Journaling: A plan of daily study and journaling can provide a means of self-analysis to enable you to unearth patterns of thinking and responses that may be blocking your personal spiritual growth. A personal plan will be developed for you depending on where you are on your journey. You are invited to contact Rabbi Berg @[email protected] to schedule a personal meeting for your spiritual development or to include an additional topic for discussion for August 11, 2010.

High Holy Days Learning Offerings

High Holiday Tickets

Are on sale now in the Temple Office! Each ticket costs $180 and covers all the holidays for one person.

Students are welcome at no charge.

All temple members in good standing will automatically receive their tickets in the mail by August 22

Temple Office 266-3223

Page 9: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

Children’s Services will be available on Rosh Hashanah (First Day Only) and Yom Kippur. There will be a Pre-School Service for ages 3-5 and a School Age Service for ages 6-12. All children are welcome and are encouraged to participate. Babysitting will be held in the Sisterhood Room again this year. The

Sisterhood Room is located on the Hebrew School level of the Temple. We provide babysitting each year so your young children will have a fun, safe place to be while you have a period of uninterrupted time to pray. Dates and times will appear in the next bulletin, but we plan to provide babysitting for both days of Rosh Hashanah as well Yom Kippur.

Details will follow in next month’s High Holiday bulletin.


Security personnel will ask you to present your High Holiday tickets and picture ID when you

arrive for High Holiday Services. Please be sure to bring your ticket and ID. This is for the safety and security of everyone attending services.

Thank you for understanding.



October 31 at 11 a.m.

Temple Beth David Social Hall

An agenda will be sent out to all members seven days prior to the meeting.

Refreshments will be served This is an important congregational meeting and we look forward to seeing you!

For your children at the Holidays

Page 10: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

Temple Office Hours


Sundays 1:00pm - 5:30pm Monday through Friday

9:30am - 3:00pm

(closed Sunday mornings and late Tuesday afternoons for the summer only)

Our regular hours will resume in Sept.

Page 11: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

As a member of the membership com-mittee, I want to share our ideas and hear yours. I would like to suggest that we have a forum the Bulletin for member contributions. Besides updating us on happenings within our synagogue, the Bulletin is another way of keeping our sense of community -- kehilah. A forum space in the Bulletin will allow us to hear about the interests and opinions of our members. And, when our website is updated, a forum or "weblog" could be set up there too. My recommendation for the forum is that it serve as a springboard to im-prove our synagogue on multiple lev-els -- anything that makes us closer, stronger, more spiritual, diverse, etc. The forum –whether in the Bulletin or as part of a blog -- would not be a place to express grievances or partici-pate in lashon hara. If you suggest an idea that you are passionate about, consider leading it or presenting it for further discussion. If all of us give a little, an activity changes from a burden to a mitzvah.

Considering this, I would like to tell you what the membership and marketing committees are doing and who we are. Pam Rosen, Paula Popper, and myself are the Membership Committee. Our primary mission is two-fold: member-ship retention and member recruit-ment. We welcome your suggestions and assistance. For the High Holidays we are asking members if they need a ride or could provide one for High Holiday services. We are also asking congregants to open their homes to fellow congre-gants for a meal during the High Holi-days. Please let us know if you are able to help with either of these activi-ties. The marketing committee consists of Jonathan Rich, Harry Goldberg, Bruce Kielar, and myself. The temple board has recently approved a new logo for use on our printed materials and the website. We are discussing how and what to publicize about our syna-gogue. When you tell others about our temple, our religious school, our Rabbi, and our members, your are both acting as an ambassador and

helping to market our temple. Recently, you were asked to complete a survey which 1) helps us as a con-gregation think about who we are as a community; 2) helps us think about what makes us different from other temples; and 3) lets the community know about our great synagogue. I would like to thank all of you who com-pleted the survey and, if you haven’t completed the survey, hope you do. When we have compiled the data, we will publish the results in the bulletin. It’s time to hear from you. You can submit a “letter to the forum” to the Temple (please limit your com-ments to 200 words or less and we reserve the right to edit for space and clarity). Respectfully submitted, Dave Kaufman

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum...

This image found at

תיקון עולם

Tikkun Olam Update

Hope you are enjoying your summer! The Tikkun Olam project for August is a collection of school supplies for chil-dren in the community whose families can not afford to buy them. We are hoping to donate the supplies to #50 School on Seneca St., but we have not confirmed that yet. Supplies can be placed in the box outside of the office from now through 9/12-- the first day of Hebrew school.

Thank you for your generosity! If you are interested in joining the com-mittee or you have an idea for a pro-ject, please contact Shelli Asher ([email protected]) or Marcy Berger ([email protected]). We would love your input; we are currently planning projects for the fall and early winter."

Page 12: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

There were so many people who helped in so many ways for Rabbi Berg’s Instal-lation. We extend our THANKS to every-one! If we missed your name we apologize! To Marjory David, Sue Eckhaus, Hank and Sheila Markowitz, Judy Levy, Risa Saltzman, Barbara Weber, Joan Pap-kin, Marilyn Goldberg ,Scott Davis and of course Maria Dewhirst. To Nancy Kraus who created our gift to Rabbi Berg, a million thanks!

To those of you who contributed finan-cially we so very much appreciate your generosity and commitment to Temple Beth David. Thanks to each and every one of you that came out to share in the celebration events. The entire weekend was perfect and YOU all made it happen! -- Helen Kashtan and Karen Zivan

A Joyous Occasion, Thanks to you! Karen Zivan and Helen Kashtan, Installation Co-Chair s [email protected] or [email protected]

The Bikkur Cholim committee is seeking more people to join us in the mitzvah of being a friendly visitor or to make phone calls to homebound people. This is really a very important part of our community keeping connected to one another. Performing this mitzvah will give you great satisfaction and put a smile on your face, to say nothing of how you'll make the other person feel. Please call or e-mail me and we can talk about what your comfort level is. This is particularly vital NOW, since the High Holidays are approaching.

If you know someone in need of help or in the hospital, please let the office or me know. Sometimes we are unaware of the information. Thanks! My thanks for your consideration. L’Shalom, Karen Zivan

“By now, we’ve all heard the mantra to ‘buy local,’ but why is local actually better for the planet (and your dinner plate)?

One tired tomato: The average conventional tomato travels over 1,500 miles to your supermarket shelf.

Good for the environment and the economy: Only

about 7 cents of every retail dollar spent on food goes to the grower. Cut out the middle man and buy your food directly from your local farmer, thus helping our regional and state economy grow along with local produce.

It tastes better! Farmers' market produce comes directly from the field to your table. Most produce on your gro-cer's shelves has spent a lot of time traveling, so it is not as fresh.”

So, choose local produce available at your grocery store, or do one better, and shop directly from a grower! The Rochester Public Market is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. More information is available here: Much of this information found at the following website:

AUGUST Green Tip of the Month: Why Shop Local?

Want To Be A Mitzvah Maker? Karen Zivan [email protected] (585) 385-8668

Page 13: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

Sixty years ago they went to war to ensure freedom would be inherited. On Father’s Day, the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Rochester-area World War II veterans welcomed home their heroes when the veterans returned from their Honor Flight Rochester trip of June 19 – 20.

Among the veterans who arrived at the Greater Rochester Monroe County International Airport was Temple Beth David congregant Earl Schwartz. Earl served in the US Army from February 1944 until October 1945 as both an aerial gunner and later as a crew chief. His special Honor Flight moment?

Being welcomed home by a young girl, offering him an American Flag.

This was the fourth honor flight trip this year and the 10th since the inception of the Honor Flight Rochester hub in July 2008. “The legacy that the WWII veterans have left is the idea of selfless service to our country,” said Kathryn L. Zimmer, Honor Flight Rochester Welcome Home coordinator. “It is something that I keep with me from both of my grandfathers, who were WWII veterans. Our WWII veterans have set the bar high and we need to keep close to our hearts the lesson they have taught us about helping others who need our help without the

thought of receiving recognition.”

Rochester, New York is one of 90 established 'hubs' in the national Honor Flight Network. They are not-for-profit, and created to honor America’s veterans for their sacrifices. They fly our heroes to Washington, DC to visit and reflect together at their memorials.

Honor Flight is free to all WWII veterans and to veterans from any era who suffer a terminal illness. Their goal is to take every veteran who otherwise would not or could not go, and who wants to fly.

Temple Congregant Completes Honor Flight

Temple Beth David Annual Picnic

Sunday August 29 2:00pm - 6:00pm Brighton Town Park

Hotdogs, Hamburgers, Chips, and Drinks, all for the same low prices! Please bring lawn chairs.

Family Fun for all! Please join us.

Sponsored by Temple Beth David Men’s Club

Page 14: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

Temple Beth David Presents

Fifth Annual Golf Outing and Kosher Dinner

Sunday, August 15th, 2009

Schedule of Events

11:15am Registration, team pictures, includes lunch at Lakeshore CC

11:45am Tee times start 5:45pm Hors D'oeuvres at the Temple 6:30pm Kosher Dinner at the Temple

If you are interested please either call Dan Saltzman (266-2233) or email [email protected]

Registration and sponsor forms are also available on line @

Page 15: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew


Sponsor signs will be placed on the golf course and displayed at the dinner Sponsor Name: Sponsor Address: Wording for Sign (if different from name): ( ) Bronze Hole Sponsor Includes dinner for one (1) $125.00 ( ) Silver Hole Sponsor Includes golf/dinner for one (1) person $200.00 ( ) Gold Hole Sponsor Includes golf/dinner for two (2) people $500.00 ( ) Platinum Sponsor Includes golf/dinner for four (4) people $900.00 ( ) Diamond Sponsor Includes golf for four (4) people and $1250.00 Dinner for eight (8) people and Special mention in the program *** SPONSORS: Be sure to fill out golf/dinner registration form below as well


$100.00 per person

$36.00 per person

Steak, Chicken, Fish, or Vegetarian

Name Phone EmailGolf & Dinner

Dinner Only Dinner Choice


Make checks payable to: Temple Beth David Mail To: Dan Saltzman

175 Hibiscus Drive Rochester, NY 14618

Attn: Golf Outing

Registration form must be received by Sunday July 25th Extended to August 5th

Page 16: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

Donations Received June 1 to June 30, 2010

Please Note: Every effort is made to ensure accuracy in the Bulletin. Please let us know if an error is made and we will ensure a correction is noted in the next Bulletin. TORAH REPAIR FUND In Memory of: Bessie Bazar Art & Ida Dell Harold Baker Scott & Lori Davis Get Well Wishes Jim Anderson Helen Kashtan Lori Davis Ed & Sue Drexler Helen Kashtan Gladys Garey Jay Cohen Ayala Emmett Happy Father’s Day! Kelly Beller Megan & Charlie Beller Happy Birthday Wishes! Bill Fowlkes Ron Bolton Jay Cohen Judy Halpern Shirley Schnidman Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen USY/KADIMA FUND In Memory of: Leo Langmann Susan & David Langmann Donald Comiez Rich & Ann Howell Peter Hammer Allan S. Hammer Rich & Ann Howell Peter Hammer RABBI SKOPITZ YOUTH FUND Happy Birthday Wishes! Golde Hersch Rhoda Long Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen

DAVID SOLOMON FUND In Memory of: Sol Berke Estelle Frieder Berke Mike & Toby Berke Rose Kessler Ben Kessler Abe Kessler Irving Kessler, Esq. Mrs. Sylvia D. Stiller Anita Bauman Florence Etingoff Malvin & Hilda Ring Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen Marcia & Harry Rosenfeld Bernie & Sylvia Roth Dorothy Sherr Harvey Priceman Anita Bauman Solomon Sherman William Cox Marjory David Gary Handwerk Nancy Strom David Bauman Scott & Lori Davis Pearl Schwartz Lilly Sherman Tillie Gross Stan & Michelle Gross Get Well Wishes Jim Anderson Paul and Cindy Halpern Henry & Sheila Markowitz Bernie & Sylvia Roth Helen Kashtan Paul & Cindy Halpern Myron & Rheva Kleinberg Jay Cohen Bernie & Sylvia Roth Happy Birthday Wishes! Ceil Navis Marsha Greenberg Kevin Fleissig Burt Segelin Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen

CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND In Memory of: Helene Penzik Irving Simon Scott & Lori Davis

Get Well Wishes Jim Anderson Scott & Lori Davis

Happy Birthday Wishes! Isaac Anderson Elena Davis Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory of: Abe Rothstein Eric Foote Harold & Selma Kay Stephen & Marcia Kay Fannie Beller Kalman Beller Get Well Wishes Jim Anderson Burt & Marilyn Segelin Mazel Tov on your Installation! Rabbi Aviva Berg Ed & Sue Drexler MARSHA FISHMAN FUND Get Well Wishes Jay Cohen Annette Shapiro Jim Anderson Helen Kashtan Rich & Debbie Steinfeld In Honor of The Marriage of Your Granddaughter Dave & Florence Phillips Helen Klein GILBERT ROSENBAUM FUND In Memory of: Selma Robbins Gilbert Rosenbaum Philip G. Haymoff Morris & Sylvia Lovinger

(Continued on page 12)

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Donations, con’t.

MITZVAH / KIDDUSH FUND In Memory of: Philip Ritz George & Millicent Ritz

Get Well Wishes Helen Kashtan Dave & Florence Phillips

Happy Birthday Wishes! Bahar Undar Sue Lederer Adrienne Young Cohen Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen

MITZVAH KIDDUSH FUND (con’t.) Happy Anniversary Wishes! Morris & Betty Herman Burt & Marilyn Segelin Susan & David Langmann Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen HERB KRAUS ADULT EDUC FUND Happy Birthday Wishes! Ron Kraus Happy Anniversary Wishes! Ron & Nancy Kraus Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen

TEMPLE RESIDENCE FUND In Memory of: Solomon Sherman Kalman & Esther Zohar

Special Kiddush Luncheon June 12 sponsored In Honor of Rabbi Aviva Berg’s Installation, by all the generous members of Temple Beth David

Sponsored Kiddush June 19 In Honor of Carl and Judy Levy’s Wedding Anniversary

Sponsored Kiddush August 21 In Honor of Bill Gertzog’s Birthday, by his wife Ellen Gertzog.

Sponsored Kiddush August 28 In Honor of Brooke Weinstein’s Bat Mitzvah, by her mother Nancy.

Sponsored Kiddushes and Cholents

An early Thank You to: All the Golfers, Sponsors, Donors, Diners, and Volunteers for

the 5Th Annual Beth David Golf Tournament Sunday August 15th 2010

We still welcome any volunteers – especially for the dinner and raffle

So please call any of the committee members

See you on the greens or at the dinner – or BOTH !!

Golf Committee Jay & Adrienne Cohen 218-2057 Annette Shapiro 586-7849 Dan Saltzman 266-2233 Scott Davis 266-8208 Ron & Jean Brandwein 385-0033 Scott Bauman 266-0076 Bell Price 820-3450 Donna Black 387-0246

Page 18: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

All in the Family To submit information, contact the Temple Office at 266-3223

August Birthday Wishes

Name Date Sara Kashtan Aug. 1 Michael Berke Aug. 2 Hannah Fowlkes Aug. 2 Howard Kashtan Aug. 2 Jose Zayas Aug. 3 Ayala Emmett Aug. 4 Micah Goldin Aug. 4 Irving Kessler, Esq. Aug. 6 Chaya Brayman Aug. 7 Aviella Winder Aug. 7 Andrew Berger Aug. 8 Julie Langmann Aug. 8 Scott Bauman Aug. 9 Galen Rich Aug. 9 Aaron Fowlkes Aug. 14 Marcy Berger Aug. 15 Marion Cohen Aug. 17 Alanna Leah Jones Aug. 17 Ronald Brandwein Aug. 18 Dr. Leon Zoghlin Aug. 18 Tammy Hersch Aug. 19 Bernard Roth Aug. 19 Vanessa Simpson Aug. 20 William Gertzog Aug. 21 Sarah Eckhaus Aug. 22 Dolly Fishman Aug. 22 Sherry M. Goldman Aug. 23 Rachel Zoghlin Aug. 23 Jonathan Feldman Aug. 24 Sidney Markus Aug. 24 Daniel Frank Aug. 25 Laura Rich Aug. 25 Helen Arditi Aug. 27 Estelle Bloom Aug. 28 Alison Jane Helms Aug. 28 Jay Molis Aug. 28 Brandon Davis Aug. 29 Julian Lederer Aug. 29 Abe Hersch Aug. 30 Martin Presberg Aug. 31 Elijah Jared Zayas Aug. 31

Name Date Sam & Roberta Kinel Aug. 5 Marvin & Linda Raphael Aug. 9 William & Ellen Gertzog Aug. 14 Neil & Kellie Hyman Aug. 15 Jay & Adrienne Young Cohen Aug. 18 Scott & Merrie Franklin Aug. 20 Philip & Joanne Katzman Aug. 20 Arthur & Rhoda Long Aug. 21 Louis & Shirley Grossman Aug. 22 Richard & Ann Howell Aug. 22 Dr. Leon & Sarisa Zoghlin Aug. 24 Paul & Cynthia Halpern Aug. 31

August Anniversaries

Shiva Chevra Volunteers Needed!

Please contact Merrie Franklin at [email protected] to have your name added to the list of congregants who are contacted to attend a minyan and support a family in mourning.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Mazel Tov, Bat Mitzvah! Brooke Weinstein will be attending Dake Middle School as a seventh grader in the fall. She lives in West Irondequoit with her mom, sister Traci and her two dogs named Chess and Sprinkles. Brooke loves to sing, dance, and act on stage. She has been dancing since age 3. Brooke has also performed in various plays including “Once on This Island”, “Cinderella”, “Throroughly Modern Millie”, and “Into the Woods”. In fourth grade, Brooke started playing the violin. When she gets older, Brooke hopes to become a teacher of any kind and travel the world to see some of her favorite places: Italy, Hawaii, China, and Guatemala. Brooke will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on August 28, 2010; her family is very proud of her.

Brooke and her friend, Laura.

Please send in your Temple Membership Survey TODAY! We want to hear from you...

Page 19: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

Yahrzeits From August 1 to August 31, 2010 (Av 21 - Elul 21)

Name Civil Jewish Arthur Caplin Aug. 1 Av 21 Jennie Goldman Aug. 1 Av 21 Jane Kauffman Aug. 1 Av 21 Manuel Lipshutz Aug. 1 Av 21 Dorothy Marcusfield Aug. 1 Av 21 Jennie Ostroff Aug. 1 Av 21 Doris Testa Aug. 1 Av 21 Doris Testa Aug. 1 Av 21 Seymour Black Aug. 2 Av 22 Joshua Dubroff Aug. 2 Av 22 Irene Friedman Aug. 2 Av 22 Leah Rothstein Aug. 2 Av 22 Gloria Stein Aug. 2 Av 22 Sylvia Gold Zweig Aug. 2 Av 22 Albert Lieberman Aug. 3 Av 23 Lazar Mantelmacher Aug. 3 Av 23 Ira Lurie Aug. 4 Av 24 Dora Applebaum Aug. 5 Av 25 Jacob Etingoff Aug. 5 Av 25 J. Mitchell Kaplan Aug. 6 Av 26 Lee Irwin Schwartz Aug. 6 Av 26 Rose Zoghlin Aug. 6 Av 26 Mark A. Coleman Aug. 7 Av 27 Jacob Levinson Aug. 7 Av 27 Ethel Farber Aug. 8 Av 28 Louis Hoffman Aug. 8 Av 28 Sara Midda Aug. 8 Av 28 Joseph Sherr Aug. 8 Av 28 Harry Chesler Aug. 10 Av 30 Rose L. Gordon Aug. 10 Av 30 Seymour Ostroff Aug. 10 Av 30 Mildred Ganon Aug. 11 Elul 1 Ida Lillian Tandler Aug. 11 Elul 1 Lewis Gold Aug. 12 Elul 2 Beatrice Goldman Aug. 12 Elul 2 Evelyn Sharf Aug. 12 Elul 2 William Fleisher Aug. 13 Elul 3 Morris Goldberg Aug. 13 Elul 3 Moshe Goldberg Aug. 13 Elul 3 Sam Pickus Aug. 14 Elul 4 Ann Simon Aug. 14 Elul 4 Benjamin Spitulnik Aug. 14 Elul 4 Bessie Berman Aug. 15 Elul 5 Morris Grashow Aug. 15 Elul 5 Hassie Kopen Aug. 15 Elul 5 Harold Peskowitz Aug. 15 Elul 5 Soloman Povolotsky Aug. 15 Elul 5 Helen Levitz Presberg Aug. 15 Elul 5 Maurice Stiller Aug. 15 Elul 5 Sarah Trevas Aug. 15 Elul 5 Rose Applebaum Aug. 16 Elul 6 Harry Entner Aug. 16 Elul 6

Name Civil Jewish Max Goldman Aug. 16 Elul 6 Ida Piekarski Aug. 16 Elul 6 Charles Silberberg Aug. 16 Elul 6 Gertrude Toole Aug. 16 Elul 6 Hyman Greenberg Aug. 17 Elul 7 Benjamin Owerbach Aug. 17 Elul 7 David Erlichman Aug. 18 Elul 8 Milton Kasanov Aug. 18 Elul 8 Amalie Kraus Aug. 18 Elul 8 Ann Levin Aug. 19 Elul 9 Dora Salkowitz Aug. 19 Elul 9 Morse Schwartz Aug. 19 Elul 9 Juliet Derman Aug. 20 Elul 10 Marion Greenberg Aug. 20 Elul 10 Max Nobel Aug. 21 Elul 11 Sumner Shechet Aug. 21 Elul 11 Raymond Babin Aug. 22 Elul 12 Freda Hyman Aug. 22 Elul 12 David Nidetz Aug. 22 Elul 12 Bernard Etingoff Aug. 23 Elul 13 Hyman Shapiro Aug. 23 Elul 13 Charles Beller Aug. 24 Elul 14 Sol Lederman Aug. 24 Elul 14 Seymour Povitz Aug. 24 Elul 14 Sam Weinstein Aug. 24 Elul 14 Yetta Ambush Aug. 25 Elul 15 Charlotte Broder Aug. 25 Elul 15 Selma Guttman Aug. 25 Elul 15 Leah Kucker Aug. 25 Elul 15 David Kurlanshik Aug. 26 Elul 16 Marian Shapiro Aug. 26 Elul 16 Dora Lempert Aug. 27 Elul 17 Harry Levy Aug. 27 Elul 17 Mollie Reznick Aug. 27 Elul 17 Philip Schrier Aug. 27 Elul 17 Eli Schwartz Aug. 27 Elul 17 Sylvia Berkov Aug. 28 Elul 18 Rachel Freedman Aug. 28 Elul 18 Perry Goldberg Aug. 28 Elul 18 Keva Stone Aug. 28 Elul 18 Mollie Bessie Finkelstein Aug. 29 Elul 19 Isadore Gertzog Aug. 29 Elul 19 Ethel Black Aug. 30 Elul 20 Milton Drexler Aug. 30 Elul 20 Rose Cohen Aug. 31 Elul 21 Lottie Colucci Aug. 31 Elul 21 Jack Kessler Aug. 31 Elul 21 Charles Skopitz Aug. 31 Elul 21 Seymour Stiller Aug. 31 Elul 21 Gerson Wegner Aug. 31 Elul 21

Page 20: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

Minimum Donations

Greeting Card Mailed Out $7.50 ea. 3 or more Memorial or $6.00 ea. Greeting Cards ($18.00)

Tree of Life Leaf $72.00 Siddur Sim Shalom $30.00 HH Prayer Book $25.00 Etz Hayim $75.00 Basic Kiddush $72.00 Cholent Sponsor $18.00 Wine/Challah Sponsor $18.00

Memorial Plaque $270.00 Non Member $414.00

Cemetery Plots In Riverside Member $600.00 Non-Member $800.00

385-1006 Lynn Baker-Alent

Address: From: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

To: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

Reason for Card/Message:

Fund : D. Solomon M. Fishman Rabbi Skopitz Youth Fund Temple Residence Mitzvah/Kiddush TBD Capital Improvement Library H. Kraus/Adult Ed. Torah Repair Fund USY/Kadima Shiva Chevra Rabbi Discretionary’s Fund Minimum Donation is $7.50. If no fund is specified, David Solomon Building Fund will be named.


Please send card requests and donations to: Richard Steinfeld, 144 Dunbarton Dr., Rochester, NY 14618

Send a Card to a friend or loved one!

Make checks payable to: Temple Beth David, 3200 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14617 Date ____________ Amount enclosed $__________ (minimum donation $7.50)


TARD Delicious Kosher Products!

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Page 21: Temple Beth David Bulletin · Rabbi Aviva Berg Martin Presberg, President Temple Beth David Bulletin August 2010 The mission of Temple ... Yehudah is the source of the Hebrew

An Affiliate of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

Temple Beth David 3200 St. Paul Blvd. Rochester, NY 14617

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage

PAID Rochester, NY

Permit No. 1111

Temple Funds: Capital Improvement Fund David Solomon Memorial Building Fund Gilbert Rosenbaum Cultural Fund Herb Kraus Adult Education Fund Library Fund Mitzvah - Kiddush Fund Marsha Fishman Memorial Education Fund Rabbi Skopitz Memorial Youth Fund Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Shabbaton Fund Shiva Chevra Fund Temple Residence Fund Torah Repair Fund USY/Kadima Fund

Executive Officers:

President: Martin Presberg Vice Presidents: Administration: Helen Kashtan Finance: Sy Zivan Ritual: Gary Cohen Education: Joan Papkin Building: Ed Drexler and Scott Davis Recording Secretary: Lewis Rothberg

Change Service Requested

Temple Activity Chairs:

Judaica Shop: Linda Servetnick Men’s Club: Jonathan Papkin Sisterhood: Jackie Kaufman and Debbie Steinfeld Bikkur Cholim: Karen Zivan Bulletin Folding: Dorothy Sherr Book of Remembrance: C. Halpern & D. Steinfeld Bingo: Sylvia Roth Publicity: Helen Kashtan Shiva Chevra: Florence Phillips USY/Kadima Advisor: Sue Kruchten Website Coordinator: Mike Berke

Temple Office: Maria Dewhirst 266-3223 Temple Website:

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